Why is my cat constantly urinating? Urinary incontinence in cats: causes and treatment

For a comfortable stay in a city apartment, today most citizens, especially single ones, tend to get a cat. A cat in an apartment today has become one of the ways to instill in children a sense of kindness and responsibility. When purchasing a cat, all its owners strive to ensure that their beloved animal does not bring certain discomfort into the routine. This is especially true for the toilet. One of the causes of this discomfort is urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence (enuresis) in cats can be more or less pronounced for its owners.

Considering that urinary incontinence is mainly a consequence of diseases of the genitourinary system, cat owners should understand the physiological basis of the urinary system. More details about the work and structure of the urinary system are set out in our article -.

In order to timely determine the presence of this problem in their beloved cat and promptly address this problem to the veterinary clinic, cat owners should be aware of the types of urinary incontinence in cats.

Types of urinary incontinence in cats:

Leaking or dripping urine. This incontinence in a cat is accompanied by the fact that urine leaks in small quantities, sometimes in the form of a few drops. It is sometimes quite difficult for the owner to identify such a violation in a cat and it does not always occur to the owner that the discovery of small wet spots on the carpet, bedding or on the floor is associated with urinary incontinence in your pet.

Persistent or regular leakage of urine. With this type of incontinence, cat owners note that her urine is excreted outside not only in the active state, but also when the cat is resting. With this type of incontinence, urine constantly leaks onto the floor, carpet, etc. as the bladder fills. and the cat is not always able to run to the tray, feeling another urge to urinate. That is, the cat comes into a state when he is unable to control the process of urination.

Urgetal urinary incontinence. With this type of violation, a rather large amount of urine is excreted. Urgetal incontinence in cats is characterized by the fact that this process occurs unexpectedly, both for the cat itself and for its owner. At the same time, the cat tells the owner with all his appearance that this “accident” happened to him unexpectedly for himself. Therefore, the owners should not punish him for this.

Stress urinary incontinence. In a state of severe stress, even the most healthy and well-mannered cat (like a person) can suddenly wet himself from fear and unexpected nervous experiences. In the future, your cat, under normal circumstances, no longer repeats such an action, perhaps. What if he wasn't exposed to such stressful situations.

What are the causes of urinary incontinence in cats?

Consider for what reasons your pet may suffer from such an undesirable disease for its owners.

  • Congenital pathological changes in the genitourinary system. With this pathology, your kitten from birth is not able to control the processes of urination with the help of its central nervous system. As a result, the owners of kittens, unable to teach them how to use the tray, send them to the street. At the same time, a highly qualified clinician can determine more accurately whether there is a congenital pathology using an ultrasound scan.
  • The presence of infectious diseases in a cat (). Often, certain infectious diseases in a cat cause one or another problem with urination in the animal, ultimately leading to urinary incontinence. In this case, it may not necessarily be only kidney damage. There may be a general lesion of the whole organism, for example, etc.
  • In recent years, among the feline family, often as a result of improper feeding (the use of cheap low-quality feed and as a result of mixing dry and natural food), cases of cats with urolithiasis have become more frequent in cats (). In which your pets one of the symptoms may be urinary incontinence.
  • These or other malfunctions in the central nervous system that a cat has as a result of an infectious disease, injuries and bruises of the spine, inflammatory processes in the brain itself, etc.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body of the animal. As a result of a metabolic disorder in a cat, weight gain occurs, diabetes develops (,), disorders associated with the urinary system occur, incl. urinary incontinence.
  • Age changes. As the body ages, the cat may experience certain failures. The cat is sometimes unable to control its urinary system, resulting in bedding, flooring, etc. puddles or droplets of urine may appear.
  • Childbirth in a cat. In the event that at the time of contractions and attempts, the cat's bladder is full, the cat may experience uncontrolled spontaneous urination. In this case, the owners of the animal simply have to change the litter of the cat.
  • The cause of urinary incontinence in a cat can be paresis, paralysis, bladder spasm, tumors and injuries.
  • All of the above reasons with your help can be determined only by a highly qualified veterinary specialist of the clinic. Therefore, if you notice some deviations in the work of the genitourinary system in your pet, you need to contact your veterinary clinic.

Diagnostics The exact cause of your cat's urinary incontinence is only possible with an experienced veterinarian at the clinic. At the same time, in making an accurate diagnosis, an important role belongs to the owner of the animal himself, who is able to tell the veterinarian about the nuances of urinary incontinence in your pet. A veterinarian, after conducting a complete clinical examination of your pet, using an ultrasound of the internal organs of the cat, an x-ray of the pelvic area, urine tests in a veterinary laboratory, is able to make the correct diagnosis of urinary incontinence in a cat.

Treatment. Treatment of urinary incontinence in a cat should be aimed at eliminating the causes of urinary incontinence.

If urinary incontinence is caused by inflammation of the bladder, then your veterinarian will prescribe a course of treatment for your cat with a titrated antibiotic. In the event that the cause of urinary incontinence lies in excess weight (), then you will be advised to take care of a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity. If any disease is detected, the veterinary specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment for this disease. In all cases, cats suffering from urinary incontinence are recommended to use restorative drugs. If your cat has urolithiasis, veterinarians will use painkillers and antispasmodics. In the case when urinary incontinence is provoked by disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system, it will be necessary to carefully understand what caused it. Sometimes the violations associated with urinary incontinence cannot be corrected, and then the owners are forced to put diapers on their beloved cat, put trays in a wide variety of places in the room.

