Dragon age origins awakening novels. Companions in Dragon Age: everything about everyone



And having good relations with companions is very useful - it gives bonuses to characteristics, opens additional quests and dialogues, and besides, it helps in "moments of crisis".

B onuses with increased Influence are called inspiration - for Sten, Inspiration increases Strength (at a maximum - +4), for Morrigan and Wynn - Magic Power, for Leliana - cunning, for Zevran - dexterity, etc. Bonuses are obtained at Influence +25, +50, +75, +90.

FROM ama ratio scale in negative and positive registers is as follows:

– 100: crisis (hatred for Alistair, for others it is a signal to attack or leave (sometimes companions can be dissuaded from this with high Persuasion).

– 99 - – 26: dislike

– 25 – 25: neutral

D friendship:

26 - 75 - warm (the first additional dialogues about the past of comrades-in-arms are initiated, they can open a specialization, and are also capable of issuing a personal quest under certain conditions)

76 - 100 - friendship (they will thank for the support, and they can give something).


26 - 50 - interest (in addition to the usual "friendly" bonuses, followers start flirting)

51-70 - care

71 - 90 - attraction

91-100 - love



H To turn the relationship into a romantic one, you must complete his/her personal quest. All followers (except Alistair) will leave you if their approval drops to -100, and you have the opportunity to kick them out of the group at any time. There are also certain moments of crisis - in certain situations, the character is able to rebel and attack, or leave your group on their own.

AT each major location has a point of initiation of a conversation between your companions taken in a group (most often two characters are talking, occasionally all three are involved in the conversation). These points are located in the following places: at the entrance to Lothering (after descending from the Road and on the bridge), on the first bridge in Redcliffe, in the north of the Denerim Trade Quarter, Orzammar bridge to the arena, the first floor of the Tower of Mages, at the entrance to the Dalish camp. The point only works once, to initiate a new dialogue, you need to re-enter the location.

AT your Guardian can also talk to his companions, and more conversations are available in the camp. Sometimes a comrade-in-arms may approach you in the camp and start a conversation. In its course, you can open a secret quest (for example, the Orzammar "Nag for Leliana"), as well as increase or decrease Influence.



D For all associates, there are gifts that can increase influence on the recipient. Most often, gifts are preferred by one comrade-in-arms, and touch others a little. For example, Leliana is delighted with church symbols, while Morrigan will accept them with coolness. You can find out what a particular companion prefers from the Code when increasing Influence to 25 or from dialogues. Some gifts are special and a special dialogue will start after being presented. All companions, except for the one to whom it is intended, will refuse it. There are also a number of gifts that are not intended for anyone specifically.

W and the first presented gift will raise the approval by 10 points, for the second - 9, and for each subsequent - 1 point less than the previous one (but not less than 1). Special gifts can raise Approval by more than 10. This usually happens when a follower asks you for a certain thing - for example, Zevran for donating Dalish gloves after the appropriate dialogue can increase influence by 12 points.

H non-specialized gifts have a primary value of +5, and for giving an item to a follower with a negative attitude, the influence points for him are halved (but remain at least 1).

P the easiest way to increase Influence is through dialogue or during the course of the game (followers can increase or decrease Approval for some of your choices), and a companion in which your Guardian has a romantic interest can raise it to 100 very quickly. Gifts in such cases are worth holding , in order to use them to bring the necessary influence points to the marks that initiate a new dialogue or quest, or to make up for disapproval of your choice in a given situation.

AT summaries below Special Gifts are in bold type (tables are clickable).

And information about the exact location of gifts is best found in posts with the passage of the corresponding locations, and detailed information about personal quests - in posts dedicated to a particular companion.




BUT the lister will join you in the story in Ostagar and is the only companion who will not leave the group even at -100 attitude, and it will not be possible to kick him out until his personal moment of crisis. With high Approval, Alistair will teach your Guardian how to be a Templar.



Personal Quest - Alistair's Family



P The first time you visit Radcliffe, Alistair will tell you his biography, and if Approval is high enough, the next time you talk, he will mention a sister named Goldanna and ask you to visit her in Denerim. Goldanna's house is located in the Trade Quarter next to Wade's forge and is not initially marked on the map - in order for the entrance to appear, come closer to it with Alistair.

AT inside you will have a small conversation with Goldanna, and nothing depends on your answers. At the exit, Alistair will try to discuss what happened. If you select the “Every man for himself…” option and in the ensuing conversation in the camp confirm that this is what you meant, then you will “toughen up” Alistair’s character, which may affect some of the final moments of the game for a female Sentinel who has a romance with Alistair.

moment of crisis



BUT the lister will only leave the group if you let Loghain live at the Gathering of the Lands. If you toughened him up, Alistair can remain king, otherwise he will be required to be executed by Anor. Agree with her or not - it doesn't matter anymore, one way or another, Alistair will not appear again.

Alistair as a romantic interest



BUT lister as a heart companion is of interest only to a female Guardian, and there are enough opportunities to start an affair with him in the game - you just need to flirt a little. With a properly developing romance, Alistair will give you a rose as a gift.

M You can invite him to the tent, but it's better to wait until his Approval is at the "love" level, and Alistair himself will offer to spend the night together.

R Oman with Alistair can have several endings.

1. Warden-Kusland may end up marrying Alistair the King.

2. Guardian with any other backstory, if Alistair is not tougher, is doomed to break the relationship.

3. A guardian with any backstory can stay with the “hardened” Alistair as a lover, and he himself can choose a woman more suitable for state reasons as his wife (marry Anora or remain a bachelor for the time being).

4. If you did not make Alistair king, but he remained Gray Warden, then it will stay with your character.




M Orrigan will join your party at Flemeth's insistence after rescuing the Guardians from the Tower of Ishal. She can be driven away, but if she stays, it will reveal additional options for the game's ending. She can also teach you the Weremage specialization.

