The best thoughts of all time. Best thoughts of all time Great thoughts

1. The day when you take full responsibility for your own future and stop looking for excuses for doubts will be the day you start moving to the top.

2. I strongly believe in luck. And I noticed: the more I work, the luckier I am. (Thomas Jefferson)

3. Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated. (Carlos Castaneda).

4. Seeing what others don't see is the universal key to success. (Robert Kiyosaki)

5. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the realization that something else can be more important than fear.

6. If you have a problem, try to solve it. If you can't solve it, then don't make a problem out of it.

7. If a person does not attempt to do more than he can, then he will never succeed in doing all that he is capable of. (Henry Drummond)

8. Charity is the privilege of the strong in spirit:

9. Time does not like being wasted. (Henry Ford)

10. We have no right to consume happiness without producing it. (Bernard Show)

11. Listen to everyone, listen to a few, decide for yourself.

12. We rarely think about what we have, but we always worry about what we don't have.

13. In order to make it easy to live with each person, think about what connects you, and not about what separates you from him. (Lev Tolstoy)

14. It's so easy to be kind. You just need to imagine yourself in the place of another person before you start judging him. (Marlene Dietrich)

15. Imagine how quiet it would be if people spoke only what they know.

16. I used to listen to the words of people and believed in their deeds. Now I listen to people's words and look at their deeds. (Confucius)

17. The only way to get smarter is to play with a smarter opponent. (Basics of chess)

18. The world belongs to optimists, pessimists are just spectators. (Francois Guizot)

19. Make your work a full life, not life a full work. (Kurt Cobain)

20. I am always happy to learn, but I do not always like being taught. (Winston Churchill)

21. You will never solve a problem if you think the same way as those who created it. (Albert Einstein)

22. Our main shortcoming is that we are more inclined to discuss things than to do them.

23. We always know which path is the best, but we follow the most familiar. (Paulo Coelho)

24. If you don't know what to do, take a step forward.

25. The richest in the world is the wind. People throw words, money, hopes, love at him.

26. Tenderness is the best proof of love than the most passionate vows. (Marlene Dietrich)

27. A person can understand only what he wants. And what he does not want, he usually does not understand.

28. In this world, there is only one way to earn love - stop demanding it and start giving love, not hoping for gratitude. (Dale Carnegie)

29. A fool seeks happiness far away; the wise grow it next to him. (Daniel Oppenheim)

30. There are two ways to live life: either as if there are no miracles, or as if all life is a miracle. (Einstein)

31. Where can I find someone normal? - Nowhere, - answered the Cat, - there are no normal ones. After all, everyone is so different and dissimilar. And this, in my opinion, is normal. (Alice in Wonderland)

32. There are three things that do not come back: time, word and opportunity.

33. What goes from the heart to the heart and comes.

34. If life is not satisfied strong man, then he makes claims to himself, and if weak, then to people.

35. For a woman, it is very important how a man treats her. A woman first falls in love with herself, and only then with a man.

36. If a person confidently moves towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and quite unexpectedly.

37. Where they are waiting for us, we always turn out to be right on time. (Paulo Coelho)

38. If you dream of becoming someone, you become one. (Muhammad Ali)

39. Everything is in our hands, so they cannot be lowered. (Coco Chanel)

40. Good friends go to those who themselves know how to be a good friend. (Niccolò Machiavelli)

41. When criticizing, criticize the opinion, not its author. (Leonardo da Vinci)

42. Everything comes on time if people know how to wait.

43. Life does not consist of time, but of moments.

44. Who does not go forward, he goes back - there is no standing position.

45. Freedom is not where there are no walls, but where you do not feel them.

46. ​​Whoever has never sworn allegiance will never break it. (Plato)

47. Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and then you will catch yourself doing the impossible. (Francis of Assisi)

48. For two years a person learns to speak, and then for the rest of his life he learns to be silent. (Aristotle)

49. If you want to be loved, love. (Seneca)

50. When you know what to talk about with a person, this is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, this is the beginning of a true friendship. (Max Fry)

51. There are three mistakes in the communication of people: the first is the desire to speak before it is necessary; the second is shyness, not to speak when necessary; the third is to speak without watching your listener. (Confucius)

52. One, looking into a puddle, sees mud in it, and the other sees the stars reflected in it. (Immanuel Kant)

53. If you think twice before speaking once, you will speak twice as well. (Thomas Paine)

54. Hating someone, you hate in him something that is in yourself. What is not in ourselves, we do not care. (Hermann Hesse)

55. We judge others by their actions, but we want to be judged by our abilities.

56. Most battles you lose in your own head.

57. It doesn't take many words to tell the truth.

58. In moments of true love, you love everyone.

    A man does not forgive, he forgets, and a woman forgives everything, but never forgets.

