Potemkina test. Diagnosis of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational-need sphere

When needed: to diagnose the socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational-need sphere and to get an answer to the question "What is important for a person in life?".

Potemkina test


Answer each question "yes" if it correctly describes your behavior, and "no" if your behavior does not correspond to what is stated in the question.


Part I. Identification of the degree of severity of socio-psychological attitudes aimed at "altruism - egoism", "process - result"

Question Answer
Yes Not
1 Does the process of the work being done excite you more than the stage of its completion?
2 Do you usually spare no effort to achieve your goal?
3 Are you often told that you think more about others than yourself?
4 Do you usually devote a lot of time to your person?
5 Do you usually hesitate for a long time to start doing something that you are not interested in, even if it is necessary?
6 Are you sure that you have more perseverance than ability?
7 Do you find it easier to ask for others than for yourself?
8 Do you think that a person should first think about himself, and then about others?
9 Finishing an interesting job, do you often regret that an interesting job has already been completed, and it is a pity to part with it?
10 Do you like active people who can achieve results more than just kind and sympathetic people?
11 Do you find it difficult to refuse people when they ask you for something?
12 Do you enjoy doing something for yourself more than for others?
13 Do you enjoy a game where you don't have to think about winning?
14 Do you think that there are more successes in your life than failures?
15 Do you often try to do people a favor if they have trouble or trouble?
16 Are you convinced that it is not necessary for someone to strain a lot?
17 Do you have the most respect for people who can really get involved in something?
18 Do you often complete work in spite of unfavorable conditions, lack of time, interference from outside?
19 Do you usually have neither time nor energy for yourself?
20 Do you find it difficult to force yourself to do things for others?
21 Do you often start a lot of things at the same time and do not have time to finish them?
22 Do you think that you have enough strength to count on success in life?
23 Do you strive to do as much as possible for other people?
24 Are you convinced that caring for others often comes at the expense of yourself?
25 Can you get carried away with a business so much that you forget about time and about yourself?
26 Are you often able to finish what you start?
27 Are you convinced that the greatest value in life is to live in the interests of other people?
28 Can you call yourself an egoist?
29 Does it happen that you, being carried away by details, delving into them, cannot finish the work you have begun?
30 Do you avoid meeting people who do not have business qualities?
31 Your distinguishing feature- disinterestedness?
32 Do you use your free time for your hobbies?
33 Do you often load your holidays or weekends with work because you promised someone to do something?
34 Do you judge people who don't know how to take care of themselves?
35 Do you find it difficult to decide to use the efforts of a person in your own interests?
36 Do you often ask people to do things for selfish reasons?
37 When agreeing to a business, do you think more about how interesting it is for you?
38 Is striving for results in any business your hallmark?
39 What makes you special is the ability to help other people?
40 Are you able to make maximum efforts only for a good reward?

Part II. Identification of the degree of severity of socio-psychological attitudes aimed at "freedom - power", "labor - money"

Question Answer
Yes Not
1 Do you agree that the most important thing in life is to be a master of your craft?
2 What do you value most about being able to choose your own solution?
3 Do your friends consider you a powerful person?
4 Do you agree that people who do not know how to make money are not worthy of respect?
5 Creative work for you is the main pleasure in life?
6 Is the main aspiration in your life freedom, not power and money?
7 Do you agree that having power over people is the most important value?
8 Are your friends wealthy people?
9 Do you want everyone around you to be engaged in an exciting business?
10 Do you always manage to follow your beliefs against the demands of others?
11 Do you think that the most important quality for power is its strength?
12 Are you sure that everything can be bought with money?
13 Do you choose friends based on business qualities?
14 Do you try not to bind yourself with various obligations to other people?
15 Do you feel resentment if someone does not comply with your requirements?
16 Is money much more reliable than power and freedom?
17 Do you get unbearably bored without your favorite job?
18 Are you convinced that everyone should have freedom within the law?
19 Is it easy for you to get people to do what you want?
20 Do you agree that it is better to have a high salary than a high IQ?
21 Are you happy only with the excellent result of your work?
22 Is the most important desire in your life to be free?
23 Do you consider yourself capable of leading a large team?
24 Is earning money your main aspiration in life?
25 Is your favorite business more valuable to you than power and money?
26 Do you usually manage to win back your right to freedom?
27 Do you have a thirst for power, a desire to lead?
28 Do you agree that money doesn't smell, and it doesn't matter how it's earned?
29 Even when on vacation, you can't stop working?
30 Are you willing to sacrifice a lot to be free?
31 Do you feel like a master in your family?
32 You find it difficult to limit yourself in cash?
33 Do your friends and acquaintances appreciate you as a specialist?
34 Do people who infringe on your freedom cause you the greatest resentment?
35 Can power replace many other values ​​for you?
36 Do you usually manage to accumulate the required amount of money?
37 Is labor the greatest value for you?
38 You feel confident and at ease among strangers?
39 Do you agree to infringe on freedom in order to have power?
40 The most powerful shock for you - the lack of money?

