Business letters: requests and requests. Drafting business letters Asking you to take the necessary action

To write a letter of request for assistance in resolving the issue to a person holding a high position, you need to know the rules for writing such a letter. It is advisable to briefly and clearly state the essence of the appeal. From this article you can learn how to write a letter of request for assistance in resolving the issue to the governor. You can write, for example, about solving problems related to the city and the region, whether it be shortcomings in housing and communal services or a request of a personal nature. It is important to note that the request should not go beyond the capabilities of the authorized person.

General information

Such a letter of assistance in resolving the issue is useful when you need to get information, documents or make a deal. You can write an appeal with a request to improve the quality of work of any state organization. Usually such letters are sent to someone else's name. In some cases, they contact the organization directly.

A letter to the governor asking for assistance must fully comply with the rules of business correspondence. Everything must be taken responsibly: from the font of the text to the content of the letter. If the problem affects not only one citizen, but several, signatures and relevant documents can be collected. The more convincing the submitted documents are, the more likely the administration will respond to the request. Such a letter of assistance in resolving the issue may be accepted or rejected. In any case, government agency employees must send a response with detailed information and an explanation of the reasons for the refusal.

The following items will be needed to write and send a letter:

  1. PC with Internet access.
  2. Paper.
  3. A pen.
  4. The envelope.
  5. Printer.

The form

There is a special form for writing a letter to the governor with a request for assistance, which indicates the name of the applicant, as well as the name and position of the governor, a summary of the letter and other important points. It is advisable to print the appeal on a separate sheet. You can find the form on the administration website or in the governor's office. In some areas, it may be missing, then you need to write it yourself using a PC or manually. When sending a letter of request for assistance in resolving an issue without such a form, you may not receive a response.


After completing the form, you need to start writing the letter itself.

  1. First, a hat is made. The position, surname, name and patronymic of the official are written on the right. At the bottom, the full name and all contact information (address, telephone, e-mail) of the author of the appeal are written. All data of a civil servant are indicated in the dative case. Personal data - in the genitive case.
  2. Further, stepping back a little, in the middle you should start addressing the word “respected”.
  3. After that, you can state the essence of the problem.

The letter does not have to be large. It is not necessary to write the main part for several pages. One sheet of A4 is enough for this. The main thing is to state the essence of the problem, so that when reading, a person understands what is at stake. All the necessary information can be specified in the application. It should not be stretched over ten pages, you can write several sheets, fully revealing the problem. Do not write anything extra in the application.

How the body is written determines whether the letter will be read by the governor or not. At the end of the letter, you must make the inscription "Appendix" and indicate the sheets with additional information. At the end of the letter, you again need to describe the request in two or three sentences and sign it. For example, you can write a letter asking for assistance in resolving an issue in the city.

Application Structure

The letter is written according to the standard pattern. It should contain:

  1. The reason for petition. The reason is briefly described: in connection with what the citizen refers to this official, and also why he refers to this particular official.
  2. Target. What is the letter for? Here it is necessary to state the essence of the problem, and also to show why the addressee needs to respond to the request.
  3. Link. Description of the outcome of the decision. If the governor responds to the problem, what changes will occur in the company, community life, etc. This is the most important part. She convinces the addressee of the need to provide assistance, it depends on her whether the request will be responded to.

If there is more than one request, it is best to make several paragraphs for each of the problems. All details can be written, as mentioned above, in the application. The structure of the application is written for its main part.


After the work with the letter of request for assistance in resolving the issue is completed, you need to put all the evidence and official appeals into the envelope, as well as the letter itself. All additional attachments only increase the likelihood of the recipient reading the letter.

Having packed everything in an envelope, you need to find out the legal address of the administration of the region or district and send a letter. Before sending it, you should make copies of all papers. It is best to send them, as the letter itself with important documents may be lost at the post office or in the administration.

Shipping options

You can send a letter of request to help solve your problem not only by regular mail. If there is concern for the safety of the papers or that the letter will not reach, you can do the following:

  1. Order delivery to a representative of the Governor's office. This function has "Russian Post" and commercial enterprises for the delivery of letters. Thus, the letter will be delivered much faster and will go straight to the governor.
  2. Email. Outside the 21st century. Any appeal can be sent by e-mail. You just need to visit the administration website, find out the mail for public relations and, after filling out all the forms and forms, making scans of all documents, send them in the form of files by mail. On some sites there are electronic receptions where there is no need to attach files, you can fill in personal data and leave an appeal there.

The response time, according to official data, is 30 days, but usually the answer comes within two to three days.

What is the best way to write

You can write a letter asking for assistance in solving any problem, but whether assistance will be provided or the letter will be archived depends only on the addressee. To increase the chance of a successful outcome of the case, it is better to touch on the positive personal qualities of the addressee. It is necessary that a person understands why they are turning to him.

A few inserts with compliments would be appropriate. In the letter, it is worth making it clear to the person that only he can help with the solution of the issue set out in the paper. For example, if the addressee writes a letter of assistance in solving the issue of housing and communal services, it can be shown that such a problem is important and the governor, like no one else, will be able to help not only the specific citizen who wrote the appeal, but also all citizens in solving this problem.

Be sure to justify your point of view. It is advisable to choose several justifications why it is necessary to respond to the request. It is better to build these justifications according to the scheme: medium persuasive, weak, most persuasive - this is a standard psychological method of persuasion in the field of business communication.

It is necessary to interest the addressee in fulfilling the request. This aspect should be carefully considered. Perhaps the offer will somehow be connected with the benefit of the addressee? If there is an important problem, you can show how the stated request will help to solve either the whole issue or part of it.

If there is absolutely nothing to offer, do not despair, this also happens. Show the importance of the request. This will put pressure on emotions. The essence must be stated as clearly and understandably as possible, so that when reading a letter, a person wants to help in solving this particular issue.

How best to make a request

After preparing the addressee to accept the request, it is necessary to state the essence very concisely. The text should be short. Long sentences are not suitable for such a letter. All figures and exact data must be entered.

If the request is to order equipment for a company, for example, then the price, quantity and brand should be reflected in the letter. Any unclear words or data are best explained. When expressing thoughts, one should not write sentences with a double meaning. The essence should be clear at once. This is a business letter.

How to write a conclusion

In the end, it is necessary to summarize all of the above. It is worth writing what benefit the company or a particular citizen will receive if the request is fulfilled. Moreover, it is better to do it in the form of a logical chain. For example, when ordering 5 new machines, 5 jobs will appear, so many tax deductions will go to the budget from each one, or a particular enterprise will receive such and such a profit.

In conclusion, it is important to repeat the request and what its execution will lead to. Throughout the letter, the business style of the narrative should be observed. This shows the addresser's attitude to the problem and the case as a whole.

Sample letter asking for assistance in holding an event

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

The company *name of the company* has been organizing internships for students of higher educational institutions for several years in a row. This helps not only to consolidate the acquired knowledge, but also to apply them in practice.

