Mucus schedule closer to menstruation. Discharge before menstruation or pregnancy

Most women are familiar with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Many of them suffer not so much from the ailments of menstruation itself, but from the condition that precedes it. The reason for this is the hormonal changes that occur in the body on the eve of menstruation. The functioning of various organs is disrupted, as well as nervous system. This leads to headaches, depression, irritability. It is necessary to know what physiological processes they are associated with. Then, perhaps, it will be easier to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

After ovulation, the so-called luteal phase begins, preceding the onset of menstruation. Preparation for it begins in the body in advance. Under the influence of hormones, changes occur in the state of the mammary glands and genital organs. The brain, the central nervous system reacts to hormonal processes.

For most women, this results in characteristic symptoms before menses. For some, they begin 2 days before menstruation, for others - 10. Violations with varying degrees of severity appear. With the onset critical days they disappear. These symptoms are collectively referred to as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It has been noticed that PMS is stronger in women who suffer from gynecological or any other diseases.

Night shift work, exposure to harmful substances, lack of sleep, malnutrition, troubles and conflicts - all these are factors that increase ailments before menstruation.

Note: There is such a theory that discomfort before menstruation is the body's reaction to the lack of conception, which is a natural completion of the physiological processes occurring in the female reproductive system.

Signs of approaching menstruation

The symptoms of PMS can vary from woman to woman. The nature of the manifestations is influenced by heredity, lifestyle, age, state of health. The most obvious signs of approaching menstruation include the following:

  • irritability;
  • depressed state, feeling of inexplicable melancholy, depression;
  • fatigue, headaches;
  • the fall blood pressure;
  • inability to concentrate, deterioration of attention and memory;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • pain in the chest;
  • the occurrence of edema and weight gain due to fluid retention in the body;
  • indigestion, bloating;
  • drawing pains in the back.

There is a mild form of PMS (the presence of 3-4 symptoms that disappear with the onset of menstruation) and a severe form (the appearance of most symptoms at the same time 5-14 days before menstruation). It is not always possible for a woman to cope with severe manifestations on her own. Sometimes only hormonal drugs can help.

Varieties of PMS

Depending on what signs prevail in a woman before menstruation, the following forms of PMS are distinguished.

Edema. With this form, women feel pain in the mammary glands more acutely, their legs and arms swell, skin itching appears, and increased sweating.

Cephalgic. Every time before menstruation there is dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, radiating to the eyes. Often these symptoms are combined with pain in the heart.

Neuropsychic. Symptoms such as depressed mood, irritability, tearfulness, aggressiveness, intolerance to loud sounds and bright lights predominate.

Crisis. Before menstruation, women experience crises: blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, limbs go numb, pains appear in the retrosternal region, and fear of death arises.

Causes of various PMS symptoms

The severity of PMS manifestations depends mainly on the degree of hormonal changes and the state of the nervous system. An important role is played by the psychological attitude. If a woman is active, busy with interesting things, then she does not feel the symptoms of the onset of menstruation as acutely as a suspicious pessimist suffering from the mere thought of impending ailments. The appearance of each symptom can be found an explanation.

Increase in body weight. On the one hand, its cause is a decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood in the second phase of the cycle. By accumulating adipose tissue capable of releasing estrogens, the body makes up for their shortage. There is also a deficiency of glucose in the blood, which leads to increased feelings of hunger. For many women, eating delicious food is a way to take their mind off troubles and worries.

Changes in mood. The cause of aggressiveness, irritability, anxiety, depression is the lack of “pleasure hormones” (endorphin, serotonin, dopamine) in the body, the production of which decreases during this period.

Nausea. Before menstruation, the uterus increases slightly due to the growth and loosening of the endometrium. At the same time, it can exert pressure on the nerve endings, the irritation of which causes the appearance of a gag reflex. To provoke the occurrence of nausea can take hormonal drugs and contraceptives. If a woman constantly has such a symptom before menstruation, then perhaps this remedy is contraindicated for her. It must be replaced with something else.