Prevention. In order to prevent urinary incontinence, pet owners must eliminate all factors and causes that lead to this pathology. Your pet's diet should be complete and balanced in terms of essential nutrients, macro, microelements and vitamins. Use mainly premium food for feeding your pets. At the same time, mixing natural feed and industrial feed is unacceptable. There should be no drafts in the room for keeping the cat. Strive to prevent injuries, falls and bruises. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases for a prophylactic purpose, conduct a cat examination in a veterinary clinic, vaccinate against infectious diseases common in your region, treat against helminthic diseases.

In a cat, urinary incontinence can take many forms. They are classified according to the degree of urine leakage.

Speaking about urinary incontinence in cats, it should be noted that this disease is characterized by a difference in the forms of flow. The following are the main types of incontinence:

  • digging - this form is manifested in the constant "leakage" of urine in an animal. That is, throughout the whole time at any time, your pet may have a few drops or a small amount of urine. Droplets are noticed mainly on light-colored furniture or linoleum;
  • permanent form - at first glance it may seem that the release of urine in this form is due to overflow of the bladder. Urine is stably excreted by the pet, and the more the animal moves, the more urine you will notice;
  • urgent form - in this case, the cat understands that he wants to go to the toilet, but simply cannot bear it and get to the tray. He goes to the toilet in the same place where he is. This form may be accompanied by strange behavior of the cat. He can meow plaintively and clings to the floor in fear;
  • stress form - includes a pattern. The animal can describe itself against the background of a strong emotional overstrain. Fear, joy, overstrain, severe fatigue and other forms of emotional outbursts in cats can be the culprit.

Problem symptoms

Knowing the causes of a particular disease, the owner of the animal has the opportunity to prevent its occurrence, and the doctor has a guideline from which to start when diagnosing the disease. Therefore, the information provided on the causes of urinary incontinence in a cat will be useful to both doctors and owners. Also, knowing the exact causes of the disease will cure the animal, and not eliminate the symptoms.

    Let's take a closer look at the factors that affect the appearance of urinary incontinence in a cat:
  • diseases of the central nervous system - any pathology of this organ can affect the normal activity of the urethra. This is due to the fact that signals through the nervous system cannot be transmitted as necessary. It should be noted that lesions of the central nervous system can occur under the influence of other diseases. The whole organism is dependent on each component;
  • genetic features, congenital incontinence - the owners may say that their pet is not amenable to education and therefore cannot go to the toilet normally. But is this statement always true? As a rule, all healthy kittens, with the right approach, quickly learn where to go to the toilet. Some adult cats, of course, can be mischievous and spitefully write in the wrong places. But if such “misconducts” are repeated regularly, you should think about the health of the animal, since from the very action, violations of the urinary system are possible, which only a veterinarian can determine;
  • influence of infection - diseases of an infectious nature can very often affect your cat and provoke bowel dysfunction. Such diseases include nephritis, cystitis, nephrosis, etc.;
  • metabolism - metabolic disorders can provoke both urinary incontinence and other diseases that affect the organs responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • age - the older the animal becomes, the more attention its body requires. Incontinence in mature cats is possible due to a simple “weakening” of sphincter control;
  • after childbirth - sometimes there is a pattern of urinary incontinence in cats after childbirth;
  • paralysis or spasm of the bladder - these diseases are characterized by a lack of control of the affected organs. The cat may simply not understand when he needs to go to the toilet;
  • congenital malformations of the structure of internal organs; chronic stress.

In fact, there can be many reasons for urinary incontinence in cats! Let's take a look at each of the possibilities.

When signals are not transmitted “normally” along the nerves, malfunctions in the body are possible. And not only the cat can begin urinary incontinence. This can be caused by both infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the brain or spinal cord, and injuries (shocks, concussions, bruises, etc.). The function of urination is most often disturbed after a spinal injury (especially the lumbosacral and tail sections).

Other reasons

Other possible causes of urinary incontinence in cats.

Congenital pathology of the genitourinary system With this reason, the cat has not kept urine since childhood. Owners may take this as bad manners, saying that the kitten does not want to go to the tray. Only a veterinarian can detect a problem after a thorough examination (ultrasound is best).
Infection As a "general", that is, affecting the entire body (several organ systems, including the urinary), and only in the genitourinary system. For example, nephritis, nephrosis, cystitis and others.
Urolithiasis disease

Increasingly, this disease is being recorded in domestic purrs. But the reason lies in the fact that the owners feed incorrectly. Many do not even understand that it is impossible to mix dry food and natural food, or they save on industrial feed by buying cheap and unbalanced food.

Metabolic disease It leads not only to the development of urolithiasis in a cat, but also to the accumulation of excess weight or even diabetes. It is very important to monitor the health of the pet, visit the veterinarian on time, and balance the diet.
Age changes

With aging, sphincters are less controlled. Hence the "leaks".

childbirth Sometimes urinary incontinence is recorded in giving birth cats.

Paralysis, paresis, or spasm of the bladder

Any of these diseases leads to the fact that the cat does not "manage" the process of urination. But this sore will not arise from the air, so it is necessary to find the reason why the pet's bladder "failed".

Causes of urination in cats, when it occurs unnaturally often, are due to the fact that the walls of the bladder become overly sensitive, and therefore even the slightest filling leads to an acute urge to urinate. Many reasons can cause irritation. They are also capable of provoking frequent visits to the tray and disorders leading to weakness of the sphincter of the bladder, which is why the animal simply cannot keep fluid inside.

