The correctness of speech means its conformity. Abstract: Correctness of speech


Incorrect use of words leads to errors in the field of thought and then in the practice of life.

Dm. Pisarev

The requirement for the correctness of speech applies not only to vocabulary - it also applies to grammar, word formation, pronunciation, stress, and in writing- Spelling and punctuation. Compliance with the norm is the main condition for the culture of speech.

Norma language variants are called, the most common of the coexisting ones, entrenched in the practice of exemplary use and performing their function in the best way. The norm is a historical category. Being to a certain extent stable, stable, which is the basis of its functioning, the norm is at the same time subject to change, which follows from the nature of the language as a social phenomenon, which is in constant development together with the creator and native speaker - society.

The well-known mobility of the linguistic norm sometimes leads to the fact that for the same linguistic phenomenon there is at certain time intervals not only one regulated way of expression, but more: the former norm has not yet been lost, but along with it a new one arises (cf. pronunciation of adjectives naked, - cue, - cue type strict, short, quiet or verbs bend, nod, nod type stretch, push, push both hard and soft sounds g, k, x; double stress in the words otherwise, cottage cheese, etc .; doublet forms of type a lot of people - a lot of people, a cup of tea - a cup of tea etc.). Existence of double norms literary language that have arisen in the course of historical development, does not exclude the parallel existence of linguistic variants associated with the presence in the complex system of the language of its individual varieties - functional styles, in which variant forms are used in different ways. (Compare book and colloquial endings: on vacation - on vacation, workshops - workshops, determine - determine and etc.). The resulting diversity in unity does not destroy the norm itself, but makes it a more subtle tool for selecting linguistic means in stylistic terms.

Correct word choice

The correctness of our speech depends on whether we use words in accordance with their exact meaning and stylistic coloring. Unfortunately, we often do not think about it and admit stylistic errors in word usage.

For example, they write: Foxes are shedding, martens will soon have an inheritance(meaning, of course, offspring); And our Far Eastern birch trees stand in a wedding shroud(the author confused the shroud with a veil).

If the stylistic coloring of the word is not taken into account, inappropriate comedy may appear in the speech: The management seized on this valuable offer.(could have written: took advantage this valuable suggestion... appreciate this suggestion etc.). If you do not seek to give speech a humorous tone, then you should not combine vernacular words with bookish or neutral ones.

It is also inappropriate to use high, solemn words in combination with ordinary, neutral ones, for example: Ivanov - champion of fuel economy(you could just say... made a proposal to save fuel or Ivanov - the initiator of fuel economy); By the end of the shift, everyone was tired, but the movements of the mistress of the electric crane are not fussy, accurate.(why not just write - crane operators). In such cases, there is no direct violation of lexical norms, but ignorance of them, neglect of stylistic marks that are given in explanatory dictionaries for the words we have highlighted, is obvious.

For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning and stylistic features, it is also necessary to take into account their lexical compatibility, that is, the ability of words to connect with each other. The requirements of lexical compatibility are violated, for example, in the following statement: Most of the time was spent writing unnecessary reports. Word majority combined with words denoting objects that can be counted: most books, most students etc.; the word does not satisfy this condition time. Therefore, you should have written: most of the time.

Often, in seemingly identical conditions, certain restrictions are imposed on lexical compatibility. Yes, adjective deep matches with words autumn, winter, night but you can't say deep summer, deep spring, deep morning. very similar words long, lengthy, lengthy, lengthy, lengthy are "attracted" to nouns in different ways: a long period and extended period(but not long, not long, not long term); long way, long way but long-term fees, long-term credit. Words with the same meaning can have different lexical combinability: a true friend is a genuine document.

It should also not be forgotten that sometimes words seem to be suitable for expressing one or another meaning, but “do not want” to be combined into phrases. So we say: bow your head and kneel down but not vice versa - "bow your head" and "kneel"; can win a victory and fail. But if you hear from a commentator on the radio: In these competitions, the athlete was defeated, you will involuntarily think: there is some kind of mistake here, maybe the commentator misspoke, and the athlete still won?

You can recall many combinations of words in which lexical substitutions are unacceptable. They say: cause grief (trouble), but one cannot "cause joy" (pleasure). Possible combination bosom friend, but there is no "bosom friend". Sounds like a weird combination "Congratulations on your anniversary" etc.

All words that have one or the other lexical meaning, can be roughly divided into two groups. The words of one group are characterized by compatibility, practically unlimited within their subject-logical connections ( big, small, red, black, light, heavy, hot, cold etc., that is, adjectives characterizing the physical properties of objects; man, tree, table, house- nouns with specific meaning; work, live, see, know - many verbs, etc.). Another group is formed by words that have limited compatibility ( bosom, win, inflict and etc.). These words require special attention from the point of view of the lexical norm.

Violation of lexical compatibility can become a stylistic device if the writer tries to give the speech a humorous coloring. (Genre doomed to success- about parody) or surprise the reader (Memories of the future, Alone with everyone). We find many amusing examples of such “violations” among satirical writers: Finally, the government achieved a significant deterioration in the life of the people; This year we have suffered another event - humanitarian aid from the West; An apple with a mole; ebullient lazybones(Ilf and Petrov); Single fox terrier(L. Lench). Wed in poetry by Vladimir Vysotsky: Poets walk with their heels on the blade of a knife and cut their bare souls into blood; By morning, they shot the silent mountain echo ... And the stones splashed like tears from the wounded rocks.

How to use parts of speech correctly

Features of the use of nouns

The category of gender, the category of case and the category of number are the main ones for nouns. This means that, as a rule, each noun belongs to one of three genders, changes in cases and numbers. For us in this book, variant forms are of interest, among which there are more preferable in context.

Forms of the genus

The gender category is very stable: if it was once established that the word house- male, room - female, window- of the middle gender, so it has been preserved for many centuries. True, in some cases the gender of the noun has changed, for example: the old forms shoulder strap, rail, sanatorium replaced by modern shoulder strap, rail, sanatorium. More often, feminine forms gave way to masculine forms, which is explained by the influence of the law of linguistic economy (longer forms and constructions were replaced by shorter ones).

At the same time, we note the coexistence of parallel forms, for example: banknote - banknotes, aviary - aviary, dahlia - dahlia, worm - worm, gelatin - gelatin(specialist.), giraffe - giraffe, key - keys(more often in technology) cuff - cuff(more often in technology), rick - rick, spasm - spasm(prof.), shutter - shutter.

In some cases, forms of different kinds have different meanings, for example: headset(furniture, linen)

- headset(fonts), heat(in the body, in the oven) - heat(heat), hall(front room in a private house) - Hall(room for meetings, for classes), curtain(theatrical) - curtain(curtain), career(place of open-pit mining; accelerated gallop, fast gait) - career(promotion, achievement of fame), skittle(type letter size) - pin(wooden post for the game), manners(in expressions in this manner, in a new manner) - manner(mode of action, external forms of behavior), county(subdivision of the state territory) - districts(neighbourhood).

Paired with method - method(a system of techniques in any activity) the second word has an outdated or special connotation.

Word report card in the feminine form is preserved only in combination ranking table.

fluctuations in kind found in nouns with y φ - fixes of subjective assessment (with the value of magnification). Among words with suffix - ina- three groups are distinguished: a) masculine words: voice - golosina, rain - rain, house - domina(but in the accusative case, the definition with these words has a feminine form: a thunderous voice, a tropical rain, a huge domino; b) feminine words: passport - passport, trunk - stem, snowdrift - snowdrift; c) general words: well done - well done, cattle - cattle, freak - ugly.

Fluctuations in the genus are observed in indeclinable nouns. Yes, the word coffee refers to the masculine gender, and in colloquial speech to the middle one.

As a rule, indeclinable nouns denoting inanimate objects belong to the neuter gender, but there are a number of exceptions for words of foreign origin. Most often, these are words that are part of a more general, generic concept that has a different grammatical gender. So, the indeclinable nouns included in the concept of "language" are masculine: Bengali, Pashto, Hindi and etc. Esperanto word used in both masculine and neuter genders. Word sirocco - masculine gender (under the influence of the word wind). The words take-take(disease), kohlrabi(cabbage), salami(sausage) - feminine. Word riding breeches not only the neuter gender, but also the plural (trousers).

Indeclinable foreign words denoting animated objects (animals, birds, etc.) are masculine: gray kangaroo, little chimpanzee, Asian zebu, funny pony, pink cockatoo. But: hummingbird, kiwi kiwi- feminine (under the influence of the word bird). Same iwashi(fish, herring), tsetse(fly).

But if the context indicates a female, then the animal names are feminine: The kangaroo carried a kangaroo in a bag; The chimpanzee was feeding the baby.

Indeclinable nouns of foreign origin denoting persons are either masculine or feminine in relation to the real gender of the designated person: a rich rentier, a weary coolie, an old lady, a simple-hearted ingénue. The same for proper names: great Verdi, poor Mimi. Words are bigeneric counterpart (.my counterpart is my counterpart), protégé, incognito.

The gender of indeclinable nouns denoting geographical names (cities, rivers, lakes, etc.) is determined by the grammatical gender of a common noun denoting a generic concept (i.e., by the type of words city, river, lake etc.): sunny Batumi, wide Mississippi, full-flowing Ontario, picturesque Capri(island), inaccessible Jungfrau(mountain).

On the same basis, the grammatical gender of indeclinable names of press organs is determined: The Times(newspaper) published...; "Figaro literer"(magazine) published...

Parallel masculine and feminine forms are easily formed when designating persons if a given specialty (profession, occupation) is equally connected with both male and female labor: laboratory assistant - laboratory assistant, seller - saleswoman, athlete - athlete, weaver - weaver etc. But feminine pairs with suffixes - their-a, - sh-a limited use. Their distribution is hindered, on the one hand, by the possibility of ambiguity due to the inherent ambiguity of some words of this type: words such as janitor, watchman, doctor, engineer, can be understood as the names of a person by occupation or as the names of a wife by her husband. Such formations have a reduced, sometimes dismissive connotation of meaning: doctor, Swiss, accountant, conductor. It is possible that undesirable associations with the names of animals also affect: elephant - elephant, hare - hare. In isolated cases, forms associated with professional speech appear: swimmer, sprinter.

The grammatical gender of compound words like sofa bed, cafe-dining room is determined by the semantic relations between the parts of a compound word: the leading component is a word with a broader or more specific meaning. So we say: cafe-dining room renovated(female, since the word canteen- a broader concept); vending machine open(zh.r., since the word is the bearer of a specific meaning diner); the chair-bed was in the corner(one of the types of chairs is conceived, the second part acts as a clarifying one); lay a rolled-up raincoat(tent in the form of a raincoat, not a raincoat in the form of a tent). The order of the parts of a compound word, the inclination or inflexibility of one of the components also plays a role.

Usually in the first place is the leading word, the gender of which determines the gender of the whole, for example: the library-museum acquired new manuscripts(cf .: the museum-library acquired new manuscripts); showcase-stand placed in the corridor; the plant-laboratory completed an urgent order; club-reading room is closed for renovation; reference book sold out; the romance song became popular; the postcard has been delivered to the addressee; a dressing gown hung on a hanger; the shelf-counter is littered with books; the launch vehicle went into orbit; the story-sketch is original; the rocking machine is designed successfully; invoice issued on time; the table-poster attracted the attention of tourists; the theater-studio brought up many talented actors; the lesson-lecture lasted for an hour; bracelet watch bought for a gift; drawer-nightstand is filled with knick-knacks. But: "Roman-newspaper" was published in large circulation(the first part is not inclined, cf.: in "Roman-gazeta", and not in "Roman-gazeta").

