Weight stands still what to do. Weight Loss Plateau Effect: Causes and How to Overcome

We live in an era of overproduction of food, when every food company creates new and unique goodies and sweets every day. Well, how can you resist and not try ice cream with five types of nuts or watermelon salad with cheese?

And it would be good if all these delicacies remained only in memories, but no. Calories turn into body fat, stick out ugly from the waistband of jeans or treacherously hang from the sides. And sometimes it is very difficult to drive them out of there. ? Why can't you lose weight despite your best efforts? Let's try to figure it out.

Why did the process stop?

Proper nutrition, exercise, diet - faithful assistants in the fight against extra pounds. But it happens that the volumes have decreased a little and that's it. Further, with equal efforts, it is impossible to lose weight. The most common cause is the plateau effect. Occurs due to the body getting used to a monotonous diet, diet, exercise. This condition is considered a normal response of the body to regular exercise.

Weight loss is a complex process that requires initial training, knowledge of technology.

Why weight stands still when losing weight, what to do: 20 recommendations

Before determining the course of further actions, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the delay in extra pounds at a certain point. Often the obstacles are medical in nature. It is recommended to contact a nutritionist, pass the required tests.

Exit to the "plateau"

If the mass has decreased to a certain point and has not shifted a single gram for a long time, then we have reached our “plateau” - the weight that the body considers to be the most acceptable. Try changing your diet or exercise regimen.

Cheat meal time

Forget about calories, fiber, balance of proteins, fats and, of course, carbohydrates. Allow yourself to eat a burger, cake, fries or pizza. Yes that's right. Do not reduce the amount of food, but rather accelerate the metabolism.

Exactly one hour before lunch every 2-3 weeks, eat something that you even forbid to look at the rest of the time. Cheat meal is useful during stagnation.

Wrong sport

Psychological reasons

The book The Hungry Gene describes a case where a family could meet and talk only at the dinner table. Is it any wonder that the members of this family were complete? Move home conversations to another room, or start chatting after you clear everything off the table.

sleep deprivation

When you don’t get enough sleep for a long time, the body stops producing leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite. As a result, you simply stop realizing that you are full and eat several times more.

The wrong diet

Often a person chooses a diet without knowing or not taking into account all the features of his body. The result - kilograms do not decrease, and sometimes even increase. The way out is to visit a nutritionist or carefully study the relevant literature.

Too much free time

Sometimes we start eating out of boredom. Are you waiting for a friend? Why not have a muffin to keep yourself busy? Reading a book or learning English verbs is more useful than an extra donut.

No support, "full" environment

It is difficult to achieve a goal if you are surrounded by complete friends or relatives who strive to treat you with something tasty or even condemn the desire to build.

Look for a weight loss company or a support group, because even losing weight is more fun together!

Wrong refueling

The benefits of olive and others vegetable oils greatly overrated. Do not forget that these foods are considered incredibly high-calorie. It is better to season salads with lemon juice or yogurt.


Why weight stands still when losing weight, what to do? The first rule is to eat thoughtfully, chewing food thoroughly. This will definitely not work if you watch TV, read a book or look through business mail while eating.

Remember: breakfast at your desk will save time, but will almost certainly add a couple of extra pounds.

Not enough water

Water helps to remove toxins from the body. In addition, hunger is often confused with elemental thirst. The next time you crave an extra bite, drink a glass of water.

large plates

I want to put a lot in a large plate, and a lettuce leaf on a dish looks quite dull. Therefore, get yourself a small dish - it is much better to eat from a cup filled to the brim with rice.

Snacks at night

In the evening, the metabolism slows down, the body goes into a state of rest. Having a snack for the coming sleep, firstly, you deprive yourself of a good rest, and secondly, you provide extra kilos, because the body will put aside the eaten sweets “in reserve”.

fruit juices

Freshly squeezed juices are certainly useful, but not when you are trying to lose weight. Fresh juices, unlike fruits, contain a lot of sugar, but they have almost no fiber, which would slow down its absorption.

Sugar substitutes

Recent studies have confirmed that sweeteners do nothing to reduce body weight. Instead, it is better to use natural spices, such as vanilla.

liver problems

Sometimes it won't reset overweight due to underlying liver problems. This organ is responsible for cleansing toxins, is the main fat burner in the body. It is the liver that processes fat, turns it into cholesterol, and removes it with bile.

Count your calories

It is wrong to draw up a menu once and follow it for several months. After losing a couple of kilograms, you need to reconsider your diet. Body weight has decreased, so less food is now required to maintain life.

