Insightful value. What is a shrewd person

Each of us has noticed that some people can foresee any little things in every life situation, while others can only make mistakes in making decisions; it is not difficult for some to distinguish false from truth, while the latter are constantly deceived. These differences are based on the presence of insight or its complete absence.

Insight is a special ability

An insightful person is one who is able to foresee upcoming events, has the ability to draw the right conclusions in a certain situation and make the only right decision at the appropriate moment.

Human insight is a unique ability that all the inhabitants of our planet would like to have. This is an opportunity to see the real state of things, hidden behind many subjective factors of human life. We can say that insight is an objective attitude to the situation, which makes it possible to accurately predict future events, based only on one's knowledge of what is happening.

But what does "clever man" mean? This is a person who can easily determine the hidden essence of things, deeds, events and people.

The important thing is that this is a calm individual who does not pay attention to external signs and the behavior of other people. For him it is not at all important whether a person has wealth or its absence. Only thanks to his inner instinct, based on his impressions, relying only on his inner "I", he can succeed in almost any area of ​​life, finding the only correct action in any situation. That's what it means - a shrewd person!

A look into the soul

You can often hear the phrase "a penetrating look." And immediately there is a feeling that a small shiver passes through the body. We feel as if we are being scanned, studied, examined without asking our permission. We understand that a penetrating gaze is an "X-ray", a special sensitive "organ" of a person, helping him to see through others, to recognize the smallest details, nuances that will be hidden for ordinary people.

It is these abilities that make one wary of the owner of such opportunities. He is considered special, even possessing superpowers. Is it so?

How to develop insight

It should be noted that insight is not given to a person by nature as a gift. This is meticulous work, daily work on yourself.

  1. Insight is a matter of years of experience. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that an insightful person is an old man of advanced age who wants to leave behind a legacy for posterity. This may be a fairly young person who is able to analyze and learn from the mistakes of others, without missing the smallest details, to absorb someone else's experience for his own life.
  2. Focusing thoughts on the main thing is the basis of correct decisions. You can not disperse attention and hope that the situation will resolve itself. It is necessary to take into account all the points related to the desired issue, not missing even the smallest details.
  3. Clarification of all the nuances. Very often we feel a catch, but we are afraid to ask an extra question. Only the curious, those who are interested, clarifies, get rid of unnecessary doubts.

Do you want to become discerning? Become him!

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to outline a basic plan of action that will lead to success.

  • Insight is mindfulness. An astute person is one who is capable of working as a wanted man. He doesn't miss out on what ordinary people would not pay any attention. For him, this is the norm.
  • The systematization of knowledge is the basis for the stability of thinking. Our brain can work like a clock only when all the mechanisms in it are working. This means that all information must be systematized and structured, only in this way thoughts will themselves line up in logical chains, which will help bring any business to its logical conclusion.
  • Communication with people is an opportunity to gain experience. By carefully studying what the interlocutor said, it is possible to understand the correctness or fallacy of his actions, mentally recreating the basis of actions in a similar situation. During the dialogue, it is also important to pay attention to the movements and gestures of the interlocutor. It is they who in many ways can give out the falsity of the words of the speaker.

But the main thing is that an insightful person is a thinking person, and in order to become insightful, it is important not to make hasty decisions!

What is a piercing gaze and what does it mean?

At all times, people attached great importance to the look. The power of the attractive eyes of the beloved was sung in verse, and the gaze clouded by heavy thoughts or burning with rage can be seen in many male portraits.

The influence of people with a piercing gaze

Often we think about why some people have a strong influence on others. If they are endowed with power, wealth or power, then everything is clear - they rely on things that are obvious to everyone.

But often people listen to the opinion of those on whom absolutely no one and nothing depends on the issue under discussion. Sometimes even those who have the right to make decisions fall under their influence. But if you look closely at everyone who attracts the attention of others, you can see that they all have one thing in common - a piercing look. The eyes of a person are the first thing that the interlocutor pays attention to, they inspire trust or dislike, and nothing can change this impression.

What does "piercing gaze" mean?

