Fitball. Description, types, useful properties, selection and exercises on the fitball

Fitball is a large elastic ball with a diameter of up to 1 meter. It is used for training at home and in the gym. Fitness instructors include fitball exercises in aerobics, Pilates, strength training, stretching and gymnastics for pregnant women.

Initially, the fitball was used in the rehabilitation of newborns with cerebral palsy. The first fitball is the development of the Swiss physiotherapist Susan Kleinfogelbach in the 50s of the XX century. Classes with a gymnastic ball had a strong effect that it began to be used in the practice of recovery from injuries of the musculoskeletal system in adults. Since the 80s, fitball has been used not only in therapy, but also in sports.

Types of fitball

Fitballs differ in 4 parameters:

  • rigidity;
  • diameter;
  • color;
  • texture.

Rigidity or strength depends on the quality of the material from which the ball is made, and the degree of "inflated".

The diameter varies between 45-95 cm and is selected based on individual characteristics and preferences.

The texture of the fitball happens:

  • smooth;
  • with small spikes - for a massage effect;
  • with "horns" - for children.

How to choose a fitball

  1. When buying, pay attention to the inscription BRQ - Burst Resistant Quality, ABS - Anti-Burst System, "Anti-burst system". This means that the ball will not burst or burst during operation.
  2. Find the mark with the maximum weight for which the fitball is designed. This applies to overweight people and those who use weights to exercise on the ball.
  3. Not all manufacturers put a pump in the kit for the fitball. It is not necessary to buy it: a bicycle pump is suitable for pumping.
  4. Have the store test to determine the correct size. Sit on the ball and make sure that the angle at the knee becomes 90-100º, and the feet are completely on the floor. With an incorrectly selected diameter, it is impossible to achieve the correct posture while sitting on the ball, as the load on the joints and spine will increase.
  5. Do not confuse a fitball with a medicine ball - a medicine ball that acts as a weighting agent.

Fitball exercises help diversify regular workouts and strengthen the body. Fitball will help improve stretching and become flexible.


While playing with the ball, a lot of concentration is required. More muscles are involved for balance, which helps to strengthen them.

For coordination

When performing exercises with a fitball, coordination improves, which allows you to learn how to balance on unstable surfaces and develop the vestibular apparatus.

For the mood

Fitball exercises have a beneficial effect on nervous system lift mood, relieve stress and tension.

For heart

During training with a fitball, the work of the heart and lungs improves.

For pregnant

With a fitball, you can perform exercises to keep fit without fear of harming the unborn child.

Training with a fitball for pregnant women is carried out to prepare the muscles for childbirth. Positive effects of training for expectant mothers:

  • relieve tension from the lumbar;
  • relaxation of the muscles surrounding the spinal column;
  • normalization of the circulatory system;
  • strengthening the muscles of the pelvis and back.

It is allowed to conduct classes with a fitball after the 12th week of pregnancy in agreement with the attending physician.

For babies

Classes on a fitball with newborns can be carried out on the 2nd week of life.

Benefits of training:

  • development of the vestibular apparatus;
  • removal of muscle hypertonicity;
  • stimulation of the work of internal organs;
  • strengthening the muscles of the press and limbs.

During classes, observe the reaction of the child: if he began to act up, stop the exercises, postponing until the next time. The first lessons do not spend more than 5 minutes.

In today's review, we will get to know you with such a wonderful and healthy sports tool as fitball.

Fitball ("fit" - recovery, "ball" - ball) - a large elastic ball from 55 to 75 cm in diameter, used for sports. A fitball is made from polyvinyl chloride, and in recent times they began to add deodorant fragrances.

The history of the origin of the fitball

Gymnastics on a large ball, which has spread throughout the world, and was called fitball, was developed by the Swiss physiotherapist Susan Kleinfogelbach in the 50s of the last century as a rehabilitation gymnastics for patients with cerebral palsy. The healing effect of the fitball was so obvious that it soon began to be recommended for recovery from injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The results in a good sense of the word surprised the doctors, because in patients performing exercises on balls, the processes of regeneration in tissues occurred more intensively, muscles and tissues became more elastic, blood and lymph circulation improved, as well as metabolism in the intervertebral discs. In the 80s, fitball began to be taught in fitness clubs. And in the Scandinavian countries, many children's institutions use balls instead of chairs.

