Pharmaceutical preparations for bodybuilding, at a small price in any pharmacy. Vitamins that will help build muscle mass Vitamin complex for muscles

Vitamins for weight gain - substances that make up and take part in metabolism. A person who wants to gain weight should eat high-calorie foods (meat, fish, dairy products) and rich complex foods (rye bread, cereals, vegetables) so that the body receives enough energy to process food. Impossible to imagine healthy eating without vitamins. They do not stimulate or inhibit metabolic reactions, but normalize their functioning.

Consider how to prevent further loss and gain weight.

Causes of lack of muscle mass

Before embarking on a weight gain program, it is recommended to understand what led to thinness. Otherwise, if the cause is not identified, the course of weight gain may be ineffective.

The main factor that affects the formation of muscles is metabolism. All people are individual. Each organism requires a different amount of energy to maintain life processes.

A fast metabolism is the dream of representatives of the endomorphic body type, in which there is a predominance of transverse body dimensions. It is easier for such people to build muscle mass, but it is difficult to deal with excessive fat deposition. At accelerated exchange substances, it is extremely difficult to recover, because even at rest, energy consumption will be very high. As a result, fat is consumed at lightning speed for the needs of the body, without accumulating, so the asthenic body type requires a special diet to gain weight.

To maintain body weight within the normal range, the amount of energy expended must correspond to the amount received, and for weight gain it should even be lower (for carbohydrate storage and body fat).

Causes of muscle wasting:

  1. Increased carbohydrate metabolism (genetic predisposition). Thin people suffering from this problem need an increased amount of carbohydrates in the daily menu. They should account for at least 60% of the total calorie content of the meal. The lack of carbohydrates in the diet causes an imbalance in metabolism, a decrease in cells in volume, which leads to a decrease in body weight.
  2. Insufficient calorie intake. With increased carbohydrate metabolism, more calories are required for the overall metabolism of the body. In this case, to determine the need, the current weight is multiplied by "40".

Another reason for underweight is lack of nutrition.

  1. Hormonal disorders. In particular, thyroid dysfunction is hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis). An excess of thyroid hormone causes increased oxygen consumption by tissues, which leads to an increase in energy metabolism (carbohydrate, protein, fat).
  2. Disorders of the digestive tract. We are talking about a reduced production of enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of products into vitamins, macro- and microelements, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Their deficiency leads to the fact that food is poorly digested, and nutrients are released in transit.
  1. Malfunctions of the pancreas. The consequences of this violation are insufficient formation of insulin, which complicates the supply of the body with components of carbohydrate origin. Without the anabolic hormone, nutrients cannot enter the cells, which means that normal fat, muscle mass is out of the question.
  2. Stress, psychological problems, against the background of which appetite disappears, as a result, the body is in a hunger strike mode.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins, macro- and microelements. If the human body lacks useful nutrients, the development of cells, which serve as one of the main components in increasing body weight, is suspended. In addition, against the background of hypovitaminosis, there may be disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, pancreas and thyroid gland, which affect metabolic reactions in the body.

Remember, an improperly selected diet, poor in vitamin and mineral composition and calories, negatively affects the state of the body:

  • body weight decreases;
  • immunity suffers, the frequency of viral, infectious diseases increases;
  • psycho-emotional balance is disturbed (irritability, nervous breakdowns appear);
  • fast fatigue, lethargy;
  • malfunctions in the hormonal system, which entails changes in the internal organs (sometimes irreversible);
  • muscle weakness;
  • decline mental activity, working capacity;
  • developmental delay in children;
  • interruptions in the menstrual cycle in women;
  • decreased sperm production in men;
  • prolonged course of inflammatory reactions;
  • death due to extreme exhaustion of the body.

Underweight is a “signal” of malfunctions in the body that cannot be ignored.

Vitamins and minerals for body weight

To determine the physical condition, first of all, it is necessary to determine the individual body mass index (BMI): weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared. Compare the resulting figure with the norm.

BMI indicators:

  • 16 and below - underweight (obvious);
  • 16 - 18.5 - underweight;
  • 18.5 - 24.99 - the norm;
  • 25 - 30 - overweight;
  • 30 - 35 - obesity of the first degree;
  • 35 - 40 - obesity of the II degree;
  • 40 and above - obesity of the III degree.

Thus, if the body mass index is below “18.5”, you need to pay attention to the diet, make adjustments, be examined for possible concomitant diseases that cause impaired absorption of food or accelerated metabolism.

