How people with dark energy behave. Strong, pure human energy - the harmony of life! And at the end

The energy of a person may not always be in perfect tone, especially since there are many factors of external influence on the aura.

Internal problems also lead to a deterioration of the thin shell, so people often ask the question if they are worried about a weak biofield: what to do with such bad energy? Unfortunately, this difficulty is not solved by one exercise or cleaning session, because a comprehensive approach to lifestyle is required.

Bad human aura: signs

Many people are in no hurry to sound the alarm if they notice a deterioration in their energy well-being. However, the longer the individual stays in this state of aura decline, the more difficult the recovery process will be.

There is a possibility, for example, that due to a weak biofield or its negative background, a person will want to become an energy vampire or sticky on a subconscious level. Therefore, it is better to recognize the symptoms of a weakened aura at once. The main signs of such a problem are:

  • Suppression by other people, i.e. quickly absorbing the strong energy of other people. At the same time, the external message may not always be good. Because of this, a person with a weak aura does not like mass gatherings of people, she feels changes in mood and physical well-being.
  • Low resistance energy attacks. With a weak aura, it is very easy to become a target of sorcerers and magicians, as well as those who are used to pumping out the remnants of energy from a person who is tired of such a situation. The carrier of such a biofield may feel that they are constantly climbing into his soul, spoiling his mood, confusing him.
  • Decreased immunity. Energy protects the individual from diseases, therefore its weakening leads to the activity of pathogens of chronic ailments. A weak human biofield can cause the development of incurable diseases: cancer and AIDS. Low energy levels also increase the risk of accidents.
  • Constant fatigue and aggressiveness. Such a person loses self-confidence, gets irritated and is in an internal conflict between reality and his own desires. Carriers of a weak aura are characterized by low self-control, they feel like losers and as if they are calling on the environment to humiliate them.
  • The development of psychosomatic and emotional ailments. An underestimated level of the biofield leads to the development of depression, neurosis, and serious breakdowns. The bearer of a weak aura has a lot of gloomy thoughts in his head, and a negative flow of energy can even come from him.
  • Deterioration of the socialization process. Already from childhood, a person with a weakened aura notices that it is more difficult for him to learn. Peers treat him cruelly, he is often teased and scolded in the environment. At work, such a subject has many complaints, he hardly adapts to the team. Relationships in marriage and contacts with children are also complicated.

Signs of a carrier of heavy energy

In addition to a weak energy flow, a person with a problematic biofield may have a heavy aura, i.e. negative character of thin shells. Here's how it shows up:

  • People always want to stay away from such a person. She can be friendly and interesting, but subconsciously, rejection will still be felt.
  • This can be a very annoying person. He craves communication, because he is an energy leech. Such a person has problems with replenishing energy, she steals other people's reserves, taking away vitality. A subject of this type is persistent and conflicted, likes to humiliate and argue, and shows aggression. After such an event, the bearer of a bad, heavy aura feels cheerful and fresh.
  • As a result of prolonged communication with the owner of a negative biofield, a general malaise is observed. The head may ache, dizziness will increase, the mood will deteriorate. There is a feeling of emptiness, fatigue, depression.
  • The bearer of heavy energy is often angry and nervous. He has problems with rational use time, he does not get enough sleep. Such people cannot houseplants and pets, because they also get sick and weaken before our eyes. A bad aura is a companion of chronic fatigue.

Carriers of low energy or a heavy biofield can also be energy sticks. This type of personality does not take energy from others, but actively takes root in the living space of acquaintances, trying to stay there longer.

These people spread the maximum of the negative that accumulates in them to the environment. You can recognize the owner of such an aura by constant requests for help, intrusive calls and meetings. At the same time, during each problem, such people look for the guilty among those who were next to them.

Energy stickies do not provoke conflicts, but they enjoy the sympathy and moral support of others.

If the energy of the owner of such a biofield is not only weak, but also clearly negative, next to him you can feel discomfort and anxiety.