E I like it when the Guardian acts tough, and does not like to help everyone in a row. You can “toughen up” (and in this case, soften) Morrigan after the Golden Mirror is presented, asking in return to be kinder to people. After that, she will reduce your Approval less for altruistic impulses.



Personal Quest - Grimoire Flemeth



P After visiting the Tower of Mages, Morrigan will tell you that in the past some templar stole an important Black Grimmoire from her mother and ask him to find it. The book is in a chest in Irving's office.

P The next time you enter the camp, Morrigan will ask you to kill Flemeth, find her real grimoire, and tell you what she learned from this book. You can now return to Flemeth's Hut. Her mistress can simply give the book and ask Morrigan to tell that you killed her, and if you do not agree, you will have a fight with Flemeth the dragon. As a bonus for the last one, you will receive a new robe for the Morrigan. Returning the grimoire to the witch will complete this quest.

Morrigan as a romantic interest



R Managing her is only possible for a male Guardian, and it's easy to start - just talk to Morrigan about Flemeth, and when Influence reaches 30, you can invite her to the tent, although the witch can do the same herself. After handing the Grimmoire to Flemeth, she confesses her feelings and refuses to share a bed with you. Her gift as a sign of feelings is a magic ring. There is no happy ending with Morrigan in the game.

moment of crisis



P The first such moment will occur before the final battle. Morrigan will make you a tempting offer, and if you refuse it, he will immediately leave you. If you agree to the ritual, then Morrigan will leave immediately after defeating the Archdemon.

FROM Trazh can go looking for her after the end of the game in the Witch Hunt DLC, and the ending there can also be quite ambiguous.




L Eliana will be asked to join the group in the Lothering tavern after a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers. She can reveal the Bard's specialty to you. A charming Naga will help to catch the Idle Dwarf - see the passage of Orzammar for more details.



Personal quest - Leliana's Past



D To begin with, you need to talk with Leliana about the Orlesian bards, and the next time you visit the Camp, about Marjoline, her mentor. After that, when moving around the world map, there will be a random encounter-skirmish with a detachment of robbers, whose leader will tell the battlefield that he was hired to kill Leliana. The Bard will suggest that Marjoline is behind the attack and will ask you to find her in Denerim (it will be a house in the Trade Quarter). A conversation with Marjoline can end peacefully or in battle, and then Leliana will say that she needs to think.

AT camp, she will share with you her doubts about the resemblance to Marjoline. If you want to “toughen up” her, claim that the pleasure of defeating her opponents is part of herself, and this is not worth denying. Tightening can slightly affect the ending for Leliana, as well as allowing you to coax her into a night out with a threesome with your Guardian and Isabella, or a foursome with your Guardian, Isabella and Zevran in the Denerim Jewel. Details about the reasons for Leliana's quarrel with Marjoline can be found in the Leliana's Song DLC.

Leliana as a romantic interest



L eliana is a romantic interest for a guardian of either gender, and gives only two opportunities to start a relationship. A male Guardian who reaches an Influence score of 25 should ask "what a girl like that was doing at Lothering Church" and compliment her appearance. The female Guardian needs to reach 50 Influence and when Leliana says she likes your character's hairstyle, start developing the theme. As a result, you will have the option to ask if Leliana has always liked the company of other women, the field of which the bard will ask in response how you would react to this if it were so. The romance will begin if you answer that you would only giggle to look modest.

P With a properly developing romance, Leliana will give you a ring.

E If you missed the first opportunity (or ended the relationship for the sake of flirting with another companion), then you can start dating again after completion personal quest Leliana - in a conversation-discussion of what happened, tell her that people change over time. When she notices that your Guardian reminds her of her former mentor, you can make sure that her relationship is back on the Roman scale. Leliana will invite you to spend the night together when the relationship with her reaches the "love" mark - you will not be able to invite her to the tent yourself.

moment of crisis

P will happen in the Glove (quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes") - if you desecrate the Ashes and Leliana is in a group, then she will attack you. If she stayed at the camp, she will try to leave when you return (if you have a leveled Persuasion, you can persuade her not to leave). Hardened Leliana will not leave the group even if the Urn is defiled.




G A group of mercenaries led by Zevran will attack you when crossing the world map after completing one of the story quests. After dealing with the attackers, you can finish off Zevran or take him to the group. He can teach you the Assassin specialization.



moment of crisis



P Zevran does not have a personal quest. The moment of crisis occurs towards the end of the game when moving between the Denerim mini-locations (having Zevran in the group is optional), when you stumble upon a former ally of Zevran named Talisen, who will offer him to return to the Ravens, having completed his last task. If Zevran's attitude towards you is low or negative, he will join the mercenaries and attack you. If it is more or less positive, then Zevran will step aside, leaving you to deal with Talisen on your own. If the Influence on the former assassin is high enough (and even more so in the case of a romance), Zevran will fight alongside you.

E If the relationship with Zevran is friendly, after the fight he will try to leave the group. You can persuade him to stay for the sake of the treasures you find during your travels, or, if his attitude is higher, just as a friend. If you have an affair with Zevran, then he will not try to leave. However, if you break the romance at the "love" mark, Zevran will leave the group.

Zevran as a romantic interest



W evran is a romantic interest for a Guardian of either gender, and you can invite him to the tent after a couple of compliments. If you want an elf to make the first move, you'll have to wait until Approval reaches 75. The relationship will turn into "love" after meeting Talisen if Approval is high enough. After that, Zevran will refuse another offer to the tent in order to be able to think, but unlike Morrigan, in the end he will not refuse to share a bed.

P With high approval, Zevran will try to give you an earring as a token of sympathy. You can refuse, and then the elf will soon try again, and the earring will already be a veiled marriage proposal.