Thanks for answers!

The key to the methodology for diagnosing the socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational-need sphere of Potemkina


The method of diagnosing the socio-psychological attitudes of the personality in the motivational-demand sphere O.F. Potemkina consists of 80 questions about what is important in life.

The first part (40 questions) shows what is more important for a person: altruism or selfishness, process or result.

The second part (the next 40 questions) is aimed at assessing the significance of freedom or power, the content of work or money.

Key to the test

Part I. Identification of the attitudes "altruism - egoism", "process - result":

  • process orientation: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37;
  • results orientation: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38;
  • altruistic orientation: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39;
  • selfish orientation: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40.

Part II. Identification of the attitudes "freedom - power", "labor - money":

  • work orientation: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37;
  • freedom orientation: 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38;
  • power orientation: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39;
  • money orientation: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40.

Processing and analysis

For each “Yes” answer, 1 point is awarded. The sum of the values ​​for each of the eight personality settings is calculated.

It is expedient to present the results obtained with the help of these methods graphically.

To do this, it is necessary to draw four vertical intersecting lines and plot on each of them from the center (point 0) the number of points according to the keys of the questionnaire.

Result interpretation

The values ​​on the scales indicate the importance for a person of each of the types of motives described below. It is important not only which of these values ​​(or which) is the largest, but also how they relate to each other and which of them is the smallest.

Process orientation

At high values ​​on the scale, a person has an attitude towards the process. In work or other activities, it is important for him that the lesson itself is interesting. He thinks relatively little about achieving the goal, therefore, for example, he may be late with the delivery of work. And if the process has become uninteresting to him, he can completely abandon this lesson, without thinking about the consequences. But on the other hand, it is easier for a person with such an attitude to cope with a task where the process itself is important, for example, playing in the theater.

Usually people are more process oriented, think less about achieving results, are often late with the delivery of work, their process orientation hinders their effectiveness. They are more driven by interest in the matter, and to achieve a result, a lot of routine work is required, a negative attitude towards which they cannot overcome.

Result orientation

Large values ​​on the scale indicate a setting for the result. A person strives to achieve results in his activities in spite of everything - fuss, interference, failures ... He can be one of the most reliable employees. But he can, in the pursuit of achieving a result, forget about everything else, for example, unintentionally harm someone or simply do the job quickly, but ugly (“drive a bulldozer”).

Orientation towards altruism

At high values ​​on the scale, a person has an attitude towards altruism, towards acting primarily for the benefit of others, often to the detriment of himself (and business). These are the people you need to take care of. Altruism is the most valuable social motivation, the presence of which distinguishes a mature person. Traditionally, this attitude is considered valuable, and the person who possesses it deserves all respect. Indeed, probably, the greatest acts of goodness were committed out of altruism - but also evil, we note, too. An altruist can be very dangerous for himself and those around him when he begins to selflessly drive humanity (or just a family or group) into happiness. But if he does not allow himself this, then he can be extremely useful to others and at the same time feel happy from this, regardless of his personal situation. Although it is dangerous to allow him, say, to the financial management of a commercial organization... If altruism is excessively harmful, although it may seem unreasonable, it brings happiness.

Focus on selfishness

When there is a high value on the scale, a person is focused mainly on his own interests. This does not necessarily mean that his interests are reduced to material gain - just when making decisions, he takes into account very seriously how their consequences will affect him personally. Both an evil thief and a miser, and just a completely moral and kind person who adheres to reasonable egoism can have such an attitude. People with overly expressed egoism are quite rare. A certain amount of reasonable egoism cannot harm a person. Rather, its absence is more harmful, and this is quite common among people of intelligent professions.