Vitamins without which you will not be able to gain weight:

  1. . It serves as a kind of opponent of hormones that the thyroid gland produces to speed up metabolic reactions in the body. As a result, an overdose of these hormones causes the body to process calories at an increased rate, preventing the gain of additional mass. In addition, vitamin A promotes cell growth and development, which is important for building muscle mass. Retinol does not allow the membranes to dry out, which has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system.

Nicotinic acid controls the synthesis of proteins and fats in the body. It is an important nutrient for weight gain. The main source of the component is brewer's yeast.

Pyridoxine is needed for the synthesis building material proteins -. Natural sources: sunflower seeds, chicken meat.

  1. and C. Due to their properties, they reduce the amount of free radicals in the body, with an excess of which it is almost impossible to gain weight. found in black currants, strawberries, citrus fruits, and E - in sunflower seeds, vegetable oils.

Macro- and microelements that promote tissue growth and the formation of muscle proteins to increase body weight: potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, zinc.

Vitamin and mineral complexes:

  1. "Hi-Tec Vitamin A-Z". It is an antioxidant formula - a complete range of macro- and microelements, vitamins with seeds, extracted green. Vitamin A-Z supplies the body with a complex, has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect. In addition, the drug strengthens blood vessels, increases efficiency, accelerates the recruitment of muscle mass, restores the retina, and protects the skin from UV radiation.

The complex includes the following nutrients: vitamins A, B, C, E, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus,.

Take 1 tablet twice a day after meals with plenty of water.

  1. Allmax Zma. This is a sports supplement that promotes tissue repair, the opening of anabolic zones of muscles, and an increase in strength. Allmax Zma contains vitamin B6 (3.5 milligrams), zinc (10 milligrams), magnesium (150 milligrams). The main advantages of the drug are the optimal ratio of trace elements, easy digestibility.
  1. "Mega Mass 4000". This cocktail is a classic meal replacement that serves as a building material for muscles. The composition of Mega Mass includes easily digestible carbohydrates, highly purified whey, milk, egg proteins, creatine, vitamins B, C, E and minerals (zinc, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, iron). The action of the drug is aimed at providing the body with calories and energy (for strength training, muscle recovery after it and the production of protein in muscle fibers), which are the main factors that determine weight gain.

The cocktail is taken 1-2 times a day 30 minutes after sports, in between meals. How to prepare a sports energy drink: dissolve 150 grams of powder in 550 milliliters of milk with a fat content of 1.5%.

Pharmaceutical preparations for gaining body weight: "Nutrizon", "Peritol", "Riboxin", "Glutamic acid", "Elevit Pronatal", "Potassium Orotate", tincture of the golden root, Eleutherococcus, "Diabeton MB", "Cytochrome C", "Cytomac".

Are drugs for weight gain so harmless?

At present, there is no clear answer to this question. Some drugs have a not very pronounced effect, but are safe for the body, others are effective, but not safe.

Remember, losing and gaining weight is a process that affects all systems. A thoughtless, reckless approach can lead to functional impairment.

As a result, after stopping the use of appetite stimulants, metabolism or hormonal agents, weight may continue to grow / decrease regardless of them. Therefore, before using radical methods, it is recommended to try to achieve the desired result with the help of folk advice.

Interestingly, gaining the desired kilograms is much more difficult than losing it. Various methods are used to solve this problem: physiotherapy, vitamin preparations, sports activities, hormonal agents, protein shakes. One such remedy is ordinary brewer's yeast. it natural product, the uniqueness of which lies in the chemical composition, which contributes to the acceleration and restoration of metabolic processes, biochemical reactions in the body, stimulating weight gain.

The energy value of the product is 75 calories per 100 grams. The B:W:U ratio is 68% : 32% : 0%.

Table No. 1 " Chemical composition brewer's yeast"
Name Nutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams

Due to their rich composition, they have the following effect on the human body:

  • improve the absorption of food and the functioning of the digestive system;
  • normalize metabolism, hormonal background;
  • stimulate appetite;
  • regulate the production of insulin;
  • stabilize the energy balance;
  • remove toxins;
  • improve the condition of hair, skin, nails;
  • promote cell regeneration;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • reduce "harmful";
  • increase efficiency, susceptibility to stress.

Brewer's yeast is divided into two groups: raw and autolyzed. In the first case, the product is unicellular fungi. They are contraindicated in people with a weak gastric system, a tendency to allergic reactions and candidiasis.

Brewer's yeast autolysate is a food supplement in the form of tablets or powder. This form is better digested by the human body than raw. Autolyzed yeast contains nutrients in an easily digestible free form and does not cause fermentation in the body.

