Прохождение игры mystery buttons family. Прохождение The Mystery of the Mummy

Шерлок Холмс: 5 Египетских Статуэток

Итак, вы в поместье лорда Монткальфа. После приветствия дворецкого вы остаётесь внутри здания наедине с загадками и ловушками, так что будьте внимательными, не зевайте.
Уровень 1

Вестибюль у входной двери - загадка статуи льва

По стенам стоят саркофаги с табличками. На каждой табличке написано имя и даты жизни фараонов. Запишите инициалы фараонов и дату их смерти на отдельном листке бумаги. Они вам ещё пригодятся и очень скоро. У вас должно получится нечто подобное:

ДE 2200
ПE 0332

Теперь подойдите к статуе льва слева от входной двери и нажмите на неё. На стене рядом откроется потайная дверца. Поздравляю, вы добрались до первой загадки. Ничего сложно вас не ждёт, просто введите даты с листочка и нажмите на кнопку в виде алмаза. Если вы всё сделали верно, то под лестницей откроется ранее незаметный ящичек. Идите к нему и достаньте ключ. Обойдите лестницу с другой стороны, где стоит кадка с растением. Покопайтесь в горшке и достаньте печатку Анубиса. Подойдите к двери, ведущей к выставочной комнате, и используйте на ней найденный ключ. Входите.

Выставочные комнаты

Идите налево и идите в конец комнаты к сидящей статуе. За статуей лежит вторая печатка. Повернитесь и подойдите к саркофагу на столе. Посмотрите на пол в поисках ящика с инструментами для раскопок. Откройте ящик и заберите из него всё, что только сможете унести: фляга с маслом, молоток и отвёртку.
Осмотрите мумию Хепасета и фрагмент гробницы с проклятием над саркофагом. Теперь осмотрите документы под стеклом, но Шерлок скажет, что текст слишком неразборчивый, чтобы можно было прочитать написанное.
Идите направо к двери в конце комнаты. Повернитесь направо и поднимите золотую заколку для галстука, которая лежит под стульчиком. Вернитесь налево и входите в соседнюю комнату.
Идите прямо и направо к чёрной статуе Анубиса. Поднимите третью печатку с пола. Теперь посмотрите на жертвенный нож под стеклом - пока вам его не достать, но это только временное неудобство.
Подойдите к двойным дверям в левой части комнаты и посмотрите на фотографии, висящие на стене. Нажмите на фотографию девушки - это фотография Элизабет Монткальф - дочери лорда. Заберите фотографию и осмотрите её - поместье кишит не только загадками, но и ловушками.
Теперь поглядите под ноги и поднимите кусочек бинта. Подойдите к мумии под стеклом и осмотрите её. Возвращайтесь к двойным дверям. На дверях четыре пустых слота для печаток, похоже, что это ваша следующая загадка.
Выходите из комнаты и направляйтесь в первую комнату, а затем налево в соседнее помещение. Тут настоящая выставка саркофагов!
Посмотрите на фигурки под стеклом, и запомните изображение богов и то, чему они покровительствуют. Четвёртая и предпоследняя печатка валяется где-то поблизости. Подойдите к саркофагам у стены и нажмите на второй слева. Саркофаг отъедет в сторону, и вы увидите потайную нишу с замком. Шерлок заметит, так, между прочим, что замок сломан. Используйте отвёртку, чтобы сломать замок. В нише лежит серебряный ключ.
Берите ключ и подходите к закрытой двери. Используйте флягу с маслом на замке. Теперь открывайте дверь серебряным ключом и входите. Ну и пылища! Место, где вы оказались, напоминает склад бесполезного хлама. Идите прямо и посмотрите на зеркало на стене. В отражении за своей спиной вы увидите ходячую мумию! Это что ещё за шутка?!
Идите направо и осмотрите ящики на полу. Используйте молоток на ящике, чтобы разнести его на куски. Заберите колёсики: большое, среднее и маленькое, а также последнюю пятую печатку. Нажмите ещё раз на остатках ящика и заберите несколько досок. Теперь идите к буфету в конце комнаты. Используйте заколку для галстука, чтобы открыть дверцы буфета. Заберите бутылку виски. Выходите из комнаты. Возвращайтесь к двери с пустыми круглыми слотами для печаток.

Загадка двери с печатками

Задача предельно проста - выбрать четыре правильных печатки и расположить их в правильном порядке. Итак, решение здесь следующее:

Верхний слот - Собек, повелитель вод. Он выглядит как крокодил в профиль.
Второй слот - Ибис, птичка с длинным клювом.
Третий слот - Нут, женщина в странной позе.
Четвёртый слот - близнецы, смотрящие друг на друга.

Если всё удалось, то откроется дверь в кабинет лорда Монткальфа.

Кабинет лорда Монткальфа

Заходите и заберите бумаги со стола. Прочитайте заметку о странном филантропе, а также статью о лорде Монткальфе и его желании представить публике мумию Хепасета. Теперь подойдите к соседнему столу и заберите с него спички, а также осмотрите документ с вырванными страницами. Зажгите свечу с помощью спичек. Станет светлее, и вы увидите странную конструкцию, открывающую следующую дверь. Подойдите к печке и откройте заслонку. Пора развести огонь и согреться. Положите внутрь печки бумагу и полейте её виски, теперь кладите доски от ящика. Повернитесь к механизму на стене и вставьте недостающие колёсики из инвентаря. Зажигайте костёр спичками и наслаждайтесь творением рук своих. Вы оказались в библиотеке и на следующем уровне.

Уровень 2


Когда пройдёте через двери, то поверните направо и заберите книгу по истории из-за белой колонны. Поднимайтесь по спиральной лестнице наверх. Идите к полке с синими книгами. Вытащите книгу по истории из инвентаря и кликните её на книге во втором ряду - это книга по религии. Держите книгу в руках и направляйтесь к полке с зелёными книгами. Поменяйте книгу на красную книгу по географии. Спускайтесь вниз к полкам с красными книгами, чтобы взять светло-голубую книгу по философии. Поставьте книгу по философии на полку с такими же книгами и заберите чёрную книгу по праву. Поднимайтесь по лестнице наверх и верните книгу на полку. Теперь получите жёлтую книгу по науке. Опять вниз к полке с жёлтыми книгами, где вы получите ещё одну белую книгу по философии. Поменяйте её на большую белую или голубую книгу со средней полки. Ура, внутри вы нашли ключ! Прощай, нудная библиотекарская работа!
Осмотрите документы на столе в центре библиотеки и поднимайтесь по лестнице наверх. Используйте ключ, чтобы открыть дверь в коридор на втором этаже.

Повернитесь налево и нажмите на статую. Шерлок заметит, что статуя не такая уж античная, как кажется. Запомните это место! Идите вперёд и заходите в комнату с зелёной драпировкой на двери.


Осмотрите пустой саркофаг в углу. Похоже, что мумия Мемфиса XI-го ушла на прогулку. Обратите внимание на песок в саркофаге, а также на ружьё на стене. Подойдите к занавескам и нажмите на них. Ага, за ними спрятана дверь в следующую комнату, но пока мы туда не пойдём.
Осмотрите комнату и наёдите записку Элизабет возле диванчика, а также весьма информативное генеалогическое древо Монткальфов на стене. Подойдите к выставке трубок всех форм и мастей и заберите щёточку для чистки этих самых трубок. Выходите из комнаты и направляйтесь в следующую комнату направо.

Кабинет на втором этаже

Когда окажетесь в кабинете, поверните налево и поднимите фальшивый реестр с пола. Похоже, что лорд был не совсем чист на руку. Обратите внимание на огонь в камине, который могла разжечь только мумия или кто-то еще, кто не хочет стать объектом вашего внимания. Идите к окну и выгляните наружу. Посмотрите видео - вы были правы, Шерлок не единственный человек, гуляющий по поместью. Подойдите к столу и прочитайте письмо Эдварда - дворецкого, который просит об отставке. Странно, если Эдвард уволился, кто же открыл вам дверь в начале игры? Мумия, что ли? Выходите из комнаты и идите в последнюю комнату по коридору - ванную.

Заходите. Спустите воду в ванне - всё тот же песок на дне. Неужели мумия принимала ванну? Заберите мыло с раковины и выходите в коридор. Возвращайтесь в гостиную к двери за занавеской.

Осмотрите закрытую дверь - ключ в скважине с другой стороны. Используйте мыло на замке. Теперь подсуньте фальшивый регистр под дверь. Используйте щёточку для чистки трубок, чтобы протолкнуть ключ в замке. Ура, вы получили ключик от спальни. Старый, но верный трюк опять сработал. Открывайте дверь и входите в спальню лорда, выполненную в египетском стиле. Осмотрите спальню на предмет улик. Вы должны заметить загадку на столике у кровати, но в ней не хватает кусочков, поэтому пока оставьте всё, как есть и выходите из комнаты в коридор.

Идите по коридору и смотрите под ноги. Возле кабинета вы должны заметить воткнутую в ковровую дорожку вилку. Не спрашивайте, зачем она здесь, просто заберите её. Возвращайтесь в кабинет.

Используйте вилку на картинке над камином. Воткните её в трещину в центре картины. Ага, ещё один сейф! Внутри находится настоящий реестр египетских находок, а также тростниковый жезл. Возвращайтесь в гостиную.


Используйте тростник на голове льва над камином. За головой спрятан розовый пакет для Элизабет. В инвентаре нажмите на пакет, чтобы найти недостающие кусочки для загадки в спальне. Идите в спальню.