Throughout human history Special attention has always been given to the eyes, vision and everything connected with them. In all world religions, there are ideas that higher powers are always watching every person throughout his life. The sun was often referred to as the "Eye of God". All great people - rulers, figures of science and culture - have a piercing look in their images, whether it be a statue or a portrait. But the artists gave them different facial expressions: striving forward, wise awareness, anger or immense kindness, depending on their character and type of activity. This means that a piercing gaze carries powerful energy for various purposes - it can attract, repel, cause fear or delight.

Innate "magic" or acquired skill?

There is a type of people who are said to be: “he has charisma”, “she is so charming”, “he is a born leader” and so on. Someone, of course, was lucky to be born with such a gift. A vivid example is the memorable face of an unknown girl who has a piercing look. The photo above makes a lasting impression on the viewer. But often people specifically work on themselves and make a lot of effort to highlight their strengths and hide their shortcomings. In particular, politicians and famous speakers take acting lessons, improve diction and posture. They have a special culture of movements, many of them develop a strong, confident handshake, a sincere, inviting smile with the help of special exercises. The same can be said about the development of the power of the gaze.

How to learn a piercing look?

This gaze is also often called "central" because it is important to direct it to the center of the person's face, the top of the bridge of the nose, where the eyebrows meet and the nose begins. It is here that we have one powerful nerve center, which perceives the energy directed at it. This place in various spiritual practices is called the "third eye". And when the gaze is directed to this point on the face of the interlocutor, mental orders or suggestions of certain emotions and desires will lead to the goal - they will cause an appropriate reaction. An important condition is that it is necessary not only to look at the bridge of the person's nose, but to direct the magnetic "central gaze". Of course, not everyone has such a skill; this requires the presence of certain skills. For their development, it is necessary to perform simple exercises every day.

How to make a piercing look?

In the morning, after all the daily procedures, you need to stand in front of the mirror and look at the central part of your face in the reflection. Then you should focus on your feelings and sincerely, mentally directing a ray of light into the "third eye", wish have a good day, success or achievement of some specific results during the day. Then “swap places” with the reflection and mentally accept this beam, expressing your gratitude with a return look. To perform the second exercise, you will need a candle, any, tea or even souvenir, will do to decorate the cake. It is necessary in a quiet, calm atmosphere to look at the flame of a candle, mentally exchanging energy with it, staring at the fire. You can start with one minute, gradually increasing the time. These exercises will develop a piercing gaze and teach you to focus on the flow of outgoing energy to achieve results. The third exercise is aimed at developing the ability to hold the gaze for a long time at one point without blinking. It is necessary to draw a circle with a diameter of about 1 cm on a sheet of A4 paper, fix the sheet at the level of the face and look at this circle from a distance of 2 m. It is important to imagine how energy comes out of the eyes. You can not blink or look away from the circle for a minute, gradually increasing the time.

In what cases can a piercing gaze be used?

The ability to manage your gaze is useful in all areas of life. The seller can win over the buyer, draw his attention to his product and, finally, convince him to make a purchasing decision. You can instill a desire to possess some thing, experiencing the pleasure of it. Of course, this technique will be effective only in conjunction with competent sign language and a well-structured conversation. Parents, using a piercing gaze, can convey their emotions to the child: delight, admiration for his success or, conversely, dissatisfaction, even anger in case of bad behavior. This method in the family works the better, the stronger the emotional ties. And there is no opportunity to express feelings in words or deeds as often as it is necessary for the child. For example, a baby is worried at a matinee in the garden, his mother cannot take his hand and suggest the words that he forgot - but he feels a piercing loving look and calms down. Or a schoolboy shouts too loudly while playing with friends, and to reprimand him means to undermine his authority in the company. One dissatisfied look - and the child behaves more quietly. Often the power of a piercing gaze is used unconsciously in important life situations.

The magic of a look in a relationship between a man and a woman

Folk wisdom says: "the eyes are the mirror of the soul." They reflect the true feelings of people, which is why they have been given such importance for a long time. In ancient times, it was considered indecent to look directly into the eyes of elders or strangers, and as a sign of respect "keep their eyes down." Girls were forbidden to look at men; many nations still have a tradition of covering a woman's face outside the home. This is due to the great attractiveness of women's eyes. At all times, the piercing gaze of a girl meant sympathy, interest and an offer of acquaintance. There are whole rituals, “playing with the eyes”, which every daughter of Eve knows and uses from birth. For example, looking sideways, she intrigues a man, and a “shooting” look kindles his curiosity.

