Homework for parents on Lex topics. Tips for parents on homework with a child

Parent meeting: "Homework!"

Goals: identify parental perceptions of the organization academic work children at home;

to acquaint parents with the hygiene requirements for preparing homework; give recommendations to parents on how to develop self-control skills in children, the ability to work independently.


I. Introduction to the topic of the meeting

Once upon a time there was Little Red Riding Hood, so pretty and smart that she was the best in the world. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother even more. Once Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother. She walks through the forest, picks flowers, listens to grasshoppers, and suddenly she remembered, but she didn’t do her homework, and the sun was setting in the evening ...

Task for parents: continue the tale by making 1-2 sentences in a chain.

I I. Introductory speech by the class teacher

Studying at school, doing homework is a serious job. Everyone knows what homework is. It happens that a third-grader is as busy as an adult. Several generations of schoolchildren call homework "homework". "Homework" is what prevents poor children from breathing freely after graduation schoolwork. Why do so many generations of teachers insist on doing homework, and why do so many generations of unfortunate schoolchildren with the same constancy try to avoid this "bitter fate"?

Read the epigraph to our meeting. Our task is to teach the child to work correctly, without harming health, because study is the main work of the student.

Homework performs various functions.

One of the main functions is leveling the knowledge and skills of the child, his skills in the event that he was sick for a long time or missed a lot or did not learn some rather complicated topic.

The second function of homework is to stimulate the student's cognitive interest, the desire to know as much as possible about the subject or topic. In this case, differentiated homework assignments play a colossal, positive role.

The third function of homework is development of the student's independence, his perseverance and responsibility for the educational task being performed.

II I. The game "Scatter of opinions"

Cards are distributed with the beginning of the sentence, and parents must continue it.

Our child has a special place where he ...

Deals independently with…

Cooking hard...

We help your child with homework. This help

lies in…

When a child learns lessons, we ...

If the child did his homework carelessly, then ...

I V. Survey results

The problem through the eyes of students

Exhibition of drawings on the theme: “Quiet! I do my homework!"

(An exhibition of children's drawings is arranged on the board)

Student survey results

Questionnaire for students:

    Do you have a special place at home where you constantly do your homework (underline)?



2. How long do you do homework (underline)?

1 hour;

2 hours;

3 hours or more.

3. What subjects can you easily handle on your own (list):


4. What subjects do you have difficulty preparing (write): ______________________

5. When you find it difficult to do your homework, do your parents help you?




6. What do your parents do when you come home from school with a bad grade?

7. Does it happen that you don't do your homework at all?

Questionnaire for parents


1. Do you help your child with homework?

What is it?

2. What time does your child go to school?

3. What subjects are given to him easier, in which he has difficulty?

4. Does the child always have an entry in the diary about the presence of homework?

5. How long does it take on average to complete written assignments ______;

oral assignments ___ .

V. Pedagogical situation

One day, the following conversation arose among the parents: “My Petya sits at lessons for 3-4 hours. So diligent, so hardworking. If only he had kept this effort until the 10th grade.”

Taking advantage of the invitation of Petya's mother, the teacher watched how Petya teaches lessons.

Petya took workplace. He sits at the table, so he works ... But no, it turns out. That's where the compass and pencil went, it immediately turned out that there was no necessary entry in the diary, and we had to find out from a friend what was asked in mathematics, and the textbook itself was not in place. And the minutes are running ... But now everything was found, clarified, prepared, the boy went deep into work ... Suddenly he wanted to drink water, and a minute later it turned out that he needed paper for a draft ...

It took more than 20 minutes to build up, more than two hours were spent preparing lessons. Peter during this time:

Twice he got up from the table and went to the kitchen to drink water;

Once I got up and turned on the TV to see if the cartoon program had started;

Twice, looking up from work, he listened to the conversation of adults in the next room;

Once I took out an album with stamps from the table and leafed through it.

But now the work is done. For another 10 minutes, Petya aimlessly shifts textbooks and notebooks from place to place ...

So, it turned out that out of more than two hours spent by Petya, only 1 hour 27 minutes was used properly, as much as it should be for a 3rd grade student.

This pattern is often typical. Almost half of primary school students spend more time preparing homework than expected.

And how is it with you, dear parents?

VI. Tips for parents

What can you advise parents if their child cannot "sit" at the lessons?

The mode of the day plays an important role in organizing the educational work of the student. Special studies carried out in primary school, showed that those who study well have a fixed time for preparing lessons, and they stick to it. And, on the contrary, among the weak students there are many who do not have a permanent time allotted for studying.

The cultivation of the habit of systematic work begins with the establishment of a firm regime of study, without which success in learning cannot be achieved. The daily routine should not change depending on the number of lessons, on the fact that an interesting film is shown on TV or guests have come to the house. The child should sit down for lessons not only at the same time, but also at a permanent workplace.

Everything on the table should be in its place. A well-known specialist in the scientific organization of labor A.K. Gastev argued that if the workplace is in perfect order, then this is already half the battle. And the student's workplace should be such that, by its very appearance, it tunes in to work, arouses a desire to do educational work.

You should also always have a stack of paper on hand so that there is no need to tear pages out of your notebook. Near the table, it is desirable to hang (at arm's length) a shelf with textbooks, dictionaries, reference books and other necessary books. Before my eyes - a calendar and a schedule of lessons.

If housing and material conditions do not allow providing the student with a separate desk and bookshelf, then it is still necessary to allocate a permanent place for the child so that he can keep his books and notebooks there.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the environment in which the child does homework. Stuffiness and noise reduce speed and efficiency by 3 times and accelerate fatigue by the same amount. The concentration of attention is best affected by the temperature in the room. The optimum concentration is reached at a temperature of 18-22 o.

Often parents ask such a question, with what subject is it better to start preparing lessons, from difficult or easy? It is best to teach him to independently determine the difficulties of the work performed and decide for himself which subject to start doing homework with. If the student is included in the work immediately, it is advisable for him to do the most difficult lessons first and move on to the easier ones. If he draws in slowly, then he should start with the easier ones and only gradually move on to the difficult ones.

It is best to start doing homework 1 hour or 1.5 hours after returning from school in order to have time to take a break from classes. If the child is busy with some other business (for example, attends circles, sections), then you can sit down later. But in any case, you can not postpone it for the evening.

The duration of the child's work on preparing homework should be as follows:

Up to 1 hour - in the first class;

Up to 1.5 hours - in the second;

Up to 2 hours - in the third and fourth grade.

These standards are set by the Ministry of Education.

To successfully complete the task, a clear rhythm of classes is necessary. For example, after 25 minutes of training, you should take a break for 5 to 10 minutes, during which you should perform some physical exercises.

The student should be educated in the habit of rigorous and systematic preparation of lessons. The habit of practicing, and practicing conscientiously, should become second nature to the growing little man. No matter how the good weather outside the window beckons, no matter how interesting the program is on TV, no matter what guests come, in short, no matter what happens - the lessons must always be done, and done well. There is no justification for unprepared lessons and there cannot be - this must be made clear to the student from the very first days of classes.

    Do your homework at the right time;

    before starting to study, check the readiness of the workplace;

    when starting work, concentrate, think about where you will start;

    try to solve all the difficulties yourself;

    find out about the task in the diary or bookmarks in the textbook;

    forgot the rule, try to remember, check yourself in the textbook;

    start self-study in a certain order, for example: Russian, mathematics, reading.

Written assignments:

    repeat the textbook, learn the definitions, rules associated with the implementation of this work;

    after execution written assignment carefully check what is written;

    correct mistakes carefully, in accordance with the recommendations of the teacher.

Oral assignments:

    look at what is given, think about where to start doing the task;

    read the assignment from the textbook;

    highlight the main parts, the main ideas of the text;

    read the task again

    make a reading plan;

    tell the plan

    repeat the story;

    watch the intonation, the pace of speech;

    do not rush, speak clearly, clearly,

To solve problems:

    read the task carefully, if you do not understand the content, read it again, think;

    repeat the conditions of the problem and its questions;

    think about what is known from the condition of the problem, and what needs to be found;

    think about what you need to know first, what later, in order to answer the question of the task;

    think about how you plan to solve the problem; solve the problem;

    check the solution, the answer.

To complete tasks in the Russian language:

    read the task carefully;

    think about what rules you can use in its implementation;

    if you are not sure whether you know the rule exactly, find it in the textbook and repeat it again;

    while completing the task, check the rules;

    check the work;

    If you find an error, correct it carefully.

For reading assignments:

    read the text;

    if you come across incomprehensible words, find out their meaning (from the elders, in the dictionary);

    if there were difficulties in reading the text, read it again;

    read the whole text, think about its content, retell it.

Write-off rules:

    read the sentence, read each word syllable by syllable as it is written;

    write off, dictating to yourself in syllables;

    check what was written off: read the word in the notebook and the same word in the book

V II . Practical work (group work)(SLIDE 15)

Task number 1

Our eldest child at one time went to an extended day group. Lessons there did somehow, well, academic performance was appropriate. Therefore, she severely punished the youngest: do not do homework without us. I come after 6 pm, we have dinner and sit down for lessons. I sit nearby, if necessary, I suggest or make me redo it.


    Should a child wait for a parent to complete homework?

    What do you think, should homework be done first in draft form, and then in a notebook?

Task number 2 (SLIDE 16)

My wife and I immediately agreed: let Svetlana study herself as best she can. I don't even look at notebooks. The wife is sometimes interested. But we believe, since the student is Sveta, then let her solve her educational problems herself. What he does not understand, he will ask the guys, the teacher, and only the mark - what he earns, he will receive. He gets a deuce, which means he won’t go for a walk, but how else?


    How do you assess the behavior of parents?

    Do you need help with your child's learning activities?

    If the child receives a deuce, what will be your actions?

VI II. Summary of the meeting.

Parents who almost immediately give their children the opportunity to exercise complete independence in preparing lessons are just as wrong as those who overprotect their child. Some adults say to the child: “The lessons are given to you, not to me, so you do it!”

Others kindly ask: “Well, what did they ask us today?” - and open textbooks and notebooks. In the first case, there is resentment at the indifference of relatives to such important school matters and the quality of the tasks performed suffers, and in the second, irresponsibility is formed, confidence that everything will be done well and without much effort.

Of course, parents should be interested in establishing the process of preparing homework.

Practical material

Keyword Method

This method can help the child in the study of a large amount of text.

1. Key words are the most important words in a paragraph. When you remember keywords- immediately remember what is said in the right part of the text.

2. When reading a paragraph, one or two key (most important) words are selected. After that, the selected words are written in the desired sequence and a question is posed for each word that connects it with the corresponding part of the text. Then the two keywords must be connected using questions. The result is a chain. It needs to be written down and learned. Retelling the given text, they rely on this chain.

Method "5P"

This method was developed by American psychologists. In their opinion, the "5 P" method allows you to focus on the most important thing in the text being studied and helps you remember it better. This method is recommended for use when preparing oral assignments.

1P- look at the text (fluently);

2P - think up questions for him;

ZP - mark the most important places with a pencil;

4P- retell the text (using keywords);

5P - look at the text again.

parent meeting decision

    Teach your child to do their homework on their own and evaluate the results of their activities correctly.

    Use prepared memos for the most rational construction of children's work on preparing lessons.

    Help children with serious difficulties in doing homework.

    Don't skimp on praise. Always praise the performer, and criticize only the performance.

    Set realistic learning goals with your child.

IX. Knot for memory

Handouts are distributed at the end of the meeting.

memo "Let's sit down for lessons"

    Sit down for lessons always at the same time.

    Ventilate the room 10 minutes before class starts.

    Turn off the radio, TV. The room where you work should be quiet.

    Check the class schedule for tomorrow. Check if all tasks are recorded in the diary.

    Get your writing materials ready for class.

    Remove everything from the table.

    It's time to get started. Sit comfortably, open your textbook...

memo “How to teach a child to be independent in preparing lessons?”

    Start with the subject that is easiest for the child, and do not answer any question addressed to you until the task is completed. See if there are oversights, offer to look for them yourself. Try to avoid the word "error". Don't make fun "mistakes" their children.

    Maths . Hang the multiplication table above the bed and learn from it to multiply and divide at once. Get ahead of the school, learn the whole table. Tasks learn to read and present. If the child cannot cope with the task, show how to do it using an example of a similar task.

    Reading. Once the child reads by himself. Then he retells what he read to you. If he inaccurately retells some place, let him read it again. So we get away from meaningless repetitions. Be sure to read books aloud at night with your child, in turn, and where possible, by roles.

    Russian language . In case of difficulties, do all the tasks aloud, but do not write letters or words in the textbook. When writing, the child remembers everything again. Leave the room until he completes the task, do not stand behind him.

    The world - not only in the book. Write out additional magazines. Make interesting clippings from there and select texts. This will come in handy in 5th grade.

Memo control on homework

Dear parents! When supervising homework, show tolerance and respect for the personality of your child:

    Do not compare his skills with the skills of other children.

    Do not shout, it is better to determine the reason for the child's lack of ability to perform a given exercise.

    Create conditions for the successful completion of homework by the child.

    Do not try to do homework for your son or daughter, it will do them a disservice.

    Encourage perseverance and display of character in achieving the goal.

    Require your child to read the instructions carefully learning tasks, wording questions.

    Teach him to study in detail the contents of the textbook, reference materials, rules and instructions.