As the main veterinarians name several reasons why urination is disturbed in cats

  1. Age changes
    . With age, the muscles in the body of the animal begin to weaken, which is why problems arise with them, including with the sphincter of the bladder. It loses the ability to close properly and keep urine inside the bladder for a long time. Because of this, almost constantly experiencing the urge to urinate, the cat often sits down to pee. He is forced to go to the toilet in order to get rid of even small portions of physiological fluid. Treatment in such a situation is usually not effective, as the tissues of old cats cannot recover and begin to hold urine again.
  2. freezing
    . A cat, like a person, can freeze, which will cause inflammation of the bladder cystitis. With prolonged exposure to cold, the animal experiences a violation of blood circulation in the bladder. Under this condition, the cat suffers from a drop in local immunity, and it develops inflammation of the walls of the organ. As a result, urination becomes frequent and painful.
  3. Urolithiasis disease
    . When a cat encounters pathology, the animal constantly irritates the walls of the bladder with stones and sand. The disease causes frequent urination in a cat, in which it is not uncommon, in addition to urine, blood is also released, as well as small stones and sand.
  4. stressful state
    . A cat from stress may begin to itch a lot, behave atypically, or often visit the tray. It all depends on how his body reacted to unexpected changes in life or other events that provoked stress. To relieve the problem, it is shown to drink the pet with sedatives. They are prescribed by a veterinarian.
  5. Single use of large portions of water
    . Such a phenomenon is possible if the cat ate salted fish or spent a long time in the heat, and then drank almost a whole drinker at a time. Perhaps excessive consumption of water by animals and for some other reason. In such a situation, the kidneys will work at maximum load all day, so the pet will empty the bladder into the tray all day. In this case, disturbed urination normalizes itself and quickly enough.
  6. Prostatitis
    . An old cat may well suffer from such a disease. Due to inflammation of the prostate gland, the urge to urinate becomes frequent. At the same time, the portions of urine excreted are scanty and often mixed with blood.
  7. The use of certain drugs
    . Certain medications can cause frequent urination as a side effect. In such a situation, the cat restores the normal mode of visiting the tray only a few days after the end of therapy.

If the cat began to urinate very often, it is worth visiting the veterinarian to determine the exact cause of this phenomenon. Impaired urination is not always a symptom of a pet's illness, but it is necessary to make sure that this is the case, otherwise you may be late with treatment.


called a disease when the volume of urination increases in a day in a dog or cat, but the urine has a low relative density. The animal drinks a lot (polydipsia), and the urine is almost colorless. This indicates violations in the water-salt metabolism in the body.

Since the kidneys process fluid, they play an important role in this process. Polyuria, with polydipsia indicate a water-salt disorder in the body of the animal.

Many owners are faced with such a problem as. We will analyze this problem in more detail - we will consider the causes and symptoms, as well as methods of treatment.

Causes of urinary incontinence in cats

Knowing the reasons of this or that disease, the owner of the animal has the opportunity to prevent its occurrence, and the doctor has a guideline from which to build on when diagnosing the disease. Therefore, the information provided on the causes of urinary incontinence in a cat will be useful to both doctors and owners. Also, knowing the exact causes of the disease will cure the animal, and not eliminate the symptoms.

    Let's take a closer look at the factors that affect the appearance of urinary incontinence in a cat:
  • diseases of the central nervous system - any pathology of this organ can affect the normal activity of the urethra. This is due to the fact that signals through the nervous system cannot be transmitted as necessary. It should be noted that lesions of the central nervous system can occur under the influence of other diseases. The whole organism is dependent on each component;
  • genetic features, congenital incontinence - the owners may say that their pet is not amenable to education and therefore cannot go to the toilet normally. But is this statement always true? As a rule, all healthy kittens, with the right approach, quickly learn where to go to the toilet. Some adult cats, of course, can be mischievous and spitefully write in the wrong places. But if such “misconducts” are repeated regularly, you should think about the health of the animal, since from the very action, violations of the urinary system are possible, which only a veterinarian can determine;
  • influence of infection - diseases of an infectious nature can very often affect your cat and provoke bowel dysfunction. Such diseases include nephritis, cystitis, nephrosis, etc.;
  • metabolism - metabolic disorders can provoke both urinary incontinence and other diseases that affect the organs responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • age - the older the animal becomes, the more attention its body requires. Perhaps incontinence in mature cats is due to a simple "weakening" of sphincter control;
  • after childbirth - sometimes there is a pattern of urinary incontinence in cats after childbirth;
  • paralysis or spasm of the bladder - these diseases are characterized by a lack of control of the affected organs. The cat may simply not understand when he needs to go to the toilet;
  • congenital malformations of the structure of internal organs; chronic stress.

Urinary incontinence in a cat can take many forms.

Speaking about urinary incontinence in cats, it should be noted that this disease is characterized by a difference in the forms of flow. The following are the main types of incontinence:

  • digging - this form is manifested in the constant "leakage" of urine in an animal. That is, throughout the whole time at any time, your pet may have a few drops or a small amount of urine. Droplets are noticed mainly on light-colored furniture or linoleum;
  • permanent form - at first glance it may seem that the release of urine in this form is due to overflow of the bladder. Urine is stably excreted by the pet, and the more the animal moves, the more urine you will notice;
  • urgent form - in this case, the cat understands that he wants to go to the toilet, but simply cannot bear it and get to the tray. He goes to the toilet in the same place where he is. This form may be accompanied by strange behavior of the cat. He can meow plaintively and clings to the floor in fear;
  • stress form - includes a pattern. The animal can describe itself against the background of a strong emotional overstrain. Fear, joy, overstrain, severe fatigue and other forms of emotional outbursts in cats can be the culprit.

Symptoms associated with urinary incontinence in a cat

Although incontinence itself is a symptom of a malfunction in the animal, it accompanied by a change in the behavior of the cat. Knowing these signs, the owner has the opportunity to make sure that urinary incontinence did not appear due to the pet's bad behavior, but is a problem and requires veterinary intervention.

