The mystery of the appearance of a UFO at the bottom of the Baltic is revealed. The mystery of a huge UFO lying at the bottom of the Baltic Sea remains unsolved A mysterious object has been discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

A mysterious object discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has delighted many experts. Everyone hastened to do an impressive find - from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes. The most incredible assumptions were put forward, but what the object is actually not clear until now.

Baltic UFO (“Baltic UFO”), or Baltic anomaly (“Baltic anomaly”) - this is how world news agencies call a strange round object, next to which, until recently, an expedition of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg worked. It has not yet been possible to understand what exactly is there at a depth of 87 meters. But the assumptions that experts put forward after viewing underwater footage are the most unexpected. One of the latest was discovered a secret structure from the Second World War, with the help of which the Germans fought against Soviet and British submarines.

But why does he have such a shape - in the form of a "flying saucer"?

Photo 2.

Recall that the "Baltic UFO" was discovered at the end of July last year by the same Swedes who are now investigating it. An object with a diameter of about 60 meters appeared on the image of the bottom obtained using sonar.

In 18 years of professional activity, I have not seen anything like this, Lindbergh was amazed at the time.

Indeed, the object struck with regular geometric shapes, and looked like the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars, and some kind of architectural structure like the English Stonehenge. Some even believed that at the bottom lies one of the Nazi "flying saucers", rumors about which go very stubbornly.

It was possible to organize the expedition only this year. And the very first shots of the object at close range showed that it was unlikely that it had ever risen into the air. It seems that this is not a "flying saucer", but rather a kind of structure. Although a depressed strip and furrows with a length of about 300 meters go sideways from the "Baltic UFO". Like a crash landing.

The object looks like a mushroom cap, - said one of the scuba divers-researchers Stefan Hogeborn. - It rises above the bottom by 4 meters. On top of the “mushroom” there is an oval hole, around it are strange “burn marks”: formations that look like hearths covered with soot.

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Three expeditions involving divers to the anomaly last summer discovered mysterious features that to this day defy conventional explanations.

Long corridors with vertical walls, odd corner depressions, abnormal "radio" signal above the object, separation between the disk-shaped object itself and the elevated seafloor on which it lies, strange temperatures and compass deviations, overheated organic materials on test samples not not to mention at least one significant circular hole in the surface leading into an object that still remains unexplored today.

Artist Hauke ​​VAGT has provided a revised and updated image of what the anomaly looks like in its entirety. This is the image you see at the beginning of the post.

Photo 7.

The first sample to study was a stone removed from the surface of the object.
The results of these tests showed that this stone was basalt with traces of burnt organic material.

The Weizmann Institute and the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University conducted research on this specimen.

In the report, the scientists indicated that they were puzzled by the discovered material, which "is most likely to be found in modern construction, or, for example, in a ship accident, as in this case."

Professional diver Stefan Hogenborn, who studies various anomalies, says that as soon as divers were directly above this unknown object, cameras and satellite phones immediately failed. Once they sail a certain distance, all the equipment immediately starts working.

“All electrical devices refuse to work, but as soon as you move 200 meters away, everything immediately starts working again,” he says.

The Swedish team notes that 985 feet of dug-out path leads to this object. but how this object got here at all is not clear.

Photo 9.

Diver Peter Lindbergh says he's the biggest skeptic on the team when it comes to wild theories and has no explanation for the event either. "I was ready for the fact that we would find some kind of huge stone, or alluvial mud, or something like that, but what we saw - I did not even expect.

Another member of the team, Denis Asberg, is confident that they have discovered something quite unique. "Maybe it's a meteorite, or an asteroid, or something like that. Or maybe it's a sunken submarine from the Cold War. Or maybe it's a UFO," he says.

The team managed to take a few photos, but no one can say for sure what it is and how the object got there.

But there is a version...

Photo 10.

Volker Brüchert, a professor of geology at Stockholm University, believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia - between Finland and Sweden - most likely has a geological origin As the expert noted, the Baltic Sea is the result of the passage of a glacier through this territory. Which later, having melted, laid the foundation for the formation of the sea.

The professor studied rock samples collected at the site of the discovery of a mysterious object. And he told Life's Little Mysteries that the samples handed over to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt - a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that the basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new seas.

