Palmistry fork under the ring finger. Palmistry: signs of good luck and luck on your hand

hand lines

The laws governing worldly success are mysterious and controlled by the actions, or Karma, of our previous life and our present condition. In other words, the signs, symbols and lines that are on the hands of people during and after birth are there, in accordance with the karma of their previous existence. If signs and lines are erased, appear or deepen, this is the result of our present actions. How exactly the lines change is a mystery, the fact is that changing our circumstances and ideals stimulates our mind and nervous system, as a result of which changes appear on the lines of the hands. Therefore, our life is the result of our past and present actions - this can be clearly read on our palms. Therefore, signs and symbols play an important role in astro palmistry. They correspond with the planets and other marks on the hands.

Line of Life ( green) begins at the foot of the hill of Jupiter, at the inner edge of the palm, between the index and thumb, and arcuately covers the hill of Venus.
The line of the Mind (head) begins between the thumb and forefinger, runs across the palm to the hill of Mars, not reaching the edge of the palm. It usually begins at the same point with the Life line, so that the roots of these lines merge on most hands.
Mind line ( blue) it is connected with a judgment about the field of mental abilities, thinking, and the functioning of the central nervous system.
Health Line ( yellow) begins on the hill of Mercury and goes down the palm parallel to the line of Success (Apollo). The idea of ​​the state of the digestive organs is connected with the line of Health. (rarely available)
Heart Line ( red) goes around the hills of the upper fingers, except for Jupiter. It usually starts at the root. index finger, slightly lowered, then goes in a gentle arc, the bulge of which is turned downward and reaches the very edge of the palm, serving as a dividing line between the hills of Mercury (under the little finger) and Mars (the edge of the palm). This is the only one of the main lines, which is sometimes completely absent. The line of the Heart marks the emotionality and sincerity of nature. This is the area of ​​feelings, attachments.
Subba line (purple) most often originates at the bottom of the palm from the bracelet, in the very middle, that is, from the gap between the hills of Venus and the Moon. On the line of Fate, you can read about all events, past and future. You can predict all changes: successes, failures, obstacles, the end result of a career.
Apollo Success Line ( blue) it is associated with the judgment of material wealth, productivity in art, the height of ideals. The line of Success emphasizes the significance of success, determined by a good line of Destiny. People with such a line easily win recognition, achieve their goals. The Line of Success lies in the lower part of the palm, but it is unstable: it starts from the line of Life, and from the hill of the Moon, and from the gap between them, and goes to the finger of the Sun (Apollo). (rarely available)
Rosetta line ( gray) represents lines covering the wrist. These lines are believed to indicate longevity, health, and happiness. Each well-closed wrist line predicts 30 years of life. If there are many transverse lines on the wrist, this means that a person will be accompanied by happiness.

The surviving palm leaves with texts on astro-chiromancy do not mention the rule that the right hand reflects a man, and the left - a woman - this is a purely gypsy myth adopted in European circles. AT ancient india women were not considered inferior to men when it came to understanding fate. In fact, women were at the center of philosophy and art. Since fate affects both men and women equally, the difference between the right and left hands is not determined by gender. The left hand has become more important than the right because it reflects who you are in this world, and the right hand is who you will be in the future. Of course, there are special signs for women, such as the arrow, the lightning rod, the double square, the scales of justice, the sword, the lotus, and the eight-pointed star. All of them signify prosperity and long life.

Signs and their meaning

The trident is a very rare sign, which is formed by branches from the connection of the line of the hand. Do not confuse the TRIDENT with the FORK, a much more common sign. necessarily has a clear pattern and usually completes (starts) the movement of the lines. The best option when the trident is located on the hill of JUPITER is a guarantee of the social significance of a person and his ideas, or on the hill of Apollo is a sign of public glory, fantastic success.

Square, rhombus, rectangle are considered signs of protection.
Signs that remove the threat from bad lines
And they soften the blows of fate (on the lines and hills as well).
Example: Sq. on the line of the heart, this is the prevention of some kind of unrequited love (i.e., easy flirting without worries).

The large quadrilateral is also called the Hand Table.
It is formed due to the intersection with each other: the line of the Mind, the Line of the Heart, the line of Destiny and the line of Success. It may have an irregular shape - beveled corners, far from straight lines, the absence of one of the sides. Well, if Ch. is correct, large and expands to the hill of JUPITER. This speaks of good health, directness and breadth of nature, honesty, kindness, a pleasant character. If otherwise, then this is a person. indecisive, weak, cowardly, selfish, etc.
And if there is no such figure at all in the center of the palm, this is an indicator of bad temper. If in the center of Ch. there is a cross that is not connected by any lines, then this is a special mystical sign (the gift of divination and a special inclination to study the OCCULT SCIENCES).

The connection of the lines: Mind, Heart, Health. If the Health line is almost not expressed, then a broken triangle is obtained .. In general, this figure means the development of mental abilities and health. The figure is correct - excellent health and a lively insightful Mind. If there is a break in the lines, then the side of the triangle on which this break occurred loses its integrity and positive properties.

The cross in the "Table of the Hand" is found on the hand of an honest man. Such a person will not throw, will not betray. And if he does this, it is only out of stupidity or by accident, but not intentionally. Such people always suffer if they do not justify the trust of others.

Cross on the hill of Jupiter.
This is almost the only place where the cross carries a positive charge. any cross indicates that at a certain period of life in the flow of energy gradually coming to you from above, an explosion suddenly occurs. Here it is a violation of the usual surge of energy that feeds pride and reasonable selfishness. An explosion - and you no longer think about yourself, lose your appetite and sleep, forgetting about everything, you fly in reality. Familiar?
This is Love!

Thin vertical lines on the phalanges of the fingers, especially on the index finger, are a sign of general decency not only in life, but also in thoughts.
Even when committing immoral acts (no one is immune from circumstances), these people have a solid core of decency inside. They are almost never capable of betrayal.

The extended upper phalanx of the middle finger indicates that you are a responsible and serious person in all respects.
Even children with such a middle finger are very responsible. By the way, if you found this sign on your baby's hand - do not scold him for nothing and do not make scenes because of serious things, he is already worried, maybe even more than you.

The ring finger leans towards the middle.
A person with such a tilt of the ring finger is hard to reach and serious. In love, these people show deep loyalty, deeply aware of the responsibility for their connections. Such people suffer too much in the event of a divorce.

The fitted lower phalanx of the thumb speaks of a person's tact, his good demeanor, his ability to control himself in the selection of expressions.