For a quick weight gain, follow these rules:

  1. There are at least four times a day in small portions. Nutrition should be balanced, without salt, unhealthy fats.
  2. Drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.
  3. Consume brewer's yeast immediately after meals.
  4. Exercise regularly. With low physical activity, body fat will increase, with high - muscle mass.
  5. The minimum course of taking brewer's yeast is 1 month.

The autolysate is used according to the manufacturer's instructions indicated on the package: 1 - 2.5 grams of powder, previously dissolved in 100 milliliters of water, or 3 - 5 tablets 3 times a day. For athletes with intense power loads, the daily rate is determined based on the calculation of 0.3 grams of the drug per 1 kilogram of body weight. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 2 months.

Contraindications to the use of brewer's yeast:

  • thrush;
  • allergy, in particular to penicillin;
  • gout;
  • kidney disease;
  • drug sensitivity.

Thus, the mechanism of weight gain with the help of brewer's yeast is the presence in their composition of easily digestible protein, essential amino acids, which act as "building blocks" in the construction and restoration of tissues, which leads to weight gain (provided that regular physical activity). At the same time, vitamins, macro- and microelements, which are part of the yeast, saturate the body with nutrients, prevent depletion, and improve the absorption of proteins.

Vitamin products for weight gain

To increase body weight, increase the caloric content of the diet by 200 - 300 units. The daily rate is calculated taking into account labor loads, height, weight. Daily rate daily calorie intake for young people aged 19 to 30 is 2400, athletes - starts from 3000, depending on the type and intensity of exercise. After 30 years, the metabolism slows down, the need of a person with a “sedentary” lifestyle decreases to 2200 calories per day, after 50 years it drops to 2000 calories.

; - drinks that can move you away from your cherished goal.

Enrich your diet with slow carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, vegetables, fruits), protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, milk) and healthy fats(vegetable oils).


A beautiful figure is not a gift of nature, but the result of hard work on oneself. To gain weight and normalize metabolism, follow healthy lifestyle life, moderate physical activity, a balanced diet, drinking regimen, avoid stress and observe a rest regimen. In support of the body, when it is weakened by the struggle for the desired result, it is recommended to additionally consume vitamins A, B, C, E. They will protect against viral attacks, strengthen nervous system, improve the emotional state, provide energy, accelerate the growth of muscle tissue.

Remember, gaining weight is much harder than losing it.

Speciality: therapist, radiologist.

General experience: 20 years .

Place of work: LLC “SL Medical Group”, Maikop.

Education:1990-1996, North Ossetian State Medical Academy.


1. In 2016, at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, she completed advanced training under the additional professional program "Therapy" and was admitted to medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty of therapy.

2. In 2017, by the decision of the examination committee at a private institution of additional vocational education"Institute for Advanced Training of Medical Personnel" is admitted to the implementation of medical or pharmaceutical activities in the specialty radiology.

Work experience: therapist - 18 years, radiologist - 2 years.


What vitamins should athletes take to achieve muscle growth. Review of the best vitamins.

Every professional athlete knows that to stay in shape and build muscle mass, you need exercise, selected in accordance with the task, and proper nutrition. Only a balanced diet along with regular exercise will help achieve the desired result.

Building muscle mass is a serious and time-consuming process. To alleviate it and achieve significant results, you need to take vitamins for muscle growth, which improve energy and overall well-being. Unfortunately, with food, a person will not receive as many useful trace elements as required during active strength training.

What affects muscle growth

From birth, the body has a certain amount of fibers that make up the muscles. Therefore, to increase muscle mass, work will be required on the thickness of the fiber structure, which becomes thinner (partially destroyed) during training. In the process of rest, muscles are restored due to the synthesis of protein filaments. Absorption of nutrients occurs with the intake of food and multivitamin complexes.


A balanced diet is the key to success in gaining muscle mass. The sports diet is high high-calorie nutrition based on the right unsaturated fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The focus of the diet is on carbohydrates.

Important: the sources of unsaturated fats and carbohydrates must be "correct", otherwise excess calories will lead to an increase in fat mass, not muscle mass. The sources of proper carbohydrates include vegetables, fruits, cereals, mushrooms. Healthy fat sources include fish, vegetable oils, nuts, and whole grain breads.

The timing of meals is an important aspect, because after intense training, the body needs to replenish the energy spent. In the morning, meals should consist of carbohydrates that increase performance, at lunchtime the main meal occurs, and in the evening - vegetables and red meat.