    Develop his attention and attentiveness when doing homework.

    Praise your child for timely and well-done homework.

    Demonstrate his achievements in front of other family members, brothers and sisters.

    In order to make it easier for your child to do homework, buy him encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference manuals on various subjects, reference books on information carriers.

    Form the habit of finishing what you start, even if you have to sacrifice something.

    Buy for your child logical games, contributing to the formation of perseverance, patience and responsibility.

    Don't dismiss your child's questions. By doing this, you exacerbate the problems associated with preparing homework.

x. Reflection

Parents express their wishes to each other for the new school year.

Thank you for your attention!

1. Ask the child to name what time of year it is, what month.

Help your child remember the names autumn months.

2. Help your child remember the signs of autumn:

It has become cold, strong winds are blowing, cold drizzling rains are falling.

The leaves on the trees turn red, turn yellow and fall off.

- Falling leaves have begun.

- The insects are gone.

- Birds gather in flocks and fly south.

The days have become shorter and the nights longer.

- Harvests are being harvested from the fields and orchards.

“People have started to dress warmer.

- The children went to school.

3. Explain to the child the meaning of the word "falling leaves". Ask the child to pronounce this word in syllables.

4. Pick up a few with your child plot pictures about autumn, stick them in a notebook, help the child come up with sentences for them, write them down under the pictures.

5. Help the child find leaves of maple, oak, birch, poplar, aspen, mountain ash on a walk; consider them.

Help the child draw the leaves in the notebook, sign them.

The child must distinguish between them.

6. Play with your child the game “From what tree leaf, twig?

Birch leaf - birch;

Birch branch - birch, etc.

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Theme "Kindergarten" (4th week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- explain to the child why he goes to kindergarten;

- together with the teachers, familiarize with the kindergarten - its premises, group room, washroom, bedroom, locker room, speech therapist's office, sports and music halls, while explaining the purpose of each room, as well as introduce to the staff kindergarten: speech therapist, educators, nanny, nurse;

- tell the child about the rules of behavior in kindergarten;

- learn the names and patronymics of kindergarten employees, teach polite treatment of adults.

Task 2. Consider what games and toys are in kindergarten.

Task 3. Learn a poem:

We come to kindergarten - there are toys there.

The locomotive, the steamer are waiting for the guys.

Task 4. Build a kindergarten building material(cubes).

October. Theme "Vegetables"

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

Consider natural vegetables at home with your child: potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, beans, beets, pumpkins, radishes, peas, onions, peppers;

- explain that all this can be called in one word "vegetables";

- pay attention to the following signs of vegetables: color, shape, taste;

- if possible, tell and show the child where and how vegetables grow, what they cook from them (soup, salad, vinaigrette ...);

- cook any vegetable dish with your child.

Task 2. Look at pictures of vegetables.

Task 3. Solve riddles, learn by choice:

The red maiden sits in the dungeon, and the scythe is on the street. (Carrot)

Round side, yellow side, sits on a bed of gingerbread man. Rooted firmly to the ground. What's this? (Turnip)

Unsightly, lumpy, but she will come to the table, The guys will say cheerfully: “Well, crumbly, tasty!” (Potatoes)

My cheeks are pink, my nose is white, I sit in the dark all day, and my shirt is green, all in the sun. (Radish)

Head on a leg, peas in the head. (Peas)

I'm long and green, delicious and salty, Delicious and raw, who am I? (Cucumber)

I was born to glory, my head is white, curly. Who loves cabbage soup - look for me. (Cabbage)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat, who undresses him, he sheds tears. (Onion)

Task 4. Didactic game "Big - small" (word formation using diminutive suffixes): cucumber - cucumber, tomato - tomato ...

Task 5. Didactic game "One - many" (plural formation of nouns): cucumber - cucumbers, tomato - tomatoes ...

Task 6.

Although I am called sugar, but I did not get wet from the rains.

Large, round, sweet in taste, you know?

I ... (beets).

In the summer in the garden - fresh, green, And in the winter in a barrel - yellow, salty. Guess, well done, what is our name? .. (Cucumbers)

Task 7. Make a descriptive story about vegetables (optional), according to the following plan:

What's this?

Where does it grow?

What does it look like (color, shape, size)?

What does it taste like?

What is prepared from it?

Task 8. Didactic games "Name the color", "Name the shape" (coordination of nouns with adjectives).

Carrot (what?) - orange, tomato (what?) - ...

Cucumber (what?) - oval, turnip (what?) - ...

Task 9. Connect the line vegetables with the corresponding geometric figure.

Task 10. Exercise for fingers "Salting cabbage".

We cut cabbage

We three carrots

We salt the cabbage

We are eating cabbage.

Sharp movements with straight hands up and down.

The fingers are clenched into fists, the fists move towards and away from themselves.

The movement of the fingers imitating the sprinkling of salt from a pinch

Intense clenching of the fingers into fists /

Task 11. Listen to a poem.

What grows in our garden?

Cucumbers, sweet peas,

Tomatoes and dill

For seasoning and for testing.

There are radishes and lettuce

Our garden is just a treasure.

But watermelons don't grow here.

If you listened carefully

I definitely remembered that.

Answer in order:

What grows in our garden? (V. Korkin)

Task 12. Listen to a poem.

The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, oh!

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, oh!

And the vegetable soup was good!

(Yu. Tuwim)

Question. What did the hostess cook the soup from?

Task 13. Cut out pictures of vegetables and paste them into the album.

Theme "Fruits" (2nd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- consider natural fruits with the child and explain that all this can be called in one word “fruits”;

- pay attention to the characteristic features of fruits: color, shape, taste;

- if possible, show and tell the child where and how fruits grow (in the garden, on a tree, on a bush);

- tell and show the child what can be prepared from fruits.

Task 2. Consider fruits in illustrations in books, magazines.

Task 3. Solve riddles.

Itself with a cam, a red barrel. You touch it with your finger - it's smooth, and you take a bite - it's sweet. (Apple)

Balls hang on knots, turned blue from the heat. (Plum)

Task 4. Didactic game "One - many" (plural formation of nouns): apple - apples, pear - ..., plum - ..., peach - ..., banana - ....

Task 5. Didactic game "Big - small" (word formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes): apple - apple, lemon - ..., banana - ..., orange - ....

Task 6. Pick up related words: apple - apple, apple tree, apple; cherry - cherry, cherry; currant - currant, currant; lemon - lemon, lemon.

Task 7. Make compound sentences with the union a according to the model: the lemon is sour, and the apple is sweet; the lemon is oval and the apple is round; the lemon is yellow and the apple is red.

Task 8. Make up descriptive stories about fruits, according to the following plan:

What's this?

Where does it grow?

What is the appearance (size, shape, color)?

What does it taste like?

What is prepared from it?

Task 9. Didactic game "Merry Count" (coordination of numerals 2 and 5 with nouns, use of the words one - one - one, two - two), one apple, two apples, three apples, four apples, five apples; one lemon, two lemons... five lemons; one plum, two plums... five plums.

Task 10. Didactic game "Name the juice, jam" (formation of relative adjectives): apple juice - apple; apple jam - apple; pear juice - ...; pear jam - ...; orange juice - ..., orange jam - ....

Task 11. Didactic game "What grows where": an apple - on an apple tree, a plum - on ..., a pear - on ....

Task 12. Solve the descriptive riddle.

This is a fruit. It grows on a tree, round, sweet, ruddy. (Apple)

Task 13. Didactic game "Recognize the fruit by taste, by smell" (natural fruits are used).

Task 14. Cut out pictures of fruits and paste them into an album.

Theme "Garden-garden. Berries "(3rd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- consider natural berries with the child and explain that all this can be called in one word "berries". At the same time, attention should be paid to the characteristic features: color, shape, taste, if possible, show and tell the child how and where the berries grow (in the garden, in the forest, on a tree, on a bush, on the ground, in clusters, one at a time);

- tell, show and give the child a taste of what is prepared from berries;

- didactic game "Taste the berry"; as an excursion, you can visit the market with your child and see what vegetables, fruits and berries they sell there.

Task 2.

It was green, small, then I became scarlet. I turned black in the sun, and now I'm ripe. (Berry)

In haymaking - bitter, and in frost - sweet. What is a berry? (Kalina)

Two sisters are green in summer. By autumn, one turns red, the other turns black. (Red and black currant)

The stumps have many thin stalks on the baking sheet. Each thin stem holds a scarlet light. We unbend the stems - we collect the lights. (Strawberry)

Task 3. Write a descriptive story about the berry according to the following plan:

What's this?

Where does it grow?

What is the appearance (color, shape, size)?

What does it taste like?

What is prepared from it?

Task 4. Didactic game "Name the juice, name the jam" (formation of relative adjectives): raspberry juice - raspberry; cherry juice - ...; raspberry jam - raspberry, cherry jam - ....

Task 5. Didactic game "Which berry is superfluous? Why?" (according to pictures).

Strawberries, currants, blueberries, cherries. (Blueberry - grows in the forest.)

Cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries. (Raspberry - grows on a bush.)

Task 6. Recall riddles about vegetables, fruits and berries.

Task 7.

Vegetables: potatoes, onions, apples, tomatoes.

Fruits: lemon, cucumber, banana, peach.

Berries: raspberries, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries.

Task 8. Didactic game "What grows in the garden, and what in the garden?" The child lists vegetables, fruits, berries known to him and tells where they grow.

Task 9. Didactic game "Fix the mistake."

Beets grow on an apple tree; pear grows in the garden; strawberries grow on a tree; cranberries grow on a bush: potatoes grow in a swamp.

Task 10. Answer the questions.

What vegetable can be said to be "hard"?

What kind of fruit can be called "juicy"?

About what berry can you say "sour"?

Task 11. Didactic game "Pick up a sign": lemon (what?) ...; strawberries (what?) ...; tomato (what?) - ....

Task 12. Count vegetables, fruits, berries (coordination of nouns with ordinal numbers, counting up to five): the first apple, the second apple ...; first tomato, second tomato...; first potato, second potato... .

Task 13. Cut out pictures of berries and paste them into the album.

Theme "Autumn. Autumn clothes, shoes, hats” (4th week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- tell the child about what season has come;

- emphasize on autumn changes weather (became colder, the wind is blowing, it is raining);

- explain to the child why a person changes clothes depending on the season. At the same time, one should carefully consider, feel autumn clothes, shoes and hats, determine their qualities and purpose;

- during a walk, it will be useful to draw the child's attention to how people are dressed in the fall;

– as an excursion, visit shops that sell clothes, shoes and hats.

Rain, rain - drip-drip-drip, wet paths.

We can't go for a walk, we'll get our feet wet.

Task 3. Solve riddles and learn by choice.

They often call me, they wait,

And when I come, they hide from me. (Rain)

The roof came out from under the roof in the rain. (Umbrella)

Task 4. Carefully consider outerwear) and name its details (collar, pocket, buttons, sleeves ....).

Task 5. Didactic game "Whose, whose, whose, whose?" (use of possessive pronouns). Whose hat is this? - My. Whose gloves are these? - My. Whose scarf is this? - My. Whose coat is this? - My.

Task 6. Pick up as many items as possible for pronouns: mine is a hat ...; mine is a scarf...; my boots...

Task 7. Follow the instructions and answer the question (comprehension of complex instructions):

Hang the scarf over the back of a chair and put your hat on the chair. What did you do first and then what?

Task 8. Didactic game "One - many" (use of plural nouns): scarf-scarves; hat - ...; glove - ...; sock - ....

Task 9. Didactic game "Big - small" (word formation with the help of diminutive - affectionate suffixes): hat - hat; boots - ..., coat - ...; jacket - ...; cap - ... .

Task 10. Didactic game "Pick up a sign."

Jacket (what?) - red, warm ... .

Boots (what?) - brown ....

Scarf (what?) - ....

Coat (what?) - ....

Task 11. Name autumn clothes, shoes, hats. Talk about the order of putting on things when going for a walk.

Task 12. Cut and paste pictures of autumn clothes, shoes and hats into the album


Topic "Poultry" (1st week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- consider with the child illustrations depicting poultry and their families (chicken - rooster - chickens, duck - drake - ducklings, goose - goose - goslings, turkey - turkey - turkey poults);

- explain to the child that these birds are called domestic, why they are called that;

- fix the names of birds and words denoting and defining their appearance and habits;

- clarify where they live, what they eat and what benefits they bring (egg, feather, meat), how a person cares for them;

- talk about the profession of a poultry keeper;

- if possible, consider these birds in nature.

Task 2. Solve the riddle and learn by choice.

Kvokhchet, kvohchet, convenes children, Collects everyone under the wing. (Chicken)

Tail with patterns, boots with spurs. I wake everyone up, even though I don’t start the clock. (Rooster)

Appeared in a yellow coat, goodbye, two shells. (Chick)

Red paws, pinching at the heels, run without looking back. (Goose)

The barrel rolls, there is not a knot on it. (Egg)

Task 3. Didactic game "Guess who it is." Kudah-tah-tah - drifted in the bushes. (Chicken) Ku-ka-re-ku I'm guarding! (Rooster) Drink-drink-drink - drink water! (Chicken) Quack-quack - looking for a worm! (Duck)

Task 4. Didactic game "Who is talking like" (exercise in word formation): duck (quack-quack) - quacks; goose (ha-ha) - cackles, rooster (...) - ..., chicken (...) - ....

