The most ancient symbols of mankind. Esoteric symbols and signs

αA Alpha is the first letter of the alphabet, its literal meaning is "ox" or, more generally, "cattle". Like the corresponding Hebrew letter, Alpha, first of all, is interpreted as a symbol of movable property in all its aspects - both material and spiritual. With the advent of minting coins, their value was expressed in the number of heads of cattle - hence the word "capital" itself (from the Latin "caput" - "head"). The esoteric essence of Alpha involves the care of horned livestock, i.e., the multiplication and wise use of this wealth. Life is a fleeting phenomenon and therefore wealth should be disposed of in such a way that it becomes the property of all and subsequent generations can also enjoy its benefits. Alpha has interesting parallels in the Hebrew and runic alphabets, where the first letters mean the same thing - rich herds of cattle. In the Hebrew alphabet, this is the letter Aleph, denoting the sound "a", in the runic alphabet - Feo, denoting the sound "f". And yet, despite their phonetic difference, in the symbolism of these alphabets, cattle are considered as the most important condition for the existence of society, and in the modern sense, this is a certain stage of human development when alphabets appear. In numerical terms, Alpha symbolizes the paramount and most important - the main concern for the maintenance of human life; Gnostic symbolism speaks of a "triple Alpha", the symbolic Holy Trinity. The number of the word "Alpha" in gematria is 532.

βВ Beta is the second letter of the alphabet, which has defiant and even demonic properties. Numerically, it denotes the number 2; she is the next, not the first, and therefore is seen as a violator of unity, and in dualistic religions she is identified with a demonic challenge to the one God. Often this challenging challenger is referred to as "another first" (as in contemporary Sweden), in tribute to the atmosphere of challenge created by this second, who always tries to take the place of the first by rivalry or overthrow. In Mithraism, the demonic god of the fall also has the epithet "another first." This is Angra Mainyu, challenging God and destroying his unity. In Christian terminology, the negative aspect is embodied in the image of the devil. However, this aspect of the Second also carries with it the possibility of reunion. Without the Second, the monad, perfect in itself, is devoid of coherence and thus cannot exist. All religions that acknowledge the existence of a creator of the universe reconcile themselves to this necessity, represented here symbolically by the letter Beta. In addition, some argue that the second quality is not necessarily the diametrical opposite of the original principle. The name "Beta" in gematria corresponds to the digital value 308.

γГ Gamma is the third letter of the alphabet. It denotes the number 3 and symbolizes piety and holiness. Just as a child is born from a father and mother, so a third entity naturally arises from the monad and its antipode. In a general sense, the letter Gamma symbolizes the trinity of the deity, which is found everywhere. For example, the goddess in three forms is a phenomenon known throughout the Mediterranean, as well as throughout continental Europe and even in the north. The inhabitants of Babylon worshiped the triad of Anu, Enlius and Ea; the Egyptians honored Isis, Osiris and Horus; the Anglo-Saxons deified Woden, Frigga and Thunor, while the Vikings revered Odin, Thor and Balder. In Christian terminology, Gamma denotes the trinity - God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In terms of esoteric symbolism, Gamma denotes the triple nature of the process: creation, existence and destruction; beginning, middle and end; birth, life and death. It is the third phase, the phase of the waning moon, leading to the fading of light, that indicates the hidden meaning of a new birth in a new cycle. It is the child, this third entity, that outlives its parents. In the Greek context, Gamma has a more specific meaning, this letter is associated with the three goddesses of fate: Clotho, Atropos and Lachesis; Roman parallel - Nonna, Decima and Morga; three graces and even three Prophetic Sisters of the old English tradition. Gamma has the number 85 in gematria.

δD Delta represents the four classical elements of the universe - fire, air, water and earth. For about seven thousand years, since the construction of the first temples of archaic ancient European culture in the Balkans, quadrangularity has been associated with traces of human activity. Quadrangular structures are built easier than round ones, according to the four sides of the body of any human being: back, face, right and left sides. Delta thus became the first element of human intervention aimed at changing the world, which is in a primitive state. The unusual number 4 is the four directions, the four horses in the cart known as the quadriga, and (in Christian eschatology) the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. It is a symbol of completeness on the material level and the quality of completeness. In gematria, the word "Delta" means the number 340.

εΕ Epsilon personifies the spiritual element contained in the material and at the same time outside it. These are Aeon and Ether, the fifth element, known among alchemists as "quintessence" (equivalent to "Noivre" in the tradition of the Celtic bards). Whatever it is called, the strength of its spirit is the subtle energy of life, the "breath of life", known to the Greeks under the name "Pneuma"; on it rests all existence of life (its esoteric number is 576). Traditionally, this element is depicted as a pentagram in the form of a five-pointed star. In magical writing, the pentagram thus replaces the letter Epsilon. It contains the sacred proportions of the golden ratio, one of the three principles of sacred geometry, which were envisaged in the design of the most sacred and beautiful temples of ancient Greece, such as the Parthenon in Athens and the temple of Zeus in Olympia. Epsilon, as an expression of mathematical proportion, is in a mystical connection with Lambda, the eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet. In the Gnostic tradition, Epsilon represents the second heaven. In digital terms, Epsilon means the number 5. In gematria, the digital sum of this word is 445.