Work Orientation

A high value on the scale indicates an attitude to work. A person uses all the time to do something, not sparing weekends, vacations, etc. Work in itself brings him more joy and pleasure than other activities. Unlike setting on the process, here it is important for a person to feel that he is not just busy, but that he is working. At the same time, how effective this work is in fact is of little importance, but it is important how much it is approved by management or society. So, such an attitude is one of the reasons for continuing work, when wages are not paid and cannot be paid in principle, since no one needs products.

money orientation

At high values ​​on the scale, a person has an attitude towards money. The leading value for people with this orientation is the desire to increase their well-being. When such a person does not have money, he thinks mainly about how to get it, and when he has it, how not to lose it and increase their number. Money for him has value in itself, and not only as a means of acquiring something. He will not necessarily begin to, say, steal them, but when choosing a job for himself, he will most likely pay attention to the salary than to the interest.

Orientation to freedom

At high values ​​on the scale, a person has a setting for freedom. She is the main value for him. He does not tolerate any restrictions and is ready to make sacrifices in order to defend his independence (sometimes from an imaginary danger). Very often, the orientation to freedom is combined with the orientation to work, less often it is a combination of freedom and money.

Power orientation

A high value on the scale means that the person has a power orientation. He wants to feel in control of other people and is willing to do a lot for this. He may turn out to be a tyrant as a result, but he can also become a good leader. For people with a similar orientation, the leading value is the impact on others, on society.

A person with any attitude (more precisely, with a set of attitudes, quite rarely only one attitude turns out to be completely dominant, that is, the values ​​on the other scales are sharply lower) can find both his quite useful place in society and his own way to destroy everything around him. But why (and partially - how) a person will do this or that, is shown by the results of this test and the Thomas questionnaire "Method of diagnosing a person's predisposition to conflict behavior." Knowledge of the characteristics of a person's motivational sphere is important in professional selection, career guidance and personal counseling, in particular, family counseling. Differences between spouses in attitudes often bring discord into family relationships.

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1 METHODOLOGY OF DIAGNOSTICS OF SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL SETTINGS OF A PERSON IN THE MOTIVATIONAL-NEED SPHERE OF POTEMKINA Purpose of the test. Identification of the degree of severity of socio-psychological attitudes. Test instructions Answer each question "Yes" if it correctly describes your behavior and "No" if your behavior does not correspond to what is said in the question. Test material Option 1 Identification of the degree of manifestation of socio-psychological attitudes aimed at "altruism - egoism", "process - result" 1. Does the process of the work being done attract you more than the stage of its completion? 2. Do you usually spare no effort to achieve your goal? 3. Are you often told that you think more about others than about yourself? 4. Do you usually devote a lot of time to your person? 5. Do you usually hesitate to start doing something that you are not interested in, even if it is necessary? 6. Are you sure that you have more perseverance than ability? 7. Do you find it easier to ask for others than for yourself? 8. Do you think that a person should first think about himself, and then about others? 9. When finishing an interesting job, do you often regret that an interesting job has already been completed, but it is a pity to part with it? 10. Do you like active people who can achieve results more than just kind and sympathetic people? 11. Do you find it difficult to refuse people when they ask you for something? 12. Do you enjoy doing something for yourself more than for others? 13. Do you enjoy a game where you don't have to think about winning? 14. Do you think that there are more successes in your life than failures? 15. Do you often try to do people a favor if they have trouble or trouble? 16. Are you convinced that it is not necessary for someone to strain a lot? 17. Do you have the most respect for people who can really get involved in something? 18. Do you often complete work in spite of unfavorable conditions, lack of time, interference from outside? 19. Do you usually have neither time nor energy for yourself?