A long and intense exercise program lasting more than 2 hours increases the body's need for carbohydrates. "Slow" carbohydrates contained in cereals, vegetables, grain products are ideal. During strength training, the need for protein food increases, since protein repairs and builds damaged muscle tissue. It should be noted that experts do not recommend consuming more than 450 g of protein per day! The norm varies between 100-170 g.

Physical exercise

Regular resistance training provides functional improvement in skeletal muscle performance. It is not the training program itself that is important, but the regularity and training load that causes fatigue.

Important: according to the principle of building a training program aimed at increasing muscle mass, it is necessary to perform physical exercises with a load of greater intensity than the body receives during a standard workout.

Proper performance of strength exercises gives the muscles the necessary load for growth. The number of fibers in the muscle remains unchanged, its structure (thickness) changes. The fiber can be compared to a sponge - during training they are “squeezed out”, and during the rest period they are gradually “filled up”. The following aspects affect the volume of fibers involved:

  • technique for performing strength exercises;
  • amplitude;
  • execution pace;
  • working weight;
  • number of approaches.

In professional bodybuilding, there are the following recommendations for the number of approaches: 8-9 repetitions are required to build mass, 10-15 repetitions are required to build and strengthen the relief.

An important rule for beginners men and women - in the process of training, the feeling of involvement of the muscles and joints involved in the work is the main task.

Push-ups and squats are the best exercises for building muscle mass. If during the training the knees or lower back began to hurt, then the exercise is not performed correctly.

Post-workout recovery is an important factor. It is worth listening to your body. As a rule, there is a pulling pain in the muscles a couple of days after training. This is an indicator that the technique is performed correctly, muscle mass increases.

The best vitamins for muscle growth

Vitamin deficiency in the body can become an obstacle to creating a beautiful body. Even the most well-designed training program will not give high results without vitamins and minerals. Consider what vitamins are needed for muscle growth (rating of the best).

Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)

B12 is used by bodybuilders very actively. It has the following physiological functions that are of particular interest for muscle building:

  • carbohydrate metabolism;
  • stimulates protein synthesis;
  • participates in the synthesis of nerve fibers;
  • stimulates the work of the central nervous system;
  • regulates pressure;
  • strengthens the heart;
  • improves muscle performance due to high contraction force.

Vegetarian athletes need an additional source of cobalamin. Many of them use the injection form in the form of an injection. Before injecting a vitamin, consult a doctor who will determine the dosage and method of application.

Vitamin B12


Biotin (Vitamin H) is an assistant in carbohydrate metabolism and also improves protein absorption. It has a high activity in the metabolism of amino acids. Helps the processes that provide energy to the muscles. With its deficiency, muscle growth occurs very slowly.

Biotin can be found in most foods of both plant and animal origin. Sources are: egg yolk, nuts, lettuce, potatoes, bananas, oats, mackerel, salmon, etc.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

A water-soluble vitamin involved in energy metabolism, the oxidation of fats and minerals. Important processes for an athlete cannot do without this vitamin:

  1. The exchange of glucose in the body.
  2. Breakdown of lipids.
  3. Transports hydrogen ions through the Krebs cell cycle.

Contained in dairy and fish products, nuts, buckwheat, premium pasta.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A (retinol) has a fat-soluble structure. Participates in protein synthesis, normalizes metabolism, plays an important role in the formation of new muscle cells. Stimulates the production of collagen. With a lack of retinol, the effectiveness of training worsens, muscle mass is more difficult to recover.

In its pure form, it is present in products of plant and animal origin: butter, carrots, rose hips, currants, spinach, cabbage, eggs, cheese, fish oil, etc.

Vitamin E

It has a strong antioxidant effect, which every athlete needs. Due to intensive training, toxic free radicals accumulate in the body. These by-products adversely affect performance, muscle growth. Vitamin E acts on toxins, "washing" them out of the body. In addition, it supports healthy muscle growth.

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Participates in redox processes, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Improves blood microcirculation, has a sedative and analgesic effect. The main sources of niacin are: beef liver, dairy products, wheat bran, legumes, cheese, raspberry leaves, fish, poultry.

Vitamin D

It is of great importance in the growth of muscle fibers. Participates in protein synthesis, affects the production of testosterone. Supports healthy bone development. Food sources of vitamin D are: herring, salmon, sour cream, beef liver, butter, eggs.

Vitamin D

Thiamine (vitamin B1)

An organic water-soluble component that has a positive effect on muscle growth. In addition, it is involved in protein synthesis, and also increases the transport of oxygen to tissues, increasing heat transfer. Thiamine is present in spinach, peas, pork, beef, whole wheat bread, milk.

