Tarot hermit health. The Hermit (IX Major Arcana Tarot): Tarot Card Meaning

Hermit, wise and patient, feeling the path with a staff, symbolizes the inner light that does not let you go astray, no matter how dark it is around. He forges the sword of victory in solitude...

Inner mood: I have acquired knowledge and wisdom.

Hermit- a wise and knowledgeable old man who left civilization to live like a monk, in solitude and away from active life. Raising the lantern, he illuminates the path for everyone who follows the path of spiritual enlightenment. The very image of an old man symbolizes wisdom, maturity and the search for clarity. Yet, despite his remote habitat, people seek his wise advice and guidance. The lantern he holds indicates the search for truth and meaning, or it is a beacon that indicates to others the place of refuge. Hermit - the search for self-knowledge, the impact of spiritual forces, the discovery of the meaning of life.

Hermit found his way and can help everyone to go their own way. His gray beard and cloak symbolize the fusion of male and female principles. It should not be confused with, which is an ordinary and orthodox teacher. The Hermit is an iconoclastic guru who represents the spiritual quest through personal experience and not through religious dogma. The staff he leans on is a phallic symbol representing the subconscious. This card can mean a deviation from worldly concerns or a comfortable stay in solitude. Sometimes each of us needs to be alone with ourselves and engage in self-knowledge. The hermit reached the top of the mountain, i.e. reached its goal.

Hermit upright:
Search for answers. Loneliness. Wisdom gained through experience. The ability to do things right. Looking for a teacher or mentor. Meditation classes. Gaining new experience at work. Newly built relationships with others. Getting advice from a trusted or authoritative person. Setting new goals. Spiritual development. Search for spiritual values. Deepening into your inner world, caution. Internal collection. Tolerance. Project Completion, Travel and Travel Planning. Meeting with an elderly person, an old man ...

Reversed Hermit:
Lack of wisdom and insight. Selfishness and intolerance. Suspicion. Unproductive lifestyle. Rejection of help that would pull you out of a difficult situation. Critical view and superficial judgments. Limited thinking and views. Complexes in sex. Inability to understand... Lack of desire for spiritual growth and development. Fear and guilt. Lack of growth, development. Failure. Material and physical needs come first.

The hermit devoted his whole life to the search for truth. He longed for solitude, silence and freedom. Those who are lucky enough to earn his approval will be able to receive his wise advice. For the young, this card can mean a period of seclusion from the hustle and bustle, the transition to duty. A new start will require work and the overcoming of obstacles that abound at every step. You need to be able to rise above the daily bustle, to renounce pettiness, nit-picking and discontent.

The person personified by this card is not bored alone, he is looking for peace and quiet. He has a patron who will not help financially, but will help with good advice, inspire in difficult times.

The Hermit's teaching should teach us that difficult periods should not negatively affect us: this time gives us a chance to delve into ourselves, reconsider our lives, feelings and emotions. Everything great is born in the darkness of emotions...

Instructive card advice:
Meditate or think deeply about what is happening. Ask yourself: What goals should I strive for now? Develop spiritual potential, strive for high goals.

Do not isolate yourself from the world! Don't self-deceive!

The hermit is a symbol of wisdom in solitude, a wise teacher or an inner voice that gives good advice.
The hermit carries a lantern, which symbolizes the light of knowledge, illuminating the path ahead for you.
The hermit lives in seclusion.

Only in solitude can one meditate and gain wisdom, which is symbolized by the staff of the Hermit.
You may be afraid of being alone: ​​One of the biggest school fears is being seen as a loner, but the card encourages you to follow your instinct and take the time to explore yourself.

However, the opposite is also true: sometimes people withdraw from social contact because they do not know how to establish and maintain the right relationships with other people.
Cutting off parts of life from oneself in this way makes one suffer from loneliness and significantly limits opportunities.

If you draw this card, you need to embrace your own individuality and not repress yourself.
You have to be yourself, even if you are noticeably different from others.
Calmness, concentration and firmness will elevate you above the surrounding fuss.

Questions to ask yourself if you get the Hermit
  • Are you alone?
  • Are you too distant from people?
  • Are you able to be alone and not feel abandoned?
  • Do you feel wiser than "should" be at your age?
  • Do you have someone you can call a "guiding star"?
  • Is your life right for you?

    Did you get used to her?

Key Ideas
Have the courage to be yourself.
If you need solitude, go and be alone.
Direct map: You are an amazing person.

You enjoy not only doing your own things, but also interacting with other people.
Everything related to friendship and partnership is in your balance.
Reversed card: It can mean false or superficial friendship and slander about people behind their backs, causing pain and suffering.

Also, the card may indicate suffering from loneliness.
Don't isolate yourself from others.
People are not islands.

Direct map: You are wise enough not to turn your back on the eccentric teacher everyone laughs at.

You can learn a lot from him (or her).
Reversed card: Your preferences isolate you.
You don't work much in a group, and now it slows down your learning.

Direct map: Perhaps you are attracted to someone who is a little older than you.

Reversed card: Romance is hard for you.
Do not spend so much effort to meet and like, relax.
Do what you like to do, and sooner or later someone will be drawn to you, and not because you were intently looking for a partner, but because you like to live.

Those who know the secret of joy are always attractive to others.

A family
Direct map: The family respects you and admires your individuality.
Reversed card: Some part of you may refuse to grow up and see the family and the world in general for what it really is.

Your parents are not perfect, they are people like everyone else.

Direct map: You are attracted to individual activities, such as playing chess or exploring the possibilities of a computer.

They will give you a lot if you follow the measure.
Reversed card: Don't spend all your free time alone.
People will be happy to get to know you a little better and share some of your interests.

Health / Appearance
Direct map: You are one of those people who look younger than their age.
Perhaps now you do not like it, but later your peers will envy your appearance.

Reversed card: You are stuck in a rut of familiar style, afraid of innovation and change.
Try experimenting a little with your appearance.
Change your hairstyle or at least your facial expression.

Direct map: You are very careful with money and never spend more than you earn.
Reversed card: Excessive attention to money can deprive you of the pleasure of buying.

Balance is the key to everything.

Divination in half a minute
Sarah suffers from bulimia (a nervous disorder that manifests itself in an abnormal feeling of hunger).
She tries to avoid common feasts and regularly forces herself to vomit because she eats more than her body needs.

It started when a friend told her that she was fat.
What can be done here?
The hermit, who pointed out the problem of nutrition, says that if Sarah continues the previous course of action, she will not achieve anything and will only become more unhappy.

She needs to ask a doctor for help.
Bulimia is a disease that requires qualified treatment.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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A lit lamp illuminates the bottomless depths of our inner world.
The hermit is a teacher who offers us guidance and profound spiritual knowledge.
This card most often contains an image of an old man with a lantern and a staff.

Per long years he has acquired wisdom and patience and is able to remain in solitude without experiencing a feeling of loneliness.
He is associated with the Jungian archetype of an old man or a wise old man, as well as with the ancient Greek god Kron.

This card represents one of the four moral principles.
Relying on his inner strength, the Hermit does not depend on the support of other people and relies on himself in everything.
He was rewarded with the precious gift of peace and inner harmony.

The lamp of knowledge in the hand of the Hermit illuminates our inner life.
It reflects our spiritual needs that arise in our search for the true meaning of life.
Contemplation, meditation and contemplation are the paths that lead to the depths of our consciousness.

Self-examination can lead us to realize that ultimately we are all alone in this world, and realizing this fact will help us to be more comfortable with thoughts of imminent death.
Sometimes the Hermit points to the inevitability of certain restrictions in our lives or circumstances that are not subject to our will and that only time can change.

By coming to terms with the realities of life and gaining a wise understanding of the futility of fighting what we cannot change, we gain the necessary humility and calm acceptance of life.
These are very important qualities, because without them it would be difficult for us to put up with unexpected twists of fate.

The hermit teaches us to believe that time will put everything in its place.
Nothing can be achieved by force, we can only silently wait, listening to our inner voice.
The hermit can also serve as a harbinger that a wise mentor will enter our lives, who will show us the way to internal source our wisdom.

If you get the Hermit, then this means that the time has come for you to spiritual search.
This may require you to isolate yourself from the affairs of the outer world so that you can penetrate more deeply into the mysteries of your spiritual world.

You can start learning the art of meditation and getting rid of unnecessary thoughts in order to find inner peace.
Loneliness may be an unpleasant experience for you, but it is necessary for the development of your inner resources.

The choice of this card means that you have a chance to study yourself and get to the bottom of the depths of your "I" hidden from the external gaze. You may have a strong desire to become an independent person and master of your life.