    Let's look at how the behavior of an animal with urinary incontinence can change:
  • sudden urge to urinate - the animal may lie next to you on the couch, and then abruptly jump up and run to the tray. A stream of urine may trail behind it;
  • sudden defecation - this is observed even in cases where the animal is sleeping or enthusiastically playing. The "valve" responsible for bowel movements, as if always open and uncontrollable;
  • emotional behavior - when your cat has problems with urination, he will be aggressive, irritable, and may scratch you when you try to pet him. Sometimes, instead of aggression, on the contrary, strong fearfulness can be observed.

Diagnosis of urinary incontinence in a cat

Diagnosis of the disease is very important. When diagnosing an organism, the veterinarian should reveal the true cause malfunction of the cat's urinary system. A very popular study in incontinence is ultrasound procedure. It can most accurately indicate the cause of the disease. In our veterinary center "Ya-VET" all examinations are carried out only on high-quality equipment, which is manufactured according to European quality standards!

Only after a series of studies and confirmation of a particular diagnosis, treatment can begin. The professionalism of the veterinarian is very important in this case. Indeed, with an erroneous diagnosis, the cat will only be harmed by prescribing the wrong treatment. Also, in no case should you self-medicate and self-diagnose. Many cat owners, deciding to take drastic measures, can reduce their pet's fluid intake, which is extremely unacceptable. This can lead to dehydration. Any "self-made" methods of treatment will only make things worse and aggravate the situation. Expert advice is always needed!

Urinary incontinence in a cat - treatment

After the diagnosis of a disease is confirmed by a specialist, the veterinarian must prescribe the necessary treatment. How it will look directly depends on what ailment struck the pet.

    Below are some ways to treat incontinence for certain conditions:
  • inflammatory process - in this case, antibiotics are prescribed. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician;
  • excess own weight - a certain diet is prescribed, which must be followed for some time. It is also advised to increase physical activity for the animal;
  • Central Nervous System Disorders – Precise treatment recommendations are difficult to describe as CNS disorders vary and require careful diagnosis.

It happens that urinary incontinence is enuresis of inorganic nature. In this case, the only way out when keeping an animal is application of diapers for animals, as well as increasing the number of trays in the house, in order to make it easier for the animal to go to the toilet.

All information is given for informational purposes only, we do not encourage you to self-medicate. Uncontrolled intake of medications can worsen the condition of your pet and cause complications to other organs.

Prevention of urinary incontinence in a cat

Better than any treatment - only the absence of disease. In the case of incontinence, it is much easier to prevent the cause than to treat the effect. Preventive actions can be a powerful weapon in the fight against this disease. All recommendations compiled by leading veterinarians and aimed at improving the quality of life of your pet. Here is some of them:

  • nutrition - it should be complete and balanced. Requires the presence of all nutrients, as well as vitamins and minerals
  • a visit to the veterinarian - scheduled visits to the veterinary center will prevent the onset of the disease or fix the pathology in the early stages, which will allow more successful treatment;
  • injuries - avoid getting various injuries to your pet, they can provoke urinary incontinence;
  • emotional state - try to avoid scandals at home, screaming at the cat, too strong emotions that can adversely affect his health.

Urinary incontinence in a cat: conclusion

In this article, we examined such an ailment as urinary incontinence in a cat. This pathology of the urinary system definitely causes discomfort to both the owner and the animal itself. It requires timely treatment and constant monitoring. Our veterinary center "I-VET" will help you with this. We have a huge range of services aimed at treating pets. But we do not forget about you even after your recovery. We practice "accompanying your pet after recovery". This will help you make sure that the disease is completely eliminated and has not given any complications to the body.

Another, no less popular, service we have is “calling a veterinarian to your home”. Speaking of urinary incontinence, it is rather a necessary measure that requires mandatory application. Since your pet cannot control his bowel movements, there is a high risk of pissing right at the reception, or during transportation. And this is unnecessary inconvenience and stress for the pet. The doctor will arrive on time at any time convenient for you.

We are always happy to help you!

Urinary incontinence in cats or cats also happens in humans. And it is not always possible to immediately determine that this is a disease - many people think that it was their mustache that suddenly began to take revenge for something. There are different situations. For some, the cat marks everything around on purpose, while for others, the pet accidentally empties its bladder. And there is little pleasant in the fact that the cat has urinary incontinence. But it is imperative to deal with the causes in order to eliminate them. So what to do in such a situation?

After all, not all owners immediately understand that the cat has urinary incontinence. At first, they think that the pet simply does not reach the tray, or it crap out of spite. But having noticed that this happens “unconsciously”, it is necessary to figure out for what reasons the cat has incontinence. And then with the veterinarian to decide how to treat it.

Yes, there are several types of urinary incontinence in cats. Let's take a look at each of them.

  • Undermining. Already from the name it is clear that urine stands out literally drop by drop. It is not easy to notice this type of incontinence. Only an attentive owner notices small wet spots on the carpet, furniture, bedding or floor. Droplets are released when the pet runs to the tray, jumps up sharply.
  • Constant leakage. With this type of incontinence in a cat, urine is constantly excreted, but more often when the animal moves (gets up, runs, sits down). As soon as the bladder fills, urine is immediately released, and the mustache does not have time to reach the tray, because he is not able to control his urinary sphincter.
  • Urgent. This form is easier to recognize than the others. The fact is that with this type of illness, the mustache has a fright right on the muzzle due to the fact that he did not have time to run to the tray. The urge to urinate is so sharp that the animal does not have time to understand and do anything. The puddle appears unexpectedly both for the owner and for the pet itself.
  • stressful. The cat urinates as soon as it gets into a stressful situation. And not necessarily out of fear.

