Ulcer of the duodenal bulb treatment. What is important to know about duodenal ulcer? Features of the treatment of ulcers of the duodenal bulb

Cicatricial and ulcerative deformity of the duodenal bulb is a disease that is left behind by an ulcer of the duodenal bulb and an ulcer of the stomach bulb. This disease is quite common today, and many factors of modern life contribute to this: lack of movement, bad habits, poor nutrition, starvation, eating fast food.

When formed, cicatricial deformity of the duodenal bulb is covered with scars that interfere with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's figure out what this disease is, what are its causes and how to avoid colliding with it.

As already mentioned, first a duodenal ulcer appears. When the ulcer of the duodenal bulb begins to heal, there are no symptoms, and a scar gradually forms in its place. This is a kind of scar, like after deep wounds, if the injury is run and let the infection cause inflammation.

The same process occurs with an ulcer. If you do not pay attention to it, do not treat it and do not follow a diet for ulcers, then there is a risk of complications that forever deprive the organ of its ability to work normally, like in a healthy person.

Relapses can be deadly: in the worst case, the bulb can become deformed, reach large sizes and close the intestinal passage. As a result, digested food cannot pass into the intestines. Stagnation, it provokes the process of decay and intoxication of the body. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is simply necessary to cut out the inflammation and connect the sections of the intestine properly.

That's why peptic ulcer bulbs should be cured immediately. With the right approach, there will be no trace left at the site of the ulcer, in extreme cases - a small linear scar that does not create discomfort and does not pose a threat to health.

In order not to provoke a relapse, you need to ensure complete rest for the intestinal tract, follow a diet and avoid stress. Of course, taking medication is also a mandatory measure.

When an acute ulcerative deformity of the duodenal bulb becomes large and blocks the passage, the pylorus, where hydrochloric acid is located, also begins to do its job worse. This leads to the fact that stomach acid enters the intestines, and bile and pancreatic fluid migrate from the intestines to the stomach, and this is a pathology. All this contributes to diarrhea, constipation, pain in the upper abdomen, belching, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.


  1. Pain in the upper abdomen. Sometimes the sensations are very strong.
  2. Pain that radiates to the back or heart area. It usually appears when hunger sets in, or at night when no food enters the body.
  3. Feeling of hunger after eating, belching, nausea.
  4. Increased gas formation (flatulence).
  5. Intestinal discomfort.
  6. Blood in stool or vomit. This sign is the most dangerous, since it indicates that internal bleeding has begun, and as you know, it can lead to the death of the patient.

Diagnosis of bulb ulcer and cicatricial deformity

The most efficient method
diagnosis is invasive. With its help, you can surely detect the slightest deformed bulbous area and scar, as well as an acute ulcer of the duodenal bulb. It is necessary to do a penetrating examination already at the first degree of a duodenal ulcer. At the stage when the duodenal bulb begins to deform.

Very often, such a medical mistake as neglecting invasive diagnostics is made. Many are limited to an external examination of the patient, which leads to incorrect conclusions. Therefore, the patient should insist on a penetrating examination, even if the doctor says that this is not necessary and there is nothing to worry about.

Penetrating diagnostics is a set of measures carried out with the help of fibrogastroduodenoscopy. Briefly it is called FGDS.

The above method is the main one. However, there are other ways to make a diagnosis with a more detailed study:

  1. Blood analysis.
  2. Blood chemistry.
  3. Gregersen's analysis (feces are studied). Helps to detect the presence of blood.
  4. General analysis of feces.

How to reduce the risk of cicatricial deformation of the bulb and ulcers to a minimum? These two diseases are related to each other. Deformation of a chronic ulcer of the duodenal bulb appears against the background of an intestinal defect. Therefore, to avoid scarring, one must avoid ulcers.

Peptic ulcer should be treated competently with the help of a specialist. You can not neglect taking medications, violate the dietary regimen.

Ulcer of duodenal bulb: treatment

There are many ways to prevent duodenal ulcers and treatment options. In the simplest cases of this disease, the following treatment regimen is resorted to:

  1. Medical therapy is prescribed.
  2. A diet for the ulcer is being developed.
  3. Preventive measures are being taken.

If the patient has a more complex stage of development of an ulcer of the intestinal bulb (for example, kissing ulcers), then they resort to complex treatment. It usually consists of several methods combined together according to the individual condition of the patient.

The methods are as follows:

Proper nutrition and diet in the presence of cicatricial deformity

If a 12pc bulb ulcer or cicatricial deformity of the duodenum bulb is detected, the first thing you need to do is adjust your diet and make a healthy menu. The latter must be done without fail so that you do not have to think about dishes for lunch or dinner and do not resort to some tasty but unhealthy food.