Расположите недостающие кусочки загадки. Откроется ящичек, в котором находится зашифрованный документ, а также письмо лорду от доктора Бигудина о содержании свитка, найденного у саркофага Мемфиса девятого. Только проклятия нам не хватало! Идите в центр комнаты и поднимите голову, чтобы увидеть вентилятор на потолке. На вентиляторе есть кнопка, но как до неё дотянуться? Подойдите к фреске на стене. Ваша задача: нажать на изображённые предметы в правильном порядке, какой был указан в документе из ящичка. Правильный порядок следующий:
1. глаз
2. женщина
3. гепард
4. мужчина с жезлом.
Если всё получится, то вы получите золотой с зелёным скипетр. Когда вы включите вентилятор, то услышите звон разбитого стекла. Идите в правый угол комнаты, где находится разбитая урна. Поднимите с пола золотого скарабея. Выходите из комнаты и идите в кабинет.

Welcome to the walkthrough on Gamezebo. Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family Collector’s Edition is a Hidden Object Game played on the PC created by ERS Game Studios. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints and a strategy guide on how to complete Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family Collector’s Edition .

General Tips

This hidden object game requires visiting several locations and using inventory items to advance play.

  • Play is mostly linear although there are some options for the order in which to explore locations.
  • Begin play by selecting a mode:
    • Regular – Hint and Skip button recharge faster. Active zones are highlighted by sparkles.
    • Expert – Hint and Skip buttons recharge slower. Active zones are not indicated.
    • Hard – Hint and Skip buttons recharge slower. Active zones are not indicated. The black bar tips are disabled.
  • Modes can only be changed by creating a new profile.
  • Hidden object scenes contain items listed in orange lettering. These items require an extra step to find.
  • The Notes tab glows when new information is added. Entries continue the storyline and add hints for solving puzzles.
  • Always move the cursor around a scene. Watch the cursor to see if it changes into a hand or magnifying glass.

Walkthrough Tips

  • CAPITALIZED inventory items are meant to make it easier to find where this guide may differ from your own play. Inventory items are highlighted in blue with a white border in the screenshots.
  • If you don’t have an item referenced in this guide, click and hold the “Ctrl” key and then press the “F” key. This opens a Find area in your web browser. Type in the name of the object as it appears in this guide to find where else it’s referenced.
  • To minimize back and forth moves, most available inventory items in a scene are picked up when first encountered.

Chapter 1: Finding the Count

  • Click the wolf attacking the carriage to activate the scene.
  • Receive the MEDALLION from the woman.
  • Pick up the KNIFE on the path.
  • Inspect the mailbox. Use the KNIFE to open the package. Take the IDOL. Read the note.
  • Go forward to the side entrance.

  • Look closer at the man on the ground (A). Take the PINCERS from his hand. Read the note.
  • Pick up the STICK from the bucket (B).
  • Get the TORCH from the wall (C).
  • Unscrew the WOLF HEAD above the door (D).
  • Play the hidden object scene (E).

  • Click the bottle of wine to pour a Glass of Wine (A).
  • Lift the lid on the basket (B). Pick up the Lamp and Crown.
  • Find the listed objects. The SCARECROW is added to inventory.
  • Go forward to the cemetery.
  • Zoom in on the collapsing mausoleum. Use the PINCERS to remove the wires holding the STEPLADDER.
  • Inspect the small door on the back of the carriage.
  • Place the STEPLADDER against the carriage to reach the door.
  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Remove the green cover to reveal a birdcage. Take the Earring, Bird and Peas.
  • Click the dangling rope (B). It forms a Noose.
  • Find the remaining objects. The NOOSE is retained in inventory.

  • Use the NOOSE to pull down the branch holding the PUMPKIN.
  • Look at the tombstone (B). Place the SCARECROW in the ground. Add the PUMPKIN to the top. Take the SYMBOL.
  • Zoom in on the door of the mausoleum (C). Insert the WOLF HEAD in the slot to open the door.

  • Click the wolf statue to activate the scene (A). Take the note from its mouth.
  • Use the STICK to dislodge the barrel (B). It rolls down the steps.
  • Remove the broken parts on the barrel (C). Dip the TORCH in the spilled contents. Take the TORCH WITH OIL and place it in the burning wall sconce (D). The BURNING TORCH is added to inventory.
  • Remove the coffin from the wall (E). Insert the SYMBOL in the empty slot to open a puzzle.

  • Flip the disks until the snakes are a mirror image of each other (A).
  • Take the SCREWDRIVER from the compartment (B).

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Click the lever to raise the bricks on the floor (A). Take the Letter from the secret compartment.
  • Lift the flap on the pouch (B). Get the Comb and Clover (the clover is a faint outline right above the comb).
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The IDOL is retained in inventory.
  • Examine the door lock.
  • Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the three remaining screws. Remove the plate. Drag the red disk until its notch is even with the lock mechanism to open the door.
  • Zoom in on the animal head on the side of the wall. Use the BURNING TORCH to light the tunnel.
  • Look in the recess on the right. Remove the debris to uncover a COG WHEEL.
  • Zoom in on the panel inset in the wall on the left to open a puzzle.

  • Slide the plates to see the buttons and drawings under them. The drawings show the position of each symbol. Match the buttons to the drawing position.
  • Solution : The drawing beneath plate (A) shows that a solid circle should be in the lower right corner. The drawing beneath plate (B) shows that a triangle goes in the lower left corner. The drawing beneath plate (C) shows a square in the upper right area. The drawing beneath plate (D) shows an open circle in the upper left position. The above screenshot shows the correct button symbols.
  • Press the center button to open a hidden object area.

  • Open the helmet (A) to find the Skull.
  • Spill the bottle of ink (B) to form a Spot.
  • Find the rest of the objects. The EMPTY FLASK is added to inventory.
  • Go forward to the end of the tunnel.

  • Look at the bricks on the far wall (A). Click the bricks so all three are pushed out simultaneously.
  • Solution : Click the bottom brick first and then the middle brick.
  • Take the CASKET from the skeleton’s hand (B).
  • Look closer at the door latch on the left (C). Slide the three buttons to the holes with the scratch marks. See the above inset for the solution.

Count’s Chambers

  • Give the MEDALLION to the count (A).
  • Look closer at the dresser (B). Place the two IDOLS in the empty slots to start a puzzle. Look at the position of the legs to figure out the hand positions.
  • Solution: From left – Eyes, ears and mouth.
  • Take the PIN and DRAGON PART from the case (C).
  • Pick up the DRAGON PART on the barrel (D).
  • Inspect the knight on the left (E). Place the CASKET on the anvil. Click the arm to smash the casket with the hammer. Take the HOOK.
  • Go down twice.

Chapter 2: Off to the Harbor

  • Insert the two DRAGON PARTS in the inset in the left wall. Take the ROPE COIL and note.
  • Go forward.

  • Zoom in on the crane (A). Attach the ROPE COIL to the mechanism. Place the HOOK at the end of the rope. Click the handle to raise the YOKE.
  • Look closer at the cart wheel (B). Use the PIN to push the peg out of the hub. Take the WHEEL.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Open the book (A). Pick up the Letter P and the Kite.
  • Open the drawer (B). Get the Swan, Watch and Fish Skeleton.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The HAMMER is added to inventory.
  • Go down twice.

  • Play the hidden object scene at the back of the carriage.
  • Open the jewelry box (A) to find the Heart, Ring and Pin.
  • The Cocoon is not listed in orange but requires an extra step to create it. Click the spider (B). The fly goes to the web and the spider spins the Cocoon around it.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The REINS are added to inventory.
  • Go forward to the left of the carriage.
  • Put the WHEEL on the carriage.
  • Put the YOKE and REINS on the horse. Attach the end of the reins to the carriage.
  • Speak to Louise. Exit the carriage.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Click the reel on the fishing rod to get the Lure.
  • Click the piece of paper (B) to make a Boat.
  • Find the rest of the hidden objects. The GAFF is added to inventory.

Lighthouse Exterior

  • Look closer at the wooden basket dangling from the side of the lighthouse.
  • Use the GAFF to break the boards apart and get a SABER.
  • Zoom in on the gangway.
  • Use the SABER to cut the rope.
  • Board the ship.
  • Click the wolf to activate the scene.
  • Take the RIBBON from the wheel.
  • Open the hatch next to the wolf and go below deck.
  • Speak with the captain. Accept the CAPTAIN’S KEY.
  • Click down to return to the upper deck.
  • Use the CAPTAIN’S KEY to open the door on the left.

Captain’s Cabin

  • Zoom in on the display case on the right wall. Use the RIBBON to remove the clamps from the HARPOON.
  • Pick up the box of MATCHES from the chair.
  • Look at the left drawers on the desk to open a slider puzzle.

  • The goal is to slide the red bars in the loops into the board grid.
  • The insets above show the final moves for each bar starting from bar (A) and going around the board to bar (D).
  • Take the LEVER from the compartment.

  • Zoom in on the ballista.
  • Place the LEVER (A) and the HARPOON (B) on the device.
  • Use the horizontal and vertical arrows (green) to hit the dinghy (D). Take the CANNON BALL.
  • Exit the ship.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Open the clam (A) to find the Pearl.
  • Slit the sack with the knife (B) to spill Salt.
  • Find the rest of the hidden objects. The ANCHOR PART is added to inventory.
  • Head up the hill to the lighthouse.

Lighthouse Exterior

  • Pick up the BOARDS on the left.
  • Zoom in on the cannon. Insert the CANNON BALL in the barrel. Click to aim the cannon at the lighthouse door. Use the MATCHES to light the fuse.

Lighthouse Interior

  • Look at the man’s hand. Take the BUTTON.
  • Lift the loose floor board. Get the COG WHEEL.
  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Click the lamp (A) to illuminate the Wing.
  • Click the dice (B). Pick up the Rolled Dice.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The BOARDS are added to inventory.
  • Look closer at the panel on the back right wall. Place the BUTTON in the empty slot to open a puzzle.