The reasons

In fact, there can be many reasons for urinary incontinence in cats! Let's take a look at each of the possibilities.

Violation of activity, as well as disease of the central nervous system

When signals are not transmitted “normally” along the nerves, malfunctions in the body are possible. And not only the cat can begin urinary incontinence. This can be caused by both infectious diseases, inflammatory processes in the brain or spinal cord, and injuries (shocks, concussions, bruises, etc.). The function of urination is most often disturbed after a spinal injury (especially the lumbosacral and tail sections). The operation could be performed with a mistake, the nerves were affected. Pressure on the nerves or the brain itself (neoplasms, edema, hematomas, etc.) is also possible.

Other reasons

Other possible causes of urinary incontinence in cats.

Congenital pathology of the genitourinary systemWith this reason, the cat has not kept urine since childhood. Owners may take this as bad manners, saying that the kitten does not want to go to the tray. Only a veterinarian can detect a problem after a thorough examination (ultrasound is best).
InfectionAs a "general", that is, affecting the entire body (several organ systems, including the urinary), and only in the genitourinary system. For example, nephritis, nephrosis, cystitis and others.
Urolithiasis disease

Increasingly, this disease is being recorded in domestic purrs. But the reason lies in the fact that the owners feed incorrectly. Many do not even understand that it is impossible to mix dry food and natural food, or they save on industrial feed by buying cheap and unbalanced food.

Metabolic diseaseIt leads not only to the development of urolithiasis in a cat, but also to the accumulation of excess weight or even diabetes. It is very important to monitor the health of the pet, visit the veterinarian on time, and balance the diet.
Age changes

With aging, sphincters are less controlled. Hence the "leaks".

childbirthSometimes urinary incontinence is recorded in giving birth cats.

Paralysis, paresis, or spasm of the bladder

Any of these diseases leads to the fact that the cat does not "manage" the process of urination. But this sore will not arise from the air, so it is necessary to find the reason why the pet's bladder "failed".

Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence

It's hard not to notice the symptoms of urinary incontinence in a cat. But for the most part, they depend just because of the reason why the pet began to urinate. Usually this is anxiety, fear, wet hair on the inside of the thighs or tummy, a puddle or drops in the place where the pet was sitting / lying. If the disease is of an inflammatory nature, then during urination the animal may meow plaintively (due to pain). If the paralysis / paresis of the bladder itself or the nerves, then the animal may not even understand that it has urinated. Therefore, one can talk about some “obvious” symptoms, except for a sudden puddle of urine, one can talk for a long time. Still, there are many reasons, and each has its own clinic.

Treating a cat or cat with urinary incontinence

Treatment of a cat with urinary incontinence primarily depends on the cause of the illness. If the cat has inflammation, then antibiotics are indispensable. If the reason lies in being overweight, then you need to take care of a balanced diet and physical activity for the mustache. In the case of a violation of the activity of the nervous system, you need to deal with what caused it. It's not always possible to fix this. And then you have to put a diaper on the cat. And put several trays in various corners of the apartment.

You cannot prescribe drugs on your own. This will only make the situation worse. Many drugs are completely contraindicated in animals. Therefore, a veterinarian is indispensable. Often, an ultrasound is required to “see” what the pet is doing inside.

Prevention of urinary incontinence in cats

Prevention of urinary incontinence in a cat is to not let the probable causes “act” on the mustache. Feed in a balanced way, avoid drafts in the room, secure the space (so that the pet does not hit, does not fall from anywhere). Take to the veterinarian in time, so you will be aware of the state of health of your beauty. Alas, with elderly animals it is more difficult. No matter how you take care of the purr, the risk of urinary incontinence in an old cat will not disappear anywhere.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

Read more about urinary incontinence in cats and dogs in the video:

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A 2-month-old kitten was outdoors when they washed it, they thought the smell of urine would go away! but no, he pees in the tray sometimes it doesn’t reach the problem is that the hair on the paws is all torn apart with a pimple swollen today the doctor said that it was a pathology but they prescribed 2 antibiotic injections 1 today, I am the second one in 48 hours, what should I do? I have it for three days

Dear veterinarians, if possible, tell me. My cat is 5 months old. Somewhere from 3 months, we noticed that he had urine dripping during sleep. Not much, a couple of times, of course, there was such a leak that two layers of a wadded blanket were soaked. When he is alert, he goes to the tray, behaves like a normal, even very nimble and inquisitive kitten. Affectionate. There were no injuries. He eats well, the stool is normal. On the advice of veterinarians, she completely transferred to Royal Horse. It has been treated for worms and fleas. No vaccinations were given. They did an ultrasound, no abnormalities were found, urine parameters: protein (absent), leukocytes, epithelium, geolinic cylinders are normal, there are no crystals in the urine. I want to believe that he will outgrow and everything will be fine. Whether such variant is possible or all the same it is a pathology?

Hello, the cat is 16 years old, she began to piss, if you can call it that. For no reason, she starts running to the toilet often, then apparently gets tired and just sits on the floor, where she has to, lifts her paw and you can see how large drops of urine do not often leak from her. She sits and licks it. There is no certainty in this. She can do this once a week, once a month, 2 times a week, every other day. Starting early in the morning or late in the evening ... there is no pattern. But at the same time, it doesn't happen often. They took her to the vet, gave urine, blood for a whole bunch of indicators, did an ultrasound. They said that for our age, the tests are just perfect. We insisted on piercing a course of antibiotics for 7 days, for the life of me, I can’t remember the name. They said that they are very expensive and after the injection the cat could not step on its paw, and during the injection it screamed a lot. Sense 0, in the clinic (and we are observed there on an ongoing basis) they shrug. They suggest taking a course of incontinence pills, but we doubt it. We are afraid to heal already, because we are afraid of age and sad consequences. If necessary, I will call the clinic and find out what and in what doses they injected. Please tell me what it could be, if you have options or can advice based on your experience. I will be grateful for any answer

Today, a kitten (a girl) was thrown in the entrance. Apparently someone threw it away .. I had to pick it up ... Urine is dripping from her, all her hind legs turned yellow ...
You can't tell by her behavior that she's sick...
What to do?

