How to quickly burn herpes on the lip. How to quickly cure herpes on the lip

It is important to learn how to treat herpes on the lips quickly. Almost everyone has experienced the appearance of pimples on the lips.

Unpleasant manifestations begin to itch and crust over time.

Is there any problem? Enter in the form "Symptom" or "Name of the disease" press Enter and you will find out all the treatment of this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. You need to consult a specialist, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! .

Treatment of herpes drugs

Pharmaceutical companies produce a lot of anti-herpes products. There is no drug that would quickly and permanently cure him.

Means can reduce the spread of a viral infection, but not eliminate parts of its viral DNA. Frequent relapses occur, especially in people with weakened immune systems.

It should be remembered: the appearance of a rash on the lips more than 2 times a year requires an immediate appeal to a specialist. As a result of the examination, using an immunogram, the doctor will determine the cause of frequent recurrent processes.

For a quick recovery, antiviral drugs are prescribed. They are able to relieve symptomatic manifestations, quickly heal wounds, eliminate itching and discomfort.

Anti-herpes ointment formulations: Acyclovir, Gerpferon, Docosanol, Zovirax.

The presented funds do not have side effects, are allowed to be taken without consulting a doctor, frequent use does not cause complications. When conducting therapy with ointments, try to touch the wounds as little as possible.

For a quick recovery, follow the rules of personal hygiene. If extensive lesions of the skin and mucous membranes are observed, oral tablets are prescribed in combination with ointment preparations.

Causes of pathology

One of the most common causes of herpes is contact with damaged tissues or body fluids of the patient. The virus contains specific receptors, which leads to its spread through intact skin.

Since a person is a carrier of the virus, the factors for the appearance of the disease are activated due to:

  • With stress;
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • hypothermia;
  • sleep deprivation;
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight;
  • exhaustion;
  • Rigid diets;
  • Cold infections.

The virus can infect any part of the skin. More often rashes are observed in the lips or nasal mucosa. Patients consider unaesthetic acne to be a temporary cosmetic problem.

These conclusions are normal for a healthy person, but an organism with a weakened immune system may suffer. In people with cancer, HIV infection organ transplant recipients virus herpes simplex can cause damage to internal organs.

In such patients, the healing of the rash is significantly delayed. Due to weakened immunity, eating, talking, bubbles with liquid burst, bleed, and do not have time to heal.

Symptoms and clinical signs of the disease

Herpes mainly appears on the upper lip or corner of the mouth. It is equipped with red bubbles filled with clear liquid. They connect, forming one large growth, which in appearance resembles a bunch of grapes.

When the disease is in the initial stage, there are no symptoms or clinical manifestations. It is possible to determine the presence of the virus in the laboratory using analysis.

Contacting with a sick person, viral particles initially affect the mucous membrane, gradually spreading to the nerve endings. Then persistence begins.

If the virus is localized in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve, rashes on the lips will occur regularly. The nose, eyes and tongue may be affected.

After infection, the first symptomatic manifestations will be noticed after a short time. The incubation time of the first type of virus is 30 days, the second is 24 hours.

Cure disease in 1 day

At the first herpetic manifestations: itching, tingling of the lips, general weakness, fatigue, you must act immediately! Therapeutic measures should be aimed at increasing the immune system and eliminating foci of inflammation.

This will require:

  1. To stabilize the immune status with the help of multivitamins, immune preparations: echinacea, ginseng, lemongrass.
  2. Remove toxic substances from the body. Since they help the activity of the virus. To do this, use various enterosorbents, for example, activated carbon or Enterosgel.
  3. Places of rashes should be treated with antiviral drugs, at least five times a day. The most famous and effective ointment is Acyclovir. It actively resists several types of viruses of this group category. This tool is produced by various manufacturers (German, Indian, British, Russian).
  4. Gel "Viru-Merz Serol" quickly fights the virus. Its active ingredients are able to quickly (30 hours) eliminate symptoms.
  5. It is possible to eliminate papules in one day with the help of "Alpizarin" ointment. It is made from natural ingredients. Available in the form of ointment and tablet forms.

When treating herpes in one day, read the instructions, follow the prescribed dosages. Sometimes the use of ointments can provoke allergic reactions.


How to treat this pathology

Herpes is expressed in various forms, varying degrees of severity. With a milder course, antiviral ointment and cream preparations are used.

If there is a severe course of the disease, the doctor prescribes tablet medicines.