2 20. Do you find it difficult to force yourself to do things for others? 21. Do you often start a lot of things at the same time and do not have time to finish them to the end? 22. Do you think that you have enough strength to count on success in life? 23. Do you strive to do as much as possible for other people? 24. Are you convinced that taking care of others often comes at the expense of yourself? 25. Can you get carried away with a business so much that you forget about time and yourself? 26. Do you often manage to finish what you started? 27. Are you convinced that the greatest value in life is to live in the interests of other people? 28. Can you call yourself an egoist? 29. Does it happen that you, being carried away by details, delving into them, cannot finish the work you have begun? 30. Do you avoid meeting people who do not have business skills? 31. Your distinguishing feature is disinterestedness? 32. Do you use your free time for your hobbies? 33. Do you often load your holidays or days off with work because you promised someone to do something? 34. Do you judge people who don't know how to take care of themselves? 35. Is it difficult for you to decide to use the efforts of a person in your own interests? 36. Do you often ask people to do things for selfish reasons? 37. When agreeing to a business, do you think more about how interesting it is for you? 38. Is striving for results in any business your distinguishing feature? 39. What is your hallmark of being able to help other people? 40. Are you able to make the best effort only for a good reward? Option 2 Identification of the degree of manifestation of socio-psychological attitudes aimed at "freedom - power", "labor - money" 1. Do you agree that the most important thing in life is to be a master of your craft? 2. What do you value most about being able to choose your own solution? 3. Do your acquaintances consider you a powerful person? 4. Do you agree that people who do not know how to make money are not worthy of respect? 5. Is creative work your main pleasure in life? 6. The main desire in your life is freedom, not power and money?

3 7. Do you agree that having power over people is the most important value? 8. Are your friends wealthy people? 9. Do you strive to keep everyone around you engaged in an exciting business? 10. Do you always manage to follow your beliefs against the demands of others? 11. Do you think that the most important quality for power is its strength? 12. Are you sure that money can buy everything? 13. Do you choose friends based on business qualities? 14. Do you try not to bind yourself with various obligations to other people? 15. Do you feel resentment if someone does not comply with your requirements? 16. Money is much more reliable than power and freedom? 17. Do you get unbearably bored without your favorite job? 18. Are you convinced that everyone should have freedom within the law? 19. Is it easy for you to get people to do what you want? 20. Do you agree that it is better to have a high salary than a high IQ? 21. In life, are you only happy with the excellent result of your work? 22. What is the most important desire in your life to be free? 23. Do you consider yourself capable of leading a large team? 24. Is earning money your main aspiration in life? 25. Is your favorite business more valuable to you than power and money? 26. Do you usually manage to win back your right to freedom? 27. Do you have a thirst for power, a desire to lead? 28. Do you agree that money doesn't smell and it doesn't matter how it is earned? 29. Even when you are on vacation, can you not work? 30. Are you willing to sacrifice a lot to be free? 31. Do you feel like a master in your family? 32. Do you find it difficult to limit yourself in money? 33. Do your friends and acquaintances appreciate you as a specialist? 34. Do people who infringe on your freedom cause you the greatest indignation? 35. Can power replace many other values ​​for you? 36. Do you usually manage to save the right amount of money? 37. Is labor the greatest value for you? 38. Do you feel confident and at ease among strangers? 39. Do you agree to infringe on freedom in order to have power? 40. The most powerful shock for you is the lack of money?

4 Test Key Option 1 Option 2 Questions Process Labor 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37 Result Freedom 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38 Altruism Power 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39 Selfishness Money 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40 1 point Interpretation of test results Orientation to the process. Usually people are more process-oriented, think less about achieving results, are often late with the delivery of work, their process orientation hinders their effectiveness; they are more driven by interest in the case, and to achieve a result, a lot of routine work is required, a negative attitude towards which they cannot overcome. Result orientation. Results-oriented people are among the most reliable. They can achieve results in their activities despite the fuss, interference, failures. Orientation towards altruism. People who are guided by altruistic values, often to their own detriment, deserve all respect. These are the people you need to take care of. Altruism is the most valuable social motivation, the presence of which distinguishes a mature person. If altruism is excessively harmful, although it may seem unreasonable, it brings happiness. Selfishness orientation. People with overly expressed egoism are quite rare. A certain amount of reasonable egoism cannot harm a person. Rather, its absence is more harmful, and this is quite common among people of intelligent professions. Work orientation. Usually, people who are oriented towards work use all the time to do something, not sparing weekends, vacations, etc. Work brings them more joy and pleasure than any other occupation. Money orientation. The leading value for people with this orientation is the desire to increase their well-being. Freedom orientation. The main value for these people is freedom. Very often orientation to freedom is combined with orientation to work, less often it is a combination of freedom and money. Power orientation. For people with a similar orientation, the leading value is the impact on others, on society. It is expedient to present the results obtained with the help of these methods graphically. To do this, draw two vertical

