This amazing Egyptian triangle.

The famous mathematician Pythagoras made many different discoveries, but for most people who do not have to regularly deal with algebra and geometry, he is known for his theorem. The scientist discovered it while in Egypt, where he was fascinated by the beauty and elegance of the pyramids, and this, in turn, led him to the idea that a certain pattern can be traced in their forms.

At the dawn of history, thirteen million tons of hard rock were brought into the desert to build old London. Over the decades, huge monuments have been built, next to which the Church of the Holy Trinity in Rome or the Empire State Building look like toys.

The three pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx, the divine ancient world, are shrouded in mystery. Some say they were built about four and a half thousand years ago as tombs for dead pharaohs. Here they do not see any mystery, and whoever sees it waves his hands. Egyptologists say they have strong evidence that the Sphinx comes from the time of Raheff, the builder of the second pyramid and the entire Giza plateau. But how real is the evidence that they attribute these monuments to Rashev and King Chufeya and their time?

Discovery history

The Egyptian triangle owes its name to the Hellenes, who often visited Egypt in the 7th-5th centuries BC. e., among them was Pythagoras. The basis of the pyramid of Cheops is a rectangular polygon, and the pyramids of Khafre are the so-called Egyptian triangle, which the ancients called sacred. Plutarch wrote that the inhabitants of Egypt correlated nature with this geometric figure: the vertical leg symbolized a man, the base - a woman, and the hypotenuse - a child. The aspect ratio in it is 3:4:5, and this leads to the Pythagorean theorem, since 3 2 x 4 2 \u003d 5 2. Therefore, the fact that the Egyptian triangle lies at the base of the Khafre pyramid allows us to assert that the famous theorem was known to the inhabitants ancient world even before Pythagoras formulated it. A feature of this figure is also considered to be that, due to this aspect ratio, it is the first and simplest of Heron's triangles, since its sides and area are integer.

The debate is growing as a new generation of researchers using Hi-tech, opposes evidence that is not only rejected. It is absurd to say, as the Egyptians do, that these monuments were the product of civilization in their diapers. We have very strong astronomical features of the pyramid. And we have a star group for the ramparts of the Great Pyramid. These are all clues that the answer is not here on Earth, but higher up in the stars.

Researcher John West also concluded that the Giza complex is associated with time twelve and a half thousand years ago. He came to this conclusion with the help of geology. This science suggests that the Great Sphinx of Giza has been subjected to relentless rainfall for many centuries. And when did this rain continue in Egypt? To the amazement of Egyptologists, John West supported the geologists! The West has become scientists' worst nightmare because someone has come from another field with a theory carefully thought out, well presented, clearly described, full of information that can't just be off the table like some theorizing.


egyptian triangle has been popular in architecture and construction since antiquity.

It was mainly used when building right angles with a cord or rope divided into 12 parts. According to the marks on such a rope, it was possible to very accurately create a rectangular figure, the legs of which would serve as guides for installation right angle buildings. It is known that such properties of this geometric figure were used not only in ancient Egypt, but also, long before that, in China, Babylon and Mesopotamia. The Egyptian triangle was also used to create proportional structures in the Middle Ages.

And it brings them under their feet, so how do they stand it? The whole question of erosion was constantly observed. Why hasn't anyone noticed this before? - Nobody wanted to. It's like looking for potatoes, you can walk through a diamond-filled field, but all you see is a bunch of ugly, shiny rocks. So geology was simply taken for granted. No one looked for it, no one took it into account.

Could civilization be much older than we think? The implications of this will be confusing. An unknown and advanced civilization in the Stone Age? Egyptologists have established the sudden beginning of Egyptian history around three thousand BC. Prior to this, they say, only primitive Stone Age nomads from the Sahara inhabited the Nile Valley. According to the textbooks, Egypt just came out of the Stone Age, and all of a sudden, out of nothing, they were able to create these huge and perfect structures. And just to cover the body of the dead king.


The ratio of the sides of this triangle 3:4:5 leads to the fact that it is rectangular, i.e. one angle is 90 degrees, and the other two are 53.13 and 36.87 degrees. A right angle is an angle between sides whose ratio is 3:4.


With some simple calculations, you can prove that a triangle is a right triangle. If we follow the reverse theorem of the one that Pythagoras created, that is, if the sum of the squares of the two sides is equal to the square of the third, then it is rectangular, and since its sides lead to the equality 3 2 x 4 2 \u003d 5 2, therefore, it is rectangular.
Summing up, it should be noted that the Egyptian triangle, whose properties have been known to mankind for many centuries, continues to be used in architecture today. This is not at all surprising, because this method guarantees accuracy, which is very important in construction. In addition, it is very easy to use, which also makes the process much easier. All the benefits of using this method have been tested for centuries and remain popular to this day.

This theory of simple tombs makes no sense, and despite centuries of scientific research, many important questions remain unanswered. For example, the three kings of the fourth dynasty of pharaohs built this for some time longer than human life. What made them build something that was unlike anything before or since? It's like it came out of a black hole in the history of architecture.