Types of fitball

Fitballs differ in:

  • diameter
  • rigidity.

1. The balls can withstand up to 300 kg of weight and vary from 45 to 85 cm in diameter - the size is selected depending on the height of the student.

The ratio of human height to the diameter of the fitball:

less than 152 cm - ball diameter 45 cm;
152-165 cm - ball diameter 55 cm;
165-185 cm - ball diameter 65 cm;
185-202 cm - ball diameter 75 cm;
202 cm and above - ball diameter 85 cm.

2. Fitballs are massage and regular. Ordinary balls have a smooth surface, and massage types of fitness balls are covered with pimples that provide a massage effect. Between species, there is no fundamental difference in terms of efficiency.

What are the benefits of exercise on fitball

According to the effect, the fitball is similar to hypotherapy - horseback riding treatment. A person sitting on a horse or on a ball must constantly maintain balance, and many muscles are involved in this process. The vibrations of the ball stimulate the work of the stomach, liver, adrenal cortex, kidneys, increase intestinal peristalsis, the functions of the stomach, liver, and the function of the adrenal cortex. Also, the brain also receives impulses, as a result of which the development of new conditioned reflex connections is accelerated, especially necessary for the mental and intellectual development of children. Fitball is also very useful for the spine and posture, it serves as an excellent prevention of varicose veins, osteochondrosis and arthritis.

The result of regular exercises on fitball:

good mood;
- weight loss;
- figure correction;
- improved coordination of movements;
- normalization blood pressure;
- strengthening the back muscles;
- strengthening the abdominal muscles;
- formation of posture;
– development and reduction of pain in the joints;
- improvement of digestion;
- stress relief.

How to choose a fitball?

Choose a ball for your height (the ratio of the diameter of the ball to height is described above in the article). According to the rules, the hips, when you are sitting on the ball, should be at the same level with the knees or slightly higher.

Buy a fitball in sports stores, this will reduce the risk of injury.

With light pressure on the ball, the palm should spring, easily rebounding from it, and not meet excessive resistance and not sink easily inside. If it seems to you that the material of the ball is too thin, try to pinch the ball - the formation of numerous small wrinkles indicates a low quality product.

The fitball must have high plasticity, when re-inflated, restore its shape without wrinkles, wrinkles or cracks.

There are balls with an anti-explosion system (ABS), which is especially important when working with children. If such a ball breaks during training, then it will not shatter into pieces, but will slowly deflate.

On a quality ball, the seams are almost imperceptible and imperceptible, which cannot be said about balls of unknown origin, on which there are burrs, scars and fibrous structures.

The nipple on branded balls is flawlessly soldered inside, does not cling to carpet or clothing and cannot injure the skin. In a fake fitball, the nipple protrudes noticeably outward, sometimes it is simply glued, which violates the natural shape of the ball.

Also, high-quality fitballs have antistatic properties, facilitating the processing of their surface, are made of hypoallergenic environmentally friendly material and do not contain impurities hazardous to health. Modern technologies used in the production of balls High Quality, do not allow small debris and dust to stick to the ball.

The branded ball is warm to the touch, the fake is distinguished by its coldness.

Cheap balls are often sticky and slippery to the touch. On such a ball, the exercise will be extremely difficult for the child.

Balls are produced in a wide variety of colors - natural dark and light, metallic, transparent, with pictures, etc. Among fakes, phosphorus-poisonous or bright rainbow colors predominate.

The undisputed leaders in the production of gymnastic balls today are TOGU (Germany), LEDRAPLASTIC (Italy) and REEBOK.

Absolutely everyone is allowed to practice on the fitball - regardless of physical abilities. Most women, doing fitball, tend to tighten their shape, older people to support the joints, and pregnant women for a more harmonious passage of the birth process.

Exercises should be performed at least 2 times a week.

Warm up

We walk in place or take alternate steps to the sides - 15 on each side. We take the fitball in our hands and turn the torso to the left and right, while not raising the ball above shoulder level. We lower the ball and perform a short run in place. We complete the warm-up by taking the ball in our hands and doing 20 squats, holding the fitball straight in front of us.

This article describes some exercises that anyone can master, regardless of gender and physical fitness.