To do this, you may have to make certain sacrifices and evaluate your life in a new way.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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A bearded man in a wide robe holds a lantern in his raised right hand, partly obscured by his cloak.
The lantern is a symbol of knowledge of the occult sciences.
The hermit walks, leaning on a staff in his left hand, along the path of initiation into the mysteries and knowledge.

He is ready to help his fellow traveler with guidance and advice.
The hermit is the keeper of time.
This is the sage distributing the wisdom and truth of the eternal knowledge that existed before him.
This is an ancient elder in a monastic robe, whose consolation is in age-old knowledge.

The torch of knowledge guarded by him is related to the whole esoteric teaching.
Unfortunately, his knowledge, despite being complete, is often lifeless and impractical except in the intellectual realm.

At times his knowledge is so exorbitant that he carries it like a burden, and besides, they are designed to move forward, sometimes they are a hindrance to the Hermit's creative thinking.

Value for divination

Under certain circumstances, this card also signifies regression.

An indication of a loner or a person unable to take part in another person.
A deluded person.
A person who tends to hide his feelings.

Afraid of discovery.
Unable to face facts.
Possessor of secrets that may or may not be revealed.
The tendency to be complacent in the world of the wealth of one's knowledge, to consider it right and not look for a way to apply it to some goal or find another use for it.

Reversed value
Silly deeds.
Wrong advice.
A failure caused by thoughtlessness.
Excessive prudence leading to unnecessary delay.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The Hermit corresponds to the number nine and the Hebrew letter tet.



An old man, usually bearded, dressed in a hoodie.
The attire is very simple, without decorations, although it can give a hint of the religious orientation of the deck: Egyptian or Old Testament clothes, medieval monastic cassock, rags.

The mantle is often hooded and girded with a rope.
The hermit is always standing or (in many decks) walking.
The background is a desert or other open space, although mountains in the distance are possible.
In his hand he carries a lantern to light the way; in some decks, he may also lean on a staff.

This is an image of the search and the need for light (the lantern symbolizes understanding and knowledge) in order to achieve the goal.
The Hermit has nothing but what he carries with him; he is not attracted by honors or wealth.
He only needs to finish his search, this means for him the achievement of the goal.

inner meaning
Almost all religions contain legends about the journey of the spirit, about great teachers or prophets who went around the world in search of truth or God.
The hermit teaches that the moment of your spiritual perfection is coming, when you must renounce the temptations and needs of civilization, "go into the wilderness" in search of your own soul and the meaning of existence, find your God.

Divine power will not be able to openly speak to you while you are distracted by the worries of everyday life.
The search for truth must begin alone.
In many ways, this is a search for yourself, not only a search for God, but the image suggests that you will receive divine inspiration in your searches, if they are honest.

The lantern symbolizes your own knowledge, which must be used to illuminate the path of quest.
The staff can symbolize God, support in your quest and protection against enemies that you may meet on the way.

Inaccessible to the temptations of civilization and seeking only the truth, the Hermit is an allegory for the experience of self-initiation.

Value in the layout
Direct or Positive: Self-knowledge, moderation, wisdom, silence.

Hidden truth.
Prudence, detachment, prudence, caution, solitude.
Knowledge through experience; searching.
It can also predict the coming journey.
Reversed or Negative: Deception, lies, misinformation.

Corruption, cover-up.
False ideals.
Stealth and even fraud.
If the Eighth Arcanum symbolizes Justice in its purest form, then the Ninth Arcanum shows the search for truth in its purest form, uncorrupted by ideology, preferences or needs.

If this card represents the Questioner, then you will have a period of self-knowledge.
This is the time to re-evaluate your life, connections, and goals.
Possible changes that will occur in life will be prompted by other cards in the layout.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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Like the Hierophant, the Hermit can also be a teacher or guru, but he is more like a guide, a mentor, or even a role model - Jung's Wise Elder, or Senex.
Perhaps you are now in a period of loneliness and introspection.

Despite the obvious hostility to teams and organizations, this card can also mean the continuation of education.
However, it is more likely that you are seeking truth, wisdom, and knowledge outside of the traditional beaten paths.

As the last integer, nine - the number of this Arcana - symbolizes a level of fulfillment that imposes responsibility and prescribes to serve others in a humanitarian, philanthropic manner.

Perhaps someone will turn to you for advice and guidance.
In this card, you withdraw into yourself and focus on internal tasks, giving up everything that distracts and entertains.
You may be honing a skill or working on completing a project.

Perhaps you now like activities such as meditation, journaling, psychotherapy.
You want to once again comprehend this or that situation or understand the meaning of certain events that happened to you.
Knowing the past will help you choose a path that will further unleash your potentials.

This lasso helps to understand how past experience determines the probabilistic lines of the future.
You may be developing a smart, far-sighted strategy based on experience, inner integrity, and your unique vision of the situation.

In older decks, the Hermit holds an hourglass, so you can organize your schedule and prioritize to ensure the process is as efficient as possible.
Or perhaps you have chosen a dead end path and this means that your time is slipping away like sand between your fingers.

You do your own thing, but do not try to demonstrate it to everyone, but calmly and confidently use original and unconventional methods.
Maybe the card shows your need for discretion and prudence.

When it comes to relationships, you or your partner should be alone for a while.
The Hermit also indicates a period of chastity or lack of sexual interest.
Perhaps you are now in close contact with a person much older than you in age or work with older people.

There is a tendency towards asceticism, perfectionism and inflexibility.
Traditional meanings: prudence, precaution, conscientiousness, prudence, prudence.

Restrictions, restraint, resignation.
Solitude, isolation.
Meditation, contemplation.
Stealth, disguise, secrets.
Treason, fraud, corruption.

Reversed Hermit
The Reversed Hermit often shows that you do not want to be on your own right now and are looking for a relationship with another person - perhaps out of fear of a lonely old age.

Or you feel unsociable and avoid close contact.
You have been abandoned, or you yourself have turned your back on family and friends.
Perhaps the teacher or guru was chosen incorrectly - turned out to be deceitful or betrayed you.

The Reversed Hermit implies excessive perfectionism and demands of self and others to impossible standards.
And sometimes this card speaks of your imprudence, imprudence and impulsiveness in those circumstances when just prudence is required.

Perhaps you are claiming knowledge and skills that you do not really possess.
Perhaps you are afraid to examine the situation too closely or refuse to see what is right in front of you.

Being overly cautious can turn into paranoia.
You refuse to listen to others, receive or give bad advice yourself.
Sometimes this card means keeping a secret and the desire to hide something from others.

Reversed Hermit shows your disapproving attitude to what is happening.
He shows compassion and encourages you to dive into emotional experiences in order to find their source, hidden in the depths of the psyche or in the past.

Sometimes it shows that you are simply forced to turn inward and gain a new understanding of the current situation.
Also, this card in an inverted position means a midlife crisis.
No matter how old you really are, she speaks of a fear of old age and decrepitude.

You can seek salvation in infantility or fall into childhood.
The other extreme is that you get stuck in old ideas, habits and outdated ideals.
Attacks of irresistible nostalgia are possible, you act hypocritically or turn into a grump, intolerant of youth and young people - especially if you yourself are full of regrets about the unfulfilled.

Sometimes the card speaks of genealogical research.
When projecting an inverted Hermit onto others, you see them wise but lonely.
These are either picky grumblers and conservatives, or examples of personal integrity and wisdom.

This card is an inner mentor and guide that helps you get rid of unnecessary projections, see your own strengths and weaknesses.
In terms of health, these are various problems associated with digestion.

Also, this card can indicate all the problems of old age - from a decrease in former mobility to the fading of vision, hearing and the appearance of senile insomnia.
From a shamanic and magical point of view, the inverted Hermit is an alchemist, hermeticist, occult scholar, or owner of a metaphysical book shop.

This is a psychopomp, the driver of souls.
Nevertheless, both Waite and Crowley see in this card the hidden Persephone, the Queen of Hades, who sometimes escorts souls to another world in winter, and leads them to rebirth in spring.
Traditional inverted meanings: shy, recluse, hermit, loner, misanthrope.

Isolation, loneliness.
Unsociableness, sullenness, isolation.
Excessive caution, imprudence.
Immaturity, prematurity.
Stupid, bad advice.
Concealment, disguise, concealment.

Chastity, poverty, silence.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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"And the Angel said to me: go, leave their cities, hide yourself in the desert, so that there the fire of the lamp, trusted to you, will be saved until the time, so that when the vanity of vanity they will know, they will yearn for Truth and Light, they would have something to light their lamps! "

Apollo Maykov

Description of the card and its inner meaning
The endless white plain stretched before me in all its splendor.

