Halloween Makeup: Tips, Look Ideas, Application Instructions. Halloween Makeup for Girls: Scary Beauty Witch Makeup for Kids

October 31 is just around the corner, which means it's time to talk about how to make the most terrible and unique makeup for All Saints Day with your own hands. Yes, we will help you choose the perfect Halloween makeup to match your costume, and you can make it yourself . So far, these are just ideas and plans, but it is absolutely possible to bring them to life! Use any of the ways to modify your face and body - carefully study the photos of the creepy characters resulting from the successful make-up, watch the videos of master classes on easy home and professional level 80 makeup on YouTube. With the right selection of cosmetics, paints, glue and tools for work, it is easy to create fantastic faces of comic and horror characters at home. A girl or girl of 10-12 years old will easily be reincarnated as a Doll, Witch, vampire or Cat. Children 7-9 years old like to pretend to be a Skeleton or a Skull. There are many ways to apply the "correct" makeup, complementing or even completely replacing the fancy dress. Use our tips and tricks as your go-to Halloween makeup guide.

DIY Vampire Makeup - Makeup for Girls on Halloween

Halloween night is the time when fantasies become reality, and the streets are filled with the most diverse movie characters, comic book characters, animated films, and animals. However, most of the images of October 31 are associated with scary stories about skeletons, witches and devils. All Saints Day is the only holiday when you can not only put on an unusual costume, but also make up beyond recognition. We are sure that girls who are thinking about transforming into a Vampire will need our advice. Yes, it takes a bit of practice to get great makeup - it will definitely come in handy not only for this Halloween, but also for other unusual holidays.

How to make Halloween Vampire makeup with your own hands - Master class for girls

Vampire makeup is the easiest makeup that a girl can do with her own hands in just 15-25 minutes. The only thing you need to check before applying any cosmetics, face paint or makeup is to check for compatibility with your skin. Allergic people are better off with just a sinister ghoul costume and artificial fangs. If you do not suffer from allergies, get to work.

  • Red and white paint;
  • Fake vampire fangs;
  • Makeup brushes and sponges
  • Black, blue, gray, red and purple shades;
  • Black mascara and eyeliner or eyeliner
  • Scarlet lipstick;
  • Colored contact lenses.

Starting work on the image of the Vampire, do a test - apply a small amount of paint on the skin and wait about 20 minutes. If redness or irritation does not appear, start “conjuring” over your face.

Everything is ready - it's time to go to the streets: there is a lot of delicious food!

Halloween Witch Makeup for Girls - DIY Makeup

Girls who decide to make a bright Witch makeup for Halloween should remember that the use of any other chemicals can be harmful, since the skin on the face is very sensitive. Don't mix different types make-up and try to purchase only hypoallergenic paint sold in specialized stores.

DIY Halloween Witch Makeup - Master class for girls

When choosing a Witch costume for Halloween, think about what kind of makeup will suit your look. Perhaps you will portray a good sorceress - then the make-up tones will be light. For the image of an evil sorceress, it is better to take dark, gray and black colors. In both cases, the makeup application technique remains similar.

So, before you start, prepare:

  • Green or blue face paint;
  • Green or red lipstick;
  • Eyeliner;
  • Tone cream;
  • Large brush and powder brush;
  • Eyebrow brush
  • Eyeshadow
  • Fake warts (optional).

When starting makeup, be sure to wash your face and hide your hair under a scarf (or just pull it into a tight ponytail). Start applying makeup.

Halloween Skull Makeup - How to Make Skeleton Makeup - YouTube Video

Anyone who went out for a walk on Halloween night will agree that the most creepy mummers always look like people with realistic skull makeup on their faces, dressed in phosphorescent Skeleton costumes. Carefully done makeup will help to become one of these creepy types on October 31st. To create it, you need only black, gray and white paints or shadows - everything is simple. Watch this video on YouTube and you will understand the sequence of actions.

How to Make Skeleton and Skull Halloween Makeup - Sample YouTube Videos

When creating the image of a Skull or Skeleton, you can only sketch the lower half of the face - the effect of the finished makeup will be no less than that of the makeup covering the forehead and eyelids.