Alternate physical activity

Cardio workouts are effective, but not on a regular basis. Change loads, go in for swimming, aerobics, dancing, yoga, Pilates.

less salt

Such a trifle can seriously spoil the nerves in the process. The sodium found in table salt holds fluid in the body. Accordingly, it seems that the kilograms do not go anywhere.

Do not concentrate on the arrow of the scales. Don't ask more of yourself than is possible. Getting on the path of recovery, we have already taken a serious step towards victory.

What matters is not the number on the scale, but how you feel. Get stronger and healthier. A good mood and a balanced lifestyle are the keys to a slim figure.

Analyze the day, control the calories eaten, change the diet and exercise. These recommendations will help you move faster from the point and continue to get rid of unnecessary kilos. The main thing is to always remember the measure, do not get hung up on the problem. Try to find your ideal body weight, proportions, volumes and work to save the results.

What helped you deal with this problem?

The weight stands and does not move, and with this, confidence in our actions falls.

Do not rush to blame genes and heredity and in desperation cut your calories even more - weight will not change until you find the true cause.

Ignoring at least one point can stop weight loss. The body will rest and will work against you and your desires.

Recall that you can reduce weight by doing simple rules weight loss:

  • Attitude and self-discipline. Sincere desire, attempts to lose weight under duress rarely lead to success. Love yourself at your current weight and become a little better.
  • Reducing the calorie content of the daily diet by 500-600 kcal.
  • In nutrition, maintain a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, not forgetting about vitamins and minerals.
  • Set up drinking regimen by drinking 30-40 ml of water per kg of body weight.
  • Follow the regimen and rules of eating.
  • Ensure complete detoxification of the body. The body will never allow you to lose weight when your liver and kidneys are overloaded.
  • Organization of adequate physical activity.
  • Support nervous system.
  • Complete rest and sleep.

If you tried, followed the entire regimen, ate the right foods, went in for sports, and the result on the scales is short-term or absent, you need to pay attention to hormones.

Weight stands still: pay attention to the thyroid gland

A barrier for our purposes is a reduced function of the thyroid gland, respectively, a low concentration of its hormones, a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes, and a decrease in energy consumption in the body. Excess weight in such conditions will not go anywhere.

And iodine, namely algae, will help us overcome the obstacle. Everyone has heard that iodine is needed in order for thyroid hormones to be produced. But few people know that this also requires calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. In brown algae there are all microelements and most of all there is iodine. There are also amino acids necessary for building the protein part of hormones.

The thyroid gland is the battery of the body, the best assistant in losing weight.

  • This power plant works well - good metabolism and normal weight.
  • Provides increased working capacity, there is no rapid fatigue.
  • If you play sports, you spend even more energy, the weight will go away more readily.
  • For girls, a healthy thyroid gland means beautiful skin, hair and nails.

Therefore, we add Kelp - brown algae to the daily diet. 2 capsules in the morning fully provide the body with the necessary amount of iodine. If you drink vitamins at the same time (and if you approach the process correctly, you drink them), then 1 Kelp capsule.

Weight stands still - adjusting estrogens

The reason for the gloomy prospects for weight loss may be an imbalance of estrogen, both upward and downward.

Estrogens are processed by the liver. For example, the liver is overloaded with the neutralization of uncontrolled incoming toxins and foreign substances. This happens when there are problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, at the site of damage to the intestinal barrier, we get a real entrance gate. To neutralize is a vital task, so the function of hormone processing suffers. Their incomplete metabolism may occur and incompletely destroyed molecules enter the bloodstream.

The condition is dangerous because it is not diagnosed by tests - the structure of hormones has already been changed, but they remain active and perform their function. So dishormonal disorders can occur even against the background of good tests.

Therefore, with weight loss, liver support is always carried out.


  • A diet that removes excess carbohydrates;
  • given required amount squirrel;
  • In sufficient quantities of lecithin and omega-3;
  • Optimal – full-fledged liver rehabilitation with the “Health of your liver” kit

The last point is the intake of phytoestrogens. They are given both in excess and in deficiency of estrogen. With a deficiency, they make up for the deficiency, and with an excess, they occupy receptors, and excess estrogen is excreted by the liver, whose work has already been improved.

For men with a large "beer" belly, where estrogen is produced from testosterone, phytoestrogen Fc with Dong Qua is also recommended. Then the level of estrogen drops.