Fitball exercises for beautiful arms, chest, back and shoulders

Leaning your hands on the floor (palms slightly wider than your shoulders), put your feet on the ball (shins). The back is straight and in line with the legs. Push up, bending your elbows, slowly lowering as low as possible. Then straighten your arms just as slowly. Feel the extreme point of muscle tension and at this point linger for a couple of seconds.

Try not to arch your back. If your arms or hands are not strong enough, try either spreading your fingers wide or doing push-ups on your fists.

Also, if it is difficult for you to maintain balance on the ball, lean on it not with your shins, but with your hips, gradually moving the ball closer to your ankles.

Fitball exercises against a sagging belly

Upper press. Sit on a fitball and, stepping over your feet, roll the ball under your back and buttocks. Hands on the back of the head, but the hands are not clasped together. The legs are bent at the knees, the feet are slightly wider than the shoulders. Raise the upper body up, raising the head, neck and shoulders. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

The lower you lower the body to its original position, the more effectively you will feel the stretching of the muscles. And, I advise you, the constant tension of the press is not maintained throughout the exercise.

The lower part of the press. Lie on the floor so that your feet and calves are on the ball, your hips and buttocks are in contact with it, and your knees are bent. Hands are located along the body. While tensing your abs and pressing your lower back against the surface, pull your knees to your chest, lifting your pelvis and holding the ball with your feet.

You do not need to maintain a constant tension of the press throughout the exercise, and also do not help yourself with your hands.

You need to lie on the floor, bend your legs at the knees and throw them on the ball. Raise one leg above the ball by 20-30 cm and rotate it clockwise, and then also in the opposite direction.

Oblique muscles of the press. Sit on a fitball, put your feet flat on the floor, bend your knees. Stepping feet forward, lie back on the ball, keep your left hand on the back of your head. Tightening your buttocks, lift your pelvis up, pull in your stomach, and lift your upper body. Then turn your left shoulder to the right and slowly return to the starting position. After, change hands.

This exercise should be done smoothly and slowly. Keep your abs tight all the time.

Fitball exercises for toned buttocks and slender legs

Lying on the floor, take your arms to the sides and press your palms to the floor. Legs are straight and located on the ball, lean on the fitball with your heels and calves, and pull your feet towards you. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your buttocks up. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Do not maintain a constant tension of the press throughout the exercise, make sure that the body forms a straight line.

Stand so that the ball is behind you at a step distance. Take the bent right leg back and place it on the ball (from the foot to the knee). Do lunges on the supporting leg (which is on the floor), crouching, until the formation right angle between thigh and thigh.

It will also be very useful to replace your work chair with a fitball and sit on it instead of a chair. Constantly controlling yourself so as not to fall off the ball, you will learn to keep your back straight, and the load on the spine will be much reduced.

Inflating the ball

The more the ball is inflated, the more difficult it is to maintain balance on it.

For effective training, you need to properly pump up the ball - do not over-inflate and do not pump it up. It is easy to check the correctness of the pumping. Sit on the ball, if you roll, you overdid it, and if you fail, you didn’t pump it up. It is inflated with a conventional pump or an electric pump with a suitable nipple.

Video about fitball

Fitball, as a gymnastic equipment, was invented in the 50s of the last century, but it is also relevant in modern world. The gym ball is widely used in various types physical activity: in fitness classes, aerobics, Pilates.

There are complexes for expectant mothers and babies, which include exercises on such a simulator.

The ball, which was invented by a woman doctor from Switzerland for her patients diagnosed with cerebral palsy, having migrated to other areas of medicine, and then to fitness clubs and at home ordinary people, becomes a popular sports equipment for the masses.

The name "fitball" comes from 2 English words"fit" and "ball", meaning "slenderness" and "ball".

The invention comes in different colors, sizes, shapes, suitable for all age categories, and has many purposes. Its material varies in smoothness - some specimens are completely even, others have spikes or "horns".

The benefits of fitball

The instability of this object forces the exerciser to balance on it, maintaining balance, which develops coordination and strengthens the muscular corset.

For those who want to give their body flexibility, classes on a spherical instrument will also be useful: unlike the floor surface, such a form for tight contact involves a change in the usual position.

Flexibility exercises on a fitball are safe, as they are performed with the support of a projectile

But such backbends are not dangerous, because they are performed with the support of the ball, preventing the adoption of incorrect positions.

