Why do you like to travel. Another reason why people love to travel

Why do people travel? Is it really just to take a break from work for 2 weeks, spend the money accumulated over six months and create the illusion that “they can afford it”?

You've been going for a long time. But work-home-family-responsibilities-loans and other excuses do not allow you to even exhale to understand what changes you need. You continue to run at the usual crazy pace of life, without doing anything.


Think, look at your life from a different angle, decide what you lack now and what prevents you from living in harmony with yourself. Does not work? Then here's a working tip for you: get out of the house and go a little further than the usual route home-work-shop-home.

Leaving your familiar surroundings, even for a short time, turn your life into a journey full of uncertainty, and you will be able to know yourself from the most unexpected sides.

Why travel when home is good

Are you afraid of the unknown? This is fine. Fear of the new is an ordinary phenomenon in the life of every person. But weigh all the benefits of travel and your fear - are they on the same scale? Let's see what travel teaches us and whether it is worth it to actively look for excuses, protecting your fears.

What travel can teach

1. You will get off the couch.

Thinking about the upcoming voyage, we begin to worry about the difficulties that lie in wait for tourists. We are worried that we will not find a place to sleep, we will not be able to communicate with the inhabitants of another country in our broken English. What does travel teach? The fact that all of the above fears are in vain. Gather your courage, focus on your goal and hit the road. It is a mistake to think that travel is either a round-the-world trip where you burn all your bridges or a package vacation that limits you to an all-inclusive package. How much do you know about the surroundings of your city? About the life of the inhabitants of neighboring villages? Surely, there are many interesting things near you. Start discovering the world small.

2. Travel changes the worldview.

The first thing he learns after visiting different states is that exotic places are not as dangerous as they seem. In any city you can feel comfortable. This rule also applies to wildlife: following basic safety rules, you are guaranteed to avoid trouble. Moreover, in a metropolis, a person is more likely to die (for example, getting hit by a car) than in a desert or forest.

3. You will constantly expand your horizons.

What is travel for? To know the world and get acquainted with the culture of other peoples. Do not worry about the friendliness of people: the natives always treat travelers with courtesy and try to help them. If you are not from the category of Tagil fans, do not spoil their heritage and do not laugh at the culture of the country in which you are a guest, then traveling will definitely bring you new acquaintances and faith in people. Many people will gladly provide you with accommodation, show you the way, tell you about the interesting sights of their country.

4. You don't have to be a millionaire to see the world.

Travel more and you will realize that you do not need to spend millions for this. Big money is needed only for those who dream of a sea cruise to exotic islands. Although, if you make friends with the locals, these expenses can be easily avoided. Organizing travel on your own, you only need to have a small amount of cash to buy food, pay for transport and hotel rooms or places in hostels. Living in the latter, by the way, despite its cheapness, can give you a huge amount of experience and impressions.

What kind of travel should I do if I have a modest budget?

Rest on a grand scale, which the Russian soul requires, in fact turns out to be completely superfluous: without wasting money, you will spend your time much more interesting than buying and ordering whatever you want. And the main trophy will be the emotions and discoveries that you make for yourself. A two-day backpacking trip into the woods will do more than you can't get from a two-week vacation in a five-star all-inclusive hotel.

5. Things are just things.

Beginner tourists consider it their duty to take on the road 10 suitcases with outfits for all occasions and full equipment in case of the end of the world. But over time, travel teaches that an abundance of luggage only gets in the way. A person on the road (as in life) needs a minimum of clothes, two pairs of shoes, hygiene products, money and documents.

You can’t decide which of the two T-shirts to take with you, and in the end you put both in your backpack. Why are you willing to make your life difficult? Learn to make a choice, starting with such trifles.

When you start traveling, you will realize that you absolutely do not need most of the things you have, and you can safely get rid of them, freeing up space in the closet. The same applies to unnecessary emotions, unnecessary worries, uninteresting people and habitual obligations - by getting rid of such “trash”, you will make room for a new one.