Medicines that actively fight the virus are:

  1. Antiviral drugs of narrowly targeted effects. They block the activity of the viral bacterium, stopping the development of the infectious process. The effective means of the presented subgroup include tablets: Virolex, Virdel, Valtrex, Minaker, Famvir.
  2. Medications that stimulate the production of interferon in the body, enhance the protective properties of the immune system, and suppress a viral infection. Reaferon tablets are prescribed.
  3. Thanks to immunomodulators, leukocytes quickly mature and become more active. Such tablets include: Isoprinosine, Polyoxidonium, Galavit, Levamisole.

According to the conclusion of the doctors effective properties possesses the first group of drugs. These tablets have no contraindications.

The next 2 subgroups act as aids. They are used in combination.

Before you start taking tablet medicines, you should consult your doctor. Each drug has a number of contraindications and complications.

Effective antiviral drugs

Herpes in the lip area brings people a lot of inconvenience. That the rashes are ugly, they cause itching, burning, discomfort.

Often, treatment is carried out with ointment formulations.

Consider the most effective drugs for external use:

  1. "Acyclovir" is one of the highly effective antiviral agents. The ointment is able to block the reproduction, activity of the virus. There is no toxic effect on the body.
  2. "Panavir" is a drug with a wide antiviral effect. Made on a vegetable basis. Actively fights the herpes virus, HPV.
  3. "Fenistil pencivir" is used in the treatment of diseases caused by the herpes virus of the first type. The components of the ointment composition block the development of the virus, reduce itching, burning, and resist infection of other people who are close to the sick person.
  4. "Zovirax" is an effective ointment, the active ingredient of which is acyclovir. A prescription is not required to purchase the drug. The tool neutralizes the virus, its reproduction, does not harm healthy cells, skin.
  5. "Valacyclovir" refers to the modern analogue of "Acyclovir". It is used for lesions of the second type virus. It is actively used in the treatment of genital herpes, in the area of ​​the lips, shingles.

Before proceeding with the application of any of the presented ointment compositions, the skin should be cleansed. To do this, you need a soap solution and a napkin. To prevent the people around you from getting infected, use disposable tissue materials.

Once the dermis is cleansed, apply the ointment to the lip area. After 5 minutes, the itching, burning sensation will disappear.

Applying regularly, on time antiviral external medicines, recovery will come quickly!

How folk remedies are used

To alleviate manifestations in the mouth area, to prevent relapses, pharmacy medicines, folk recipes are used. Folk remedies are actively used by many people to treat this disease.

Consider the most famous, widely used medicines among the people:

  1. Effective use of calendula. It is possible to get rid of herpes with the help of calendula and petroleum jelly. To do this, purchase fresh leaves of the plant, squeeze 50 grams of juice out of them. Then add 25 grams of Vaseline, mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Lubricate the affected skin, mucous membrane with this cream, at least 3 times a day. The course of treatment until the complete disappearance of the rash.
  2. Aloe help. Aloe plant. Its healing properties are known throughout the world. Medicinal flower treats colds, fungal and dermatological diseases. Aloe actively fights herpes. Take one leaf of the plant, make an incision. Apply the cut to the cold sore for 25 minutes. All 2 procedures are able to relieve redness, pain, burning.
  3. Useful fir oil. Fir oil is a folk healer against rashes on the lips. It does not need to be combined with other ingredients. Purchase fir oil in a pharmacy, apply it to the affected areas using a sterile cotton swab. The drug is used daily, at least 5-6 times a day. The course of treatment is ten days.

Consequences, complications

The herpes virus has the ability to infect the skin, mucous membranes, and internal organs.

Late treatment leads to the following consequences:

  • Frequent diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract with severe complications;
  • Gradual weakening of the immune system;
  • Damage to brain cells;
  • Epileptic seizures, dementia;
  • Eye diseases (conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, clouding of the lens, retinal detachment);
  • Urethritis, chronic cystitis;
  • Pneumonia and hepatitis (if the virus affects the organs);
  • Improper development of the fetus in pregnant women;
  • Infertility (if the infection is in the uterus);
  • impotence, decreased erection;
  • Violation of the musculoskeletal function (especially the pelvic bones are affected);
  • Oncological diseases (cancer prostate, malignant tumors of the cervix).

The virus can have a bad effect on human organs, eventually leading to unforeseen and dangerous consequences.

Herpes is dangerous for pregnant women. In the presence of this disease, the development of the embryo may be inhibited, which will lead to termination of pregnancy, premature labor pains, and sometimes to miscarriage.

Many people are familiar with the condition when bubbles appear on the lips that itch and hurt. This disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus, the most common disease on earth. Scientists have found that more than 90% of the world's population is infected with it. This is explained by the fact that the virus is very contagious, spreads easily and remains in the body for life. It may not manifest itself in any way, but under certain conditions it is activated. This condition is also called "cold on the lips." It appears suddenly and gives a person not only physical, but also psychological discomfort. Women are especially affected by what appears at home in most cases brings positive results, but only after 5-7 days.