This rotten brick mountain left the previous third dynasty. And in the Fifth Dynasty, for some strange reason, they will go back to the old bike. It really doesn't make any sense. The monuments at Giza have unexpected features. For example, they are located with amazing accuracy along the thirteenth parallel. Is this just a coincidence, or perhaps these people knew the exact shape and size of the earth? These gigantic buildings are also miraculously aligned with the main directions. Ideal East - West and ideal North - South.

Everyone who listened attentively to a geometry teacher at school is very familiar with what the Egyptian triangle is. It differs from other types of similar ones with an angle of 90 degrees by a special aspect ratio. When a person first hears the phrase "Egyptian triangle", pictures of majestic pyramids and pharaohs come to mind. And what does history say?

The accuracy of this position is a mystery to the Egyptians and has not been achieved in any modern building. How could such precedents have been achieved by builders living almost five thousand years ago? Five hundred years ago, our own civilization wasn't sure if the Earth was round. And just three hundred years ago, we knew with certainty the exact size of the Earth. But these people knew it! The Great Pyramid is a 1-scale mathematical model of the Northern Hemisphere: The Great Pyramid contains the transcendental value of Pi, the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference, the basis of all mathematics.

As is always the case, there are several theories regarding the name "Egyptian triangle". According to one of them, the well-known Pythagorean theorem saw the light precisely because of this figure. In 535 BC. Pythagoras, following the recommendation of Thales, went to Egypt in order to fill in some gaps in the knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. There he drew attention to the peculiarities of the work of Egyptian surveyors. They built in a very unusual way with a right angle, the sides of which were interconnected with one another in a 3-4-5 ratio. This mathematical series made it relatively easy to connect the squares of all three sides with one rule. This is how the famous theorem arose. And the Egyptian triangle is precisely the very figure that prompted Pythagoras to the most ingenious solution. According to other historical data, the Greeks gave the name to the figure: at that time they often visited Egypt, where they could be interested in the work of land surveyors. There is a possibility that, as is often the case with scientific discoveries, both stories happened at the same time, so it’s impossible to say with certainty who first came up with the name “Egyptian triangle”. Its properties are amazing and, of course, are not limited to the aspect ratio alone. Its area and sides are represented by whole numbers. Due to this, the application of the Pythagorean theorem to it allows us to obtain integer numbers of squares of the hypotenuse and legs: 9-16-25. Of course, this could just be a coincidence. But how, then, to explain the fact that the Egyptians considered "their" triangle sacred? They believed in its interconnection with the entire universe.

It is clear that we have a mature system of mathematics and technology - at a time when there should be no such as scientists. And to achieve these results, the old builders had to use a 52° slope. Any other inclination just doesn't work. Could this be a coincidence? The accuracy of these monuments is almost an obsession. However, the average dispersion on one side is only 5 inches. Such incredible accuracy would be close to the target of modern platoons. It is hard to imagine how the "primitives" who had just emerged from the Stone Age did this.

After information about this unusual geometric figure became public, the world began searching for other similar triangles with integer sides. It was obvious that they existed. But the importance of the question was not just to perform mathematical calculations, but to test the "sacred" properties. The Egyptians, for all their unusualness, were never considered stupid - scientists still cannot explain exactly how the pyramids were built. And here, suddenly, a connection with Nature and the Universe was attributed to an ordinary figure. And, indeed, the found cuneiform contains indications of a similar triangle with a side whose size is described by a 15-digit number. Currently, the Egyptian triangle, the angles of which are 90 (right), 53 and 37 degrees, are found in completely unexpected places. For example, when studying the behavior of ordinary water molecules, it turned out that the change is accompanied by a restructuring of the spatial configuration of molecules, in which one can see ... the same Egyptian triangle. If we remember that it consists of three atoms, then we can talk about conditional three sides. Of course, we are not talking about the complete coincidence of the famous ratio, but the resulting numbers are very, very close to the desired ones. Is this why the Egyptians recognized their “3-4-5” triangle as a symbolic key to natural phenomena and the secrets of the Universe? After all, water, as you know, is the basis of life. Without a doubt, it is still too early to put an end to the study of the famous Egyptian figure. Science never rushes to conclusions, seeking to prove its assumptions. And we can only wait and be surprised by the knowledge

This architectural feat carries one undeniable message. They speak to us over the abyss of ages. And what do these ancient people say: we were not fools, and we were not slaves ruled by superstitious priests. We will show you your knowledge and accuracy.

However, according to Egyptologists, the pyramid builder does not deserve serious consideration in terms of accuracy. They used primitive ramps, slave labor, and couldn't even decide where to bury them in the dead monarch's pyramid. Below the pyramid is an underground chamber. Academic consensus considers it to be the original burial chamber, which was somehow abandoned and built on a second site, forty feet.