Carnation sandy. planting material

carnation lush-Dianthus superbus L.

European-North Asian species, distributed in Russia mainly in the northern half of the European part, in Siberia and the Far East. Scattered in all central Russian regions. It grows in meadows, edges, in sparse forests. Can be found in the Moscow region in dry meadows and woodlands.

Perennial with creeping rhizome. Stems up to 60 cm high, often solitary, ascending. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute. The flowers are large, on long stalks, fragrant. The calyx is joint-leaved, cylindrical, 15-23 mm long and 4-5 mm in diameter, with lanceolate sharp teeth. There are four bracts, they are several times shorter than the calyx. Petals pink, purple or almost white, fringed-multipartite, with filiform lobes, a beard of hairs and a greenish spot at the base of the plate. Stamens ten. There are two columns. The fruit is a capsule, oblong, opening with four teeth, slightly longer than the calyx. Blooms in June-July; in October there is often a secondary bloom. In culture since 1593. Can grow in partial shade.

Seedlings bloom in the second year, forming a rosette of leaves up to 10-12 cm in diameter by the end of the first year. Mass flowering lasts almost a month in June, slightly capturing the beginning of July. It bears fruit in July - August, giving abundant self-sowing. After flowering, the bushes weaken and winter poorly, short-lived, blooms weaker every year. With mass cultivation, self-sowing hides this drawback, as a result, thickets exist for a long time and bloom profusely, due to constantly changing plants. If the plant is not allowed to bear fruit, by the third year the curtain almost completely disappears. For curbs, rocky hills and carpet plantings. Good for cutting.

It varies greatly. Japanese botanists have described several varieties (Ohwi, 1965). A white-flowered form was found on Shikotan ( f. albifloraTatewaki). On Sakhalin and the Kuriles there is a form that is more intensely colored than in Europe.

variety mix "Lush"- when sown in the ground, it blooms the next year, when sown for seedlings in March - April, it blooms in the year of sowing. Height up to 35 cm, diameter of flowers 3 cm. A mixture of white, pink and purple flowers. The petals are strongly dissected, some plants have colored spots at the throat and veins of the petals.

In SakhKNII since 1961, grows in an open place on the ridges. Blooms in early July, blooms for about two months. In early September, mature seeds appear. Secondary flowering may occur in October. Plants increased in height to an average of 50 cm (from 40 to 67). Flower diameter 4.1-5.3 cm, smaller than most plants in nature. Easily propagated by seeds. Seedlings of epicotyl type. When sown before winter shoots were observed in early May. Plants go green in the winter.

In hot water since 1960 (from Sakhalin), grows on a rocky hill. Blossoms in June-July (23.VII, 10.VII and even 19.VI), there is a tendency to an earlier start of flowering. Blooms for about a month. Seeds ripen in August. Growing, forms a curtain. Plant height 30-50 cm, flower diameter up to 4.3 cm.

Cultivated plant (Pagey, 1932; Bailey, 1947; Dictionary of Gardening, 1956). Wyman (1971) suggests cultivating as a biennial plant. Sugawara (1937) recommends planting in pots and also notes it medicinal properties: used in folk medicine for gonorrhea, a decoction of the fruit - for diseases of the bladder, as a diuretic. According to the latest data, it is a strong uterine remedy that stimulates and increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus. It has a depressing effect on the central nervous system, intestinal motor function, has a spasmodic effect (Luzhinskiy, 1950; Zhelnovich et al., 1939 - see: Minaeva, 1970). Contains saponin. Essential oil for perfumery is obtained from fresh carnation flowers. Medonos (Vereshchagin et al., 1959).

An unpretentious frost- and winter-hardy plant that grows both on an ordinary garden agrobackground and on a lean substrate. A sunny location is required. Good plant for rock gardens. Suitable for cutting.

In the steppe zone, the Eastern European D. squarrasus is occasionally found on the sands. Bieb. - G. splayed, which has short, stiff, bent down leaves.