Features of the virus

It was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, but was investigated only in the 90s. The virus is very persistent and viable. It is stored at room temperature for a day, especially on soft surfaces. He does not like metal objects very much and in a couple of hours he dies on them. But the temperature of -70 ° is favorable for him, he lives in such conditions for up to 5 days. Kills the herpes virus only heat- it dies in half an hour already at + 50 °. It enters the body mainly through damaged skin or mucous membranes. Herpes remains in the cells forever, and it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Scientists believe that almost all life on Earth is infected with this virus, except for fungi and algae. Therefore, each person needs to know how it goes on the lips at home.

Types of virus

Science knows about 200 herpes. But only eight of them affect a person:

1. Virus of the first type or herpes on the lips. Treatment at home is possible, and it usually goes away within a week.

2. Also herpes simplex, but it is localized not on the face, but in the genital area.

3. Chickenpox and shingles virus. They are most easily tolerated in childhood, adults have a high fever and severe complications.

4. Infectious mononucleosis occurs most often in adolescence and is characterized by fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

5. Cytomegalovirus. It is believed that more than 50% of people are affected by it. But it is activated with a decrease in immunity or during pregnancy.

6. occurs only in babies under 2 years old and is not dangerous.

7. The virus that causes chronic fatigue syndrome.

8. Radonovirus, which, with a strong decrease in immunity, causes cancer.

Features of herpes of the first type

It is called herpes simplex or the common cold because it is often activated during colds. This is the most common form of the virus. True, in most people it may not manifest itself in any way, and only 20% of those infected experience frequent relapses. In most cases, herpes occurs on the lips. Treatment at home brings positive results, since most often the course of the disease is simple. The body itself produces antibodies that cause the virus to go into a latent or latent form.

Eruptions are localized most often on the upper lip, but can also appear on the lower, near the nose and even on the cheeks. Usually 1-2 bubbles appear, but in severe cases there can be many of them, and they merge, sometimes covering the entire lip. The situation is complicated by the fact that during a conversation or eating, the blisters are injured and therefore heal more slowly. And many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to effectively treat herpes on the lips at home. Scientists believe that it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus - it is incurable. This is due to its features.

What happens when a virus enters the body

After contact with an infected person, the virus enters the skin cells and is embedded in them. Herpes is a type of DNA-containing virus, and each of its cells includes 74 genes. Inside human body the virus builds its DNA into the genetic apparatus of the cell forever. He forces her to produce proteins for her reproduction. Often this is asymptomatic, but when a large number of viral cells are formed, they appear Then the body begins to produce antibodies that fight the virus. After the destruction of most of its particles, only those that are built into the cells of the body remain. Ganglia are most often affected nerve cells such as the trigeminal nerve. The virus goes into a latent or dormant state.

Causes of herpes activation

Under certain conditions, most often with a decrease in immunity, the virus is activated and reproduces. What can provoke this process?

Colds and infectious diseases;

Hypothermia or overheating - this can be prolonged exposure to the sun, swimming in cold water and even sitting next to the air conditioner;

Stressful situations, conflicts;

Severe fatigue, lack of sleep;

Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins or poisoning;

Abuse of alcoholic beverages and strong coffee, smoking.

Since it is impossible to completely cure herpes, you should try to minimize the recurrence of the disease. And for this you need to know their reasons.

Symptoms: herpes on the lips

Those with frequent breakouts can easily recognize the first signs of virus activation so they can take immediate action. This will help reduce the period of illness to a few days. And without treatment, a relapse usually lasts from a week to a month, and the disease goes through four stages:

1. First, the patient feels tingling, itching and tingling on the skin, usually in the region of the upper lip. These viral cells begin to activate and move from the nerve ganglia to the surface of the lips.

3. Then the bubbles burst, and the liquid spreads over the surface of the skin. At this time, the patient is highly contagious.

4. A yellowish crust forms over the burst bubbles. It is not recommended to touch it, let alone remove it. After a while, she herself disappears without scarring.

Ways of infection with herpes

95% of people are infected with this virus. But in the majority, it is dormant in the ganglia of nerve cells. Despite the fact that herpes lives in the body of almost every person, we can talk about infection. After all, upon contact with the virus, its dormant cells are activated. Infection occurs most often from a sick person or through personal hygiene items. The virus enters through skin lesions or through mucous membranes. Most often, they become infected with herpes through kisses, when using shared towels, dishes or bedding. Very often, the virus passes from mother to fetus during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, it turns out that many people have herpes in the body from birth.