The Swiss simulator helps to unload the lumbar region and spine, which deserves the approval of pregnant women, especially in recent months.

Contraindications for training with a fitball

Working with it sports equipment has practically no contraindications. Caution should be exercised by women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Doctors advise to exclude all power techniques during this period, giving preference to relaxing, sparing workouts.

Balancing exercises require a skill, in the process of acquiring which, falls are not ruled out. Beginners should prepare in advance for such situations by laying a soft floor in the room.

Types of fitball - smooth, with spikes, with horns

The range of large gymnastic balls allows the buyer to easily select the product according to their needs.

Where to buy a gymnastic ball fitball

You can buy an inflatable fitness ball in the gym or at home in stores that sell sporting goods or order online. The first option provides an opportunity to check the quality of the goods before buying, carefully examine it.

When choosing a product on the site, the client is limited to the picture and description of the characteristics, but has the opportunity to read the reviews of other buyers, which is a plus.

How much does a gym ball cost

The cost of a gymnastic ball is influenced by factors such as brand, quality, and price markup of the store. The most simple and not expensive shells are sold at a price of 200 rubles.

An oval-shaped simulator is more expensive than its spherical counterpart. Its initial cost is 1000-1500 rubles.

How to choose

When choosing a simulator, it is necessary to study information about its safety. Modern system ABS protects equipment from an explosion dangerous to humans, replacing it with a slow deflation. The presence of the BRQ marking also indicates the increased safety of the projectile.

Before buying, you need to evaluate the ball in an inflated state. It should spring easily and have an elastic surface. The color does not matter, it is selected individually.

Which fitball to buy by height - sizes 55, 65, 75, 85 cm

In addition to price and color preferences, you need to consider the weight and height of the buyer. You can determine the correct size in 2 ways: by height and by arm length.

  1. Diameter 55cm is for kids.
  2. 65 cm - for persons from 150 to 170 cm.
  3. 75 cm - suitable for individuals from 170 to 190 cm.
  4. 85 cm - will be needed for people who are tall.

Selection with the use of a hand assumes the correspondence of its length and the diameter of the ball.

Correctly selected option does not cause inconvenience. In a sitting position, the angle of bend in the knees with a straight back should be 90 °.

The weight limit for active training is 130 kg.

Which is better: massage with spikes or without

The spikes, which perform the function of massage, actively fight cellulite. Contact with tubercles has a relaxing effect, improves blood circulation.

For fitness, a smooth shell would be preferable, as the roughness impairs its sliding.

How to choose a fitball for babies

Classes on fitball are useful not only for adults, but also for kids. Babies are allowed to master this simulator already at the age of two weeks.

The skin of babies is very delicate, therefore there should not be any bulges on the material of the simulator, including a protruding valve for inflation.

What pump is needed to inflate the ball

For inflating a large ball, both manual and automatic pumps are suitable. Adapters and nozzles are purchased in any stores with a sports or tourist theme.

Most often, the item necessary for inflating is sold complete with the simulator itself.

How to inflate, pump up a fitball

The inventory is pumped with air, but the strength of the lungs will not be enough for this. Using a pump, the ball is inflated to a state 5 cm higher than the value indicated in the instructions. Then it should be blown back to normal size.

You can inflate the ball by contacting a tire shop. There, this procedure is carried out quite quickly.

Effectiveness for weight loss

The application of effort requires not only performing exercises on the ball, but also maintaining balance, therefore, in such exercises, high efficiency in tightening muscles and losing weight is achieved.

The complex, designed to combat excess weight, includes active and static exercises, in which several important muscle groups are involved at once.

Fitball exercises

Fitball for beginners: a set of exercises

The first movement that you need to learn how to perform is a free landing. To facilitate the learning process, it is recommended to place additional supports under the ball: pillows, towels.

The first movement that you need to learn how to perform is a free landing on a fitball.

For such balancing, it is not necessary to wait for free time, it is enough to replace a chair with a fitball and continue to do the usual things. The main thing to remember is to keep your back straight.

Feeling confident in a simple sitting position, you can move on to other simple exercises:

At the first stage, all movements should be performed calmly, slowly, with proper body position and breathing.