ζZ Zeta, the sixth letter of the alphabet, denotes the giving of gifts to God or sacrifice. This should not be taken literally as a killing for the sake of sacrifice, but rather as an offering of energy to assist in the creative process of creation. In an esoteric sense, Zeta is the seventh letter of the alphabet, since the sixth letter was Digamma (F), removed before the beginning of the classical period and used only as a number. As the seventh, and yet the sixth letter, Zeta signifies the formative principle of the cosmos. According to biblical tradition, the universe was created for six days, and the seventh day of rest was intended for completion. Geometrically, too, the number six is ​​the guiding principle of matter, forming the hexagonal lattices that underlie the structure of matter. The six points of the hexagonal grid are needed to fit inside the seventh point. The image equivalent to Zeta is the pattern associated with the archangel Michael: six equidistant dots around the seventh. This magical symbol can still be seen today as a protective sign on old English and German houses. Zeta means the number 7, the gematric sum of its name is 216.

ηH This is the seventh letter of the alphabet, more in number than in a conceptual sense, symbolizes the energy of joy and love. This is the letter of balance - a quality that implies harmony with the outside world and the ability to be in the right place at the right time and fully reveal your potential. More detailed description the harmony represented by the letter Eta can be found in pre-Copernican cosmology, which reveals the divine harmony of the seven planets and seven spheres. Thus, Eta can symbolize the so-called "music of the spheres". Mark the Gnostic placed the letter Eta in the ensemble of the third heaven: “The first heaven sounds Alpha, it is echoed by Ε (Epsilon), and the third Eta ...” In the Christian science of numbers, Eta represents the desire for improvement, renewal and salvation. But in the digital sense, Eta stands for the number 8 - the main number of the Sun. In gematria, the word Eta has the sum 309 - the number of the god of war Ares and the planet Mars.

θΘ Theta - the eighth letter of the alphabet - means the sound "T" with aspiration. Theta symbolizes the eighth, crystal sphere, to which, according to ancient cosmology, the fixed stars are attached. Thus, it is a symbol of balance and unification. In the traditional European way of life, Theta symbolizes the octal division of time and space. However, in the numbering system, this letter denotes the number 9, which indicates an esoteric connection between the numbers 8 and 9, and this relationship is emphasized magical properties two luminaries: the sun and the moon. According to gematria, the numerical value of the word "Theta" is 318; This is the number of the sun god Helios.

ι Ι Iota, despite its smallest size, symbolizes fate. It is dedicated to the goddess of fate Ananka and thus also to the three parks. Ananke is in gematric relationship with the Great God Pan, since the numerical value of Ananke is 130, and Pan is 131. It follows that the smallest letter is a microcosm of all others associated with Pan through complex gematric numerology. After all, symbolically the smallest part of the universe contains the entire universe at the level of the microcosm. The letter Iota means the number 10, which is considered the fourth heaven in the Gnostic branch of the Christian faith. In Gematria, the word "Iota" has the number 381, the number of the wind god Eol. As a symbol of fate, she acquired inconstancy - a quality inherent in the changeable winds of fate. She is a symbol of insignificance, if something is not even worth an iota, but when someone tempts fate without thinking one iota about what is important for him, then this seemingly unimportant detail can turn against him and bring bad luck.
κ Κ Kappa is considered the letter that brings bad luck, sickness, old age and death. According to this property, it is dedicated to the god Kron. In Mithraism, this tenth letter of the Greek alphabet is associated with the evil god Angra Mainyu, who, in turn, is likened to a thousand (10x10x10) deadly demons. There is an opinion that Angra Mainyu is the lord of 10,000 various diseases with which he punishes the human race. On a more abstract level, Kappa is the letter of time, the bearer of inevitable and inexorable processes. In this respect, it is related to the Ken rune, which personifies the inexorable process of the fire element. Kappa means the number 20. In gematria, its name has the number 182.

λΛ Lambda is related to plant growth and geometric progressions in mathematics, which express the basic principle of any organic growth. Mystically, it is associated with a geometric proportion known as the Golden Section. As the eleventh letter of the Greek alphabet, Lambda represents the ascent of more high level. Mathematically, this is proved by the example of two Lambda progressions: geometric and arithmetic, the main numerical series of ancient Greek mathematics. On a more abstract level, Lambda refers to the incremental sequences of numbers that underlie all physical processes. In the runic alphabet, we find a direct correspondence to this Greek letter - the rune Lagu, which is also associated with growth and denotes the sound "L". Similar characteristics are characteristic of the Hebrew letter Lamed. Lambda stands for the number 30, and in gematria, its name gives the number 78.

μΜ Mu, the twelfth letter of the alphabet, represents the sacred number 40. This letter is associated with trees, the largest, most powerful, and most resilient representatives of the plant kingdom. The tree is a symbol of the cosmic axis. It is a link connecting the underground, earthly and heavenly worlds. Its roots grow underground - in the kingdom of Hades. It penetrates the surface of the earthly world, on which humanity lives, and then rushes upwards, to the heavenly empyreans of gods and goddesses. The very shape of the letter Mu symbolizes stability and inviolability, enclosure, security and the connection between the three states of being. Considering the gematric value of the word "Mu" - 440, its meaning is strengthened and increased, since the number 440 is the sum of the letters in the word "house" ("O OIKOΣ"), the main symbol of protection from the horrors and dangers of the outside world. the twelfth letter, it means all 12 months of the year, the completed cycle of everything living on Earth.