Why is the aura weak

Before dealing with the identified symptoms of degraded energy, you should find out the reason for the decrease in the biofield. After all, if the influence on the aura is carried out almost daily, no methods to strengthen it will help.

So, what factors weaken the energy of a person and make him unviable?

Severe illnesses

Any ailment that affects even a small part of the body or one organ is reflected in the biofield of the individual. At the beginning, the aura may become pale or dim at a particular point, then it becomes polluted and forms gaps in itself.

With such holes, it is difficult to guarantee the full movement of energy, so a person begins to weaken every day. A low biofield is noted in the elderly, physical development who fall every day, as well as those who are in the hospital or seriously suffering from the disease in the active stage.

Researcher Rafi Rosen, for example, argues that in chronically ill individuals, either all layers of bioenergy are missing, or only one remains. And this despite the fact that the norm is 5-10 dense layers of the so-called orgone.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

If an individual does not eat properly, rarely goes out into the fresh air, does not know how to correctly distribute time between leisure and work, suffers from stress and suppresses his fears about complexes, his body and soul suffer. As a result, the aura is weakened.

The same happens at low physical activity(or, conversely, heavy loads), due to the abundance of bad habits. Obviously, promiscuity also weakens the biofield, because a person literally gives away his energy potential.

Bad psycho-emotional state

People who ask when the weak aura of a person managed to become apparent rarely think about the fact that all our thoughts and feelings affect the state of the biofield. If a person often experiences panic, anger, fear, anxiety or anger, she unconsciously reduces the volume of her aura, prevents the energy from circulating normally, because she blocks the chakras with her negativity.

In addition, manipulations by other people also often depress the aura, close the energy field. Inflicted psychological trauma, attacks of jealousy, imbalance and increased excitability, envy, curses and betrayals - all these everyday facts from our life cause gaps in the biofield, due to which the energy loses its shape and symmetry.

Problems in energy exchange

Releasing energy outside, influencing the environment in an invisible way, and receiving flows from the world are natural processes for the biofield of a healthy person. If an individual falls into the so-called energy vacuum, his aura immediately loses its strength and beauty.

The situation can be solved only by changing the environment or changing its energy. We must surround ourselves with flowers, useful natural materials, objects with a positive and strong biofield.

Actions of an energy vampire

People who do not like to build up a stable aura through self-cultivation often steal strength from the environment. Such individuals feed on negative emotions, they want to annoy someone. When the victim's feelings get out of control, she becomes completely defenseless in terms of energy, which means that her life streams can simply be pumped out.

As a result of such actions, the aura greatly loses its density and size, it acquires breakdowns. In addition, along with energy chaos and a stream of negative thoughts, a worsening of the condition comes, for example, loss of vision or hearing, tachycardia. The energy vampire himself receives the nourishment he needs and calms down for a while.

Loss of energy double

There is an opinion that each subject has a person on the planet, intended for him in terms of energy correspondence. If the connection with the energy twin is broken or he has died, the circulation of flows in the biofield is broken, and a weak aura appears. This problem can be solved only with the help of special practices that will ensure the merging of biofields in twins or pick up a new twin.

As a rule, an energy double is a person of the opposite sex who is not a blood relative.

Weakened biofield: methods of struggle

In a vain and chaotic world, where literally all media are permeated with negativity, it is not uncommon for the aura to become depleted. In addition, a bad environment can lead to the fact that even from birth a person will have a natural weak biofield. What to do in such a situation? Of course, if the individual feels fine and does not experience life's difficulties, he should not pay too much attention to this topic.

But if problems with the chakras are noticeable and the outer energy shell has become extremely thin, it is necessary to reconsider your outlook on life, change your attitude towards people and yourself. Learn to focus on your own power reserve, clear your energy regularly and don't forget to believe in the best.

What is human energy? We will talk about this interesting and unique phenomenon in this article. It turns out that the human body consists not only of a physical body with many organs. It also includes those that most people are unable to see.

Even in ancient times, people knew that each material body has its own energy. It does not matter at all whether it is a living organism or an inanimate object. Each organism exchanges its energy with the outside world - receives it from the external environment and radiates it back. This is how energy circulates.