Healthy eating can be delicious too, contrary to popular belief. So, it is forbidden to use the following for ulcers and deformations of the duodenal bulb:

  1. Alcohol.
  2. Fatty, fried.
  3. Smoked meats, pickles.
  4. Meat, fish.
  5. Canned food.
  6. Rich broths.
  7. Rye bread.

Weak gastrointestinal irritants are mineral water, milk and dairy products, boiled lean meat, pureed vegetables, cereal soups, boiled vegetables, berries and fruits. All of these foods can be eaten, but not very often.

The least irritating to the intestines and stomach are liquid foods, as well as cereal porridges in boiled or slimy form.

Under no circumstances should you eat
food very hot if there is a disease of the bowel bulb. Cold food should not be eaten either, as it goes straight into the intestines without undergoing alkaline processing, which means that hydrochloric acid enters the intestines. It follows that ice cream, cold drinks, ice, chilled milkshakes and the like should be excluded from the diet.

In the presence of ulcerative formations, the body needs a lot of protein to heal wounds. Protein is building material besides, it neutralizes excess gastric secretions.

The diet of an ulcer patient should contain proteins in the following quantity: 65% - animals, 35% - vegetable. It is recommended to eat rabbit meat, as it is digested better than chicken and especially beef, it contains a large amount of protein.

Cicatricial deformity of tissues is a pathology that requires close monitoring and high-quality treatment. The duodenal bulb is located at the outlet of the stomach. Covered with scars, it cannot function fully. Problems with the digestive tract begin, other chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop.

The lack of timely medical intervention provokes the appearance of complications, which cannot be eliminated without surgery. With properly selected therapy, the prognosis of treatment can be favorable.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The causes of peptic ulcer disease lie in the effect of an increased concentration of hydrochloric acid on the intestinal wall. It seems to corrode the mucous membrane, provoking erosive formations, destroying the integrity of tissues. There can be many catalysts for the development of the disease.

Why the intestinal wall is deformed:

  • violation of microflora with a predominance of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • person's choice for malnutrition, which is dominated by fried, spicy or hot food, snacks on the run;
  • long-term use of a certain group of medicines;
  • bad habits: alcohol, smoking;
  • exposure to regular stress;
  • the presence of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prolonged helminthic invasion;
  • genetic predisposition.

Also, an acute ulcer of the duodenal bulb can develop due to trauma to the epigastric region or internal damage to the mucosa with the help of a swallowed foreign body, the presence of chronic diseases. Careful collection of the patient's history and timely diagnosis will help to find out the exact cause.

The cause of cicatricial deformity of the duodenal bulb 12 is a regular exacerbation of intestinal ulcers. How big square tissue is damaged, the more the tissue will subsequently deform.

Symptoms and stages

Cicatricial deformity of the bulb does not differ in specific symptoms. All body signals are standard, as for any other stomach disease. It is this problem that gets in the way of making the correct diagnosis, here doctors often make mistakes.

With a duodenal ulcer, the symptoms are as follows:

  • regular nausea, less often vomiting, which does not bring proper relief;
  • subfebrile body temperature of a constant nature;
  • dark bloody clots in the vomit, tarry stools;
  • hungry pains in the epigastric region;
  • heartburn with periodic reflux of stomach contents;
  • the appearance of strange taste habits, a decrease or increase in appetite;
  • violation of the heart rhythm.

Subsequently, several lesions form kissing ulcers that partially deform the intestinal wall. This leads to digestive problems, stagnation of food and increased symptomatic manifestations.

The course of the disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. The formation of ulcers with subsequent cicatricial deformation of tissues is divided into three stages.

  1. Aggravation. There is an inflammation of the bulb with pronounced symptoms. There are ulcers that may bleed.
  2. Attenuation. There are no signs of the disease, but the inflammation remains. Scars begin to form.
  3. Remission. The inflammatory process is sluggish, but the intestinal walls are still deformed, as a result of which the digestion process is disturbed.

Often, an exacerbation makes itself felt in the offseason or during significant nervous shocks. The period of remission is not felt by the patient, even if he does not adhere to the necessary diet and other medical recommendations.


In addition to questioning and examination, monitoring of general urine, feces and blood tests, duodenal ulcer requires a mandatory invasive examination. For this, the doctor prescribes a study called FGDS.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is the introduction of a special tube with a microcamera at the end. Only with the help of this study can bulb disease be detected and distinguished from stomach or intestinal ulcers and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to FGDS, other diagnostic methods may be prescribed to the patient: X-ray, biopsy of affected tissues, or EFGDS. Treatment is selected by a gastroenterologist after receiving all the results.


