Blatant quotes. Bot on a hair dryer, or a few words from thieves' slang, as expressions of the criminal prison subculture

Nicholas laid a hand on the unpleasant man's shoulder,
clenched his fingers tightly and sang in a singsong voice:
- Are you borzeet, your podnarnaya? Are you ratting at your dad's?
Well, look, you live.
[“Borzet” = lose a sense of proportion, burrow; "Vsha subnarnaya"
(offensive) = lower hierarchy of prison inmates;
dad = respected person, thief in law;
“you will live” (threatening) = you will not live.]
The effect produced was somewhat similar
with Mr. Calinkins' reaction to being sung by an Englishman
songs about the Motherland, only, perhaps, twenty times stronger.
Nicholas never saw a man instantly
turned white as chalk—he always assumed that this expression
belongs to the field of metaphoristics, however, the conductor,
indeed, he suddenly became completely white, even his lips acquired
light gray tint, and eyes blinked often-often.
B. Akunin. "Altyn-Tolobas"

Hello dear.
We have a unique country. Multinational, interesting, bright. There are a lot of cultures, a lot of peoples, a lot of traditions, and finally, a lot of languages. The unifying principle of our large Eurasian Oikoumene (there is no other way to call the ex-USSR) is, of course, the Russian language. The vast majority of people of the older generation, and not so few young people know and learn the language at least at a minimum level, because without it it is difficult. Sometimes it looks funny how a Latvian is trying to explain himself to a Kyrgyz. And not in their native language (it is understood that one does not understand the other) and not in English, but in Russian. Like it or not, wherever you go - but knowledge of Russian, even at a minimum level, is an important aspect that should not be underestimated.
But I didn’t say in vain that our territory is paradoxical. For in addition to the Russian, various representatives of different (already at the moment) countries of the former Soviet Union, they can still explain themselves to each other ... in thieves' jargon :-) For it has tightly entered all the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the post-Soviet space, and sometimes people use words from it without knowing it themselves. All these "thump", "fucking babai", "blind man's blind man", "troubles", etc. - all from "criminal music". Another question is that, fortunately, compared to the 90s, the tendency to merge prison jargon with the Russian language and the constant introduction of this mixture into everyday life has nevertheless noticeably decreased. After all, the brother and the thief in law are no longer the main characters of various works of art and the media. The halo of romance has faded somewhat, and, accordingly, interest has fallen somewhat. Although it is still huge.

However, in view of such a drop in interest, it is now clearly possible to divide the users of the thieves' language into 2 groups. The first, much smaller (fortunately) is the criminal element, professional criminals (if you can call them that), the second are ordinary people. Therefore, the first ones are a kind of "native speakers" - they do not just speak this jargon - they also think in it; for the second - a sort of option foreign language to be studied as needed. And sometimes you have to, alas .. God forbid, of course, but still .... Crime was, is and will be. In our country, this is a separate world, which (I repeat) is better not to encounter, but which should be feared and ... respected. For ancient and vast traditions.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to acquaint you with some words and expressions of the "thieves' language", especially since it is far from always possible to follow the logic - why exactly this or that word was called that way. Plus, as in every language, it has its own "accents" - sometimes the meaning of words differs depending on the place and people using it.

In essence, our "thieves' music" is not jargon, but slang, that is, the language of a declassed socially closed group of people, characterized by the specificity of the vocabulary used, the originality of its use, but not having its own phonetic and grammatical system. In our country, it is customary to call such a criminal Argo "fenya", and, accordingly, to speak Russian criminal Argo - " run on a hair dryer".

To be honest, I do not really like the term "fenya", because here, in everything, originally it was a special, secret language of the offen, that is, wandering merchants. As far as I understand, back in the late 19th century, the language in criminal environment was called "maz", and the people who owned it "mazuriki". But then something went wrong, and the general term that characterizes the criminal Argo began to be called "fenya". But don't give a damn about it :-)) Let's talk a little about it specifically.

