What is dried at the sage. How and when to harvest sage for drying? Useful and medicinal properties of sage officinalis

Sage is one of the most popular medicinal plants, used both as an independent medicine or as a decoction. So and as an additional component, along with other herbs (in medicinal collections).

Sage is rich in useful substances and microelements, it contains flavonoids, resinous and tannins, vitamins and organic acids. Sage is used as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. With its help, inflammation of the gums, bronchitis and tonsillitis are treated, it has an astringent and antimicrobial effect, suppressing coccal infections.

It is also used as a tonic and helps to cope with excessive sweating. Sage is also used in the fight against infertility and for cosmetic purposes. But sage is known not only for its medicinal properties. He also earned himself fame as an excellent spicy herb, thanks to the rich bouquet of aromas contained in it. This property helps to improve the mood and general condition of a person, to indirectly combat pathogens, respiratory diseases. Dry grass is also used for natural aromatization of indoor air and linen.

In order to be able to use all the versatility of the beneficial properties of the plant, you need to know how to properly prepare sage officinalis. And then we can safely assume that a whole pharmacy is stored in your closet.

Collection of sage

The collection of the plant must be carried out during the period of the beginning of its flowering. At this time, it accumulates the largest amount of essential oil of special value. For harvesting, mainly the leaves of the plant are suitable. It is very important that they are clean, so before harvesting, make sure that the sage is not in the dust. After that, it should dry well. The collected leaves must be sorted, browned and spoiled, thrown out.

Important Rules

There are a number of rules that can be applied as classic for collecting and drying medicinal herbs. In general terms, they can be described as follows:

  1. It is not recommended to collect the plant in rainy weather, a few hours after the rains or early in the morning. In the latter case, dew on sage leaves will interfere. The fact is that the collection is carried out only in dry weather. This rule is the most important, since it depends on the time of collection of medicinal leaves how they are then dried, and whether they really help for medicinal purposes.
  2. Leaves taken from a bush at high relative humidity may rot during the drying process or simply do not have enough essential oils - enzymes.
  3. Best time for collection - from morning (not early) to evening (not late). The midday heat is excluded.
  4. When you see a bush of the grass you are looking for, choose one that is younger and fresher. Do not tear branches and leaves from a plant that is damaged by diseases, pests or rodents.
  5. Pluck mainly young leaves with a uniform fresh green color and a pronounced bouquet of aroma. You can cut off the tops of the branches. This will not harm the sage bush itself in any way. On the contrary, many additional lateral shoots will appear on the branches, the bush will become stronger.
  6. Do not search for and collect medicinal herbs within a few kilometers of highways, roads, railways, industrial plants or other factories. Surrounded by these objects, all herbs, plants, bushes and trees are most likely contaminated with dangerous toxic substances - pesticides. It is better to choose ecologically clean areas, forest plantations.

Those who constantly need dry sage preparations plant it near their home - on a backyard or suburban area. The plant also grows well in apartments. But here it is necessary to ensure the normal growth of the bush - constant watering underground (not on the leaves), light spot spraying, airing the room, an optimal capacious pot, fertile land, a lot of sunlight, a room without sudden temperature changes.


Drying is an important part of harvesting sage. It needs to be done right to keep it. maximum amount enzymes and essential oils useful for the human body. To do this, do not overheat the leaves. Other requirements for drying:

  • the room should be well ventilated, without unnecessary pungent odors;
  • pests - insects, rodents should not have access to the plant;
  • do not dry too aggressively using a hot room or high temperature.


You should dry the grass in whatever conditions you can create, but follow the standard rules.

The grass is dried in bunches-brooms or individual leaves (permissible in slices, but better with whole leaves).

For the option with brooms, drying in the open warm air is more suitable. Immediately after collection, the twigs are collected in bunches of medium density. It is necessary to make sure that air penetrates well to each branch. Then hang the bundles on a rope or twine. The drying room can be chosen as follows:

  • outdoor canopy on the street with protection from the scorching sun;
  • warm garage, attic, shed;
  • veranda, balcony or loggia;
  • room in a house or apartment.

Brooms are hung on a thread and kept until a dry broom of medicinal herbs is obtained. Periodically, the branches of the beam must be moved apart to make sure that air gets inside.

If outdoor air is used outside, brooms must be brought home for the night. Otherwise, morning dew will ruin the workpiece.

In an electric dryer

Those housewives who have home electric dryers have an excellent opportunity to easily dry a lot of medicinal herbs. The fact is that the need for constant ventilation, long drying and checking the integrity of branches and leaves disappears. Most electric dryers have a built-in temperature control feature. It also helps to keep the drying temperature in the optimal set mode. Namely, it is recommended to dry sage at a temperature not exceeding 35˚С.

Why is mode so important? Because, the leaves should lose only part of the moisture during drying, but not the essential oils. With a quick drying option using high temperatures or in the open scorching sun, essential oils disappear. And the benefits of grass just disappear.

In home dryers with electric heating coils, it is permissible to harvest both whole branches and leaves or their cutting. You should also use the following tips:

  • periodically turn off the dryer for natural cooling;
  • rearrange baking trays with grass for constant uniform drying;
  • do not exceed the specified temperature of 35˚С;
  • do not dry the leaves for too long, only until a slightly brittle, but still soft leaf structure appears.

use for room decor

Since sage has a pleasant bouquet of aromas, it is often used as a natural fragrance for residential premises, car interiors. To do this, small wreaths are formed from fresh twigs and decorate walls, windows, and furniture with them.

From the dried branches make "odorous" bouquets, and from the leaves they make bags for flavoring bed linen and towels in the closets.

According to taste, other types of dried medicinal plants, cereals can be included in such compositions.

dry herb storage

Storing dry sage in a house or apartment is not a difficult task. You need to store it in small bags made of natural fabrics. Sealed packages, jars or containers should not be chosen. If a certain percentage of moisture remains in the leaves, they can easily rot and lose all their benefits.

The leaves are laid out on burlap in a dry place, periodically the top dried ones need to be removed, and the remaining ones should be slightly agitated to prevent rotting and spoilage. Whether sage is stored correctly can be understood by its smell. If the spicy rich aroma is replaced by mustiness, then the leaves have deteriorated. Dried leaves should taste slightly bitter, gray-green in color.

Store sage officinalis at room temperature in a dry, shady place for no more than two years. At the same time, the room should be without stale air, well ventilated.

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Sage is widely used in cooking and is of particular value to medicine. A huge amount of useful components is concentrated in the leaves of the plant: flavonoids, phytoncides, alkaloids, resins, tannins and camphor substances, vitamins, but the plant is especially valuable with essential oil containing many active compounds, and thanks to which a strong aroma comes from the herb. Cultural sage content useful substances and esters during the growing season changes, so the collection of plants for harvesting is carried out only in a certain period.

How to collect sage

Sage is a perennial herb with a full growing season of two years. Therefore, a full-fledged harvest of sage begins from the second year of the plant's life. In the year of sowing the crop, the first harvest can be harvested only in the fall. In all subsequent years, grass is harvested in two stages: in summer (late June - July) and autumn (September - early October).

For medical purposes, leaves and tops of shoots are used, since it is in these parts of the plant that the maximum amount of nutrients and esters is concentrated. In the first two years, only the lower leaves are harvested from the bush, and in the future, the procurement of raw materials is carried out from the entire ground part. At the same time, you can collect leaves both with your hands and with the help of scissors, secateurs, a sickle - sage grows quickly, and cut off at the base in summer, it again forms a young bush by autumn.

It is advisable to collect sage on warm sunny days when the plant is dry. Dirty, dusty grass should first be washed with water from a watering can or hose, and then wait for the plants to dry completely. When collecting raw materials for a medicine, you need to make sure that diseased or insect-damaged shoots do not get into the total mass.

Video "What every gardener needs to know"

Demonstration video from useful information for gardeners.

In summer time

Summer harvest of sage is carried out in early summer (end of June), when the inflorescences begin to bloom. The herb harvested during this period is more saturated with ethers, and therefore is of particular value for traditional medicine, as well as for cooking - dry plants are considered a spice and are successfully used as an additive to many dishes.