To prevent the development of cicatricial deformity, the treatment of duodenal ulcer should be carried out in a timely manner. Therapy includes the use of necessary medications, as well as lifelong adherence to the recommended diet.

In severe cases, when kissing ulcers cover most of the intestinal lumen, surgical treatment is indicated for the disease.


When the duodenal bulb 12 is inflamed, treatment is carried out with the help of several groups of drugs. Each medicine acts on a specific symptom, some combine several medicinal properties at once.

Medicines used in treatment:

  • antisecretory agents - help speedy scarring of ulcers, reduce the risks of surgery, shorten the recovery time (for example, Atropine, Cimetidine and others);
  • containing bismuth - protect the mucosa from further aggressive effects, normalize the level of acidity (Tribimol, De-Nol, etc.);
  • antibiotics - destroy pathogenic microorganisms (for example, tetracycline);
  • prokinetics - relieve the main symptoms of gastrointestinal problems (Motilium, etc.);
  • antacids - eliminate heartburn, protect the mucous membrane (Almagel, etc.).

In a single case, antispasmodics and painkillers may be prescribed, as well as vitamin complexes, sedative pills. Some drugs the patient has to use regular courses, regardless of exacerbation or remission of the disease.


If an ulcer or erosion of the duodenal bulb does not respond to conservative treatment and is accompanied by the appearance of cicatricial deformities, the gastroenterologist may strongly recommend surgery.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, the patient spends the rehabilitation period in the hospital. Further therapy is based on the selection of drugs and strict dietary restrictions.

Folk remedies

Treatment at home should be carried out only after prior consultation with a specialist. With his permission, you can resort to eliminating unpleasant symptoms with the help of folk remedies if the ulcer of the duodenal bulb 12 does not progress.

  1. Potato juice is recommended to drink fresh for 3-4 weeks before each meal. It reduces the acidity of the stomach to the desired levels, protecting the mucosa of the organ.
  2. Aloe juice has the same effect. The product also helps heal ulcers more quickly.
  3. Every morning on an empty stomach, you can eat a teaspoon of butter.

A stomach ulcer is a serious disease that can be fatal without proper treatment under the supervision of a professional. It is categorically impossible to be treated by these methods, bypassing the gastroenterological department.

The role of nutrition in the treatment of disease

A strict diet for a duodenal ulcer will help prevent many complications and avoid surgery. The patient needs to eat foods that are easily digested by the stomach, avoid multicomponent and high temperatures dishes.

Basic Rules:

  • chew food thoroughly;
  • do not consume juices of vegetables and fruits in raw form;
  • divide daily portions into 5-6 doses;
  • exclude foods that increase the acidity of the stomach;
  • refuse pans, spices, mayonnaise.

Treatment of deformation of the tissues of the duodenum is impossible without dietary restrictions. All medications, and even surgery, will be powerless in front of the patient's established eating habits.


If there is a history of erosion, peptic ulcer disease, or there is a genetic predisposition, prevention should be given due attention. Thus, it is possible to prevent the development of many diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Prevention of cicatricial and ulcerative deformity of the duodenal bulb 12:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. Drinking alcohol or smoking, especially on an empty stomach, is extremely harmful to the health of internal organs.
  2. Give importance to nutrition. You should refuse snacks, fast food and other dishes that do not carry the necessary nutritional load and any benefit to the body.
  3. Do not resort to long-term medication without the supervision of a competent specialist.
  4. Avoid stress.
  5. Start your morning with a glass of clean water. After 20-30 minutes, it is recommended to have breakfast with oatmeal or any other healthy porridge.

By following all medical recommendations, you can avoid the development of a chronic ulcer of the duodenal bulb 12, its perforation, and prevent deformation of the walls of the digestive organs. Preferring healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition, the patient will never know what regular ulcerative relapses are.

In the vast majority of cases, duodenal ulcer is chronic and difficult to treat. complete cure disease with exacerbations. It is not uncommon for situations where there is not one bulb ulcer, but several (the so-called kissing ulcers).

In rare cases, there is an acute ulcer of the duodenal bulb. And if chronic ulcerative deformity rarely gives serious complications, then in the case of an acute one, things are worse, and it is potentially dangerous.

In this article, we will talk in detail about what symptoms and causes this disease has and how to treat it. We will also talk about which drugs are most effective in the treatment.

Under the bulb of the duodenum is meant initial dilated part of the intestine(it is also called the anterior ampulla). It does not carry special functionality, and does not differ from other structures of the duodenum 12.

Unfortunately, peptic ulcer disease occurs very often in this part of the duodenum. Often the reason for this is the infection of the intestinal wall or deformation on it (including scars).

Many patients mistakenly believe that this particular peptic ulcer has a favorable prognosis and a mild course. Alas, this is not so: often a duodenal ulcer is complicated by bleeding, suppuration and perforation (perforation of the organ wall).