Principles of treatment of herpes

To date, no drug has yet been created that helps to completely get rid of this virus. It is so firmly embedded in the DNA of cells that any treatment can only reduce the frequency and reduce the duration of relapses. Its methods are selected depending on the individual course of the disease. After all, everyone has herpes (colds on the lips) in different ways. Treatment should begin immediately when the first symptoms appear: itching and tingling. So you can speed up the healing of the bubbles up to several days. What is used to treat herpes?

External antiviral drugs - creams and ointments;

Medicines that increase immunity;

In difficult cases, antiviral drugs are used in the form of tablets or intravenously;

You can use various folk ways treatment;

You also need to follow a certain diet.

Since the virus is very contagious, you can not open the bubbles and peel off the crust. After contact with infected areas, wash your hands. Otherwise, you can spread the virus to other parts of the body. The most dangerous thing is to touch your eyes, because herpes easily penetrates through the mucous membrane.

The most effective drug for herpes

In the 70s of the 20th century, a drug was created specifically for the treatment of this disease. It is integrated into the viral DNA and prevents its reproduction. This drug was called "Acyclovir". He and other medicines based on it are now the most effective against the herpes virus. But you need to apply them when the first signs of the disease appear. The most commonly used ointment is Acyclovir. You need to apply it on rashes several times a day with clean hands or a special stick. After contact with an infected area, hands should be washed with soap and water.

AT last years other drugs based on Acyclovir have been created. These are medicines "Zovirax", "Vivorax" and "Ciclovir". The drug "Zovirax" is considered the most effective, because it contains propylene glycol, which facilitates the penetration of the cream into the deeper layers of the skin. There are also analogues of Acyclovir: Fenistil Pencivir and Vectavir ointments. In difficult cases of the disease - with frequent relapses and a long course - these drugs are used in the form of tablets. There are also stronger means: "Valacyclovir" and "Famvir" - its analogue. But they are used only as directed by a doctor, as they have many contraindications and side effects.

Other medicines used in the disease

Perhaps there is no such virus that would annoy people so much, regardless of their social status and lifestyle, like herpes on the lips. Treatment at home in most cases brings positive results, and antiviral drugs speed up the healing process. But sometimes other medications are needed.

Simple treatment of herpes on the lips with folk remedies

In some cases, for example, with individual intolerance to some drugs, treatment can be used folk remedies. Very often, with these methods, you can quickly help yourself if you have herpes or a cold on your lips. Alternative treatment available to everyone, because simple tools are used for this, which are always at hand. It is most effective to apply them externally, lubricating or cauterizing emerging bubbles. So you can quickly stop the reproduction of the virus. So, how to cure herpes on the lips with folk remedies?

It is very effective to cauterize rashes several times a day with propolis tincture, fir or sea buckthorn oil, Valocordin, or simply ordinary alcohol.

Good help in the fight against this disease of grass. It is necessary to make lotions from fresh Kalanchoe, chopped raspberry twigs, juice from aspen leaves or tricolor violet. Decoctions of mint, chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort are also effective.

You can also use the tools that everyone has in the kitchen: apply table salt, gruel from soda and water, lemon juice or a clove of garlic to the rashes.

Those who want to know how to quickly cure herpes on the lips at home can prepare an ointment in advance that will help them. It is made from vaseline with or juice of calendula leaves, from a mixture of ash, honey and grated garlic. You can also prepare celandine juice, which is stored for a long time.

In recent years, herpes on the lips, treatment, causes and prevention of the disease have been well studied by medicine. But scientists have not yet created a tool that can completely rid a person of this virus. Therefore, it is necessary to lead such a lifestyle that it remains in a sleeping state and does not annoy with its frequent relapses.

The appearance of herpes on the lips is due to infection of the body with the first strain of the herpes simplex virus. Channels of transmission of infection - airborne and contact. The main reason for the activation of HSV-1 is the weakening of the immune system.

How to smear herpes on the lip so that the bubble disappears as soon as possible? This question always remains relevant, since rashes with liquid contents, wounds and crusts significantly spoil the aesthetics of a sick person.

Why ointment?

The popularity of using various ointments against herpes on the lips is due to several factors:

  • Means act pointwise due to the treatment of a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe affected tissue.
  • Ointments work to suppress the activity of the pathogen, soothe the inflamed focus, prevent the spread of the sore to a healthy body and the release of the pathogenic strain into the environment.
  • Preparations in the form of an ointment contain fewer chemicals than. They act selectively while oral agents affect the entire body and cause a lot of side effects.
  • The ease of use of ointments is argued by the uselessness of adhering to dosages and application schedules. Damaged areas are re-lubricated as soon as the previous layer is absorbed into the tissues.
  • Ointments quickly stop the symptoms of herpes infection. To prevent the formation of a full-fledged bubble, intensive treatment of the lips should be carried out on the first day of the onset of tingling and itching sensations.