There is an opinion that it is poor and primitive. I do not agree, because on the contrary, it is extremely interesting. For example, I will cite the work of thieves' poets. Do you recognize the work? :-))) .
Dug up an honest Zhigan
And forshmanuli boy
Olive in the belly from a revolver,
Makitra on one side - and Khan!
The soul could not bear the strain,
Rotten bazaars and show-offs.
Specifically, the tramp was seething,
Popper like a tractor... and ready!
Ready! .. do not howl at the barracks,
Shut up and shut your mouth;
Now stand at least sideways, at least cancer, -
He got a bad suit!
Didn't you, nits, drive the demon,
And for fun, for a fool
All your shobloya pushed
Empty on Urkagan?
Courage, smile like a bucket, -
An honest thief did not take down the raids!
Missing trump guy Sasha,
The tramp has shrunk like a fly agaric!

Mokrushnik didn’t get bogged down, scab,
As is typical for suckers:
He was a scumbag for life
And in vain did not wave the wave.
And fuck him? .. cheap fraer,
Stray, like his kents,
He famously pounded show-offs,
Lukal for luck in our region.
He paraffin everything,
Slurp cracking filthy;
Threatened to knock our horns,
I didn’t catch up with a stupid kalgan,
Where does he pull the branches, bastard!

But there is more, goats, thieves' rule,
For everything, as with reptiles, they will ask you.
There towers and excuses do not channel,
There your lice will be redeemed at once!
You will not wave away either a botal or a cannon;
Thieves will tear you apart
And you with your filthy red skirt
Answer for Sanya the tramp!

Yes - yes, - this is "to the death of a poet" :-))) So what about primitiveness and poverty, some were in a hurry :-))
Well, actually, some of the words of one of the options give a damn about decryption. So far - on the first 3 letters of the alphabet. It will be interesting - we will continue :-) Write in the comments :-)
Agalese- keys.
Acrobat- passive partner in the act of sodomy.
Embrasure- mouth
Atanda- beware; run away
Babich- shirt.
grandma- ring; ring
Jar- stool.
Longboat- fence of the colony; restricted area.
Baruch, She-wolf, Crow- woman.
Bass, Showcase- woman's breasts
Besogon- a person who tells a lie; fool.
tops- hair.
bug- tram, trolleybus.
Bunker- belly.
Vdul- betrayed.
Paddle- a spoon.
Volyn, Voltaire, Valle- pistol
Wootman- perfect
elms- jaws.
Agree, the name of the channel of Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov, as well as the phrase "I would have blown" sounds a little different in this context ... :-))
Have a nice time of the day.

Prison solidarity - a feeling of preferring the needs of the prisoner to others; one of the fundamental prison concepts.

Avtozek - a special vehicle for transporting prisoners. The literary norm is "paddy wagon", but they don't say that.

Butyrka - Butyrki, Butyrka prison.

Borzet - impudent.

Hospital, Cross - hospital.

Bayan, the machine is a syringe.

DB is a big road, a path for prison mail and parcels to the hospital.

Balanda - what they feed in prison.

Thanks to; from the heart - used in the meaning of "thank you."

Bespontovy conversation - an expression that serves as the basis for ending the conversation on the basis of a lack of mutual understanding.

Balander is a distributor of prison food.

To be close is to be friends.

Rolls - buttocks.

Warm rolls - mess around.

White, gerych - heroin.

Trunk - any bag, package for things.

The huckster is a merchant.

Red mullet - candy without a wrapper.

Bath - shower.

Helicopter - a place in the cell where the lads gather.

Vasya is a benevolent address, as if in jest.

In refusal - the position of a prisoner when he refuses to testify.

Vospet is a senior educator.

Break out, break - voluntarily leave the prison cell under any pretext in order not to return back.

Guard, guard - jailer.