Task 5. Didactic game "One - many" (plural formation of a noun): chicken - chickens, chicken - chickens, turkey - ..., goose - ..., duck - ....

Task 6. Didactic game "Who has who" (exercise in word formation).

The singular number of nouns: for a duck - a duckling, for a goose - ..., for a turkey - ....

Plural of nouns: for a duck - ducklings, for a goose - ..., for a turkey - ....

Task 7. Didactic game "Who moves how": duck (what does it do?) - walks, swims, flies; turkey (...) - ..., chicken (...) - ... .

Task 8. Didactic game "Correct the mistake" (for logical thinking): the duck has goslings; the turkey has chickens; the chicken has ducklings; the goose has turkey poults.

Task 9. Compose a descriptive story about poultry according to the following plan: Who is this?

What is the appearance?

What habits?

Who are the babies of this bird?

What does it eat?

What benefit does it bring?

Task 10. Exercise for fingers "Ducklings".

First, second - there were ducklings.Alternately bend your fingers,

Third, fourth - for water.starting with big

And behind them trailed the fifth, behind ran the sixth.

And the seventh lagged behind them, and the eighth was already tired.

And the ninth caught up with everyone,

and the tenth got scared

He squealed loudly:

"Pee-pee-pee!" - rhythmically bend and unbend

“Not food, we are here, nearby, look!”fingers of both hands.

Task 11. Listen to and learn the following poems of your choice:

The chicken went out for a walk, to pinch fresh grass,

And behind her are chickens - yellow guys.

"Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, don't go far,

Row with your paws, look for grains!

"In the bird yard"

Our chickens in the morning - quack-quack-quack, quack-quack-quack!

Our geese by the pond - ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

And the turkey in the middle of the yard - ball-ball-ball! Balda-balda!

Our rumbles are up - gru-gru-gru, gru-gru-gru!

Our chickens in the window - ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko!

And how Petya the cockerel will sing to us in the early morning

"Ku-ka-re-ku!" (A. Barto)

Question. Who lives in the poultry yard?

Task 12. Cut out pictures depicting poultry and their cubs, make a picture of “Birdyard” out of them and paste

Theme "Migratory birds" (2nd week)

Exercise 1 . Parents are advised:

- introduce the child to migratory birds: crane, goose, swan, duck;

- consider their appearance in the illustrations, indicating features;

- explain why they are called migratory, tell where and when they fly;

- if possible, during a walk, show the children migratory birds - a flock of flying ducks, geese, etc .;

- pay attention to those birds that remain to winter, to the weather, to its changes.

The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,

The leaves on the trees also do not sit.

All day today everyone is flying, flying ...

Apparently, they also want to fly to Africa. (I. Tokmakova)

Task 3. Learn the counting:

The countdown begins:

on the oak - a starling and a jackdaw.

The starling flew home

and counting end.

Task 4. Didactic game "Recognize the bird by description." (An adult describes the external signs of a migratory bird, and the child names it.)

Task 5. Didactic game "Flies away - does not fly away." (An adult calls some bird, and the child answers whether it flies away for the winter or not.)

Task 6. Didactic game "The fourth extra" (according to pictures).

Swan, wild duck, crane, dove.

Task 7. Exercises for fingers "Flock of Birds"

Sing along, sing along, ten birds - a flock.when naming a bird

This bird is a nightingale, this bird is a sparrow.bend the fingers on the hand

This bird is an owl, a sleepy little head.

This bird is a waxwing, this bird is a corncrake.

This bird is a starling, a gray feather.

This one is a finch, this is a swift, this is a cheerful siskin.

Well, this is an evil eagle. Birds, birds, by

home! (Squeeze your fingers into fists.) (I. Tokmakova)

Task 8. Cut out and paste pictures of migratory birds into the album.

Theme "Toys" (3rd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- to consider with the child a few toys;

- determine the material from which each of them is made (wooden, rubber, plastic, plush, fur);

- note the external signs of the toy: shape (round, square, oval, rectangular), color, quality (soft, hard, smooth, rough);

- have a conversation with the child about caring for toys;

- as an excursion, take the child to a store that sells toys.

Task 3. Solve the riddle.

They beat him, but he does not cry, if he falls, he jumps. (Ball)

The baby is dancing, but only one leg. (Yula)

Task 4. Didactic game "Recognize the toy by description." (The adult talks about the toy, and the child calls it.)

Task 5. Didactic game "Know your toys by touch." (The child is invited to touch any toy with his eyes closed and name it.)

Task 6. Write a descriptive story about the toy according to the following plan:

What's this?

What is its appearance (size, color, shape)?

What material is it made from?

How can you play with her?

Task 7. Pick up actions for the subject: the ball - flies, jumps, rolls, jumps, falls ...; doll - ... ; matryoshka - ....

Task 8. Didactic game "Pick up a sign": doll (what?) - ..., ball (what?) - ....

Task 9. Form a sign from the object: toy - toy, doll - puppet, table - desktop, mirror - ....

Task 10. Didactic game "Call it affectionately" (word formation using diminutive suffixes): ball - ball, doll - ...; bear - ... ; matryoshka - ...; Parsley - ... .

Task 11. An exercise in coordinating nouns with numerals two, two: two balls, two dolls ... (count up to five).

Task 12. Cut out pictures of toys and paste them into the album.

Theme “Late autumn. Changes in nature. Deciduous trees "(4th week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- tell the child about late autumn, about what changes are taking place in nature;

- consider pictures depicting early and late autumn, while drawing Special attention on the appearance and condition of the trees: in early autumn they are covered with colorful foliage, and in late autumn they stand bare;

- together with the child, compare the clothes of people in early and late autumn;

- to draw his attention to how the weather has changed: have the days become longer or shorter, has it become warmer or colder outside?

- tell where and why the birds flew away.

And discuss them. (Memorizing a poem of your choice.)

** *

Falling, falling leaves - in our garden, leaf fall.

Yellow, red leaves curl in the wind, fly.

Birds fly south - geese, rooks, cranes.

Here is the last flock flapping its wings in the distance.

* * *

Autumn plays with leaves, breaks leaves from branches.

Yellow leaves fly right into the hands of the children.

"Gifts of Autumn"

Autumn walks in our park, gives autumn gifts to everyone:

Red beads - rowan, pink apron - aspen,

Yellow umbrella - poplars, autumn gives us fruits.

Question. To whom does autumn give?

Task 3. Learn the riddle.

In the spring and summer we saw him dressed, And in the autumn all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. (Wood)

Task 4. Didactic game "What trees do you know? Name them." (While walking, consider the leaves of various trees and dry them for a herbarium.)

Task 5. Recalculation of trees (coordination of nouns with numerals): one oak, two oaks, three oaks, four oaks, five oaks; one linden, two lindens, three lindens, four lindens, five lindens; one tree, two trees, three trees, four trees, five trees.

Task 6. Draw a tree in early autumn and late autumn. (What is the difference?)

Task 7. “Tell me what you will wear for a walk in the fall, what you will take with you so as not to get wet.”

Task 8. Recall which birds are called migratory and why. (The child lists the names of migratory birds known to him and tells why they are called that.)

Task 9. Cut out pictures of deciduous trees in autumn foliage and paste them into the album.

December. Theme "Wintering Birds" (1st week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- go for a walk with the child in the park or on the street to watch birds, show the child wintering birds: bullfinch, titmouse, dove, sparrow, crow, jackdaw, magpie, woodpecker, crossbill. At the same time, the child’s attention should be drawn to the color of the birds, explain that these birds do not fly away for the winter, but remain to winter;

- tell where they live and what they eat;

- draw the child's attention to what birds often fly into the yard. It is advisable to feed the birds with the child.

Task 2. Consider wintering birds in illustrations in books and magazines.

Task 3. Solve riddles. (Learn riddles and verses of your choice.)

* * *

Though I'm not a hammer, I'm knocking on wood:

I want to explore every corner of it.

I walk in a red hat and a beautiful acrobat. (Woodpecker)

* * *

This predator is talkative, thieving, fussy,

Chatter, white-sided, and her name is ... (magpie).

* * *

Naughty boy in a gray coat

Drifting around the yard, collecting crumbs. (Sparrow)

* * *

Apples on the branches in winter! Collect quickly!

And suddenly apples fluttered - after all, these are ... (bullfinches).

- Tit, tit, merry bird! Where have you been?

Where did you live? - I sat in the bushes, I flew through the gardens: “tstst”.

Task 4. Didactic game "One - many" (formation of plural nouns): crow - crows, bullfinch - ..., jackdaw - ..., sparrow - ....

Task 5. Didactic game "Call it affectionately" (exercise in word formation):

Sparrow - sparrow, sparrow; jackdaw - ..., bullfinch - ..., titmouse - ....

Task 6. Didactic game "Bird Counting" (fixing the agreement of numerals with nouns). One sparrow, two sparrows, three sparrows, four sparrows, five sparrows.

First crow, second crow, ... fifth crow; first dove, second dove, ..., fifth dove.

Task 7. Didactic game "Who gives a voice?" A crow - “like a car” - she croaks, a sparrow - ....

Task 8. Didactic game "Pick up a sign": crow (what?) - ..., dove (what?) - ..., bullfinch (what?) - ..., tit (what?) - ....

Task 9. Didactic game "Guess the bird from the description." Today I saw a bird on the street: small, pink breast, sitting on a branch like an apple. Who is it? (Bullfinch)

Task 10. Cut out pictures of wintering birds and paste them into the album.

Theme "Winter fun" (2nd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- ask the child what time of year it is, what games children like to play in winter, what they need for winter games;

- as an excursion, go with the child to the winter stadium, where you should draw his attention to what sports the children are involved in.

Task 2. Solve riddles.

Who rushes quickly through the snow, is not afraid to fail? (Skier)

I rush like a bullet forward, only the ice creaks,

Let the lights flicker. Who is carrying me? (Skates)

We stood all summer, waiting for winter.

They waited for the time - they rushed from the mountain. (Sled)

They didn’t raise me - they blinded me from the snow.

Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot,

Eyes - coals, lips - knots.

Roll on the snow - I'll grow up, Warm up on the fire - I'll be lost. (Snowball)

Task 3. "What kind winter views do you know sports? What do these athletes need?

Task 4. Didactic game "Who needs what?" (use of the accusative case of nouns): a skier needs skis, a hockey player - ..., a figure skater - ..., a luger - ....

Task 5. Didactic game "Correct the mistake" (for logical thinking).

The skier needs a sled. A skater needs skis. The luger needs skates. A hockey player needs a sled.

In winter, children ski, bike, play ball, make a snowman, jump rope, play hockey, football, sunbathe, build a snow fortress.

Task 6. Learn a poem.

I'm skating, my ears are on fire!

Mittens on the hands, a hat on top!

One, two, almost slipped, one, two almost tumbled.

Snow, snow, white snow, it falls asleep on us all!

The children all got up on their skis and ran across the snow.

The sled rolled down - stronger, doll, hold on!

You sit, do not fall - there is a groove in front.

You have to drive carefully, otherwise you can crash!

Task 7.

We made a snowballChild imitates

ears were made later.

Instead of eyes - coalssculpting a bunny out of snow.

Found with us.

The rabbit came out alive:

both tail and head.

Do not pull on the mustache -

They are from straw!

Long, shiny

Exactly real!

The child imitates the modeling of a bunny from the snow.

Task 8. Cut out pictures of winter fun and paste into an album.

Topic "Coniferous trees" (3rd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- during a walk in a winter park or in a forest, show the child coniferous trees (spruce and pine);

- explain why they are called coniferous, evergreen trees. At the same time, visually and by touch, one should compare (in shape and size) the needles and cones of these trees, consider the crown of spruce and pine;

- to tell what can be made from the wood of these trees, to have a conversation with the child about caring for nature.

Task 2. Consider illustrations depicting a spruce forest and a pine forest.

Task 3. Learn poems and riddles of your choice.

Winter and summer in one color. (Fur tree, pine tree)

What is this girl? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, She does not sew anything herself, but in needles all year round. (Fur tree, pine tree)

Pines want to grow to the sky, they want to sweep the sky with branches,

To keep the weather clear throughout the year.

What grows on the tree?

Cones and needles.

Multi-colored balls do not grow on a Christmas tree.

Gingerbread and flags do not grow on the Christmas tree,

Nuts do not grow in golden paper.

Question. On what holiday does all this appear on the tree?

Task 4. Didactic game "Tell me a word."

Well, the dress: all needles, they wear it forever ... (Christmas trees).

Task 5. "What do a Christmas tree and a hedgehog have in common?" - Spruce looks like a hedgehog: a hedgehog with needles, a Christmas tree too.

Task 6. Didactic game "Who (what) is on the Christmas tree, who (what) is under the Christmas tree?" (compilation of prepositional constructions).

Cones, mushrooms, squirrel, hare, bird, hedgehog.

Task 7. Retell the story and answer the questions.

A spruce grew near the house. There were cones on the spruce. Lena collected cones in a bag. Lena gave the bumps to her mother. Mom made toys out of cones.

Questions. Where did the spruce grow? What did mom make out of cones? What toys would you (yourself) be able to make from cones? Task 8. Didactic game "Call it affectionately" (word formation exercise): spruce - herringbone, pine - ..., needle - ..., branch - ....

Task 9. Didactic game "One - many" (education genitive nouns): one tree - a lot, one spruce - a lot - ..., one pine - a lot.

