How to set the right goal. The best expression here is

27 760 3 Why is it so important to write down your goals for the next few years, year, month, week? What is the power of the written word? Much has already been written about this. But the main idea is this.

In order for the plan to be fulfilled, it is important to believe in it, to fill with thoughts about it every day, every minute. To live towards this goal, for the sake of this goal. It is also very important that the goal is clear, if it has no boundaries, it will just be a dream that is unlikely to come true.

But how can you fill your thoughts with what you have planned if you are distracted by daily activities (children, work), a huge amount of other information (social networks, TV, tablet, phone, etc.). In caring for the family, problems at work, we forget about our main goal, about what needs to be done to achieve it.

Take half an hour to sit down, think and formulate in a notebook ( for this, it is better to allocate a separate notebook, so that later you can adjust the goal and the stages to achieve it) "what do you want to get in this life." Try the “who I will be in 30 years” technique. Write an essay, in detail, who will surround you, where you will live, etc. after 30 years.

List the steps on the way to your goal. Break them down into smaller ones, down to what you need to do this month.

It is important that all your actions, every day, every hour, be aimed at achieving your goal.

Clarity and Reality of Purpose is another important rule.

If you love baking cakes, you don't have to dream of making a million in the stock market. Set realistic goals based on your abilities. The more real they are, the more likely you will get it soon.

By writing down the goal, you begin to better understand yourself, what you need.

If your goal is a two-story house on the Black Sea coast, describe in detail, for example, how you first buy an apartment in your city, rent it out, save up a certain amount ** years and buy a coveted house. Describe how you feel about it. Who will come to visit you and how you will spend time in your house.

A clearly formulated goal is half the success on the way to achieving it.

If your goal is to drive a car of a certain make and model, write about how you feel about it, where you will drive it, who will be around. Imagine how you hold the steering wheel with the logo of the automaker, etc. on it. The more detailed the description is, the faster you will get closer to the intended goal.

How does it work?

Very simple. Through fine motor skills of the fingers, brain activity is activated, new thoughts, ideas come, the visualization mechanism is launched.

Immerse yourself in what you have written, periodically take out your notes, reread and correct them.

Of course, for the full effect, it would be great to use other methods and visualization mechanisms. For example, meditate or make a photo collage. Many of my friends have photo collages that proudly hang above their workplace. Every day, unconsciously, they glance at the collage and the projection mechanism starts in their heads. In the process of work, they unconsciously concentrate on their main goal.

Some simply create a folder in the “cloud” and periodically upload pictures of the ideas they like (decorative toys for the future children’s room, a good angle of their favorite car, a view from the window of a two-level apartment on the 23rd floor, etc.).

A clear goal stimulates our thinking, efficiency wakes up, energy appears to act and achieve.

It works, it works! The main thing is to wish for something sincerely, with all your heart and in every possible way to do at least something to make your goal come true. So that it doesn’t happen, as in that joke, when a man every day asked God to help him win the lottery, while he never even bought a lottery ticket.

If you did everything right, you will immediately feel like you are energized to do something, you will have ideas and plans. You will feel as if your eyes have been opened. it good sign means you are going in the right direction. Do not be discouraged if you realize that before that you did not do anything to implement what was planned. It's never too late to start. Break down your goal into several steps. Write down by what period and what needs to be done in order to get what you want as a result. Every day, set small goals on the way to a global goal.

You don't have to tell your friends or family about it. Many may not understand this and laugh. But it's your life and you don't have to account for your actions to anyone. If you wholeheartedly want to achieve or get something, all methods are good.

Goals are like fuel for the furnace in which future success is smelted. The larger and clearer they are, the more you think about them, the stronger your inner impulse and desire to achieve them.

If I haven't convinced you yet, here are the statistics.

  • The 10% of people who write down their goals achieve their goals 90% of the time.
  • The 20% who knew what they wanted but didn't write down their goals got it 40% of the time.
  • All the rest worked all their lives for other people's goals.

If someone practices this, write us about your results in the comments to the article. Good luck to you!

How to set goals the right way. Goal setting techniques.

Greetings dear friend! This is Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and founder of the PAPA HELP project.

Until the age of 18, I didn’t know at all that it was possible to set goals, and even more so that it had to be done correctly. Everything changed when I entered the institute, where I began to attend youth forums, communicate with interesting successful people, read books on business and personal growth.

Planning my own life turned into an exciting activity for me and eventually helped me earn millions of rubles in my business: I will also talk about this here.

I directly associate my positive changes with goal setting and competent planning!

If you are reading this article, then just like me, you are striving for big changes. Excellent! Then study this material to the end and implement everything that I recommend. I guarantee that in a few months you will be pleasantly surprised by what is happening in your life.

Your destiny can really depend on the correct setting of goals!

Goal setting - a vital necessity or a fashion trend of our time

Today it is fashionable to be successful and efficient. On the Internet, and not only advertise thousands of trainings and courses on earnings and self-development.

Famous companies like "Business of Youth" urge to become an entrepreneur and earn a lot of money from your business. At the same time, everyone unanimously speaks about the importance of setting goals. Is it really important or do business and personal development gurus recommend setting goals “to the heap”?

Once I decided to figure it out myself and came to the conclusion that setting goals really helps to achieve what you want.