Fitball exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides, hips, buttocks

Trying to lose weight, it is important not to forget that the human body is a single whole, so you can’t get carried away working on one zone, ignoring the rest.

Fitball exercises for the press - how to download

Movements to strengthen the press area should be intense and performed in several approaches.

Twisting on fitball

Twisting is a useful exercise for working on the shape of the abdomen, and doing it on a wobbly surface doubles the effect due to the high amplitude, and the need to keep the body on a spherical object.

When leaning on the ball, it is important to press your back to it, your head should not be thrown back. For physically prepared people, it is possible to complicate the action by taking extra weight.

Inhalation must be done while twisting forward, exhalation is done in the opposite direction.

Maximum efficiency is achieved when performing 15-20 times, at least 3-4 approaches.

Fitball aerobics

Aerobics involves the presence of fast movements accompanied by rhythmic music. A large ball is able to diversify active training. Throws, rolls, jumps, exercises relying on a projectile are used. Handling equipment develops dexterity, improves coordination.

All aerobics programs are divided into groups:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • dance program;
  • Gymnastics;
  • Strength exercises.

Fitball fitness

The popularity of the gymnastic ball in fitness is explained by the fact that this device solves many tasks in this area. It develops flexibility, strength, reaction, speed, strengthens the heart muscle.

Pilates on fitball

Unlike aerobics, the Pilates complex is performed measuredly, smoothly, with deep breathing. Such gymnastics requires flexibility and skill. It involves many muscles that are not used in everyday life.

You need to start with a warm-up to warm up muscle mass. Lying on the projectile face up, you need to make several pelvic lifts. Stretching your arms and legs, you should perform rotational movements in the articular areas. The transition to the main part should be made without delay.

Finish the workout by stretching, controlling the breathing process.

Classes for pregnant women, women in labor and in the postpartum period

Exercises, fitball exercises for pregnant women (2.3 trimester)

Safety precautions should be observed by everyone, especially pregnant women. Fitball is a good helper for a future mother, but you need to choose it carefully, in specialized places, avoiding fakes.

The program is designed to strengthen the muscles involved in the birth process and relieve the load from the spinal column and lower extremities.

Fitness instructors advise you to perform the first half of the complex while sitting on the projectile. From this position, bends forward, to the sides, circular movements of the pelvis are performed.

Stretching serves as a prevention of lower back pain that torments pregnant women when the stomach increases significantly in size. For this purpose, equipment rolls in a slope are suitable.

Fitball fights

The role of the fitball in the process of childbirth is to help in taking a comfortable position and pain relief. Preparation should be carried out in advance so that at the right time the woman in labor knows how to act, what position to take.

Sitting on the simulator with knees wide apart, it is recommended to wiggle to alleviate the condition. Kneeling, leaning on a rubber surface, you can unload the spine in between contractions.

Fitball exercises after childbirth

The duration of the recovery of the female body after childbirth is individual. You should not completely abandon physical activity, but the load should increase gradually, you should start with simple movements. You need to start them after breastfeeding, having well ventilated the room, and observing the drinking regimen.

Charging does not have to take a lot of time, 15 minutes a day is enough, however, it should be regular.

When can I start exercising on a fitball after a cesarean?

Surgical intervention weakens the body so that the desire to actively move does not arise, but it is also the reason for the need for increased work on your body.

Correct activity, loads after caesarean section obligated by the attending physician. Young mothers begin to perform feasible exercises in the maternity hospital so that adhesions do not form. It takes several months to move to a complex complex on gymnastic equipment.

Fitball exercises with babies

Exercises, fitball exercises for newborns, babies - gymnastics at 1,2,3,4 months

The formation of posture begins with the birth of the baby. If the umbilical wound has healed in the baby, then it can already be applied to the fitball in order to get rid of colic and strengthen the muscle corset.

  • Rocking on the stomach.
  • Swinging on the back.
  • Spring trainer under the child's body.
  • The baby kicks off with its feet.
  • Rolling the ball, holding the baby by the ankles.
  • Lying on the equipment, the baby reaches down for the toy.
  • Pulling up the handles to a sitting position.

Gymnastics for kids should not last more than 5 minutes. For convenience, a towel or diaper is laid under the body of the child.

