How to understand what an angel. How to Feel the Presence of a Guardian Angel

For those who believe in the existence of guardian angels, it is quite difficult to immediately understand whether he is near now or not. For many years now, people have shared their observations on this topic.
As a result, 11 most frequent signs the fact that your guardian angel visits you, writes greatpicture.
1. Visited by an angel in a dream
Dreams are often seen as a window to the soul, but a dream can also show that your guardian angel is somewhere nearby.
An angel may visit you in a dream to let you know that he is near and that he is watching over you. Sometimes they can convey some kind of message in this way, and sometimes they just show their presence.
2. Strange colored circles before the eyes
If, for unknown reasons, you suddenly see a bright light or strange colored circles, then it may seem that this is an optical illusion. In fact, some people believe that this is how we see the movement of angels.
You may notice strange glowing orbs in Everyday life or somewhere in the photos near you. Many believe that these unique lights are a sign that your guardian angel is nearby.
3. Sudden sweet smell
If you suddenly feel a pleasant sweet smell, but do not know its origin, this may be one of the signs of the presence of an angel nearby.
Many of those who believe in angels say that these sweet smells are a sign that your guardian angel is trying to reach out to you and show that he is there. It can sometimes smell like delicious dish, flowers or pleasant perfumes used by your deceased relatives.
4. Find a white feather
In one of the books about guardian angels, author Jackie Newcomb says that a white feather is a safe and gentle way for an angel to hint to a person about his presence. According to the author, this is one of the most common signs from angels. You can find a white feather quite by accident and in an unexpected place.
5. Your child sees something that you cannot see.
Many people believe that children and pets have the ability to see guardian angels even when adults cannot see them. They say angels comfort children when they are naughty.
You may notice that your baby is staring at some point or smiling into the void, as if someone is there. This may be a sign of the presence of an angel next to him.
6. You see angels in the clouds
As children, many of us spent time looking at the bizarre shapes of clouds. Someone saw animals, someone other objects. If you often think that the clouds look like an angel, this may be a sign of his presence nearby. Sometimes the same sign can be clouds resembling hearts or other objects that are pleasant or important to you.
7. You notice angel numbers in simple things.
According to the authors who deal with this topic, angels often try to attract the attention of people with the help of angel numbers that accidentally caught their eye. These may be some important numbers or dates for you, or repeated unusual numbers - 333, 11:11, etc. If they often catch your eye, know that your guardian angel is somewhere nearby.
8. Sudden temperature changes
Many people talk about such a phenomenon as a sudden change in temperature. It may be a sudden sensation of cold or warmth all over the body. All this is perceived by many as a sign of the presence of an angel.
9. You hear muffled sounds
Of course, we can't communicate with angels, but that doesn't stop them from trying to tell us something. Many believe that strange muffled sounds that appear in silence for an unknown reason may be a sign that your guardian angel is trying to tell you something.
10. Feeling of presence
Surely many have had the feeling that there is someone nearby, even when the room is completely empty. Many believe that this is also one of the signs that your angel is nearby.
11. Sudden warmth at the top of your head
It is believed that a sudden sensation of warmth at the top of the head may indicate the presence of an angel. Many people think that this area is connected with the halo of an angel and through it he can turn to a person.
We previously told

Angels are genderless beings, spirits that come to our defense. They help in various endeavors, keep from unsuccessful decisions, warn of dangerous situations. You must have heard stories of people refusing to fly planes that were destined to crash. All of them, as one, speak of an intuitive sense of danger. Perhaps it is the guardian angels who inspire him.

In order not to miss important tips and messages from your angelic protector, you need to learn to recognize the signs of his presence. Sometimes it makes itself felt not only by the suggestion of sensations, but also manifests itself physically. His presence calms, gives hope for a bright tomorrow, inspires faith in one's strength.

The signs that a guardian angel has looked at you are collected from reports of believers from all over the world. You can navigate to them. But it is important not to forget that each message and manifestation of presence is individual. It is necessary to open towards higher powers in order to unmistakably recognize this.

1. You dreamed of a guardian angel

In a dream, we become more receptive to higher powers, signs, the appearance of angels. The easiest way to show yourself to your keeper is through a dream. Usually, after such a dream, a pleasant impression remains, you wake up well-rested and good mood. If an angel visits you in this way, be sure to pay attention to the messages he conveyed. Just like that, the angelic essence will not appear, most likely they wanted to warn you about something.

