How a doctor determines that syphilis has been cured. Syphilis: signs, manifestations of all stages, diagnosis, how to treat

Syphilis is a serious disease that is characterized by damage to the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs of a person.

It is classified as a classic sexually transmitted disease. Unprotected intercourse with an unreliable or random sexual partner can cause syphilis.

The symptoms of syphilis are very diverse, and the manifestations of the disease largely depend on its period. Previously, this infection was considered incurable, but in our time it is successfully treated with antibiotics.

How is syphilis transmitted?

In most cases, syphilis is transmitted through sexual contact in the vagina, mouth, or rectum. Treponema enters the body through small defects in the mucous membrane of the genital tract.

However, there are cases of infection in the household way - the disease is transmitted from one partner to another through saliva during a kiss, through common objects on which there is a dry discharge containing pale treponema. Sometimes the cause of infection can be a transfusion of infected blood.


A mobile microorganism from the order of spirochetes, pale treponema is the causative agent of syphilis in women and men. It was discovered in 1905 by German microbiologists Fritz Schaudin (German: Fritz Richard Schaudinn, 1871-1906) and Erich Hoffmann (German: Erich Hoffmann, 1863-1959).

Incubation period

On average, it is 4-5 weeks, in some cases the incubation period of syphilis is shorter, sometimes longer (up to 3-4 months). It is usually asymptomatic.

The incubation period may increase if the patient has taken some antibiotics due to other infectious diseases. During the incubation period, the test results will show a negative result.

Symptoms of syphilis

The course of syphilis and its characteristic symptoms will depend on the stage of development at which it is. However, the symptoms in women and men can be very diverse.

In total, it is customary to distinguish 4 stages of the disease - starting from the incubation period, and ending with tertiary syphilis.

The first signs of syphilis make themselves felt after the end of the incubation period (it proceeds without symptoms), and the beginning of the first stage. It is called primary syphilis, which we will discuss below.

Primary syphilis

The formation of a painless hard chancre on the labia in women or the head of the penis in men is the first sign of syphilis. It has a dense base, smooth edges and a brown-red bottom.

Sores are formed at the site of penetration of the pathogen into the body, it may be other places, but most often chancres form on the genitals of a man or woman, since the main route of transmission of the disease is through sexual intercourse.

7-14 days after the onset of a hard chancre, the lymph nodes closest to it begin to increase. This is a sign that triponemes with blood flow are spread throughout the body, and affect the internal organs and systems of a person. The ulcer heals on its own within 20-40 days after the onset. However, this cannot be regarded as a cure for the disease; in fact, the infection develops.

At the end of the primary period, specific symptoms may appear:

  • weakness, insomnia;
  • headache, loss of appetite;
  • subfebrile temperature;
  • pain in muscles and joints;

The primary period of the disease is divided into seronegative, when standard serological blood tests are negative (the first three to four weeks after the onset of hard chancre) and seropositive, when blood tests are positive.

Secondary syphilis

After the end of the first phase of the disease, secondary syphilis begins. Symptoms that are characteristic at this moment are the appearance of a symmetrical pale rash all over the body, including the palms and soles. It doesn't cause any pain. But it is the first sign of secondary syphilis, which occurs 8-11 weeks after the appearance of the first ulcers on the patient's body.

If the disease is not treated even at this stage, then over time the rash disappears and syphilis flows into a latent stage that can last up to 4 years. After a certain period of time, a relapse of the disease occurs.

At this stage, there are fewer rashes, they are more faded. The rash often occurs in areas where the skin is subjected to mechanical stress - on the extensor surfaces, in the inguinal folds, under the mammary glands, in the intergluteal fold, on the mucous membranes. In this case, hair loss on the head is possible, as well as the appearance of flesh-colored growths on the genitals and in the anus.

Tertiary syphilis

Today, fortunately, infection in the third stage of development is rare.

However, if the disease is not treated in a timely manner, then after 3-5 years or more from the moment of infection, the tertiary period of syphilis begins. At this stage, the infection affects the internal organs, foci (threshing floors) are formed on the skin, mucous membranes, heart, liver, brain, lungs, bones and eyes. The bridge of the nose can sink, and during meals, food enters the nose.

Symptoms of tertiary syphilis are associated with death nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord, as a result, in the neglected third stage, dementia, progressive paralysis may occur. The Wasserman reaction and other tests may be weakly positive or negative.

Do not wait for the development of the last stage of the disease, and at the first alarming symptoms, immediately consult a doctor.


Diagnosis of syphilis will directly depend on the stage at which it is located. It will be based on the symptoms of the patient and the tests received.

In the case of the primary stage, hard chancres and lymph nodes are subject to examination. On the next stage the affected areas of the skin, papules of the mucous membranes are examined. In general, bacteriological, immunological, serological and other research methods are used to diagnose infection. It should be borne in mind that at certain stages of the disease, the results of tests for syphilis can be negative in the presence of the disease, which makes it difficult to diagnose the infection.

To confirm the diagnosis, a specific Wasserman reaction is performed, but it often gives false results of the analysis. Therefore, for the diagnosis of syphilis, it is necessary to simultaneously use several types of tests - RIF, ELISA, RIBT, RPGA, microscopy, PCR analysis.

Treatment of syphilis

In women and men, the treatment of syphilis should be comprehensive and individual. This is one of the most formidable sexually transmitted diseases, leading to serious consequences if not properly treated, so under no circumstances should you self-medicate at home.

The basis of the treatment of syphilis is antibiotics, thanks to them, the effectiveness of treatment has approached 100%. The patient can be treated on an outpatient basis, under the supervision of a doctor who prescribes a comprehensive and individual treatment. Today, penicillin derivatives in sufficient doses (benzylpenicillin) are used for antisyphilitic therapy. Premature termination of treatment is unacceptable, it is necessary to complete the full course of treatment.

At the discretion of the attending physician, they may prescribe additional treatment with antibiotics - immunomodulators, vitamins, physiotherapy, etc. During treatment, any sexual intercourse and alcohol are strictly contraindicated for a man or a woman. After the end of treatment, it is necessary to pass control tests. These may be quantitative non-treponemal blood tests (for example, RW with cardiolipin antigen).


The consequences of treated syphilis usually include a decrease in immunity, problems with endocrine system, lesions of the chromosomal series of varying severity. In addition, after the treatment of pale treponema, a trace reaction remains in the blood, which may not disappear until the end of life.

If syphilis is not detected and treated, it can progress to the tertiary (late) stage, which is the most destructive.

Late stage complications include:

  1. Gummas, large ulcers inside the body or on the skin. Some of these gums “dissolve” without leaving any traces; syphilis ulcers form in place of the rest, leading to softening and destruction of tissues, including the bones of the skull. It turns out that a person simply rots alive.
  2. Defeats nervous system(hidden, acute generalized, subacute (basal), syphilitic hydrocephalus, early meningovascular syphilis, meningomyelitis, neuritis, spinal cord, paralysis, etc.);
  3. Neurosyphilis, which affects the brain or the membrane that covers the brain.