Guys can also use women's cosmetics - this is the safest paint for the skin.

Makeup for Halloween for children 7-9 years old - Doing makeup at home

Children's Halloween makeup should be treated with extreme caution. The skin of a child of 7-9 years old is still very delicate, sensitive to any "chemistry". We recommend doing light makeup and using food colorings and juices of natural vegetables - beets and carrots. You can also use watercolor paints - they are easily washed off and do not cause such irritation as gouache. At home, children can be invited to create an image Snow Queen. Wizards, Cats.

Examples of interesting Halloween makeup - Makeup for children 7-9 years old at home

Children 7-9 years old who are preparing to “carol” on Halloween will definitely need costumes and makeup that matches their images. You can make it at home quickly - watch our sample videos and follow all the steps of the master classes offered there.

Homemade face makeup for Halloween for children 10-12 years old

Creating home make-up on the Halloween for children is a special process. The make-up artist must take into account the gender and age of the child: in girls under 10-12 years old, the skin is especially sensitive, so it can be replaced with food paints. In extreme cases, you can use light, high-quality cosmetics. At the same time, it is not recommended to paint over the entire area of ​​the face - it is enough to indicate several features characteristic of the selected character. For example, you can depict blood oozing from the mouth of a young Vampire, make several black stripes for the image of a Zebra, draw a mustache and a cat's nose.

How to do makeup for children - Halloween makeup for 10-12 years

When choosing makeup for a child of 10-12 years old, consider his state of health. Allergy sufferers are better off without makeup. For most children, the images of Witches and Pirates are suitable - they require minimal use of paint and cosmetics. After the Halloween party is over, the teenager needs to wash his face and lubricate his face with a nourishing, non-greasy cream.

Professional Level 80 Halloween Makeup

If you want to make a real splash by appearing on Halloween in fantastically realistic makeup, take the advice of experts using level 80 makeup. It includes not a simple application of cosmetics on the skin, but the creation of 3D effects, a terrible imitation of scars, lacerations, scars, the use of special contact lenses, a colorless patch for artificial aging of the skin, etc. Such techniques are used by make-up artists working on creating images of heroes of horror films and science fiction films. See how real masters work!

How To Work With Level 80 Professional Makeup - Realistic Halloween Makeup

You can create such a make-up yourself - however, for this you will have to practice for a month, or even two. In this video, you can follow all the stages of applying first-class realistic makeup.

Makeup Dolls for Halloween girl

Every girl is cute in her own way. However, on Halloween, such a cute angel can transform into a creepy Doll from horror movies. You can make up this character in several stages.

How to Make Halloween Doll Makeup - Master Class for a Girl

To apply the Doll's makeup, use normal cosmetics. You can draw a scar on your face or buy a ready-made 3D scar on the sale before Halloween.

Before starting work, prepare the following:

  • False eyelashes;
  • ink;
  • lipstick;
  • Shadows;
  • powder;
  • Blush;
  • cotton wool;
  • Clay BF.

Start your make-up work by creating the Doll's hairstyle - secure the hair with bobby pins, removing it from the forehead. This will make it easier to follow these steps:

The scariest DIY Halloween makeup - Photo and Video

In ordinary life, everyone strives to look prettier and younger, but on Halloween the rules change - everyone wants to be the scariest monsters that cause horror and trembling in their legs. To create such a terrible makeup, of course, you have to spend an hour, two, or even more. You can make realistic bloody scars, imitate deep wounds, skeleton ribs, wrinkles of an old woman with your own hands. Photos and videos from this page will help you create a frightening image for All Saints Day.

Examples of photos and videos of the scariest makeup - DIY makeup for Halloween

Looking at these scary photos and videos, it's hard to believe that such a creepy make-up was done by hand. On October 31, try and do something unimaginable - these examples will help you!

Light Halloween Cat Makeup

If there is less than an hour left before the Halloween party, and you don’t have a costume or make-up for the holiday, you can do the easiest make-up - turn into a Cat in a few minutes. To do this, you will need "ears" on the rim and a mustache and Murka's nose drawn on the face.