Dosages are strictly individual. In women - according to sensations and analyses. Someone needs 1 capsule a day, someone needs 2-3. Only individual selection, starting with 1 capsule per day.

Normalize the imbalance - the weight will gradually move off the ground, otherwise there can be no talk of any weight loss.

The third possible reason why the weight is worth it: excess insulin

Insulin is a protein hormone that has a whole range of effects on the body, affecting all types of metabolism:

  • enhances the uptake of glucose by cells;
  • activates the processes of glucose oxidation;
  • increases the intensity of glucose storage in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen;
  • reduces the formation of glucose in the liver;
  • accelerates the absorption of amino acids into the cell;
  • increases the intensity of protein synthesis;
  • slows down the breakdown of proteins;
  • reduces the flow of fatty acids into the blood;
  • enhances the formation of adipose tissue, with a lack of insulin - stimulates its destruction

To properly normalize overweight, the influence of the last point cannot be ignored. When there is an excess of insulin, it will be difficult for the body to part with adipose tissue and all our attempts to lose weight will be unsuccessful.

Since we have limited the intake of free carbohydrates into the body as much as possible, often the main reason for the accumulation of insulin in the blood is insulin resistance. A condition where insulin cannot interact with cells.

Increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin can:

Note! Independent attempts to influence the level of insulin in the blood unnecessarily lead to disability. It is popular among bodybuilders to attempt to control the increase/decrease of insulin to build up muscle mass/ fat burning.

Mathematics does not work in the body. Increasing insulin levels in the blood above normal will not accelerate muscle growth, and lowering insulin levels below normal will not accelerate fat breakdown. Hypoglycemic coma and other more serious complications will overtake before.

Progress still stands still - looking for the cause in adipose tissue

Do not forget that adipose tissue is a highly active endocrine tissue that produces hormones - adipokines. For example, leptin and adiponectin.

In total, about 50 adipokines are known. They regulate metabolic processes, affect the feeling of hunger, the breakdown of fat. For example, leptin, among other things, tells the brain that we have already eaten and it is time to moderate our appetite, activate energy consumption.

If the work of adipokines is disrupted (say hello to our favorite carbohydrates), the brain does not receive a signal to reduce the feeling of hunger and start energy-consuming processes. But we get difficulties in bringing the weight back to normal.

You can normalize the work of hormones with simple things:

  • Remove excess carbohydrates and fats from the diet;
  • Hunger. The simplest and safest hunger for the body is night hunger strikes. To ensure proper metabolic processes, it is useful if you fast for 12 hours. If we have breakfast at 6 am in the morning, then in the evening - the latest meal is at 6 pm. If at 8, then we have dinner until 8. This maintains the proper functioning of the endocrine balance.
  • Monounsaturated fats. Dark chocolate. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the better. As well as pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts. We don’t get carried away, the body doesn’t need chocolate bars and packages of nuts, otherwise the arrow on the scales will move in the wrong direction.
  • Physical exercise.

Excess cortisol may be the reason why the weight stopped

Cortisol levels rise with any type of chronic stress. The topic of stress is more than familiar to overweight people:

  • Work at night;
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself, work, family;
  • Violation of sleep and rest;
  • Chronic pain syndrome;
  • Excessive workload;
  • Unresolved issues, negativism

Cortisol in the body performs the function of a conscientious caretaker and seeks to save as much of the body's energy resources as possible in order to successfully overcome stress. Excess weight for him is a strategic reserve. Accordingly, in order to reduce its level and persuade the body to give up too much, it is necessary to reduce stress factors as much as possible.

What should be done:

  • Refuse stimulants: caffeine, alcohol and smoking. No need for extra excitement. If a person does not sleep all day long, it is necessary to go to sleep, it is difficult to survive on coffee alone.
  • Fighting anger. Find a way to relax: yoga, meditation, books, etc.
  • Adaptogens: Eleutherococcus, Noni juice, magnesium, omega-3 and lecithin, B vitamins, Antistress or Clear Head kits. All that nourishes the nervous system.

For people with a depressed mood, a five (5-hydroxytryptophan) is suitable, and even better, take it in the evening with a figure eight.

Magnesium reduces irritation, does not slow down the reaction and does not reduce attention. A person reacts more evenly to what is happening in life. You can drink long courses.

Your hormones need 7-8 hours of sleep a day to function properly.

Many of the hormones that are necessary for proper fat burning are produced from 11 pm in the deep phase of sleep. The later you go to bed, the less of these hormones you will receive.