For drying, you should choose intact shoots with dark green foliage, as well as buds that have not fully blossomed. Summer harvesting of grass lasts approximately 20 days, until mid-July. Then the sage fades, and seeds begin to ripen in place of the inflorescences. During this period, the green part of the plant coarsens, and the concentration of useful components decreases, so it is not advisable to collect grass. The culture reproduces well by self-sowing - dry seeds that have fallen into the soil germinate after the first rain.

Collection in autumn

The second harvest of sage grass lasts from late September to mid-October, when the plants are fully restored after a hot summer. By autumn, self-sowing bushes will form and grow stronger, and velvety greens will grow back on bushes cut in summer, and buds will appear. The concentration of nutrients in the autumn grass is in no way inferior to that collected in the summer, so the autumn harvest is no less valuable.

In autumn, sage is also harvested on dry days. If the weather is more rainy, you need to wait until the plants are completely dry, and only then collect. Bushes growing within the city, especially along roads, should not be used for drying - such plants are saturated with industrial emissions and exhaust gases. For use in food and as a medicine, it is important that the herb is of high quality and properly collected.

How to store sage

Drying is necessary for long-term storage of sage. Properly harvested and well-dried grass can be stored for up to 2 years under the following conditions:

  • a container for storing dry leaves must be breathable (made from natural materials: cardboard, parchment, cotton) - storage in tightly closed glass or metal jars is allowed, but not more than a year;
  • the place or room for storing harvested grass should be dry, well ventilated and preferably dark;
  • you should not store dried sage in bunches, as the grass quickly burns out and loses its useful and taste qualities - it is better to separate the leaves and inflorescences from the dried shoots, and then place them in containers intended for storage;
  • it is necessary to regularly check the quality of dry raw materials, since very often various pests start up in the grass: food moth, mold;
  • it is better to store dry raw materials separately from other herbs and products, because the strong sage aroma tends to quickly evaporate, mix and be absorbed.

It should also be borne in mind that in bags, boxes, bags, raw materials are stored longer, but at the same time its aroma disappears, and in tightly closed containers, the aroma lasts longer, but the shelf life of the herb is reduced due to the lack of ventilation.


Only intact leaves and tops of sage shoots are suitable for drying - the lower stems, as a rule, are very coarse, almost woody, so we do not harvest them for future use. Drying sage leaves is carried out in several ways:

  • leaves and young shoots are torn off the stems by hand and placed on a covered metal surface, such as a baking sheet, covered with gauze or linen in one layer, and placed in a dry, well-ventilated place;
  • an easier way is to dry the grass without breaking off the leaves - cut plants should be laid out on paper with a layer of 30-40 cm under a canopy in warmth, and after drying, thresh the inflorescences and leaves;
  • drying grass in bunches is also popular - for this method, plants are tied, hung with inflorescences down, and after drying, dry foliage is separated from the stems;
  • artificial drying is the fastest and effective way, as it allows you to save more healing essential oils - when using a dryer, you need to ensure that the temperature in it does not rise above 35 ° C, since when overheated, the healing and essential properties of the herb disappear.

Natural drying of sage leaves is carried out only in the open air, under sheds, where moisture does not get. Dry grass is very fragrant, but if it is not properly dried, it can acquire a musty, unpleasant odor. To prevent this from happening, we constantly monitor the temperature and humidity of the air when harvesting plants - the temperature regime should be at the level of 30-35 ° C, and the humidity should not exceed 13%.

Video "Useful properties of sage"

Informative video about the benefits and properties of sage.

Sage and sage preparations for the treatment of various diseases

The action of the medicinal collection is stronger than the action of individual herbs of the same weight or volume. So, for example, a composition of 3-4 herbs acting in the same direction gives a better result than the same amount of each of them separately.

Gynecological abnormalities

1 teaspoon of sage pour a glass of boiling water, leave until cool. Drink slowly 30 minutes before meals. If it seems very bitter, you can add honey and lemon.

Gynecological collection: white mistletoe, celandine, knotweed, chamomile, hops, clover, calendula, sage, agrimony, nettle, yarrow, chicory, oregano, mint, arnica, horsetail, yarutka, acacia (flowers), highlander. With fibroids, myomas, cysts and inflammation of the ovaries, inflammation of the appendages, menopause, painful menstruation, bleeding, cervical erosion, dysmenorrhea, whites.

Collection of herbs (general): burdock (root), comfrey (root), bergenia (root), elecampane (root), calamus (root), Chernobyl (root), sophora (fruits), mistletoe, agrimony, celandine, tartar, hemlock , calendula, yarutka, veronica, sage. Facilitates the general condition. Infertility Sage strengthens the walls of the uterus and has a positive effect on fertilization. Thanks to high level contained female phytohormones, it increases libido, has a positive effect on the production of sex hormones, which is why it is considered a good helper in conception.

Sage tea reduces nervous tension during menopause.

Drink an infusion of sage in a dessert spoon 2 times a day in the morning on an empty stomach and at night for 11 days in a row, immediately after the cessation of menstruation. Drink for three months. If necessary, repeat the course after two months.

“Dry flower balm”: ironwort, acacia (color), marshmallow (color), thyme, loosestrife (color), sage (color), hatma (color), chamomile (color), immortelle (color. ), hawthorn (ts.), rose (buds), lavender (ts.), St. , iron ore (color), raspberry, linden (color), clover (color), wild rose (color), geranium, sunflower (color), calendula, thistle. It gives strength and vigor for the whole day, cleanses the body of toxins, poisons, toxins, regulates water-salt metabolism and general metabolism, tasty and pleasant tea. Bronchitis 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of sage into 1 cup of milk, boil over low heat under a lid, then let it brew for about 10 minutes, strain, squeeze out the sediment, and boil again. Drink a hot drink before bed.

Breast collection, consisting of sage leaves, anise fruits and pine buds (10 g each), marshmallow root and licorice root in crushed form (20 g each), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes and prescribe in three doses for day.

A collection of sage leaf (15), mallow root (15), coltsfoot leaf (35), dill (10), thyme herb (10) and comfrey root (15). The collection acts as an enveloping, expectorant, emollient, anti-inflammatory agent, therefore it is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma.

A collection consisting of elecampane root (25), sage leaf (10), mallow root (20), coltsfoot leaf (35) and dill (10). This collection is recommended for older people who require a leisurely long course of treatment for chronic diseases. The tool is brewed from the calculation. 1 st. spoon for 1 glass of water. For each reception, a fresh decoction is prepared.

Bronchial adult: acacia (color), black elderberry (color), linden (color), mallow (color), coltsfoot, thyme, sage, loosestrife, knotweed, horsetail, ironwort, marshmallow (color), oregano, shandra , veronica. It is used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, influenza, cough, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, catarrh of the respiratory tract.

Bronchial children: acacia (color,) black elderberry (color), linden (color), mallow (color), coltsfoot, thyme, sage, loosestrife, knotweed, horsetail, ironwort, marshmallow (color), oregano, clover (color), hatma (color). It is used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, influenza, cough, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, catarrh of the respiratory tract. Angina, tonsillitis 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried leaves in 1 cup of boiling water, wrap and leave for 2 hours, then strain. Rinse your mouth several times a day.

1 st. a spoonful of crushed sage leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, filtered (for rinsing).

1 teaspoon of sage pour a glass of boiling water, leave until cool. Drink slowly 30 minutes before meals. If it seems very bitter, you can add honey and lemon.

4 teaspoons of sage leaves, brew with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Gargle.

2 cups boiling water 2 teaspoons of dry sage leaves, wrap and leave for 1 hour, then strain. Rinse should be half a glass of warm broth 3-4 times a day.

Gargling with sage: 2-3 drops of sage oil in a glass of warm water, streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus die in a few minutes.