2. Room temperature has changed

Are you getting warmer? Or did a chill run through your skin? Incomprehensible temperature changes are evidence of the presence of an angel. Depending on how you feel, you can interpret the message. If it gets colder, you may be in danger. If it is warmer, the angel simply makes it clear that he is next to you, you are safe.

3. The feeling of loneliness receded

You get the feeling that you are not alone. Not necessarily tied to life events and other sensations. You feel it on an intuitive level. Do not be afraid to open up to this feeling! It will instill confidence in the future, give a desire to move on.

4. You started noticing angel numbers

Do you see numbers like 11:11 or 333 everywhere? Or do you notice numbers that are significant to you everywhere? You can notice such numbers once by chance, without attaching importance to them. But if they appear in front of you often, this may be a signal from the keeper. Pay attention to it.

5. There was an obscure fragrance

A pleasant smell that suddenly appeared (of perfume, flowers, something tasty), which cannot be explained by anything, indicates the presence of an angel next to you. The smell will be meaningful to you, not random. So the divine "guard" makes it clear that he is nearby.

6. Unintelligible voices are heard

If you are in an empty room in a calm environment and you hear indistinct muttering around you, this is an angel trying to contact you. He cannot speak directly, but to declare his presence in this way is quite. You still can't make out the words.

7. Unexplained color spots are seen

Did you open your eyes and see a strange round colored spot? Or noticed it in a photo? If you try, it disappears. Can't be considered. It can be both a distortion of vision and a noticed angel. It is believed that these spots are traces of its movement in the space around you.

8. In your environment you found a white feather

Angels - . Their wings are covered with white feathers. And, if you accidentally found such a feather at your home, at work, or anywhere else, this may indicate the presence of an angelic creature next to you. Of course, if the appearance of such a feather cannot be explained: a fluff found on a down pillow only indicates that the filler has escaped from the cover.

Greetings, dear readers. Let's talk about intercession in our lives. Absolutely every person has an invisible helper and intercessor. We do not always feel the presence, but every time we turn to it during difficult situations and troubles. How to find out who your guardian angel is, who exactly to contact if necessary, what and how to ask the intercessor. I think the answers to these questions will be of interest to you.

The nature of the guardian angel

In fact, the Guardian Angel is not such a mysterious "personality". It is in our power to find out more about him, gender, and even the age of his patron. Perhaps, having got to know the guardian spirit closer, we will treat him more carefully and call him correctly.

How to find out your guardian angel, what kind of character your protector is, is not out of place at all. Thanks to this, you will be able to more accurately evaluate the tips that he regularly sends you. In fact, learn to understand it.

This is quite simple to do by conducting a simple analysis by the date of your birth.

Fact. Numerology allows you to calculate the characteristic features of the person himself using the numbers inherent in him. A similar system applies to angels.

The last number of your date of birth speaks about the nature of your patron. For example, you were born on November 18, which means that the number we are interested in will be eight. If you were born on the ninth day, it will correspond to nine.

  1. 0 (zero) - your defender is able to rise from the ashes, like a Phoenix, because he has a fiery nature. His possibilities are endless, he will be able to pull you out of the most hopeless situations and restore you after the most crushing failures. However, he is impetuous and impulsive. In cases where you do not want to understand it, it sweeps away everything in its path, including what you might want to leave behind.
  2. 1 (one) is a holy protector, it goes to people with very weak own energy and keeps them in almost all life situations, since it is very dangerous to leave such a ward.
  3. 2 (deuce) - the same bright angel with wings that we are used to seeing in the images. These angels kiss you at birth. And such kisses appear in the form of freckles and moles. Such an angel constantly watches over you and manifests itself in unusual things and mirrors.
  4. 3 (three) is an angel of air, he loves rustles, gusts of wind, unexpected falls of objects. That is how he manifests his presence next to you. However, a certain frivolity is inherent in him, he likes to dream and fly in the clouds, he appears on the call instantly, but without appeal, he tends not to notice the problems that are happening.
  5. 4 (four) is the wisest of all patrons, he always knows when, why and why. Everything in his work is consistent and debugged. As a rule, his wards make a good career, manage money well and know how to build their lives.
  6. 5 (five) - gives us an iron angel with great power will and appreciating these qualities in their wards. He hates whining and wailing, but will do anything for you if you decide to fight.
  7. 6 (six) - gives us a rainbow angel, he patronizes representatives of art and creative people. Helps to get rid of despondency, gives interesting ideas. But, at the same time, it is capricious, and has a fickle character.
  8. 7 (seven) is an angel of energy who is in constant contact with you. There is touchiness in his character, he loves praise and gratitude very much. But if you do not skimp on these signs of attention, it will help at any moment.
  9. 8 (eight) - your keeper, this is a deceased relative who decided to take care of you after death. He is very sensitive to family values and honors the traditions of the family.
  10. 9 (nine) - this angel loves his wards and often pampers them with gifts. To understand your assistant, it is important to strive for harmony, then his help will be provided to you every day.