  • Round One. Press the button sequence to illuminate all the lights simultaneously. Button 1 illuminates 1, 2 and 4. Button 5 illuminates 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8. Button 9 illuminates 6, 8 and 9. All the other buttons only illuminate themselves. Pressing one of the three combination buttons will turn off an already lit button.
  • Solution : 1, 5, 9, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8.

  • Round Two. The goal is same. The combination sequences make it more difficult.
  • Sequences: 1 – 1,2,4; 2 – 1,2,3; 3 – 2,3,6; 4 – 1,4,7; 5 – 5; 6 – 3,6,9; 7 – 4,7,8; 8 – 7,8,9; 9 – 6,8,9.
  • Solution : 5, 4, 6, 3, 7, 9, 1, 2, 8.

  • Round Three. The goal is the same but you can determine the combinations.
  • Spinning the four dials (green) rotates the dials around them 1/4 turn. Position these slower buttons to point at the dials you want to light up, the click them. The outside dials cannot turn on lights. The solution will vary depending on how each button is positioned. The above screenshot shows the last move. Clicking the middle outside button will light it and the adjoining middle button.
  • Take the LIGHTHOUSE KEY.
  • Zoom in on the wheels on the back wall. Take the LEVER. The wheels turn, lowering a platform. Insert the LEVER in the slot in the box on the platform to go to the top of the lighthouse.

Top of the Lighthouse

  • Click the pulley lever in the upper right corner. Open the case and take the code.
  • Pick up the BOARD.
  • Click the lever on the platform to return to the ground floor.

Lighthouse Exterior

  • Look on the right side of the lighthouse.
  • Use the LIGHTHOUSE KEY to open the lock.
  • Click the tumblers on the chest until they match the code: 8-5-6. Take the SPYGLASS.

Lighthouse Interior

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Click the shelf. Take the Scroll and File.
  • Open the drawer (B). Pick up the Tuning Fork and Soup Ladle.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The Net is added to inventory as a FISH NET.

Top of the Lighthouse

  • Place the SPYGLASS on the stand (A). It comes into focus. Click it to get a second view. The information is stored in the Notes.
  • Zoom in on the safe (B). Look at the last entry in the Notes. There are three symbols that are a different color. Click those same three symbols on the safe (see above inset).
  • Take the ANCHOR PART from the safe (C).
  • Go back to the ground floor (D) and return to the harbor.
  • Inspect the winch overlooking the harbor.
  • Put the FISH NET on the winch. Click the lever to retrieve some NAILS.
  • Board the ship.

Captain’s Cabin

  • Look at the chest on the left side of the cabin.
  • Put both ANCHOR PARTS in the inset. Take the COG WHEEL.

  • Zoom in on the water pouring into the hold.
  • Place the BOARDS from inventory on the area to start a puzzle.
  • Place the boards based on the number and color of the holes. See the above screenshot for the placement.
  • Add the NAILS and HAMMER them in place.
  • Go to the steering mechanism.
  • Place the three COG WHEELS in the slots (order doesn’t matter).

Chapter 3: Chasing the Ship

  • Click the wolf to activate the scene.
  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Open the scroll (A) to reveal a Map.
  • Remove the cloth (B) to find the Bag.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The Ship is retained in inventory as a DISK (1/3).
  • Go forward.

  • Click the wolf to activate the scene.
  • Remove the cover from the brick pile (A). Take a BRICK.
  • Look at the tree (B). Take the DISK (2/3).
  • Zoom in on the lit window (C). Use the BRICK to break the glass and take the FISHING ROD.
  • Inspect the notes on the cobble stones (D). Some information is added to Notes. Take the PUZZLE PIECE (1/3).
  • Open the door (E) to play a hidden object scene.

  • Knock over the cup (A) to find the Teeth.
  • Break the bread open and take the File.
  • Find the rest of the hidden objects. The SCREWDRIVER is added to inventory.
  • Head left toward the ship

  • Inspect the crate on the right (A). Take the PART OF TONGS.
  • Pick up the DISK (3/3) from the sack (B).
  • Open the door on the cabinet (C). Place the three DISKS in the empty slot to start a puzzle.
  • This is a memory puzzle. Pair the image of the ship in the center with its match on the outside ring. Receive a LEVER.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Use the pot (A) to scoop out the water. Get the Shell and Bottle.
  • Open the net (B) and take the Boot.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The KNIFE is saved in inventory.

  • Use the FISHING ROD to retrieve the BASKET floating in the water (A).
  • Look at the crane (B). Attach the BASKET to the hooks and ride to the top.
  • Insert the LEVER in the slot. Pull to lift the pallet and free the way to the ship.

  • Use the KNIFE to cut the rope on the crate (A).
  • Look at the hole in the deck caused by the falling crate (B). Attach the PART OF TONGS to the missing piece. Take the PINCERS.
  • Inspect the safe lock (C). Use the PINCERS and SCREWDRIVER to open the safe and start a puzzle.

  • The goal is to put each pawn in its slot on the side of the board. Use the pawns to push other pawns into position.
  • Begin with the heart and triangle. Use the triangle to position the heart. Refer to the letters on the arrows above.
  • Solution : G x 3; E x 5; H, G.
  • Next use the circle to position the clover in the correct column. Then use the clover to push the coin down to its row.
  • Solution : D x 3; A; C; A; C; B x 5; D x 3; A x 6.
  • Take the HANDLE. The flier for the hotel is added to the Notes.
  • Look at the logs.
  • Place the HANDLE on the blade. Take the SAW.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Click the patch (A) to uncover the Spring.
  • Use the knife (B) to create an Incision in the sack.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The GAVEL is added to inventory.
  • Use the SAW to cut down the tree at the end of the street.

Chapter 4: Exploring the Hotel

  • Click the wolf to activate the scene
  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Remove a cabbage leaf to reveal a Toy Rabbit.
  • Use the knife (B) to cut a Pyramid shaped melon piece.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The AXE is retained in inventory.
  • Approach the fence on the left side of the hotel. Use the AXE to cut through the fence.
  • Click the wolf to activate the scene.
  • Open the purse lying on the path. Take the HOTEL KEY.
  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Move the cap to get the Gloves (A).
  • Click the ribbon (B) to reveal a Medal.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The CORD WITH HOOK is added to inventory.
  • Insert the HOTEL KEY in the door lock. Click the lever to open.
  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Move the painting (A) to find the Rose.
  • Move the cup (B) to see the Nut.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The SCISSORS are retained in inventory.
  • Go left.
  • Play the hidden object scene in the coat check.
  • Click the cloth in the cabinet to form a Turban on the mannequin’s head.
  • Remove the cloth hanging on the right to find the Belt.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. Although it is not a listed item, a PART OF BELL is added to inventory.
  • Go left.

  • Zoom in on the pieces of a puzzle (A). Click to combine them into one PUZZLE PIECE (2/3).
  • Pick up the HANDLE on the floor (B).
  • Look a closer look at the table (C). Take the candle SNUFFER.
  • Pick up the note on the stool (D).
  • Take the bottle of ALCOHOL (E).

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Rip the wall paper (A) to find the Letter.
  • Open the case (B) and take the Cigar.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The MASTER KEY is retained in inventory.

Chapter 5: Restoring Disappearing Ink

  • Zoom in on the bell ringer (A). Place the GAVEL in his hands. Add the PART OF BELL below him.
  • Speak to the desk clerk. Examine the guest register (B).
  • Take the GLUE (C).
  • Look at the tea service (D). Use the GLUE on the teapot. Attach the HANDLE. Pour the contents into the cup. Take the PORTRAIT (1/3).

Second Floor Landing

  • Inspect the suitcase. Take the PUZZLE PIECE (3/3) from the right corner.

  • Look at the painting on the right wall.
  • Place the three PUZZLE PIECES in the frame to start a puzzle.
  • The goal is to create a picture by flipping the panels.
  • The above screenshot shows the sequence to press the buttons.
  • Take the PICTURE.

  • Zoom in on the lock on the door at the end of the hallway.
  • Place the MASTER KEY on the lock. Bend the sections of the key to conform to the lock tumblers.
  • Finding the right combination of bends will automatically insert the key and unlock the door.

Scientist’s Study

  • Look closer at the right side of the desk (A). Use the SNUFFER to put out the candles and reveal a code.
  • Inspect the beaker on the left side of the desk (B). Note the recipe in the notebook.
  • Open the cabinet doors (C). Set the dials to 4-3-7. Take the PERMANGANATE ACID.
  • Exit the hotel.

  • Examine the baby buggy. Turn the bear over. Slit the stitches with the SCISSORS. Take the PORTRAIT (2/3).
  • Use the ROPE WITH HOOK to tear down the beam (A).
  • Enter the courtyard.
  • Move the pieces of debris and take the PAINTING (1/2).

Second Floor Landing

  • Look at the suitcase. Use the same combination on the lock as for the safe in the scientist’s study: 4-3-7. Remove the straps. Take the PAINTING (2/2).
  • Inspect the right wall (B). Place the two PAINTINGS and the PICTURE on the slots. Click each one to send it along a track. Click the center painting to reveal a secret nook. Take the IODINE.

Scientist’s Study

  • Zoom in on the beaker on the desk.
  • Add the ALCOHOL, PERMANGANATE ACID and IODINE to the beaker.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Open the purse (A) to find the Magnifying Glass.
  • Take the lid off of the hat box (B) and take the Hat.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The PORTRAIT (3/3) goes to inventory.

  • Look again at the guest register (A).
  • Pour the REVEALING REAGENT on the register to reveal the invisible writing.
  • Take the second floor KEY from the desk clerk (B).