    Everything can be experienced in this life, as long as there is something to live for, someone to love, someone to take care of and someone to believe.

    I turn to God without whining and do not cause inconvenience. It is foolish to complain about the device of being to the author of the device.

    The truth is a strange thing. First we spend a lot of time to know it, and then the rest of our lives to forget.

    One day the Teacher showed the students a blank sheet of paper with a black dot in the middle and asked: What do you see?

    First student: Point. Second: Black dot. Third: Fat point. Then the Teacher replied: You all saw only a dot and no one noticed a large white sheet! .

    Why does a person close the gas when he sneezes. Probably not to see who says: "Be healthy"?

    Throwing once - will be thrown.

    Maybe not right away, maybe much later.

    But the deed will be returned.

    He who does not forgive will not be forgiven.

    The one who deceives himself will be deceived,

    Actions go nowhere.

    The future hits like a boomerang - everything that is yours gives you.

    What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

    The biggest mistake Lose spirit.

    Most a dangerous person Liar.

    The most insidious feeling is envy.

    The most beautiful thing to do is forgive.

    The most best protection Smile.

    The most powerful force is Faith.

    The best support Hope.

    The best gift Love.

    A chance meeting is the most non-random thing in the world.

    If my absence does not change anything in your life, then my presence in it no longer matters.

    Take care of people with a scratched Soul. Sincere, sensual, real. They curl up in the night and sing softly beautiful song about what didn't happen. They don't want your pity. They crave the Warmth of a bright spark from your kind Heart, blazing with tenderness.

    All people bring happiness. Some by their presence, others by their absence.

    Good people will bring you happiness bad people will reward you with experience, the worst ones will give you a lesson, and the best ones will give you memories. Appreciate everyone.

    Remember that not always what you want is what you really need.

    Electronic cigarettes, electronic hookahs are much safer for the body, the environment, more convenient to use, stylish, modern, fashionable.

    Depression is not a sign of weakness - it's a sign that you've been trying to be strong for too long.

    One does not understand what roses smell like

    Another of the bitter herbs will produce honey

    Give bread to one - he will remember forever

    Donate your life to another - they will not understand ...

A wise man once said:

    "Three things never come back: time, word, opportunity"

    "Three things should not be lost: peace, hope, honor"

    "Three things in life are most valuable: love, conviction, trust"

    "Three things in life are unreliable: power, luck, fortune"

    "Three things define a person: hard work, honesty, achievement"

    "Three things destroy a person: wine, pride, anger"

    "Three things are hardest to say: I love you, I'm sorry, help me"

    I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that I can't trust you now.

    What am I looking forward to in the future? Happiness What is my happiness? Warm evening, pure true love, the quiet crackling of the fireplace and the sonorous laughter of my children.

    A man runs through life sparing no legs.

    Home - work, home - work, serving time.

    Weekends - a respite, vacation, like a halt.

    Old age, retirement, shortness of breath ... And where did you run?

    Our heart is an amazing organ! It can not only pump blood, but also dance with joy, freeze in anticipation, shrink from pity and bleed. And it can also break from pain, burst from grief, fall from disappointment, freeze in anticipation, tremble with happiness The heart is the most accurate indicator of our most sincere emotions, and therefore appreciate and take care of those people who give it to you!

    Only the actions of a person speak about his personality and his attitude towards you. Don't believe the words. Just watch. And you will see the truth.

    Disappointed in one, do not punish the other. All people are different. Do not lose the ability to trust, believe and love.

    Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we do not see the most beautiful things in life, but feel with our hearts ...

    Pain exists only in resistance, joy exists only in acceptance.

    With an electronic cigarette it is easier to think, they say that many smoked a pipe, for the multi-story thought.
    Painful situations, when we accept them with an open heart, become joyful.
    Joyful situations that we do not accept become painful.
    There is no such thing as a bad experience.
    Bad experiences are just creating resistance to what Is.

