Terrifying statistics! Trichomonas infection Trichomonas and diabetes mellitus.


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What diseases are related to fungal and protozoal sexual

These two groups genital infections are few, since each of them has only one pathology. Protozoan infections are diseases that are caused by microorganisms from the group of protozoa. Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by protozoa, caused by the microorganism Trichomonas vaginalis. Trichomoniasis is also called trichomoniasis or trichomonas colpitis, but they are all the same disease.

The group of fungal infections includes diseases caused by pathogenic and opportunistic fungi. Pathogenic fungal microorganisms are never part of the microflora of the human body, and opportunistic pathogens are constantly present, but in small quantities. In this case, opportunistic fungi do not cause an infectious and inflammatory process, since other microorganisms do not give them this opportunity. In case of violation of the normal composition and ratio of microorganisms of the human microflora, opportunistic fungi provoke the development of mycoses - fungal infections. Sexual fungal infections include only one type of mycoses - candidiasis, which develops under the influence of the yeast fungus Candida albicans, Candida pseudotropicalis, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis. Candidiasis has whole line alternative titles:

  • urogenital candidiasis;
  • vulvovaginal mycosis;
  • urogenital mycosis;
  • genital fungus.
There are several types of each type of Candida, but all of them are capable of causing genital candidiasis. The course of the disease and sensitivity to various antifungal drugs is also determined by the type of yeast.

Features of the existence of Trichomonas and fungi of the genus Candida in


Since the microorganism belongs to the simplest, this means that it represents only one cell. The cell-organism Trichomonas has flagella. The shape of the cell resembles the shape of an irregular pentagon. The length of Trichomonas is only 13-18 microns. This small, single-celled organism moves by active movements of the flagella and special wave-like movements of the cell wall. Wave-like contractions of the cell wall of Trichomonas are able to form special protrusions in the form of a small "leg", which are called "pseudopodia". Thanks to such pseudopodia, Trichomonas penetrates into the intercellular space, that is, it appears in the thickness of the tissue.

Due to their habitat in the genitourinary tract, Trichomonas are resistant, can hide from the applied medicines. In this case, against the background of a significant improvement in symptoms, the person seems to have fully recovered. But this is not so, since there is a carriage and subsequent chronicization of inflammation. Also, the person is potentially infectious to other people.

Trichomonas, which causes a sexual infection, is able to live exclusively in the organs of the genitourinary tract. It is not capable of surviving in the external environment or other organs. This microorganism is very unstable, because it dies when the temperature rises to 45 o C, when exposed to the sun or open air. These properties allow you to effectively prevent infection with trichomoniasis, subject to the rules of hygiene and proper handling of things.


A yeast fungus of the genus Candida normally lives in the oral cavity, small intestine, genitals, urinary structures, esophagus and larynx. Today, almost 80% of people have a fungus of the genus Candida as part of the microflora of the genitourinary organs, but normally it does not cause any pathological processes. Candidiasis develops when other bacteria of the microflora die, as well as as a result of a strong decrease in the immune defense of the human body.

Candida fungus is able to penetrate into the bloodstream and spread to various organs - the vagina, middle ear, nasal passages, etc.

Candida feed on carbohydrates, in particular glycogen, which is produced by the cells of the vaginal epithelium. When Candida fungi multiply, they "eat up" all the glycogen. As a result, the bacteria of the normal microflora of the vagina - Doderlein's sticks, do not have nutrients left, as a result of which they die. The death of Doderlein sticks leads to aggravation of microflora disorders, which enhances the inflammatory process.

Transmission routes

Let's consider possible options for contacts in which the transmission of Trichomonas or fungi of the genus Candida, which cause sexual infections, occurs.


This sexually transmitted infection is the most widespread in the world, and ranks first in frequency of occurrence among other sexually transmitted diseases.

Trichomonas can be transmitted only through contact of a sick person with a healthy one. Most often this occurs during intercourse of the vaginal type, or with a combination of oral-vaginal intercourse. The possibility of contracting trichomoniasis is also great when using various erotic devices - costumes, dildos, etc. Also proven high probability transfer of Trichomonas when the secret of the genital organs gets on the partner's fingers, followed by drift into the genital tract.

However, Trichomonas can persist for some time in a humid and warm environment outside the human body, for example, on sponges or washcloths, on towels, soap dishes and other hygiene items that come into contact with the genitals. In such a situation, infection is possible through close household contact, when people are together and do not properly observe the rules of personal hygiene (use one towel, one sponge, etc.). Girls can become infected in this way, which, however, is quite rare.

Less commonly, Trichomonas is transmitted through direct contact with the blood of a sick person, with sperm or vaginal secretions.

Children can become infected with Trichomonas during pregnancy and childbirth from a sick mother. However, girls are at greater risk than boys.

Unfortunately, scientists were able to identify and prove the possibility of infection with trichomoniasis and indirectly, although this rarely happens. Basically, these are cases of infection in public toilets, swimming pools, restaurants, etc. Trichomonas can survive and infect a person in a place where it is not too hot, damp and dark. However, elementary rules of personal hygiene will protect against such a risk of infection with human Trichomonas.


Candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it can affect the urinary tract. The likelihood of infection with candida is high during oral-vaginal intercourse, or anal-vaginal, since these fungi are often part of the normal microflora of the oral cavity and intestines.

Today, most people are infected with candida, but they do not cause any infections. In most cases, people become infected with candida during the first year of life, after which the microorganism becomes an opportunistic flora. The main way to become infected with candida is eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, contact with various surfaces that may contain fungi (for example, in hospitals, clinics, etc.). Because of this circumstance, it is more appropriate to consider the reasons why candida causes the development of a sexual infection.

Causes of candidiasis

So, the main factors that can lead to the development of candidiasis are the following:
  • too tight and tight panties;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • frequent use of gaskets;
  • oral sex;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • therapy with various antibiotics, especially long or frequent courses;
  • use of oral contraceptives with high doses of hormones (for example, Ovidon, Anteovin);
  • taking steroid drugs (for example, Metyrapone, Desoxycorton, Fludrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • the use of vaginal diaphragms, intrauterine devices and spermicidal formulations to prevent pregnancy;
  • state of secondary immunodeficiency after illness, surgery, stress, etc.;
Perhaps the main reasons leading to the development of candidiasis can be called the use of antibiotics and the weakening of the immune system. Often stress or hypothermia causes an attack of candidiasis, because for a certain period of time the immune system ceases to perform its duties.

Symptoms of candidiasis and trichomoniasis

In order to seek qualified help from a doctor in time, you need to know how these sexual infections manifest themselves - trichomoniasis and candidiasis. Therefore, consider the signs and clinical symptoms.


The infectious-inflammatory process can proceed acutely, subacutely or completely erased, without clear clinical symptoms.

Acute trichomoniasis occurs with vivid clinical signs:

  • deterioration of well-being;
  • sleep disorders;
  • the presence of abundant vaginal discharge, often frothy, with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching of the external genital organs;
  • urination disorders by the type of soreness or increased frequency of going to the toilet;
Usually, such signs develop a week or two after a potentially dangerous sexual intercourse. Condylomas may develop on the mucosa of the vulva.

Subacute trichomoniasis is characterized by the presence of slight vaginal discharge against the background of a relatively normal state of health. In the erased form of trichomoniasis, there are no symptoms at all, so often such people consider themselves healthy.

Usually, after a week of acute trichomoniasis, the severity of its symptoms gradually decreases, and the disease becomes chronic. Cases of exacerbation with the appearance of clinical symptoms of an acute form are possible after sexual intercourse, alcohol libations, or as a result of ovarian pathology.

Chronic trichomoniasis is quite difficult to identify and cure. In this case, there is a combined infection, since Trichomonas literally attract chlamydia, ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, gonococci, staphylococci, etc. Common infections with trichomonads and gonococci, mycoplasmas, candida, chlamydia, viruses and ureaplasmas are often detected. In this situation, the clinical symptoms are mild (eg, intermittent vaginal discharge, painful urination, frequent trips to the toilet).

Trichomonas can cause the following diseases:

  • vulvitis;
  • colpitis;
  • vestibulitis;
  • cystitis
All of the above diseases have their own symptoms, and when infected with Trichomonas, the combined development of several pathologies is possible.


Candidiasis is manifested by clinical symptoms that a doctor can see, and some signs felt by a woman. The following symptoms are characteristic of candidiasis:
  • curdled vaginal discharge various quantities(from scarce to abundant);
  • severe, unbearable itching in the area of ​​the labia and vulva;
  • burning sensation of the external genital organs;
  • itching increases after taking a bath or shower, sexual contact, walking;
  • itching may increase during sleep, menstruation and after dinner;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • urination disorders such as pain or increased frequency of going to the toilet.
Vaginal discharge is grey-white in color and grainy in appearance, reminiscent of cottage cheese. When the urethra is damaged, discharge also occurs from it. Examination of the genital organs shows the presence of edema of the vestibule of the vagina, redness and bleeding of the mucous membranes. The skin of the labia is covered with a gray-white coating, which is very difficult to separate, and under it there is a pronounced redness and maceration.

Tests to detect Candida and Trichomonas

At the current level of development of science and technology, trichomoniasis and candidiasis can be diagnosed quite accurately. Consider what tests you need to take to find out the presence or absence of candidiasis / trichomoniasis.


To identify trichomonas, a study of smears of vaginal contents, discharge of the urethra and rectum is used. Today, it is possible to examine a fresh smear using a special microscopy method, or a stained smear. In a fresh smear, Trichomonas are better seen, they are mobile, which allows the laboratory assistant to accurately distinguish dubious forms from epithelial cells. In a stained smear, Trichomonas are very similar to epithelial cells, and sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish them.

In general, the following methods can be used to detect Trichomonas:
1. Examination of a stained smear from the vagina, urethra or rectum (staining with methylene blue, or according to Romanovsky-Giemsa).
2. Examination of an unstained fresh smear using phase contrast microscopy.
3. Bacteriological seeding on the environment.
4. Immunoassay - ELISA.
5. Direct immunofluorescence reaction.
6. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

The most accurate and sensitive methods are PCR and bacteriological inoculation on the medium, but they do not need to be used for primary infection, since smear microscopy or immunofluorescence reaction provide quite adequate diagnosis. PCR and sowing on the medium is recommended for chronic forms of trichomoniasis, which are difficult to detect and treat. A number of clinicians also prefer to monitor treatment with these precise and sensitive diagnostic methods.


To identify fungi of the genus Candida, the following methods are used:
1. Examination of smears of the discharge of the vagina, urethra and rectum;
2. Bacteriological seeding on the environment;
3. Serological reactions (agglutination reaction, complement fixation reaction, precipitation reaction);
4. Immunofluorescence reaction;
5. Linked immunosorbent assay;
6. polymerase chain reaction.

As the fastest methods, the examination of smears, which can be considered fresh, or Gram-stained, is commonly used. Some laboratories also perform immunofluorescence testing, which is fast and in the hands of a competent specialist is a serious method that allows you to determine the presence of candida with a high degree of accuracy. As a highly sensitive method, sowing on the medium is used, which also allows you to clarify which species and types of the fungus of the genus Candida are present, and to which antifungal drugs they are sensitive. PCR is also a very sensitive method, but it does not allow you to determine the sensitivity of the fungus to medications.

If it is impossible to take smears for any reason, they resort to setting up serological reactions, for which blood is taken from a vein.

Prevention principles

It is always better to prevent a disease than to cure it. To protect yourself as much as possible from the risk of infection with trichomoniasis and candidiasis, you need to know the principles for the prevention of these pathologies.


Since in most cases, trichomoniasis is transmitted through unprotected sex, it should be avoided in the first place.

In general, the principles of prevention of trichomoniasis are based on the following rules:
1. Have sex using protective methods (condoms).
2. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
3. Follow the rules of personal hygiene.
4. Get checked regularly for sexually transmitted infections.
5. Use only disposable devices and tools for various procedures and manipulations.


