Gospel of Matthew 20. Bible Online

20:1-15 This parable will seem harsh only to those who do not understand that they are completely dependent on God's mercy. All good things come from the hand of God. It is not proper for a Christian to be envious if God has given something good to another.

20:2 denarius. See com. to 18.28.

20:16 See com. by 19.30.

20:17-19 Here Jesus for the third time predicts His suffering and resurrection (16:21; 17:22-23&N).

20:23 In the OT figurative system, "chalice" can mean initiation into something. The disciples will drink from the cup, which means they will partake of the sufferings of Christ. But note that Jesus calls the cup His own. Precisely because He Himself drank the cup of God's wrath, believers will escape the fate that all people deserve. In union with Christ, they have already passed judgment. They are justified in Christ and inherit his glory (Rom. 8:17). However, they have been given a great honor - to partake of Christ in His sufferings (1 Pet. 2:21).

20:28 atonement. The word meant "ransom", the price paid to save someone from slavery or punishment. The price of our freedom from sin and death is the life of Jesus or, in the language of symbols, His blood (1 Pet. 1:18-19). New Testament never directly indicates to whom this ransom was paid, but if we are saved from the wrath of God, therefore, the ransom had to be paid to God Himself. Jesus drank the cup (see v. 23), not for His sins, but for the redemption of many.

20: for... many. The Greek preposition can also be translated as "instead of", then it would mean that, while suffering, Jesus replaced us. He says "many," not "all," and this emphasizes that His redemptive ministry has a definite, or end-to-end focus (cf. Isaiah 53:11-12). However, Jesus died for "many", not "a few" (see Jn 17:9N; 1 Tim 2:6).

20:29 left. According to Luke, they were rather part of Jericho. Perhaps Matthew and Mark are referring to the old Jericho, which was about a mile away from the new one built by Herod.

20:30 two blind men. Again Matthew speaks of two, Mark and Luke of one (see 8:28N).

For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.and having agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard;going out about the third hour, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace,and he said to them, “You also go into my vineyard, and whatever is right, I will give you.” They went.And going out again about the sixth and ninth hours, he did the same.Finally, going out about the eleventh hour, he found others standing idle, and he said to them, “Why are you standing idle here all day?”They tell him: "no one hired us." He says to them: “You also go to my vineyard, and whatever follows, you will receive.”

When evening came, the lord of the vineyard said to his steward, “Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last to the first.”And those who came about the eleventh hour received a denarius each.Those who came first thought that they would receive more, but they also received a denarius each;and, having received, they began to grumble at the owner of the houseand they said: "These last worked one hour, and you made them equal to us, who endured the hardship of the day and the heat."

In response, he said to one of them: “Friend! I don't offend you; Was it not for a denarius that you agreed with me?Take yours and go; I want to give this last Same as you;Am I not in my own power to do what I want? Or is your eye envious because I am kind?

So the last will be first, and the first last, for many are called, but few are chosen.

And going up to Jerusalem, Jesus took the twelve disciples alone on the way, and said to them:behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered up to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death;and hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and beaten and crucified; and rise on the third day.

Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Him with her sons, bowing down and asking something of Him.

He said to her: what do you want?

She says to him: Tell these two my sons to sit with you, one on your right hand and the other on your left in your kingdom.

Jesus said in response: you don't know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I will drink, or be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?

They say to him: we can.

And tells them: you will drink my cup, and with the baptism with which I am baptized you will be baptized, but let me sit on my right hand and on my left, not from me depends but to whom has been prepared by my Father.

Hearing this, others ten students resented the two brothers.

Jesus, calling them, said: you know that the princes of the nations rule over them, and the nobles rule over them;but let it not be so among you: but whoever wants to be greater among you, let him be your servant;and whoever wants to be first among you, let him be your slave;because the Son of Man is not for came to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.

And when they went out of Jericho, many people followed Him.And so, two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was walking by, began to cry: Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!The people forced them to be silent; but they began to shout even louder: have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!

Jesus stopped and called them and said: what do you want from me?

They say to Him: Lord! to open our eyes.

