Briefly describe the topic on the path to unity. Essay on history on the topic: Germany on the path to unity read

  • slide 2

    Lesson plan

    1. German Confederation
    2. Revolution of 1848
  • slide 3

    German Confederation

    • 1814 formation of the German Union (34 kingdoms, principalities, duchies and 4 free cities, led by Austria.
    • The goal is to preserve the old order.
  • slide 4

    Economic development of Germany

    • In the 50s. industrial production and length railways doubled in 10 years
    • By 1860, Germany took 3rd place in world industrial production
    • The number of handicraft and manufacturing workers in Prussia and other 5 large German states was 2 million, and factory workers - 1.5 million people
    • Agriculture developed along the "Prussian path"
  • slide 5

    Reasons for slow economic development:

    • Maintaining fragmentation
    • Preservation of large landed estates
    • Preservation of the privileges of the nobility
    • Coexistence of feudal and capitalist exploitation
  • slide 6

    • 1834 Establishment of the Customs Union of 18 states.
    • The formation of economic unity began while maintaining state fragmentation.
  • Slide 7

    Revolution of 1848

    The tasks of Germany in the political and economic field:

    • Eliminate the fragmentation of the country
    • Eliminate absolute monarchies
    • Eliminate feudal vestiges
  • Slide 8

    • Read pages 123-125 and write down the causes of the revolution and the main events, results.
    • The task takes 12-15 minutes.
  • Slide 9

    The unification of Germany "with iron and blood"

    • 1861 Wilhelm I became King of Prussia: increase in the regular army, introduction of a three-year military service
  • Slide 10

    • September 1862 Otto von Bismarck takes over as Chancellor of Prussia
    • "The strong one is always right!"
  • slide 11

    • Bismarck dissolved parliament and began preparations for a war of unification
    • 1864 he intervened in the struggle for the "Danish inheritance", in alliance with Austria, defeated the Danes and captured Schleswig and Holstein
    • The Austrians got nothing, and relations between the allies escalated
  • material preview


    Theme of the lesson: "Germany on the way to unity."

    Lesson Objectives:

      Describe the process of German unification.

      Show the difference between the ways of German unification "from below" and "from above".

      Consider the features of Bismarck's policy.

      Continue developing the ability to independently work with the text of the textbook as a source of knowledge, highlight the main thing, analyze documents, use previously acquired knowledge, compare, evaluate historical phenomena, make and listen to messages, and solve cognitive tasks.

      Continue developing the ability to work with a historical map and caricature.

    Basic concepts of the lesson

    • North German Confederation

      Ways of joining "from above" and "from below"

    Lesson equipment

      textbook Yudovskaya A.Ya., Baranov P.A., Vanyushkina L.M. "New history 1800-1913" Grade 8 (M., "Enlightenment")

      Yudovskaya A.Ya., Vanyushkina L.M. Workbook on New History

      maps: "Europe in 1815", "Unification of Germany"

      documents: "The German economist F. List on the fragmentation of Germany", "From the Treaty on the Customs Union (1833)", Bismarck on the unification of Germany "with iron and blood"

      textbook illustrations

      multimedia presentation

      Video "The Road to German Reunification"

    Lesson plan

      Examination homework.

      Learning new material:

      German Confederation

      The main question in the life of the Germans in the XIX century.

      Revolution in Germany 1848

      Beginning of German unification.

      Setting homework.

    During the classes

      Checking homework.

    Complete test tasks according to the options on the topic: "France: the Revolution of 1848 and the Second Empire."

    2. Learning new material.

      German Confederation

    Question to the class (conversation)

    Working with the map

    "Europe in 1815"

      Remember what became the political structure of Germany on the decisions of the Congress of Vienna? (instead of the Holy Roman Empire, the German Union of 39 states was created)

      Which states were the largest in this union? (Austria and Prussia)

    Teacher's story

    The German Confederation did not aim at either economic or political unification of the German people, but was a means to preserve the old order. In addition, the Union could not become strong: its strongest members were Austria and Prussia, competing with each other for leadership in the Union. In other words, Germany remained a fragmented country.