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

Acts as a metabolic stimulant. It has a direct impact on performance and endurance, which has a positive effect on training performance. Vitamin B6 for muscle mass is found in walnuts, cauliflower, spinach, potatoes, strawberries, cherries, dairy products.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

A water-soluble vitamin involved in redox processes. It has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Improves performance immune system increasing the body's resistance to infections.

How and when to take vitamins

Reception of water-soluble vitamins is carried out twice a day, since they are quickly absorbed and excreted from the body. The intake of fat-soluble vitamins is reduced to 1 time per day. The break between courses of admission is 1 month. Before using the vitamin complex, read the instructions, which indicate how to drink vitamins correctly, as well as contraindications for use. Strict adherence to the instructions leads to a positive result.

The process of building muscle is very laborious and requires a lot of effort. The right training regimen, a balanced diet and vitamin intake will increase the chances of achieving the desired result.

There are several substances that the male body needs to get better.

Minerals for Weight Gain

Vitamin complexes for men

If a man set out to increase his body weight and decided to take vitamins and minerals, then it is best to choose a nominal vitamin complex. Of course, you can buy vitamins separately, but special complexes are still preferable.

This can be explained by the fact that in such preparations vitamins or minerals are selected in the correct ratio. In addition, some substances are not absorbed together with others, and in the vitamin complex all this is taken into account. Such complex additives are divided into sports nutrition and pharmacy products.

IMPORTANT! Before choosing a vitamin complex, you need to visit a doctor, as well as take a blood test and check the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Pavel Burdenko, urologist, doctor of medical sciences, tells about the Urotrin vitamin complex:

"Hello, dear men! Vitamin complex for men Urotrin is an excellent tool for dealing with male problems: stress at work, overweight, impotence, prostatitis, premature ejaculation and many others! Remember that we have one health, and without it a man cannot can be called such. Therefore, start taking care of it before it lets you down. "Urotrin" is an excellent assistant to men's health at any age! "

Sports nutrition

The range of sports nutrition is constantly growing, which indicates the quality and effectiveness of such products. There are among such products and complexes that are aimed specifically at gaining mass. Here we will consider the most popular brands of vitamins of this kind.

IMPORTANT! The intake of such funds should always be combined with proper nutrition and sports training.

Pharmacy funds

Vitamins that will help a man increase body weight can be bought not only in stores, but also in pharmacies. Moreover, most often such funds are cheaper than sports supplements.

Useful video

See more in the video about without which vitamin it is almost impossible to gain weight:

In order to gain weight, a man needs to exercise and eat right. Also, it will not be superfluous to consult an endocrinologist. But taking vitamin complexes containing the elements listed in this article will definitely not hurt a man.

I am glad to welcome you, friends! Read this article. At the end, I will talk about my experience with drugs.

Many athletes, with the development of muscles, sooner or later rest against the ceiling. In such a situation, their eyes turn to drugs for muscle building. And this is logical, because our muscles have a development limit. Drugs are designed to expand this limit. But which of them should be taken, and which should not? - the question is not simple.

I hope you have already put on at least 20 kg of muscle since the beginning of training! Why am I doing this? The fact is that such an amount of meat can be increased without drugs, even without sports nutrition. So to speak, on Greek and breasts. If you have less muscle, then just understand the training methodology and your diet. Because you still have room to grow on natural products.

At the NAP European ChampionshipAlexey Akimov. Multiple champion and record holder of Russia in strength sports. Master of Sport. Training experience - more than 20 years. He brought up more than a dozen strong men, helped to improve the health of hundreds of people.

When your training experience and form are at a decent level, then it makes sense to think about taking drugs.

I’ll start not even with drugs, but with sports supplements. They can also benefit you. But don't expect mind-blowing muscle growth. The contribution of supplements to your progress is no more than 10%.


The most popular sports nutrition product. Protein is a supplement made primarily of protein, which we need to build muscle! Basically, protein intake is relevant in cases where we cannot get the protein norm of their products.

Indeed, an additional intake of protein will not be superfluous if you are an experienced athlete who cannot get his required norm of this nutrient from ordinary products. However, do not go to extremes, the recommended and really justified protein intake is 1.5-2 g per kilogram of body weight. Exceeding these norms can lead to increased stress on the kidneys and liver, as well as worsen digestion. If you want how to ensure maximum protein absorption, write to me, I will help you figure it out.


I must say that the gainer can really help in weight gain. You just need to carefully study the composition of the product - it is desirable that the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in it be from 40/60 to 30/70, but not 10/90. Besides, important point there will be a qualitative composition of carbohydrates - it is necessary that it be not sugar, but more complex carbohydrates - for example, maltodextrin or amylopectin. Otherwise, most of the weight gained will be body fat.