If the infection with treponema occurred during pregnancy, then the consequences of the infection may occur in a child who receives pale treponema through the mother's placenta.


The most reliable prevention of syphilis is the use of a condom. It is necessary to conduct a timely examination when in contact with infected people. It is also possible to use antiseptic preparations (hexicon, etc.).

If you find yourself infected, it is important to tell all your sexual partners about it so that they also undergo the appropriate examination.


The prognosis of the disease in most cases is favorable. Timely diagnosis and adequate treatment leads to a complete recovery. However, for long chronic course and in cases of infection of the fetus in the womb, persistent irreversible changes develop, leading to disability.

"Monkey of diseases" - this is how doctors call this venereal disease, similar in symptoms to many other diseases. Treatment is effective if it has not gone into a neglected form and is captured in the initial stages. In this article, you will learn how syphilis is treated.

The infection is transmitted in different ways (sexual, domestic and through the blood, including in utero), but most often it is through sexual contact, regardless of the type of sex - oral, anal or vaginal.

Men and women are predominantly at risk reproductive age. The probability of infection during unprotected sexual intercourse, even a single one, is approximately 30%.

The incubation period (from the entry of pale treponema into the body to the first manifestations of syphilis) is 3-4 weeks, but increases to 108-190 days with self-medication, including antibiotics.

On the other hand, in the presence of aggravating factors, syphilis is able to declare itself much earlier, for example, two weeks after infection. The rapid development of the disease is caused by drug addiction, alcoholism, exhaustion, overwork (physical and psychological), as well as advanced or childhood age.


Each stage of syphilis is characterized by its own symptoms:

  • Primary syphilis- the formation of an ulcer / where the pathogen has entered the body, inflammation of the lymph nodes, swelling of the genital organs (sometimes).
  • Secondary syphilis- sores multiply, the rash spreads throughout the body, there are malfunctions in the work of internal organs.
  • Tertiary (most severe) syphilis- internal organs are affected, mental disorders, complete loss of vision, paralysis and death are possible.

Also, with primary syphilis, a person feels a general malaise, pain in the joints / muscles, his temperature rises and the blood formula changes (a jump in leukocytes and a low level of hemoglobin). Signs of syphilis after oral sex resemble acute tonsillitis.

In this photo you can see what a hard chancre looks like:

Hard chancre (single/multiple) contains a dense infiltrate and looks like a smooth ulcer with slightly raised rounded edges. Its diameter does not exceed 1 cm, and the color is close to reddish-blue. Soreness in the area of ​​the chancre may be absent.

Expert opinion

Artem Sergeevich Rakov, venereologist, more than 10 years of experience

In women, hard chancre is more often located on the labia or cervix, in men - on foreskin and the head of the penis. Chancre is also found on the pubis, rectal mucosa, abdomen or thighs. A hard chancre near the anus is very similar to an anal fissure.

After 4-6 weeks, the chancre usually disappears without a trace even in the absence of therapy: a scar and a zone of stable pigmentation remain only after large ulcers.

Secondary syphilis is diagnosed 4-10 weeks after the discovery of the chancre, accompanied by a pale rash over the body (including the palms and feet), headaches, lethargy, and high fever. Sometimes on the genitals / anus wide warts are formed, hair begins to fall out. In secondary syphilis, periods of exacerbations and remissions alternate.

Treatment of modern syphilis

Today, the disease is characterized by a smooth course and has a number of features:

  • an increase in the number of patients with extragenital chancres - on the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx, around the anus;
  • palmar-plantar syphilis began to be more often combined with leukoderma and alopecia;
  • become more frequent hidden forms illness;
  • reduced the number of severe consequences;
  • cases of tertiary syphilis are less common.

Now, along with the classic chancre, several of its atypical varieties are described:

  • Amygdalitis- Red and swollen tonsils, making swallowing very difficult. With amygdalitis, headache, fever and general lethargy are noted.
  • Felon- the finger turns red and swells, the nail bed becomes inflamed. This type of chancre does not heal for several weeks.
  • Indurated edema- swelling of a bluish / pale pink hue, observed on the foreskin or labia, not subsiding without therapy for several months.
  • Mixed chancre- a combination of hard and soft varieties.


Different types of hard chancres are dangerous because they mislead the doctor, complicating the diagnosis and, as a result, the treatment of syphilis.


Due to the multiple and non-trivial manifestations of syphilis, it is not very easy to make an accurate diagnosis - laboratory tests come to the rescue. Pale treponema is best isolated - this method is applicable if there are foci of erosion on the skin.

Other methods are based on a blood test. One of the fastest is considered express diagnostics, which is based on an improved version of RW, called the microprecipitation reaction (RMP).

It is extremely rare for RMP to be false positive, reacting to immune changes during pregnancy, tuberculosis, hepatitis, oncology, diabetes, pneumonia, and more. In this case, conduct RPGA testing.

The traditional study, known by the abbreviation RW (Wasserman reaction), involves the detection of specific antibodies in the blood, designed to fight treponema. Blood for RW is taken from a vein, but an accurate result is achieved 14 days after the hard chancre comes to the surface: in the short term, antibodies (in the volume required for analysis) do not have time to form.

Wasserman reaction

But two reactions that precede the treatment of syphilis are considered especially sensitive:

  • immobilization of pale treponema (RIBT);
  • immunofluorescence (RIF).

These studies are rarely used due to the high cost of equipment and reagents.

Treatment of syphilis

Treponema pallidum cannot be defeated without antibacterial drugs. The duration of antibiotic therapy is determined by the doctor, based on the stage and form of the disease: the process can stretch from weeks to several years. Which doctor treats syphilis and supervises the treatment of syphilis? Venereologist or syphilidologist.

Syphilis in an active form is treated in a hospital, with a latent course, outpatient treatment is indicated. In both cases, it is unacceptable to interrupt the course: the full course treatment ends with a mandatory re-examination.

The emphasis in the treatment of syphilis is on penicillin preparations, prescribing other antibiotics (macrolides, fluoroquinolones or tetracyclines) only when penicillins are rejected.

The action of antibiotics is usually enhanced by the appointment of physiotherapy, immunomodulators, probiotics and vitamin and mineral supplements. The patient is required to exclude alcohol and sexual intercourse for the duration of treatment.

Therapeutic regimens

When choosing a method of treating syphilis, a venereologist takes into account all factors in the aggregate:

  • form and stage of the disease;
  • the presence of chronic pathologies;
  • tolerance to specific drugs;
  • patient's age;
  • his physical/psychological condition;
  • his living conditions.