    Question to the class (conversation)

    Think what the main political task might have been before the German people in the middle of the nineteenth century. ? (The German people saw the main goal in the unification of the country)

    Let's see how this problem was solved in the German states.

    Students write down the topic of the lesson.

    Statement of the problem task

    How and why did German unification begin? What role did Bimark play in this process?

      The question of the unification of the country is the main question in the life of the Germans in the 19th century.

    Teacher's story

    In the first half of the XIX century. Germany remained an agricultural country. Many cities bore the imprint of the Middle Ages - life flowed slowly. And the population rarely exceeded 4-5 thousand inhabitants. However, the reforms carried out by Napoleon I. did not go unnoticed, and time took its toll. Capitalist methods of managing the economy are being introduced into Agriculture, and in industry.

    What obstacles lay in the way of the development of the industrial society in Germany and what measures were taken to eliminate them in the field of economic development?

    Working with documents (see A.Ya. Yudovskaya, L.M. Vanyushkina Lesson developments for the textbook "New History", 8th grade, p.

    Group I: "German economist F. List on the fragmentation of Germany"

    Question to the document: think about how the fragmentation of Germany influenced the formation of an industrial society. Justify your point of view.

    II group: "From the agreement on the Customs Union (1833)"

    Question to the document: how did the creation of the Customs Union influence the process of modernization in Germany? Were these conditions sufficient for the rapid development of an industrial society in it?

    Conclusions: 1. The fragmentation of Germany was a serious obstacle to the further development of an industrial society.

    In 1834, on the initiative of Prussia, the German Customs Union was created, uniting 18 states.

    2. The creation of the Customs Union was of great importance for the economic unification of the German states: barriers were destroyed on the roads of Northern Germany, all customs restrictions on trade were removed.

    Thus, the creation of the Customs Union contributed to the economic unification of Germany and further development industrial society.

    Teacher's story

    The development of an industrial society is always accompanied by the growth of national consciousness. The idea of ​​creating a united German state became more and more popular, and the German intelligentsia played a significant role in its development.

    All of you have been familiar with the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm since childhood. Both brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were the founders of the cultural and political movement for the unification of Germany. As specialists in folklore and oral folk art, they collected ancient folk tales and legends. Their "Children's and Family Tales", published between 1812 and 1815, was a great success, because expressed the awakening national consciousness. Their works quickly sold out throughout the country. Claiming that the soul of the people is revealed in their fairy tales, they rallied the Germans around their language.

    The liberal movement expanded. The German liberal bourgeoisie demanded the convocation of an all-German class representation, the strengthening and expansion of the Customs Union.

    Thus, the question of the unification of the country became the main thing in the life of the Germans.

      Revolution in Germany 1848

    Nevertheless, for a full-fledged unification, decisive steps had to be taken. Against this background, the revolutionary events of 1848 developed.

    Question to the class (conversation)

    What do you think was the main task of the revolution of 1848? (Unification of the country)

    An important issue was how the way will go this process, how will the unification of Germany "from above" or "from below" take place.

      How did the unification of Germany take place? Let's compare two possible ways of German unification.

      Table layout:

    Questions for comparison

    Union "from below"

    Association "from above"

    Under whose direction

    The path of unification "from below" involved the overthrow of traditional dynasties and the formation of a democratic republic.

    The path of unification "from above" should be through the concentration of power by one of the largest states - Prussia or Austria - while the landowners retain land and power.

    Working with the textbook (commented reading)

    The text of the textbook. 123-125

    Questions to the text:

      Why did the revolution start in Berlin in 1848?

      What social strata took the most active part in the revolution? (Under whose leadership was the unification of Germany "from below" to take place?)

      How did they expect to carry out the unification of Germany?

      What state system did they aspire to establish after unification?

    Work in a notebook

    Filling in the 2nd column of the table.

    Questions for comparison

    Union "from below"

    Association "from above"

    Under whose direction

    How was the merger

    People's Revolution

    State system, possible after unification

    Thus, the revolution in Germany ended in defeat, it did not solve the main task - national unification.

      Beginning of German unification.