P.S. Good luck in your endeavors. Do not strive to lose weight for the sake of losing weight, because now it is fashionable. Concentrate with all your might on maintaining your health, stop constantly standing on the scales. Then weight loss will not stagnate, and harmony will catch up by itself. Weight is just one indicator of health.

Lead active image life, regularly go in for sports, follow all the instructions of the trainer and nutritionist? Contrary to expectations, soon the loss of kilograms will slow down, or even stop at one point.

The so-called "plateau effect" occurs due to the body getting used to certain changes in the body. As you know, if you take something for too long, it ceases to give the proper result. In the following material, we will try to find out why this happens and how to get rid of it in the shortest possible time.

Why does the weight stand still?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what is the problem of "stagnation" of extra pounds in the body. So, weight stands still - reasons:

  • allowing yourself some errors during limited meals;
  • drinking insufficient fluids;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • taking medication while dieting;
  • the presence of infectious diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance.

If you do not miss the chance to enjoy a sweet confection, then why extra pounds are in no hurry to leave your body, of course. But why does weight stand still with proper nutrition?

Let's start with the fact that everyone perceives such a concept as "proper nutrition" in their own way. Some follow a strict diet, combining it with a lot of grueling physical training, while others simply exclude high-calorie foods from the diet.

An important role here is played by the hormonal background of a person: some tend to be overweight even with a small amount of food intake, while others remain slim, despite the daily consumption of a huge amount of calories.


  • How to keep weight after losing weight - advice from a nutritionist
  • Diet during menstruation for weight loss
  • The most powerful prayer to lose weight

When fasting

On diet forums, you can often come across the question “why does weight stand still when fasting? We will try to answer it from the point of view of medicine. With a long-term restriction in nutrition, reduced to water alone, the body gets used to such a “diet” and, in connection with this, the metabolism slows down.

In girls, even with the strictest fasting, extra pounds can linger in place due to the menstrual cycle. Therefore, do not worry, after the completion of the above "procedure" everything will return to its place - the weight will decrease, the state of health will improve.

At first, when the body is still getting used to a new diet, that is, fasting. significant weight loss occurs. When this process becomes something ordinary, the body stops responding to it, as a result of which excess weight everything is still in place.

With proper nutrition

Next, consider why the weight stands still with proper nutrition. After all, as you know, eating only the right low-calorie foods cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, thereby improving mood and well-being.

In most cases, the weight stands still due to the observance of the same methods of losing weight. Based on this, you should often experiment with diets, changing the number of calories consumed per day, for example from 1300 to 1600.

In addition, in order to effectively and quickly lose weight, wasting calories costs as much as consuming. Therefore, even sitting on the strictest diet, try to combine it with physical activity.

Why volumes go away, but weight stays the same?

One of the obvious answers to the question of why the volumes go away, and the weight still stands still, is the effective pumping of muscles. Your body has become slimmer and more prominent just because of the extra pounds that have successfully "moved" from one part of the body to another.

After all, you often saw photos of two completely different women belonging to the same weight categories. Moreover, one is slightly plump, and the figure of the other is close to ideal. The above case is nothing but the magic of the sport.

In order to effectively correct the figure, thereby removing extra pounds, you should combine sports activities with a strict dietary restriction. And of course, drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water.

What to do if the weight stands still?

Have you tried a lot of ways, but the weight is still standing still? In this case, all diets and exercise should be carefully analyzed. Perhaps there was a mistake somewhere.

If you have doubts about the correctness of your actions for weight loss due to the fact that kilograms still “stand” unchanged, consult with specialists. After all, such troubles happened not only to you, so for sure it has already been discovered why the weight is still in place and the right solution to the above problem has been found.

If, after so much torment, extra pounds are still standing still, we offer the most desperate to get acquainted with proven ways to deal with extra pounds.

Proven Ways

Excess weight is like an unwanted guest, it comes when it is not expected and at the most inopportune moment. How to deal with it without upsetting the psyche and without causing harm to health?

How to speed up weight loss - ways:

  • correct six meals a day, in small portions;
  • exclusion from the diet of flour, sweet, fatty and spicy;
  • change in the program of physical activity;
  • girls are encouraged to squat, pump the press, do lunges and swing their legs;
  • motivate yourself with exercise videos;
  • attend massage sessions.

If extra pounds continue to "stand still", these and many other techniques will make your life much easier, getting rid of excess weight, giving energy and good mood in return.

What to do after childbirth?

