Mushroom pate: home cooking methods. How to cook mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms for the winter

The easiest way is to buy ready-made mycelium by ordering it on the Internet, but making grain mycelium yourself is perhaps the main dream of any mushroom grower. Large firms can afford to build a laboratory and hire specialists. And what about small mushroom growing firms and beginner mushroom growers? So far, one thing remains: to buy grain mycelium from others.

It would seem that everything is simple, buy and do not fool yourself. But there are two important point. Firstly, the purchase of grain mycelium accounts for about 40% of all costs for growing mushrooms. Secondly, often purchased mycelium is of poor quality. Those. when you buy mycelium, you don't know the quality of the mycelium yet. You will find out that the mycelium is bad later, when your bags with the substrate turn green from mold. And finally, there may not be a laboratory near you that produces the mycelium of especially rare mushrooms, such as porcini.

However, any mushroom grower knows that it is not always possible to find high-quality seed, especially a small amount, because companies specializing in the production of mycelium sell it in bulk. What to do in this case? The solution is simple - to make the mycelium of the porcini fungus yourself.

The simplest method available to any novice mushroom grower for obtaining grain mycelium of artificially cultivated white mushrooms is as follows.

Making white mushroom mycelium at home

· To 10 kg of purified dry grain of wheat or oats, rye, millet add 15 liters of water; the mixture is boiled for 15-20 minutes over low heat.

· Water after cooking is drained through a sieve, the boiled grain is dried a little, then 120-125 g of gypsum and 30-35 g of chalk are added. These additives regulate the acid-base balance of the environment (pH), acting as a protective buffer. In addition, gypsum helps to structure the grain mass, contributing to better aeration of the substrate.
Grain is poured into clean vessels (1-liter milk bottles or 1-2-3-liter jars, flasks). The most convenient for growing mycelium are 1-liter bottles. The substrate should occupy no more than 2/3 of the vessel. Usually 350-400 g of grain are poured into 1-liter bottles. Vessels are closed with cotton plugs and autoclaved in industrial or household autoclaves. Even an ordinary pressure cooker can be suitable for sterilization.

· Sterilization of the substrate is carried out at a temperature of 120-122 ° C for 1.5 hours while maintaining a pressure in the autoclave of about 1 atmosphere. After autoclaving, the pH of the medium should be 6.5-6.7.

· Substrate is cooled to seeding temperature (about 22-25°C).

· Sowing is carried out with sterile basic mycelium of the white fungus grown in test tubes on an agar medium. How to do this, we will describe below. Before transplanting, the tubes are slightly heated over a flame. gas burner. When heated, the medium lags behind the glass and slides to the tube hole turned down into the vessel with the substrate.

· Mycelium, germinating, penetrates the nutrient substrate in an incubation chamber at an appropriately controlled temperature and humidity. The optimal temperature for its growth is 22-25°C, increasing the temperature to 35°C destroys the mycelium. The most suitable relative humidity for this stage should be in the range of 60-62%.

· A week after sowing the mycelium on the grain substrate, the contents of the vessels must be shaken. This prevents the grain from sticking together and accelerates the growth of mycelium.

A few days after sowing or after shaking, an infection may appear in the form of microscopic mold fungi and bacteria, which enters when sterility is violated during the introduction of the mycelium or when shaking (air absorption with pathogens may occur). Therefore, the nutrient substrate must be carefully checked regularly for the presence of infection. On the seventh day, it becomes noticeable how mycelium begins to grow on the grain.

Approximately half of the jars can be contaminated with green mold if sterilization is not taken seriously enough. It will be necessary to take this error into account in future experiments. In other banks, mycelium usually grows normally. Mold infestation is not visible. Let's see what will happen next...
· After about 24-28 days, under microclimate conditions, the mycelium matures and can be used for growing mushrooms. It should be remembered that the mycelium must be stored in a cold place, preferably in a refrigerator on the bottom shelf at a temperature of 1-2 ° C, or in a cellar. However, it is best to try to use it as quickly as possible.

Simple Laboratory of White Fungus Mycelium

First you need to organize the right workplace. The room must be clean and easy to clean. Humidity should not be too high, otherwise harmful microorganisms develop very well. Optimum relative humidity is from 60 to 70%. The optimum temperature is from 20 to 24 °C. The room temperature can be maintained with an electric heater. It is important that there is no dust, as dust is the main source of infection. For the same reason, drafts are also undesirable. The required working area is about 1.5 m2. The easiest way to keep clean plastic surfaces. A few shelves above the desktop will come in handy.