The collection consists of plants with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. The composition of the collection includes: peppermint leaf, sage leaf, thyme herb and thyme herb in equal amounts. For external use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the collection is brewed with 1 glass of water, boiled for a short time and a warm broth is used to rinse the mouth with tonsillitis, inflammation of the gums, periosteum, tonsils, as well as other purulent and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Asthma

During an asthmatic attack, a few small puffs of a cigarette made from dry dope leaves and sage give a good effect. Mixture for smoking: take half a small leaf of Datura and one leaf of sage, roll a cigarette, inhale several times with not very strong smoke. The entrance is passing. It does not cure asthma, but it does provide relief.

For kidney disease

It has diuretic and disinfectant properties. The composition of the collection includes: horsetail grass (20), hernia herb (50), birch leaf (30), bearberry leaf (1 5) and lovage root (20). It is used for inflammation of the kidneys and Bladder, with poor urine output (oliguria), edema, urolithiasis, inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder. The decoction is prepared at the rate of: 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture in 1.5 cups of water. Boil and drink warm 3 times a day.

Gastritis Gastric collection with high acidity: agrimony, St. With hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, ulcerative colitis.

Gastric collection for gastritis with normal and low acidity: yarrow, chamomile, agrimony, sage, loosestrife, knotweed, mint, veronica, immortelle. With hypoacid gastritis, indigestion, nausea. Strengthening memory, maintaining clarity of thinking

Sage oil: 2 drops per cup of tea.

The collection includes agrimony herb (10), fenugreek seed (20), plantain leaf (7), licorice root (3), St. John's wort herb (7), sage leaf (17), lovage root (3), mint oil (0 ,one). It has anti-inflammatory, protective, astringent properties and inhibits the development of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for digestive disorders (especially with neurosis), for diseases of the bile ducts, accompanied by heartburn, belching, aversion to food and feeling unwell, with excessive fermentation in the intestinal region, as well as with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Hair loss Massage with sage oil at dosage: 1 drop of oil per 5 g of base.

Collection: nettle, hops, sophora (fruits), sage. With hair loss, baldness. Inflammation of the gums


Decoction (concentrated, for rinsing): 3 tbsp. tablespoons of raw materials in 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, strain.

Diseases of the genitourinary system The collection has diuretic and disinfectant properties. It consists of: horsetail grass (20), hernia herb (50), birch leaf (30), bearberry leaf (1 5) and lovage root (20). It is used for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, with poor urine output (oliguria), edema, urolithiasis, inflammation of the renal pelvis and bladder. The decoction is prepared at the rate of: 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture in 1.5 cups of water. Boil and drink warm 3 times a day.

Prostate gland: hazel (leaf), eryngium, nettle, blackberry, periwinkle (grass), knotweed, mistletoe, ironwort, horsetail, knotweed, sage, tenacious bedstraw, real bedstraw, black poplar (buds), chamomile. With a disease prostate, adenoma, prostatitis, hypertrophy, oncology of the initial stage.

Kidney collection: horsetail, agrimony, mistletoe, wild carrot (seeds), knotweed, blackberry, sage, plakun grass, mint, mallow, ironwort, beans (shutters), ironwort, succession, fireweed (leaf). Regulates water-salt metabolism, is used for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, edema, sand and urolithiasis.

With prostatitis and adenoma, the collection is effective, which also includes sage. They take in equal parts a leaf of medicinal sage, dioica nettle, bearberry, large plantain, peppermint, five-lobed motherwort herb, naked hernia, common yarrow, horsetail, flowers of marigold officinalis, chamomile, calamus rhizome. 2 tbsp. spoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist for an hour and a half. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

"Incontinence": agrimony, toadflax, knotweed, St. John's wort, blackthorn, lavender (color), sage, chamomile. Colitis Laxative collection: black elderberry (color and leaves), acacia (color), oregano, horsetail, knotweed, loosestrife, mint, sow thistle, marsh fireweed, toadflax, blackberry. It is used for constipation, spastic and chronic colitis.

2 teaspoons of sage should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours.

Gastric collection with high acidity: agrimony, St. With hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis. Cholecystitis

Liver collection: immortelle, agrimony, chicory, yarrow, arnica, horsetail, hops, knotweed, mistletoe, mint, sage, wormwood, St. John's wort, loosestrife, shandra. Apply for cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, liver enlargement and cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.

Fungal diseases Sage essential oil is widely used for the treatment of fungal diseases. Mix 1/2 cup of refined sunflower oil and twenty drops of sage essential oil and rub it on the cracks between your fingers.

When treating eczema, use sage oil. To prepare such an oil, you need to pour 200 g of chopped sage herb with purified vegetable (preferably almond) oil so that it covers the grass completely, and insist in a dark place for 10 days. Then strain the oil and use it to treat eczema. Regularly lubricate the affected skin with this oil or, applying a small amount of it to sterile gauze, attach it to the sore spot and secure with a bandage.

Helps with eczema by taking inside a decoction of sage, burdock, dandelion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herbs. Pour the indicated herbs 3 tbsp. water, bring to a boil and leave. In the morning, boil the decoction for another 5 minutes and drink this serving in a day in 3 divided doses. Every day you need to make a fresh decoction.

For eczema, it is also useful to make lotions from the green shell of walnut fruits, birch leaves, oak bark, stonecrop grass, lemon balm and sage. Take all components in equal parts, mix, prepare a decoction and apply to the affected areas in the form of compresses and lotions. Psoriasis General and local baths with infusion of sage leaf help. A decoction is prepared at the rate of 50-100 g of leaves per 12 liters of boiling water, poured into a bath of water, so that the temperature is about 37 ° C. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, the course of treatment is 16 baths. Inside with psoriasis, they also take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of leaf infusion, prepared in the usual way, 3 times a day.

For the treatment of psoriasis, an ointment based on sage is also prepared: dry leaves are ground into powder, mixed with ghee - for 1 part of the powder - 9 parts of oil, lubricate the affected skin 2 times a day. Diabetes mellitus Anti-inflammatory infusion. For cooking, you should take 20 g of elder flowers, sage leaves, mallow and mix everything properly. 20 g of the mixture should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Then thin out.

Take in equal parts by weight the herb of the cuff, the herb of the galega officinalis, the herb of the tricolor violet, the herb of the smoke, the sage leaf. 1 st. pour a spoonful of collection with a glass of boiling water and insist until cool. Drink during the day in 3 divided doses.

A decoction of sage to some extent reduces blood sugar levels. It can be used to treat mild forms diabetes. As an antidiabetic agent, sage is used together with dandelion roots, sandy caraway seeds, hawthorn flowers in a ratio of 2: 3: 2: 2: 2. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, pour 1 glass of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool. Patients drink 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Sciatica In case of polyarthritis, neuritis, sciatica, sage leaves are used together with common thyme herb, lemon balm, peppermint, black poplar cones. You need to take 50 g of each plant, pour 5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes and leave for 1 hour. Do warm baths 3 times a week. The course of treatment consists of 15 procedures. Such baths are indicated for post-traumatic arthritis and arthrosis, spondylitis, osteochondrosis. At the same time, you should adhere to a dairy-vegetable diet rich in vitamins and trace elements.

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Perennial shrub 20-70 cm high. With stems, usually slightly leafy at the base, woody, gray tomentose, like all young stems; with finely toothed, petiolate leaves tapering towards the base. Sage blooms in June-July. The smell of the plant, especially when rubbed in the fingers, is strong, specific. The plant comes from Asia Minor and is cultivated in our country. In the villages, it is cultivated in gardens, vegetable gardens, flower beds, as a remedy primarily for rinsing the mouth and throat, especially for toothache.

Where does sage grow?

It is widely cultivated in the south of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea. Does not grow wild.

Collection and storage of sage.

Harvested 2-3 times: the first harvest - during flowering, the second - in September. Sage leaves are dried in an air dryer. Shelf life 1 year.

Medicinal properties of sage.

Sage leaves have disinfectant, astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, emollient effects.
It is used in inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and pharynx, upper respiratory tract as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent in the form of rinses. Also used for poultices. Festering wounds heal quickly if they are washed with an infusion of sage or make lotions from this infusion.

The use of sage in traditional medicine recipes.