Candidiasis is not sexually transmitted, but there are factors that predispose to the development of this disease. Thus, prevention is reduced to the maximum elimination of possible causes of the formation of candidiasis.

So, in order to protect yourself from candidiasis as much as possible, you should adhere to the following rules:
1. Use antibiotics only when needed.
2. Do not use strong antibiotics to treat infections that can be treated with simpler drugs.
3. Complete the course of antibiotic treatment.
4. Use antifungal drugs while taking antibiotics.
5. Regularly examine the immunogram and take immunomodulating agents.
6. Do not abuse food rich in carbohydrates.
7. Choose hormonal contraceptives taking into account all individual characteristics.
8. Observe personal hygiene.

Principles of treatment

To get rid of genital infections, you should choose the right treatment. Consider the principles of adequate therapy for candidiasis and trichomoniasis.


For the treatment of trichomoniasis, special drugs are used that are effective against the corresponding microorganism. Remember that in order to successfully cure trichomoniasis, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy for all sexual partners. For the duration of the course, everyone should stop drinking alcohol and sexual intercourse.

In the treatment of trichomoniasis, local and systemic drugs are used, divided into first-line drugs and secondary ones. Usually, first-line drugs are highly effective against Trichomonas, but not always. When first-line drugs are not effective, or the patient cannot take them, they resort to prescribing secondary drugs.

In addition to antitrichomonas drugs, it is rational to use immunomodulatory drugs to improve the effect of therapy.

So, the means of the first row include:

  • Tinidazole (Fazizhin).
Today, various schemes for taking Metronidazole and Tinidazole for the treatment of trichomoniasis have been developed, which are reflected in the table:
Metronidazole regimens Tinidazole regimens
250 mg 2 times a day for 10 days.500 mg 4 times a day for 5 days.
4 days at 250 mg 3 times a day, then 4 days at 250 mg 2 times a day.1000 mg twice a day for 7-10 days.
The first day - 500 mg twice a day, the second
a day - 250 mg three times a day, then 4 days, 250 mg twice a day.
Take 500 mg four times within 1 hour, at intervals of 15 minutes.

Secondary resources:
  • Ornidazole - apply 0.5 g twice a day, for 5 days;
  • Naxogen - take 4 tablets at a time in case of an acute illness, or 0.5 g twice a day, for 6 days in case of a chronic pathology;
  • Atrikan - apply 0.25 g twice a day, for 4 days.
Against the background of taking systemic drugs with an antitrichomonas effect, they are also used local preparations- ointments, suppositories, gels, etc.

The most effective antitrichomonas drugs for topical use:

  • Candles Klion D - injected into the vagina one candle at night for 10 days.
  • Neo-penotran - two suppositories per day are injected into the vagina for 2 weeks.
  • Terzhinan tablets - 2 suppositories are injected into the vagina at night for 10 days.
  • Candles Hexicon - injected 3-4 times a day for 1-3 weeks.
  • Candles Meratin-combi - one candle is administered at night for 10 days.
Therapy with local and systemic drugs should be carried out immediately after menstruation, for 3 cycles.

A good effect in the treatment of trichomoniasis is provided by immunostimulating drugs when used together with antitrichomoniasis. The most effective immunopreparation is the Solkotrikhovak vaccine. It can be used both as a drug and as a prophylactic, to prevent relapses and re-infection after treatment. Usually, Solkotrikhovac is included in the treatment regimen from the first day of therapy, and 0.5 ml is administered intramuscularly. After two weeks, two more injections are given, then the vaccination is repeated after 11 months.


Therapy for candidiasis includes the use of topical and systemic antifungal drugs in combination with diet and avoidance of hormonal contraceptives, smoking and alcohol.

Treatment of primary acute candidiasis is carried out using the following drugs:

  • Butoconazole - a vaginal cream is administered once in an amount of 5 g;
  • Ketoconazole - suppositories are inserted into the vagina, 1 piece, for 3-5 days;
  • Fluconazole - one tablet taken once;
  • Itraconazole - take 0.2 g twice a day, for 3 days;
  • Sertaconazole - one suppository is inserted into the vagina once;
  • Miconazole - 1 suppository (100 mg) is injected into the vagina at night for a week;
  • Thioconazole - 5 g of ointment is injected into the vagina once.
Treatment is carried out by any of the means listed above. Usually, candidiasis responds well to therapy, but relapses often develop some time after treatment. Relapses are due to the same reasons as the primary affect of candidiasis. When the disease develops repeatedly, we are talking about a chronic infection.

For the treatment of chronic candidiasis, a combination of a systemic antifungal drug with a local one is usually used, which are shown in the table:

Systemic antifungal drug for the treatment of candidiasis Topical antifungal drug for the treatment of candidiasis
Nizoral - 400 mg per day, 5 daysKanesten - vaginal tablets or cream for 5-6 days. Tablets are injected into the vagina at 0.2-0.5 g, and the cream is 1-2%
Miconazole - 0.25 g four times a day, 2 weeksMiconazole - cream or suppositories are injected into the vagina 1 time per day for a week
Fluconazole - 50-150 mg once a day, 1-2 weeksBifonazole - cream in the vagina at night, 2-4 weeks
Orungal - 0.2 g once a day, 1 weekGinezol - one suppository in the vagina
Lamisil - 250 mg once a day, 2-4 weeksGinalgin - 1 suppository in the vagina at night, for 10 days
Levorin - 500,000 IU 2-4 times a day, 10-12 daysIsoconazole - a ball in the vagina 1 time per day, for 3-5 days
Amphoglucamine - 200,000 IU twice a day, 10-14 daysEconazole - 150 mg cream is injected into the vagina for three days
Batrafen - the cream is injected into the vagina at night, for 10 days
Decamine - the ointment is injected into the vagina at night, for 2-3 weeks
Polygynax - in the vagina 1 suppository at night - 2 weeks
Terzhinan - in the vagina, 1 suppository at bedtime, for 10 days
Pimafukort - ointment is injected into the vagina 2-4 times a day, for 2 weeks
Betadine - 1 suppository in the vagina, for 2 weeks

To prevent the recurrence of candidiasis, it is recommended to use a systemic antifungal drug for six months, on the first day of each menstruation. After the end of menstruation, local antifungal agents should be used for a week, also for six months.

Healing Control

To be sure of complete cure sexual infection, it is necessary to conduct control examinations.

Trichomoniasis. Control tests are taken one week after the end of therapy, then within 3 menstrual cycles - immediately after the end of menstruation. If during this period there are no signs of trichomoniasis, and trichomonas are not detected in the tests, then the sexual infection can be considered completely cured.

Candidiasis. After a course of treatment for acute primary candidiasis, control tests are given in a week. If there was chronic candidiasis, then control tests are given over three menstrual cycles, immediately after menstruation.

Possible Complications

Candidiasis can lead to the development of a number of complications:
  • narrowing of the vagina;
  • the risk of developing pelvic infections;
  • infection of the urinary system;
  • miscarriage;
  • underweight in newborns;
  • chorioamnionitis;
  • childbirth ahead of time;
  • infection of the glans penis - in men.
Trichomoniasis can lead to the development of the following complications:
  • various violations of the course of pregnancy;
  • pathology of childbirth;
  • congenital infections of the child;
  • high risk of neonatal death.

Tests for candidiasis

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Trichomoniasis (syn. - trichomoniasis) is one of the STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

There are three types of Trichomonas in the human body. Intestinal Trichomonas lives in the large intestine, and when the immune system is weakened, it can cause enterocolitis.

Oral (buccal) Trichomonas lives in the oral cavity. Its pathogenicity (the ability to cause disease) has not been proven. The third type, Trichomonas vaginalis (Trichomonas vaginalis) can affect the genitourinary system of men and women.

Structurally, Trichomonas are unicellular organisms. They are equipped with flagella, which provide them with mobility.

Trichomonas - anaerobes, exist in an airless environment. The optimal temperature regime for the life of Trichomonas is 35 0 -37 0 C, which corresponds to the temperature of the human body.

Trichomonas are sensitive to the action of antiseptics, acids and alkalis, as well as to drying, heating and ultraviolet rays. Therefore, in the external environment, they quickly die.

Trichomonas are characterized by pronounced polymorphism - their cellular structure changes under the influence of various factors. At the same time, they can disguise themselves as epithelial cells and blood elements (platelets, leukocytes), which makes their diagnosis difficult.

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Ways of infection

The main route of infection with Trichomonas vaginalis is sexual contact. Once on the mucous membrane of the vagina or urethra, Trichomonas secrete enzymes that damage epithelial cells. In this case, Trichomonas through the intercellular spaces can even penetrate into the lymphatic and blood vessels.

Trichomonas activate many biologically active substances, incl. and prostaglandins, which increase uterine contractility. During pregnancy, this can lead to spontaneous abortions and the birth of children with a deep degree of prematurity.

The infection can be transmitted from a sick mother to a child during childbirth. True, the probability of birth infection is low - about 5%. In this case, as a rule, girls suffer, which is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the female genitalia. Infection with Trichomonas in everyday life through common objects is unlikely.

Due to the pronounced polymorphism, Trichomonas often serve as a reservoir for pathogens of other STDs - mycoplasmas, ureoplasmas, gonococci, pathogenic fungi that penetrate Trichomonas cells and spread with them. In this case, there is a mutual aggravation of trichomoniasis and these STDs.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

The incubation period is approximately 10 days, but can vary from 2-3 to 30-40 days. In women, the first symptoms of the disease begin with urethritis, colpitis and endocervicitis - inflammation of the urethra, vagina and cervical canal.

At the same time, patients complain of itching and burning in the vagina, painful sexual intercourse, pain when urinating. The mucous membrane of the vagina is reddened, edematous, sometimes covered with erosions and ulcerations.

A distinctive symptom of trichomoniasis is profuse, frothy, fetid vaginal discharge of yellow and green color.

Trichomonas infection can lead to an increase and redness of the Bartholin glands in the vestibule of the vagina.

The severity of these symptoms can be different, in connection with which they distinguish acute, subacute, torpid and chronic trichomoniasis in women.

In the latter case, clinical manifestations are scarce or completely absent. Asymptomatic forms of trichomoniasis are due to the variability of some strains of Trichomonas. However, when a new partner is infected, these strains "awaken" and fully manifest their pathogenic properties.

Unlike women, trichomoniasis in men manifests itself in a more erased, asymptomatic form.

The disease begins with urethritis and its typical manifestations - pain and pain along the urethra, aggravated by urination, scanty mucopurulent discharge. Moderate symptoms in men are due to the fact that less comfortable conditions for Trichomonas are created in the male urethra than in the vagina.

In rare cases, it is even possible to spontaneously get rid of Trichomonas a few days after infection. However, most often the infection spreads further to prostate and testicles with appendages.

Among the long-term consequences of trichomoniasis in men are strictures (narrowing) of the urethra and infertility. As for trichomoniasis in newborn girls, it is manifested by vulvovaginitis, similar to that in adult women.

Diagnosis and treatment

To detect trichomonas, smear microscopy, bakposev, enzyme immunoassay methods are used. Due to the polymorphism of trichomonas cells, the effectiveness of these methods is low, and repeated studies are often required.

A good result is given by PCR - a polymerase chain reaction based on the identification of Trichomonas DNA.

Treatment of trichomoniasis is carried out with specific antitrichomoniasis agents, the most famous of which is Metronidazole (Metrogil, Trichopolum). Antibiotics are ineffective, and are prescribed only as adjuvants to combat concomitant infection.

In the structure of all sexually transmitted infections, urogenital trichomoniasis occupies one of the first places in the world. In developed countries, the infection rate among women without obvious clinical signs ranges from 2 to 10%. The ratio of women and men with this pathology is 4:1, respectively. It is found in 18-50%, and sometimes in 80% of women who turn to gynecologists for discharge from the genital tract, and among men with inflammation of the urethra of a non-gonococcal nature - in 30-35%.