    Teacher's story

    The question of the unification of the country was the main one in the 60s. After the defeat of the revolution, the path of unification "from above" becomes real, in which the Prussian monarchy played the leading role, relying on the Prussian landowners (junkers) and the big German bourgeoisie.

    Question to the class (conversation)

    Think, under whose leadership should the unification "from above" take place?

    Teacher's story

    At this time, new politicians came to control Prussia - Wilhelm I and Otto von Bismarck.

    In 1861, King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia died. His reign did not live up to the expectations of the Germans - it was not possible to create a single state. Therefore, the Junkers and the bourgeoisie turned their eyes hopefully to the new king. He was expected to resolve the issue of unification of the country.

    Writing on the board and in a notebook

    1861 -1888 - reign of William I.

    By this time, William I was already 60 years old. Contemporaries spoke of him as a person for whom the interests of Prussia are in the foreground. Putting the greatness of Prussia above all, Wilhelm I sought to have a strong army. If you can talk about his special love and affection, then this is love for military affairs (with early age he was raised for military service). The king believed that the national unification of the country could only take place by force of arms. The words belonged to him: "Whoever wants to rule Germany must conquer it."

    At the initiative of Wilhelm, the country was held military reform, the purpose of which was to increase the regular army and the introduction of a three-year military service. The new reform required money, and the lower house of parliament refused to allocate funds.

    Under these conditions, Wilhelm I needed a strong chancellor.

    Writing on the board and in a notebook

    The chancellor is the head of government.

    Wilhelm I turns his gaze to Otto von Bismarck. In September

    1862 Otto von Bismarck, 47, an experienced politician, is appointed chancellor.

    Writing on the board and in a notebook

    September 1862 - Otto von Bismarck was appointed Chancellor of Prussia.

    Student Message

    "Otto von Bismarck".

    Questions to the class:

      What kind of person was Otto von Bismarck? What human qualities did he possess?

      What qualities of a politician did Otto von Bismarck have?

    The life principle Iron Chancellor"There was an expression -" the strong is always right. Bismarck outlined his views on the path of German unification in a parliamentary speech.

    Working with a document

    Bismarck on the unification of Germany "with iron and blood":

    “... The borders of Prussia, according to the Vienna treatises, impede a healthy state life; not by the speeches and resolutions of the majority the great questions of our time are resolved - this was a big mistake in 1848 and 1849 - but by iron and blood "

    From Bismarck's speech

    in the House of Peoples Representatives on 30/IX 1862

    Question to the document: What means of German unification did Bismarck propose? (violent)

    Thus, the goal of Bismarck's policy becomes the unification of Germany under the motto: "iron and blood."

    Teacher's story

    Working with the map: "Unification of Germany"

    The first steps towards the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia were the wars with Denmark and Austria.

    In 1864, Prussia, in alliance with Austria, entered the war against Denmark in order to capture the territories of Schleswig and Holstein (many Germans lived there). The war was short-lived - the Danish troops were defeated. Austria and Prussia received these lands in joint possession.

    However, very little time passed, and Prussia, seeking to weaken Austria and eliminate its influence on the German states, in 1866 provoked a war against its recent ally. In this war, Italy took the side of Prussia, hoping to regain the Venetian region, which was under the rule of Austria. In June 1866, the Prussian army invaded the territory of Austria, and on July 3, 1866, the Austrian army was defeated near the city of Sadov. The defeated country was forced to leave the German Union and give up Schleswig and Holstein in favor of Prussia.

    At the same time, Bismarck was negotiating with the German states - Nassau, Hesse and Frankfurt, which in their own way geographic location wedged between the western and eastern possessions of Prussia. They did not stand on ceremony with them - they were captured, and the rulers were given monetary compensation.

    Make a conclusion: how was the unification of Germany carried out by Bismarck? What should be the state structure after the unification?

    Filling in the table

    Questions for comparison

    Union "from below"

    Association "from above"

    Under whose direction

    Proletariat, petty bourgeoisie, peasantry

    Prussian landowners, big German bourgeoisie

    How was the merger

    People's Revolution

    Wars, reforms

    State system, possible after unification

    United German Democratic Republic (elected authorities)

    German Empire under Prussian leadership

    The result of this policy was the formation of the North German Confederation. Austria no longer interfered, and in August 1866, 22 German states signed an agreement with Prussia on the creation of the North German Confederation.

