What is absinthe? Composition, history, production and strength of absinthe. Composition and types of absinthe, instructions for use and recipes for cooking at home Absinthe production technology

Modern alcoholic beverages are presented by manufacturers in such a huge amount that even the most fastidious gourmets find their favorite brands, varieties and varieties. Some types of alcoholic beverages are original and differ greatly from the standard ones in their composition and properties.

One of the high-quality and widespread drinks all over the world that has gained respect and popularity among users is the variety of which is offered by different manufacturers in the range. What are the features of this drink? What is in absinthe? What chemical elements are found in various brands of this alcohol?

The composition of absinthe - spices, herbs and spices

Knowing what is included in the composition of absinthe, connoisseurs of high-quality alcohol all over the world can clearly determine which variety of it is worth trying, while others decide to make this drink at home on their own. A distinctive feature of absinthe is a large number of various herbs, thanks to which the drink acquires special effective healing properties. And the presence of spices in the composition of the drink gives it a pleasant and unique aftertaste and a long aftertaste. What kind of herbs are included in different types of absinthe?

In the classic absinthe recipe, there is always a huge herbal bouquet, consisting of:

  • Bitter wormwood;
  • Melissa;
  • anise;
  • calamus;
  • Angelica;
  • Yasenets;
  • Sweet or Italian fennel;
  • liquorice;
  • coriander;
  • Veronica;
  • Chamomile;
  • Parsley;
  • Mint.

Almost all of these herbs are used in medicine and cosmetology for effective purposes, and their combination in absinthe with alcohol gives the drink a special taste and strength.

Today, the production of absinthe has more than a hundred different varieties of the drink, each of which is distinguished by the presence of a certain combination of herbs and spices. Combining various herbs and spices, manufacturers delight their fans with new and original drinks, most of which become real brands.

The most common types of absinthe today are:

  • Green. This is a classic version of the drink, which includes wormwood, anise and cinnamon.
  • Yellow. This shade is achieved with the help of food coloring, although there are also natural shades of yellow. The yellow color is achieved due to the fact that the plants used in the preparation will release chlorophyll within 2 months, which saturates with this color.
  • Red. Most producers of absinthe of this color use pomegranate extract to achieve the effect. Others also use food coloring to achieve intense color.
  • Black. The main raw materials in the preparation of this variety of absinthe are the roots of wormwood, and not the leaves or inflorescences. To give the drink a rich color, manufacturers add black acacia catechu to it. This ingredient not only gives the drink a black color, but also saturates it with the taste of berries and liquor.

The classic version of absinthe must be strong enough, because the strength from 70 to 75 degrees helps to retain the essential oils that are contained in the wormwood. If it has a strength of 55-60%, then it will not contain essential oil.

The composition of absinthe - chemical compounds and substances

Each type of absinthe contains a number of chemical compounds that have a strong effect on the human body. One of the substances is thujone, which is a toxic substance. For a long time, the substance was considered a hallucinogen, although later studies did not confirm this fact. Thujone enhances the intoxicating effect of absinthe, adding to the state of the user an exciting effect that can even lead a person into an aggressive state. It is the action of thujone that distinguishes absinthe from other common alcoholic beverages.

Another component necessarily contained in absinthe is chlorophyll, which is of natural origin and saturates the drink with a pleasant color. And such a chemical substance as absinthine is obtained by boiling bitter wormwood, without re-distillation.

Historical facts related to absinthe

Absinthe is considered the most mysterious drink, the history of which is associated with interesting people and events. The drink was one of Van Gogh's favorites. And the most effective and best is considered absinthe, prepared according to old recipes of the 19th century.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, a ban was introduced on the manufacture and sale of absinthe in different countries, because the drink began to be equated with drugs. This connection was explained by the fact that under certain conditions of its use, absinthe could cause auditory or visual hallucinations. But already at the end of the 20th century, many countries lifted such a ban and absinthe returned to the shelves of most stores. Today, in the US and Europe, the drink is considered one of the most popular and widespread.

Absinthe is one of the most popular drinks among the so-called upper class. Inhabitants of distant France call absinthe "green fairy" or "green witch". This is a drink with an alcohol content of up to 70%. The main component of absinthe is an extract of bitter wormwood. In addition to wormwood, many other ingredients are distinguished in the composition of the product, varying depending on the brand of Absinthe.

There are three main recipes for alcohol, of which only one can be called absinthe.

    A decoction based on wormwood, anise and fennel with the addition of grape alcohol. It is distilled after insisting. In addition to alcohol, the drink also contains a large amount of essential oils, and the amount of thujone in it reaches 100 mg per liter of liquid. It is this version of the recipe that is considered the one real absinthe.

    Relatively cheap wormwood tincture, aged in industrial alcohol with the addition of various herbal ingredients. The drink was especially popular in the 19th century among the French poor. She quickly won the hearts of the poor and the homeless with her cheapness and speed of intoxicating effect on the brain.

    Modern analogues of absinthe, which are alcohol with the addition of flavorings and coloring agents with a reduced content of thujone (no more than 10 mg per liter).

In fact, absinthe is quite close to balms and strong tinctures, but is rather a kind of alcoholic decoction. Initially, it was used as a medicinal drug.