Snow shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.
These shades are so bright that you have to close your eyes.
I'm cold.
Or maybe it only seems?
Perhaps I am wandering in the desert, languishing from the heat?
And it’s not the wonderful shine of snow that obscures the light, but sandy dust?

I don’t understand anything anymore, I can’t distinguish reality from visions.
I've been on the road for so long that I can't even remember my name.
I have been communicating with people for so long that I have forgotten their language.
I am an eternal wanderer who went to seek the Truth.

The ninth Arcana reveals the laws of earthly Nature, in which Adam lives, expelled from paradise.
In other words, this is the doctrine of the Spirit, which has broken away from the One Whole and is not only in the real world, but also in its own isolated phenomenal environment.

This environment lies outside the consciousness of man and burdens him.
Still, it has not completely lost its connection with the One Whole, and therefore, striving to reunite with it again, pushes a person to search for it, to meet the Spirit of Truth, leads to the desire to find one's place in the world.

It is believed that a person cannot live simultaneously with the subtle vibrations of his soul and gross real forms - having adapted his nature to the perception of some sensations, he loses the ability to perceive others.

However, there are extremely developed individuals who are equally capable of both exploits and crimes.
Having risen above the general level of the crowd, the Spirit of such a person will be weighed down by it, striving to go to where the conditions of existence for him will be more acceptable.

That's when this individual becomes a Hermit.

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
According to ancient sources, the Hermit card corresponds to the Hebrew letter tet, which has its own unique translation.

The connection with the rest of the occult sciences is as follows: (tet) - And the eternal will never change their foundations, Letter - I / Y, number - 9, Controlled by the zodiac sign - Virgo, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 26 hexagram ("Education of the great"), Correspondence by runes - Perth (Perth), Time of day - evening, Weather conditions - wind, flood, Corresponding color - violet, Corresponding chakra - Vishuddha Jana (throat chakra), secondary chakra - coronal, According to Kabbalah - connects the Hesed sephirah with the Tiferet sephiroth.

Card meaning
Direct position
If the ninth Arcana describes a personality, "then a lonely person leading an ascetic lifestyle will appear before the Questioner, and such an existence completely suits him.

This person can give very practical advice to the Questioner, because he has deep spiritual knowledge.
If the Hermit card describes a situation, then it has the following meanings: solitude, wisdom, search and finding of truth, self-knowledge, caution, slowness, accuracy, practicality.

It can mean getting help at the right time, as well as travel.

Reversed position
In this case, the ninth Arkan warns of a meeting with an insidious person who is most concerned about his own good.

When describing a situation, the Hermit card has the following meanings: deceit, deceit, hypocrisy, political machinations, illusory ideals, indecision, erroneous views.

In order to correctly assess the situation, you need to take some time to think about it.

Haste can lead to unpredictable consequences.
The advice can be formulated as follows: "It's time to leave petty worries and familiar entertainment.
We must think about spiritual development.
It's a time of solitude, a time to look into yourself."

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought Form: Wisdom, Prudence.
Number: nine.
Hebrew letter: tet.
Black color.
Stone: black marble.
Astrological analogy: Leo, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo.

Other names: "Inner light", "Bequeathed lamp".

On this black card, everything is very strict and simple.
There are no gods and sacred animals, no unnecessary details and characters.
Only a traveler wandering in the night.

He is alone.
His path is long and difficult, and no one knows where and what the end of this path will be.
The black color of the card is not the thick and bright color of black velvet, which depicts the southern night, and not the glossy color of a lacquer box that keeps a secret.

This black - faded and hazy - reflects the night inside rather than outside.
The traveler has no luggage.
He did not take with him anything from his past life, except for a staff that gives support, and a fire that illuminates the path.
He went into the desert, as many wise men left in search of God or their own soul and the meaning of existence.

The Hermit steps heavily along the road leading up.
For the path of knowledge is difficult.
On his face is the seal of reflection on the vicissitudes of human destiny.
An undrawn mouth testifies to asceticism and a vow of silence.

His uncovered head is open to rain and wind, with his bare feet he feels the earth.
He wears only a simple mantle of blue color(the color of receptivity and understanding).
The whole appearance of the Hermit speaks of his readiness to feel and perceive everything.

But he raises high his fire, "not covered with a vessel," - he wants others to know what is known to him.
Fire is a symbol of knowledge that must be used to illuminate the path of quest.
The staff on which the traveler leans is red and symbolizes God, support in searches and protection from enemies that may be encountered on the way.

If the eighth Arcanum symbolizes justice, then the ninth Arcanum shows the search for truth in its pure form, not corrupted by ideology, preferences or needs.
So if the Arkan "The Hermit" fell out in a direct or inverted position, then it means that the period of solitude (hermitage) has come to focus on the main thing or to understand oneself.

Value in the layout
In a straight position
The card represents a mature person who gains wisdom and inner strength by giving up base desires, able to rise above worldly fuss.

It can mean an emotional connection with a spiritualized, very wise person, and also - either you have an inner spiritual guidance, or you are under the invisible guardianship of the Higher Forces.
In the sphere of the psyche, it means patience, foresight, prudence, caution, a sense of proportion in everything.

Receptivity, apprenticeship, intuition.
In the practical sphere, the card speaks of an ascetic lifestyle, the search for spiritual values ​​and deepening into one's inner world.
Assumes internal and external rejection of the influence of public opinion.

It means that you have everything you need to solve your problems.
Sometimes it indicates loneliness and isolation from life, but the situation may turn out so that temporary loneliness will lead to the best.

Even being alone, a person can always communicate.
Talk to yourself.
Or are you an uninteresting interlocutor for yourself?

In an inverted position
The card also speaks of loneliness, but for different reasons.

This is unnatural, egocentric loneliness.
Refusal to help, stubbornness, suspicion, recklessness.
There may be a lack of patience and prudent caution.
May represent a capricious, eccentric person with high conceit, unable to enjoy human society.

Self-sufficiency is wonderful.
But is yourself enough for you?

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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Direct position: prudence; also (and these are the main meanings) betrayal, pretense, swindle, venality.

Reverse position: concealment, deceptive appearance (mask), politics, fear, foolish caution.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning: Saturn in Aquarius as a desire for wisdom and independence.
HERMIT The Hermit is a card of detachment from the world, a path to yourself.
This is the period of introversion, when we "close" ourselves from external influences, in order to find peace and, most importantly, find ourselves far away from the hustle and bustle of people.

Thus, the Hermit symbolizes important events showing us who we are, what we strive for and how to achieve it.
It combines two poles: the deepest experiences and the highest knowledge.
Many are afraid of this card, but in vain.

Only where these qualities of the Hermit are misunderstood does the fear of loneliness and abandonment arise.
However, one who is ready to follow the call of the Hermit does not lose himself, but finds himself, gaining clarity, strength and the ability to get along with himself.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Virgo The ninth card of the Major Arcana is called the Hermit, and it depicts an old man leaning on a staff and dressed in a monastic cloak with a hood.
This card is believed to depict Diogenes in search of an honest man.

In the right hand of the Hermit is a lamp, partially hidden by the sleeve of the cloak.
The hermit hides ancient wisdom from the profane.
The staff in his hand is a symbol of knowledge, which is the only support for man.
Sometimes the mystical staff is divided by knots into seven parts - a subtle analogy with the seven sacred centers of the human spine.

The Hermit card reminds us of the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, symbolizing the merging of the higher and lower worlds, their similarity and unification.
And since the higher and lower, the inner and outer worlds are similar, in order to attune oneself to that light that is in heaven, a person is sometimes forced to retire in the depths of his inner world.

On the Tarot card, the Hermit is depicted in a hood lowered over his face and holding a lantern in his hand.
The sun is shining in the sky, but the Hermit has turned away from him: he prefers the flashlight of his inner light, which helps him awaken his personal desire for perfection.

The spiritual perfection of the Hermit leads to the comprehension of the primordial wisdom of the structure of the world.
This card corresponds to the humble and selfless sign of Virgo and is related to concrete knowledge.
The HERMIT is also associated with the comprehension of the order of life manifestations and the mind of the will, that mind that prepares each being individually for the conviction of universal universality and which encourages them to learn to control their consciousness and cognize the sequence and order of the manifestations of the world.

The hermit seeks God within himself, he seeks by day with fire that invisible foundation of his existence, in which lie the sources of life and the future.
Knowledge leads to action, and for the time being the face of the Hermit is hidden: he is silent until his aura is cleansed and shines with new light.