    Everyone hears only what he understands. Buy an inexpensive hookah at New Year. Hookah as a gift.

    Sometimes God takes silver from your life in order to give gold in return, the main thing is to understand this in time.

    Dreams are forgotten... Pain subsides... Wounds grow together... Time changes... Destinies break. People change... Feelings are lost... Masks are removed. Views change... Thoughts rush about. Something is located. Something is lost... Time is changing... Experienced... And forgotten... Life goes on...

    Everyone can make a mistake. Recognize a mistake worthy. Ask for forgiveness courageous. Resume relationship strong.

    If you find a person with whom you can behave as freely as if you are alone, you need to appreciate it like air.

    I would like to take care of you - not wanting to change you; Loving you - leaving you free; To take you seriously - without forcing anything; To come to you - without imposing oneself; To give you something - not expecting anything in return; To be able to say goodbye to you - without fear of losing you forever; Talk to you about my feelings - without making you responsible for them; Sharing knowledge with you - without teaching you; Rejoice in you as you are. If you step forward to meet me with the same feelings, we can enrich each other.

    Smile! It makes people wonder what you have in mind.

    In this world, I value only loyalty. Without it, you are nobody and you have nobody. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate.

    Cruelty is a character trait of kind people, it occurs when they begin to wipe their feet on your kindness.

    Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we do not see the most beautiful things in life, but feel with our hearts ...

    Don't yell at your mom, she's not to blame for not having everything right

    Never listen to anyone, have your own opinion, your head, your thoughts and ideas, plans for life. Do not chase after anyone, just a step towards, but not after. Nobody needs you. That's life. No one will build your happiness for you.

    One wise old man told me:
    - All day long you walk, work, think, see, hear, eat. All parts of the body work for you (arms, legs, eyes, ears, brain), help you do this or that thing. And at night, when you sleep, they rest. All of them are at rest. But there is one part of the body that works for you around the clock without stopping. This is your heart. So when your heart wants something, don't offend it, give it what it wants.

No matter what happens, no matter what people you meet, and no matter how much they hurt you - never get worse than you really are. Find new reasons to move forward. Find in yourself the desire to live and smile. Communicate with people, do not be afraid to meet new people, try something unusual and interesting. Treasure those who support you. Move, get inspired, laugh. Keep the light in your eyes. Stay alive. Stay yourself.

In our life we ​​should not be afraid to ask God, to thank Him, to show our shortcomings, vices, passions - everything that worries us. God does not require us to play a role before Him, but expects us to become what we are before Him.

The Lord always gives man to do as he pleases. Even if we consciously want to make the wrong choice... With sadness, He will allow us to make it, because God respects human freedom. He gave us freedom of choice so that we ourselves want to love God and follow Him. This is the essence of His creation. Freedom and love.

If a person wants to live without the Lord, then God will allow to live without Him for the whole eternity. One condition of freedom is that we are responsible for our choice.

Why do we close our eyes...when we pray...when we cry or when we kiss...Because we know...the most beautiful things in life we ​​don't see...but we feel them in our hearts.

There is a wonderful proverb: "Everyone wants to have a friend, but not everyone wants to be." Now more and more we want to "have". “I want a child” instead of “I want to be a mother”, “I want to have a husband” instead of “I want to be a wife”. Behind these subtleties of the language is a person's attitude to life, his motto: either - I am for someone, or - someone is for me.

In our desire to have, we break lives, break hearts - and suffer from loneliness. "Having a person" will always be not enough of what is. Little money, little power, little one wife, few friends, little fun, little self.

The ship does not sink when it is in the water - it sinks when the water is in it. It is not so important what is happening around us - what is important is what is happening inside of us.

If you look at people - you will be tempted, if you look at circumstances - you will doubt If you look at Christ, you will be strengthened!

We unconsciously think that God sees us from above.- but He sees us from within. Gilbert Sesbron

God gives hope to those who dream. Gives a miracle to those who believe. And never leaves those who go with Him.

Try your best to purify yourself of evil towards people. For by accumulating evil towards people in yourself, you accumulate poison, which sooner or later will kill a person in you.

Even the most outspoken atheist wants to be treated like a Christian.

I thank God every day for always being by my side. . Because He gives not what I want, but what I really need!