Task 10. Lay out a Christmas tree from paper triangles.

Task 11. Finger exercise.

Under a tall pine

The hare is sitting obliquely

(One hand is a “pine tree” (fingers are spread out, raised up); on the second hand, the index and middle fingers form the “ears” of a hare, the rest of the fingers are clenched).

Task 12. Cut out pictures of coniferous trees and paste them into an album.

Theme "New Year" (4th week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

Talk with the child about what holiday will be soon, what it means; if a Christmas tree has already been set up in the house, examine it and tell what toys decorate the New Year tree;

Decorate the Christmas tree with your child.

Question: Who brings gifts to children for the New Year?

Task 2. Learn the poem "Christmas Tree".

Our tree is big, our tree is high

Higher than mom, higher than dad, reaches the ceiling!

We will dance merrily, we will sing songs,

So that the Christmas tree wants to visit us again!

Task 3. Finger exercise.

The tree turns out quickly,

If the fingers are intertwined.

Raise your elbows

spread your fingers.

Palms away from you, fingers are skipped between each other (palms at an angle to each other).

Put your fingers forward.

Do not press the elbows to the body.

Task 4. Retell the story "The Tree".

Dad brought a Christmas tree from the forest. The tree was placed on the floor. The children decorated the Christmas tree. They hung toys, balloons, sweets. The Christmas tree was elegant, beautiful, fluffy. The children played around the Christmas tree. And Santa Claus played. It was fun guys!

Task 5. Cut out pictures with the image of the New Year's holiday and paste into the album.


Theme “Winter clothes, shoes, hats. Atelier (2nd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- remind the child about what time of year it is; pay attention to the weather (it’s cold outside, it’s snowing, a cold wind is blowing, there may be a blizzard);

- tell the child about winter clothes, hats and shoes, about their purpose;

- pay attention to the material from which they are made, quality, distinctive features in comparison with summer or autumn clothes and shoes;

- while walking with your child, observe how people are dressed in winter, and tell him that clothes can not only be bought, but also sewn in an atelier, which will introduce him to the professions of a dressmaker, seamstress, cutter;

– as an excursion, it is advisable to visit shops where they sell various fabrics, and ateliers for tailoring clothes, hats.

Task 2. Name winter clothes, shoes, hats.

Task 3. Compare winter and summer (autumn) clothes, shoes and hats.

Task 4. Guess riddles, listen to a poem, learn by choice.

Mittens are new, warm, downy!

My grandmother knitted them for me,

gave and said:

“Now the granddaughter will not get cold hands.”

Two sisters, two braids

From sheep's wool thin.

How to walk - put them on

So that five and five do not freeze. (Mittens)

Not boots, not boots

But they are also worn by legs.

We run in them in winter:

In the morning - to school, in the afternoon - home. (Felt boots)

Task 5. Didactic game "First - then" (composing compound sentences with the union a).

First we put on a fur coat, and then mittens. First we put on the leggings, and then - .... First we put on the socks, and then - ....

Task 6. Pick up as many features as possible for the noun: a fur coat (what kind?) - warm, fluffy, soft ...; hat (what?) - ...; boots (what?) - ....

Task 7. Answer the questions.

Where do you sell clothes and fabrics? Who works in the store? Where are clothes made? Who works in the studio? What do they do with clothes in the atelier? in the shop?

Task 8. Didactic game "Pick up the words" (accusative case).

What is knitted? - Hat, mittens, ...

What are they sewing? — Coat, dress, ...

What are they wearing? - Coat, sweater, ...

What are they wearing? - Boots, boots, ...

What is darn? - Stockings, socks, ...

What is tied? - Laces, scarf, ...

Task 9. Didactic game "Find out by description" (An adult describes one of the items of clothing of one of the family members, and the child names what it is and to whom it belongs.)

Task 10. Didactic game "From what - what?" (formation of relative adjectives): from chintz - chintz, from flax - linen, from silk - silk, from wool - ..., from fur - ..., from fluff - ..., from rubber - .... (If possible, introduce the child to various fabrics and materials.)

Task 11. Didactic game "Shop" (formation of relative adjectives, agreement of adjectives with nouns).

Buyer. What do you have from fur?

Salesman. Fur coat, fur mittens, ... .

Buyer. What do you have from the skin?

Salesman. Leather gloves, leather boots, ...

Buyer. What do you have from wool? silks?

Task 12. Didactic game "Know the material by touch." (An adult offers the child, with his eyes closed, to feel by touch the material from which the object is made.)

Task 13. Finger exercise.

Masha put on a mitten: “Oh, where am I doing? I don’t have a finger, I disappeared, I didn’t get into my little house.

Masha took off her mitten: “Look, I found it!

You search, you search and you will find, hello, finger,

how is it going?

Squeeze your fingers into a fist.

Unclench all fingers, except for one.

Unbend the remaining bent finger.

Squeeze your fingers into a fist.

Task 14. Cut out pictures depicting winter clothes, shoes, hats and paste them into an album.

Topic "Pets" (3rd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- show the child (if possible live) domestic animals - a cat, a dog, a cow, a horse, a pig, a sheep;

- discuss the external signs of each, answering the questions: why is it not audible when a cat walks, why does a horse have hooves on its feet, why does a cow need horns, etc .;

- talk about what they eat, what benefits they bring to people, why they are called domestic;

- look at illustrations in books and magazines.

Task 2.

Mu-mu-mu, milk to whom? (Cow)

He walks, walks, shakes his beard, asks for grass: "Me-me-me, give me delicious." (Goat)

He is friends with the owner, guards the house, lives under the porch, and his tail is ringed. (Dog)

In front - a patch, behind - a hook, in the middle - a back, and on it - a bristle. (Pig)

In the mountains, in the valleys, a fur coat and a caftan walk. (Ram)

Soft paws, and scratches in the paws. He washes all the time, but he does not know about water. (Cat)

I'm big and I'm beautiful, I run - and my mane curls, Long silk tail and hooves - tsok, tsok. (Horse)

Task 3. Didactic game "Who gives a voice?" Cow - "mu-u" (cow mooing). Cat "meow" (the cat meows). Dog - .... Pig - .... Horse - ... . Sheep - ... .

Task 4. Didactic game "One - many" (plural formation of nouns): cat - cats, dog - dogs ...; kitten - kittens, foal - foals ....

Task 5. Didactic game "Who - who?" (case agreement of nouns): a cat has a kitten (kittens), a dog has a puppy (puppies), a sheep has ..., a goat has ...; kitten - at the cat, puppy - at ..., calf - at ..., foal - ..., goat - ....

Task 6. Didactic game "Who eats what?" (use instrumental nouns): cat - milk, cow - grass, goat - ..., dog - ..., horse - ....

Task 7. Didactic game "Who eats how?": The cow chews, the dog gnaws, the cat laps....

Task 8. Match signs to nouns: cat (what?) - ..., puppy (what?) - ..., kid (what?) - ..., foals (what?) - ..., calves (what?) — ... .

Task 9. Didactic game "Call it affectionately" (an exercise in word formation using diminutive suffixes): a cat is a cat, a dog is a dog, a pig is a pig ....

Task 10. Guess riddles (use of the genitive case of nouns).

Who has horns?

Who has soft paws?

Who has an udder?

Who has stubble?

Who has a piglet?

Task 11. Solve similar riddles on your own.

Task 12. Write a descriptive story about a pet according to the plan. Who is it? Where does he live? What is the appearance? What habits does it have? What does it eat? What benefit does it bring? Who are his kids?

Task 13. Finger exercises.


The cat's daughter has claws on her paws.

You do not rush to hide them, let the kids look. - "Meow!"

(Press the pads of the fingers of the right hand to the top of the palm. Press the thumb to the index finger. Say loudly: “Meow”).


There is a horned goat

For the little guys.

- Who does not eat porridge,

does not drink milk

I'm going to gore, I'm going to gore!

(Tighten the fingers, only keep the index and little fingers straight. This is a “goat.” With the words “I gore” the “goat”, “let it go” on the child).

Task 14. Cut out the picture with the image of pets and paste it into the album.

Theme "Wild Animals of Our Forests" (4th week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

Consider with the child illustrations depicting the animals of our forests - a hare, a squirrel, a wolf, a bear, a hedgehog and a fox; note their external signs;

- talk about where they live, what they eat; fix the names of animals and their cubs in the child's vocabulary;

- visit the zoo as an excursion.

Task 2. Solve riddles (learn by choice).

I, I confess, am guilty: I am cunning and rogue. I often sneak into the chicken coop in the evening. (Fox)

Under the pines, under the fir trees lives a ball of needles. (Hedgehog)

Fast little animal jump-jump through the trees. (Squirrel)

Gray flannelette little animal, cross-eyed long-eared.

Well, guess who he is and give him a carrot. (Hare)

Who walks angry hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf)

In the summer it walks through the forest, in the winter it rests in the lair. (Bear)

Task 3. Didactic game "Guess who it is?" (select nouns for adjectives).

Brown, clumsy, clumsy - ... .

Gray, toothy, scary - ....

Sly, fluffy, red - ....

Small, long-eared, shy - ....

Grey - ...,

clubfoot - ...,

cunning - ...,

prickly - ... .

Task 4. Didactic game "Who - who?" (exercise in word formation): a bear has a teddy bear, a wolf has ..., a fox has ...; the bear has cubs, the wolf has ....

Task 5. Didactic game "Name the family" (exercise in word formation): father - bear, mother - bear, cub (s) - bear cub (cubs); father - wolf ..., father - hare - ...; dad - hedgehog ...; dad is a fox...

Task 6. Didactic game "Name your mother" (use of the genitive case of nouns): a bear cub at a bear, a fox at ....

Task 7. Didactic game "Who gives a voice?" (pick up a verb to a noun): a fox - yapping, a bear - growls, a wolf - howls, a squirrel - ....

Task 8. Didactic game "About whom you can say ..." (pick up a noun for the verb): hunts - ..., sneaks _ ... howls - ..., bites - ..., gets scared - ..., jumps -. .., waddling - ..., cunning - ..., stalking - ....

Task 9. Didactic game "Who lives where?" (use of the nominative case of nouns).

In the hole lives (who?) - a fox.

In the den - ....

In the hollow - ....

Task 10. Didactic game "To whom we will give what?" (use of the dative case of nouns).

Meat - for the wolf, raspberries - ..., honey - ..., carrots - ..., apples - ..., nuts - ..., mushrooms - ... .

Task 11. Didactic game "Hunter" (use of the genitive case of nouns). The hunter caught in the forest (whom?) - ....

Task 12.

I'm like a squirrel in a wheel jumping on the spot,

To make it more fun, we jumped together.

One, two, three, four, five - the hare began to jump.

Much gray jump - he jumped ten times.

(The child jumps in place.

Under the account the child jumps 5 times.

After the words "he jumped ten times" the child jumps 10 times).

Task 13. Finger exercises.


The gray bunny jumps deftly.

He has a carrot in his paws.

(Lean your elbow on the table, spread your index and middle fingers apart, squeeze the rest into a fist).

"Bunny and ears"

The ears of the hare are long, they stick out of the bushes.

He jumps and jumps, amuses his rabbits.

(Fingers in the cam. Put up the index middle fingers. Move them to the sides and forward).

Task 14. Compose a descriptive story about a wild animal in our forest (optional) according to the plan:


Where does he live?



What does it eat?


Task 15. Cut out pictures depicting the animals of our forests and paste them into the album.

February. The theme is “Our food. The work of a cook. Dishes" (1st week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- consider with the child the dishes - kitchen, tea, dining room;

- fix with the child the names of objects and words that determine their purpose;

- show the child the products from which food is prepared;

- fix the names of lunch dishes (borscht, soup, porridge, etc.), the names of products, as well as words denoting cooking methods. At the same time, you should ask the child: “What is cooked from meat? potatoes? cabbage? What is the vinaigrette made from? Then you need to find out what kind of utensils he knows (kitchen, dining, tea);

- show where the dishes are stored at home (in the closet, in the sideboard, in the table, in the sideboard);

- examine the dishes, explain that there are two types of dishes: in which they cook food and from which they eat;

Compare dishes (big spoons and small ones, shallow plates and deep ones ...), paying attention to the fact that dishes can beat;

As an excursion, take the child to a store that sells dishes.

Task 2. Solve the riddle.

Water flows from a hot well through the nose. (Kettle)

Task 3. Make sentences with the preposition in, exercise in word formation.

What dishes are put in ... (bread, mustard, pepper, salad, sweets, salt, milk, herring, butter)?

What is put in a salad bowl (herring, salt shaker, butter dish, biscuit bowl)?

What is poured into a tureen, milk jug, gravy bowl, coffee pot, teapot?

Task 4. Compose compound sentences with the union a according to the model:

Salt is put into puree, and sugar is put into tea. (Which food is salted and which is sugar?)

In a glass - kefir, and in a cup - coffee. (Which drink in which bowl?)

Task 5. Make sentences with the preposition c (use of the instrumental case of nouns).

What is the bucket with if it contains ... (water, milk, linen, paper, snow ...)?

What is the saucepan with if it contains ... (soup, borscht, potatoes ...)?

What is the cup with if it contains ... (tea, jelly, coffee, milk ...)?

What is the jar with if it contains ... (cabbage, jam, honey, flour ...)?

Task 6. Didactic game "What is this dish?" (formation of relative adjectives).