There is also a possibility that peptic ulcer in this part of the intestine can lead to cicatricial-dystrophic changes or even cancer. It is worth noting, however, that cancer against the background of peptic ulcer of the duodenal bulb under the age of 45 is very rare.

The bad news is that even if you start treating this disease immediately after its first symptoms appear, the risk of the disease becoming chronic is high. There are no certain predisposing factors to the chronicity of the disease, so it is impossible to predict such a “course” of the disease in advance.

What is dangerous duodenal ulcer?

Despite what causes were the provoking factor in the development of duodenal ulcer, the disease always has a high chance of progression to complications. In this case, complications are both very favorable (the appearance of constipation, diarrhea or nausea) and potentially dangerous (massive bleeding, perforation, sepsis).

The reasons for the development of complications of duodenal bulb ulcers are numerous, however, most often the cause is the patient's negligent attitude to his own disease. The patient, after achieving remission, begins to consume prohibited foods (alcoholic beverages are especially dangerous in this case), stops taking drugs, and so on.

Subsequently, even without a visible clinical picture, the disease progresses relentlessly, eventually reaching its climax in the form of an exacerbation or the development of serious complications after a few months.

Often they end in the death of the patient, especially if there are serious prerequisites for this (chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDS, old age).

Causes of a duodenal ulcer

Causes of appearance and progression of this disease are numerous:

Unfortunately, the symptoms of ulcerative pathology of the duodenal bulb are nonspecific and often, analyzing them, doctors make an incorrect diagnosis.

In general, the symptoms of this pathology in most cases are as follows:

  1. Constant nausea, often leading to vomiting, which does not bring relief.
  2. Availability blood secretions or copious blood masses in the stool or in the vomit.
  3. Persistent and prolonged increase in body temperature within reasonable limits (up to 37.8 degrees).
  4. The appearance of bloating in the abdomen that does not go away on its own.
  5. The appearance of the so-called sinus tachycardia, in which the number of heartbeats consistently exceeds 95 beats per minute.
  6. Pain in the abdomen, often radiating to the upper limbs or lower back.
  7. Pain that occurs against the background of hunger (this is a rather specific symptom of an ulcer of the duodenal bulb).
  8. The appearance of frequent false urge to defecate.
  9. reflux of stomach contents into oral cavity(occurs in a third of cases of duodenal bulb ulcers).
  10. Decreased or, conversely, a significant increase in appetite.

Diagnosis of duodenal ulcer

Invasive (penetrating) diagnosis is very important in case of suspected duodenal bulb ulcer. Only with the help of penetrating diagnostics it is possible to find out whether cicatricial-dystrophic changes in the organ wall, its deformation, precancerous condition, progression of the disease, and so on.

Moreover, doctors often make the mistake of relying only on a superficial examination of the patient when making a diagnosis. In practice, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to distinguish peptic ulcer of the duodenal bulb from peptic ulcer of other parts of the duodenum without invasive diagnosis.

And as an invasive diagnosis, the so-called FGDS study (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) is used. With its help, it is possible not only to assess whether there is a deformation of the intestine or its perforation, but also to analyze the bacterial microflora of this anterior wall of the organ.

So you can biopsy a piece of the organ and examine it for the presence and amount of the H. Pylori microorganism. It is this bacterium that is in most cases responsible for the development of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Ancillary imaging methods include x-ray diagnostics of the duodenum. Often it is carried out with the introduction of contrast agents (mainly barium).

In addition, for a more complete study of the disease, the following diagnostic methods are also used:

  • general analysis blood (expanded);
  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis of feces for the Gregersen reaction (this is necessary to detect hidden blood);
  • stool analysis.

Treatment of duodenal ulcer

Treatment of peptic ulcer of the duodenal bulb is carried out using various methods. That is, simply put, treatment by one specific method is impossible in principle. So, for example, even in the simplest cases, a scheme is used - drug therapy + diet + subsequent prevention.

To treat medium and severe cases others are applied more sophisticated techniques. So the treatment of this disease is carried out by a combination of the following medical techniques:

  1. Drug treatment (drugs to reduce pain, antimicrobials, peristalsis stimulants and drugs for mucosal regeneration, and so on).
  2. (it is forbidden to eat fatty, fried, salty, spicy and smoked foods, as well as drink alcohol and coffee drinks).
  3. Physiotherapy procedures (they are not a treatment, but, coupled with drug therapy, they simply increase the effectiveness of the latter).
  4. The appointment of drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease (drugs for diarrhea and constipation, to reduce malaise, discomfort, and so on).
  5. Surgical interventions (as a rule, their appointment is justified only in cases of severe disease or in the presence of serious complications in the form of massive bleeding).
  6. Subsequent prevention (a strict diet is prescribed, it is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, the patient is prescribed drugs to prevent inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa).