This is due to 3 obvious things:

  1. Clarity. You know exactly what you want to achieve and you start to notice the opportunities you need. For example, you decide that you will definitely buy a new car in a year. Your brain immediately begins to look for opportunities to earn or get what you want legally. Having a vague idea of ​​what you want from life, it will be very difficult to find what you want. Getting back to buying a car… You need to know exactly what brand, model, color and for what amount you plan to buy a car. It is wrong to say: "I want to buy a car." That's right - "I want to buy a new Toyota Camry, not older than 2017, white color, for 2,000,000 rubles.
  2. Focusing. Imagine that you are throwing darts at a target. Your target is the bullseye. You stand a few steps away from the target, aim and throw the dart. Such an approach with the maximum probability will lead to hitting the coveted red dot, you just have to practice. And if you threw a dart without aiming, or not at all in the direction of the target ... The chance of hitting it immediately decreases by a thousand times. So in life, focusing on the desired goal, you will achieve it at your level by the most fast way. I didn't write "at my level" for nothing. Since if you already have a million dollars, then earning another one is not such a difficult task. And if you start with a “doshirak” and torn shoes, even earning 100,000 rubles a month will become a global task for you. This I know from experience.
  3. Regularity in action. Having a clear goal in itself will motivate you to take regular action. Persistence is strength! It's like in sports: it's better to practice for an hour a day, 3 times a week, than for 8 hours, 5 days in a row. In the second case, you will simply overstrain and quit training.

The most famous approach to goal setting is called " SMART". Attention! This is not a translation of the word "smart" from English, but characteristics abbreviation the right target.

Here is its transcript:

Assess your goal against SMART criteria before setting it
S- Specific (Definite) It's just about clarity. The more clearly you formulate the object of the goal, the more likely it is to achieve it. For example, the goal might be "buy two-room apartment in Moscow"
M- Measurable (Measurable) Clearly formulate all the parameters of the future goal: place, color, model, distance and others that are important to you. If you want to achieve a quantitative indicator, set it in absolute units. For example, earn 100,000 rubles a month, if you are now earning 50,000 rubles. If we are talking about a qualitative indicator, then you need to designate it in an understandable way, for example, “move for permanent residence from Samara to Moscow”
A- Attainable This means that your "idea" is feasible in principle. For example, it is unlikely that you will be able to spend the night on Mars in a tent, no matter how hard you strive for this.
R- Relevant (Actual) It is understood that the goal should be “necessary” for you, and not imposed from outside. Think about whether achieving your stated goal will lead you to something more - a sense of harmony within and happiness. Be honest with yourself. For example, if you want to move to another country or city just because “there is nothing to do in your backwoods” or “they pay little here.” Weigh the cons and pre-calculate everything. It may be much easier to change something in yourself or in the job where you are currently working than to “turn everything around” and face unforeseen circumstances in the process of moving.
T- Time-bound (limited in time) It is very important that your goal is achieved by a certain deadline or date. So you correctly distribute efforts on the way to achieve it. Write the goal in the present tense, beginning with the word "I". "I achieve 'that' by December 20, 2020."

« SMART” is a universal and mandatory set of criteria that a “correct” goal must meet. In business circles, the expression " set a smart goal«.

An example of a correct SMART goal:

I am buying a black BMW X6 car no older than 2015 with a mileage of up to 100,000 kilometers, no more than 2,500,000 rubles by January 1, 2019, with the money earned in my wholesale building materials business.

An example of an WRONG SMART goal:

I want to buy a BMW X6 car.

JOKE on the topic of the correct and specific formulation of the goal:

"Caught a black man in Africa goldfish, she invited him to make 3 wishes in exchange for freedom. The man agreed and made 3 wishes:

  1. I want to be white.
  2. Move to America.
  3. For me to have a queue of women.

The goldfish said "it will be done", and the man became a white toilet in the women's toilet of an American cafe.

Now you know why it is important to have a goal and how to set it correctly.

The famous “Harvard experiment” on goal setting

In 1979, Harvard University conducted an experiment designed to determine the impact of goal setting on success in a person's life. The experiment lasted about 10 years.

To do this, they chose a group of students and asked who sets their goals, and most importantly, writes them down on paper. It turned out that only 16% of 100% had at least some goals in life and only 3% of those who wrote them down on paper in the right way.

A few years later, this group of graduates was once again interviewed and it turned out that those who had at least some goals at the university earned on average 2 times more than their "aimed" comrades. People who were included in the 3%, who fixed their goals in writing, earned 10 times! more than your classmates.

Something to think about, what do you think?

How to set goals and achieve them: step-by-step instructions from Brian Tracy - an expert with a worldwide reputation

Brian Tracy is an expert in goal setting.

Brian Tracy is the world's leading business and personal effectiveness expert.

I really like this personality, and his simple and efficient system Goal setting has helped millions of people achieve their goals over the past 30 years.

Among these "disciples" of Brian was myself.

Prior to that, I often listened to his audiobooks on sales, management and personal effectiveness.

In a word, Tracy is a real MONSTER in these topics! I recommend everyone to study his materials and seminars.

As for the goals: just do everything step by step and enjoy the result!

Step 1: Be clear about what you want

I already wrote about this.

It is very important to write down the goal, starting with the word "I" and talk about it. in present time as if it's already fait accompli :

  • "I earn 500,000 rubles a month."
  • "I live in Sochi".
  • "I drive a BMW."

It is not necessary to limit yourself to one goal, you can set several in different areas of life. But for greater focus, choose the most important and throw all your strength on it.

Most often in modern world capitalism, people set precisely material goals (money and property), since success in other important areas for a person directly depends on this: health, relationships, hobbies.