As a result of such an energy exchange, a person may feel alert and full of energy, or, conversely, exhausted and depressed. Mood and well-being, health and success depend on it.

Energy flows

The human body has a subtle energy system. The circulation of energy does not occur in the physical shell, but in this subtle energy structure that permeates the body.

The main energy flows that enter the human body are two flows - ascending and descending. They pass through the energy channels in the opposite direction.

From below, through the feet, we receive an energy flow emanating from the earth's core. It rises along the spinal column to the energy center, which is located in the parietal region. This is the energy flow of the Earth.

The second stream enters the center, located on the crown of the head, and passes down to the fingers and feet. This is the flow of energy from the Cosmos.

Thus, the human energy is created by the energies of the Cosmos and the Earth, which form our energy shell, or aura.

In order for the human energy system to be normal, these flows must circulate freely in the body and have no obstacles in their path. If there is some kind of malfunction in the energy system, there are health problems or emotional disturbances.

Thus, the lack of energy of the Earth can lead to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. And with a lack of energy of the Cosmos, the joints and spine are affected.

And if you lack the energy of the Cosmos, it is best to listen to classical music, engage in creative activities and meditative practices.

Energy centers or chakras

Our body assimilates earthly and cosmic energies through. They are located along the spine and are connected by a channel called Sushumna. The body receives earthly energy with the help of the three lower chakras, and the energy of the Cosmos - with the help of the three upper ones. In the center is located, which maintains the balance of these energies.

Chakras are cones of energy with a top at the spinal column and a base on the front surface. They do not function in isolation, but as combinations or “triangles of forces”. Visually, the chakras are whirlwinds of energies resembling a lotus flower and having.

The most famous is the system that includes seven energy centers and three central meridians - Sushumna, Ida and Pindala. Energy meridians, or nadis, connect the chakras with various organs and systems and form a thin shell.

The chakras are arranged in this order:

  1. - at the base of the spinal column in the perineum.
  2. - at the level of the pubis, below the navel to the width of the palm.
  3. - at the navel.
  4. - in the center at the level of the heart.
  5. - in the neck at the jugular cavity.
  6. - in the center of the forehead at the intersection of the optic nerves.
  7. - in the parietal zone.

The functions that chakras perform in our body:

  1. They connect thin shells that are inside and outside the body.
  2. They fill the physical body with energy, so that all physiological processes can take place in the body.
  3. Help a person psychologically interact with the outside world.
  4. Each open chakra gives a person certain abilities and opportunities.

The energy of each person is connected with the work of his energy centers. Depending on how the chakras work, a person can have strong or weak energy, positive or negative.

Signs of strong energy

A person with strong energy is a born leader. These are self-confident and self-sufficient people who do not care about the opinions of others. They are not afraid to express their emotions in front of strangers, behave naturally and naturally.

Such individuals are always full of new ideas and energize those around them. They have many interests and hobbies. These are good speakers and creative individuals who have many fans and friends. They are very sociable and able to find an approach to any person. In this they are helped by friendliness and charm, which is impossible to resist.

Such individuals usually have characteristic external signs. Most often they have dark hair color, thin lips, heavy chin and thick eyebrows. Them distinctive feature also are dark, almost black eyes, piercing through.

Signs of weak energy

Man with weak energy easily identified by characteristic features. As a rule, such people are apathetic, emotionally unstable and prone to depression. Often they cause pity and sympathy of others, it can be unpleasant to communicate with them.

Such individuals have problems obtaining energy in a natural way - through energy channels. Their energy exchange is disturbed, there are breakdowns in the aura, through which energy leaks. Therefore, most often, in order to make up for the lack of vitality, such people resort to energy vampirism.

For people with weak energy, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • Poor health and poor resistance to disease.
  • Apathy and lethargy, a tendency to depression, depression.
  • Melancholic mood and self-doubt.
  • Tendency to various phobias and mental disorders, sleep disturbance.
  • Lack of interest in life, passivity, unwillingness to develop.
  • Increased vulnerability and sensitivity.