Ultra short circuit

It is applicable to combat pale treponema, if no more than 48 hours have passed since the minute it entered the body. The doctor decides on the introduction medicines based on the patient's information about potentially dangerous sexual contact. Treatment according to the ultrashort regimen includes a single intramuscular injection of benzathine benzylpenicillin / retarpen in a volume of 2.4 million units.

For preventive treatment

This model is similar to the ultrashort scheme, but involves two injections of bicillin-1 in the amount of 2 million 400 thousand units. (each).

For specific treatment

You can’t do without it if the disease is already fixed in the body, and doctors talk about early manifested / latent, secondary or secondary recurrent syphilis. In case of early latent and secondary recurrent syphilis, they are treated with retarpen, bicillin-1 or benzathinepenicillin G, 2 million 400 thousand units each (6 injections in total). In primary and secondary fresh syphilis, the same drugs are indicated: injection into the muscle of 2.4 million units every 5 days.

For the treatment of pregnant women


Medicines for syphilis are available in tablets or as a powder for injection.


On the early dates infection Azithromycin in the treatment of syphilis is equal in effectiveness to benzylpenicillin, which is recognized as perhaps the most effective remedy against pale treponema. In addition, this semi-synthetic antibiotic does not have a noticeable side effect on the body. The price is about 65 rubles.

The treatment regimen for syphilis with Azithromycin consists in a dosage determined by a venereologist, as a rule, 1 time per day. Azithromycin course is designed for 10 days.

Prophylactically, Azithromycin, a single dose of which is determined by the doctor, is drunk within 2 weeks after contact with an infected person. Complete cure when using Azithromycin, it happens quickly if the patient does not have a "bouquet" of other sexually transmitted diseases.


Amoxicillin in the treatment of syphilis is included in the group of semi-synthetic penicillins that can actively inhibit the synthesis of cell walls of pale treponema. Tablets are taken without focusing on food intake, washed down with drinking non-carbonated water. The price is from 62 to 489 rubles.

The attending physician calculates the daily dose: usually it is 500-1000 mg at a time (2 times a day). Amoxicillin treatment takes 5 to 14 days. The time interval between taking the medicine for people with kidney pathologies is also determined by the doctor.


How to treat syphilis with tetracycline? Its derivatives are recognized as the most toxic of antibiotics and are indicated in the early stages of both primary and secondary syphilis. The price is from 28 to 51 rubles.

Tetracycline drugs should not be prescribed to pregnant women at different times and to children under 8 years of age due to the negative effect of drugs on bone tissue.

Tetracycline is taken:

  • primary uncomplicated syphilis - 4 times a day (about 15-20 days);
  • the initial stage of the secondary - 20-25 days;
  • in some cases - for 40 days.

Tetracyclines for the treatment of syphilis use 500 mg 4 r. per day, simultaneously with food or half an hour after eating.


It is a semi-synthetic and relatively safe antibiotic (for intravenous / intramuscular injections) with a broad spectrum of action, classified as low-toxic. Intramuscularly - powder from 1 vial is mixed with a solution of sodium chloride or distilled water (4-5 ml), after which it is injected deep into the muscle. Intravenous jet administration - the powder is combined with a solution of sodium chloride (10 ml) and administered in 3-5 minutes. The price is from 32 to 48 rubles.

Drip injection into a vein - manipulation takes 20-30 minutes (60-80 drops in 60 seconds). Previously, cefazolin (0.5-1 g) is mixed with solutions of sodium chloride or glucose (5%) in a volume of 100-250 ml.

Cefazolin in the treatment of syphilis is prescribed for adults, taking into account the complexity and neglect of the pathology, a daily dose of 1 to 4 g (sometimes more) is recommended.


Treatment with sumamed works well in the first and second stages of infection, but is unsuitable for tertiary syphilis when the nervous system is affected. The price is from 215 to 957 rubles.

When taking Sumamed, follow the following schemes:

  • first stage- within 10 days use 500 mg (4 times a day);
  • second stage- only the duration of the therapeutic course changes (14-30 days), and the dosage remains unchanged.


Treatment with doxycycline (depending on the stage of infection) lasts from 10 to 30 days: for primary syphilis, at least 2 weeks and twice as long for secondary / tertiary. Doxycycline, usually taken during / after meals twice a day, is washed down not only with water, but also with milk, since the antibiotic irritates the mucous membranes. In addition, it is allowed to combine it with antacids in the treatment of syphilis. The price is from 20 to 32 rubles.


Refers to macrolides and is prescribed at the initial stages of syphilis with an allergic reaction to penicillins. The daily norm is 1.5 g, taken with food. One course - at least 3 weeks. In case of relapses, up to 6 courses are carried out, between which breaks are required for a period of 30 days. The price is from 23 to 135 rubles.


It is used in the treatment of syphilis intramuscularly: for adults - 2.4 million IU (every 7 days), for patients under 12 years old - 1.2 million IU (every 2-4 weeks). Primary seropositive and secondary fresh infection - administered twice at 2.4 million IU, with a break of 7 days. The price is 2500 rubles.

With latent early and secondary recurrent:

  • the first dosage is only 4.8 million IU (2.4 million IU per buttock);
  • the second and third injections - 2.4 million IU each (with a break for a week);
  • small children, including newborns - 1.2 million IU.


Nowadays, this is not one, but a number of drugs that still effectively eliminate the pathogen in the treatment of syphilis.

Instructions for use:

  • Primary, latent or secondary infection (no more than 2 years have passed since infection) - 600,000 units are administered intramuscularly for 10 days.
  • treatment late syphilis(more than 24 months from the moment of infection) - the patient receives 600,000 IU per day (course - 15 days).
  • Mixed (gonorrhea + syphilis) type - every 3 hours for 400,000 units. The length of the course depends on the period of the disease.
  • Congenital form of syphilis - a single dose is 50,000 IU / 1 kg of weight, if the parameters of the cerebrospinal fluid are close to normal.
  • If the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system are affected - 20 days, 600,000 units per day. With neurosyphilis - 4 weeks, 1,000,000 units are administered every 4 hours.

Children up to six months receive 100,000 IU per 1 kg of weight, children 6-12 months old - 75,000 / 1 kg, from 2 years old - 50,000 IU / 1 kg. Injections are given 6 times a day, prescribing a 2-week therapy for primary infection and a 4-week therapy for relapse or latent syphilis.

Can we cure syphilis?

Can syphilis be completely cured? This venereal disease does not disappear after one injection, but it is quite amenable to full-fledged treatment, which has (subject to the regimen) 100% efficiency. The longer pale treponema lives in the body, the longer the therapeutic course. Treatment is accompanied and completed by laboratory control. Often, in parallel with the treatment of syphilis, doctors have to deal with a spectrum of sexually transmitted infections found in a patient at risk.

Do you think it is possible to completely cure syphilis?