History of absinthe

The first tinctures from wormwood appeared in ancient Egypt. In those days, they were used in medicine and were available only to the upper strata of society. In ancient Greece, decoctions had the same use - Hippocrates recommended the use of absinthe for jaundice, anemia and rheumatism. However, those medicines are far from the modern drink. There are several versions of the appearance of absinthe. According to one of them, absinthe was first made by the Enrio sisters at the end of the 18th century. They called the resulting product "Bon Extrait d'Absinthe" and gave it to the sick to drink.

According to the second version, at the end of the same 18th century, the recipe for absinthe was patented by the French doctor Pierre Ordiner. At that time, he lived and worked in Switzerland, or to be more precise, in the small village of Kove. The doctor used the invented decoction during the treatment of his patients. However, there is an opinion that says that the man simply stole the recipe of the Enrio sisters. He managed to make the drink famous and ensure that everyone associates absinthe with his person.

Some time later, entrepreneur Henri Dubier bought out the secret recipe for absinthe and set up its large-scale production. Trade was successful, and very soon Dubier had a need to build a new plant in Pontarlier, which later took a dominant position among the enterprises producing absinthe. The plant was named "Perno". The product is still produced under this brand name.

Absinthe reached its peak of popularity during the French wars of conquest in North Africa. So, the French military personnel daily received a certain amount of alcohol in order to prevent various diseases, the main source of which was terrible living conditions. Absinthe turned out to be so effective that it migrated from the French to their rivals. By the end of the 19th century, absinthe was as popular as wine.

The New York Times wrote in its publications that young French women complain of liver problems several times more often than residents of other states, because of their great love for alcohol. They used it, as a rule, undiluted, because they could not drink much because of the tightly tightened corset. Fans of wormwood tincture argued that after absinthe, even high-quality wine can seem like cheap swill.

By the middle of the 19th century, absinthe became, as they say, closer to the people. If earlier it was consumed only by aristocrats and creative individuals, then the ordinary working class perceived absinthe as a dubious strange-smelling liquid. But in 1860, the first cheap analogues of absinthe appeared, and the people reconsidered their attitude towards it.

There are several main reasons for the popularization of absinthe among the working class:

  • reduction of the working day to 8 hours;
  • wage growth;
  • the death of vineyards and, as a result, an increase in the price of wine.

The cheapest absinthe was considered poison - the poor drank it in eateries with a dubious reputation, which sometimes lacked even basic interior items like tables and chairs - there was only a rack and a rack with bottles.
By the end of the 19th century, absinthe began to be strongly associated with mental illness, torment, and sudden death. It has been dubbed "madness in a bottle". The consumption of the product grew at an insane rate. At the same time, the number of his opponents also grew.

In the summer of 1905, a farmer from Switzerland, a popular absinthe in those days, whose fame spread far beyond the borders of the country, being intoxicated, achieved thanks to a huge amount of absinthe drunk, shot all the members of his family. This story hit the front pages of the world's largest publications, as a result, more than 80 thousand people put their signatures on petitions asking to ban the production and sale of absinthe in Switzerland. As a result of the referendum, the drink was banned.

In France, the negative effect caused by the use of large amounts of absinthe also became apparent. The number of cases of alcohol addiction among workers and military increased, which caused a huge shortage of recruits. On the eve of the First World War, French civil servants made an attempt to ban the sale of absinthe.

Ultimately, the sale of the drink was banned in many states. Absinthe was ranked among a number of narcotic substances.

Until 1980, absinthe was kept in a semi-legal position.

The return of absinthe to the market was facilitated by the UK, where, in fact, it was not banned. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Czech company Hill's began to supply its product to the English market. An important role in the re-popularization of the drink was played by Johnny Depp, who, while filming Sleepy Hollow in Britain, told in all interviews that he often indulged in absinthe with his colleague while working on the film.

In fact, Czech absinthe is not distinguished by high quality indicators - it is drunk in order to get drunk quickly, but not in order to enjoy the flavor bouquet.

In 2004, the Swiss government legalized the production and sale of absinthe. Nowadays, manufacturers are required to adhere to a number of restrictions imposed by the EU. They monitor and control the thujone content in the drink.

Composition and production of absinthe

The traditional recipe for absinthe includes the following ingredients:

  • sagebrush;
  • hyssop;
  • fennel;
  • liquorice;
  • illicium;
  • anise;
  • coriander.

Adherents of absinthe defend the drink, arguing that it has a huge number of useful properties, while opponents, on the contrary, oppose the product because of the high content of alcohol and herbal drugs.

Preparation of herbs for absinthe

The first stage of production is the preparation of plant components, the main of which is wormwood. The quality of the drink is ensured by small leaves and inflorescences, so the raw materials are harvested by hand on special plantations, and are not purchased from trading depots. The most optimal time for collecting raw materials is the second half of summer. The plant reaches its maximum saturation with various oils in the morning and maintains this state until noon. Branches are cut to a length of up to 25 centimeters, after which they are dehydrated.

After the raw material dries, the leaves are separated from the flowers and placed in different containers, which are opened and ventilated from time to time. Mint leaves and hyssop are also added to wormwood.

Plant retting

At the next stage, the preparation of absinthe begins. Methods vary depending on the recipe and manufacturing technology used by certain brands.

As a rule, seeds and herbs are abundantly poured with alcohol and left to infuse for 4 weeks in a dark, cool room.