Age and gender

It should be understood that any angel has an age. However, he is constantly in it, in fact, the angel does not grow and does not age. That is, if you got a playful child as a guardian, then all his actions will be in the nature of a game, and if an old man is wise in life, your life will be filled with eternal truth, but devoid of improvisation.

Add up all the numbers of your birth. For example, 11/18/1970, respectively, 1+8+1+1+1+9+7+0=19=1+9=10=1+0=1. That is, you need to add up until you get a single digit. Then everything is simple, if the number turned out to be even, your angel is a man, if odd - it's a woman.

To get the age, do a similar calculation using only the date and month digits. In the above example, it turns out 1+8+1+1=11=1+1=2.

A person born on this date has a protector, a two-year-old girl who is just mastering the world, but loves his family and his ward very much.

Name of the guardian angel

Here, everything is much simpler and more complicated, the name of your defender corresponds to your name, but it can be very unusual. You can see it in a dream or hear it in reality during meditation.

Interesting. Christians believe that the name of the Angel corresponds to the name of your saint, given to you at baptism. If necessary, you can find the icon of the corresponding saint and say a prayer for help.

According to Orthodox canons, you yourself can choose a patron from among the saints or turn to a saint who bears your name or your name. godparent. Perhaps the veneration of two angels, whom you consider it necessary to pray.

Ours were sure that each person is given more than one patron. One of them comes at birth, the rest are connected throughout life, and are associated with the path of life and the choice of human activity. At a certain point, the time of the corresponding guardian comes.

It is known that Nicholas the Wonderworker had 27 Guardian Angels.

Signs of the manifestation of an Angel

We are all concerned about this question, how do we know how close our defender is? There is whole line signs of the presence of the Guardian near us. This does not mean at all that a critical moment has come and you urgently need help. An angel can manifest itself at any time to remind you of its care and support, using signs:

Pay attention, perhaps this is a date or the amount you need, it may be worth making calculations and asking about the value of the final number. The same applies to words and phrases, and sometimes whole sentences.

Signs and omens

We are talking about the signs sent to you in a dream. Sometimes such dreams cannot be distinguished from reality. Dreams can warn us of something or decipher events that have already occurred. Often in such dreams, departed relatives come to us.

Sometimes clues come across to us in the surrounding nature. Sometimes an event occurs that makes us think. In any case, this is something unusual, beyond the limits of everyday life. Pay attention to the tips of your assistant, they will definitely help you.

Well, I'm sorry. I hope I managed to give you useful information. Subscribe to updates, there is a lot of interesting things ahead.

Incredible Facts

Angels are always there, and any sign from these powerful spiritual beings, no matter how insignificant, is a beautiful and symbolic reminder of their love and support.

Below we will talk about some common signs of the presence of angels nearby. These signs may be the answer to a question that concerns you, or maybe the angels just want to remind you that they are there and always ready to help.

When you see a sign from them, take a deep breath, feel it, and thank your angels for their love and care.

1. Feathers

You regularly find feathers along the way. This is one of the most famous signs of angels. Feathers of any color are a great reminder that your protectors are there, love you and support you.

A particularly strong sign if you find feathers in very unusual places. When you come across white feathers, it almost always means your angel is nearby, even if you are where there are white birds.

2. Clouds

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One of the most obvious symbols is seeing angels in the clouds and also seeing clouds that look like angels. Your guardians also speak to you when you see heart shaped clouds and some other shapes and symbols.

Your guardian angel is near

3. Scents

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Have you ever smelled a pleasant sweet smell and could not identify its source? This may well be a sign from your angels.

Angels like to have their presence known through the power of fragrance. You can smell the rich chocolate scent or the gentle sweet scent of the flowers.