Warning: Nausea before the expected period can be a sign of pregnancy. With this in mind, a woman should first of all do a test and visit a doctor to clarify her condition.

Pain in the lower abdomen. Weak pulling pain in the lower abdomen is considered normal before menstruation, if the woman has no cycle disorders, there are no pathological discharges and other signs of diseases of the genital organs. If the pain is severe, does not subside after taking painkillers, then it is imperative to go to the doctor, undergo an examination to find out the causes of the pathology.

Temperature rise. Before menstruation, the temperature can normally rise to 37 ° -37.4 °. The appearance of more high temperature becomes a sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the uterus or ovaries. As a rule, there are other signs of violations, forcing a woman to visit a doctor.

The appearance of acne. Such a symptom occurs before menstruation as a result of endocrine disorders, intestinal diseases, a decrease in the body's defenses, a violation of fat metabolism due to changes in hormone production.

The appearance of edema. Hormonal changes cause a slowdown in the process of water-salt metabolism in the body, which leads to fluid retention in the tissues.

Enlargement of the mammary glands. There is an increase in the level of progesterone and the preparation of the body for a possible onset of pregnancy. The ducts and lobules swell, blood circulation increases. The breast tissues are stretched, which leads to a dull pain when touched.

Video: Why appetite increases before menstruation

Under what conditions do similar manifestations occur?

Often women confuse the manifestations of PMS and pregnancy. Nausea, dizziness, enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands, increased whiteness are characteristic of both conditions.

If there are symptoms, and menstruation is delayed, then, most likely, pregnancy has occurred. To make sure that this is the case, it is recommended to take a blood test for the content of chorionic hormone (hCG is formed after pregnancy).

Similar symptoms also appear with endocrine diseases, the formation of tumors of the mammary glands, the use of hormonal drugs.

Symptoms of the approach in adolescents of the first menstruation

Puberty begins in girls at the age of 11-15 years. Their character is finally established only after 1-2 years. A girl can learn about the imminent onset of the first menstruation by characteristic manifestations. Already 1.5-2 years before the onset of this event, a teenage girl has white discharge. Immediately before the appearance of the first menstruation, the whites become more intense and liquid.

There may be a slight pulling pain in the ovaries due to their growth and stretching. PMS often manifests itself quite weakly, but there may be deviations comparable in nature to the manifestations of PMS in adult women. One of the characteristic signs of teenage PMS is the formation of acne on the face. The reason is the fluctuation in the level of sex hormones, the effect of this process on the condition of the skin.

Video: Signs of approaching menstruation in girls

Symptoms of PMS in premenopausal women

After 40-45 years, women show the first signs of aging and a decrease in the level of sex hormones. There are menstrual disorders, metabolism slows down, chronic diseases of the genital organs often become aggravated. The condition of the nervous system worsens. As a result of this, the manifestations of PMS are even more intensified.

Many women of this age experience severe headaches, dizziness, increased sweating, increased heart rate, mood swings, and depression before menstruation. Often, such manifestations of PMS are so painful that hormone therapy is prescribed to alleviate the condition with drugs that regulate the content of estrogens, progesterone and other hormones in the body.

On average, every 28 days, for forty years, cyclic processes occur in the body of the fair sex, the result of which, according to nature, should be pregnancy. If it did not take place, then the uterus rejects its "empty" the inner layer and the body again lives in "waiting for a miracle."

The period of time from the beginning of the previous and subsequent menstruation is called the menstrual cycle. Thus, the beginning of the cycle coincides with the beginning of spotting. For each woman, the length of the cycle and the duration of monthly bleeding are an individual indicator determined by the physical condition and lifestyle. Normal is the duration of menstruation within 3-6 days, and the length of the cycle should vary in the range of 21-35 days. Usually menstruation begins with not abundant dark spotting, which during the day gain intensity, acquire a bright color. At this stage of bleeding, inclusions of mucus and blood clots are characteristic. It usually lasts 1-3 days. Later, the discharges lose their intensity, become less abundant and darken, their number disappears, and by the fourth or seventh day they stop altogether. In the fairer sex, using hormonal birth control pills or a spiral, brown discharge may be observed one to two days before the start of the cycle, this phenomenon can be considered normal.