For antiviral therapy to be effective, it is important to know how to properly apply the herpes medicine to the lips in the form of an ointment. If the rash has gone through all stages of development, and turned into a wound, to prevent infection, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before the procedure. In any case, it is impossible to lubricate the viral element with your finger. For treatment, it is better to take a cotton swab or swab.

Experts do not recommend using ordinary cotton wool for lubricating the lips with anti-herpes ointment. Its fibers can cling to the wound and additionally injure the focus. Treatment will be delayed.

Immediately after the procedure, the swab or stick is disposed of. Their repeated use is strictly prohibited, tk. after contact with diseased tissue, the object is overgrown with many viral agents and becomes a source of infection.

If necessary visit public places it is better to treat the lips in advance so that the ointment has time to be well absorbed into the skin. Otherwise, the medicinal stain will attract the attention of others.

Overview of antiviral ointments for colds on the lips

Many pharmacists have developed many external remedies for cauterizing herpes on the lips. Their action is diverse - antiviral, drying and healing. Doctors most often offer ointments for the treatment of HSV-1 such as:


The composition of the ointment is represented by acyclovir and petroleum jelly. Active substance blocks the reproduction of the strain and inhibits the development of symptoms on the lips.

Apply Acyclovir to the problem area of ​​the lips with an even layer of 4-5 r. per day with a 4-hour interval. With a lubricated cotton swab, make light circular movements around the hearth. Treatment is carried out until the wound heals.

Ointment for herpes on the lips Acyclovir is available for any consumer - the price of a 10 g tube is 45 - 50 rubles. Contraindications for use - individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy and lactation.


The analogue is practically no different from the true Acyclovir. Their indications and contraindications are similar.

The manufacturer warns against the inadmissibility of getting the medicine into the mouth and on the mucous membranes. A 5-gram tube of this ointment against herpes on the lips can be bought for 25 rubles.


The gel-like product is based on the extract of potato shoots. Auxiliary components of the drug are ethanol, glycerol, sodium hydroxide, lanthanum and macrogol. Experts equate the effectiveness of Panavir-gel with acyclovir-containing ointments.

The main advantage of the drug is the plant base. Apply it in a thin layer to the site of itching, tingling or blisters. Within a minute, the gel is rubbed with a massaging movement. Contraindications to the treatment of herpes on the lips with Panavir gel are, HB and childhood up to 12 years old.

In special cases, specialists prescribe the drug to expectant mothers and lactating mothers, but for this they compare all the possible risks of antiviral treatment. During lactation, women have to stop HB, since the active medicinal substance freely penetrates into milk.

A tube of Panavir-gel is very small - only 3 g. The price for such a volume may seem large - 150 rubles. But the tool is very effective, the cost justifies itself.

Oxolinic ointment

Oksolin - the active substance of oxolin ointment for herpes on the lips, has antiviral activity against various pathogens of the viral group.

With idle time, the treatment of affected tissues is carried out 2 - 3 r. in a day. Treatment of a cold on the lips with oxolin has a different duration - from 2 to 8 weeks. The price of the drug is 30 - 90 rubles. per tube (depending on the manufacturer).

Analogues - Poludan, Zirgan, Oftan Idu.


Safe and productive in the treatment of herpes on the lips, the medicine, if used in a timely manner, prevents the manifestation of colds.

The scheme of application of Zovirax is similar to the use of Acyclovir. 5-fold treatment should be carried out with a break of 4 hours. The course of treatment is until the symptoms of infection disappear completely. Lick the ointment from the lips and allow it to fall on food products Not recommended. The price of Zovirax is 350 rubles per 4.5 g tube.

Side effects on the body rarely react. In extreme cases, the ointment causes allergic rashes in areas adjacent to the treated area.


The Indian-made drug is traditionally prescribed for patients with hypersensitivity to Acyclovir and Valaciclovir. The active substance of Vivorax is the bound form of acyclovir. Itching and burning as side effects, it rarely causes.

Apply ointment to painful places 4 p. per day with an interval of 4 hours. During processing, make sure that the medicine is not in the mouth, on the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. Vivorax is not suitable for the treatment of colds on the lips in pregnant and lactating women.

5 g of Vivorax-cream can be bought at a price of 100 - 110 rubles.