What should young mothers do if the weight remains in place after childbirth? As you know, a rounded tummy is in no hurry to leave the body of a woman even after the birth of a baby.

After giving birth, every woman experiences tremendous stress, called "postpartum depression". In most cases, this is due to the fact that the extra weight is still in place.

What is a dietary plateau

“I play sports, eat healthy foods Why does weight stand still when losing weight? This question arises among people who have noticed that their mass has ceased to decrease. This condition is called a dietary plateau. Most often, the effect occurs due to the body getting used to the diet and exercise. If the weight stands still due to the plateau effect, then there are ways to “wake up” your body.

The main reasons why the weight does not decrease

Sometimes the human body becomes mysterious and unpredictable. For example, a person adheres to proper nutrition for a long time, goes in for sports, but cannot lose weight. Naturally, he wonders why the weight does not go away and what to do in such a situation. There are a lot of reasons why the weight stands still.

Reasons why weight is worth:

  • An excess of calories. You monitor your diet, keep a diary and seem to be not exceeding the daily calorie intake, but you cannot achieve weight loss. What to do if suddenly the weight has risen? The reason for this may be unaccounted for calories. You need to take into account even such trifles as frying oil, sugar in tea, and even two spoons of stew that you ate while preparing dinner.
  • A large amount of water in the body. Fluid retention causes weight loss to stop. Usually, swelling occurs in women before menstruation. Contribute to the stagnation of fluid eating salty foods, taking certain medications (corticosteroids, antidepressants, oral contraceptives), as well as some diseases.
  • Menstrual-ovarian period. Sometimes during menstruation, a woman's weight can stand still or even increase. This is due to the fact that due to the physiological processes that occur before menstruation and during this period, some changes occur in the body. The level of progesterone rises, fluid accumulates in the body, and the chest swells. Usually, the excess weight gained during menstruation does not last long. But during this period, girls should be especially careful, since premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be accompanied by an increase in appetite.
  • A very strict diet. When the body lacks something, it begins to work hard to make up for this deficiency. If too few calories are consumed during weight loss, the body begins to store fat at the expense of nutrients from muscle tissue. This results in weight loss.
  • Lack of protein. Protein is essential for weight loss and muscle growth. If you do not eat enough protein foods, then the body will draw it from the muscle tissue and accumulate in the fat layer. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to eat daily 0.5 g of pure protein per kilogram of weight.
  • Exhausting workouts. During heavy physical training, the body experiences stress, a metabolic failure occurs, and instead of losing weight, a person begins to get better.
  • Low physical activity. Why, when losing weight, if a person adheres to a diet, weight loss still does not occur? This can happen at low physical activity, since even those few calories that were consumed during the day are not burned.
  • Reorganization of the body. If during weight loss you go in for sports, eat right, and the weight does not go away, then this may indicate that the body is preparing for the reshaping of the musculoskeletal skeleton, due to a decrease in visceral fat, changes in the position of internal organs occur, tightening of the ligaments and skin, normalization work of the cardiovascular system. During this period, weight loss may temporarily stop. Therefore, you need to be patient and wait until the body is rebuilt. Soon the extra pounds will go away. But, when the weight is in one place, you can’t stop eating right and playing sports, otherwise all your work will be in vain.

Diseases that lead to weight gain

The reasons why, during dieting and training, weight stubbornly stands still, there may be some diseases. In such a situation, the answer to the question: “Weight stands still, what should I do?” There will be a mandatory examination and treatment.

What diseases can be the reason why the weight stopped:

  • Hypothyroidism. A disease of the thyroid gland, in which the production of hormones decreases. Leads to weight gain, weakness, slow heartbeat, hair loss, dry skin.
  • Diabetes 2nd type. This endocrine disease is often the cause of weight gain and even obesity. Other symptoms are frequent urination, thirst, increased appetite.
  • Hypogonadism. Insufficient amount of sex hormones leads to weight gain, decreased libido and infertility.
  • Heart failure. With this disease, swelling, shortness of breath and lack of air appear.
  • Renal failure. The disease provokes the appearance of edema on the face and a decrease in the amount of urine.

The answer to the question: “Why is weight worth while losing weight and what to do?” can be obtained from a doctor's office. If fullness is associated with any disease, then timely treatment will help not only get rid of the disease, but also from extra pounds.

What to do if the weight does not go away? The implementation of some recommendations will help get rid of extra pounds and start the weight loss mechanism.