    Writing on the board and in a notebook

    1866 - Formation of the North German Confederation led by Prussia.

    The states that entered the union formally retained their independence. However, the new formation had its own constitution, parliament and cabinet of ministers, which was headed by Bismarck. At the head of the North German Confederation was the president, to whose position the Prussian king was forever appointed.

    Working with a contour map

    Printed workbook p. 71 no. 35.

      Mark the borders of Prussia by 1864.

      Mark the borders of the North German Confederation.

      Make a conclusion: what lands were included in the North German Union?

    (The North German Confederation united most of the German lands, only the South German states remained outside it)

    Thus, with the creation of the North German Confederation, obstacles to the development of a single German nation were removed, and political fragmentation could no longer interfere with the development of the economy and culture.

    Problem solving by students.

    Since the task of unifying Germany was solved "with iron and blood", and " godfather Since the new state was Otto von Bismarck, then a military-bureaucratic monarchy arose in the center of Europe.

    Lesson conclusion;

    In the middle of the 19th century, a national German state, the North German Confederation, arose in the center of Europe. The history of old Prussia ended, the history of new Germany began.

    Setting homework

      Paragraph 16, questions p. 127

      Write a characterization of Otto von Bismarck as a politician: a) through the eyes of a Prussian journalist

    b) through the eyes of an Austrian journalist

    In October 1990, an important event took place in the world community - the FRG and the GDR united into one single country - Germany. The unification took place absolutely spontaneously, at lightning speed and even violently.

    There were many internal and external factors that made this possible. Historians refer to the external factor as the position of the USSR, if it had been different on this issue, then most likely the possibility of such a hasty and instant (as historians of all countries of the world note) accession would have been excluded. Internal factors include the crisis that was at that time in Germany (in the GDR).

    In the 1980s, the situation in the economy worsened somewhat in the German Democratic Republic, which led to a deterioration in the supply of the population. The Federal Republic of Germany continued to be on the list of advanced socialist countries. Of great importance in the development of events in 1990 in Germany were the events in the USSR, where perestroika had begun by that time under the influence of democratization. This example was followed by many other European socialist countries, but the GDR did not participate in this process, it held firm and did not succumb to this stream of events. In 1988, the government of the country banned the screening of several Soviet films that were critical of the totalitarian regime and Stalinism. Then there was a ban on distribution in Germany
    the popular Russian magazine Sputnik, which was published in two languages, incl. and in German. The pages of this publication covered the events of the past and present life of the Union with critical remarks. By such measures in Germany they wanted to prevent complete information about how perestroika was going on in the USSR. But the German population was still well informed by West German television and radio. As usual, the prohibitive measures did nothing, only increased interest in the USSR.

    On the reasons for the unification of Germany.

    Among them, two can be noted, namely:
    1. Economic:

    Different wages in Germany and the GDR. This circumstance explains the completely different attitude towards work among the West and East Germans. Since the productivity of labor in the eastern part was lower, wages were an order of magnitude lower. The dissatisfaction of the population was constantly growing in the GDR, as their level and quality of life were very low compared to the FRG.

    In the GDR, the work of the State Security agencies was considered exemplary; they supervised the entire population and identified those dissatisfied with the authorities. Active communist propaganda was also carried out. But, despite this, the majority of the country's population constantly expressed a desire to live in the same conditions as they live in Germany. The benefits were obvious.

    2. Social:
    Lack of political freedoms for expression and movement, especially when traveling outside the country. In all socialist countries at that time, travel abroad was very limited. Even in neighboring Germany, only children under 6 years old and old people over the age of 60 could travel. The period of stay in the country was limited to one month. The inhabitants of the GDR had many complaints about the dictates of the Communist Party, which did not allow young people to make their careers if they did not belong to its number.
    A certain role belongs to the feeling of national community of all the people who inhabited both Germany. It was a single people with a common historical past and did not want to put up with the separation of the two countries.