A duodenal ulcer is caused by special bacteria that, once in the body, rapidly corrode the walls of the stomach. Such a disease is treated with a complex method. Without medicines it is difficult to get rid of painful symptoms, but proper nutrition plays an equally important role, as well as the selection of certain foods. A diet for duodenal ulcer is not just a nutrition program, but also a way to treat the disease. The menu should be thought out to the smallest nuances.

Diet for duodenal ulcer has its own distinctive features. Not only the range of products is important, but also the way they are prepared, the time of use, as well as the volume of servings. Therapeutic nutrition involves fractional meals. Some rules must be followed exactly as prescribed. Only when all the nuances are taken into account will the process of curing the disease accelerate, and you will feel a significant relief in your condition.

The main principles of the diet, as well as the selection of products for duodenal ulcer:

  • you need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • frying products must be replaced with steam processing;
  • chew food slowly and thoroughly;
  • it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • cooked meals should contain a minimum amount of salt;
  • seasonings and spices from the diet should be completely excluded;
  • the last meal is carried out no later than three hours before bedtime;
  • dishes during consumption should be warm;
  • hot and cold food is strictly prohibited.

Allowed and prohibited products

When compiling diet menu it is necessary to clearly understand the principle of selection of food products. There are separate categories of food that are strictly prohibited for consumption in the presence of a duodenal ulcer. A special group contains products that are recommended to be introduced into the diet in the presence of such a disease. One of the main principles of the diet is the complete exclusion of dishes that adversely affect the mucous membranes of the stomach. Vivid examples are spicy or salty foods, fast food, carbonated drinks.

Allowed products for duodenal ulcer:

  • vegetable, milk, chicken soups;
  • cereals (cereals in milk or water);
  • White bread;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • mineral water;
  • skimmed dairy products;
  • cheese with low fat content;
  • frozen vegetables and fruits that do not cause discomfort and gas separation;
  • cellulose;
  • boiled eggs.

Prohibited foods for duodenal ulcer:

  • salo;
  • rich beef and pork broth;
  • grilled meat;
  • fat (pork, beef);
  • black rye bread;
  • yeast baking;
  • marinated dishes;
  • smoked meats;
  • raw vegetables;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • citrus;
  • candies;
  • cookie;
  • cakes;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • coffee;
  • strong black tea;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

Diet for duodenal ulcer

Some diseases of the digestive system have similar symptoms. The development of the disease leads to the appearance of internal bleeding, perforated ulcers and chronic gastritis. The diet after diagnosing abnormalities in the work of the digestive organs should be changed immediately. The ulcer of the duodenal bulb is distinguished by a number of features in the field of symptoms and therapeutic nutrition.

The main causes of bulbous duodenal ulcers are considered to be sudden stress or a sharp reduction in food intake, as a way to lose weight. The pain that occurs in the stomach in the presence of such a disease is called "hungry". The diet in this case plays a special role. The range of products consumed becomes both the cause of the disease and the method of its treatment. Spicy, salty and fried foods irritate the bulb and lead to the appearance of the first pain symptoms.

Portions of food should be minimal, but food should be consumed at least five times a day. Bad habits, carbonated drinks and seasonings will have to be completely excluded from the diet. Smoking and alcohol are often the main causes of duodenal ulcer development. Maximum amount food per day should not exceed 2.5 kilograms.

Therapeutic diet table number 1

The size of portions of foods consumed while following the “Table No. 1” diet should be such that there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The allowed amount of carbohydrates at a single meal reaches 400 g, fats - 90 g, proteins - 90 g. It is recommended to consume at least one and a half liters of liquid per day. All ingredients are steam-processed, boiled with a minimum addition of salt and ground with a blender or meat grinder.

Sample menu for duodenal ulcer per day:

  1. First breakfast: scrambled eggs with low-fat milk, green tea, cottage cheese with honey.
  2. Second breakfast: fruit salad that does not cause discomfort in the stomach (the range of products depends on the individual characteristics of the body).
  3. Lunch: rice soup, steam cutlets with vegetable puree, fruit jelly.
  4. Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat milk or kefir.
  5. Dinner: steamed meatballs, boiled beetroot salad, jelly or compote.

Table number 1 A - during exacerbation

There are several varieties of diet complexes for duodenal ulcers recommended by doctors. In the first two weeks after diagnosing an exacerbation of the disease, specialists prescribe a diet to patients, which is called "table No. 1A". A diet based on permitted products must be compiled in accordance with certain nuances. Eating is carried out strictly at a certain time 5-6 times a day.