Cause and development of the disease

Infection in baths, pools, open reservoirs, subject to the usual hygiene rules, is impossible due to the low concentration of the pathogen in the aquatic environment. Outside the human body, trichomonas vaginalis is unstable, although it can persist in urine, semen and water for up to 1 day.

Infected mainly people in active puberty, and most of them are unmarried or divorced (80%). So, trichomoniasis in men is most common in the age group from 15 to 30, and in women - from 18 to 30 years.

The causative agent in the course of its life activity secretes a complex protein CRF (cellular uncoupling factor), which leads to a significant loosening of tissues. As a result, he himself, as well as accompanying microorganisms and toxic products of their metabolism freely penetrate into the intercellular space.

CRF is active in an environment with a certain acidity and estrogen concentration, and for the vital activity of Trichomonas, fatty acids and iron are needed, which are abundant in menstrual blood. Therefore, trichomoniasis in women is manifested by severe symptoms during menstruation, especially immediately after they end.

All this can lead to the development of acute inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes, cause their weak reaction, or remain without obvious consequences. The severity of clinical manifestations depends on:

  • virulence (activity) of vaginal Trichomonas and the intensity of its impact;
  • the state of the epithelial layer of the mucous membrane of the genital and urinary tract;
  • acidity of the environment of the genitourinary system;
  • associations of trichomonas with concomitant pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic flora, its nature, degree of activity and number of bacterial agents that cause inflammation;
  • the degree of response of the body; if it is higher than the degree of aggressiveness of the microorganism, the acute inflammatory process does not develop or is rather weakly expressed.

In addition, trichomonads secrete substances that neutralize blood T-lymphocytes and antibodies formed in the body of the infected, and are also able to absorb and concentrate plasma proteins on their surface. The latter does not allow the body's immune system to recognize the pathogen as a foreign substance. Therefore, permanent immunity is not developed. Although antibodies are found in the blood of those who have had the disease, the latter are unable to provide the body with adequate protection against re-infection.

Another property of Trichomonas vaginalis is its ability to capture and reserve other opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to a pronounced tissue reaction, damage and destruction of the epithelium, and the formation of epithelial dysplasia. With reduced immunity of the body and significant inflammation, hemorrhages and damage to the smooth muscle layers adjacent to the inflamed mucosa occur.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of trichomoniasis depend on the severity of the inflammatory process. At the same time, if it is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis in isolation, there may be no symptoms. It is largely determined by the infection that almost always accompanies or is combined with trichomoniasis.

Fresh form with acute course

In men

At the time of infection, the pathogen enters the epithelial layer of the mucous membrane in the region of the external opening of the urethra. As a result of active movement, it spreads along the anterior and then along the posterior urethra, from where it enters the tissue of the prostate gland, into the vesicles of the seminal glands that produce seminal fluid, into the epididymis, in which spermatozoa accumulate and mature, and into the bladder.

In the absence of symptoms and, accordingly, treatment, trichomonas vaginalis lives for a long time in the genitourinary organs and often leads to dysfunction of the reproductive system. A fresh form with an acute course is accompanied by:

  1. Moderate frothy discharge from the urethra of a yellow-greenish color, which especially increases with light pressure on the glans penis.
  2. Urethritis and cystitis with urination disorder, itching and redness of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the external opening of the urethra.
  3. Balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis), accompanied by a sensation of itching.
  4. Unpleasant sensations during intercourse.

Complications in the form of prostatitis, vesiculitis and epididymitis occur in 30-50% of men and occur with appropriate symptoms.

Trichomoniasis in women

It proceeds with damage to the mucous membrane of several parts of the genital organs and the urination system - from the urethra to the bladder, ureters and kidney tissue. All parts of the reproductive system can be involved in the inflammatory process - from the external genital organs (vulvitis) to the fallopian tubes, ovaries and peritoneum in the pelvic area, but more often it is limited to the area of ​​​​the internal cervical os. In addition, even rare cases (about 5%) of lesions of the mucous membrane of the upper dilated sections of the rectum located at the level of the sacrum (ampullar rectum) were noted.

Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa occurs as a primary acute or chronic infectious process, the exacerbation of which is characterized by the same clinical manifestations as in acute trichomoniasis. During vaginal examination, the phenomenon of colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) is found in 40% of women with trichomoniasis. Of these, colpitis is isolated in 18%, in 15% it is combined with inflammation of the vaginal surface of the cervix, in 34% - with urethritis and inflammation of the cervical canal.

Main symptoms:

  1. Yellow-green discharge from the genital tract of a frothy (12%) character.
  2. Redness and itching of the external genitalia.
  3. Dysuric disorders and dyspareunia.
  4. During vaginal examination, the most characteristic is redness of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, combined with pinpoint hemorrhages. This most typical sign is called the "strawberry symptom", but it occurs in only 2% of infected women.

Complications - bartholinitis (inflammation of the Bartholin glands), salpingitis and salpingo-oophoritis.

Features of the disease during pregnancy

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy manifests itself mainly in the form of an acute course of a fresh form or an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Moreover, it, as a rule, is multifocal in nature: the urethra and often the bladder, vulva, vagina and rectal mucosa are affected.

In pregnant women, anatomical and physiological changes are aimed at protecting the developing fetus from the negative influence of the external and internal environment, and hence from the ascent of the infectious process. In this regard, there is an activation of the immune system of the body of the expectant mother, including the phagocytic response. Additional protective biological mechanisms are formed from the moment of conception and develop as the embryo and fetus grow.

Therefore, the degree of possibility of infection depends on the timing of pregnancy. From the very beginning, there is a change in the nature of the mucus of the cervical canal. An increase in its viscosity creates a significant obstacle to the penetration of Trichomonas and other infectious pathogens in an ascending way and for their further spread.

The second barrier from the 16th week of pregnancy is the chorionic and amniotic membranes of the fetus, which cover the internal os of the cervical canal. If infection with trichomoniasis occurs before the closure of the internal pharynx, the probability of spread of the pathogen in an ascending way remains quite high. This threatens the development of endometritis and, most often, ends in spontaneous abortion. With a later infection, the ascent of the infection is extremely rare, and the therapy carried out contributes to the cure, the successful course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.


The symptoms of trichomoniasis listed above are not characteristic of this particular disease and cannot be used as reliable criteria. Most of them are also found in other infectious processes of the urogenital system. In addition, a fairly high percentage of this disease has a subacute and torpid course. Therefore, the final diagnosis and choice of treatment plan is possible only after laboratory diagnostic studies.

For these purposes, mainly three methods for detecting trichomonas vaginalis are used:

  1. Microscopic.
  2. Cultural, or microbiological.
  3. Molecular biological.

microbiological method, the sensitivity of which is on average 50-65%, it is advisable to carry out two methods:

  • studying a smear under a microscope in phase contrasting immediately after taking the material;
  • examination under a microscope of a material stained according to a certain technique.

As a material for diagnosis, scrapings and mucus from inflammatory foci that are most suspicious of infection with Trichomonas are used - scrapings from the vagina, mucus and scrapings from the cervical and / or urethral canal, sperm, etc.

If in the study according to the first method only mobile microorganisms are taken into account, then in the second case - all forms of the pathogen, as well as indirect signs of inflammation (the amount of mucus, accumulations of leukocytes, etc.). Stained preparations slightly increase the percentage of sensitivity of the technique. At the same time, the microbiological method is insensitive in cases of asymptomatic diseases. In addition, it gives many false positive and false negative results.

Cultural method considered highly sensitive (73-89%) and effective. It is based on the cultivation (growing) of microorganisms on special nutrient media, followed by their identification under a microscope. The microbiological method is of particular importance for:

  • absence of symptoms (trichomonas carriers);
  • atypical clinical signs;
  • repeated negative microscopy results;
  • detection by microscopic method of atypical forms of the pathogen;
  • the need to evaluate the results of therapy.

However, studies using the cultural method require a long time - 3-5 days after sowing the culture, and with the first negative results - another 6-12 days.

Molecular biological analysis based on polymerase methods chain reaction(PCR) and NASBA test. They make it possible to detect the DNA and/or RNA of the pathogen at low concentrations - even in the presence of a single microorganism in the material. In this case, the viability of Trichomonas does not matter. The sensitivity of these assays is 97% and their specificity is 98%. The method is advisable to apply in the following cases:

  • detection by other methods of atypical forms of Trichomonas;
  • doubtful result of the cultural method;
  • the need for additional research in the presence of a mixed infection of the genitourinary system.

The full course of therapy for trichomoniasis should be completed by both partners, regardless of whether there are symptoms

How to treat trichomoniasis

With laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis, it is necessary to treat not only the sick person, but also sexual partners, regardless of whether they have clinical manifestations and the results of their examination. The choice of treatment tactics is influenced by the age of the patient, the localization of inflammation, the form of the disease, the nature of the concomitant infection, the immune state of the body.

The main treatment of trichomoniasis is carried out with specific drugs of the nitroimidazole group: Trichopolum, Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Flagyl, Tinidazole, Flunidazole, Seknidazole, etc. During their administration and within 1 day after the end of the course of treatment, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and products containing them. This is due to the possibility of developing a severe disulfiram-like reaction (nausea, cough, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, chills, severe general condition).

At acute course disease Metronidazole is prescribed at a dose of 0.5 g 3 times a day for 5 days.

There is an approved regimen for the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis, as well as recurrent and various localizations: a single dose of 2.0 g of Metronidazole during the day for 7-10 days or 500 mg 3 times a day for the same number of days, Tinidazole - 2.0 g each once a day for 3 days.

Highly effective with good tolerability and a small number of possible side effects is Ornidazole, or Ornisol, at a dose of 0.5 g - 2 times a day for 10 days.

Other treatment regimens have also been developed, for example, intravenous drip of a solution of Metronidazole (500 mg) for half an hour 3 times a day for 5-7 days.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in pregnant women at any time is carried out by a single dose of 2 g of metronidazole in order to prevent early rupture of the membranes and the occurrence of premature birth.

Due to sustainability in last years microorganisms to these drugs, their additional local application is recommended - Metrogyl vaginal gel, Klion-D 100 vaginal tablets, metronidazole cream.

Immunomodulating agents are also used, which also suppress the development of a concomitant infection, for example, fungal - 3 irrigations of the vagina and cervical zone with a 0.04% solution of Gepon at a dose of 5 ml - 1 irrigation each with a 2-3-day interval.

Treatment should be given to people who have trichomonas vaginalis, regardless of whether they have inflammatory processes. Also, a course of treatment should also be given to persons who have been in contact with infected people, even if there are no first clinical and laboratory signs of infection.

Trichomoniasis is a specific infectious lesion of the organs of the genitourinary system, provoked by the reproduction and development of Trichomonas vaginalis. The causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease trichomoniasis is a single-celled protozoan microorganism that belongs to the class of flagella. In simple terms, Trichomonas infection is what is popularly called "tripak".

When Trichomonas vaginalis enters the human body, it develops an infectious-inflammatory systemic disease of the genitourinary system, which entails the formation of characteristic clinical signs. In terms of prevalence, trichomonas disease occupies one of the leading places among other sexually transmitted diseases.

Speaking about what trichomoniasis is, and comparing the frequency of occurrence of pathology among males and females, we can say that in percentage terms these indicators are on the same level. It is much more difficult to diagnose this pathology in men, since when Trichomonas enters, symptoms are not always present. In the treatment of trichomoniasis, drug therapy is indicated not only for people with clinical manifestations, but also for their sexual partners.

Exciter characteristics

Infection of a person with urogenital trichomoniasis occurs during unprotected sexual contact. In very rare cases, human infection is observed during contact-household interaction, as well as through insufficiently disinfected medical instruments. After Trichomonas has entered the human body, due to the presence of multiple flagella, it carries out upward movement along the mucous membrane of the urethra or vagina.

During the movement, the microorganism carries out active reproduction, due to which infectious seeding is observed along the entire length of the Trichomonas path.