The HERMIT must first illuminate his own soul with the beauty of order before it becomes a light for others.
The HERMIT is characterized by the desire to escape from life, to withdraw into himself, but the reason for this is not fear, but the thirst for knowledge and finding oneself.

This is not the Charioteer, who is looking for himself in the outside world, doing deeds, but a solitary exploration of the well of his soul.
The Hermit is characterized by inner depth, seriousness of thoughts and...
secret vices, not to mention such manifestations as rigidity, rigidity and alienation from people.

The ninth Arcana is comparable to the sign of Virgo - a sign of streamlining the internal resources of the present in order to create a favorable soil for the future, with her thirst for service and selflessness and - incredibly dirty depravity.

Sometimes these properties are combined in one personality.
In the upright position, the card symbolizes the search for spiritual values ​​and deepening into one's inner world, as well as balance, caution and prudence.

Sometimes indicates caution and isolation from life.
But circumstances may also develop in such a way that temporary loneliness can lead to a better life.
In an inverted position, the card indicates that light may have descended on you.

You have found a teacher and there is no need for you to wander around with fire in the daytime in search of a Man.
It signals independent achievement of a goal and an emotional connection with a spiritual and very wise person.
But (depending on neighboring cards) it can also mean refusal of help, stubbornness, suspicion, continuation of an unproductive lifestyle, as well as unnecessary mystery and caution.

"Prudence is the weapon of the sage.
Prudence gives him the opportunity to avoid pitfalls and anticipate betrayal.
Always be careful.
Remember that speech is silver, but silence is gold."

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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A man in a monastic robe holds in his raised hand a lantern in which a star burns.
With the other hand, he leans on a golden staff.
He is hunched over because he is tired of work and worries, but he is calm.
He stands on the top of a mountain, and around him, too, there are only mountains.

The Hermit card means giving up the desire for material and physical goods, turning to the mind and soul.
What is the use of a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?
Jesus asked.

It would seem a simple truth, but in order to understand it, a person sometimes needs a whole life.
Therefore, the old Hermit depicted on the map is also old.
Only now did he truly enter the purest of paths - the path of knowledge, the path of Tao and Buddha.

His eyes are usually closed, because in order to see the light of Truth, he no longer needs earthly vision.
Hence the name of this card in Egyptian tarot: Inner Light.
But he was able to achieve this only after many searches and temptations.

If he had not had a golden staff, he might not have reached the top.
However, now he does not need a staff.
In the old days, this card was called “The Old Man” and was considered the personification of the all-consuming Time: instead of a lantern, the person depicted on it held an hourglass.

Then she spoke not about wisdom, but about fear and could foreshadow imminent death.
Meaning of the card: It's time to leave petty worries and habitual entertainment: they interfere with thinking about the soul.

Each person needs a period of solitude (“hermitage”) in order to finally understand himself.
For esotericists and people in general who care about their spiritual growth, the Hermit can mean a feeling of loneliness because his former comrades and relatives no longer understand him: he went ahead, and they remained where they were.

Therefore, he can now communicate only with the same Hermits, but there are few of them, and there may not be around at all.
He can, of course, return back, and old friends will gladly accept him, but this will be the end of his spiritual development.

Better go ahead, this card says, conquer the next peaks, and you will find new friends.
For ordinary people, for example, a girl abandoned by a guy (“Will he come back?” Or: “Will I get married soon?”), It simply means loneliness, at least in the near future, that is, the answer to such everyday questions will be negative.

Although the same card gives her advice: take care of your spiritual growth for the time being, use the loneliness allotted to you for the good of the cause.
Inverted: On the contrary, the Hermit says that the girl will not be left alone, and perhaps she will get married in the very near future.

For esotericists, it means that, alas, the summit has not yet been reached (perhaps the path was wrong), that there is no creative solitude and is not yet foreseen.
That is, the result is rather unfavorable.

For businessmen: Hermit that so that commercials unfavorable.
The only advice is to immediately quit the business he is in this moment, and switch to something else.

Despite their basic meaning, Tarot cards can take on the most amazing interpretations. The interpretation will also depend on the subject matter of the question asked. A card with many different meanings can be called the Hermit Tarot, the meaning of which also depends on the position of the symbol. In the correct and inverted orientation, this card takes on various interpretations.

Major Arcana Hermit

The Tarot deck is divided into two groups. The first is called "deck little secret» and consists of minor arcana. The second is formed from trump cards, which are called the major arcana.

The Hermit Tarot belongs to the Elder symbols. The card is number nine in the row of trump cards. She is often referred to as the Seeker or the Elder.

The hermit symbolizes the removal from earthly troubles and the elevation of spirituality. The meaning is read in the image itself.

The figure shows an old man who is in the dark over a cliff. In one hand he holds a dim lantern, under the glass of which a star burns. The other hand grips the staff.

His silhouette drooped. A person is tired of worries, he is burdened by the past century. He looks at the mountains that are visible in the distance. Apart from rocks and cliffs, there is nothing around it.

The man on the map knew the meaning of existence. He managed to protect himself from worldly fuss, secluded in his own soul. To understand the need for such a hermitage, a person needed a whole life. Therefore, the person depicted on the map is very old.

However, having stepped on the true path of knowledge only at an advanced age, the character is not removed from existence. He is protected only from earthly affairs. On the way to the truth, he was helped by worldly goods, which are embodied in a golden staff. Now there is no need for this scepter. The man has attained enlightenment. He is at the top.

Card value in correct position

When interpreting any card, you should pay attention to its position in the layout. So, the Hermit has two radically different interpretations in different card orientations.

The main meanings of the Hermit in the correct position:

In the correct position, the 9 lasso of the Tarot, the meaning of which is twofold, symbolizes a deepening in one's own thoughts. The man understood the essence of things and moved away from the fuss. His position in life is clear. He seeks spiritual peace and is not attached to earthly needs.

If the card fell out during personality analysis, then the Hermit person is an introvert. He deliberately isolates himself from the world, limiting the impact of external stimuli. He is comfortable being alone.

You should pay attention to neighboring cards. The Empress speaks of the fruitfulness of such a renunciation. The hierophant indicates the presence of a spiritual mentor. Strength is a promise made, a vow to oneself.

Card in the wrong position

The meaning of the Hermit card in an inverted position is in the same perspective, however, an inverted symbol indicates an undesirable removal from the world. Isolation in this case does not have a beneficial effect.

Brief description of the reversed card:

In an inverted position, the Hermit card, the meaning of which is ambiguous, takes on a negative context. The symbol demonstrates a reluctance to contact others. This isolation is of no use. The person is simply trying to avoid responsibility. The character is unable to find their place in life, career, or relationships.

In some layouts, the card speaks of attempts to hide the truth. It can be lies, cover-ups, corruption, or simple stubbornness and unwillingness to accept the obvious.

The inverted Elder speaks of dissatisfaction with life. Its combination with the Jester enhances this meaning of the symbol. The emperor nearby indicates conservatism and unwillingness to move on. The Hanged Man testifies to opposing himself to the whole world, but such a position is only stubbornness.

Career and finance breakdown

In the question of work, it is important to pay attention to the card, its position and neighboring arcana. So, Seeker can have both positive and negative meaning.

Correct character orientation

The Hermit card speaks of the experience and wisdom that a person is ready to apply in professional activities. He has a mature approach to problem solving.

He is guided common sense while coordinating their decisions with spiritual sensations.

The character who received the Elder in the layout is ready to share his experience with others.

He is able to act as a wise mentor, sharing his ideas with others. However, in some cases, such a symbol indicates an unwillingness to work. A person has reached a certain perfection and seeks to go on vacation. This interpretation often falls to older professionals who wish to retire.

A more accurate description of the situation can be obtained by considering neighboring cards. For example, the Ace of Swords testifies to the ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations. The Four of Wands speak of the ability to lead competently.

Incorrect orientation of the lasso

The hermit in an inverted position repeats about the unwillingness to work in a team. The person avoids cooperation. But this situation is not good for him.

Ways to solve problems are selected by the character depending on his personal preferences. A person does not turn around to the opinions of others and deliberately acts contrary to the rules.

The card can also speak of dishonesty. Fraud or attempts at bribery will not lead to the desired result. This meaning is enhanced by the Devil in the scenario.

Divination for love and relationships

In the scenario for personal relationships, the major arcana have a fairly clear interpretation. The hermit is worth reading depending on his position in divination.