Jesus, having mercy, touched their eyes; and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

20:1-15 The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard
The parable of the workers in the vineyard in connection with the Kingdom of Heaven (with the system of things of Jehovah, where there will be a heavenly government and subjects - inhabitants of the Earth) reveals important information to the Jews of the 1st century: soon their "working day" will end and, God, making calculations with them, will act in an unusual way: it will issue a calculation, starting not from the first, as is customary in common practice, but from the last employees.
As we remember
all the Israelites were the first "workers" of God according to V.Z. (Ex. 4:22). But soon V.Z. was to end, and God had to change workers - "hire" Christians, because it was the Christians who were instructed to spread the word of God and tell about the role of His son - throughout the Earth (Acts 1:8). These changes are shown in the parable. Let's analyze the meaning of its images.

1 For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard
2 And having agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard;
Masterat home- this is Jehovah God, His vineyard is all of Israel, by the 1st century - Judea ( Isaiah 5:1,2 ; Sev. The kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria).Since the Owner "has something to pay with," He, at His discretion, has the right to establish the duration of the "labor period" for His employees and the amount of "wages" for each of them.
The fact that he
manifested himself initiative and began to look for workers in the marketplace, he says that God chooses those who He needs, and not people - His (not from our desire, but from the decision of God).

Marketplace- this is a symbol of the need of workers to work for God or the spiritual need to worship God: God can call only those who have a spiritual need, whoever does not have it will not serve Him (Mat. 5:3).

First workers
- this is all Israel, called to the service of God through the conclusion of V.Z. (Ex. 4:22) . The nature of their activities is described by Jesus for Christians, but the same should have been done by ministers VZ: to cultivate a vineyard means to take care that in general the people of God glorify their heavenly Ruler with wisdom, righteousness and other good fruits (Deut. 4:5-8; John 15:8;16).

Working day
- this is the era of the action of V.Z., but the lesson is also extended for Christianity (in the era of N.Z. and until the end of this century, since Christians will work to save people through the spread of the word of God until the end of this century, Matt. 24:14 ; 1 Tim. 2:3,4).

3 And going out about the third hour, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
4 And he said to them, Go you also into my vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you. They went.
5 And going out again about the sixth and ninth hour, he did the same.
Other employed workers- in the course of serving the Almighty in the era of V.Z. Israel, having adopted Judaism, joined people from other nations and became proselytes, serving Jehovah together with Israel (Ruth 1:16; Esf.8:17; Num.15:14-16; Ezek. 47:21-23). Figuratively speaking, God "hired" them for His service in the era of V.Z.

6 Finally, going out about the eleventh hour, he found others standing idle, and said to them, Why are you standing idle all day long?
7 They tell him: no one hired us. He says to them: Go, you also into my vineyard, and whatever follows, you will receive.

Latest workers - this is "the last" in terms of employment in the era of V.Z. - those who became Christians: the action of V.Z. ended with the death of Jesus Christ, V.Z. - this is only a temporary guide - a schoolmaster to Christ (Rom.10:4; Gal.3:24).

8 And when evening came, the lord of the vineyard said to his steward, Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last to the first. 9 And those who came about the eleventh hour received a denarius each. 10 And those who came first thought that they would receive more, but they also received a denarius each;
Evening - this is the end of the working day - the time of action of V.Z. Jesus shows that after his death, God will do something unusual: He will make the calculation, starting with the last, although this is not the usual practice of employers.

- all workers who agreed to work for God who completed their work with Himuntil the end of the working day , will receive the same - one denarius, regardless of when they were called and how much time and effort they spent on "serving" Him.
A denarius or a reward from God to His servants is ultimately eternal life in the Kingdom of God - in heaven or on earth, it is promised both to the servants of V.Z. and to Christians (Gen. 17:8; Ps. 36:29; Mark .10:29.30). "
Get a denarius "- means ultimately receive this life through a) the first resurrection and b) the second resurrection.
For the 1st century, this meant receiving a "pass" into eternal life - a pledge of the holy spirit: this is precisely the calculation God made with His workers at the end of the Era. - at Pentecost (De.2gl).