The grammatical gender of a compound word (abbreviation) is defined as follows:

1) if the abbreviation is declined, then its gender is determined by the grammatical principle: Our university(m.s.) announced a new enrollment of students. NEP(m.s.) was a transitional period;

2) if the abbreviation is not inclined, then its gender is determined by the gender of the leading word of the deciphered compound name: Moscow State University - m. (Moscow State University), general store- cf. R. (rural consumer society).

The genus of foreign language abbreviations is determined by meaning, for example: UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) sent a representative FIDE (International Chess Organization) approved the composition of the participants of the tournament.

It remains to add that only generally understood, widely used abbreviations can be used. And it is unlikely that such a slogan decorates the speech: Hello delegates MADI, KADI, HADI(Moscow, Kyiv and Kharkov road institutes).

Features in the declension of some nouns

Some words and phrases have features in declension - variant case forms, associated with belonging to different styles of speech or with the presence of outdated and modern options.

The words house, fence etc. (masculine) are declined according to the type of masculine nouns - neuter: house, house, house, house, house, about house. But in colloquial speech, forms of indirect cases are often found. house, house, house, for example: The peasant-bobyl did not even have a poor little house.

Variant case forms are found in nouns, which include a numeral floor-(half): half an hour, half a dozen, half a watermelon. with shape floor- similar words are used in the nominative-accusative case, in other oblique cases floor- in book speech changes to semi-. Wed: there was not a single minute left of half an hour; three more were added to half a dozen pencils; in a semi-watermelon there were three kilograms of weight. Hence the two forms: half a word - half a word, half a year - six months earlier, half a dozen - half a dozen.

Variant forms are observed in some compound words: in restaurant car - in a restaurant car, at a match tournament - at a tournament match, in the midst of a masquerade ball - in the midst of a masquerade ball. The first forms, more economical, are inherent in colloquial speech, the second - in book. A similar phenomenon is noted for the combination Moscow river: both parts are inclined in bookish speech (on the Moscow River, behind the Moscow River), in colloquial - the first part retains the initial form in oblique cases (on the Moscow River, behind the Moscow River).

When declining combinations such as may Day(derived from the combination "the first day of the month of May"), only the first part changes: to the first of May.

Features of the declension of names and surnames

Slavic names for - about type Danilo, Levko, Marco, Petro decline like common nouns: Levka, at Mark. Gorky's name Danko does not bow.

Surnames of Slavic origin - oh, - e(often in sound composition they coincide with common nouns) do not decline: Throat, Kaleno, Craft, Salo, Shilo etc.

Foreign names and surnames tend to consonants: novels by Jules Verne, Mark Twain(not: novels by Jules Verne, Mark Twain). Russian and foreign surnames tend to consonants if they refer to men, and do not decline if they refer to women: student Remchuk - student Remchuk, Adam Mickiewicz - Maria Mickiewicz.

However, if the surname is consonant with the name of an animal or inanimate object (Goose, Belt, Head of cabbage), then often she does not decline in order to avoid unusual combinations: at Comrade Goose's, with Citizen Belt. At the same time, they try to enter a first name, patronymic, job title, etc.: works by Sergei Yakovlevich Kochan.

Word comrade leans with a female surname: at comrade Ivanova(not: at comrade Ivanova).

Surnames don't inflect - ago, - yago, - oh, -them, - ovo: Shambinago, Dubyago, Gray-haired, Long, Durnovo, Zhivago.

Non-Russian surnames into unstressed - and I I tend to: sonnets of Petrarch, the work of Pablo Neruda. Wed Georgian and Japanese surnames: songs of Okudzhava, anniversary of Saint-Katayama.

Finnish surnames do not bow to - a: meeting with Kuusela. Ukrainian surnames on - ko (-enko) usually do not decline: the Franko theatre, Korolenko's stories, Shevchenko's anniversary.

In Russian double surnames, the first part is declined if it in itself denotes a surname: production by Nemirovich-Danchenko, music by Ippolitov-Ivanov. If the first does not form a surname, then it does not decline: the role of Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky, the sculpture of Demut-Malinovsky.

Fluctuations in the number are observed in the use of non-Russian surnames in cases where the surname refers to two persons. This is the practice:

1) if the surname has two male names, then it is usually put in the plural: Heinrich and Thomas Mann, Edmond and Jules de Goncourt; father and son of Oistrakhi;

2) with two female names, the surname is put in the singular: Tamara and Irina Press;

3) if the surname is accompanied by male and female names, then it retains the singular form: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt; the same with combinations mister and mistress, lord and lady etc.: mister and Mrs Rainer, Lord and Lady Hamilton.

However, with combinations husband and wife, brother and sister The surname is more often used in the plural form: husband and wife of Estrema, brother and sister of Niringa;

4) at the word spouses The surname is put in the singular form: spouses Kent;

5) at the word brothers or sisters the surname is more often put in the singular: Adelheim brothers, Koch sisters; but Weiner brothers.

Female names with a soft consonant of Biblical type origin Rachel, Ruth, Judith lean: at Rachel With Judith. Women's names are not inclined Nicole, Ninel, Rachel and etc.

Variants of case endings of nouns

A few remarks about variant case endings. Variant forms of the genitive case of the singular masculine nouns coexist a lot of people - a lot of people, a cup of tea - a cup of tea.

Foreman - at (- Yu) occurs in the following cases:

1) for nouns with a real value when indicating a quantity, that is, to indicate a part of a whole: kilogram of sugar(cf.: taste of sugar), get kerosene(cf.: the smell of kerosene); there is currently such a trend: with a specific designation of quantity ( a ton of sugar, a kilogram of glue) the most commonly used form - and I), and in verb combinations denoting weight (mass), the form is generally used on - y (-y), for example: get tesu, chalk, turpentine, buy onions, rice, cheese; if there is a definition, the form is used on - a (-z): a glass of hot tea, nouns with a diminutive suffix are usually used with the accented ending - y: drink tea, kvass, eat honey, cheese;

2) for abstract nouns, if the indicated shade of quantitative meaning is expressed: make noise, talk nonsense;

3) for some nouns with a collective meaning: a lot of people(cf.: history of the people);

4) in stable expressions: a week without a year, no laughing matter, eye to eye, with the world on a string, there is no end-edge, give a blunder, give in to steam, confuse, our regiment has arrived, without clan and tribe, no doubt, pick up the pace and etc.;

5) after prepositions from, from, with when denoting removal from somewhere or the reason for the action; after preposition before(in an attainable sense); after preposition without when indicating the absence of something; after particle nor: twenty years old, starve to death, scream in fright, dance until you drop, talk incessantly, you need to hurt yourself(in some examples - adverbial meaning), not a step further neither hearing or spirit, not was never etc.;

6) in negative sentences: do not show the mind, there is not enough spirit, there is no peace, there is no wear and tear, there is no end, there was no refusal etc.

In some cases, it is possible to differentiate the meanings of forms by - y (-y) and on - and I). So, get out of the house means "get out of your house" leave the house can mean "to leave a building of a certain type" or "to leave a designated house"; leave home(for a while) - leave home(leave family) no forest(missing forest) - no forest(no building material).

It should be noted that the forms - y (-y) descending: there is a trim under the general model of the genitive case with an ending in - and I). So, in the dictionary of V.I. Dahl quotes a well-known proverb in the following edition: A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey, and in modern dictionaries: A fly in the ointment.

Variants of endings - y (- e) are also found in the form of the prepositional case of the singular masculine nouns of the type on vacation - on vacation, in the shop - in the shop. They are associated with various conditions for their emergence and development, such as the syntactic role of the prepositional combination and the meaning they express (cf.: work at home - roof on the house), fixing one of the forms in stable turns (cf .: boil in its own juice - sugar in cherry juice), the presence or absence of a definition with a noun (cf.: in the wind - in a through wind), stylistic connotation (bookish or colloquial), etc.

Most often, the difference between both forms of the prepositional case is expressed in the fact that the form on - e inherent object meaning, and the form on - at- adverbial, if there are prepositions with nouns in and on the. Wed: grows in the forest - knows a lot about the forest, stay on weight - gain on weight; to be in the ranks - in the ranks of a simple sentence; this happened last year - scientists from many countries took part in the International Physical Year. Wed also: mushrooms in the forest - play one of the main roles in A.N. Ostrovsky; was on the Don - was on " Quiet Don»; born in 1918 - events in the "eighteenth year" by A. I. Tolstoy.

When choosing one of the doublet forms, the phraseological nature of the combination plays a role, the use of the word in a direct or figurative sense, the difference in semantic shades, etc. Compare: in our everyday life - changes in the life of the village; scolding does not hang on the collar - a seam on the collar; suffocate in smoke - in the smoke of fires; in the circle of friends - in the circle of ideas; all in a sweat - to work in the sweat of your face; in his family - in the Tolstoy family; in the third row - in some cases; in good standing - on a current account; stand in the corner - in the corner of the triangle; car on the go - affect the course of the case; garden in bloom - in bloom etc.

If there is a definition instead of a form on - y (-y) possible form for - e: in the snow - in fluffy snow, on the edge - on the front edge.

Comparing the parallel forms existing in our time on the ground - on the ground, on oak - on oak, on vacation - on vacation, in alcohol - in alcohol, in the cold - in the cold, in the workshop - in the workshop, in tea - in tea etc., we note the bookish or neutral nature of the forms on - e and the colloquial (professional, sometimes with a touch of colloquialism) - forms on - y (-y).

There are variants of the nominative plural of masculine nouns like inspectors - inspectors, locksmiths - locksmiths. A trend in their development is clearly emerging: more and more forms are fixed on the struck - and I) due to forms with non-strike - s (s).

So, Lomonosov cites “only three words used in the 18th century. in the nominative plural with the ending - a (sides, eyes, horns- forms of the dual number with the names of paired objects) and a small list of nouns that allowed the double use of forms on - s (-and) and on - a (coast - coast, bells - bells, forests - forests, meadows - meadows, islands - islands, snows - snows and etc.). In modern research, there are about 650 nouns per - and I), entrenched in the literary language, often having neutral options - s (s), partially limited in their use (obsolete forms, colloquial, professional, etc.).

From forms to - and I) the most common are the following: boards, buffers, fans, centuries (but:for once, forever and ever), bills, monogram, heap, doctor, snipe, huntsman, gutter, pearl, millstone, bin, boat, shako, tunic, bell, dome, coachman, plowshare, seine, cuff, ham, district , orders, cuts, sails, passports, quails, cellars, offal, professors, stacks, watchmen, tenors, towers, black grouses, paramedics, weather vanes, farms, silks, stamps.

Hesitation is observed when using the following words: bunkers-bunkers, years-years, inspectors - inspectors, clovers - clovers, sterns - sterns, boxes - boxes, bodies - bodies, doctors - doctors, holidays - holidays, bakers - bakers, spotlights - spotlights, crafts - crafts, sectors - sectors, locksmiths - locksmiths, turners - turners, volumes - volumes, poplars - poplars, tractors - tractors, outbuildings - outbuildings, barns - barns, ramrods - ramrods, stacks - stacks, anchors - anchors, hawks - hawks.

When choosing one of the doublet forms, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the word, its origin, the place of stress in it, stylistic differentiation, context conditions.

So, in addition to monosyllabic words (running - running, side - sides, forest - lei, snow - snow, silk - silk etc.), forms on - and I) most often form words that have the stress on the first syllable in the singular (evening - evenings, voice - voices, millstones - millstones, district - districts, ham - ham, quail - quail, skull - skulls and etc.).

Trisyllabic (and polysyllabic) words with stress on the middle syllable of the stem usually form forms on - s(-and): pharmacists, librarians, accountants, composers, orators etc. (about forms director, professor and others (see below).

Words with stress on the final syllable of the stem also form forms on -s: steamships, auditors and others (single exceptions: cuff - cuff, sleeve - sleeves).

Some additional indications are given by the origin of the words. Words of French origin with stressed suffixes - er (-er) keep a stable stress on the final syllable of the stem, therefore they do not take endings - a: actors, guest performers, greeters, engineers, directors, drivers.