Such people feel energetically depleted after physical activity, sex, alcohol intake. Even eating does not save the situation. They need a long period to restore their energy potential.

Most often, the elderly suffer from a lack of energy, as well as those who have suffered a serious illness or severe stress.

How to increase the level of energy?

If you want to increase your energy potential, follow these simple recommendations. First of all, you need to take care of a good rest. After all, in order to support energy balance the body must be able to recuperate. Try to get enough sleep and spend more time in nature, lead active image life, but do not overload your body.

Special meditation practices and yoga help to strengthen and increase energy.

In addition, it is imperative to get rid of negative emotions and a pessimistic attitude. During outbreaks of anger, aggression, irritation and other negative experiences, a powerful release of vital energy occurs, which greatly weakens the human biofield. Try to push away all negativity from yourself and, if possible, do not communicate with conflicting and aggressive people.

If a person has a positive attitude, his energy becomes harmonious and positively affects others. Friendly and sincere people are attracted to him, and circumstances are in his favor.

If you want to increase your energy, pay attention to spiritual development. A spiritually rich person opens additional information and energy channels, new opportunities, talents and qualities appear.

Try to enjoy life, give others love and warmth, drive despondency, resentment and envy from yourself, and then you will never suffer from a lack of energy.

We are all different, we have different habits, characters, behavior, worldview and lifestyle. Each of us has a body and spirit, and depending on the level of our development, including spiritual development, we can have negative, positive or neutral energy.

The negative energy of a person is, first of all, the predominance of such negative character traits as excessive materialism, malice, deceit, envy, rancor, greed, pride, etc. and negative outlook formed by these traits.

It is very difficult to communicate with such people; they hear only themselves, they do not take into account other people's opinions. They often harbor black envy towards more successful people, at any opportunity they will do various dirty tricks to them and are even capable of causing damage. They try to subjugate people with weak energy and will and use them for selfish purposes. Negative energy can be the cause of many diseases, especially those associated with nervous and mental disorders. Often such people become energy vampires and even realize it. It gives them great pleasure to get other people, create conflict situations, escalate nervousness. Thus, they are fueled by someone else's energy.

Neutral energy - probably most people have just this type of energy. A person has both positive and negative character traits at the same time.

People with neutral energy to a lesser extent can influence people with pronounced positive or negative energy. Rather, the latter have an impact on people with neutral energy. If such a person communicates with a carrier of positive energy, then his thoughts, deeds and actions also take on a positive character. If a person with neutral energy is more susceptible to the influence of a carrier of negative energy, then his negative side.

Positive energy corresponds to a person with a positive character and outlook. First of all, such a person is characterized by pure sincere intentions and pure thoughts. The field of such a person is filled with light and sparkling energy. Next to such a person, you are charged with positive emotions, and the mental stabilization of the unbalanced state occurs.

Carriers of positive energy in a society of people with negative energy feel uncomfortable, however, the same can be said about the latter. After all, energy has a very strong effect on the state of mind of people and their character. If people with positive energy are dominated by positive traits, then people with negative energy are bright representatives of negative traits.

People with negative energy can be divided into certain subgroups: bad people and spoiled people. Evil people are often born that way, their parents had bad genetics, and they were inherently vicious. Although this does not mean that such a person does not have the potential to correct his energy to positive. Such a chance is always embedded in the personal matrix and in the genes of any person. Bad genetics are also strongly influenced by past sins, negative deeds and negative character traits of the person himself.

The heavy energy of a person is a visiting card of people with negative energy. That is, a person with heavy energy, as if pressing his energy on other people, such a person tends to dominate others, and he tries with all his might to achieve this. A person with strong positive energy, who is able to successfully resist such pressure, can cause hatred and real rage in the bearer of heavy energy. Typical carriers of heavy energy are politicians with pronounced dictatorial habits.

As for spoiled people, in whom negative energy also predominates, this, as a rule, ordinary people, whose neutral energy, under the influence of any negative factors, began to acquire a negative potential. These factors include bad influence, acquired bad habits, vices and much more. Such people change with difficulty, but they can also get rid of vices and thus improve their energy. There is nothing hard-coded. After all, there is always a choice.