Unusual calculation sequence - starting with "last": the first "calculation" was received by Christians. This became clear at Pentecost: the Jews, especially the spiritual elite, knowing the word God, according to the primacy of calling, they had the right to be the first to enter the New Testament and receive the right to occupy the heavenly thrones (become participants in the first resurrection, Rev. 20:6). But because they rejected Jesus Christ, the disciples of Jesus Christ got this right. anointingholy spirit by 120 Christians from the common people showed that the "calculation" was made non-standard (De.2: 1-4). That is, none of the participants in V.Z. who rejected Christ (remaining with V.Z. service) did not receive the holy spirit is a pledge of "candidate" for the first resurrection for life in heaven. However, those of the nobility of the Jews, who later accepted Jesus Christ, also received their "denarius" after some time (Acts 6:7).

Jehovah planned this calculation scheme from the very beginning, since V.Z. - this is only a schoolmaster to Christ (Gal. 3:19,24). So Jesus showed that although the Jews and the Old Testament ministry are important for God as the ministry of the firstborn (Ex. 4:22), but for His final plan (to give eternal life first to 144,000 heavenly co-rulers of Christ, and later to a great multitude of people after the Millennium, Rev. 20:6; 21:3,4) - Christians will have an advantage in God's approval: although they are the last to be called (later than the Jews), however, not Jews, but only Christians, have final significance for Him.
And if a Jew does not become a Christian, then not only will he not be called to the heavenly thrones, but even having a chance to get into the Millennium (as redeemed together with Abraham, Is.29:22) he will not be able to get into Jehovah's eternity.

11 And when they received it, they began to grumble against the owner of the house
12 And they said: These last worked one hour, and you made them equal to us, who endured the burden of the day and the heat.
The non-standard sequence of calculation revealed the reason for the advantage of Christianity, in which the main principle operates - love God and your neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40).
The Old Testament ministry divided society into a privileged "caste" of the government's noble elite and into a people that meant nothing to the nobility (John 7:49). The entire elite considered themselves the only and main workers of God in Judea, because they worked tirelessly for God, bypassing the sea and land. However, but at the same time - they did not love people (Mat. 23:15). Why?
Social division formed in the "first workers" negative qualities (arrogance, envy, self-confidence, contempt for those who work less, etc., Luke 18:10-12) and a misconception about

Jesus, by parables, showed that the reward does not depend on the amount of merit and human efforts, but solely on the mercy of the Creator. Christianity in this sense gives the best spiritual guidelines for the servants of God to be formed into loving and kind-hearted people. And to help for the renewal of the personality, He gives the holy spirit.

Of course, we are not talking about the fact that for the approval of God it is enough to be a poor man from the common people and work little for God: for the approval of God, you need to be a faithful Christian.
But the irony of the situation in the 1st century was that it was precisely those whom the elite of the Jews considered the last nonentities who accepted Christ faster, and therefore at Pentecost they were the first to receive a “pass” into the Kingdom of God:
Matt.21:31 Truly, I say to you that publicans and harlots go ahead of you (the Pharisees) into the kingdom of God.
So the parable about the vineyard not only showed the coming change from Judaism to Christianity, but also revealed evil hearts in the Jews of the 1st century, who boasted of their ostentatious righteousness and piety, showing that it is unacceptable to be like them in Christianity (((

13 And he answered and said to one of them, Friend! I don't offend you; Was it not for a denarius that you agreed with me?
14 Take what is yours and go; I want to give this last [the same] as you;
15 Do I not have the power to do what I want? Or is your eye envious because I am kind?
The non-standard sequence of calculation will serve as a lesson to the "leading" workers: so God will teach them that:
1) one cannot treat Him consumerly and demand something from Him for oneself. He consults with no one and owes nothing to anyone (Is. 40:13; Rom. 11:35). But he wants to show mercy at his own discretion, looking for something good in our hearts (1 Kings 14:13; Ps. 103:8-11).
2) If you want to receive the reward of the Almighty, you should analyze the qualities of your heart and get rid of anger, envy, arrogance, narcissism and self-confidence - regardless of nationality, labor costs and "shared" participation in the work of the Kingdom, as well as position in the assembly.
3) the Jews had to understand: if God planned to make Christians His people, giving the Jews a chance to become their first (the door was opened for the Gentiles later), then those Jews who will not become Christians in this century should not have any resentment: this is Jehovah’s plan so that replace Judaism with Christianity. The Jews, if they do not accept Christ in this century, will be able to receive their "denarius" last - after the Millennium (and even then, on condition that they accept Christ at least in the Millennium).