Nastya 22:50 | 23 Sep. 2018

Hello! Our cat is 8 months old. We did not see and she took a walk. Three days ago she had a premature birth, the kittens were very premature and, unfortunately, died. The cat also developed urinary incontinence. Will it go away or does it need to be treated?

Sorry I didn't write everything. The cat was given an injection of the antibiotic tyrosine, nog-au cerucal, dexometazole and octreotide. Today, according to the test results, he was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. They prescribed a new antibiotic Ceftriaxone IV, sodium chloride drip, acidosis IV, cerucal and no-shpa IM, ostreotide at the withers. More enterosgel, fortiflora and diet. The cat does not eat anything on his own (he is sick), forcibly pour the diluted food from the syringe. He almost always sleeps. Crying in a voice other than his own. And now also incontinence... He tries to move around a little, but it's very hard for him, because. one paw does not obey at all ... Please help! Tell me what to do? The cat is part of our family! We love him very much and want to help him. Tell me how? Thanks in advance! I really hope for your answer!

Hello! My cat is 16 years old. In the morning, lethargy was noticed, and by lunchtime he refused to eat at all. They didn’t pull the age cat, they called the veterinarian to the house. The doctor took a blood test. I gave him a couple of injections in the muscle of the hind leg and in the withers. After the doctor left, the cat could not walk at all, it feels like he does not feel one paw completely. The doctor told us that there is nothing to worry about, just after the injections he is afraid to walk because of the pain. And today we noticed in the morning that he constantly leaks urine. Our veterinarian squeezed urine out of him today. He says that he is the reason for his character, with his whole appearance he shows that his paw hurts, and therefore he does not want to go to write. He was put on a drip today. Urinary full this can be seen from the cat, but he still does not go to the tray, although he began to get up and move around a little. Urine leaks constantly. Help me please!!! We love our cat very much. Maybe when putting down the injections hit the nerve? Or, against the background of stress (he is a terrible alarmist with us), did something go wrong? Please help me, I really hope you can help me!

Hello, recently the cat gave birth to 3 kittens. One without a tail. The rest are normal. Without a tailed kitten, it is written involuntarily and in drops. Is it a disease or will it go away with time? Or take it to the vet? I'm sorry for the mistake.

Hello! My cat is 1 year 3 months old. About 2 months ago, he abruptly stopped eating, lost weight and began to shed heavily. At first, he practically didn’t go constantly lying and drinking water. I began to notice that he always had wet hind legs and urine was dripping. After the antibiotics that I was prescribed in the hospital he recovered. He began to eat a lot and quickly began to recover, but the urine did not stop flowing.

    Hello! In order to say exactly what is wrong with the animal, it must be examined. To do this, you should conduct an ultrasound scan, donate blood for a general and biochemical analysis, urine. It is necessary to exclude cystitis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, ICD. If this is age-related, then, alas, no drugs will help. Will leak. If the inflammatory process is to blame, then treat the pet and everything will pass

    Alina 22:36 | 01 Mar. 2019

    Hello! My cat is 13 years old, for about a week in the morning I find a puddle in the place where he slept - he only pees at night, you see when he falls asleep soundly. The spot is almost colorless, only a yellow halo, large - from the whole cat a ball. During the day he goes outside, recovers there. Earlier and at night he asked 2-3 times, now he sleeps soundly. 40 days ago I instilled it with Nobivak triket trio, 2 weeks ago I dripped advantage on the withers. Usually I pierce Gamavit forte with the vaccine, but this time I could not buy it. Could this be a drug reaction? There are no discharges, appetite is good, drinks, is active. Castrated for a long time. If now to pierce Gamavit? Can you recommend the best set? We don’t have a veterinary clinic, it’s far from the city, at the SBBZh in the regional center they said that it was senile, they didn’t even take blood (I don’t know how to collect urine, he runs somewhere in the bushes).

    Daria - veterinarian 19:50 | 04 Mar. 2019

    Hello! No, there can be no such reaction to the vaccine. For Gamavit. Don't you worry. Worst drug. Look at the composition. One drop of the active ingredient per barrel of water for injection. Just pink water and an extra hole in the animal. There are much more effective drugs in which the concentration of vitamins and minerals is much higher: multivit, multivit + minerals, oligovit (these are all injectable drugs and should be on SBBZH, since they are also used on productive farm animals). Ultrasound would do, look urinary. Maybe atony, and it will be enough to prick the course with prozerin

Julia 11:25 | 14 Mar. 2018

Hello. We have a kitten, 2.5 months old. Recently caught a cold, now everything is fine. But there is one problem: the cat involuntarily urinates, not much, it stands out drop by drop. She walks to the litter box as usual, does not meow in pain. I just sometimes notice droplets on the floor where he sits.