According to the professor, the northern part of the Baltic floor was under the influence of these processes. So both these rock samples and the object itself most likely ended up at the bottom as a result of the melting of glaciers. And what has acquired an unusual form is understandable. Huge ice masses contained fragments of rocks. These stones traveled thousands of kilometers with glaciers and settled where they found the end of the Ice Age. Quite often, as a result, bizarre formations were formed from these debris, even similar to “flying saucers”.

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A mysterious object discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has delighted many experts. Everyone hastened to do an impressive find - from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes. The most incredible assumptions were put forward, but what the object is, in fact, is still not clear.

Labeled "an anomaly of the Baltic Sea," the man-made structure looks like a real spaceship, descended under water from the filming of the next part of "Star Wars".

The discovery was made by Swedish treasure hunters. The Ocean X team, led by Captain Peter Lindbergh and archaeologist Dennis Asberg, spent several months at depth trying to completely clear the site of sea silt.

The anomaly was detected using side-scan sonar. The divers went down under the water and found that the equipment stopped working in the immediate vicinity of the object.

Everything electrical is simply cut down, there, at a depth. My built-in satellite phone, suit light - everything went out. - Stefan Hegerborn, Ocean X diver

Naturally, the discovery immediately hit all the newspapers. The most insane versions were considered: the anomaly was called either a sunken Russian ship or a spacecraft.

The divers were able to bring a sample of the material to the surface. The team's geologist, Steve Weiner, after careful examination ruled out the possibility that it was a natural geological formation.

After examining the fragments, Weiner came to the conclusion that in front of him were metals that were not found in nature. Some experts immediately suggested that the device was a lost top-secret Nazi submarine - approximately in these waters Germany actually conducted some tests. Other observers quite confidently continue to assert that divers have discovered a real UFO. No evidence for these bold assumptions on this moment does not exist - however, there is no clear refutation.

Scientists and oceanographers are haunted by the mystery of a mysterious object discovered in the depths of the sea about five years ago. It has already become famous as the "Baltic UFO". It continues to be explored.

When a strange object of a perfectly round shape with a diameter of about 60 meters was discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea at a depth of 87 meters with the help of sonars, everyone became interested in the impressive find - from professional historians and archaeologists to ufologists of all stripes. The most incredible assumptions were put forward that a sunken alien ship or a “flying saucer of the Nazis” was found.

This "UFO" was discovered by a group of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter LINDBERG and Dennis ASBERG. It struck with regular geometric shapes, and looked like a ship from films about space aliens, and some ancient structure like the English Stonehenge. The very first shots of the object from a close distance showed that a depressed strip and furrows with a length of about 300 meters leave it, very reminiscent of a trace from an emergency landing.

For several years, a group of oceanographers studied the amazing find. Three expeditions involving divers discovered mysterious features that still defy explanation. Among them is the separation between the object itself and the seabed on which it lies, a series of corridors with vertical walls on its surface. There are also incomprehensible recesses in the corners, many of which are exactly 90 degrees. An abnormal "radio signal" was recorded above the object, very strange compass deviations near it, unknown burnt organic materials on the samples received for testing, not to mention a significant round hole in the surface leading "in", and details that very much resemble a staircase leading to top level platform. According to members of the research team of the Swedish company Ocean X Team, which studied the find, electronic chronometers, cameras and satellite phones stop working near the object. “Only when we sailed 200 meters away from the object did they start functioning again. As soon as they swam closer again, the devices turned off again, ”the words of one of the expedition members.

Continuing to investigate the mysterious object and studying the data obtained from the scanning sonar, some researchers have come to the conclusion that it may be a top-secret Nazi base that has anti-submarine weapons.

Anders AUTELLUS, a former Swedish naval officer, suggested that the 200 by 25-foot structure could have served to block the signals of Russian and British submarines moving in the area during World War II. It is this, according to him, that can explain the fact that some technical devices stop working near the "UFO". Team member Stefan HOGEBORN agreed with these arguments: “The property is located directly on the shipping lane. Most likely, this is a really huge structure made of concrete.