What lessons can Christians learn from this parable?

Since the working day of Christians lasts until the completion of this system of things, all of them, too, should learn from the conclusion of this parable, summed up by Jesus Christ:

20:16 So the last will be first, and the first last, for many are called, but few are chosen. .
1) Whoever thinks of himself that he is the first in terms of the number of labor costs in the cause of the Kingdom and efforts - may be the last: instead of getting into 144,000 and receiving eternal life in the first place - he may end up on Earth and get access to the tree eternal life only after the Millennium;
2) the reward does not depend on the amount of merit and human efforts, but solely on the mercy of the Creator;
3) a consumer attitude towards Jehovah is unacceptable, He owes nothing to anyone (Rom. 11:35), but wants to show mercy according to His desire, looking for something good in our hearts;
4) you should analyze the quality of your heart and get rid of anger, envy, arrogance, narcissism, self-confidence and not consider yourself better than others - regardless of nationality, labor costs and "share" participation in the work of the Kingdom, as well as position in the congregation.

By and large, these words of Christ should also be attributed to a life position - in principle: do not exalt yourself before others, not only among the gatherings of fellow believers, but also in the world. For you can magnify yourself because you consider yourself a part of the people of God (like the Jews of the 1st century, for example), but in the eyes of God - turn out to be worse than worldly sinners (like the Pharisees, for example, turned out to be worse in the eyes of God than tax collectors and harlots).
More on the application of this parable to the servants of God today -

However, the disciples still hear the words of Christ superficially, not knowing the whole tragedy of the situation with their teacher, and therefore they fuss about the personal, about their own, and not about God: it was not yet time for them to know the meaning of Christ's words about the suffering from Jerusalem.

20:20-22 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Him with her sons, bowing down and asking something of Him. 21 He said to her, What do you want? She says to him: Tell these two my sons to sit with you, one on your right hand and the other on your left in your kingdom.
22 Jesus answered and said, You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I will drink, or be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized? They say to him: we can.
The words of Christ about the imminent death and resurrection were perceived by some disciples very practically with the intention to arrange in advance for themselves the dominant places next to Christ, for there is no closer place than to sit behind the thrones on the right and left of him.

don't know what you are asking . Neither the mother-beggar, nor her sons really had any idea WHAT they were asking from Christ, begging only for places next to Christ, although they said that “we can drink your cup.”

The path of those who want to be close to Christ is not easy, you will not envy, for to whom much is given, much will be asked of him, and the trials will be more serious, for the closer a person comes to Christ, the more delicious he is for Satan to deceive him. Therefore, Christ’s associates gather a little from the earth for the heavenly thrones, for it is said that in heavenly Zion with Christ there are only 144,000 standing nearby, who have passed their earthly path in the footsteps of Christ, for they follow the Lamb wherever he goes – Rev. . 14:1-5

20:23 And he says to them: You will drink My cup, and with the baptism with which I am baptized you will be baptized, but let me sit on my right hand and on my left - not from Me [depends], but to whom it is prepared by My Father.
Even though Christ said: all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me- Matt.28:18 - Jesus knew that it would not be him, but his Father who would seat the co-rulers in heaven.
This text of Scripture shows all those who stand for the equality of Jesus and Jehovah - in ESSENCE. It turns out that there is no equality: even the resurrected Jesus is less than his Father, not only being in the flesh, but less - in principle and to the extent that the son is less than the father.