Treated syphilis

Having got rid of the disease, the patient becomes healthy, but remains under constant dispensary observation. In addition, immediately after the diagnosis, intimate partners and households undergo prophylactic therapy. This measure ensures that re-infection after the final cure of syphilis does not happen.

If syphilis is not treated

A hard chancre that drags on after a month often gives false hope, and a person does not rush to the clinic, but in vain - after years he is diagnosed with tertiary syphilis, from which about a quarter of patients die. It should be remembered that untreated syphilis is also deadly.

At this stage, the lesion affects:

  • nervous system;
  • main organs;
  • bones and musculoskeletal system;
  • skin where ulcers form.

Vessels, the heart and especially the aorta are affected. The gastrointestinal tract and the reproductive sphere suffer, which usually leads to infertility (male and female).

The fetus, bearing a sick mother, in 70% of cases becomes infected with pale treponema - a miscarriage occurs or a baby with congenital syphilis is born.


The only preventive measure recognized as an ordered sexual life (with a proven partner) and the rejection of casual sexual intercourse. When in doubt, use improvised antiseptics, such as Hexicon or Miramistin.

A condom will not protect against treponema, but will only slightly reduce the likelihood of infection. Expectant mothers should come to the antenatal clinic early for blood donation in order to avoid further treatment syphilis.

Remember that after syphilis (compared to most infections), strong immunity is not formed, which is fraught with re-infection. At the same time, modern medicine has long learned to fight syphilis, but this fight should begin in the early stages of the disease.

You can also watch the video in this article, where the doctor will tell you what syphilis is and how it is treated.

In most cases, when the first clinical signs of syphilis occur, without knowing anything about the present disease, patients seek help from a general practitioner or family doctor. However, doctors of this profile do not treat this disease, therefore, when syphilis is identified, the patient is immediately referred to a venereologist, who deals with this pathology.

Now how to treat syphilis does not cause any controversy - pale treponema, the causative agent of syphilis, is highly sensitive to antibiotics of the penicillin series. However, antibacterial agents were created much later than syphilis was discovered.

Over the years, trying to find the answer to what drugs to treat syphilis, doctors have tried various remedies. The first relatively effective remedies were mercury compounds and mercury-based ointments. They began to be used due to the fact that mercury, as well as arsenic, bismuth and iodine, are able to inhibit the thiol enzymes of treponema pallidum. Despite the rather strong toxic effect of such drugs on the body, they have been on the list of recommendations for the treatment of syphilis for more than 450 years.

Beginning in 1943, antibiotics from the penicillin group began to be used in the treatment of syphilis. However, in the USSR, only in 1963, mercury preparations were replaced by antibacterial agents, which made it possible to both treat syphilis at home and significantly increase the effectiveness of the therapy.

Modern treatment of syphilis can be divided into several subspecies:

  • specific therapy. This treatment begins from the moment the final diagnosis is made and can be carried out in a hospital, outpatient and inpatient-outpatient setting.
  • preventive treatment. It includes a set of measures aimed at preventing syphilis in persons who were in direct contact (sexual or close domestic) with a person who has been diagnosed with syphilis.
  • Preventive treatment. It includes the use of antisyphilitic drugs in pregnant women who have or have previously had syphilis, as well as in children born to such mothers.
  • trial therapy. It is resorted to in case of manifestation of clinical signs of syphilitic damage to internal tissues and organs (central and peripheral nervous system, organs of perception, musculoskeletal system) in the absence of the ability to establish an accurate diagnosis laboratory methods diagnostics.
  • Syndromic or epidemiological treatment. Used in individuals with a history of and/or clinical evidence of treponema pallidum infection and the inability to confirm the diagnosis with laboratory tests.

How much treatment will take depends on what drugs will treat syphilis and on its stage of development. Primary syphilis can be cured in 2-3 weeks, secondary - at least 21-35 days, and the tertiary form in the vast majority of patients requires continuous treatment for 2-3 years.

Despite the large amount of advertising information on how to treat syphilis at home using folk remedies, alternative medicine for this pathology reveals little effectiveness, and its use as the main treatment will only aggravate the patient's condition. However, with the personal desire of the patient and the permission of the attending physician, certain folk remedies, which in one way or another will have an auxiliary effect.

Family members of a patient with syphilis should understand that they can become infected not only sexually, but also through everyday contact - through a toothbrush, a glass or other utensils. To prevent possible infection in the family, preventive treatment is carried out no later than 2 months after the patient is identified.

Since syphilis can be transmitted transplacentally, women should postpone pregnancy planning. It is believed that with a full-fledged treatment and its positive results, it is possible to plan the conception of a child not earlier than in 2-3 years, because. it is after this period that the risk of congenital syphilis becomes minimal. Despite this, before conception, it is worth consulting a specialist and doing the necessary tests.

What drugs to treat syphilis: the main schemes of specific treatment

The duration of treatment depends on many factors, including which drugs to treat syphilis, and whether the patient has developed a form of it - primary, secondary or tertiary.

Primary and secondary syphilis are treated according to standard specific therapy regimens. Treatment regimens for syphilis directly depend on what drugs will be treated, and in what conditions it will take place - inpatient, inpatient-outpatient or outpatient.

Treatment in a specialized hospital can be carried out according to two schemes:

  • Scheme No. 1. The main drug is water-soluble penicillin. Method of application - intramuscular injection at a dose of 400 yew. ED (action units) every 3 hours for 2 weeks.
  • Scheme No. 2. The main drug is novocaine salt of benzylpenicillin. It is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 600 tis. ED 2r / d course of 16 days.

Inpatient-outpatient treatment regimen. The first week of the therapeutic course is carried out in a hospital, where the patient receives intramuscular injections of water-soluble penicillin, 500 yew. ED every 3 hours. Also, starting from the 2nd day of treatment, the patient is given injections of immunostimulants (thymogen) or biogenic stimulants (splenin). Then the patient is discharged home, where he continues treatment with Bicillin-3 or Bicillin-5. Doses of drugs are 2.4 million and 1.5 million units of action, respectively. Multiplicity of application - 2 injections for 1 week.

Ambulatory treatment. How to treat syphilis at home directly depends on the stage of the disease and the drug chosen. For outpatient therapy, Bicillin-1, Bicillin-3 and Bicillin-5 are used. Single doses of these drugs are 1.2 million units, 2.4 million units and 1.5 million units, respectively. The first injection, regardless of the drug, is 300 yew. ED, the second injection is given at the full dose the next day. Further frequency of application is 2 r / week. Depending on the form of syphilis, the number of injections can vary from 7 to 10.

How to treat tertiary syphilis depends on the organs that have been affected. In most cases, the main treatment begins with taking Erythromycin or Tetracycline for 2 weeks, after which they proceed to the introduction of penicillin. The frequency of taking funds, a single dose and the duration of general therapy is selected individually. Usually for more effective treatment bismuth preparations are added to penicillin therapy, provided that the function of the liver and kidneys is preserved. If necessary, the course of treatment includes restorative drugs and symptomatic therapy.