Distillation, distillation

The tincture is diluted with drinking water and poured into a special apparatus - a distiller. During distillation, the fire is reduced. As a result of distillation, a clear liquid with an unobtrusive herbal aroma should be obtained.


The characteristic green color of absinthe is achieved by adding wormwood, hyssop flowers and mint. Herbs are mixed, crushed and placed in a steam bath, then they are transferred to a colorator, where the liquid is heated to 50 degrees.

After absinthe acquires a green color, the herbal decoction must be cooled and diluted with water.

There are several ways to drink absinthe, but they all agree that the liquid is diluted to reduce the level of strength.

The drink is distinguished by a rather sharp bitterness present in the flavor bouquet, so even the biggest supporters of the drink try to somehow interrupt this feature.

French way to drink absinthe

It is the most traditional and most common way of drinking absinthe. It will require a special spoon with a hole in the middle. It is placed on a glass, a piece of sugar is placed in it, which, when served, is poured over with cold water, the liquid drowns the sugar and flows into a container with a drink. As a result, the mixture should lose its transparency and become more cloudy. Under the influence of cold water, the essential oils contained in absinthe form a precipitate.

Czech fire method

The container must be filled with alcohol by a quarter. Take a piece of sugar, dip in absinthe, place a perforated spoon on the container. Ignite the sugar and let it burn for a minute. During burning, the sugar melts, and the resulting caramel drips into the glass, slowly settling to the bottom. After the burning stops, the spoon is placed in the drink and stirred. If necessary, dilute with cold water.

Russian method of drinking absinthe

Sugar syrup is prepared in advance, which is added to absinthe. Half of the portion is drunk in one gulp, and the second is drunk slowly, in small sips, stretching the pleasure. After all the liquid has been drunk, it is recommended to hold your breath for 20-30 seconds so as not to burn the respiratory tract. You can eat absinthe with citrus fruits.

Drinking undiluted absinthe

In its pure form, absinthe is consumed before meals to increase appetite. It is served in narrow shots, drunk at once, without taking breaks. Before tasting, the drink must be cooled to zero degrees. Only high quality absinthe is drunk undiluted.

What to eat absinthe?

The best option for an absinthe snack is fruits, especially citrus fruits. Cheese, olives and black olives, pickled mushrooms, dark chocolate, apple slices, pineapple pieces and grapes also go well with absinthe. If desired, fruit can be sprinkled with sugar or cinnamon.

Chocolate is especially well suited to absinthe, in the flavor bouquet of which anise is clearly felt. Sun-dried tomatoes and greens will also go well with it.

Absinthe producers

Consider the well-known producers of absinthe by country.

French absinthe

The most famous absinthe producers in France are:

    Pernod. The brand was originally engaged in the production of an exclusively classic product, however, in the process of the emergence of various kinds of restrictions, absinthe began to be produced without adding wormwood to its recipe. It is replaced with artificial additives that mimic the taste of grass.

    Ricard. Alcohol produced under the emblem of this brand is made on the basis of anise and a mixture of Provence herbs.

    pastis. The recipe, according to which this brand makes its product, appeared in 1951. As a sign of this, the number 51 flaunts on the product label. The drink has a huge number of fans both in France and abroad.

Czech absinthe

There are many producers of absinthe in the Czech Republic:

    Hill's. The brand is engaged in the production of elite alcohol, their product was one of the first to win the hearts of domestic consumers. The drink recipe is based on the following components: wormwood, juniper, anise, mint and fennel. The liquid has a noble emerald color.

    King Of Spirits. Absinthe of this brand first saw the light at sunset in the 18th century. Its recipe has not undergone any changes to our time. The entire manufacturing process is carried out by hand. Manufacturers try to keep the exact recipe secret.

    Absinth Red. Absinthe of this brand has a non-standard red color for the drink, which the liquid receives through the use of pomegranate extract.

    Havel's. Absinthe of this brand is made according to a unique recipe that has not changed since the century before last. The alcohol content in the drink reaches 60%.

    Staroplzenecky Absinth. Absinthe of this brand is made according to secret ancient methods. In its recipe, they distinguish: alcohol, pure spring water and infusion from the root of wormwood. In the course of time, a thickening forms in the product, indicating the natural origin of the components used. The strength of absinthe is 70%.


Famous varieties of absinthe are also produced in Italy:

    Xenta Absenta. A classic drink made according to a secret recipe. It is only known that the main component is wormwood, collected on the slopes of the mountains of Northern Italy. For the production of the product of this brand, mainly flowers are used. The liquid has a rich dark green color and a bitter taste with apple and lime notes.

    Xenta Superior. A distinctive feature of this brand of absinthe is a sprig of wormwood placed at the bottom of the bottle. Absinthe is produced exclusively from natural ingredients. In the flavor bouquet, you can distinguish shades of sweet bee honey and spices.

    Xenta distilled. The brand is engaged in the manufacture of traditional absinthe. The plants used in the production are not infused - instead, they are distilled, as a result of which the liquid loses its color and becomes transparent. The strength of the drink reaches 50%.

Spanish absinthe

A couple of Spanish absinthe producers:

    Jacques Senaux. The drink got its name from the well-known absinthe in those days. Initially, this alcohol was made in France, but during the ban on the production and use of absinthe, the winemaker's son revived production in Spain, restoring the recipe according to the notes left by his father.

    Teichenne. Absinthe of the brand is distinguished by its balanced taste, which makes it possible to use it without diluting it with soda.