Chapter 6: Finding Room 23

Second Floor Landing

  • Look at the vase on the table. Remove the flowers. Take the VASE WITH WATER.
  • Pick up the piece of PARQUET leaning against the right wall.
  • Insert the KEY in the lock. Click to unlock the door. Click the lever to open the door.

Second Floor Hallway

  • Take the TOWEL from the door knob.
  • Get the COOKIE from the table between the first two doors.
  • Look at the second painting. Place the three PORTRAITS in the painting to start a puzzle.

  • The goal is to place the correct features with each face.
  • Use the rails to slide the parts of each face. Solve by matching face and hair color. The position of the face on the tree is not important. See above for one solution. Take the SCREWDRIVER.
  • Look at the door handle of the last door on the right. Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the plate and access the door mechanism.

Child’s Bedroom

  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Take the lid off of the box (A). Take the Jester.
  • Touch the pillow (B) to expose the Fluff.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The TWEEZERS are added to inventory.

  • Look closer at the painting (A). Use the TOWEL to remove the paint. The equation is added to the Notes for future reference. Take the ALLEN KEY with the blue tag hanging on the frame.
  • Lift up the carpet (B). Put the PARQUET piece in the empty slot. Click the boards in the following order: 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 (see above inset for the numbering).
  • Examine the wardrobe (C). Take the WRENCH.

Second Floor Hallway

  • Look at the middle door.
  • Take the lampshade off the lamp. Pour the contents of the VASE WITH WATER into the lamp globe. Use the TWEEZERS to extract the CLOSET KEY.
  • Use the CLOSET KEY to open the door.
  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Open the trap door (A) for the Ladder to descend.
  • Open the drawer (B) and take the Helmet.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The CHISEL is added to inventory.

Child’s Bedroom

  • Zoom in on the window. Use the CHISEL to open it.
  • Take the UMBRELLA and ALLEN KEY with the red tag from the ledge outside of the window.
  • Click down to return to the bedroom.
  • Look inside the wardrobe. Look closer to open a puzzle.

  • The goal is to rotate the keys so the key color and the circle color match.
  • Use the diamonds between the circles to rotate groups of four. There are many ways to solve this puzzle. Here is one set of solutions:
  • Solution Left : A, A, D, D, B, B.
  • Solution Right : F, F, E, G, E, E, G, E, E.
  • Insert the ALLEN KEY with the red tag in the left slot. Insert the ALLEN KEY with the blue tag in the right to open a secret compartment (dashed yellow). Take the WEIGHTS.

  • Zoom in on the grandfather clock.
  • Place the WEIGHTS on the chains (A) to open the clock face.
  • Refer to the Notes page where the equation from the painting was noted. Solve the equation to figure out the time at which to set the hands. “X” equals the hour and “Y” equals the minute. For a lesson in algebra, see below. Otherwise: X = 5; Y=15.
  • Drag the hour hand to 5 and the minute hand to 3 (C). The clock face springs open (D). Take the KNIGHT.
  • Algebra lesson:
    • 123 – X = 118. Solve for X
    • 123 = 118 + X (change from negative to positive when changing sides of the equal sign)
    • 123 – 118 = X (change from positive to negative when changing sides of the equal sign)
    • 5 = X
    • 1 + Y = 16. Solve for Y.
    • Y = 16 – 1
    • Y = 15.

  • Go out the window.
  • Look at the design on the window (A). Note that it takes a seal to open.
  • Examine the drain pipe (B). Use the WRENCH to remove the four bolts. The pipe splits. Look closer at the open end.
  • Use the MAGNET to get the DIRTY STAMP (C).

Second Floor Hallway

  • Zoom in on the cabinet between the first and second door.
  • Place the DIRTY STAMP beside the brush. Use the brush to get a CLEAN STAMP.
  • Place the CLEAN STAMP in the middle of the window design.

Chapter 7: Locating the Potions

  • Talk to the countess to activate the scene.
  • Take the ANGEL (1/3) from the window sill (A).
  • Open the top left dresser drawer (B). Take the FISH FOOD.
  • Pull the box from under the lounge (C). Take the ACID.

Child’s Bedroom

  • Look at the fish tank.
  • Feed the FISH FOOD to the fish.
  • Take the ARCHER and RED EARRING.
  • Zoom in on the panel on the right wall.
  • Place the KNIGHT and ARCHER on the board to begin a game.

  • The goal is to place the fighters on the left so they defeat the fighters on the right.
  • Swap the fighters on the left two at a time until they look like they are in the correct position (A). Click the Start button to watch the battle (B). A green flag on the left means the fighter is in the correct position. The above screenshot shows the correct solution.
  • When all flags on the left are green, a compartment in the middle of the board opens (C). Place the EMPTY FLASK under the spout. Click to fill the flask with ELIXIR.

Child’s Bedroom

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Move the cloth (A) to reveal a Button.
  • Click the needle and thread (B) to stitch a Cross on the pillow.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The ANGEL (2/3) is added to inventory.

Second Floor Hallway

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Open the drawer to find the Skull.
  • Click the mop handle (B) to reverse it and find the Rag.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The ANGEL (3/3) is added to inventory.
  • Remove the cover from the bird cage.
  • Give the bird the COOKIE. Take the BLUE EARRING.

Scientist’s Study

  • Look left into the bedroom.
  • Place the three ANGELS on the bed post.
  • Open the compartment. Take the KEY.
  • Inspect the small dresser.
  • Place the RED EARRING and BLUE EARRING in the snake’s eyes.
  • Take the TEARS and SKULL from the drawer.
  • Exit the hotel.

Chapter 8: Using the Laboratory

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Click the bead (A) to get the Abacus Bead Set.
  • Use the knife (B) to carve a Penguin in the eggplant.
  • Find the rest of the objects. The KNIGHT is retained in inventory.
  • Cross the street to the laboratory.
  • Zoom in on the sign. Use the ACID to remove the chains.
  • Insert the KEY in the lock.

  • Give the ELIXIR to the scientist.
  • Open the cabinet (B). Take the SNAKE CATCHER.
  • Look at the box on the table (C) to open a puzzle.

  • The goal is to use the arrows (white) to move the red square around the board to cover all the squares without crossing lines and returning to the original position. There are three rounds.
  • Round One. The solution is shown above. Follow the arrows as shown around the outside of the grid and work back toward the start. The red arrow indicates the first move. The green arrow is the last move.

  • Round Two. Follow a similar strategy as the first round. See the above for a solution. The red arrow indicates the first move. The green arrow is the last move.

  • Round Three. The blue tiles mean they must be crossed twice. Use a back and forth motion to do this (pink).
  • For the first set of blue tiles (A), go through the blue tiles on the right once. Make the turn at the bottom. Use the back and forth move on the second set and first sets on the way up the grid.
  • For the second two blue tiles (B), use the back and forth movement before going on to the next tile.
  • For last set of blue tiles (C), use the same strategy as for the first double set (A).
  • Take the TIGER SKULL (D).
  • Return to the hotel.

Scientist’s Study

  • Look in the bedroom off the study.
  • Inspect the trap door on the floor. Place the SKULL and TIGER SKULL in the empty slots to start a puzzle.
  • The goal is to match the skulls and tracks to the correct animal.
  • Swap any two tiles under each animal. When a correct match is made, the tiles turn pink. See above for the solution.
  • Use the SNAKE CATCHER to retrieve a SNAKE.

  • Zoom in on the desk (A). Place the SNAKE and TEARS in the puzzle board.
  • The goal is to form a closed circuit with the pipes to connect the snake, elixir and tears.
  • The best strategy is to start with the elixir (red) and work toward both ends. The pipes turn blue when a connection is made. Make sure there are no open connections. See the above inset for one solution. Take the GREEN ELIXIR.
  • Look at the crossbow (B). Pour the GREEN ELIXIR onto the bow. Take the CROSSBOW.
  • Take the ROOK KEY from the scientist (C).

Chapter 9: Creating the Elixir

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • The stamp (A) goes to the ink pad and then the paper to make a Stamp Print.
  • Use the brush to remove the cobwebs hiding the Mirror.
  • Find the rest of the hidden objects. The MEAT is added to inventory.
  • Zoom in on the city gates.
  • Place the KNIGHT and the ROOK KEY in the slots to open a puzzle.

  • The goal for both puzzles to is get the colored tile over the same colored peg.
  • Puzzle 1. Move the green tile as indicated by the arrows (A). Next move the yellow tile as indicated. The result is shown in (B). Now move the green tile according to the arrows. Both are now in position (C) to move into their colored pegs.

  • Puzzle 2. Look at inset (A) above. Move tile 1 one square right. Move tile 2 one square down. Move tile 3 one square right. Move tile 4 one square up. Move tile 5 three squares down. Move tile 6 three squares left.
  • The results are shown in inset (B). Move tile 1 one square up. Move tile 2 one square up and one square left. Move tile 3 two squares up.
  • The Results are shown in inset (C). Move tile 1 one square left. Move tile 2 one square right. Move tile 3 two squares right. Move tile 4 one square down.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Remove the branch holding the Inflatable Toy down (A).
  • Lift the coat sleeve (B) to find the Moth.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The BRUSHWOOD is added to inventory.
  • Look at the hole. Cover the hole with the BRUSHWOOD. Put the MEAT on top of the brush to lure the wolf.
  • Look again in the hole. Take the WOLF WOOL.
  • Use the CROSSBOW on the wolf.
  • Pick up the KNIFE on the stump.
  • Look in the tree to open a puzzle.