Cross under the middle finger.
This is a sign of disaster. However, the time has passed when this sign unequivocally sentenced a person to death. Thanks to progress, the development of technology and medicine, it is already more difficult for a person to just accidentally die from an accident. However, one must be careful. A brick falling from the roof will let everyone in except the owner of such a sign. Bank robbers will take him hostage. Therefore, the risk is simply contraindicated for such people.

An asterisk on the hill of Venus at the base of the thumb.
This sign speaks not only of unhappy love, but also of an unhappy marriage.

Mesh on the upper phalanx of the ring finger.
If so far such a person has not manifested severe mental disorders, then they will still someday manifest themselves.

The crosses located on the hill of Venus are very close to the Life Line.
Any cross indicates that at a certain period of life (see the scale) in the flow of energy gradually coming to you from above, an explosion suddenly occurs. Near the Life Line, such an explosion primarily affects your physical health. It is generally believed that such crosses speak of the loss of loved ones, with the condition that this loss will greatly affect the person.

Broken, that is, a short line of life.
ONLY PRESENT ON BOTH HANDS, such a drawing indicates the end of life, if not in the physical, then certainly in the spiritual sense for sure. Meeting on one hand, he says that a person from a certain period of time completely ceases to receive vital energy, ceases to develop.

Знак крест - пpизнaк кoлeбaния, нepeшитeльнocти, и oн нeблaгoпpиятeн нa бyгpe мepкypия (cклoннocть к двyличию, вopoвcтвy), a нa бyгpe сoлнцa (ecли линия зaкaнчивaeтcя нa знaкe)кpax пoпытoк дoбитьcя cлaвы и бoгaтcтвa. On the hill of Satyrna - this is a sign of the danger of violent death, on the hill of the moon - self-deception (with a descending line of the mind) and danger from water, on the hill of Mars - defeat in the fight; in contact with the line of the mind - the danger of an accident (head injury), with the line of fate - opposition from other persons, and on the line of the sun - means obstacles in achieving success.

Нo вoт мистический крест (pacпoлoжeнный в бoльшoм чeтыpexyгoльникe), нe кacaющийcя ocнoвныx линий, либo oбpaзoвaнный иx oтpocткoм (линии cepдцa или линии yмa) пepeceчeниeм линии cyдьбы, гoвopит o cпocoбнocти к oккyльтизмy, пpoницaтeльнocти, интyиции, дape пpopицaния.

The triangle sign is generally a favorable sign indicating outstanding abilities. This is a sign of success, a harmonious personality. Нa бyгpe юпитepa (пpи poвнoй и длиннoй линии yмa) этo пpизнaк cпocoбнocтeй к ycпeшнoй oбщecтвeннoй и гocyдapcтвeннoй дeятeльнocти, нa бyгpe сaтypнa - cклoннocти к гипнoтизмy, oккyльтизмy, к иccлeдoвaниям в нayкe, нa бyгpe сoлнцa - coчeтaния cпocoбнocтeй к чиcтoмy иcкyccтвy и нayкe, нa бyгpe venus - balance and prudence in heart affairs, on the mound of mars - success and prevention in military affairs, on the mound of the moon - balance, contemplation and practical practice.

Among the small signs, a favorable sign that eliminates one or another shortcoming or danger is the square sign. For example, if the break in the line of life is still connected by a square, then the threat of a dangerous disease in this case is supplemented by the possibility of recovery. Also on the hillock (holmax) the square improves the signs, and on the hill of Jupiter portends a happy marriage. Нaпpoтив, знaк звезда cчитaeтcя нeблaгoпpиятным пpизнaкoм, бyдyчи pacпoлoжeнным нa кoнцax пaльцeв - нa внyтpeннeй cтopoнe вepxнeй фaлaнги: Нa yкaзaтeльнoм - этo yгpoзa жизни из-зa гopдocти, нa cpeднeм - тo жe co cтopoны poкa, нa бeзымяннoм - co cтopoны oгня, a нa мизинцe - from various enterprises threatening bankruptcy for entrepreneurs.

The sign of the island, according to the general opinion, always loses evidence of one or another line, on which it turns out. Like dots (hollows), it means illnesses, troubles, failures in life's hardships, without which a person's life is not complete. К пpимepy, ocтpoвa в нaчaлe лини жизни oзнaчaют пpeдpacпoлoжeннocть к зaбoлeвaниям дыxaтeльныx пyтeй, ocoбeннo, кoгдa нoгти нa pyкe кpyглы и выпyклы в цeнтpe, нo ocтpoвa в cepeдинe линии - пpизнaк пpeдpacпoлoжeннocти к зaбoлeвaниям opгaнoв пищeвapeния, a в нижнeй чacти линии - пoчeк, мoчeвoгo пyзыpя and urinary organs. Нa линии yмa (гoлoвы) ocтpoвa oзнaчaют cклoннocть к yмcтвeнным пepeнaпpяжeниям: Пoд бyгpoм юпитepa - oт чpeзмepныx aмбиций, пoд бyгpoм сaтypнa - oт мнитeльнocти и пoдoзpитeльнocти, caмoкoпaния, пoд бyгpoм мepкypия - oт кaпpизoв и yxищpeний, пoд бyгpoм сoлнцa - oт тщecлaвныx cтpeмлeний, a also a danger to the eyes and face. An island at the beginning of the line of the heart is a sign of predisposition to heart disease (nail diagnostics should also be taken into account here). Нa линии cyдьбы ocтpoв - пpизнaк cклoннocти к cyпpyжecким измeнaм, нo вблизи ee нaчaлa нa бyгpe вeнepы - ocтpoв yкaзывaeт нa вoзмoжнocть нeблaгoпpиятнoгo влияния бpaкa н жизнeннyю cтeзю, a нa кoнцe ee - нa yдapы и yтpaты нa cклoнe лeт.