6. Find out how a tourist differs from a traveler.

Travelers and tourists are not the same thing. The former communicate with local residents, get acquainted with traditions, make new acquaintances, change their worldview and improve their lives. The second timidly glance at everything that happens from the windows of the bus. Tourists are "bred" by locals for money, and they share food and shelter with travelers. Traveling changes people and teaches them to be simpler and not be afraid to learn new things, teach them to be open with others and appreciate every person who appears in life.

7. Travel is not a vacation.

You have probably heard more than once how travel changes many people, making them stronger and more resilient. And you yourself actively travel to Cyprus and Turkey, but you don’t notice any changes ... And this is not because hiking in the mountains or tundra with a heavy backpack is a workout for the body. Not because in the most harmless resort town you can be left without money or get into a difficult situation. It's just that when traveling, you don't set a goal to “lie down” under a palm tree, relieving stress from work or family. You are changing the very way of life from the usual to an improved version of it. Travel can be physically hard, but it can be mind-numbing. Therefore, they are not looking for physical relief, they give much more than relaxed muscles.

8. You are your best friend and travel companion.

Can't find fellow travelers to go on the road with a fun company? This is only to your advantage. Not better way understand yourself, the world, and cultivate fortitude than solo travel. Traveling alone is an experience like no other. Relying only on your own strength, you will begin to believe in yourself more and learn to make responsible decisions on your own. This will help you connect with new people more easily, try new things, and take on unfamiliar roles because you won't have to look back at anyone or be afraid of anyone's judgment.

The heroine of Reese Witherspoon in the movie “Wild” went on a similar journey after the upheavals in her life: overcoming the difficulties of the route on a solo trip, she was able to save herself from mental suffering. If you can’t deal with, perhaps a solo trip - what will help you now?

9. The world is small.

Long journeys have changed the minds of millions of people that our planet is vast. It only seems like that when you watch other countries on TV. In reality, it is possible that you will meet your acquaintances when you leave for Cambodia, India or Kamchatka. Or, in a quiet, remote corner of the world, meet someone from your hometown.

Travel more and don't be afraid to talk to people, look for . Perhaps one of the billions of people who will change your life will meet you where you did not suspect.

10. The joy of returning.

No matter how good it is on the way, returning home is a joyful moment for every person. Arriving in your hometown, you will be glad to meet your relatives, work colleagues. And the changes that will happen to you on the journey will certainly affect your life. And if you want to change your life now, try to start at least with a short trip to an unfamiliar place.

Since I started writing this blog, I have met a lot of wonderful people. I dreamed about the blogosphere as much as I dreamed about traveling, and people helped me in this. I received a lot of advice on web design, article writing, site promotion, and started publishing some of my work.

I met a lot of people willing to help me. People who had no idea who I was but were happy to host me for the night in their part of the world. I want to meet people in my travels as much as I want to meet new places.

And most of all I love travelers. They have a special spirit, they are open, friendly and understanding. You may meet for the first time, but they will understand you and your "wandering" lifestyle much better than work colleagues with whom you have worked side by side for a lot of years. And all because they experienced and experienced the same thing as you. You share a common experience. They know all the ups and downs of nomadic life, all the joys and pains that you encounter while traveling. They'll hop on a plane with you to Honduras, just because you need someone's company, and give you contact details of people who will show you the sights of Auckland. That's why travel blogs have such a dedicated readership, that's why websites like Matador and Couchsurfing exist. People are an important reason to love travel.

Travelers crave meeting people. They are not afraid of strangers. In fact, the fact that you are a stranger is even better. One day I met two travelers living in Boston, and despite the fact that we only knew each other through email, we agreed to have a dinner together a week later. Dinner with strangers - isn't it great?

What is the reason? Because if you want to discover the world, you have to be prepared for everything - this is the only way to cope with life as a traveler. To make friends, you need to be hyperactive and love socializing. Finding a roommate on a bus ride or a best friend in a hostel shouldn't be a problem for you. You must be optimistic and pay attention to the best aspects of human nature. I don't want to scare you, but things happen when you travel.

When I was in Vietnam, I exchanged a few words with two British people, this conversation ended with us going to the Mekong Delta together. And it's all because I just said "hello" when I arrived at my guesthouse.