After the number of newly formed trichomonads has reached a critical level, characteristic symptoms appear in the human body, caused by the destruction (destruction) of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. The mechanism of damage to the epithelium is that the infectious agent is able to penetrate into the cell, causing its destruction. Once in the female body, Trichomonas urogenital causes diseases such as cystitis, vulvitis, urethritis and colpitis. For men, trichomoniasis is fraught with an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the organs of the genitourinary system, in particular inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis).

Causes and development factors

The entry of the causative agent of trichomoniasis into the human body is not a decisive argument in matters of the formation of trichomoniasis. For the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, certain conditions must be present. With the normal functioning of the female body, the vaginal microflora contains natural anti-infective protection factors, represented by Dederlein sticks and lactic acid. The presence of these factors determines the protection of the genitourinary organs of a woman from the ingress and reproduction of infectious and inflammatory microorganisms. The following pathological factors contribute to the change in the indicators of the microflora of the vagina:

  • The period of bearing a child;
  • Unprotected intercourse with an infected partner;
  • Trichomoniasis against the background of hormonal changes;
  • Menses;
  • Failure to comply with the rules of personal and intimate hygiene
  • The presence of concomitant diseases in acute and chronic form. Special attention should be paid to such pathology as diabetes mellitus;
  • The presence of a bacterial or fungal infection in the organs of the genitourinary apparatus.

If the defenses of the female body decline, then a favorable environment for infection with trichomoniasis appears.

The following factors can provoke the incidence of trichomoniasis in men:

  • Promiscuous unprotected sex;
  • Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • Diabetes;
  • The presence of concomitant infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, including prostatitis;
  • immunodeficiency states.


Despite the fact that the duration of the incubation period for this disease is from 1 week to 1 month, the erased form of the disease can increase this period to 2 or more months. Depending on the duration of the course of the pathological process and the intensity of clinical manifestations, in medical practice, subacute, acute and chronic form trichomoniasis. In addition, in the absence of characteristic symptoms, a person becomes a carrier of the pathogen. The characteristic clinical picture of urogenital trichomoniasis is different in females and males.

Among women

The representatives of the weaker sex are characterized by bright and intense symptoms, which cannot be said about men, who are most often carriers of pathogenic microorganisms. Acute symptoms of this infectious and inflammatory disease in women manifest themselves in the form of such pathological symptoms:

  • Drawing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Discomfort and pain when urinating;
  • Vaginal discharge that is greenish or yellow, frothy, and often foul-smelling;
  • Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the vaginal mucosa;
  • Discomfort and pain during intimacy;
  • Burning sensation and itching in the vulva and vagina;
  • Signs of dermatitis in the skin on the inner thighs.

Before a woman begins menstruation, the pathological symptoms of urogenital trichomoniasis tend to increase.

Infection in childhood most often occurs through household contact, when the girl comes into contact with infected bedding, towels, soap and other household items. In young girls, this disease is expressed in the form of vulvovaginitis.

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Intestinal trichomoniasis - what is it

In men

After the urogenital Trichomonas has entered the male body, its vital activity provokes the development of the so-called Trichomonas urethritis. This infectious and inflammatory disease is accompanied by a number of such clinical symptoms:

  • Burning sensation during urination or after intimacy;
  • Mucopurulent discharge from the urethral canal, accompanied by discomfort and an unpleasant odor;
  • Formation of a seal (stricture) in the urethra;
  • Signs of inflammatory lesions of the testicles and their appendages, as well as the prostate gland.

The volume and nature of pathological secretions directly depends on the stage of the infectious-inflammatory process. The chronic course of trichomoniasis is characterized by a small amount of discharge from the genital tract. The transition of trichomoniasis into a chronic form can be said, provided that the disease remained untreated for more than 2 months. The same applies to carriers of pathogenic microorganisms, which are detected during a routine medical examination.

In the course of the fight against this infectious and inflammatory disease, it is strictly forbidden to resort to self-medication. An independent choice of drugs and their dosage leads to the fact that trichomoniasis acquires a more aggressive course, passes into atypical and latent forms. In addition, against the background of self-treatment, pathogens of the infectious process begin active growth and reproduction, spreading through several parts of the genitourinary system.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

This pathological condition (trichomoniasis) is characterized by local damage to the organs of the genitourinary system. This circumstance proves Negative influence on the process of formation and development of the unborn child. Under the influence of an infectious-inflammatory lesion, the expectant mother may experience complications such as premature onset of labor and its spontaneous interruption. Such complications arise under the influence of the inflammatory process, during which a large amount of prostaglandins, inflammatory mediators, is released into the systemic circulation.

These biologically active substances have a stimulating effect on the contractility of the uterine muscles, which can provoke spontaneous rejection of the fetus from the uterine cavity. If a pregnant woman is infected with urogenital trichomonas, then during the birth process her body is at high risk of spreading trichomonas to the fallopian tubes and the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. This circumstance causes a high risk of damage to the internal genital organs in the so-called trichomonas colpitis - an inflammatory process of the vagina. Another "pitfall" is chronic trichomoniasis in women, which eventually leads to irreversible infertility. Serve as an impetus for the development of infertility in chronic trichomoniasis can be problems both in the female and in the male body. Among the factors are:

  • In men - inhibition of the mobility of male germ cells. The result of the vital activity of Trichomonas are toxic metabolic products, under the influence of which the motor ability of spermatozoa decreases. With low motor activity, male germ cells are not able to fully fertilize the egg;
  • In women, phagocytosis of spermatozoa. A local infectious-inflammatory reaction in the genitourinary tract provokes the accumulation of a large number of macrophages and neutrophils, whose function is to absorb and process pathogenic microorganisms. This defensive reaction can spread not only to foreign microorganisms, but also to spermatozoa. If a woman has attempted to conceive a child against the background of trichomoniasis, then the absence of a positive result will be due to the destruction of spermatozoa.


Identification of this disease begins with a consultation with a specialist gynecologist or urologist. To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient is interviewed and examined, and the necessary biological materials (blood, urine) are taken. An external gynecological examination in women infected with trichomoniasis reveals signs of hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva. If a woman underwent colposcopy, then the result is multiple erosive and ulcerative lesions of the cervix. In addition, atypical epithelial cells and epithelial dysplasia may be detected during the course of the study. For a reliable diagnosis, the following laboratory methods are used in medical diagnostic practice:

  • PCR diagnostics;
  • Microscopic examination of biological material. For diagnosis in men, smears previously taken from the urethral canal are examined. When examining women, swabs are used not only from the urethra, but also from the vagina;
  • Sowing biological contents on a nutrient medium (cultural method). To identify pathogens and their varieties, previously taken biological material from the vagina or urethra is sown on a nutrient medium. After that, a special container with a nutrient medium is placed in a thermostat, where the culture grows for a certain period of time.

Diagnosis of this disease in men causes some difficulties, which are associated with an atypical and latent course.

If a married couple is planning a pregnancy in the near future, then both the man and the woman need to undergo a diagnostic examination for sexually transmitted diseases.

Children's trichomoniasis

In the course of clinical observations, it was found that often the cause of trichomoniasis in childhood is the transmission of the pathogen from mother to child during the birth process. In preschool and primary school age, infection of children occurs through household contact, when using items such as soap, towels, bed linen. That is why, in case of detection of the carriage of Trichomonas in one of the parents, they need to strictly distinguish between household items for the prevention of trichomoniasis in a child.


It is necessary to treat this pathology, like other sexually transmitted diseases, in a complex. Only under this condition, a person has the opportunity to get rid of such an unpleasant disease once and for all. To completely get rid of urogenital trichomoniasis, it is recommended to use the following venereal recommendations:

  • During the passage of a therapeutic course for this disease, a person is recommended to refrain from any intimacy;
  • In order for trichomoniasis therapy to bring the expected result, both sexual partners must undergo it;
  • During treatment, patients are advised to adhere to special hygiene recommendations for the care of the external genital organs;
  • Treatment of this disease is carried out with the use of specialized medicines such as Tinidazole and Metronidazole;


With the age of a person, due to repeated infection from other Trichomonas carriers or through common objects, the infection intensifies, the aggressiveness of Trichomonas increases. Secondary factors also play an important role: viral, fungal and other infections, radiation exposure and chemical carcinogenesis, bad habits, malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.

Moreover, Trichomonas is the only protozoan that can exist in the human genital organs, and if it causes infertility and miscarriages in animals, it means that it can affect childbearing in humans.

There is also a focal infection - this is a family and children's institutions. Familial trichomoniasis, where elementary hygiene rules are not observed, where elders lick a baby's nipple, bite a child's apple or drink milk from one cup, share a towel and sleep in the same bed, is difficult to eliminate. In children's institutions, shared pots and toys become mediators of infection. Not the last role in infection is played by store shelves, where, next to raw meat, eggs and fish, there are products that are not exposed to heat treatment: butter, cheese, cottage cheese, bread.

The carriers of the infection are cockroaches and flies, in the intestines of which Trichomonas remain viable and are excreted with feces. Cats, dogs, rats, mice, and pets also serve as reservoirs of infection.

Cancer recurrence: After surgical removal of a detected tumor, chemotherapy or radiation, it is not uncommon for the disease to recur with multiple cancers and in a more aggressive form and end in death.

Indeed, Trichomonas is similar to human tissue cells already because they have a common ancestor - the primary flagellate. Scientists have repeatedly noted the similarity of amoeboid Trichomonas and amoeboid cells that make up the human body: lymphocytes and leukocytes, epithelial cells that line the inner walls of blood vessels, and connective tissue - not only in appearance, but also in the way of movement and phagocytosis (capture and absorption foreign bodies).

The Golgi apparatus in the nucleus of protozoa is similar to that of multicellular organisms. The ultrafine structure of organelles, found under a microscope, coincides in protozoa and in multicellular cells. Even the structure of the flagellar apparatus in flagellates coincides with its structure in the flagellar embryos of lower multicellular organisms: sponges, coelenterates, echinoderms. Interestingly, human spermatozoa also have a flagellum and antigenic commonality with Trichomonas.

The analysis showed that in the nuclei of tumor cells and Trichomonas chromosomes in their full meaning, as in the nuclei of normal cells, are absent. More often, chromatin was found in the cytoplasm of nuclear and protoplasm of non-nuclear cells in the form of clumps and small grains.

Even oncologists cannot explain the reason for the unusual reproduction of tumor cells. Normal cells are divided into two equal parts, and "reborn" at random: one part may be several times larger than the other, the first with a nucleus, the second without it. But then, from the chromatin grains that float in the protoplasm, several nuclei can be formed at once. Such deformities are not characteristic of human cells, but for Trichomonas they are a common thing. These asexual creatures do not care how to divide: a new individual grows from any part of the mother cell. Very rarely and completely by chance two identical organisms are obtained - twin sisters. And in the vast majority of cases, cells divide asymmetrically.

According to official theories, human cells are transformed into tumor cells under the influence of viruses or carcinogens. But these theories cannot explain why sick children are born from healthy parents, in whose bodies supposedly there are no cancer pathogens. And Svishcheva believes that almost all “healthy” people carry Trichomonas in their bodies. They are usually passed on to offspring during conception or in the womb. And if immunity is weakened in the mother's body, then Trichomonas begin to multiply rapidly - the baby is born already sick: with a tumor or heart disease.

Troitskaya began research on cancer when the viral theory of the origin of cancer dominated medicine. And she created her autovaccine like smallpox. Blood is taken from a cancer patient and placed in a nutrient medium. After some time, strains of microorganisms appear, which the scientist gave the name "globoid bodies". Troitskaya starts giving vaccine injections to patients. Miracles happen. In stage III-IV patients, faith in recovery appears. They start getting out of bed, moving. Blood parameters improve, in some cases the main tumor focus regresses, up to complete disappearance, severe pains characteristic of the last stage of cancer disappear, drugs are not needed:

Only 20 years later it was found that its vaccine is a powerful immunostimulator of antitumor immunity, and the possibility of using it as an immunotherapeutic agent for the treatment and prevention of cancer was shown. Thus, it took more than two decades for the experienced microbiologist A. Troktskaya, Candidate of Medical Sciences, to be cleared of the accusation of her professional incompetence.