What does the gaze of a man mean?

Often, what means interest for a woman, the representatives of the stronger sex see as a challenge. They are accustomed to evaluate the world from the point of view of danger, and the direct piercing gaze of a man is often a manifestation of aggression since cave times.

But that doesn't mean they don't use it to get attention. Vice versa! A man is a hunter by nature, and a gaze directed at a woman is a kind of “declaration of intent”.

In order to effectively use the power of the gaze, you must learn to control your emotions. If a person experiences positive emotions, then there is nothing wrong with sharing them with others when his eyes radiate joy and warmth. But it is impossible to calm someone down with a look when they are angry, annoyed or afraid.

What is insight? How to define the concept of insight?


Insight is the ability to see deeper, beyond the obvious. If a person understands the essence of things or a question, this is still not insight, but close to it. The perceptive is able to see the deepest essence.

To illustrate: Someone asked a person a question. Many people have an understanding of how to answer. But the discerning one will see why the question was asked and will answer with that in mind. Or he will realize that the person who asked the question was driven by the wrong motives. Then he may not answer, but encourage a person to correct thinking or investigate the issue on his own.


Insight - the ability to see and feel the hidden essence of phenomena, to foresee the development and outcome of future events, as well as the ability to see the hidden causes of events and phenomena that are hidden behind outside what is happening. An astute person is able to reveal the hidden motives and true inner motives of another person. A shrewd person is very difficult to deceive.

What is insight?

Insight is the ability to understand the essence, to distinguish good from bad, and to act with wisdom (Heb. 5:14). Insight is also defined as the ability to make sound decisions in spiritual matters.

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INSIGHT - the psychological ability to quickly and adequately understand people and the relationships that develop between them in a certain situation, to predict the conduct of a communication partner. Insight is a holistic structural formation, a functional system consisting of elements of various levels of psychological reflection. At the level of sensory-perceptual reflection, insight is characterized by: selectivity of perception, developed to a deep observation of people; the ability to correctly understand the thoughts and feelings of other people, transmitted by voice and expressive movements; emotional responsiveness, etc. At the level of representations - figurative memory, possession of signs and sign systems (language, gestures, facial expressions, etc.). At the level of verbal-logical, conceptual thinking - activity of thinking with developed analysis and synthesis, flexibility, good command of speech, generalized experience of communicating with different people.

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Insight from the word to penetrate, penetrate inside - this is the ability to comprehend the essence of events and foresee the consequences - with the help of careful observation.
The insight of a believer helps to distinguish good from bad, truth from falsehood, correctly assess the situation, foresee the consequences of one’s actions and act with wisdom depending on the circumstances, making sound decisions in spiritual matters.
All this the believer learns through the study of the word of God and the application of Biblical principles in life, training his skill in discerning good and evil (Heb. 5:14)

How did discernment help Jesus Christ throughout his ministry?
He introduced many to the word of God, applying a different approach to different people - depending on who he saw in front of him and treating everyone with understanding: he encouraged a sinner woman with praise, told parables to the people, wished to come to the rich head of publicans in the house , but to the Pharisees he answered a question with a question or answered nothing at all (Luke 19:5-9; 7:37-48; Matt. 13:10,11; 21:27-30; Mark 14:61) He did not use the same prepared presentation templates to everyone he met on his way.
With insight, Jesus was able to hold out for three and a half years in life-threatening territory - the time that was prepared for him (John 7:3-6,8; 8:59; 10:39).
This same quality helped him understand how to strengthen all his disciples, and someone - even individually - after his death and resurrection (John 20:15-17; 19,20; 26-29).
Insight also helped Jesus not only calculate the motives of seekers to catch him in word or behavior (Luke 4:2-13; Matt. 22:15-22), but also respond wisely according to Scripture in accordance with this understanding. She helped Jesus not to expect or demand from his disciples more than they can; give everyone instructions in accordance with their abilities and capabilities; give different people different illustrative examples so that the listeners can better understand his thought, etc., etc.
In a word, thanks to insight, Jesus always knew to whom, how, what and how much to say or do, so that people could perceive the good news and choose the right path of life.