The workplace will need lighting, a power source; It's good if there is water nearby. To obtain a mycelium, you will need: at least 15 test tubes with suitable cellulose or cotton stoppers, a test tube rack, at least 1 500 ml conical flask with a suitable stopper, and a beaker of the same capacity. In addition, pipettes (10 ml), tweezers, scalpel, bacteriological needle and inoculation hook with handle. You also need plastic Petri dishes, which are sold sterilized and in sterile packaging. You will need an electric stove, a Bunsen or alcohol burner and a disinfectant, such as sagrotan. All this is purchased in specialized stores. In the kitchen you can borrow: a large pot, aluminum foil, glass bottles with a wide mouth with a capacity of 1 liter. or canning jars of the same capacity.

From pure culture to white fungus mycelium

To make mycelium, you first need a pure culture of white fungus. The easiest way to get it is from tissue culture. To do this, you need young, healthy and, if possible, fresh fruiting bodies.

If you transfer a piece of white fungus tissue to a suitable nutrient base, mycelial hyphae will soon grow out of it. Potato-glucose agar and malt extract agar are used as a nutrient base. Both can be bought ready-made. Detailed guidance on the preparation of the nutritional base can be found in the relevant specialist literature.

Work sterility

Before starting work in the laboratory, you need to carefully tidy up the room and, first of all, disinfect the work surface with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate. In order not to lift microorganisms into the air, sudden movements should be avoided. Culture needs to be dealt with in an organized and fast manner. It is important to sterilize the equipment before each stage of work: tweezers, scalpel, bacteriological needle, inoculation hook, stoppers and tube necks, for example, several times in a burner flame. Sterile petri dishes should never be completely removed. Raise the lid only slightly to add nutrient solution or pieces of tissue.

Nutrient medium for white fungus

The prepared nutrient medium is dissolved in boiling water in an Erlen-Meyer flask. Approximately 10 ml of nutrient solution will be needed for each Petri dish. Test tubes with a nutrient solution (pieces 10-15) must be prepared in advance and sterilized. They must be closed with stoppers, the stoppers are wrapped with aluminum foil to protect against moisture. Sterilize them in a beaker for 20 minutes at 120°C in an autoclave or oven. The remains of the nutrient medium are also sterilized or stored in a refrigerator (for 1-2 days).

After sterilization, the nutrient medium is poured sterile into Petri dishes, measuring 10 ml of the solution with a sterile pipette. If the medium has cooled down and become dense, it is heated in a water bath. When pouring the medium into the cups, it is necessary to ensure that it is evenly distributed along the bottom, for this the cup is slightly rotated with careful movements.

Placement of tissue pieces of porcini fungus on a nutrient medium

As soon as the nutrient medium has cooled, pieces of tissue are laid out on it. First, the white fungus must be washed and disinfected with a 2% solution of sagrotan. Using a scalpel, the fungus is cut in half, small pieces of tissue are removed from the middle with a bacteriological needle, and 3-4 of them are placed in the center of the nutrient base plate. Leave the Petri dishes at room temperature. If the work was carried out under aseptic conditions, a white fluff of mycelium will appear in a few days.

Often, however, grey, green, or red molds or slimy colonies of bacteria appear. Severely affected cups should be discarded. Pure white fungus mycelium should colonize at least part of the nutrient plate without contamination. If after 2-3 weeks it has spread over the entire surface of the medium, the most difficult stage of obtaining a pure culture is over.

Pure cultures of white fungus

For better preservation, pure cultures are transferred to the so-called slant agar. For their preparation, take about 5 test tubes with a sterile nutrient medium, melted in a water bath. The upper end of the test tube is placed on a lying empty test tube so that the medium freezes in an inclined position.

On the slant agar with the help of an inoculation hook, small pieces of the nutrient medium with the mycelium of the white fungus growing on it are transferred. It is good to stick labels on test tubes with the date and name of the fungus.

If the work was carried out cleanly, on agar at room temperature, the mycelium of the white fungus develops after about 3 weeks.

The tubes are tied, wrapped in aluminum foil and stored in a refrigerator. After 3-4 months. mycelium is subcultured on fresh slant agar, approximately every 12-16 months. reseeding of pure cultures is necessary.