Photo left Natalia Kashperova
Photo on the right

Carnation (Dianthus) is an ideal perennial that can provide a flower garden or garden plot with a bright, unusually decorative look for a long time. All types and varieties of carnations are distinguished by a variety of colors, splendor of flowering and the size of inflorescences. More than 300 species of this plant are known, growing almost all over the world, of which there are about 100 garden forms. Some are great for borders, others will decorate lawns and flower beds. Therefore, every flower grower will be able to choose from such a variety of vending species and create a work of landscape art on his site.

This article provides examples of what types of cloves are, as well as some features of their cultivation.

Did you know? The name Dianthus carnation comes from Greek words dios - a deity and anthos - a flower, for which she was nicknamed the divine flower, or the flower of Zeus (Zeus is the highest deity in ancient Greek mythology). Carnation has long been one of the most popular flowers around the world. Carnation flowers were considered healing: they were kept in the house and taken with them on the road, as a talisman against misfortunes. The ancient Greek legend says that once the carnation was a particle of the human heart, so it is a symbol of love, fidelity, constancy, kindness and justice. In France in the 18th century, the carnation was considered the flower of the revolution; those sentenced to death took it with them to the scaffold and kept it near their hearts until the last minute.

Alpine carnation is one of the varieties of carnation, also known as rock garden. This perennial plant of the clove family grows in the wild in limestone areas of Austria, Slovenia, and northeast Italy. Alpinaria is a slender, graceful plant, reaching a height of 20 - 50 cm. The flowers are purple-red, with a delicate, barely perceptible aroma.

The name of this species indicates the optimal placement of the flower - alpine slides. If there is no such place, the cultivation of alpine carnation is possible in sunny areas, slightly elevated, where there is no stagnant water. This may be a "dam" or scree, located on the south side with a slight slope. The plant prefers light, loose, sandy soil or light loam. The rock garden responds well to fertilizing with mature compost. However, it does not tolerate an excess of fertilizers - it quickly ages and loses its resistance to temperature extremes and cold. The most popular variety of alpine carnation is "Albus" with white flowers.

Did you know? Alpine carnation, German name - Alpen-Nelke, was first described in 1753 by the Swedish taxonomist Carl Linnaeus.

Armeriform carnation is an annual or biennial plant of the clove family, not exceeding a height of 10 - 50 cm. Armeriform carnation is distributed almost everywhere, the species is native to Europe, Southwest Asia and North America. Today the species is widely used in landscape design in the preparation of floristic compositions. The leaves of the plant are linear, reverse lanceolate in shape, from 2 to 10 cm in length. From below, the stems of the plant are almost naked, and closer to the inflorescences, densely and shortly pubescent. Inflorescences solitary or umbrella - 3-6 pcs., Corolla consists of five jagged red-pink and purple petals with small white spots. Flowering from June to September. Armeriform carnation does not have pure varieties, but its hybrids are very popular - "New York Evening", "Caramel" and "Zoryanka".

Did you know? Carnation armeriform differs valuable medicinal properties. In folk medicine, the leaves, flowers, stems of the plant, as well as the essential oil contained in the flowers are used. Raw materials are harvested when the carnation blooms, since at this time the content of useful components and essential oils reaches its highest concentration. It is recommended to use infusions of leaves and flowers for neurasthenia, colitis, enterocolitis, intestinal diseases.

Needle-leaved carnation is a perennial plant. The species grows on rocky slopes, in dry pine forests, on sandy soil, limestone rocks, on river banks. It is found in the wild in Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, Central Asia and the Far East. The plant is a semi-shrub, has a tap root, the stems reach a height of 10-30 cm, forming a dense rosette. It has hard, trihedral, sharp needle-shaped leaves (hence the name of the species).
Inflorescences are paniculate-corymbose, flowers are large, solitary, white color, with five petals, very fragrant. Buds are formed by mid-May, flowering begins in the first half of June and ends at the end of July. The fruit of the needle-leaved carnation is a multi-seeded two-membered capsule with a shell. The most popular varieties are Badeniya and Suti.

- the most preferred species by gardeners, grown mainly as an annual. The height of plants of this species ranges from 10 to 45 cm. The flowers are large, up to 7 cm in diameter, can be double, semi-double or non-double. The color of the flowers is varied: from white, pink and raspberry to red, lilac, deep purple and purple. The flowers are mostly bicolor with a contrasting "eye" or border. Chinese carnation blooms in July - October.
The Chinese species has a compact root system, so low-growing varieties and hybrids of this carnation are great for indoor cultivation. This view also looks harmonious in borders, along garden paths, etc. Early-flowering low-growing varieties love sunny areas.