Which soup of... (beans, peas, fish, chicken, beets, mushrooms, vegetables)?

What kind of porridge from ... (millet, hercules, semolina ...)?

What kind of jam is made from ... (apples, plums, apricots, raspberries ...)?

What juice from... (carrot, pear, orange...)?

What kind of dishes can be ... (glass, metal, ceramic, porcelain, clay, plastic)? Give examples. Why is she called that? (Glass - made of glass.)

Task 7. Explain to the child the meaning compound words"potato peeler", "vegetable cutter", "coffee maker", "juicer", "meat grinder", "coffee grinder", "juice maker".

Task 8. Didactic game "Count the dishes" (coordination of nouns with numerals): one knife, two knives, three knives, four knives, five knives.

Task 9. Didactic game "The fourth extra" (according to pictures).

Cup, saucer, saucepan, teapot. Ladle, plate, tureen, sugar bowl.

Task 10. The child, together with the adult, must:

Wash dishes;

prepare a salad or vinaigrette;

Set the table for dinner.

Task 11. Cut out pictures of dishes various kinds and paste them into the album.

Theme "Transport" (2nd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- together with the child, observe the movement of various vehicles on the street;

- introduce him to such modes of transport as land, air, water, underground, rail;

- talk with him about the need to comply with the rules of the road, as well as about the profession of a driver;

- to consolidate the child's knowledge of transport and traffic, ask the following questions: what cars transport goods? of people? At what traffic light can you cross the street?

Task 2. Solve the transport riddle.

A fairy-tale bird flies, and inside the people sit, talking among themselves. (Airplane)

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels,

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (Bike)

The house runs down the street, the house rustles with its soles.

Runs up to the stop, takes everyone who wants it -

And he runs forward again. (Bus)

A black horse runs, dragging a lot behind him. (Locomotive)

Does not fly, buzzes, a beetle runs down the street,

And two brilliant lights burn in the eyes of the beetle.

The plant gave it to him: and the lights - to look into the darkness,

And the wheels, and the motor, rushed to full speed. (Automobile)

Early in the morning there is knocking and ringing outside the window, and confusion.

Red houses walk along straight steel paths. (Tram)

Steam locomotive without wheels! That's the miracle steam locomotive.

Did he go crazy - he went straight across the sea. (Steamboat) (K. I. Chukovsky)

Crowded, noisy, young - the city rumbles underground.

And houses with people here run along the street. (Underground)

Task 3. Didactic game "Recalculation of different types of transport" (coordination of numerals with nouns).

Ordinal numbers: first bus, second bus, third bus, fourth bus, fifth bus; first car, second car, third car, fourth car, fifth car.

Cardinal numbers: one plane, two planes, three planes, four planes, five planes; one car, two cars... five cars.

Task 4. Didactic game "Pick up a sign" Car (what?) - ..., bus (what?) - ..., plane (what?) - ....

Task 5. Choose actions for objects. Train (what does it do?) - ..., plane (what does it do?) - ..., steamboat (what does it do?) - ....

Task 6. Didactic game "The fourth extra" (according to pictures).

Steamboat, boat, plane, sailboat.

Car, tram, trolleybus, metro.

Airplane, helicopter, bicycle, balloon (as a type of air transport).

Task 7. Didactic game "One - many" (formation of plural and singular nouns).

Plane - planes, car - ... (scooter, tram, bus, trolleybus ...).

Task 8. Didactic game "Who manages what?" The plane is controlled by the pilot, the car - ... (train, ship - ...).

Task 9. Learn the poems of your choice.


I’ll take the car for a walk on a thread.

On a thread, I'll bring her home.

I'll clean her body, cabin, engine.

Every driver must take care of the car.


We will build the plane ourselves.

Let's fly over the forests

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom. (A. Barto)

Task 10. Cut out pictures of various vehicles and paste them into the album.

Theme "Defender of the Fatherland Day" (3rd week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- tell the child about this holiday - who are the defenders of the Fatherland, who are congratulated on this day;

- to consider with him illustrations and photographs related to the Russian army, in newspapers, magazines, books;

- to conduct an educational conversation with the child, which would contribute to the emergence of a respectful attitude towards the Army and the defenders of the Fatherland;

- introduce the child to some types of military equipment.

Task 2. Draw any military equipment of your choice.

Task 3. Together with the child, make a greeting card for dad (uncle, grandfather).

Task 4. Cut out pictures depicting military equipment and representatives of military professions and paste them into the album.

Theme "Winter" (summary) (4th week)

Exercise 1. Parents are advised:

- talk with the child about what time of year it is, while remembering what changes have occurred in nature, what happens to animals and plants in winter, how animals in the forest endure cold and hunger, how birds behave in winter;

- remember the names of wintering birds, animals of our forests, draw the child's attention to the characteristic signs of winter, which is more convenient to do while walking in the park, and name winter clothes. Returning home, have a conversation about a fun holiday that is celebrated in winter, about what winter fun and entertainment the child knows.

Task 2. Solve the riddle.

There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)

Without arms, without legs, but he knows how to draw (Frost)

What grows upside down? (Icicle)

They fall from the sky in winter and circle above the earth

Light fluffs, white ... (snowflakes).

They did not raise me, they blinded me from the snow,

Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot.

Eyes-embers, lips-bitch.

Cold, big. Who am I? (Snowwoman)

Task 3. Didactic game "When does it happen?".

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers.

Blizzard walks, when does it happen?

The cold has come. The water turned to ice.

The long-eared gray hare turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring: the bear fell into hibernation in the forest.

Who will say, who will know when it happens?

Task 4. Didactic game "Pick up a sign": snow (what?) - ..., frost (what?) - ..., icicle (what?) - ..., winter (what?) - ....

Task 5. Didactic game "Pick up a sign": comes (what?) - ..., knocks ..., whistles ..., rages ..., spins ..., freezes ..., shines ..., sculpts .. . .

Task 6. Name winter clothes.

Task 7. Name the wintering birds. How do people help birds to winter?

Task 8. Tell about how the animals of our forests hibernate.

Task 9. An exercise in coordinating speech with movements.

It is cold and windy in the yard, children are walking in the yard.

Handles, handles warm, handles, handles rub.

So that our legs do not chill, we stomp a little: that-top-top.

We are not afraid of frost, that's how we dance now.

(The child rubs his hand in hand. The child stamps his feet. The child dances).

Task 10.Name winter fun.

Task 11.Cut out a picture of a winter landscape and paste it into an album.

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- talk with the child about what season has come;

- during a walk in the park, pay attention to the changes taking place in animate and inanimate nature in early spring;

- name the spring months, pay attention to the first spring month - March;

- observe how the weather has changed: it has become warmer or colder, the day has become longer or shorter.

Task 2.Read and discuss poems, learn by choice.

- Go away, frost, March brought spring.

Rooks are flying towards us, and streams are ringing!

- The snow is melting, the meadow came to life.

The day comes, when does it happen?

- The sun, heating the earth, drives ice from our hill.

The snow woman is melting and sheds tears in streams. (G. Ladonshchikov)

- Spring is coming to us with quick steps.

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet. (I. Tokmakova)

- Every day, every minute the day is longer, the night is shorter.

Slowly, slowly, we drive the winter away! (V. Berestov)

- The snow has melted, the snow has melted, this is not easy news,

This means that the real spring is coming.

It means warm air, it means bright light.

This means that everyone on the collective farms will begin spring sowing.

Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.

Soon the ants will come out after the winter cold.

The bear makes its way through the forest deadwood.

The birds began to sing songs, and the snowdrop blossomed. (S. Marshak)

Task 3.Listen to the story and retell the questions.

Warm spring is coming. The sun shines brighter. The snow and icicles began to melt. The trees are budding. Birds will soon arrive from warm countries. They will make nests.

What season is it? How does the sun shine? What swells on trees? Who will soon arrive from warm countries? What will the birds do?

Explain to the child the meaning of phrases: buds swell, warm countries, nests.

Task 4.Cut out a picture of an early spring landscape and paste it into an album.

Theme "Mother's Day. Women's professions "(2nd week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- tell the child about the holiday of March 8 - who is congratulated on this day, why it is called "Mother's Day";

- to teach the child the words of congratulations so that he says them on this day to his mother, sister, grandmother, kindergarten teacher;

- talk with the child about the female professions of a cook, salesman, teacher, educator, doctor;

- explain to the child who does what at work, what benefits it brings, who needs what for work.

Task 2.Didactic game "Who is doing what?" (selection of actions for nouns): cook - cooks, teacher - (doctor - ..., seller - ..., educator - ...).

Task 3.Didactic game "Finish the sentence" (use of the accusative case of nouns): the cook cooks (what?) - ...; the doctor treats (who?) - ....

Task 4.Didactic game "Who needs what for work?" (use of the accusative case of nouns).

The cook needs (what?) - a pan, a ladle ....

The teacher needs (what?) - ....

Task 5.Didactic game "Find the mistake" (development of logical thinking).

The doctor needs ... (bandage, cotton wool, syringe, pan, ...).

The doctor is making soup. The cook heals people.

Task 6."Tell me how you help your mother and grandmother" (a story from personal experience child).

Task 7.Didactic game "Pick up a sign": mother (what?) - ... (sister, grandmother, teacher).

Task 8.Didactic game "Call it affectionately": mother - mother, mother, mother (grandmother, sister, aunt).

Task 9.Learn poems.

I have known him for a long time - this is my mother!

Dad brought a cake to mom, and sweets to grandma.

And a whole load of toys - for Sveta's sister.

And it became a shame to me, the younger brother,

That we don’t have a boy’s day on the calendar.

Task 10.An exercise in coordinating speech with movements.

I love my mother, I will always help her:

I wash, rinse, shake off the water from the handles,

I'll clean the floor and chop wood for her.

Mom needs to rest, mom wants to sleep.

I walk on tiptoe, and never,

And I will never say a word.

(The child performs the appropriate movements).

Task 11.Draw a portrait of your grandmother or mother.

Task 12.Cut out pictures depicting representatives of female professions and paste them into the album.

Theme "My family" (3rd week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- talk with the child about the family (get answers to the questions: Who do you live with? How many people are in your family? Name all the members of your family. Who is the youngest, who is the eldest in the family? Who is the oldest? Who is the youngest?);

- invite the child to name the surname, name and patronymic of each family member, home address and profession, place of work of the parents.

Task 2.Didactic game "Pick up a sign" (coordination of a noun with an adjective): mom (what?) - ..., grandmother (what?) - ..., grandfather (what?) - ..., dad (what?) - ... .

Task 3.Didactic game "Whose, whose, whose, whose?" (formation and use of possessive adjectives) Scarf (whose?) - mother's, father's, .... Hat (whose?) - aunt, uncle ....

Coat (whose?) - grandma's, grandfather's ....

Gloves (whose?) - mother's, grandmother's ....

Task 4.Compare who is older/younger (composing a compound sentence with conjunction a):

Dad is a son (dad is older and son is younger), dad is grandfather, uncle is nephew, grandson is grandfather.

Task 5.Didactic game "Show me where ..." (understanding logical and grammatical structures): mother's daughter, daughter's mother, daughter's mother, mother's daughter.

Task 6.Didactic game "Say the opposite." Senior - (younger), big - ..., young - .... Older - (younger, younger).

Task 7.Answer the questions (use of the genitive case of nouns).

Who has good eyes? (By Grandma). Who has strong hands? Who has soft hands? ...

Task 8.Finger exercise.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy.

And this is me!

That's my whole family!

(Close your hand into a fist, unbend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.

Clench your hand into a fist several times).

Task 9.Draw a picture of "My family" in the album

Theme "Migratory birds" (4th week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- introduce the child to migratory birds (starling, swallow, crane, nightingale, swift, lark, rook);

- consider the images of these birds in the illustrations, discuss their appearance and distinctive features; tell us where the birds flew to us from; during walks, teach the child to recognize the rook and starling; to teach the child respect for wildlife; pay attention to seasonal changes in nature.

Task 2.Read the poem to the child and discuss it.

The grass is green, the sun is shining

A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us.

With her, the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter ...

Chirp from the road hello to us soon.

I will give you grains, and you sing a song,

What did you bring with you from distant countries? (A. Pleshcheev)

Task 3."Give me a word."

On the pole is a palace, in the palace is a singer, and his name is ... (starling).

Task 4.Didactic game "The fourth extra" (according to pictures).

Lark, sparrow, rook, starling.

Task 5.Didactic game "Flies away - does not fly away." (The adult calls the bird, and the child answers: does it fly away for the winter or not.)

Task 6.Didactic game "Find out by description." (An adult describes the appearance of some migratory bird, and the child recognizes and names it.)

Task 7.Retell the story "Harbingers of Spring" on questions.

The cold winter has passed. Spring is coming. The sun rises higher. It heats up more. The rooks have arrived. The children saw them and shouted: “The rooks have arrived! The Rooks Have Arrived!"

Questions. What was the winter like? What comes after winter? How warm is the sun in spring? Who arrived? Who did the children see? What did they scream?

Explain to the child the expression "harbingers of spring."

Task 8.Finger exercise


The birds flew in, they waved their wings

(Fingers of both hands to move up and down).

Task 9.Cut out pictures of migratory birds and paste them into an album.