You, as the head of the personnel department, are a person interested in finding new candidates: young, energetic and promising specialists. This profession is in great demand. I, like most students, would like to learn about all the nuances of such work.

In this regard, I ask you to organize a meeting of the chief engineer, Petr Petrovich Petrov, with applicants on May 10 at 16.00 in the educational building of our institute.

By showing young people the prospects of a profession today, you help them learn more about it, and also lay the groundwork for the right choice in the future. Probably, having chosen this profession, some of them will work at your enterprise and help it reach a new level.

With respect and gratitude,

Rector of the Institute VV Astapov.

What language constructs are best to insert

When composing a letter, you should use the language constructs described below:

  1. Introductory part. In this part of the letter of assistance in any matter, it is necessary to state the essence of the matter, indicate the reason for the appeal and the request itself. To do this, it is best to use the phrases below. To describe the reason: due to non-receipt, taking into account, etc. To state the goal: based on the results, for purposes, for agreement, etc.
  2. Request. It can be narrated in both the first and third person. The phrase used to describe it is quite standard, and it begins with the word "please."

The following points should be taken into account:

  1. When presenting, attention should be drawn to the interest in the fulfillment of the request by both parties.
  2. You should never start a letter with the word “please”, it is best to first explain the motive for the appeal, and then state the essence of the request.
  3. It is undesirable to immediately thank the addressee. This can put him in an awkward position. It is best to thank the person after he has responded to the request.
  4. Describe the significance of the problem at hand. It is necessary to make it clear that the solution of the issue satisfies the needs of not only the addressee, but also other people in general. In this case, you should never mark the negative side of the request.
  5. It is impossible to include sentences with threats in the text of the appeal (to turn to another authority if help is refused, for example). This will definitely push the addressee away, and the letter will go to the archive.


Having studied the style of business storytelling in more detail, as well as sketching your own thoughts, you can easily write a letter, after reading which, the addressee will respond to the request set forth in it.

It should always be remembered that a letter is being written to the manager for assistance in resolving the issue. Moreover, this question is primarily of interest to the addressee. And only in his power to do everything to respond to the letter.

Thus, according to the example described above, you can write your appeal, observing all the excerpts and formatting rules.

  1. Do not forget that the form must be stamped by the administration. It is best to purchase a form in the regional administration.
  2. You can also use the online application option.
  3. It is necessary to collect all possible documents and certificates, as well as signatures, if the problem affects not only a specific citizen.
  4. To write about a request for assistance in resolving an issue, you should use a businesslike style of narration, and also remember to respect the tone of the letter.
  5. The letter should be of interest to the official from the very beginning.
  6. After writing the original, you need to make copies of all documents, certificates and signatures, as well as the letter itself, send copies of the documents to the administration, having previously learned its legal address. In this case, send the letter in the original. The best way to do this is by courier. Then the review of the document will take much less time.
  7. After submitting, please wait patiently for a response.

An integral and important part of modern business correspondence is a letter of request. The samples and examples of wording presented in the article, as well as the indicated rules for writing it, will help you correctly compose the necessary text and arrange it in accordance with the customs of office work. We offer you a step-by-step guide to writing this type of appeal.

General information

A request letter is relevant in cases where its author needs to receive any information, documents, make a deal or other business actions from other persons. It can be sent both to the name of a specific person (head, director, head of department, etc.), and to the address of the entire organization as a whole. Your request for help must follow the rules generally accepted in business correspondence.

The letter is the face of the company, even the little things matter. Print it on letterhead signed by an authorized person and stamped (if available). Be responsible for the choice of font, its size and the position of the text on the page. Don't neglect margins, red line and paragraphs. Often the first impression is made just by looking at the document.

Step 1: Specifying a Destination

If you write an impersonal letter to a specific company, then most likely it will go to the reception or office, then to the manager, and finally to the direct executor. Indicate the correct full name of the organization in the “cap” of the text, it is best to add the legal address as well.

As mentioned above, the best option is considered to indicate a specific addressee, that is, a personally addressed request for help. Always try to address by name and patronymic. For example, “Dear Alexander Viktorovich!” or "Dear Mr. Schwartz!". Thus, you, firstly, express your respect to the person, and secondly, a request addressed to a specific person imposes certain obligations on him, responsibility for its consideration and implementation.

In some situations, it would be logical to use a group of people, a certain team or part of it as an addressee. This is also relevant in cases where a request letter is sent to several addresses. Use wording such as: "Dear colleagues!", "Dear accountants!" etc.

Stage 2: Compliment

It is good if the official request letter contains a compliment in relation to its addressee. By doing it, you seem to be answering his natural question: “Why are you addressing me with this question?”. You can note the past merits and personal qualities of a person, the status of the company, etc. In particular, use the following wording: “Your firm is a leading supplier…”, “You have helped many in solving complex issues in this area…”, “Your organization is a leading expert in the market in the field…”, etc. Do not forget that it is appropriate a compliment will be when the request letter (samples and examples in the text) is of a non-standard nature and the addressee needs to be won over. Draw his attention to the qualities and merits that are relevant to fulfilling your request. However, we do not recommend crossing a very thin line between a good and right compliment and rude flattery.

Stage 3: Substantiate the request

Any request must be reasoned, because the addressee must know why you are addressing him specifically. So it makes sense to bring it to the heart of the matter. At this stage, we recommend that you select the three most convincing arguments that should be built in the text of the letter according to the scheme: medium strength, weak, most strong.

The request may have a different level of complexity, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the addressee will not always be interested in its implementation. In this regard, he must be convinced that its implementation carries potential benefits for him. Interest the addressee so that he accepts your document with full seriousness.

The letter of request may contain a proposal for the implementation of a certain attractive opportunity for him.

Examples of wording

  • “At all times, enterprising and business people have strived not only for material success, but also for personal growth, in order to be forever remembered by people for their good deeds, to win their respect.”
  • "Of course, your main goal is to improve the living standards of the citizens of the city." In particular, this wording can be used when a letter of request is drawn up to a deputy, for example, for the provision of premises for a kindergarten, the arrangement of a playground, etc.

You can also voice a problem that is relevant for the addressee, show him how your request can help him in solving it or in realizing certain opportunities.

It happens that you have nothing to offer the other side, or it is inappropriate in this context. In this case, the most optimal way out is a story about the significance of your request. Describe the situation as reliably and fully as possible, so that it takes, as they say, for the soul. If a sentimental moment in your story is not a priori, give facts and focus on cause and effect relationships. Tell us about what will happen if you are refused or, on the contrary, agree to help.

Step 4: Make a Request

When the addressee is mentally prepared to accept your request, it can be stated. Keep your text short, avoiding long and convoluted sentences, as well as ambiguity or understatement. The letter of request (samples and examples of wording in the text) should be concise and clear in meaning. So, if you ask to purchase any equipment for the company, then indicate the completeness, price and quantity:

“To equip the emergency department, the hospital needs a new car, the cost of which is 3.5 million rubles. Please help us get it."