Step 2. Write down your goal on paper

The chosen goal must be fixed on paper, writing by hand rather than typing in a text editor on your computer! This is how our consciousness will better perceive it and then transfer it to the subconscious, which will work to achieve the goal around the clock.

It is difficult to overestimate the power of the subconscious. According to some estimates, it stores all the information available to a person. Our consciousness at the same time is a small part of the tip of the iceberg of the subconscious.

Using the power of the subconscious, they also recommend solving complex problems or making fateful decisions. The exercise is done at night. Before going to bed, write down your question by hand on paper and immediately go to bed. As a rule, in the morning the most correct and simple answer or way to solve a problem comes to mind.

Our brain never completely shuts down. In a dream, he intensively works to find the right solution.

Step 3: Set a deadline to reach your goal

It is also called the "deadline" (dead line). By setting a deadline, you will subconsciously plan your next steps so that the goal is achieved by the right time.

Use the preposition "to" or a clear date:

  • by September 1, 2020 I'm buying one-room apartment in Sochi;
  • December 1, 2019 I earn 1,000,000 rubles per month.

Step 4: Make a List of Everything That Will Help You Achieve Your Goal

Take a piece of paper and write down whatever you think will be required to achieve your goal:

  • meet such and such a person;
  • learn something;
  • earn so much
  • do something.

Your list can have a lot of items: 100-200 or more.

If at a certain stage you no longer have ideas for the list, then when they appear, supplement it.

So, the list is ready. We continue.

Step 5. Organize the plan from the resulting list

Before you is a sheet with a list of necessary actions. From now on, these are your tasks. And as you know, they cannot be performed randomly or all at the same time.

For example, you got 100 points, the implementation of which will certainly lead to the cherished goal.

By acting according to the plan, you multiply the likelihood of achieving the goal!

At this stage, you need to rank the resulting list. Next to each item, put the letters: A, B, C, D.

Where A - the most important tasks, and D, respectively, the most insignificant. You will have 4 categories. Now prioritize each one.

Assign the most important task from category A, in your opinion, to the number 1. You will get A1, the less important - A2, and so on.

Step 6: Take action immediately

Now the most important thing! As soon as possible, take on the tasks from the list received. So you start the most difficult stage of achieving the goal - the first step.

Key rule: do not start performing tasks from category "B" until all tasks from category "A" are completed.

SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE different from losers in that act without delay!

« LOSSERS» All the time putting off important things under various pretexts or doing unimportant things.

How I set goals and achieved results - I share my experience

At the age of 24, I set several goals for the technology described above.

A document with written goals called " PLAN 30“, implying that they must be fulfilled by my 30 years of age.

Alexander Berezhnov (pictured) is the founder of the PAPA HELP project. Yes it's me

At that time, I did not have an understanding of how I could achieve them, and only faith in success helped me move forward.

I won't go into details about my 6-year-old goals, I'll just say that the result even exceeded my expectations. During this period, I managed to get married, have children, buy several apartments in a prestigious residential complex in my city and a foreign car, and help my relatives financially.

I realized that nothing is impossible, and even if you now have no idea how you can get what you want, just act and you will eventually be able to “eat the elephant bit by bit”.

I know from my own experience that big goals scare people and they continue to be content with small things, instead of pulling themselves together and making their dreams come true.

Now I am already working on my goals, which I called " PLAN 40". In 10 years (I'm 30 now), I'm going to build a number of large sources of passive income, strengthen family relationships, give children better education and educate them properly.

I will also definitely continue to engage in charity, social activities and education. I plan to write several books and make my own film, visit 10 countries of the world and meet a number of prominent people of our time.

Let's see which of these goals I can achieve in 10 years, but intuitively I feel that this plan is 100% realized!

Answers to frequently asked questions

Here I have collected the most popular questions on the topic. I used to often ask them to myself in different formulations, and later I began to receive them from friends and subscribers.

Question 1. Does the visualization board help you achieve your goals? Marina, 24 years old, Krasnodar

A visualization board is a well-known tool for effectively achieving goals. It is a sheet of drawing paper or thick paper with pasted photographs (pictures) and inscriptions that personify your "Wishlist".

When you see the visualization board in front of you every day, you focus on them. I think that such a “board” certainly helps, but you should not limit yourself to it alone, because it is only a tool. In addition to it, no one canceled the written goals and the plan to achieve them.

Question 2. How to dream and set goals? And what is a dream anyway? Ilya, 19 years old, Moscow

A dream and a goal have much in common: both are desires for possession of something. Most people have dreams but are not serious about achieving them. Surely you have heard someone say, “I wish I…” or “if I had…”.

These are just empty words that will never materialize. A goal differs from a dream in that it is as specific as possible and has a plan for achieving it.

Everyone has heard the concept of "business plan", but few people in the same context say "business dream". The plan has clear steps to achieve, and the dream only emotionally amuses its owner.

A dream is an "unformed goal", but also its main predecessor.

Question 3. When I suggested that my friends set goals for life together, they laughed at me and said that these are difficult times and nothing can be planned. How should I react to this? Denis, 32 years old, Nizhnevartovsk

Dear Denis, I am very familiar with this question. Most people, as already mentioned, do not have clear and correct goals.

Some do not even know what they will do tomorrow. Set goals boldly and work on a plan to achieve them.

After 3-5 years, just compare your progress with the progress of the guys who laughed at you. I assure you the difference will be huge!

Don't try to convince anyone of anything. It is best to show by example how to do it right.