Thieves' Move - thieves' ideology and way of life.

Thief, Rogue - the highest rank in the thieves' world.

Vint is a homemade drug that uses the evaporation of gasoline in the manufacturing process.

They say that the screw firmly knocks out the brains.

Screw - one who uses a screw.

Open up - open your veins.

In the Christmas tree - right, good.

Take by the shkibot - take by the collar.

Paddle - spoon.

Clothing - clothing transfer.

Cargo, cargo (with an emphasis on the second syllable) - a prison parcel transported through the bars with the help of ropes; parcel by prison unofficial mail.

Reptile - snitch, garbage.

To drive, to be in races - to be in a state of partial insanity, to worry a lot.

Glucose - sugar, sweets.

Glitches are hallucinations.

Cottage, wild boar - food transfer.

The road is a prison informal post.

Oak - table.

Dubinal - beating prisoners with rubbish.

Dalnyak, far - toilet.

The road builder is responsible for unofficial prison mail.

Dushnyak - a difficult situation in the cell, created by the administration.

Decel - a little.

Movement, movement - events.

Delyuga is a criminal case.

DPNSI - duty assistant to the head of the pre-trial detention center.

Birthday - round date of stay in prison.

Drive - to transport something to the needy along the prison road.

Close - put in jail.

Dry up - hide, hide the past.

Hammer the pin - close the peephole of the chamber door.

Prohibition - alcohol, drugs; objects forbidden to the prisoner.

The infection is drugs.

Zapadlo, in the bastard - against the principles.

Zamutka - chifir; tea leaves for a stirrup - a portion of tea leaves, sufficient for making chifir.

Sharpening is a large cutting object, regardless of the method of production.

An application is a written application.

IVS - temporary detention facility.

To be interested - is used in the usual sense of "ask", i.e. ask a question; and also have an interest in prison life.

Kicha, ShIZO - punishment cell.

Kumar - drug hangover.

Kum is a senior operative.

Kumovskoy, kumovka, podkumok, hen, sexot - informer.

Kradun - the one who lives by theft and observes the laws of the thieves' world.

Wheels - tablets.

The feeder is a hinged window in the prison door. Cant - misconduct; smack jambs - to commit wrong, punishable, from the point of view of a decent prisoner, actions.

Kasatka - a cassation complaint.

The picture is an episode of accusation in a criminal case.

Kupets is a very strong tea.

Merchant, commerce - merchant. A highly despised category of people, one might say suit.

A horse is a load tied to a rope so that it is easier to catch it in another chamber.

Mow - simulate.

Kapotnya is a pre-trial detention center in the village of Kapotnya.

Concretely - a common expression that emphasizes the unambiguity of what was said and confidence in it.

Covered, krytka - a special regime prison.

Krytnik is a prisoner who is serving or has served a sentence in a special regime prison. (The special regime is similar in terms of conditions to the conditions of a pre-trial detention center, but in a covered prison everyone has their own place).

Convicts, barefoot, punks, vagrants - respectful treatment.

A rat is a prisoner who stole from a cellmate.

Lave is money.

Breaking bread with someone - being close, sharing the necessary, trusting.

Stall - a way of correspondence purchase in a prison store.

Lepila is a prison doctor.

Matrosska - prison Matrosskaya Tishina.

A youngster is a prison or a juvenile camp.

Mothers are prisoners or women under investigation with small children.

Wet - beat as long as you have enough strength or to death.

A peasant is in a cell or a zone, however, as well as in the wild, one who earns his livelihood by his labor. Not much respected, but not despised status.

Garbage is a policeman.

Washing - razor.

Malyava - a letter intended to be sent by unofficial prison mail.

The monkey is a small mirror.

Garbage move - Musor ideology and the same Musor way of life.

Masha is an offended, passive homosexual.

To smear - to bet.

Nablatykatsya - to acquire the skill of jargon.