Allocations that are not related to menstruation are called whites. Their number, color, consistency can be different and depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle and hormonal changes in the woman's body.

In the first period of the cycle (follicular phase), which usually lasts two weeks from the onset of menstruation, including bleeding, under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, the formation of dominant follicle. And the increased production of estrogen contributes to the formation of a new inner layer of the uterus. In addition, this hormone has such an effect on the surface mucus of the cervix, the likelihood of becoming pregnant during this period is minimal. During this period, a meager amount of mucous discharge, almost imperceptible to the patient, can be released from the female genital tract.

The second period of the cycle (ovulation) lasts three to four days and is characterized by the release of a mature egg from the ovary (ovulation). Ladies appear plentiful transparent mucous secretions. Also during this period, short-term slight discharge of brown, brown or pinkish color is possible. They can be caused by hemorrhage when the egg leaves the follicle. Such discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle indicates that the most favorable period for conception has come. But the combination of bright spotting in this phase with severe pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, up to loss of consciousness, indicates that an ovarian rupture has occurred. And this condition requires urgent medical attention.

In the third period of the cycle (luteal phase), progesterone and estrogen are actively produced. They prepare the endometrium for the embryo to be implanted in it. The duration of this phase is no more than 15-16 days.

Further, under the influence of estrogens, the vaginal flora changes, and the discharge resembles a creamy mass. white color possibly with a hint of yellow. Closer to menstruation, they become thick and plentiful. All this can be considered normal if the discharge is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor and discomfort in the vagina, such as burning and itching.

White discharge

  • may be a symptom of vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In this case, the discharge has the appearance of white lumps and a specific sour smell;
  • may indicate inflammatory diseases of the cervix. Especially if combined with pain during sexual contact;
  • can be companions of diabetes mellitus, in combination with constant itching and swelling of the perineum;
  • may be the first manifestations of uterine cancer when there are no other symptoms. In the first stage of the disease, the discharge becomes watery and transparent.

yellow discharge

Different shades on the eve of menstruation indicate the imminent onset of bleeding, but they should not be combined with an unpleasant odor and discomfort in the genital tract. Otherwise, they may indicate:

  • inflammatory diseases of the appendages. Combined with pain, fever, general weakness;
  • non-specific inflammation of the vulva and vagina;
  • erosive changes in the cervix, when combined with pain during intercourse;
  • venereal diseases, combined with itching and the smell of decay.

pink discharge

Pinkish discharge from the genital tract can be caused by taking medications, inserting an IUD (the first months such a reaction is possible), the onset of pregnancy (minor pink discharge may appear at the stage of fixing the fetal egg in the uterine wall), the early onset of menstruation. Also, the presence of pink discharge can become a manifestation of diseases such as:

  • inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus (after interventions in the uterine cavity, accompanied by general symptoms);
  • inflammatory processes in the cervical canal (discharges have a purulent appearance and smell);
  • endometriosis (pink discharge is present both before and after menstruation);
  • formation of the muscular layer of the uterus (combined with bleeding in different periods cycle);
  • oncological changes in the uterus (over time, abundant mucous secretions turn into them after they are combined with blood).

Bloody issues

It can be considered as the norm, only on condition that they precede menstruation and last no more than two or three days. This situation is often observed when using the IUD. Here they are of a meager nature and can continue for several days after menstruation.

If a bloody issues very copious (more than ten pads a day) and are bright in color, you can think of bleeding, and such a woman needs medical attention. Heavy bleeding may be a symptom of:

  • increased growth of the endometrium;
  • polyps of the uterus and cervical canal;
  • endometriosis;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • threats of miscarriage of a short term;
  • severe stressful situation.

As can be seen from the foregoing, discharge from the genital tract of a particular species can be called physiological only in a limited number of cases. In other moments, this is a symptom of a gynecological pathology that requires the intervention of a specialist, especially if it has been observed for a long time and there has been a tendency to aggravate it.