- torus) also do not accept endings - a, if they denote inanimate objects (usually these are terms): detectors, inductors, capacitors, reflectors, refrigerators.

Words of Latin origin (on - op, - tor), denoting animated objects, in some cases have the ending - a, in others - s; words that have become widespread and have lost their book character usually have an ending - a: director, doctor, professor and etc.; words that retain a bookish character are used with the ending -s: authors, designers, lecturers, innovators, rectors etc. The distinction between animate and inanimate allows us to differentiate such forms as conductor(transport workers) and conductors(devices in technology).

An important role is played by the stylistic differentiation of the considered doublet forms, the delimitation of the normative forms for the modern general literary language into - s (s) from obsolete, colloquial, vernacular or professional forms to - a (-I-) such as author, pharmacist, accountant, choice, engineer, valve, cone, groom, lapel, lecturer, officer, port, handwriting, sentence, times, syllable, attendant, soup, cake, compass, driver, navigator etc.

In recent years, the following words have become especially common with colloquial endings: contracts - contracts, proofreaders - proofreaders, cruisers - cruisers, mines - mine, editors - editors, tractors - tractors, workshops - workshops and etc.

Some linguists believe that variant forms in these cases can already be recognized as acceptable in oral speech.

In some cases, the forms - and I) differ in their meanings: hogs(boars) - hog(chimneys); buildings(torso) - corps(buildings; military formations); furs(blacksmith, wineskins) - fur(dressed skins); images(literary and artistic) - image(icons); orders(knightly and monastic societies) - orders(marks of Excellence); belts(geographic) - belts(pieces of clothing); passes(oversights) - passes(the documents); sable(animals) - sable(furs); currents(electric) - current(place of threshing); tones(sound) - tones(color overflows); brakes(obstacles) - brakes(devices); teachers(ideological leaders) - teachers(teachers); loaves(baked) - of bread(at the root); flowers(plants) - colors(coloring); Junkers(until 1945, large landowners were called so in Germany) - cadets (cadets in military schools tsarist Russia). Also demarcated camps(socio-political groups) - camps(military, pioneer, tourist, etc.). Wed also: seeing off(on departure) - wires(electric); abacus(device, mutual relations) - accounts(the documents).

Variant forms of type five kilograms - five kilograms, a pair of horns - God does not give a horn to a vigorous cow, a few candles - the game is not worth the candle, two rakes - two rakes etc. are connected in their origin and development with a number of reasons: the history of certain types of declension of nouns (starting from the Old Russian language), the interaction of individual styles, the influence of dialects, the degree of mastering borrowed words, logical combinations, fixing some forms in stable phraseological combinations etc.

Parallel forms of the genitive plural are noted in nouns of all genders, as well as in nouns that are used only in the plural.

Many masculine nouns with a non-derivative stem into a solid consonant (except for sibilants) have a zero ending in the genitive plural: a pair of boots, a squad of soldiers, a lot of hair, several times. This also includes the following groups of nouns:

1) names of paired items: (pair) boot, felt boots, stocking(but: socks),(without) shoulder strap, epaulette;(color) eye;

2) the names of some nationalities, mainly in - n and - p: British, Armenians, Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Georgians, Lezgins, Ossetians, Romanians, Turks, Gypsies; "Last of the Mohicans" but: Bedouins, Berbers, Bushmen, Kalmyks, Kirghiz, Mongols, Tajiks, Tungus, Uzbeks, Yakuts; fluctuations: Turkmens - Turkmens, Sarmatians - Sarmatians and some others;

3) names of military groups, former military branches: detachment(Group) reiter,(Group) grenadier, hussar, dragoon, cadet, cuirassier, lancer(when indicating the quantity: 5 grenadiers, 20 hussars, etc.); but: miners, sappers;

4) The name of some units of measurement, usually used with numerals: (several) ampere, watt, volt, gram, oersted; fluctuations: microns - microns, ohms - ohms, roentgens - roentgens; grams - grams, kilograms - kilogram; carat - carat, coulomb - pendant, newton - newton, erg - erg and some others (shorter forms are used in oral speech).

Variant forms of the genitive plural of some feminine nouns are associated with initial forms that differ in sound composition or stress: barges(from barge) - barge(from barge); fables(from fable)

- fable (from fables); songs (from song) - song (from song); sazhens (from sazhens) - sazhens and sazhens (from sazhens). The modern literary language has the first forms in each of the given pairs of forms.

The normative forms are: wafers, domain, poker, roofing, shaft(less often shafts), rods, weddings, gossip, estates,(less often estates); shares, skittles, fines, handfuls, sakley, candles(less often candles), herons(less often herons), nannies, sheets(less often sheets).

Fluctuations are observed in proper names: at our Val - Valey, Gal - Galey, Ol - Olei etc. Shorter forms are more common (if at all we can talk about frequency in this case), as opposed to male names same declension: at our Vanya, Vasya, Petya.

There are fluctuations in the form of the genitive plural of neuter nouns: hollow - hollow, crafts - crafts, riverbed - riverbed, but more often forms with an insertion of a vowel are used.

Stylistic options are literary forms: outback, coasts, potions and colloquial: backwoods, coasts, drugs.

Regulatory forms: upper reaches, lower reaches, mouths; knees - knees - knees(depending on the meaning of the word knee); apples(obsolete and spacious, apples from the dialect form m. apples); saucer, mirror, trough(less often korytsev), blankets, logs, towels, tentacles; swamps, hooves and hoof, lace and lace.

Variant forms: pomace and pomace, sifting and cuttings, cuttings and combs, opivkov and booze.

Of the options rake - rake, stilts - stilts the first ones in each pair are more common. More often leggings, but not leggings; frills, but not trick.

Regulatory: frosts, rags, rags, scum; attacks, darkness, twilight, bloomers; weekdays, firewood, nursery.

From forms doors - doors, daughters - daughters, horses - horses in neutral speech, the first in each pair is more often used.

With normal forms bones and lashes in phraseological turns, the form with the accented ending is preserved: lie down with bones, punishment with whips.

Singular and plural nouns

Often the singular form of a noun is used in the plural. For example, if it is indicated that the same objects belong to each person or object from the whole group or are in the same relation to them (the so-called distributive value): They were ordered to shave their beards(A. Pushkin). Wed: Both clocks had a broken spring; The shape of the ear, nose and eyes is studied; Everyone turned their heads towards the door; The girls covered their faces with an apron.

Some nouns, usually used in the singular form, take on special semantic or stylistic connotations when used in the plural:

1) abstract nouns: heart murmurs, various temperatures, sea depths, southern latitudes; in individual use by writers: lies, laughter, risks, friendship, love;

2) nouns with a real value: lubricating oils, strong tobaccos, high-quality steels, red and white clays, cultivated onions, gasolines, granites, rubbers, cements, ethers; bronze, porcelain, crystal(products); oats, barley;

3) proper nouns: Gogoli and Saltykov-Shchedrin, "The Artamonov Case", "Days of the Turbins".

Semantic differences of some forms of adjectives

Often the full form of adjectives indicates a permanent feature of the subject, and the short form indicates a temporary one. Wed: he is sick - he is sick, she is so kind - please, his movements are calm - his face is calm.

In other cases, the full form of adjectives denotes an absolute attribute that is not associated with a specific situation, and the short form denotes a relative attribute in relation to a specific situation: low ceiling(sign in general) - the ceiling is low(for high furniture). Wed also: shoes are small, boots are big, passage is narrow- an expression of excess or insufficiency of size.

The short form expresses the feature more categorically than the full one. Wed: you are stupid - you are stupid, he is brave - he is brave.

There are fluctuations in the formation of a short form from adjectives to - enny type related: forms are allowed - enen and on - en (related and related). There are dozens of such words, and more economical forms are used more often. - un meaningless, insensitive, natural, courageous, characteristic, identical etc.

The forms of the degrees of comparison of adjectives (simple and complex) are stylistically distinguished as follows: in the book style, the complex form of the comparative degree prevails, in the colloquial style, the simple one, for example: academic performance in this semester is higher than in the previous one; This house is taller than the next one. For the superlative degree, the stylistic coloring is reversed: in a book style it is a simple form, in a colloquial style it is complex, for example: the deepest thoughts are the deepest wells in our area, the strictest diet is the strictest teacher in the school.

Do not meet the literary norm of form better, worse, in which the comparative degree is expressed twice.

Features of the use of numerals

In compound cardinal numbers, all the words that form them decline: with two thousand five hundred seventy-three rubles. Such a form as "three hundred steps further" is colloquial.

Type Combinations 22 days are not grammatically justified: neither "twenty-two days" nor "twenty-two days" can be said; not even - in desperation - "twenty-two days." The last combination was built contrary to the rules of Russian grammar: compound numerals are formed only from cardinal numerals, and they cannot include a collective numeral (two, etc.). In colloquial speech (non-codified) such combinations are found, and in normative speech one should use synonymous expressions with lexical substitution of a noun (22 days) or use compound numbers not in the nominative-accusative case, but in other cases: within twenty-two days, the twenty-second day ended etc.

Valid Options give five notebooks - five notebooks each, associated with the use of a preposition by in so-called distributive meaning. First form (five notebooks each) colloquial, second (five notebooks each)- bookstore. The first form (with the accusative case of the numeral) is currently used more often than the second (with the dative case).

The same difference exists in pairs: for several people - for several people, for many days - for many days(with indefinitely quantitative numbers).

Correct combination forty-five point five(not percent): in a mixed number, the noun is governed by the fractional part, not the whole number. Possible option: forty-five and a half percent.

How to ? a conversation with a dozen and a half listeners - a conversation with a dozen and a half listeners. The second option is normative: with a numeral one and a half (one and a half) the noun is put in the singular form only in the nominative-accusative case (one and a half glasses, one and a half spoons), and in other cases - in the plural form (more than one and a half glasses, with one and a half spoons).

At the word day the form is used one and a half days(with emphasis on the first about).

Collective numbers are used in the following cases:

1) with masculine and common nouns naming males: two friends(along with two friends), three orphans;

2) with nouns that have only plural forms: two days, four scissors(beginning with five quantitative numerals are commonly used: five days, six scissors);

3) with nouns children, guys, people, face- in the meaning of "man": two children, three boys(in colloquial speech by analogy also: three girls), two people, four strangers;

4) with personal pronouns: there are two of us, there were five of them;

5) with substantiated numerals: two entered; three in gray overcoats.

In colloquial speech, the range of compatibility of collective numbers is wider. They match:

1) with the names of female persons: The Zinenkov family consisted of a father, mother and five daughters.(A. Kuprin); Three women in the house(G. Nikolaeva);

2) with the names of young animals: two cubs, three puppies;

3) with the names of paired items: two mittens, three stockings.

In some cases, collective numerals bring a reduced stylistic connotation, therefore: two professors(not two professors), three generals(not three generals).

Collective nouns in combination with animate nouns are used in all cases (three children, mother of three children), and in combination with inanimate nouns in indirect cases (except for the accusative) are not used: with three scissors(not with three scissors).

In combinations cardinal numbers with nouns in colloquial speech, there is a weakening of the category of animation: buy two cows, catch four fish.

The same in combinations with compound numbers ending for two, three, four: call twenty-two students(not call twenty-two students), nominate one hundred and four candidates(not nominate one hundred and four candidates).

Stylistics of pronouns

Sometimes 3rd person personal pronoun used to reinforce, emphasize the preceding noun-subject, for example: Your sweet image, unforgettable, it is in front of me everywhere, always ...(F. Tyutchev); Tears of humiliation, they were caustic(K. Fedin); The whole appearance of Georgia, beloved, but became different in the mind to live(N. Tikhonov). In the absence of a special stylistic task to give speech an elevated tone, such a repetition of the subject gives it a colloquial vernacular shade: The devil is the most braggart (L. Tolstoy); And the father - he loves Jacob more(M. Gorky).