The theme is “Our city. House "(1st week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- tell the child what the city (village) is called, where he lives, after whom the city (village) is named, what he is famous for;

— consider illustrations, photographs and postcards depicting our city (village);

- pay attention to the main street of the city (village), what houses are built on it;

- while walking around the city (village) pay attention to various buildings, houses (single-storey, multi-storey, stone, wooden), as well as on architectural monuments;

- explain to the child the concept of "street", tell that each street has its own name, and each house has its own number;

- learn your home address with your child.

Task 2.Compose the story "The house in which I live" (an arbitrary story of the child).

Task 3.Draw a picture of "Houses on my street."

Task 4.Didactic game "One - many" (formation of the genitive plural of a noun): one house - many houses, one street ... (village, city ...).

Task 5.An exercise in word formation with the help of suffixes.

House - house, house, house.

City - town, small town, settlement.

Task 6.Exercise for fingers "House and Gates".

There is a house in the meadow,

Well, the way to the house is closed.

We open the gate

We invite you to this house.

(“House” to depict with two hands, the roof of the house - the fingers of the left and right hands are in contact with each other. The right and left hands are turned with their palms facing each other, the middle fingers are in contact with each other, the thumbs are up (“gate”). The palms turn parallel each other "Home").

Task 7.Build a city out of building material (cubes).

Task 8.Cut out pictures with the image of your native city (village) and paste them into the album.

Theme "Furniture" (2nd week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- examine with the child home furniture designed for the bedroom, dining room, kitchen;

- name the furniture and its individual parts (lid, leg, handle, armrest, back, door), external features (color, shape), material from which it is made;

- explain to the child the purpose of furniture, its various types;

- look at the illustrations of various furniture: different types tables (round, square, oval; writing; kitchen, dining, magazine), cabinets (book, wardrobe, cupboard), large and small chairs, stools; examine the furniture in the doll corner; ask the child to answer the questions: what is the furniture for (chair, table, sofa, bed, wardrobe); why do you need a desk, dining table; what they do at the table; what furniture is needed for the kitchen, bedroom; how many legs are on the table; What is the table made of? what shape is the lid on the table; What is the difference between a chair and a stool?

- go on a trip to a furniture store with your child.

Task 2.Solve the riddle and learn by choice.

In our apartment new house. Dishes live in that house.

It also has a place for sweets, it is called ... (buffet).

With legs, but without arms, with a seat, but without a stomach, With a back, but without a head. (Chair)

At night, in a dream, Vanyatka will doze off sweetly,

That you don't want to get up, what kind of a thing am I? (Bed)

There are four legs under the roof, soup and spoons on the roof. (Table)

Task 3.Didactic game "Pick up a sign": chair (what?) - ..., chair (what?) - ..., bed (what?) - ....

Task 4.Logic exercises.

Masha is sitting on a chair. Masha will eat. Where should the chair be placed?

Olga is small. She has a small table. She sat down on a large chair. Olya does not sit well, it is uncomfortable. Why?

Task 5.Perform actions with objects as directed by an adult (understanding prepositional constructions).

Put the ball: on a chair, under a chair, behind a chair, near a chair, Between chairs, in front of a chair; lift the ball over the chair.

Task 6.Finger exercise.

Fold the “chair” out of your hands and show it to the kids.

Raise your left hand vertically up. Press straight fingers tightly against each other. Press the right hand in the cam position to the left palm with the thumb towards you.

Task 7.Remember what kind of furniture is in your house (in the puppet corner, in kindergarten).

Task 8.Build toy furniture out of matchboxes.

Task 9.Cut out pictures of various furniture and paste them into an album.

Pisces Theme (Week 3)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- tell the child about fish (marine, freshwater, aquarium);

- pay attention to the peculiarities of living, feeding, structure and breathing of fish;

- answer the questions: what do fish have instead of legs? Why can they breathe in water?

consider illustrations of fish with the child;

- talk about aquarium fish, their names, how to care for them.

Task 2.Solve and explain riddles about fish.

There are no legs, but it moves, there are feathers, but it does not fly, there are eyes, but it does not blink.

Parents and children have all clothes from coins.

Shine in the river with a clean silvery back.

Task 3.Didactic game "Pick up a sign": fish (what?) - ....

Task 4.Pick up related words: fish - fish, fisherman, angler, fish.

Task 5.Explain to the child who the fisherman is and why he is so named? (Fishing.)

Task 6.Explain to the child why they say so: "He is silent like a fish."

Task 7.Answer the questions.

What is the fish soup called? (ear)

What are they fishing for? (Fishing rod, net, seine)

Who are the little ones? (Rybkin's children)

Task 8.Didactic game "Name whose fin, whose tail, whose head, whose body?" (formation of possessive adjectives): in a pike, the head is pike, the tail is ..., the fin is ..., the body is ....

Task 9.Didactic game "Count the fish" (coordination of nouns with numerals): one fish, two fish, three fish, four fish, five fish.

Task 10.Didactic game "Choose the right action" (understanding the meanings of verbs with prefixes).

A fish to a stone ... (sailed, swam). A fish from the shore ... (swam, swam away). A fish all over the river ... (floated, swam).

Task 11.Learn a tongue twister and a poem.

An angler catches a fish

the whole catch floated into the river.

The jar is clean water

let the fish go there.

The fish will play there

swim, wag your tail,

pick up bread crumbs.

Task 12.Lay out the figure from the matches according to the model.

Task 13.Draw an aquarium with fish. Task 14. Cut out pictures depicting marine, freshwater, aquarium fish and paste them into an album.

Topic "Indoor plants" (4th week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- introduce the child to indoor plants in nature, examine them, pay attention to their appearance, structural features, characteristic features;

- explain to the child how to care for the plants, why you need to water them, turn them to the sun or keep them in the shade, brush dust off the leaves;

- pay attention to the features of leaves, flowers, stems indoor plants;

- learn with the child some names of indoor plants;

- explain why people keep indoor plants at home, tell the child how indoor plants can react to weather changes, change the external pitchfork in the morning and evening.

Task 2.With the help of an adult, compare cactus and aloe, make a short comparative story about the external features of these plants (if possible, show the child several types of cacti).

Task 3.Didactic game "The fourth extra" (according to pictures).

Cactus, geranium, forget-me-not, ficus.

Task 4.Didactic game “Find out by description” (an adult makes a descriptive riddle about a houseplant, and a child guesses. For example: “This is a houseplant. It has a fleshy juicy stem, it has thorns instead of leaves, sometimes flowers can bloom on it.” - Cactus) .

Task 5.Didactic game “Who is doing what? Who did what? Who will do what? (an exercise in changing verbs in time, number and gender).

Katya is watering the flowers. Pasha is watering the flowers. Katya and Pasha are watering the flowers.

Katya watered the flowers. Pasha watered the flowers. Katya and Pasha were watering the flowers.

Katya will water the flowers. Pasha will water the flowers. Katya and Pasha will water the flowers.

Task 6.Together with your child, observe and care for indoor plants at home.

Task 7.Recall and tell what houseplants are in kindergarten (at friends' houses).

Task 8.Cut out pictures of indoor plants and paste them into an album.

Theme "Victory Day" (1st week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- tell the child about the holiday "Victory Day", why it is so named and who is congratulated on this day;

- remember which of the closest relatives took part in the Great Patriotic war, look at photographs, illustrations in books;

- to cultivate respect for war veterans;

- together with the child, go to the memorial in honor of the defenders of the Motherland, lay flowers at the monument.

Task 2.Draw a picture on a military theme.

Task 3.Cut out pictures depicting the Victory Day holiday and paste them into the album.

Theme "Spring. Meadow and Garden Plants (2nd week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- talk with the child about what changes have occurred in nature in the spring, what flowers have appeared, explain that the first spring flowers are called primroses;

- remember what flowers appeared in May, consider their parts: flower, stem, leaf, root (in the picture and in nature); pay attention to the color and smell of flowers.

Task 2.Didactic game "Whose leaf, whose flower" (recognition of flowers by their individual parts from nature).

Task 3.Solve the riddle.

Elegant sisters meet guests all day,

are fed with honey. (Flowers)

Task 4.Didactic game "Pick up a sign" (coordination of adjectives with nouns): dandelion (what?) - ..., coltsfoot (what?) - ..., forget-me-nots (what?) - ....

Task 5.Read poems about flowers to a child (learn by choice).


Look, look, what's that red light?

This wild carnation is celebrating a new day.

And when the evening comes, the petal will turn the flower:

“Until the morning, until we meet again!” And the flame goes out.

"Lily of the valley"

The lily of the valley was born on a May day, and the forest keeps it;

It seems to me that he is behind him - he will ring softly.


Elegant dresses, yellow brooches,

There is not a spot on the beautiful clothes.

These daisies are so funny -

They are about to play like children in tags.


They are visible, invisible, you can’t count them!

And who only invented them - cheerful, blue?

Must have been torn from the sky shred

Slightly conjured and made a flower.


The blue bell bowed to you and me.

Bluebell flowers are very polite. And you?


Wears a dandelion yellow sarafan.

Grow up - dressed up in a little white dress,

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze. (E. Serova)

Task 6.Draw spring flowers that bloom in spring in the garden (optional).

Task 7.Finger exercise.

Our scarlet flowers open their petals

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads.

(Gently unclench your fingers. Wave your hands in front of you. Gently squeeze your fingers. Gently lower them onto the table).

Task 8.Cut out pictures of primroses and paste them into an album.

Theme "Insects" (3rd week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- in the park, in the square or in the yard, together with the child, find and examine insects: a bee, an ant, a grasshopper, a dragonfly, a butterfly, a ladybug, beetles, a fly, a mosquito, a spider;

- tell the child about the benefits these insects bring, teach the child to respect nature;

Explain that a fly is a harmful insect.

Task 2.Review illustrations of insects and discuss their appearance.

Task 3.Solve the riddle and learn by choice.

Not a beast, not a bird, but a nose like a knitting needle. (Mosquito)

Many craftsmen cut down the hut without corners. (Ant)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up: I didn’t want to sleep anymore,

Moved, startled, soared up and flew away. (Butterfly)

I do not sew clothes, but weave fabric. (Spider)

In the autumn it will clog into the gap, and wake up in the spring. (Fly)

Task 4.Finger exercises.

- I am a cheerful Maybug.

I know all the gardens around.

I circle over the lawns

and my name is Zhu-zhu.

(Squeeze the fist, spread the index finger and little finger to the sides - “mustache”, move them).

-Don't bite, evil mosquito!

I'm already running home.

(Squeeze the fist, index finger forward (“proboscis”). Little finger and thumb, relaxing lower down - “paws”).

- The bee sat on the flower,

she drinks fragrant juice.

(Extend the index finger of the right hand and rotate it, then the same thing with the finger of the left hand).

Task 5.An exercise in coordinating speech with movement.

That's what a dragonfly - very round eyes.

Spins like a helicopter

right, left, back, forward.

Raise your shoulders

jump, grasshoppers!

Jump jump, jump jump.

Sit down, sit down

They ate grass

listened to the silence

Higher, higher, high

jump on toes easily!

(Hands to the sides, then circular movements of the fists at eye level.

Hands to the sides, movements around its axis, then hands on the belt, tilts.

Vigorous shoulder movements, squats, jumping in place).

Task 6.Cut out pictures of insects and paste them into the album.

Theme "Spring. Changes in nature. The work of people in the spring "(4th week)

Exercise 1.Parents are advised:

- talk with the child about what season it is now, what changes have occurred in living and inanimate nature in the spring;

- remember the names of the spring months, signs early spring;

- observe changes in nature during a joint walk in the park;

- compare the signs of early spring with nature in May;

- remember how forest animals and birds behave in spring, what changes occur with trees and shrubs, meadow and garden plants, in people's clothes;

Tell your child about spring field work.

Task 2.Read poems to the child, discuss them (learn by choice).

-For a long time spring passed secretly from the winds and cold,

And today - slaps straight through the puddles,

Drives melted snow with hubbub and ringing,

To line the meadows with green velvet.

"Soon, soon to be warm!" - this news first

Willow drumming on glass with a gray paw ... (Y. Akim)

- On the mighty poplar, the buds burst together.

And from each bud, leaves came out.

Unfolded the tubes, fluffed up the skirts,

They looked back, smiled and said: “We woke up!”

- The grass is green, the sun is shining

A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us. (A. Pleshcheev)

"Conversation with spring" (read by roles)

Well spring, how are you? - I'm cleaning.

What do you need a broom for? - Sweep the snow off the hill.

Why do you need streams? — Garbage wash off the tracks!

What are the rays for? For cleaning too.

I’ll wash everything, dry it, I’ll invite you to the holiday! (O. Vysotskaya)

They took rakes and shovels - the guys went to the garden.

Here they dig, there they loosen, they remove garbage from the ridges.

Turnips are sown, onions are planted, and then everyone is watered.

Task 3.Pick up as many signs as possible to the noun: spring (what?) - early ...

Task 4.Pick up related words: grass - grass, grass, herbal, herbaceous, blade of grass, herbalist ....

Task 5.Pick up objects to the signs: spring - day ..., spring - thunderstorm ..., spring - sun ..., spring - days ....

Task 6.Pick up nouns for actions: (who? what?): melting..., running..., blooming..., appearing..., turning green..., flying in..., blooming....

Task 7.Answer questions about Spring. 9

What signs of spring do you know?

When did you notice the first signs of spring?

What are these signs?

Name the spring months.