Practical Tips how to lose weight:

  • Zigzag diet. The principle of the regime is not complicated: for 4 days, consume 1200 calories, the next 2 days - 800, then one day - 1800. This diet effectively increases metabolism.
  • Drink enough liquid. This will help bring out harmful products decay, toxins and slags, as well as eliminate puffiness.
  • Eat enough calories. Too little nutrition gives a short-lived result. Soon the body stops losing weight, the metabolism slows down, the person weakens. It is recommended to eat in such a way that the total number of calories is 200-300 less than energy expenditure. The norm is a weight loss of 4 kg per month. Too rapid weight loss can lead to malfunctions in the body and deterioration appearance. If you do not want your skin to become saggy, then lose weight gradually.
  • healthy eating. Eat only healthy foods. Give up sugar and junk food. best advice- Get on the road to health and weight loss through proper nutrition.
  • Strength exercises. For weight loss, add to your usual physical exercises training on simulators.
  • Change your training program. Changing sports from one type to another often helps in the question of what to do if the weight is standing still. Effective for burning fat are running, squats, bench press, lunges, jumping rope, aerobics.
  • Change the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If weight loss is worth it, then it is recommended to change the diet. For example, if you are used to eating cereal in the morning, then go for omelettes, and if you are fond of meat, then try adding whole grain bread to it.
  • Change your diet. If the weight has risen, then switch to fractional nutrition and try to eat small portions more often. Between full meals, have small snacks.
  • Reduce your salt intake. Weight loss can occur due to the abuse of salt, as sodium provokes the accumulation of fluid in the body. In cooking, it is desirable to use sea salt instead of table salt.
  • massage sessions. This is a great way to shake up the body if the weight has stopped while losing weight. Ultrasound therapy and lymphatic drainage will also benefit. Massage and other physiotherapy procedures should be carried out only by a specialist and according to the indications of a doctor.

What to do if the weight suddenly stops? Nutritionists do not recommend sticking to a diet for more than two weeks in a row. This can cause a dietary plateau effect and lower metabolism.

If the weight does not go away due to the plateau effect, then these methods will help.

How to deal with a dietary plateau if weight has stopped:

  • classical method. After a month of dieting, the weight stopped, what to do in this case? Fasting days 1-2 times a week will help. To overcome the plateau, fruit, vegetable or protein days are recommended. For example, if the main diet is vegetarian, then the fasting day should be made protein.
  • Correction or change of physical activity. If the diet is correct, but the weight does not decrease, then changing the sport or adding additional loads will help. Add to your regular workouts, for example, Tabata training, which has received many positive reviews.
  • SPA procedures. You can add some beauty treatments to your diet and sports (for example, a bath, a sauna). Visiting a sauna or a bath is prohibited in case of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • The opposite method. This method is contraindicated for overzealous drying athletes with symptoms of overwork and fatigue. The bottom line is to change the weight loss program. For example, if the diet was strict, then you need to increase your calorie intake and change your regular exercises for endurance and strength exercises. It is also recommended to go jogging on non-sport days. Thus, increasing physical activity and increasing caloric intake helps to reduce weight.

The fight against excess weight is a test that requires endurance and patience from a person. If the weight stands still, it is worth considering, maybe the reason for this is a dietary plateau. Do not stop there, make a little more effort to make the body burn fat, and soon you will forget about the lost kilograms.

In the next video you can see five effective ways overcome the plateau effect.

At the dawn of the era of mankind, our ancestors never faced the need to reduce weight. On the contrary, evolution guaranteed survival precisely for individuals with the ability to “accumulate reserves”, store and use them under conditions of starvation and irregular food intake. That is why, at the genetic level, the fight against weight is largely a struggle with one's own body, because the body perceives the rapid loss of adipose tissue as a threat to its own security.

According to the law of conservation of energy, the arithmetic is simple and logical. Energy comes from food and is spent on metabolic processes and physical activity, and if this balance of the supply is observed, it simply cannot form in the form. It seemed that the weight loss equation was solved long ago by Maya Plisetskaya, who in one concise phrase fit the fundamental principle of losing weight. But in practice this does not always happen. Many losing weight are surprised to note that, subject to all conditions, the weight for some reason stands still.

Now there are a huge number of specialists who deal with the problem of weight correction - these are nutritionists, endocrinologists, fitness trainers. But if available common sense and critical thinking, everyone can understand the basics and figure out what to do if the weight has risen while losing weight. First of all, it is necessary to determine how much adipose tissue is superfluous, and what kind of weight is planned to be achieved as a result of losing weight.

