Why does a monthly baby hiccup. Hiccups in newborns, what to do

In adulthood, hiccups are quite rare and can be easily dealt with. But when this symptom appears in a newborn, many parents begin to worry and do not know how to help the baby and eliminate this condition.

hiccup mechanism

A symptom such as hiccups appears when the diaphragm contracts, which leads to its stimulation and irritation. Note that in early age this muscle, which separates the abdominal cavity from the chest, is especially sensitive to any irritating factor, so the appearance of hiccups in infants is noted quite often.

The reasons

Hiccups can be called absolutely normal and natural for a newborn baby, because for the first time in many babies it appears even during intrauterine development. Such hiccups often last for several minutes (not more than an hour) and in most cases does not interfere with the little one.

It leads to:

  • Swallowing air during feedings.
  • Thirst.
  • Overfeeding the crumbs, as a result of which the stomach is stretched.
  • Fear or strong feelings.
  • Hypothermia.

If the hiccups do not stop for a long time, and in addition to this symptom, the crumbs have a cough or regurgitation, while the baby behaves restlessly, he can be suspected of having diseases of the esophagus or stomach.

What to do: how to stop hiccups and get rid of it?

If hiccups do not bring any discomfort to the baby, nothing needs to be done. In cases where such a symptom causes anxiety in the baby and prevents him from falling asleep, parents can fight a hiccup attack by distracting the baby and calming him down.

  1. If the hiccups started while feeding, stop and stroke the baby on the tummy, waiting for the disappearance of this symptom. At the same time, it is advised to keep the little one vertically. If the hiccups have not stopped within ten minutes, you can give the baby some warm water or briefly apply to the breast.
  2. If the cause of hiccups was cooling, which you can judge by the temperature of the legs, arms and nose of the little one, cover the baby or dress him, and also hold him in your arms.
  3. When hiccups appear due to the baby's fear you need to hug, shake a little in your arms, attach to your chest.

Because the effective ways to remove hiccups in newborns (when compared with ways to deal with such a symptom in adults) no, it is best to prevent its occurrence:

  • Feed the baby in a position where the upper body is elevated.
  • Do not put to bed immediately after feedings.
  • Try to prevent severe hunger in the crumbs.
  • Do not overfeed the baby.
  • Choosing the right pacifier and bottle artificial feeding.
  • Adjust mom's diet by removing gas-stimulating foods from the menu.
  • Always let your baby burp after eating.

E. Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician calls the most common causes of hiccups the rapid swallowing of food, drying of the mucous membranes, overeating and untimely bowel release (constipation and bloating). He notes that you should see a doctor for hiccups that have lasted for three hours, as well as in case of a combination of symptoms such as hiccups and abdominal pain.

As for ways to remove hiccups in children of the first year of life, Komarovsky advises not to overeat, ventilate and humidify the room, or go for a walk with the baby in the fresh air.

Hiccups in newborns after feeding is a common occurrence that does not pose any danger to the health of the baby and from time to time occurs in everyone. baby. Nevertheless, many young parents are worried when the baby begins to hiccup, because they believe that the baby is experiencing severe discomfort. Therefore, moms and dads are eager to find out the possible causes and solutions to this problem.

Usually hiccups are the result of the body's reaction to low temperature, improper feeding of the newborn. Very rarely, the problem occurs against the background of serious diseases. Contractions of the diaphragm can be episodic (10-15 minutes each) and prolonged (more than a day without interruption).

Why infant often hiccups after feeding:

  1. binge eating;
  2. improper feeding technique;
  3. intestinal colic.

When children hiccup during or after feeding, sometimes this is also associated with the fact that the baby is cold. Periodic contractions of the diaphragm also occur due to overstrain of the nervous system, when the child is frightened by unexpected loud sounds or bright lights.

Extra air. Hiccups that occur when air enters the stomach is associated with improper attachment of the baby to the breast or the use of bottles with a too large opening in the nipple when feeding artificial formula.

Most often, the baby independently spits up excess food along with air masses. But, if this does not happen, the air swallowed by the child expands the stomach, which, in turn, leads to increased pressure on the diaphragm and hiccups.

Intestinal colic. Babies often develop tummy problems after feeding due to immaturity digestive systems s. These are intestinal colic, which are accompanied not only by pain in the abdominal region, but also by increased gas formation. Due to the accumulation of gases, the volume of the intestine increases, the organ begins to compress the diaphragmatic septum and provokes its contraction, which is why the baby often hiccups.

Binge eating. Another cause of hiccups in children is overeating when breastfeeding. This is less likely to occur with formula feeding, as in most cases the amount of food an infant consumes is strictly controlled.