But upon returning home, the excessive closeness of the surrounding people was one of the most difficult things for me. In their eyes it was read: “Why is he so friendly? Where is the catch here? Many were simply stumped by the fact that when I asked, “How are you?”, I really want to know the history of this person’s life, and not hear the polite: “It’s okay.”

When I look for entertainment at night and start casual conversations, people are always looking for some hidden motives behind it and are very surprised when they find none. By the way, such conversations almost never continue, because people always diligently protect themselves from imaginary enemies.

But when traveling, one has only to find a friend, so this connection will not stop and will not weaken over the years. Social networks help you stay in touch with these people for a long time. And despite the fact that you may not see each other for several years in a row, they will be glad to know that you are coming to their area and even get out to a neighboring city to meet you. Such are the travelers, we want to know the whole world and everyone in it.

And to sum up - travel to different places to see other countries, but do not forget about people who are travelers like you. You can hardly find more open and friendly people anywhere else.

Interesting people - that's the reason to love travel.

Traveling to other countries is a completely normal phenomenon of modern life. However, few people think about the reasons for the desire to leave their homes and habitual lives for unknown countries and cities. We will try to understand these reasons.

Reason 1 - the search for new experiences. Any country that is popular in terms of tourism and recreation can boast of special types of recreation and entertainment available only there. In Thailand, for example, these include elephant trekking, interacting with wild monkeys, and attending adult shows. Going there is not so difficult - Russian tourists do not need a visa, and the prices for a photo for a passport (required to enter the country) are quite acceptable in any photo studio.

Reason 2 - attempts to deal with the inner "I". Many travelers make it their top priority to try to figure out their inner self and find themselves. Following such goals, tourists make pilgrimages to the countries of enlightenment and spirituality - India, China, etc. In addition, such trips allow you to better understand the mentality of the destination country and become closer to it spiritually.

Reason 3 - learning new languages. Even if this is not a top priority, each tourist can boast of learning up to ten words of the language of the country to which the trip was made. However, some go precisely in order to hone their own speaking and writing skills in a country where everyone is a native speaker of the language being studied.

Reason 4 - tasting new dishes. Many gourmets who are already fed up with National cuisine or traditional dishes from the cuisine of other nearby countries, tend to visit an exotic country in order to try something new and previously unknown. In the cuisine of every country there are such dishes, known throughout the world. Therefore, I want to evaluate the method of preparation and taste characteristics in the country of origin of this dish.

Reason 5 - visiting world famous places. It is possible to name many countries in which there are monuments and places known all over the world. And many travelers want to touch this fame by visiting them personally. Examples include the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the pyramids in Egypt, Big Ben in London and much more. Any of these countries requires the issuance of travel documents, and for this it is better to provide a fresh (no more than 6 months) passport photo, the price of which is not so high.

Reason 6 - having fun. Another common reason for traveling is to have fun. Because for some, traveling abroad is a process that brings not only a lot of new experiences, but also the pleasure of the whole trip. During the trip, funny and unforgettable events can happen, which will still be nice to remember later.

“I watch Instagram and cry”: Muscovites told why they hate travelers

Source: AP 2018

Traveling abroad, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, does not go out of fashion in Moscow. One has only to open Instagram - your friends are again in the Alps, in Thailand or in Bali. However, according to a poll by the Levada Center, only 28% of Russians have foreign passports. The rest do not travel outside the country because they do not have the means to do so or simply do not like to travel. The RIAMO observer talked to Muscovites who hate travelers for various reasons.

Yuri, 31 years old, web developer:

It seems to me that people who constantly travel are wasting their time and money. In fact, they are selfish and think only about their impressions.

Most of the employees in our company are girls from 25 to 30 years old.

Instead of starting a family and building family happiness in Moscow, they are constantly traveling around, dreaming of meeting a foreigner who has everything to marry him and leave the country.

We work in order to live, and if you look at what our life consists of, you can see that a person strives for comfort, protection and family. But all this cannot be free.

Comfort is your own home, with comfortable renovation, good furniture, for some with expensive audio and video equipment. Many people want to have nice car, Vacation home, but all these pleasures require huge money.