5 intersecting lines and set aside on each of the four lines from the center (point 0) the number of points according to the keys of the questionnaire. The next step is to connect these points. The result is a plane that reflects the characteristics of socio-psychological attitudes. It should be noted that, based on the results of using the methods, it is possible to identify several groups of subjects: 1. A group of highly motivated subjects with harmonious orientations. All orientations are expressed strongly and equally. 2. A group of low-motivated subjects, in whom all orientations are extremely weakly expressed. 3. A group with disharmonious orientations, in which some orientations are strongly expressed, while others may even be absent. In the process of individual counseling, it is advisable to clarify, in particular, the reasons for the disharmony of orientation or low motivation. These reasons may be temporary and do not need to be corrected.

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Questionnaire for participants of the SMP Workshop 1 1. Do you consider yourself creative person? (yes - no) 2. Do you understand the essence of the concepts "Creativity", "Creative activity", "Creative abilities",


It occurred to me to become a fashion designer while still in America, on the advice of my friends. Then I realized that you need to do what is interesting and gives you more satisfaction in life! For me, drawing

Motivation as one of the factors of successful schooling. Motivationally ready for learning is a child who, in a formed form, has the features of a mature "internal position of a schoolchild", before

Personal Success Module 1 The 7 Keys to Success Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. the contents of this documentation may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any 1 notes and notes

Kirill Valerievich Kirillov Dmitry Yakovlevich Oberderfer The miracle of capitalization, or the path to financial solvency in Russia The miracle of capitalization, or the path to financial solvency in Russia / K.V. Kirillov,

Motivational test (based on Herzberg's motivational theory) Evaluate the given statements. The scores must add up to 5, thus: 5-0 4-1 3-2 2-3 1-4 0-5

METHOD OF PSYCHOSEMANTIC DIAGNOSIS OF MOTIVATION (PDM) The technique was developed in 1981 by St. Petersburg psychologist Igor Leonidovich Solomin. PDM is a complex consisting of two

How often does it happen that you realize that you do not understand yourself. Everyone around asks: “Who will you go to study? Do you already know your future profession?”, and at school, teachers are forced to write essays on the topic of choosing a profession. And what to answer, write or say, if there is absolutely no certainty. In this case, career guidance tests for teenagers will help you.

The Potemkina test is worth taking for people who:

  • Want to better understand themselves and find out their socio-psychological type;
  • Those wishing to choose a profession, according to their internal predispositions and aspirations;
  • Employees of companies in order to better organize and distribute their responsibilities (someone knows how to lead, someone can perform assigned tasks, someone manages the creative process, and someone knows the technical process);
  • People interested in such sciences as psychology and sociology.

This questionnaire for career guidance is nothing more than an effective method for diagnosing the socio-psychological attitudes of the personality of O.F. Potemkina, thanks to which you can identify:

  • Propensity for the profession;
  • Motives that motivate you to do the work;
  • Degree of motivation.

Where to take the Potemkina online test for free, without registration and SMS?

The test of O.F. Potemkina is the key to unraveling oneself as a person living in a society (society). What do you like more, to get the result of the work or the process, to be an altruist or to take care of yourself more, to see benefit, payment or pleasure in any work? You can find out by taking the test. Potemkina is an honored candidate of sciences, whose activity is connected with the study of psychological problems and she revealed this technique as a result of a long study of this issue and colossal work on it.

Potemkina's technique will help to determine the social qualities of a person, prompt the choice of a profession in that field of activity, which will help to understand where it is better to direct your efforts, where your qualities will be better manifested, to characterize the general picture of a person’s social disposition.

Advantages of O.F. Potemkina on the Prevolio website:

  • convenient and clear interface;
  • on our website you can take the Potemkina test for free;
  • users do not need to register or calculate results.

Just honestly answer the questions of the questionnaire, and the program will automatically calculate the result.

Enough often this test is used by professional psychologists during individual or group consultations. Getting a result from one test is sometimes difficult to do decisive choice Therefore, most often career counseling psychologists use several career guidance techniques. On our site, we present five of the best and most common. All of them are different and focused on different results. For example, Potemkina's test for orientation towards any activity, Klimov's test for interaction with the environment (nature, technology, etc.), Holland's test reveals precisely abilities and inclinations, but the last two should be approached more seriously and given much more time and strength.