Correct ninth lasso

Despite the hermit meaning of the card, the Elder in a relationship symbolizes a mature approach to love. The Tarot Hermit has a favorable interpretation. The value in the relationship of this card is significant. A person is aware of his responsibility, his intentions are pure and strong. The seeker speaks of a desire to stay with a loved one and protect this union from the outside world. It means spiritual unity.

For lonely people, the Tarot reminds them that their isolation is conscious. The character has considered his decision and does not want to start a relationship. He values ​​his personal space. Or he simply did not meet someone with whom he would be ready to share it.

Neighboring cards will help predict the outcome of the relationship. For example, the Sun speaks of the impeccability of the one on whom the alignment is made. The person has reached a subtle understanding of relationships. Moderation promises a quick removal from sadness and the ability to forget past grievances. The Two of Cups describes easy, harmonious unions. The Page of Cups is a gradual rapprochement of lovers.

Wrong trump symbol

The Hermit Tarot card, whose meaning depends on its position, takes on radically different colors in an inverted position. The feelings of the partner in this case are doubtful.

Tarot points to a selfish character for whom nothing is more important than their own comfort. This is especially true of the state of mind. He does not want to seek compromises, so as not to violate the harmony of his being by these searches. By agreeing to a “bad world”, he dooms relations to gradual destruction.

The card often predicts a temporary separation, which will be conscious. Partners decide to clarify their feelings at a distance, but the deck cannot predict the outcome of such a departure from clarifications. The Lovers card next to the Elder strengthens this value. The moon nearby indicates not the first and not the last desire to test feelings of separation.

Health question

In the interpretation of the alignment of the state of health, the Seeker card has a negative context. The symbol indicates some kind of exhaustion, loss of strength and lack of energy. Some vital functions gradually fade away. The elder points to the natural onset of old age.

The symbol also speaks of depression, melancholy and apathy. Hormonal failure, problems with the musculoskeletal system are not excluded.

The deck warns that the aging process is accelerated by bad habits. It is necessary to normalize the rhythm of life and abandon harmful substances. Physical education will be useful. This interpretation is especially typical for men to whom the card predicts problems with the spine.

Prediction card of the day

On the issue of relationships, the card advises to retire and not look for contacts. Perhaps in the family circle you will find peace, but strangers can break this harmony.

In all spheres, the Seeker advises to be moderate and not to go to extremes. Finances will need to be saved, and eating habits corrected.

The combination of the Seeker with the Major Arcana

In any scenario, it is important not only to pay attention to the position of the card, but also to consider neighboring symbols. So, the major arcana enhance the meaning of any card, and some of them radically change its meaning. The Hermit also interacts with trump symbols.

The combination of the Elder with the major arcana:

Tarot cards sometimes give an ambiguous answer to a question. Symbols should be interpreted with the help of intuition. You should also write down the result of the layout in order to analyze it later.

Attention, only TODAY!

The hermit has gained a reputation as a card that portends loneliness and "generally nothing good", while for spiritual development this card is a real treasure. However, this is again a dimension that frightens the average person rather than inspires. Therefore, the Hermit is rarely a welcome guest in layouts. But in essence, he speaks only of loyalty to himself. His appearance may hint that the attitude to life has become too involved and emotional, and now "healing" is required, a return to the true path, a little closer to oneself, to one's true nature. This is not only and not so much a matter of convictions or conscience - the Hermit differs from the High Priest in that here we are not talking about "concepts". Here we are talking about our core.

This is the authenticity that lives in the bones, this is the spirit, not the letter, here it is not about how you “should”, but about who you are and why you cannot do otherwise. This is not just me, not a super-I, this is a real, absolutely authentic, without any adaptive fakes I. Nothing separates us so much from others, from this strange world to which we have not easily adapted over the first ... twenty years life as our authenticity, our loyalty to ourselves.

The hermit emphasizes the desire to withdraw and the need for introspection, finding inner peace and one's own truth, following one's own path. He says it's time to re-evaluate your life, your goals and your connections. It's time to move away from social life a little, leave petty worries and entertainment that has become familiar: they interfere with thinking about the soul. Each person needs a period of solitude (“hermitage”) in order to finally understand himself. However, this is not just a timeout, in general, the vibrations of the Hermit are noticeably superior to the Four of Swords. They announce being in their own center and finding their own light. The main thing that proclaims the Ninth Arcana is a refusal to be guided by other people's opinions (only one's own!), a refusal to do anything contrary to oneself, one's inner sense of the true and true, for the sake of others or simply according to universal concepts. This is a card of spiritual independence and great personal strength, enough to walk your own narrow path, despite the absence of fellow travelers (or at least public approval).

In the layout, this is usually a person who has refused to participate in anything, “pedaling back” and defending himself from any outside influences. It takes time to figure everything out for yourself, to establish yourself in your decision. Hurrying him, pushing him is empty. He will do everything anyway and then, as he sees fit and right. If Justice is also nearby, then he will not be mistaken what is good and what is bad. The pathos of the Hermit is self-knowledge and self-defence, immunity to outside influences, whether it be beautiful words, threats, persuasion, manipulation. If they do not correspond to his understanding of things, then the reaction will be, as they say, "like a crocodile to a swede." It is pointless to spur events, to make efforts, to put pressure, it will not work.

According to the Hermit, a person is seriously busy defining his position and his boundaries. At the same time, outwardly from him there can be no hearing, no spirit - no calls, no letters, no offers, no refusals. He decides what all this means to him, why he needs it and how far he is ready to go in all this, be it love or business. This is perhaps the most important.

The Hermit, like the Priestess, to a certain extent speaks of the existence of some hidden truth. Justice is looking for the truth, the Hermit is looking for the truth, once again making it clear that truth and truth are not the same thing. And he finds, for whatever you follow, you will find.

Like the Priestess, the Hermit often points to something hidden, in this case more hidden or lost than secret. The hermit loves to quiet down, hide from the eyes, dive into the depths. He likes wells and fountains, caves and dungeons, cellars and stairs, cabinets and chests, secret boxes.

Sometimes, according to the Hermit, there is a search (and acquisition) of a teacher, mentor, spiritual leader, he can talk about receiving valuable advice.

In ancient interpretations, it is indicated that the Hermit can predict not only a spiritual, but also quite a literal journey, a journey, especially to some spiritually significant places.

It is believed that as a signifier of the past, the Hermit speaks not so much about loneliness, but about the desire to draw a line under something, to forget something. Whether the temporary loneliness foreshadowed by him will lead to a better life, other cards of the alignment will show.

The hermit gives strength and composure in order to concentrate on the main thing, but only this “main thing” can easily turn out to be achievements of a purely internal nature, and does not apply to those goals that are listed in a business diary. The Hermit is not a map of external activity, but rather a map of withdrawal from it. According to him, one can rarely expect advancement in vain affairs. Although Gegenheim states that "this is a card of wisdom, achievements and accomplishments."

The hermit comrade is unhurried, and therefore his appearance in the layout may indicate a slowdown in the process.

In general, falling out in a layout, the Hermit hints that the time has come to reject petty problems and fuss, since they interfere with concentrating on one's own soul. And it is she who now requires close attention. Each person needs a period of withdrawal from everyday life and other people. This Arkan seems to say: try to be a little Hermit in order to finally understand yourself and your needs, to reflect on your problems. This is necessary in order to learn to see yourself from the outside, to realistically assess the level of your development and love yourself. Remember that he who does not love himself cannot love anyone. Do not consider time spent in inactivity, solitude and contemplation as wasted. Calm analysis and comprehension of your plans will allow you to avoid mistakes in further actions.

For ordinary people, for example, a girl who broke up with a man (“Will he come back?” Or: “Will I get married soon?”), It simply means loneliness, at least in the near future, that is, the answer to “everyday questions” will be negative. Although the same card gives her advice: use the loneliness allotted to you for the good of the cause, try to grow during this time. For “non-domestic issues”, the Hermit card is strong and important, it really is like a lantern illuminating a difficult path. However, for esotericists and people in general who care about their spiritual growth, the Hermit can mean a feeling of loneliness because his former comrades and relatives no longer understand him: he went ahead, and they remained where they were. Therefore, he can now communicate only with the same Hermits, but there are few of them, and there may not be around at all. He can, of course, go back, but this is where his spiritual development will end. Better go ahead, this card says, conquer the next peaks, and you will find new friends.

In the inverted position, on the contrary, the Hermit says that the girl will not be left alone. For esotericists, it means that, alas, the summit has not yet been reached (perhaps the path was wrong), that there is no creative solitude and is not yet foreseen.