Nogi - a prison officer or someone from their “hozband” who, on behalf of the prisoners, passes on children or parcels.

Dive into the cap - engage in oral sex. In a prison environment, it is considered indecent. The one who confesses to such actions is threatened with the fate of the lowered one.

General - the material and monetary fund of the thieves' world, exists both in prison and in the wild. General - the cornerstone of the thieves' ideology.

Negative is a prisoner who embarked on the path of an uncompromising struggle against the prison administration and garbage.

Obyebon - indictment.

Lowered, offended - raped.

Offended, cockerel - a cell where they gather caught in a passive homosexual orientation, offended, lowered, roosters. Leaving such a cell for a decent prisoner does not mean breaking out.

To be upset is a restrained prison expression generalizing sharply negative emotions.

Raise to the hut - transfer from the assembly to the cell.

Lower to assembly - transfer from the camera to the assembly.

Omit - rape (used in relation to a male person).

Point - anus; toilet.

From condom to loaf - there is everything you need.

A convict, a convict - a cell for those who have received a court sentence (according to the law, convicts must be kept separately from those under investigation).

To be convicted - to receive a verdict of the court.

Sweep away - take away during the search.

Answer - to be punished by the verdict of the thieves' court; to be ready for such judgment.

Familiarization - familiarization with the materials of a criminal case before transferring it to the court.

Monkey - in the police cell with a lattice door for temporarily detained.

At will, free.

Chased - a nickname.

Parasha is not a toilet at all, as many people think, but a bucket or a barrel.

An accomplice is an accomplice in a crime.

Palm tree - the upper tier of the bunk.

Just an ass.

Position - state of affairs, state (in the light of the presence or absence of thieves' control).

A decent prisoner is a normal person, worthy.

Search engine - an open letter sent around the prison in order to find friends.

Accept - arrest.

Pilotka - female genital organs.

Pizdoliz - the one who "dived into the cap."

The rooster is a passive pederast; Moreover, an active homosexual position is not considered pederasty, and therefore it is wrong and dangerous to call an active homosexual a pederast.

Polupalovo - the punishment determined by the thieves' court. Classical received - a series of slaps in the face; has educational value.

Soldering - a daily portion of bread.

Fitting is a gift.

To notify - to tell, notify.

Sail - a hanging panel under the table for dishes; cloth over the opening between the bunk.

Like a tramp - like a prisoner, like a brother, artlessly and from the heart.

Through a rotten vein (with a leather syringe) - an act of sodomy.

A pioneer is someone who is in prison for the first time.

The lining is a provocation.

Glade - a folding cardboard box from a juice bag, used as a field for food.

Fingers like a fan - thieves' gestures.

Along the way - introductory word, characteristic (like the word "pure") for a self-confident prisoner.

Fit - donate, give any item free of charge.

To confuse - to make a mistake on the basis of a misunderstanding of basic concepts.

To pass - to pass.

Petra - a prison on Petrovka street.

Present - make a claim, accusation, guided by thieves' concepts.

Presenting - making a claim.

Run - an open letter from the Thieves or persons authorized by them, addressed to all decent prisoners (and not just some of them).

Priznanka - the psychiatric department of the prison for the temporary detention of those recognized by the examination as insane.

Recognized - a prisoner whose insanity is recognized by the examination.

Graze - follow the prisoners.

Piss - slaughter.

To blow up - to rush, to move immediately.

Pyatak is a space closer to the tails, a kind of central square in the cell.

Raskotsat brakes - open the locks of the prison door.

Rybkin soup - fish soup.

Raskumaritsya - to get drunk, in a narcotic sense.

Cilia - thick metal blinds with outside prison bars.

Expense by suit is an expression used with a touch of irony, a joke, since the question of belonging to any suit is very delicate, and even dangerous, in nature; without going into details, to the provocative question of what suit you are, it is enough to briefly answer: "I am a decent prisoner."

Rondoliki - bread fried in oil.