The neutral energy of people gives them both positive and negative qualities. Their energy seems to be mixed and does not have clear signs of negative or positive. Such people can also be divided into 2 subgroups. The first includes calm, sociable and non-conflict people, they have positive qualities, although there are also negative ones.

The second subgroup includes the inhabitants, whose energy has more pronounced negative traits and the negative qualities of such people are much greater than the positive ones. Such people are characterized by toadying, currying favor with stronger and more successful people, disdain for the weaker ones, and many other negative qualities. They are drawn to people with negative energy and often fall under their influence.

Those people who have neutral energy are quite easy to contact both with people who have positive energy and with those who have negative energy. They can be friends with both and in a certain way become intermediaries between two groups of people with completely different energy.

Positive energy, as a rule, is possessed by holistic people, with an inner core, they are characterized by honesty, sincerity, responsibility, diligence. Duty, honor, conscience, philanthropy are not empty concepts for them, this is their way of life. The good energy of a person is like an inoculation against everything bad and negative.

The best leaders in all areas are just such people. They root for the cause with all their heart, try to do the job as well as possible and at the same time take care of other people, delving into their problems and interests, they are always ready to help a person in trouble.

Possessors of positive and negative energy are often incompatible with each other, like fire and water. People belonging to such different energy types do not tolerate each other, and their relationships often do not add up.

People with neutral energy sooner or later have to decide in which direction to develop further. And if the Divine principle in them becomes their choice, then the good energy of a person will become the basis of the life of such a person.

    We conserve energy when we are absolutely calm and maximally focused. By maintaining constant awareness, we can gain control over our reactions and learn how to use energy most effectively. Strong human energy is a guarantee of health and harmony of life!

    Today we are increasingly confronted with a crisis of personal energy. This energy crisis manifests itself as chronic fatigue and performance degradation. Low energy makes us unable to achieve our goals and cope with difficult circumstances. Lack of energy is a serious barrier to well-being. Each of us from birth has a certain level of energy necessary for life. And this amount of energy is quite enough to live a decent life. But due to the lack of an appropriate culture, people lose this wealth. Let's check if you have this power? Can you change the world, and if so, in what direction?

    Lack of energy is a serious barrier to well-being

    Each of us is an energy person. Some may be a weak negative, others a strong positive energy person. Scientists have long proven that everything consists of energy.

    Human energy consists of two types: bodily and spiritual.

    • Corporal depends on the environment, its purity, the people with whom we communicate.
    • spiritual, internal energy is the spiritual world of a person, which consists of his thoughts, experiences and emotionality.

    Purity of thoughts and actions is what gives us positive strong energy. Below you will read all about human energy.

    Signs of a strong human energy

    Many people have signs of strong energy, and any person who is near the carrier of such energy is able to feel them. They are manifested both in the character traits and in the behavior of such people, they are characterized by charisma, determination, self-confidence, high spirituality and much more, which indicates their high energy potential.

    The energy potential that a person possesses is his ability to produce his own energy, accumulate and assimilate it from the outside, as well as rationally use it.

    • Using energy for good a person receives a double charge back, which means he accumulates strength.
    • Producing negative emotions, performing negative actions, a person loses strength, and hence health.

    Giving, doing sincere good deeds, we also receive. We receive internally. So, our health will be complete, and life - joyful and happy. Harmonious person - happy man and people are always comfortable being around him.

    A self-confident, happy person radiates a special strong energy, charging the space around with positive. The strong energy of a person is a battery for others and the space around. Everything blooms next to a person with strong positive energy.

    • If a person has a strong positive energy, other people feel comfortable around him. By the mere influence of his biofield, such a person is able to positively influence other people.
    • In the same time person with negative energy causes the exact opposite. People who are near him feel discomfort, anxiety, depression, those who have weak energy can also feel unwell.

    According to their energy potential, people can be divided into several types. These types differ from one another in their ability to generate, accumulate and release energy and are divided into people with bad energy and people with good energy.