νN Nu is the thirteenth letter. The number 13 has gloomy semantic connections - in this case, with the witchcraft aspect of the Great Goddess Hekate. The Greeks revered Hekate as the goddess of the night and the underworld. There is also a connection with the Egyptian goddess Nut and with the later Norse goddess of the night, Not. Like its runic counterpart Nid, the letter Nu symbolizes an unpleasant necessity; the darkness of the night as a necessity for the day to shine again. The number of this letter is 50, and in gematria its name gives the sum 450.
ξΞ Xi is the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. According to the esoteric interpretation of the alphabet, this letter represents the stars, as the fifteenth letter represents the sun and moon, and the sixteenth represents Mithra himself. This fourteenth letter can be interpreted according to medieval astrology as stars, or rather, as "15 Stars", which had their occult signs in medieval astrology. These stars and constellations are extremely significant and important, as certain qualities and influences are traditionally attributed to them. These fixed stars are above all others, and the strength of their power is undeniable. For a medieval magician who made talismans, the individual characteristics of each of the 15 stars were the basis of his work. At the same time, he took into account not only the prevailing properties inherent in each individual planet, but also took into account the influence of the members of the star fifteen related to this. In standard astrology, these stars are also considered to have specific and peculiar properties. As a result, they are treated in the same way as the most famous planets. These stars are called: Pleiades, Aldebaran, Algol, Capella, Sirius, Procyon, Regulus, Algorab, Spica, Arcturus, Polaris, Alphecca, Antares, Vega and Deneb. This letter stands for the number 60, a favorite number in ancient Babylonian astronomy. In gematria, the name "Xi" has a sum of 615.

OO Omicron is the power of the sun enclosed in a circle, the source of all energy on Earth, various aspects of which are symbolically represented by the gods Helios and Apollo. The round shape of the letter is reminiscent of appearance the sun and the eternal essence of light in the midst of cosmic darkness. In a later interpretation, Omicron symbolizes Christ as the bearer of light. On the other hand, Omicron represents the moon - the mirror of the sun. The Gnostics designate the fifth heaven with this letter. It has a numerical value of 70, and in gematria it is 1090.
πП The letter Pi also symbolizes the sun in a blaze of glory, but this time not a disk, but a round shape surrounded by sixteen rays, which are identified with all solar deities, including Apollo, Serapis and Christ. More specifically, she is associated with Mithra, who, according to the Persian Avestan calendar, was dedicated to the sixteenth day of each month. The sun, surrounded by sixteen rays, becomes the property of Christian art much later, where it is also associated with the name of God (for example, the Royal Collegiate Chapel, Cambridge, see Fig. 8). Pi stands for the number 80; the gematric sum of the word "Pi" is 101.

ρΡ Rho is the seventeenth letter of the Greek alphabet, it represents the creative feminine qualities that are in any thing and are inherent in both sexes - both male and female. More specifically, this is understood as fertility, the strength of the development of the entire plant world and the ability of a living organism to reproduce. Rho symbolizes unlimited adaptability and mobility, which lead to "becoming", that is, creation in all its aspects. Thus, the letter Ro, as it were, anticipates the meaning of its runic counterpart Rad, also associated with movement and fluidity. Arithmetically, this letter stands for the number 100; the gematric sum of its name is 170, the same as the Greek word "O AMHN" - "amen", "so be it".
σΣ Sigma is the Lord of Death; in the Greek pantheon, she is a symbol of Hermes Psychopomp, the guide of souls to the afterlife. Being the eighteenth in a row, it is associated with the mysterious eighteenth rune of the Scandinavian tradition, as well as with the esoteric properties of the eighteenth letter of the Gaelic alphabet. In the Mithraic tradition, she symbolizes Rashna, the second brother of Mithra, the god of the underworld. It stands for the number 200, and the gematric value of its name is 254.

τΤ Tau is a microcosm, and in a narrower sense - the lunar aspect of man. The cross of the letter Tau often served as the main pictographic form of the representation of the human body. It apparently comes from the ancient Egyptian inscription of the Ankh sign, a symbol eternal life used in magic as an amulet against infertility. In Christian iconography, Tau represents the cross. This could be the bronze serpent of Moses, or the Old Testament rod of Aaron - the "anti-heroes" of the Old Testament, foreshadowing the appearance of a "hero", i.e., the Cross of the Savior. Naturally, Tau also represents the cross on which Christ was crucified, since the shape "Tau" is the true form of the crosses used by the Romans for crucifixions. It is this form of the cross that can be seen in many medieval and Renaissance images of the crucifixion of Christ and two robbers. In esoteric Christian symbolism, the three ends of the letter Tau represent the trinity. The arithmetic value of Tau is 300; according to the rules of gematria, this letter represents the moon goddess Selene (ΣEΛHNH), whose name has a numerical value of 301. The geometric value of the word "Tau" is 701, which traditionally corresponds to the number of the so-called "Chrismon" - the monogram of Christ, consisting of the letters Chi and Rho, which add up to 700.
υY Upsilon - the twentieth letter of the alphabet - denotes water and fluidity properties. Here, in contrast to the creative generative fluidity of Ro, these qualities are associated with the element of water. Upsilon represents properties that are similar to flowing water and are difficult to define, but at the same time are essential for the continuation of life. The number 20 in Greek mysticism is also associated with water. Plato's geometric body called the icosahedron, representing the element of water in esoteric geometry, has twenty faces. Gnostic tradition associates the letter Upsilon with the "sixth heaven". Its arithmetic value is 400. In gematria, the name "Ypsilon" is equivalent to 1260.

φΦ Phi is the phallus, the male principle of reproduction. Phi denotes the number 500. In gematria, this number is identified with the mystical shell (ENΔYMA) - the manifestation of the spiritual element in the world of forms. The letter is also a display of the word "to Pan" - that is, "everything". According to the Greek tradition, it symbolizes the great god Pan - the one who binds everything that exists into a single natural integrity. His name contains the number 500, denoted by the letter Phi; according to gematria, this number is equivalent to the number of the universe (501). The gematric value of the word "phi" is 510.