Name migratory birds. Tell us about the life of birds and animals in spring. How do collective farmers work in the fields?

What agricultural equipment do you know? What is it for?

Task 8.An exercise in coordinating speech with movements.

We took the shovels, dug out the beds: one-two, one-two!

They took the rake in their hands, combed the beds: One-two, one-two!

We threw seeds in rows into the ground: One-two, one-two!

One-two, one-two!

(The child imitates actions with a shovel. The child imitates actions with a rake. The child imitates the scattering of seeds).

Task 9. Learn the proverb about spring.

Task 10.Cut out a picture depicting the work of collective farmers in the fields and paste it into the album.

Dear parents!

"Fruit »

When you get home from the grocery store, review the groceries you bought with your child. Invite him to set aside fruits separately and name them. Ask the child to tell about the external signs of these fruits (size, color, shape).

It is advisable to use as often as possible in your speech words denoting generalizing concepts: “products”, “fruits”, “vegetables”, “foodstuffs”.

helps children develop attention, spatial orientation, the ability to distinguish between prepositions FOR, FROM, IN, ON, UNDER.

Ask your child to help you arrange the food and invite him to do the following actions with them:

Please put bananasON THE table.

Get itFROM cupboard red plate.

put bananasAT red plate. Etc.

helps develop children's willpower, auditory memory and attention.

Invite your child to play a word memory game with you. You give him 6 - 8 names of foods or fruits/vegetables (milk, apple, banana, tomato, turnip, cheese, bread, pear or:peach, apple, banana, orange, lemon, pear ) and ask them to repeat them.

Then invite the child to switch roles. Let him call you 6 - 8 names of fruits, vegetables, food, and you memorize and repeat them.

Didactic game "What? Which? Which? What kind?" develops the ability to form possessive adjectives, select definitions for the named subject and coordinate adjectives with nouns:

Apple juice (so what is it?) - apple juice.

Peach jam (so what is it?) - peach jam.

Banana (what?) - yellow, long, dirty, tasty, ....

Apple (what?) - round, juicy, clean, red, ....

Dear parents!

We bring to your attention a developing didactic material to familiarize children with a lexical topic.

"Forest. Trees »

During a joint walk, talk with your child about trees and shrubs, about the forest, about the benefits it brings to people and wild animals. Ask if he knows the names of the trees and have him list them.

Consider the external structure of the tree (trunk, branches, leaves, seeds and fruits, etc.).

Draw the attention of the child to the beauty of autumn nature, to the change in the color of the leaves at this time of the year.

Have your child answer the following questions:

How is a tree different from a shrub?

What is the difference between spruce and pine?

What do a bush and a tree have in common?

Didactic game "Name the leaf" (develops the ability to form relative adjectives):

birch leaf - (what kind of leaf is it?)birch ;

oak leaf - (what kind of leaf is it?)oak ;

aspen leaf - ...;

poplar leaf - ...;

rowan leaf - .... etc.

While walkingask the child to find leaves from different trees and determine from which trees they flew. And also - to find and collect leaves of the same color (in shape), decomposing them into separate piles.

Dear parents!

We bring to your attention a developing didactic material to familiarize children with a lexical topic.

"Autumn is the season »

During a walk together in a city or park, ask your child what time of year it is and what it is called. Pay attention to the autumn weather changes (it has become colder, the wind is blowing, cold rain is often falling); to changes in nature (how the appearance of trees, grasses, flowers has changed). Together with the child, find and name 2-4 signs of autumn in the forest, on the streets of the city, in the yard, in the park, in the forest, by the pond.

Ask your child about what happens in the life of insects, animals and birds with the onset of autumn. Suggest to remember names 3 X – 5 ti migratory birds and answer the question: “Why are they called that?”.

Didactic exercise "Name what (what, what, what)?"

(develops the ability to select signs (adjectives) to the subject).

Autumn (what?) - golden, rainy, cold... .

Rain (what?) - ....

The sky in autumn (what?) - ....

Autumn leaves (what?) - ....

Didactic game "Whose? Whose? Whose?" (develops the ability to select and coordinate nouns with the pronouns "my", "mine", "mine").

Whose hat? - This is my hat.

Whose scarf? - This is my scarf.

Whose boots? - These are my boots. Etc.

Didactic game "Big - small"

Leaf - leaf, leaflet.

Cloud - ... ....

Grass - … … .

Cloud - … … .

Bird - … … .

Sun - … … .

Umbrella - ... ... etc.

Dear parents!

We bring to your attention a developing

"Tableware »

Returning home from kindergarten, you can examine with your child the items of utensils that are in your home. Invite him to name the items of dishes and their components (for the pan: lid, spout, bottom, handle, walls). Ask the child to tell about the external signs of the dishes (color, shape, size).

It is advisable to use as often as possible in your speech the words denoting the names of the items of dishes, and the term itself of the generalizing concept - "dishes".

As a group, we played the following games with the children.

Didactic game "Assignment"

Ask your child to help you and invite him to perform the following actions with objects:

Please bring me a big red plastic cup and put it on the table (in the closet, etc.).

(Do the same with other dishes).

Didactic game "What lies where?" (develops auditory perception, thinking, attention, speech).

The bread is inbreadbasket.

Sugar is in...(sugar bowl).

Salt is poured into...(salt shaker).

The oil was put into...(butter can).

Tea is brewed in...(teapot).

Sweets are in...(candy box). Etc.

( develops the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, select definitions for the named subject, form relative adjectives):

Knife (what?) -iron, sharp, dirty, blue, ... .

Plate (what?) -big, deep, clean, beautiful, … .

A glass of glass (so what is it?) -glass goblet.

Plastic plate (so what is it?) -plastic plate.

Didactic game "Without what can not be?" (develops attention, thinking, the ability to coordinate words in a sentence).

An adult shows an item of dishes and begins a sentence, and the child ends it by adding / pronouncing the name of the indicated part of this dish):

There is no kettle without...(spout/walls/bottom/handles/lids).

There is no grater without...(holes).

There is no pan without...(lids/handles/walls/bottom).

There is no frying pan without...(bottom/walls/handles/lids).

There is no knife without...(blades/handles) etc.

Dear parents!

We bring to your attention

didactic material for lexical topic

« Winter is the season »

During a joint walk around the city or park, you can talk with your childabout the coming season - about winter. Draw his attention to the winter changes in nature (it became cold, during the night the puddles freeze and become covered with ice; it often snows, but sometimes with rain, how the appearance of the trees has changed).

While walking, it is useful to note and observe changes in people's clothing.

In the group, the children and I played the following games.

Didactic game "Say kindly" , which develops in a child the ability to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes:

Snow - snow, snowball.

Snowman - … … .

Scarf - … … .

Sled - … … .

Wind - ... ... etc.

Didactic game "Pick up a sign" (develops the child's ability

select and coordinate adjectives with nouns):

Snowflakes (what?) - light, shiny, beautiful, ....

Didactic game "Whose? Whose? Whose?" ( develops the child's skillscoordinate nouns with the pronouns "my", "mine", "mine", "mine"):

Whose snowman is this? This is my snowman.

Whose snowman is this? This is my snowman.

Whose sled is this? - These are my sleds.

Similarly with other words on the winter theme.

Didactic game "What is snowy?" (develops the ability to select objects (nouns) to a sign (adjective) and coordinate them with each other):

Snowy - lump, snowdrift, house, person ...;

Snowy - ...;

Snowy - ... .

Dear parents!

We bring to your attention

didactic material on a lexical topic

« Wild animals »

How nice it is to go to the children's library with your child and choose books (fairy tales, poems, stories, riddles) about the wild animals of our forests! Upon returning, it is interesting for the whole family to familiarize themselves with their content, carefully examine the illustrations in them, remember the names of animal body parts and their number (4 e paws; 2 a ear, ...; one n tail, ... etc.). Ask the child to explain: "Why are these animals called wild?"; and dad to talk about “What benefit (and what harm) do wild animals bring to people?”.

Invite everyone to play the following games together:

Didactic game "Remember and repeat" helps the development of children's volitional efforts, auditory memory, attention.

Invite your child to play a word memory game with you. First you call him 6 - 9 names of wild animals (3 times in the same sequence -squirrel, fox, bear, mouse, wolf, elk ) and then ask the child to repeat the names of the animals that he remembered.

(Together with the names of wild animals in the game, you can also use the names of other items:hare, house, snow, wolf, forest, mouse, carrot, tail ).

Then switch roles with your child!

Didactic game "What? Which?" develops the child's ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns and select definitions for the named animal.

Hedgehog (what?) -small, prickly, fast, cautious, dangerous , … .

Fox (what?) -sly, fluffy, red , … .

Elk - … … . Boar - … … . Wolf - … … . Squirrel - … … . Hare - … … .

Bear - … … . Mouse - … … .

Didactic game "Name it, make no mistake!" contributes to the child's ability to form the names of cubs of wild animals using diminutive suffixes.

Mother -Fox , and the cub(s) -fox (foxes).

Mother -squirrel , and the cub(s) -squirrel (squirrels).

Wolf – … . Hare - … . Bear - … . Hedgehog - ...; Elk -… . etc.

Didactic game "Whose tail? Whose paw? Whose ears? develops the ability to form possessive adjectives.

The facilitator shows a picture depicting any part of the body of a wild animal (or its whole image) and asks a question:

Whose paw is this? - Itwolf, hare, fox paw. Whose tail? - Itwolf, hare, fox tail. Whose ears are these? - Itwolf, hare, fox ears. Etc.

Dear parents!

We bring to your attention

didactic material on a lexical topic

« Transport »

How nice it is to walk along the streets of your native city with your child! During the walk, observe with your child the movement of various vehicles and ask if he knows its types (land, water, air); what two groups can land transport (passenger and freight) be divided into and why is it called that. And during a trip on the bus, remember the professions of people associated with work in transport (chauffeur / driver, conductor, controller, car mechanic ...).

During the walk, talk with your child about the rules of the road; look at the traffic light together and draw the child's attention to its color signals. Ask your son/daughter if he/she remembers which color signal to cross the street and when to stop in front of the road.

Invite your child to play the following didactic games:

"Who's in control?" (develops the ability to coordinate words in a phrase):

Driving a car - driver, driver.

The aircraft is controlled … ;

The train is controlled by - ...;

The ship is controlled by - ...;

"What can't be without?" (contributes to the fixing of machine components/parts):

What can't an airplane be without? - An airplane cannot exist without landing gear.

What can't a truck be without? Boats? car? ship? Bicycle? Raft? Helicopter? etc.

"Say kindly" (develops the ability to form nouns using diminutive suffixes):

A machine is a machine, a machine.

Airplane - ..., ship - ..., boat - ..., locomotive - ..., bicycle - ..., helicopter - ..., truck - ... etc.

"Pick a Sign"

Train (what?) - long, cargo, passenger, clean, beautiful, green, iron, powerful, fast.

Minibus taxi (what?) - fast, convenient, yellow, ..., .... Car (what?) - ..., .... Bicycle (what?) - ..., ....

Boat (what?) - ..., .... Balloon(which?) - … , … . Aircraft (what?) - ..., ... etc.

Dear parents!

You can familiarize yourself with the content of games and exercises on lexical topics

« clothing » (for children 4-5 years old)

"Clothing. Hats" (for children 5-6 years old)

Walking through the streets of the city or returning home from kindergarten, you can talk with your child about the season - autumn and draw his attention to the seasonal changes that have occurred in nature. Suggest answering the question: Why, in his opinion, does a person change clothes depending on the season? And at home, together with the child, you can consider and compare summer and autumn clothes and their details.

“What does the dress have? (trousers, jackets, etc.)"

jacket: collar, pockets, buttons, sleeves, belt, hood;(4 – 6 years old)

trousers: trouser leg / leg, belt, pockets, zipper;(4 – 6 years old)

at the hat: brim, crown, visor;(5 – 6 years old)

"Say kindly" (develops the ability to form nouns using diminutive suffixes):(4 – 6 years old)

Shirt - shirt, shirt, shirt.

Dress - ..., socks - ...,

T-shirt - ..., hat - ...,

jacket - ..., trousers - ...,

hat - ..., hat with earflaps - ... etc.

"Pick a Sign" (develops the ability to select and coordinate adjectives with a noun):(4 – 6 years old)

Hat (what?) - red, warm, autumn, knitted, fur, rubber, light, comfortable, beautiful. ….

Socks (what?) - brown, woolen, short, dirty, ... .

Scarf (what?) - long, short, blue, green, knitted, ....

Coat (what?) - autumn, warm, fashionable, yellow, clean, ...

"Greedy" (develops the ability to select and coordinate nouns with pronouns MY, MY, MY, MY):

Mine is a T-shirt, shirt, pajamas, .... Mine is a hat, shirt, scarf, jacket, ... .

Mine is a scarf, sweater, belt, sock, ... . Mine is a scarf, sock, jumper, scarf, ... .

Mine are socks, jackets, shirts, ... . Mine are socks, jackets, hats, scarves, shirts, ... .

Mine is a coat, dress, ... .(45 years) Mine is a coat, dress, ... .(5 – 6 years old)

Dear parents!

on a lexical topic

« Shoes »

Walking through the streets of the city, you can talk with your child about the time of year - late autumn, drawing his attention to the seasonal changes that have occurred in nature and people's shoes / clothes.

As an excursion, you can visit shops with a child that sell shoes, carefully examining the details of the shoes with him.