Guest 18:27 | 07 Mar. 2018

Hello, please help! I have a cat, age 1 year 1 month. On February 28, there was a castration, everything went well, by the evening I was running and jumping. On the evening of March 7, I noticed that he was sitting in a tray for a long time in a crooked position. At the same time, a slide of well-formed soft feces means that the problem is not in the intestines. And indeed, when I put him on the bed, began to stroke, I found droplets on the bedspread, it turned out to be urine. A drop of urine is released from his penis and shows a drop of urine and there are very frequent spasms and he begins to worry and lick. When pressing on the stomach, he lies calmly and even falls asleep. Scrotum after castration without signs of inflammation. But I see that the cat began to suffer, he can sit in the tray for 10 minutes. Veterinary clinics do not pick up the phone, they are probably already celebrating March 8th. What should I do?

Nina 10:27 | 17 Feb. 2018

Hello! Our cat is 2 years. Only now we learned from our veterinarian that you can not mix natural food with dry food. But it was already too late. During castration in the regional clinic, we were not warned about this. We killed the cat. A beautiful blue-eyed fluffy Siamese cat. I will describe the medical history. Before the new year, I began to run to the toilet often. Couldn't urinate. Our veterinarian prescribed the antibiotic cefazolin-akos with novocaine. Once a day, 1 mg. Kotervin and kidney tea. Treated. Gone. Two weeks later, everything started again. It went away again. A month later, and to this day, everything has happened again in a more severe form. Urine went with ichor drop by drop. Didn't leave. The doctor put the catheter under anesthesia. It didn’t help. On the second day, the doctor squeezed liquid out of the cat drop by drop. It didn’t help. On the third day, the catheter was again under anesthesia. I managed to clean it, the urine splashed with a fountain, presumably the pebble went inside. All this is accompanied by the treatment of cefazolin-akos with novocaine 1 mg, kotervin, noshpa, cystone 1/4 tablet 2 times a day and kidney tea 2-3 tablespoons. Now a new disease has appeared . The cat has urinary incontinence after the last catheter. constantly leaking. During the day, we dry several times with the warm air of a hair dryer in an intimate place so that we do not catch a cold and put on a diaper. He is fluffy. The doctor said that there is no sand in the urine. The stone went inside during the operation with a catheter. What should I do? How to save a family pet? We don’t have a good clinic. There is no place to take tests either. You have to take it to the regional center, but there prices are so high that treatment is unaffordable. There is practically no finance either. We are pensioners with beggarly pensions. My message to you is a cry from the heart for help. There is no one else to help. In our small town, the veterinarian does not have any examination equipment. He sincerely wants to help and treats according to his abilities. And also for a fee. He said we’ll wait what happens next. But the cat is feeling bad. He lies all day with us in a warm blanket in diapers and on oilcloth and is all wet from the waist down. Tell me, please, how to treat? What to do? Thank you in advance for your advice and help.

Olga 19:05 | 05 Feb. 2018

A month ago, a very sick homeless cat came to the house. His condition is extremely neglected, plus calcivirosis and dry gangrene of the tail. The tail was amputated 2/3. Veterinarians at our animal control station do not treat cats very well, but nevertheless they recommended Globfel for 4.10 days, injections of ceftriaxone, immunofan, gamavit, levomecithin drops in the eyes, metrogil denta in the mouth, stronghold three times with an interval of 14 days. From microsporia Irunin 2 times a day, 20 mg. for 7 days and then 2 weeks every other day at 20 mg. The cat, 15 days after the start of treatment, became bald on the head, ears and back and began to involuntarily write strongly in a stressful situation and digs in when walking, jumping. Either from fear, or from a cut off tail, something was broken. Now veterinarians advise him to be euthanized. I understand that it is almost impossible to consult in absentia, but can you still give some professional advice. At least try to help the cat. Because the next visit to our veterinarians is euthanasia.

Good afternoon. Help me please. My cat (approximately 4-5 years old, neutered) after a change of food has a urine discharge (regular droplets) often pink. They thought that it was because of the new norm that the urinary system hurts and the kidneys malfunction - we prick an antibiotic (ceftriaxone), give Furagin and brew and drink corn hairs (an alternative to Rosehip). The cat seems to be getting a little better (1.5 days have passed), but the discharge has not passed. Appetite is gone, eats almost nothing. Only Felix wet food vein, dry food (returned which was Purina One) does not eat at all.
I wanted to know from you - are we doing the treatment correctly? and any other tips?
Thank you very much in advance!

Hello, my cat is not neutered, went to the toilet until today normally. Recently, he began to yell, literally often and quite loudly meow. And today I noticed that he almost never goes to the toilet in a small way. He really wants to, very often goes to the tray, but he cannot go. Or very little urine comes out. Unrestrained in another room, but also a little bit. He drinks normally. Mostly purchased milk and cream. He also drinks tap water. He eats pate and dry food Whiskas. We can't figure out what's going on with the cat. It is tormented, it is clear that he wants to, but cannot. Could this be because he confuses the desire to go to the toilet with the desire of the cat, since he is still small ???

    Hello! Your pet's symptoms are more like clinical signs of cystitis or even urolithiasis. What you feed a cat is not suitable for him. Firstly, purchased milk is not the best food (poorly digested, causes diarrhea in animals). Cream - too fatty (hit on the liver). If you really want to give milk, then cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk (with a small percentage of fat content). Secondly, whiskas is a budget food that is not nutritious (full of dyes, flavors and preservatives), there is no energy value either. Satiety quickly passes and the cat asks for food again and again.
    So take your mustachioed friend and drag him to the veterinary clinic. They will examine him there and say that he has it for sure. They will prescribe treatment (I will not name the drugs, so that there is no self-treatment, because the cat has not been definitively diagnosed). If necessary, the doctor will catheterize (remove urine from the bladder). But to make him feel better, you can give him now a quarter of no-shpa (so that he can pee). But the veterinarian will most likely prescribe more antibiotics and drugs for urinary tract infections.

    wonderful advice ... First, self-medicate at home, and if it does not help, then go to the doctor. And then they swear at the veterinarians that they cannot make a diagnosis or cure the animal, that the prescribed antibiotics do not help. First, if you start treatment before visiting a doctor, then many of the symptoms are "erased", which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis. Secondly, if you give antimicrobials at random, then this may not only not help, but also worsen the condition of the pet. Thirdly, if you often give the same antibiotics (and most often pets are stuffed with amoxicillin at home), then bacteria develop resistance to them. And then it is extremely difficult to find an effective drug, you have to prescribe very strong antibiotics. Fourthly, if the animal has already been treated, then most of the tests (blood, urine, culture, determination of the sensitivity of isolated microorganisms to antibiotics) are not informative. So if you want to treat the animal yourself, then do not scold the doctors later.