E If your Guardian is Cusland and has married Anora/Alister, Zevran will stay with you without much persuasion.




E If you are playing as a Nobleman, then you will receive mabari in the prologue. In all other cases, the dog will join you (if you do not drive him away) after completing the Houndmaster quest in Ostagar, when moving from Flemeth's Hut to Lothering. The second opportunity to take the dog is in the Return to Ostagar DLC.



O Mabari's fertilizer will initially be 100, so you can give him edible gifts just like that. Also, the dog can bring you gifts for other companions, books with pages from the Codex, a magic staff or part of a set of armor.

P in almost every location there is a landmark that the mabari can mark, which will provide him with an increase in characteristics in this territory. Actually, there are no dialogues with the mabari, but the rest of your companions now and then communicate with your dog. Another “feature” of the mabari is that after the battle you can order him to lick the Guardian, and his armor will again shine with cleanliness.




FROM the ten can be rescued from the cage in Lothering, where he sits without food and water, serving a sentence for the murder of a peasant family, and called to atone for his sins in the battle with the Creatures of Darkness. You can pick the lock or get the key from the Reverend Mother.



Personal Quest - Beresaad's Sword



R after asking Stan about the reasons for the massacre, he will tell you that he was insanely upset by the loss of his sword, without which he cannot return to his homeland. To find the sword, first talk to the marauder at Calenhad Lake, then to the merchant Farin at the entrance to Orzammar, and finally to the dwarf Dvin in Redcliffe. The sword can be claimed, redeemed, or, if the dwarf died, taken from the chest in his house.

moment of crisis



E If Sten accompanies you to the village of Refuge (quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes"), he will express his dissatisfaction with the waste of time on all sorts of nonsense. If you fail to convince Stan that a visit here is necessary, he will challenge you to a duel. If you lose, he will leave the squad, and if you win, he will stay. If Sten's Approval is high, then he will decide not to leave, and even if you agree to a duel, he will not raise his sword against the Guardian.




AT inn can join the squad in the Tower of Mages, where you will go on the story quest "Broken Circle". To do this, you need to take the side of the magicians, or at least offer to sort it out on the spot. If you want to have templar allies and don't want to lose Wynn, then you can let the Demon of Pride destroy Irving and the rest of the mages or save him, and then suggest to Gregor to isolate the remnants of the Circle.



Personal Quest - Wynn's Regret



P As you move around the world map, you will encounter an ambush of the Darkspawn, and after the battle, Wynn will faint. After regaining consciousness, she admits that for a moment she thought that everything was already over. If asked what she meant by that, Wynn will promise to tell the story at the next stop. The next time you enter the camp, Wynn will talk about what happened to her recently, after which you will have the opportunity to ask if Wynn is afraid of death, and if she regrets anything in her life. As a result, Wynn will tell you another story - about his student Aneurin.

Quests from companions
Freedom to Anders
In Amaranthine, at the gates of the city, you will meet the elf-robber Namaya. Talk to her. She will tell you that what Anders is looking for is in Amaranthine in an abandoned warehouse, after which she will leave. We interrogate Anders. He will tell you that he asked Namayu to find out the location of his blood amulet, according to which the templars can find runaway magicians. We promise him to search the warehouse on occasion. The entrance to it is located next to the shopping arcade. We go inside, search the chests in the first room. We go to the second, where an ambush of the templars will be waiting for us. The restless templar, who does not want to lag behind Anders, demands that we give him to her. We send it to hell, kill it, after which we pick up the remaining things and dump it in the same way that we came. That's it, Anders won't disturb the church anymore.

Howe family
As soon as you exit the throne room for the first time with Nathaniel into the courtyard of the Tower of Vigil, he is recognized by a former elf servant who will tell him that his sister Delilah is alive, married and now in Amaranthine. Nathaniel will ask us to find her. There is nothing easier. We go to Amaranthine to the trading rows and near the gunsmith Glassric we meet Delilah. She will open Nathaniel's eyes to the personality of his father, after which he will unconditionally trust you and you will even become best friends.

Oghren - the father of the family
As soon as Oghren's disposition towards you becomes more than 25, then his second wife Felzi will appear in the Vigil's tower. The young lady will reproach our red-bearded friend with the fact that he abandoned his family (her and the child) in order to chop down the creatures of darkness. After Felzi leaves, you will receive this quest. You need to catch up with Oghren's Favor to 75 and get back to talking about his family. He'll tell you he's not made for family life. Depending on what you advise him, at the end of the game he will either visit Felzi and his son, or disappear from their lives forever.

Exile of Velanna
Traveling along the route Amaranthine - Tower of Vigil, you will meet a detachment of Dalish. Talk first with their leader, and then (already in the throne room of the tower) with Velanna. Her people will disown her, support her to increase her favor. The quest will be completed in any scenario.

Sigrun's thief past
Come with Sigrun to Amaranthine. To the right of the entrance to the city there will be a dwarf girl named Mishcha. She will yell at Sigrun with a good obscenity, because. once, through her fault, Misha was expelled from Orzamar. This will end the dialogue. Later, when Sigrun's favor is above 50, you can return to this conversation in the throne room and convince Sigrun to apologize to Mishcha. You can find her at the King and the Lion Inn. Once Sigrun talks to her a second time, the quest will be completed.
Note: you may not get this quest at all due to two bugs
- you completed the task "Smuggling Route" / "Law and Order" before you rescued Sigrun;
- after killing Kal Hirol's queens, Sigrun's favor immediately jumped to 100 (in fact, it remained basic).