  • The goal is to rotate the circle halves to form the solid colored circles in the same order as the center colors.
  • To get the large aqua circle in the correct position follow these steps: Click the blue/purple circle (A). This flips the two ends. Next click the aqua/yellow circle (B) to swap the positions of the yellow and aqua colors. Now click the blue/gray circle (C) to swap the aqua and white half circles. The solid aqua circle in now correctly positioned.
  • Work the rings and continue swapping colors. The solution is shown in the inset. Take the MEDALLION.
  • Head to the right.
  • Look at the log holder on the right. Click to take the MACE.
  • Use the KNIFE to cut the rope holding the logs.
  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Use the paintbrush to paint the cat into a Raccoon (A)
  • Click the board to blow the wood shavings onto the mannequin head for a Wig.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The NAIL PULLER is added to inventory.

Cabin – Main Room

  • Use the NAIL PULLER to remove the boards from the window.
  • Play the hidden object scene

  • Open the drawer to find the Number (A), BURNER PART (B) and Rose (C).
  • Find the rest of the hidden objects.
  • Take the SCOOP-NET leaning against the chair.
  • Look closer at the window. Use the SCOOP-NET to capture the SPIDER.
  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Open the bread box (A) to find the Pretzel.
  • Pick up the saw (B) to create a Fish from the piece of wood.
  • Find the rest of the objects. The BURNER PART is added to inventory.
  • Zoom in on the box on the left side of the trail.
  • Use the MACE to smash to box. Take the MEDALLION.
  • Play the hidden object scene.

  • Use the brush (A) to Polish the Shoe.
  • Combine the leaf sprig (A) with the pinecone to form a Bee.
  • Find the remaining objects. The BURNER PART is added to inventory.

Cabin – Main Room

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Use the magnifying glass (A) to find Australia.
  • Click the stick (B) to unfurl the Jolly Roger.
  • Find the rest of the objects. The MEDALLION is added to inventory.
  • Look at the box above the fireplace.
  • Insert the three MEDALLIONS in the slots. Rotate them until the ears on the medallions match those on the box. Click the medallions to swap places with each other to get the correct ear match. Take the TUBE WITH BLOOD.
  • Zoom in on the right side of the desk.
  • Place the SPIDER, TUBE WITH BLOOD and WOLF WOOL in the empty slots on the board to start a puzzle.

  • The goal is to align the items under the correct icon along the top.
  • Select a set of images. Click two to swap them. It is easiest to work from left to right.
  • Take the ELIXIR.

  • Look at the work table on the left (A).
  • Use the diagram on the wall to assemble the BURNER PARTS. Place the ELIXIR on top of the burner.

Congratulations! You have completed playing Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family Collector’s Edition . Bonus game play is now available from the Extras tab on the main menu.

Collector’s Edition Bonus Play

  • Go right
  • Take the LANTERN hanging above the door.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Click the glove (A) to find the Worm.
  • Open the umbrella (B) to see the Dragon.
  • Find the rest of the objects. The SHEARS are added to inventory.

  • Inspect the tombstone (A).
  • Place the LANTERN among the fireflies to capture them and get a LIT LANTERN.
  • Look at the tree hollow (B).
  • Place the LIT LANTERN in the hollow. Take the SILVER PLATE PART.
  • Inspect the drain pipe on the side of the mansion.
  • Use the SHEARS to free the bat. Take the GLOVE
  • Approach the tombstone on the right to find the entrance to the underground tunnel.

  • Pick up the MATCHBOX from the floor (A).
  • Use the GLOVE to open the door on the right (B).

  • Look at the tree on the left (A).
  • Use the MATCHBOX on the bark beetles to take a MATCHBOX WITH A BUG.
  • Pick up the HAMMER HEAD on the walk (B).
  • Play the hidden object scene (C).

  • Use the matches to light the candle (A) and attract a Moth.
  • Lift the leaf (B) to uncover the Hedgehog.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The PUZZLE PIECE is added to inventory.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Pick up the four photo parts (yellow) to reconstruct the Photo.
  • Click the tutu (B) to complete the Ballerina.
  • Find the rest of the hidden objects. The SKULL MEDALLION is added to inventory.
  • Inspect the book to open a puzzle.

  • The goal is to use the directional arrows (green) to program the maid to fetch the objects and give them to the owner.
  • Solution : Move the maid (A) to the key (B). Go down and get the tea (C). Use the key in the lock (D) to get the paper (E). Go down to the owner (F). Press the Start button (G) to watch the progress.
  • Take the VALVE.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Click the reeds (A) to weave a Mat.
  • Put the buckle on the strap (B) to create a Collar.
  • Find the rest of the objects. The WHEEL is retained in inventory.
  • Put the HAMMER HEAD on the stick to form a HAMMER.
  • Put the MATCHBOX WITH A BUG on the tree roots. Take the CHAIN.
  • Look at the door on the left. Insert the PUZZLE PIECE to open a puzzle.

  • The goal is to navigate the ball through the arrow interchanges to the exit point (red).
  • The arrows dictate if a ball stops short of an interchange and shows the possible moves or funnels down a connecting path. Please look at the above screenshot for an explanation.
  • The ball begins at position (A). Clicking the right arrow moves the ball forward to position (B), just short of the next interchange and shows the possible directions. Note that going up is not an option as there is no up arrow in the interchange. Clicking down will move the ball down and connect to the up arrow that sweeps right. The ball ends up in intersection (C) with three direction options.
  • The key to solving this puzzle is to approach the exit point from the bottom row.
  • Solution : R, D, L, D, D, R, R, R, R.
  • Receive the ALUMINUM BALL. Go through the door.

  • Pick up the SILVER PLATE PART (A).
  • Inspect the pipes (B). Put the VALVE on the tap to drain the pool.
  • Look closer at the pool at the base of the statue (C). Take the PISTOL.
  • Look at the statue’s head (D). Pluck a ROSE.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Click the masks (A) to find Sorrow.
  • Open the locket (B). Take the picture of the Groom.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The SKULL CUP is retained in inventory.

  • Remove the cover from the barrel (A). Dip the SKULL CUP in the water. Take the SKULL CUP WITH WATER.
  • Look at the brick wall (B). Use the HAMMER to smash the bricks. Take the AMULET.
  • Zoom in on the fire. Douse the flames with the SKULL CUP WITH WATER.
  • Take the SILVER PLATE PART from the ashes.
  • Inspect the statue at the rear of the garden.
  • Place the ROSE in her hand.

Skull Tunnel Entrance

  • Zoom in on the skeleton (A). Take the AMULET PART.
  • Look at the broken cart (B). Take the HOOK.
  • Go forward.

End of Skull Tunnel

  • Use the HOOK to retrieve the WHEEL from the water.
  • Look at the safe on the right. Insert the SKULL MEDALLION in the empty slot to start a puzzle.

  • The goal is to rotate the skulls so all the silver skulls are on top and the gold are on the bottom (see dashed inset).
  • The Reset button comes in handy. For every rotation, the skull at the end of the top row goes to the first position in the row. Big Hint: Don’t press the first button.
  • Solution : A, A, B, B, C, D, D.
  • Take the BULLET FORM.

Skull Tunnel Entrance

  • Zoom in on the cart again. Place the two WHEELS on the cart to clear the entrance to the chamber.
  • Click the countess to activate the scene.
  • Click on the latches on the right side of the gate to remove the pins.
  • Examine the wolf’s head. Place the AMULET and AMULET PART in the inset.

  • Play the hidden object scene.
  • Knit (A) a Collar.
  • Open the box (B) to find the Dancer.
  • Find the rest of the listed objects. The BRAID is added to inventory.

  • Open the cabinet doors (A).
  • Put the CHAIN on the broken SCALES. Pick up the REAGENT and BULLET FORM PART.
  • Place the ALUMINUM BALL in place of the missing bed post ball (B).
  • Take the SILVER PLATE PART from behind the picture (C).

  • Place the BRAID on the pillow on the left (A).
  • Place the SCALES in the wolf’s hand (B). Put the four SILVER PLATE PARTS in the right scale. Put the two BULLET FORM PARTS in the left.
  • Open the bullet form. Pour the REAGENT on the hot bullet (C). Place the PISTOL over the silver bullet.

Congratulations! You have finished playing the bonus chapter of Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family Collector’s Edition . Additional material is now available from the Extras tab on the main menu.

Всем приветик, дорогие друзья!

The Mystery Button Family - это одна из таких игр.

The Mystery Button Family прохождение - не очень сложное. Сначала, когда вы только пытаетесь попасть в дом, там стоит кодовый замок, но, на самом деле, всё очень просто - надо подбирать замок методом тыка: когда откроется одна штучка, то надо при ней открытой открывать следующую, потом при двух открытых - еще следующую.

И так, чтобы открылись все друг за другом. Подобрать это не легко с первого раза, но можно.

В общем, эту игру я прошла достаточно быстро. Правда, были моменты, которые заставляли подумать: а что делать дальше? Но в целом прохождение игры Mystery Buttons Family не долгое, головоломки не сильно сложные, не напрягают.

В целом всё разворачивается почти только в самом доме, ну еще надо будет выйти из дома через другую дверь, там будет кое-какой сарайчик.

Игра, конечно, короткая, но мне она понравилась. Графика классная!

Я играла на планшете.

На телефоне, думаю, будет мелковато.

Видео обзор

The Mystery Button Family - игра для Android GAME MASTER TOP SECRET TREASURE CHEST OPENED!! (iPhone found with mystery pond monster clues inside)

Welcome to the Walkthrough

Return to the De la Fer estate to help the count unravel the curse that has been passed down through his family!

Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.

This document contains a complete Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!

We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.

Remember to visit the if you find you need more help. Have fun!

This walkthrough was created by Margie B , and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.