Or, for example, a request to reduce the rent should be specified: “We ask you to reduce the rent for the premises to the level of 500 rubles. per square meter until the economic situation stabilizes.”

Stage 5: Summarize

At the end of the letter, you need to summarize your request. Repeat it again and focus on the fact that the addressee benefits if he provides you with the requested assistance. However, the text of the request should be slightly modified. Returning to the same example of rent reduction, we propose the following wording:

“If you agree to reduce the rent to the level of 500 rubles. per square meter during the stabilization of the current economic situation, you will be able to contribute to the preservation of more than 20 jobs, and will not incur losses due to the complete lack of payment.

Remember, it is important to repeat not only the request, but also the benefit that can be obtained from its implementation, and it does not have to be material. Many large companies willingly act as sponsors, investors and do charity work.

We think that now, after studying the process in stages, you will not have a question about how to write a letter of request. It is enough to take into account all the rules of business correspondence and some nuances. We suggest you also study another example.


Dear Felix Petrovich!

Your enterprise has been organizing the industrial practice of students at the enterprise for several years, helping them to put into practice the knowledge gained at the university.

You, as the head of the personnel department, are a person interested in attracting new employees, young and promising engineers, and highly qualified specialists. Today, this profession is one of the most in demand. Many students would like to know about its possibilities, subtleties and significance.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the chief engineer with applicants and students of 1-2 courses on April 25 at 17:00 on the basis of your enterprise.

Having told about the advantages and secrets of the profession today, you are laying a solid foundation for training specialists and professionals tomorrow. Perhaps, in a few years, one of them will take your company to a new level of development.

With respect and gratitude,

Rector of the University I.Zh.Bychkov

Having studied the information on what requirements a request letter must meet, samples and examples of wording, you can easily cope with writing it in practice.

In business circulation, documents are strictly official, drawn up according to a single model or in accordance with accepted standards (for example,), and almost informal, drawn up when you need to solve an unexpected issue, ask for help or express gratitude. It is erroneously believed that the "free" form is easier to use; on the contrary, in order to write a convincing appeal or letter, you will have to make much more effort than to fill out a unified form.

The second category of documents includes a variety of letters of request, samples of which can be found below. Competently and clearly composing such a message is sometimes no less important than. Below are examples of letters of request for assistance, step-by-step instructions for creating the perfect document, and tips for sending it to the addressee.

Instructions for writing a letter of request

And messages asking for assistance, and for obvious reasons, cannot be drawn up according to a single model: using a unified form, it is simply impossible to adapt to specific circumstances. After all, in order for the request to have the desired effect, it is extremely important to take into account the personality of the recipient, his social status, current financial condition and other factors. In addition, the letter should have a pronounced confidential character: if it is a strictly official document, the addressee, who is in a more favorable position by default, is likely to prefer to reply with an unsubscribe or simply refuse the dialogue by sending the message to the wastebasket.

Important: throughout the letter it is necessary to adhere to a warm and respectful tone. We must not forget that a request letter is not an official requirement, it can be freely ignored or rejected by the recipient. Respect alone without sufficient motivation will not give results, but at least it will be able to keep the reader's attention, forcing him to reach the end of the text.

Before you start writing a letter of request to solve a problem, defer payments or provide a discount, it makes sense to decide on the addressee. Depending on the circumstances, these may be:

  • a private person - for example, a wealthy investor or an influential scientist;
  • individual entrepreneur or owner of a limited liability company;
  • the legal entity as a whole, if the sender does not know the name of the director or it does not make sense for him who exactly will answer the message;
  • civil servant of any level - from the mayor of a small town to the governor or responsible head of any structure.

Naturally, a letter sent to an average entrepreneur will be very different in spirit from an official letter asking for assistance to the chairman of a state corporation. However, the structure of all request letters is approximately the same; it is enough for the compiler to understand for himself which elements must be present in any letter, which can be varied and which it is better to completely abandon. This is much more difficult to do than, but still possible. The following instructions will help you understand the situation.

The second issue that needs to be clarified before writing a request letter is the structure of the document. As already mentioned, there is no unified form of the message, but the general plan of any business letters is almost the same - it should be followed. A formal or semi-official request for assistance, assistance or services is built from the following blocks:

  1. "Hat". It consists of the organization's logo, additional patterns (it is recommended to use not stock, but your own design; it does not hurt to hire a professional designer for this) and the name of the sending organization, if the latter is not part of the logo. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to include the state symbols of the Russian Federation, including the flag and coat of arms, in the “header”, especially if the sender is an individual, individual entrepreneur or a small company that has no connection with government agencies. The presence of a flag and coat of arms is unlikely to influence the decision of the recipient, but (if used ineptly) these attributes will cause the reader to suspect the trustworthiness of the applicant.
  2. Introductory part. It includes:
    • official names of the sending company (full and abbreviated) or surname, name and patronymic of the originator of the letter of request;
    • details of the addresser, including TIN, PSRN, statistical codes, registration numbers and current account;
    • contact details: full address with zip code, phone numbers, email address, accounts in instant messengers and social networks, and so on;
    • optionally - the name or surname, name and patronymic of the recipient, depending on whether it is a legal entity or an individual;
    • a greeting separated from the main text by an empty line and highlighted by using a larger font;
    • indications on the basis of the appeal (the occurrence of a delay, analysis of the results, the presence of an oral agreement, telephone conversations, and so on);
    • appointment of a letter of request (elimination of misunderstandings that have arisen, the speedy resolution of the issue or immediate assistance to any person).
  3. Main text. The body of the letter should state (if possible briefly, intelligibly and in literary Russian) the essence of the request: pay the debt, carry out repairs, provide financial assistance to the shelter or provide a discount. At the very beginning of the text, it must be emphasized that the letter is precisely a request; the easiest way to do this is using the appropriate derivatives: “I sincerely ask”, “We ask you”, “Our organization asks”, “I am asking you” - and others. As already mentioned, a request letter is not a demand, much less an order, therefore, from the beginning to the end of the message, it is necessary to strictly adhere to a respectful tone, remembering that the person concerned in this case is the sender, not the reader. The only exceptions are messages with a request to pay off the debt; but in this case, one should not forget about respect for the addressee. It also does not hurt to add a few warm words at the beginning of the letter (if the sender and recipient are well acquainted) or official compliments if the compiler and the addressee have not previously communicated or the interaction took place within a strictly business framework. If one letter contains several essentially different or interconnected requests, each of them must be given its own paragraph, or even better, create a bulleted list that has a significant visual advantage over solid text.
  4. Conclusion. If the letter has a special meaning for the sender, here it is worth once again (briefly and convincingly) calling the reader to action. This can be done both with two or three sentences, which are the quintessence of the main text, and with the help of an attention-grabbing slogan. Do not, however, get too carried away; The letter of request must be confidential and not commercial or promotional. Let his style be uncomplicated rather than deliberately adjusted, instilling in the reader doubts about the sincerity of the sender. This is especially important if the letter contains a request for help or assistance.
  5. Farewell and signature. not always set. If the purpose of the document is to seek assistance or support, it makes sense to use another formula instead of this formula, for example, “Thanks in advance”, “Thanks in advance”, “Thank you for your attention”, “Thank you very much for your help”, and so on. Whatever phrase is used, it is certainly and unconditionally separated from the signature itself by a comma, and also, if space permits, by a new line. The punctuation mark in this case has not a functional, but a graphical meaning, making it easier for the reader to perceive the text; the same applies to the transfer of the signature to the next line.
  6. Date and stamp. Immediately after the signature at the bottom of the letter, you need to put down the date of its compilation or, if it was written in advance, the date of sending. Putting a seal and a personal signature is optional, but highly desirable: this is another sign of respect for the addressee. Even if the message is sent in electronic form (although it is recommended to use paper documents), at the end of the page it is worth placing electronic copies of the seal (stamp) and the sender's personal signature or certify the document with an enhanced digital signature.