Fenistil Pencivir

The use of Fenistil Pecivir after the formation of elements reduces the duration of the disease. The principle of drug treatment and the list of contraindications are similar to analogues. The price of a 2-gram tube is 200 rubles.

Non-specific ointments for herpes on the lips

Zinc ointment for herpes on the lips (10%) is prescribed by virologists and dermatologists for symptomatic treatment.

The tool dries the bubbles, relieves exudation and disinfects the wounds. Ointment treatment reduces irritation and inflammation and forms a protective film. The meaning of therapy is to apply the drug to the focus with a thin layer of 2-3 r. per day.

Troxevasin in the treatment of herpes is used at the stage of erosion.

Like zinc ointment, the drug protects the sores from additional infection and accelerates tissue regeneration. Both ointments do not cause side effects. But at the beginning of HSV-1 activation, they are considered useless, because they cannot suppress the reproduction of the pathogen.

The cost of zinc ointment is 70 rubles. for a 15 gram tube. Troxevasin is sealed in a larger tube. 40 g of the substance is sold at a price of 90 rubles.

If the wounds remaining after opening the elements are additionally infected with bacteria, it would be advisable to use tetracycline ointment for herpes on the lips. Uncomplicated herpes is not treated with this remedy, because. it has no antiviral properties. The price of tetracycline ointment is 30 - 50 rubles.


P.S. Prevention of cold herpes is to strengthen the immune system and the overall health of the body. Rational fortified nutrition, hardening, walking, enough sleep and a positive perception of life are the very keys that open the door to the world of health, beauty and good mood.

With the onset of the off-season, many are faced with such an unpleasant problem as herpes on the lips. It creates inconvenience and spoils appearance. How to get rid of herpes?

Herpes simplex infection is an inflammatory disease caused by the herpes simplex virus ( herpes simplex), which belongs to the DNA-containing viruses of the whole family. These viruses cause a number of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, which are manifested by the presence of characteristic rashes consisting of vesicles filled with a clear liquid. The word herpes comes from Greek, in translation means - a creeping or spreading skin disease. Of all types of herpes infections, the most common is herpes on the lips (labial herpes), genital herpes is slightly less common.

The culprit of herpes on the lips

The cause of herpes on the lips is the herpes simplex virus, type 1 (type 2 is the cause of genital herpes). This virus has one characteristic feature - when it first enters the body, it integrates into the DNA of the cells of the nervous system (neurocytes), where it remains in an inactive state for a long time. Under certain favorable conditions for the virus, it is activated. It moves along the sensitive processes of neurocytes (dendrites) to the skin and mucous membranes, where it leads to the development of a characteristic inflammatory process, the appearance of herpes on the lips. As the immune response is formed and antibodies are produced, the virus loses its activity, ceases to multiply and again remains inactive in the nuclei of neurocytes until its next manifestation. Therefore, herpes on the lips can manifest itself repeatedly during a person's life. It is characteristic that 90% of the population has been infected with this virus since childhood.

9 out of 10 people are infected with the herpes virus

Ways of infection with herpes simplex virus type 1

There are several main ways of human infection with the herpes simplex virus:

    Direct contact route - the virus enters a healthy person from a patient through direct contact, a necessary condition is a skin manifestation, when the virus is released from the herpetic vesicles. The implementation of this transmission route is possible with kisses (herpes on the lips), sexual contact (genital herpes), through the hands.

    Indirect or contact-household transmission - infection in this case occurs through the ingress of the virus on environmental objects from a person with herpes. When these objects come into contact with a healthy person, he becomes infected. This way of infection is realized through common utensils (cups, spoons), personal hygiene items (toothbrush) with a sick person.

The virus is easily transmitted by direct contact.

Conditions conducive to the development of herpes on the lips

Although 90% of people are infected with herpes simplex type 1, not everyone gets cold sores. This requires a number of conditions that lead to a decrease in human immunity and activation of the virus:

    local or general hypothermia;

    malnutrition, malnutrition;

    lack of vitamins in the body (hypovitaminosis) or the complete absence of certain vitamins (avitaminosis);

    prolonged overwork, without adequate rest of the body;

    emotional and mental overstrain, prolonged stress;

    chronic sleep deprivation;

    long-term infectious diseases of another etiology;

    bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse.

Symptoms of herpes on the lips

The course of herpes on the lips is determined by the conditional staging, which has its own symptoms:

    prodromal period - the initial stage of the development of herpes on the lips, which is characterized by the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the corner of the mouth in the form of burning and itching (on the one hand) and redness;

    peak period - bubbles (vesicles) begin to appear at the site of redness, filled with a clear liquid ranging in size from 2 to 4 mm, there are drain bubbles up to 10 mm in diameter, they contain a large number of viruses, a person during this period has maximum contagiousness;

    subsidence period - during this period, the bubbles burst, crusts form in their place, under which granulations form, this is the healing process after a viral inflammation of the skin.