Walkthrough Menu

General Tips

  • This is the Official Guide for Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family Standard Edition.
  • Click on Play (A) to begin your adventure.
  • The Options (B) Button allows you to adjust the screen size (wide screen and fullscreen), music, cursor, and sound.
  • The Extras (C) Button is only accessible in the Collector’s Edition.
  • The ‘If it’s not you – click here’ button (D) can be used to manage your profiles in the game.
  • This guide will refer to Hidden Object Scenes as ‘HOS’.
  • Items will stay in inventory until they are no longer needed.
  • Some puzzle solutions and HOS are random. Items written in orange in HOS require an action to be performed before the item(s) can be visible.
  • The HINT button is accessible in both HOS and in quest scenes but you must wait for it to recharge in between uses.
  • All mini-games can be skipped once the skip button has recharged. Most puzzles have a RESET button; use it if you want to follow the solutions shown in this guide.

Chapter 1: Louise

  • Click on the wolf.
  • The Louise will give you the MEDALLION after you scare off the wolf.
  • Take the KNIFE (1).
  • Look at and examine the mailbox.
  • Cut the package with the KNIFE and take the IDOL (2).
  • Open the scroll (3).
  • Go towards the door (4).

  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the bottle (5) and take the glass of wine (6).
  • Open the basket; take the crown (7) and the lamp (8).
  • The SCARECROW will be added to inventory.

  • Take the TORCH (9).
  • Examine the bucket and take the STICK (10).
  • Examine the top of the arch and take the WOLF HEAD (11).
  • Take a closer look at the dead body; open the hand and take the PLIERS (12).
  • Click on the Note (13).
  • Go right.

  • Click on the wolf.
  • Look at the stepladder; cut the 2 wires with the PLIERS and take the STEPLADDER (14).
  • Look at the door; use the WOLF HEAD in the slot and go through the door (15).

  • Look at the wolf statue; open its mouth and take the Note (16).
  • Look at the barrel; put the STICK on it (17) and click on the stick to move the barrel.
  • Look at the barrel again and click on it.
  • Use the TORCH on the oil to create the TORCH WITH OIL (18).
  • Zoom into the fire; put the TORCH WITH OIL on the fire to create the BURNING TORCH (19).
  • Walk down 3 times.

  • Look at the back of the coach and place the STEPLADDER on it.
  • Open the small door to activate a HOS.
  • Remove the cloth; take the items listed in orange inside the cage (@).
  • Click on the rope and take the noose (20).
  • The NOOSE will be added to inventory.
  • Go towards the door and then right.

  • Zoom into the pumpkin; attach the NOOSE to the branch.
  • Click on the rope and take the PUMPKIN (21).
  • Examine the tombstone; put the SCARECROW in the field (22).
  • Put the PUMPKIN on the scarecrow and take the SYMBOL (23).

  • Go back into the crypt.
  • Look at and examine the casket; put the SYMBOL in the slot to activate a puzzle.
  • Click on the rings to change the images to form the symbols of two snakes.
  • To solve the puzzle, click on the rings in this order: A and B.
  • Take the SCREWDRIVER (24).

  • Walk down twice.
  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the purse; take the comb and the clover (25).
  • Crank the handle (@) and take the letter (26).
  • The IDOL will be added to inventory.

  • Look at the door; remove the 3 screws (green) with the SCREWDRIVER.
  • Open the cover and drag the lock to the counterclockwise as shown in the screenshot (27).
  • Go through the door.

Chapter 2: The Tunnel

  • Look at the wolf head; put the BURNING TORCH in the bowl to light the tunnel (28).
  • Look at the puzzle on the left wall.
  • Click on the arrows to move the blocks aside.
  • Look at the symbols below each block. Your goal is to click on the buttons to place the correct symbols in the right spots.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution (29).
  • Click on the center button to activate a HOS; play it.

  • Open the helmet; take the skull (30).
  • Click on the ink pot (31) and take the spot (32).
  • The EMPTY FLASK will be added to inventory.

  • Examine the right niche; move the debris aside and take the COGWHEEL (33).
  • Go forward.

  • Look at the back wall; click on the 3 red stones in this order: A, C, A, B, and A.
  • Take the CASKET (34).
  • Look at the left door; move the buttons in the positions shown in the screenshot (35).
  • Go through the door.

  • Give the MEDALLION to the count (36).
  • Examine the dresser; put the 2 IDOLS in the slots.
  • Click on the idols to move the positions of the hands. From left to right: over the eyes, over the ears, and over the mouth (37).
  • Take the PIN (38) and the DRAGON PART (39).
  • Take the second DRAGON PART on the left barrel (40).
  • Look at the armor (41); put the CASKET on the table.
  • Click on the armor’s arm and take the HOOK (42).
  • Walk down.

  • Zoom into the wheelbarrow; use the PIN on the stick and take the WHEEL (43).
  • Walk down.
  • Examine the niche to the far left; put the 2 DRAGON PARTS into the slots (44).
  • Take the ROPE COIL and the Note (45).
  • Go forward.

  • Look at the crane; use the ROPE COIL on the crane (46).
  • Put the HOOK on the rope.
  • Click on the handle and take the YOKE (47).
  • Walk down.

  • Play the HOS on the left side of the tunnel.
  • Open the safe; take the items listed in orange (48).
  • Open the book; take the letter P (49) and the kite (50).
  • The HAMMER will be added to inventory.
  • Walk down twice.

  • Play the carriage HOS.
  • Open the lid; take the heart, ring, and pin (51).
  • The REINS will be added to inventory.

  • Head left towards the horse.
  • Put the WHEEL on the carriage (52).
  • Put the REINS and the YOKE on the horse.
  • Click on the pin (53) on the ground.
  • Click on the inside of the carriage to talk to the Louise.
  • Open the coach door and go outside.

Chapter 3: The Ship

  • Click on the wolf.
  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the fishing rod (A); take the lure (B).
  • Click on the paper; take the ship (C).
  • The GAFF will be added to inventory.

  • Go towards the lighthouse.
  • Look at and take the BOARDS (D).
  • Look at the box; use the GAFF on it and take the SABER (E).
  • Walk down.

  • Look at the gangway; cut the ropes with the SABER (F).
  • Board the ship.

  • Click on the wolf.
  • Look at the ship’s wheel; take the RIBBON (G).
  • Open the trapdoor and go through it (H).

  • Click on the captain and take the CAPTAIN’S KEY from his hand (I).
  • Click down.
  • Zoom into the left door; use the CAPTAIN’S KEY in the lock (J).
  • Click on the key and go through the door.

  • Zoom into the left side of the desk to activate a puzzle.
  • Slide the pieces out of the way so you can remove the red pieces from the 4 latches.
  • You can only move the pieces with the arrows above them.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution (K).
  • Take the LEVER (L).

  • Examine the chair and take the MATCHES (M).
  • Examine the case (N); use the RIBBON to remove the clamps and to automatically receive the HARPOON.

  • Walk down.
  • Look at the ballista; put the HARPOON in it (O).
  • Put the LEVER on the side (P).
  • Adjust the lever and the gear (Q) to point the harpoon towards the boat.
  • Click on the harpoon to launch it.
  • Take the CANNONBALL from inside the boat (R).
  • Walk down twice.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the clam; take the pearl (S).
  • Click on the machete (T) and take the salt (U).
  • The ANCHOR PART will be added to inventory.

  • Go towards the lighthouse.
  • Zoom into the cannon (V) and insert the CANNONBALL in it.
  • Click on the cannon and light the fuse with the MATCHES (W).
  • Go into the lighthouse.

Chapter 4: The Lighthouse

  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the dice (1) and take the rolled dice (2).
  • Click on the lamp (3) and take the wing (4).
  • The BOARDS will be added to inventory.

  • Look at and click on the loose floorboard; take the COGWHEEL (4).
  • Look at and open the hand; take the BUTTON (5).
  • Zoom into the gears and take the LEVER (6).

  • Look at the lift; put the LEVER in the slot, click on the lever to go upstairs (7).
  • Zoom into the handle (8) and click on the it.
  • Look at and open the container (9); take the Note (10) to view the code (11).
  • Take the BOARD (12).
  • Click on the lever (13) to go back down.

  • Look at the puzzle on the right wall; put the BUTTON in it to activate it.
  • You must solve 3 rounds of this puzzle.
  • In the first round, click on the buttons until they all light up.
  • To solve the first round, click on the buttons in the order shown in the screenshot (A).

  • In the second round, click on the buttons until they all light up.
  • To solve the second round, click on the buttons in this order: I, D, E, B, A, G, H, F, and C.

  • In the third round, you must light up all the buttons as well, but in this round, you must rotate some of the buttons before others can be lit.
  • To solve the third round, click on the buttons in this order: M, K, K, Q, and N.
  • Take the LIGHTHOUSE KEY (@).

  • Walk down.
  • Examine the side of the building; put the LIGHTHOUSE KEY in the lock (X).
  • Turn the key to open the gate.
  • Change the numbers on the chest to 856.
  • Take the SPYGLASS (Y).

  • Go back into the lighthouse.
  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the drawers and click on the shelf; take all the items listed in orange (Z).
  • The FISH NET will be added to inventory.

  • Take the lift back up.
  • Put the SPYGLASS on the tripod.
  • Look at the spyglass; you will see the image of the countess (A).
  • Click on the spyglass again to view the combination (B).
  • Zoom into the keypad on the left; click on the symbols as shown in the screenshot (C).
  • Turn the wheel to open the safe; take the second ANCHOR PART (D).
  • Click on the lever to go back down and walk down twice.

  • Look at the winch and add the FISH NET to it (E).
  • Click on the handle and take the NAILS (F).

  • Return to the captain’s cabin.
  • Zoom into the left cabinet; put both ANCHOR PARTS into it (G).
  • Take the third COGWHEEL (H).