Advice: if it is important for the addressee to receive a response to the request letter within a certain period, it is necessary to mention this in the main text: for example, “We are waiting for your answer no later than ...” or “We hope to receive clarifications before ...”. Otherwise, the recipient, who is not bound by any obligations in relation to the document, may delay the answer, which will create additional difficulties for the sender.

When sending a letter of request for help or repayment of a debt, it should be noted that in organizations, the secretary or an authorized person is responsible for processing incoming correspondence. Therefore, an applicant who wants his message to be read directly by the head or director must make a note on the envelope “Personally in hand”, “Confidentially” or “For consideration ... (surname and initials of the addressee)”. However, if the document contains a request that does not affect personal, commercial or industrial secrets, there will be nothing catastrophic if the message is first read and registered by the secretary, and only then it is transferred to the director or manager.

Some tips for writing a letter asking for help:

  1. The letter must be written in good Russian, without errors or typos. This is not only a sign of the sender's literacy, but also evidence of his respect for the recipient. If the compiler of the document did not bother to reread the text, it is at least unreasonable to talk about the sincerity of the kind words he used towards the recipient.
  2. If it is not possible to use a letterhead (for example, it simply does not exist), you should at least try to choose an attractive font using different sizes and styles. A letter of request must be not only convincing, but also pleasing to the eye - otherwise the addressee may not endure and interrupt the reading in the middle, without reaching the point.
  3. Keeping in mind that a message asking for help or assistance is not strictly an official document, when writing it, you should try to avoid bureaucratic turns and too long sentences. The easier it is for the recipient to read the document and understand the essence of the appeal, the more likely he will respond and take the necessary measures.

Errors when writing a request letter

To finally understand the rules and features of writing request letters, you should consider a small example containing errors typical for inexperienced authors:

Dear Valensky A.D.!

We ask you to donate any amount, starting from 500 thousand rubles, to our Fund for the Protection of Wild Hedgehogs of the Moscow Region. We are waiting for your reply no later than August 25 of the current year. Our current account is 1234567890.

Petrov L. M., Deputy First Chairman of the Fund.

List of mistakes made in the letter and examples of correct solutions:

  1. "Dear Valensky A.D!". Correct option:“Dear Andrey Denisovich!” (Mentioning the name and patronymic works better for the recipient than a cold-formal address by last name).
  2. The letter of request completely lacks friendly words and compliments. Correct option:“We know that you have been engaged in the restoration of rare populations of hedgehogs for a long time and productively and have your own small zoo, and are also the winner of the “Help the Hedgehogs” state award for 2009, 2011 and 2015.”
  3. There is no convincing argument in the example. Correct option:“Not only do you conduct independent research and communicate with leading experts in the field of hedgehog eugenics, but you also actively help various environmental organizations, and have also repeatedly expressed your desire to sponsor any action related to creating a favorable emotional environment for these mammals.”
  4. "Please donate..." When writing to one person, especially in a business letter, and especially if it contains a request, it is necessary to write the pronoun "You" with a capital letter. The use of a different spelling is a clear sign of disrespect or at least carelessness of the compiler, which is completely inappropriate in such a message. Correct example:"Please donate."
  5. In the main part of the request letter, either too little or too much specifics. The essence of the Fund's work should be described in more detail, but at the same time, the reader should be given the opportunity to independently choose the amount of the donation. There is no apparent need to indicate a specific date for receiving a response: its mention must either be substantiated or excluded from the body of the letter. Correct example: « In connection with your interest in the problem, we sincerely ask you to make a feasible donation to our Foundation, which since 2009 has been collecting information on the number of populations of hedgehogs in the Moscow region and the conditions for their existence, as well as developing projects for the resettlement of disadvantaged animals to more comfortable places. You can make a transfer to our current account 1234567890 or, by contacting our representative, choose any other convenient way to help the hedgehogs. If it is not difficult for you, please answer the letter no later than August 25 of this year: already in early September we are launching a large-scale and expensive project, in which you can also participate.
  6. Missing in the above letter of request and conclusion. Correct example: We hope for your understanding and sympathy. We are always ready to answer any questions and take into account the available comments. Healthy and happy hedgehogs are the future of our ecology!”.
  7. In the message asking for a donation, there is no final courtesy formula. This, like most other blunders, indicates either the inability of the sender to compose a business letter (how then can he be trusted with money?), Or his obvious disrespect for the addressee. Correct example:

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Deputy First Chairman of the Foundation


Sample letter of request

Although request letters are written in free form, it will be useful for the compiler, especially for those who have not previously had such experience, to familiarize themselves with samples of the most common messages.

About allocating money

If you need to apply for help or assistance from an investor, sponsor or lender, you should issue a letter asking for funds.

About the delivery of goods

Sometimes it is necessary to ask the supplier to shift the delivery time of the goods in one direction or another or place an order for a new batch as soon as possible.

About deferred payment

About rent reduction

If the landlord decided to raise the rent, or some time after the contract was signed, the tenant realized that he could spend less, you can try to remedy the situation by sending a letter to the other party asking them to reduce the rent.

About the discount

Not always the seller of a product or service himself offers regular or especially profitable customers participation in the discount program. To achieve justice, while maintaining an excellent relationship between the parties, it will help to send a letter asking for a discount.

About payment of debt

From time to time, even the most decent borrower or client forgets about the next installment or the obligation to pay for the purchase. A letter asking for payment of the debt will help to gently point out to him inappropriate behavior.

About assistance in resolving the issue

If the issue is not in the purely financial sphere and a citizen or organization needs comprehensive assistance, they can get out of the situation by compiling and sending letters to several influential recipients asking for assistance in resolving the issue.