How to do the easiest Halloween makeup - Cat Image

Cats have always been considered mystical creatures. Where without them on Halloween? Shortly before the party on October 31, apply light makeup on your face - draw the antennae and nose of the animal. The most daring make-up artists with the help of dark gray shadows can transform into a black cat.

How to make your own gouache makeup on Halloween

Gouache is not intended for makeup. However, it is this bright, thick paint that helps the most creative guys and girls easily turn into Vampires, Scarecrows, Clowns, Monsters. Gouache keeps well on the skin, but it dries it a little, so grease your face with a water-soluble low-fat cream before applying it. You need to apply paint in a thin layer, otherwise it will quickly crack and crumble.

Halloween Gouache Makeup Examples

If you only have gouache at home, and you want to make a cool Halloween makeup, choose anime and cartoon characters, non-existent animals and clowns for the party. In a word, give preference to bright, colorful images.

After preparing a cool costume for the October 31st party, don't forget: scary, realistic Halloween makeup - the main part of the image. Without good makeup (ideally, professional level 80 makeup), you won't get a Vampire, a Witch, a skeleton or a Skull. You can create an interesting light make-up with your own hands - use gouache and turn into a Cat or a Zebra. Girls will like the make-up of the Fairies, and girls of 7-9 and 10-12 years old will like the Dolls and the Snow Queen. Watch YouTube videos of master classes on applying such makeup, and on All Saints Day your look will be the most unusual.

Halloween is a time when you can go beyond what is permitted, try yourself in a completely new role. The image of a witch is so different that every year you can update it and never repeat it. What are they fabulous sorceresses, old women in charge, gothic ladies? How to achieve a stunning effect with makeup?

Classic make-up for a witch

The most striking character that comes to mind is Baba Yaga performed by the People's Artist of the RSFSR G.F. Millyar. The textbook image is based not only on the impeccable performance of the actor, but also on a very interesting and rather simple make-up.

Senile icteric or slightly swampy skin tone, a huge nose with a wart, crazy sparkling eyes.

This witch makeup can be repeated at home. You will have to tinker with a false nose, however, you can buy it. The main tone is achieved with the help of makeup. You can use a foundation with a dense base, such as "Ballet". To give it the right shade, add some gray or green shadows with shimmers to the palette. Using a brush and matte shadows, draw the folds where there should be deep wrinkles - forehead, nasolabial, "paws" near the eyes, as well as the tip of the nose.

Blue and black shadows will help to give the eye sockets an unhealthy look. The fold of the eyelid is drawn dark, the eye sockets are shaded light in a circle - completely both from above and from below. Eyebrows should be ruffled and fixed with gel. Lips should remain deathly pale. And, of course, do not forget about the surroundings - gray hair, a well-worn scarf.

Makeup in the style of Elphaba

The land of Oz is rich in all sorts of witches, but Elphaba has a great advantage - youth. Recreating the makeup of an outcast girl with green skin is not difficult at all. There is no need for additional props or professional makeup.

The basis of makeup is foundation mixed with bright green shadows. It must be applied as evenly as possible, be sure to paint over the parts of the neck and shoulders visible from under the clothes. You can sharpen the nose and cheekbones with the help of dark gray shadows. With a brush, apply them on the cheekbones, lower jaw and on the sides of the back of the nose, without touching the wings. Highlight your eyes with classic smokey ice.

Mascara is applied thickly on the upper and lower eyelashes. Be sure to draw the outer corner from the bottom. If your lashes are not long enough, you can use a bunch of false lashes. Lips are shaded with mother-of-pearl lipstick.

Makeup in the spirit of beautiful witches

Who said that a witch is a terrible, sinister monster. Remember the lady from Viy - quite a pretty lady. This witch makeup for Halloween will emphasize your attractiveness and at the same time chill your soul..

To create an image, you will need the palest foundation or actor's makeup. It is not necessary to draw cadaveric spots, wrinkles and other folds at all. On the contrary, it is necessary to emphasize the dignity - raised black eyebrows, pronounced cheekbones.

The eyes are brought in with a liquid agent or a special marker. The arrow should be bold, clearly visible. The lower eyelid does not fail. It is necessary to walk on it with a little blue shadows to give the skin an unnatural cyanosis. Eyelashes are painted with lengthening mascara.