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Surely, many cat owners have encountered a problem when a pet starts to urinate anywhere, then he will shit in the kitchen, then on the batteries, or even, in general, right on his favorite sofa. What happened to the animal? The owner begins to remember, maybe how he offended the animal and it just takes revenge on him, or maybe the door was closed and it couldn’t get to its tray, or is it just marking the territory? And sometimes there are situations when the smell of cat urine is heard in the apartment, and puddles cannot be found anywhere and his toilet is in perfect order. What is actually happening and how to deal with the problem?

Symptoms and causes of the disease

First you need to look very closely at the cat. First of all, you should pay attention to such symptoms:

  1. How often does she go to the toilet.
  2. Is there any bloody discharge in the urine.
  3. How long does the cat sit in the tray.
  4. Whether there is a fetid ammonia smell in the urine, which was not there before.
  5. Whether screaming or making plaintive sounds while urinating.
  6. Sometimes vomiting, diarrhea and fainting.

If at least one item is present, there is cause for concern.

So what causes urinary incontinence in a pet? Consider the most common reasons:

  • The cat has had some kind of surgery.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.
  • Recently transferred childbirth.
  • Aging.
  • Wrong metabolism.
  • Paralysis or congenital pathology of the bladder.
  • Injuries of the spine and brain.
  • The presence of a tumor.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Experienced stress.

Now let's analyze all these points in order. If the cat was undergoing some kind of operation and general anesthesia was used, then it could well have a negative effect on the pet’s body and it began to urinate anywhere.

When some kind of infection enters the body, various organs can suffer, including the urinary canals with the urea. For example, the appearance of cystitis can be triggered by overeating or undereating, as well as the use of poor food and water. Urine stagnates and does not come out. Bacteria grow very fast in it.

Childbirth in a cat although they cause urinary incontinence, but this is usually a temporary phenomenon. In an aging animal, the urinary canals lose their elasticity.

It is imperative that the food of a pet, like that of a person, is balanced and well-chosen, otherwise it can provoke urolithiasis.

As for congenital pathology, it is naturally present in a kitten from the very beginning of his life and only a veterinarian can detect it. The owners of a kitten often cannot understand what is happening and thinks that they simply cannot teach the baby to the toilet.

Spinal and brain injuries dangerous because the work of the nervous system is disrupted, the brain does not send the necessary signals.

The cause of urolithiasis is an unbalanced diet, in particular, a violation of protein metabolism, kidney disease and the appearance of sand in them.

Experienced stress leads to urinary incontinence, but usually it does not last long.

Treatment of disease in cats

If a cat has a urinary incontinence problem, in no case should you treat this disease yourself. Definitely need to see a specialist because he will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe effective treatment. Self-medication not only does not help the animal, but can also harm.

Based on the fact that the causes of this disease are different, then the methods of treatment should be completely different.

If the cause of the disease is inflammation, in particular, such as nephritis, cystitis and the like, as well as various infectious and viral diseases, it will not be possible to cure a pet without antibiotics. Medicines that are intended for people are very effective, namely Cyston, Canephron, Nolicin and the antispasmodic Papaverine.

In the presence of certain injuries and tumors, surgical intervention is necessary.

To cure urolithiasis, the doctor prescribes procedures that are aimed primarily at restoring the patency of the urethra, dissolve sediments and remove them from the body and eliminate intoxication.

But do not think that the recovery of the animal depends entirely on the doctor. Its owner also plays a big role in this. The task of the owner of the cat is that she does not feel oppressed because of the disease. The cat needs to be surrounded by warmth, attention and affection. She needs to be played with as much as possible. Be sure the owner must ensure that the pet eats, otherwise the liver may fail.

Helping a pet may not work at all if he is old. And also in case of disorders of the nervous system, it is not always possible to cure a cat, but there are chances which ones can be detected using ultrasound.

Disease prevention

In order not to have to suffer for a long time and fight with urinary incontinence of your four-legged friend, it is best to do everything so that he does not get sick. Here are the precautions that a pet owner should follow:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the nutrition of the cat, it must be balanced.
  2. There should be no drafts in the apartment.
  3. All furniture must be correctly arranged so that the cat, when running, does not hit a sharp corner, or does not jump from a height and is not injured.
  4. If there is a cold tile on the kitchen floor, then it is better to put a rug on it, because if the cat lies on the tile, then with a weakened immune system, it can earn itself cystitis.
  5. It is impossible for a cat to sit on an open balcony or window.
  6. Do not let it go outside and leave it unattended, because a dog bite or a car run over can injure the animal.
  7. You should visit the veterinarian at least once a year.

A problem like urinary incontinence in a cat requires a lot of effort and a lot of time. Unfortunately, not every owner is willing to spend a lot of precious time and a considerable amount of money to cure a cat. But everyone should remember, as Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." Therefore, everything must be done so that the pet recovers.