Paired with she has - she has the second form has a colloquial connotation, for example: She shed tears(K. Fedin).

Options inside them - inside them are distinguished by the absence or addition of the initial n to personal pronouns of the 3rd person after prepositions: added n after all the simple prepositions, (without, in for, before, behind etc.) and a number of adverbial prepositions that govern the genitive case (near, around, ahead, past etc.); but (with dative case) in spite of him, according to her, contrary to them etc.

Not added n after denominative prepositions and a combination of nouns with primitive (simple) prepositions used in the preposition function: with her help, unlike them etc.

Variant forms are used: in relation to him - in relation to him, about them - about them; at all of them - at all of them, for all of them - for all of them, over all of them - over all of them; between you and shi - between you and them, between me and them - between me and him. Wed: You see the difference between us and them...(M. Gorky). - ... There is no middle line between us and them(A. Gaidar).

After the comparative degree of an adjective or adverb n not added: younger than her, taller than him, older than them.

When using the reflexive pronoun myself and reflexive possessive pronoun mine there may be ambiguity or ambiguity related to which preceding noun or personal pronoun they refer to.

For example, in a sentence: He does not allow me to experiment on myself - ambiguity is due to above oneself can also be attributed to he, and co to me. According to the rule, the reflexive pronoun should be attributed to the word that names the producer of the action (in this case, to the pronoun he).

In such cases, in order to avoid ambiguity, it is recommended to restructure the sentence, for example:

He does not allow me to experiment on myself. He won't let me experiment on him.

A similar situation can arise when using the pronoun mine, which also correlates with all three grammatical persons. So, in the sentence: The mother asked her daughter to bring her dress - word mine should be attributed to the daughter as the producer of the action. When replacing a pronoun mine personal pronoun her in a possessive sense (bring her dress) belonging must be attributed to the mother. But in both cases, a shade of ambiguity, ambiguity is preserved, so it is recommended to rebuild such sentences: The mother asked her daughter to bring her dress. The mother asked her daughter to bring her dress.

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PURITY OF SPEECH ... We will save you, Russian speech, Great Russian word. Anna Akhmatova Turgenev called the Russian language "great, powerful, truthful and free." But language is a coherent system of means of communication; given in dynamics, it becomes speech. And speech is subject

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THE RELEVANCE OF SPEECH In speech, as in life, one must always keep in mind what is appropriate. Cicero Have you ever thought about which of the words, close or identical in meaning, are more appropriate in a given situation? After all, we build our speech differently if we have to

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THE IMAGE OF SPEECH With wondrous ligature, he [the people] weaved an invisible web of the Russian language: bright as a rainbow, after a spring downpour, accurate as arrows, sincere as a song over a cradle, melodious and rich. A.N. Tolstoy What kind of speech is called figurative Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote:

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ELAMINATE SPEECHES Our poets have done good already by spreading the harmony, hitherto unprecedented. Everyone has his own verse... All of them, like bells of different chimes or countless keys of one magnificent organ, carried the harmony across the Russian land. N.V. Gogol What creates

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SWEDISH SPEECHES TO Louis Germain Speech December 10, 1957 The award bestowed on me by your Free Academy makes me all the more grateful because I realize how much it is higher than my personal merits. Every person, especially an artist, wants to

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3. Concepts of human communication, speech and their functions. Types of speech 3.1. The concept of human communication (verbal communication) and its functions Human communication is a process of interaction and interconnection of people, in which they mutually adapt to each other in their

Test 1. The statement is true : The correctness of speech means its compliance with:

a) generally accepted standards of conduct;

b) the widespread use of linguistic units;

c) norms of literary language; +

d) communication skills.

Test 2. The statement is not true:

a) A norm is a uniform generally accepted exemplary use of elements of a literary language.

b) Language norms are invented by writers, therefore fiction is a model of norm. +

c) Norms help the literary language to maintain its integrity and general intelligibility.

d) Norms protect the language from vernacular, jargon, dialects.

Test 3. The dynamic nature of the norm not associated with development

a) language;

b) societies;

c) literature; +

d) thinking.

Test 4. Does not apply (are) to the sources of changes in norms:

a) neologisms; +

b) colloquial speech;

c) dialects;

d) borrowing.

Test 5. We are talking about dispositive norms in the series:

a) cousin [ze];

b) amnesia [ne];

c) antenna [te];

d) d´epo [admiss. de]. +

Test 6. We are talking about imperative norms in the series:

a) marketing (admissible marketing);

b) lornnet [permiss. ne];

c) de facto [de]; +

d) lottery [admiss. te].

Test 7. Equal accentological options are presented in a row

a) izdr E vle - And older

b) from afar BUT- published Yo ka +

c) ed Yo vka - ed E vka

d) from the inside AndAnd inside

Test 8

a) pl E snowy - moldy E ly

b) m And grain - mis E rny

c) oatmeal O th - oats I+

d) at the same time E change - at the same time E ny

Test 9 quorum meaning:

a) the total number of people present at the meeting;

b) the number of persons present at the meeting, necessary to recognize the meeting as valid; +

d) any assembly.

Test 10 briefing meaning :

a) press conference; +

b) briefing;

c) face to face meeting;

d) sport.

TESTS "Accentological norms of the Russian language"

Test 1.The assertion is true : Stress in Russian is called heterogeneous, because

a) it can fall on any syllable in different words;

b) it can fall on any syllable in the same word;

c) in the same word in different forms, the stress may fall on different syllables; +

d) the stress in Russian is musical, not forceful.

Test 2. The statement contradicts reality:

a) stress in Russian serves to distinguish the semantics of words;

b) stress in Russian serves to distinguish one polysemantic word from another; +

c) stress in Russian may indicate the grammatical form of a word;

d) stress helps to distinguish not only the meaning of words, but also their forms.

Test 3. In words BUT tlas and atl BUT With accent serves:

a) to distinguish the semantics of words; +

b) to indicate a different grammatical form of a word;

c) to distinguish the meaning of words and their form;

d) to indicate variants of a word.

Test 4. The statement is not true: Accentological norms in Russian are caused by the following characteristics of Russian stress:

a) mobility;

b) heterogeneity;

c) dynamic nature;

d) fixed stress on a certain syllable. +

Test 5. Both options are the literary norm in the series:

a) f BUT luzi - blinds And ;

b) l O sos - los O s; +

c) to At honny - kitchen O ny;

d) move BUT Thai - Hodat BUT ystvo.

Test 6. Is correct in the analysis of stress in words to O mpas and comp BUT With reasoning:

a) both stresses correspond to the literary norm;

b) one accent - to O mpas is the norm, and comp BUT s - colloquial;

c) one accent - comp BUT c - inherent in professional speech; +

d) one accent - comp BUT s is obsolete.

Test 7. Stress serves to distinguish between the meaning of words in a row:

a) tv O horn - creation O G;

b) w BUT vel - shchav E le;

c) m S shlenie - thought E nie;

d) in I zanka - elm BUT nka. +

Test 8. Most often, accentological errors are made in words:

a) quarter, contract, shoe, funds, petition; +

b) lecturer, scholarship, appendicitis, caterpillar;

c) obvious, incredible, desperate, profitable;

d) play, call, sit, hang.

Test 9. Equal options are presented in a row

a) alk BUT t - BUT to lie;

b) order At smack - purchase O rut;

c) to BUT to snuggle - cough At t;

d) m And min - min At th. +

Federal Agency for Education Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov

"Correctness of speech: norms of stress and grammar"


Larionov Dmitry Alexandrovich

Yaroslavl, 2013


1. Concepts of speech correctness and language norm

2. Norms of grammar

Stress norms

Types of stress




Speech communication has long helped people to use and pass on their experience from generation to generation. In the life of society, speech and language are one of its most important elements. The presence of rules and norms of the literary language are its most important features. Since language is a means of communication, it cannot exist outside of society and develops outside of it. Main Feature language is the level of development of society, the conditions of its existence. The language and the observance of speech norms in it, its correctness is the most important problem in modern society, which is the relevance of this topic.

The language norm is a model, it is how it is customary to speak and write in a given linguistic society in a given era. The norm determines what is right and what is not, it recommends certain language means and modes of expression and prohibits others.

For example, one cannot write the names of cities with a small letter and one cannot say "why" if one should use "why".

The culture of speech as a field of linguistics since the 18th century. has come a long way in its development. The first basis for its consideration is found in a brief guide to eloquence "by M.V. Lomonosov back in 1748, in which the scientist stated: "... who wants to speak eloquently, he must first speak cleanly and have the contentment of decent and selected speeches to the image their thoughts, and this, in turn, "... depends on a thorough knowledge of the language, on frequent reading of good books and on dealing with people who speak clearly. In the first, diligent study of grammatical rules contributes, in the second - choosing good books sayings, proverbs and proverbs, in the third - the effort of a clean reprimand in front of people who know and observe the beauty of the language. It is in the works of M.V. Lomonosov ("Rhetoric", "Russian Grammar") for the first time in the history of Russian linguistics, the foundations were laid normative grammar and stylistics, which were a solid foundation for the development of speech culture as a scientific discipline. As a linguistic discipline, the culture of speech has not yet received an unambiguous disclosure. In the available scientific literature, this area of ​​linguistics is called either "language culture", or "speech culture".

The ability to correctly and accurately express one's thoughts is an obligation of any modern specialist in various fields. But not only it is necessary to say correctly, but also to pronounce with the right shade. So, the purpose of my work is to show and consider such concepts as the correctness of speech and the culture of speech and its components: stress norms and grammar norms.

Work tasks:

Give the definition of correct speech.

Give the concept of a language norm and its subspecies.

Explain concepts such as:

a) stress norms;

b) norms of grammar.

To conclude how the correctness of speech affects modern society.

language accent Russian speech

1. The concepts of "correctness of speech", "language norm"

The correctness of speech is the foundation of language culture, without it there can be neither literary artistic skill, nor the art of oral and written word. The main indicators of the correctness of speech:

Good literary pronunciation (pronunciation and stress rules, intonation norms);

Grammatical correctness of speech (observance of the norms of morphology and syntax of the modern Russian literary language, the correct choice of morphological forms of words and the correct construction of phrases and sentences);

Compliance with the norms of speech etiquette (form of communication, requests, greetings, questions, etc.).

Correct pure speech is a sign of correct public behavior, evidence of high civic consciousness. Correct speech is a component of the general culture of the individual. It is possible to learn such speech only together with the assimilation of the huge content invested in it.

A language norm is a historically conditioned set of commonly used language means, as well as the rules for their selection and use, recognized by society as the most suitable in a particular historical period. The norm is one of the essential properties of the language, ensuring its functioning and historical continuity due to its inherent stability, although not excluding the variance of linguistic means and noticeable historical variability, since the norm is called upon, on the one hand, to preserve speech traditions, and on the other hand, to satisfy actual and the changing needs of society.

Exist different types language norms:

Orthoepic norms (norms of stress and pronunciation);

Lexical norms (use of a word in one meaning or another);

Morphological norms (the use of certain forms of a word or parts of speech);

Syntactic norms (use of a phrase or sentence);

Spelling norms (spelling norms);

Punctuation norms (norms for punctuation marks);

Stylistic norms (norms requiring the choice of words or the construction of sentences in accordance with the style);

Norms for constructing a text (proportionality of parts, justified use of quotations, actual accuracy, etc.);

And this is how the definition of a literary norm will look like: "This is a relatively stable way (or ways) of expression, reflecting the historical patterns of the development of the language, enshrined in the best examples of literature and preferred by the educated part of society."

2. Norms of grammar

There is a division of grammatical norms into derivational, morphological and syntactic.

Word-building norms are the correct use and order of connecting parts of a word, the formation of new words. The errors of this norm are the formation of words, for example:

1.Incorrect use of attachments - photographed (instead of photographed).