Serious and independent (provided that the person is not quite a novice on the path of the spirit and is at least somehow adapted to the energies of the Hermit, otherwise it is depressive and confused). "Think. Please do not interfere” (I am writing a diploma, going to psychotherapy, finishing a project, making a blog entry…). The hermit is life by its own rules. Striving more for the inner world than for the outer, the pursuit of exclusively internal goals and indifference to external achievements. This is not the Charioteer, who seeks himself in the outside world, doing deeds, but a solitary exploration of the well of his soul and hermit life.

Spiritual independence, following your own path, on which there are no fellow travelers, the search for your own truth (and not socially desirable). The hermit is characterized by a desire to escape from life, to withdraw into himself, but the reason for this is not fear, but the thirst for knowledge and finding oneself. This is productive loneliness, immersion in one's inner world, isolation from material reality, from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the needs of civilization. This is inner composure, but not for worldly life, but for the search for the eternal. What would we do in the outer world if each of us were not given his own inner world?

The Hermit jealously guards this world, much like the Emperor guards outer possessions and conquests. Often this card describes the fear of revealing secrets (if the Moon is also nearby, then it is strong and justified). The hermit is well "encrypted", and it is useless to look for him in in social networks- at best, a non-binding and formal profile will be found there. This person carefully hides his face from those around him, does not seek to make contact with them, fearing that his loneliness will be violated. He seems to be born with the knowledge of the existential truth that we are all alone, birth, death, pain, revelation - it all leaves to itself. At the same time, loneliness awakens his thought, brings depth and peace, and is one of the most inspiring states. For those who are not adapted to the energies of the Hermit, this seems simply impossible. The most mystical element of the Arcana is the lantern. To discern its light, this is the spiritual task of the ninth Arcanum. Helplessness, disappointment or despair are alien to the hermit. He understands who he is, and knows what he is doing and why - or, at least, it is to this state that Arkan calls to come.

Important qualities of the Hermit: prudence, prudence, insight, seriousness of thoughts, prudence, the ability to pull yourself together in time (especially with the Force), the ability to control your emotions. Security, independence, spiritual independence and self-sufficiency. Wisdom, secrecy. Strictness, seriousness. Patience, imperturbability. Emphasized invisibility (such a person, even having outstanding external data, will consciously do everything to “dim out” the effect). The hermit is generally not particularly concerned with socialization. Its adaptation to society can be generally very superficial - for example, at the level of a screensaver for a "desktop". It looks like it is generally accepted, but when you try to open any file, it turns out that the extension is non-standard or either does not open at all, or the language is not quite readable, and the user clearly lacks some kind of connection to download all this ... and boot all this. Such is the Hermit, and gender, age, rank and condition do not change things here. The Cloak of the Hermit on the Arcana symbolizes the blurring and closeness of his physical and social essence during the lonely path of spiritual ascent. But his lantern happens to become a guiding star for others.

Work with own soul, self-understanding in solitude, the search for loneliness for inner work. Self-being is another keyword of the Hermit. But sometimes it reaches the stage when a person is so isolated in his own selfish little world that it is almost impossible to get through to him. The hermit, in principle, is very independent of others and reacts poorly to their approval or disapproval, since the only measure of everything and everything for him is his own philosophy of life.

The hermit symbolizes an experienced initiate who has well learned the lessons of life wisdom previously received. Often this is a person whom fate for some time and somehow “pulled” out of the bustle of life - for example, he spent a lot of time in the hospital, lived on the outskirts or worked in a closed institution. The hermit loves spiritual practices and fasting. He never becomes part of the crowd. The vocation, curse and gift of the Hermit is the subordination of the will to inner truth. And only to her. Not whims, not from the mind decisions(it may be in conflict with this truth), not to concepts induced from outside, and not even to weaknesses and strengths of one's own character. Only the leading unknown force. The Hermit is almost like a Jester, the difference is that before the Jester all paths are open, and before the Hermit - only through thorns to the stars. Narrow Path. Its borders can be lined with precious stones or entwined with barbed wire, this does not change the essence of the matter. From the point of view of symbolism, the pole of the Jester, on which the knot is attached, becomes the staff of the Hermit, helping to wander and giving the only support on the way.

This person may be characterized by alienation, pronounced introversion, restraint and isolation. The hermit is simply old. Moreover, old age can be measured not at all by passport age, but by stiffness, inflexibility, alienation from people, spiritual decrepitude and categorical rejection of the environment. modern world. There are people whose midlife crisis begins immediately after the pubertal crisis. In the best sense, the Hermit can symbolize a person of such inner wealth that the outside world seems to him nothing more than tinsel and jewelry - it has weight, but does not represent value. He really sets himself exclusively internal goals, and it happens that not for one life.

The negative meaning is a self-satisfied stay in the little world of one's knowledge, albeit centuries-old and esoteric, but not used in practice. Bitterness, isolation, depression, an aura of grief and loss, gloom and joylessness. Alienation from people, bitterness. Through the theme of isolation and secrecy, such negative traditional meanings as pretense, concealment, hypocrisy and even treason grow.

A stage in spiritual development, symbolizing Saturn's self-destruction, withdrawal into oneself, into the desert, into the monastery of the spirit, into the XII house. The hermit seeks God within himself, he seeks by day with fire that invisible foundation of his existence, in which lie the sources of life and the future. In fact, he is looking for a goal - what it should be at all. Knowledge leads to action, and for the time being the face of the Hermit is hidden: he is silent until his aura is cleansed and shines with new light. The hermit must first illuminate his own soul with beauty before it becomes a light for others. He accumulates and concentrates those potential energies in complete solitude, on the basis of which another being will be created in the future. This Arcana symbolizes the synthesis of possibilities, "the mystery of a real, but hidden birth, in which only spirit and soul participate."

In the Kabbalistic sense, the Hermit is the ninth sephirah, the basis for all the previously presented properties (Names) of God and the prism that concentrates them before entering the material world (the tenth sephirah). Energies, patiently and silently accumulated in isolation from all extraneous and distracting influences, are released with great power when the time comes for this. The hermit goes into the darkness to find the inner light. And it happens that the light of their visions and revelations serves as a spiritual guiding star for others for many centuries to come. The mystery of this Arcana is the search for truth, existential reflections, the acquisition of inner treasures, the search for and finding knowledge and wisdom in one's inner world, self-initiation. Contemplation and the greatest comprehension of the essence of things under the wise guidance of the inner mentor.

All religions contain legends about the journeys of the spirit, about great teachers or prophets who went around the whole world or went to the desert in search of insight and truth. Self-initiation, comprehension of secret wisdom, age-old knowledge (and not the wisdom of survival in this world).

The map reminds us of the connection between the heavenly and the earthly, symbolizing the junction of the higher and lower worlds, their similarity and unification. And since the higher and lower, the inner and outer worlds are similar, in order to attune oneself to that light that is in heaven, a person is sometimes forced to retire in the depths of his inner world.

“This is a desert. But in this desert, God speaks to me. Therefore, I live in silence - to hear Him. Absolute fidelity to your life principles and inner knowledge. Indifference to the opinions and assessments of others, to generally accepted stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Deep analysis of the situation, comprehension of past experience, summing up the spiritual results. A map of your own truth, following your own path. Deepening into oneself, moderation and confidence. Self-restraint, visible inferiority, but also the acquisition of a core and wisdom. The real path of the self, being alone, in the 12th house, where there is only the light of the inner truth and no one else. Refusal to work with external information, as the gaze is turned inward. This may be the time to reevaluate your life, your connections, your goals. The changes that may occur in this case are shown by other cards in the layout.

The card usually depicts an old man leaning on a staff and dressed in a monastic cloak with a hood. In his hand is a lantern, partly hidden by the sleeve of his cloak. This is a symbol of the light of the occult sciences, which always remains partially hidden. In a symbolic and esoteric sense, the Hermit hides ancient wisdom from the profane. The staff in his hand is a symbol of knowledge, which is the only support for man. Sometimes the mystical staff is divided by knots into seven parts - a subtle analogy with the seven sacred centers of the human spine. The Hermit follows the path of Initiation, Mystery and Knowledge.

Arcana the Hermit is closely connected with the Moon. His knowledge is not rational and logical postulates or beautiful mental images. They are much more instinctive and true than any schemes, and extend rather deeper than in breadth - to the mystical origins of being, deep into the underworld, where Persephone (Virgo) lives, Orpheus gains and loses Eurydice, and Dante contemplates the underside of immortality. Associated with the Moon, the Hermit describes supra-tantric enlightenment practices based on sublime masturbation, which later developed into a cult of religious zeal fueled by celibacy (the practice of celibacy).