A decoction of sage cleanses the stomach, frees the throat from phlegm, and cooked in water or wine has a good effect on the liver and kidneys. The action of sage is enhanced if wormwood is added to it and a decoction is prepared from this mixture. The decoction enhances the activity of the endocrine glands. Sage is used for hypertension, atherosclerosis (especially in menopause in women), tremor paralysis. Gargling with a decoction is recommended for various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and throat diseases. If you regularly rinse your mouth with sage, you can avoid gum disease. Inhalation from a decoction relieves the condition in diseases of the larynx and respiratory tract. It is useful to make masks and compresses for the face from sage. The people attributed special properties to sage: it was believed that drinking tea from sage leaves prolongs life. Hippocrates and Dioscorides considered sage to be a sacred herb and the most useful medicine, especially for female infertility.

In case of infertility, it was recommended to drink sage juice with a small amount of salt. In Chinese medicine, sage has long been used as a general tonic, as well as for articular rheumatism, and externally for chronic skin diseases.

Infusion of sage leaves.

Brew 1 liter of boiling water 50 g of herbs, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink without restriction with bedwetting.

Infusion of sage leaves.

Grind 10 g of sage leaves to 0.5 mm, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, cool, strain. The infusion is good for 2-3 days. Store in a cool place.
In high doses, it is undesirable to use for a long time, since there may be poisoning of the body and irritation of the mucous membranes.

The plant came to the people through pharmacies and became quite popular in it.
Now you can often meet the use of sage both in pure form and in mixtures with other herbs in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as well as a diuretic, carminative and astringent.

Water tincture of sage.

20.0 g per 1 liter. boiling water is steamed with a closed lid - it promotes digestion.
Sage leaf tea has antiseptic properties and treats inflammatory processes in the renal pelvis; facilitates expectoration in chronic bronchitis.
It also reduces night sweats in consumptives.
With fluxes, diseases of the gums and throat, a mixture of two decoctions is good: from sage (5.0 g per 1 glass of water - 10 minutes) and oak bark (5.0 g per 1 glass of water). Both decoctions are filtered and mixed. Rinse hot.
During asthmatic attacks, a few small puffs of a cigarette made from dry Datura leaves (Datura is poisonous) and sage give a good effect. Take half a small leaf of Datura and one leaf of sage, roll up a cigarette, inhale several times not very strongly with smoke. The entrance is passing. This, of course, does not cure asthma, but it brings relief.

The use of sage.

The name of the herb comes from the ancient Greek words: sun, health, well-being. Hippocrates, Dioscorides and other ancient Greek physicians called sage “sacred herb”. To this day, sage leaves are official in many countries of the world.
Traditionally, sage is used for rinsing in acute angina, chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, aphthous lesions of the oral cavity.
In addition, an infusion of sage leaves is taken for gastric diseases, cholecystitis, hepatitis, mild forms of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, shaking paralysis, pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, articular rheumatism, intervertebral osteochondrosis. Baths with sage are useful for eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes. Sage improves memory, cleanses blood vessels.

properties of sage.

Sage is a repository of phytohormones. Their role is still not well understood. They are known to act as catalysts and are similar to human hormones similar to estrogens (female sex hormones). That is why it is useful for women after 35 years of age to take a course of rejuvenation - three times a year for a month, regularly drink a glass of infusion in the morning: 1 teaspoon of sage per glass of boiling water. Insist until cool. Drink slowly, 30-40 minutes before meals. You can add honey or lemon for taste. AT Ancient Egypt after devastating wars or epidemics, women were forced to drink boiled sage and season their food with it in order to increase the population. The priests distributed the herb for free. The fulfillment of these conditions by young women was especially carefully monitored.
There is nothing surprising or mystical in this. Infusion of sage seeds promotes conception, helps both men and women. Unlike other fertility-enhancing plants, sage increases the “sucking” reflex of the cervix in women.

Infusion of sage seeds.

1 teaspoon of seeds pour a glass of boiling water. Do not strain. Keep in the refrigerator so as not to sour. Drink 1 dessert spoon 2 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime for 11 days immediately after the cessation of menstruation. The course of treatment is 3 months. If the desired pregnancy does not occur, then take a break for two months and repeat the treatment. The result is sure to come. And no - it means you need to treat inflammation of the tubes and ovaries.
I hope someone appreciates the following advice.

Sage infusion for longevity. (Especially useful in old age.)

100 g of sage flowers, 800 ml of vodka and 400 ml of water. Insist 40 days in the sun in a closed glass vessel. Take 1 tablespoon half and half with water in the morning on an empty stomach. The shelf life of the tincture is 1 year. Tones and stimulates nervous system in addition, sage contains natural antioxidants. Note: sage grows in the south - in the Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, in the Caucasus, in Ukraine, in Moldova - you can agree on flowers or tinctures with relatives or friends, or write them out by mail.

To improve memory.

Crush the leaves into powder. Take a pinch 3 times a day with water.

Sage infusion for parkinsonism and multiple sclerosis.

Pour 2 teaspoons of sage with 2 cups of boiling water, simmer in heat for 2-3 hours. Strain twice. Daily dose: drink in fractional portions no more than half a glass at a time. Or take 1 dessert spoon 3-4 times a day - individually. In some cases, sage baths up to 5-7 procedures are useful.

Sage wild, meadow.

It grows everywhere in our meadows. Collect at the beginning of flowering. I will not describe it, but it also contains anthocyanins, steroids, organic acids, essential oils.
It will be more useful if I tell you about its application.

With neurosis of the heart and neurastheria, an infusion of sage is used.

Pour 2 teaspoons of dried leaves with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Drink half a glass 2-4 times a day in a warm form.

Treatment of thrush with the use of sage infusion.

1 full tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour. Mix 3 parts of the infusion with 1 part of table vinegar. Make lotions.

The use of sage to improve hearing.

Pour a handful of leaves with hot water, bring to a boil. When it boils, keep one or the other ear over the steam. Don't lean too low to avoid getting burned. Do 1-2 times a day until improvement.

Sage infusion for tuberculosis of the lymph nodes.

Pour 2 tablespoons of leaves with a glass of boiling water, first leave for 5 minutes, then boil for 2 minutes. Strain after cooling. In a month, it will be possible to add lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort, currants, rose hips to sage. Inside, take 1-2 tablespoons, use the rest of the broth for lotions.

Sage contraindications.

Sage - for all its obvious benefits, it is not without side effects.
It should be excluded from therapeutic agents for reduced thyroid function.
Sage is contraindicated with acute inflammation of the kidneys - nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.
You can not take an infusion of sage with a strong cough, otherwise it will only intensify it.
Poorly tolerated sage with hypotension. It is undesirable to use it for more than three months in a row (breaks are necessary).
Sage is contraindicated during pregnancy. As a precaution, do not prescribe his drugs to nursing mothers, as he dramatically reduces the amount of milk.
Sage is contraindicated in amenorrhea - a long delay in menstruation.

All this applies to any kind of sage.

Ethiopian sage or key herb.

perennial herbaceous plant 50-100 cm high, labial family. The root is thick (up to 3 cm), hard, lignified, the stem is pyramidal, branched, tetrahedral, from 25 to 100 cm high. Basal leaves in a rosette, ovate, unequally toothed, wrinkled, petiolate up to 15 cm long; stem - paired, short-leaved or sessile, with a wide stem-bearing base, much smaller; the upper bracts are sessile, broadly ovate, pointed, entire, shorter than the flowers. Ethiopian sage flowers are white, 6-10 in false rings. Fruits are ovoid-trihedral, brown, smooth nuts in a calyx. Ethiopian sage blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in July-August.

Where does Ethiopian sage grow?

Grows on the slopes of beams and river valleys, forest edges and clearings, on the roadsides of the Caucasus, forest-steppe regions of Ukraine.

Collection of Ethiopian sage.

Medicinal raw material in Ethiopian sage is the upper parts of the stem with flowers, partly with immature fruits, leaves and individual leaves. The smell of raw materials is slightly aromatic, the taste is slightly bitter. Store in a well ventilated area.