When a baby eats too much milk, the same process occurs as when swallowing air: the baby's stomach expands greatly, constricts the diaphragm and causes hiccups.

First aid

If the baby hiccups after feeding breast milk or a mixture, you should first take the baby in your arms vertically. This will allow the baby to burp and empty the stomach of air and excess food in case he has eaten too much milk or artificial food. In addition, in the arms of the mother, the baby calms down and warms up faster, which also helps to quickly rid the newborn of hiccups after feeding.

How to rid a newborn of hiccups after breastfeeding:

  1. take the baby vertically so that excess air comes out after feeding;
  2. warm the baby, put a warm diaper on the tummy;
  3. carry out a light massage in the clavicle area;
  4. give a drink of warm dill or boiled water.

If the baby often hiccups on artificial feeding, you should make sure that the mixture is suitable for him and does not cause intestinal colic. In the case when hiccups are associated with bloating, you need to give the baby special preparations against gas formation - Sab Simplex, Bobotik, Espumizan. Colic that occurs after feeding with formula or milk and provokes hiccups is reduced after a special anti-colic massage of the abdomen.

When to see a doctor? In most cases, hiccups do not harm the newborn. If with hiccups month old baby does not experience severe visible discomfort, then he does not need medical attention. However, there are situations when such contractions of the diaphragm are a sign of serious illness and do not depend on feeding.

If the hiccups become constant and the child hiccups after each feeding, as well as many times during the day, having difficulty sleeping, eating and breathing, this requires a mandatory visit to a specialist. Abundant and frequent regurgitation in newborns after feeding, accompanied by prolonged contractions of the diaphragm, is also a reason for a complete examination. Similar symptoms may indicate pathology of the lungs, spinal cord, and digestive organs.

Prevention of hiccups

If parents are very worried that a newborn baby hiccups during and after feeding, they should resort to preventive measures that will help prevent the development of hiccups in infants.

What to do if a newborn hiccups after each feeding:

  • body position during feeding at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • dosed portioned nutrition;
  • adherence to a diet for nursing mothers;
  • use of an anti-colic bottle with a small hole in the nipple;
  • use the "column" position.

It is required to ensure that the baby does not suck out too much milk at a time. It is better to feed the baby more often, but in moderate portions. The same applies to the artificial mixture: it is important to choose the right dosage and not exceed it without the recommendation of a doctor.

If the baby is breastfed, the mother should constantly follow a diet that excludes foods that can provoke gas formation in the baby.

For formula-fed babies, it is important to choose special anti-colic bottles that will help prevent air from entering the baby's stomach. With natural feeding, you should properly breastfeed and monitor how the baby takes the nipple.

Before each feeding, the baby should be laid out on the stomach, and after eating, immediately pick up the “column”, without waiting for the newborn to hiccup.

Can I feed a newborn during hiccups? Yes, if the mother is sure that this is not happening to the child because of overeating. It is also allowed to give the baby some clean boiled water, always warm - 36-37 C.

Most children suffer from hiccups after feeding only in the first months of life. As the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems develop, this phenomenon gradually disappears and no longer bothers the baby.

When a baby hiccups, it sounds cute and sweet, but you are worried about it. When mommy walked in position, her baby was already hiccuping. Everyone around was amused, but the question arose: the womb of the mother? Baby and newborn hiccups are completely harmless. It almost never indicates a problem in newborns and infants. Many children can sleep through a bout of hiccups without being disturbed. It very rarely interferes and has no effect on the baby's breathing. Let's talk about why the baby hiccups and how to help him.

Why does a newborn hiccup and what to do in such a situation

Just like in adults, hiccups are caused by spasms of a baby's tiny and developing diaphragm (the large muscle that runs across the lower chest and moves up and down as we breathe). While no one knows for sure why we hiccup, diaphragm spasms can be caused by many things.

In newborns, it most often occurs when the baby is overfed, if he eats too quickly or swallows a lot of air during meals. Any thing can lead to "bloating" of the stomach. When the stomach inflates, it presses on the diaphragm, which leads to its spasm, during feeding, this is quite normal.

Infant and child hiccups can also be the result of sudden changes in stomach temperature. You give your baby cool milk, and then after a few minutes, feed him some hot porridge, this combination can cause diaphragmatic spasm.