The ninth Arcana is comparable to the sign of Virgo - a sign of streamlining the internal resources of the present in order to create a favorable soil for the future, with her thirst for service and selflessness, and sometimes - incredible depravity. Sometimes these properties are combined in one personality. Comprehension of the order of life manifestations and the mind of the will are connected with the Hermit, the mind that prepares each being individually for the conviction of universal universality and which encourages them to learn to control their consciousness and cognize the sequence and order of the manifestations of the world. The Hermit is a card of detachment from the world, a path to yourself.

This is the period of introversion, when we "close" ourselves from external influences, in order to find peace and, most importantly, find ourselves far away from the hustle and bustle of people. Thus, the Hermit symbolizes important events that show us who we are, what we strive for and how to achieve it. It combines two poles: the deepest experiences and the highest knowledge. The one who is ready to follow the call of the Hermit does not lose himself, but finds himself, gaining clarity, strength and the ability to get along with himself.

The closeness of the Hermit to the Virgin is also emphasized by Crowley, considering him as the “hidden Persephone”, the Queen of Hades, who in the fall leads the soul of the world to the next world, and in the spring to rebirth (it is no coincidence that the next Arcana is the “cyclical” Wheel of Fortune).

The hermit is indifferent to honors and wealth, but is completely focused on the goal. Professionally, it corresponds to freelancers who are not subordinate to any organization and have a certain dislike for teams.

The card is good for scientific studies, analysis, writing papers and memoirs, at worst - blogging. There is consistency and perseverance in it, but only when a person sees the meaning for himself in what he does.

People walk along the Hermit, whose profession is somehow connected with searches and research. It can be a scientist and an archivist, or maybe a criminal police investigator following the trail with his lantern, highlighting what others have missed or hidden (prosecutors, lawyers - this is for Justice), a teacher, a consultant.

The Hermit is quite favorable for learning (his lantern symbolizes the light of knowledge) and business trips (the Hermit is usually on the road, and his staff is a travel staff). According to the Hermit, professional skills are perfectly honed, independently or under the guidance of a senior mentor. Ziegler reports that this is a map of wise leaders. But still, in all likelihood, not in the field of business, clearly focused on profit.

For a businessman, the Hermit is unfavorable. In fact, he points to the futility of the case in which he is now engaged. It can be seen as advice to get rid of the current enterprise and switch to something else.

There is an opinion that this is a card of completion and harvest, but that's just it, that the Hermit stands rather for the path and the process, in addition, he is mainly interested in gaining internal ones.

According to the Hermit, a person may wonder about the meaning of his own activity and about his professional suitability. Sometimes on this card there is a departure from professional activity, retirement and / or transfer of accumulated experience to others.

The hermit is an unfavorable indicator for financial matters. He lives in isolation from worldly goods, and invites the questioner to practice the same. This is a card of monetary restrictions, shortfalls due, lower wages and pensions, a simple and ascetic life. If we are talking about some kind of agreements, then they can be canceled. The hermit may advise the questioner to simply ignore financial issues and look at the matter from some other angle, making it clear that money is not the main thing.

Loneliness is a very expensive commodity. It is equally difficult to acquire when it is needed, and to sell off when it is tired. Falling out in a layout, the Hermit reports that the questioner, even if he is in a relationship, is now more focused on himself and own development than something else. The Hermit is traditionally considered an unfavorable card for relationships. Relationships are largely based on adaptation to another person.

The hermit does not adapt. He goes his own way and really belongs only to him. Therefore, the card often heralds leaving one's own way, parting, breaking relationships, or at least the search for greater independence, independence from a partner. Among other things, according to it, weddings are canceled and engagements are broken (of course, there should be some other instructions for this). The hermit thinks about the meaning of relationships, about his role in them, about why all this is necessary and whether it corresponds to his inner feeling life path. In any case, the good thing about the Hermit is that he takes things seriously. He will not turn a blind eye to relationship problems and be guided by the principle “maybe it will settle down” (he is well aware that things tend to “shake up” mainly in the Tower).

The minus of the Hermit is that he will hardly rush to actively solve the problems that he sees - rather, he will step back (“sort out his feelings”) and, when he figure it out, will go his own way. With him, you can, in general, drain the bogs, rake up the rubble and build bridges over the abyss, but only on condition that he is helped to see some homemade meaning in all this. Then you can go on reconnaissance with him - he is a serious and reliable comrade. But the feeling of meaninglessness finishes him off, and this makes him a difficult partner - after all, it is much easier to provide care of all kinds, material well-being and sexual diversity than to turn the semantic key of an unknown configuration in an unknown well located. However, when this key turned and the meaning shone.

The hermit is able to withstand the absence of the first, second and third (see above) and much more - he thinks in existential categories and will not be capricious in case of inconvenience.

The hermit is hidden. In a way, he is like a Priestess. Some part of his intimate life always remains a secret. He can indicate both a naturally secretive partner who does not pour out his soul (at best, once a year, a teaspoon), and that he has something to hide (for example, treason). This is a card of removal, removal, distance.

The hermit is silent. From him you will not achieve unnecessary expressions of feelings. He takes relationships seriously, but in general, for him, monogamy is too many people. It happens that a lonely person does not strive to go home, where he will be left alone with the walls, but as for the Hermit, he extremely values ​​\u200b\u200bsolitude and closes the door to his lonely sanctuary behind him with deep relief, taking a breath and finally becoming himself. The thought that he will lose this rest and refuge of the soul, having entered into marriage, frightens him much more than inspires him (“here you do somersaults in a day, you come home - you sit there!”) The Hermit perceives the inconveniences and anxieties of loneliness philosophically, not giving them some special meaning - their own burden does not pull. The famous lines of Omar Khayyam “You better starve than eat anything, and it’s better to be alone than with just anyone” in the case of the Hermit acquire a special intonation - the word “better” is redundant here, because he is not very capable in any other way. . Loneliness for him is not an event. Simply being. This card often shows a conscious desire to be alone. For the Hermit, honesty with oneself and agreement with oneself are extremely important. Until he has reached them, it is useless to push him, and he does not accept anyone's influence on himself. Everything that does not correspond to his nature and individuality, sooner or later will be destroyed by him and crossed out of life (or rather, not allowed into it at all). Traditionally, the Hermit describes celibacy, seclusion, withdrawal from the world, a closed solitary life, incomprehensible to others.

It is very significant if the Hermit falls to a person in love. This is a clear indication to take a step back, not to rush to bind yourself with strong bonds, to test feelings. This card symbolizes aloofness, prudence and caution in choosing a partner, being in your own space. Most likely, a person takes a relationship seriously, but he needs time to understand what he really wants, because now there is no clarity. Jumping into the pool with your head is clearly not the time.

The card may indicate a lack of sexual desire, but this is not always so clear. For example, it is possible that in a sexual sense the Hermit also "knows himself", and the help of another is not always implied in this. It happens that a person for himself is the best sexual partner, and with everyone else he does not experience what he does with himself. "Love solo" can be mastered by him to a greater or lesser extent, be primitive and refined. And if with the Hanged Man and the Tower it is rather a crude act of self-satisfaction, which was preceded by the suppression of libido, then if, for example, Strength and the Seven of Cups are nearby, hardly anyone can give him such exhaustive pleasure that he knows how to give himself.

It is not easy to drag the Hermit into bed for a joint pastime, and again you have to expect extravaganza here. This partner is reserved and not inclined to take the initiative. Some people may like these qualities. Often the card indicates coldness, the ability to do without sex, the lack of an intimate life.

At best, the Hermit can indicate an emotional (but hardly sexual) connection with a spiritual and very wise person. This is a union at a deep level.

The Hermit is not the most favorable card for health. According to him, the body becomes ephemeral (“Dust you are and to dust you will return”).

This is a decline in energy, a decrease in tone, a gradual curtailment of the activity of vital functions. This is a map of descent into the depths and movement inwards. In its most classic form, it corresponds to the processes of natural aging and decrepitude. But it can also be exhaustion after overload and the need to save the remaining forces.

Depression. Insomnia. Hormonal insufficiency. Menopause. Rheumatism. All chronic health problems typical of old age. Digestive problems.

The Hermit often undergoes anesthesia, anesthesia, and "folding" of mental activity.

Advice: asceticism, rejection of the usual lifestyle and many ordinary habits that have turned into pseudo-needs.

Hermit and Priestess - a bad sign, associations from the area - another woman and treason, a mystery associated with her.

The Hermit and the Sun in this sense are the disclosure of treason, the disclosure of secrets.

The Hermit and the Empress are an indication that you should not rush things, even if something does not suit you, everything will go on as usual.