Kristoff and Justice
Arriving at the courtyard of the vigil tower after passing through the Black Marshes. Kristoff Ora's wife will rush to Justice. When she finds out that this is her husband, but just a spirit in his body, she will run away, covering Justice with her last words. Then it will come to him that he upset the girl and wants to make amends. We need to find Ora in Amaranthine and give her a second meeting with Justice. She will understand that the spirit wanted only good and will forgive him. Justice will promise her that Kristoff's death will be avenged. This quest will complete.

Dragon Age: Origins - FAQ: Companions

Dragon Age: Origins is party role play. This means that in addition to your hero, other characters, companions, will travel with you. These characters will be located in the Hero's camp and you can always take them with you. Often they are not inferior in strength to the Hero, and some even surpass. The game has such an indicator as the reputation of a companion. What does it mean? If the reputation is high, your companion character will receive a bonus to some attribute. It will also open up opportunities for receiving quests from companions and romantic relationship. If your reputation with a companion is low, then he will treat you with contempt, and if the reputation indicator reaches a critical point, the companion may leave the Hero.
So how can this be prevented? Very simple. Give your companions due attention. Complete their quests, give gifts. Each companion requires a "special" approach. In addition, your code will often be entered useful information, which will help you win the appreciation of your companion.
There are a total of 10 different companions in Dragon Age: Origins that you can enlist. This topic will be published short information for each of them.

1. Alistair

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Templar
Location: After arriving at the fortress of Ostagar, Duncan will personally advise you to find Alistair. It is located near the tent of the magicians. Find it and talk. After that, Alistair is your companion.
Note: Alistair cannot be kicked out before the "Gathering of the Lands" quest. Moreover, he will not leave your Hero even if his attitude towards you drops to -100.
Personal Quest: Alistair's personal quest is connected with his sister Goldanna. To take the quest, you need to ask Alistair when he turns to the Hero, saying that he has something to tell. Goldanna is located in Denerim, in a house near Master Wade's forge. In order to enter her house you will need Alistair himself. We go into the house and listen to the dialogue between Alistair and Goldanna.

Important: During this easy quest, you will be able to toughen up Alistair. This moment can seriously affect his future behavior. To toughen Alistair, after a conversation takes place between him and Goldanna, tell him that "Everyone cares only about himself."
If you toughen Alistair and leave Loghain alive at the meeting of the lands, Alistair will leave the party of the Hero and express a desire to marry Anora and become the heir to the throne. The toughening also affects the ending of the Hero-girl, who had an affair with Alistair. If Alistair did not give the throne to Anora, but he himself expressed a desire to become a king, then only a Hero-girl of noble birth (backstory for Kuslands) could persuade him to marry, thus becoming a queen. If you toughen Alistair, then he will marry your heroine of any origin.
Romantic relationship: A romantic relationship with Alistair is only possible with a female Hero. To start a romantic relationship, simply ask Alistair about his life as a templar. Show admiration for them. If the rate of his appreciation increases, then when meeting in the camp, Alistair will give your Heroine a flower. This will be a sign of the beginning of a romantic relationship.
Present: Alistair's special gifts are his mother's amulet and Duncan's shield. Amulen is in Earl Radcliffe's desk. The shield can be obtained in a secret warehouse Gray Wardens. Riordan will tell you about him if you bring him his documents. Also, Alistair will not mind getting runestones and various figurines from you.
Moment of Crisis: Alistair will only leave the Hero if you show mercy at the Gathering of the Lands of Loghain.

2. Morrigan

Class: Mage
Specialization: Werewolf
Location: You will meet the young sorceress for the first time in the Korcari Wilds. After completing the story quest "Tower of Ishal", the Hero will be able to enlist her support.
Personal Quest: As soon as you get to the tower of magicians, Morrigan will ask the Hero to find a dark grimoire in this tower. After you give her the book, talk to her again. She will ask you to kill her mother Flemeth and bring back the old witch's book.
Romantic relationship: Romance with the Morrigan is only available to a male Hero. To start a romance, just raise her attitude towards you high enough.
Present: A special gift for the lovely Morrigan would be a mirror, similar to the one that her mother broke when Morrigan was still very young. Mirror can be bought from a merchant in Orzamar Keep. Morrigan also loves jewelry.
Moment of Crisis: Without your team, Morrigan will not leave you, no matter how angry she is with you. However, it can still be kicked out.

3. Leliana

Class: Rogue
Specialization: Bard
Location: You will meet Leliana at the tavern in Lothering. After the soldiers of Loghain start pestering the hero in the tavern, Leliana will intercede for you. After that, she will become your companion.
Personal Quest: A personal quest will be connected with Leliana Marjoline's chef. First, ask Leliana about the reason for her appearance in Lothering. During the questioning, she admits that she was previously a bard and worked for bandits. After that, when quickly traveling with Leliana between locations, a squad of assassins will attack the Hero. Having defeated their commander in chief, he will tell that he was hired by Marjoline to kill Leliana.
Romantic relationship: Romantic relationships with Leliana are available to both the male Hero and the female Hero. To start a romance as a female Hero, you need to raise Leliana's approval level to +50. The male hero will have a slightly more difficult time. There are only two moments available when you can start a romance.