And even after you succeed, some envious people will still say that you are just lucky.

The best expression here is

"The dog barks, the caravan moves on."

Question 4. How to formulate goals correctly if I don't know what I want? Bogdan, 27 years old, Kostroma

I had similar periods a few years ago. First of all, you need to find your favorite thing, and for this you need to look for it and not stop.

Try yourself in different areas, and as soon as you feel that your heart and soul resonate with some kind of occupation, do it professionally. It is very important for a man to do what he loves, to creatively realize himself and earn money on it.

Remember your childhood. In it you will find answers to the question "what do I like to do?". After that, set the right goals, and the energy from doing what you love will support your enthusiasm.

Question 5. How to set goals and objectives correctly and how do they differ? Inna, 34 years old, Izhevsk

Goals- these are global desires, the implementation of which leads to the achievement of quantitative or qualitative results. They have a significant impact on your life. A great addition to the concept of goal is "strategy".

A task It is a certain small step towards achieving the goal. The task is rather characterized as "tactics". It is not as global as the goal, but it is very important as its component.

The goal is achieved by the correct sequence of tasks performed.


You have decided to get a job in the Romashka company - this is your GOAL.

The tasks for this will be:

  • familiarization with the activities of the company;
  • resume writing;
  • passing an interview;
  • signing employment contract when applying for a job.

This is very simplistic, but I think you get the gist.

Question 6. Is there any specificity in setting financial goals? Vladimir, 24 years old, Vologda

By and large, there are no differences. However, in setting financial and business goals, it is customary to use the concept of "decomposition".

Decomposition- this is the division of the goal into small components, by consistently completing which, you will certainly achieve it through a simple mathematical calculation.

Use decomposition when setting a financial goal

An example of financial goal decomposition

You have decided to accumulate a million rubles in 2 years. Two years is 24 months. That is, 1,000,000 rubles must be divided by 24 to find out how much money you should save every month.

It turns out that on average per month you need to save about 42,000 rubles.

If now your salary is 40,000 rubles, then there are only 2 exits:

  1. Abandon the target (reduce its size).
  2. Increase your income so you can save the amount you need.

A similar principle applies to more global calculations, but the essence remains the same: you calculate the decomposition and, based on mathematically verified steps, achieve a financial goal.

Question 7. Time management and goals: to what extent are they related to each other? Laima, 36 years old, Ivanovo

These two concepts are inseparable from each other. Without proper time management, it is impossible to achieve the goal or it will take much more effort. Visually, the principles of time management are given in "step 5" of this article, which refers to the ranking of tasks.

Time management is the most important skill of successful people.

The most successful people in the world are distinguished by professional time management and the ability to set goals. It sometimes takes years to master these skills, but when they are developed in a person to perfection, any, even the most daring desires, quickly come true.

Question 8. What should I do if I have not achieved the goal I set? Eugene, 28 years old, Stavropol

You need to understand what is the reason.

If you set a goal according to the SMART technology and clearly followed the plan for achieving it, then:

  • either you set a too ambitious goal, and you objectively did not have enough strength and resources;
  • or violated the "technology" and therefore did not achieve what they wanted.

This also includes “burnout” by the goal, laziness, force majeure.

Analyze your actions and you will certainly find a weak spot.


A correctly formulated goal, written down on paper by hand, is a powerful tool for realizing your cherished desires. I have checked this more than once on MY OWN EXPERIENCE and the stories of thousands of other people speak of the same.

The technology of setting and achieving the goal described in the article is the simplest and most effective in the world today. You just have to follow it in practice.

Why don't people set goals and write them down? It's so easy and only takes a couple of hours a year. The answer is obvious: because not doing it is EVEN EASIER!

Set goals, because it really costs nothing ...


A man caught a goldfish - as always, she is about desires ...

The man says: “I want everything to be…”

Rybka replies: “Man, you had everything, let me go!”

I would not want to be in the place of this man from the joke

Dear friend, thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Remember: the more specific you formulate what you want, the more chances for a short time get it.

Learn the principles of time management and personal effectiveness, and our online magazine will help you with this.

Wish you success!

PS. Do you have experience with goal setting? Share it in the comments to this article.

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A dream, a cherished desire, a life goal - at first glance, these are similar concepts. In fact, these words mean completely different things. A dream may be unrealistic, and a desire may be impossible. In order for what you dream of to come true, you need to move from wishes to goal setting. However, the goal can also remain unattained if you formulate it incorrectly. Correct setting of goals and their achievement. This logical chain is the path to success.

How to set goals correctly

Goal setting is the process of setting a goal. This concept is devoted to many popular science books. According to psychologists, a correctly formulated task is a 50% guarantee of its achievement. Many do not know how to set goals correctly. Therefore, it is not surprising that trainings have become popular, where professional psychologists teach the basic principles of goal setting. Unlike desires and dreams, the goal is a definite, clear concept, since there is a specific result behind it. This result must be seen. You have to believe in reaching your goal. Only then can it really be achieved.

Wordings: “I want to expand my business”, “I want to increase my income” are examples of desires. To translate them into the category of goals, you need to specifically define what it means for you to expand the business. Open new branches? Expand your range of services? Attract more customers? Increase production? How much to increase or expand: by 20% or 2 times? The result you are striving for must be measurable.

The result you are striving for must be measurable.

It is best to write down a specific goal in a diary. To formulate it, use active verbs, such as "make", "earn", "achieve". Do not use the words “must”, “necessary”, “necessary”, “should”, as they carry a semantic connotation of coercion, overcoming internal barriers. This is your goal. You want to achieve it, no one is forcing you to do it.