Studying the bone remains of ancient people who lived on Earth 100-150 thousand years ago, scientists found that every five out of ten Neanderthals died before they reached the age of 25. In the bones, joints and jaws of ancient people, paleontologists see their tumor changes, which also confirms that people died from cancer. But still, over the past period, not without the help of the intellect, people have managed to create for themselves normal conditions of existence and increase their life expectancy by 3-4 times.

One milliliter of a healthy person's blood contains more than 5,000 white blood cells. Lymphocytes make up 1/3 of the total amount of white blood. Unlike leukocytes, lymphocytes are not only found in the blood, but are the main cells of the tissue fluid - lymph. They are part of the lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, tonsils, etc. In total, lymphocytes make up about 1% of a person's body weight. Unlike leukocytes, which are easily recognizable due to the peculiarity of their lobed nuclei in a large volume of cytoplasm , lymphocytes, on the contrary, have a large round nucleus, around which there is a narrow rim of cytoplasm - cell fluid: Cyst-like trichomonads are very similar to these defender cells, which are clumps of protoplasm surrounded by decompressed protoplasm - a section of cytoplasm of different sizes.

It is hard to imagine, but medicine now has up to 30 thousand diseases, and only 5 thousand of them are curable. Why are there so many diseases? Because many of them are different stages or local manifestations of the same disease of the whole organism caused by a certain biological pathogen. Why are these diseases incurable? Because their pathogens have not been identified. And as a result of this, doctors do not fight with the cause of diseases, but with its symptoms and consequences: they suppress the symptoms of the disease - pain and temperature, cut out destroyed organs, replace joints and jaws with prostheses.

It turns out that during AIDS, treatment should not begin with viruses: they cannot be reached without destroying Trichomonas - the causative agents of cancer. Therefore, the problem of AIDS cannot be solved without solving the problem of cancer. And it can be solved only if the infectious nature of cancer is recognized. Having understood that Trichomonas is the causative agent of cancer, doctors will be able to diagnose cancer at an early stage, carry out its prevention, and also create non-traumatic methods of treatment. In the meantime, we all need to independently engage in the prevention of formidable diseases, by all means to strengthen our immunity. No wonder the enthusiasts of natural healing methods dissolve cancerous tumors, the symptoms of AIDS disappear.

My concept of the Trichomonas nature of the most common ailments is also confirmed by the described cases of successful treatment of precancerous diseases with Trichopolum - ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, pneumonia of a non-tuberculous nature and periodontitis.

This case confirmed the fidelity of my concept of the trichomonas nature of blood clots. But the miracles continued. In this clinic, one of the patients read a publication about my research and decided to test the Trichomonas concept of oncological diseases for himself - to treat gastric cancer with metronidazole. Prior to this, the patient was treated with the latest methods: laser irradiation and "calcification" of the tumor in the stomach.

Dr. Voll became interested in this problem. He found out that every physiological system, every human organ works in a certain bioelectric mode: in the heart - 5 Hz, in the liver - 7 Hz, in the kidneys - 9 Hz, and so on. Violation of this mode indicates a disease of the corresponding organ. This principle was the basis of electroacupuncture diagnostics.

I also examined people for oral Trichomonas, and also studied the blood of people from many regions of the country. It gave me additional material and the right to assert that not 90%, but all 100% of the population of our country are infected with Trichomonas.

The nature of the microflora can only be determined by blood cultures on special nutrient media or by immunofluorescence. All this confirms that the person is not sterile. Therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of diseases of "unknown etiology", it is necessary to identify not only the main, but also the most massive concomitant pathogen that caused the human disease.

But treatment requires time and perseverance from the doctor and the patient, and not everyone is ready for this. First, the diagnosis of the disease is carried out, which is also the first stage of treatment. It is carried out not by provocation, but by antifungal antibiotics: nystatin or levorin at a dose of 500,000 IU 3-4 times a day for two weeks, starting from the middle of the menstrual cycle. Then - antitrichomonas therapy, which results in the suppression of trichomonads, which entails the activation of the accompanying microflora.

It is necessary to determine the nature of this infection and suppress it with appropriate treatment. This is carried out 7-10 days after the end of the first course of antitrichomonas treatment. After such treatment, part of Trichomonas is still inaccessible, so a new course of treatment is required, including resolving therapy for scars and adhesions and immunostimulation.

That year, many Belgorod children were ill with pneumonia. The doctors suspected that it was caused by mycoplasma. And according to them, Kozmina was considered the best specialist in the city. She was asked to examine the blood of sick children. Indeed, she found many mycoplasmas in it. In the book of one scientist, Kozmina read that Trichomonas reproduce ... by spores. How to understand this, because fungus has spores, and Trichomonas is considered an animal? If the opinion of scientists is correct, then these flagellates should form a mycelium in a person ... And indeed, in the analyzes of some patients under a microscope, something similar to a mycelium was seen.


I thought about this question for a long time, - continues Lidia Vasilievna, - and a year ago, quite unexpectedly, I found the answer not in the scientific works of the luminaries of microbiology, but ... in the Children's Encyclopedia edited by Maysuryan, the first volumes of which recently appeared on sale. So, in the second volume (Biology) there is an editor's article about slime mold mushrooms. And colorful drawings are given to it: the appearance of slime molds and the internal structure, which is visible under a microscope. Looking at these pictures, I was amazed to the depths of my soul: it was precisely these microorganisms that I had found in analyzes for many years, but could not identify them. And here everything was explained very simply and clearly.

It would seem, what does the slime mold fungus, reaching 50 centimeters in diameter, have to do with the smallest microorganisms that Lydia Vasilievna has been examining through a microscope for a quarter of a century? The most direct. As Maisuryan writes, the slime mold goes through several stages of development: from the spores grow ... "amoebacs" and flagellates. They frolic in the slimy mass of the fungus, merging into larger cells - with several nuclei. And then they form the fruiting body of the slime mold - a classic fungus on the leg, which, drying up, throws out spores.

At first, Kozmina could not believe her eyes. I re-read a bunch of scientific literature about slime molds and found in it a lot of confirmation of my guess. In appearance and properties, the “amoebcas” releasing tentacles were strikingly similar to ureaplasmas, zoospores with two flagella - to Trichomonas, and those that discarded flagella and lost their membranes - to mycoplasmas, and so on. The fruit bodies of slime molds surprisingly resembled ... polyps in the nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract, papillomas on the skin, squamous cell carcinoma and other tumors.

Kozmina was the first to try to do this. But she was surprised to find out that vulnerable spot slime mold has long been groped by ... folk healers. They have learned how to treat many of the diseases that they believe are caused by "mucus" (read slime mold). Before these ailments, official medicine succumbs. But some of its representatives successfully apply folk experience

These are slime molds. There are many known slime mushrooms. The largest of them - fuligo - is up to 50 centimeters in diameter. And the smallest can only be seen with a microscope. Such fungi spend most of their lives in the form of mucous lumps of protoplasm. They have no arms, no legs, but they can crawl. True, very slowly, advancing at 0.1-0.4 millimeters per minute.

For example, "wolf udder" usually crawls over stumps between bark and wood. The slime mold is very fond of dusk and dampness, therefore it crawls out only in wet weather. Botanists have even learned to lure this creature out from under the bark. The end of the filter paper moistened with water is lowered onto the stump, and everything is covered with a dark cap.

If after a few hours you lift the cap, then on the stump you can see a creamy flat creature with watery balls. In hot weather, everything changes strangely. Sensing the approach of death, the slime mold gives its last strength to its offspring. Creeps out from under the bark in the very sun to grow as many fruiting bodies as possible.

If the cells have a nucleus, then these are not even bacteria that reach sizes of one micron or more, but do not have nuclei, but protozoa. And if the nucleolus was considered in the cell, then its size should be at least 5 microns. Most likely it was a cyst-like Trichomonas. And mycoplasmas, which can squeeze "into a narrow pore on a human cell", are only 100-450 nanomicrons in size and, of course, cannot have any nucleoli. But mycoplasmas have the ability to adsorb on the surface of erythrocytes and therefore are able to get into the heart with the blood flow. Infection with mycoplasmas can occur by airborne droplets. The disease begins acutely, with a temperature of 38 ° C and above. Probably, the patient died from a mixed trichomonas-mycoplasma infection, but the true diagnosis was not made even after the death of the patient. The impersonal wording - septic endocarditis (just like acute respiratory infections) does not reveal the essence: what microbes it was caused by. And so the doctors did not know which infection had to be suppressed in the first place in order to prevent the death of the patient.


on the causative agent of neoplasms named

"tumor cell"

NAME, CLASS, TYPE OF,VIEW - flagellate trichomonas, flagellate, protozoan - animal cell, oral, intestinal, vaginal.
PSEUDONYMS UNDER WHICH IT PASSES IN MEDICINE - oncology - tumor cell,cardiology - thrombus cell,hematology - atypical and small lymphocyte, platelet, macrophage,

AIDS - lymphoid cell - helper.


Among plants rich in phytoncides, Special attention attracts garlic. A recipe for tincture of garlic by Tibetan monks is known, which is recommended for atherosclerosis and for the prevention of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and neoplasms.

Thoroughly peel 350 grams of fresh garlic. Rub quickly and well in a mortar and leave for 0.5 hours at room temperature. After removing the upper part of the garlic, leave 200 grams of a product richer in juice at the bottom and place in a green glass bottle. Pour 200 grams of 90% alcohol there. Close the bottle and keep in a dark and cool place. After 10 days, strain the mass through a dense cloth and squeeze out the filtered liquid. Pour into the same bottle and let stand for 3 days.

Drink tincture 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals according to the scheme: start with two drops and, adding two drops every day, bring the dose to 25 drops, diluting them in 50 grams of cold milk. Keep this dose until the end of the consumption of the tincture.

We can also use other protective substances of plants - red and purple pigments (anthocyanins). They have a detrimental effect on intestinal infections, including intestinal Trichomonas. Most of these pigments are found in the peel of wild and cultivated varieties of dark grapes, black currants, blueberries, red beets and other berries, fruits and vegetables of this color. Studies have shown that Trichomonas die instantly or within a few tens of seconds in the juice of cranberries, wild grapes and stone fruits. And animal experiments show that spontaneous trichomoniasis in mice can be quickly eliminated with the juices of cranberries, lingonberries, viburnum, red and black currants, and sorrel. These juices also kill Trichomonas and Giardia, which are artificially introduced into rodents.

But some plants contain in large quantities and such substances that can even delay the development of tumors. This protective plant factor - phytoestrogens - is an analogue of our hormones. Most of all they are found in soy, beans, pomegranates and broccoli. People who eat these foods regularly have a much lower risk of getting cancer than others. For example, in Japan, soy is a traditional food, so Japanese women rarely get breast cancer. But when they move to the United States and switch to American food, the incidence of these diseases increases dramatically.

The experience of treatment has shown the universality of the action of natural substances in both gynecological and oncological and cardiological diseases, which is additional evidence of their common etiology. For example, a decoction or infusion of the buds and young tops of fir helps with malignant tumors, atherosclerosis, leukemia, paradontosis, scrofula and scurvy. Taking fir water on an empty stomach, you can get rid of adenoma, cysts, cervical erosion and trichomonas colpitis, if you also make applications from fir oil for two months. A decoction of yarrow, St. John's wort, serpentine, oak bark, and especially the juice of green walnut pericarp, collected in early or mid-summer, diluted in a ratio of 1: 2, has a detrimental effect on trichomnads. Harvested in the summer bee pollen - flower pollen, filled with buckwheat honey, improves blood, reduces tumors, prevents the development of a stroke.