Знaки, oбpaзyeмыe cepиeй тoчeк, - кpyжки - пpeдвecтники ycпexa, кoгдa pacпoлoжeны нa бyгpax, a нa линияx тoчкикpacныe или гoлyбыe, в ocoбeннocти, тeмныe yкaзывaют, в oтличиe oт бeлыx, нa бoлeзнeннocть тoгo или инoгo opгaнa, oпpeдeляeмoгo иx мecтoпoлoжeниeм. Likewise, the sign of the lattice, indicating extremes in character, refers to signs of unfavorable. Тaк, нa бyгpe вeнepы этo знaк pacпyщeннocти (включaя, ceкcyaльнyю), нa бyгpe сoлнцa - cклoннocть к бeзpaccyдcтвy нa пoчвe тщecтлaвия, нa бyгpe сaтypнa cвидeтeльcтвyeт o cильнoм эгoцeнтpизмe и пpeдpacпoлoжeннocти к мpaчным дeпpeccивным cocтoяниям, o нeyмeнии cтaвить жизнeнныe цeли (a пpи pacпaдeнии линии cyдьбы into segments - about the cymbype in the head). Знaк peшeткa нa бyгpe юпитepa гoвopит o нeимoвepнoй гopдынe, a нa бyгpe мepкypия - o cклoннocти к вopoвcтвy, нa бyгpe жe мapca - o вoзмoжнocти нacильcтвeннoй cмepти, нaкoнeц, нa бyнpe лyны - o бecпoкoйcтвe и вялocти (y жeнщин - oб иcтepичнocти).

Dragon head.
Place - Star on Dragon lines or bracelets.
Meaning - Quiet life or old age.

Dragon tail.
Place - A line from the second bracelet to the hill of Venus.
Meaning - Disagreements with relatives or wife.

Cross of Mars.
Place - Cross or asterisk on the hill of Mars.
Meaning - Happy travels.

Distress Line.
Place - From the line of Life up, through the second joint of the thumb.
Meaning - Violent death or great danger from a married woman.

Location - Small dashes on the second joint of the thumb.
Meaning - Grumpiness. Small horizontal lines rising to the first joint are a sign of wealth in the second half of life.

Helm of Hermes.
Place - A cross or an asterisk on the third joint of the little finger, especially in the middle.
Meaning - Ingenuity and eloquence.

Current page: 16 (total book has 23 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 16 pages]

Line of Apollo (Sun)

The line of Apollo, or the line of the Sun, may take the form of a straight vertical line (or less often an arc) and mark its localization anywhere between the wrist and the hill of Apollo (see Fig. 98). It is noteworthy that there may be several similar lines in the palm of your hand. When conducting a palmist analysis, one must also take into account that the line of the Sun is rarely a solid and continuous contour. Most often it is broken in several places, and may look like a dash or several overlapping segments. However, the owner of the line of the Sun, whatever configuration it may be, is reputed to be a true connoisseur of art, has a penchant for ingenuity or a developed artistic fantasy.

This beautiful line, called by the famous American palmist William G. Benham the line of Ability, symbolizes the potential for success, as well as innate talents and a passionate desire to achieve wealth and fame. In addition, it can be used to find out what rewards await a person for his efforts. As for relationships, the presence of the Sun line can emphasize the charm of the owner of the hand and the ability to feel confident in any society.

The strongest and at the same time rare outline of the indicated line implies its beginning at one of Rosetta's bracelets and ending under the very base of the ring finger (Fig. 170).

Rice. 170. Ideal line of Apollo

Such a hand characterizes a diamond that has turned into a diamond after appropriate processing. A gifted, promising child received an appropriate education and, with a lot of effort, achieved brilliant success in the field of art, culture or fashion. It is also a great sign for a self-confident businessman who has a quick and clear mind, allowing him to find solutions to difficult problems without outside help. Especially favorable for the human creator is the picture in the palm of your hand, when the line in question is well colored, correctly formed and concave towards the hill of Apollo. This is a truly outstanding personality, capable of seeming to hypnotize those around him with his personal magnetism. If the line of Apollo begins on the hill of Venus behind the line of Life and reaches the ring finger (Fig. 171), then the person has the gift of imagination and an excellent visual memory, which makes it easy to remember minor details.

Rice. 171. The line of Apollo begins on the hill of Venus behind the line of Life and reaches the finger of Apollo

It is also a sign of great artistic talent. Most often, the owner of the hand comes from the appropriate social stratum and receives help from family members and relatives at the beginning of his career. There are many examples when the creator was inspired to create masterpieces by his wife or just a beloved woman who became a real muse of talent.

If the line of Apollo begins on the hill of the Moon and stretches to the ring finger, one can assume that a person has a soft, indecisive character and dependence on others. To make important decisions, he needs outside support and, despite his own talents, feels confident only under the guidance of a stronger and more self-confident personality. But, undoubtedly, his positive qualities are conflict-free and the ability to work in a team. In addition, such a person is an incorrigible dreamer, able to see a fantastic plot even in the most trivial everyday story.

Rice. 172. Short line of Apollo, lying low on the palm

Sometimes the line of Apollo can start very low in the palm of your hand and quickly break off without reaching the finger of Mercury (Fig. 172). Most often this means the flowering of talent in early age, thanks to a bright innate gift. Sometimes in this situation there is a certain shade of tragedy in the fate of a person who in his youth excelled others, using his extraordinary abilities. But with age, he lost interest in creative activity and submitted to opposing circumstances, turning from a potentially great personality into a colorless mediocrity. With an appropriate combination of signs (see “Family in the palm of your hand”), it can be assumed that the owner of the hand owes parting with his talent to his wife (spouse), who turned out to be the dominant partner, building the way of the family at her own discretion.

You can see the palm on which the line of Apollo starts from the very center (i.e., from the plain of Mars) (Fig. 173). Such a configuration of branches also means a forced transformation of innate qualities in the face of harsh reality. Most likely, such a hand belongs reasonable person who is able to learn life lessons, but at the same time does not lose the deep core of his own "I". An example is a writer who is forced to engage in "business projects", that is, to write such books that pay well, and leave his favorite topics aside.

Rice. 173. The line of Apollo begins in the very center of the palm

If the line of Apollo comes out in the form of an arc from the well-developed upper hill of Mars (Fig. 174), this means a long struggle for success.

Rice. 174. The line of Apollo begins on the Upper Hill of Mars

However, the owner of the hand is naturally endowed with both a bright talent and the expressed qualities of a wrestler, therefore he subconsciously does not want another life for himself. The desired reward will be not only recognition from the outside, but also personal spiritual comfort.

The hand on which the line of Apollo begins on the line of Life belongs to a person who knows how to ennoble any hard work and turn it into decent work (Fig. 175).

Rice. 175. The line of Apollo comes from the line of Life

He puts his soul into any business and is proud of his achievements. For example, an ordinary renovation in an apartment turns into a flight of designer fantasy, and an old used car turns into a car enthusiast's dream. In addition, with a favorable outline of both lines, we can say that wealth will come to the owner of the hand by inheritance.