  • Talk to Leliana about her life in the monastery and express admiration for her beauty. Tell her that all the novices in the convent pale in comparison to her.
  • After completing the quest with Marjolaine, talk to Leliana in the camp. Ask her how she feels after what happened. Then say that you understand what she is talking about. And then say that people change over time. If at the end of the dialogue Leliana noticed that you look like Marjolaine, then this will be the beginning of your romantic relationship.
Important: During the course of Leliana's personal quest, you will have the opportunity toughen up Leliana. This will not affect the game much, but will only give you the opportunity to persuade Leliana to love triangle together with Isabella, who is in the brothel Pearl (Denerim). A quadrilateral is also possible if you persuade Zevran to do so. Also, when desecrating the ashes of Andraste, Leliana will not leave the Hero if you toughened her up.
If you decide to toughen up Leliana, then after completing her personal quest, talk to her in the camp and tell her that Marjolaine is right in many ways. Killing others is part of Leliana's character.
Present: Leliana's special gifts are Andraste's flowers. Also, when talking with the naga hunter in Orzamar, Leliana will ask the Hero to buy her a naga. Leliana will be grateful if you give her various symbols/amulets of Andraste and other church items.
Moment of Crisis: Leliana will leave the Hero's group if the Hero defiled Andraste's ashes during the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest. If at the time of the desecration of the urn with the ashes of Leliana was not nearby, then she will still find out about it in the hero's camp. But with due skill and a high rate of appreciation, she can be persuaded to stay. If you hardened Leliana during her personal quest, then she will not abandon the Hero even if he desecrates the urn before her eyes.

4. Stan

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Not
Location: Stan is locked in a cage in the city of Lothering. Talk to him and offer to free him. Next, head to the church and persuade / force the reverend mother to let him go.
Note: If you leave Lothering, then soon the village will be destroyed by the Creeps of Darkness. Thus, you will lose the opportunity to get Stan's companion.
Personal Quest: Stan's Qunari personal quest is related to his sword, called the Sword of Beresaad. To receive the quest, ask the silent Qunari about his life. Raise his attitude high enough, then he will tell you about his sword and ask you to return it.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Stan will not mind if you give him various totems. Stan also knows a lot about painting. Therefore, give him paintings more often.
Moment of Crisis: Stan will try to take over the leadership of the Hero's squad if you take him to the village "Vault" during the "Urn of the Sacred Ashes" quest. Just defeat him alone, crushing his rebellion. If Stan is warm enough to you, he can be persuaded not to attack.

5. Zevran

Class: Rogue
Specialization: Killer
Location: You don't need to look for Zevran, he will find you himself.) As the story progresses, he will be hired by Loghain to kill you. Upon a random encounter on the world map, Zevran will ambush the Hero. Having defeated the elf, decide what to do with him. Kill or take as a companion.
Personal Quest: Zevran does not have a personal quest. But if you enlisted his support, then after receiving the "Save the Queen" quest, in Denerim, while quickly traveling around the city, his friend Talsen will attack you. Defeat him and decide how to proceed with Zevran.
Romantic relationship: To start a romantic relationship, just chat with the elf. If you raise his appreciation score a little, he will offer the Hero... to go with him to the tent.) If you want romance, then refuse him. At the same time, Zevran will report that he will now be even more persistent. And when the mark of his gratitude reaches 75, Zevran confesses his love to you.

Present: Special gifts for Zevran are Dalish gloves, which can be found in a chest in the Bressilian forest, as well as Antian boots. Boots can be found in the village of Sanctuary.
Moment of Crisis: When you are attacked by Taliesen in the Denerim quarters, Zevran can leave the Hero and join the assassin if his attitude towards you is very negative. If Zevran treats you warmly, he will help deal with Talesen. After that, you will have to decide what to do with the elf, drive it away, or continue to travel with him.

6. Wynn

Class: Mage
Specialization: spiritual healer
Location: Wynn can be found in the mage circle tower. Agree to help her deal with Uldred and go to the end of the tower. After that, Wynn will become your full-fledged companion.
Personal Quest: Winn's personal quest is connected with her apprentice. First, ask Wynn about her past. As soon as her approval rating exceeds 24, you will be attacked by darkspawn twice when fast traveling around the map. For the first time, Wynn will pass out, but will quickly come to his senses. After this event, ask her at the camp. She will tell you about a certain spirit and her former teaching, whom she offended. She will ask you to find her student and offer him condolences. Aneirin, that's the name of Wynn's apprentice, is located in the eastern part of the Bressillian forest, not far from the mad hermit.
Note: On the second attack by the Darkspawn, Wynn will open new ability, spirit vessel.
Romantic relationship: Impossible
Present: Wynn loves wine, various scrolls and magical books.
Moment of Crisis: Wynn will attack you if you agree with the templar Kalen in the circle tower and decide to exterminate all the magicians. Wynn will also betray you if, during the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes", the hero desecrates the urn. If you became a blood mage and confessed this to Wynn, then she will leave you (if Wynn has taken the blood mage specialization, she will not leave the Hero).

7. Oghren

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Berserker
Location: During the story quest "Perfect" you will be sent to explore the deep paths in search of the perfect Branca. At the entrance to the trails, Ogren will meet you and offer his help.
Note: You won't be able to talk to Oghren until the quest "Perfect" is completed.
Personal Quest: As soon as Ogren trusts you, he will ask you to find his former girlfriend Felsi, who lives in the Spoiled Princess tavern, on Lake Calenhad. When talking with Felsy, Ogren will ask you to help him get the location of the dwarf. And here you can either help Ogren by telling him that he is a great and strong warrior, or make fun of him. Ultimately, Felsey and Oghren will either reconcile, or vice versa. The further disposition of Oghren towards you will also depend on this.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: What do gnomes love the most? That's right, El. So if you treat him with a glass of ale / beer, he will only be happy.
Moment of Crisis: If your relationship with Oghren drops to -100, then the dwarf will decide to leave you. In this case, you can either persuade him to stay, or defeat him in a fair fight, or let him go.

8. Dog

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Not
Location: There are two ways to enlist the support of a quadruple dog. When playing as a noble person, you will initially have a dog. In cases of choosing a different story, you will have to complete the quest of the kennel from the Ostagar fortress. Bring him a special flower from the Korcari Wilds. After that, when moving from Flemeth's hut to Lothering, the dog will come running to you.
Personal Quest: Dig a hole in China) Just kidding. Bobby doesn't have a personal quest.
Romantic relationship: Impossible. Your relationship with Bobby is always +100.
Present: A dog can be given a special bone that increases his abilities.
Moment of Crisis: Man's best friend doesn't know what betrayal is.) The dog's attitude towards you will always be +100.