How to treat syphilis at home and possible side effects of drugs

Despite the seriousness of this pathology, it can also be treated at home. What drugs to treat syphilis must be agreed with a venereologist. For outpatient treatment, penicillin antibiotics are used - Bicillin-1, 3, 5. How to treat syphilis at home with these medications is described in detail in the outpatient specific treatment regimen.

Since it is necessary to treat syphilis at home without the constant supervision of a doctor, patients need to be especially attentive to their own condition, since penicillin drugs can have certain side effects on the human body. These, first of all, include allergic reactions in the form of: rashes on the skin and mucous membranes; hives and arthralgia (pain in certain joints).

If such reactions occur, you should immediately contact your doctor, as in the future there may be life-threatening conditions for the patient: angioedema (Quincke's edema) or anaphylactic shock.

With the personal desire of the patient and the permission of the attending doctor, you can resort to folk remedies, since in certain cases it is necessary to treat syphilis with the help of a complex and restorative effect on the body, alternative medicine preparations can have a positive effect, albeit minimal.

Potentially effective folk remedies for syphilis include:

  • A mixture of wine and garlic.
  • A decoction from the root of the sand sedge.
  • Infusion from the grass of the field Yakut.
  • Hop infusion.
  • Decoction of burdock root.

Sexually transmitted diseases can bring trouble not only to the carrier, but also to other people. Some of the sexually transmitted infections are not only uncomfortable, but also deadly. Syphilis belongs to this category of pathologies. This disease has claimed thousands of lives since ancient times. AT modern world pathology is not so dangerous and in most cases can be treated. Pills for syphilis - antibiotics, can not only get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but also completely restore health. Unfortunately, this applies only to the initial one. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time together with a partner.

Syphilis: a modern view of the problem

This pathology has been known to the whole world since ancient times. The first mention of syphilis was described in the XIV century. Previously, pathology had other names. Among them: German or as well as "lues". This disease has a bacterial etiology. The causative agent of syphilis is a microorganism related to spirochetes. Previously, pathology was considered an incurable disease and always led to death. Currently, it is not such a terrible disease. Nevertheless, despite the promotion of safe sex and many antibacterial drugs, there are still neglected cases of syphilis. This is due to untimely access to a doctor and poor awareness of the population about the symptoms of the disease.

Syphilis: is there a cure?

It is difficult to answer the question: “is it possible to recover from syphilis?” After all, it depends on the stage of the process and the individual characteristics of each organism. However, in most cases, primary syphilis is treatable. With adequate drug therapy, it is possible to completely get rid of the pathology within a few months. Unfortunately, this does not apply to later stages of the disease. To understand how to distinguish primary syphilis from secondary and tertiary degrees, it is necessary to have an idea about the symptoms of the pathology. After infection, an incubation period begins, which lasts about 3-4 weeks.

After the passage of this time, they appear. They are characterized by the appearance of an ulcer - a hard chancre on the skin or mucous membranes of the genital organs, throat, rectum. In addition, this period is manifested by regional lymphadenitis. At this stage, it is very important to seek medical help. Primary syphilis is completely treatable and has no complications. If drug therapy has not been started, then the disease "freezes" for a while. During this period, dissemination of treponema throughout the body occurs. This is how secondary syphilis develops. This occurs 2-3 months after infection. It manifests itself as a widespread rash, after which it passes into chronic form. At this stage, treatment is not always effective, complications in the form of organ damage are possible. The last degree is tertiary syphilis. It develops several years after infection and is characterized by the breakdown of organs and tissues. Treatment at this stage will not bring results.

What is a syphilis test?

Currently, microorganisms quickly adapt to the environment, change their properties. An example is the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. The same applies to the symptoms of diseases. Due to the spread of various drugs, syphilis often occurs in an abortive form. This means that the clinical picture of the pathology becomes erased. Therefore, it is not always possible to suspect the disease. For example, at present, such a symptom as hard chancre occurs only in a small part of patients. In other cases, patients are only concerned about discomfort during sexual intercourse, burning or itching. These symptoms can be confused with any other non-life-threatening infection. For this reason, almost every visit to the doctor, the patient is given a referral to take a test for syphilis. This is especially true for women, because in the case of pregnancy, the disease leads to infection of the fetus and malformations.

Who to contact if you suspect syphilis?

If any symptoms appear and syphilis is suspected, you should not treat yourself. After all, the therapy of this pathology requires constant monitoring. In addition, syphilis pills that are suitable for one person do not always lead to results in other patients. If you experience any symptoms from the genitourinary system or the appearance of a rash, you should visit a doctor. First of all, you can contact a therapist, urologist or gynecologist. These specialists will refer the patient to undergo a micro-reaction (RW test) that will help to recognize whether a person is suspected of having syphilis or not. With a positive result, a more thorough diagnosis is necessary. Some people prefer that the examination for this pathology be confidential. Often it is this reason that leads to untimely treatment and neglected cases. Therefore, if the patient does not want to seek help at the clinic, he can be tested at the dermatovenerological center. The survey at this institution can be done anonymously.

Treatment methods for the disease

Considering that the pathology has been known to people for several centuries, during this time several approaches to the treatment of syphilis have changed. About 5 centuries ago, the only remedy against "lues" was mercury. This chemical substance really had a destructive effect on the causative agent of the disease. Nevertheless, people still died from syphilis, despite treatment. This was due to the fact that mercury cannot completely rid the body of treponema pallidum, and it is also highly toxic. Later, in the 19th century, sodium iodide became a cure for syphilis, which did not harm the body so much, but also had an effect. Also, one of the methods of recovery was considered surgical intervention - excision of a hard chancre. But this method does not give results, since microorganisms penetrate into the blood and remain there, despite the elimination of the focus. In today's world, the only treatment is drug therapy.

Antibiotic therapy for syphilis

Answer the question: "what drugs for syphilis are most effective?" definitely not possible. It depends on the susceptibility of the organism to antibiotics, as well as the sensitivity of the pathogen. For the purpose of treatment, drugs are used: "Penicillin", "Ceftriaxone", "Doxycycline" and "Tetracycline". All of these medicines are effective. Nevertheless, it is possible to select the necessary drug only after analysis to determine the sensitivity of the microorganism to various antibiotics. In some cases, some medication is found in patients, then it is replaced with another drug. The drugs of choice are penicillin antibiotics, cephalosporins, tetracyclines and macrolides. All these groups of drugs are effective in the fight against pale treponema.