Features of sending a request letter

There are several guidelines for sending official messages asking for help or assistance:

  1. It is better to use not electronic, but paper versions of the document sent by courier or registered mail via Russian Post. Such an approach will show not only the special interest of the sender, but also his willingness to go in order to get a response to certain expenses, which will certainly create a positive impression on the recipient.
  2. In some cases, it makes sense to write a letter by hand(of course, in a well-read and eye-pleasing handwriting) and on good paper. It is unlikely that this method is suitable for mass mailings, but it will definitely help to interest a specific addressee.
  3. Letters must be registered in the journal of outgoing documents of the sending organization, and upon receipt - in the journal of incoming documents of the recipient. If the correspondence is between individuals, there is no need to register messages.

Summing up

A letter asking for help should be written correctly and as briefly as possible. To draw up a document, it is better to use a letterhead, and if this is not possible, at least pick up attractive fonts. It is better to send a finished letter by courier or by mail.

The message must contain a preamble, a few kind words addressed to the recipient, the rationale and essence of the request. At the end, you should use the traditional courtesy formulas: “Thank you in advance” or “Respectfully”. It is recommended to certify the document with the signature of the head and the seal or stamp of the organization, and in case of sending by e-mail - with scanned images of the signature and seal imprint or digital signature.

Since the situation itself is quite difficult, writing a letter in such a situation is a very important issue, in which it is important for the author to be literate, polite, correct, and at the same time, able to firmly defend his business interests. To successfully solve the complexities of “difficult” letters, the following help: Competent attitude in interaction: a firm but correct attitude towards partnership Choosing the appropriate style of writing (formal-business or confidential-business) Competent and logical handling of facts Sample business letters. This type of letter requires a response. To write a letter of request, you must follow the general rules of business correspondence and the design of business letters.In the practice of record keeping of any organization, a letter of request is often used, the sample in this article will serve as a good example for you.

Write an open letter to the president

I wanted to join the queue and collected certificates (for which I had to pay), but they sent me away because. we have a car about which I also submitted a certificate from the traffic police, but it did not suit the local government, it was necessary to collect certificates again and submit an auto assessment report. I don’t know, it’s hard to pay for utility bills without even having a residence permit. Why do we have large families abandoned? Why doesn’t anyone want to help? but also for games for children. The last hope that you will pay attention I kindly ask you to assist in the issue of concluding a social contract with us and registration for the apartment in which we currently live.

Please help us with the event


The letter is written in as simple and concise terms as possible, but with specific details relating to the request itself. St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after the Administration of SPbSUT reserves the right not to answer questions asked in a rude manner and questions using profanity. Feedback for reports of facts of corruption All questions published on the site.

All categories of questions on the site. 2112. Please provide assistance in resolving the issue of payment Valentina Alexandrovna (Guest) Thursday, October 10 2013, 04:53 PM Hello Alexander Andreevich! The mother of your 2nd year student (Fedorenko M.S.) - Fedorenko Valentina Aleksandrovna, is addressing you.

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Medical, educational, cultural and sports organizations need material support from big business, and using the example of Russia, we can see how such support is provided in the form of charitable events, special funds, scholarships and grants. In such letters, it is recommended to carefully explain why this message is addressed to this person, indicating, for example: “we are residents of the same city and these are our common concerns”, or more specifically: “after all, you are a graduate of our university”, or: “your scientific work related to solving the problem we are dealing with. An effective request letter in 5 steps How to write a request letter to get as close as possible to a positive answer? Any request letter should include a well thought out rationale and a clear statement of the request.
In addition, you can use techniques that increase the effectiveness of writing. Step 1.

Business letters

Zirekle. I ask for your assistance in resolving this issue, Sincerely, the chief doctor of the branch of JSC "Tatenergo" - the sanatorium "Balkysh" Khisamutdinov Albert Filyusevich. As you have repeatedly been informed earlier, in order to increase throughput in the central part of the city, rational use of rolling stock, reduce non-production costs, save electricity MUP "Metroelektrotrans" in accordance with the resolution of the Head of the Executive Committee of Kazan dated 03.09.2008 No. 5081 "On the dismantling tram tracks along Pushkin, K. Marks, N. Ershov streets, from Profsoyuznaya street to Gvardeyskaya street, the work of tram routes No. 5, 12, 20, 21 was canceled and from 09/12/2008 work began on dismantling the tram tracks on the above section.

Please help us resolve our issue.

In addition, care should be taken to ensure that the recipient of the letter, if necessary, has the opportunity to directly contact its originator. Open letters to Putin V In the courtyard of the house in which we live at the address Krasnogorsk, st. Igor Merlushkin house. 1, parking spaces are always occupied and there is no way to park a car in the yard, in connection with this, you have to pay for a paid parking space in the amount of 8,000 rubles.
Monthly! For pensioners, this is an unacceptably high cost. (initially, in 2013, the cost of parking was 4,000 rubles / month. Over 3 years, the cost has doubled!) In accordance with Part 9 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of 24. Please provide assistance We, as conscientious entrepreneurs, fulfilled all the conditions of the contracts on time in full, as evidenced by the acts of work performed, signed by the representatives of the customer.

I ask you to help

  • Letter of request samples and examples
  • An effective request letter in 5 steps
  • business vocabulary
  • How to write a request letter
  • Open letters to Putin
  • Request for assistance
  • Provide assistance in resolving the issue
    • On the site you can find: Assist in resolving the issue - 11 comment(s) added
  • business letter sample
  • St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
  • Please help us to resolve our issue.

Request letter samples and examples But the regular practice of writing such request letters is the work of public relations specialists in non-profit organizations.

Letter of request

I appeal (appeal) to you with a proposal ... I ask you to consider a proposal that will allow .... We offer you a unique opportunity to increase your sales… We are pleased (we are honored) to offer (to you)… We are pleased to announce the opportunity… We would like to draw your attention… We inform you of the extremely favorable situation with … and propose to take advantage of this situation for… Specific actions I propose to approve 10/12/2013 as the planned date for completion of construction and make the necessary adjustments to the list of activities ... Please instruct the company's finance department to allocate ... and pay all previously received invoices for ... Your assistance in ..., your instructions ....) I earnestly (urgently, as an exception) ask ... We ask you to take (energetic, decisive, effective) measures to ....
All comments have been eliminated (letter from Kazmin V.M. to the General Director G.L. Babasyan - ref. No. 10-City-16 / 02-02 / 743 dated February 5, 2016). Despite this, the helicopter hangar functions for its intended purpose from 09/27/2015 Repeated promises of the General Director of GARANT-SV LLC, Mr. Babasyan G.L. make payment, has not yet been completed. The final payment is 1,635,950.00 rubles. It is not possible to resolve this issue through negotiations.
On July 4, 2016, I sent a Claim to GARANT-SV LLC. If the issue of debt repayment is not resolved, I will be forced to apply to the judicial authorities, which I would not like to do. These actions will entail publicity, proceedings on the legality of the installation of the helicopter hangar, the intervention of the prosecutor's office, since the wages of employees have not been paid, etc.