9. Loghain Mac Tir

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Knight
Location: Loghain will join you when completing the "Assembly of the Lands" quest. During the course of this quest, you can either kill him or pardon him.
Note: Having pardoned Loghain, Alistair will leave you.
Personal Quest: No.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Loghain will be grateful if you give him various topographic maps. You can also give Loghain gold / silver bars.
Moment of Crisis: Loghain can be killed at the meeting of the lands. He himself will never leave the company of the hero, no matter how much he is angry with you.

10. Sheila

Notes: Companion Sheila is available only after installing the DLC - "Stone Prisoner". Sheila also has various unique abilities that are inaccessible to anyone else. Sheila has no equipment. The only thing that can be done is to insert special crystals into the golem. The first type of crystals affects the damage done, the second type affects the armor.

Class: Warrior
Specialization: Not
Location: Go to the merchant Felix. His convoy will be marked on the map of the empire. Next, buy a golem control rod from him. After that, go to the village of Honlit marked on the map. There you have to kill the hordes of the Creatures of Darkness. Sheila will stand in the center of the village. But she won't move. To bring her to her senses, explore the cellars of the village. There you will meet all the same Creatures of Darkness, as well as a resident who will agree to help you revive the golem (by telling Right words to revive) if you save his daughter.

Personal Quest: Sheila's personal quest "Memory of the Stone". It becomes available during the quest "Perfect". At the end of this quest, you will meet Karidin. Mighty golem. If Sheila is in your company, then she herself will ask him about the place of her birth / creation. He will tell her about the ruins of Kadash, located on the deep paths.
If you did not take the golem with you, then just talk to her in the camp, after completing the quest "Perfect". Agree to help her find the place of her creation. Go to Orzamar and go down to the deep paths in any of the Thaygs. After the appearance of Sheila, she herself will speak with the Hero and the Teiga Kadash mark will appear on the map. Head there and explore the ruins. there you will meet the Creatures of Darkness. At the end, you will have a fight with the mighty Ogre. Deal with him. Next, Sheila will start reading the notes on the stone saw. That's it, the quest is over.
Romantic relationship: Impossible.
Present: Sheila loves gems.
Moment of Crisis: If during the quest "Perfect" you took the side of Branca and went against Karidian, Sheila will try to stop you.

There are a total of 10 companions of all races and classes available in Dragon Age: Origins, one of which appears only after installing the Stone Captive downloadable add-on. New companions appear gradually with the development of the main plot of the game. Each companion in the game is unique, has a character, its own view of the world, has a personal history and preferences. Despite the differences, all of them will be on a par with the main character to selflessly fight against dangers - and hordes. The moment when a satellite joins a group is not always obvious, so you should carefully consider side quests and dialogues (an incorrectly spoken word can scare or even kill). If you don’t like one of the companions, you can always part with him by kicking him out of the camp where the entire squad gathers, but remember that in this case, access to personal history and obtaining some achievements is lost. At the Gathering of Lands, it will be possible to replace Alistair with Loghain MacTeer, they will not get along together.

Companions in Dragon Age: Origins:

  1. Alistair/ Alistair (templar warrior, shield and sword, 162 page of the Code) - joins at the very beginning of the game, at the moment the recruits pass the initiation in Ostagar and Wildlands Korcari. Can leave the squad at the end.
  2. Morrigan/ Morrigan (Werewolf Mage, Entropy, 181 Codex page) - Joins after being rescued from the Tower of Ishal.
  3. / Mabari War Dog (Code page 168) - joins on the way from Flemeth's hut to Lothering, if the request of the kennel in Ostagar was completed.
  4. Leliana/ Leliana (robber-bard, bow, 179 page of the Codex) - joins after the battle with Loghain's soldiers in the Dain's Refuge tavern in Lothering.
  5. Stan/ Sten (warrior, two-handed sword, 184 page of the Code) - joins after from the church of Lothering.
  6. Zevran/ Zevran (robber-killer, weapons in both hands, 189 page of the Code) - will join during a random meeting in the Long Road location, after the appearance of the first ally in the fight against the Blight.
  7. Wynn/ Wynne (magic healer, page 187 of the Code) - joins the tower of magicians on Lake Calenhad, if a decision was made to save the Circle of Magicians.
  8. Oghren/ Oghren (warrior-berserker, Two-handed weapon, 182 page of the Code) - joins before sending for the Perfect Brand on Deep Roads in Orzammar.
  9. / Shale (warrior, 183 page of the Code) - joins after activating the rod of control in the village of Honnleith, received from the merchant Felix from Sulker's Pass. The character and location appear after installing the Stone Prisoner DLC.
  10. Loghain McTeer/ Loghain Mac Tir (warrior knight, 180 page of the Codex) - can join the squad at the end of .

Approximate classification of characters by:

  • Leliana, Wynn, Alistair - chaotic good, neutral good, orderly good.
  • Morrigan, Zevran, Sten - chaotic evil, neutral evil, orderly evil.
  • Sheila, Oghren, Loghain - Ordered Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral.
    • With Stan, not everything is so simple, he interferes in the matter.

Good relations with companions are bonuses to characteristics and additional quests, help in times of crisis, and in general a good thing. And if on easy or medium difficulty it is easy to neglect this, then on the maximum it will hardly work (every penny counts there).