An example of a menu for a duodenal ulcer for one day in accordance with the requirements of the “table No. 1A” diet:

  1. The first breakfast is a boiled egg, a glass of milk.
  2. The second breakfast is fruit jelly.
  3. Dinner - vegetable soup, steamed fish, fruit jelly.
  4. Snack - scrambled eggs in milk, fruit compote.
  5. Dinner - porridge on the water, a decoction based on dried rose hips.

One serving of food consumed should not exceed the permitted norms: the amount of carbohydrates - 200 g, proteins - 100 g, fats - 90 g. If this rule is not followed, the effectiveness of the diet is significantly reduced. While eating meals, experts recommend taking short breaks. For example, at lunchtime, do not rush immediately after the soup to start the fish. Wait a few minutes and allow the products to digest in the stomach.

Diet menu for duodenal ulcer

The main goal of the diet in the presence of a duodenal ulcer is to normalize the digestive process and eliminate the negative effects of products on the mucous membranes of the stomach. The complex of dietary nutrition is carried out within 3-4 months, and in chronic forms it persists for life. Changing the diet and the range of products consumed is part of the overall complex of ulcer treatment.

Sample menu for peptic ulcer:

  1. First breakfast - rice porrige on low-fat milk, boiled egg, green tea.
  2. The second breakfast is baked apples.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup, steam cutlets, carrot puree, compote.
  4. Snack - diet marshmallows, cocoa or a glass of low-fat milk.
  5. Dinner - mashed potatoes, steamed fish, fat-free kefir or fruit jelly.

Experts distinguish two types of diet food, differing in the way of cooking. In the first case, the products are processed and cut in the traditional way. The second option involves thoroughly grinding all the ingredients with a blender, mixer or meat grinder. A type of diet is selected depending on the form of the disease and the degree of neglect.

Diet Recipes

The range of allowed and prohibited foods for duodenal ulcer only at first glance scares with a large number of changes in the usual diet. Diet food- a special section of cooking. From a simple set of products, it is easy to prepare many delicious and healthy meals. The main thing in this case is to adhere to the rules for processing and using individual ingredients. Here are some delicious and easy recipes:

  • Vegetable cream soup. To prepare this dish, prepare the products: potatoes, carrots, turnips, skimmed milk, butter. Choose the amount of ingredients at your discretion. Boil all vegetables and chop with a blender. To dilute the mass to a puree consistency, use vegetable broth and milk. Place a small piece of butter in a bowl before serving the soup.

  • Oatmeal with pumpkin. For 1 cup of hercules, prepare 2 cups of skimmed milk, 1 cup of grated pumpkin pulp, butter, two tablespoons of honey. Cereals boil with milk until tender. Mix the porridge with pumpkin and leave the workpiece for 10-15 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Add a small amount of butter, as well as honey.

  • Diet pumpkin pudding. To prepare the dish you will need: 150 g of pumpkin pulp, 10 g of semolina, 10 g of honey, 20 g of low-fat milk, 140 g of apples, 2 eggs. Grind apples and pumpkin with a blender. Add semolina and milk, bring the mixture to a boil. Stir in honey and beaten eggs. Pudding should be steamed or in a slow cooker.

Video: causes, symptoms, treatment and diet

A duodenal ulcer is a complex but treatable disease. Learn from the video below how to correctly diagnose the disease and treat it. After reviewing it, you will understand which foods exacerbate the symptoms of an ulcer, get acquainted with an approximate diet for a peptic ulcer, as well as with the features of a complex aimed at quickly getting rid of pain.

Find out why you need a hypocholesterol diet - a weekly menu with recipes for health.

Due to a malfunction in the mechanical and chemical processing of food and the motor function of the intestine, an ulcer of the duodenal bulb 12 develops. The term bulb came from the spherical shape of the organ, which is located at the beginning of the ampulla of the duodenum at the exit from the pyloric sector. As a result of a pathological condition, erosive defects form on its mucous membrane. The bulbous ulcer has an acute and chronic form the course of the disease.

Bulb duodenal ulcer - what is it?

Rounded inflamed depressions that characterize duodenal ulcer (duodenal ulcer) occur under the influence of high level hydrochloric acid and pepsin, in the same way as with the defeat of the body of the stomach. If left untreated, defects penetrate into the lower epithelial layers and can provoke perforation of the organ walls with internal bleeding.

The classification between them is established depending on the origin, the number of erosive plaques, the area of ​​the mucosal lesion, as well as the depth of penetration of the defect into the epithelial layers.

The reasons for which an acute ulcer of the duodenal bulb can form:

  • inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the stomach or simply gastritis;
  • long-term therapy with corticosteroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • strong single stress or a systematic state of nervous overexertion;
  • hypersecretion of gastrin, which leads to an increase in acidity.