The Nazis, retreating, "burned bridges behind them", covering the traces not only of their crimes, but also of the discoveries of scientists. But there are many legends about the experiments that they could conduct. A significant part of the secret objects was destroyed, and most of those who were engaged in this kind of research simply did not live to this day. Perhaps this installation was one of the last that they created, and in the singular, given that no others (or even simply similar ones) were found. The hypothetical Nazi weapon is indeed, in some way, quite capable of "jamming" radio signals, since it is assumed that the signals from the submarines were lost.

But there is also a completely different version. Professor of geology Volker BRUCHERT from the University of Stockholm believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia (between Finland and Sweden) "... most likely has a geological origin." As the expert noted, “The Baltic Sea was formed as a result of the fact that a glacier passed through this territory, which later melted and laid the foundation for its formation.”

After examining rock samples collected at the site of the discovery of a mysterious object, Bruchert claims that the samples handed over to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt, a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new sea. According to the professor, it was the northern part of the Baltic floor that was affected by these processes. So both these rock samples and the object itself most likely ended up at the bottom as a result of the melting of glaciers. And the fact that the basalt acquired an unusual shape is explained by the fact that “... huge ice massifs contained fragments of rocks. These stones traveled thousands of kilometers with glaciers and settled where they found the end of the Ice Age. Quite often, as a result, bizarre formations were formed from these debris, even similar to “flying saucers”.

True, the geologist could not explain why the “rock fragments” also jammed the electronics.

During the following expeditions, scuba divers managed to break off a particle from a strange object, on which traces of burnt material were found. Research on this specimen was carried out at the Weizmann Institute and the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University. In the report, the scientists indicated that they were puzzled when they discovered materials that are "most likely to be found in modern construction, or, for example, in a shipwreck."

According to the latest news appearing in the press and on the Web, American experts have studied an underwater 60-meter object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Based on the fact that the sample presented by him, of which the anomaly consists, contains a metal that nature cannot produce, they came to the conclusion that it is of alien origin and may well be a UFO.

It turned out that silt, which, as scientists determined, was more than ten thousand years old, got into the cracks of the fragment under study. That is, either a spaceship (if, of course, the found artifact was a ship) crashed into the seabed with such speed that it lifted the layers of the local surface that had been stored there for centuries, or it has been lying there for ten or even fourteen thousand years.

UFO specialist Ryan CASTLELINE generally believes that the object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea is only "... part of a flotilla of alien ships that crashed on Earth." In his opinion, the crash area contains much more alien debris than previously thought, and it is necessary to continue to search for them.

So, although over the years more and more information about an unidentified object appears and despite many versions and studies, the “Baltic anomaly” is still a mystery, its origin is still unknown. What the object actually is is still not clear.

altic UFO (“Baltic UFO”), or Baltic anomaly (“Baltic anomaly”) - this is the name given by world news agencies to an unusual round object, next to which an expedition of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg operated. The mystery of the Baltic UFO that was eventually found at the bottom, an impressive revelation of the mystery.

An object of unusual shape was found at a depth of 87 meters. Experts put forward many theories about what it could be. Some argue that this is a secret construction from the period of the Second World War. And with its help, the Germans fought with submarines.

The mystery of the Baltic UFO that was eventually found at the bottom: the Star Wars ship

A mysterious object, discovered at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, brought together a whole team of experts from different directions, bringing joy and puzzled them. All professional archaeologists, historians as well as ufologists became interested in this amazing find. Each specialist put forward his own theory about what it could be. Only everyone cannot decide what kind of object it is and, most importantly, why.

Labeled as a “Baltic Sea anomaly,” the structure looks like a real spaceship that has sunk under water from Star Wars.

The item was discovered by Swedish treasure hunters, the Ocean X team, under the command of Captain Lindberg and archaeologist Asberg. They had to clean the find from the numerous silt that covered the object for many months.

The anomaly was discovered by accident, the equipment refused to function nearby near the place where the object was located. Everything electrical went out, even the lights on the suits. After such events, they began to study the territory in more depth.

Of course, the news about this discovery spread all over the world, almost all newspapers and the Internet wrote. Here are just a clear version of what it is and could not be voiced, the Wordyou portal informs. Versions about the object are very different, some put out a theory about a Russian sunken ship, others about an unknown spacecraft.

The mystery of the Baltic UFO that was eventually found at the bottom: attempts to unravel the object

Weiner, who studied a sample of material raised from the bottom, concluded that such a metal does not exist in nature.