Obtaining a white fungus mycelium

Cereals are needed to get mycelium highest quality. One part of the grains is mixed with two parts of water, boiled for 15 minutes and, after drying, spread on a clean towel. The grains are mixed with 1.3% gypsum and 0.3% calcium carbonate.

A jar or bottle is filled with grains by about 3/4 of the volume. The bottle is corked and wrapped in foil, the jar is closed with a suitable cap. Sterilize in an oven for 2 hours at 120°C. After cooling, 3-4 pieces of nutrient medium with germinated mycelium of the white fungus are transferred to each jar. After 3 weeks at room temperature, the seeds germinate. They can be used for inoculation or stored in the refrigerator for a while. For the mycelium of the white fungus, you need to add one more stage of work: chop the straw into pieces about 3 cm long and moisten.

Oyster mushrooms are one of the most unpretentious mushrooms, so their cultivation has gained wide popularity among various kinds home business. Here we will tell you in detail how to make an oyster mushroom block according to all the rules in order to get a good harvest and avoid possible growing problems.

After all, a lot depends on the quality of the substrate blocks, and any novice mushroom grower needs to familiarize himself with all the subtleties of their creation.

The substrate block for growing oyster mushrooms is a plastic bag tightly stuffed with nutrient material. Even if you assemble and hang the block in accordance with all the rules, but at the same time fill it with low-quality compost, you can not count on a good harvest. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the content.

Substrate preparation

Various materials can be used as the basis of the substrate:

  • Straw.
  • A husk of sunflower seeds.
  • Husk of any cereal crops (oats, barley, wheat).
  • Dry, crushed corn on the cob.
  • Sawdust.

The main thing is that the raw materials are fresh, without signs of rot, mold and other damage. You can use several types of material at once, mixing them together in any proportions.

To enrich the nutrient medium, the following is added to the raw material:

  • Limestone - up to 2% of the total mass.
  • Carbamide - up to 0.7% of the total mass.
  • Superphosphate - up to 0.5% of the total mass.

It is desirable to grind all components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After mixing the components, they are sent for heat treatment. This is a prerequisite so that harmful microorganisms do not start in the substrate.

The mass is placed in a tank of boiling water and boiled for 2-3 hours. Then the water is drained, the substrate is cooled and the formation of mushroom blocks for oyster mushrooms is started.

In the professional field, special autoclaves are used to process the material or xerothermic technology (steam treatment) is used.

At the time of filling the blocks, the compost should be at room temperature.

For blocks, you will need dense plastic bags about 400x800 mm in size. I also process them in advance by soaking them in water with bleach. You can use steam treatment or dip them in any other antiseptic solution. It is not necessary to dry them, it is enough to shake off the liquid well.

Mycelium should also be prepared in advance. You can buy it in special stores or cook it yourself.

Layers of the substrate and mycelium are alternately laid in the bags. The first and last layer should be of nutrient material. The mycelium is laid out in a thin layer, the compost is thick.

Important! When laying the material, make sure that no air remains inside. Pack bags very tightly.

Packages cannot be filled to the very top. You need to leave free space to tighten the bags well. Tie them tightly with a nylon rope. Ordinary ropes will not work here, they will quickly rot from moisture.

Now that the oyster mushroom block is stuffed with substrate and corked, cross-shaped cuts are made on it with a sharp knife or blade. The size of the incisions should not exceed 1 cm.

They are best done in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. If it is planned to place the bags against the wall, then the slots are made only on one side.

Next, the blocks are placed in a warm room. The first 2-3 weeks is the incubation period. At this stage, it is very important to maintain the correct level of temperature and humidity in the environment where the bags are located. Then the temperature is lowered and the forcing of oyster mushrooms begins. From the slots, the first fruits begin to appear, increasing in growth every day.

These were the basic rules for how to make an oyster mushroom block yourself. There is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is high-quality mycelium and compliance with all conditions in the room. Then the harvest will be rich and of high quality.

The preparation of mushroom soup takes place with several operations, especially if you plan to prepare mushroom soup puree. The recipe for mushroom soup aims to ensure that such a soup has a pleasant, distinctive taste that cannot be confused with any other. We will tell you how to cook mushroom soup, and this original first course will surely become your calling card.