    Not the last role belongs to the USSR in the unification of Germany. The collapsed socialist regime in the Union became the same foreign policy factor. The "Brezhnev Doctrine" was the main topic of the speech of the representative of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs when he made an official statement about the rejection of it. This statement was a death sentence for the existing communist regime in the GDR.

    In 1990, the border between the two countries was opened, and after a while the Berlin Wall was dismantled. Today you can see only some of its remains, which now serve as a monument to the division of the capital. Tourists, arriving in Germany, took apart small fragments of the destroyed wall as souvenirs.

    1. Pick up the proverbs of the peoples of your region about the need for friendship and unity. Write them down.

    Friendship is a great power.
    A small friendship is better than a big fight.
    For a dear friend, the gates are wide open.
    A man without friends is like a falcon without wings.
    Good brotherhood is better than wealth.
    Together we will move mountains.

    2. Color the traditional costumes of the peoples of the Volga region- Mari (1), Mordovian (2), Tatar (3) and Chuvash (4). Find out about the features of these costumes from additional sources.

    3. Determine from the photographs the cities in which the important events Troubled times. Connect with lines. Tell (verbally) about these events.

    4. Using the textbook and additional sources of information, make a page of the "Calendar of memorable dates" dedicated to Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.

    Kozma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky

    The spirit of harmony and unity was strengthened in Russia. Citizens of Nizhny Novgorod, the wise Kozma Minin urged fellow citizens not to spare their kindness in defense of the Fatherland. The second people's militia was quickly assembled, led by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Residents of Kazan and other cities of the Volga region joined the Nizhny Novgorod residents.
    Yaroslavl became the gathering place for Russian troops. Militias from Vladimir and Kostroma were coming here. The united army moved to Moscow. After heavy fighting, Moscow was liberated from the invaders.
    Immediately after the liberation of Moscow from the Polish army, elected people gathered in the capital to elect a tsar. The Zemsky Sobor decided to elect the young boyar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the throne according to the testament of Patriarch Hermogenes. So in 1613 the great Russian Troubles ended. And the proverb "Nizhny Novgorod gathered and stood up, defended their native land from the enemy" still lives among the people.

    5. Designate on the diagram "River of Time" (p. 40 - 41) the century of the end of the Time of Troubles. Use the table from the Application.

    Germany: on the way to unity.

    Target: Describe the process of German unification.

    Tasks: show the difference between the ways of German unification "from below" and "from above"; consider the features of Bismarck's policy; continue developing the ability to independently work with the text of the textbook as a source of knowledge, highlight the main thing, analyze documents, use previously acquired knowledge; educate students' interest in the history of other countries and peoples.

    Basic concepts and terms: Chancellor, North German Confederation, path of unification "from above", path of unification "from below".

    Equipment : computer, projector, presentation, textbook, chalk, board.

    Lesson type : combined.

    During the classes.

    1. Org. moment.

    2. Checking homework (work on cards, work at the blackboard, frontal survey, individual assignments).

    3. Statement of the problematic question: How and why did the unification of Germany begin? What role did Bismarck play in this process?

    4. Learning a new topic.


    1. German Union. Economic development Germany.

    2. Berlin, March 1848

    3. Frankfurt Parliament.

    4. Formation of the North German Confederation.

    Conversation with the class.

    Remember what became the political structure of Germany on the decisions of the Congress of Vienna? (instead of the Holy Roman Empire, the German Union of 39 states was created)

    Which states were the largest in this union? (Austria and Prussia)

    Teacher's story . The German Confederation did not aim at either economic or political unification of the German people, but was a means to preserve the old order. In addition, the Union could not become strong: its strongest members were Austria and Prussia, competing with each other for leadership in the Union. In other words, Germany remained a fragmented country.

    Think about what the main political task could be facing the German people in the middle of the 19th century? (The German people saw the main goal in the unification of the country)

    Let's see how this problem was solved in the German states.

    Teacher's story. The question of the unification of the country is the main question in the life of the Germans in the 19th century.