  • Go back into the cargo hold.
  • Zoom into the steering mechanism; put the 3 COGWHEELS on it (I).
  • Zoom into the gushing water; put the 2 BOARDS and the BOARDS on the scene.
  • Arrange the boards as shown in the screenshot (J).
  • Attach the NAILS to the boards.
  • Use the HAMMER on the nails and watch a cut scene.

Chapter 5: The Port

  • Click on the wolf.
  • Play the HOS.
  • Move the cloth; take the bag (1).
  • Open the scroll; take the map (2).
  • The DISK will be added to inventory.

  • Go left.
  • Take the DISK (3).
  • Open the crate; look into it and take the PART OF TONGS (4).
  • Walk down and go forward.

  • Click on the wolf.
  • Open the left door to activate a HOS; play it.
  • Click on the bread; take the awl (5).
  • Click on the cup and take the teeth (6).
  • The SCREWDRIVER will be added to inventory.

  • Remove the cloth; look at the cart and take the BRICK (7).
  • Look at the note; click on it and take the PUZZLE PIECE (8).
  • Examine the tree and take the DISK (9).
  • Zoom into the right window; break it with the BRICK 3 times and take the FISHING ROD (10).
  • Walk down and go left.

  • Remove the cloth; open the box and zoom into it.
  • Place the 3 DISKS in the empty slots to activate a puzzle.
  • Match the image in the center by clicking on the correct image on the side.
  • The solution is shown on the screenshot (11).
  • Take the LEVER (12).
  • Walk down.

  • Zoom into the water.
  • Use the FISHING ROD on the basket; take the BASKET (13).
  • Look at the crane and put the BASKET on it (14).
  • Put the LEVER in the slot and click on it (15).

  • Play the HOS in the lower right.
  • Click on the net and take the boot (16).
  • Click on the ladle (17); take the bottle and the shell (18).
  • The KNIFE will be added to inventory.

  • Board the ship and go up the left steps.
  • Look at the crate; cut the rope with the KNIFE 3 times (19).
  • Look at the hole in the floor; put the PART OF TONGS on the other piece and take the PLIERS (20).
  • Zoom into the safe; look at the dial and put the PLIERS on it followed by the SCREWDRIVER (21).
  • Click on the handle and zoom into the puzzle in the chest (22).

  • Put the pawns into the right slots.
  • Click on the arrows next to each piece to move the matching symbol on the board.
  • To solve the puzzle, click on the arrows in this order: F x 3, A, E, A, E, B x 3, F, E x 3, F x 2, B x 2, A x 6, F x 3,C x 5, H, and G x 6.
  • Take the HANDLE (I).
  • Walk down.

  • Look at the logs; put the HANDLE on the saw blade and take the SAW (23).
  • Walk down and go forward.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the cloth; take the spring (24).
  • Click on the knife (25); take the incision (26).
  • The GAVEL will be added to inventory.

  • Look at the tree; use the SAW on the tree (27).
  • Go forward.

Chapter 6: The Hotel (First Floor)

  • Click on the wolf.
  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the lettuce; take the toy rabbit (A).
  • Select the knife (B); take the pyramid (C).
  • The AXE will be added to inventory.

  • Examine the left fence; cut it with the AXE 3 times (D).
  • Go through the fence.
  • Click on the wolf.
  • Look at and open the purse; take the HOTEL KEY (E).

  • Play the HOS.
  • Select the hat and take the gloves (F).
  • Click on the coat and take the medal (G).
  • The CORD WITH HOOK will be added to inventory.
  • Walk down.

  • Zoom into the front door; use the HOTEL KEY in the lock (H).
  • Turn the key; click on the handle and enter the hotel.
  • Take the GLUE (I).

  • Play the HOS.
  • Select the cup and take the nut (J).
  • Select the picture and take the rose (K).
  • The SCISSORS will be added to inventory.

  • Go left.
  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the towel (L) and take the turban (M).
  • Remove the cloth and take the belt (N).
  • The PART OF BELL will be added to inventory.

  • Go left to reach the restaurant.
  • Look at the right table; click on the puzzle pieces several times to obtain the PUZZLE PIECE (O).
  • Look at the other table; take the SNUFFER (P).
  • Examine the ground; take the HANDLE (Q).
  • Zoom into the bar and take the ALCOHOL (R).
  • Take the Note on the stool (S).
  • Walk down twice.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the wallpaper; take the letter (T).
  • Open the case; take the cigar (U).
  • The MASTER KEY will be added to inventory.

  • Zoom into the doll; put the GAVEL in its hand (V).
  • Put the PART OF BELL on the stand (W) for the concierge to appear.
  • Examine the tea set; put the GLUE on the teapot.
  • Put the HANDLE on the teapot.
  • Click on the teapot and take the 1ST PORTRAIT (X).
  • Go up the left side of the steps.

  • Take the PARQUET (Y).
  • Look at the suitcase; take the PUZZLE PIECE (Z).
  • Examine the vase; click on the flowers and take the VASE WITH WATER (A).

Chapter 7: The Study

  • Return to the hallway by the restaurant.
  • Examine the picture; put the 3 PUZZLE PIECES on the picture to activate a puzzle.
  • Click on the buttons to change the panels.
  • To solve the puzzle, click on the buttons in the order shown in the screenshot (B).
  • Take the PICTURE.

  • Examine the back door; put the MASTER KEY in the keyhole to activate a puzzle.
  • Click on the 4 key parts until they match the shape of the lock. Once the key has the right shape it will automatically enter through the keyhole.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution (C).
  • Go through the door.

  • Look at the right side of the desk; put the SNUFFER over the lit candles and note the number 437 (D).
  • Examine the top of the bookcase; open the drawer and enter the 437 code on the dials.

  • Exit the hotel and go through the left fence.
  • Zoom into the baby carriage; click on the bear and cut it with the SCISSORS.
  • Take the 2ND PORTRAIT (F).
  • Walk down.

  • Zoom into the right fence; use the CORD WITH HOOK on the wooden beam (G).
  • Click on the rope and examine the broken fence.
  • Click on the area 2 times and take the PAINTING (H).

  • Go back to the second floor in the hotel.
  • Zoom into the briefcase; enter the code 437 on the lock.
  • Open the belt and take the PAINTING (I).
  • Look at the right side of the wall; put the 3 PAINTINGS on the wall to activate a puzzle.
  • Click on the 3 paintings you just added to the wall.
  • Take the IODINE (J).

  • Return to the study.
  • Look at the left side of the table; add the PERMANGANATE ACID, ALCOHOL, and IODINE into the beaker (K).
  • Walk down.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the box and take the hat (L).
  • Open the purse and take the magnifier glass (M).
  • The 3RD PORTRAIT will be added to inventory.
  • Walk down.

  • Zoom into the reception desk; put the REVEALING REAGENT on the book (N).
  • The concierge gives you a KEY.
  • Go back to the second floor.
  • Examine the back door; use the KEY in the keyhole (0).
  • Turn the key; click on the handle and go through the door.

Chapter 8: The Hotel (Second Floor)

  • Examine the painting (P); put the 3 PORTRAITS on it to activate a puzzle.
  • Slide the pieces onto the bar to switch the pieces around until you form the correct images.
  • Take the SCREWDRIVER (Q).

  • Look at the left door and take the TOWEL (R).
  • Look at the desk and take the COOKIE (S).
  • Examine the last door; use the SCREWDRIVER on the 4 screws (yellow).
  • Remove the handle and click on the mechanism (T); go through the door.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the box; take the jester (U).
  • Click on the pillow; take the fluff (V).
  • The TWEEZERS will be added to inventory.

  • Look at the painting; take the blue ALLEN KEY (W).
  • Use the TOWEL on the painting; note the equation on the painting (X).
  • Walk down.

  • Look at the middle door; remove the lampshade and pour the VASE WITH WATER in the glass.
  • Use the TWEEZERS to retrieve the CLOSET KEY from inside the glass (Y).
  • Insert the CLOSET KEY in the lock to activate a HOS; play it (Z).

  • Open the drawer; take the helmet (A).
  • Open the trapdoor and take the ladder (B).
  • The CHISEL will be added to inventory.

  • Go back into the bedroom.
  • Zoom into the back window.
  • Use the CHISEL on the latch and go out the window (C).

  • Take the UMBRELLA (D).
  • Zoom into the key; take the red ALLEN KEY (E).
  • Walk down to go back into the bedroom.

  • Click on the edge of the carpet 3 times and take a closer look at the floorboard.
  • Put the PARQUET in the gap; click on the 3 wooden slats in this order: 1, 2, 3, 2, and 1.This action opens the wardrobe.
  • Look in the wardrobe; take the WRENCH (4).
  • Click on the puzzle inside the wardrobe (5).

  • Put the keyholes into the right locks. Click on the gold diamonds to shift the keyholes around.
  • To solve the puzzle, click on the golden diamonds in this order: A x 2, C x 2, and B x 2, This solves the left side of the puzzle.
  • To solve the right side of the puzzle, click on the golden diamonds in this order: F, D, F x 2, E x 3, F x 3, and E x 3.
  • Put the red ALLEN KEY (G) and the blue ALLEN KEY in the keyholes (H).
  • Take the WEIGHTS (I).

  • Examine the clock; put the WEIGHTS in it ().
  • Using the code found on the painting set the clock to the right time.
  • The code on the painting states: 123 – X (5) = 118, 1 + Y (15) = 16, and that X (5) equals 5:15.
  • Set the clock to 5: 15.
  • Take the KNIGHT (K).

Chapter 9: The Secret Room

  • Go back to the hallway.
  • Zoom into the ceiling.
  • Use the UMBRELLA to retrieve the MAGNET (L).