The situation when the line of Apollo bends under the little finger speaks of the desire for a catchy appearance and visual effects, combined with a perky, artistic and sparkling character. Such a person is the soul of the company. He is not only dressed in fashion, but at the same time he behaves very confidently, stylishly and uninhibitedly. For example, young people with such an Apollo line in their appearance can preach the so-called "Gothic" style, reveling in its gloomy beauty. And representatives of the older generation - to demonstrate expensive suits and catchy accessories at a business dinner. It is noteworthy that such people treat the choice of a sexual partner in a similar way, focusing mainly on appearance.

Rice. 176. The line of Apollo ends with a square under the ring finger

The cross on the Apollo line can block creative energy, but other palmistry signs have a significant positive and protective effect on a person's life. So, the square under the ring finger on the Apollo line means that an influential person will help the owner of the hand to achieve greater success (Fig. 176). Perhaps it will be the boss, who saw the remarkable talent of his subordinate, a wealthy friend, or just a rich person who does not spare money for charity.

A star on the Apollo line multiplies personal luck and makes the person attractive to others. As you know, the owners of such a sign changed the course of history. A star near Apollo's finger (Fig. 177) enhances the skill of the orator and is often found on the hands of actors, singers, TV presenters and other people with clear diction. Some palmists argue that, using personal charm, communication skills and a protective sign on the hand, you can take any risk in order to earn big money.

Rice. 177. Star on the line of Apollo under the ring finger

The dashed, weak line of Apollo means the ups and downs of popularity, as well as doubts and difficulties on creative way. If this line is inexpressive, pale and blurry, then the owner of the hand lacks concentration and perseverance, so he is unlikely to become a well-known specialist in his field.

Rice. 178. Chaotic strokes that do not cross the line of Apollo

Multiple intersections of the Apollo line with other palmar lines and branches means that this person will have to overcome many obstacles to achieve the highest goal, most of which are generated by such vices as envy and greed. Chaotic needle strokes around the Apollo line, which do not cross it (Fig. 178), indicate enemies and envious people who want to harm the talent. However, all these troubles cannot cause serious harm and stop the desire for self-expression and success in creativity.

Prominent lateral lines merging with or running parallel to the main Apollo branch indicate occasional sources of income. For example, an artist may receive a series of commissions from a wealthy client, or a writer may suddenly find a wealthy sponsor who wants to stage his play. At the same time, many short lines crossing the Apollo line indicate serious obstacles that arise due to the fault of the close environment. The owner of such a hand can become a victim of envious friends, experience the betrayal of a corrupt partner, or fall into the power of despotic parents who are used to controlling the fate of their offspring.

The situation with many clearly distinguishable lines of Apollo of different lengths (Fig. 179) may mean that the owner of the hand cannot choose a professional field for himself.

Rice. 179. The line of Apollo consists of several lines of different lengths

He is endowed with various talents and an inquisitive mind, which makes it possible to master more than one skill or succeed in several arts at once. But here it is important to understand that it is possible to achieve extraordinary heights only in one single area, fully devoting oneself to this path. Interestingly, musicians usually have a large number of thin branches that make up the line of Apollo, while painters and poets have few, but more expressive and deep.

Especially noteworthy is the situation when the two lines of Apollo have the shape of the letter "V" (Fig. 180). Two forces (society and the unconscious) are pushing the owner of such a hand in different directions, and he cannot choose between public recognition and personal happiness. In this case, it can be advised to seek help from a competent person who sympathizes with the owner of the palm and is aware of all his affairs. It is this support that will help you choose the only path that activates the incredible inner potential.

If several branches are visible at the very base of the ring finger, this means a great artistic talent, and a branching in the form of a trident (Fig. 181) promises wealth and success in commercial affairs, provided that a person who is thirsty for all this stops rushing and worrying, concentrating on concrete practical steps.

The complete absence of the Apollo line on the hand speaks of a person who is dismissive of financial matters and contented with little - both in the material plane and in the spiritual sphere.

Rice. 180. The line of Apollo consists of two lines connected in the shape of the letter "V"

Rice. 181. Trident branching of the line of Apollo

Line (belt) of Venus

In one form or another, the line of Venus can be found on almost every hand. Its synonymous name is the Belt (or Ring) of Venus, since in the classical version this sign is located on the palm in a semicircle, starting between the index and middle fingers, and ending at the hillock of Mercury, between the ring finger and little finger (see Fig. 98) . Some palmists call the Belt of Venus the second line of the Heart, according to its location - between the lines of the Heart and the upper part of the palm.

As the name suggests, the Belt of Venus is associated with the erotic and loving nature of man. Thus, this sign correlates with great sexual appetites, especially if it is combined with the main indicator of sexuality - a large hill of Venus.

AT old school palmistry, it was believed that the complete absence of the line in question is very good sign, indicating a balanced person, not subject to destructive passions and deceit. Similar negative properties of the Belt of Venus stem from the fact that this line, with its semicircle, cuts off the hill of Apollo from the rest of the palm. As you know, this “solar” hill carries powerful creative energy, correcting and ennobling many negative palm signs with it, and being isolated by the Ring of Venus, it loses its properties. As a result, all symbols and combinations of lines fully exert their harmful influence on the fate of a person. In the 19th century, when hysteria was a common diagnosis, palmists referred to the Belt of Venus as the "line of hysteria." And since sexual energy often manifests itself in the form of mental imbalance and a tendency to promiscuity, the most accurate synonymous name for this branch will be the "libido line."

At present, it is known for certain that the Belt of Venus occurs in 10% of people, and its presence emphasizes the emotional responsiveness and sensual susceptibility of nature. People with this palmistry symbol are easily suggestible, subject to the influence of passions and bad habits, and also prone to sexual fantasies, although the degree of all this depends on the clarity, length and depth of the line itself. However, when analyzing a hand with a pronounced Belt of Venus and describing the psychological portrait of its owner, one should definitely take into account the severity, direction and clarity of the main palmar lines, as well as the condition of the hills.

If the well-developed hill of Venus is densely incised with a large number of thin and deep lines, then love of love turns into vice, and sensuality into refined debauchery. Such a person is irresistibly drawn to rash acts. He, as they say, "thinks with the lower chakras", that is, he is constantly looking for sexual saturation, easily falls in love and also easily forgets his partners. Bad tendencies can bring such a subject to alcohol or drug addiction, and any attempt by others to delay this fall plunges him into a rage or deep depression.