Medicinal properties of Ethiopian sage.

Ethiopian sage leaves can be used to make an antiperspirant tincture. In tuberculosis patients with profuse sweating, a tincture at a dose of 15 drops 3 times a day reduces sweating. The greatest effect develops on the 3rd day. After stopping the tincture, the effect lasts from 2 to 15 days. A similar effect of the tincture was also found in patients with fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis with debilitating profuse sweating. In this case, the tincture was prescribed 20 drops per dose 3 times a day for 3 days. Sweating decreased on the 2-3rd day.
In healthy people with profuse sweating during the summer heat, the tincture has no effect.
Preparation of tincture: pour 250 ml of vodka or alcohol 1 tbsp. l. sage herbs, insist in a dark place for 9 days, strain. Drink 15-20 drops 3 times a day before meals.

They belong to the category of heat-loving shrubs. The plant has an elongated shape and an average height of up to 70 cm. Sage leaves are oblong, pointed, have a rich green tint, and the flowers, collected in inflorescences, are painted light purple. A large number of essential oils are concentrated in flowering tops, so they should be collected and harvested for medicinal purposes.

sage bush

The intensity of the aroma, the content of essential oils, as well as the concentration of useful substances of sage varies depending on the season of the year. That is why there are certain periods of collecting plants in summer and autumn. You can meet lawns with sage growing in the wild in Slovenia, Macedonia, Croatia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and other countries of southeastern Europe. In Russia and the CIS countries, wild sage is rare. It is mainly grown in private gardens and summer cottages.

The most favorable period for collecting leaves and flowers is the beginning of summer. It is then that the greatest amount of essential oils is concentrated in it. You can start collecting immediately after the blooming of the inflorescences. For the preparation of the medicinal base, we select dark green leaves and lilac inflorescences. For the convenience of drying, we cut off the branches where the lower flowers have already blossomed, and the upper ones are collected in buds. Summer collection time20 days after blooming inflorescences.

young sage

Then the sage fades, and the secondary stage of ripening begins. Self-seeding occurs, new seeds are formed in the pericarp, which soon fall to the ground or are carried by the wind, and after the first rain they germinate, filling the area with young sage bushes. During this period, the plant is not harvested, its leaves and stems coarsen, and the concentration of nutrients decreases several times.

Try to collect most of the sage in the area, if you do not want this plant to fill almost the entire space of your garden during the new flowering period. Many gardeners specifically assign sage large areas, because, in addition to therapeutic use dry leaves and buds, you can also use its stems as green manure for compost. Re-collection begins at the end of September. By this time, both young and old shrubs have time to fully form, on which green leaves and lilac inflorescences reappear. In terms of a set of nutrients, autumn sowing is not inferior to summer sowing.

The collection process itself takes place in two ways. In the first case, you can pluck leaves and inflorescences from a growing shoot, and in the second, you can prune the aerial part of the sage with garden shears and dry it in a way that is convenient for you. It is recommended to remove not all leaves and inflorescences from the bush, but somewhere around 50-70% of the total. This will give you the opportunity not to plant new crops next year, but to get young shrubs from germinated seeds. Choose dry and sunny days for harvesting, waiting for the moment when the morning dew has completely evaporated. Before harvesting, we recommend washing the bushes from dust with a hose and letting them dry thoroughly. During the collection, pay attention to the quality of raw materials, excluding diseased and spoiled leaves, inflorescences.

If you do not have the opportunity to grow sage in your summer cottage, you can do it at home by creating special conditions. To do this, you need to have a cool room with plenty of light, such as a loggia or balcony, where you could keep a constant temperature in the range from 0 to +5 ° C.

Sage has a pleasant aroma that persists even after drying. But if the raw material is not prepared correctly, it will have a musty smell. Therefore, start drying the plant immediately after harvesting it. We wash the leaves and inflorescences under water at room temperature, not hot, otherwise the sage will lose half of its medicinal properties, and then lay everything out in an even layer on parchment paper or newspaper. Drying is carried out in a ventilated, dry room or under a canopy in the open air, not forgetting to turn the leaves over.

Drying herbs

Also, you can not remove the leaves and flowers from the cut shoots, but collect them in a bunch and hang them upside down to dry.

You can use the dryer. It is necessary to carry out this process at a minimum temperature not exceeding 35-40 ° C in order to prevent the loss of essential oils and the aroma of sage. In dry raw materials, there should be no twigs, thick stems and other impurities. A simple test will help determine the readiness of raw materials. If the leaves break easily, they are well dried, and if they bend, we continue to dry the sage. At the exit, you should get 25-30% of the medicinal preparation from the initial volume of fresh sage. natural tea from such raw materials has an astringent and bitter taste.

Store the leaves and inflorescences as a whole, as essential oils evaporate much faster from the crushed culture. We recommend using breathable materials as storage containers: cardboard boxes, paper or canvas bags, dry jars with a nylon lid. The room where dry sage will be stored should also be constantly ventilated. Subject to all these rules, the shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Sage, also known as salvia, is another excellent representative of ornamental and medicinal plants. It belongs to the glorious genus of Lamiaceae, which has given rise to many beautiful and useful flowers. I love its beautiful, narrow foliage and blue flowers. After articles by one author about sage, I wanted to learn as much as possible about such a familiar and beautiful plant. It turned out that the shapes and colors of sage are different: from the usual to the most outlandish and unusual. In the world, sage is represented by 700 different species.

Sage is a perennial, but there are both annual and biennial species. Sage inflorescences are collected in panicles or spikelets. The stems are erect, can branch and reach a length of 120 cm.

Sage is a wonderful assistant in cooking and medicine. In ancient Rome, it was used in the treatment of many diseases, today it is just as relevant.

Planting sage

Most species of sage love soils of normal acidity (5.5-6.5 pH). Plant sage in a well-lit area. It will be better to grow on the lungs, fertile soils. Loamy soils are well suited for this.

To enrich the soil before planting sage, in the fall, humus or compost, as well as phosphorus-potassium mineral fertilizers, are introduced for digging. Upon the onset of spring, the soil is leveled and broken with a rake, after which nitrogen fertilizers are also applied.

Sage has been growing in its place for more than 8 years. This culture sprouts well, so you can not use the seedling method, but sow the seeds immediately into the ground in early spring (March - early April, using a film) or in autumn under the snow. It does not matter if the planting is delayed, it can be sown in May, then a film cover for seedlings is not needed. At the same time, stratification and any other measures for seed germination are not required. You can make a ridge for sage, make a groove and plant the seeds to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Sage grows in a bush, so it is better to leave about 30 cm between plants, and take about 50 cm between rows.

You should not sow sage after relatives from the Lamiaceae family. The predecessors of sage can be potatoes, cabbage, onions, legumes.

Sage Care

Pruning. In the second year after planting, like many spices with dense inflorescences, sage is renewed by cutting (10 cm from the soil surface).

Watering. Sage normally tolerates drought, but it needs moisture to keep the greens juicy and tender. Otherwise, the leaves will simply become very tough. But it's not worth transfusing, he doesn't like that.

Application of fertilizers. In the spring, before flowering, fertilizing with nitrogen mineral fertilizers is carried out, in the fall, after the plant is cut and prepared for winter, many gardeners fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in accordance with the norms on the package.

Collection of sage

It is customary to use and harvest sage during its flowering period. The leaves can be consumed fresh, or they can be harvested for the winter, in bunches or spread out in a dark, warm, ventilated place (in the attic).

Types of sage

After the studies, the Novosibirsk Research Station selected 12 species resistant to steppe conditions. But they turned out to be so different in their characteristics that they were divided into three groups:

1. Plants of American origin were identified in this group, their usual environment is the subtropics. In the natural environment, such plants live for several years. AT middle lane In winter, the plant dies, so it is cultivated as an annual. From germination to flowering will take at least 100 days. Therefore, the sage of this group is grown mainly by seedlings.

2. In this group, varieties of Mediterranean sage are already represented. In their natural environment, they are perennial, but in our middle lane in open ground they will die in winter, so they have to be grown as annual plants. But from germination to flowering will take about 40 days. This suggests that you can do without seedlings.