And let's also note: the first places on the heavenly thrones - God has determined for someone. That is, this appointment is not accidental, a person will not be able to break through with his elbows, pushing everyone aside and clearing his way, walking over their heads; not by the power of human places on heavenly thrones will they be engaged. This means that God will provide the most optimal government by placing in responsible places the most suitable people, redeemed from earth for heavenly life.

20:24,25 Hearing [this, the others] ten [disciples] were indignant at the two brothers.
25 But Jesus called them, and said, You know,
It describes the conflict situation and the way out of it, found by Christ, without loss and tragedy for the participants in indignation. Of all the possible solutions to such a situation - Jesus did not:
1) To condemn two brothers who asked to be closer to him.
2) Take the side of those who are justly indignant at them.
3) Keep silent, giving this opportunity to 10 "deal" with these 2 - by yourself.
4) Reproach their mother, saying: "It's your fault, woman, because you are the instigator of the conflict!"

He made the only right decision. I appealed to their minds, finding a common platform, a foundation FOR ALL - with the phrase: "You know ...."

that the princes of the nations rule over them, and the nobles rule over them;
And then Christ gave a wonderful example, without going over to the personalities of the conflicting parties. Here it is, heavenly diplomacy in action! If this problem were solved in an earthly way, cones would be "stuffed" with each other a lot, turning to personalities.

20:26,27 but let it not be so among you: but whoever wants to be great among you, let him be your servant; Jesus shows the essence of the heads of this world: the desire to dominate, command, oppress subjects and have them running errands for their own good and their own pleasure - this is what is the goal of taking government places in the world. Christians should not be like this:

27 And whoever wants to be first among you, let him be your slave;

who wants to be great among you, let him be your servant
If at that moment any of the apostles had the idea that the co-rulers of Christ would be the same heads as the heads in the world, then they needed to correct their idea about this: not for the sake of thrones and not for the sake of status, one should strive to be close to Christ, but in order to be able to do more for people and more to serve them themselves.
That is, the kings are just “on errands” for the subjects of Christ, and not vice versa; kings work to ensure that their subjects live well, and not vice versa.

20:28 for the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.
Which of the modern, for example, ANY rulers is able to give his life for his subjects? Nobody. On the contrary, almost always subjects part with their lives for the sake of the ruler and his ideas, and the rulers will also help them in this ...
And Jesus came as a future king not at all in order to look for servants here for himself, but in order to serve his own life for the redemption of many people. This is the meaning of Christ's reign: not to live for your own pleasure, but for the good of others. This meaning of Christianity - his disciples have not yet been able to accommodate.

20:29-34 Healing of two blind men.
And when they went out of Jericho, many people followed Him.
30 And behold, two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, began to cry out: Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!
31 And the people made them keep silent; but they began to shout even louder: have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!
32 Jesus stopped and called them and said, What do you want from me?
33 They say to him: Lord! to open our eyes.
34 But Jesus, being merciful, touched their eyes; and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.
The people forced them to be silent . Humanity has such a strange inclination: to answer FOR SOMEONE. In this case, they tried to answer instead of Christ and, moreover, they were sure that they were doing the right thing, forcing the blind to shut up, and - with the best of intentions: they say, do not distract Christ, he is tired and loaded without you. Although the blind did not turn to the people for healing, but to Jesus. Jesus had to be asked to answer them.

They concluded for themselves: if they ask NOT ME, and the one who is asked is nearby and may well answer for himself, then it is not worth interfering in a conversation between two. Unless there is something to say, but then before you say your opinion, it does not hurt to ask permission from both sides.

but they began to shout even louder: have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!
The blind, however, ignored the advice of the people to be silent and waited for an answer from the one who was asked. And for their diligence in the desire to receive an answer from Christ, they were rewarded and received their sight.
It is the same in spiritual blindness: many, on behalf of Christ, are in a hurry to express his point of view on many questions, but it would be reasonable to make sure from the Scriptures, but do they say the point of view of Christ, or maybe their own? – Acts 17:11. What if they do not speak as Christ would say?
Whoever wants to receive an answer from Christ, he will not rush to accept any answers, but will seek an answer from Christ, comparing what he is told with the word of God, checking from Scripture whether this is exactly the case according to the example of the Bereans.