Number of questions: 40
A task: answer the questions "Yes" or "No".

As a result, you will find out whether you are result-oriented or process-oriented in your work, what motives “push” you to work, find out which of the 3 groups of people you belong to, and what to do if you suddenly feel dissatisfied with what you are doing. Causes of internal discomfort can be both temporary and permanent. If the profession has not brought satisfaction for a long time, then this is a signal for change.

Would you like more information?

Then we advise you to take this career guidance test along with other online questionnaires on Prevolio in order to see the most complete picture that reflects the real essence of things. For example, Holland's career guidance diagnostics on our website will be an excellent addition if approached with the utmost responsibility. You will receive a full description of your personality type and a list of professions recommended for you.

Remember right choice professions are a guarantee of a successful and happy future!

Psychological analysis of drawing and text - Potemkina O.F., Potemkina E.V. - 2006

The issues of studying drawings, handwriting, speech of a person have always been in the field of view of specialists in various fields (philosophers, linguists, historians, literary critics, art critics), but only psychology has a unique opportunity to fully represent the personality and features of its character.
The book is intended for psychologists, philosophers, art critics, communication specialists, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in visual arts and psychology.

Potemkina O. F., Potemkina E. V.
Psychological analysis of drawing and text. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006 - 524 p.
ISBN 5-9268-0362-4

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Psychological analysis of drawing and text - Potemkina O.F., Potemkina E.V. - 2006 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.


Psychological analysis as a method of scientific knowledge
Development of psychological analysis: from 3. Freud to E. Bern
Practical possibilities of using psychological analysis of drawing and text

Conceptual structure of consciousness and ways of its functioning
Semantic space and problems of meaning formation
Signaling systems as mechanisms for the development of the psyche
Structure and genesis of signaling systems
The first level of signaling systems
The second level of signaling systems
The third level of signaling systems
Speech sphere and features of its development
Metaphorical sphere and features of its development


Methods of psychological analysis of the drawing
Graphic methods in psychodiagnostics
Free drawing test
Constructive drawing of men from geometric shapes
Interpretation of personality differences according to R. Assagioli
Method "Pictogram"
Diagnostics and development of creative abilities
Self-portrait in art and psychology
Test "Self-portrait"
Drawing and changing it

Artist about art
Romantic era style

Basic face types
face and destiny
1. Intuitive-ethical introvert
2. Intuitive-logical introvert
3. Sensory-ethical introvert
4. Sensory-logical introvert
5. Ethical-intuitive introvert
6. Ethical-sensory introvert
7. Logical-intuitive introvert
8. Logic-sensory introvert
9. Intuitive-ethical extrovert
10. Intuitive-logical extrovert
11. Sensory-ethical extrovert
12. Sensory-logical extrovert
13. Ethical-intuitive extrovert
14. Ethical-sensory extrovert
15. Logical-intuitive extrovert
16. Logic-sensory extrovert
Personality Tests
digital test
Step by step test
dichotomous test

Development of handwriting
Method of psychographic analysis by D. M. Zuev-Insarova
Handwriting and personality
S. Yesenin
L. Tolstoy
L. Sobinov
About the secrets of a graphologist
Handwriting analysis by D. Sarah
Letter shape
Letter sizes
Personality traits reflected in handwriting
Involuntary drawings or doodles

Dictionary of images and symbols


Psychological analysis of speech statements
From the psychology of losers to the psychology of winners
System text description
Text and context
Authorship of the text and the image of the author
Knowledge and understanding

Psychological direction in literary criticism
On the category of psychologism
Typological approach to the analysis of a literary and artistic work
A. Pushkin
A. Blok
O. Mandelstam
A. Akhmatova

"The Meek" by F. M. Dostoevsky
"Three Years" by A.P. Chekhov
Analysis of the handwriting of A. P. Chekhov, performed by D. M. Zuev-Insarov