The most common varieties of the Chinese carnation species are, first of all, the Diana Mix F1 variety series, which includes the following varieties: Diana White, Diana Crimson, Diana Scarlett, Diana Cherry, Diana Red Center White "and others. These varieties have many advantages: unpretentiousness, compactness of the bush, early flowering, beautiful lacy flowers with a variety of colors.

Did you know? The Chinese carnation was brought to Europe in 1705, after the French missionary Bignon sent the seeds of the plant to Paris from China. A few years later, cloves began to be grown almost throughout Europe.

Carnation meadow, or field refers to perennial species of plants of the clove family. The name of the species comes from the place of its growth. The plant has numerous stems that reach a height of 30 to 50 cm. The leaves are linear lanceolate, dry at the bottom before the carnation blooms. Flowers can be single or paired, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, reddish-pink. The meadow carnation blooms at the end of June and blooms for one and a half to two months. This is one of the few types of carnations that blooms in the first year.
Field carnation is very photophilous, grows in open sunny places. Looks good in alpine slides, curbs and how color accent on lawns. The peculiarity of the species is that it can quickly grow after damage and does not allow other plants to grow in "its territory". Thanks to this, the carnation can form creeping flowering carpets.

Did you know? The meadow carnation has many popular names - field tears, Egor's spear, dawn, sparks or girl's tears. The root of the field carnation has the ability to lather, for which it was nicknamed "wild soap". Meadow cloves are also known for their medicinal properties, due to the presence of saponin in the composition of the substance, it has an astringent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic and antitoxic effect.

Carnation pinnate, or Hungarian, is another perennial species that grows in the wild in calcareous, mountainous areas of Europe: from the Alps in Italy to the Slovak Tatras. The species has been cultivated since 1568. The plant reaches a height of about 25-30 cm, the stems form a dense cushion of a large number of shoots. The leaves are oblong, linear in shape and greenish-gray in color, the root system is fibrous. Flowers are ordinary or double, up to 3 cm in diameter, with fringed petals, cut along the edge.
They are distinguished by a strong aroma and many color options: white, pink, red, purple. Cirrus carnation blooms from June for a month. This type of carnation has various garden forms and varieties, so its cultivation is possible in open flower beds, greenhouses and in room conditions. Varieties differ in the size of fluffy buds, the absence or presence of a pronounced aroma, as well as the number of blooms per season. Cirrus carnation is a fairly frost-resistant species that blooms in the second year after sowing.

The most popular varieties of pinnate carnations in horticulture are: “Scottish terry” - a remontant form (blooms twice a season), has a different color of flowers; "Alba" - with white flowers; "Desdemona" - dark pink flowers.

Sand carnation is a European type of carnation, a perennial, common almost in Central Europe, the European part of Russia and on the Caucasian slopes. This type of carnation has been cultivated since 1732. Growing, this species forms tufts, tightly pressed to the ground and densely covered with foliage.
The stems of the plant are straight, from 10 to 30 cm tall, branched and glabrous above, greenish-gray. Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, sickle-curved, rough. Flowers solitary, very fragrant, white, sometimes pinkish. Their plate is fringed, divided into filiform lobes, with hairs at the top. The sand carnation blooms in June-July. It can be grown on dry soils, does not tolerate dampness. The most popular variety, which has a strong, bright aroma, is Nostalgie. It grows no higher than 30 cm, the flowers are white-yellow, with long, fringed petals.

Important! In the wild, the number sand cloves is constantly decreasing. The reasons for this are the recreational impact and cutting down of pine forests, overgrowing of glades with shrubs and digging up carnations. Therefore, for the purpose of reproduction, seeds should be purchased in specialized stores so as not to damage the population.