Rocking a child on a fitball

Rocking the baby on the simulator, jumps that create shaking are excluded. Springy movements are most effective, giving relaxation to the tense lower back of the mother.

The problem can be weaning the baby from this way of falling asleep. Pediatricians are advised to approach this issue gradually, as well as spend more time on the street, bathe the baby before bedtime.

Calm sleep of the baby contributes to the observance of the same daily regimen.

Fitball exercises for the back, spine

Unlike animals, in a person who walks on two legs, the load when walking is distributed in such a way that the back area is under great pressure. To relieve tension from the spine, to strengthen the spinal muscles, training with a round simulator allows.

  • Stretching exercise. Lie on your stomach on the projectile, hanging all the limbs to the floor, sway a little.
  • From the same position, lift the body, stretching your arms in front of you. Raise them to head level and lower them. You can use dumbbells.
  • Slip. Roll over the ball from the chest to the feet, helping yourself with your hands.
  • Standing on your elbows and leaning on the equipment with your hips, bend your legs and freeze for a few seconds.

Hyperextension on fitball

To achieve a greater effect in the formation of a beautiful posture, hyperextension is used. This technique involves many muscles.

Correct position: emphasis on the pelvic area, feet rest against the wall near the floor, hands behind the head, the body is extended, the face is directed down. The ascents are made slowly, with a delay at the top point.

Exercises for men

The round trainer is a popular piece of equipment for women, but men can use it too. Such training differs from women's classes in a large number of approaches and weighting.

Fitball combines many types of activities of people of different ages and genders, helping a person to stay healthy and beautiful.

Useful video materials

Fitball training:

Fitball for weight loss:

Fitball gymnastics for babies:

Fitball for pregnant women:

This section will introduce you to all the clubs where fitball classes are held in Moscow. These workouts are aerobic, all exercises are performed using a large inflatable ball. This specialized projectile can easily withstand the weight of an adult, so a huge number of programs have been prescribed for the fitball. They are held both in specialized aerobic institutions and in general sports centers - fitness clubs, sports complexes, as well as in institutions of another profile as an additional discipline - dance schools, studios of oriental practices. There are separate fitball training programs designed for pregnant women and children. Fitball is one of the few sports that can afford future mom, exercises help prepare for childbirth and alleviate the condition of a woman. Children love to attend fitball classes in Moscow, for them they are held in the form of an exciting game.

Today, all fitness clubs are equipped with fitballs. What is it, how to choose the right fitball, does it help you lose weight, fitball exercises and answers to other questions you will find in this article! Telling from personal experience, because I have a fitball at home and I often work on it.!

What is fitball?

Fitball is a special ball that is used to perform a wide range of physical exercises. It was originally designed for people with back problems. This ball helped to strengthen the corresponding muscles, improve posture, recover from operations and injuries. The championship in the development of fitball, according to sources, belongs to a Swiss physiotherapist. But soon the scope of the ball began to grow, leaving the group of projectiles for rehabilitation. Therefore, fitballs began to appear in fitness centers and even at home.

What is useful fitball?

Regular fitball exercises are a great way to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, improve posture, cope with problem areas, and even lose weight. The result is a toned, slender body.

What exactly do fitball classes give? Answers from:

  • correct posture: each fitball exercise, not to mention specially designed complexes, strengthens the back muscles without overloading it. The muscles that make up the corset for the spine are involved. Physiotherapists note an improvement in posture after regular exercise on the fitball. Try it too!

The fact is that after active physical exercises on the fitball itself, you can relax, stretch your back and all your muscles. This, it seems to me personally, is the healing effect of the fitness ball.

  • Increased endurance and muscle strength: fitball exercises involve all muscle groups (checked on myself). Increased muscle tone and strength.
  • Trained vestibular apparatus and good coordination of movements: even if you only swing the press on the fitball, you still need to keep your balance. For the first time, it is even difficult to perform basic exercises, which looks so beautiful and easy in pictures in fashion magazines. Fitball now and then will seek to roll away from you. You have to get used to being focused. Soon you will stop noticing that all your muscles are in good shape, and you can easily do the second or third repetition of the fitball exercise without falling off it.
  • Flexibility: classes on a fitball allow you to very effectively stretch your muscles, knead your joints.
  • In addition, exercises on the fitball, namely the shock-absorbing function of the ball, unloads the spinal column, improves metabolism and blood supply to all parts of the body, internal organs, strengthens the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems.
  • Good mood: playing with a big bright ball is very fun and interesting)

Fitball is the only projectile, classes on which require the simultaneous coordinated work of the motor. vestibular, visual and tactile apparatus.