2.Incorrect use of suffixes - the blanket got wet (instead of wet), I love Azerbaijan (instead of Azerbaijan).

.Mistakes in the formation of compound words - half-witted (instead of half-witted).

Morphological norms are the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech (forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives and others). The errors of this norm are the formation of forms of various parts of speech, for example:

1.Incorrect formation of the form to them. n. pl. h. - Directors (instead of directors), cakes (instead of cakes).

2.Irregular form of the genus - pies with jam (instead of jam), the shoe was torn (instead of a shoe).

.Incorrect number form - The singer went to the stage (instead of the stage).

.Violation of the norms of declension of foreign surnames - By Barclay de Toll (instead of de Tolly), The film is based on the story of Arkady and Georgy Vainer (instead of Vainer).

.Incorrect formation of the form r. n. pl. h. - Five kilograms (vm. kilograms), a lot of Georgians (instead of Georgians), Satisfied with the new doors (instead of doors).

.Mistakes in the category of animate and inanimate nouns - I took his queen (instead of queen).

7.Indeclinable noun declension - We visited a mountain plateau (instead of a plateau).

.Incorrect formation of forms of short adjectives - The conclusion is groundless (better: groundless), It is characterized by optimism (instead of inherent).

.Mistakes in the formation of degrees of comparison - The most talented poet of the 19th century (instead of the most talented), Natasha suffered separation more difficult (instead of more difficult), He was more sorry for his youngest daughter (there is no normative form of comparative degree), He is good to me (instead of better).

.Incorrect formation of pronouns of the 3rd person pl. h. - Their son, their book (instead of them), Sister is older than him (instead of him), The difference between her and her friends is very big (instead of her).

.Errors in the declension of cardinal numbers - In hundred meters (instead of one hundred).

.Errors in the declension of compound ordinal numbers - ... up to one thousand nine hundred and five (instead of a thousand).

.Errors in the use of collective numerals (both - both).

.Errors in the use of collective numerals (two - two).

.Mistakes in the formation of personal forms of verbs.

.Errors in the formation of the imperative mood.

.Incorrect formation of species forms.

.Incorrect formation of real and passive participles.

.Use of the colloquial form instead of the literary one.

Syntactic norms are the correct construction of basic syntactic units - phrases and sentences. The errors of such a norm are: errors in coordination, errors in management, errors in the construction of a simple sentence, errors in the construction of simple uncomplicated sentences, and so on. Violation examples:

1.Violation of agreement in complex sentence with combinations the one who ...; those who...

Those who sat on the banks of the river more than once experienced incomparable bliss.

Norma: Those who sat on the banks of the river, more than once experienced incomparable bliss.

2.Violation of agreement in the model: defined word + participial turnover: One of the traditional types of applied art that has existed since antiquity is woodcarving.

Norm: One of the traditional types of applied art that has existed since antiquity is woodcarving.

3.Violation of agreement: the main word is a noun + inconsistent definition: In Ostroukhov's painting “Golden Autumn”, the forest is like a bright, cheerful carpet with elegant ornaments.

Norma: In Ostroukhov's painting "Golden Autumn", the forest is like a bright, cheerful carpet with elegant ornaments.

4.Violation of control in a phrase with a derivative preposition (upon arrival, upon completion, thanks, according to, contrary to, etc.): Upon arrival in the city, it is advisable to clarify the tourist route.

Norma: Upon arrival in the city, it is advisable to clarify the tourist route.

5.Disruption of control in the phrase: noun + dependent word: Confidence in victory is a component of any success.

Norma: Confidence in victory is a component of any success.

The limit (to what), faith (in what / before whom / before what), superiority (over whom / over what), monument (to whom / whom), pay attention (to what), pay attention (to whom / what), show attention (to whom / to what), to focus attention (on whom / to what), announcement (about what), susceptibility (to what), thirst (for what), consultation (to whom), disbelief (in what).

6.Violation of control in the phrase: verb + (preposition) + dependent word: We were paid for overtime work.

Norma: We were paid overtime.

Pay (what), emphasize (what), distinguish (what/from what), pay (for what).

7.Violation of the order of words in a sentence:

One of independent species art is graphics, existing since the end of the XV century.

Norma: One of the independent types of art that has existed since the end of the 15th century is graphics.

8.Violation of control in a proposal with homogeneous members: The domestic producer is not yet taken into account and is weakened by inflation in a free market.

Norm: The domestic producer does not yet take into account inflation and is weakened by it in a free market.

9.Violation of the sentence structure associated with the use of double unions with homogeneous members of the sentence:

In a short time, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built in the satellite city.

Norma: In a short time, not only a new school, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built in the satellite city.

Stress norms

Stress norms are one of the most important problems of the Russian language. Stress in Russian is the selection of one of the syllables in the composition of the word by amplifying the voice. Correct placement of stress is a necessary sign of cultural, literate speech. It is often easier and faster to remember the wrong accent, which is subsequently very difficult to eliminate. This is the task of a competent person - to master the norms of stress and correctly apply them in practice. Russian stress is distinguished by the presence of more pronunciation options than stress in other languages ​​(for example, in French, the stress always falls on the last syllable). Often, in order for a person to form a bad opinion, it is enough just to hear from him an incorrectly pronounced word.

Distinctive features of Russian stress are its heterogeneity and mobility. The diversity lies in the fact that the stress in Russian can be on any syllable of the word (book, signature - on the first syllable; lantern, underground - on the second; hurricane, orthoepy - on the third, etc.). In some words, the stress is fixed on a certain syllable and does not move during the formation of grammatical forms, in others it changes from place (compare: ton - tons and wall - wall - walls and walls). The last example shows the mobility of Russian stress. This is the objective difficulty of mastering accent norms. “However, as K.S. Gorbachevich, - if the heterogeneity and mobility of Russian stress create some difficulties in its assimilation, then these inconveniences are completely redeemed by the ability to distinguish the meaning of words using the place of stress (flour - flour, cowardly - cowardly, immersed on a platform - immersed in water) and even functional and stylistic fixation of accent options (bay leaf, but in botany: the laurel family). Particularly important in this regard is the role of stress as a way of expressing grammatical meanings and overcoming the homonymy of word forms. As established by scientists, most of the words of the Russian language are distinguished by a fixed stress. However, the remaining 4% are the most common words that make up the basic, frequency vocabulary of the language.

There are a lot of rules for pronunciation of words of different parts of speech, there are also words that you just need to remember. It is not at the whim of linguists that we must speak the catalogue, engineers, according to the law. The fact is that other variants contradict the speech custom, do not correspond to the traditional use of these words by intelligent people. And dictionaries and grammars only reflect what, regardless of linguists, has developed in the literary language. A.S. understood this very well. Pushkin, who wrote as early as 1833: “Grammar does not prescribe laws to the language, but explains and affirms its customs.”

Types of stress

Today, three types of stress are distinguished in our speech: verbal, logical and emphatic.

Word stress is the emphasis on one or more syllables in a word. The stressed syllable is pronounced more vigorously, with greater tension of the organs of speech. Word stress is of great importance in the design of a word, as it helps to distinguish one grammatical form from another. From the point of view of its phonetic nature, Russian word stress is characterized by three features:

) the stressed syllable is longer, i.e. Russian accent is quantitative;

) the stressed syllable is pronounced with greater force, therefore the Russian stress is called power, or dynamic;

3)in a stressed syllable, the vowels of the Russian language are pronounced most clearly, while in an unstressed position they are reduced, i.e. Russian stress has a qualitative characteristic.

Logical stress is used mainly in two cases: to highlight the "new<#"justify">By changing the logical stress, we express different thoughts, different judgments. Moving the logical stress from one member of the general interrogative sentence to another creates new sentences expressing a desire to learn about something else:

· Are you going to college one day?

· Are you going to go to college one day?

· T "" you now "go one day" eat in inspgit "ut?

· Are you going to "go" to the institute one day?

Emphatic stress is the emphasis in the pronunciation of a word in order to enhance its expressiveness in a sentence. Example: However, they wanted a lot! It is usually achieved by a long pronunciation of the stressed vowel, sometimes by a long pronunciation of the consonant. Moreover, it has been noticed that positive emotions, as well as extreme surprise, are usually expressed by the extension of vowels (Petenka, dear, darling, come-ay, pacifier-study ...), negative emotions - by the extension of consonants (Well, look here, kash-shevarrr).

Each independent word, as a rule, has one stress, but in some morphologically complex, large words, a second, side stress is also possible. They are unequal: the main thing, the main stress is syllabic; secondary - weaker than the main one and is usually placed ahead of the main one.

The correct use of stress is the key to the culture of human speech. Sometimes it's enough to hear stranger wrong stress in a word (like: shop, youth, newborn, tool, invention, document, percentage, beetroot, athlete, self-interest, associate professor, briefcase, whooping cough, condolence, translated, transported, facilitated, to people, etc.) to make a not too flattering opinion about his education, the degree of general culture, so to speak, the level of intelligence. Therefore, there is no need to prove how important it is to master the correct accent.


As a result, our speech becomes more like a conversational one, and we more and more often forget about the rules and norms, so the book means are moving closer to common and colloquial words. The replenishment of literary norms should not lead to the destruction of the old ones and to the coarsening of literary speech and its depletion.

Under such conditions, the correctness of our speech plays a very important role. Now all over the world there is an informatization of society, a transition to the latest technologies, the development of new opportunities and the discovery of new technologies. Language skills for everyone educated person and a person who honors his history is an indispensable part and plays an important role in science and in the world as a whole.

The correctness of speech is the foundation of language culture; without it there is not and cannot be any literary artistic mastery, nor the art of the living and written word.

Incorrect speech, poor, empty, incoherent, is often perceived by other people as a bad characteristic of a person, his superficial knowledge, low speech culture, insufficient vocabulary. And most importantly, such a person does not own originality, beauty.

I believe that a good degree of proficiency in speech is the most important sign of a cultured person. And the main task of each of us is to improve our speech, to study a larger set of speech rules and expanding vocabulary. To perform these tasks, it is necessary to monitor the correctness of your speech, avoid the mistakes listed above and many others, be able to listen and perceive information correctly, analyze data of any type. Constantly learning new words, communicating more with people, following all the above rules, people learn the correctness of speech.


one). Koltunova, M.V. Language and business communication: Norms, rhetoric, etiquette. Textbook for universities. - M.: "Economic Literature", 2002. S. 114

). Golub I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language. - M.: Iris Press Rolf, 2001

). F. Saussure, Notes on General Linguistics / F. Saussure. - M.: Progress, 1990. S. 72

). B.N. Golovin, Fundamentals of speech culture. Second edition, corrected. High School 1988

). OK. Graudina, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya, Grammatical correctness of Russian speech, Nauka publishing house, 1976

6). Verbitskaya L.A., Let's speak correctly. Difficulties of modern Russian pronunciation and stress. Publishing house Academy 2008

7). Kormilitsyna M.A. and Sirotinina O.B., Good speech, Publisher: LKI 2007.

3.5 Correctness

The correctness of speech is the observance of the current norms of the Russian literary language. The correctness of speech is the quality of speech, consisting in the correspondence of its sound (spelling), lexical and grammatical structure to the literary norms accepted in the language. Correctness is the basic quality of speech, which ensures that speech is given other, more complex qualities, such as a speaker

nost, richness, logic.

The correctness of speech is achieved through knowledge of the norms of the literary language and their careful application in the construction of speech.

3.6 Appropriateness of speech

The relevance of speech is a strict correspondence of the structure and stylistic features of speech to the conditions and tasks of communication, the content of the information expressed, the chosen genre and style of presentation, and the individual characteristics of the author and addressee. The relevance of speech implies the ability to use the stylistic resources of the language in accordance with the situation of communication. Allocate appropriateness stylistic, contextual, situational and personal-psychological.