The lips in this witch makeup do not stay toned. They are slightly shaded with coral or orange lipstick. Literally a hint of color.

Witch in gothic style

This is the most favorite Halloween makeup for modern ladies. It is easy to perform it, additional funds, such as acting makeup, are not needed.

Apply a moisturizer to the face, pay attention to the eye area. Wait for it to be completely absorbed. If there are imperfections in the form of redness, use a green corrector. Choose the most pale, but not white foundation. Otherwise, the skin will look like a geisha's face. The cream is driven in with fingers, trying to smooth the borders.

Eye makeup is a characteristic feature of this style. Black shadows are applied wet along the lash line of both eyelids. Further, the crease of the eyelid is highlighted with the darkest color. The area of ​​the moving eyelid is shaded with black or dark gray shadows. An arrow is drawn with liquid eyeliner from the inner to the outer corner of the eye. She is not at all obliged to take off strongly, but a lowered outer corner is not allowed either. For eyelashes, you need coal-black mascara, which is applied in 2 layers.

The lips of such a witch will be, like those of the classic Goths - black or blood red. The eyeliner is used exactly in the tone of the lipstick. No sparkles or shimmers. All makeup is matte.

When creating your own image of a witch for a holiday, remember that a woman who has sacred magical knowledge, often communicating with evil spirits, is not a corpse! Therefore, this make-up should not be confused with vampire or other undead.

Halloween makeup done on Halloween is a Western tradition. But in other countries, this carnival has already acquired its place among the youth holidays. Parties on the occasion of this holiday are a great chance to reincarnate and show yourself from a new, frightening and creepy side.

Halloween Makeup 2018

Halloween makeup for girls 2018 can be called extremely bright and bold. This is evidenced by the accents placed last year:

  1. The most popular images are girls from posters and printed publications, images of Mexican carnivals and various mythological creatures.
  2. Kind and bright heroes will also have a place at the party, so an angel costume with a shimmering make-up will be a real find.

Halloween Makeup 2018

Light makeup for Halloween

Easy, simple Halloween makeup that can be created using standard tools decorative cosmetics, can be divided into two types:

  • deliberately pale, making the face bloodless;
  • bright evening make-up, with an exaggerated drawing of the contours of the face;
  • light Halloween makeup without the use of theatrical makeup products is possible without special artistic skills. In such images, the emphasis is on the costume.

Scary Halloween Makeup

The most terrible images are created on the basis of children's fears. Therefore, these include:

  • halloween zombie makeup, she-devil, old china doll, queen of spades and dead bride;
  • terrible makeup cannot be created only with the help of decorative cosmetics, even the most pigmented. To enhance the effect, use a creamy makeup.

Fancy Halloween Makeup

Unusual beautiful makeup for Halloween is a complete flight of fancy:

  1. The most original and unusual is the image in the style of pop art, as if descended from posters. This is a bright make-up with makeup elements and the use of such unusual colors like blue, bright purple, red, green and black outline.
  2. For several seasons in a row, Harley Quinn Halloween makeup continues to be relevant.
  3. Another unusual and original image includes masks from the Mexican carnival. This Halloween makeup is created with the help of cosmetics and theatrical makeup.

Halloween Makeup Ideas

This is a holiday where you can show your individuality, intrigue, scare. Therefore, the variety of images that you can try on during a party on his occasion is only pleasing. The bow does not end with the right suit, hairstyle and accessories. The main focus is on make-up or full make-up. The most common Halloween makeup ideas for girls are:

  • the image of a dead bride, a dark woman or a queen of spades, a she-devil, a broken doll, a witch, an angel and a mermaid;
  • popular animalistic make-up of a cat, a bat;
  • one of the most striking is considered to be a bow based on Mexican folklore;
  • such details as contouring in the form of skull bones, painted scars, dark and makeup that imitate all kinds of defects are welcome.