In general, aromas are often used by our ancestors, as well as loved ones and loved ones who have passed away. If you suddenly smelled the perfume of your grandmother, it is likely that her soul is now near you.

4. Children and pets

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Children and animals do not have those filters that, as adults, block our ability to see angels. Have you ever noticed how a child looks up, smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly looks somewhere past you, or stares at an empty wall? Or maybe your pet's eyes are fixed on something you can't see...

Most likely they see angels. In the presence of angels, babies, small children and animals are very easy, calm, but at the same time they feel somewhat excited.

5. Music

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For many people, the first contact with their angels is when they hear "angelic singing" coming from outside the territory. physical world. The angels can also communicate with you through the repeated songs you hear on the radio.

Or you may hear several songs in a row with a very similar theme. Angels often send messages through music, whether it's a song you suddenly start humming in your head, or listening to soothing music while meditating, or just a song on the radio.

So pay attention to the music you hear. Often these are angelic messages.

Presence of a guardian angel

6. Coins

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If you find coins or any paper money, then this is a sign that your angel is supporting you. Perhaps someone gave you a coin, or you found it on your way, pay attention to the date indicated on the money. Is she talking to you about something?

Have you asked your angels for financial help? What were you thinking before you noticed the coin? The coin can also be a sign from your loved one.

If you find a coin on your way, it is a symbol that you are loved, supported and protected.

7. Flashes of light

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Angels are beings of love and light. If you suddenly see inexplicable flickering or flashes of light, spheres before your eyes, then these are angels giving you signs.

A bright star that suddenly attracted your attention, a wave of light coming from top to bottom, a stream of light coming from nowhere, the brilliance of some object in an unusual manner - all these are signs of angels nearby.

Try to close your eyes, and if you still see the light, then surely an angel is nearby. Take a deep breath, relax, and if you are ready, your angel will show you even more light and envelop you in angelic radiance, thus bringing healing and rejuvenation into your life.

8. Rainbows

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Rainbows are a common symbol Divine love. When you ask for help from the angels and see a rainbow soon after, know that your prayers have been heard and your questions have been answered.

Or if you just think about your angels and ask them for a sign, then the rainbow seen after that will also be a symbol that they are nearby and hear you.

A rainbow that did not appear after the rain, a double rainbow, or a colored line encircling the moon are all impressive signs that angels send you from heaven.

9. Temperature change

© Olga Radzikh / Getty Images

When your angels are close to you, you may suddenly feel drastic changes in temperature. You may feel hot because of the warm, flickering light that suddenly appears nearby.

Or vice versa, you may feel chills or coldness, slight tingling, pressure in the head or on the back of the head. These sensations, however, should not cause any discomfort. These are spectacular physical manifestations of the presence of angelic beings.

Man and his guardian angel

10. Feelings

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You may just suddenly feel the presence of your angel. You may feel as if someone has passed you when in fact there is no one, or you may get the impression that there is someone else in an empty room besides you.

Angels can reach out to you very subtly by wrapping them in their wings of love, touching your shoulder or neck, or gently placing a hand on your back or shoulder. Sometimes angels make themselves known too clearly. At such moments, you can suddenly experience a feeling of unconditional love.

The very thought of having a guardian angel watching over us can bring great comfort. Some believe in him as a spiritual being, while others believe that this is the soul of a deceased loved one who helps us through life. But even if a person believes in angels or assumes that they can exist, it can be very difficult for him to know when he is around. As is known, there are simple ways to find out the name of your guardian angel. In the same way, there are quite a few signs that point to his visit. These signs have been noticed by many believers throughout years. Now you can also learn how to determine that a guardian angel has visited you. You may not be a believer at this moment, but these signs that appear day after day throughout your life will help you find the answers to the questions you have been looking for.
Guardian angel comes to you in a dream

Everyone experiences the feeling from time to time that they are not alone. It could just be a sixth sense, or it could be the wiggling of the hair on the back of your head. Many believers really feel when a guardian angel is with them. They say they are aware of the presence of angels even when they are alone in an empty room.

You feel tingling at the top of your head

Many believers report another specific sensation - a tingling sensation at the back of the head. It can take the form of sudden heat. Many people talk about the powerful connection between the crown of your head and your guardian angel. This tingling may indicate that your angel wants to communicate with you.

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