Expenditure is a word after which conversation is almost impossible; a conditional signal to neighbors, meaning: we can’t talk now.

Accompaniment - a prison letter or parcel, in the annex to which marks are required on the time of receipt and dispatch of the parcel in each cell through which the parcel passed. The escort is returned to the sender with a receipt. In some cases, the accompaniment is carried out by voice, when the recipient of the cargo or baby reports his name or nickname.

Ship - prisoners leaving for court.

Day - punishment by imprisonment for 10 or 15 days.

Watching (for the position), position - responsible for observing the principles of thieves in the cell or in part of the prison (for example, looking after the northern wing of a large specialist); in the wild - looking after the situation in a certain territory.

Stos is a homemade card deck.

Thank you - a word used by prisoners in an ironic or negative sense. However, with a good relationship, it is perceived in a normal sense.

Assembly - a temporary detention facility for prisoners in a prison.

Elder - the appeal of the prisoner to the jailer.

A string is a metal strip from a rack.

Ask - to hold accountable for misconduct.

Hide - steal from a cellmate.

Dream Interpretations - sleeping pills; points on the body, pressing on which can cause an inhibited reaction.

Demand is a punishment determined by a thieves' court.

A glass is a narrow box in which you can only stand.

An investigator is an investigator.

Speak - meet.

Stolypin - a special train for the transport of convicts.

A bitch is a terrible insult, applied mainly to informers, cops.

Burn - catch the eye of the jailer with a ban or with a forbidden action.

Knock - work for the cops, give them information.

Knock - give information to the cops, warn them.

Sleeping with someone - occupy one bunk (and sleep in turn).

Washer - the one who lives in a hut as a peasant and erases things.

Session - looking at pictures or a live picture of a sexual nature.

Date - a date.

Sickles - Institute. Serbian.

Slightly - to the challenge (jargon of the Butyrka prison).

The tube is the rectum.

Tube - tuberculosis; prisoner with tuberculosis.

Brakes - the door of a prison cell.

Terpila - the victim.

Tubonar - tuberculosis department of the hospital.

Hanging out - going here and there.

Hang out - pass; move.

Prison - you can't forbid - an expression that emphasizes free will.

Torpedo - money sealed in polyethylene, which is carried in the rectum.

TV - metal cabinet in the cell.

Ears warm - eavesdrop.

Bullshit - one who does not keep his word, a deceiver (to drive away bullshit - not to fulfill a promise, to deceive).

Bullshit - deception; fake.

The pharmacist is a scammer.

Fanych - mug; in the zone - a samovar.

The owner is the head of the prison.

The hut is a camera.

Hostess - aluminum mug; laundry soap.

Zinc - a conditional signal, a warning.

Zinc, zinc - give a prearranged signal, warn, notify.

Clean - a word that emphasizes the unambiguity of what was said (“purely in a friendly way”, “purely out of interest”, etc.).

Shmon - search.

Shnift, shnifts - there are one or more holes in the door for observing the inhabitants of the chamber.

Shkonka, shkonar - metal bunks.

Helmet, shlenka - a bowl.

Shmal - marijuana (from hemp pollen).

Stage - the forcible transfer of a prisoner to prison or outside it.

Clarity is complete - an expression emphasizing that the situation has been studied thoroughly and the conclusions drawn are correct.

Everyone imagines their world in their own way.

Funny expressions in thieves jargon on a hair dryer

Another type of obscene vocabulary is thieves, which originate from criminal jargon and have their own musical direction called "chanson". Such songs and lyrics use foul language and jargon.

Blat expressions in modern world go beyond the criminal theme, but importantly, retain their characteristic features. Even F. Dostoevsky, who was imprisoned in Omsk hard labor prison, quotes genre samples in his work. Do not neglect the section of thieves' expressions, because educated person should be educated in everything.