Penicillin antibiotics for syphilis

The pills for syphilis, which have been prescribed in the first place for many years, are the drug "Penicillin". Despite the long practice of using this medication, the pathogen has not lost sensitivity to it to this day. The introduction of the drug into the body is carried out intramuscularly at 400 thousand units every 3 hours. The duration of therapy depends on the stage of the disease. The drug "Penicillin" from syphilis of the primary form is administered for 14 days. Such a treatment regimen is prescribed for a seronegative variant of the course. If the pathogen is actively detected or syphilis has already passed into the secondary form, then the therapy lasts 16 days. After completing the course of treatment, it is necessary to introduce the drug "Bicillin-5" in a single dosage - 3 million units.

Medication "Tetracycline" (tablets): what helps?

Despite the positive effect of the drug "Penicillin", in some cases it can not be used. Unfortunately, in response to the introduction of this medication, some patients experience a severe allergic reaction. In this case, the drug can be replaced with the drug "Tetracycline" (tablets). What helps this medication? This question is of interest to patients who have allergic diseases caused by taking the Penicillin solution. This drug is also effective against pale treponema. Its advantage is the dosage form, as well as the absence of the need for nighttime use. The representative of this is the drug "Doxycycline". From syphilis take 300 mg of the drug per day (3 tablets). It should be remembered that you can not use during pregnancy and in childhood.

Treatment of syphilis with ceftriaxone

The drug "Ceftriaxone" from syphilis is also highly effective. It is convenient to use (1 injection per day) and is approved for use by pregnant women. In addition, this medication rarely causes allergic reactions.

In addition to the listed medicines, other pills for syphilis are also used. These include such medicines: Azithromycin, Sumamed, Erycycline, etc.

Update: December 2018

Syphilis (Lewis) is one of the few diseases that entails criminal liability when it infects a sexual partner or other people. As a rule, the first signs of syphilis in men and women do not appear immediately, but several weeks after the actual infection, which makes this disease even more dangerous.

Syphilis stands out among all socially significant diseases (threatening not only the health of the population, but also life) in that today the syphilis epidemic in Russia has a progressive trend. The incidence rate has increased fivefold in recent decades. If left untreated, this sexually transmitted disease can lead to infertility, both in women and men, during the pregnancy of a sick woman, infection of the fetus occurs in 70% of cases, which ends with the fetus dying or congenital syphilis in the baby.

Syphilis happens:

  • by origin - congenital and acquired
  • according to the stage of the disease - primary, secondary, tertiary
  • in terms of occurrence - early and late


The diagnosis of such a serious disease cannot be made to oneself "on the Internet" by reading about syphilis and its symptoms. The fact is that a rash and other changes can visually copy those in completely different diseases, which even doctors are periodically misled. For this reason, doctors diagnose syphilis with the help of an examination, characteristic signs and laboratory tests:

  • Examination by a dermatovenereologist. He asks the patient in detail about the course of the disease, examines the skin, genitals, lymph nodes.
  • Detection of treponema or its DNA in the contents of gum, chancre, syphilides by dark-field microscopy, direct immunofluorescence reaction, PCR.
  • Carrying out various serological tests: Non-treponemal - search for antibodies against treponemal membrane lipids and tissue phospholipids that are destroyed by the pathogen (Wasserman reaction, VDRL, rapid plasma reagin test). The result obtained may be false positive, i.e. show syphilis where there is none. Treponemal - search for antibodies to pale treponema (RIF, RPHA, ELISA, immunoblotting, RIBT).
  • Instrumental research: search for gums using ultrasound, MRI, CT, x-rays, etc.

Exciter properties

The spirochete Treponema pallidum (pallid treponema) is recognized as the "culprit" of syphilis. In the human body, treponemas multiply rapidly, which leads to damage to internal organs. Among other things, there are many of them on the mucous membranes, so they are easily transmitted through sexual or close household contact, for example, through common dishes, some personal hygiene items (household syphilis). Pale treponema does not cause lasting immunity, so a cured partner can become infected again from his partner, who continues to get sick with Lewis.

Treponema does not tolerate desiccation and high temperatures(it dies almost instantly when boiled, and an increase in temperature to 55 0 C destroys treponema in 15 minutes). However, low temperatures and a humid environment contribute to the "survivability" of this spirochete:

  • preservation of viability during the year when frozen to minus 78 0 С,
  • survival on dishes with moisture residues up to several hours,
  • even the corpse of a syphilitic patient is able to infect surrounding people for 4 days.

How is syphilis transmitted?

Syphilis is transmitted through:

  • sexual contact (eg, vaginal, oral, anal sex)
  • through blood (shared syringes for drug addicts, for blood transfusion, joint toothbrushes or shaving accessories in everyday life)
  • through mother's milk (acquired syphilis in children)
  • in utero (congenital syphilis of a child)
  • through common utensils, if the patient has open sores, decaying gums (for example, a common towel, dishes)
  • through saliva (infection occurs rarely in this way and mainly among dentists, if they do not work in protective gloves)
  • Read more about the methods of transmission of infection in our article.

In case of accidental unprotected any kind of sexual contact, as an emergency prevention of syphilis, the following procedure can be performed (the sooner the better, no later than 2 hours after the act): first, thoroughly wash the genitals, inner thighs with soap, then treat the genitals with antiseptic solutions Chlorhexidine, (men should inject the solution into the urethra, women into the vagina).

However, this method only reduces the risk of infection by 70% and cannot be used continuously, condoms are the best way protection and even after using them with an unreliable partner, the genitals should be treated with an antiseptic. After accidental sexual contact, you should be examined by a venereologist for other infections, and in order to exclude syphilis, you should be examined after a few weeks, it does not make sense before

All external papules, erosions, ulcers with scanty discharge are extremely contagious. In the presence of microtraumas on the mucous membrane or skin in a healthy person, contact with the patient leads to infection. From the first to the last day of illness, the blood of a patient with syphilis is contagious, and transmission is possible both during blood transfusion and when the skin or mucous membranes are injured with medical, cosmetic, instruments in pedicure and nail salons, which got the blood of a patient with syphilis.

Incubation period

After entering the body, pale treponema is sent to the circulatory and lymphatic systems, spreading throughout the body. However, an outwardly infected person still feels healthy. From the time of infection to the period of onset of the initial symptoms of syphilis, it can take from 8 to 107 days, and on average 20–40 days.

That is, within 3 weeks and up to 1.5 months after infection, syphilis does not manifest itself in any way, neither with symptoms nor external signs, even blood tests give a negative result.

The duration of the incubation period is extended:

  • old age
  • high temperature conditions
  • current treatment with antibiotics, corticosteroids, other drugs

The incubation period is shortened with massive infection, when a huge amount of treponema enters the body at the same time.

Already at the stage of the incubation period, a person becomes contagious, but during this period, infection of other people is possible only through the blood.

Syphilis Statistics

In the early stages, syphilis responds well to treatment, but despite this, it takes a confident 3rd place, inferior to trichomoniasis and chlamydia, among sexually transmitted diseases.