I want to note that the exercises on the fitball are not exhausting and rather gentle (unless, of course, special aerobic complexes are not taken into account). They do not give the “wrong” load on the legs and back. For this reason, people can engage in fitball different ages, gender and health status. Nowadays, very common exercises on the ball for babies and pregnant women. Do not lag behind them and the elderly people of Europe. We are just developing this direction. Fitball exercises can be performed for people with varicose veins.

Probably, every person at first had a fear that the ball would burst. Do not be afraid! A properly selected fitball can withstand not only your weight, but more!

Fitball exercises. Contraindications

Despite the miraculous effect of the fitball on the whole body, exercises on it still have some contraindications. Doctors do not recommend exercising on a fitness ball for those who have: severe diseases of the cardiovascular system; herniated discs; pathology of internal organs.

From myself, I note that there are different techniques for performing exercises on a fitball. You can choose the most suitable for your case. There are calmer complexes, there are strength and cardio workouts that contribute to weight loss (of course, with a normal daily routine). Before you start exercising on a fitball, consult your doctor and trainer! Pick also the time when you.

As I have already noted, a properly sized fitball will contribute to good training results. Yes, and it is more convenient to work on it. On a ball that is too large, the exercises will not be performed to the full extent, you will roll off it and not reach the floor with your feet and hands (in the prone position, sitting). A small ball will put a lot of stress on the legs, joints, and slip out. Therefore, there are two main ways to determine the size of the fitball you need.

Method one. Sit on a fitball. Put your feet together in front of you, keep your back straight. In this case, the angle in the knee joint should be exactly 90 degrees. It is worth noting that the degree of “puffiness” of the fitball plays a role in this. The ball should not be hard, and vice versa, it should sag a lot under your weight. Perhaps you need to deflate or inflate the fitball a little, then the desired degree will be equal to 90 degrees.

Method two. This method is more accurate and correct, in my opinion. Thus, you can even buy a ball as a gift. You only need the height of a person.

Fitballs differ in diameter. There are balls from 45 to 85 centimeters in diameter. Each indicator corresponds to a certain height of a person.

I present to you table “How to choose a fitball”, where in the first column there will be the size (diameter in centimeters) of the fitball, and in the second - the person’s corresponding height:

  • 45 cm - below 152 cm
  • 55 cm - from 152 cm to 164 cm
  • 65 cm - from 164 cm to 180 cm
  • 75 cm - from 180 cm to 200 cm
  • 85 cm - from 200 cm

Each ball is marked with the maximum allowable weight of a person. You can jump, lie on your fitball - it will not burst)

There are several types of fitballs:

    • a simple smooth ball is the most common option for fitness clubs and for the home;
    • ball with ears - for additional support and balance (more often used for children's activities and for exercise by pregnant women);
    • ball with bumps - massage fitball.

The fitball is inflated with a special pump, which is often included (manual). You can buy a fitball at any sports equipment store or online store. Prices are different, depending on the manufacturer, size, configuration and purpose.

Fitball exercises. I want a slim and fit body!

All fitball exercises can be collected in complexes. There are a huge number of them: to improve flexibility, to strengthen the muscles of the back, for the press, for legs, for arms, for tightening the buttocks, for working out the pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulders ... There are countless types of exercises: twisting, plank, walking, turning, push-ups, passing the ball, squats, bridge, lunges and others. In addition, you can combine fitball exercises with, for example, exercises with dumbbells.

Performing exercises on a fitball CORRECTLY is not easy. Especially at the beginning of your acquaintance with a sports instrument. Keeping balance, tensing all the muscles so as not to fall off the ball, and even performing turns, twisting or planking - requires a lot of effort. Therefore, fitball exercises lose weight help too. As a result, you will get not only a slender, but also a toned body with beautiful reliefs (you need to add and to REGULAR exercises).

I offer you a few useful videos fitball training. Full body exercises:

Fitball exercises for weight loss. Very vigorous workout

Do you play fitball? What results have been achieved?