The relevance of speech is ensured by a correct understanding of the situation and knowledge of the stylistic features of words and stable turns of speech.

3.7 Purity of speech

The purity of speech is the absence of superfluous words, weed words, non-literary words (slang, dialect, obscene words) in it.

The purity of speech is achieved on the basis of a person’s knowledge of the stylistic characteristics of the words used, the thoughtfulness of speech and the ability to avoid verbosity, repetition and weed words (meaning, so to speak, so, in fact, as it were, type).

3.8 Logic of speech

The logic of speech is the logical correlation of statements with each other.

Logic is achieved through careful attention to the whole text, the coherence of thoughts and a clear compositional intent of the text. Logical errors can be eliminated when reading the finished written text; in oral speech, it is necessary to remember well what has been said and consistently develop the thought.


Thus, in the course of the work it turned out that the culture of speech is a section of linguistics, which addresses two questions: how to master the norms of the literary language, and how to use expressive language means in different conditions communication.

The culture of speech is a relatively young science of language. The culture of speech is interested in how a person uses speech, depending on the goals and place of communication, on the addressee of the speech. Indeed, within the same style, an infinite number of statements can be created: some of them will be successful, others less successful, others completely unsuccessful. The question of the qualitative assessment of statements is also dealt with by the culture of speech, i.e. it finds out whether a person speaks correctly or incorrectly, good or bad.

To achieve a high level of speech culture, the speaker must have a rich supply of language tools and be able to choose from them those that are most suitable for each case. First of all, you need to take care of expanding your vocabulary.

To do this, you need to read more, learn to notice unfamiliar words, find out their meaning with the help of explanatory dictionary. It is very important to develop a critical attitude to your own speech, the desire to always speak to the point, consistently, accurately, expressively and correctly.

If a person has correct and good speech, he achieves top level speech culture. This means not only avoiding speech errors, but also being able to build statements in the best possible way in accordance with the purpose of communication, choosing the most appropriate words and constructions in each case, taking into account who and under what circumstances he is addressing.

The basis of the fundamentals of the communicative aspect of the culture of speech is the choice of language means necessary for this purpose of communication - a creative process. Linguists have always well understood the importance for the culture of speech of what is today called the communicative aspect. A high culture of speech is the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey one's thoughts by means of language. Correct speech is one in which the norms of the modern literary language are observed. But the culture of speech is not only in following the norms of the language. It also lies in the ability to find not only accurate, but also the most intelligible and most appropriate and, therefore, stylistically justified means for expressing one's thoughts.

In the process of communication, we certainly want our speech to be understandable to the interlocutor, and the information that we communicate to him was perceived exactly as we want it, and not in any other way. In order for speech to be perceived by the listener exactly as we want it, it must correspond to the conditions of communication and the communicative tasks of speech partners, that is, it must be communicatively expedient. It is this approach that is carried out when evaluating speech from the standpoint of its communicative qualities. The communicative qualities of speech are the real properties of its content or formal side. It is the system of these properties that determines the degree of communicative perfection of speech.

The communicative situation and its components are closely related to the communicative qualities of speech. The communicative qualities of speech are parameters that cover all aspects of the text, and their ratio and degree of manifestation in the text depend on the genre and style of the utterance, on the individual characteristics of the communicants.

Correctness, purity and richness (variety) of speech are among the structural communicative qualities of good speech. Accuracy, consistency, expressiveness, relevance, accessibility, effectiveness - to functional communicative qualities.

List of used literature

1. Vvedenskaya L. A., Pavlova L. G. Culture and art of speech. modern rhetoric. Rostov-on-Don. Phoenix Publishing House. 1995. - 576 p.

2. Golovin B.N. Introduction to linguistics. M.: "High School", 1990.

3. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of the culture of speech: Proc. for universities on special "Rus. yaz. i lit". - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Higher. school, 1988.

4. Linguistic encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1990.

5. Ivanova I.N., Shustrova L.V. Fundamentals of linguistics. M., 1995.

6. Ozhegov S. I. Lexicology. Lexicography. A culture of speech. Proc. allowance for universities. M "Higher School", 1974.

7. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook / Ed. prof. V. I. Maksimova. - M.: Gardariki, 2000. - 413 p.

8. Russian language and culture of speech: Proc. for universities / Ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M.: Higher school, 2008. - 509 p.

9. Sugar L. V. How our language works. M.: "Enlightenment", 1978.

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Faculty of Economics


on the topic: Correctness of speech

Completed by a 1st year student

groups ECH-31

Sakhabeeva A.R.

Scientific adviser:

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Disciplines

Magfurova S.O.

Naberezhnye Chelny

1. Introduction

2. Correctness of speech

3. Types of speech correctness

3.1 Speech correctness

3.2 Language correctness

3.3 Spelling correctness

3.4 Orthoepic correctness

3.5 Grammar

4. Norms of the language

4.1 Orthoepic norms

4.2 Derivational norms

4.3 Literary norms

4.4 Language norms

4.5 Lexical norms

4.6 Grammar

4.6.1 Morphological norms



1. Introduction

Speech - this is the external, formal side of the text. It always has not only a linguistic structure and its organization, but also an essentially non-linguistic (or extra-linguistic) meaning expressed by it, for the sake of which and in many respects obeying which it is built. Speech turns out to be a phenomenon not only linguistic, but also psychological and aesthetic. That is why people have long noticed the good and bad sides of speech and have been trying to explain them for a long time, in particular, resorting to such words as “exact”, “correct”, “beautiful”, etc.

We list the main features of speech:

First, speech is concrete, unique, relevant, unfolds in time, is realized in space.

Secondly, speech is active, linear, tends to combine words in a speech stream. Unlike language, it is less conservative, more dynamic, mobile.

Thirdly, speech as a sequence of words involved in it reflects the experience talking person, conditioned by context and situation, variable, can be spontaneous and disordered.

Speech has a number of characteristics - tempo, duration, timbre, degree of loudness, articulatory clarity, accent.

Speaking of correct good literary speech, we are talking about speech culture.

The doctrine of the culture of speech originated in ancient Greece within the framework of rhetoric as a doctrine of the merits and demerits of speech. In rhetorical treatises, prescriptions were given for what speech should be and what should be avoided in it. These writings contained recommendations for maintaining the correctness, purity, clarity, accuracy, consistency and expressiveness of speech, as well as advice on how to achieve this. In addition, even Aristotle urged not to forget about the addressee of the speech: "Speech consists of three elements: the speaker himself, the subject he speaks about, and the person to whom he refers and which is, in fact, the ultimate goal of everything." [Linguistic Encyclopedic dictionary. M .: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1990.] Thus, Aristotle and other rhetoricians drew the attention of readers to the fact that rhetorical heights, the art of speech can be achieved only on the basis of mastering the basics of speech skill.

Now we consider the culture of speech as part of the culture of communication and culture as a whole, because the culture of speech is determined by the level of speech proficiency. The ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly, to speak competently, the ability not only to attract attention with one’s speech, but also to influence listeners, possession of a culture of speech is a kind of professional suitability characteristic for people of various professions: diplomats, lawyers, politicians, teachers of schools and universities, radio and television workers, managers, journalists.

It is important to have a culture of speech for everyone who, by the nature of their activities, is connected with people, organizes and directs their work, conducts business negotiations, educates, takes care of their health, and provides various services to people.

The culture of speech of an educated person involves constant concern for such qualities of speech as correctness, accuracy, logic, richness and expressiveness.

The norms of speech behavior in any situation, within any style, are determined by the moral content of human relations.

In addition, the culture of speech is also a special linguistic discipline aimed at studying and improving the literary language as an instrument of national culture, the guardian of the spiritual wealth of the people.

The state of speech culture in society is determined both by the level of social and speech interaction and the level of interpersonal communication. The influence of the journalistic style on the speech culture of the whole society is enormous. Therefore, communication within this style requires special attention to the content and form of statements.

What is the culture of speech?

The culture of speech is understood as:

Compliance with the ethics of communication;

Possession of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written forms

The ability to select and organize language tools that, in a certain situation of communication, contribute to the achievement of the goals of communication.

Thus, the culture of speech contains three components: normative, communicative and ethical.

Consider the normative aspect of the culture of speech, that is, the correctness of speech.

2. Correctness of speech

It is believed that the basis of the culture of speech is correctness. Language norms are communicatively oriented, i.e. their purpose is to make the common language code unified and thus contribute to the most complete mutual understanding. The correctness of speech ensures its intelligibility, and ethically, this means taking care of the addressee. In communicative terms, correctness allows you to act within a single code. Correctness also plays another important role in communication - it creates an image of a linguistic personality, reflecting the level of knowledge of the language, the level of education in general. The correctness of speech in general is very important for a person and psychologically, because if the speaker knows well that he is speaking correctly, he will gain self-confidence. Conversely, doubts, for example, about the correct pronunciation of a word in your speech, about the correct position of its meaning, about the correct construction of a sentence, etc., can interfere with the main task of speech, for example, to convince another person of the correctness of your position in general. In this way, correctness is an important condition for successful communication. The word "correctness" in the Russian language has different meanings - "correct, corresponding to reality", "quite natural", "does not deviate from the rules, norms, proportions", etc. This is reflected in the assessment of speech as a whole. From the point of view of culture, the correctness of speech is not only its compliance with the norms of the language, but also truthfulness, justice, reasonableness, accuracy, etc. In accordance with these aspects of the meaning of the word "correctness" is used in two senses - broad and narrow. In a broad sense - in relation to the culture of speech communication, to speech in general. In relation to the observance of language norms, rules - in the narrow sense of the word. In other words, correctness is assessed at the level of speech and at the level of language.

3. Types of speech correctness

The correctness of speech consists in observing accepted in given time literary norms reflected in dictionaries, grammar references, spelling and punctuation rules.

3 .1 Speech correctness

Speech correctness- this is truthfulness, compliance, first of all, not with linguistic, but with ethical and communicative norms, correctness in the choice of genre (justification of this choice), a positive assessment by the addressee of the whole speech (the speaker's opinion, his logic, arguments and examples, etc.); accuracy of displaying events (no losses and distortions); assessment of the relevance of speech in general and in its individual fragments, etc., as well as the correctness in the use of non-verbal means (correct direction in gestures, corresponding to the genre and purpose of speech, intonation, etc.).

3.2 Language correctness

Language correctness- this is the observance of the norms of the language at the sentence level, i.e. correctness as an indicator of the normativeness of speech. In terms of terminology, correctness/incorrectness is assessed only in relation to compliance with the language norms of the Russian literary language: orthoepic (pronunciation and stress), word-formation, lexical, morphological, syntactic. The basic norms are enshrined in various dictionaries (orthoepic, explanatory, phraseological, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, dictionaries of word compatibility, etc.).

At the same time, not all language norms are the subject of speech culture, but only those where you need to make a choice of language means from several options.

3.3 Spelling correctness

Spelling correctness is necessary for easier and faster perception of the written text and is ensured by a solid knowledge of the relevant rules.

For newspaper practice recent years There are two typical spelling errors:

incorrect use of capital letters;

inappropriate use of quotation marks.

The capital letter is used much more widely than it is provided by the current rules. Write with a capital letter all the words in the name of the party, institution, company. According to the rules, it is enough to capitalize the first word in the title. The titles of positions of various levels are sometimes written with a capital letter, although the rule applies only to higher government positions.

Quotes are also widely used. Sometimes you can see the names of settlements (usually villages), city districts enclosed in quotation marks.

3.4 Orthoepic correctness

Orthoepic correctness consists in observing:

pronunciation and stress rules

intonation rules.

Mistakes in the placement of stress are found in the speech of party activists and deputies, they can be easily avoided by referring to dictionaries. Stresses are indicated not only in special orthoepic dictionaries and stress reference books, but also in many other types of dictionaries.