Lovers - weaken the action of the Hermit, talk about the sexuality of the emergence of relationships, sometimes against the will of a person. Also - a deep inner concentration before stepping into the new. We need a lot of internal composure, reliance on our personal concepts, and nothing more.

With the Devil - a struggle of motives, the temptation to act contrary to oneself, to do something contrary to one's nature.

The Hermit and the Court - the wrong court (from an old interpreter). Receiving important news. A big event, the beginning of a new period of life.

Peace - weakens the value of isolation, which carries the Hermit, does inject into the flow of events.

Four of Swords - teaches the inertia and contemplation inherent in the Hermit

Seven of Swords - enhances the action of the Hermit, loneliness, solitude

Two of Cups - weakens the action of the Hermit, involves in connections

Eight of Cups - enhances the action of the Hermit, self-deepening, the search for the deep meaning of events

With the Nine of Cups - selfish pleasures

With the inverted Ten of Cups, there is a lot of trouble.

Jung's Wise Elder, senex.

"Many knowledge - many sorrows."

"Whatever you go for, you will find."

"The sword of the conqueror is forged in solitude."

Immanuel Kant, Saint Jerome and others like them

Actors, writers and other famous personalities who preferred a reclusive and secluded lifestyle

Spirituals by vocation

Tarot Hermit - the value of this card is necessary if you use the classic Tarot, Rider Waite Tarot and any other decks that are made in the Waite tradition for divination. This interpretation is also applied in cases where, when creating a unique deck, the author indicated that the classical meaning has not been changed.

In the article:

Tarot Hermit - Meaning

The Hermit Tarot card has several meanings that are opposite to each other. If the purpose of fortune-telling is to reveal the spiritual potential of a person and the path of his development, then the Hermit card that fell out in the layout is a real treasure.

She says that a person has the opportunity to rethink his whole life, withdraw into himself for a while, make an important decision, fixate on important problems and receive emotional healing. Such work on oneself will help not only to return to the true path, to find harmony with nature.

In addition, in a direct position, the Hermit says that a person is ready to get away from problems and will not suffer from loneliness. In most cases, a person does not let anyone near him, not only because he needs time to be alone and rethink life values, but also because of his pride.

In this case, the person is in his shell, from which he does not want to leave. Often, the Hermit card is identified with a rather adult person, most often with an old man, since it is believed that it is during this period of a person’s life that he is able to accumulate sufficient experience in order to rethink his own life and draw the necessary conclusions.

The map focuses on the need for a deep analysis of what is happening. Such a person should have an iron core so that he would have the courage to leave petty chores, worries, entertainment in order to think about the development of his soul. It's not just a break or a rest, it's a real need to prepare yourself to start life with a clean slate.

The appearance of such a card speaks of a person who is trying to protect himself from negative impact from the outside. It is useless to rush this person or push him to something. At this stage, the person is really busy rethinking life and defining his position.

The Hermit card says that a person is in search of the hidden, the truth. At this point, you need to find a good leader, teacher and mentor who will help direct the energy in the right direction.

Reversed position

The hermit reversed in the Tarot is a symbol of humility. This suggests that a person, in principle, is ready to do business, to contact others, even if they annoy him. In general, a person is ready to get out of his shell and even go to work, communicate with other people.

But deep down, he doesn’t care: whether to stay alone, whether to escape into his fantasy world. Such a person is often not doing what he wants, he is constantly forced to communicate with relatives who are disgusting to him, to work in a place to which he does not have a soul. At the same time, a person will always try to find a place where he will be appreciated.

A meeting with some distant acquaintance is possible, which will help you perk up. It is possible to change the scope of employment. If a deal was made on the likelihood of reconciliation of people, then the answer is yes, but such a peace will not last long.

Work and finance

The Hermit Tarot card says that a person absolutely does not care how much he earns, but he is focused on some more global goal. Such a person may be a freelancer who does not want to constantly work for one person and is unable to find a common language with colleagues.

It is useless to force the Hermit to work in a team, as this will really be a trauma for him. He brings great benefits when he works independently. In order for employment to bring you pleasure, it is worth connecting life with some kind of search, research.

You have the opportunity not only to develop spiritually, but also to get advanced training, to replenish your knowledge base, to hone your skills on your own or under someone's guidance. The card is unfavorable for businessmen, as it is a symbol of lack of profit and profitable partnerships.

Sometimes the lasso says that a person needs to transfer the acquired knowledge to another or retire. As for the financial and housing situation, the Hermit points to a person who does not get what he deserves. This may indicate a reduced salary, unappreciated talent. The main task of the card is to make it clear to a person that money is not the most important thing in life.

The Hermit Tarot - Meaning in Relationships

As in most cases with the Hermit, the card is very twofold in divination for relationships. It is possible that she says that a person feels lonely even with someone. Most often, in his subconscious, he flies to another universe, where people do not interfere with him. If fortune-telling is performed on two specific people (a man and a woman), the Hermit is a good sign.

If the partners have been married for a long time, real feelings open up, people give up youthful maximalism, selfishness, they are ready for anything to preserve the union. If we are talking about a couple in which one of the partners is much older than the other, then in the relationship there will be mainly tolerance, the transfer of knowledge from a more experienced person to another.

At the same time, the card speaks of a lack of love, coldness in relationships, one of the partners is disgusted by the presence of the other. Pay attention to which cards surround the Hermit.

If they are positive, then the lasso speaks of the presence of warmth in relationships, joint problem solving, harmonious coexistence. Otherwise, the interpretation will be negative, symbolizing fatigue from each other and alienation.

Health status

Far from the most favorable Tarot card is the Hermit in health layouts. The meaning of this card is a decline in strength, lack of energy, fading of vital functions. The classical meaning speaks of the completely normal natural aging processes of the body.

The main interpretation is insomnia, melancholy, depression, hormonal failure, joint problems, menopause, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A person has a lot of negative habits that negatively affect the state of health.

But at the same time, the individual tries to support himself with physical exercises. When divining for a man, an inverted Hermit in can talk about problems with the spine.

The Hermit combined with other Tarot cards

If you want to know as accurately as possible what is encrypted in the layout, you need to concentrate not on each individual card, but rely on a combination with others. Depending on which cards are located next to the Hermit, its usual meaning may change. In combination with the major arcana:

  • Jester - the search for one's own I;
  • Magician - an attempt to hide his abilities;
  • High Priestess - you should devote your life to the study of secrets;
  • Empress - the search will bear fruit;
  • Emperor - harmony with yourself;
  • Hierophant - search for a mentor;
  • Lovers - the emergence of a strong relationship;
  • Chariot - they prevent you from being alone;
  • Strength - compliance with established rules;
  • Wheel of Fortune - freedom from the framework;
  • Justice - you will have to take on the role of a judge;
  • Hanged Man - the need for solitude;
  • Death is a feeling of emptiness;
  • Moderation is the torment of the soul;
  • Tower - the search for truth;
  • Star - the search for your destiny;
  • Moon - diseases;
  • Sun - your search will be successful;
  • Court - gaining experience;
  • The world is the unity of the individual.

Paired with wands:

  • Ace - you can find all the answers in yourself;
  • Two - inability to make a decision;
  • Three - the search for meaning in life;
  • Four - the need to find your corner;
  • Five - contradictions in the soul;
  • Six - the ability to be responsible for one's actions;
  • Seven - deception;
  • Eight - insight;
  • Nine - gaining experience;
  • Ten - you carry your cross;
  • Page - a person becomes younger in soul;
  • Knight - aggressive mood will soon pass;
  • Queen - an opportunity to be reborn spiritually;
  • King - authority among subordinates.

Hermit combined with tarot bowls:

  • Ace - maturity test;
  • Two is a negative combination;
  • Three - deception for good;
  • Four - blind faith;
  • Five - search for like-minded people;
  • Six - rebirth, obedience;
  • Seven - lack of initiative;
  • Eight - chastity, innocence;
  • Nine - pilgrimage;
  • Ten - inconstancy of religious views;
  • Page - fatigue after prolonged labor;
  • Knight - peacemaker;
  • The Queen is a clairvoyant;
  • King - gaining life experience.

Paired with swords:

  • Ace is a very religious person;
  • Two - superficiality, an attempt to get away from reality;
  • Three - the need to get support;
  • Four - wandering;
  • Five - confession, cleansing from sins;
  • Six - pilgrimage;
  • Seven - you have a lot of enemies;
  • Eight - sentence;
  • Nine - obsession;
  • Ten is a test of faith;
  • Page - a failed personality;
  • Knight - fraud, crime;
  • Queen - loneliness;
  • King - fanaticism, peacemaker.