    In the first half of the XIX century. Germany remained an agricultural country. Many cities bore the imprint of the Middle Ages - life flowed slowly. And the population rarely exceeded 4-5 thousand inhabitants. However, the reforms carried out by Napoleon I. did not go unnoticed, and time took its toll. Capitalist methods of farming are being introduced into both agriculture and industry.

    Group work.Read the excerpts from the documents on page 147 of the textbook.

    Exercise. What obstacles lay in the way of the development of the industrial society in Germany and what measures were taken to eliminate them in the field of economic development?

    Group I: "German economist F. List on the fragmentation of Germany"

    Question to the document: think about how the fragmentation of Germany influenced the formation of an industrial society. Justify your point of view.

    II group: "From the agreement on the Customs Union (1833)"

    Question to the document: how did the creation of the Customs Union influence the process of modernization in Germany? Were these conditions sufficient for the rapid development of an industrial society in it?

    Conclusions: 1. The fragmentation of Germany was a serious obstacle to the further development of an industrial society.

    In 1834, on the initiative of Prussia, the German Customs Union was created, uniting 18 states.

    2. The creation of the Customs Union was of great importance for the economic unification of the German states: barriers were destroyed on the roads of Northern Germany, all customs restrictions on trade were removed.

    Thus, the creation of the Customs Union contributed to the economic unification of Germany and the further development of an industrial society.

    Conversation with the class. Nevertheless, for a full-fledged unification, decisive steps had to be taken. Against this background, the revolutionary events of 1848 developed.

    What do you think was the main task of the revolution of 1848? (Unification of the country).

    Of no small importance was the problem of which way this process would go, how the unification of Germany would take place “from above” or “from below”.

    The path of unification "from below" involved the overthrow of traditional dynasties and the formation of a democratic republic.

    The path of unification "from above" should be through the concentration of power by one of the largest states - Prussia or Austria - while the landowners retain land and power.

    Working with the textbook(commented reading). Questions to the text:

    Why did the revolution start in Berlin in 1848?

    What social strata took the most active part in the revolution? (Under whose leadership was the unification of Germany "from below" to take place?)

    How did they expect to carry out the unification of Germany?

    What state system did they aspire to establish after unification?

    Conclusion: Thus, the revolution in Germany ended in defeat, it did not solve the main task - national unification.

    Beginning of German unification.

    Teacher's story. The question of the unification of the country was the main one in the 60s. After the defeat of the revolution, the path of unification "from above" becomes real, in which the Prussian monarchy played the leading role, relying on the Prussian landowners (junkers) and the big German bourgeoisie.

    Think, under whose leadership should the unification "from above" take place?

    At this time, new politicians came to control Prussia - Wilhelm I and Otto von Bismarck.

    In 1861, King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia died. His reign did not live up to the expectations of the Germans - it was not possible to create a single state. Therefore, the Junkers and the bourgeoisie turned their eyes hopefully to the new king. He was expected to resolve the issue of unification of the country.

    Record: 1861 -1888 - reign of William I.

    By this time, William I was already 60 years old. Contemporaries spoke of him as a person for whom the interests of Prussia are in the foreground. Putting the greatness of Prussia above all, Wilhelm I sought to have a strong army. If you can talk about his special love and affection, then this is a love for military affairs (from an early age he was brought up for military service). The king believed that the national unification of the country could only take place by force of arms. The words belonged to him: "Whoever wants to rule Germany must conquer it."

    At the initiative of Wilhelm, a military reform was carried out in the country, the purpose of which was to increase the regular army and introduce a three-year military service. The new reform required money, and the lower house of parliament refused to allocate funds.

    Under these conditions, Wilhelm I needed a strong chancellor.

    burn : The chancellor is the head of government.

    Wilhelm I turns his gaze to Otto von Bismarck. In September

    1862 Otto von Bismarck, 47, an experienced politician, is appointed chancellor. …

    Independent work with the text of the textbook. Read the text on pages 145-146 and answer the question: - Do you agree with the point of view that the creation of the North German Confederation begins new story Germany?

    5. Consolidation of the studied.

    How and why did German unification begin? What role did Bismarck play in this process?

    6. Homework.