"What does the boot have?" (contributes to the fixing of components / parts of garments):

The boot has: sole, heel, shaft, heel, toe, tongue, laces(for children 4-5 years old).

The boot has: sole, heel, shaft, toe, heel / back / back, tongue, insole, welt, laces, zipper / Velcro(for children 5-6 years old) .

"Whose? Whose? Whose?" (develops the ability to coordinate nouns with pronouns MY, MY, MY):

Whose shoes are these? These are MY shoes.

Whose shoes are these? These are MY shoes.

Whose boot is this? - This is MY boot. and etc.(for children 4-5 years old)

"Greedy" (develops the ability to select the names of shoes for the pronouns MY, MY):

MY - shoes, sneakers, felt boots, boots, ... .

MY - scarf, boot, shoes, suit, boot, ... . etc.(for children 4 - 6 years old)

"Pick a Sign" (develops the ability to coordinate adjectives with a noun):

Shoe (what?) - red, fashionable, feminine, comfortable, beautiful, ... .

Boots (what?) - brown, rubber, high, dirty, ... .

Felt boots (what?) - high, warm, winter, gray, .... etc.(for children 4 - 6 years old)

Dear parents!

You can familiarize yourself with the content of games and exercises

on a lexical topic « House. Furniture »

Returning from kindergarten or from a walk, you can draw the attention of the child to the house in which you live: what color is it, how many floors, are there balconies, how many entrances, etc. Offer to name the parts of the house known to him (roof, walls, door, window, balcony, entrance, floor, elevator ...). In the apartment, you can examine with the child home furniture designed for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, hallway and remember the names of the pieces of furniture, their components (the table has a lid / table top, legs; the chair has a back, seat, legs, the cabinet has a door /door, handle, drawer, walls, bottom, etc.).

Game "Pick a Sign" , developing in a child the ability to coordinate adjectives with a noun:(for children 4 - 6 years old)

Chair (what?) - comfortable, high / low, broken, blue, ....

Bed (what?) - soft, wide, narrow, clean, tucked, ....

Table (what?) - kitchen, low / high, written, white, ....

Game "Order" , developing auditory memory in a preschooler, attention, spatial orientation, discrimination of prepositions ON, FOR, UNDER, IN(for children 4-6 years old).

Invite your child to help you accurately perform the following actions with objects:

Please take a yellow pillow from the sofa, take it to the kitchen and put it on a chair (behind the sofa, under the table, in the closet, etc.).

Do the same with another object or toy and with other pieces of furniture.

The game "Riddles and riddles" helps develop logical thinking, auditory perception and imagination in children(for children 4 - 6 years old) .

It would be interesting to go with a child to the library and together choose a book with riddles about pieces of furniture, about the house? And at home, carefully consider the illustrations in it; invite him to try to guess riddles about the house, about the items (details) of furniture and draw riddles.

Dear parents!

You can familiarize yourself with the content of games and exercises on lexical topics

"Food » (5 – 6 years old) and "Winter is the season" (45 years)

During a joint walk around the city or park, you can talk with your child about the coming season - about winter. Draw his attention to the winter changes in nature (it became cold, during the night the puddles freeze and become covered with ice; it often snows, but sometimes with rain, how the appearance of the trees has changed). While walking, it is useful to note the changes in people's clothing.(for children 4-5 years old) .

When you return home from the grocery store, you can review the food items that you bought together with your child. Invite him to name famous food products and their types (meat, confectionery, bakery, fish, dairy).

Try as often as possible to use in your speech words denoting the names of food products, their types and the term itself of the generalizing concept - “food products”(for children 5-6 years old) .

Game "Order" (develops attention, spatial orientation, the ability to distinguish between prepositions FOR, IN, UNDER, WITH, ON).

Invite your child to help you sort out your purchases by doing the following with the items:

We need a red deep plate for fruit, which is in the kitchen in the closet. Can you bring it? Help me arrange the fruits on it beautifully! What fruits did we buy? Can you name them? (Similarly to do with other items of utensils and food bought in the store)(for children 5-6 years old) .

The game "Does it happen or not?" (for children 4-5 years old) .


Didactic game "What? Which?" ((for children 4 - 6 years old) .

Snow (what?) - white, fluffy, clean, cold, ....

Christmas tree (what?) - green, prickly, high, ....

Dumplings (what?) - meat, tasty, hot, ....

Cottage cheese (what?) - fresh, healthy, white, crumbly, ....Etc.

Dear parents!

You can familiarize yourself with the content of games and exercises on a lexical topic

"Winter is the season »

you can talk with your child about the coming season - winter. Draw his attention to the winter changes in nature (it became cold, during the night the puddles freeze and become covered with ice; it often snows, how the appearance of the trees has changed). While walking, it is useful to note the changes in people's clothing.Invite the child to find and name 4-5 signs of winter in the forest, on the streets of the city, in the yard, in the park, in the forest, by the pond.

Notice the changes in people's clothing.

Ask your child about what happens in the life of animals and birds with the onset of winter. Suggest to remember the names of 5 ti wintering

birds and answer the question: “Why are they called that?”.

The game "Does it happen or not?" (develops auditory perception, thinking, attention, speech)(for children 4-5 years old) .

In winter, migratory birds come from the south.

Going out with a sled into the street, we take an umbrella with us.

In winter the whole land is covered with snow.

The snowman will surely melt during the day.

In winter, nightingales sing their songs on the branches of trees.Etc.

Didactic game "What? Which?" (develops the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, select definitions for the named subject):(for children 4 - 6 years old) .

Snow (what?) - white, fluffy, clean, cold, ....

Christmas tree (what?) - green, prickly, high, ....

Snowflakes (what?) - cold, fragile, sparkling, ....

Winter sky (what?) - low, gray, gloomy, ....Etc.

"Say kindly" (develops the ability to form nouns using diminutive suffixes):(4 – 6 years old)

Snow - snow, snowball.

Winter - ..., tree - ...,

snowman - ..., snowdrift - ...,

sled - ..., snowball - ....Etc.

Dear parents!

You can familiarize yourself with the content of games and exercises on a lexical topic

"Wintering Birds » (for children 4 - 6 years old)

During a joint walk around the city or parkyou can consider the encountered wintering birds, pay attention to which birds often fly into the yard; remember their names; body parts of a bird (head, beak, wings, torso, paws, tail, neck, feathers);

habitats; what they eat and why they are called hibernators. It will be instructive and interesting to visit the children's library, where you can find many illustrated books about wintering birds, and at home, together with your child, carefully examine and read them.

You can make a feeder together with your child and hang it on the street (in your yard), having previously talked about caring for birds, about the need to help feathered friends in winter.

Game "Pick a Sign" (develops the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, select definitions for the named subject):(for children 4 - 6 years old) .

Tit (what?) - small, nimble, yellow-breasted, restless, feathered, wintering, etc.

Similarly: dove, sparrow, magpie, woodpecker, crow, owl.

The game "The Fourth Extra" (develops logical thinking, the ability to classify birds according to characteristic features):(for children 4 - 6 years old) .

Tit, sparrow, rook, crow.(for children 4 - 6 years old) .

Sparrow, titmouse, crow, nuthatch.(for children 5-6 years old) .

Woodpecker, dove, owl, starling.(for children 4 - 6 years old) .

Owl, dove, sparrow, magpie.(for children 5-6 years old) .

Magpie, crane, bullfinch, raven.(for children 4 - 6 years old) .

"Say kindly" (develops the ability to form nouns using diminutive suffixes): (for children 4 - 6 years old)

Owl is an owl.

Dove - ..., sparrow - ...,

tit - ..., jay - ... etc.

Dear parents!

You can familiarize yourself with the content of games and exercises on a lexical topic

"New Year »

While walking around the city togetheryou can talk with your child about the upcoming winter holiday - the New Year; pay attention to the festive New Year's decoration of the streets and parks of the city. It is advisable to tell the child the story of Santa Claus: Good Santa Claus, who lives in the winter forest, is one of the youngest heroes of Russian fairy tales. The time of his birth is the nineteenth century. It was then that the custom was established in Russia to give children gifts brought by Santa Claus on New Year's Eve. Later, the Snow Maiden appeared. Most recently, our Santa Claus settled in the city of Veliky Ustyug, which is almost 800 years old. Many countries in the world, everywhere celebrate the New Year in their own way, but in all countries this holiday is the most beloved among both adults and children.

Game "Questions and answers" (develops the grammatical structure of speech):

Invite the child to draw Christmas toys in the album: blue balls, multi-colored flags and answer the questions:

What's this? - ... (These are blue balloons and colorful flags. )

There is nothing? - ... (No blue balloons and colorful flags )

What are you happy about? - ... (I rejoice in blue balloons and multi-colored flags )

See what? - ... (I see blue balloons and colorful flags )

Satisfied with what? - ... (Satisfied with blue balloons and colorful flags )

What are you talking about? - ... (I'm talking about blue balloons and colorful flags )

Didactic game "One - many" (develops the ability to form the plural of nouns in the nominative case):

There is one ball in the box, and balls are hanging on the Christmas tree.

There is a star at the top of the tree, and stars in the sky.

And so on about all the toys that decorate the Christmas tree.

"Say kindly" (develops the ability to form singular and plural nouns using diminutive suffixes):

Ball -ball, balls .

Star -asterisk, stars .

Bead -bead, beads .

Flashlight -flashlight, flashlights .

Flag - flag, flags, flags, flags.Etc.

The work presents the program and methodical material for teaching children about new technology. The proposed methodology for organizing classes is aimed at developing the systemic dialectical thinking of preschoolers by means of environmental knowledge based on the principles of developmental education. The manual is addressed to those who are engaged in the upbringing of preschool children.
Contents of parts 1-2: see. continuation...

The sounds of nature is an unusually beautiful music of the sounds of wildlife. Walk along the path to the sounds of the forest, surrounded by birdsong, the sound of rain, the melody of the wind, the splash of water, the rustle of leaves and other sounds of wildlife.
The music of nature is divided into four seasons, where each season corresponds to a certain mood, a characteristic melody of nature. Spring - the singing of birds, the awakening of nature after sleep. Summer is a forest kingdom, the sounds of the forest, lakes, birdsong and thunderstorms. Autumn - music of leaves, noise autumn forest. Winter - the fading of sleeping nature, a blizzard and a lonely howl of wind in the field.
From one season to another, nature changes, its mood and music of nature changes, the sounds of the forest, the summer sound of rain are replaced by the sounds of the wind of the winter cold. Either the river overflows and the spring streams rustle, then autumn throws sad notes on the alley in the park with leaf fall, then gardens grow in greenery, when suddenly a summer thunderstorm strikes, then winter cools the sleeping nature with restraint, covers it with snow and dresses in white outfits. How beautiful is the music of the sounds of nature, both in any weather and at any time of the year.

This manual presents comprehensive lessons on ecology for older preschoolers. The work of an ecologist with a pedagogical team to create an ecologically developing environment in a preschool educational institution, work with parents is given. Knowledge of the fundamentals of ecology is the foundation of the teacher's ecological culture. Designed for professionals preschool education, heads of preschool educational institutions, methodologists, practical workers of kindergartens.
Contents: see continuation...

The purpose of the program: to educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active, creative person, able to understand and love the world around, nature and treat them with care. "Our home is nature" - an author's program that ensures continuity in environmental education preschoolers with elementary school in the subjects "Environment", "Natural History". Designed to work with children 5 and 6 years old (senior and preparatory groups for school), can be used preschool institutions both general developmental type, care and recovery, and correctional.

book Cheremoshkina L.V. "Memory development in children"
A popular guide for parents and educators.
The proposed book is aimed at developing children's memory different ages then preschoolers to teenagers. The book contains games, tasks and exercises, the use of which does not require additional training and special education. The book can be recommended to parents, teachers, educators.

Electronic version of the book "Preparing older preschoolers for literacy" 1-year senior group.
Abstracts, didactic material.
O.M. Yeltsov
This material presents practical material on preparing 5-year-old children for literacy, taking into account their characteristics, interests and needs. Abstracts of classes in senior group, literary and didactic material, will help determine the goals, content and scope of the work.
It is intended for educators of older groups of preschool educational institutions, it can be useful for parents for self-study with children.

The manual of the "Preschooler" series presents lesson plans for teaching literacy to children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten. In the developed literacy program in preparatory group the kindergarten is supposed to: develop the phonemic hearing of children, work on recognition, isolation and distinction of the background; teaching children initial reading, introducing the concept of "syllable", then the sentence as a whole; preparation of the basis for the successful mastery of the skills of writing cursive letters; Enriching children with living experiences surrounding reality received by children in the process of observation and excursions, and on this basis, the expansion and refinement of children's ideas about life; ensuring the overall development of children by deepening the content of the material being studied.
The manual is intended for kindergarten teachers and teachers elementary school may be helpful to parents.

Author: Shorygina T.
Publisher: GNOM i D
Release year: 2008
Series: Acquaintance with the outside world and the development of speech
Number of pages: 72
Format: jpg
Size: 39.3 Mb
Pets. What are they? The book contains fascinating and useful information about pets, their appearance, habits, conditions of detention. Emotional kind fairy tales, stories and poems of the author will help to arouse children's interest in the world around them, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. The book promotes the development of speech and logical thinking, activates the attention and memory of children.
The material of the manual can be used in the collective and individual form of education. The book is useful for educators, tutors, parents.