How to cook mushroom soup? is a question that worries many. You can cook lean mushroom soup, you can - mushroom soup with chicken broth or mushroom soup with meat broth, and in addition - mushroom soup with melted cheese or mushroom soup with cream. So it's a matter of taste and your choice of calorie content of the dish. In addition to mushrooms, various ingredients are added to such a soup, for example, mushroom soup with meat, mushroom soup with chicken, mushroom soup with noodles, mushroom soup with noodles, mushroom soup with barley are prepared. If we talk about the types of mushrooms, then it should be said that you can cook mushroom mushroom soup, mushroom soup from chanterelles, mushroom soup from porcini mushrooms, mushroom soup from oyster mushrooms, mushroom soup from boletus mushrooms, mushroom soup from mushrooms.

To know how to cook mushroom soup, first of all, you should choose which mushrooms it will be prepared from, because they prepare mushroom soup from fresh mushrooms, mushroom soup from dried mushrooms, and even mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, for example, mushroom soup from frozen champignons . Let's start with how to cook mushroom soup from dried mushrooms. Mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms can please you all year round, you just have to stock up on dried mushrooms. Dry mushrooms should be pre-soaked for several hours in water, and only then boiled.

Cheese-mushroom soup has a unique aroma; mushroom soup with cheese is often prepared as a puree soup. It will also be useful for you to learn how to cook mushroom soup puree. To do this, the mushrooms are first stewed in butter with flour, cream and milk are added, after which they are crushed in a blender and poured with broth. Thus, you can cook mushroom puree soup from champignons, mushroom cream soup with cream. If you decide to cook mushroom cream soup from champignons, boil a few small whole mushrooms, cut them thinly across and put them on a plate, you will get not only delicious mushroom soup, but also beautiful. The recipe for champignon mushroom soup can generally be considered one of the most popular, due to the fact that champignons are one of the most affordable mushrooms. Mushroom cream soup is prepared according to a similar recipe, mushroom recipe creamy soup, creamy mushroom soup recipe, or some other thick mushroom soup. You can find a recipe with a photo of all the operations for making mushroom soup on our website.

An unusually fragrant and tasty appetizer from forest gifts, which is called mushroom pate or caviar, is very easy to make. You can use not only fresh fruits, but also frozen, dried or salted.

An unusually fragrant and tasty appetizer from forest gifts, which is called mushroom pate or caviar, is very easy to make.

Mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles or any other edible representatives of the mushroom kingdom are used as the main product, and snacks made from forest species are more fragrant and tastier. At the same time, it is very strongly adjusted with the help of spices and their quantity.

Easy Mushroom Paste Recipe

You must first process the fruits, thoroughly cleaning them from forest debris and rinse. Purchased champignons are enough to wash and cut. From kitchen utensils, take a frying pan, meat grinder or blender, knife and cutting board. For fast way to prepare snacks you will need:

  • mushrooms 0.4 kg;
  • bulb;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • spices.

Easy process:

  1. Slice the peeled onion. Saute and put in a free container.
  2. The forest product should be boiled for half an hour. Then strain and fill with new water. After 30 minutes strain with a colander. Cool and cut. Oyster mushrooms or champignons can be cut without boiling. Dried raw materials are first soaked in water, and then boiled until cooked. If desired, more than one type of mushroom is used.
  3. Put the mushrooms into the heated oil and fry. The release of liquid contributes to quenching. After evaporation, the pieces will fry.
  4. Add onion and stir. Remove after 10 minutes. Salt and pepper. At the final stage, add chopped garlic cloves or passed through a press.
  5. Transfer the mass to a deep container and puree with a blender.

Chilled appetizer can be spread on toast.

How to quickly make mushroom pate (video)

How to cook oyster mushroom pate at home

To prepare a snack, you need to stock up on the following products:

  • 0.3 kg oyster mushrooms;
  • vegetable oil (4 tablespoons);
  • bulb;
  • a clove of garlic.


  1. Grind dried mushrooms.
  2. Chop the onion and fry until transparent.
  3. Pour oyster mushrooms into a frying pan. After 10 minutes, salt, add garlic and spices. Mix.

Pass the mushroom composition through a meat grinder, then grind with a blender. For storage, transfer to jars and refrigerate.

You can add carrots to the dish. For 1 kg of mushrooms, in addition to carrots, you need 4 onions and butter (150 g).

  1. Cut the washed mushrooms and pour into a pan with vegetable oil.
  2. Chop the vegetables: grate the carrots, chop the onion. Transfer to mushrooms.
  3. After cooking, cool, add butter and seasoning.