And another thought: sometimes we are told in the congregations of fellow believers: “endure and be silent about your infirmities.” In principle, two blind men could also endure and remain silent. And wait for the resurrection, because after the resurrection they would receive healing, like everyone else. But they did not wait, but persistently appealed to the one who was able to help them. This is how we can do it: God and Christ are not indifferent to what happens to Christians. And the prayers of those who call to them - they hear. And they can help if they see fit.

Likewise, there is the kingdom of heaven for a man who is housewife, who has gone out (green) in the morning to find laborers in his vineyard. And having consulted with the laborers for a penny a day, she sent them into her vineyards. And he went out at the third hour, seeing another standing idle in the marketplace: And thus he said: Go, you also into my vineyard, and if it be righteousness, I will give it to you. They are Idosha. Paki went out at the sixth and ninth hour, do the same. In one ten hour, having gone out, you found others standing idle, and said to them: Why are you standing here all the day idle? Saying to him, as if no one hired us. She said to them: go you also into my vineyard, and take it in righteousness.

Jesus is the kingdom of heaven and He is like a man, for He also took on our image. He is also the master of the house, for he rules over the house, that is, over the church. This householder Christ came out of the bowels of the Father and hires laborers into the vineyard, that is, to fulfill the commandments and study the Scriptures. He hires each of us to cultivate the vineyard, that is, his own soul, but hires one in the morning, that is, at a young age, another at the third hour, that is, about twenty-five years old, others at the sixth and ninth hours, that is, thirty years of age and in general at a man's age, and at the eleventh hour - the elders, for many who believed in old age received salvation. Or in other words: a day means the present age, in which, as in days, we do things. The Lord called at the first hour of the day the Epoch, his contemporaries and Noah, at the third - Abraham, at the sixth - Moses and those who lived in his time, at the ninth the prophets, and at the eleventh, that is, at the end of the ages, we - the Gentiles, who did not one good deed, since no one hired pagans; for no prophet was sent to them.

In the evening, the lord of the grapes said to his steward: call the laborers, and give them a reward, started from the last to the first. And when he came, even at one ten hour, he came down on a penny. When the first ones come, they will accept me as a higher one: both come and tie for a penny. But he received a murmur against the master, saying: as if these were the last one hour you did, and you created them equal to us, who bore the burden of the day and war. He answering their one speech: friend, I will not offend you: did you not consult with me on a penny? Take what is yours and go: I want to give to this last one, as well as to you. Or is it impossible to create a hedgehog in my own mind? if your eye is evil, how am I good? Taco will be the last of the first, and the first of the last: many are called, but few are chosen.

The evening is the end of the age: at the end, everyone receives a denarius, that is, the grace of the Holy Spirit, which renews a person in the image and makes him a partaker of the Divine nature. Those who lived before the coming of Christ labored harder, for at that time death was not yet destroyed, the devil was not crushed, and sin was still alive; and we, by the grace of Christ, justified by baptism, receive the power to overcome our enemy, already deposed and put to death by Christ. According to the first interpretation, those who in their youth believed and followed Christ endured more labor than those who converted in old age; for young men in the struggle with passions feel heaviness from their own movements of anger and sensual desire, while the old ones remain calm, yet all are rewarded with one gift of the Holy Spirit. - This parable teaches us that if someone repents even in old age, he will be worthy of the kingdom (heavenly), for old age is the eleventh hour. Will not the saints envy those who have received equal grace with them? No. From this it can only be seen that so many and so inexpressible blessings are prepared for the righteous that they could arouse envy.

And as Jesus went up to Jerusalem, they gave a drink to ten disciples one on the way, and said to them: Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed as a bishop and a scribe: and they will condemn Him to death, the third day will rise. Then come to Him the mother of the son of Zebedee with her son, bowing and asking something from Him. And he said to her: What do you want? He said, Let these two sons of mine sit, one at Your right hand, and one at Your left, in Your kingdom.