This phenomenon in girls is considered a normal process. They occur periodically in any of the fair sex. Often indicate the onset of pregnancy, often - a translucent thin liquid without odor and other symptoms. Whether this is a pathology, we will find out below in the article.

The body of a woman gives the first signals of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation. Of course, such signs are not always one hundred percent and are not observed in all expectant mothers.

Below we consider what symptoms can tell a woman that she will soon become a mother:

  • emotional instability
  • slight malaise
  • swelling and pain in the chest
  • drowsiness
  • drawing pain below the navel
  • nausea, vomiting
  • low pressure
  • the appearance or increase of whites
  • delayed menstruation
  • muscle cramps
  • frequent urination
  • brown or pinkish mucus

Of course, these signs are relative. Even a pregnancy test can be false positive.

Such vivid symptoms are observed only in the first pregnancy, in the subsequent, the woman may not be aware that she is in position.

Sometimes in women with gynecological ailments, the first symptoms of pregnancy are felt brighter, because pain may occur in the lumbar region and appendages.

What discharge is considered normal?

Every day, absolutely any girl can notice mucus on her underpants. This phenomenon is considered normal - such is the physiology of the female sex. Sometimes it signals that there is an infection or inflammation in the body, then the secretion secreted changes color and smell.

Whites have a sourish or neutral smell. The excreted secret consists of lactobacilli, since the vagina has a slightly acidic environment. The main function of mucus is to create a normal environment for conceiving a child. And also the secret secret provides lubrication to the external genitalia. Therefore, such whites are considered the norm.

Available whole line signs when a woman herself can diagnose that the secreted mucus does not belong to the pathology:

  1. Whites change shade depending on the period of the cycle (they are white, cream, yellowish or transparent).
  2. The smell is neutral or slightly sour.
  3. The released secret is both liquid and viscous.
  4. The amount of secretion secreted is different, but not more than a teaspoon per day.
  5. Before the onset of menstruation, after sex or during a period of excitement, their volume increases significantly.

Remember that if the secreted mucus does not entail and does not have a specific smell, this is not a pathology, but a normal process.

There are quite a few factors that influence the onset of the disease:

  • hormonal imbalance
  • taking certain hormonal drugs
  • the period of gestation, as a woman's immunity decreases
  • neglect of personal hygiene
  • improperly selected cosmetics for the care of intimate places
  • uncontrolled
  • stress
  • malnutrition and more

If such unpleasant symptoms appear, visit a gynecologist. You can not prescribe drugs for yourself, otherwise it will lead to irreparable consequences.

When does this phenomenon refer to pathology?

Under the influence of various factors, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply in large numbers, which further leads to inflammation.

So, what signs indicate a pathological process:

  1. The consistency of the excreted secret is similar to cottage cheese, while it is combined with various unpleasant symptoms - this indicates candidiasis.
  2. The daily amount of secretion secreted exceeds a teaspoon.
  3. The discharge has changed color to greenish, yellowish or brown.
  4. Appeared.
  5. Pain below the navel, pain during urination, redness of the intimate area and other symptoms.

Such signs indicate the onset of the inflammatory process in the female body.

How to determine the disease by the color of the discharge?

Unfortunately, there are too many reasons that cause a change in the shade of the allocated secret. Therefore, a doctor can make a correct diagnosis and only after examination and passing a series of tests. Unmistakably, without laboratory tests, only thrush can be determined. But here, too, there is one caveat: such a pathology may well be combined with other ailments, so only an examination will determine the obvious cause of the change in the shade of whiter.

Types of selections:

  1. Foamy discharge - obvious.
  2. Grey colour with a fishy specific smell, indicates gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis.
  3. A green tint indicates a clear purulent process.
  4. Yellow indicates .
  5. White curdled discharge - thrush.
  6. Beli without accompanying unpleasant symptoms is the norm.

Don't stay at home. It is worth remembering: untimely treatment of some serious ailments leads to infertility.

White in the absence of menstruation

Beli in the absence of menstruation can be normal or pathological. It all depends on a number of reasons, which you will find out below.