Famous Swiss producers of absinthe:

    Logan Fils. Residents of Switzerland drink a drink before meals to increase their appetite. Absinthe is served cold, mixed with sugar or sugar syrup. The taste is mild, anise is clearly felt in the aroma.

    Kubler Absinthe. Absinthe has a strength of 45% and is characterized by a mild anise flavor.

How to choose absinthe

There are a few simple rules that will help you not to stumble upon a fake or low-quality product when choosing absinthe:

    First of all, you need to study the name of the product. In French, absinthe is called "Absinthe", in Italian and Spanish - "Absenta", and in Czech - "Absinth". Also, the label may contain the inscriptions “thujone-free” or “absinthe refined”, indicating the absence of thujone.

    The strength of genuine absinthe starts from 70 “turns”. If the alcohol content is significantly lower, then you are considering a wormwood liqueur, not absinthe.

    Real absinthe is obtained exclusively by distillation. Genuine distilled absinthe has a rich taste bouquet and high quality.

    It is also worth considering the percentage of thujone, which is indicated either by the letters “ppm” or “mg / kg”. Now this component is not one of the mandatory components of the product; moreover, global brands boast of its absence.

    Another indicator of the quality of absinthe is a light emerald hue. Acid green color may indicate the presence of additives that are not characteristic of the classic recipe. Aged product may have an amber color.

    As part of high-quality absinthe should be present: wormwood, anise, mint and other plant components. But there should not be dyes and flavors.

    The last sign of high quality absinthe is the effect that occurs when the liquid is diluted. The drink should become cloudy.

Absinthe production at home

Consider several recipes for the production of absinthe at home.

Classic recipe

This absinthe recipe will require alcohol, not vodka or moonshine. This is a prerequisite.


  1. alcohol - 1 liter;
  2. water - 200 ml;
  3. wormwood leaves - 80 grams;
  4. fennel - 50 grams;
  5. anise - 25 grams;
  6. star anise - 25 grams;
  7. coriander - 10 grams;
  8. nutmeg - 1 gram;
  9. cardamom;
  10. hyssop and mint - for coloring.

The plants are dried, crushed and placed in a glass container (with the exception of those that you need to give color). Water and alcohol are also poured in there. The resulting mixture is left in a poorly lit cool place for 3 weeks - a month. The preparation of the drink can be accelerated with a steam bath. The product is diluted until it acquires a strength of 45 degrees, after which it is subjected to distillation. Upon completion of this stage, the liquid is stained with mint and hyssop, for this a decoction is made from these herbs and poured into absinthe. Then poured into separate bottles, previously diluted to 74 degrees. Leave for 3 more days.

Absinthe on vodka

This absinthe recipe is suitable for those who do not have moonshine at home.


  1. vodka - 0.5 liters;
  2. wormwood - 2 tsp;
  3. anise - 2 tsp;
  4. coriander - 0.5 tsp;
  5. cardamom - 4 pods;
  6. sweetened water - 80 ml.

Dried and ground plants are poured with alcohol, after which the container with the liquid is tightly sealed, kept for 2-3 days. Filter, add the rest of the spices and herbal ingredients, insist again. After keeping the drink, the liquid is filtered, sugar syrup is introduced.

Lemon absinthe


  • vodka - 250 ml;
  • dried wormwood - 1 tsp;
  • mint leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon peel;
  • sugar syrup - 120 ml.

The dried wormwood is crushed, poured into a glass container, poured with alcohol, carefully corked and left in a dark place for 2 days. After infusion, citrus zest and mint are added to absinthe. Aged for a week, then filtered. At the final stage, sugar syrup is added and the product is poured into separate bottles.

Video about making absinthe at home:

Absinthe in cocktails

To reduce the strength of the drink and reduce the sharpness of its taste, it is recommended to mix absinthe with other drinks, preferably sweet ones.

Absinthe is diluted with the following products:

  • Coca Cola;
  • sprite;
  • lemonade;
  • tonic;
  • other sodas;
  • juices - mostly citrus.

Everyone sets the proportions of the alcohol component and the diluent for themselves.

The best cocktails with absinthe:



  • absinthe - 15 milliliters;
  • sambuca - 15 milliliters;
  • baileys - 15 milliliters;
  • grenadine - 3 drops.

Sambuca is poured into the shot, with the help of a knife a layer of Baileys is “laid” on top of it, the last level forms absinthe. The liquor is introduced at the very end - it, due to its mass, slowly settles, simulating the clouds of smoke formed during a nuclear explosion. They drink a cocktail in one approach or through a straw, starting from the first (lower) layer. Sometimes Hiroshima is set on fire beforehand.

Sweet contrast


  • absinthe - 50 milliliters;
  • berry syrup - 20 milliliters;
  • apple juice - 150 milliliters;
  • ice - a few pieces.

Apple juice is poured into a tall glass, syrup and an alcoholic component are introduced into it. Crushed ice is placed on top. They drink a cocktail in one approach, holding the ice with their lips. At first, the bitterness of alcohol is felt, which is gradually replaced by berry sourness.



  • absinthe - 25 milliliters;
  • lemon juice - 30 milliliters;
  • honey - 20 grams.

Pre-melted honey is mixed with freshly squeezed citrus juice, the mixture is poured into a shot, on the bottom of which absinthe is poured.