All this is acquired for a long period of time and will please a person and all members of his family every day. The family also requires large material costs.

Therefore, I think that spending all your time and money on travel is stupid.

Maria, 31, editor:

I can’t stand it when people brag about their trips to hot countries on social networks, which I myself won’t go even for nothing.

Irritating are these crowded beaches, these withered palm trees and rotting seaweed thrown ashore, this empty and featureless sky above the water, these half-naked bodies roasting in the sun only to turn into a “grilled chicken” and earn a couple of melanomas in passing.

Of course, I exaggerate. However, a beach holiday has always bored me to death. I just don’t understand what you can do by the sea-ocean all day long during your vacation.

Once I honestly tried to go to a classic seaside resort - I spent a week in Montenegro. And in the 40-degree heat, she was the only person on the beach, dressed in trousers and a long-sleeved shirt to protect her skin from the burning sun, smeared with a greasy layer of cream.

Needless to say, I never went into the water? The sea was full of people, and in order to wash off the salt, one would have to return to the hotel. In general, hot countries are not my thing at all. That's why it annoys me so much that they're idealized on Instagram.

Anastasia, 29 years old, press secretary:

My plans have always been built around the fact that I want to travel both in Russia and around the world. But in recent times work and family status stand in the way of travel.

Every time I think, does everyone really have their own housing, there are no problems at work, that they have enough money for travel. Where?!!

Recently, I had a situation where I could not, for various reasons, go on vacation, and any photograph of the sea brought tears to my eyes. I realized that I hate travelers because I envy them.

I looked at my travel photos and cried, went to work and imagined myself on the beach. When people around talked about vacation plans, I just switched off so as not to burst into tears. Many will think this is stupid. And I, for example, laugh at iPhone fans who buy them on credit.

Nikolai, 31 years old, engineer:

To be honest, it’s not travel itself that infuriates me, but the topic “Travel”, which I cannot support in a conversation. At the same time, it is the most discussed among friends: planning a vacation, discussing past trips, etc. At such moments, I go to the phone, but I feel very annoyed.

For me, travel is associated with something obligatory, as if it is a “must”.

Perhaps I will love to travel, especially since I am not against business trips. Around me, in my city, in my real life, there is a lot of everything: unknown, obscure, requiring attention, frankly curious. All this takes time, and there is so little of it, I'm sorry to spend it on trips.

Irina, 28, ecologist (Moscow):

I rented an apartment with girls who constantly traveled somewhere. I didn't even have time to track their movements.

For three years I saved up for a down payment on an apartment, and my neighbors were on suitcases all this time.

This despite the fact that we rented a cheap apartment in a residential area, lived in a cramped Khrushchev, 15 thousand rubles per room.

To be honest, I envy such a life in a good way and would also love to travel abroad, but I just can’t afford it.

Neighbors were surprised that I always sit in my room and do not go anywhere. Of course, after all, any trip is associated with big expenses! I asked them how much they spend on vacation - it turned out that this is my whole salary, which needs to be paid for kicking something 7 - 10 days.

The only thing that I have allowed myself over the past three years is a trip to Pereslavl-Zalessky for the weekend, and I usually spend vacations and holidays with relatives in another city, because it's much cheaper.

I'm so tired of roaming around dormitories and rented apartments of others that it is more important for me to acquire my own living space than to spend money on travel. Even if the "odnushka" in the suburbs - but its own. I don't know when I'll be able to afford to go somewhere, because now I have a mortgage hanging on me.

Reason #1: Rest

First of all, I would like to separate "flies from cutlets" and explain that there are two fundamentally different concepts that, at first glance, are similar, but in reality they are different things. These concepts are tourism and travel. Tourism differs from travel in that tourism is nothing more than recreation, and any tourism is also carried out only for the sake of recreation. Whether it's lying under a palm tree or active hiking in the mountains, the essence is the same - relaxation. A person does this to distract himself from his main activity and everyday life. The main activity is work / business / study, everyday life - life according to the usual, normalized schedule.