Devil Halloween Makeup

The devil or demon woman is a deep and very formidable image. He has many incarnations:

  1. It can be dark nuns and women with devil's horns, or just an image of death. In any case, a lot of emphasis is placed on Halloween makeup.
  2. Colored contact lenses are allowed. The devil may have red eyes, then the complexion evens out, cheekbones and a clear line of eyebrows are drawn, lips are painted brightly. This also characterizes the Halloween vampire makeup.
  3. When using dark and black lenses without pupils and iris, a pale complexion and lips would be appropriate, but the eyelids are shaded with dark shadows, it is possible to draw the inside of the lips with a bright red print, which will give a bloodthirsty look to the image of a she-devil.

Halloween Cat Makeup

The cat is a harmless and widespread image. This Halloween makeup for girls is characterized by the following details:

  1. It can emphasize those aspects of nature that in ordinary life were not brought to the fore: sexuality, hidden aggression, the nature of a predator and a huntress, hidden by a sly look.
  2. Careful drawing of the cat's look is relevant, the outer corners of the eyes are drawn out with the help of shadows or arrows, you can complement the playfulness of the look with long false eyelashes.
  3. You can make your cat's makeup for Halloween recognizable with the help of makeup paints, which draw thin cat whiskers and a pink nose.
  4. The image of a catwoman is complemented by a properly selected suit and ears. Such a bow is unlikely to turn out scary or even creepy, but it will demonstrate one of the facets of the character of the woman who chose it.

Halloween Doll Makeup

One of the creepiest characters in Western horror films is porcelain dolls. Plots in which animated dolls deal with people are very popular. And it is believed that if a face of a seemingly cute doll appears in the frame in a horror movie, then an action will be associated with it. Beautiful Halloween makeup for girls is endowed with the following features:

  1. Should repeat the main accents of a porcelain face: light skin, small bow-shaped lips, thin eyebrows and long eyelashes.
  2. The development of eyelashes should be given great attention, you can use false eyelashes.
  3. The lips are deliberately drawn less, their contours are clearly distinguished.
  4. A blush on the cheeks is characteristic, which undergoes minimal shading.
  5. The face can be emphasized with small curls, neatly wound around the forehead line.
  6. Halloween doll makeup can be emphasized with make-up and mini-cracks can be drawn on the forehead or cheeks, repeating cracks on the porcelain surface.

Halloween Nurse Makeup

A nurse is one of the most popular images at such a celebration. She combines at the same time care and the most sinister qualities, pain and anguish that she can inflict. Beautiful and easy Halloween makeup is done using the following methods:

  1. The make-up does not depend on the erotic or aggressive accent that you want to create in the image. The nurse on Halloween is always sinister, so a lot of makeup is used.
  2. A fair complexion and pale lips can be emphasized with a dark and aggressive accent on the eyes.
  3. The face can be visually narrowed by giving it the outline of a skull. This is done using dark contouring in the cheekbones and nose.
  4. The image of the killer nurse from the movie "Kill Bill" is popular. To recreate this image, you will need a bandage over one eye, the rest of the Halloween makeup is done in a deliberately erotic spirit with obligatory lip drawing.

Halloween Makeup "Queen of Spades"

The Queen of Spades or black woman is one of the most common images that has arisen from childhood legends and scary stories. The main attribute is a black robe and a black lace veil over the hair. Sexy Halloween makeup is created using the following details:

  1. Illusoryness and a halo of gloom are given to the image by a light tonal base covering the entire face and neck.
  2. Lips can be made up either with the same foundation, emphasizing their bloodlessness and ghostliness of the face, or make up the lips with black matte lipstick.
  3. Eyes can be made up using the smoky ice technique, complementing the eye makeup with black shimmering sparkles, which will enhance the sinister effect.
  4. The intrigue of the image of the Queen of Spades can be emphasized with the help of the same lace coverlet, which only covers the upper half of the face, leaving only the lips to be seen.
  5. The part of the face hidden by the veil can be decorated with creepy details, such as decorative contact lenses in fantasy colors and pupil shapes, scars, stitches and other patterns on the face.