  • Everyone was ***ing .. by suit, by region.
  • Did you see a rat in me, you got sick along the way!
  • God created the thief, but damn the prosecutor!
  • Bazaar bazaar in the bazaar, we interpret speech in life!
  • Shine thieves and not cops, half life here half life there!
  • I'm going, I'll be, wait for days, hide everything and hide yourself!
  • Who are you by the suit of a bad horse - I will give you a pipe in the teeth.
  • Give a thief at least a million, he will not stop stealing.
  • Thieves of power, garbage in the mouth!
  • Roses perish in the cold youth perishes in the camps
  • A good cop is a dead cop!
  • If you sleep a lot at night, stop stealing!
  • Walking merrily through life, crush the bug and keep the suit!
  • Court is a bazaar where freedom is traded without knowing its price!
  • Shine on thieves, not cops - half a life here, half a life there!
  • The small thief is running, the big one is lying!
  • We are not afraid of work, but we will not go to work!
  • We work on a hair dryer, we don't fucking work!
  • If you want to drink and eat, you need to steal more often!
  • Hali gali boots sandals! Let's fight back! What are we shaking about? Don't boil the little one! Jackal included.
  • Kidanuli at such a sentimental documentary level!
  • Kent is by will a wife in the zone.
  • Let the iron saw work - not for that our mother gave birth to us! And let the iron locomotive work - it was not for this that he brought us here!
  • A thief steals - a fraer plows
  • What do I see, what do I hear, the prosecutor runs to the roof! And shouts to all the people, x ** to you all, and not freedom!
  • The prosecutor's business, and the money is rubbish!
  • While you were catching mice in this field, I already strangled all the cats.
  • I would send you, but I see you are from there.
  • I don't have tattoos, because it would never occur to a normal person to sculpt stickers on a Rolls-Royce.
  • Why should I be nervous because GOD has not rewarded someone with intelligence.
  • Money doesn't smell. It only smells like big money. Amazing scent!
  • Of course, happiness does not depend on the amount of money. But it's better to cry in a limousine than on a bus...
  • The girl is that bitch, without which you, the goat, cannot live. So love, appreciate and enjoy.
  • There are guys - Lamborghini - pathetic, spectacular, but you are afraid that they will steal, and there are guys - Zhiguli - not pathetic, not spectacular, but you leave it where you want.
  • Luxury is when the content is as beautiful as the form.
  • Love no one and everyone will like you, send the whole world to hell and you will be admired.
  • I don't need much, I need everything
  • If I ever die because of a man, it will only be from laughter.
  • Smile as wide as possible for everyone - they must be sure that you are a cold hypocritical bastard ...
  • Some think they have risen. In fact, they just popped up.
  • I am expensive, especially in clothes.
  • What I'm talking about - I explain clearly, What others pay for, I take for free
  • Bad character? I just have it!
  • You will see, fragments of men's hearts will still crunch under my feet ...
  • Chao, peach - ripen!
  • Don't flatter yourself by sleeping with a hot fashion model. Maybe she's just curious? Like this? With a lie?!
  • When I want to hear something smart, I start talking
  • Tell me who I am and I'll tell you how much you underestimated me...

Today, Zon phrases can often be heard everywhere: among young people who have nothing to do with the criminal world, from the lips of young mothers and the elderly, as well as from adolescents and even young children.

Why is thieves' jargon so popular these days?

The reason that Zon phrases are so in demand in everyday life today is the romanticization of prison life. You need to thank for this thieves chanson, movies and books that show beautiful and strong personalities belonging to the criminal environment. It is in fiction and cinematic creations that the realism of depicting life in places of deprivation of liberty or after release flourishes. Therefore, Zon's phrases fit into the works quite organically.

Why do young people use jargon in speech?

There are several reasons why young people actively use Zon phrases in their speech.