According to certain factors, a chronic duodenal ulcer has similar development conditions:

  • therapy using a group of drugs, including painkillers that help reduce body temperature and have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • prolonged stay in a psychologically depressed state;
  • infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • lack of adequate treatment of the primary stage of the disease;
  • cicatricial and ulcerative deformity of the duodenal bulb.

Cicatricial and ulcerative deformity of duodenum

Ulcerative formations on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs after the application of therapeutic measures heal with the subsequent formation of an obvious scar. A large number of repetitive erosive lesions on a small area of ​​the mucous membrane form numerous scars. As a result of this process, a cicatricial-ulcerative deformity of the duodenal bulb is formed. The newly formed young connective tissue tightens the bulb, distorting its original physiological parameters.

The pathological condition of the intestinal mucosa does not cause discomfort to the patient and, after a certain period, spontaneously straightens. Painful symptoms bring violations if the peptic ulcer of the duodenal bulb periodically resumes, leaving fresh scars. In this case, the clearance of the bulbous sector will constantly narrow. This will lead to stagnation of the food bolus and irreversible obstacles in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The result of an improper lifestyle are acquired pathologies, including an ulcer of the duodenal bulb. The photo of the presented severe deformation of the department suggests that such a course of the disease is resolved exclusively by surgery.

Ulcer of the duodenal bulb - symptoms

It is a rare case when duodenal ulcer is asymptomatic and lesions are found incidentally. More often, the pathology of the bulbous sector of the duodenum is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful attacks in the epigastric region and pharynx, nausea after eating or in the morning, on an empty stomach;
  • pain in the epigastric sector, colic or dull irritable attacks extending to the lower back. Sometimes signals of discomfort are amplified after eating hot meals or in a dream;
  • flatulence;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of not being satiated, hunger can overcome later a short time after eating;
  • with a progressive course of the disease with extensive erosion of the mucous membrane, bleeding may open.

Ulcer of the duodenal bulb - treatment, diet

If the examination confirmed the bacterial cause of the disease, a treatment regimen for the eradication of Helicobacter Pylori is necessary. The course of therapy includes two antibiotics - Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the antimicrobial drug Metronidazole. This regimen quickly and completely eliminates H. Pylori.

Antisecretory agents are mandatory, since high acidity is the main provocateur, due to which an ulcer of the duodenal bulb occurs. Treatment is aimed at inhibiting the production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid. Omez or Nexium stop the pathological process and suppress the vital activity of Helicobacter pylori.

Regardless of the etiology by which damage to the intestinal walls occurs, the patient is shown a sparing diet, especially if the patient has an acute ulcer of the duodenal bulb. The diet should exclude irritation of the digestive system and help restore healthy microflora. Eating at the same time occurs in small portions, but often. Food should be well cooked and mashed to a puree consistency. Allowed to use low-fat fermented milk products and mucous porridges.

One of the most common types of erosive formations of the gastrointestinal tract is the ulcer of the duodenal bulb. The disease is common. According to official data, up to 10% of the world's population is ill. Deformation develops due to a failure in the chemical processing of food. The anatomy of erosive formations is different, but more often they form on a bulb that has the shape of a ball. The bulb of the duodenum is located at the very beginning of the intestine, at the exit from the stomach. Treatment is long and difficult.

It can be deformed on the anterior and posterior wall (kissing ulcers). The duodenal ulcer also has a special location - at the end or at the beginning (mirror). Mirror erosions are treated like other forms. Negative factors affecting the functioning of the stomach and intestines provoke the appearance of ulcers of various shapes. The risk group includes middle-aged people and those who are forced to work the night shift.

If there is a failure in the processing of food by the stomach, an ulcer of the duodenal bulb may occur.

Causes of duodenal ulcer

Most often, inflammation of the duodenum occurs due to the aggressive action of acid. In the absence of therapy, the development of perforated ulcers and bleeding is possible. There can be a number of reasons:

  • disturbed diet (a lot of fatty, spicy, diet abuse, carbonated drinks);
  • bacterium Helicobacter - the cause of ulcerative formations in most cases;
  • smoking, alcohol;
  • severe stress or systematic stay in a state of emotional stress;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • long-term use of certain anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • incorrectly prescribed treatment at the initial stage of the disease.

Kissing ulcers in the intestines can appear due to concomitant causes: HIV infection, liver cancer, hypercalcemia, kidney failure, Crohn's disease, etc.


Symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are also characteristic of other types of gastrointestinal ulcers, and they appear depending on the stage of the disease:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea in the morning or after eating;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • pain in the stomach at night;
  • flatulence;
  • the appearance of a feeling of hunger after a short period of time after eating;
  • if the disease is in advanced form, bleeding may open;
  • vomit;
  • pain localized in the lumbar region, or retrosternal part.