Typical intonation errors are incorrect logical stress (singling out words that are not main in meaning in a phrase), interrogative intonation in a narrative phrase, pauses that violate the syntactic structure of the phrase.

Intonation errors are prevented by preparing for public speech (preliminary reading of the text aloud) and control over the sound of one's own speech.

3.5 Grammar

The grammatical correctness of speech consists of observing the norms of morphology and syntax of the modern Russian literary language and consists in right choice morphological forms of the word and the correct construction of phrases and sentences.

New social and economic relations led to a change in the meanings of some words, and thus to changes in the functioning of grammatical categories. Some words that did not previously have a plural form, in modern speech received this form: administration, budgets, economics, risks, strategies, priorities,approaches, structures. This form is associated with the need to name a number of objects; errors in these cases change the norm. At the same time, word forms reality, concern appear to be violations of the norm, tk. distort the lexical meaning of the word.

In the area of word formation modern newspaper speech is distinguished by the active use of some prefixes and suffixes. Although word production in a language is a natural and necessary process, not all neoplasms adorn our speech. Consider, for example, the use of the -ization suffix: informatization, gumanitarianization, farming, regionalization, criminalization and even shop window display. In some cases, the reader will not be clear about the meaning of such a word, devoid of a specific image and created according to a template.

The main problem of modern word formation, however, is not in the abuse of individual suffixes, but in the mixing of word-formation means with different stylistic coloring. Within the same newspaper article, you can also find special terms like promissory note, and journalistic labels like guidarization, Zyuganovshchina and vulgar words like chernukha, threw, bank transfer,compra.

The combination of the same suffix with different stems generates words different styles, depending on whether the derived word receives a special, strictly limited meaning, whether it acquires a vivid figurative meaning or an approximate meaning, which is typical for colloquial speech.

The foregoing leads us to the conclusion that the writer should pay attention to the coloring given to the word by word-building means and use them in accordance with the genre. In an analytical article, you can use special terms, but it is inappropriate to use words with an indefinite meaning, words that have a rough, jargon coloring. On the other hand, in a pamphlet it is possible colloquial words and neoplasms that do not express a scientific concept.

4. Language norms

One of the main features of the literary language is its normalization, i.e. the existence of norms.

Being a means of communication, language arises and develops in society. It cannot exist outside of society, since it is socially conditioned both by origin and by purpose. As a phenomenon, social language depends on the level of development of society, the conditions of its existence.

The public, social nature of a language is found not only in the external conditions of its existence, but also in the very system of the language, in its phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, stylistic and syntactic constructions. Being a direct product of human society, language reflects all the changes that take place in the environment of its development.

In order to speak correctly both at the level of speech and at the level of language, and even in order to allow justified deviations from it, for all this it is necessary to know the norms of the Russian literary language well.

The norm of the literary language is a complex and contradictory phenomenon. In modern linguistic literature there are various definitions of the norm. Difficulties in defining this concept are due to the presence of mutually exclusive features in this concept. Let us characterize the main features of the literary norm.

An important feature of the literary norm is its stability (or stability). Due to the stability of the norm, the literary language connects generations, since the norms of the language ensure the continuity of cultural and linguistic traditions. But this sign is relative, since the literary language develops, allowing changes in norms.

Some researchers believe that the most important feature of the literary norm is a purely quantitative factor - the degree of use of a linguistic phenomenon. However, it should be borne in mind that a high degree of use of a language variant, being important in determining the language norm, can also characterize speech errors. So, in colloquial speech, in dialects, what "often occurs is the norm."

The third sign of a literary norm is compliance with an authoritative source - most often the works of famous writers. However, it should be remembered that in work of art not only literary language can be reflected, but also dialects and vernacular, therefore, when highlighting norms based on observations of texts of fiction, it is necessary to distinguish, on the one hand, the actual author's speech, on the other hand, the language of characters.

4.1 Orthoepic norms

Most often they are violated in speech, and it is these mistakes that people pay attention to in the first place.

Peculiarity orthoepic norms is that they relate exclusively to oral speech. Within the framework of orthoepic norms, the norms of pronunciation and stress are considered, i.e. specific phenomena of oral speech, usually not reflected in writing.

Pronunciation norms govern the choice of acoustic variants of the phoneme or alternating phonemes - at each step of the development of speech and in each syllable of a single word.

4.2 Word-building norms

They regulate the choice of morphemes, the rules for their placement and connection as part of a new word.

In modern Russian, there are two main types of violations of the word-formation norm:

1. Errors related to the violation of the word-formation structure of the words of the Russian language, the use of forms that are absent in the language. For example, there are no forms of the 1st person singular of the verbs to vacuum (you can’t vacuum) and win (you can’t win), etc.

2. Artificially formed words - for example, admirer (instead of a worshiper who bows), instructive (instead of courteous), cancel (instead of cancel), etc.

Compliance with word-formation norms involves the use of words formed not only in accordance with productive word-formation models, but also taking into account the word-formation potential of a particular word.

4.3 Literary norms

The literary norm is determined by the internal laws of the development of the language, on the other hand, the norm is determined by the cultural traditions of society, what is approved by society, protected, and what society fights against, what is condemned.

Leaving aside theoretical discussions about the language norm, we can accept the following definition of the literary norm: "It is a relatively stable mode (or modes) of expression, reflecting the historical patterns of the development of the language, enshrined in the best examples of literature and preferred by the educated part of society." [K.S. Gorbachevich. Changing the norms of the Russian literary language. - L., 1971, p. 19]

B.N. Golovin points out that a norm is a historically accepted (preferred) choice of one of the functional variants of a linguistic sign in a given linguistic community. "The norm becomes the regulator of people's speech behavior...". [Fundamentals of speech culture. - M.: Higher school, 1980, p.19]

The literary norm is codified, that is, it receives official recognition, being consequently described in grammars, dictionaries, reference books that have authority in society.

4.4 Language norms

The language norm is a model, it is how it is customary to speak and write in a given linguistic society in a given era. The norm determines what is right and what is not, it recommends certain language means and modes of expression and prohibits others. For example, you can’t say collidor, you should - the corridor, you can’t pronounce it calls - it only calls.

Language norms are objectively formed in the process of language practice of members of society. Norms may change over time, but they are still stable over time. Compliance with the norms facilitates the use of literary language. Norms permeate all tiers of the literary language. There are orthoepic norms, that is, pronunciation, prescribing how to put stress in a word, how to pronounce this or that sound: squeezed [sting]; quarter (not a quarter), more beautiful (not more beautiful, not more beautiful).

4.5 Lexical norms

They include the use of a word in strict accordance with its dictionary meaning, as well as norms regarding the use of words in combinations with other words that have their own lexical meaning, i.e. norms of lexical compatibility.

4.6 Grammar norms

Grammatical norms are divided into morphological and syntactic.

Morphological norms determine the correctness of the formation and use of word forms. For example, the normative form of the genitive plural is many stockings, boots, but socks, you can’t say places, deeds, you shouldn’t change indeclinable nouns: in a new coat, incorrect: better (simply - better) or the smartest (smartest or smartest ).

Syntactic norms regulate the formation of phrases and sentences, for example, when driving: you can’t talk shows that ... (shows what?), confidence in victory (in victory), the limit of patience (patience) has come, pay for travel (pay for h then?); After watching this movie, I felt sad (Watching this movie made me sad. Or: I felt sad after watching this movie).

Spelling norms are understood as spelling and punctuation norms. Spelling norms are the rules for writing words, they are enshrined in spelling dictionaries, school textbooks in the Russian language and manuals.

4.6.1 Morphological norms

Morphological norms are numerous and relate to the use of forms of different parts of speech. These norms are reflected in grammars and reference books. Let's take a look at some of the rules.

1. Nouns with a stem in a soft consonant and a zero ending can be both masculine and feminine. Some semantic groups can be distinguished among them. Thus, the names of animals, birds, fish, insects usually refer to the masculine gender, with the exception of the words: bittern, moth, tawny owl, mouse. Among real and concrete nouns there can be masculine and feminine words, which is determined only by the traditions of use, therefore, in cases of doubt, one should refer to dictionaries.

Masculine Feminine

potato vermicelli

swan veil

ammonia duel

corn vegetable

hotel beans

2. Nouns with subjective assessment suffixes (-yshk-, -ishk-, -ushk-, -ish-) retain the gender of the word to which the suffixes are attached: house - big house, barn - old saraishko, sparrow - a young sparrow, perch - a small perch, a strong voice, an absurd letter.

3. The gender of indeclinable nouns is associated with the meaning of the word. Inanimate nouns are usually neuter: aloe, coat, taxi, cocoa, piano, potpourri, popsicle, jersey, jelly, jury, landau, muffin, kimono, mashed potatoes, stew, radio, etc. However, in the modern literary language, some deviations from the norm are registered, for example: avenue - women. genus, and also less often cf. genus; bolero (Spanish national dance) - male. and cf. genus; whiskey (vodka) cf. and wives. genus; kohlrabi (cabbage) - female genus; mango (fruit of a tropical tree) - male. and cf. genus; sirocco (hot wind in Africa) - husband. genus; penalty - husband. and cf. genus; salami (sausage variety) - for women. genus; Urdu, Hindi (languages) male. clan, coffee - husband. genus; in unfolding speech - cf. clan and a few others.

The names of persons are either masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of the designated person, for example:

Masculine Feminine

attache lady

dandy frau

curé pani

coolie milady

mikado emancipe

Some words belong to the common gender, as they can denote males and females: vis-a-vis, incognito, protégé, Sami (nationality), Somali (nationality).

The names of animals, in accordance with the literary norm, are masculine, for example: dingo, jaco, zebu, hummingbird, cockatoo, kangaroo, marabou, pony, chimpanzee. The exception is the words: ivasi (fish) - female. genus; tsetse (fly) - female. genus.

The names of animals in a sentence can be used as feminine words if the text refers to a female animal: the kangaroo was feeding the cub.

4. For alphabetic abbreviations (complex abbreviated words read by the names of the letters), the gender is associated with their morphological form. If the abbreviation is inclined, then its gender is due to the ending: university - husband. gender, since in the nominative case it has a zero ending (cf .: in a university, university, etc.); tsum - husband. clan (in tsume, tsumom). If the abbreviation is not inclined, then usually its gender is determined by the gender of the core word from which the abbreviation is formed: Central Committee - Central Committee - husband. kind, VDNKh - exhibition - for women. genus. However, this kind of abbreviations often deviates from this rule, especially in cases where abbreviations become familiar and break away from the core word. For example, NEP - husband. gender, although the core word is feminine (politics); MFA - husband. gender, although the core word of the middle gender (ministry); VAK - husband. gender, although the commission is feminine.

5. A large number of masculine words in Russian denote both males and females. Such nouns designate persons by profession, occupation, name positions and titles, for example: hero, associate professor, professor, lawyer, economist, accountant, lawyer, prosecutor, etc. Over the past decades, constructions such as director came to be widespread in literary use when referring to females. However, if the predicate in the designation of females is put in the feminine gender, then definitions for them are used only in the masculine form: the young prosecutor Ivanova, an experienced economist Petrova made a report.

6. In instrumental singular for feminine nouns, in accordance with the literary norm, variant endings -oy, -oy, (-ey, -ey), which differ only stylistically: endings -oy (-ey) are characteristic of bookish, official or poetic speech, and endings - oh (s) are neutral, i.e. are used in any style: water - water, country - country.

7. For masculine nouns that name substances, in the genitive case of the singular, variant endings -a and -y are possible: snow - snow, sugar - sugar, forms with these endings differ either in meaning or stylistically. The difference in meaning lies in the fact that the forms with the ending -y denote a part of the whole: bought sugar, but: sugar production, got drunk on tea, but: growing tea. Stylistic differences are manifested in the fact that forms with the ending -a are neutral (characteristic of any style), and forms with the ending -y are characteristic primarily of oral, colloquial speech. In written speech, the forms in -y are found in stable combinations: give heat, there was no agreement, give a blunder, no passage, no passage, without asking. These forms are also found in words with a diminutive meaning: a beam, a seagull, a kvass.