There are experts who claim that this is a secret Nazi submarine, because it is known that Germany conducted tests in these waters. Others insist that it is a UFO. Here are just no confirmed data for such daring hypotheses at the moment there is - however, there is no clear refutation of this.

"Baltic UFO" is an object with a diameter of about 60 meters at the bottom, which was found with the help of sonars.

“In 18 years of professional activity, I have not seen anything like this,” Lindbergh was amazed at the time.

The exact geometric shapes stunned experts, this structure resembled the Millennium Falcon ship from the legendary Star Wars movie, or it looks like a famous architectural structure like the English Stonehenge.

The mystery of the Baltic UFO that was eventually found at the bottom: the mystery of the "mushroom" is revealed

They came to the aid of the shooting specialists that the team shared, they were filmed close to the subject. They suggested that this structure did not fly, they only wondered, because near the "Baltic UFO" an indented strip and furrows about 300 meters long go to the side. It can be assumed that the object made an emergency landing.

The object itself resembles a mushroom hat, rising 4 meters above the bottom. At the top, an oval hole was found, and unusual "burn marks": formations similar to foci covered with soot.

At the moment, the mystery of the "mushroom" may have already been discovered. Volker Brüchert, a professor of geology at Stockholm University, believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Botanical Bay - between Finland and Sweden - most likely has a geological origin. As the expert noted, the Baltic Sea is the result of the passage of a glacier in this area. Having melted which laid the beginning of the sea.

The specialist suggested that the samples that came to him were fragments of ordinary basalt, a rock of volcanic origin. He believes that the basalt was brought to this place by a glacier. And after the ice melted, he found himself at the bottom of the sea. So the object itself, most likely, got to this place due to the melting of glaciers.

Baltic UFO (“Baltic UFO”), or Baltic anomaly (“Baltic anomaly”) - this is how world news agencies call a strange round object, next to which, until recently, an expedition of Swedish oceanographers led by Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg worked. It has not yet been possible to understand what exactly is there at a depth of 87 meters. But the assumptions that experts put forward after viewing underwater footage are the most unexpected. One of the latest was discovered a secret structure from the Second World War, with the help of which the Germans fought against Soviet and British submarines. But why does he have such a shape - in the form of a "flying saucer"?

Recall that the "Baltic UFO" was discovered at the end of July last year by the same Swedes who are now investigating it. An object with a diameter of about 60 meters appeared on the image of the bottom obtained using sonar.

In 18 years of professional activity, I have not seen anything like it, - then Lindberg was amazed.

In fact, the object struck with regular geometric shapes, and looked like the Millennium Falcon ship from Star Wars, and some kind of architectural structure like the English Stonehenge. Some even believed that at the bottom lies one of the Nazi "flying saucers", rumors about which go very stubbornly.

It was possible to organize the expedition only this year. And the very first shots of the object at close range showed that it was unlikely that it had ever risen into the air. It seems that this is not a "flying saucer", but rather a kind of structure. Although a depressed strip and furrows with a length of about 300 meters go sideways from the "Baltic UFO". Like a crash landing.

The object looks like a mushroom cap, - said one of the scuba divers-researchers Stefan Hogeborn. - It rises above the bottom by 4 meters. On top of the “mushroom” there is an oval hole, around it are strange “burn marks”: formations that look like hearths covered with soot.

And today, the mystery of the "mushroom" seems to have been revealed. Volker Brüchert, a professor of geology at Stockholm University, believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia - between Finland and Sweden - most likely has a geological origin As the expert noted, the Baltic Sea is the result of the passage of a glacier through this territory. Which later, having melted, laid the foundation for the formation of the sea.

The professor studied rock samples collected at the site of the discovery of a mysterious object. And he told the publication that the samples handed over to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt - a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new sea.

According to the professor, the northern part of the Baltic floor was under the influence of these processes. So both these rock samples and the object itself most likely ended up at the bottom as a result of the melting of glaciers. And what has acquired an unusual form is understandable. Huge ice masses contained fragments of rocks. These stones traveled thousands of kilometers with glaciers and settled where they found the end of the Ice Age. Quite often, as a result, bizarre formations were formed from these debris, even similar to “flying saucers”.