χX Chi is the twenty-second letter of the alphabet, denoting the cosmos, and on the human level, private property. Chi number - 600; this number is equivalent to the gematric sums Greek words"Cosmos" (KOΣMOΣ) and "deity" ("О FEOTНΣ) (the latter is the sacred component of the former). Chi is an indicator of property that defines the boundaries of what has already been appropriated. It is also a symbol of the gift presented, which in the horizontal plane connects It connects a person with a person, and if you look vertically, it is a link between the gods and humanity.Only in its form, but not phonetically, the letter Chi is related to the Gifu rune (in the letter X, phonetically "G"), which symbolizes the presentation of gifts to the gods or receiving gifts from them.In gematria, the word "Chi" is equivalent to the number 610.

ψΨ Psi - the twenty-third letter of the alphabet, denoting heavenly light, embodied in the sky god Zeus. It also has a secondary meaning, i.e., daylight, and more specifically, the climax of noon. From here, this letter corresponds to the moment of insight, clear and precise vision. It stands for the number 700, the gematric sum of the Christian monogram Chi-Rho, symbolizing the heavenly radiance of Christ. The gematric value of the word "Psi" is 710, which corresponds to the words "piston" (PIΣTON) ("faithful") and "pneuma agion" (PNEYMA AGION) ("Holy Spirit").

ωΩ Omega - the twenty-fourth and last letter of the alphabet, denoting wealth and abundance, the successful completion of affairs. This is the apotheosis, the seventh heaven of the Gnostics. Its numerical value is 800, the equivalent of the words "pistis" (1SHLTS) ("faith") and "curios" (KYPIOΣ) ("master"). In gematria, the word "Omega" gives the sum 849, which is equivalent to the word "scheme" (ΣXHMA) ("plan"). Thus, Omega is the embodiment of faith and the divine plan in both pagan and Christian interpretations of the word "Lord", be it Zeus or Jesus.

Each culture of antiquity left behind a large number of symbols. They arose as a way of depicting deities, supernatural and ordinary phenomena in the life of the people. Most often, the symbols were directly related to religion, with the help of which the carriers of a particular culture learned and explained the world around them. Intricate images were used in various rituals. Many of them were unraveled by historians and archaeologists only after lengthy research.

Ancient Slavs

They are known for their love of various images. The ancient symbols of this people can be found on a vast territory from the Volga to Germany and the Balkans. Even before it was divided into tribal unions and groups, common drawings appeared in everyday life. These are, among other things, the symbols of Ancient Russia.

The Sun played a great role in the images. There were several signs for him. For example, it was a caroler. It was worn mainly by men who wanted to acquire wisdom in battle and everyday life in this way. God Kolyada was responsible in the Slavic worldview for the constant renewal of the world and the victory of light over darkness.

Odolen-grass was used as a talisman against evil lower spirits. It was worn on clothes, armor, weapons, etc. The symbols of the ancient Slavs included a ratiborets. It was a sign of a warrior, for whom the most important thing was courage, bravery and honor. It was believed that the Ratiborets bestows these qualities on everyone who sincerely and passionately loves his homeland and home. Most often, he was depicted with the help of engraving - an art in which the Slavs knew a lot. Like many other ancient symbols, the ratiborets was a solar sign, a bit like the Sun. In this series, the swastika stands out, denoting the eternal cycle of the Universe. The person who wore it recognized his citizenship before the higher forces of nature.

The symbols of the ancient Slavs were also identified with the family - the smallest unit of any society. It was a wedding, which meant the fusion of the body, soul, conscience and spirit of those who enter into a marital union.

Symbols of the elements among the Slavs

Many ancient symbols originated from the tradition of worshiping fire as the greatest element. Several of these can be cited. Yarovrat was worn by worshipers of the God Yaro, who, with the help of the forces of fire, controlled the weather, and therefore was in charge of the harvest. Therefore, those wishing to receive a large number of cultures used this sign. Doukhobor also symbolized fire, but only internal fire. It was the symbol of the flame of life. If a person fell ill in the tribe, he was covered with bandages with Doukhobor. Grozovik helped protect temples and houses from bad weather, thunderstorms, storms and other cataclysms.

The symbol of the earth among the ancient Slavs is solard. The soil was also associated with the cult of motherhood, which was practiced by some tribes. The prosperity of the earth meant a stable growth of food and a satisfying life of the family.

Runic alphabet

Scandinavian runes were used by numerous Germanic tribes. They had a developed mythology with their own unique images associated with the harsh living conditions of this people. Runes were not only symbols, but also written signs. They were applied to stones to convey this or that message. They wrote epic sagas that tell about the history and myths of the Germans.

However, each sign, if considered separately, also had its own meaning. The runic alphabet consists of 24 runes, divided into three rows of 8 each. About 5 thousand surviving inscriptions in this amazing language have been found in the world. Most of these artifacts are found in Sweden.

Rune examples

The first rune, Fehu, meant livestock, and in a broad sense - any personal property of a German. Uruz symbolized a bull or bison. Thus, the difference between the first and second signs was that in one case it meant a domestic animal, and in the second - wild and free.

Turisaz denoted a sharp spike or hammer of Thor, one of the main gods of the Germanic pantheon. It was used to ensure that the wearer would be lucky, as well as protected from hostile forces. Ansuz is an image of open mouths, that is, replicas or spoken wisdom. In addition, this is a sign of caution, since the Scandinavian peoples believed that clever man will never be reckless.

Raido is the wagon or the path ahead of the wanderer. Ancient symbols and their meaning among the Germans often had a double meaning. Kenaz is a sign of fire. But this flame is friendly. Most often, such a fire meant a torch that would warm a person and give him a feeling of comfort and homeliness.