European-North Asian species, perennial with a creeping root. The species has been cultivated since 1593. The plant has single stems up to 60 cm high and linear lanceolate sharp leaves. Large, very fragrant flowers are located on long stalks. Coloration varies from white to pink and purple; petals fringed, with filiform lobes. Stamens ten. There are two columns. Lush carnation blooms in June-July, often re-blooming is observed in October. The plant can grow well in partial shade, blooms in the second year of sowing.
The species differs in fragility: it winters badly, with each flowering the bush weakens, flowering decreases. This disadvantage can be hidden by self-sowing in mass cultivation. Then the plants replace each other and bloom for a long time and profusely. Lush carnation flowers are equally good in borders, on rocky hills and in the cut. Varieties are united in the variety series "Luminous". This is a mixture of varieties that have pink and purple flowers with strongly dissected petals, sometimes with colored splashes.

Carnation grass has many varieties that differ in the description of flowers and color variation. Grows in meadows, forest edges and clearings, clearings, roadside meadows, river valleys. This is a perennial plant that has a thin rhizome and ascending stems, up to 40 cm high. The leaves are pubescent with short hairs, sharp, rough. The flower petals are pink or red, with purple spots and long hairs, sharply serrated along the edge.
Carnation grass blooms from June to September. The species is characterized by high frost resistance, especially young plants. Looks spectacular paired with bluebell, thyme or fescue, or apart on dry soils. The most common varieties of carnation grass: "Brilliance" - very low plants up to 15 cm, with raspberry flowers; "Flashing Light" - dark red flowers.

In 2004, German breeders introduced a new variety series "Confetti", which is characterized by long flowering and has 4 color options. Other popular variety mixtures: "Kanta-libra" - low plants with pink, red and white flowers; "Maiden pink" - flowers of various shades of red, etc.

Turkish carnation, or bearded, like grass, is a very common flowering plant, the varieties of which differ in description and color variations. The homeland of the plant is Southern Europe, where it grows in groves, meadows and rocky slopes. This garden type of carnation has been cultivated since ancient times, as a biennial plant. The stems of the plant reach a height of 20 to 60 cm. The flowers are dense, flattened, monophonic, of various colors. The second name "bearded" was popularly received by the people for the bracts of ciliated leaves that each flower has.
The most common monochromatic varieties of Turkish carnations are Red Monarch, Newport Pink, Vice-Reisen, Diadema, Kupferrot, Mirage, etc. But mixtures of varieties with all kinds of variegated colors are more popular with flower growers. Some varieties may re-bloom. Turkish carnation is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in cultivation, it can grow in the shade. It blooms in the second year after planting, in the third year most plants die. Turkish carnation looks advantageous in alpine hills - it spreads over the surface, forming colorful patterned carpets.

The carnation is gray-blue, or gray-gray - in nature it is found on rocks, rocky slopes and pine forests of Central Europe. Cultivated since 1830. This is a pillow-shaped perennial, the stems of which reach a height of 25 cm. The leaves of the plant are bluish-blue in color, narrow, linear in shape. Flowers simple, very fragrant, may be white, pink or carmine. The gray carnation blooms from the end of June, for 35-40 days. The plant is best grown in sunny places with dry loose soil, moderately nutritious. Does not tolerate wet, heavy soils. It reproduces well by self-sowing, can serve as a ground cover plant. It looks spectacular in plantings along with bluebells, bellflowers, gypsophila, in rocky gardens or as a border plant. Popular varieties of carnations with gray: "Pink Blanca", "Microchip", "Confetti", "Flore Pleno".

- a plant reaching a height of about 60 cm. The species was bred by the French pharmacist Chabot at the beginning of the 19th century, hence the name. It has straight stems and knotty bluish-green leaves. Shabo carnation flowers are terry, up to 6 cm in diameter, distinguished by a fragrant aroma and a variety of color variations. The plant is light and thermophilic, can tolerate light frosts. The plant looks good in flower beds, discounts, mixborders, on balconies and loggias. used for landscaping balconies and loggias. Most often, the Shabo carnation is cultivated as an annual, in the southern regions a two-year growth is possible.
Shabo - one of the long-flowering carnations, differs in the duration of storage in the cut. You can recommend the article to your friends!