Why is someone able to predict the situation, providing for all sorts of nuances, while someone does not see beyond his own nose? Why is it easy to deceive one person, and even the most persuasive words liars have no effect? It's all about insight and lack of it!

Insight is the ability, in accordance with the current situation, to predict the outcome of future cases.

Insight is the ability of a person to understand and see the real background, which is hidden behind the visible side of phenomena and events, as well as behind the external manifestations of people. The discerning person, first of all, reveals hidden motives and is interested in the true inner motives of human feelings, words and actions.

insightful person is not satisfied with simple and banal explanations, does not attach much importance to a beautiful “wrapper”, therefore it is quite difficult to deceive and outwit such a person.

Insight is a great assistant in achieving success. It helps to better understand people, to see their shortcomings and virtues, to read secret intentions. With the help of insight, you can skillfully manage subordinates, easily secure career growth and build profitable business. This quality will form a true professional in you and make you a leader, allowing you to feel and anticipate the mood of the people around you, direct their actions and lead them.

Human insight is not an innate quality and not a gift of the gods, as was previously believed. Insight is a skill that is very important and sometimes essential for modern man which can be learned. How to become insightful? The following techniques and rules will help you develop insight.

Techniques of Insight

Knowledge of the many causes of any external manifestation

As a rule, the usual course of our thoughts steadily leads us to one of them, the most common and familiar. But, accumulated experience and a weighty store of knowledge gives an understanding that the first thought that comes to mind may turn out to be wrong, just as the reason for any human act may turn out to be far from the only one. Imagine a situation where all seats are occupied in public transport. In front of a seated young guy stands old man. The guy does not give way, and the first thing that may come to mind is “Ham, ill-mannered, does not want to give way.” But the reasons may be different. For example, grief experienced (a person is immersed in himself and does not notice not only the old man standing next to him, but also everyone who is on this bus), a sore leg (or other injury), general malaise, etc. Personally, I had to ride the bus after a surgical operation and catch dissatisfied looks on myself (you must admit that it’s not very pleasant to explain your situation to everyone). Therefore, when analyzing all kinds of life situations, try to identify as many reasons as possible for each external manifestation and accumulate them in memory for subsequent calculation or guessing.

Fixation of as many external manifestations as possible

Imagine a different situation. Subway car, rush hour, a lot of people. A young girl who has entered the station slowly squats down, sliding down the wall. No one pays attention to her, thinking: "Show off!" But, external manifestations: drooping movements, a frightened and dull look, almost imperceptible suffering on the face speak of feeling unwell. I turn to the girl: “Does something hurt you?” She nodded almost imperceptibly and whispered, "Heart." I ask the passengers for validol. People perked up, began to sympathize and offer their help. Conclusion: fixing a larger number of external manifestations helps to determine the true cause of their occurrence with greater accuracy.

Resolve any doubts with clarification

If a situation, some phenomenon, or human words and deeds leave an ambiguous feeling that gives rise to several versions at once, insure yourself by checking. There are several ways to do this:

  • You can confirm or refute your choice by waiting for new manifestations.
  • When it comes to human words and deeds, you can ask the person himself why he did it or said so. And even if you hear a lie in response, it is precisely this lie - its content and how it will be said - that will become a new, refuting or confirming external manifestation.
  • The same question can be asked to those who know the person (or some event) well.
  • The most striking and truthful external manifestations are in extreme and critical situations. Therefore, you can either wait for them, or artificially create them.

You can come up with other effective methods for clarification and verification yourself.

Rules of Insight

Now we formulate general rules, the observance of which will make you shrewd person and help you understand people better.

Pay attention to minor details

In any situation, train yourself to notice small details that seem insignificant at first glance. insightful person, as a detective, always notices what others do not see or do not betray. Insight is the tuning of your senses to fixing details and trifles that are practically inaccessible and invisible for various reasons to other people. Cultivate a similar observation. With constant practical application, it develops and improves, and gradually you acquire "a scent like a dog, and an eye like an eagle."

Remember and systematize all the little things and details

Even if at some point you cannot explain the reason for certain minor events and subtle actions, it is still worth remembering them. Perhaps it happened to you: when analyzing a situation or an already held conversation, some detail of the interlocutor's behavior or a phrase he said suddenly pops up in your memory. The question arises: “Why did the person do this or say so?”, The answer to which you cannot immediately find. But some time passes and the situation clears up. So, keeping such details in mind until the reasons are clarified, classifying them by objects is an important step towards the formation of insight.