The situation when the Belt of Venus at its beginning is crossed by other palmar lines (for example, the line of Fate, Fig. 182), means that the owner of the hand at an early age knew the taste of sensual pleasures, not having a special idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcaution and self-esteem. This sign also indicates some scandalous circumstances of the youth, which a decent person would not like to remember.

Rice. 182. Belt of Venus intersects with the line of Fate

If the Ring of Venus in the palm of your hand is combined with a long and well-defined line of the Head and a convex, developed mound of Apollo, then such a combination indicates that the owner of the hand has traits of nobility in character, and is also not devoid of intelligence, intelligence and creative orientation. All these qualities will help him successfully overcome the passionate influence emanating from the Girdle of Venus, which can result in amazing lyrical works.

A short and clear Belt of Venus (Fig. 183) is a sure sign of an over-emotional personality.

Rice. 183. Short and clear Belt of Venus

This person does not know peace and peace of mind. As soon as he loses his vigilance and sense of proportion, even for a moment, all the demons of the soul will break free. According to some palmists, the short Belt of Venus is inherent in an active and at the same time shrewd person for whom the feelings of others are an open book. A similar sign is usually found in professional showmen, socialites and public figures who use their sexual energy and charisma to win over the public. A long, torn, and poorly formed Girdle of Venus can be a sign of a restless temperament. It indicates a person who is having difficulty satisfying his emotional needs, or symbolizes difficulties in discharging accumulated internal tension. So, a torn Girdle of Venus can be a sign of an extremely sensitive person who is prone to outbursts of irritation and unsuccessfully trying to find an outlet for his energy in sex. If the gaps in the line of Venus are very large, so that its outlines are only partially expressed, the owner of the hand may be frivolous, irresponsible and promiscuous in sexual relations.

Rosetta lines

The Rosetta line can be found on any palm without exception. These are horizontal lines, as if surrounding the wrist in several rings (see Fig. 98) and stand out especially clearly if the hand is slightly bent. Rosette, as it were, limits the palm, marks its end, therefore sometimes its lines are called Venus bracelets or simply bracelets. Rosetta is also put in astrological dependence on the zodiac sign of Leo, therefore, in the old works of French palmists, it is called the Leo line or simply Leo.

The top Rosette bracelet is traditionally associated with health, the second with wealth, and the third with love. And if all three ring lines are solid, clear and localized parallel to each other (Fig. 184), this marks a healthy, long life, full of prosperity and serenity.

Rice. 184. Three whole Rosetta rings

In particular, it is believed that each clear, unbroken bracelet corresponds to 30 years of perfect health. Thus, the circular lines of the wrist act as additional lines of Life, adding strength, energy and courage to life path.

It is great if Rosetta has an oval outline, because this portends numerous inheritances and prosperity even in youth (Fig. 185). At the same time, if on the female hand the upper line is curved towards the palm like a bow, then this warns of a high probability of difficult childbirth (Fig. 186).

Rice. 185. Oval Rosette

Rice. 186. The top line of Rosetta is curved in the shape of a bow.

If the rings of Rosetta (especially the second) are bifurcated, this can be considered a prediction of honors and wealth in old age (Fig. 187). Weak, broken rings in the form of short lines or bracelets in the form of chains indicate poor physical condition, a difficult life and frequent periods of stress.

If a line begins from the rings of Rosetta, passing along the Upper Hill of Mars and following to the hill of Apollo, then this portends wealth, fame and honors that will be acquired through the patronage of an influential person (Fig. 188). Several circles on bracelets mean that a person will be the heir several times.

Rice. 187. The second ring of Rosetta is forked

Rice. 188. From Rosetta begins a line passing along the Upper Hill of Mars to the Hill of Apollo

Several circles on bracelets mean that a person will be the heir several times.

In the event that lines heading towards the Head line depart from Rosetta, this is a sign of rapid career growth. If such lines are bent, for example, towards the hill of Venus (Fig. 189), then the career will be associated with a person of the opposite sex, and if they stretch in the direction of the hill of Apollo, then a career is expected in the field of art. The length of the lines to the hill of Mercury promises a career related to finance or science.

Rice. 189. A branch from the ring of Rosetta goes to the hill of Venus

If the Rosetta lines form an angle open towards the thumb, this portends a marriage without love, but strong, reliable and lasting (Fig. 190).

Rice. 190. Rosetta lines form an angle open towards the thumb.

The fourth Rosetta ring is a rarity and generally a very good omen. Its owner will be favored by fate throughout life and until old age. Usually, the line of Life is very long on both palms and may have a sister line (“Guardian Angel line”) - a sign of protection and good luck. A hand with the indicated signs can be called "happy".

Secondary palm lines

The minor lines indicated below are usually small and are not found on every hand. However, their impact on human life is quite large. The very name of these lines reveals hidden meaning and controlling energy.

Line of the Milky Way, or Line of Communication

The line of the Milky Way, or the line of Communication, is very rare in the palm of your hand, but its presence leaves a significant imprint on the communicative abilities of the individual and the specifics of communication. Some palmists call it the "sister line to the Mercury line", the "voluptuous line" or the "Charisma line". Usually this line starts at the wrist, runs along the edge of the palm and goes to the finger of Mercury (Fig. 191). A clear, unbroken line is indicative of a person's ability to greatly benefit from their communication skills. In addition, the presence of the line of Communication on the palm indicates that the subject is prone to the manifestation of vivid emotions, spurring him to an ardent conversation and the ability to convince.

Rice. 191. Long Line of Communication

He can flatter to melt the heart of a proud interlocutor, or Venus can pretend to show offense in order to influence someone's vulnerable soul.

From the point of view of sexual relations, the presence of the line of Voluptuousness in the palm, in combination with a pronounced Girdle of Venus, indicates a tendency to ardent and unrestrained manifestations of emotions generated by love passions.

A perfectly straight and wide line of Communication reveals a restless person who often becomes annoying to others. When this branch originates from the large hill of Venus, then its owner can easily become a victim of addictions, since he is inclined to plunge into the world of unrestrained passions (Fig. 192).

Rice. 192. Line of Communication originates from a large hill of Venus

If a branch from the line of Communication flows into the line of Apollo, then this indicates the possibility of obtaining wealth by acquiring profitable acquaintances (Fig. 193). However, if the lines in question do not intersect, then financial losses may follow as a result of a breakdown in relations between people. For example, this may be the division of company property or divorce proceedings.