The common cabbage is extremely useful, it should become a daily product on our table. Her healing properties Alexander the Great also recognized: he fed his soldiers with cabbage before the battle. This should be known to our Russians, who are now fighting for survival. A quarter of an average head per day or made from it cabbage juice will give them strength in this struggle. After all, vitamin U is obtained from cabbage juice, which promotes the healing of damaged areas of the gastrointestinal tract and helps get rid of peptic ulcer. There is more vitamin C in sauerkraut than in lemon. Cabbage juice helps with tumors and ulcers, if it is taken warm, 1-2 cups an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.

Raw carrot juice- a natural solvent for ulcers and neoplasms. But to obtain the desired effect, large doses are recommended: from 0.5 to 3-4 liters per day. Immediately after preparation, the juice should be pulled through a straw or drunk in small sips.

The antitumor effect of beets is also known. Beetroot juice is very valuable for the formation of red blood cells and for improving blood in general. The cleansing reaction is so strong that one glass can make you dizzy or nauseous. To begin with, a mixture of juices is better: carrot and beetroot 1-1-5 cups 2 times a day.

It is better to put beetroot juice in the refrigerator for several hours, remove the foam and drink it together with carrot juice in a ratio of 1:4. Vegetables should be not sluggish and well washed with a brush under the tap. Gradually, the intake of beets should be brought up to 250 grams per day. It is taken not only in the form of juice, but also in grated form: raw or boiled.

But if you add grated beets to sauerkraut in a ratio of 1: 1 or prepare salads from a mixture of beets, cabbage and carrots, pouring vegetable oil, lemon juice, grapefruit, it will be not only useful, but also pleasant.

Hormonal regulation, having arisen at a certain stage of evolutionary development, is an earlier form than nervous regulation. It plays the role of a connecting link between the central nervous system and tissues in supporting homeostasis, that is, the coordinated work of all organs, and in adapting (adaptability) of the body to changing environmental and internal conditions. Adaptation is carried out by changing the secretion of hormones in response to external and internal influences. And considering the extreme conditions in which we live, its significance becomes clear.

The hormonal system is a single universal mechanism that has been formed in the process of evolution, which increases the body's resistance to all diseases. The most important elements of this mechanism are thyroid hormones, such as thyroxine. They increase the resistance of tissues to infections, increase the ability of cells to get rid of harmful substances and regulate their respiration rate and energy metabolism. Thyroxine has all these properties because it consists of 65% iodine. It is this microelement that ensures the body's resistance to damaging environmental factors: radiation, chemical poisons, injuries, etc.

And studies have shown that iodine increases the ability of white blood cells to devour pathogens, which is the basis of natural disease resistance. In patients with atherosclerosis taking iodine, the content of cholesterol and lipoproteins decreases, blood parameters improve, in particular the content of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells. When animals were fed with compounds of iodine and other trace elements, all vital processes were activated in them, especially the reproduction function. In males, the volume and concentration of sperm increased, resistance and motility of spermatozoa increased, and in females, fertility increased sharply, and the number of miscarriages and stillbirths decreased. In addition, weight gain, milk production, wool shearing increased ... And naturally, the question arises: why don't we ourselves try to improve our health with iodine?

At the beginning of our century, scientists have identified the usefulness of blue iodine. It reduces cholesterol and sugar in the blood, cleanses blood vessels, increases the activity of leukocytes and the content of red blood cells in the blood, and strengthens the immune system. Prepare it as follows: in 50 milliliters of warm boiled water, dilute one teaspoon of 5% iodine, mix thoroughly and introduce a full (heaped) teaspoon of potato starch. Then put on low heat and with stirring, 200 milliliters (grams) of boiling water are introduced and brought to a boil. Hold on fire for 2-3 minutes until blue jelly is formed. Take 4-8 teaspoons after meals once a day. But in case of cardiovascular pathology, it is better to reduce the dose to 2 teaspoons,

at first, take once a day, and after 2 weeks - 2 times a day. Take blue iodine every other day. The course of admission is 2 months. Conduct 2-3 courses of iodine therapy per year


To strengthen and stabilize the body's defense system, it needs the entire set of essential micro and macro elements. Microelements such as copper and iron prevent anemia and stimulate the hematopoietic function of the brain and the synthesis of hemoglobin. Legumes and buckwheat are natural sources of copper. These products should be enough in our diet if we do not want to dangerously reduce the copper content in the body, which threatens with mental retardation, growth retardation, impaired pigment metabolism, vascular elasticity and muscle tone. Finally, a lack of copper reduces the absorption of iron, which leads to anemia, constant weakness, lowering body temperature to 34-35 ° C and other disorders.

Natural sources of iron are: cherries (sweet), fresh strawberries and black currants, as well as apple jam. The daily need for iron is quite large: to compensate for it, you need to eat at least one kilogram of berries per day. But who has such physiological and financial possibilities? Few, especially given the seasonality of these products. But on the other hand, iron preparations with folic acid (vitamin B c) purchased at a pharmacy are quite available. And to make up for the lack of copper and improve iron absorption in the intestines, you need to include liver, nuts, egg yolk, rye bread, milk in the diet, or you can use a 1% solution of copper sulfate. To do this, 5-15 drops of copper sulfate are diluted in 30 milliliters of milk and taken after meals 3 times a day. The course of admission is 10 days, it is useful to repeat the courses 2-4 times a year.

Few people know that our body needs trace elements such as cobalt, molybdenum, selenium, zinc and others. For example, a lack of little-known selenium exacerbates vascular diseases and reduces resistance to cancer, and zinc, which is abundant in pumpkin seeds, cures some prostate diseases and prevents the development of senile dementia. But we must remember that trace elements are catalysts for chemical processes occurring in our body. Therefore, they are required in small doses, but periodic replenishment is necessary. Selenium is found in sodium selenite used in veterinary medicine. And from food products it is found in yeast. The daily dose of selenium is contained in two grams of yeast, which, before taking, must be poured with boiling water to “kill” them, and then drunk with milk without sugar.

A large set of microelements and vitamins can be purchased at a pharmacy - now such multivitamins have appeared on sale, unfortunately, foreign and ... expensive. But you can get them at home: zinc, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins E and B are found in germinated wheat. It's easy to prepare. Pour 3-5 tablespoons of washed wheat into two half-liter jars. In the first pour water, and stand for a day in a warm place. After a day, drain the water from the first jar, and pour the wheat in the second jar with water. The next day, drain the water from the second jar, and in the first, under the lid, the wheat has already sprouted - it is ready for use, it remains only to rinse boiled water. Thus, using two banks, every day you can get the right portion of germinated wheat, and with it the substances that are useful to us.

And who does not know the strange habit of small children to pick out and eat pieces of lime from the walls of their room or pregnant women who eat chalk with pleasure? Do not wonder. It’s just that the children didn’t fade away, but the healthy instincts of their ancestors woke up in pregnant women: they are looking for calcium in lime and chalk. This macronutrient is an important component of bones, tissues and blood: it makes up 1.4% of the weight of the human body. Calcium enhances the ability of white blood cells to devour pathogens, it reduces vascular permeability and sensitivity to allergens, has an anti-inflammatory effect, is a blood clotting factor, and so on.

It is not surprising that the lack of calcium in food, its loss during illness or pregnancy, sharply weaken the body's defenses. Often, expectant mothers, spending their calcium on the development of the fetus, lose their teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically replenish the stocks of this element. But few people know that the best source of easily digestible calcium is not lime or chalk, but the shell of chicken eggs. Well washed with soap and disinfected in boiling water, the shell is ground in a mortar and sprinkled on food or simply chewed and swallowed.

Sulfur is part of insulin and is involved in its formation. Therefore, the daily need for sulfur - one gram per day - must be replenished.

Phosphorus is the second most abundant macronutrient in the body after calcium: 600-900 grams, with most of it concentrated in the bones. Phosphorus plays a leading role in the activity of the central nervous system. The strongest bones are obtained with a ratio of calcium and phosphorus of 1:1.7. Approximately the same ratio in strawberries and walnuts. The daily requirement is 0.5 grams.

The macronutrient magnesium in the body of an adult contains only 25 grams. But it is important, as it is part of the higher differentiated tissues.

Its maximum amount is in the brain, thymus, gonads, adrenal glands, red blood cells, muscles. With a lack of magnesium, kidney degeneration develops. In those who died from myocardial infarction, the magnesium content in the area of ​​heart damage turned out to be 40% less than in a healthy heart. With a lack of magnesium, arrhythmia and palpitations, fatigue, insomnia and sensitivity to weather changes occur.

The daily requirement for magnesium is 400 milligrams. Green leafy crops are distinguished by an increased content of magnesium, because in chlorophyll it plays the same role as iron in human blood hemoglobin. The maximum content of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium is found in foods such as hazelnuts, fat cottage cheese, walnuts, beans, buckwheat (unground kernel), millet, rye bread and others.

Wild plants are a great help in the accumulation of vitamins and micro- and macroelements for Russians. While the first sprouts of cultivated plantings appear in the gardens, nature already offers people a wide variety of herbs and leaves. Grass is better to tear in the afternoon and before flowering.

For example, young, with tender leaves, nettle is extremely rich in calcareous substances, contains more iron than spinach, a lot of potassium, sulfur and chlorine. Raw nettle juice is a powerful remedy for improving blood and cleansing the body of toxins. Firming effect on nervous system spring leaves of dandelion, quinoa, goutweed, hogweed, angelica, yarrow, you can make great salads from them by adding plantain, horsetail, lungwort and borage.

Linden and ash leaves are suitable for salads, which are very nutritious and have a softening effect on the digestive tract.

Clover, sage and acacia flowers are suitable for raw dishes - they contain sweet juices and essential oils. The leaves and stems of shepherd's purse, primrose and violets have blood-purifying properties, and young raspberry leaves have a cleansing and revitalizing effect on the sex glands. Do not forget about aromatic wild herbs, young and juicy leaves of which in insignificant doses are valuable revitalizing substances. These include: sage, peppermint, spearmint, sweet basil, marjoram, thyme, savory, sweet clover, and wormwood.

In Russia, people have finally appeared who, realizing the healing properties of wild herbs, are trying to bring them to each of us. Among them is fireweed, popularly nicknamed Ivan-tea. This plant does not contain caffeine, alkaloids and purine acids that pollute the human body. But it is the most powerful honey plant of all known herbs in the world and the best restorer of forest fires, wastelands, fields, swamps and peat bogs. Ivan tea contains many trace elements and B vitamins, vitamin C and carotene.

Few people know about Ivan tea: in collections of medicinal herbs he is almost not mentioned, in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia only a few lines are devoted to him.

But tea made from this herb relieves intoxication in cancer patients, neutralizing and removing various toxins. Ivan tea has a beneficial effect on the immune and endocrine system and regulates blood pressure. And finally, in the seventies, the antitumor drug hanerol was created from willow tea, which stopped lung cancer within a month. I hope that a closer acquaintance with our nature will help us in the fight against Trichomonas.

As a final chord, I would suggest you a prophylactic course of a combination of two truly antitrichomonas drugs: wild cranberries and cultivated garlic, the vitality of which is well known. Their reception is carried out as follows. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 1-2 cloves of garlic. Then crush 2-3 tablespoons of washed cranberries in a glass, pour hot water and drink as many minutes before breakfast as your daily routine allows. Repeat this process before dinner. If there is no cranberry, eat only garlic, and if there is no garlic, then cranberries, lingonberries, a small lemon with a peel or carrot juice ...

First stage

Purification of the body from poisons must be preceded by the purification of the soul from sins. The well-known propagandist of blue iodine B. A. Storozhuk, a deeply religious person, recommends: for the unbaptized - to be baptized, and for the baptized - to confess in order to receive absolution; order the burial of deceased relatives, if they were not buried immediately after death; order forty-mouth - 40-day prayers for the repose of the dead and for the health of living close relatives, including for their own health. Having entered into harmony with his soul, the patient can begin to cleanse his body.

Oral cleaning

With intensive chewing of food, almost all the blood passes through the oral cavity. And in the human mouth during the day, up to two liters of saliva are released, which is structured water rich in bioplasma. Trichomonas, loosening the tissues and walls of blood vessels with their enzymes, penetrate into the blood or, together with saliva diluted with toxins, enter the esophagus and further into the intestines. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the flow of Trichomonas and its poisons from the oral cavity into the body.