Therefore, the purpose of tourism is recreation. Rest is necessary for a person to maintain normal life, in other words - for health. When you fly on a package tour to some Thailand, you aim to relax in order to escape from everyday life, to unwind, to get new sensations, impressions, pleasures. And the cooler and more exciting your vacation will be than more impressions you will receive from it - the more strength you will be able to accumulate (accumulate) for the next period of your life.

Evening in Pattaya, Thailand

In physiological terms, the accumulation of forces occurs due to the fact that the human nervous system is arranged in such a way that new impressions are very much needed for it, and, in fact, it does not matter which ones. At that moment in time, when you are learning something new, and, most importantly, interesting for you, your brain produces dopamine- neurotransmitter of pleasure. If dopamine processes are weakened and little dopamine is produced in your brain, then you feel apathy, some kind of fatigue, exhaustion, nervousness (sometimes even anger), your performance begins to decline, and health deteriorates, so a person needs rest.

But if your vacation is not accompanied by new experiences, then you run the risk of not “accumulating” enough dopamine, and without it, the process of restoring your nervous system will run weak. Simply put, you will not get the desired effect. Therefore, when they ask you: "Well, how did you rest?" - you answer either: "Yes, you can hurt yourself!" or: "Well, that's good." The difference in your responses will depend on the amount of dopamine produced during the rest.

On the beach of Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Relaxation is one of the main purposes of tourism. Tourism is so attractive to people because it can give them a huge amount of everything new, exciting and interesting and, at the same time, relatively inexpensively. It is for dopamine that all tourists, without exception, go, whether they are consumers of organized tours or independent tourists. It doesn't matter if you are in Thailand or in the Himalayas, whether you are hanging out in nightclubs or skiing, the essence is the same - dopamine.

Second reason: High meanings

But there is another format of travel, which completely and completely ceases to be tourism, but is already something more complex and more serious. Due to the lack of a suitable term, this type of travel is called free travel. This is when the journey for the traveler is his main activity in life, or at least at this stage of its development. Recreation during free travel may be one of its contents, but the main goal is quite different.

If tourism, as a kind of recreation, pursues purely biological goals, then with free travel, a person is motivated precisely by something High. The main goal of such travels is the search for meanings - and this is already something philosophical, and often completely metaphysical.

When a person gets tired of his ordinariness, when his everyday life is not enough for him to have a normal, full life, then he discovers travel. For our routine and everyday life are boring and monotonous, and the point here is not at all even in ordinary idleness, but more in a person’s need for High ideals and Higher meanings.

By the way, it is for this reason, ie. It is precisely because a person lacks something High that many people find solace in alcohol, drugs, computer games, plunging into the illusory, virtual reality of both a drunken frenzy and a completely sober, computer world.

Maybe a seagull?

Developing only his biological programs (reproduction, food, dominance), a person does not think at all about spiritual, moral development, in other words, humanitarian. Providing himself (and his family) with a good income, being engaged in the accumulation of material goods, a person forgets about another, important need of his body - a semantic need. This need is a product of the highest nervous activity our most developed brain. She is, and, therefore, sooner or later she can declare herself, demanding her satisfaction.

The emptiness caused by the absence of higher meanings can be filled by others with harmful excesses, but travel can fill human life with some content, some filler that is not at all harmful to him, but, on the contrary, is useful, both for himself and for those around him.

Hitchhiking with fellow travelers, Iran

And the thing is that during the journey, a person meets on his way something "Real" and disinterested. All these new acquaintances, unusual situations, interactions with people based on sincere emotions and real human feelings - this is all that there is so little in our everyday life. Our everyday life is stingy with these manifestations, and communications with people are increasingly moving into an electronic, virtual format, depersonalizing and dehumanizing us. We are immersed in all these benefits of modern civilization - and our society is increasingly turning into a swarm of individualists who are concerned only with themselves.

We are turning into faceless anonymous people with avatars instead of a face and a login instead of a name. Such an anonymous person loses his personal characteristics and qualities, and also becomes more and more incapable of manifestations of humanity. And our whole life in everyday life consists of surrogates and life substitutes. That is why we follow a fictional, unreal life on TV or on our computer monitor (which is the same thing). All these shows and series that we watch on TV or download from torrents. And now video bloggers are gaining popularity, showing their lives to other people. There is only one essence - a surrogate and a life substitute. Instead of having their own meanings, many people try to find them from others, but the attempts are futile, because such a person still does not receive the necessary satisfaction of his need for higher meanings - only he himself can fill the void.