The inflammatory lymphofollicular form of the duodenum has a different nature of pain: stabbing pain, sharp or aching. Sometimes it goes away after the person has eaten. Hunger pains usually occur at night, and to eliminate discomfort, it is recommended to drink a glass of milk or eat a little. Night pain is caused by a sharp increase in acidity.


The intestinal healing process is divided into 4 main stages:

Erosive kissing formations on the duodenum 12 heal after therapy. Many ulcers in a small area of ​​the intestine leads to the formation of several scars. The result of such healing is cicatricial and ulcerative deformity of the duodenal bulb. The appearance of fresh scars leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the bulbous sector. Inflammatory cicatricial deformity of the duodenal bulb has negative consequences, for example, stagnation of food and malfunctions of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

There is also a distribution by stage: exacerbation, scarring, remission.

One of the forms of intestinal ulcers is lymphoid hyperplasia of the duodenal bulb, which is characterized by inflammation due to a violation in the outflow of lymph. The causes of occurrence are exactly the same as those of a duodenal ulcer. There are also similar symptoms. Lymphofollicular dysplasia is a pathology in the mucous membrane of the intestine or stomach. It is characterized by the appearance of rounded formations on a wide base. Lymphofollicular dysplasia is deformed and has a dense texture and punctate dimensions. The lymphofollicular mucosa is infiltrated. Development stages:

  1. acute;
  2. chronic.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose the disease, an EGD procedure is prescribed

The FGDS method (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) will help to accurately diagnose the presence of a duodenal ulcer. Using a special probe with a camera, the surface of the intestine is examined. It is this diagnostic method that will determine the location of the ulcer, its size and stage of the disease. Usually inflammation is observed, or the surface is hyperemic, covered with dotted erosions of a dark red color. The area of ​​the intestine is inflamed in the region of the mouth, and the mucosa is hyperemic.

Be sure to appoint tests to determine the bacterium Helicobacter. As a material for testing, not only blood and feces are used, but also vomit, material after a biopsy. Auxiliary diagnostic methods include x-ray, palpation in the stomach, complete blood count.


After the diagnosis of "inflammation of the duodenal bulb" is made, treatment should be started immediately, since serious complications may develop. Kissing ulcers are treated mainly with medication. During an exacerbation, hospitalization is necessary.

The doctor selects drugs and physiotherapy individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the body and stage. For example, the chronic or lymphofollicular stage is treated differently than during an exacerbation. This scheme usually includes such medicines:

  • bismuth-based drugs, in case of detection of Helicobacter bacteria; such drugs have a depressing effect on pathogenic microflora;
  • drugs that reduce the amount of gastric juice produced: blockers, inhibitors, anticholinergics;
  • prokinetics - improve intestinal motility;
  • unpleasant pain is eliminated with the help of antacids;
  • antibiotics are prescribed to combat the bacterial cause of the appearance of a lymphofollicular ulcer;
  • gastroprotectors will help prevent the negative effects of hydrochloric acid on the affected area;
  • inflammation is relieved by analgesics and antispasmodics.
For the speedy recovery of the body, physiotherapy is prescribed

The combination of medication and physiotherapy contributes to a faster recovery of the body. These techniques include: electrophoresis, ultrasonic exposure, the use of microwaves, modulated current therapy for pain relief. Special physiotherapy exercises will help normalize the motility of the stomach. Gymnastics is a good prophylactic against stagnation in the intestines and stomach.

In addition to the generally accepted methods of healing intestinal ulcers, remedies have long proven their effectiveness. traditional medicine. In the first place for ulcerative lesions is freshly squeezed potato juice. It must be drunk three times a day, and only freshly squeezed. Pre-peel the potatoes, rub on a grater, and squeeze through cheesecloth. The first few days, the dosage is one tablespoon. Gradually, it can be increased to half a glass. It is necessary to drink before eating.

To others, no less effective means, include honey, medicinal herbs (calendula, St. John's wort, plantain), olive and sea buckthorn oils.

During the acute period, bed rest is mandatory. After the aggravation has passed, you can take short walks. Heavy physical exercise and exercises are prohibited. The army is contraindicated for those who have an ulcer. In order not to provoke new attacks, it is important to avoid stress and protect the nervous system.

Compliance with the diet is one of the important factors on the way to recovery and reduction of inflammatory processes. General dietary guidelines are as follows:

Cooking food should be steamed or in the oven. The diet must include non-acidic fruits, kefir, milk, cottage cheese, boiled or steamed vegetables. It is necessary to stop drinking alcohol and smoking, as this can lead to the development of serious complications.