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The home gardens of many gardeners are filled with a wide variety of garden plants that bloom with the advent of spring warmth until the very first autumn frosts. Strict and graceful, multi-color and one-color, they look great on alpine slides and ordinary flower beds. Each of these plants needs special care. Among this huge variety, flowers from the numerous order of carnations deserve attention, suitable for creating magnificent compositions in landscape design.

The article presents information about a herbaceous plant for open ground- sand cloves.

Distribution and habitat

The European variety grows in Ciscaucasia, the European part of Russia and in Central Europe.

It prefers open pine forest sands of forest areas, growing abundantly and developing in lighter places: in clearings, edges, clearings and juniper wastelands, forming rather dense communities (40 cm in diameter). Least of all they are found under the canopy of trees.

The sand carnation, which will be discussed later, belongs to the northern European species. She prefers sandy places, meadows, dry forests and pine forests. You can meet her on poor soils along the banks of rivers, rivers and tributaries. This plant does not like dampness.

General characteristics of the Mediterranean beauty

Garden carnation - perennial herbaceous plant, characterized by beautiful flowering and unique aroma. This group consists of many species. Sandy carnations stand out among them (the photo is presented in the article), feathery, grass, lush grayish-blue, etc.

The knotted stem of this plant has a blue or light gray tint. Paired leaves are elongated, evenly scattered along the entire length of the stem, which reaches a height of 40-60 cm. They form bushes with a rather underdeveloped root system with a depth of 10 to 20 centimeters. Flowers, depending on the variety, can be different in color and shape. They may consist of one or more rows of petals with dissected or smooth oval edges. Corolla five-petalled. Inflorescences may differ in the length of the peduncle. The terry flower looks impressive.

Garden carnation inflorescences come in a wide variety of colors, and they can be multi-colored and single-colored, but delicate pastel colors predominate. Among the varieties there are also multicolor inflorescences that look very impressive in flower beds. In autumn, seed pods filled with seeds form on plants.

Carnation has many species and varieties with distinctive features and characteristics. Below are more detailed description sand cloves.

general description

This miniature plant is quite unpretentious. He has very beautiful flowers cirrus-fringed form. Each stem, which varies in height from 10 to 30 centimeters, has several flowers.

Plant bushes easily tolerate transplantation.

Sand carnation (photo and description is presented below) has found wide application in landscape design when decorating borders, rock gardens, rocky areas and supporting walls.


  • Perennials form dense tufts, the leaves on shortened shoots are densely arranged.
  • Narrow and linear leaves with a bluish tint are located on erect shoots.
  • Fragrant flowers up to 3 centimeters in diameter have white or pink petals.
  • Flowering occurs from July to September, reproduction is mostly produced by seeds, but you can also use the vegetative method (ineffective).
  • Distinctive feature sand carnation - a flower whose petals are divided into thread-like lobes that look like a thread fringe.
  • On the outer side of the petals there are hairs and dots or one speck of green.

Rarely, but sometimes you can see the fruiting of the carnation. This is due to the fact that not all insects, but only long-proboscis insects, can pollinate sand carnation flowers.

One of the most common varieties in floriculture is Nostalgie. This plant grows up to 30 cm in height, the flowers are painted white. Petals are fringed with yellow in the central part. June-July is the most abundant flowering time. The flower has a pleasant rich aroma.

Reproduction and cultivation of sand cloves

Seed cloves should be planted after spring frosts. Most best time- May. The distance between seeds should be about 1 cm, and between rows - 10 cm. Some gardeners sow before winter (at the end of October). Before planting, prepare the beds in advance. The plant is transferred to a permanent place in early summer or early autumn, depending on the variety and natural features of the region.

Before planting the seeds, stratification should be done by laying them in wet sand. You need to keep them in a warm room for about a week and about two weeks in fresh cool air. Only after that they should be sown for growing seedlings. Growing sand cloves from seeds is a simple process, but there are some nuances. If planting carnations is planned at the end of spring, then seeds for seedlings at home can be planted in early March.

With the advent of April, the plants should be moved to separate containers, leaving the root collar on the surface. When five leaves appear, the growth point is slightly pinched. From the same month, the carnation should begin to be hardened, but be sure to protect it from drafts.