    Types of human energy

    Energy mirrors

    Both positive and negative energy, which is directed at the mirror person, always returns to the subject who directs it. That is, they tend to reflect energy. Such properties of energy, which is inherent in certain people, can be used with great efficiency to protect against negative energy, including its purposeful flows.

    The mirror person feels good about other people, and if he has to reflect negative energy, being next to its carrier, he immediately understands who is in front of him and tries not to contact such a person. However, the owner of negative energy on a subconscious level also tries to avoid meeting with such “mirrors”, since getting back his negative charge does not affect him in the best way, up to ailments and various diseases.

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    For a person who has positive energy, on the contrary, communication with a mirror person is always pleasant, because the reflected positive energy returns to the owner, filling him with new positive emotions. As for the “mirror”, having determined that the person who communicates with him is a carrier of positive energy, he will continue to be glad to contact with such a person, and will always maintain good relations with him.

    Energy Leeches

    There are many such people everywhere, and almost every one of us has to communicate with them every day. It can be good friends, relatives, work colleagues. Basically "energy leeches" is the same as "energy vampires". That is, these are people who have problems with replenishing energy, and the easiest way for them to strengthen their energy is to “stick” to other people from whom they simply take away their energy (life force).

    Energy leeches are aggressive and persistent, and radiate bad human energy, their method of pumping energy from potential victims is simple - they try to create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, in some cases even humiliate a person. After that, their well-being improves dramatically, they become cheerful and feel a surge of strength, as they have been sufficiently nourished by someone else's energy.

    A person (donor) who has been attacked by an "energy leech", on the contrary, feels empty, depressed, in some cases various ailments occur. The key to the existence of this type of people is the constant presence of donors around them, they try to be close to such people, sticking to their energy field.

    energy walls

    An energy wall is a person with strong energy. Others call such people "impenetrable". Any troubles fly away from them like from a concrete wall. But there is also a negative side to such impenetrability: the negative energy that bounces off them does not in all cases return to the person who sent it, but also to those people who at a particular moment are next to the “impenetrable”.

    Energy Sticks

    Such people, even at the first meeting, begin to spew a stream of negative energy, without even waiting for a question, laying out all the negative that has accumulated in them. Like leeches, they do not directly take energy. But they also try to infiltrate the living space of other people and stay in it as long as possible.

    Like the leeches sticky people are people with low, bad energy, they seek to impose themselves, are always there, constantly make phone calls, look for meetings and contacts, ask for advice. However, later, if any difficulties arise, they blame those with whom they were close for everything negative that happens in their life. Thus, without provoking conflict situations, “energy stickies” receive someone else’s energy in the form of sympathy, some kind of moral help, advice. That is, by imposing themselves on other people and indirectly forcing them to make contact, they feed on the energy of these people, but the people who communicate with them do not suffer, as from communication with energy vampires.

    Energy absorbers

    In this capacity, there can be both acceptors and donors. Such people are very sensitive, they have an accelerated energy-information exchange. They like to get into someone else's life, and try to influence someone else's energy with a pronounced desire to help.

    These people can be classified into two types:

    • The first type includes those who absorbs both negative and positive energy. They are offended for no reason, but they quickly forget insults.
    • Type II people take on a lot of negative energy and give back no less positive. They actively delve into the problems of people and positively influence the biofields of others, but they accelerated exchange negatively affects them.

    Energy Samoyeds

    This type of people seem to be fixated on their experiences. They are closed and consciously do not want to communicate with other people, they do not know how to redistribute energy for their own benefit and at the same time create huge reserves of negative energy.

    energy plants

    This type of people has the inherent property to give energy, that is, they are, in fact, energy donors. Excessive curiosity is characteristic of this type of people. This trait brings them a lot of trouble, causing displeasure, and even anger of many people.

    Energy filters

    An energy filter is a person with strong energy who can pass a large amount of both positive and negative energy through himself. All the information absorbed by it in a processed form returns to the original source and carries an already changed charge. All negativity remains on the filter, to which positive energy is added. Such people are often successful born diplomats, psychologists, peacemakers.