The sons of Zebedee thought that if the Lord went to Jerusalem, he would become the king of an earthly kingdom, because they often heard from Him the words: We ascend to Jerusalem. Therefore, they were carried away by human thoughts and forced the mother to approach Jesus, being ashamed to openly approach Him themselves, although they approached Him secretly, according to Mark; for he says that James and John came to him, that is, they approached him secretly and in private.

Having left the mother of the sons of Zebedee, the Lord speaks to her sons themselves, in order to show that He knows that they forced the mother to speak to Him. He tells them: you do not know what you are asking, for what you are asking is beyond the mind, beyond the Angelic forces themselves: you strive for glory, and I call you to death. Thus spoke He to them, wishing to turn them away from such thoughts. A offers the question not out of ignorance, but desiring that by answering them, of necessity, they would reveal their secret illness and try to fulfill the promise. For He seems to be saying this: since no one can be a participant in my kingdom, if he does not partake of my suffering, then tell Me, can you suffer in a similar way? He calls his suffering and death the cup, at the same time showing that it is easy to drink the cup, so we can not be afraid to go to death for Christ; besides this, it also shows that He Himself gladly goes to death. Just as one who drinks the cup of wine soon falls asleep weighed down by the drink, so the one who drinks the cup of suffering sinks into the sleep of death. He calls his death baptism, because by it he has accomplished the cleansing of our souls. They made a promise without understanding what they were saying and promising everything to get what they wanted.

I know that you will suffer and die, and it really happened: Jacob killed Herod, John condemned Trajan for witnessing the truth. The words: sit down on my right hand and on my left, mean: if there is a person who, drinking the cup of torment, will have all the other virtues, then he will receive a gift; because the gift is prepared for the worker, just as crowns are prepared for warriors. So, if at the opening of the horse competition, in the presence of the distributor of awards to the king, someone who did not participate in the drawing appeared and said to him - give me a crown, although I did not participate in the drawing, the king would say to him: I cannot give a crown for nothing , it is prepared for the one who fled and won the victory. Similarly, Christ says here: I cannot give you a right place next to me for free, because it is prepared for others who have worked harder. Therefore I say to you, the sons of Zebedee, that you will suffer and die for my sake. But if someone during martyrdom has all the other virtues, he will be greater than you. Of course, you will ask: who will sit there? Know that nobody. This place belongs only to the Divine nature: to whom the angel said when: sit at the right hand of Me(Heb. 1:13)? Nobody. Thus spoke the Lord to them, referring to the degree of their understanding; for they did not know that when the Lord also spoke about sitting on twelve thrones, he meant the future glory, which had to be revealed to them for virtue. Therefore, they asked for such graying without understanding it.

And hearing ten indignant about both brother. And Jesus, having called them, said: I know that the princes of the tongue rule over them, and the great ones rule over them. It will not be the same in you: but if the greater one wants to be in you, let there be a servant to you: And if he wants to be the first in you, be a servant to you: For the Son of man will not come, that they will serve Him, but serve, and give His soul is a deliverance for many.

When ten saw that Christ had denounced those two, they also became indignant and through that discovered in themselves a desire for the same honor. For they were still imperfect, and two wished to exalt themselves above the ten, and the ten envied the two. And since the ten were confused when they heard (such words from Jesus Christ); then Jesus, wanting to calm them down, calls them to Himself, for only the sons of Zebedee were with Him and talked with Him. He speaks to all, knowing that primacy needs severe rebuke, and speaks bitter words to them, classifying them among the heathen and infidels, if they want to seek glory, and thus shames them. next speech: some people, having superiors, magnify themselves as if something great belongs to them: but to love the authorities is a pagan passion, and My disciples are recognized by humility and accept honor for humility. Therefore, whoever wants to be great must also serve the last: for this is the highest humility. This I showed in Myself, when, being the lord and king of heaven, I humbled Myself to serve for your salvation, and moreover, in such a way that I am ready to give My life for the deliverance of many, that is, all, for all are many.