One of the few supplements from which the effect can be felt already at the next workout! Creatine plays an important role in energy metabolism in muscle cells. As a result, it increases muscle strength and performance. And this subsequently translates into an increase in muscle mass!

Creatine does work, at least for most people. Since there is a category of people (on average, about 30%) who practically do not feel the intake of creatine. Here you need to proceed from the goals and objectives. Creatine increases strength and muscle mass, but also retains water. This must be taken into account. In addition, it is important not to get confused among the numerous forms of release of this product. Manufacturers and sellers are actively promoting new, and often more expensive forms of release, but the good old monohydrate, according to athletes, is still out of competition. The capsule option creates less stress on the gastrointestinal tract. Do not forget about the ways of taking this supplement and course options (loading, constant intake, alternation).


It is a complex of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine. These amino acids are very important for our muscles! BCAAs are mainly recommended for gaining lean muscle mass or for maintaining muscle during cutting. But the effectiveness of this supplement is questionable.

BCAAs really work and can help an athlete in terms of increasing strength and muscle mass. Basically, it is from these amino acids that the matrix of a new muscle cell is built, the prerequisites for the creation of which are created during strength training. Therefore, it is worth taking them before or during training with a small portion of carbohydrates, carefully choosing an individual portion. If you need help with the nutrition program, write to me, I will help.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

In addition to consuming macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), you need to consume enough vitamins and minerals. Your performance and other important parameters of the body directly depend on them.

The importance of taking vitamins and minerals cannot be denied, especially since in people who train hard, the need for these substances increases, especially in winter. A feature of sports options for vitamin-mineral complexes is, as a rule, an increased dosage of active ingredients, as well as the presence of additional additives that can help in the absorption of vitamins and minerals directly. However, it should be remembered that the constant intake of excessive doses of vitamins (especially fat-soluble) and minerals can have a toxic effect on the body.

The considered sports nutrition will be a good help to increase your achievements in “bodybuilding” (from the English “bodybuilding” - lit. “body building”). By the way, you can buy all these products in flexSport stores.

Pharmacy preparations

Well, we have considered sports nutrition. Now it's the pharmacy's turn. Drugs that are available in a pharmacy can be either cheaper analogues of sports nutrition products or have more pronounced anabolic effects.

But before you run to the pharmacy, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Study the side effects, contraindications and the possibility of individual intolerance to the drug. Better yet, consult your doctor! At least consult with a professional athlete.

Glutamic acid

Accelerates nitrogen metabolism. Which leads to increased muscle growth. In addition, glutamic acid improves immunity, which is important during periods of heavy stress.


An essential amino acid that is beneficial to our body. In addition to influencing muscle growth, it has hepatoprotective properties. In simple words protects the liver. It is found in large quantities in chicken and beef. Methionine is suitable for adolescents as an acne prophylaxis.


Effective, but "uncomfortable" drug. Since it is administered intravenously. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to do it yourself. You can take a course of droppers at any hospital for a fee. In fact, Alvezin contains all the amino acids necessary for our muscles. And due to intravenous administration, they almost instantly enter the muscles.

Potassium Orotate

It activates metabolic processes in the body, thereby stimulating muscle growth. It is also popular among athletes because of its beneficial effect on the heart. Especially relevant during high-intensity training.


This drug is an adaptogen. Simply put, it helps the athlete adapt to new loads. Recommended for athletes who increase muscle mass.


A drug that stimulates weight gain. The main component is Leuzea safflower. Due to its plant origin, ecdysterone has practically no contraindications and side effects. Experienced athletes recommend taking it in conjunction with a protein shake.


You can buy it in almost any pharmacy. Taking the drug has an anabolic effect. In addition, it protects the heart during intense stress. Riboxin improves blood supply to the muscles and is involved in energy metabolism.


It is an actoprotector. In other words, it increases the efficiency of your body. As a result, you can train longer and more efficiently, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.

Over the years of development of the pharmaceutical industry, many drugs have been created that can help the athlete achieve his goals. I would divide all available drugs into several groups:

  • individual amino acids, their derivatives or amino acid complexes (glutamic acid, methionine, alvesin, aminoven and others);
  • drugs that improve energy, cellular metabolism and cellular respiration (potassium orotate, riboxin (inosine), mildronate, carnitine chloride, etc.);
  • adaptogens and drugs similar in action (leveton, ecdisten, eleutherococcus, ginseng, magnolia vine, etc.);
  • vitamins, minerals and their complexes (supradin, complivit, asparkam, panangin, magnerot, etc.).