To do this, there is a simple folk way: getting out of bed in the morning, take a tablespoon of sunflower oil in your mouth and suck like a lollipop for at least 10 minutes, then spit it out carefully and rinse your mouth with boiled water. This simple procedure is useful before going to bed, and even before each meal, if life circumstances allow. The secret of the effectiveness of this procedure is that Trichomonas toxins are fat-soluble.

An example of the effectiveness of such a simple but regularly performed procedure is the longevity of the only surviving aunt of the older generation in my family, aunt Ermolaeva M.V., who in November 1996 turned 91 years old. Of her siblings, she was the oldest and the only one to suffer from cardiovascular disease. At the age of 50, she was injected with a heart blockade. Perhaps after that she found out about sucking oil, believed and sucks until now; she retained mobility and a good memory. She buried her son and many younger relatives, who seemed healthier than her, because they did not know what heartache was. But I want to warn you, and this must be taken into account: to clean the oral cavity, you need to use sunflower oil containing up to 38% lipoic acid, but it is better to dress salads with other oil: olive, soybean or Kuban salad oil, in which this ingredient is 5 times less.

Cleansing the body

Treatment for trichomoniasis or cancer, which is accompanied by a large release of toxic substances, must be carried out only after cleaning the body of toxins, radionuclides and chemotherapy drugs.

To begin with, having cleansed the intestines with an enema, you need to clean it with wheat bran, like a brush. To do this, take 2-3 tablespoons of wheat bran with water twice a day. The course of cleaning is carried out for several days, until you are sure that you have cleaned yourself.

Then continue cleaning with a natural enveloping sorbent. Artificial sorbents used in medicine destroy cells, removing their natural regulation. In this case, the amplitude of the cell drops sharply, which leads to a general weakening of the body. In this case, even with normal nutrition, starvation can be observed, since the assimilation of products by the body is insignificant: food and intracellular intoxication begins. And this leads to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, vascular dystonia and a weakening of the immune system, which will aggravate the pathological process. The most effective natural sorbent is a decoction of flax seed.

Prepare it as follows. 2/3 cup of flaxseed is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 2 hours. Cool to 40 ° C and take abundantly without restriction for 2-3 weeks, approximately one liter per day. They start drinking from noon until late in the evening.

After that, they begin to restore the blood formula with the help of a decoction of oregano herbs, medicinal properties which have been known since ancient times. Recipe: for 300 milliliters of water, take one spoonful (with a slide) of chopped oregano herb, bring to a boil, insist overnight, wrapped in warm water. Take 50-100 milliliters 3 times a day. Oregano is always necessary in the treatment of cancer, and especially in blood cancer - leukemia, but in this case it must be taken carefully - no more than 150 milliliters per day. When the course of treatment comes to an end, the body itself will tell you: the decoction will seem tasteless. Oregano has a calming effect, it restores sleep, makes it insensitive to external stimuli.

And finally, another powerful cleanser is a decoction of oats in the husk. To prepare it, a 2-3-liter saucepan is filled up to half the volume with washed oats in the husk and filled with water to the top. Bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes over medium heat. Then it is quickly drained, calendula flowers are added, the night is insisted, wrapped in warm. In the morning, filter and drink warm, 1-1.5 liters per day for two weeks. This powerful enveloping agent cleanses the body, treats cystitis, inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder. It can also relieve, if desired, of alcohol and nicotine addiction - it discourages the desire to drink and smoke.

During the cleansing period, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of meat and spicy foods, animal fats, and exclude alcohol. Useful diets and therapeutic starvation. Replace tea, coffee and cocoa with jelly from pigment berries, cranberry and lingonberry juice or juices from vegetables and fruits (except apple).

I would like to remind you that the most ancient trees on Earth are conifers. This healing material is available to everyone. To restore the vascular system and prevent cancer, it is better to use young branches of fir, pine and Christmas trees. They are easy to store by placing them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator in the lower vegetable storage compartment. Needles also have an enveloping effect, it removes radionuclides and relieves cells from intoxication.

Prepare a decoction as follows. 5 tablespoons of finely chopped needles, 2-3 tablespoons of crushed rose hips and 2 tablespoons of onion peel ( onion peel treats pyelonephritis of the kidneys) pour 0.7 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Then they insist the night, wrapped in warm or poured into a thermos. Then filter and drink instead of water during the day, 0.5-1.5 liters per day.

Treated for at least 4 months. This decoction, while cleansing the body, simultaneously treats multiple sclerosis and functional disorders associated with diseases of the vascular system, gangrene and retinal detachment, kidney diseases and convulsive conditions. For strokes, a mixture of lemon and a decoction of pine needles is used.

To do this, peel half a lemon and finely chop. Having shifted the lemon into a bowl, pour it with a warm decoction of pine needles and drink it in one gulp. Take this mixture one hour before meals or one hour after meals 4 times a day.

But a decoction of pine needles is also useful without any additives, the acquisition of which may present a certain difficulty for people. Depending on where you live and what preventive measures are more available to you, use those. For some it is wild grapes and oats in the husk, for others it is cranberries and coniferous tops, and for others it is stone berries and flax seed. Of course, it is desirable to cleanse the body in full, if possible. This process is lengthy, requires perseverance and perseverance, but is rewarded by the restoration of wasted health.

Purification of the organ system

The above-proposed cleansing of the body with enveloping natural sorbents is more suitable and is sufficient for young patients, when the liver is still healthy and the intestines are less slagged. And for older patients suffering from incurable diseases, I would like to offer a b-stage method of cleansing the body, which was developed and tested by a chemist-technologist from the city of Shakhty, Rostov Region, Semenova Nadezhda Alekseevna.

In 1979, when Semenova was 39 years old, she was diagnosed with complicated heart disease, articular rheumatism, aggravated by diseases such as colitis, gastritis, and cholecystitis at the Rostov Regional Hospital. After the examination, Nadezhda Alekseevna was told that she had only 2 years left to live.

And Semenova decided to fight for her life. Even earlier, she studied the works of Bragg, Shelton, Karavaev. She remembered and gave hope to the saying of the Russian physiologist Pavlov: “Our body is such a complex system that restores itself, cleanses itself, heals itself, you just need not interfere.” Having accidentally come across information that reported on the use of food products so that they do not pollute our body and allow us to get rid of toxins accumulated in the body in previous years, Semenova took it into her arms and began to cleanse her body.

She spent three years cleaning her body. During this time, she purified her blood and got rid of rheumatism, although official medicine considers this impossible.

Understanding that heart health and blood purification require a good workout, Nadezhda Alekseevna entered the jogging club. I started small, but already in 1983 I was able to run 42 kilometers on the Olympic track in 4 hours and 20 minutes.

Continuing to work on herself, train in the club and accumulate information on cleaning the body of dirt, Semenova managed to get rid of many invisible sores. She realized that the main thing is not only getting rid of the dirt that we have accumulated, but also stopping the introduction of a new one. This helped her organize and run a health club herself. Semenova advises any business related to health to begin with bringing oneself into a state of inner purity. This, she believes, is above all.

Nadezhda Alekseevna recommends 6 stages of body cleansing, which must be carried out in a certain sequence. In no case do not proceed to the next stage, skipping the previous one. If you start cleansing the liver without cleansing the intestines, then all these stones, which will come out in 50-70 pieces, will get stuck in the intestines, remain in its diverticles and cause pathological changes.

1st STEP: bowel cleansing.

Prepare 2 liters of warm boiled water and add the juice of half a lemon to it. Pour the solution into Esmarch's mug, and grease the end of the tube by dipping it in vegetable oil.

Take a position that will ensure maximum effectiveness of the procedure: stand on your elbows and knees, relax your stomach, inhale through your mouth. If these 2 liters do not immediately enter, then do an enema in 2-3 doses. It is better to clean the intestines in the evening before going to bed: the first week - daily, the second week - every other day, the third week - after 2 days, the fourth week - after 3 days, the fifth week - once a week.

When you cleanse the intestines, a huge amount of fecal pebbles will come out of you. It is necessary to bring a huge distended large intestine into a normal state. To do this, it is imperative to take plant foods in the morning: dried apples, cereals of bran varieties, cereals without milk, Borodino or Russian bread. It is necessary to use food products that, like a broom, sweep all corners of the intestine. Bran is also useful here, which will help restore peristalsis for a good natural bowel movement.

2nd STAGE: fight against bloating in the gastrointestinal tract.

STEP 3: cleansing the joints

Many experience discomfort in the joints, they feel when it will rain, when it snows, they often wake up at night - this is arthritis, polyarthritis.

If you clean your joints without cleansing your bowels, there will be severe allergies, the release of dilute dirt through the skin, increased intraocular pressure, and many other unpleasant things. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the stages of cleaning organs.

To prepare the cleansing composition, take 5 grams of bay leaf, pour 300 grams of water, boil for 5 minutes and insist in a thermos. Drink the decoction in small portions within 12 hours. But if you drink at one time, you can end up in the hospital with bleeding. Repeat the procedure for three days in a row. Meals can be ordinary, but always separate. A week later, conduct a second course of cleaning the joints for three days. In the first year, the course of cleaning should be carried out once a quarter, and in subsequent years, preventive cleaning of the joints should be carried out once a year.

STEP 4: Cleansing the liver.

Only now can we begin to cleanse the main blood purification laboratory - the liver. For this procedure, you need to prepare 300 grams of lemon juice and 300 grams olive oil. If the purchase of these products presents difficulties, then lemons can be replaced with cranberries or sea buckthorn, and olive oil with sunflower oil.

On the first day, you need to prepare your liver so that the stones soften and do not scratch, so that sand falls out of the liver. To do this, make an enema in the morning and eat apple juice prepared in an electric juicer without heating all day. The amount of juice is not limited.

On the second and third day of the procedure, repeat. Reception ends apple juice on the third day at 19:00. 19.00 is the hour of biological relaxation of the liver. At this time, you need to go to bed, put a heating pad on the liver and start taking a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil.

Pour 3 tablespoons of lemon juice into a shot glass and 3 tablespoons of olive oil on top. Drink this composition every 15 minutes. In total it will turn out b receptions. Do not get out of bed, protect the liver so that it is not crushed. The urge to defecate will begin in 12-15 hours, but may be earlier. Dozens of bright green stones will come out, and plugs will also fall that closed the passages in the channels. Stagnant black or green bile will definitely come out. A lot of stones will come out - you will cleanse your important organ.

After a bowel movement, it is imperative to rinse the intestines so that the terrible contents that were in the liver do not linger anywhere, as it can affect the intestinal mucosa and cause the formation of polyps. Therefore, after an hour you need to do an enema and after 12 hours repeat it again. If the patient has gallbladder and the liver is not in order, then they should be cleaned once a quarter. For prevention, it is enough to do this once a year.

STEP 5: Cleansing the kidneys.

Kidney cleansing can be done different ways. One of them is used during the watermelon season: you need to eat only watermelons and brown bread during the week. For the release of stones from the bladder and kidneys, it is necessary to use the biological hour of the relaxed state of the urinary system, which occurs between two and three in the morning.

At this time, when the ducts expand, most often there are renal colic and the stones come out on their own. To facilitate this, you need to take a night bath. By two o'clock in the morning, pour water of a pleasant temperature into the bath, sit in it, let out a small stream to maintain a constant temperature, and eat a watermelon. At this time, there will be an urge to urinate. At the hour of the biorhythm of the kidneys in heat, the effect must be obtained: stones must come out with urine.

In the absence of watermelons, you can use a mixture of juices of carrots, beets and cucumbers in a ratio of 3:1:1, which is taken 100-150 grams before meals 3 times a day for 7-10 days. And then take a night bath at a pleasant temperature, drinking a glass of juice mixture in small sips.

6th STAGE: purification of lymph and blood.