The next two runes symbolize joy. Gebo is a gift and generosity. He was portrayed as a sign of good intentions. If the runes were used in divination, then the fallen Gebo was a great success for a person who had a pleasant surprise in the future. Ancient signs and symbols even now often become material for the occult services of neo-pagans. Vunyo means joy. It was often used in conjunction with Gebo. If it was written next to another rune, then this meant success or good luck in the sphere that the neighboring sign symbolized. For example, Vunyo and Fehu were an omen of a large addition to the domestic livestock population.

Some runes were synonymous; their presence can be found in almost all peoples and cultures. For example, Laguz is a symbol of water, a lake, or even intuition in a figurative sense.

Development of runic writing

Interestingly, over time, the common runes broke up into several variants of the alphabet for different peoples, from the borders of the Roman Empire to the extreme polar north of Norway. The most common is the so-called Proto-Scandinavian version, from which all subsequent ones went. It was used until the 8th century AD, which corresponds to the Iron Age in these territories. Most often, such runes are found on ancient weapons, armor and roadside stones. Such symbols were used in magical and religious rites in the future. Sacred and memorial inscriptions are still found in necropolises and thickets.

In Eastern Europe, Gothic runes, brought here from Scandinavia, became widespread. They can be found even in Ukraine and Romania. After some Germans settled in the British Isles, they developed their own variation of this script. This was due to isolation from the former homeland and assimilation with the "natives" - the Angles, Saxons, etc. They had new runes, many of which began to denote double sounds in writing (linguists call them diphthongs). Such have survived even in modern German.

They are considered to be especially exotic. They appeared on a distant island, which was then considered the northwestern edge of the world. They are characterized by the use of dotted lines. These runes were in use until the XIV century. As for the Scandinavian signs, they disappeared with the advent of Christianity in the kingdoms of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The use of runes was considered heresy and severely punished by the authorities.

Ancient Egypt

One of the most famous symbols ancient egypt is Ankh. This is a cross, which is topped with a ring. It symbolized life and eternity. There are also interpretations of the cross and the ring as signs rising sun, combinations of male and female principles. The Ankh was used in burial rituals, as the Egyptians believed that those buried with the Ankh in a sarcophagus would receive an eternal afterlife.

In everyday life, a rounded cross also meant prosperity and happiness. He was often carried with him as an amulet and a talisman for good luck. Ankh was used to protect against dark magic. In addition, his images were even found on the walls of river channels. The Egyptians were very dependent on how the Nile flooded, what the harvest would be. That is why the Ankh was painted inside the canal so that trouble would not happen to it, and the natural elements would remain friendly to the inhabitants.

It is curious that after the ancient Egyptian culture went into oblivion, Ankh managed to survive. For some time, ancient culture triumphed on the banks of the Nile, and later Islam came. But even in the first centuries of our era, Christians appeared here, who founded their Coptic community. It was they who adopted the Ankh because of its external resemblance to the cross.

Eye of Horus

Another important Egyptian symbol is the all-seeing eye. The image of the painted eye is a reference to the god Horus, who is the master of the sky. The spiral, which was drawn under the eye, meant the perpetual movement of energy. This symbol was often used as a talisman against trouble and evil spirits.

In the mythology of Egypt, there is a story about the battle of Horus and Set. This is a common metaphor for the struggle between good and evil. Since Horus was the personification of everything bright, healers and priests began to use his sign in order to treat the sick and injured in battles. The Egyptians also developed mathematics. The Eye of Horus also found its application here - it denoted a fraction.

Scarabs and Isis

Another popular symbol of Ancient Egypt is the scarab. The beetles that lived in the dung and molded balls out of it personified hard work. In addition, they were associated with the god of the Sun - Ra, who, like insects, moved this source of light every day. Scarabs were popular talismans, seals, and even medals of merit to the pharaoh. Figurines of beetles were used in afterlife ceremonies. They were put into the sarcophagus of the dead or even laid in the place where the heart used to be (all organs were cut out and laid out in separate vessels). Ancient symbols often had such a dual use - in everyday life and at funerals. The inhabitants of the banks of the Nile had a reverent attitude towards death.

Figurines of the goddess Isis often came across treasure hunters in treasuries. It was a symbol of the earth, fertility and prosperity. Isis is one of the most revered gods of this pantheon. The symbol of water in Egypt meant life. And no wonder, because this culture was based on the banks of the Nile, beyond which was a dead and ruthless desert.

The symbols of ancient Egypt entered modern culture after the fashion for art deco appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1920s, all of Europe and the United States, with bated breath, followed the discoveries of archaeologists. These were pyramids and hidden tombs, the most famous of which is left on the walls as plots and omens.


The Roman Empire was built around its capital. For many centuries the capital was a symbol of the center of the ancient world. Therefore, in the Roman pantheon there was a special cult of this city. His symbol was the Capitoline she-wolf.

According to myth, the founders of Rome, the brothers Romulus and Remus, were royal children. After their uncle came to power during the coup, he ordered the babies to be thrown into the river. This was done, but they survived after being found by the Capitoline she-wolf, who nursed them. When the children grew up, Romulus founded Rome and became the king of the new state, which lasted another millennium.

That is why all the symbols of Ancient Rome faded before the she-wolf. Her bronze sculpture stood at the capital's forum, where the most important government decisions were made. The image became iconic and was often used by the townspeople.

In Rome, ancient symbols and their meaning were often associated with power. For example, when it was still only a small republic, magistracies played an important role in it. It was an elected office for one year. The lictor had a symbol of power that distinguished him from the general ranks of the townspeople. These are fasciae - bundles of birch or elm twigs, covered with a belt or cord. An ax was also used as a symbol, which meant that the person who wore it could execute the guilty.