Herpes develops in several stages

The favorite localization (location) of herpes of the lips is the corners of the mouth, the place where the lip passes into the skin of the face in other places, along the upper or lower lip. Less commonly, the process can move to the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the cheeks and gums. Then, during the period of subsiding of the symptoms of herpes, crusts do not form, but sores and erosions form, which may not heal for a long time.

Complications of herpes on the lips

Most people believe that herpes on the lips is a temporary cosmetic disease, the essence of the treatment of which is to hide the bubbles or crusts at the time of going outside or to work. However, official medicine believes that herpes labialis is a disease that, if left untreated, can lead to a number of complications:

    miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy in pregnant women (like the rubella virus);

    intrauterine infection of the fetus in late pregnancy with the development of herpesvirus encephalitis;

    infection of the child during childbirth or with mother's milk during breastfeeding;

    in people with herpesvirus infection, the risk of cardiovascular disease in the future increases several times.

Diagnosis of herpes lips

At the moment of activation of herpesvirus infection with the appearance of characteristic vesicles, the diagnosis does not cause complications. A person seeing these manifestations in himself and having sufficient knowledge can independently treat this disease at home. To confirm the presence of herpesvirus infection in the human body, without any clinical manifestations, is used laboratory diagnostics. For this, the titer of antibodies against the herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2 is determined. The study of blood serum is performed in the laboratory using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) reaction. If an increase in IgG antibodies is detected, then this indicates the presence of an inactive herpesvirus infection, and the infection occurred a long time ago. An increase in the titer of IgG and IgM antibodies indicates a long-term infection and activation of the infection in this moment. An increase in the titer of only IgM antibodies clearly makes it clear that infection with the herpes simplex virus has occurred recently.

Treatment of herpes lips

Modern medicine in its arsenal for the treatment of herpes infection uses antiviral drugs that block the replication (multiplication) of viruses inside the infected cell. However, it should be understood that these drugs are absolutely ineffective in the case of an inactive state of the virus, when it is inside the neurocytes. Therefore, we can say with confidence that it will not be possible to completely get rid of the virus from the body. You can only inhibit its replication in the active state or prevent activation. This is what the methods of traditional and traditional medicine.

Traditional approaches to the treatment of labial herpes include several approaches, depending on the stage of the process:

  • The use of antiviral drugs of local and systemic action. For this, Acyclovir or Gerpevir tablets are used, which are active against the herpes virus types 1 and 2. You need to apply them in the first days, before the appearance of bubbles. At this time, there is an active replication of the virus in neurocytes and its movement to the skin along their dendrites. Tablets are taken orally 2 times a day, a course of 3-4 days. Local antiviral drugs involve the use of Acyclovir or Gerpevir cream, which is applied to the site of redness and burning 2 times a day.

Ointments and tablets are used to treat herpes

    At the stage of the appearance of herpetic vesicles with herpes of the lips, the use of local antiviral drugs in the form of an ointment is continued. Taking pills during this period is impractical, since virus replication already occurs only in skin cells, where the drug from the blood practically does not penetrate. Highly important point during this period, it is important to maintain the integrity of the vesicles, as this will help reduce the infectiousness of a sick person (the largest number of viral particles during this period is in the fluid of the vesicles) and prevent secondary infection of the ulcerated skin with a bacterial infection.

    During the formation of a crust, after the bubbles burst on their own, antiviral drugs are not used, since the titer of antiviral antibodies in the human body is already quite high, which “drive” it back into the neurocytes. It is important to prevent cracking of the crust and secondary infection with a bacterial infection during this period. Zinc ointment helps with this, which softens the crust, prevents it from cracking and has antibacterial properties, which helps prevent secondary bacterial infection.

These treatments are effective when the herpes virus infection is active. When the virus is in an inactive state in neurocytes, then measures aimed at preventing a decrease in the body's immunity come to the fore, they include:

    adequate nutrition, with a balanced intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, sufficient calorie content of food, without an overabundance;

    good saturation of the body with vitamins - for this well suited fresh vegetables or fruits, in winter-spring time (especially February, March), when hypovitaminosis develops, it will be useful to take multivitamin preparations (multitabs);

    rationalization of the regime of work and rest - depending on the intensity of work, it is necessary to take 10-minute breaks every 1 hour or half an hour;

    mental work well punctuated with a break physical activity(sport, walking);

    sufficient sleep - for an adult, so that all systems (including the immune system) could have a good rest, sleep for 8 hours is important, and the optimal sleep time (associated with the biological rhythm of a person) is from 22.00 to 6.00;

    avoidance of stress and excessive emotions - prevention of such a high load on nervous system strengthens the immune system;

    avoiding hypothermia or overheating;

    rejection of bad habits;

    treatment of other chronic diseases of the body 2 times a year - in autumn and spring.