    Energy intermediaries

    They have excellent energy transfer. They accept energy well, but they cannot withstand negative energy effects. For example, some negative information was shared with such a person, thus transferring part of the negative energy to him. Unable to cope with the received negative energy, a person transmits information further. The same happens in the case of transmission of positive information. This type of "energy mediator" is inherent in very many people.

    Having considered the main types of energy inherent in a person, one can understand that different people have different bioenergy. Even the negative or positive energy of a person, in turn, can be divided into different types. Based on this, we can say that each person, given the type of his energy, has his own specific capabilities, his own energy potential and his own specific characteristics. Energy determines and influences a person's relationship with other people and the world around him.

    A person who has negative, negative energy has a bad effect on everything that surrounds him, including people who are next to him, he is always nothing but trouble. He is not able to live in harmony with the outside world and even with himself.

    The influence of energy on a person largely determines his daily life. If the energy is positive, then a person’s life basically proceeds in a harmonious way, he has a positive effect on others. One cannot expect meanness, deceit, trick or other negative manifestations from him. He is open, understandable, and inspires confidence in other people.

    The impact of energy on a person emanating from a carrier of negative energy, on the contrary, can harm other people. After all, negative energy is inherent in deceitful, envious, unfriendly, aggressive people, and this negativity often manifests itself in communication with others and does not bring anything good to them.

    The main signs of people with strong, positive energy are their desire to live in harmony with the world around them and the people who are close to them. These are pure, sincere people with a strong core inside. published .

    Igor Ivanilov

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

    As each of us probably knows, human sensory abilities have a wide range. Some people see very well, others not so much. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity.

    All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people are well aware of the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when there is a lot or a little of it. They easily feel "good" and "bad" vibrations.

    Not all energy sensitive people always have all of the following characteristics, but if you notice even a few of them, you are most likely quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

    Strong human energy

    1. You have a deep empathy for other people.

    Often a person with strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or in upset feelings. Energy sensitive people are often the first "recipients" of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

    Energy-sensitive people feel the emotions of other people very keenly (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who suffer.

    2. Emotional rollercoaster

    Having a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person senses "high" energies around them, they are on an emotional high and vice versa. Have a few options ready for you in the event of an emotional downturn.

    3. Addiction

    Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To save themselves from feeling low vibrational energy, often such people can use alcohol or some other relaxing means to reduce the strength of feelings from negative energy.

    These people may also be addicted to other types of addictions, such as food, gambling, or shopping.

    Man and his energy

    People with strong energy often understand the motives of people's behavior very well, in some cases they catch and feel right on the go when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it doesn't matter.

    This is a very useful feature, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

    5. People with strong energy are most often introverts.

    Not all sensitive people are introverts, but a lot of them are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very morally exhausting, so often energy-sensitive people after such “sessions” need rest and recovery.

    They often after prolonged social interactions may feel exhausted.

    6. A person can see the signs

    People with strong energy are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider coincidental.

    Human energy

    As we can see, strong energy is a double-edged sword. Concentrating on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some overstimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

    If you think that you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to use your gift properly and not be so depleted.

    First of all, the first thing that can help you strengthen your vibrational "receivers" or better feel the vibration of the environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical uplift. It is also recommended to regularly declutter your home and work space.

    Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with, stay away from toxic individuals, events, and circumstances, especially when you feel overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gift.

    If you came into this world as a person sensitive to the perception of energy, then some responsibilities automatically fall on you. However, the constant influx of energy from the environment can overwhelm and hurt you.

    But if you learn to control your gift, amazing things will start to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge advantage.

    Energy sensitive people have the power to push the world for positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers and teachers.

    Now let's look at what types of people's energy exist today.

    Energy of the human body

    1) People are energy mirrors

    If energy is directed at such a person, whether positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, the man-mirror reflects energy.

    These properties of the energy inherent in certain people can and should be used, and with a high degree of efficiency, in order to protect yourself from negative energy, and first of all, from its purposeful flows.

