How to lose weight with carrots. Let's crunch? Can you eat carrots at night? Spicy carrot and shrimp salad

Carrots are a delicious and very healthy vegetable. A carrot diet, according to nutrition experts, helps to lose weight by 11 kg. in 7 days, while cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. Eating carrots for weight loss, you will saturate the body with vitamins needed during the diet. The vegetable will help overcome cravings for sweets and starchy foods due to its natural sweetness and nutritional value.

This root crop is a storehouse of useful trace elements. Carrot improves immunity, improves skin condition, slows down aging and improves vision. Various dishes can be prepared from it, for example, salads, pudding or casseroles, carrot soufflé, pastries, pie. Losing weight with this product will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure!

A bit of history

Carrots, as the main element in weight loss, have been used since ancient times. However, then it was used only for medicinal purposes to combat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, and constipation. Even then, the positive effect of carrots on vision was noticed. Used it with olive oil.

The modern carrot diet was developed by the Bulgarian healer Peter Dimkov. His main goal was to create a nutrition system that quickly and efficiently normalizes digestion. During the period of eating carrots, the body is cleansed of toxins, increases efficiency, and the process of losing weight is easier.

Carrot is low-calorie product. 100 g of the product contains only 32 kcal.

Useful properties of carrots

An orange vegetable is valued primarily for beta-carotene, which is transformed into vitamin A in our body. This substance is used to improve vision and normalize metabolism. Beta-carotene strengthens the hair and nail plate, and also has a positive effect on the skin and bones. A weight loss system based on the use of carrots will not only guarantee slim figure, but also a beautiful external image.

The root crop contains the following useful substances:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamins of group B, K, C, E;
  • fiber;
  • folic acid.

Carrots are rich in antioxidants that slow down the aging process and prevent the risk of developing cancer.

Disadvantages and contraindications

The choice of weight loss method should take place in accordance with the recommendations and contraindications of a particular diet. This carrot diet is not recommended for:

  • diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiac system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • retinol hypervitaminosis.

For the first time, an overdose of vitamin A was discovered in animals in the 30s of the 20th century. As a result of the experiments, lethal outcomes were observed among the livestock. Late 40s this phenomenon found in humans. It was extremely toxic to the body.

Varieties of the diet on carrots

Weight loss on the root crop occurs due to the large amount of fiber, which cleanses the intestines, freeing it from old toxins. Fiber also normalizes the motility of this organ, healing its microflora and contributing to natural weight loss. An orange vegetable is saturated with vitamins and trace elements, which allows you to supply the body with energy with dietary restrictions.

There are many dietary regimens in which carrots are the main ingredient. These are either mono-diets or combined diets with the addition of low-calorie foods.

By duration

Among them, a 3, 7 and 10-day diet using this root crop is distinguished.

Three Day Diet

For 3 days of a light mono-diet, it is really possible to lose weight by 2-3 kilograms. The basic rule of such a diet is that you only need carrots, and in unlimited quantities. The vegetable is eaten raw. It is also used to make a salad, which is seasoned with lemon juice. During the carrot diet for 3 days, you are allowed to drink unlimited amounts of water, a couple of cups of green tea and freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Scientists have found that eating carrots in chopped form, the body absorbs more nutrients from the vegetable than when eating it whole.

Seven Day Diet

Among those who lose weight, this system is not popular, since it is quite difficult to withstand such a test. sample menu such a diet for 7 days includes:

Those who endure such Spartan conditions will expect a plummet of 4-6 kilograms.

Diet for 10 days

Do you want to lose 7-9 kilograms in ten days? Then go on this diet. But first, you will have to come to terms with the feeling of hunger and fatigue that will haunt you during all this time, since little protein will be eaten with carrots, and instead of adipose tissue, you will get rid of muscle, which is not very good for the body.

Another disadvantage of such a system is sagging skin and the appearance of stretch marks, and naturally light skin with prolonged use of carrots can become yellow. Therefore, experts recommend that people with this type of skin do not abuse this diet.

If the state of health worsens during the period of dietary restrictions, it is necessary to immediately interrupt the diet.

By diet

Sometimes other low-calorie ingredients are included in the diet in addition to the dietary vegetable.

On Korean carrot

The main rule of the diet is to eat no more than 300 g of Korean carrots per day with any protein product. The daily diet should contain no more than 1200 kcal.