By the state of the relationship, you can break it down:

Meaning Name What's happening
— 100 A crisis They can hit on the hat or simply fade from the squad
-99 to -26 dislike
-25 to 25 Neutral
from 26 to 75 Warm Additional dialogues about the past of comrades-in-arms appear, specializations may open, and quests may also appear
from 76 to 100 Friendship Can give something of value or not so much

To start a romantic relationship, you will have to complete the personal party quest (we won’t play as a girl, right?). It is worth remembering that all followers (except Alistair) will leave the squad if their attitude indicator drops to -100. There are also certain moments of crisis - in these situations, the character can rebel and attack, or leave the squad.

In each major location there is a place to start a conversation between companions. These points are located in the following places: at the entrance to Lothering (after descending from the Road and on the bridge), on the first bridge in Redcliffe, in the north of the Denerim Trade Quarter, Orzammar bridge to the arena, the first floor of the Tower of Mages, at the entrance to the Dalish camp. The point only works once, to initiate a new dialogue, you need to re-enter the location.

Your Guardian can also talk to his companions, with more conversations available in the camp. Sometimes a comrade-in-arms may approach you in the camp and start a conversation. During it, you can open a secret quest (for example, Orzammar Nag for Leliana), as well as increase or decrease Influence.

For all associates, there are gifts that can increase influence. Most often, gifts are favored by one ally, and have little effect on others. Some gifts are special and a special dialogue will start after being presented. For the first presented gift, the follower will raise approval by 10 points, for the second - 9, and for each subsequent - 1 point less than the previous one (but not less than 1). Special gifts can raise Approval by more than 10. This usually happens when a follower asks for a certain thing.

Non-specialized gifts have a primary value of +5, and for giving an item to a follower with a negative attitude, the influence points for him are halved (but remain at least 1). The easiest way to increase Influence is through dialogue or during the course of the game (followers can increase or decrease Approval for some of your choices), and a companion in which your Guardian has a romantic interest can raise it to 100 very quickly. Gifts in such cases are worth holding , in order to use them to bring the necessary influence points to the marks that initiate a new dialogue or quest, or to make up for disapproval of your choice in a given situation.


Alistair will join you in the story in Ostagar and will be the only companion who will not leave the group even with a relationship of -100, it will not even be possible to kick him out until his moment of crisis. With high Approval, Alistair will teach your Guardian how to be a Templar.

Personal Quest - Alistair's Family

When visiting Radcliffe for the first time, Alistair will tell his biography, and with high Approval, in the next conversation, he will mention a sister named Goldanna and ask to visit her in Denerim. Goldanna's house is located in the Trade Quarter next to Wade's forge and is not initially marked on the map - in order for the entrance to appear, come closer to it with Alistair. Inside, a small conversation with Goldanna awaits, and nothing depends on your answers. At the exit, Alistair will try to discuss what happened.

moment of crisis

Alistair will leave the squad if you leave Loghain alive at the Gathering of the Lands. If you toughened him up, Alistair can remain king, otherwise he will be required to be executed by Anor. Agree with her or not - it doesn't matter anymore, one way or another, Alistair will not appear again.


Morka joins the party at Flemeth's urging after rescuing the Guardians from the Tower of Ishal. She can be driven away, but if she stays, it will reveal additional options for the game's ending. She can also teach the Werewolf Mage specialization. This madam likes it when we act tough, and she doesn't like to help everyone. You can soften Morrigan after handing the Golden Mirror, asking in return to be kinder to people. After that, she will reduce Approval less.

Personal Quest - Grimoire Flemeth

After visiting the Tower of Mages, Morrigan will tell you that in the past some templar stole an important Black Grimmoire from her mother and ask him to find it. The book is in a chest in Irving's office. The next time you enter the camp, Morrigan will ask you to kill Flemeth, find her real grimoire, and tell you what she learned from this book. You can now return to Flemeth's Hut. Her mistress can simply give the book and ask Morrigan to tell that you killed her. If you do not agree, there will be a fight with Flemeth the dragon. As a bonus for the last one, you will receive a new robe for the Morrigan. Returning the grimoire to the witch will complete the quest.

Morrigan as a romantic interest

You need to talk to Morrigan about Flemeth, and when Influence reaches 30, you can invite her to the tent, although the witch can do the same herself. After handing the Grimmoire to Flemeth, she confesses her feelings and refuses to share a bed with you. Her gift as a sign of feelings is a magic ring. There is no happy ending with Morrigan in the game.

moment of crisis

The first moment will happen before the final battle. Morrigan will make a tempting offer, and if you refuse, he will immediately leave you. If you agree to the ritual, then Morrigan will leave immediately after defeating the Archdemon.


Leliana will be asked to join the group in the Lothering tavern after a skirmish with Loghain's soldiers. She can reveal the Bard's specialty to you. The Pretty Naga will be helped to catch the Idle Dwarf.

Personal Quest - Leliana's Past

First you need to talk with Leliana about the Orlesian bards, and the next time you visit the Camp, about Marjoline, her mentor. After that, when moving around the world map, there will be a random encounter-skirmish with a detachment of robbers, whose leader will tell the battlefield that he was hired to kill Leliana. The Bard will suggest that Marjoline is behind the attack and will ask you to find her in Denerim (it will be a house in the Trade Quarter). A conversation with Marjoline can end peacefully or in battle, and then Leliana will say that she needs to think.

At the camp, she will share her doubts about the resemblance to Marjoline. If you want to toughen it up, argue that the pleasure of defeating opponents is part of it, and you should not deny this. The toughening could affect the ending for Leliana.

Leliana as a romantic interest

Leliana gives only two options to start a relationship. An Influence score of 25 should be asked "what was a girl like that doing in Lothering Church" and complimented on her looks. With a properly developing romance, Leliana will give you a ring.