Why does the baby hiccup

There is another reason caused by a completely different factor - gastroesophageal reflux (GER). When a baby suffers from gastroesophageal reflux, partially digested food from the stomach flows back up the esophagus, causing burning and discomfort. Since the esophagus passes through the diaphragm, it can become irritated and lead to hiccups. Here are some clues to help you understand if your baby has GER:

  1. the child cries more often;
  2. it arches after or during regular feeding;
  3. spitting up more than usual.

If you notice some of these symptoms and suspect your baby may have gastroesophageal reflux disease, talk to your pediatrician. The good news is that the disease is easily treated.

How often can a child hiccup and how to help him

Children may hiccup several times a day newborns, the spasm may last 10 minutes or longer. Often there is no cause for concern. If you want to help your baby get rid of it, then you can use our recommendations.

Hiccups associated with overfeeding, bloating or reflux, try smaller but more frequent feedings followed by burping. If the baby does not burp within a few minutes, try to get him into a different position.

  • Place the baby in an upright position on the chest so that his head is over his shoulder. Support your lower back with one hand while gently stroking your back with the other.

  • Place your baby on your lap with your stomach on one leg and your head on the other. Make sure your head is turned to the side. Then, gently pat on the back. This position puts gentle pressure on the abdomen, which can help pass gas.

  • Hold the baby on your lap so that he is in an upright position, and not lying down, stroking his back.

The child is breastfed

  1. Before you attach the baby from one breast to another, he must necessarily burp.
  2. If swallowing air seems to be a major problem, nipple grip needs to be re-evaluated. Make sure your baby's lips are on the areola, not just the nipple.

Formula-fed baby

  1. It is recommended to stop bottle feeding halfway through to allow burping, and finish feeding after 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Change the position of the bottle so that the air is not near the nipple, but at the base of the bottle.

What not to do during baby hiccups

  1. Never use fear. This method is not a means of struggle, but will lead to the fright of the baby.
  2. Don't put a damp cloth on your forehead - it won't help.
  3. Holding the breath is not a method, it should never be attempted - it is dangerous.

The hiccups should be gone by the time the baby reaches their first birthday. And you will no longer be tormented by the question of why the baby hiccups and how to help him? P check with your pediatrician to rule out other possible causes if anxiety is a concern.

Why do babies hiccup?

  • What is hiccups
  • Why do babies hiccup
    • hypothermia
    • fright
    • Binge eating
    • Swallowing air
    • Hiccups for no reason
  • Baby hiccups - is it dangerous?
  • What to do if the baby hiccups

Newborns do not know how to chew, blow their nose, even raise their heads on their own and look around - they also cannot! But what all babies know how to do even before birth is to hiccup. Why do children hiccup, should mom worry and how to stop hiccups?

What is hiccups

Hiccups are nothing more than a sharp convulsive contraction of the diaphragm, a muscle located between the chest and abdominal cavity. Why we need a diaphragm is known: it not only separates the heart and lungs from the digestive organs (creating its own comfortable space for everyone), but also helps us take a deep breath and exhale completely, “promotes” blood from the liver to the heart, and even promotes food along the esophagus.

But why we need hiccups is still not obvious. The most likely version is an alternative to burping, the body's way of getting rid of the air in the stomach that we swallow with food.

However, whatever the purpose of mother nature, we begin to hiccup with any irritation of the diaphragm, and the sensations are rather unpleasant - in fact, this is a fleeting suffocation. No wonder moms are concerned about baby hiccups!

Why do babies hiccup

In most cases - for the same reasons as adults, only the scale differs. If for an adult the irritation of the diaphragm should be significant, then a mere trifle can bring the child to hiccups. For example…


Adults almost never hiccup because they are cold, but the mechanism of thermoregulation of newborns is not yet perfect. Cool air makes the baby tighten the abdominal muscles, and at the same time the diaphragm. So grandmother's wisdom "the baby hiccups, which means it's cold" is not a prejudice at all.


The tension of the diaphragm arises not only from the cold, but also from fright, and even from laughter. A sharp breath or exhalation triggers hiccups, and each failure of breathing provokes the next.

Binge eating

"A kitten's stomach is smaller than a thimble" - , by the way, is also not particularly large. Overeating, especially if your baby is bottle-fed, is a matter of a couple of minutes. A full stomach compresses the diaphragm, and the baby begins to hiccup, or spit up excess food.

Swallowing air

The stomach can burst not only with food, but also with air swallowed with food. This happens when the breast is not latch on correctly during feeding, or if the baby sucks the bottle too eagerly, and even while crying. By the way, adults also begin to hiccup when they eat quickly and greedily. Hold the baby in a “column”, this will help the air rise up, and after spitting up, the hiccups will pass.