According to official statistics, 12 million new patients are registered in the world every year, but these figures are underestimated, since some people are treated themselves, about which there are no statistical data.

People aged 15-40 are more likely to become infected with syphilis, the peak incidence occurs in 20-30 years. Women have a higher risk of infection (microfissures of the vagina due to intercourse) than men, however, the increase in the number of homosexuals in large cities in the US and EU leads to more high level infections in these countries are among men rather than women.

The Ministry of Health of Russia reports that there is no unified record of patients with syphilis in our country. In 2008, 60 cases of the disease were registered per 100,000 people. Among those infected, there are often people without a permanent place of residence, without a stable income or with low-paid jobs, as well as many representatives of small businesses and service workers.

Most cases are registered in the Siberian, Far Eastern and Volga districts. In some regions, cases of neurosyphilis refractory to treatment are on the rise, rising from 0.12% to 1.1%.

The first signs of syphilis - primary syphilis

What are the first signs of syphilis? In the case of the classic variant of the Lewis current, this is a hard chancre and enlarged lymph nodes. By the end of the primary period, patients are concerned about the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • general malaise
  • pain in muscles, bones, arthralgia
  • heat
  • decreased hemoglobin (anemia)
  • increase in white blood cells

Chancre hard- A typical hard chancre is a smooth ulcer or erosion with rounded and slightly raised edges up to 1 cm in diameter, bluish-red in color, which may or may not hurt. On palpation, there is a dense infiltrate at the base of the chancre, due to which the chancre was called "hard". A hard chancre in men is found in the region of the head or on the foreskin, in women on the cervix or on the labia. It can also be on the rectal mucosa or near the anus, sometimes on the pubis, abdomen, thighs. In medical workers, it can be localized on the tongue, lips, on the fingers.

The chancre can be either a single or multiple defect on the mucosa or skin, and mainly appears at the site of infection. As a rule, a week after its occurrence, the lymph nodes increase, but sometimes patients notice the lymph nodes earlier than the chancre. After oral sex, the chancre and enlarged lymph nodes may resemble or, which may lead to the appointment of inadequate treatment. Also, the anal chancre can be misleading, since it resembles a fissure of the anal fold with an elongated outline, without infiltration.

Even without therapy, the hard chancre disappears after 4-6 weeks, and the dense infiltrate resolves. Often, the chancre does not leave changes on the skin, although giant forms can give dark brown or black pigment spots, and ulcerative chancres leave rounded scars surrounded by a pigment ring.

Usually, the appearance of such an unusual ulcer causes anxiety in a person, so syphilis is detected in time and timely treatment is carried out. But when the chancre remains unnoticed (on the cervix) or ignored by the patient (smeared with potassium permanganate, brilliant green), after a month when it disappears, the person calms down and forgets about it - this is the danger of the disease, it goes into secondary syphilis unnoticed.

Stages of syphilis - click to enlarge

Atypical chancres - In addition to the classic chancre, there are other varieties of it, which makes the recognition of syphilis difficult:

  • Inductive edema. On the lower lip, foreskin or labia majora, a large seal of a pale pink or bluish-red hue occurs, extending beyond the boundaries of erosion or ulcers. Without adequate treatment, such a chancre persists for several months.
  • Felon. Chancre in the form of ordinary inflammation of the nail bed outwardly almost does not differ from the usual panaritium: the finger is swollen, purple-red, painful. Often there is a rejection of the nail. Unlike the classic panaritium, it does not heal for several weeks.
  • Amygdalitis. This is not just a hard chancre on the tonsil, but a swollen, reddened, hard tonsil that makes swallowing painful and difficult. Usually, like a typical sore throat, amygdalitis is accompanied by fever, general weakness, and malaise. Headaches (mainly in the back of the head) can also be observed. Syphilis may be indicated by a unilateral lesion of the tonsil and low effectiveness of the treatment received.
  • Mixed chancre. This is a mixture of hard and soft chancre with parallel infection with these pathogens. In this case, a soft chancre ulcer appears first, since it has a shorter incubation period, and then induration occurs, and the picture of a typical hard chancre develops. Mixed chancre is characterized by a delay of 3-4 months of laboratory test data (for example, the Wasserman reaction) and the appearance of signs of secondary syphilis.

Lymph nodes - With primary syphilis, enlarged lymph nodes are observed (see). When the chancre is located on the cervix or in the rectum, enlarged lymph nodes remain unnoticed, as they increase in the small pelvis, and if syphiloma has formed in the mouth, then the chin and submandibular nodes, cervical or occipital, increase, when the chancre is found on the fingers, the lymph nodes increase in the area of ​​the elbow. One of hallmarks syphilis in men is a painless cord with thickenings that forms at the root of the penis - this is syphilitic lymphadenitis.

  • Bubo (regional lymphadenitis). It is a firm, painless, mobile lymph node that is adjacent to a chancre, such as:
    • in the groin - chancre on the genitals
    • on the neck - chancre on the tonsils
    • under the arm - chancre on the nipple of the mammary gland
  • Regional lymphangitis. It is a dense, painless and movable band under the skin between a hard chancre and an enlarged lymph node. The average thickness of this formation is 1–5 mm.
  • Polyadenitis. By the end of the primary period of Lewis, there is an increase and compaction of all lymph nodes. In fact, from that moment on, we can talk about the onset of secondary syphilis.

Complications of primary syphilis - Most often, complications arise when an infection is added in the area of ​​​​a hard chancre or a decrease in the body's defenses. Develop:

  • balanoposthitis
  • inflammation of the vagina and vulva
  • constriction of the foreskin
  • paraphimosis
  • phagedenization (gangrene that spreads deep and wide into a hard chancre - it can even lead to rejection of the entire organ or part of it).

Symptoms of secondary syphilis

Secondary syphilis begins to develop 3 months after infection, on average, the duration of the secondary period of syphilis is from 2 to 5 years. It is characterized by undulating rashes that disappear on their own in a month or two, leaving no marks on the skin. The patient is not bothered by either the rise in temperature. At the beginning, the symptoms of secondary syphilis are as follows:

Skin syphilis - Secondary syphilis is characterized by a variety of elements of the rash, but they are all similar:

  • benign course and rapid disappearance with appropriate treatment of syphilis
  • rashes last for several weeks and do not lead to fever
  • different elements of the rash appear at different times
  • the rash does not itch or hurt

Syphilis options:

  • syphilitic roseola - a rounded or irregularly shaped pale pink spot, which is more often seen on the sides of the body;
  • papular - many wet and dry papules, often combined with syphilitic roseola;
  • miliary - pale pink, dense, cone-shaped, disappearing much later than other elements of the rash and subsequently leaving patchy pigmentation:
  • seborrheic - formations covered with scales or fatty crusts in those areas where the activity of the sebaceous glands is increased (forehead skin, nasolabial folds, etc.), if such papules are located along the edge of hair growth, then they are called the "crown of Venus";
  • pustular - multiple abscesses, which then ulcerate and scar;
  • pigmented - leukoderma on the neck (white spots), called the "necklace of Venus".