Ancient Greece

Roman mythology was largely formed under the influence of another great culture - Greek. Therefore, some designations of Hellas were also relevant for Italians.

For example, the symbols of ancient Greece include the image of the staff of Asclepius - the god of medicine and healing. According to legend, he was called by a Cretan who asked him to resurrect his prematurely deceased son. Asclepius went to the palace with a staff in his hand. At some point, he was attacked by a snake, but the man killed it with his stick. Following the first, a second reptile crawled in, which had grass in its mouth. With her help, she resurrected the snake. Then Asclepius took this plant with him to the palace and helped Minos. Since then, the staff with the snake has become

Another variation that exists in modern times is the Hygiea bowl with a snake. This girl was the daughter of Asclepius. The symbol has become an international sign of medicine.

Another image of the staff, common in Greece and adopted by Rome, is the Caduceus. used by heralds who announced the end of the war between states (for example, between Athens and Sparta). Therefore, the Caduceus became both among the Greeks and the Romans. The image also migrated to medieval European heraldry.

Greece's ancient symbols of love included the butterfly. This beautiful insect was associated with family harmony and happiness.

Slavic symbols are patterns of traditional embroidery and house decorations, as well as items associated with Slavic Gods. Slavic symbols worth knowing for the right choice amulet. Understanding the symbolism of magical items helps to understand Slavic mythology, in customs and signs.

Why you need to know Slavic symbols

Slavic symbolism is surprisingly rich. Look at the embroidery decorating traditional clothing. Everything in it is not accidental, every turn of the pattern, the sign inscribed in the overall pattern of embroidery - everything has its own meaning. However, for an uninitiated person, embroidery remains just an outdated way to decorate an outfit, the secret of Slavic symbols remains hidden.

Slavic symbolism is worth studying for this:

  • for understanding Slavic myths and legends, their visual perception.
  • to understand the worldview of our ancestors.
  • to be able to read Slavic symbols on clothes, household items, home decorations, to determine the purpose of ritual objects.
  • to be able to choose a talisman for yourself and loved ones.

Sources of knowledge about Slavic symbolism

There are disputes about the origins of Slavic symbols. Some sources attribute ancient roots to our patterns, see them as complex schemes that describe the structure of the world. Others, on the contrary, are distrustful of Slavic symbols, even such famous ones as Kolovrat or the Star of Russia, calling them a remake.

Where is the truth? It is enough to look at the old clothes preserved in the northern houses self made, richly decorated with Slavic symbols, to make sure that it originated many centuries ago. However, grandparents, who still know how to embroider and cut traditional patterns, do not at all associate their meaning with the cosmos, with complex calculations, do not explain the origin of patterns with intricate theories.

We consider true all Slavic symbols that we meet in the decoration of houses, folk embroidery, amulets found in the excavations of ancient cities. And we are looking for a simple explanation, close to nature, connected with our myths. But simple does not mean primitive. It is in the simplicity of the Slavic pattern, in the ability to explain even to a small child the meaning of traditional patterns, that there is deep wisdom.

What Slavic symbols do we know?

We can divide Slavic characters into groups different ways. For example, in relation to the Slavic Gods. Then Gromovik, also known as the Thunder Cross, and a forged ax will be next to each other. Both signs refer to the Slavic Thunder God Perun.

We can share signs according to their execution. Then we will single out the Slavic symbols that are depicted on amulets, embroidered on clothes, carved on the decoration of Slavic huts, and signs-objects. For example, the Star of Russia with sharp tips and the hammer, the symbol of the Blacksmith God, will become the sign of Svarog.

Some Gods have Slavic symbols associated with images of animals. Most of these signs are attributed to God Veles. Among his symbols we meet, the seal of Veles in the form of a paw of a bear and a wolf. Even the sign of Veles itself, in the form of an inverted letter "A", is otherwise called "bull's head".

The most universal is the division of signs by their shape.

Circular solar symbols

Swastik solar symbols

Other solar symbols

Symbols based on the human figure

Slavic symbols based on a square or a cross

Symbol "Summer oblique cross"

- a sign of another daughter of Lada, the Goddess Alive. This sign is dedicated to the Goddess of Summer and Life, therefore it brings confidence that all the bad things are behind, the “winter” in life is over. Read more about this sign and the influence of the Goddess Zhiva in the article "Zhiva - the Great Goddess of Life, the Goddess of Summer".

Slavic symbols based on a star

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These symbols have survived dozens of generations, and people have endowed them with power and meaning for centuries. Sometimes, over time, the meaning of symbols changes - it becomes overgrown with associations and distorted beyond recognition. And perhaps this
a beautiful pendant on your pendant carries an unexpected sacred meaning.

website looked into the history of the most famous symbols.

The earliest references to the symbol date back to 4200 BC. Ouroboros has been popular in religion, magic, alchemy, mythology and psychology.

It represents creation and destruction, the cycle of life and death. The symbol was borrowed from the Egyptians by the ancient Greeks to denote things that have no beginning and no end. In Chinese philosophy, the yin and yang monad is associated with ouroboros. In Gnosticism, he is both good and evil.

It is believed that the yin-yang symbol originally came from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries. In China and Japan, yin-yang is considered the model of all things.

The original concept of "yin" - "shadow", and "yang" - "sunny slope of the mountain." Yin and yang is interpreted as a continuous interaction of contrasts. Polar forces complement each other, and each carries a piece of its opposite. Yin and yang is a peaceful struggle in which the final victory is impossible, since the end does not exist.