Goodbye, Johnny


  • absinthe - 20 milliliters;
  • cognac - 20 milliliters;
  • protein of one egg;
  • caraway.

All components, with the exception of seeds, are mixed by adding crushed ice. The resulting mixture is filtered into a martinka, the cocktail is sprinkled with cumin.



  • absinthe - 50 milliliters;
  • sugar - 5 grams;
  • lemon juice - a tablespoon.

Absinthe is poured into one glass, lemon juice is squeezed into another. Sugar-sand is carefully introduced into the container with absinthe along the wall, then the mixture is set on fire and allowed to burn until the sugar turns into caramel. As soon as the sweetener has melted, alcohol is poured into a glass of citrus juice in a thin stream and covered with an empty container to keep all the forming vapors.

Consider some interesting facts about absinthe:

    A much simplified way of drinking absinthe has come down to us. In past centuries, drinking absinthe was a real multi-level ritual: a special spoon with a hole or a tiny silver strainer was placed on a container with a drink, on which a piece of cane sugar was placed, designed to block the bitterness inherent in the liquid. Then the sugar was poured with cold water, after which the absinthe acquired a yellowish tint.

    Absinthe became known as the green witch due to its medicinal properties.

    Absinthe was one of the most consumed drinks among Bohemians. He was mentioned in his works: Degas, Van Gogh, Picasso, Wilde, Manet, Edgar Poe and others.

    The effect of absinthe on the body can vary from a person acquiring a calm, relaxed state to cheerfulness and euphoria. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause blurred vision and hallucinations.

    Absinthe contributed not only to the creation of great works of art - it was also the cause of tragic events. So, the farmer Jean Lanfrey in 1905 drank so much alcohol that he shot all his relatives.

    Thanks to repeated experiments, it turned out that the negative effect of absinthe on the human brain is due to the presence of thujone in its composition. Nowadays, its amount in the drink is strictly regulated.

Absinthe is one of the alcoholic beverages, the history of which has a history of several hundred years. It was quite popular at the end of the nineteenth century. In the interval from the fifth to the fifteenth year of the last century, absinthe was banned not only for sale, but also for production. This campaign was in the nature of protecting people from the harmful effects of this drink. The composition of absinthe contributed to the development of addiction and was one of the reasons for the appearance of various types of hallucinations.

According to another version, a similar campaign was launched with the support of houses engaged in the production of wine products. The popularity of absinthe and its huge distribution led to the ruin of more than one wine house. In addition, the income from the sale of absinthe was several times higher than the income from other alcoholic products. The history of this drink is interesting and surprising. Today, this alcohol-containing product is freely sold in many specialized stores, but its composition has many differences from the original formula.

In order to realize the full significance of absinthe for culture, it is enough to imagine that in France this drink was much more popular than wine.

Absinthe is, in fact, a tincture of various herbs in strong alcohol.

When asked what absinthe is, many will answer that it is a mixture based on wormwood and alcohol. But this opinion is a fairly common mistake. In fact, this product is so rich in the number of components that it is rather difficult to list them all. Three ingredients are used to make absinthe:

  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • herbs.

Of course, the first two components do not raise any special questions, but the composition of herbs can be quite an interesting discovery for many people. Most associations are related to the fact that absinthe drink is a kind of moonshine based on wormwood. Of course, this plant is used in the manufacture of the drink, but it is far from the main component of the product.

Today, absinthe is produced using three essential components: anise, wormwood and fennel. These three plants are the main component of the drink. In addition, each manufacturer has its own "special" recipe, as a result of which, the composition is supplemented with other plants and spices. Absinthe, composition of herbs:

  • mint and lemon balm;
  • calamus and licorice;
  • coriander and parsley;
  • chamomile and ash-tree;
  • angelica and St. John's wort.

Today, there are more than a dozen recipes for making this type of alcohol. Each recipe involves the use of three main ingredients and various additives to enhance the taste. The age of such recipes can be hundreds of years old, but their relevance does not decrease at all.

Absinthe is a strong alcoholic drink that contains 55-85% alcohol and has a specific bitter taste.

From the moment of the first spill to the present day, the composition of absinthe has not made critical changes, but the production itself has acquired a new direction. The main task of manufacturers is to reduce the amount of thujone content in the drink. It is this substance that causes hallucinations when drinking alcohol.

Experts note the following interesting fact. Although wormwood is used to make many alcoholic beverages, most people associate this plant with absinthe.

Production features

Having talked about what absinthe consists of, it is necessary to give a few lines about the intricacies of its production. The modern manufacturing technique is distinguished by three main factors.

First factor

In the nineteenth century, absinthe was precisely an alcoholic tincture containing a whole bunch of herbs and spices. Today, for the manufacture of alcohol, modern technologies are used, which consist in the use of not the herbs themselves, but extracts. As a result of this change, absinthe has lost its "poisonous" green color and special dyes are used to bring it back.

Second factor

It is very important that the content of "thujone" in the finished product is minimized as much as possible. Each spill of products is accompanied by special tests. The thing is that this substance is recognized as a narcotic and can cause addiction.

Third factor

Today, absinthe is produced not only in the traditional and familiar form. As a result of the use of certain additional components, the color of the drink may be changed.

Essential oils of wormwood contain a lot of thujone, a substance due to which absinthe is known for its effect.