3. Our most popular group. This group includes varieties of sage that winter well in our open field. They are perennial plants of the temperate zone. This group also includes the Ethiopian sage, which is cultivated as a biennial. The most unaffected by research are salvia nutmeg, marsh, and lavender.

Salvia sticky

Varieties of sage officinalis

Since in this article, for the most part, we were talking about sage officinalis (vegetable), we will consider varieties that are suitable for different climatic zones and have excellent taste and irreplaceable medicinal properties.

Sage Breeze

This variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, recommended for fresh and dried consumption (young shoots and foliage), used for the preparation of desserts, salads, soups, sauces, meat, fish. Plants of this variety reach about 60 cm in height, with erect shoots and dense foliage. The leaves are pubescent, serrated along the edges. In the second year after planting, the bush of the variety reaches about 280 g. The flowers are purple-blue in color. Seeds are small, brown-black.

Sage Aibolit

As well as the previous variety, it is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Used both fresh and dry. The plant is larger than the previous one, 60-120 cm tall. The leaf is dark green in color, finely serrated along the edge, wrinkled, has a strong pubescence. It is customary to use the variety in the second year after planting, after a month from the beginning of the growing season. But it is not as resistant in winter as the previous variety, so in the middle lane it is better to cover for the winter.

Sage Nectar

The variety, included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, is very popular in combination with cheese and in aromatic culinary compositions. Its height is about 100 cm, the stem is erect. The color of the foliage is light green with pubescence. Flowers blue-violet.

Sage Patriarchy Semko

The variety is used in dry and fresh form, it has been included in the State Register since 2000. The height of this variety is 50-80 cm. The erect stems are stiff at the bottom. Dense foliage up to 10 cm long. To the top of the shoot, the leaves are smaller. Seeds in the form of a ball, flowers are blue-violet.

Sage is used medicinally. But it also has beautiful flowers, so many gardeners grow it for aesthetic purposes on their land plots. You need to know how to properly plant it and what care this plant requires. Interestingly, another name for this plant is salvia. Thus, one of the names can be written on the seeds.

In nature, there are a large number of varieties of this plant.

The most popular and famous are:

  1. Medicinal, which reaches 70 cm in height and has a gray-green color. There are several subspecies: Breeze, Aibolit, Nectar and Semko Patriarchy.
  2. Forest or wild. Differs in small height and presence of purple, blue or violet flowers.
  3. Meadow has a yellowish color. The inflorescences are small, but there are a lot of them.

Most often on garden plots grow exactly medicinal and meadow sage. But sometimes there is also a forest one.

It is worth considering the most popular varieties that are great for planting in a summer cottage.

Variety Short description
Guarani buds of blue color, with almost black cups perennial. The height reaches 1.5 meters, and the width of the bush is about 60 cm.
dubravny The flower grows up to 1 meter, and its width is about 60 cm. The flowers can be white, purple or purple.
Adhesive Yellow buds, flower height up to 90 cm with a width of about 50 cm. Likes to be in partial shade, requires more moist soil compared to other varieties.
lavender It looks very similar to lavender. It can grow in regions where the air temperature does not fall below -23 degrees.
small-leaved This is an evergreen shrub that reaches a height of 120 cm. It comes from Mexico, and blooms until the end of summer. Requires special care, as it dies at -5 degrees.
fiery red Bright red petals. The width of the flower is up to 30 cm, and the height is about 70 cm. He himself is from South Africa.

It is possible to use several varieties at once to create an original composition on the site.

Cultivation and care

Different varieties of this plant require special care. So, the meadow prefers to be on the sunny side and requires moderate watering, when the forest needs more shade and abundant watering.

Despite the diversity, there are several general requirements:

  • on sandy soil, the plant feels better;
  • it is recommended to use humus as a fertilizer;
  • in winter you need to cover;
  • pruning is required in the spring.

Salvia is considered a thermophilic plant. Therefore, in the northern regions it is grown as an annual plant. Rarely re-planted in the ground again.

Useful information from gardeners

Carefully choose a place for planting sage and it will delight you with its flowering up to 8 years

Before landing, there are several important issues to be resolved. It depends on how long the salvia will grow. She can stay in one place for up to eight years.

Location selection

It is required to choose the sunny side, where there is light soil. Even on rocky or sandy ground, sage will do well. But in the presence of clay, it will not be able to grow normally.

Usually sage is unpretentious. Therefore, it is enough to provide a good drainage system so that it can grow without additional care. But it is recommended not to forget about the flower. With proper care, the buds will be brighter and more beautiful.

It is necessary that the roots do not suffer from lack of air and excess moisture. Otherwise, they will begin to rot, and the plant itself will die.

Plant sage in a place where there is more sun, then he will be able to reveal all his beauty.

Lighting requirement

Planting in the shade will not destroy the plant. However, it will not allow him to reveal all his beauty. Therefore, it is recommended to choose southern areas where there is no shade. The rate of development of sage is directly dependent on the air temperature outside and sufficient illumination.

If the flower is in a pot, he needs to ensure maximum peace. It is not recommended to transfer it and transplant it once again. All this causes stress, which affects the growth rate and flowering.

Additional Information

Planting a plant will be successful if you remember a few important nuances:

If, before sage, or legumes grew in this place, then there should be no problems with the necessary minerals. It is possible to do without top dressing at first. However, to obtain a quick desired effect, it is recommended to use organic fertilizers.

Landing Rules

sage seeds

Usually seeds are used for planting. They can be planted directly in open ground or first in pots (in the spring), and then transplanted into the ground. It must be understood that when planting seedlings, the plant is in greenhouse conditions.

That is, it is gaining altitude quite quickly. However, any manipulation causes stress in the flower. Therefore, one must be prepared for the death of part of the seedlings during transplantation into open ground.

If seeds are used immediately, then everything must be done as follows:

  • the soil must first be prepared by adding organic fertilizers to it (humus is best suited);
  • seeds are laid 3 mm deep at a distance of 30 cm from each other;
  • the first 15 to 20 days after planting, the ground should always be moist.

After the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to switch to watering 1 - 2 times a week. However, at the stage of active vegetation, the plant will again need to be systematically irrigated. Mature flowers are watered only when the soil dries.

Features of care

Don't Forget to Take Care of Your Salvia

Salvia does not require specific care. However, certain actions must be performed periodically so that the plant blooms better. So, in the second year, it is important to prune. Old shoots are completely removed at a height of 10 cm from the soil. They can be used in the preparation of humus. It is best to prune in the fall.

In the spring, it is recommended to add nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the soil. They will help you grow faster. After pruning, the plant should add and. There are many different fertilizers on the market. It is necessary to add them in accordance with the instructions.

There are several important nuances that can make the process of growing sage in a summer cottage easier:

Have you planted sage in your garden yet?

Do not use large amounts of fertilizer. The flower is unpretentious, and they are required only to enhance flowering. Excess nitrogen in the soil, which is found in all organic matter, can damage the root system of a flower.


There are two ways to ensure wintering of sage:

  1. In the southern regions of Russia, it is possible to leave roots in the ground. But it is necessary to cover the cut flower with a film or bottle. This method of preservation is relevant if the air temperature does not fall below -10.
  2. In the rest of the country, the root is dug up. It must be washed and the remnants of the earth removed. You also need to prepare a box in which the flower will be stored. It is recommended to use sawdust or mulch to ensure preservation.

It is important that during storage of the flower a constant temperature (5 - 7 degrees) and air humidity are provided. It is necessary to check the condition of the roots once a month. If necessary, they need to be irrigated with a spray bottle.

Sage propagation methods

There are several ways to propagate this plant, namely:

  1. seeds. When flowering ends, the flowers fall to the ground. It is in them that the seeds ripen. They must be collected, treated from possible pests and dried. Until spring, they need to be kept in a paper bag, which will have air access. During the planting period, it is necessary to prepare the soil.
  2. Division relevant if the sage takes root well. To do this, you need to divide into 2 - 3 parts a bush that is more than two years old. it is important not to damage the root system. After separation, you need to transplant the flower to the desired location.
  3. cuttings. To do this, take a stiff shoot and put it in the water. When he gives roots, landing in the ground is possible. It is necessary that the stalk be 12 - 16 cm.