Methods to assess the degree of excess body weight:

  • BMI - the ratio of body weight in kg to the square of height in cm. The norm for women is up to 22, for men up to 25;
  • calculated ideal weight according to the formula.

For women = Height (cm) - 110

For men = Height (cm) - 100

However, these figures do not give a clear idea of ​​the amount of adipose tissue and are considered indicative.

Bioimpedancemetry- the simplest procedure, similar to an ECG, which is now possible in many health offices and fitness centers. The study will show the amount of muscle and adipose tissue in% of total body weight


A calorie deficit in food is the main tool in the process of losing weight, but there are many "pitfalls" here. It has been established that even in the absence of physical activity, a diet containing 1500 kcal / day provides a slight decrease in body weight. A diet for moderate weight reduction contains 1200–1300 kcal/day, but a maximum reduction diet (that is, less than 1000 kcal) is not recommended to be practiced on its own; it is used in weight loss clinics in some cases of persistent obesity for no more than 2–3 weeks.

Even with strict adherence to proper nutrition, you need to additionally make sure of the following:

Hidden Calories

With the development of success Food Industry it is not always possible to “by eye” determine what is contained in a particular food. So, in “healthy” yoghurts there is always glucose-fructose syrup, in most sausages, carbohydrate starch is present in large quantities as a filler, and a serving of sushi can contain up to 400 kcal.

Many really useful food components are also not always low in calories. For example, 100 g of nuts contains more than 600 kcal, and fruits (especially grapes, dates, persimmons) contain a lot of sugars, which, although of natural origin, are still easily digestible carbohydrates. The same goes for honey. Store-bought juices and sodas are another source of "illegal" fast and unnecessary sugars.

Dressings for salads and vegetables - olive and other oils, sour cream, in large quantities can also make a significant "contribution" to the caloric content of a meal and can be replaced with soy sauce, lemon juice, vinegar without sacrificing taste.

Portion weights and snacks

Count carefully! One of the common reasons why weight stays the same with proper nutrition is that you actually eat more than you think.

Amount of protein

When following a diet simultaneously with active physical activity, in no case should the amount of protein in the diet be reduced, it should be close to 30%. Otherwise, the body may begin to use the necessary muscle tissue instead of fat. Swapping muscle for fat can also be the reason why weight stays the same.

Carbohydrates are essential

Cutting out carbs entirely in an attempt to reduce calories is not justified, as the body will begin converting carbs from protein (this is called gluconeogenesis), taking away the proteins necessary for building muscle mass.

Many cells work only on glucose (for example, the brain) and in an attempt to get energy, the body will begin to break down fats into fatty acids so quickly that a lot of ketone bodies. These are toxins that can stop metabolism and cause deterioration in well-being (headaches and muscle pain, nausea, weakness). The amount of carbohydrates in the diet should be about 120-150 g per day. And it should be "long" carbohydrates, that is, with low glycemic index . In other words, they should be broken down and absorbed slowly, not having time to be deposited in fat.

The amount of water you drink

It must be understood that the breakdown of any adipose tissue is accompanied by the release of ketones. This cannot be avoided, such is the biochemistry of losing weight, but their effect can be minimized. With a sufficient amount of liquid, they are quickly filtered by the kidneys and removed from the body. That is why it is important to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid, which will ensure vivacity and good health.

Acceleration of satiety

The feeling of satiety in a person arises from irritation of special baroreceptors in the walls of the stomach, which determine its degree of stretching and fullness. Trick your stomach! Adding dietary fiber or fiber (bran, spirulina) to food will allow you to increase the amount of food with a relative decrease in calories, and saturation will come earlier.

Diet and distribution of food throughout the day

It is fundamentally wrong to assume that you can eat at any time of the day and even night, if the calorie content of the food does not exceed the "norm". It is in the afternoon that the work of the autonomic nervous system activates the processes of accumulation and deposition of fats.

Large intervals between meals also have a negative effect, since unstable blood glucose levels signal a slowdown in metabolism.

Salt and seasonings

In an attempt to improve the taste diet food sometimes it is recommended to use a large amount of spices. Moreover, there is an opinion that spicy spices speed up the metabolism.

Reliable data in this regard has not been received, but they definitely excite the appetite and trigger the secretion of gastric juice. As a result, dietary disturbances are possible. And an excess amount of salt (more than 5 g per day) contributes to fluid retention in tissues and a decrease in lymphatic drainage. Salt-dependent fluid retention is especially typical for women due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background.