  1. Juvenile nihilism, which opposes "correct speech", causes adolescents to speak in a way that annoys adults.
  2. The desire to appear stronger than it really is, “cooler” than their peers, pushes them to “play on the hair dryer” instead of the generally accepted and understandable speech.
  3. Deliberate rudeness in behavior and, of course, in conversations is a way to hide your youthful shyness and self-doubt from prying eyes. For example, the thieves' phrase "You will answer for the bazaar!" the young man warns that he should not be lied to, otherwise the one who lied will be severely punished. It is likely that the boy will not be able to do anything for lying. But the phrase itself, as it were, elevates him above the one to whom it is addressed.
  4. A peculiar mechanism of protection from unpleasant life situations is the replacement of generally accepted words with jargon. For example, if instead of the phrase “a place for the detainees to stay in the police station” we use the funny jargon “monkey”, then this partially removes the tragedy of what is happening, distracts from the cruel reality. Insulting a “radish” (a bad person) sounds somehow not offensive at all, but even to some extent ironic. It is much more pleasant than comparison with some animals or even waste products.

Where did prison vocabulary come from?

The thieves' environment needed a "coded" language. After all, it was not always possible to transmit messages confidentially. Using a special language understandable only to the initiated, one can, for example, agree on the place and time of the impending crime, on the number of participants, and convey some important details.

But creating a completely new language from scratch is a rather painstaking and complicated matter. Therefore, we found the most affordable option. They used as a base for their slang language wandering merchants, who were then called ofen. Hence the name of the thug jargon. The phrase "Speak the language of thieves" sounds: "Bot on a hair dryer."

The dictionary of criminal slang includes many words from Yiddish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, English and other languages.

Do creative people need to learn the thieves' jargon?

Of course, you don't have to do this at all. Many people lived their lives quite happily without knowing a single word from the criminal dictionary. But for writers, journalists, screenwriters, it is simply necessary to know at least superficially some of the frequently used vocabulary of asocial elements. Otherwise, how to recreate realistic pictures of everyday life?

You can imagine for a second such an episode filmed in the film: two guys decided to pull a tape recorder out of the car. One of them says to his partner: “You will stay under the tree and make sure that no one prevents me from accomplishing my plan. In which case, signal the danger!

After that, he began to implement the plan. And suddenly the owner himself comes out of the entrance! Then the one who was left to watch shouts to the second: “Comrade thief, danger! We need to get away!"

The situation is understandable, but the irony lies in the absurdity of the presentation of the event, since criminals will never speak so long and correctly. Rather, the picture should look like this.

One of the thieves says to the second: “I went to work, and you remain on the lookout!” Briefly and clearly. And when the owner of the car appeared, standing on the nix, he shouted just one word: “Atas!” This will be enough to signal the approaching danger.

Law enforcement and criminal jargon

Well, these people without knowledge of thieves' vocabulary are simply nowhere. Investigators, taking testimonies of witnesses, write down what the latter heard. To understand what was discussed between the accomplices, it is necessary to be well versed in the slang of criminal elements.

“Vaska says to the bald man with whom they sat down in the kitchen to drink: “Tomorrow we will go to our ears. I have one bell pepper in mind. Do not take feathers - we don’t need mokruha! Fat doesn’t blather anything - he, for one, knocks on everyone ... If we fail, you will answer for the bazaar!

This speech is translated as follows: “Tomorrow we will go to a robbery. I have a rich man in mind. Don't take knives - we don't need murder! Don’t tell Fatty anything, he’s completely deteriorated, I think he informs everyone to the authorities ... If we get caught red-handed at the crime scene, you, as if you were talking about plans, will be punished!”

By the way, for employees of law enforcement agencies, studying a jargon dictionary is a must. And in films about “cops” (policemen) and “opers” (operatives), such episodes are often found.