Natural reproduction occurs precisely by seeds. They can be assembled by yourself or purchased at the store. However, store-bought seeds are often modified so that new ones cannot be bred.

Read the article

Sage is grown in the country quite often. This is a perennial decorative medicinal plant loved by many gardeners. It can grow in the southern regions, northern regions, the middle lane. The culture belongs to the Lamiaceae family, has the second name Salvia.

Growing conditions

Garden sage perennial can be grown as annuals or biennials. Garden sage should be planted in an open, well-lit, sunny area. Small shading of bushes is allowed. A heat-loving plant does not tolerate drafts.

The semi-shrub prefers light sandy or loamy, nutritious, neutral, breathable soils. He does not like slightly acidic soils. Their acidity should be: pH=6.5 - 7.0. If necessary, you can use chalk powder, dolomite flour, eggshell. To make the earth loose, humus, compost, river sand are added before digging up the bed.

Note! Sage in the country can grow in one place for more than 8 years.

The culture does not tolerate excessive moisture. You can not use a large amount of humus. This can lead to stretching of the bushes in height.

A favorable neighborhood is important for a plant. You can not plant sage in the garden in the place where the lamb cultures grew: mint, oregano, basil, thyme, corn. It is better that the predecessors are such vegetables as:

  • Potato;
  • Cabbage;
  • Beans;
  • Peas.

On a note! Wonderful neighbors for sage will be irises, cereals, strawberry bushes.


You can grow sage:

  • dividing the bush. In autumn or spring, they dig up a plant, divide it into required amount fragments. Places of cuts are powdered charcoal. Small bushes should have aerial parts and roots.
  • cuttings. Cut off healthy branches of semi-shrubs. Drop them into a container filled with water. After the roots are formed, the culture is planted in the ground.
  • seeds. This is the most popular method of breeding sage in the country, it is worth considering it in more detail.

sage seeds

Seeds are sown in February or March, early April. It depends on when it will be possible to transplant sprouts into open ground, summer residents should be guided by the local climate.

Important! Sage refers to plants with a long daylight hours. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight it with phytolamps.

Seed material is bought in a store or harvested from bushes in a summer cottage in the fall. In the latter case, you need to prepare them for sowing: the seeds are kept for 30 days in the refrigerator. Before planting, leave in a pink solution of manganese for 15 minutes and dry.

It is necessary to prepare the land in advance (5-6 days before planting). It is necessary to shed the soil with boiling water with the addition of potassium permanganate or warm it in the oven. It will destroy fungal infections, suspected pests. Next, you need to act like this:

  1. Prepare containers. They are doused with boiling water, washed with laundry soap. Drainage is poured at the bottom - expanded clay. Then lay out the ground.
  2. Sage has very small seeds, so experienced gardeners recommend mixing them with sand. Then gently sprinkle on the surface of the soil and spray with water from a spray bottle. Cover with glass or plastic wrap. Comfortable temperature for planting + 20-25 degrees.
  3. When the first sprouts appear, the shelters are removed. Trays put on the window. The culture should be watered sparingly. The first shoots appear after two weeks.
  4. Shoots dive when two leaves appear on each sprout (they use the same soil as when sowing). For a couple of days, the pots are left in a light (openwork) shade. This way they will root better. Then they are returned to a bright place.

Advice! In order for the bushes to be lush and give a lot of lateral processes, you need to pinch their tops over every sixth leaf.

Sage in the garden: planting and care

Before planting sage in the country in open ground, seedlings should be hardened off for 14 days. It is necessary to take the plants to the air so that they can get used to the habitat. To begin with, they are left for a few minutes, gradually increasing the time.

Young seedlings are planted when the threat of frost has passed (depending on the region, climate). For example, in the Moscow region, you can plant seedlings of Salvia in the last days of May. So that the bushes do not interfere with each other, the distance between them must be at least 70 centimeters.

Planting sage

It is not necessary to grow sage seedlings; you can also sow its seeds directly into the ground in spring or autumn. It is worth noting that during the autumn plantings, the seeds should be dry. Thus, natural stratification is carried out in winter.

Seeds are laid to a depth of 6 - 7 mm. When the seedlings grow up, they should be thinned out.


Salvia is not picky, it is quite easy to care for her.

Although sage tolerates drought well, it requires moderate watering. Otherwise, its leaves will become stiff. Water the plant as needed, avoiding excessive moisture. Otherwise, insect pests can attack it: spider mites, slugs, thrips, snails. After irrigation, the soil around the bushes needs to be loosened.

Important! Water stagnation should not be allowed.

Mulching with small pebbles or pebbles will retain moisture

In the spring, plants are fed before flowering or 14-20 days after seedlings have been planted (with nitrogen substances, mullein infusion). When flowers appear, use phosphorus, potassium (25g/m2). In autumn, when the bushes are pruned, the soil is fertilized with phosphorus-potassium compounds.

They begin to prune the plants in the second year after planting, leaving stems 10 centimeters high from the ground. Sage bushes are sheared in spring and autumn. This procedure rejuvenates seedlings, stimulates the growth of new branches, strengthens the roots. The first years, when sage grows, carry out autumn pruning. Later, a similar event is carried out only in the spring.

Important! The stems become woody after 3-5 years. It is necessary to replace old bushes with young seedlings. Usually they are cuttings in water. A month later, the roots appear and the cuttings are planted in the ground.

All types of sage do not tolerate winter cold, frost. In autumn, plants are prepared for winter: cut off, leaving stumps, mulched with dry humus. When the temperature outside becomes -5 - 6 degrees, sprinkle with earth, cover with foliage, spruce branches.

Collecting Sage

Everyone knows that sage has undeniable healing properties. Benefits bring both leaves and tops with flowers. It is possible to harvest medicinal material throughout the summer season until the beginning of autumn. The best period for collection is considered to be the flowering time of the crop. Collect the plant in dry sunny weather.

Collection of sage

You can pluck the leaves separately or cut the branches, forming them into bouquets. From young seedlings (1 - 2 years old), it is advisable to take only the upper leaves, without touching the branches.

Dry medicinal herbs in well-ventilated areas (no more than +35 degrees). The sun's rays should not fall on it. Raw materials are scattered in a thin layer or hung in panicles. You can use an oven or an electric dryer (permissible temperature 50 - 60 degrees). Store the dried plant in glass jars, cloth bags, paper bags.

Application of sage

Interesting! It is used fresh and dried to flavor various meat, fish, vegetable dishes, it is included in the composition of complex spices. Also added during conservation.

For preventive, therapeutic purposes, all kinds of decoctions, infusions, rinses are prepared from sage. It has an antibacterial effect, stops the blood, improves vascular tone, cleanses the body. They treat wounds, burns, use it for compresses.

Sage is considered an excellent cosmetic product. Beneficial features:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • restores skin cells, cleanses, refreshes it;
  • eliminates various inflammations on the skin, normalizes its fat content;
  • rinse hair with infusion of sage.

Sage is widely used in cosmetology

The plant also has contraindications. Its preparations can not be used for the following diseases:

  • acute inflammation of the kidneys;
  • hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function);
  • polycystic;
  • endometriosis;
  • myoma;
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

On a note! The most common variety of salvia planted in summer cottages is Muscat sage (Voznesensky 24). It has a delicate aroma of nutmeg (the presence of an essential oil of 0.25%), for which it got its name. It is a perennial (usually biennial) plant. Differs in high winter hardiness. Its height is 1.5 - 2 meters. If the culture is grown in the Moscow region, then the growth will not exceed 1m.

Clary sage is grown in the country in the same way as other types of salvia.

Sage is not difficult to grow in a summer cottage. It is easy to care for, and the beautiful look of the flower will decorate any garden.