Methodology of free descriptions of literary texts
Experimental study of the dynamics and relationship of psychodiagnostic indicators
Results of correlation analysis of psychological diagnostics of high school students
Data analysis
Feelings alphabet
Thirty-three misfortunes. Causes of destructive behavior, or games for losers
1. Learn from your mistakes!
2. I am always unlucky
3. Long box
4. Anger that is difficult to control
5. Before you say yes
6. Hoping for understanding
7. Again the same rake
8. Risk for risk's sake
9. Self-righteousness
10. There is time for reconciliation
11. Overprotective parenting
12. Change yourself and others will change
13. Suffering due to stubbornness
14. "I'm always doing well!"
15. Get rid of intrusive thoughts
16. With outstretched hand
17. Unjustified expectations
18. Learn to compliment
19. Be yourself!
20. Reluctance to "play games"
21. Envy is not the most pleasant feeling.
22. Don't Suppress Your Desires
23. Isn't life a success?
24. What do we spend our energy on?
25. Don't self-eat
26. Start to win!
27. Good luck awaits you
28. Captured by fear
29. Don't hurt yourself!
30. The pain will go away!
31. Unspoken Requests
32. Slow down before it's too late
33. Eliminate unnecessary worries
34. Life is beautiful!
35. Better to act than react

Thinking styles and their diagnosis
Brief characteristics styles
Mapping Styles and Types

Moscow State

university of culture and arts

O.F. Potemkin



Chapter 1. Structure and components of the image 9

1.1. Image core: legend, positions, settings 15

1.2. Image and charisma 18

1.3. Courage and inspiration 20

1.4. "The retinue plays the king" 22

1.5. The politician and his self-concept 25

1.6. From candidate to political mission 27

1.7. Become a leader and remain one 29

Chapter 2. The Image of a Woman Politician 31

2.1. FOR and AGAINST women in politics 33

2.2. Woman in politics 35

2.3. Women make history 38

2.4. The Power of Femininity 40

2.5. A woman politician and her image 42

2.6. Types of women 44

2.7. How can a woman win elections? 47

2.8. Women's Mistakes 49

2.9. Western parallels: equality, 53

not devoid of originality

Chapter 3. Shaping the image of a politician 61
3.1. Secrets of creating a political image 66
3.2. The method of studying the image and its correction 68
3.3. Power astrology 83
3.4. Religion about man and woman 86
3.5. Modern and non-modern image 89

3.6. Romantic style 91

3.7. Profession - image maker 95

Literature 99

What is a political image?

What is an image?

The image of a politician. Secrets of creating a political image. A profession that is as old as the world.

Image: ideas, legend, beliefs, deeds.

Modern and non-modern image.

"The retinue plays the king."

Facial expressions, gestures, speech, thoughts - everything can be changed, everything can be improved.

"Methodology for assessing and self-assessment of the image of a political leader".





Lillian whiting

In one of the issues of Moskovsky Komsomolets, interviews with famous fashion designers and stylists were published. They were asked to analyze photographs of famous politicians at official receptions and holidays. It was about the image of politicians, how they dress, their tastes and lifestyle. The artists were sincere, and their statements are very useful for politicians who represent our interests not only in our country, but also abroad. We elect them, we want our policies to be perfect.

What is today? The shirts of many politicians are obviously too small for them, and the suits are several sizes larger. A respectable politician (it seems like a small change) should wear cufflinks, because button-down shirts look shabby. Some people should shave more carefully, while others should cut their hair shorter. Someone has too short trousers, and some obviously have a bad diet, and their bellies fall out. Tracksuits also need attention. Even on vacation, a politician remains a politician. If a politician is photographed while swimming, then the figure must be impeccable, otherwise - "catastrophe!"

A modern politician must be modern in everything. And this is the ability to follow fashion, this is health, sports, vigor and enthusiasm.

The President and the Prime Minister are the most prosperous in terms of fashion and style. "The President and the Prime Minister are the two most stylish politicians in our country," the stylists sum up. Is it by chance? Of course no!
Each era brings to life its own words, its own concepts, which are repeated by thousands of people. In the era of perestroika, the word "sausage" was most often heard. Many have already forgotten the "sausage" trains that brought the monotony of our dinner table from the capital. There were huge queues, overwhelming even the most intelligent and tolerant people. Now is a different time, different words sound. The most frequent word has become not even a word, but so, a kind of reservation, but everyone echoes it - this is our most modern "HOW".

And indeed, listen to the voices on the radio, to telephone conversations, to friendly conversations and messages from television presenters, listen to your speech. Everywhere you will hear the most frequent "HOW". Perhaps, indeed, we as if we live as if we work as if love and as if true to your loved ones, your beliefs?