Types of absinthe:

  1. Green- the drink, called the "Green Fairy", is made according to traditional recipes.
  2. Black- for the manufacture of this type, not wormwood itself is used, but its roots.
  3. Red- to obtain this color, pomegranate fruits are added to the drink.
  4. Yellow- this color of the drink is achieved both by aging and by adding certain dyes.

It was these three changes that affected the production of the drink. The rest of the technique remained in its original form. After the alcohol infusion is made, all the resulting liquid is sent for distillation. A dye is added to the resulting product, and the drink is poured into containers.


It's time to answer the question: "absinthe, what is it?". Researchers say that the effect of this drink is more characteristic of drugs than alcohol. The effect of the use can be completely different and depends on the state of the body. After drinking absinthe, a person may feel some relaxation and euphoria, but the same dose for another person can cause inappropriate behavior and bouts of unreasonable laughter.

This product sometimes makes people do strange things. A person can experience strong aggression and show violent character. Such effects depend on the emotional state of the person and his environment.

The use of the drink is often accompanied by problems with visual perception. Human vision significantly narrows its fields, it becomes difficult to distinguish colors. The perception of the forms of surrounding objects also changes. One of the main effects of such alcohol is a decrease in the pain threshold. Before drinking the drink, you need to know what absinthe is made of and how high the content of "thujone" is in it.

The first mention of a drink like absinthe is found around 1500 BC. e. in ancient Egypt

Drinking culture

Absinthe has a strong bitter taste. In order to reduce this aftertaste, cold water is added to the drink through a sugar cube lying on a special spoon. Water that has passed through the sugar dilutes the drink, hiding the bitter flavor. There is an opinion that the presence of sugar in the drink can increase the effect of "thujone" on the body.

Adding water changes the color of the drink. It may become more transparent with a yellow or green tint. In order to dilute alcohol correctly, you need to use the formula. For a glass of alcohol, four parts of water and one part of absinthe are used. Adding lemon is also allowed to kill the bitter aftertaste.

Precautionary measures

Do not abuse alcohol products, as this leads to addiction. Absinthe should be avoided by pregnant women and mothers of infants. Abuse of liquids based on wormwood can contribute to the development of such unpleasant symptoms as: sleep problems, tremors of the limbs, seizures and depression.

In contact with

This strong alcoholic drink in the 18th century enjoyed the glory of a panacea, then it became a favorite drink of bohemia, and in 1914 it was banned. And only at the end of the twentieth century it was remembered again. All this, of course, is about absinthe, which got its name from the key herb from which it is made - wormwood (Latin name Artemisia absinthium).

What is absinthe

Absinthe is an alcoholic drink made from wormwood and a number of other herbs (fennel, lemon balm, hyssop, mint, coriander). In fact, the drink recipe has always varied depending on the country and manufacturer, which each time affected the quality and taste.
Traditionally distinguished:

  • absinthe suisse (considered the best variety, contains 68-72% alcohol);
  • demi-fine (alcohol concentration 50-68%);
  • ordinaire (contains 45-50% alcohol).

Absinthe contains significantly more alcohol than other spirits. allows you to preserve the beautiful emerald color of the product and prevent the decay of essential oils. Meanwhile, it is not accepted to use it in its pure form. And if diluted according to the rules, then it will not be stronger than good wine.

Today, about 100 brands of absinthe are known, which are mainly produced in France, Switzerland, Spain, and the Czech Republic. As a rule, it is a green-colored drink, although there are several Swiss varieties that are completely transparent. It is believed that the best varieties of absinthe are made exclusively from natural ingredients, without artificial dyes, and the drink gets its characteristic color from the chlorophyll secreted by their herbs.

Connoisseurs of the drink distinguish 2 types of absinthe: French, or Swiss (considered the "heir" of the original recipe) and Czech, or Bohemian (with a bitter taste, often made from artificial raw materials, without the use of herbs).

How did it appear

No other alcoholic drink is as mysterious as absinthe. This drink is named after bitter wormwood, a shrub whose leaves are part of this colorful drink. Lucretius also recalled the product from wormwood. Also, records of the medicinal properties of wormwood were found in ancient Egyptian papyri dated 1550 BC.

The modern era of absinthe dates back to the 18th century, when in the Swiss valleys of the Val de Travers, rich in many plants, a green alcoholic drink was created, the key ingredient of which was wormwood. There is an opinion that the drink from wormwood was invented by Madame Ernier and at first it was used exclusively as a remedy. At the end of the 18th century, the recipe for the drink was bought by Major Dubier, who, together with his son-in-law, continued to produce absinthe, which had already gained popularity in Switzerland. Soon they learned about alcohol in wormwood in France.

The main drink of bohemia

In the second half of the 19th century, artists and writers made absinthe an integral part of their bohemian life. He was very popular in France and the Czech Republic. Following the bohemia, people from other walks of life also got used to the drink. Soon the "green fairy" (as the product was called) captivated the whole world and reached the shores of America. Oscar Wilde, Marcel Proust, Edgar Allan Poe, George Byron, Vincent van Gogh, Arthur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine, Ernest Hemingway and many others loved and used this emerald potion regularly. In those days, it was believed that this is not an ordinary alcoholic drink that causes intoxication. Bohemia believed that the "green fairy" opens the mind, sharpens sensuality and even reveals hidden talents. At the same time, the myth was born that alcohol from wormwood supposedly has hallucinogenic properties.

fairy or devil

Among the ingredients of this emerald drink is the substance thujone (from the essential oils of wormwood). And although, as chemists would say, the drink contains only traces of this substance, it was thujone that caused absinthe to be banned in most Western countries at the beginning of the 20th century.