Hiccups for no reason

Finally, sometimes we hiccup, just because we hiccup! The diaphragm is not a solid muscular barrier, it has a whole range of “technological holes: for blood vessels, the esophagus and, at the same time, for large nerve branches going from the brain down into the abdominal cavity. Accidental irritation, for example, of the vagus nerve and ... that's right, we hiccup!

Baby hiccups - is it dangerous?

The vast majority of cases of hiccups are perfectly safe for the baby. Even if the attacks occur several times a day and last 10 minutes or more, this is normal and completely safe.

Prolonged debilitating hours of hiccups can indeed be a sign of a number of dangerous diseases: serious lesions of the central nervous system, metabolic disorders, tumors.

In infants, debilitating hiccups most often occur due to congenital pyloric stenosis - a narrowing of the pyloric section of the stomach adjacent to the duodenum 12. However, hiccups are rarely the only symptom of a disease. Rather, you will be alerted by vomiting of a “fountain” after feeding, slow weight gain, urination less than 12 times a day, passivity and drowsiness ... Well, persistent hiccups should also be mentioned when you see a doctor, this will help make the correct diagnosis.

What to do if the baby hiccups

Intervention requires only hiccups that occur after feeding - hold the baby in a column so that he burps air and possibly excess mixture.

Wrapping up a baby hiccuping from pad air should not be done unless you think the baby is really dressed too lightly. Even if the child hiccups, this is a normal, natural process of adaptation of the newborn to the environment.

If it seems to you that hiccups bother the child (in fact, not too much), then ... they should upset you, almost all ways to calm down, such as holding your breath, drinking cool water in small sips, sucking on a slice of lemon or sugar - are suitable only for older children .

You can try offering the breast to the baby (sucking and swallowing will kill the hiccups), or try professional midwives and gently blow on the baby's face. However, the most correct tactics- do not worry and wait until the hiccups pass by themselves. Calmness is generally the best tactic for any mom!

Be healthy and don't let hiccups bother you or your children!

Prepared by Alena Novikova

Hiccups are a physiological phenomenon that is not considered a pathology, both in infants and in adults. It has been scientifically proven that even in the womb, the fetus, reaching 6 weeks, is able to hiccup. This state lasts from several minutes to an hour. Many parents worry when their baby hiccups for a long time and often. What is the reason and is hiccups in newborns dangerous? How to help the child cope with it faster and is it possible to prevent its occurrence? What to do if the attack is prolonged and does not disappear?

Causes of hiccups in an infant

Hiccups do not appear due to impaired breathing, but due to short-term contractions and twitches of the muscles of the diaphragm, provoked by various causes and circumstances. The diaphragm in infants under the age of three months is extremely sensitive to any factors and irritants. Because newborns more often than adults are worried about hiccups.

There are two types of seizures: episodic and prolonged.

  1. Episodic hiccups appear suddenly and last no longer than 15 minutes, disappearing just as suddenly. Such attacks are safe and do not require a visit to the doctor.
  2. Prolonged and frequent hiccups can be observed every day. If it is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, cough and fever, the child needs an ambulance.

Causes of episodic hiccups include:

  • Overfeeding. The walls of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns are very elastic and thin, and can quickly stretch with regular overeating, squeezing the diaphragm with excess food;
  • Swallowing air while feeding. The diaphragm contracts to help the body expel air. If he does not come out, the crumbs will experience profuse regurgitation or colic after eating;
  • Freezing is a common cause. For an attack to occur, one breath of cold air in the room is enough - and the baby will begin to hiccup;
  • Stress, fear, excitement, strong emotions;
  • Immaturity of internal organs and nervous system;
  • Hunger;
  • Dry food or food, with a contrasting temperature;
  • Thirst. Often, in order for the hiccups to stop, it is enough to give the baby water to drink or give him a breast. The lining of the mouth and esophagus can dry out, causing the diaphragm to contract.

What to do if the newborn began to hiccup

There are no special methods for getting rid of an attack of hiccups in newborns. Many moms get lost and don't know what to do or how to deal with hiccups.

In order to quickly and effectively rid a newborn of hiccups, you need to understand what can cause it and try to eliminate the annoying factor.

With improper feeding

After feeding or during it, the child often hiccups. Hiccups are caused by improper attachment technique, bottle holding, and use of inappropriate nipples.