Of the advantages of pharmaceutical preparations, it should be noted that they undoubtedly work, that is, they perform the declared function. However, this raises a very important question of the actual need for taking these drugs, as well as possible side effects, which, of course, are possible with improper use and incorrect dosages. It is necessary to compare your goals and health status with the effect of these drugs, consult with specialists and carefully monitor changes.

Parameters by which supplementation regimens and their dosages are determined

  • age,
  • level of physical activity and lifestyle,
    the presence of chronic diseases and / or predispositions to diseases (especially the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system),
  • the presence of allergic reactions to the active substances of additives,
    results of the Body Composition Analysis (height, weight, body mass index, percentage of fat, muscle and bone mass, water and visceral fat levels, metabolic rate, recommended daily caloric intake),
  • sports goals of a person.

Only by comparing all these parameters, it is possible to determine and draw up a supplementation regimen that will not only not harm human health, but will also help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

Example (simulation model)


male, 25 years old, office work,

strength training 3 times a week, good health,

of the features - increased acidity of the stomach, intercostal neuralgia, pinched nerve, allergy to gluten, height 178 cm, weight - 89 kg, fat 21%, muscle tissue 54%, water 59%, visceral fat 6%, bone tissue 3.9%,

The goal is to increase muscle tissue, increase strength, and reduce fat mass.

  • 10-day course of B vitamins (combilipen, injectable),
  • 10-day course of vitamin C injection,
  • morning intake of adaptogen Eleutherococcus 15 drops,
  • taking melatonin and tryptophan before bed
  • 10 g of creatine monohydrate daily, divided into two doses, in capsules,
  • 10 g of BCAAs and 20 g of carbohydrates (amylopectin) before a 1.5-hour workout,
  • 30 g of whey isolate 30 minutes after training,
  • 20 g of casein before bed.

From personal experience

During my practice, I very often came across the fact that people incorrectly use nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical preparations, do not correlate them with their goals and condition, choose the wrong dosages and methods of administration. As a result - the lack of results and the loss of money at best, at worst - health problems. Let's look at three specific examples.

young girl

A swimmer, on the recommendation of her coach, turned to a sports store for supplements that would help her improve her physical form and improve results. Without understanding the specifics of the goals, the seller advised the girl to take creatine and a gainer, which the girl did, since she herself did not really understand this issue. As a result of two weeks of taking these supplements, the girl gained an extra 4 kilograms of mass (mainly fat), her results worsened and she was not taken to the training camp.

Aged man

A man who wants to lose weight as soon as possible purchased a fat burner from the Hardcore series in a sports nutrition store. The man had problems with pressure, which he knew very well, but he did not use this supplement, even twice the dosage. He didn't even bother to read the ingredients of the drug, which included geranium extract and a hefty dose of caffeine. Thus, he acquired such health problems that for a long time threw him off from achieving his goal.

Middle-aged woman

The woman decided to reconsider her diet after reading recommendations on the Internet for making a drying diet for professional athletes. There were instructions to sharply limit the amount of carbohydrates consumed and increase the protein content, including through sports nutrition. As a result, she began to consume up to 4-4.5 g of protein per kilogram of her own weight. The result of this venture was that the predisposition to kidney disease that she had developed into a disease, and she dropped out of the training process for a year, spending a lot of time, money and effort on treatment.

What vitamins are needed for weight gain

First of all, in order to gain weight, you need to figure out what vitamins are needed. Based on this, after consultation with a doctor, it will be possible to form a diet, including products with the necessary vitamins, or purchase special vitamin and mineral complexes at a pharmacy.

Vitamins needed for weight gain:

Vitamin Peculiarity What products contain
Vitamin A Responsible for the growth and development of cells. Helps to gain weight, improves skin condition, improves immunity, provides sharp vision Fish oil, chicken eggs, meat, butter, liver, caviar, leader in content - carrots
Thiamine (B1) Provides redox reactions. Gaining weight with a lack of thiamine will not work, because food is poorly absorbed without it Whole grains, yeast, bran
Riboflavin (B2) Together with thiamine, it supports the functioning of biochemical reactions. Normalizes fat metabolism and the work of the gastrointestinal tract Bananas, eggs, milk, beef liver, tuna, brewer's yeast
Nicotinic acid (B3) It is an active component of the formation of fats and proteins in the body Brewer's yeast
Pyridoxine (B6) Indispensable in the protein building process Potato, beef liver, chicken meat, sunflower seeds
Vitamins E and They have antioxidant properties. Reduce the amount of free radicals in the body. It is impossible to gain weight without these vitamins, since weight gain involves eating high-calorie foods. Because of this, the intensity of redox reactions increases, which leads to the formation of a large number of free radicals. Vitamin C - citrus fruits, strawberries, rose hips, black currants.