The earliest images were created in 2000 BC. The symbol is found in Asia, the Middle East and Egypt. The wheel was an attribute of the sun gods and personified the cyclical nature of life, rebirth and renewal. In Buddhism and Hinduism, the wheel symbolizes the cycle of Samsara, the course of change, fate and time.

Later, the concept of "Wheel of Fortune" appeared - a symbol of the variability of fate. The spokes of the wheel of Fortune carried successes and failures, endlessly replacing each other.

The first mention of the symbol is dated 1300 AD.
The wind rose was a symbol of a guiding star and a talisman for sailors.

In the XVIII-XX centuries, tattoos with this talisman were popular: it was believed that it would help the sailor on the way and in returning home. Also, the wind rose was depicted on maps, symbolizing the cardinal points.

Early five-pointed stars date back to 3500 BC.

The pentagram was considered a talisman against evil and dark forces. Merchants of the Ancient
Babylon depicted a star on the door to protect the goods from theft and damage. Pythagoras considered it mathematical perfection, since the pentagram is fraught with the golden ratio. The stars were a symbol of intellectual omnipotence.

AT early Christianity The symbol of Jesus Christ was an inverted pentagram. But at the suggestion of Eliphas Levi, the inverted five-pointed star became the symbol of Satan.

Signs and symbols have always existed in society, only the attitude of people towards them has changed. They surround us everywhere - in everyday life, in interior items, clothing, seals and emblems of organizations, on money, coats of arms, flags of countries, in the architecture of buildings, and even on paving slabs under our feet.

The most interesting thing is that by the signs and symbols that a person surrounds himself with, the true subconscious aspirations of his Personality are visible. In ancient times, knowledge about the primordial meaning of iconic symbolism was considered sacred and carefully passed on to new generations, as something more important than all material values ​​combined. Despite the significant remoteness, both spatial and temporal, one can note identical signs and symbols for all known civilizations in the history of mankind. Why was sign symbolism given such importance, in contrast to the present day, when this knowledge is considered a relic of the past?

When studying the culture of ancient peoples, it can be noted that already in those days there was a distinction between signs into positive - creative and negative - destructive. The concept of a working sign and a symbol for transmitting information was also distinguished. But the most interesting thing is that in modern society, as well as in antiquity, there are working signs, ignorance of which does not exempt from their impact on a person.

"Children of flowers" and ancient Slavic runes

At modern man ancient signs are often associated with runes. It is quite interesting in this regard to consider the Old Slavic runic alphabet. Here we can meet everyone famous signs, which were used and are used in the symbolism of various movements and currents on a planetary scale. Immediately attracts the attention of two runes - Mir and Chernobog. Surely, many recognized in the rune Chernobog a sign of the hippie movement (“Pacific”), which arose in 1960-1970 within the US. The so-called “children of flowers” ​​positioned themselves as a movement of people striving for a return to natural purity through love and pacifism. But under what sign! After all, if we proceed from the values ​​that the movement promoted, then its sign should have been completely different, for example, the rune World(or Algiz).

According to the knowledge of the ancestors, the shape of this rune displayed the Tree of the World, the Universe, the bright upper worlds. She symbolized the forces directing the world to Order, protection, patronage of the gods, as well as the inner self of a person. The Scandinavian peoples have this rune, which, among other things, schematically depicts man with raised hands, i.e. aspiring upward, called Mannar(presumably from "man" - a person). She was also associated with the rainbow bridge connecting Asgard with Midgard. Accordingly, the rune Chernobog(inverted Algiz) was the complete opposite of the rune of the World and represented the forces rushing the world towards Chaos. Therefore, the decision to use the rune of death in the social movement for peace and love looks absurd, it's the same as initially replacing the plus sign with a minus sign.

The question arises, why did the people representing the peace movement adopt such an emblem? Everything is very simple. People were told that this “peace dove paw”. And no one even remembered that, for example, among the same gypsies, such a sign is widely known as "crow's foot"- a symbol of war and death. The raven was also considered a sacred bird of the god Odin who was a god “wisdom and the father of witchcraft, magic spells, a connoisseur of runes and legends, a priest, a bearer of magical power, owned shamanic “intuition”, magical art, cunning and deceit, was the “ruler of people”. Later he acted both as a patron of military alliances and as a sower of military discord”. Also in the images of these two runes it is easy to notice the similarity equilateral triangles- top up (rune Chernobog) and top down (rune Mir). The meaning of the sign of the triangle in the context of the primordial Knowledge and various variations of its spatial arrangement is interestingly written in the AllatRa book. By the way, the symbol widely known throughout the world "Star of David", consisting of two equilateral triangles, in ancient times was used mainly in black magic. In the East he was known as "Lord of the Genies".

What such a “thoughtless” use of the Chernobog rune led to, and what happened to people who entered the hippie movement, is known to all from history. But what is behind these events? Lack of knowledge and consumer mindset. And when a person independently studies the same history, the culture of ancient peoples from the position of a spiritual Observer and carefully listens to his inner feelings, it is simply impossible to deceive him.

Oscar and Sokar: who rules in Hollywood?

The artifacts of Ancient Egypt still surprise scientists to this day, prompting them to revise the official version of human history. This mysterious culture is replete with various signs and symbols - truly a real Klondike for the explorer. Here you can also find the AllatRa sign - one of the original 18 working signs, the ankh cross (“the key to life”, “the key to rebirth”, spiritual transformation), knowledge about the energy structure of a person and his four essences, and other invaluable information for a person following way of knowing yourself.