In some cases, completely abandoning salt is what a losing weight girl needs to do if the weight stands still. By the way, the amount of chlorides necessary for a person is also contained in the usual diet, even without salting.


There is an opinion that alcohol burns fats. This is absolutely not true. It causes a drop in blood glucose levels, which means it increases appetite. The calorie content of a glass of wine is 150–200 kcal, a glass of cognac is about 250. And there is also a risk of weakening self-control in dieting.

Physical exercise

So, you strictly follow a diet, watch the amount of liquid you drink, go to the gym, but for some reason the weight stands still. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the correctness of their sports activities.

Insufficient or excessive physical activity

With low-intensity or irregular training, a persistent calorie deficit is not created. The body does not use up reserves, weight does not decrease or does not decrease as slowly as we would like. On the contrary, during exhausting workouts, the body enhances the synthesis of hormones that stabilize body weight and inhibit lipolysis(breakdown of fats).

Loss of fat mass is compensated by a set of muscles

Perhaps at this stage the weight is already close to ideal.

Training at non-target heart rates

Experienced trainers often say that fat "burns" at a low heart rate. That is why aerobic training is so effective in terms of weight loss, but with a heart rate of more than 150–160, oxygen access to the tissues is difficult, and fat burning processes stop. During training, you need to find and maintain your heart rate in the desired interval. Please note that aerobic fat burning processes start after 20-30 minutes of physical activity at a low pace (cardio), so short-term anaerobic workouts are good for creating relief, but not for weight loss.

Other factors

Or why, if you follow a diet and adequate physical activity I can't lose weight and the weight stays the same?

Vitamin D deficiency

Recent studies confirm that in the absence of vitamin D, there is an increase in insulin resistance, that is, the way of storing adipose tissue begins to predominate. Not the most obvious factor in weight correction, but if you are doing everything right, and the question of why the weight is still relevant, it may be worth taking an analysis. Depending on the result, the doctor will prescribe vitamin D supplements in a prophylactic or saturating dose.

Duration of uninterrupted night sleep

The lack of proper sleep dramatically interferes with metabolism, disrupting the natural circadian rhythms of synthesis of many hormones, especially cortisol and growth hormone. Simply put, the body perceives such a situation as stressful and goes into "energy saving" mode. In addition, an inadequate increase in cortisol levels dramatically increases appetite and increases the deposition of adipose tissue in the face and waist. Chronic lack of sleep is another answer to the question of why weight stands still.


From people who are in the process of losing weight, one often hears about the onset of the phase plateau. This term refers to a situation where the weight during weight loss has stopped at one figure and this continues for some time.

What to do?

The main thing to understand is that slowing down the pace of weight loss is absolutely normal.

This may be related to the following points

  1. Change in the ratio of fat and muscle tissue. You train, the adipose tissue becomes less, but the percentage of muscles increases. In this case, while maintaining weight, a decrease in volumes is noted.
  2. Excessively intense training combined with an extremely strict diet. A particularly alarming sign in this situation is the offensive amenorrhea in women (cessation of menstruation). Thus, the body makes it clear that it is under severe stress and the metabolism is extremely slowed down to conserve resources. In this case, you need to reduce the activity of classes and slightly expand the rigid framework of the daily calorie intake. Fluctuations in +/- 200-300 kcal / day are perceived by the body more naturally.
  3. Violation of lymphatic drainage and fluid retention. In these cases, the solution to the problem may be a course of visiting a bath or sauna, or hardware procedures or body wraps. It also helps to replace 1-2 workouts per week with classes in the pool.
  4. Inadequate calorie intake. In the process of losing weight, you diet and exercise, which is expected to cause weight loss. But people with less weight need fewer calories, and your diet is still designed for the same weight. Correction of the diet will shift the weight from the "dead" point.
  5. Recalculate your BMI. Perhaps the ideal weight has already been reached.

Practice shows that with the right approach, the rate of weight loss increases again after 1-2 weeks. Some nutritionists consider the plateau effect to be a sign of an adequate response of the body to a calorie deficit.

Here are perhaps the most necessary answers to the questions: how to speed up weight loss?

Interesting numbers:

  • 1 kilogram of adipose tissue is equivalent to 7000 calories
  • 30 minutes of running burns 300-400 calories
  • calorie content of 1 slice of pizza 550 kcal
  • during sleep, 60–70 kcal per hour is spent on basic metabolic processes

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult with a specialist.