Vitamin E - walnuts, vegetable oil, sunflower seeds

To activate tissue growth and form muscle proteins for rapid weight gain, in addition to vitamins, micro and macro elements are also needed:

  • phosphorus, potassium, zinc;
  • calcium, magnesium, iron;

Pharmaceutical preparations for weight gain

To gain additional mass, you can use special vitamin and mineral complexes that contain useful substances necessary for the body. Similar funds are sold at any pharmacy or sports nutrition store. When using supplements, do not forget about proper nutrition. To gain weight, increase your daily calorie intake by 200-300 units.

Examples of drugs for those who want to get fat:

A drug Peculiarity
Hi-Tec Vitamin A-Z The ratio of vitamins and minerals is designed specifically for rapid weight gain. The tool increases efficiency, improves the condition of blood vessels, improves immunity, restores the retina, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Contains a number of vitamins (A, C, E, B,). Minerals calcium, chromium, chlorine, copper. As well as zinc, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, iron, etc. The drug is taken twice a day in a tablet after meals. Drink plenty of water
Mega Mass 4000 Acts as a building material for muscles. The preparation contains a number of vitamins (B, C, E). As well as creatine, zinc, phosphorus, iron, iodine, calcium. Proteins (milk, egg, whey). Provides the body with energy and calories. Suitable for strength training, provides a quick recovery of the body after physical exertion, stimulates the formation of protein in muscle fibers. Means I drink 1-2 times a day after training. To prepare a drink, it is necessary to dissolve 150 g of powder in 500 ml of milk (fat content 1.5%)
Allmax Zma Restores tissue, increases strength, activates the opening of anabolic muscle zones. The preparation contains vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc. It has an optimal ratio of trace elements and is easily digestible. The recommended dose for men is 3 capsules before meals and 1 capsule at bedtime. For girls - 2 capsules before meals and 2 capsules - 30 minutes before bedtime

Among pharmaceutical preparations for weight gain, one can also distinguish:

  • Peritol, Riboxin, Prontal;
  • Oratot potassium, Nutrizon, Cytomac;
  • Glutamic acid, Elevit Prontal;
  • Cytochrome C, Diabeton MB.

Before using drugs for weight gain, you should consult with a specialist. He will take into account the characteristics of your body, determine the causes of excessive thinness and help you choose the right means for you.

Brewer's yeast for mass gain

What kind of drugs are not offered by manufacturers to help get fat. One of the means of weight gain is the usual brewer's yeast. They accelerate and restore metabolic processes, improve the flow of biochemical reactions in the body and stimulate weight gain.

Brewer's yeast contains:

  • vitamins of group B ( , , , , , );
  • macronutrients (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium);
  • trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, manganese);
  • fiber, protein, fatty acids;
  • enzymes, amino acids, glucose.

Autolyzed brewer's yeast is food supplement in the form of tablets or powder. This form of yeast is easily absorbed by the body. To get better with yeast, you should follow certain rules:

  • eat often, in small portions;
  • consume brewer's yeast after meals;
  • drink enough water (at least 2.5 liters per day);
  • combine yeast intake with regular sports (low physical activity will lead to the formation of a fatty layer, high - to muscle mass);
  • use brewer's yeast for at least 1 month.

Yeast should be taken according to the instructions - three times a day, 3-5 tablets. For those who do intense strength training, the norm is determined based on the calculation of 0.3 g of the agent per 1 kg of mass. After two months, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Brewer's yeast contains easily digestible protein and essential amino acids that are involved in the formation and repair of tissues. Due to this, the mass grows (if the drug is combined with regular training). At the same time, yeast provides the body useful substances, improve protein digestion, normalize metabolism, remove toxins, stabilize energy metabolism, increase immunity, promote cell regeneration, increase efficiency and stimulate appetite.

The benefits of vitamins for weight gain are that they improve metabolism and help food be processed. Knowing what vitamins are needed for weight gain, you can make a suitable diet. There are also a number of special vitamin preparations, which will help to quickly cope with the problem of excessive thinness. Gaining weight is harder than losing weight. To achieve the goal, you need to eat right, exercise regularly, avoid stress, observe a rest regimen and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. For more information on how to gain weight, see the video below.