Achieving too simple goals is not interesting. The task must be difficult, so that on the way to it you have to overcome difficulties, only in this way you can develop. But the goal must be real. Therefore, before formulating it, it is necessary to analyze the current state of affairs and assess the available resources and opportunities. Opening 5 new branches at once or increasing income by 10 times is unlikely to succeed. Achieve more modest goals first. Over time, you will come to what you did not even dare to dream of at the beginning of the journey.

The correct setting of the goal necessarily contains an indication of the time of its achievement. For example, goals to expand the customer base or increase production volume should be specified in terms of percentages (by 30%) and a period (1 year).

If you learn to correctly and specifically formulate goals for yourself, you will be able to clearly and clearly set them for others. The head of the organization must know the basic principles of goal setting. Then he will require his managers to correctly formulate the goals of their work. And this is a guarantee that they will actually fulfill their tasks.

How to achieve goals

The methods for achieving the goals are as follows:

  1. The goal leads to a result. If it is very important to you, then it will be easier to achieve it. Imagine all the benefits of achieving the end result. Anticipate in advance the sensations of joy and success that you will experience in that moment. Then no fears and doubts will interfere on the way to your goal. Psychologists call this technique the visualization method. It helps to update all external and internal resources to achieve the goal, attracts the necessary ideas, people, and means. For example, think about the benefits you would get if you increased your income by 50%. You will be able to afford more expensive real estate, a car, vacation, gifts to loved ones. Raise your social status. Which of these benefits do you most desire? Imagine that you have already achieved it. And let this picture inspire you. When you set goals for your employees, help them see the positives in their overall accomplishments. Salary increase, bonuses, career growth, obtaining additional funds to the company's budget for corporate events.
  2. To go a long way to achieve a big and important goal, you need to divide it into stages. To do this, the global goal is broken down into smaller goals. These, in turn, can also be broken down into smaller tasks. If all this is schematically depicted on paper, then we get a real system of goals and subgoals. Try to formulate each of them clearly with an indication of the timing of achievement, and then this scheme can be easily turned into a step-by-step plan for moving towards the main global goal. Such planning will become the basis for compiling a clear instruction for action for your subordinates. For example, the goal to expand the range of services can be divided into subgoals: to study the specifics of new services, purchase the equipment necessary for their provision, select specialists or train your employees, find an additional place.
  3. Close people can help you achieve your personal goals. And when it comes to business-related tasks, you can't do without the help of employees and partners. After breaking the global goal into specific sub-goals, consider which of the subordinates can cope with each of them most successfully. But remember, you set the initial goal for yourself, it is important for you, therefore, the responsibility for achieving it also lies, first of all, on you. If you do not reach your goal because one of the employees did not complete the task assigned to him, then the blame for this will lie with you. It means that you overestimated the resources of this worker. Perhaps he needs more time to solve his problem or needs to improve his skills. Or maybe a completely different specialist is needed to achieve this subgoal.
  4. Try to assess in advance the obstacles that will arise on the way to achieving the goal. Think about how you can overcome or eliminate them. Not all at once, but gradually, one at a time. Of course, it is impossible to predict all problems. But you will have a plan to eliminate at least some of them.
  5. Look for additional resources. New information, new knowledge and skills will help overcome obstacles that at first may seem the biggest. You may have to hire new specialists (marketers, analysts, content managers, business coaches) or your existing employees will need to take training courses, trainings, seminars.
  6. Make a general plan of action for the period of time that you have given yourself to achieve the goal. It reflects who and in what terms will solve intermediate tasks, what resources and additional investments will be attracted to overcome obstacles. Based general plan make more detailed plans for each quarter, month, and even week. Of course, during the execution you will have to adjust a lot in the plan. After all, on the way to the goal you will have new knowledge, experience, and circumstances may change. Most likely, during the implementation of the plan, you will see mistakes made in the preparation. So along the way, you will need to work on the bugs. You may even have to adjust your goals if you realize that so far your resources are not enough to achieve the original ones. But it's not scary. Anyway, you will already go part of the way, gain new knowledge and experience that will help you adjust your goals and move on.
  7. Periodically review your goals, methods to achieve them, and resources. This is useful for further rational planning of your path.
  8. Consider the price you will have to pay to reach your goal. Financial investments will be required to train employees and purchase equipment. Additional time is needed to supervise the work of the new branch. You may need to cut back on your private time or spend less time with your family. It takes time and effort to complete the training. And involving a partner in business will make you give up the habit of solving everything yourself. Assess your willingness to sacrifice all of this and get out of your comfort zone.

The goal always leads to action, because if you do nothing, then you will not achieve the goal. And vice versa, in order to start acting, you need to set a goal for yourself. There is no better motivation for action.

How to set goals and achieve them? How to understand that the goal is "your"? Why are some goals not achieved? How to get off the ground and enter your bright future now? Read about this and much more in this article.

How to formulate goals correctly

AT recent times it has become fashionable to make a “Dream Map”, to make lists of goals, and you have probably read more than once about how to formulate goals correctly. I'll tell you briefly how goals are set using the "smart" technology. The goal should be:

  1. specific
  2. measurable
  3. achievable
  4. realistic
  5. Defined in time

In other words, if you dream of having your own home, your goal should be something like this: “I am buying a house in the center of Sochi for ten million rubles in February 2021.” And don't forget that the goal must be realistic. If now for you ten million is an indecently large amount, or if for some reason you are unable to move to Sochi, do not set yourself such a goal. First of all, you yourself must believe and adequately relate to your goal. Without your sincere faith and calm attitude towards the possibility of achieving this goal in 2021, the goal has no meaning.