  1. When the baby eats and hiccups, you need to suspend the feeding process. The child is lifted in a column, pressing his tummy to himself, gently stroking his back. This must be done until he burps. If you leave the baby in the same lying position, the air that got to it when swallowed and the full stomach will compress the diaphragm and the hiccups will not stop. Belching is achieved at the end of each feeding, then the newborn baby will not suffer, worry and cry from painful colic and gas.
  2. In order to overcome hiccups, it is important to correctly assess how the baby takes the breast or bottle when feeding. Mommy needs to make sure that his head, held by the elbow, is above the nipple - how to apply a newborn.
  3. It is advisable to carry out the feeding process in a peaceful, quiet environment so as not to distract either mother or baby. So the baby can eat calmly without swallowing excess air with milk.
  4. A baby on artificial nutrition cannot be fed with a reserve. Pour as much of the mixture into the bottle as it should be. The hole in the nipple should be small, and the mixture should completely fill the nipple when feeding. There are anti-colic nipples, using which you can be sure that excess air does not enter the stomach of the newborn and does not cause another bout of hiccups and bloating.
  5. A nursing mother should carefully monitor her diet and avoid eating foods that cause colic, bloating, and gas formation. The use of legumes, citrus fruits, raw vegetables should be postponed until the end of lactation, because, having provoked colic, they will cause hiccups.

If the newborn is cold

Hiccups caused by freezing should not cause panic. Thermoregulation in newborns is not yet perfect. They heat up quickly and cool down quickly. If the baby has cold legs and arms, then he is cold. The child needs to be warmed up faster, covered with a warm blanket, put on socks, a hat, pressed to his body. Mom's milk or a warm mixture will warm a newborn well. The artificial person can be additionally drunk with warm water.

The baby is under stress

Here you need to find out what exactly causes the excitement of the baby:

  1. When the hiccups began when visiting people unfamiliar to the baby, you need to postpone frightening acquaintances until he grows up.
  2. A sharp loud melody on the phone, alarm, microwave, doorbell can frighten the baby and cause hiccups. You need to eliminate them, turn down the sound or change the melody until the baby gets used to loud music.
  3. The flickering of a mobile bed toy can excite the baby, and he will begin to hiccup. It is better to remove such entertainment and try to use it later.

Any hiccups caused by stress can easily disappear with breastfeeding, mother's loving hands, her smell and warmth. Parents should protect the baby from irritants while it nervous system will not end up strong.

What to do if hiccups are frequent and do not go away

Prolonged hiccups in a newborn for no apparent reason can be a reason to see a doctor. If to reduce the aperture are added:

  • monotonous crying and causeless anxiety;
  • profuse regurgitation, resembling vomiting with repeated regurgitation;
  • blue fingers, lips, tip of the nose

you need to see a doctor.

Parents should be alert:

  • frequent hiccups, repeated several times a day;
  • hiccups that last longer than 15 minutes;
  • hiccups that interfere with sleep or cause awakening.

These symptoms may mean:

  • digestive problems (pancreatitis, peptic ulcer in older children)
  • respiratory and liver diseases (pneumonia, hereditary fermentopathy);
  • consequences of intrauterine or postpartum hypoxia;
  • pathology of the spinal cord and brain;
  • helminthic intoxication;
  • tumor;
  • diabetes;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • meningitis, encephalitis.

You can remove episodic hiccups in the baby:

  • dropping one or two drops of chamomile decoction or lemon juice into the mouth;
  • well relieves hiccups tincture of dill seeds. A teaspoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. Give the child a teaspoon three times a day;
  • hiccups will pass if the baby is given a tummy massage. Apply a heating pad, diaper or mustard plaster to the place where the chest passes into the stomach;
  • good folk method- Cooling of the earlobe. A cool object (a teaspoon, a coin dipped in cold water a piece of tissue) touch the lobe of the ear of the baby;
  • you can stop hiccups in a newborn by gently massaging the ears.

It is impossible to completely avoid and prevent hiccups in a newborn. But in order not to provoke an attack, mothers should:

  • feed the baby often in small portions and on demand;
  • artificial people do not overfeed, strictly observing the prescribed feeding rate;
  • do not put the child to sleep after eating. Do it when he burps;
  • maintain peace, silence, friendly atmosphere in the house;
  • hiccups caused by overexcitation will pass if you distract the baby by switching his attention to a rattle, a lullaby or a bright picture;
  • a nursing mother needs to follow a diet. Increased gas formation caused by a violation of the diet can cause hiccups;
  • when introducing complementary foods, follow the doctor's advice strictly according to the schedule. First, the baby tries vegetable juices and purees, then cereals and meat;
  • control your emotional state. Any excitement of the mother is transmitted to the baby;
  • with prolonged frequent hiccups that are not caused by obvious irritants, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the newborn and consult a specialist.