Please help me to resolve this issue

Your assistance in… I remind (we remind) about… I ask you to eliminate the backlog (debt) I consider it necessary to discuss with you… I want (we want) to agree with you…. We propose to discuss and agree on future plans ... I ask (you) to consider the possibility of assisting in the implementation of the project ... I provide (you) information (information) about ... I inform (you) about ... Let me inform you about ... I am writing to you in connection with ... I draw your attention to the difficult situation with ... We are compelled to inform ... We inform you about ... We hereby inform (you) about ... I am authorized to inform ... I consider it necessary to draw your attention to (draw your attention to ...) ... We appeal (appeal) to you in connection with the difficulties ... We offer assistance in solving the problem… Knowing about your concern about the problem…, we are ready to propose a solution… As you know (the description of the problem follows)… Guided by the interests of the enterprise, I draw your attention to….

  • references to grounds for appeal

Such messages can be used in completely different situations, for example, when you need to get information about products, see product samples, meet a business traveler, agree on some actions, etc.

Rules for writing a letter of request

We bring to your attention for downloading a general template for such a document:

A letter of request, for obvious reasons, does not have a standard form, but, despite this, it is a form of an official document. That is why, when compiling it, one should adhere to certain norms established by the rules of office work and business ethics. Before proceeding directly to the basic rules for its compilation, it should be noted that it can be addressed both to a group of people (for example, managers, employees of the accounting department, lawyers, etc.) and to a specific addressee.

Like any other document, this letter should contain an introductory part, namely:

  • information about the sending company making the request and the company to which it is addressed;
  • the reason for the appeal (“because of the delay”, “in connection with receipt”, “based on the results”, etc.);
  • references to the basis (“based on an oral agreement”, “based on negotiations”, “based on a telephone conversation”, etc.);
  • the purpose of the appeal (“to resolve the issue”, “in order to avoid conflict”, “in order to eliminate violations”, etc.).

What follows is the main part, which deals directly with the request. It must be expressed using any derivative form of the verb “to ask” (“we ask you”, “we make a request”, etc.), and since such a message is, in any case, a petition for some kind of service, it should be written in a respectful manner. It is good if the request is preceded by a compliment (“knowing your great opportunities”, “admiring your organizational talents”, etc.).

If the letter contains several requests at once, then they must be indicated in separate paragraphs or paragraphs.

The unspoken rules of correspondence between organizations state that a response to a multi-stage request can also be sent in one message, with separate comments for each item. It should be noted that this type of correspondence reduces the amount of workflow and, therefore, reduces the time for reading and processing such letters.

If the letter implies receiving a response within a certain period, then this must be indicated as correctly as possible in the text of the message.

As a rule, the secretaries of the organization send and receive letters (in large companies, entire departments are involved in this). After compiling or reading, they pass them on to the head of the enterprise for review. Exceptions are messages marked "confidential" or "personally in hand" - such letters are sent directly to the addressee.

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Instructions for writing a letter of request

Since this message is part of corporate correspondence, the author must first be indicated, namely: the name of the sending company, its actual address and telephone number for communication. Then you need to enter data about the addressee: also the name of the enterprise and the specific recipient. Further in the middle of the line, you can immediately indicate that this is a request letter (but this is not necessary).

The next part of the letter deals directly with the request. Previously, it is desirable to substantiate it and only then express the very essence of the request. At the end, the letter must be signed (it is better if this is done by the head of the company or an authorized, trusted person), and also put the date the document was created.

How to send a letter

The letter can be sent by e-mail or fax - it's fast and convenient, but the conservative sending through the Russian Post will allow you to formalize the letter in a solid and attractive way. For example, you can make a request in writing by hand in beautiful calligraphic handwriting or print the text on good, expensive paper.

Attention to such trifles will make it clear to the addressee how respectful the opponent is towards him, and will once again emphasize the importance of the request. The only thing to remember is that letters through regular mail take a long time, so the message must be sent in advance so that the document is delivered to the recipient on time.

After sending a letter

This message, like any other document, must be registered in the journal of outgoing documentation. Similarly, the recipient of the letter registers the arrival of correspondence. In case of misunderstandings occurring in business relations, fixing the fact of sending and receiving letters will help to quickly sort out the situation.

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Examples of drafting letters of request with explanations

So, we figured out that a request letter is a letter that contains a request to the recipient. The purpose of the text is to encourage the recipient to perform an action that is beneficial to the sender. The letter should contain a formulated request, its justification. It is desirable to formulate the request in such a way as to justify why it should be beneficial for the recipient to comply with the request. The sender must not only know the rules for composing the text, but also take into account the psychological nuances. Next, consider specific templates-examples, depending on the situation.

Letter of request for the allocation of funds

The letter is drawn up in the event that it is necessary to obtain the allocation of funds from the state, sponsors, individuals.

From the NGO "Help for Pensioners"

Member of the Legislative Assembly

Hello Ivan Ivanovich. I am a representative of the non-profit organization "Help for Pensioners". We are engaged in helping single pensioners: we bring food, help with cleaning and repair.

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Our organization has been in existence for 5 years. Previously, we coped with the financing of activities ourselves, however, due to the expansion of NGOs, the funds began to be insufficient. We need money to rent premises, pay salaries to employees, and purchase equipment.

At a recent meeting of the Government, the president mentioned the difficult situation of pensioners and noted that the situation needs to be urgently changed. In this regard, I ask you for rubles for the needs of the NGO Help for Pensioners.

Sincerely, Petrova A.A.

The above text is written according to the rules. It has:

  • The name of the NPO and an explanation of its activities.
  • Request for money, explanation of their need (money is needed for rent and salaries).
  • Mention of the President. It is necessary to justify the benefits of sponsorship for the official. What is the MP interested in? In career growth. The help of the organization will help to achieve this goal.

The specific amount of funds that a commercial organization needs is also indicated.

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Letter of request for the supply of goods

The letter is usually sent to the partners of the company. In the text, it is desirable to justify the mutual benefit for both companies.

Head of AAA

From the head of the BBB company

Hello Ivan Ivanovich. We would like to order a set of products from your company (specify). We got interested in your product at a regional exhibition.

If you agree, please let us know the terms of delivery and terms convenient for you. We guarantee timely payment. We hope this will be the beginning of mutually beneficial cooperation.

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Our contacts: (specify).

Sincerely, Boris Borisovich.

Letter of request for a discount

Typically, such texts are sent to the company's suppliers. For example, an organization organizes exhibitions. She has a supplier - a printing house that supplies brochures, stands, booklets and more. The cost of services is quite high. The crisis came, and it became difficult for the company to pay for the goods of the printing house. This may well be a reason to ask for a discount.

Head of the company "Vostok"

From the head of the company "West"

Hello Ivan Ivanov. Our organization was affected by the financial crisis. The number of contracts concluded with us decreased by 20%. Unfortunately, the crisis affected not only us, but also our customers. People cannot pay for our services in the same amount as before. Therefore, we have provided a 25% discount on tickets.