The goal must be positive. In your wording, there should not be a “not” particle (because your subconscious mind does not hear it) and there should not be negative words coming from the opposite. Such as, for example, "get rid of", "stop" or "stop". These words are usually followed by what you want to get rid of, and not what you are going to. For example, the goal "I want to stop drinking" focuses entirely on drinking, not on not drinking. Also, the goal “I want to lose seven extra pounds” sends our subconscious to extra pounds and not to slimness.

The positivity of the wording lies in the fact that it should contain only positively colored words. They focus your subconscious mind on what you are striving for, not on what you want to get away from. The goal should be directed towards something, instead of moving away from something.

A well-formulated goal is already a big step towards it. Most people don't even know how to properly formulate goals and don't write them down. If you do not want to be in the majority, take your diary or piece of paper and right now, correctly formulate your main goal.

So, we learned how to correctly formulate goals. We are already at the start. Now it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules of the game and start confidently moving towards your bright future.

How to set goals and achieve them - 7 simple rules

If a person lives his life without realizing exactly what he is going to, and his thoughts are dispersed, he will not be able to achieve the goal. A person living in this way, at this moment solves someone's problems, unconsciously helps others achieve their goals.

In order to start confidently moving towards your goal, you must first of all be confident in yourself. How to raise self-esteem and form inner self-confidence, read this.

When a goal first appears in a person’s head, it means that he already now has all the resources to achieve it. Our subconscious mind forms only those desires that we can potentially fulfill.

So if you don’t live with the flow, but strive for something more, and if you already have a correctly formulated cherished desire in your head and on a piece of paper, then follow these simple rules. They will help you start moving confidently towards your goal. So, how to set goals and achieve them - 7 rules:

Rule #1: You should be the only target

Exclude other people from your goal. Your goal should be only you. When the goal includes another person, it becomes dependent on him. All these “I want him to marry me” or “I want my mother to stop controlling me” do not work! The goal should be only yours, and depend only on you. As you get closer to the goal, the space around you will change, and maybe this will make your loved one want to marry you, or maybe your mother will look at you differently and allow you to make your own decisions. The main thing is that on the way to achieving the goal, focus only on yourself, and everything else will follow.

Consider the goal in detail. You need to clearly see the goal and the path to it. What color will the house by the sea be? Where exactly will it be? How exactly will you save money for it? How much will you save each month? If you know where you are going and clearly see your goal, over time the path to it will begin to appear by itself, out of nowhere, the space will begin to change circumstances to suit your goal. Remember, the road appears under the steps of the walker. So go ahead and don't stop.

Rule #3: Are you worth it?

Don't confuse a goal with a dream. Ask yourself, "Do I deserve this?" Often we want something and at the same time understand that we do not deserve it for some reasons and excuses we have invented. As a result, we are afraid to achieve this. We must boldly face the truth. To be afraid of your goal means on an unconscious level not to believe that you can achieve it. If you think you deserve your goal, then go for it! If not, read the fourth rule.

Rule #4: Share until you deserve it

Break the target into pieces. Every time you share a goal, ask yourself the question: “Do I deserve this goal?” Divide it up until the answer sounds affirmative and confident. You are definitely worthy of this small goal, so start with it.

Danger! Don't discount your goal if it seems small to you. Ask yourself: “What more do I need this for?” Achieve it with the same zeal and perseverance with which you strive for a global goal.

Rule #5: Sustainability

The goal should be environmentally friendly. In other words, it should not negatively affect other areas of your life. Achieving some goals may entail, for example, the rupture of relationships, the loss of work or friends. We may not suspect this, but our subconscious mind takes this into account, and as a result prevents us from achieving the goal, trying in this way to protect us from losses.

Let's get back to the goal of buying a house in Sochi. If, for example, one of your close relatives periodically needs your help, or, say, your child would not like to leave, he has friends and a school here, then your subconscious mind will prevent you from achieving your goal. You will actively strive for it, but something will constantly stop you.

In the world of cinema, the so-called "love story" has recently appeared. oscar's curse”: over the past couple of decades, almost all women who received the coveted statuette divorced their husbands after the award. Could they have known that their goal is not sustainable? Ask yourself: “Won’t reaching my goal help Negative influence other important areas of my life? And if it does, do you agree to lose something important in order to achieve your goal?

Rule #6: Attention to the goal

Where attention is directed, energy flows there. What is your focus? On the hurts of the past? Or maybe it runs from one thought to another? Or maybe it is aimed at series and social networks?

Concentrate all your attention on the goal, think about it constantly, do, if possible, only what brings you closer to it. Only in this way can you achieve it.

Rule #7: Do whatever it takes to get closer

Don't stand still. Each activity either moves us away from the goal, or brings us closer to it. Constantly ask yourself: “Is what I am doing now bringing me closer to my goal or further away from it?” Don't get caught up in the little things, focus on the big things. The moment you do nothing to get closer to the goal, you move away from it. Think, while you are lying on the couch, someone else is already achieving your goal.