Children rejoice at a new friend, Papua New Guinea

Therefore, people travel in order to at least a little, but live a real life. And trying to interact on his way with other people, such a person treats this life to new acquaintances, random fellow travelers!

During my trips, I often encountered such a moment when my fellow travelers (the drivers who gave me a lift, or the people with whom I lived) saw in me something more than just a person. Although I myself perfectly understood that I was just an ordinary guy, just like you, no better than you. But they saw something special in me that is hard to put into words. Because I, being a traveler and wanderer, am the equivalent of a completely different world and something High, bright, good, pure. People want to take pictures with me, shake my hand, treat me with something, offer their help. It's even somewhat discouraging. As if you are the president of some state, or a famous actor, at meetings with which people stick around.

Invited to the wedding. O. Java, Indonesia

At the same time, I can be (theoretically) a complete scoundrel and scoundrel, but in this moment I carry in me something bright and pure that people see and what they want to touch, like some kind of Shrine. It's as if I'm a diplomat or some kind of representative from some noble organization, but in reality I'm an ordinary vagabond, traveling around the Planet without a second thought.

People see these Meanings in me, some Ideas, because in such a journey there is a deep semantic load, consisting of the desire to study the world, accumulate your knowledge about this world - and share it with other people. And not just and not only knowledge, but also the very kindness with which a traveler wanders around the world, because with evil and dirty intentions he will not go far! And, therefore, when interacting with other people, he gives them this kindness, this knowledge and High Ideals.

Breakfast in a yurt, Mongolia

No, seriously, when I lived with the locals in a remote and boring Papuan village or hitchhiked in Siberia (or Mongolia, USA, Mexico), I watched it. I observed that charm, that surprise and that interest which some people showed to my modest person! What is so special about me? As if from me (as well as from any other free traveler) some kind of radiation emanates!

Trying to interpret it in an esoteric way is nonsense! This is all explained in ordinary materialistic language. Although I myself am a believer, but specifically in this matter there is a completely reasonable explanation. For these are the very meanings that the layman cannot receive in his Everyday life. When he meets a person who has these meanings, then that emptiness in his gut asks the owner to fill it with something (instead of alcohol, as usual). People start asking me about my travels. And what, why, and how? - various questions, of which there are usually a lot. Where can I watch your videos, where can I read reports, in other words, how can I get in touch with these ideas and fill my life with meaning?!

"Travel prolongs life. One month of travel is equivalent to three months of ordinary life. Living this month at the pace of travel, you gain impressions and experience, like in three months of life, under normal conditions." - considers the famous traveler A. Krotov

The more difficult his route and the richer his experience, the more likely that such a traveler will be more interested in, and, therefore, fed and watered. Those. this is to the question of what it's like to travel with minimal cost in the wild world, like a lamb among wolves. But in reality, everything is not so, because there are a lot of good people on our Planet, and they give you a lift (help you), in the vast majority of cases, it is kind, good people, because bad person just won't stop.

Therefore, I can recommend that you practice travel as a way to receive and acquire positive emotions controlled by dopamine, as well as to give your life more serious meaning. Moreover, the meanings do not lie in the fact that you get all those emotions, smiles and joys - no, this all applies specifically to relaxation, and the meaning is a humanitarian concept. The traveler travels in order to study, explore the world - and this is enlightenment, which means that the meaning lies in enlightenment. Therefore, a traveler is a scientist, but without a degree (although sometimes with one), who studies Something, which he shares with other people.

Therefore, when people are eager to be photographed with a traveler or with a president, a famous actor, the essence is the same: they are photographed not with the person himself, as such, not with his bodily shell, but with his image, which is endowed with some meaning! It turns out that any free traveler is not much different from various stars and celebrities, and, despite external asceticism and moderate non-covetousness, the traveler is a kind of equivalent of something higher and more beautiful, which, in fact, moves our entire World!