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Due to the difficult financial situation, our company asks you for a 15% discount for the remaining six months of cooperation under the contract.

We have sent letters asking for a discount to all our suppliers. If 20% of our partners provide us with favorable conditions, our company will survive in difficult times and will not close. We've already been given a discount by the landlords and the phone company.

Sincerely, Boris Petrov.

The letter contains the following important points:

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  • Explanation of the need for a discount.
  • Indication of the exact size of the discount, terms.
  • An indirect indication that if the printer does not provide a discount, the company will terminate the contract.

The text must be written in such a way that the letter is read to the end and agreed to the proposed conditions.

Letter requesting a rent reduction

Rent "eats" the budgets of most organizations. Its reduction allows the company to stay afloat in difficult times. The letter should be sent to the landlord.

Head of Plus

From the head of the company "Minus"

Hello, Petr Petrovich. Our company was affected by the financial crisis. The purchasing power of consumers has decreased, business revenues have decreased. In this regard, we ask you to reduce the rent by 10%.

For all the time of our cooperation, we have never delayed payments. We hope that you will make concessions to us, and we will maintain our business relationship. We guarantee timely payment of the rent, despite the difficult financial conditions.

Sincerely, Ivan Ivanovich.

In the letter, it is important to mention that the company has previously fulfilled its obligations in full. The landlord must be sure that the landlord will continue to make payments. The recipient must also understand that if he does not agree to the proposed terms, the tenant will refuse his services.

Letter of request for debt payment

Debts very often arise in the interaction between companies. If the organization is set to continue cooperation with the counterparty, which has a debt, a letter of request is sent.

Free legal advice:

Dear Ivan Ivanovich, we ask you to pay off the debt to our company in the amount of rubles. All this time, we have continued to cooperate with you, hoping to continue business relations. However, we are now forced to suspend the provision of services due to the lack of payments.

The amount of your debt is Rs. Please pay by March 1, 2017. If the debt is not repaid, we will be forced to resolve the issue in court.

Sincerely, Petr Petrovich.

The letter must include the following items:

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  • The exact amount owed.
  • The date by which the debt must be paid.
  • Actions the company will take if payments are not received.

The text can mention a long-term successful cooperation with the organization. It should be a request, not a demand. The request is made according to a different template.

Letter of request for deferred payment to the supplier

The organization supplied the company with a batch of products, but did not pay for it. A debt has formed, but the debtor has no funds to pay. In this case, it makes sense to write a letter of request for a delay.

Head of the company "Where is the money"

From the head of the company "Money is about to be"

Dear Petr Petrovich, we have not paid the debt in the amount of rubles. We do not shy away from our debt, but now we cannot make payments in full due to the difficult financial condition.

Free legal advice:

For 2 years we have maintained successful business relations with you, we have not missed the deadlines for payments. Today we ask for an installment payment. Our company is ready to pay the debt in two stages:

  • rubles we will deposit before March 1, 2017.
  • rubles will be paid before April 1, 2017.

We promise you timely payments. Thanks for understanding.

Sincerely, Ivan Ivanovich.

Letter requesting payment for another organization

The debt of the company can be paid by another organization. Of course, a legal entity will not pay shares just like that. Usually a letter of request is sent to the debtor of the company or another person who has obligations to the company.

To the head of the company "Money is about to be"

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From the head of the company "Where is the money"

Dear Ivan Ivanovich, you have a debt to our company in the amount of rubles. Our organization also has a debt to another company in the amount of rubles. We ask you to pay our debt to the creditor in the amount of rubles. In return, we will provide you with an installment plan for the balance of the debt that you requested earlier. Thanks for understanding.

Sincerely, Petr Petrovich.

Letter of request for assistance in resolving the issue

Any company can face complex problems that cannot be dealt with without outside help. A letter of request for assistance can be sent if necessary, for example, holding events. The application is sent to commercial organizations, government agencies.

Director of AAA

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From a public organization

Dear Boris Borisovich, I am a representative of the public organization "Giving Good". We are engaged in organizing and holding holidays for children from the orphanage.

We ask for your help in organizing food supplies for the holiday. Of course, at the event we will mention you and your company. The celebration will be attended by representatives of the legislative assembly, the public.

You can contact us by phone XXX

Sincerely, Ivan Ivanovich.

Free legal advice:

Let's combine all the rules for writing a letter of request. First you need to introduce yourself, tell about your activities. But the introductory part should not be drawn out. Our goal is to encourage the recipient to read the letter. If the text is too long, the recipient is unlikely to read it to the end. Then you need to start presenting your request. Accuracy is required: indication of terms, amount of funds. It is important to understand that the recipient must feel the benefit. Therefore, the letter must indicate why it would be beneficial for the organization to comply with the request. At the end, you need to say goodbye politely and without fawning.

Please help me write a letter to the official about reinstatement at work

Please help us with the event

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VKontakte with Real Estate:

85 useful phrases for business letters

When writing letters to colleagues, clients and partners, the question often arises of how to formulate this or that thought in a business style. How to say that we do not like something - or, conversely, like it? How do I report a problem or opportunity? How to invite the addressee to meet or call? How to mention possible sanctions?

Useful wording for correspondence

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Starting with our goal

We start with the interest of the addressee

I am writing to you with a request for...

I bring to your attention that…

I ask (you) to allocate funds ...

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I ask (you) to consider the allocation of funds (authorize the allocation of funds, (instruct the allocation of funds) ...

In connection with the emergence of new circumstances affecting the implementation of the project, I want to agree with you on changes in the schedule (estimate) ....

Please help…

I ask for your assistance in...

I remind (remind) about ...

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I ask to eliminate the backlog (debt)

I feel the need to discuss with you...

I want (want) to agree with you ....

We invite you to discuss and agree on future plans…

I ask (you) to consider the possibility of assistance in the implementation of the project ...

I provide (to you) information (information) about ...

Let me inform you about…

I am contacting you in connection with…

I draw your attention to the difficult situation with ...

We inform you about…

We hereby inform (you) of…

I consider it necessary to draw your attention to (draw your attention to ...) ...

We turn to you in connection with the difficulties ...

We offer assistance in solving the problem ...

Knowing about your concern about the problem ..., we are ready to offer a solution ... As you know (there is a description of the problem) ...

Guided by the interests of the enterprise, I would like to draw your attention to….

I am contacting you with an offer...

I ask you to consider a proposal that will allow ....

We offer you a unique opportunity to increase your sales…

We are glad (we have the honor) to offer (to you) ...

We are pleased to announce the possibility…

We would like to draw your attention...

We inform you about the extremely favorable situation with … and invite you to take advantage of this situation for…

I propose to approve October 12, 2013 as the planned date for completion of construction and make the necessary adjustments to the list of activities ...

Please instruct the company's finance department to allocate ... and make payment of all previously received invoices for ...

I propose to entrust the ABC department with the preparation of proposals for the organization ...