Sand carnation needs special growing conditions, which require minimal care for the plant. As with most flowers and garden plants, weeds must be periodically weeded for carnations, and watering must be done on time. During the period of active growth, fertilizers must be applied. Complex mineral fertilizers or humus are suitable as top dressing. If there is a variety with long and thin stems, they should be tied up.

Carnations love sunny areas, do not tolerate dampness and stagnant water. They can grow on poor soils, but feel better in fertilized areas with neutral acidity. To reduce acidity, dolomite flour can be added to the soil, which saturates it with magnesium. Does not tolerate the plant and heavy soil very well. To facilitate it, you can add river sand or peat, otherwise the carnation will not bloom.

It is advisable to apply fertilizer just before planting and during active growth. You should also pay attention to the fact that the composition of the fertilizer does not include chlorine, as it can destroy the plant.

Beneficial features

This plant has many beneficial properties. Sand cloves are used in folk medicine for the treatment of heart diseases, as well as for dry coughs and other colds. This plant is also useful for bleeding.

Usually, the entire ground part of the plant is used for the preparation of potions: leaves, stems, flowers. You need to collect them during the flowering period.

Of particular benefit is the oil contained inside the flower. Its main properties are antispasmodic, antibacterial. For effective treatment colds can be inhaled using a few drops of clove oil. Also, when applying a cotton swab dipped in oil to a sore tooth and other sore spots, you can get an analgesic effect. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with various diseases skin and with weak immunity, liver, clove oil can also provide effective help.


It is important to note that it is best to use cloves for food and medicinal purposes in a freshly dried form, since after long-term storage the plant will acquire a rather unpleasant odor and all of it beneficial features are lost.

Carnation will not only help to improve the body, but also decorate any local area. And even beginners in floriculture can cope with its cultivation.

Describing the leaves located on barren shoots, we note that their length is 1.5 - 3.5 cm, and their width is 1-2 mm. They are straight or sickle-shaped, linear, may be linear-lanceolate, rough to the touch from below. But the stem leaves are up to 2 cm long, tightly soldered at the base and up to 2 mm in size. The sand carnation has many generative shoots, and on their top we see large, exceptionally fragrant, white and solitary flowers. The shape of the calyx is cylindrical, 18-25 mm long, with pointed teeth and four bracts, ovoid in shape, with a small peak and a quarter covering the calyx.

Flower petals are white, rarely pinkish. The petal plates are deeply fringed and divided into filiform lobes. On the upper side there are hairs and a greenish spot with purple dots. Nectarines are located in the depths of the flower itself in the form of a swelling at the base of the stamen filaments. Sand carnation flowers attract many pollinating insects. It should be noted that not all of them can get nectar from a deep flower tube. Basically, butterflies, and sometimes bumblebees, cope with this task. One flower, under favorable conditions, has a nectar productivity of 0.5 to 1.2 mg.

In cultivation, this plant has been around since 1732.

Growing sand cloves

Carnation sand is completely unpretentious and grows well on sandy soils, where there is a lot of sun. Doesn't like dampness. In May - June, seeds are planted for seedlings, and they can be sown not only in the nursery, but also directly into the ground. Transplantation of seedlings is carried out in September, and if they are grown in the ground, they are simply thinned out (the distance between them is 5 - 10 cm). The period of flowering of the carnation sandy - June July, and fruiting July - August. This type of carnation belongs to decorative types, therefore it is widely used for ennobling and creating colored lawns. Bushes grow easily and quickly and create a dense turf. The plant is not whimsical at all, it has pronounced signs of xeromorphism, tk. even during a drought, it knows how to save water and does not reduce its productivity at all.


Carnation sandy grows on the sands, in pine forests. Distributed throughout the European part of Russia (especially in the northwest), in Ciscaucasia and in the non-chernozem zone central Russia. Occurs on the territory of St. Petersburg, Pargolovo and around Zelenogorsk. It has been known in the Moscow region since the 19th century.

Limiting factors

There is a sandy carnation not often, but forms huge clusters. Its number is constantly declining, as the plant falls under recreational influence. Deforestation of pine forests, overgrowth of edges and glades with shrubs, digging up sand carnations and, of course, collection in bouquets have a negative effect.


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