Caviar, chopped with a blender, put in a container. When used, you can chop the greens and add mayonnaise.

How to make mushroom and cream cheese pate

Thanks to the addition of cheese, the structure of the appetizer is tender with a creamy taste. Any fruits are taken, both collected independently and purchased in a store. If champignons are used, then for 300 g, you will need:

  • 2 onions;
  • some white bread;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 80 g butter;
  • nutmeg;
  • parsley;
  • 100 g processed cheese (1 pack).


  1. Chop and fry the onion and garlic in butter.
  2. Add mushroom pieces and close the lid.
  3. After a third of an hour, open the dishes so that excess liquid evaporates.
  4. Put the onion-mushroom mass in a deep bowl, add pieces of cheese, butter and bread. Grind with a blender.
  5. Season with spices. Beat again, then send to cool in the refrigerator.

Serve with parsley and basil.

If desired, semolina (2 tablespoons) is included in the recipe. In this case, while frying the mushrooms, add grits to the pan.

Pate of mushrooms and melted cheese

Recipe for mushroom pate from oyster mushrooms with vegetables

Pate is an excellent dish, suitable not only for small snacks, but also as toppings. There are more than a dozen recipes, both easy to prepare and those with which you have to tinker a little. By following the recommendations, you can cook excellent caviar.

For 1 kg of oyster mushrooms you will need:

  • 3 potatoes;
  • a couple of carrots;
  • 300 g of cauliflower;
  • 3 onions;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon mushroom seasoning;
  • half glass mushroom broth;
  • salt and pepper.

Appetizer preparation:

  1. Pour the washed oyster mushrooms with salted water and cook for a third of an hour. Strain with a colander, cool, chop into small pieces. Do not pour out all the mushroom broth.
  2. Saute chopped garlic, add onion cubes and continue to fry.
  3. Add mushrooms and after 10 minutes season with allspice and other spices.
  4. Add mushroom broth and simmer for another quarter of an hour.
  5. Place the cauliflower divided into inflorescences in salted water.
  6. Boil potatoes and carrots in another bowl. Then finely chop and combine with oyster mushrooms.
  7. Blend until puree with a blender. Add parsley if desired.

The paste can be used as a filling for pancakes.

How to make mushroom caviar for the winter (video)

How to make mushroom pate for the winter at home

Depending on the products used, the mushroom dish differs in taste. Pate jars intended for long-term storage are subject to mandatory sterilization. Lids are better to take plastic, not metal. All ingredients included in the recipe must be thermally processed.

To prepare a winter preparation of boiled mushrooms, you will need to stock up:

  • 0.5 kg honey mushrooms;
  • 3 onions;
  • 100 ml of vinegar;
  • carrot;
  • a head of garlic;
  • peppercorns, cloves, greens.

Mushroom pate is best stored in glass jars

Easy cooking process:

  1. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, cut large parts, boil in salted water. If champignons or oyster mushrooms are used, 30 minutes is enough.
  2. Chop vegetables and fry until golden brown. Combine with mushrooms.
  3. Grind the resulting mixture through a meat grinder or blender. Add vinegar and mix again.
  4. Pour chopped greens and garlic on the bottom of the jars, then put the mushroom puree and cover with horseradish leaves.

To prepare the pate as the main product, you can use fresh mushrooms (500 g), as well as:

  • head of onion;
  • 2 teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • spices and herbs.

When using milk mushrooms or valuev in this recipe, it is recommended to pre-soak them for several days. Further:

  1. Cut the mushrooms into pieces and put on low heat.
  2. Cool down after an hour. Scroll through a meat grinder along with spices and fried onions.

Arrange the onion-mushroom mass in sterilized jars.

Mushroom pate for the winter at home

Dried mushroom pate

Dried mushrooms are also suitable for pate. In this case, the aroma will be even stronger. The list of ingredients includes:

  • 0.5 kg of dried champignons;
  • a pair of bulbs;
  • spices.

Dry fruits should be soaked in water for 5 hours to swell. Then strain and fill with clean water.

  1. Boil the mushrooms until tender, then cut into small cubes.
  2. Fry chopped onion. Add mushrooms, salt and pepper to it.
  3. Turn off the fire after 10 minutes.

After cooling, turn into a puree using a meat grinder or blender. Then distribute among the banks. Gourmets will also appreciate the pate made from frozen or canned raw materials.