Halloween Bride Makeup

The corpse of the bride is one of the most popular scary images in Western folklore. According to legend, the buried bride in her wedding attire rises from the grave and pursues the still-living groom. But in pair with her they create the image of the corpse of the groom. When creating the Corpse Bride makeup for Halloween, you can show the whole flight of fancy:

  1. The make-up should be sinister and intimidating, which is easily achieved with the help of unnatural pallor, facial contouring, emphasizing the natural protrusions and depressions of the human skull.
  2. Pale lips and dark-colored eyelids are relevant.
  3. Among other things, you can use false silicone elements for makeup or manually draw details on the forehead or cheeks that imitate decayed flesh.
  4. Not forgetting that this is the image of the bride, the femininity of the image can be emphasized with the help of long false eyelashes.

Mermaid Halloween Makeup

The image of a mermaid is very feminine. It matches the cute makeup for Halloween, but for the celebration it should be made more awesome and creepy:

  1. You can go the easy way and try on the Disney little mermaid make-up and her image, but you can really stand out at the party only by turning yourself into a real mermaid, a drowned woman or the daughter of a sea king. Not only an azure-colored wig with long straight hair will help with this.
  2. A strong pallor is characteristic, the lips are not just pale, but bluish-white.
  3. Eyes can be made very bright using false eyelashes and bright glitter shadows, but you don't need to use blush and don't apply excessive contouring.
  4. The face of a real mermaid should be almost translucent-pale with carefully defined eyes.

Halloween Bat Makeup

The image of the bat is most associated with Count Dracula and the vampire. Therefore, by creating a cool Halloween makeup, complementing it with pointy ears and a costume with sleeves in the form of bat wings or a long cape, you can be at the party in the spotlight:

  1. Like other Halloween images associated with evil spirits and dark spirits, bat makeup is done using a very light base color.
  2. Among other things, you can highlight your eyes with bright dark shadows and make up your lips with bright red lipstick, you can even use it to create the appearance of blood-wet lips.
  3. If you use makeup elements, you can additionally draw droplets of blood flowing from the lips.

Halloween Witch Makeup

Witch represents the scariest Halloween makeup:

  1. According to Western traditions, on the eve of All Saints' Day, witches call evil spirits into this world and fly on broomsticks, brew potions in large cauldrons and wear pointed hats. The pumpkin and the pointed witch hat are the two main symbols of Halloween.
  2. Witch makeup can be roughly divided into two types: the old witch, whose face is covered with wrinkles, and the young witch, sexy and sinister.
  3. In the first case, careful work with makeup is necessary. In the case of a young witch, the main thing is a clear and beautiful face contouring, bright lips, bright eye makeup and long eyelashes.

Halloween Pop Art Makeup

Pop art is a fashionable make-up trend. This is the style of Western posters and posters, where faces are drawn with bright and thick lines, typographic bright colors are used. You can create a spectacular and at the same time simple Halloween makeup for girls:

  1. The main thing is to even out the face by applying a make-up base, matte resistant foundation and a layer of powder.
  2. The eyebrows are artistically highlighted, as is the line of the lips, even the line of the nose can be drawn with strokes.
  3. Pigmented shades of rich shades of blue, red, purple are widely used in such a make-up. The black color acts as an outline for the facial features.

Halloween Angel Makeup

The image of a party angel will stand out in contrast. On this night, according to Western traditions, the dark forces come into conflict with the forces of light, which defeat the rampant evil. Makeup and costume for Halloween can be created by an evil and frightening, fallen angel. But in contrast, a clean and bright angel will look great:

  1. To do this, apply a little shimmer or shimmery shine on the tonal base in the cheekbones, around the eyes, this will create an angelic shimmer of the skin.
  2. Cover lips with a glossy gloss of pink or nude shades.
  3. You can not highlight the eyebrow line, on the contrary, powder them and make them as pale as possible.
  4. The eyes also do not need additional drawing, you can glue false eyelashes with a wet effect of sticky hairs.

Mexican Halloween Makeup

This is a striking phenomenon, an image created with an emphasis on Mexican folk traditions that will not go unnoticed. Halloween skeleton makeup for girls is characterized by the following features:

  1. Large roses on the head in the form of a wreath are perfectly combined with the somewhat unrealistic outline of the skull on the face.
  2. The face is made up with a white or light base.
  3. The area around the eyes is drawn in solid black, the tip of the nose in the form of a triangle is also highlighted in black.
  4. The dark cheekbone brings the image closer to traditional Mexican carnival masks.
  5. On the face, you can add an arbitrary pattern in the form of flowers or wavy lines made with black paint.