  • Examine the pipe; use the WRENCH on the 4 bolts (yellow).
  • Look at the broken pipe; put the MAGNET on the outside of the pipe and take the DIRTY STAMP (M).
  • Walk down twice.

  • Zoom into the desk and put the DIRTY STAMP on it (N).
  • Click on the brush (O) and take the CLEAN STAMP.
  • Go back into the bedroom and go out the window.
  • Zoom into the left window; put the CLEAN STAMP on it and go through the window (P).

  • Talk to the countess.
  • Zoom into the box; pull the box out and take the ACID (Q).
  • Look at the dresser; open the left drawer and take the FISH FOOD (R).
  • Examine the window; take the first ANGEL (S).
  • Walk down twice.

  • Zoom into the fish tank; Give the FISH FOOD to the large fish (T).
  • Take the RED EARRING (U) and the ARCHER (V).
  • Go out the window and go into the left window.
  • Zoom into the mechanism on the wall (W); place the ARCHER and the KNIGHT on the board to activate a puzzle.

  • Position the pieces on the left so they can defeat the pieces on the right.
  • Click on any 2 left pieces to swap their positions. Once all the pieces are in place, click on the Start button (X) in the upper center.
  • The flags marked in green on the left, and the flags in red on the right, symbolize that a piece is in the right spot.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution and click on the Start button (X).
  • Put the EMPTY FLASK below the ELIXIR; click on the handle and take it once the bottle has been filled (Y).
  • Walk down twice.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the needle (1); take the cross (2).
  • Click on the cloth; take the button (3).
  • The second ANGEL will be added to inventory.
  • Walk down.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the drawer; take the skull (4).
  • Click on the stick; take the rag (5).
  • The third ANGEL will be added to inventory.
  • Walk down twice and go into the left door.

  • Remove the cage cover (6) and zoom into the birdcage.
  • Give the COOKIE to the bird (7); open the latch in the cage and take the BLUE EARRING (8).
  • Go forward and look into the bedroom on the left.

  • Place the 3 ANGELS on the bedposts (@).
  • Open the trapdoor below the bed; look at the puzzle. Note that you need 2 skulls (8).
  • Open the secret compartment and take the KEY (9).

  • Return to the bedroom in the second floor; go out the back window and into the left window.
  • Zoom into the small dresser; put the RED EARRING and the BLUE EARRING into the snake’s eye sockets (10).
  • Take the TEARS (12) and the SKULL (11).

  • Exit the hotel.
  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the knife (13); take the penguin (14).
  • Click on the abacus; take the abacus bead set (15).
  • The KNIGHT will be added to inventory.
  • Go through the left fence.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the brush (16); take the mirror (17).
  • Click on the stamp (18); take the stamp print (19).
  • The MEAT will be added to inventory.
  • Walk down.

  • Zoom into the right door; use the ACID on the lab sign (20).
  • Put the KEY in the lock and enter the lab.

Chapter 10: The Lab

  • Talk to the professor (21); give him the ELIXIR.
  • Examine the cabinet; open the latch and take the SNAKE CATCHER (22).
  • Look at the device in the lower right to activate a puzzle (23).

  • Use the green arrows to move the red square around the board.
  • You must fill the board completely. Sections marked in blue must be passed over twice.
  • To solve the first round (1), click on the arrows in this order: C x 2, A, B x 2, A x 2, C x 2, A, B x 4, A, B, D x 2, C x 2, D, B x 2, D x 2, C, A, C, D, and C.

  • To solve the second round (2), click on the arrows in this order: B, D, C, D x 2, C, A x 2, C, A, C x 2, A, B x 2, A, B x 5, D x 2, C, A, C x 3, D, and B.

  • To solve the third round (3), click on the arrows in this order: C, D, C x 3, D, B, A, D, B, A, D, B x 2, A, B x 2, C, B x 2, A, C x 2, A, C, A, B, D, B x 2, A, C x 2, A, C, and D x 3.
  • Take the TIGER SKULL (@).

  • Go back into the hotel; go left, forward, and look into the left door.
  • Zoom into the trapdoor; put the SKULL and the TIGER SKULL into the empty slots to activate a puzzle.
  • Move the skulls and the symbols into the correct spots so they match the animals above them and the marks at the bottom.
  • Click on any 2 skulls or any 2 symbols to swap their positions.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution (E).
  • Use the SNAKE CATCHER to grab a SNAKE (F).

  • Return to the lab. As soon as you go through the door, the professor will tell you that you have to get the venom yourself.
  • Zoom into the desk; put the SNAKE and TEARS on the board to activate a puzzle.
  • Click on the pipes to rotate them until both liquid vessels are connected.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution (G).
  • The GREEN ELIXIR will be added to inventory.

  • Zoom into the crossbow; pour the GREEN ELIXIR into it (H).
  • Take the CROSSBOW.
  • The professor will give you the ROOK KEY.
  • Exit the lab and go through the left gate.
  • Zoom into the gate in the back; add the ROOK KEY and the KNIGHT to the gate (I).

  • Click on any of the 4 sides of the square for an arrow to appear.
  • Move the large squares over to their matching smaller squares.
  • Click on the edge of the square to move it in that direction.
  • To solve the left puzzle, please make the following moves: Move green right. Move yellow left. Move green down, and left. Move yellow down. Move Green, right, up, left, down and right. Lastly, move yellow left.

  • To solve the right puzzle, please follow the steps in the screenshots (1 through 7). Move the arrows in this order: Red, Yellow, and Green.
  • Go through the gate.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the sack; take the moth (A).
  • Remove the branch; take the inflatable toy (B).
  • The BRUSHWOOD will be added to inventory.

  • Zoom into the hole; add the BRUSHWOOD and the MEAT to it (C). The wolf will fall into the hole.
  • Look in the hole again and take the WOLF WOOL (D).
  • Go towards the cabin on the left.
  • Use the CROSSBOW on the wolf (E).
  • Look at the tree stump and take the KNIFE (F).
  • Zoom into the puzzle in the tree hollow (G).

  • Click on the pieces to change their positions.
  • Place the matching circles in the same column as the color wheel in the middle.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution.
  • Take the MEDALLION (H).
  • Go right.

Chapter 11: The Sawmill

  • Look in the lower right corner; take the MACE (I).
  • Take a closer look at the hook; cut the rope around it with the KNIFE 3 times (J).

  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the window (K); take the wig (L).
  • Click on the paintbrush (M); take the raccoon (N).
  • The NAIL PULLER will be added to inventory.
  • Walk down twice.

  • Play the HOS.
  • Click on the brush (O); take the polished shoe (P).
  • Click on the wings (Q); take the bee (R).

  • Look at the chest; break it with the MACE.
  • Take the MEDALLION from inside the chest (S).
  • Go into the cabin.
  • Zoom into the right window; pull the nails on the 3 boards with the NAIL PULLER (T).

  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the drawer; take the items listed in orange (U).
  • The BURNER PART will be added to inventory.
  • Go through the left door.

  • Take the SCOOP-NET (V).
  • Look at the book the professor is reading. Click on the lower right corner of the right page to flip it. Note the instructions on the page (W).
  • Walk down twice and head right.
  • Examine the window; take the SPIDER with the SCOOP-NET (X).

  • Play the HOS.
  • Open the breadbox; take the pretzel (1).
  • Click on the saw (2); take the fish (3).
  • The BURNER PART will be added to inventory.

  • Go back into the cabin.
  • Play the HOS.
  • Select the magnifying glass; take Australia (4).
  • Click on the pole; take the Jolly Roger (5).
  • The MEDALLION will be added to inventory.

  • Examine the box above the fireplace; add the 3 MEDALLIONS to the box.
  • Rotate the 3 medallions so the ears match the head of the wolves (6).
  • Take the TUBE WITH BLOOD (7).
  • Go through the left door (8).

  • Examine the right side of the desk; put the SPIDER, TUBE WITH BLOOD, and the WOLF WOOL into the board to activate a puzzle.
  • Please read the instructions in the game for this puzzle.
  • Please look at the screenshot for the solution (A).
  • Take the ELIXIR (B).

  • Examine the table on the left; put the 3 BURNER PARTS on it to assemble the burner (C).
  • Put the ELIXIR over the burner (D).
  • Congratulations! You have completed Shadow Wolf Mysteries: Bane of the Family Standard Edition!

Разработчик компании «Magic Frame Studios» основали на платформе андроид серию детективных игр под названием «The Mystery», из которой мы хотим презентовать для вас новинку под названием «Button Family». Будьте готовы окунутся c головой в безумный мир тайн, и мировых заговоров.

Так вот, несколько десятков лет назад, в роскошном особняке по соседству с вами, проживала довольно состоятельная семья Баттонов. Они были владельцами преуспевающего бизнеса, а так же высокими ценителями раритетных произведений искусства (картины, скульптуры, гобелены, и антиквариат). Как вдруг в стенах их дома произошло чрезвычайное происшествие, пропал старинный дорогостоящий медальон, передаваемый исключительно по наследству. Все стрелки тут же пали на дворецкого, который сутки напролет божился о своей невиновности. После этого случая дела Баттанов пришли в упадок, в результате чего почетное семейство обанкротилось, а затем и вовсе исчезло из поля зрения состоятельных людей. Но как бы там не было, вы до сих пор проживаете по соседству с их уже обветшалым, и пришедшим в полный упадок особняком, который до сих пор хранит как вам кажется довольно большое количество всевозможных тайн. Поэтому следующий раз, возвращаясь из школы, вы непременно загляните в их жилище. Быть может вследствие вашего небольшого расследования удастся установить что же там произошло на самом деле. Одним словом геймеры получили увлекательный логический квест способный увлечь их в загадочный мир тайн и интриг, как минимум на 15 часов.

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