Rice. 193. A branch from the line of Communication merges into the line of Apollo

If the line of Communication passes from the palm to the wrist, then in front of us is a person who is carried away and passionate (Fig. 194). However, it is precisely the fact in which direction he will direct his actions that is crucial. Its energy can be detrimental and destructive, bringing trouble to both its owner and those around him, or it can help grow spiritually and give happiness to others. In this case, be sure to pay attention to the configuration of the Rosetta rings.

Rice. 194. Line of Communication passes to the wrist

Rice. 195. Ideal line of Intuition

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At the very beginning of the book, in the chapter on the general classification of hands, we already talked about the length of the fingers. But before proceeding to the description of each of the fingers, I would like to say a few words about their general characteristics.

First, you need to pay attention to how the fingers are positioned when the client holds out his hand to you for interpretation. If the fingers are closed (see Fig. 16), this indicates his caution and timidity. If the fingers are spread apart (Fig. 109), this indicates openness and self-confidence.

Sometimes on the base phalanx, located closest to the palm, you can see thin vertical lines (Fig. 110). These are known as stress lines. They appear when a person begins to urgently need a few days of rest.

Interestingly, even one night of good, sound sleep can significantly affect the state of these lines. They are formed under the influence of several factors: stress, lack of rest, excessive fatigue and increased activity, leading to physical and mental exhaustion. For the person on whose hand I find these lines, I always recommend taking a short vacation and trying to make it relaxing and calm, because some people tend to work harder during holidays than on normal working days!

Horizontal lines on the upper, or nail, phalanx are called stress lines (Fig. 111).

Stress lines appear quickly and disappear just as quickly, while stress lines form slowly, but are much more difficult to get rid of. They arise under the influence of prolonged stress. The presence of stress lines indicates that it is time to resolve a difficult situation, reevaluate your life and go on a long vacation. These lines can also indicate health problems in the near future caused by stress. If stress lines are pale and thin, this indicates that they are either in the process of formation or are slowly disappearing. By noticing such lines, you can conclude that a person has experienced a severe stressful situation in the recent past or is currently experiencing it.

Fingers should be straight. If they are crooked, this indicates low self-esteem in that area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, which is evidenced by crooked fingers.


The fingers are divided into three parts (phalanges). Ideally, all phalanges of one finger should be equal in length. If one of the phalanges is longer than the others, this means that a person will use its energy at the expense of the remaining two. If the phalanx is very short, this indicates that the energy is inactive, dormant and not used for its intended purpose. As in everything, in palmistry one must strive for balance and balance.

upper phalanx - intuition and spirituality

middle phalanx - intelligence

lower phalanx - material world

The upper phalanx is associated with intuition and spirituality (Fig. 112). If the upper phalanges of all fingers are long, this indicates a person who is thoughtful and interested in the meaning and purpose of life.

The middle phalanx is associated with intelligence. If all the middle phalanges on a person's hand are long, this indicates that he can become a successful entrepreneur or businessman.

The lower, or base, phalanx is associated with the material aspects of human life.

If it is long, broad and looks swollen and bloated, this indicates a person who is greedy and self-indulgent. Try not to confuse such a phalanx with a pillow phalanx, or fleshy, which seems springy to the touch. A phalanx of this type indicates a person who loves to eat well and in most cases is an excellent cook. Even if this person does not like to cook, he still does it better than the vast majority of people.

He is able to appreciate and always praises skillfully prepared, delicious dishes.


The joints of the fingers are smooth and knotty. A person with knotty joints (with fingers on which the joints are very noticeable, (Fig. 113) is prone to analytical thinking and detailed planning. He first carefully thinks over his every step and only then does it. Some authorities in palmistry correlate knotty joints with concentric circles. If we draw an analogy, then the thought, as if descending from the tip of the finger, goes around the knotted joint several times before continuing to move down.

If among your acquaintances there is a person who loves to argue and subject even the most insignificant issues to a thorough discussion, you can be sure that he has knotty finger joints.

Smooth joints are outwardly invisible (Fig. 114). A person with such joints is not prone to analysis to the extent that a person with gnarled joints is prone to it. On the contrary, people with smooth finger joints rely more on intuition, inner voice and inspiration. By the way, there are much more people with smooth joints in the world than with knotty ones. This is directly related to how a person uses his brain and intellect.

The knot at the joint between the upper and middle phalanges is known as the philosophical knot. A person who has such a knot on each finger never takes anything for granted and draws conclusions only after a long period of reflection.

The knot at the joint between the middle and lower phalanges is known as the order knot.

A person who has such a knot on his fingers is systematic and loves order, he has his own place for each item. Sometimes, paradoxically, such a person, for example, may turn out to be sloppy in everyday life and at the same time demand that work papers be filled out in strict accordance with the rules.


The fingers can be placed on the hand in four different ways.

If the line of the base of the fingers forms a gently curved arch (Fig. 115), this indicates a person who is balanced and does not consider himself an outstanding person. This person does not place himself above or below other people.

If the line, or arch, of the base of the fingers has a roof-like shape (Fig. 116), in which the index finger (finger of Jupiter) and the little finger (finger of Mercury) are lower than the others, this indicates a person who is not self-confident.

Fingers located along a straight line indicate an extremely confident person, very proud of his abilities and merits. If at the same time the index finger and little finger are of the same length, this indicates a person who is arrogant, vain, arrogant, arrogant and extremely ambitious. On the way to success, nothing will stop him.

If all fingers are located along a gently arching arch, but the little finger is noticeably lower than the other fingers (Fig. 117). Here is a very common setting of the fingers. It is known as the "pubescent" little finger and indicates that a person on the path of life will face serious obstacles and each time get out of a predicament on his own. For a long period, things will go well, but after a certain time, a person will quite unexpectedly encounter troubles that could not be foreseen. The “lowered” little finger symbolizes the fact that life science will be difficult for a person.


When you ask a person to show his hands and he holds them out to you, in most cases his fingers do not touch each other. This suggests that your client is an independent, thinking person.

In the event that the fingers of a person are tightly closed, you can be sure that you are a conformist who knows how to adapt to any situation and does it in all available ways. Such people, with rare exceptions, are not able to give birth to an original idea.

A person whose fingers are far apart does not tolerate opportunism, but he loves to surprise and even shock others.

If there is a noticeable gap between the index and middle fingers (Fig. 118), this indicates a sober-minded and responsible person who is able to make decisions independently. This combination is most successful for managers and managers.

Quite rare, but still there are hands with a noticeable gap between the middle and ring fingers (Fig. 119). This indicates a person who values ​​​​independence and freedom, which is very difficult to subdue and persuade to anything.