Korean carrots need to be properly cooked. Here is our healthy recipe for you:

  1. The root crop is chopped and salted, leaving for 30 minutes to extract the juice.
  2. In a frying pan with warmed butter, fry 3-4 cloves of garlic until golden brown.
  3. At the end of frying, 15 g of vinegar is added to the pan.
  4. The resulting mixture is stirred and added to a container with carrots.
  5. The dish is peppered and salted to taste.

The diet menu for weight loss on Korean carrots includes:

We drink at least 2 liters of water throughout the day.

For 7-10 days with this diet, you can throw off from 3 to 6 kilograms.

On apples and carrots

Carrot-apple diet is short. Adhere to it for three days, and a maximum of five, which leads to rapid weight loss. Fruits should be crushed - this way of eating vegetables and fruits creates a mild effect of cleansing the intestines while maximizing the absorption of all vitamins.

This diet includes 0.5 kg. grated carrots and 1 kg. grated apples. Food is taken every two hours in equal portions. Nutritionists also recommend drinking at least 2 liters per day. water. Physical activity is essential for maximum weight loss.

For 3 days on such a diet, they lose about 2-3 kg.

On beets and carrots

The main dish here is the Metelka salad. Carrots and beets are grated and mixed. Dress this beetroot salad with lemon juice or vegetable oil. In addition to the main products, cabbage or celery are added.

Such a vegetable mix can be included in the protein-carbohydrate alternation, as in, in which the food consists of a series of two days: carbohydrate and protein. On the first day, losing weight should eat 1.5 kg. lettuce. In the second - 700-800. chicken fillet, fish or beef.

On cabbage and carrots

The basis of such weight loss is a salad of cabbage and carrots. In addition to these ingredients, apples, vegetable oil, lemon juice are added to the vegetable mixture.

Cooking method:

  1. Cabbage, carrot and apple are crushed and mixed.
  2. The salad is dressed with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  3. Salt and pepper are added for taste.

Fasting days

Another effective way to lose weight is to arrange fasting days on carrots. One of the most popular types of “unloading the body” is carrots combined with kefir. The root crop is eaten raw, washed down with a fermented milk product. You can also make kefir-carrot cocktails in a blender.

The second way of a one-day unloading carrot diet for weight loss is to consume 5-7 glasses carrot juice per day.

The main thing is that it should be freshly squeezed juice, not packaged.

The right way out of the diet

To consolidate the result, you need the right way out of the diet. The day after the end of the course, nutritionists recommend eating a slice of rye bread and some potatoes, but not fried, of course, but baked or boiled. After that, low-fat sour-milk products are included in the menu and meat is gradually added.

In the following days, try to limit the consumption of fatty and sweet, but do not completely exclude carrots from the diet. An organism that has experienced stress during a period of food restrictions will begin to store all the extra calories into kilograms you do not need. So be careful on the way out!

The withdrawal period takes about a week.

Diet Recipes

Carrots are not only healthy, but also a very tasty vegetable, from which you can cook various dishes.

Carrot honey salad

This is a wonderful low-calorie dessert that is prepared as follows:

  1. Carrots are rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. The salad is dressed with honey and lemon juice.

For 1 kg. carrots take 1 tbsp. l. honey and juice of 1 lemon.

Carrot puree soufflé

It is very easy to prepare. You will need:

  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.

Carrots are cut into cubes, mixed with 5 g of butter and 1/3 of milk. This mixture is stewed a little, then it is crushed in a blender and rubbed through a sieve. Egg yolks, the remaining milk and sugar are added to the resulting gruel. Then everything is mixed with beaten egg whites, laid out in a mold and brought to full readiness on a steam bath.

Light, low-calorie carrot desserts will be a salvation for lovers of sweets during weight loss.

Carrots are included baby food, it is recommended to include it in the diet during pregnancy and lactation and use it for spring beriberi. This vegetable also helps in the fight against excess weight, but you need to know how, when and how much carrots can be eaten.

Benefits in weight loss

Until recently, some nutritionists did not really appreciate the benefits of carrots due to their high glycemic index (GI). It was believed that in boiled carrots it reaches 85. To date, the vegetable has been "amnestied": in the latest tables, the GI index for raw carrots is 20, and for boiled carrots - 50.

Carrots are one of the few foods that you can eat at night without fear of gaining weight. Moreover, while you sleep, carrots eaten at night will work for you and burn fat. It is not necessary to eat it in its pure form - you can mix the product with low-fat cottage cheese or drink evening kefir. A late dinner can easily be replaced with a glass of carrot juice or a light vegetable soup based on carrots.