However, few people know that one of the most recognizable figurines in the world is a symbol of the annual Oscar film awards(held in Los Angeles, USA) - is practically a copy of one of the ancient gods of Egypt - Sokar. When comparing a statuette of a knight with a sword (Oscar) with a statuette of an Egyptian god (not to mention the name, where two letters are simply swapped), one can notice an obvious similarity. There is a feeling that someone is simply openly taking advantage of a person’s unwillingness to learn more than what is offered to him in the media and school textbooks. In Egyptian mythology Sokar or Ra-Setau(which means from the Kingdom of the Dead) was considered the god of fertility, the patron of the dead. And if you take an unbiased look at modern cinematography, then everything falls into place. Simply put, the symbol is quite consistent with the content.

Scientists' research: ancient signs in the basis of elementary particles

Creative symbols and signs are a kind of help for people, because their impact is associated with more subtle energies, with the energies of other dimensions.

AllatRa sign, for example, works in dimensions above the sixth, it allows you to accumulate and increase in yourself forces of Allat. But its main action “is based on human choice. If the Spiritual nature dominates in a person, this sign acts on him as an additional spiritual force. That is, the sign enters, as it were, into resonance and enhances the creative, spiritual power of a person. And if the Animal nature dominates in a person, then this sign remains neutral in relation to him. A negative person, as a rule, is fed by completely different signs that work to activate the material, Animal nature” .

Not so long ago, the effectiveness of the action of working signs known from antiquity on the subconscious of people and their communicative behavior in a group was experimentally confirmed.

“The results of this experiment shocked even specialists involved in the study of the problems of the psychology of personal, interpersonal, mass communication, who were involved in monitoring this experiment and previously put forward their predictions regarding the behavior of students in these groups.

The conducted experiment fully confirmed what people knew in ancient times, what was used by priestly structures at all times. Signs really have a certain impact on the human psyche! Moreover, the larger the team, the stronger the influence of the sign. The trigger mechanism in this case is the presence of a provocative moment, a situation that triggers the experience and includes the concentration of a person's attention on the process and the information received. The mechanism of the impact of these signs on the human subconscious has not yet been studied in the context of the official psychological science. However, the connection with the individual psychological characteristics of the personality, its subconscious attitudes and aspirations, with the inclination and daily habit to serve as a conductor of certain programs or forces, is already quite obvious for psychologists.”

What is such an interesting interaction of a person with signs? In the search for an answer to this question, advanced discoveries in physics can help. For example, this year there was information that the signs are literally “imprinted” in material world, they penetrate every molecule and even an elementary particle! Returning to the AllatRa sign. An international group of scientists discovered this sign during the spatial construction of an electron. Signs were also found crescent, five-pointed star, equilateral triangle and much more. Read more in the articles:

Interestingly, knowledge about the display of signs in the structure of molecules could be noticed even before these discoveries. For example, the same electron orbitals:

  • s-orbital - an electron cloud in the form of a ball (circle sign);
  • p-orbital - the shape of a dumbbell or a double pear (a sign of infinity);
  • d-orbital - the shape of a four-petal flower (a sign of an oblique cross).

The study of the above physics papers led to other discoveries. It turned out that the family symbols of many genera are working characters! I would especially like to note the Kazakh tamgas. Among them you can see crescent with horns up, circle, circle with a dot, triangles, crosses in various variations. And if you look at the flag of modern Kazakhstan, because it depicts the symbolic sign of AllatRa! In contrast to the heraldry of an aggressive nature (blocking of the Front Essence of a person) in most countries of the world (see page 830 of the AllatRa book).

Returning to the tamgas of the Kazakhs, an interesting ancient symbol was noticed, which in the scientific world, in particular in astronomy, is known as a symbol of the planet Mercury. It consists of equilateral cross, circle and crescent with horns up. We mentioned this symbol in an article about this planet. Then it was noticed that this sign is also depicted on the cover of the book "Ezoosmos".

And the most interesting thing is that recently, quite by accident, another very interesting sign was discovered, which is also present on the cover of this book! This sign is clearly visible on the main picture of the “Silver Thread” page of the ALLATRA Radio website.

It is formed from the faces of a cube when it is scrolled around a vertical axis. We do not know the name of this sign and have not seen it before. Therefore, if you find information about this sign, please send it to the e-mail of the ALLATRA VESTI website. Let's broaden our horizons of knowledge together!

It is known that equilateral cross was a symbol of man oblique cross and its variations (often with a circle in the center) - a Person moving along the path of Knowledge, “knowing sacred information about a person and meditative practices for four Essences”. Presumably(!) detected sign means new Spirit Being, which is formed when the human Personality merges with the Soul. Because the a cube placed on one of the corners, displays the energy structure of such a Creature. Another evidence in favor of this assumption is the presence in the sign rhombus- a symbol of the spiritual transformation of man. But how much this information corresponds to the original meaning of the sign remains to be seen.

Life in creation or what signs should be in a peaceful society

Thus, knowledge about signs and symbols lies on the surface. It is enough for a person to make a little effort and interest in order to see the real picture of the world. To see how, due to the inaction of decent people, an “imperceptible” substitution of creative signs takes place, how the meaning of negatively affecting signs is disguised as banal household associations associated with material values. In turn, it is the initial knowledge about the impact of signs and symbols that can help modern society adjust the vector of development of civilization. After all, a global change in the iconic symbolism of the peoples of the planet is the same as changing the “minus” sign to the “plus” sign! But at the same time, it should be understood that such a change is in the interests of the people themselves and it is possible only when the majority of the planet's population learns the initial information about the signs, begins to unite and act independently. After all, who better than society to decide which flag with which sign will fly over their heads. Therefore, carefully examine the signs and symbols with which you surround yourself and be in the Spirit in order to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.