Syphilis of the mucous membranes - First of all, it is angina and pharyngitis. Syphilides can spread to the vocal cords, pharynx, tonsils, tongues, and oral mucosa. The most common are:

  • Erythematous angina. Syphilides are located on the soft palate, tonsils in the form of bluish-red erythema.
  • Papular angina. In the area of ​​the pharynx, there are many papules that merge with each other, ulcerate and become covered with erosions.
  • Pustular angina. Pustular lesion of the mucous membrane of the pharynx.
  • Pharyngitis. With the development of syphilis in the region of the vocal folds, there may be hoarseness or complete disappearance of the voice.

Baldness - it can be focal, observed in the form of small rounded areas on the head, beard, mustache and even eyebrows. Or diffuse, in which case the hair falls out profusely all over the head. After the start of treatment, after 2-3 months, the hair grows again.

Complications of secondary syphilis- The most severe complication of secondary syphilis is the transition of the disease to the tertiary period, when neurosyphilis and related complications develop.

Tertiary syphilis

Years or decades after the secondary Lewis period, treponemas transform into L-forms and cysts and gradually begin to destroy internal organs and systems.

Syphilides of the skin of the third period - Tubercular is a painless and dense burgundy tubercle that lies in the skin. Sometimes these tubercles are grouped together and form garlands resembling scattered shot. After their disappearance, scars remain. Gummatous is a sedentary nodule the size of a nut or pigeon's egg, located deep under the skin. As it grows, the gumma ulcerates and gradually heals, leaving a scar. Without adequate treatment, such gummas can exist for several years.

Syphilis of the mucous membranes of the third period - First of all, these are various gummas, which, when ulcerated, destroy bones, cartilage, soft tissues and lead to permanent deformities and deformities.

  • Nose gum. Destroys the bridge of the nose, causing deformation of the nose (it just falls through) or hard palate, followed by reflux of food into the nasal cavity.
  • Gumma soft palate. Gumma forms in the thickness of the sky, which makes it immobile, dark red and dense. Then the gumma breaks through in several places at once, forming long-term non-healing ulcers.
  • Gumma language. There are 2 main forms of tongue damage in tertiary syphilis: gummy glossitis - small ulcerations on the tongue , sclerosing glossitis - the tongue becomes dense and loses its mobility, then shrinks and atrophies (speech suffers, the ability to chew and swallow food).
  • Gum throat. Difficulty swallowing, accompanied by painful sensations and disorders.

Complication of the third period Lewis are:

  • The appearance of gum in the internal organs (liver, aorta, stomach, etc.) with the development of their severe insufficiency and even sudden death.
  • Neurosyphilis, which is accompanied by paralysis, dementia and paresis.

Features of the symptoms of syphilis in women and men

There are practically no differences in the second and third periods. The difference in the symptoms of syphilis can be observed only with primary syphilis, when a hard chancre is located on the genitals:

  • Chancre in the urethra - the first signs of syphilis in men are bloody discharge from the urethra, inguinal bubo and a dense penis.
  • Gangrenous chancre on the penis- possible self-amputation of the distal part of the penis.
  • Chancre on the cervix. When infected with syphilis, the signs in women with a hard chancre on the uterus are practically absent (the gynecologist discovers during the examination).

Atypical syphilis

Latent syphilis. It proceeds unnoticed by the patient himself and is diagnosed only on the basis of tests, although a person can infect others.

Today, venereologists face an increase in cases latent syphilis, this is due to the widespread use of antibiotics, when the initial signs of syphilis remained undiagnosed in a person, and the patient begins self-treatment or antibiotics prescribed by a doctor for other diseases - tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections, stomatitis, as well as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia. As a result, syphilis is not cured, but acquires a latent course.

  • Transfusion. It is characterized by the absence of a hard chancre and the primary period of syphilis, immediately starting with a secondary one 2-2.5 months after the transfusion of infected blood.
  • Erased. The symptoms of the secondary period “fall out”, which in this case are almost imperceptible, and then asymptomatic meningitis and neurosyphilis.
  • Malignant. Rapid course, accompanied by gangrene of the chancre, a decrease in hemoglobin and severe exhaustion.

congenital syphilis

A woman infected with syphilis is able to pass it on by inheritance even to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

  • Early syphilis - deformity of the skull, continuous crying, severe exhaustion, sallow skin color of the baby.
  • Late syphilis - Getchinson's triad: semilunar edges of teeth, symptoms of labyrinthitis (deafness, dizziness, etc.), keratitis.

How to treat syphilis?

Which doctor treats syphilis?

A dermatovenereologist is engaged in the treatment of patients with syphilis, you should contact the dermatovenereological dispensary.

How much to treat syphilis?

Syphilis is treated for quite a long time, if it is detected at the primary stage, continuous treatment is prescribed for 2-3 months, with the development of secondary syphilis, therapy can last over 2 years. During the treatment period, any sexual contact is prohibited while the infectious period lasts, and preventive treatment is shown to all family members and sexual partners.

Are there folk remedies for the treatment of syphilis?

Neither folk remedies nor self-treatment for syphilis are acceptable, it is not effective and dangerous in that it makes it difficult to diagnose in the future and lubricates the patient's clinical picture. Moreover, the cure and effectiveness of therapy is determined not by the disappearance of symptoms and signs of syphilis, but by the results of laboratory data, and in many cases treatment is indicated in a hospital rather than at home.

What drugs are used to treat syphilis?

The best and effective method treatment - the introduction of water-soluble penicillins in a hospital, this is done every 3 hours for 24 days. The causative agent of syphilis is quite sensitive to penicillin antibiotics, however, if therapy with these drugs is ineffective or if the patient is allergic, they can be prescribed drugs - fluoroquinolones, macrolides or teracyclines. In addition to antibiotics, syphilis shows immunostimulants, vitamins, natural immunity stimulants.

What should family members of the patient do to prevent syphilis?

Syphilis is a highly contagious infection, during sexual contact the risk of infection is very high, and if there are signs of syphilis in a man or woman on the skin, this risk increases significantly. Therefore, if there is a patient with syphilis in the house, the risk of domestic infection should be minimized - the patient should have personal utensils, hygiene products (towels, bed linen, soap, etc.), it is necessary to avoid any bodily contact with family members at the stage when the person is still contagious.

How to plan a pregnancy for a woman who has had syphilis?

To avoid congenital syphilis, pregnant women are examined several times during pregnancy. If a woman has been ill with syphilis, has been treated and has already been deregistered, only in this case it is possible to plan a pregnancy, but even so, it should be examined and preventive therapy should be carried out.