Fighters for sobriety absinthe, whose popularity grew day by day, did not like absinthe for a long time. But the last straw was the tragedy that occurred in 1905 in Switzerland. There, the farmer killed his family, and then tried to lay hands on himself. And all this happened after drinking absinthe. In 1908, the "green fairy" was banned in Switzerland as a dangerous drink. At the same time, few remembered that the killer farmer was an inveterate alcoholic who, before the emerald drink, drank a lot of wine. After the ban, the place of green alcohol was taken by pastis and other alcoholic drinks based on anise, but without wormwood.

The "green fairy" revival began in the 1990s; when importers in the UK realized that de jure this drink had never been banned in the country, merchants imported the first batch of the drink from the Czech Republic. And in 2000, the first batch of absinthe after 1914 was produced in France.

Thujon: harm and benefit

But still, is the thujone contained in absinthe harmful and, according to some sources, causing hallucinations? To answer this question, it is first important to understand what thujone is. This substance is a compound found in the essential oils of wormwood. It is indeed neurotoxic, and its overdose can cause seizures and dementia. But absinthe drinkers need not panic. In fact, there are stringent requirements that limit the concentration of thujone in a modern drink. First, after distillation, very little of this substance remains in wormwood. Secondly, it is concentrated mainly in the stems of the plant, and the leaves are used to make the drink. After many studies, scientists have proven that the content of thujone in absinthe is too low to cause hallucinations or other dangerous reactions. Well, perhaps, the reason for this will be the alcohol contained in the drink.

In the modern “green fairy”, the amount of thujone does not exceed 10 mg / kg, which is 10 times less than the concentration of the substance in the product of the early twentieth century sample.

Beneficial features

To understand that absinthe is good for health, helped ... the war. When the French colonial troops entered North Africa, the soldiers could not resist malaria until someone realized that absinthe helped protect against infection. The drink not only healed, but also served as a preventive measure for the French, who were not used to the exotic virus. It also protected against intestinal disorders, more precisely, it helped to destroy amoeba in the polluted one. And the French soldiers played an important role in popularizing the drink. Returning home, they themselves ordered their favorite absinthe and taught others to drink it. Researchers have calculated that in the first decade of the twentieth century, the French drank 6 times more "green fairy" than wine.

The beneficial properties of this drink are determined by its phytocomposition. So, thanks to herbal extracts, absinthe can be considered healing for:

  • anemia;
  • rheumatism;
  • jaundice;
  • women's diseases;
  • lack of appetite;
  • violations of the secretion of the stomach;
  • excessive excitement;
  • reduced libido;
  • pain in the joints;
  • bronchitis;
  • arrhythmias;
  • festering wounds.

Also, this drink (taken in reasonable doses) can dilate blood vessels, relax muscles, and strengthen the immune system.

For the treatment of diseases

If you mix about 30 ml of absinthe with a teaspoon of honey and 100 ml, you get an effective expectorant. With bronchitis, this medicine is taken 1 tbsp. l. after meal.

From 50 ml of "green fairy", 1 tsp. liquid and 100 ml of water, you can prepare a remedy for joint pain. Compresses are made from the mixture on sore spots. According to a similar recipe, a preparation is also prepared to remove keratinized skin on the heels.

A small amount of the drink will stop the development of infectious or colds. It can also be used to disinfect wounds, abscesses and ulcers.

How to drink

In the 19th century, absinthe served as an aperitif. During this era in Europe, the so-called "green hour" (between 5 and 7 pm), when it was customary to drink absinthe, gained popularity.

There are several ways to drink this drink. Classic, or French (Swiss) requires drinking from tall narrow glasses. The fifth part of the vessel is filled with the "green fairy". A special perforated spoon with a piece is placed on the glass. Cold water is poured through the refined sugar and in this way the glass is filled to the brim. Pour slowly so that the sugar is completely dissolved. The finished drink is drunk in one gulp.

The second way (Czech) is, one might say, the French way, but vice versa. Water is first poured into a glass, and absinthe is passed through the refined sugar.

There is a third way to drink the drink. It is more spectacular and is accompanied by a flame. The refined bone is impregnated with absinthe and set on fire. Drops of melted sugar through the same special spoon drip into a green liquid. After adding water and.

"Green Fairy": how to cook yourself

Buy absinthe today will not be a problem. This drink can be ordered in most bars. But in many cases it is very far from what Madame Hernier came up with. Although if you stock up on all the necessary ingredients, absinthe according to a 19th century recipe can be prepared on your own.

To do this, you need 25 g of wormwood leaves (only tops, without stems), 50 g of anise, 50 g of fennel and 950 mg of alcohol (not weaker than 85%). Plants are poured with alcohol and insisted for 10 days, after which 450 ml of water is added to the mixture and driven off with a distiller (make sure that the herbs do not burn). The output will be approximately 950 ml of the substance. For aesthetics, strain the drink through gauze folded several times.