Some words from the dictionary of criminals

  • Authority - a thief in law, a respected person in the criminal world.
  • Alberka - syringe for injections.
  • Altushki, bashli, bobuli, cabbage - money.
  • The poster is a fat face.
  • Beach is a weak-willed person who has fallen into dependence on stronger ones.
  • Baba is an old man.
  • Huckster is a speculator.
  • Babets is an old aunt.
  • Babich - shirt.
  • Balagas - sugar.
  • Brothers - eyes.
  • Brod - street.
  • Vaydonit - yell.
  • Weyer - newspaper.
  • Wax - vodka.
  • Zhban - head.
  • Finch is a cowardly person.
  • Rat, rat house - stealing little things from his cellmates.
  • To spy - to peep.
  • A puddle is a sheet.
  • Turn the moon - deceive.
  • Oilers - cartridges.
  • Washer - stealing from drunks.
  • Radish is a bad person.
  • Bows, crabs, wings - hands.
  • Pheasant is a hoax.
  • Shement - quickly.
  • The skins are stolen.

Life is like a tram: who wants to ride in comfort sits. Life is like a tram: they usually sit.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

People are divided into two halves: those who are in prison and those who should be in prison.
Marcel Achard

All that is known about this man is that he did not go to prison, but why he did not go to prison is unknown.

It's not the people who are in prison that worry me. I am worried about people who are not in prison.
Arthur Gore

Each person needs a special key - and, of course, a small separate cell.
Mechislav Shargan

If England treats all her prisoners the way she treats me, she doesn't deserve to have them at all.

A prison is a lack of space, compensated by an excess.

How good people on the path to recovery!
Vyacheslav Verkhovsky

If the prison does not teach the prisoner how to live in society, it teaches him how to live in prison.
Alan Bartholomew

There should be less prison in the prison.
Pavel Krasheninnikov,
Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

There are no bad pubs and good prisons.
L. tuning fork

Where are the opponents of prisons putting their opponents?
Gabriel Laub

Passion for prison in those who fight.
Albert Camus

Hard labor creates a convict.
Victor Hugo

Imprisonment is as irreparable and harmful as death.
George Bernard Shaw

In places of detention, the only beneficial influence is that of the prisoners.
Oscar Wilde

Where people are imprisoned unjustly, the real place for a just person is in prison.
Henry David Thoreau

If you want to find out who your real friend is, try to go to jail.
Charles Bukowski

A week in jail is a lot. At will - little.
Erich Maria Remarque

People are divided into two halves: those. who is in jail and those who should be in jail.
Marcel Achard

Do that. what you think is right, but try not to go to jail.
Ashley Brilliant

Whoever opens schools closes prisons.
Victor Hugo

Since there are prisons and lunatic asylums, someone must be in them.
Anton Chekhov. "Ward №6"

Prison reform won't get very far until better people are put in prisons.

On the road and in prison, friendship is always born and a person's abilities are more clearly manifested.
Aope de Vega

Prisoners are sick.
Theodor Adorno

Virtue is a prison in which one would like to put the poor.
Vlas Doroshevich

And prison is a good school, if only you are not flogged, tortured, and if you know that enemies have imprisoned you and that like-minded people remember you in a friendly way.
Ilya Erenburg

The only place befitting an honest citizen in a lawless state is a prison.
Henry Thoreau

Prison is a necessary thing for a writer. Those who were not in prison did not serve the freedom of the press.
Alexey Suvorin

To be arrested is a recognition of your state merits.
Evgeny Yevtushenko

Nothing useful is taken out of the camp. They teach flattery, lies, petty and big meanness.
Varlam Shalamov

In a criminal prison and the most intensified hard labor develop only hatred, a thirst for forbidden pleasures and terrible frivolity.
Fedor Dostoevsky

Moral torment is harder than all physical torment. A commoner going to hard labor comes into his own society, even, perhaps, even more developed. He has lost a lot, but his environment remains the same.
Fedor Dostoevsky

In life, one must also be prepared for the torments of imprisonment; for other times and the good sometimes share the fate of the evil.
Charles Montesquieu