White mushroom pate (video)

The main condition in the preparation of mushroom pate is the thorough grinding of all components so that the mass is homogeneous and elastic with a paste consistency. To achieve a uniform taste, salt is recommended before the grinding procedure. Greens can be fresh or boiled for 5 minutes in boiling water. In this case, the taste is more pronounced.

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Fragrant gifts of the forest, mushrooms are especially loved.

From them you can cook a rich soup, hodgepodge, stuffing for pies and pies, a delicious second course.

Before use, almost any mushrooms (with rare exceptions) must be boiled.

How to cook mushrooms and how long does it take?

Why cook mushrooms

There are several types heat treatment harvested forest crop. Cooking is one of the simplest and most common methods. Why is she needed?

First, mushrooms contain alkaloids dangerous to health. These are poisonous compounds that must be disposed of. Some types of mushrooms, for example, contain gilvelic acid. This is the strongest poison that has a destructive effect on the liver and kidneys and in 30% of cases leads to death. Poison contains lines - mushrooms, very similar to morels. When cooking, it turns into a liquid, so suspicious mushrooms are boiled in two waters, the first must be drained, and the mushrooms are washed after it.

Mushrooms are not accidentally compared to a sponge. They instantly absorb all dirty and harmful substances from the environment, including radiation. Boiling helps to reduce its level, and with a single boil for ten minutes, the radiation level is reduced by 80, and with a double boil - by 97 percent.

In addition, some types of mushrooms that have not passed the boiling water test may be bitter. Therefore, you need to cook not only dangerous lines (which, in fairness, rarely fall into the mushroom picker's basket), but also beloved by all chanterelles, russula, milk mushrooms and even store-bought champignons.

How to cook mushrooms depends on their type. However, it is important to understand that when cooking, part of the nutrients and vitamins will go into the broth. Therefore, you need to pour a little water into the pan so that it only slightly covers the mushrooms.

How to prepare mushrooms for cooking

Before sending the mushrooms to the pan, they need to be prepared: sorted, cleaned, cut off all questionable places (brown spots, damage, parts affected by worms or slugs). This must be done on the same day when the forest gifts were collected. If the mushrooms are old, remove the bottom of the cap.

If cooking is scheduled for another day, then you need to store the product in the refrigerator. In this case, the mushrooms are not washed, only adhering leaves, grains of sand and grass are removed with a knife. Mushrooms can be washed before boiling cold water but quickly so that they do not have time to soak in water.

How much to cook fresh mushrooms

Mushrooms are cooked for several purposes: to freeze for the winter, prepare for salting or process before frying. Cooking time will depend on the type of mushroom. Readiness can be determined by outward signs: Boiled mushrooms will sink to the bottom of the pot if you lift it over the burner. Still, it is best to focus on the recommendations for cooking time. How long to cook mushrooms? Experienced chefs recommend the following order:

Mushrooms are cooked purely symbolically - five minutes;

Fifteen minutes is enough for oyster mushrooms to be ready, large nests can be boiled for five minutes longer;

Chanterelles and aspen mushrooms should spend 20 minutes in boiling water (the film is first removed from the caps of the aspen mushrooms);

Russula, despite the name, should be boiled for half an hour;

Porcini mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned before boiling, remove the film from the cap, rinse, and then boil for 40 minutes;

Boletus mushrooms are processed in the same way as porcini mushrooms, but boiled for 45-50 minutes;

Honey mushrooms are put in water, brought to a boil, after which the first broth is drained and poured with a new portion of water. Secondary cooking time - 50-60 minutes;

Dense milk mushrooms are pre-soaked in cold water for an hour (add two tablespoons of salt per liter of water), then boil for 15 minutes.

Cooking mushrooms is very easy. It is necessary to put them in a saucepan, pour a small amount of water, add salt and, after boiling, keep in boiling water from five minutes to one hour, depending on the type. If mushrooms are processed for further frying, they need to be cooked for 10-20 minutes less than indicated in the main recommendation. Then remove from the water, chop or twist in a meat grinder and use according to the main recipe.

A very tasty winter preparation will turn out from boiled fresh mushrooms prepared according to the following recipe.


Two kilograms of fresh mushrooms;

One and a half liters of water;

a spoonful of salt (the amount of salt can be varied to your liking);

Two leaves of black currant;

head of garlic;

Ten peas of black pepper.