Today, absinthe is a legal drink in most countries of the world. They say that today's celebrities are also not averse to overturning a second glass of emerald drink. There is information that absinthe fans include actor Johnny Depp, singers Eminem and Björk, and even former Czech President Vaclav Havel. But even today, when almost everything is known about the composition and properties of the "green fairy", the spirit of mysticism does not leave her. For some, a vessel with a liquid emerald is a symbol of romanticism, for others it is a devilish drink. And even today, not many people can unequivocally answer what absinthe is: the Green Fairy or the Green Devil. Although, most likely, it is both one and the other at the same time - it's all about the dose taken.

Absinthe occupies a special place among various types of alcohol. Its other name is wormwood vodka, the characteristic green color is of particular interest to the drink.

Over time, manufacturers have invented a large number of types of absinthe, which are used as a separate drink or base for cocktails.

Each manufacturer is characterized by a special manufacturing recipe, so the drink can have not only green, but black, red and blue colors.

To get to know the "green fairy" better, it is recommended to find out how to use it correctly, the composition and production recipe.

Characteristics of the drink

According to an old recipe, absinthe is made from wormwood tincture. The composition contains chlorophyll, it is also called the "green snake".

Due to the high alcohol content, he received the appropriate name, translated from English - "undrinkable".

If we compare all alcohol, then absinthe has the highest strength. The ancient Egyptians made it on the basis of an infusion of leaves and flowers of wormwood, to which wine or alcohol was added.

Consider the main characteristics of the drink:

  1. Fortress absinthe is 70-75 degrees, according to a special recipe.
  2. Production carried out by tincture of leaves of wormwood, lemon balm, juniper, fennel, anise.
  3. Recipe was discovered at the end of the 18th century by Dr. Pierre Ordinaire, who fled from the French Revolution to the province of Switzerland.
  4. Exists several ways to drink the drink, which will be discussed below: they are characterized by different temperatures, additives.

Types of absinthe and composition

Absinthe belongs to the group of anise compounds. Its recipe contains ingredients such as fennel, chamomile, mint, anise, hyssop and other herbs.

Note! A component obtained from the leaves of bitter wormwood - thujone, has a hallucinogenic effect.

To give a noticeable bitterness, absinthine is added to the composition. Today it is customary to classify the drink according to its color, strength and thujone content.

Consider the main types of absinthe by color classification:

absinthe colors Description
Green Initially, this color was achieved by proper preparation, when the composition retained the chlorophyll content. Today, manufacturers often add green dyes to maintain the image.
Yellow Coloring is achieved by efflorescence of chlorophyll, but today yellow is also produced by dyes.
Red Added pomegranate juice
Blue A natural dye is added to the drink, which looks beautiful during the preparation of cocktails.
Black Produced on the basis of an infusion of wormwood roots, sometimes black acacia is added
Transparent A real alcoholic drink with no additives

How to drink?

Today, there are 7 basic methods according to which you can drink absinthe correctly.

Each method has a specific name, coined according to the method of use:

  1. Classical. Another name is French. It involves the installation of a special spoon with holes on a glass with absinthe.

    A piece of refined sugar is placed on it, after which it is poured with very cold water. Thus, precipitation of essential oils is achieved, making the drink easier to drink with sugar.

  2. Undiluted. The drink is cooled to a temperature of 0 degrees, after which they drink in one gulp no more than 30 grams.
  3. Czech. The preparation is identical to the first method, however, the refined sugar is dipped into the poured drink and placed on top of the spoon.
  4. Russian. It involves the addition of syrup: syrup is made from sugar and water.
  5. Method "Two glasses". A small glass of absinthe is placed in a glass, starting to pour water. Once inside, the drink is mixed, which makes it ready for use.
  6. Adding other drinks. Absinthe is drunk with Cola, tonic, lemonade, Sprite. This is how you achieve a softer taste.
  7. Bartender. For preparation, use two glasses, a napkin, a straw and a lighter. Today it is customary to drink tequila and absinthe in this way.

Important! Use absinthe, observing the dosage and proportions, so as not to harm the body.

How to do at home?

You can make your own absinthe at home. The whole procedure consists of several stages, including certain actions with the liquid.

By following all the technology and instructions for preparation, you can achieve the correct composition, without impurities.

Consider the recipe:

  1. Infusion. For tinctures, various herbs are used: wormwood or Roman, hyssop, lemon balm.

    Grass seeds are poured into a jar, poured with alcohol and soaked. Alcohol must be diluted to 85%. The tincture is stored for 2-4 weeks in a dark place.

  2. Distillation. Distillation of the liquid occurs when using an open fire, so it is important to prepare a place to work in advance.

    The infusion is poured into a flask, collected in a distiller and put on fire. Only water should remain in the device after distillation.

  3. Coloring. Grass is poured into the liquid and sent to infuse. Tinting takes about 2 weeks.
  4. Aging. It involves aging absinthe, bringing it to fading, when it acquires a yellow tint.

It is better to get a special alcohol meter that will monitor the level of alcohol in the drink.

The effect of absinthe on the body

Considering the effect on the body of a green drink, it is worth noting the presence in the composition of a poisonous substance in large doses - thujone. In small proportions, this component has a therapeutic effect.

Note! Absinthe, prepared at home, will have beneficial properties for the body if taken in moderation.

Absinthe manufacturer Xentha has a good composition.

Consider the effect of a green drink on the body:

Absinthe can be consumed in small quantities at gatherings with friends as an intoxicating drink. Chronic use can cause addiction.

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