Using an electric juicer, prepare 900 grams of grapefruit juice, 900 grams of orange juice and 200 grams of lemon juice. Combine all this with two liters of warm boiled water.

In the morning, drink a solution of Glauber's salt, prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 100 milliliters of water. In the process of heavy sweating every 30 minutes, drink 100 milliliters of juice solution. The procedure will take 3 days. Having cleansed the body of toxins accumulated over the years, the patient will be able to find out what it means to have a healthy body and what joy it brings.

Second phase

The second stage of treatment is to replenish the body with vitamins and micro- and macroelements. Applying separate meals, a person can indulge in meat and fish if his work is connected with large physical activity. But at the same time, it is necessary to increase the consumption of vegetables and herbs, soy and buckwheat, and periodically conduct iodine therapy courses.

The second stage of cancer treatment is described in detail in the article "Cranberries and garlic against Trichomonas", which is also a recommendation for cancer prevention. Therefore, the second stage of treatment can begin simultaneously with the first, proceed during the third and fourth stages of treatment and all the life that follows. Each of you can take from these recommendations what is more suitable or can be feasible in accordance with your capabilities, material and physiological.

For example, I adopted the following from the second stage. In the morning, the first thing I do is put a mug of water on the fire. While it boils, I put a tablespoon of sunflower oil in my mouth and suck it. By this time, the water boils, and I brew a spoonful of Ivan-tea, close the lid and let it brew for 15 minutes. While the tea is infused, I prepare a salad of vegetables and herbs and pour it with soybean oil. I cook hot food at the same time. Having freed my mouth from oil, I rinse it with boiled water. Now you can brush your teeth. I drink tea and only after that I start breakfast.

Before that, I had a different morning routine: after sucking oil, I performed iodine therapy, drinking 4-5 drops of iodine diluted in 1/5 cup of milk before breakfast, eating shells at the end of breakfast chicken egg. And even earlier, I organized my breakfast from one sprouted grain, after which I drank tea with blackcurrant jam. In addition, she conducted preventive courses of treatment with iron, folic acid and 1% solution of copper sulphate, saw, blue iodine.

And so, alternating preventive procedures, I replenished my body with microelements. And the market, where prices for certain vegetables and fruits are sometimes reduced, replenished my body with vital natural vitamins. - In winter, I constantly eat sauerkraut, seasoned with grated beets and carrots, and pumpkin seeds. Now I'm addicted to garlic and cranberries.

Thus, by slightly straining your intellect and investing some work, you can constantly maintain your health at the right level.

Third stage

To be convinced of this, it is worth looking at your language. White coating on the tongue is Candida mushrooms. Their filamentous plantations form white myceliums and go further into the depths of the esophagus and intestines. Fungi can suppress trichomonads, forcing them to go into a stable cyst-like form and infiltrate tissues, where they are buried and become less accessible, including in relation to medicinal antitrichomonas drugs.

Therefore, in order to make Trichomonas more accessible for treatment, the course of treatment should begin with the suppression of fungi. A gynecologist from Voronezh V. A. Melnikova recommends taking polyene antifungal antibiotics: nystatin 500,000 IU 4 times a day or levorin 500,000 IU 3 times a day for 12-14 days, starting from the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle. At the same time, women should douche with a 2% solution of baking soda and insert a cotton swab smeared with levorin ointment on a long thread at night. Men should also wash their genitals with a lather of laundry soap and, as far as possible, douche with a solution of levorin or apply levorin ointment.

At the end of antifungal therapy, it is necessary to switch to immunostimulation. As immunostimulants, Dibazol is taken 3 tablets per day or immunomodulators such as taktivin, thymolin and others are administered.

On the 4-5th day after the start of immunostimulation, it is necessary to switch to antitrichomonas therapy. For this purpose, trichopol is used, which is taken for 5 days according to the scheme recommended in the annotation to the drug, or tinidazole, which is taken for 2-3 days, depending on the tolerance of the drug to patients.

In this case, the nature of the infection is analyzed by blood culture from the cubital vein on nutrient media. In Moscow, for example, this is done by a special paid laboratory at the Research Institute of Microbiology. Gamaleya. But, as the blood test data of the patients I sent there showed, the effectiveness of detecting the infection leaves much to be desired: it is visible on my photographs, but the laboratory does not detect it. If microflora is not detected, it is still necessary to treat with broad-spectrum antibiotics: erycycline, doxycycline, etc., as well as an immunostimulant such as Dibazol for 7-10 days.

Only after that it is possible to proceed to protistocidal (antitrichoma) treatment through the blood or proceed to the fourth stage of treatment, which depends on the nature of the disease or financial and other possibilities, 5% solutions of metronidazole and metrogil in 100-gram packaging are freely sold in pharmacies . But the introduction of the drug should be carried out by medical workers using a dropper in the patient's cubital vein. The course of treatment is 5 days. Usually spend 2-3 courses of treatment with an interval of 14 days. It is necessary to conduct a blood test before and after treatment (from ring finger). It should be noted that this stage of treatment is unacceptable for blood diseases - leukemia and granulomatosis, as well as for thrombosis or heart disease.

And it's not about the danger of antitrichomonas drugs, but about their effectiveness. With the death of Trichomonas, the toxicity of the blood may increase even more, which can lead to poisoning of the patient. In addition, during the destruction of blood clots, particles detached from it can cause overlap and blockage of blood vessels. Therefore, in any case, the third stage of treatment must be carried out in collaboration with physicians.

Fourth stage

Immunostimulation has long been known among the people, among them: steam rooms with a birch broom exuding phytoncides, winter swimming in a winter hole and therapeutic fasting and fasting.

Modern healers and herbalists, among whom V. V. Tishchenko is well known, argue: “Your body, the immune system, must fight a cancerous tumor. And our task is to help him in this by launching a protective organism, irritating the cells with microdoses of poison. The desire to heal faster will backfire.”

As immunostimulants, they use small doses of drugs prepared from such poisonous plants, like spotted hemlock, red fly agaric, Dzhugarskaya ferula, green walnuts on kerosene, buttercup aconite, birch chaga, burdock, celandine, black elderberry fruits and others.

A number of Russian scientists and doctors in the post-war years actively began to work on the creation of immunostimulants. Among them were: military doctor Yu. Prodan, biologist A. Kachugin, microbiologist Candidate of Sciences A. Troitskaya, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences M. Voroshilova, veterinarian A. Dorogov and others. Each of the drugs and vaccines created by them is a masterpiece of human thought. Medicines were created on the basis of various microorganisms, medicinal plants, organic substances, mineral salts and the blood of the patients themselves.

The practice of treating cancer patients, who were abandoned by official medicine, with the help of immunostimulants, confirmed the specific effect of these drugs. These inventors have their followers, they still use Prodan's blastophage drug, Dorogov's ASD-2 drug, and work according to A. Troitskaya's method of treating cancer patients.


An ancient oriental remedy for the treatment of external tumors is sublimate. In Russia, mercury dichloride has long been used to treat internal neoplasms.

Sublimate is a strong poison that primarily affects the kidneys. But in microdoses, it is a good antitumor agent in the treatment of cancer of the stomach, esophagus and intestines.

Sublimate is the best remedy with such severe tumors as cancer of the brain, prostate, bladder, as well as cancer of the larynx and oral cavity, bone sarcomas.

The authors of the book "The Secret of Cancer Treatment" oncologist and gynecologist S. V. Korepanov and the famous healer V. V. Tishchenko offer the following treatment method. In two liters of distilled water, you need to dilute the sublimate with a volume of a match head. It is better to pour the resulting solution into dark bottles, close them tightly and store in a dark, cool place, away from food and children.

Taking the medicine should start with a teaspoon. In 100 grams of raw water, dilute 1 teaspoon of the prepared sublimate solution and take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 15 days. Then increase the intake to a dessert spoon. This amount of sublimate is diluted in 150 grams of raw water and is also taken within 15 days. After that, increase the dose to a tablespoon and, diluted in 200 grams of raw water, drink until recovery. Applications are used for external tumors: two layers of gauze are moistened with a low concentration sublimate solution and applied to the tumor for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a day. Gradually increase the concentration of dichloride mercury.

When treating sublimate, it must be remembered that the drug can accumulate in the body, so disgust may appear for it. Then you need to start reducing to a teaspoon as gradually as you increased it, and after being on a small dose for 15 days, rise again to normal. Possible side effects: swelling under the eyes, pain in the kidneys, urinary retention. In case of side effects, reduce the dose and do not increase it again. If the condition worsens, stop taking sublimate, take a break for a few days and then continue treatment, starting with a low dose and bringing it up to a safe one.

Of all the immunostimulants created by our scientists, the best fate went to the drug ASD-2, but not to its author. The drug ASD fraction 2 is used to treat internal neoplasms, and just ASD - for external ones. The production of these drugs was mastered by industry in Ukraine and in Russia - the city of Armavir. These drugs are officially recommended for use in veterinary medicine. But they are sold in pharmacies, and people use for their own treatment.

When the external tumor is lubricated with the ASD preparation, it burns out and is husked in pieces. For internal use, ASD is not recommended. But a case is known when, having found nothing but ASD, a cancer patient got rid of lung cancer by using this drug with milk. He went on increasing to 15 drops and back. In milk, he did not limit himself, so as not to destroy the walls of the stomach.

ASD-2 is the best remedy for lymphogranulomatosis and lung cancer, for the treatment of leukemia in children, and is also used for cancer of the liver and pancreas. During treatment, it is imperative to exclude meat from food and prevent drug overdoses, as well as its accumulation in the body. With the accumulation of poison, an aversion to the drug will appear, then you need to go down to the minimum number of drops in order to cleanse yourself, and again gradually return to the previous level. A. Dorogov recommended a 4-single dose of the drug.

He recommended at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours of the day to take the patient 5 drops of medicine for 5 days. Then increase the intake to 10 drops. And so, increasing every 5 days by 5 drops, bring the dose to 50 drops, which are taken until recovery.

But for weakened patients, a milder regimen is recommended. For the first time at 8 o'clock in the morning, a person should drink only one drop of ASD-2 per 100 grams of water. The next day - 2 drops of medicine. And so, increasing the dose by one drop, on the 25th day of treatment, the patient will already take 25 drops of the medicine in a glass of water in the morning. Starting from the 26th day, the patient already takes the drug 4 times a day: at 8.12, 16 and 20 hours, 15 drops at a time. After five days, the 4-time intake will continue, but the dose will be 20 drops per dose, after another 5 days the dose will increase to 25 drops, and after another 5 days - up to 30 drops per dose. This regimen should be maintained until recovery.

In the photographs below, T.Ya. Svishcheva proposes to consider two points of view: the official hematologists and the alternative (author's) about the nature of undifferentiated cells and the causes of the pathology of blood cells. The choice is yours!

Hematologists: Platelets. Segmented nuclear neutrophils. Narrow plasma lymphocyte (bottom left).
Svishcheva T. Ya.: Segmental-nuclear leukocytes with nuclei swollen from toxins, dying, but attacking Trichomonas, forced them to granulate to "platelets". Cystic Trichomonas (lower left). Kycochek cholesterol (in the center), which got from the liver into the blood.

Hematologists: Atypical mononuclear cells. platelets. Stab and segmented neutrophils. Narrow plasma lymphocyte and mid plasma lymphocyte (lower right).
Svishcheva T. Ya.: Amoeba Trichomonas, attacked by stab and segmented nuclear leukocytes, disintegrated to "platelets". A lymphocyte (lower right) has captured and phagocytizes a "platelet". (to the left of him Trichomonas in one of the stages of transition to granulation and decay.

Cyst-like Trichomonas (with two eyes) among erythrocytes.

Cyst-like Trichomonas (with two eyes) with an egg?

The platelet destroys the erythrocyte.

Strange cell (under red blood cells).

Platelets? Melt red blood cells with their toxins.

Cyst-like Trichomonas melts the "coin columns" of red blood cells with its toxins.

Erythrocyte, with a luminous rim along the contour, according to T. Ya. Fistisheva - chlamydia.