Main reasons:

  1. Wash twice a day.
  2. Choose the right soap for intimate hygiene.
  3. Stop having sex for a while, especially if you're unsure about your partner.
  4. Do not swim in water bodies.
  5. Take a shower instead of a bath.
  6. Change linen daily (it should be only from natural fabrics).

The main rule is a constant visit to the gynecologist. Only a gynecologist will be able to cure all pathologies in a timely manner.

Sometimes such a sign can indicate the onset of pregnancy. With a delay in menstruation for more than 4 days, it is recommended to visit a specialist. Only a gynecologist can confirm pregnancy.

You should not sit at home, you should remember that the secret that is not always allocated indicates pregnancy and is not the norm.

Sep 17, 2017 Violetta Doctor

Vaginal discharge in a woman is an indicator of her health. They can appear before menstruation, with various pathologies, and also signal the onset of pregnancy. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between them. What are the differences between discharge before menstruation and during pregnancy?

Menstruation and pregnancy - two natural states women. Each of them may be preceded by vaginal discharge of different consistency and color. The quality of the secret must be paid attention to. He is able to warn a woman about an interesting situation that has come or signal an impending illness.

The differences between the discharge before menstruation and pregnancy must be clearly differentiated. If a lady wants to conceive a child or just has a chance to get pregnant, she needs to carefully monitor her condition. The nature of the discharge can tell about changes in the body at a time when no other test can help.

In the second half of the cycle, hormonal changes occur in the body of the fair sex. Gram-negative rods gradually begin to dominate in the vaginal microflora. As a result, the discharge becomes more viscous, slightly transparent, sometimes creamy. In a healthy body, they do not have a specific smell or color and do not cause discomfort.

If the shade or consistency of the discharge changes, this may indicate a pathology:

  • scarlet, mucous membranes - cervicitis, cervical erosion;
  • cheesy - candidiasis;
  • foamy, purulent - sexually transmitted diseases;
  • brown - hormonal imbalance, endometritis, endometriosis, fibroids, polyps;
  • green, yellow - sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovary.

These discharges are not normal and should be alarming. If they are found, it is advisable for a woman to consult a doctor.

Sometimes the fair sex does not know that she is pregnant. In the first weeks, vaginal discharge can tell about this, which changes qualitatively after fertilization has taken place. What should be the discharge before menstruation if there is a pregnancy?

After conception, during the period of attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus, white thick mucus of a matte shade comes out of the vagina. Its difference from the discharge before the usual monthly is that the consistency of the secret is thicker, the color is saturated, whitish, while before the monthly mucus is more transparent, liquid.

The volume of allocations also differs. Before menstruation, they are much more abundant than during pregnancy. Therefore, in order to detect conception without tests and examination by a gynecologist, it is necessary to analyze every month how much mucus regularly comes out of the vagina.

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If conception has occurred, the discharge after ovulation may be brownish, mixed with blood. They are usually darker than during menstruation. This situation is not considered normal and indicates a threat of miscarriage. The reason is the lack of the hormone progesterone in the woman's body, which is responsible for attaching the embryo to the walls of the uterus. If a pregnant woman finds such discharge in herself, she should immediately consult a doctor.

Additional signs will help to distinguish the completed conception from the upcoming regular menstruation.

What else will help to recognize an interesting position?

Differences in discharge before menstruation and during pregnancy are not the only symptom of an interesting situation. If you suspect pregnancy, pay attention to accompanying signs that will not allow you to make a mistake. It:

  • morning sickness, malaise;
  • not coming full-fledged menstruation, despite previous symptoms;
  • breast changes (the nipples become more tender, the veins on the chest increase, the bumps on the halo become larger);
  • constant fatigue associated with changes in metabolism;
  • frequent urination;
  • constipation, flatulence;
  • nasal congestion, signs of a cold;
  • changes in the sharpness of smell, taste;
  • emotional instability;
  • high basal body temperature(This indicator is extremely difficult to control, since preliminary measurements are required within 2 months).

Before menstruation, these signs are absent. Only pulling pains in the abdomen, general weakness and an increase in libido immediately before menstruation can be noted.