The reason for your "failure"

If you have been wanting to get something for a long time, but you just can’t, if you have already tried many methods, but none of them have helped you yet. If it is difficult for you to discipline and control yourself, to be aware of your behavior, to keep focus on the goal, then you just need to understand your personal reason that led to this. Until you understand the reasons, you will not be able to do anything about them, which means you will fail again and again. The reasons can be very different - your limiting beliefs that are contrary to goals, fears, unconscious benefits that you get from not achieving your goals.

In order to understand what reasons for “not achieving” you specifically have, you can contact a specialist. I am a psychologist, and I conduct individual consultations via Skype. Together with you during the consultation, we can understand what exactly is preventing you from achieving your cherished goal, and after identifying the reason, we will write a plan for how you can get rid of these reasons.

For example, the goal of one of my clients was to create a family: to find the right man, build a relationship with him, give birth to a child, live "happily ever after." After talking and doing several tasks, we discovered that at the subconscious level she always thought that she was unworthy of happiness, that she did not know how to love and generally hated men. We revealed her subconscious beliefs: “relationships are painful, they are not free, like shackles in a dungeon, a prison. Relationships are a sex bond. Relationships deprive me of development, since all the time is spent on building them, ironing-cleaning-cooking-sex, raising children. And a housewife is an insult, the position of a dependent woman who is not able to exist on her own.

On the logical side, she thought she wanted to have a family. While her subconscious (96% of the brain) with all her might protected her from this. Together, by identifying negative beliefs, we worked through them and changed them. Not immediately, but the goal was achieved. If you also want to identify the reasons that slow you down when moving towards your goal, write to me.

Fear lies on one side of the scale - freedom always lies on the other!

How to understand that the goal is "your"?

There are goals that for some reason are not being met. They are on our list of targets by mistake. Probably, someone imposed them on us, and we began to think that we ourselves want it. So how do you check if the target is “your” or not?

Everything is very simple. Energy is allocated to any target. If you have the strength for this goal, then it is yours. Your goal gives you the energy to achieve it.

The most important resources are within us. This is a high energy level, a desire to do something, an interest in it, as well as any positive emotions. Here's everything you need to reach your goal. If, as you approach the goal, you feel an emotional and energetic rise, then you are on the right track. After the first few steps towards “your” goal, you will have a drive, you will want to do more and more, get closer to the goal faster, you will go into a rage and do everything until you get what you want.

If the goal exhausts you, you have no strength for it and you always want to take a break or get distracted, then this is not your goal. And don't even try, you won't be able to achieve it. And if by chance you can do it, it will not bring you the desired satisfaction.

I have a book called How to Love Yourself. As a psychologist, during my work with clients, I came to the conclusion that the achievement of any goals begins with self-love. In the book, I share the most effective tricks with which I myself once raised my self-esteem, became confident and fell in love with myself. At this link you can purchase it at a symbolic cost of 99 rubles. This book will be a big step towards your goals!

What to do right now to ensure that you reach your goal

Take a pen and paper. Write down your goal according to all the rules you read above. Now write down the points that you will do step by step to reach this goal. Our brain is designed in such a way that if you break down the goal into points, and these points are simple and even pleasant for you, then the brain will automatically start working.

After you have written all the steps, choose four of them. Do one right now. Three more this week. So you start in your subconscious mind the mechanism of movement towards the goal. Already this week you will determine whether this is your goal or not. If so, she will begin to pull you towards her like a magnet. You will be surprised where forces, energy, people, money will be taken from somewhere for your goal. The main thing is not to lose regularity in your pursuit of the goal, the goal will pull you towards it, but you will also need to make efforts to achieve it. And if these efforts are regular and systematic, then you are guaranteed to achieve great success.


Congratulations! You have just learned how to set goals and achieve them. Remember where attention is directed, energy flows there. And where your energy is, there is your goal. The more attention and energy your goal receives, the faster the circumstances will adjust to its implementation.

Keep focus on your goal, think about it, consider it in detail. How she looks like? How do you feel when you think about her? You well? Then boldly go to her, and not a step back! Remember: every second either moves you away or brings you closer to your goal. So keep your movement under control and stop at nothing.

And don't forget to get my book How to Love Yourself. At this link you can purchase it at a symbolic cost of 99 rubles. In it, I share the most effective techniques with which I myself once raised my self-esteem, became confident and fell in love with myself. As a psychologist, during my work with clients, I came to the conclusion that the achievement of any goals begins with self-love. This book will be a big step towards your goals!

I wish you to achieve all your goals! If you need individual help and support along the way, you can contact me for psychological help. I will help you learn how to achieve your goals. Even those that now seem impossible. We will work with motivation, and with self-discipline, and with limiting beliefs, and with everything that hinders and helps you achieve what you want.

You can book a consultation with me via in contact with, instagram or . You can get acquainted with the cost of services and the scheme of work. You can read and leave reviews about me and my work.

Subscribe to my Instagram and YouTube channel. Improve and develop yourself with me!

I believe that you will succeed!
Your psychologist Lara Litvinova

Today we'll talk about how to set a goal and what should be the right goals any person. In any business, you should start with setting goals. Therefore, what exactly you will strive for and what you will achieve as a result depends on how correctly and competently the goal is formulated. Thus, this issue must be approached very thoughtfully and responsibly.

Rules for setting goals and objectives.

1.Good goals should be specific. When thinking about how to set a goal, try to formulate it as specifically as possible, so that there are no uncertainties and vague concepts in it. To do this, I recommend following three rules:

specific result. Goal setting should include a specific outcome that you want to achieve.

measurable result. The goal you want to achieve must be expressed in some specific measurable value - only in this way can you really control its achievement.

specific deadlines. And finally, the right goals should have their specific deadlines for achieving.