And I proceeded to Him from Jericho; many people followed Him. And behold, two blind men sitting by the way, hearing that Jesus was passing by, crying out saying: Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David. But let the people keep silence for the ima: she is more crying out, saying: have mercy on us. Lord Son of David. And when Jesus arose, I cried out and said, What will you want me to do to you? He said to him: Lord, let our eyes be opened. But when Jesus was merciful, I touched their eyes;

The blind, hearing about Christ, came to know Him, and knowing that He was passing by, took advantage of this time. They believed that Jesus, descended from the seed of David according to the flesh, could heal them. And since they had ardent faith, they did not remain silent, in spite of the prohibition, but cried out even more; therefore Jesus does not ask them whether they have faith, but what they want, lest anyone think that they want one thing, but He gives them another. It also shows that they are not asking for pieces of silver, but for healing. He heals them by touch, so that we may know that every member of His Holy flesh is a life-giving and Divine member. True, Luke and Mark speak of the same blind man, but this does not lead to disagreement, because they mentioned the most famous blind man. Or in other words: Luke says that Jesus healed the blind man before entering Jericho, and Mark that after leaving Jericho, Matthew, for brevity, mentioned both of them suddenly. Note also that the blind were Gentiles, and were healed by Christ in passing: because Christ came mainly not for the Gentiles, but for the Israelites; and just as the blind knew Jesus by hearing, so the Gentiles believed in Christ by hearing. Those who forbid the blind to call on the name of Jesus are the persecutors and tormentors who attempted to forbid the preaching of the Church. But she confessed the name of Christ even more, and therefore received healing, having clearly seen the true light, and began to follow Christ, imitating Him in her life.

Synodal translation. The chapter was voiced according to the roles by the Light in the East studio.

1. For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.
2. And having agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard;
3 going out about the third hour, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace,
4. And he said to them, “You also go into my vineyard, and whatever is right, I will give you.” They went.
5. Going out again about the sixth and ninth hours, he did the same.
6. Finally, going out about the eleventh hour, he found others standing idle, and he said to them, “Why are you standing idle here all day?”
7. They tell him: "no one hired us." He says to them: "Go and you into my vineyard, and what will follow, you will receive."
8. When evening came, the lord of the vineyard said to his steward, "Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last to the first."
9. And those who came about the eleventh hour received a denarius each.
10. And those who came first thought that they would receive more, but they also received a denarius each;
11. and, having received, they began to grumble against the owner of the house
12. And they said: "These last worked one hour, and you made them equal to us, who endured the burden of the day and the heat."
13. He answered one of them, “Friend! I don't offend you; Was it not for a denarius that you agreed with me?
14. take yours and go; but I want to give this latter the same as I give you;
15. Am I not in my power to do what I want? Or is your eye envious because I am kind?
16. So the last will be first, and the first last, for many are called, but few are chosen.
17. And going up to Jerusalem Jesus took the twelve disciples alone on the way, and said to them:
18. behold, we ascend to Jerusalem and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death;
19. And they will hand him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and beaten and crucified; and rise on the third day.
20. Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, bowing down and asking something of him.
21. He said to her: what do you want? She says to him: Tell these two my sons to sit with you, one on your right hand and the other on your left in your kingdom.
22. Jesus answered and said, You do not know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup that I will drink, or be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized? They say to him: we can.
23. And he says to them: You will drink My cup, and with the baptism with which I am baptized you will be baptized;
24. Hearing this, the other ten disciples were angry with the two brothers.
25 And Jesus, having called them, said: You know that the princes of the nations rule over them, and the nobles rule over them;
26 But let it not be so among you: but whoever wants to be great among you, let him be your servant;
27. And whoever wants to be first among you, let him be your slave;
28. for the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.
29. And when they went out of Jericho, many people followed Him.
30. And behold, two blind men sitting by the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, began to cry: Have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!
31. The people made them keep silent; but they began to shout even louder: have mercy on us, Lord, Son of David!
32. Jesus, stopping, called them and said: what do you want from me?
33. They say to Him: Lord! to open our eyes.
34. And Jesus, being merciful, touched their eyes; and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.