If you missed the first opportunity (or broke off relations for the sake of flirting with another companion), then you can start dating again after completing Leliana's personal quest - in a conversation-discussion of what happened, tell her that people change over time. When she notices that your Guardian reminds her of her former mentor, you can make sure that her relationship is back on the Roman scale. Leliana will invite you to spend the night together, when the relationship with her reaches the mark of love - it will not be possible to invite her to the tent yourself.

moment of crisis

Will happen in the Glove (quest Urn of Sacred Ashes) - if you desecrate the Ashes and Leliana is in a group, then she will attack you. If she stayed at the camp, she will try to leave when you return (if you have a leveled Persuasion, you can persuade her not to leave). Hardened Leliana will not leave the group even if the Urn is defiled.


A group of mercenaries led by Zevran will attack when crossing the world map after completing one of the story quests. After dealing with the attackers, you can finish off Zevran or take him to the group. He can teach you the Assassin specialization.

moment of crisis

Zevran does not have a personal quest. The moment of crisis occurs towards the end of the game when moving between the Denerim mini-locations (having Zevran in the group is optional), when you stumble upon a former ally of Zevran named Talisen, who will offer him to return to the Ravens, having completed his last task. If Zevran's attitude towards you is low or negative, he will join the mercenaries and attack you. If it is more or less positive, then Zevran will step aside, leaving you to deal with Talisen on your own. If the Influence on the former assassin is high enough (and even more so in the case of a romance), Zevran will fight alongside you.

If the relationship with Zevran is friendly, after the fight he will try to leave the group. You can persuade him to stay for the sake of the treasures you find during your travels, or, if his attitude is higher, just as a friend. If you have an affair with Zevran, then he will not try to leave. However, if you end the romance at the Love Mark, Zevran will leave the group.


If you are playing as a Nobleman, then you will receive mabari in the prologue. In all other cases, the dog will join you (if you do not drive him away) after completing the Houndmaster quest in Ostagar, when moving from Flemeth's Hut to Lothering.

Mabari's approval will initially be 100, so you can give him edible gifts just like that. Also, the dog can bring you gifts for other companions, books with pages from the Codex, a magic staff or part of a set of armor. In almost every location there is a landmark that the mabari can mark, which will provide him with an increase in characteristics in this territory. Actually, there are no dialogues with the mabari, but the rest of your companions now and then communicate with the dog.


The wall can be rescued from the cage in Lothering, where he sits without food and water, serving a sentence for the murder of a peasant family, and called to atone for his sins in the battle with the Creatures of Darkness. You can pick the lock or get the key from the Reverend Mother.

Personal Quest - Beresaad's Sword

After asking Stan about the reasons for the massacre, he will tell you that he was insanely upset by the loss of his sword, without which he cannot return to his homeland. To find the sword, first talk to the marauder at Calenhad Lake, then to the merchant Farin at the entrance to Orzammar, and finally to the dwarf Dvin in Redcliffe. The sword can be claimed, redeemed, or, if the dwarf died, taken from the chest in his house.

moment of crisis

If Sten accompanies you in the village of Refuge (quest Urn of Sacred Ashes), he will express dissatisfaction with the waste of time on all sorts of nonsense. If you fail to convince Stan that a visit here is necessary, he will challenge you to a duel. If you lose, he will leave the squad, and if you win, he will stay. If Sten's Approval is high, then he will decide not to leave, and even if you agree to a duel, he will not raise his sword.


Wynn can join the squad in the Tower of Mages, where you will go for the story quest The Broken Circle. To do this, you need to take the side of the magicians or offer to sort it out on the spot. If you want to have templar allies and don't want to lose Wynn, then you can let the Demon of Pride destroy Irving and the rest of the mages or save him, and then suggest to Gregor to isolate the remnants of the Circle.

Personal Quest - Wynn's Regret

While traversing the world map, you will encounter a Darkspawn ambush, and after the fight Wynn will faint. After regaining consciousness, she admits that for a moment she thought that everything was already over. If asked what she meant by that, Wynn will promise to tell the story at the next stop. The next time you enter the camp, Wynn will talk about what happened to her recently, after which you will have the opportunity to ask if Wynn is afraid of death, and if she regrets anything in her life. As a result, Wynn will tell you another story - about his student Aneurin. Saren can tell about Aneirin in the Dalish camp, and you will find the elf himself in East Brecilian. After talking with him, the quest will end and Wynn will gain a new ability.

moment of crisis

Wynn attacks you if you, at the first meeting with her or Cullen, declare a little later that you have come to destroy the magicians. She will also attack if she suspects that your Guardian or Morrigan are blood mages and you will not be able to convince her. This usually happens in the Tower of Mages, and then you can not only use the skills of Blood Magic in her presence, but also train Wynn herself in this specialization. Wynn will also rebel if she was present at the Desecration of the Ashes, but if she remained in the camp, then the next time you return there, she will announce her departure.


Oghren will be asked to join the squad at the entrance to the Deep Roads, where you will go on the story quest Perfect. Oghren can reveal the specialization of the Berserker to you.

Personal quest - Oghren's Old Love

Having a high Ogren's Approval you can hear about him ex-lover Felzi and the desire of the dwarf to make peace with her. To get more approval points, go to the Pampered Princess Tavern by Calenhad Lake without Oghren and talk to her. Then tell Ogren about it, convincing him that preliminary reconnaissance was necessary, and take him with you for a second conversation. On his turn, you can help Ogren, in which case the couple will converge again, and the dwarf will greatly add to your Approval. Otherwise, Felzi will drive Ogren away, and he, in turn, will be very offended by you. Talking to Felzy will complete the quest, and its ending will affect the epilogue for Oghren. He does not have a moment of crisis.


Loghain can be added to the squad after the Gathering of the Lands if you spare him. Alistair will leave you at the same time, so Loghain also specializes in a sword with a shield. For him, there are no special gifts, personal quests and moments of crisis. His Approval cannot be raised to the level of Friendship - at most it will remain Respect.