AT communicative communication consider every detail as an external manifestation of the level of development of a person and a certain course of his thoughts

Let's say something attracted you to appearance human(facial expressions, gestures), in the phrase he said or in the intonation of his conversation. Immediately think about what meaningful or unconscious mental processes in his mind could lead to such external manifestations. If you bring such a course of your own reasoning to automatism, then over time you will learn to subtly feel (just feel) and more clearly understand the train of thought of the interlocutor. Since an experienced doctor feels the patient, the teacher feels the audience, etc. This is the basis of the fundamentals of deep human insight.

In social, natural and technical situations, look at every noticed detail as an external manifestation of the course and development of other invisible processes.

Train yourself behind any inexplicable external manifestation in society and in nature to look for and find the hidden processes that are its cause. Take, for example, natural disasters(earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis), claiming thousands of lives. All these are external manifestations of processes occurring deep inside the Earth. Presenting the picture in this way, there is a correct and deeper awareness and understanding of natural phenomena. Therefore, systematically achieve a deep understanding of the essence of the ongoing processes that you regularly encounter in life, especially in professional activities.

Look for the cause of the external manifestation, and having found it, formulate the dependence

Feel, comprehend the hidden process - then, on this basis, find out the reasons for the external manifestation. We found out, more than once or twice we were convinced that it is she who manifests herself in this way - formulate the dependence. An example of a well-known dependence is signs, for example, well-known to everyone - if swallows fly low - to rain. Or another example - in medicine, each symptom of a disease speaks of specific disorders in mental or physiological processes. human body. Also, in your formulations, each external manifestation must necessarily be connected with its internal cause.

Try to understand the person's thoughts, the essence of hidden processes, comparing them with familiar similar processes

If you notice external manifestations, the causes of which are not clear to you or you are not sure of their exact dependence, try using an analogy. Compare, and if possible, then transfer the essence of fairly familiar and similar processes, as well as their dependencies, to the unknown and incomprehensible. Such mental operations should be polished and brought to automatism. By similar processes, replenish the information baggage of your insight and use this technique more often. He will help you faster develop insight .

In similar processes, take into account the differences and make the necessary adjustments.

If the similarities in similar processes are insignificant, you run the risk of making mistakes in drawing conclusions. So be careful. Determine the degree of magnitude of the difference. With this in mind, build more or less confident conclusions about the consequences of external manifestations and the essence of unfamiliar processes. Refine them during follow-up.

Leave some doubt and do not draw final and categorical conclusions at a glance or from minor external manifestations

Someone may intentionally mislead you. Therefore, overconfidence can lead to an error in insight. There are people who are confident that they see through others and do not allow even the slightest doubt about the correctness of their judgments and conclusions. Thus, they punish themselves, since these people build actions and conversations based on erroneous and incorrect ideas. Accordingly, the result for them is zero or completely unpredictable. To be able to refrain from self-confidence, to find the right conclusions, while maintaining a healthy dose of doubt, means to move to a higher insight level.

As time passes, find additional confirmation of the correctness of your initial estimates and conclusions.

Excessive doubt breeds insecurity and thus inhibits action and expression. Find your own psychological balance between the certainty of the correctness of the insight and the need for reasonable doubt. Every time persistently and consistently get rid of doubts, inventing and looking for more and more evidence in favor of your first estimates and conclusions. Check them regularly in communication and practice.

Continually develop your insight and build your confidence in it

Watch the process of building confidence in your own discernment as you become a discerning person step by step. Learn from mistakes and achievements, constantly improve. Over time, the accuracy and speed of your conclusions will increase, which will allow you to better navigate in a wide variety of situations and, of course, give you more self-confidence.

P.S. Intuition, i.e. dimly aware subconscious guessing can be strengthened by insight, i.e. conscious and controlled calculation. About, how to develop intuition You will find out by visiting the section "Self-development".