A noticeable gap between the ring finger and the little finger (Fig. 120) betrays a person who prefers to always make decisions on his own. This individual is most likely quite unconventional in his views and approaches, which entails troubles and complications in his personal life.


The classification of the shape of the fingers coincides with the general classification system of the hands of D "Arpentigny. There are three main forms: square, scapular and conical(Fig. 121-123). Often the shape of the fingers coincides with the shape of the hand.

For example, tapered fingers are most commonly found on tapered hands. However, in most cases, the elements of the hand have a different shape. So, the index finger can be square, the middle one can be conical, and the ring finger can be scapular.

If the fingers are tapered, this indicates a person who thinks practically, but is prone to idealism. He is smart, sensitive and open to communication.

The pointed shape of the fingers is an extreme manifestation of the conical shape. A person with such fingers is very impressionable and has a subtle intuition. It can be described as a person spiritualized, temperamental and nervous.

The square-fingered person is practical and likes to work on a pre-set, consistent schedule. He is used to thinking methodically, sequentially and slowly, and he likes order. Such a person always prefers the long-tried and proven to the new and unusual.

Shoulder fingers, flat at the tips, indicate a practical and resourceful person. He is tireless, energetic, does not like to rest, is constantly on the move, welcomes change and opens up new, unexplored horizons.

This person is smart, unconventional, original and readily discusses any new ideas and trends.

A person with fingers of different shapes on one hand is versatile and has a wide range of interests. He easily adapts to any conditions and just as easily fits into any situation. You will definitely notice that even on mixed hands one of the forms is dominant, and the person will have characteristic features this form to a greater extent than the features of other forms.

People with mixed fingers often choose an orthodox profession that matches the dominant shape of the finger, while the shapes of other fingers indicate their hobbies.


Carefully examining the hand, gently press on the ball of your finger to check if it is flexible or inflexible. As usual, we are looking for balance, so ideally the fingers should be moderately flexible.

If the fingers are inflexible, this indicates that the person tends to block energy and overwhelm themselves or others. If the fingers are too mobile, this indicates a person who is compliant, quickly and easily surrendering. Completely inflexible, ossified fingers belong to a man who is firm, unshakable in his principles and convictions. Moderately flexible fingers indicate a balance of the above qualities. Such a person is able to yield in small things, but when necessary, he will be able to stand up for himself and his principles - and not give up even under strong pressure.

They reflect character traits that are somehow connected with the material aspect of life. So, if there is a star on his lower phalanx, then in everything that has to do with money, the person will be successful. And vice versa, he will have to be poor if there is a cross on the nail phalanx. Directly at the base of the finger there is a double line - marriage is destined to break up. To find out how many children the subject has, you need to look at the vertical parallel lines located on the lower phalanx. The owner of the hand in front expects celebrity and honors if he has an arcuate line near the base of the thumb, where the angle between it and the edge of the palm is formed.

The horizontal line present on the lower phalanx of the index finger indicates that the person will receive an inheritance. If there are also two parallel strokes that intersect with two similar ones, this is a sign of a divorce - which has already taken place or is coming.

If there are horizontal lines on the middle phalanx of the index finger, the subject is envious and deceitful. Pronounced parallel vertical lines indicate that there will be many children in the marriage. Such lines, available both on the lower and on the middle phalanx of the index finger, speak of a noble nature. And if they are on three phalanges, this is a good sign that informs about the happy fate of a person. If literally at the base of the index finger there is a star, some influential person will patronize the researched person.

If there is a cross on the middle finger, at the base of the nail phalanx, the fair sex with this sign will be childless. The presence of an oblique line on the lower phalanx of the middle finger either betrays a stingy person, or portends that an accident will be the cause of his death. Several wide lines are visible on the middle phalanx - their number indicates the number of sons a person has, who will grow up good and continue the race with dignity. Such, but very thin lines indicate the number of childless daughters. If there are two vertical lines running in parallel on the middle and lower phalanx, the life of the subject will be happy. However, everything will be the other way around if a grid of lines is also visible there. The fact that a person is about to get rheumatism, or gout, or another disease of the musculoskeletal system, is indicated by vertically located short dashes near the base of the middle finger.

If there are vertical lines on the second phalanx of the ring finger, the person will bathe in the rays of glory, but his income will be very modest. Short vertical lines are visible on the nail phalanx - a person will become a rich heir. If three vertical lines are located on the lower phalanx, the children of the person who is guessing by hand will become famous and revered. The presence of a grid of lines on the ring finger portends that people from the inner circle of communication will cause mental anguish to the researcher. The marriage will be happy if three vertical lines running in parallel can be seen on the nail phalanx. Loud glory awaits the owner of a double cross, located on the lower phalanx of the ring finger.

If a grid of lines is visible on the lower phalanx of the little finger, similar in configuration to the letter “m”, nature has endowed a person with eloquence. You can find out about the number of children by counting the number of vertical parallel strokes on the lower phalanx of the little finger. However, this only gives the correct result if

Important information: palmistry is considered a pseudoscience. It is possible to check it and it is quite simple to do it, however, scientific research in favor of palmistry as a science has not been conducted. Scientists refer palm reading to one of the so-called "cold" reading techniques.

The ability to read fate from hand to hand is a very practical talent, which, unfortunately, not many people possess. Although learning the basics of hand reading is quite simple, our hands are not only lines. Reading fate from hands consists of three parts: chirognomy (studying the shape of the hands, including fingers and pads), palmistry (studying the lines of the palms) and dermatoglyphics (studying patterns on the skin and fingerprints). Continue reading this article to learn about some of the advanced techniques that can be applied when reading fate from the hands of a person.



  1. Examine the shape of the fingers. The normal shape of the fingers usually matches the shape of the hand. However, most hands are a mixture of several finger shapes, reflecting the diversity of talents and characteristics that each individual possesses. The shape of the nails is also used to determine the shape of the fingers.

    • square fingers possess square nails and indicate a mundane trait in relation to the attributes of a particular finger.
    • pointed fingers often have almond-shaped nails and indicate the artistic nature of a person.
    • Spatulate the fingers have square nails that widen at the ends and indicate the ingenuity of the person.
    • Tapered fingers possess oval nails and indicate a well-developed imagination.
    • In case of mixed finger shapes if, for example, a person's ring finger is square, then this person has a predisposition to art. But if the same person has a pointed index finger, then his profession, as a rule, is not related to art.
    • When it comes to nails as a rule, long nails indicate a soft nature; short nails are a sign of an unlucky, paranoid and difficult character; wide nails indicate grumpy qualities; narrow nails are inherent in conservative and sophisticated personalities.
  2. Examine your fingers for smoothness. The smoothness of the fingers and knuckles is a good indicator of which areas of life a person is most active in. This indicator also affects the instinctive, practical and intellectual achievements in the areas of life, which are symbolized by each individual finger. The middle finger symbolizes services (goals, restrictions). The index finger symbolizes authority (position, wealth, happiness). The ring finger symbolizes the implementation of the plan (glory, success). Finally, the little finger symbolizes activity (health, intelligence, commercial projects).