Alternative methods of treatment of herpes lips

In addition to traditional approaches, in the treatment of lip herpes, traditional medicine methods are quite effective, especially those that include the use medicinal plants with antiviral properties (viburnum, lemon).

  • strong tea brew - has an antiviral effect, 3-4 tablespoons of tea are poured with boiling water, allowed to cool, then the spoon is heated, moistened with this brew and applied to a herpetic rash.

It must be remembered that herpes is not only a cosmetic disease, but a serious infection that can lead to complications in the future, especially in women. Therefore, it is necessary to direct all efforts to prevent it.

After the introduction of the herpes virus of the first type remains in the body forever. In view of high virulence (infectiousness), almost the entire population of the planet is infected with this strain. The virus is quite harmless and manifests itself as itchy vesicles with liquid. at weakening or under the influence of other factors:

  • hypothermia organism;
  • stressful situation;
  • infectious diseases;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • chronic fatigue and lack of sleep;
  • menstruation;
  • microtrauma skin.

In 80% of people, the virus living in the body does not manifest itself for years and decades, but 20% of the “lucky ones” suddenly discover a pimple on their lip every year. Most often this phenomenon represents purely cosmetic problem. However, for people who are very immunocompromised (have had a transplant, have cancer, or are infected with HIV), the virus can become deadly.

The virus quickly spreads throughout the body, affecting the internal organs and can cause meningitis and encephalitis. Children are also at risk, as their immunity is still being formed.

Is it possible to cure herpes on the lips in 1 day

Since the bubbles filled with liquid are very noticeable (localized in the corners of the mouth or on the upper lip), you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. In addition, after opening the vesicles, small sores covered with a crust. The wound heals for a long time, as it is located on the most mobile part of the face and often cracks. If you delete crust, about herpes can stay for a long time scar memory.

You can really get rid of the external manifestations of herpes in a day if you know how. The most important - prevent visible manifestations. Anyone who has repeatedly encountered herpes, by tingling and slight itching, can determine the onset of the rash before any visible signs. It is at this stage that you can cure herpes in 1 day, if you use effective means straightaway. Once the bubble has formed, no drugs and folk methods will help - will have to wait at least a week.

Important! To cure herpes on the lips in a day, you need to act immediately at the first sign of it. In this case, both medications and proven folk remedies will have the desired effect.

Treatment regimen

As soon as a friend appears itching on the upper lip, preferably lubricate immediately her special tool. There are many topical preparations for the fight against herpes, but they are all made based on acyclovir. People who are familiar with the problem firsthand always keep a tube of a suitable cream in the medicine cabinet. Lubricate the affected area repeatedly applying a new layer of medication after the previous one has dried. With this tactic, vesicles are not formed, and it will really be possible to get rid of herpes in one day.

If the process is stopped at early stages failed, you need to prepare for several days of treatment. Doctors recommend starting taking acyclovir tablets. This method is more effective than ointments, but has more side effects and is contraindicated in women during period and lactation. In this case, you need to continue to use topical preparations.

Since the rash occurs due to the weakening of the body's defenses, it is advisable to take immunostimulating and vitamin preparations. To speed up regeneration and prevent scars, you should use a drying zinc based ointment, as well as oils and sea buckthorn.

If herpes does not remind of itself too often, then there is no reason to worry.

The reason for visiting an immunologist should be rashes more than 2 times a year. Here, most likely, a thorough examination and a more intensive course of treatment will be required.

Antiherpetic drugs

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of products for topical and external use:

  • for oral administration tablets are recommended Acyclovir, Famvir and Valaciclovir. All of them are produced on the basis of the same active substance and destroy the virus by integrating into its DNA.
    - Compared to ointments and gels, they have more high antiherpetic activity, however, have contraindications and a number of side effects.
    - Tablets can't be accepted children under 2 years old, as well as pregnant and lactating women.
    - The listed drugs can affect the excretion of fluid from the body and cause edema.
  • Zovirax and Panavir-gel- topical agents that block the synthesis of the virus.
    - applied to the affected area no more than 5 times a day.
    - Can be used for the treatment of herpes in children and pregnant women.

Drug therapy with tablets should be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can choose the right individual course and adjust it when side effects appear.