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See quick-witted... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. penetrating sharp-sighted, sees through, testing, observant, sharp, clairvoyant, penetrating, subtle, ... ... Synonym dictionary

perceptive, penetrating, perceptive; shrewd, shrewd, shrewd (bookish). 1. Sharply noticing, guessing a lot, observant. A penetrating eye. Penetrating eyes. 2. Thoughtful, true and fast ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

shrewd- I. INSIGHT INSIGHT, attentive, probing, inquisitive II. insight ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

shrewd- terribly insightful... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

shrewd- smart, not stupid, smart, wise, deep, insightful, insightful 1206 Page 1207 Page 1208 Page 1209 Page 1210 Page 1211 Page 1212 Page 1213 ... New Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Synonyms

From the insight, other Russian. penetrate penetrate. Related to previous... Etymological dictionary Russian language by Max Fasmer

App. 1. Sharply noticing, guessing, comprehending something; observant. 2. outdated. Penetrating [penetrating 2.]. 3. trans. obsolete Piercing, sharp, strong (about the smell). Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, insightful, ... ... Word forms

Impenetrable… Antonym Dictionary

shrewd- Iskon. Suf. derived from penetrate "penetrate", borrowings. from Art. sl. lang. (to c). See infiltrate... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language


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Each of us has noticed that some people can foresee any little things in every life situation, while others can only make mistakes in making decisions; it is not difficult for some to distinguish false from truth, while the latter are constantly deceived. These differences are based on the presence of insight or its complete absence.

Insight is a special ability

An insightful person is one who is able to foresee upcoming events, has the ability to make the right conclusions in a certain situation and make the only right decision at the appropriate moment.

Human insight is a unique ability that all the inhabitants of our planet would like to have. This is an opportunity to see the real state of things, hidden behind many subjective factors of human life. We can say that insight is an objective attitude to the situation, which makes it possible to accurately predict future events, based only on one's knowledge of what is happening.

But what does "clever man" mean? able to easily determine the hidden essence of things, deeds, events and people.

It is important that this is a calm individual, on external signs and behavior of other people. For him it is not at all important whether a person has wealth or its absence. Only thanks to his inner instinct, based on his impressions, relying only on his inner "I", he can succeed in almost any area of ​​life, finding the only correct action in any situation. That's what it means - a shrewd person!

A look into the soul

You can often hear the phrase "a penetrating look." And immediately there is a feeling that a small shiver passes through the body. We feel as if we are being scanned, studied, examined without asking our permission. We understand that a penetrating gaze is an "X-ray", a special sensitive "organ" of a person, helping him to see through others, to recognize the smallest details, nuances that will be hidden for ordinary people.

It is these abilities that make one wary of the owner of such opportunities. He is considered special, even possessing superpowers. Is it so?

How to develop insight

It should be noted that insight is not given to a person by nature as a gift. This is meticulous work, daily work on yourself.

  1. Insight is a matter of years of experience. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that an insightful person is an old man of advanced age who wants to leave a legacy for posterity. This may be a fairly young person who is able to analyze and learn from the mistakes of others, without missing the smallest details, to absorb someone else's experience for his own life.
  2. Focusing thoughts on the main thing is the basis of correct decisions. You can not disperse attention and hope that the situation will resolve itself. It is necessary to take into account all the points related to the desired issue, not missing even the smallest details.
  3. Clarification of all the nuances. Very often we feel a catch, but we are afraid to ask an extra question. Only the curious, those who are interested, clarifies, get rid of unnecessary doubts.

Do you want to become discerning? Become him!

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to outline a basic plan of action that will lead to success.

  • Insight is mindfulness. An astute person is one who is capable of working as a wanted man. He does not miss what ordinary people would not pay any attention to. For him, this is the norm.
  • The systematization of knowledge is the basis for the stability of thinking. Our brain can work like a clock only when all the mechanisms in it are working. This means that all information must be systematized and structured, only in this way thoughts will themselves line up in logical chains, which will help bring any business to its logical conclusion.
  • Communication with people is an opportunity to gain experience. By carefully studying what the interlocutor said, it is possible to understand the correctness or fallacy of his actions, mentally recreating the basis of actions in a similar situation. During the dialogue, it is also important to pay attention to the movements and gestures of the interlocutor. It is they who in many ways can give out the falsity of the words of the speaker.

But the main thing is that an insightful person is a thinking person, and in order to become insightful, it is important not to make hasty decisions!