    People - mirrors perfectly feel the surrounding people, so if they have to reflect negative energy, being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contacts with this person.

    True, it is worth adding that the carrier of negative energy on a subconscious level is also trying not to meet with such “mirrors”, because getting back his own negativity will not affect him in the best way, up to development various diseases or at least discomfort.

    And vice versa, for a carrier of positive energy, contact with people-mirrors is always pleasant, because the reflected positive returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

    As for the mirror man himself, after he quickly realized that he was in front of a carrier of positive energy, in the future he would only be glad to communicate with such a person and would maintain warm relations with him.

    2) People are energy leeches

    There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us almost daily encounters and communicates with them. These can be work colleagues, relatives or good friends.

    In fact, energy leeches are the same as energy vampires. That is, these are people who have problems replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to cling to another person, taking away his energy, and with it his life force.

    Such people are persistent and aggressive, they radiate negativity, and they have their own method of draining energy from others, which is quite simple. They create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

    After what happened, their well-being improves significantly, vigor comes to them, and they feel a surge of strength, because they drank enough energy from a person to feed themselves. A person - a donor who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels emptiness, depression, and sometimes he may even experience physical ailments.

    In order for a leech to feel good, there must always be donors around it, and they themselves strive to keep such people in their field of vision, whose energy field can be attached to.

    The influence of energy on a person

    3) People are energy walls

    A person - an energy wall - is a person with a very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any, appear on their life path, fly off from them literally like from a concrete wall.

    However, there is a negative side to interacting with such people. Negative energy directed at them naturally rebounds and does not always return to the one who directed it. If in this moment there are other people near the “wall”, then the negative can go to them.

    4) People are energy sticks

    These people from the very moment of meeting them begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on the interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately spread all the negativity that they have accumulated.

    Sticky, like a leech, does not take energy directly. Such a person also tries to settle in the living space of others and stay in it for a long time. Sticky people are people with very bad and low energy, they constantly impose themselves, always want to be around, constantly call their “victims”, look for meetings, ask for advice, etc.

    But if later some difficulties arise in their lives, then they are very fond of blaming those who were nearby for everything that is happening. Thus, sticky people do not create conflict situations, like leeches, but receive their portion of someone else's energy with the help of moral support, sympathy and advice.

    That is, by imposing themselves on the people around them, as well as forcing them to communicate indirectly, the sticky people feed on the energy of these people. But it is worth adding that people who communicate with them do not suffer, as from contact with energy vampires.

    energy man

    5) People are energy absorbers

    In this capacity, sinks can be both donors and recipients. These people are very sensitive, their energy-information exchange is always accelerated. They like to climb into someone else's life, showing a pronounced desire to help and influencing someone else's energy.

    Absorbers are of two types: the first absorb both positive and negative energy, they like to be offended for no reason, but quickly forget insults; the second accept a lot of negative energy, while giving a lot of positive, they are sensitive to people's problems, positively influencing the biofields of others, but they themselves suffer.

    6) People are Energy Samoyeds

    These people are always fixated on their experiences. Samoyeds are closed and consciously do not want to communicate with others. They do not know how to properly redistribute energy, so they accumulate a lot of negativity in themselves.

    7) People are energy plants

    People - plants give energy, that is, they are real energy donors. This type of people is characterized by excessive curiosity. This feature brings them a lot of trouble, because it causes displeasure and anger of the people around them.

    8) People are energy filters

    A person - a filter has a strong energy that can pass through a huge amount of positive and negative energy. All information absorbed by such a person in a modified form returns to its source, but carries a different charge.

    All the negative remains on the filter, to which the positive is added. "Filters" are often successful born diplomats, peacemakers, psychologists.

    9) People are energy intermediaries

    Intermediaries have excellent energy exchange. They perfectly accept energy, but it is extremely difficult for them to resist the effects of negative energy. For example, someone shared negative information with an intermediary and transferred negative energy to him. The intermediary cannot cope with it, so it passes the information on.

    A similar situation occurs in the case of positive information. This type of people is one of the most common.