8. In the nominative plural, according to the traditional norms of the literary language, most words correspond to the ending -ы, -и: locksmiths, bakers, turners, searchlights. However, the ending -a is found in a number of words. Forms with the ending -a usually have a colloquial or professional coloring. Only in some words the ending -a corresponds to the literary norm, for example (70 words are stable): addresses, banks, sides, sides, centuries, bills, director, doctor, tunic, master, passport, cook, cellar, professor, variety, watchman, paramedic, junker, anchor, sail, cold.

Sometimes forms with endings -а and -ы (-и) differ in meaning, cf.: furs (dressed animal skins) and furs (blacksmith's); corps (torsoes of people or animals) and corps (buildings; large military formations); camps (socio-political groups) and camps (parking lots, temporary settlements); breads (cereal plants) and breads (baked); sable (furs) and sables (animals); wires (electrical) and wires (of someone); orders (insignia) and orders (in medieval society, for example, the Order of the Sword).

Here are examples of nouns ending in -s, -i: boatswains, accountants (accountants - colloquial), winds (winds - colloquial), elections, reprimands, jumpers (jumpers - colloquial), contracts (contracts - colloquial), inspectors , instructors (instructors - colloquial), engineers (engineers - colloquial and colloquial), designers, sweaters (sweaters - colloquial), drivers (chauffeurs - colloquial), turners.

Variant forms, forms corresponding to the literary norm, are described in detail in the book: L.K. Graudina, V.A. Itskovich, L.P. Katlinskaya. Grammatical correctness of Russian speech: Experience of the frequency-stylistic dictionary of variants. - M.: Nauka, 1976, p. 116-119.

9. Special attention should pay attention to the inclination of surnames of non-Russian origin and geographical names. Here are just a few norms of the literary language.

a) Surnames in -ko such as Shevchenko, Sidorenko in official speech and in written form of the literary language are not inclined.

In colloquial speech and in fiction, these surnames are used in two versions, i.e. they can be inflexible, but they can also be inclined: sent to Semashka, talking about Ustimenka.

b) If the surnames coincide with common nouns, then female surnames do not decline (met Anna Sokol), but male ones decline (met Vladimir Sokol), while several cases are possible: surnames with suffixes -ets, -ek, -ok, -el it is better to decline without dropping out a vowel: Ivan Zayats, Timofey Peretz; surnames ending in a soft consonant, denoting males, are declined as masculine nouns, although, being common nouns, they can be feminine words. Wed: lynx - female. kind, but: Ivan Rys, far - wives. genus, but: Vladimir Dahl.

c) Russian surnames ending in -in, -ov in the instrumental case end in -y: Frolov, Ivanov, Kalinin. place names in the instrumental case they have endings -om: g. Kalinin, s. Golyshmanov. The ending -om also has foreign-language surnames in -in, -ov: Darwin, Chaplin, Colvin. Female foreign-language surnames do not decline: Darwin, Zeitlin, etc. [For more on this, see the above book, pp. 150-160]

The norms for the use of numerals in modern Russian are peculiar and specific.

So, for example, complex numerals like eighty, seven hundred are the only group of words in which both parts are declined: eighty, seven hundred (creative pad.), about eighty, about seven hundred (prepositional pad.). In modern colloquial speech, the declination of complex numbers is lost, which is also facilitated by the professional speech of mathematicians, however, in official speech, the norm requires the declination of both parts of complex numbers.

Collective numbers (two, three, ..., ten) are not used in official speech, although they coincide in meaning with cardinal numbers. But even in colloquial speech, their use is limited: they do not combine with the names of feminine persons, with inanimate nouns, with the names of high ranks, positions (hero, general, professor, etc.). Collective numerals are combined with the names of males (except for the names of high ranks, positions): two boys, six soldiers; with the names of the cubs: seven kids, five wolf cubs; with substantiated adjectives: seven cavalry, four military.

In the field of adjectives, the formation of a complex form of a comparative degree belongs to frequent violations of the norm. The norm corresponds to forms like "more + the initial form of the adjective": more interesting. Formation of the type more interesting is erroneous.

There are many rules regarding the use of verbs.

1. So, when forming aspectual pairs of a verb, there are norms regarding the alternation of vowels in the root:

a) Alternation is mandatory if the stress does not fall on the root (shorten - shorten);

b) There is no alternation if the stress falls on the root (to lure - to lure), however, in a number of words, the absence of alternation is archaic, artificial (earn, procure, master, challenge, adapt, finish, calm, double, triple).

c) About 20 verbs allow fluctuations (options) in the formation of aspect pairs (with alternation in colloquial speech, without alternation - in book, business), for example: agree - agree and agree, honor - honor and honor, condition - condition and condition.

2. There are verbs in Russian that end in -ch. In the personal forms of these verbs, except for the 1st person singular and the 3rd person plural, the alternation of the consonants Mrs., k-ch: burn, burn, but: burn, burn, burn, burn; dragging, dragging, but: dragging, dragging, dragging, dragging.

Residents of the Tyumen region often do not have this alternation of consonants in such verbs, which is explained by the influence of dialects and vernacular: bake (instead of bake), it will flow out (instead of it will flow out) and under.

So, morphological norms are diverse and, as mentioned above, are set out in grammars and reference books.

4.6.2 Syntactic norms. Stress norms

No less numerous are other types of norms, for example, syntactic ones, i.e. rules for constructing phrases and sentences. For example: choosing the right form of management is perhaps the most difficult thing in modern oral and written speech. How should I say: a review of a dissertation or a dissertation, control over production or production, capable of sacrifices or sacrifices, a monument to Pushkin or Pushkin, to decide destinies or destinies?

Difficulties in choosing the form of management are largely predetermined by the complexity of this linguistic phenomenon and the lack of a special regulatory guide. Until now, the problem of control remains not completely solved. There is no common opinion about the essence and varieties of management, ways to distinguish it from other types of subordination.

To avoid errors in the form of management, one should distinguish not only the lexical meaning of words, but also the grammatical content of a particular construction. For example, the word monument in the sense of a sculptural structure in honor of a person in circulation, indicating the addressee, is used with the dative case - a monument to whom, for example: a monument to Pushkin, Suvorov, etc. When referring to the performer (surname of the sculptor), the genitive case of belonging is put - a monument to whom, for example: a monument to Anikushin, Kozlovsky, etc. Meanwhile, the high productivity of the genitive case and inattention to grammatical content often lead to syntactic errors, such as Pushkin's monument. The complexity and capriciousness of the Russian accent is widely known. Perhaps no other area of ​​the Russian language now causes so many fierce disputes, bewilderment and hesitation. Everyone wants to know what is right after all: loop or loop, cottage cheese or cottage cheese, industry or industry, born or born? Being in a conscientious error, some naively believe that linguists by a special decree can and (even must!) "eradicate" fluctuations in stress, establish once and for all uniform and unshakable rules. Many complain that modern poets are shaking the general literary norm, allowing accentological doublets in verse, sometimes even in the same stanza. For example:

We occupy a trench in the morning,

Protecting each bump ....

I am far away and you are far away...

What do you say my dear?

[Svetlov. Twenty eight.]

Correct placement of stress is a necessary sign of cultural, literate speech. There are many words, the pronunciation of which serves as a litmus test of the level of speech culture. It is often enough to hear from a stranger an incorrect stress in a word (like: youth, shop, invention, newborn, tool, document, percentage, whooping cough, beetroot, athlete, self-interest, associate professor, portfolio, condolences, translated, transported, make it easier for people, etc. .p.), in order to form a not too flattering opinion about his education, the degree of general culture, so to speak, the level of intelligence. Therefore, there is no need to prove how important it is to master the correct accent.


Thus, we found out that the culture of speech is a section of linguistics, which deals with two questions: how to master the norms of the literary language, and how to use expressive language means in different communication conditions.

The culture of speech is a relatively young science of language. The culture of speech is interested in how a person uses speech, depending on the goals and place of communication, on the addressee of the speech. Indeed, within the same style, an infinite number of statements can be created: some of them will be successful, others less successful, others completely unsuccessful. The question of the qualitative assessment of statements is also dealt with by the culture of speech, i.e. it finds out whether a person speaks correctly or incorrectly, good or bad.

To achieve a high level of speech culture, the speaker must have a rich supply of language tools and be able to choose from them those that are most suitable for each case. First of all, you need to take care of expanding your vocabulary.

To do this, you need to read more, learn to notice unfamiliar words, find out their meaning with the help of an explanatory dictionary. It is very important to develop a critical attitude to your own speech, the desire to always speak to the point, consistently, accurately, expressively and correctly.

If a person has a correct and good speech, he reaches the highest level of speech culture. This means not only avoiding speech errors, but also being able to build statements in the best possible way in accordance with the purpose of communication, choosing the most appropriate words and constructions in each case, taking into account who and under what circumstances he is addressing.

A high culture of speech is the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey one's thoughts by means of language. Correct speech is one in which the norms of the modern literary language are observed. But the culture of speech is not only in following the norms of the language. It also lies in the ability to find not only accurate, but also the most intelligible and most appropriate and, therefore, stylistically justified means for expressing one's thoughts.

In the process of communication, we certainly want our speech to be understandable to the interlocutor, and the information that we communicate to him was perceived exactly as we want it, and not in any other way. In order for the speech to be perceived by the listener exactly as we want it, it must correspond to the conditions of communication.

In the modern Russian literary language, as in any living, developing language, there is an intensive convergence of traditional literary means of expression with the everyday colloquial element, with social and territorial dialects in their modern state. However, the well-known "emancipation" and renewal of literary norms should not lead to their destruction, to the stylistic reduction of speech itself, to its coarsening and vulgarization.

Under these conditions, normativity, the correctness of speech acquire a special and relevant significance. In the era of the latest technologies, universal and complete computerization, the spread of video technology and other achievements of modern civilization, a deep knowledge of the native language, possession of its literary norms is mandatory for every educated person and patriot.

The correctness of speech is the foundation of language culture; without it there is not and cannot be any literary artistic mastery, nor the art of the living and written word.

Poor, linguistically poor speech is perceived as a negative characteristic of a person, indicating his superficial knowledge, low speech culture, and insufficient vocabulary. But the main thing: poverty, dullness, monotony of language is associated with poverty, dullness and not originality of thought.

A high level of speech culture is an integral feature of a cultured person. To improve our speech is the task of each of us. To do this, you need to monitor your speech in order to avoid mistakes in pronunciation, in the use of word forms, in the construction of a sentence. You need to constantly enrich your vocabulary, learn to feel your interlocutor, be able to select the most suitable words and constructions for each case.

speech correctness linguistic literary


1. Ippolitova N. A., Knyazeva O. Yu., Savova M. R. Russian language and culture of speech. - M., 2013

2. Koltunova M. V. Language and business communication: Norms. Rhetoric. Etiquette: Textbook. allowance / M.V. Koltunov. - M.: Economics, 2000.

3. Vasilyeva A.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. - M., 2010.

4. Petryakova A. G. Culture of speech: Practicum-ref. for grades 10-11-M.: Flint: Nauka, 2008.

5. Reformatsky A. A. Introduction to linguistics: Proc. for philology. specialist. higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Aspect Press, 2006.

6. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A. Dictionary of the difficulties of the Russian language. - M.: Iris-press: Rolf, 2000.

7. Golovin BN How to speak correctly. - M., 2008.

8. Golovin BN Fundamentals of speech culture. - M., 2008.

9. Gorbachevich K.S. Norms of the modern Russian literary language. - M., 1989.

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