There are several types of Halloween makeup: beautiful, creepy, and eerily beautiful. So, Halloween witch makeup at home can be done in all three types. You can be a sexy witch, a scary witch, and a beautiful but very dangerous witch. It all depends on what image you choose for All Saints Day.

By the way, do you remember? Yes, yes, just over two weeks left. So run for the suit. And if you don’t have time, then take out your most beautiful black dress, take a cosmetic bag, and do witch makeup. He does not need to have makeup or liquid latex to create a hooked nose. Even blood can be imitated with your makeup if you do everything right.

Here are some types of witch makeup for Halloween.

Evil witch

This Halloween 2018 makeup is easy to create, all you need from all the "special effects" are lenses, because without them there will be no such frightening effect.

Apply foundation, set it well with powder. Draw eyebrows, on Halloween you can "break away" and draw as dark and graphic as possible! Make with a black pencil and smokey eye shadows. Add false eyelashes, mascara. Put on your lenses. Draw cheekbones and nose with dark brown and black shadows, you can not try too hard and do not shade. Apply black face paint to the brush and blend the forehead line with it. Draw any witch symbol on the forehead with eyeliner. With a black pencil, shade the contour of the lips and apply lipstick to match. Drip some fake blood under your eyes. If you don't have one, mix some red lipstick and Vaseline or clear lip gloss and use this mixture to draw drops under your eyes.

Salem witch

For this Halloween makeup, you need white eye lenses without pupils and the most light tone al cream. Apply a thick layer of foundation and powder it well. Then contour with dark gray and black shadows. Don't forget the nose and chin. Next - black smoky ice, as dramatic as possible. Draw your eyebrows. Attach false eyelashes. Take a thin eyeliner brush and draw small "veins" under the eyes with black shadows. Line your lips with black pencil or lipstick. Curl curls - voila! You are a real Salem witch.

Read also

Scary "bloody" witch

In this Halloween makeup, lenses do not play a special role, but fake blood and liquid latex (PVA glue) will come in handy. Or burgundy lipstick + matching gloss (Vaseline is also suitable). Making such a make-up is not difficult, but it will take a long time, and the work will be painstaking.

Make a red smoky eye with black and burgundy shadows and eyeliner. Stretch the smokey closer to the bridge of the nose. Wipe off any loose eye makeup from your skin. Apply tone, fix it with powder. Add a red haze under the eyes, glue the eyelashes. Contour your face. Apply red or burgundy lipstick and blend it with a brush far beyond the lip line. With a white pencil, draw a pentagram on the forehead. From above, go over the star with liquid latex or PVA glue, creating a convex outline. Blend it with foundation, then go over the star with red lipstick or shadows. With brown shadows create a shadow from the star. Add fake blood on top. Add it under the eyes and near the nose.

Glamor Witch

Here is that Halloween makeup that requires only standard cosmetics, and, well, the lightest tonal foundation.

Apply foundation, set it with powder. Draw eyebrows with black shadows. Create beautiful smoky eye makeup with any dark shade. Preferably matte. With black shadows and a bronzer, create very prominent cheekbones, drawing them right up to the chin. Use the same means to contour the nose. With eyeliner, draw an inverted half-moon on the forehead and a few dots below it. You can also put dots around the eyes. Blend lips with foundation, add some black shadows to the center of the lips. Liner draw "teeth". Contour the neck, and that's it, you're ready.

The image of a witch is loved by many girls. It successfully fits into the concept of the holiday and allows you to embody bold ideas. You can choose the image of an ancient old woman with a hooked nose, or you can become a fatal mysterious beauty that can turn anyone's head. Before applying makeup and choosing the right accessories, you should decide what kind of witch you want to become, and then move on to the realization of the idea.

Below you will find ideas for Halloween witch makeup and inspiration, as well as helpful tips, photos and videos.