I ask (we ask) for your consent to .... (Your assistance in ..., your instructions ....)

Convincingly (strongly, as an exception) I ask ...

We ask you to take (energetic, decisive, effective) measures to ….

We demand from ... immediate action ...

I ask you to eliminate the backlog (debt) ...

Please send your representative...

I assure (we assure) you of the effectiveness of this proposal and count (we count...)

Waiting for your decision …

We are waiting for your decision in order to promptly prepare the documents ...

We hope for a speedy consideration (full satisfaction) of our request (claim) ...

We hope that the issue will be resolved and we will not need to apply sanctions ...

We hope that the above arguments will convince you of ... and we are waiting (we expect) ...

We are counting on your interest (indifference, active position on the issue, readiness to eliminate shortcomings...) and are waiting for your suggestions...

We are confident that your participation will significantly improve the situation with ... and achieve ...

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to further fruitful cooperation…

We will be glad to see you among our clients…

Farewell, the final formula of politeness

Dear Ivan Petrovich!

Dear Mr. Minister!

Dear friends! Dear colleagues (partners)!

With (deep, unchanging, extreme) respect (reverence)…

With gratitude (gratitude) and respect ...

Wishing you success (all the best)….

Looking forward to fruitful cooperation...

Opening phrase - for responses to requests

Thank you for your interest in (you have shown in ....)

In response to the request we received about… we inform….

We confirm receipt of your order from ... (to ...) and inform ....

In accordance with your request (instructions), we inform (provide a conclusion) ...

In continuation of our correspondence about ... we are sending you an offer ...

Sincerely (on behalf of ..., on behalf of ...) thank you ...

We would like to express our gratitude...

With sincere gratitude (thank you) we inform you…

Download our "dictionary" and use ready-made formulations!

Mention of sanctions

We will have to:

apply to the judicial authorities (court)

initiate legal proceedings

refuse further cooperation

revise plans (conditions) of cooperation

raise the issue of penalties (termination of cooperation and search for a new supplier)

raise the question of the advisability of further cooperation

resort to contractual sanctions

declare our intention to seek (demand) ...

declare disagreement with the facts...

We hope you will take action…. and we won't have to go to court...

We would not like to refuse to cooperate (to resort to sanctions…) and we hope…

It is with pleasure (sadness) that we announce…

To our (extreme, extreme, deep) displeasure (sadness, regret, disappointment, bewilderment) ...

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Sample Letter of Request for Assistance

Business correspondence is an integral part of the life of almost every person. It is in this form that it is most convenient to contact the authorities, colleagues, and various organizations. A letter of request is one of the most common types of this kind of communication, because each company may need the opinion of an expert in any field, assistance from various financial or administrative structures. This article will discuss how exactly you need to write a letter of request, as well as an example of this type of appeal.

Letter structure

Of course, the content and structure of a business letter depends on who writes it and to whom it is addressed. So, for example, the head of an organization, referring to his subordinates or long-term partners, can write a shorter letter, but in order to enlist the support of higher organizations or ask for help from various specialists, you often need to write a more lengthy request. It is necessary to interest the addressee and convince him to support you. Let's start with the longer version.


First of all, you need to create a “header” of the letter, in which you indicate the name of your organization and its details, as well as information about who you are sending the letter to. It can be as a specific person (for example, the head of a company) or a group (employees of a department of your company or your partners). This is followed by a greeting: if you are addressing a specific person, you must address by name: “Dear Ivan Petrovich!”. If you write to the team, then the appeal “Dear colleagues!”, “Dear employees of the department!” Is possible.

Reason and purpose of the request

First you need to justify why you are contacting this particular person. Accordingly, you can start the letter with the following phrases:

  • You are an outstanding expert in…
  • You have always been involved in the affairs of our organization ...
  • Your department is leading...
  • You can solve the most complex issues in the field of ...
  • Over the years, positive experience has been accumulated between…
  • due to the fact that…
  • in order to resolve the situation...
  • for business development...
  • For best results in...
  • to resolve conflicts...

Statement of request

Finally, you must actually state your request. The text itself should be concise, but contain a complete description of what exactly you need so that the addressee does not have any questions. Also, the request must be specific, that is, if you are asking for a service, you need to indicate the exact cost or quantity, desired dates, etc.

It is advisable to start the request with the following words:

  • Please help us resolve this issue...
  • I am asking you to...
  • Please inform/send/report to me...
  • I ask for your consent to…

Then you can write what benefit the addressee will receive if your request is answered positively or explain the importance and necessity of resolving your issue.

Dari Dobro LLC Center for Assistance to Large and Low-Income Families

JSC "Chitaina" Ivanov A. G.

Dear Alexander Gennadievich,

Your company always takes part in the affairs of our organization, and has been helping in various promotions for several years. Due to the fact that on August 20, 2016 we are holding an event aimed at helping families prepare their children for school, we hope for your help. All children have the right to a happy childhood, and poor families, like no one else, need participation and support.

We ask you to take part in our "Get your child to school" campaign and consider allocating school supplies for it. We need stationery for 50 children from low-income families.

Of course, if you agree to help us, we, in turn, promise you to advertise your company's products at our action. Let's bring joy to children together!

Director of the organization Vasilyeva N.I.

Short version of the letter

Many try to use the short version of the letter, as they believe that this allows them to concentrate on the request itself and explain it more clearly to the addressee. In this type of request letter, you only need to state your purpose and the necessary services or actions. Letter example:

Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

To the General Director of the enterprise ETsMZ

Dear Mikhail Vladimirovich!

Due to the fact that our school is a two-shift school, please prepare a separate meal plan for us, which includes breakfast for students in grades 1-6 on the first shift and lunches for students in grades 7-11 on the second shift.

Director of MAOU secondary school No. 69 Plotnikova M. S.

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A very necessary thing, and if it also works, the price will not be for this project. For three years we have been going to the prosecutor's office, the administration of the city of Omsk and no one wants to understand obvious things, in a month they are forwarded to each other and this is where it all ends. the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, the administration with all its departments. In a month I will definitely use the newspaper, since in my complaints I have already informed everyone of my intentions to contact the media

The organization (name) asks you to assist in holding a press conference on the topic

Event date and time:

^ Projector, screen, laptop,

Photos from the press conference

^ Online broadcast of the press conference

^ Burning photos or videos to disc

Coffee break after the press conference

Contact person and coordinates:


The Ministry of Education in the Omsk region, asks the employees of the charitable foundation, "who if not me" to provide all possible assistance.

Students, undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists are invited to participate in the conference. The duration of the conference is 2 days. AT.

The Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic “Modern.

We invite you to take part in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Issues of the Development of the Law of the CIS Countries.

We ask you to assist in the installation and adjustment of the machines of the computer center of the Firm "StroyDom"

We invite you to take part in the annual VIII international scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists “Russian.

The Organizing Committee of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Academic Science Problems and Achievements" invites you to take part.