Beli is a secretory discharge in women. Their appearance is due to the peculiarities of physiological processes in the reproductive system. They play an important role in the functioning of the genital organs and protecting them from infection. If a woman notices that on the eve of the next menstruation, the discharge has changed (became more abundant, acquired a shade and other unusual signs), then she wonders if everything is in order with her health and whether this can be understood by the appearance of the white discharge that appeared before menstruation. It is important to know exactly when to go to the doctor, and when not to worry.


What are normal whites

The main component of secretions is mucus, which is produced by glands located in the cervix. This viscous liquid is essential to moisten the vagina and protect its surface from damage during sexual contact. In addition, a plug is formed from the mucus at the entrance to the cervical canal. It is a barrier that prevents infection from entering the uterine cavity.

The mucous plug has another important role: with its help, the process of sperm penetration into the uterus is regulated in the body. Before ovulation, the mucus liquefies, which creates the conditions for the fertilization of the egg. And after 4-5 days it becomes more dense.

The process of mucus production and changes in its nature during the cycle is regulated by the ratio of sex hormones - estrogens and progesterone. Normal discharge before menstruation (2-3 days before their onset) has the following symptoms:

  1. Color - white (cloudy due to the admixture of dying particles of the uterine mucosa). The discharge may be creamy or yellowish in color. This is not a deviation and depends on the characteristics of the organism. Yellowish or even brownish spotting on the eve of menstruation is considered normal if an intrauterine device is used for contraception.
  2. The smell is very weak sourish or absent altogether.
  3. The consistency is thick mucus. Allocations are not too plentiful, but not scarce either. If they are very weak, then an infectious disease may be the cause. Vaginal dryness also occurs as a result of the use of soap as a means for intimate hygiene, frequent douching.
  4. There should be no whiter immediately after menstruation.
  5. Allocations do not cause discomfort and malaise.

Video: Vaginal discharge on the eve of menstruation

Can there be no white discharge on the eve of menstruation

This is also possible. There may not be whiter before menstruation due to a deterioration in the work of the secretory glands in the cervix during the premenopausal period, when the production of female sex hormones gradually decreases.

Factors that provoke the absence of whites are the use of contraceptive or therapeutic hormonal drugs with a high content of estrogens. The uncontrolled use of herbal remedies containing phytoestrogens can also contribute to this deviation from the norm.

Warning: For 12-14 days before menstruation, mucus is normally plentiful and watery. If it has a dense consistency at this time, this is a pathology indicating hormonal disorders. Under these conditions, conception cannot occur.

White discharge before menstruation has individual differences for each woman. It depends on the innate characteristics of physiology, age, hormonal levels in the body on this moment, the presence of stressful situations, lifestyle.

The nature of leucorrhoea in adolescent girls

Whites appear in girls about 1.5 years before the onset of the first menstruation. Subsequently, until the hormonal background stabilizes and the cycle is established, the nature of the discharge may change. During this period, both liquid and viscous whites are considered the norm. Their volume, shade and consistency are determined by the genetic characteristics of the development and puberty of the girl.

A sign by which you can guess that the first menstruation should begin is an increase in the intensity of the discharge compared to what it was before. Since at first menstruation occurs irregularly, it is necessary to pay special attention to the nature of the discharge before menstruation, since pathologies are possible at any age.

White with a delay in menstruation

Delay, in the first place, may be a sign of pregnancy. If before the expected menstruation, the whites become more plentiful and thick, this indicates a hormonal shift that occurs in connection with pregnancy. Due to the increase in the level of progesterone, the activity of the glands that produce mucus increases. This protects the uterine cavity and the fetus from infection. The process of cell renewal of the vaginal mucosa is also accelerated, due to which the density of the secreted transparent whitish mucus increases.

Another reason for the delay may be a hormonal failure in the body caused by severe stress or beriberi. Diets that exclude the use of fats and many substances necessary for the body also lead to a delay in menstruation. At the same time, the woman continues to secrete abundant whites instead of them.