For example, “I want” is an absolutely non-specific goal: there is neither a measurable result, nor specific deadlines. “I want to have a million dollars” - the goal already contains a measurable result. “I want to have a million dollars by the age of 50” is already the right goal setting, because. contains both the measured result and the time frame for achieving it.

The more specific the goal is, the easier it is to achieve.

2. Good goals should be realistically achievable. And this means that you must set goals, the achievement of which is within your power and depends mainly on you. It is unacceptable to plan something that is fully dependent on other people or some external factors that you are not able to influence.

For example, “I want to have a million dollars in 5 years, which my American uncle will leave me after his death” is a completely wrong and unacceptable goal. In order to sit and wait for 5 years for the uncle to die, there is no need to set goals. And the most interesting thing will be when it turns out that he bequeathed his fortune to someone else. Well, in general, I think you understand.

“I want to make a million dollars in a year.” Right target? No, if now you have not a penny for your soul, you simply will not achieve it.

“I want to increase my income by $100 every month.” This is already a realistically achievable goal, of course, if you have calculated and understand exactly how you will increase your income.

Set realistic goals and you can achieve them.

3. Right goals must come from the heart. When thinking about how to set a goal, you should choose only those goals that you are really interested in and need, that beckon you, that you really want to achieve, from the achievement of which you will be truly happy. It makes absolutely no sense to set goals for yourself to do something through force, without having a desire, simply because it is “needed”. Also, do not pass off other people's goals as your own. Even if you complete these tasks, you are unlikely to get anything really needed from it.

For example, you don’t need to set a goal to get a law degree if you want to become a pop star, but your parents “push” you into lawyers, because this is a “money and prestigious profession.”

Set goals that will inspire you, not stress you!

4. Good goals should be positive. One and the same task can be formulated in different ways: with both positive and negative connotations. Therefore, when thinking about how to set a goal correctly, avoid negativity and use only positive expressions (you write everything down!) - this will psychologically motivate you more to achieve a result. Here, too, there are 3 important rules.

- The right goals should show what you want to achieve, not what you want to get rid of;

- Correct goals should not contain negatives (“I don’t want”, “I want that I didn’t have”, etc.);

- Correct goals should not contain even a hint of coercion (the words “should”, “must”, must, etc.).

For example, “I want to get rid of poverty”, “I don’t want to live in poverty”, “I want to have no debts” - the wrong formulation of the goal, because. contains a negative. “I want to become rich” is the correct formulation of the goal, because contains positive.

“I must become rich” is the wrong goal setting: you only owe banks and creditors, it is much better to formulate the goal like this: “I will become rich!”.

Positive goals are achieved much easier than getting rid of negative ones!

5. Goal setting must be written. When your goal is written down on paper or in an electronic document, it will psychologically motivate you to achieve it much more. Therefore, when thinking about how to set a goal, keep in mind that your goals must be recorded in writing. And it is a mistake to believe that you will remember what you have planned so well. Even if you have a good memory, a goal that you have not recorded anywhere is easiest to change or even abandon it altogether.

Goals in your head are not goals, they are dreams. The right goals must be written down.

6. Break down your big goals into smaller ones. If your goal seems too complex and unattainable, then break it down into several intermediate, simpler ones. So it will be much easier to achieve a common global goal. I will say more, if you do not break down important life goals into intermediate ones, then you are unlikely to achieve them at all.

Take, for example, our first goal, “I want to have a million dollars by the age of 50.” If this is all that you have planned for yourself, you will not complete this task. Because it is not even clear how exactly you are going to earn this same million. Therefore, it is necessary to break this strategic task into several smaller, tactical ones, showing exactly how you will go towards the intended goal. For example: “Set aside $100 a month for”, “Within a month”, “Open by age 30”, etc. Of course, these are only approximate goal trends, the right goals should look, as you already know, more specific.

The global strategic goal will be achieved if you break it down into several intermediate, tactical ones.

7. Goals can be adjusted if there are objective reasons. If you have already set a clear and specific goal, this does not mean that it cannot be adjusted. However, and this is very important, goals can only be adjusted if there are objective reasons. Reasons like “I can’t do it” or “I’d rather squander this money” cannot be considered objective. In life and in the world around you, anything can happen that will significant influence to achieve the set goal. And in the event of such force majeure circumstances, the goal can and should be adjusted, both in the direction of weakening and in the direction of strengthening.

For example, you set a goal to save for Bank deposit$100 a month to raise a certain amount. At the time of setting the goal, the deposit rate was 8% per annum. If the rates in banks drop to 5% per annum, you will need to adjust the goal: either save more, or, if this is not possible, reduce the amount you want to raise. But if the rates rise to 10% per annum, you will be able to adjust the goal in the direction of increasing the planned result.

There is nothing wrong with adjusting goals for objective reasons - circumstances may arise in life that could not have been foreseen.

8. Believe in achieving your goal. It is necessary not only to set the right goal, but also to believe in its achievement. This will psychologically help you go to the intended and overcome all the obstacles that come your way.

Faith in achieving the goal is the most important factor on the path to success. Setting yourself goals that you don't believe you can achieve makes no sense at all.

I hope this article has helped you understand how to set a goal correctly, and what your proper goals should be.

You will find many more in other publications on useful tips and recommendations that will become your assistants on the path to success, as well as teach you how to properly manage your personal finances, because the achievement of almost any life goal has its own financial side. Until we meet again on the pages of the site!