Salvia officinalis has been used at home for many centuries to treat colds. This is an interesting medicinal plant, which the ancient healers called the herb of immortality, the herb of well-being and health. Translated into Russian, the word means "promoting health." The significance of sage officinalis as a source of substances and compounds beneficial to human health is noted by the official pharmacopoeia. Read this article about medicinal properties sage officinalis, its harvesting and drying, as well as the use of sage oil.

Salvia officinalis (Salvia officinalis). © Marc St

Botanical description of the plant

Salvia officinalis(in Latin - Salvia officinalis) is distinguished by a high content of essential oil, which has very useful medicinal properties. It has a positive effect on many diseases of various etiologies.

All parts of the plant have medicinal properties. Natural antibiotic and antispasmodic, valued as a good wound healing, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, antiseptic. In addition to the medical direction, it is widely used in cooking, perfumery, and cosmetology.

Under natural conditions, medicinal sage grows in the mountainous warm regions of the Asian-European continent, in the Mediterranean countries. In Russia, it does not grow wild. Unstable cold weather is detrimental to sage officinalis. Cultivated forms of sage medicinal for medical purposes are grown in warm regions of Russia (Caucasus, Crimea), some regions of the former USSR (Moldova, Ukraine).

By appearance sage officinalis is easily distinguishable from other species. A tall perennial shrub (70-80 cm) of a greenish-gray hue with a suffocating pronounced aroma, especially when rubbing the leaves in the palm of your hand. The taste is bitter-spicy, astringent.

The root of sage officinalis is well branched, lignified. The stem is straight, 4-sided, woody in the lower part, remains herbaceous in the upper part. From the brownish bark below it passes into a grassy form in the upper third of the bush, giving way to a gray-green pubescence.

The leaves of sage officinalis are large, 5-9 cm long, simple. The leaf blade is wrinkled, distinguished from below by finely reticulate veins. The color is greyish-green to silvery due to a continuous dense covering with short hairs. Flowers bluish-blue, lilac and others blue shades, relatively large, 1-5 in false whorls are located at the ends of the branches in the form of discontinuous apical brushes.

Salvia officinalis is a cross-pollinating plant. Blooms in May-August. The aerial part with the end of the growing season dies off annually. The fruit is formed from 4 round nuts, smooth, dark brown in color.

Medicinal properties of sage

At home and in official medicine, sage officinalis is used to treat:

  • inflammatory diseases of various etiologies (oral cavity and nasopharynx, upper respiratory tract, pleurisy, tuberculosis, asthma, stomatitis);
  • open wounds, purulent ulcers, violations of the skin from frostbite and burns, with bruises, suppuration;
  • hemorrhoids, prostate, rectum;
  • all types of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and bladder.

Sage also has other medicinal properties. Therefore, it is used at home as a disinfectant, expectorant, antiseptic, diuretic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, sedative and astringent.

Sage can be used alone or mixed with other herbs.

Sage has a high concentration of essential oils, especially in the leaves.© Visione Curativa

Contraindications to the use of sage for medicinal purposes

Sage has a high concentration of essential oils, especially in the leaves. In enclosed spaces, a strong suffocating aroma causes coughing, headache, dizziness, convulsions, heart palpitations, and vomiting.

Sage officinalis is allergic, before using it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor.

For medicinal purposes, if it is necessary to take decoctions and infusions of sage of increased concentration, they should not be used for more than 2-3 months.

You can not use sage:

  • with allergies to grass (itching, hives, swelling);
  • during pregnancy;
  • when feeding a child;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypotension;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pyelonephritis and acute inflammation of the kidneys, endometriosis;
  • in inflammatory processes with a strong prolonged cough.

Sage preparations are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to this remedy.

Pharmacological properties and chemical composition

The pharmacological properties of sage are due to the presence in the leaves of organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, bitterness, phytoncides, vitamins, including groups "B", "P" and "PP", essential oil containing cineol, borneol, salven, thujone and other terpenes, as well as the presence of camphor. Chemical compounds well suppress pathogenic microflora.

The use of sage preparations in official medicine

In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made preparations of sage and use (on the recommendation of a doctor):

  • tincture of sage ( Tinctura salviae) - for rinsing;
  • dry collection of sage leaves separately or as part of a collection in packs of 50 g - for the preparation of anti-inflammatory and softening solutions;
  • sage oil - for inhalation, dressings, etc.;
  • tablets and lozenges - for resorption, etc.

For treatment, not only leaves are used, but also young inflorescences of the upper part of the plant. © Finnifern

Harvesting, drying and storage of raw materials

For treatment, leaves and young inflorescences of the upper part of the sage officinalis are used.


For treatment, the leaves of sage officinalis are used in official medicine, and the upper part of young inflorescences is also collected at home.

The collection of raw materials (separately leaves and inflorescences of sage officinalis) begins in June. The highest accumulation of oils in leaves occurs during seed maturation. In the middle tier of the bush, the concentration of oil in the leaves and especially the stems is much less.

The collection is carried out after the dew has disappeared and the fog has cleared up to 11 hours. It is necessary to collect medicinal material before the start of the heat in order to preserve the maximum amount of essential oils in the leaves. During the summer period, the collection of sage officinalis is carried out 3-4 times and ends in the first half of September. When harvested later, the oil content is significantly reduced.

Leaves and inflorescences of sage officinalis are collected in separate containers, laying raw materials in a loose heap (loosely). The leaves can be carefully cut off, but since the collection is reusable, it is more expedient to cut off the leaves and the upper part of the inflorescences when collecting.


The collected material at home is immediately cleaned of debris. Due to the strong aroma of sage, work is carried out in the shade and in a draft. The cleaned material is best dried in natural conditions on gratings or in loose small bunches (if inflorescences) suspended in attics or under a canopy. Black leaves, the smell of rot indicate improper drying. Such material cannot be used. It is sent to the compost heaps.


Dry raw materials are stored in a container with a tightly closed lid (preferably glass). Shelf life 2 years.

Methods for preparing medicinal solutions based on sage

Decoction for oral administration

Boil 200-250 ml of water. Pour a teaspoon of dried sage leaves into boiling water and turn off the gas. After 20-30 minutes of infusion, strain the broth. Take before meals (20 minutes) a quarter cup, 3 times a day. Used for rinsing and for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A more concentrated solution cannot be taken, it can cause diarrhea, indigestion, and nervous tension.

Decoction for external use

The cooking method is the same. But raw materials are poured into boiling water 3 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon with top. After insisting and filtering, moisten a napkin from natural material, slightly squeezed (liquid should not drip) and applied to the diseased surface: wound, abscess, abscess, inflammation.

Water infusion of sage

An infusion differs from a decoction in the way it is prepared. Infusions do not boil. To prepare herbal infusion, pour 200-250 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon, close the container tightly and leave for 1 hour. Strain. Take 20 minutes before meals 1-2 tablespoons 3 times / day. Used for gastritis, spasms, intestinal inflammation, flatulence, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder.

Alcohol tincture

Alcoholic tinctures of sage officinalis are called the elixir of life. You can buy ready-made tincture in a pharmacy. An effective antimicrobial agent for disinfection of the oral cavity (diluted with water), for stomatitis, gingivitis, for external use.

The tincture can be prepared independently. 2 tablespoons with a top are poured with alcohol or 40% vodka, tightly closed and exposed to a lighted place. 25-30 days insist. Before taking, filter the required amount. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 tablespoon of tincture with warm water. It relieves stress well.

sage tea

A teaspoon of sage is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 10-15 minutes, drunk as tea. In stores, you can buy sage tea in bags.

Oil of sage officinalis. © Health Zone

Uses of sage oil

Sage oil is purchased in pharmacies. For oral administration, 2-3 drops are diluted with warm water and drunk before meals no more than 3 times a day with poor digestion, overwork, blood pressure. Inhalations are effective for coughs and colds, externally - in the form of applications, compresses.

For singers! A solution of sage oil helps to quickly restore the voice.

The essential oil of sage officinalis is also used for relaxing massages and therapeutic baths.

If you grow sage on the site or have experience using it for medicinal purposes, share this information with Botanichka readers in the comments to the article. Perhaps your experience will help someone overcome a serious illness.