Mushrooms must first be sorted out, cleaned off the forest dirt, washed in small portions in a colander.

In a large bowl or saucepan, soak the entire amount of mushroom "meat" and pour in a portion of fresh cold water.

Set a small oppression in the form of a plate of suitable diameter so that all the mushrooms are under water.

After an hour and a half, rinse the soaked mushrooms again, chop the large ones, leave the small ones whole.

Pour the mushrooms with one and a half liters of water and bring to a boil over high heat.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat, add pepper and salt, currant leaves and garlic.

Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and cool.

For winter freezing, put the cooled mushrooms into bags in small portions of about half a kilogram (exactly as much as you need for mushroom soup, frying with potatoes, making a pie, etc.) and send to the freezer. It is important that as little air as possible remains in the mushroom bag.

Mushrooms frozen in this way can be stored for one year.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are a real winter treat. From them you can cook a lot of delicious, fragrant, amazingly delicious first and second courses, pastries, snacks and salads. However, in order to restore the original properties of the mushroom, it is important to know how much to cook the mushrooms after drying.

Improperly prepared dried mushrooms lose both their taste and pleasant texture, and become too hard. First of all, they should be soaked in fresh cold water. Four hours of soaking will be enough to restore elasticity and volume to the mushroom slices. After soaking, you can not drain the water, because the mushrooms give it their amazing aroma and taste. Of course, you need to focus on the result. If the mushrooms were harvested incorrectly, then the water will become dirty, cloudy, clogged with leaves, needles, sand. You shouldn't cook mushroom "meat" in such a dish.

As a rule, porcini mushrooms are dried. However, you can dry boletus boletus, boletus, morels, mossiness mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, etc. How much to cook dried mushrooms after soaking? Not less than half an hour. You can check the readiness by whether the mushrooms fall to the bottom of the pan after rising above the surface of the stove.

Depending on the degree of drying, it may take longer for the mushroom slices to boil. To prepare a delicious decoction based on porcini mushrooms, you can use the following recipe.


Three hundred grams of dried slices of porcini mushrooms;

One and a half liters of water;

Bay leaf;

Peppercorns (optional)


Pour the mushrooms with boiling water so that all the slices are under water. You can press them on top with a plate or lid.

After three to four hours, pour the swollen mushrooms into a pot of boiling water for the broth.

Throw bay leaf, pepper, salt the broth to taste.

How much to cook dried mushrooms depends on the size of the slices and the degree of drying. If the mushrooms are coarsely dried, the cooking time should be 35-40 minutes. Thin slices will cook faster, literally in half an hour.

After the mushrooms are ready, they can be cut into smaller pieces and sent to a frying pan in heated oil. Based on the broth, cook mushroom soup.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms

From frozen mushrooms, you can cook all the same wonderful dishes as from fresh ones. Mushrooms, boletus, porcini, mushrooms, chanterelles are frozen - almost everything that can be brought from a successful mushroom hunt. How long to cook frozen mushrooms? Before answering this question, you need to learn how to cook mushrooms for cooking.

The fact is that it will not work to remove all the moisture from the mushrooms before freezing: a small amount of ice will necessarily form on them. Throwing mushrooms in this state into the pan is impossible, they will ruin the whole thing. Therefore, mushrooms must first be thawed. You can do this in several ways:

Send for a couple of minutes in the microwave;

Leave in a colander at room temperature and wait for natural thawing.

After the mushrooms have thawed, they must be washed in running water. Then everything is simple: mushrooms need to be filled with water and sent to the fire. After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook, covering with a lid. Be sure to stir from time to time and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms? For complete readiness, 20-30 minutes is enough. The mushrooms will be ready in 15 minutes.

How to use boiled mushrooms and mushroom broth

Fresh, dried and frozen boiled mushrooms rarely become an independent dish. Usually they are boiled for salting, pickling, freezing (if the mushrooms are fresh). In addition, dried and frozen mushrooms are boiled to make soup, mushroom salad, stuffing in pies or pancakes, julienne, fried potatoes.

After boiling the mushrooms, the broth cannot be poured out. It's valuable food product, on the basis of which you can cook a light fragrant soup or prepare a wonderful sauce for a meat or poultry dish.

The broth can be frozen in a plastic container or bottle. This is very convenient, because you can cook soup or sauce with fresh mushroom broth at any time.