    • If the knuckles are generally smooth, then a person is prone to passivity, allows other people to control him, but at the same time he is quite impulsive from time to time, which sometimes leads to carelessness and frivolous actions.
    • If the top knuckles are smooth and the middle knuckles have deep wrinkles or skin folds, then the intellect of a person and his practicality are well combined with each other. A strong instinctive attraction is a sign of well-developed bones.
    • The fleshiness of the fingertips, as well as their level of flatness points to good development(or lack thereof) in relation to the attributes of each finger.
    • Well developed round fingertips indicate strong intelligence and curiosity. Flat pads indicate a lack of intellectual insight into the attributes of each finger.
  3. Examine the distance between the fingers. It is also important to note how far the fingers are from each other. With your hand relaxed, examine your fingers and note how some fingers are at a distance from other fingers, and some are close to neighboring fingers.

    • Independent mind indicated by if your little finger is located separately from the ring finger, at a fairly large distance.
    • Art life, shown when the ring finger is close to the middle finger. Your destiny will also help your success.
    • If your middle and index fingers are close together, then this indicates that you will achieve authority and a high official position through your own goals and dreams. If these fingers are far apart, then other factors will affect your life.
  4. Study the structure of the fingers. The structure and thickness of the fingers indicate the character traits of a person.

    • heavy fingers usually indicate a physical nature, which may have a heavy view of the world.
    • Long and thin fingers indicate a more emotional and aggressive person; people with such fingers are very sensitive to insults and often take sarcasm literally.
    • Short and fat fingers indicate an emotionally comfortable character.
    • If the index finger longer than the usual length, then the person is prone to leadership and control over other people. If it is shorter than normal length, then the person prefers to stay behind and allows other people to control him.
  5. Study the length of the fingers. The length of the fingers is measured relative to the length of the palm. On average, the longest finger should be about seven to eighths the length of the palm, and if it is as long as the palm, then such fingers are considered long. Short fingers - shorter than seven or eighths from the length of the palm. The index finger, however, should reach a third of the nail of the middle finger. The ring finger, as a rule, reaches just above the nail of the middle finger, and the little finger should reach the top knuckle of the ring finger.

    • If the ring finger longer than the usual length, then a man. most likely talented in the arts, but at the same time he indicates a reckless and violent character.
    • If the little finger shorter than the usual length, then a person is not able to influence other people. If it is longer, then the person is eloquent and knows how to write and sell well.


    1. Read the health line. The line of health describes the material and physical well-being of a person, especially if the line of life appears on the hand very faded and difficult to see. If a person has weak lines of fame, fate and success, then the line of health also plays a big role in shaping material well-being. The line of health runs from the base of the little finger, down through the palm to the base of the thumb. Sometimes it coincides with the line of life.

      • Missing- most likely, you will have practically no health problems.
      • deep and continuous- good business qualities, as well as the ability to work hard and earn money.
      • Wavy- potential health problems due to nervousness and anxiety.
      • Interrupted- Poor health will lead to problems in business.
      • Small lines cross the health line- Predisposition to accidents.
      • Additional lines go to the life line- a sign of a life-threatening situation in old age.
      • Square around the line- a symbol of protection, whether it is good medical care or help in resolving business problems.
      • Donut shaped line break- the need for hospitalization.
      • Triangle formed by the lines of life, head and health- known as a lucky triangle, in which the width of the corner is directly proportional to the level of luck of the person.
    2. Read the glory line. The line of glory supports the line of fate. The fame line influences the social rewards of success. This line, if visible, starts at the base of the hand and runs up to the base of the ring finger parallel to the line of fate.

      • Missing- the future glory of a person is hidden in other areas of the hand; this person may be successful, but prefer not to shine his success in front of the public.
      • deep and clear- difference and job satisfaction in your life.
      • Periodically broken- indicates the ups and downs in public recognition.
      • Reaches straight to the ring finger- glory in art is very possible.
      • Starts at the head line and goes through the heart line- hard work and late success in life.
      • Separation at the end of the glory line (turning into two small lines)- success may be questionable.
      • Ends under the ring finger in the shape of a star or triangle- brilliant success in the field of arts (acting, singing, dancing).
      • Ends under the ring finger in the shape of a square- benevolent patron.
    3. Read the marriage line. Relationships are described by a small line (or lines) located just below the base of the little finger. The closer these lines are to the base of the little finger, the later in a person's life these relationships will occur.

      • Several light lines- novels.
      • Deep and clear lines- marriage.
      • Lots of intersecting lines- love affairs on the side.
      • Lines that meet but do not intersect- children born from connections on the side.
      • Branching at the beginning to the back of the hand- a long engagement.
      • Fork at the end towards the palm separation (with or without divorce).
      • A line at the end that sharply cuts off the marriage line End of relationship due to death or divorce.
      • Breaks that rejoin with the intersection- parting with subsequent reunion.
    4. Read the money line. This line does not indicate material wealth, but the skill of acquiring such wealth and how it can be achieved.

      • Missing- you will have so much money that you will use 100 dollar bills as a handkerchief.
      • A line from the base of the thumb to the base of the index finger, ending in a star shape, - a natural talent for making money.
      • Line from the base of the thumb to the little finger- Wealth from inheritance or family income.
      • Line from the base of the thumb to the middle finger- money earned through business.
      • Line extending to the ring finger, passing through the line of glory- money will come through luck and unexpected circumstances.
    5. Read the travel lines. These lines are the main indicators of the journeys and journeys you will take during your lifetime that will have a profound effect on your life. These lines, as a rule, begin at the edge of the hand, opposite the thumb, and stretch horizontally.

      • Intersection with the life line- a trip that will be triggered by your health, or a trip that will affect your health.
      • Crossing travel lines- danger or problems during the journey.
      • Lines are enclosed in a square- a symbol of protection in your travels.
      • breaks- possible travel delays.
      • Crossing with the line of fate- travel will change your life.