Why carrots should definitely be included in your diet when losing weight?

  • This vegetable is rich in vitamin A, the lack of which leads to stretch marks and can even cause sagging skin. In addition, a large amount of it has a beneficial effect on immune system, promotes strengthening of bones.
  • The use of carrots leads to a soft cleansing of the body, allows you to free it from toxins and toxins, relieves the liver of fat.
  • A large amount of nicotinic acid, necessary for the metabolism of fats and lipids, in combination with vitamin K leads to a fat burning effect.
  • Natural magnesium helps lower cholesterol levels and strengthens blood vessels.
  • The presence of coarse fiber in carrots makes you feel full faster.
  • Due to the natural sweetness of the product, the body easily tolerates carrot diets.
  • On the basis of carrots, you can cook a variety of healthy meals- from meatballs to casseroles. In its raw form, it can become an ingredient for all kinds of vegetable salads.
  • When stored for a long time, carrots retain a large amount of nutrients, which cannot be said about most tropical fruits.
  • Fructose, combined with vitamins A and E, allows you to quickly recharge your batteries.

Due to the lack of fat in the composition of carrots, more calories are expended on its digestion than it contains.

Which way to use?

Carrots can be used not only as a food supplement or a component of various salads, but also as an independent dish. Carrot juice is also very useful, which is an excellent aperitif, as it can increase appetite - just do not forget to control the amount of food consumed after it.

It is better to eat raw carrots for weight loss, as some of its beneficial properties are lost during heat treatment.

carrot salad diet

By choosing this diet, you can lose up to 3 kg in 4-5 days. The meaning of the diet is to eat carrot salad throughout the day. At the same time, you can cook it in portions or once for the whole day. The diet goes like this:

  • In total, you need to eat 1 kg of carrots per day, divided into 4 meals. The cooking method is quite simple: grate the carrots, add the juice of one lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil to it.
  • With each meal, you can allow yourself one fruit to choose from: kiwi, apple, pomegranate, orange or grapefruit.
  • To the morning portion, you can add half a glass of milk or kefir and one tablespoon of 10% sour cream. Dairy fats will help ensure that all the beneficial substances found in carrots are fully absorbed.
  • You can drink unsweetened green tea and non-carbonated mineral water throughout the day.
  • It is allowed to replace dinner with carrot-fruit juice.
  • For the entire period of the diet, salt, sugar, spices and spices are completely excluded from the diet.
  • On the fourth day, you can add 200 g of boiled lean meat and 2 baked or boiled potatoes to dinner.
  • The fifth day is considered the day of exit from the diet, when foods with a minimum fat content are introduced into the diet.
  • You need to limit yourself in fatty, fried, muffins and sweets for another 10 days, otherwise the weight can return very quickly. A prerequisite is the presence of a carrot salad on the menu.

If desired, you can repeat this diet monthly.

How to lose weight deliciously?

It is not necessary to force yourself to eat one carrot. According to nutritionists, in order to lose 3-4 kg, it is enough just to include carrots in the diet. At the same time, the menu can be very different, not only dishes from carrot soup to cutlets and salads in combination with other vegetables, fruits, dairy products, but also freshly squeezed carrot juice will be useful.

Eating carrots, you can correct the figure even with breastfeeding, in addition, carrots improve lactation. She is one of the first prikormok for kids.

With beets

In this combination, carrots are included in all kinds of salads and vinaigrettes. In this case, vegetables are used not only in raw, but also in boiled and stewed form. A delicious duet can be a great addition to meat and fish dishes. Freshly squeezed carrot-beet juice is also useful, the components of which should be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.

With honey and lemon

The combination of carrots with honey is so self-sufficient that it is not worth adding anything else. Perhaps a lemon to remove excessive sweetness and make the taste more intense and interesting. It is enough to grate the carrots and season them with honey and lemon juice to taste.

With cottage cheese

Grated carrots can be eaten with cottage cheese by mixing the products and not subjecting them to heat treatment. Carrot and cottage cheese casserole will also be very tasty and healthy.

with an apple

Grated carrots with an apple have been known to many since childhood, but honey can become a dressing for such a delicacy. A glass of freshly squeezed carrot-apple juice is quite nutritious and can easily be a replacement for an afternoon snack or dinner.

With dairy products

In this case, fats that are almost completely absent in carrots are replaced by milk fats, and the beneficial substances contained in carrots are absorbed almost completely.

with cabbage

You can use these products in order to reduce weight both raw and pickled, including them in the diet all year round. This combination is also the basis for first courses.