What you need for DIY Halloween Witch Makeup at Home

If you want to create a spectacular witch makeup for Halloween and at the same time support the theme of Russian folklore, then take a closer look at image of Baba Yaga. Do not forget that she is a lady of respectable age, so the main principle in this make-up is "aging" of the skin. Theatrical make-up will cope with this task, but if it is not possible to purchase it, you can do everything with the help of ordinary cosmetics.

To create the image of Baba Yaga for Halloween, you will need:

  • tonal base;
  • powder;
  • shades of brown, gray, red, white.

Making a Baba Yaga Halloween costume is easy: her appearance does not differ in accuracy. Take a long old skirt or dress that can be torn or stained. Put on a scarf on your head, from under which strands will be knocked out. You can paint them with white chalk to create a gray effect.

Baba Yaga's Halloween Makeup Step by Step

Do not be afraid to embody this image due to the fact that the "aging" of the skin seems to you a difficult process. This is easy to do, following the scheme described below:

  • Apply a tone that is a few shades lighter than your natural skin tone. Then powder the skin;
  • take a thin brush and with brown-gray shadows draw wrinkles near the nasolabial folds. With the same colors, draw "bags" under the eyes;
  • wrinkle your forehead and move your eyebrows: draw the formed folds with shadows;
  • draw a downward arrow with brown shadows - this will “lower” the eyes. In the same way, draw the outline of the lips - their corners should be lowered;
  • line your eyes with red shadows - this will create the effect of “tired” eyes;
  • take a wider brush and apply brown shadows on the wings of the nose from the nostrils to create the effect of a hook-shaped nose. Apply shadows in the shape of a triangle on the chin, blend to make the chin visually become more pointed;
  • Apply white shadows to the eyebrows and eyelashes, and tonal foundation on the lips.

If you want to make complex makeup, you can build a false nose from theatrical wax or papier-mâché. Also for the image of Baba Yaga on Halloween, you can make warts from PVA glue and flour with cocoa to make them look more natural.

Video: step-by-step makeup to create the image of Baba Yaga for Halloween.

The image is fatalth witch on Halloween - step by step instructions

The witch does not have to be old and scary, she can also be a fatal beauty, captivating at first sight. Below is step-by-step instruction on the embodiment of the witch fatale makeup for Halloween:

  1. The skin of such a witch should be perfect and very pale. Apply the foundation on the face, then a light tone on it. Conceal all skin defects with concealers and fix the result with loose powder.
  2. Apply dark blush to the temples, upper forehead and cheekbones.
  3. For eye makeup, use bright shadows and liquid eyeliner. You can use glitter and rhinestones.
  4. Using liquid eyeliner, you can draw a web next to the outer corner of the eye.
  5. In the embodiment of this image, be sure to use false eyelashes that need to be glued to the upper eyelid.
  6. Apply lipstick in bright red or plum, burgundy shades on your lips. You can draw a fly above the lip to add more appeal to the image.

Video: makeup steps and hairstyles for creating a Halloween witch fatal look.

In addition to makeup, you can complement the image of the fatal witch with a pointed black hat, a dress with a corset or a long mantle. Use your imagination and you will be able to charm all the guests.

Halloween Maleficent Makeup

Now the increasing popularity of Halloween makeup is gaining not only witches from fairy tales, but also from films. For example, many are trying to make the image of Maleficent. Distinctive features this heroine is:

  • a long robe of black and purple with a high collar;
  • headdress with curved horns;
  • very pale face with pronounced cheekbones;
  • bright eye and lip makeup.

Video: step by step makeup Witches Maleficent for Halloween.

Photo gallery of Halloween witch ideas and images

Below you can explore photos of various witch makeup options for Halloween:

You can see a more complex witch makeup below. But with due diligence, it is not so difficult to complete it!

Video: bright and "terribly beautiful" Halloween witch makeup from Elena Krygina.

The image of a witch for Halloween can be both beautiful and seductive, and fun. In this case, a witch’s simple makeup is indispensable; wigs, silicone pads, and bright colors will be used:

There are many ideas for creating the image of a witch - you just have to choose: do you want to be an ancient old woman or attractive woman? Think carefully about the concept so that your costume and makeup complement each other, creating the perfect look.

Video: Halloween witch makeup step by step.

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