Video: Signs of pathological discharge before menstruation

Signs and causes of pathological whites

Pathological discharge on the eve of menstruation differs from normal not only in volume and consistency, but also in the presence of a pungent odor, the appearance of various shades, the presence of lumps or clots. There are painful sensations.

Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs

Vaginitis- inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by swelling, itching and burning in this area, as well as pain in the sacrum. Abundant liquid leucorrhoea at the same time have a yellow color. The content of leukocytes is increased. Such discharge may appear about 1 week before menstruation.

Cervicitis. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the cervix. White discharge before menstruation becomes very plentiful, liquid. Pus can form in them, an unpleasant odor appears.

endometritis- inflammation in the uterine cavity. Turbid discharge has an unpleasant odor. A woman has symptoms such as pain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen, fever. Inflammation can spread to the tubes and ovaries. The chronic process leads to the appearance on the eve of monthly leucorrhea with a greenish color and a heavy odor.

Diseases associated with a violation of the microflora of the vagina

Bacterial vaginosis. A characteristic sign of whiter in this disease is a strong fishy smell, a yellowish tint. On the eve of menstruation, they become even more intense. A woman feels constant burning and itching in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse. The disease occurs due to a violation of the composition of the microflora in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs.

Candidiasis urogenital. The disease appears due to the penetration into the genitals of the Candida fungus, which destroys the mucous membranes. There are inflammatory processes in the vagina, urination organs. The symptoms of this disease are very characteristic. The discharge is copious, especially on the eve of menstruation. They have the appearance of a white curd mass. They smell sour milk, since lactic acid is formed during the life of the fungus. A woman is worried about severe itching and irritation in the vagina. The reproduction of the fungus is facilitated by uncontrolled antibiotic treatment. They are able to kill beneficial lactobacilli that create detrimental conditions for pathogens.

Erosion of the mucous membranes, neoplasms in the uterus

Cervical erosion. Damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix and the glands located in it leads to the fact that the whites that increase before menstruation become colorless, contain mucus clots. The wounds formed on the surface of the neck bleed, so menstruation appears brownish. Often there are delays in menstruation.

Endometriosis. There is an abnormal growth of the lining of the uterus. The structure of the endometrium is disturbed, blood vessels are damaged. Leucorrhea containing bloody impurities can be a sign of this disease. The appearance of pulling pain in the lower abdomen is also characteristic.

Polyps in the uterine cavity. They are growths on its mucous surface. Before menstruation, the endometrium loosens and swells. Polyps are damaged, torsion of the legs is possible. This leads to the fact that whites become bloody. The appearance of polyps is not always possible to notice, since, in addition to the discharge of a pathological nature, there may not be other manifestations of the disease.

Malignant tumors of the uterus. They often develop secretly, and only by the presence of fetid leucorrhoea before the onset of menstruation can one suspect their formation. Allocations acquire various shades, contain particles of blood.

Warning: Gynecologists, oncologists always warn: if a woman notices the appearance of watery pink or brownish leucorrhea with a bad smell, which intensifies a few days before menstruation, then there is a high probability that there is a uterine tumor. The sooner the examination is completed, the more likely it is that the disease can be dealt with.

Venereal diseases

Infections are sexually transmitted. Accordingly, such diseases (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and others) may appear in women who are sexually active. It is necessary at the first signs of the presence of such diseases to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment simultaneously with a sexual partner. Leucorrhoea is usually cloudy, frothy, with a gray, yellow or green tint. They have a bad smell. Increased before menstruation, do not stop after them completely.

Endocrine disorders

The nature of the discharge before menstruation changes in the presence of diseases of the thyroid, pancreas and other organs endocrine system. So, in women, patients diabetes, leucorrhoea is thicker and more abundant than normal. The reason is not only a hormonal shift due to the inadequate functioning of the pancreas, but also a violation of the acidity of the vaginal environment, a weakening of protection against bacteria. In diseases of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of the ovaries, whites before menstruation are usually abundant, colorless.

Careful monitoring of the nature of premenstrual discharge, timely access to a doctor in case of deviations from the norm are a measure to prevent the occurrence of serious problems with a woman's reproductive health.