Fasting days

One of the options for spending a fasting day can be the Panicle salad, also known as the Brush. This dish is so popular among those who watch their diet that it has more than a dozen cooking options, but carrots are always among the ingredients. The name of the salad is not accidental - it cleans the intestines from fecal stones, toxic compounds, salts, stagnant bile and other waste products.

It is no coincidence that this miracle salad was called "Passel" and "Brush"; with its regular use, you can permanently get rid of toxins.

To prepare a portion for the whole day:

  • We take 500 g of carrots, beets and white cabbage.
  • We chop the cabbage, rub the carrots and beets on a coarse grater.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon and 1 tablespoon to the salad. olive oil.

Such a salad saturates well, for fasting days it can be used 2 times a week.

Particularly courageous risk to maintain such a diet for 10 days. Such a salad is also used with a protein-carbohydrate diet: on protein days they eat boiled meat and low-fat varieties of fish, and for carbohydrate days they prepare a “Brush”.

This salad is not suitable for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If suddenly from the salad there are unpleasant sensations, its use should be stopped immediately.

No less popular is the version of the salad in which cabbage is replaced with green apples. Some nutritionists recommend eliminating oil from the dressing, arguing that the salad will become less high-calorie. Others, on the contrary, consider it an essential component that promotes a more complete absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Video: How to cook brush salad

Recipes for delicious diet meals

Salad "Pomegranate Dawn"

  • Medium carrots - 6–7 pcs.;
  • Pomegranate juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Pomegranate seeds - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Large green apple - 1 pc.;
  • Olive oil - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Grate apple and carrot. Top with sauce mixture pomegranate juice with oil and mix. Garnish with pomegranate seeds.

The original shade of this salad is given by pomegranate seeds.

Spicy carrot and shrimp salad

  • Peeled shrimp - 200 g;
  • Carrots - 400–500 g;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Juice of one lemon;
  • Red ground pepper, dried ginger, cloves, cinnamon.

Grate carrots. Boil shrimp and clean. Pour oil into a hot frying pan, immediately add spices and immediately turn off the heat. Here, after the oil has cooled, squeeze the lemon juice. Mix the resulting dressing with carrots and shrimp.

Carrot salad with shrimp has a unique spicy taste that you create yourself according to your preferences.

  • Grated carrots - 200 g;
  • Fat-free cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • Egg whites - 6 pcs.;
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Oat bran - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • A little stevia powder.

Bran and raisins are pre-soaked for 20-30 minutes. At this time, three carrots on a fine grater. Then mix it with curd. Whisk the egg whites into foam. Add to cottage cheese with carrots. We also send squeezed bran with raisins and stevia there. Mix everything thoroughly. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Carrot and cottage cheese casserole with bran is a healthy healthy food that you should definitely include in your diet.

Who can't?

Contraindication to the use of carrots - individual intolerance to the product.

In large quantities, carrots are not recommended in the presence of stomach ulcers, intestinal pathologies and gastritis. Excessive juice consumption (more than 1.5 liters per day) can cause headaches, nausea, drowsiness and fatigue. At the same time, the liver may not be able to cope with excess carotene: yellowing of the skin will become a consequence of your indiscretion. If this happens, then no treatment is needed: it is enough to exclude carrots from the diet for a while.

It is important to take into account not only the contraindications of the carrot itself, but also the products that are often combined with it.

Table of contraindications

Product Names Contraindications and restrictions
Beets and fresh juice Due to the presence of a large amount of coarse fiber, it should not be consumed raw by people who have stomach problems (especially at the acute stage).

Boiled and stewed beets should be limited in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes.


Here, an allergy may be a contraindication.

With caution, honey should also be used in diabetes.

Cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream

A contraindication in this case will be an allergy to lactose.

The use of fermented milk products is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and high acidity.
With caution, sour-milk products should be used for gastritis and pancreatitis, only fresh sour-milk products are suitable here (they were stored for less than one day).

Use fermented milk products With increased percentage fat content can cause weight gain.

Apples and apple juice

At peptic ulcer stomach or gastritis, apples should be used with caution because they contain a certain amount of various acids, which can become a source of irritation for the gastric mucosa. In such cases, apples are recommended not to be eaten on an empty stomach.

With colitis and urolithiasis, fresh apples should be eaten only in grated form.


Fresh is contraindicated in pancreatitis.

In some cases, it can cause increased flatulence.


Contraindicated in gastric ulcer and duodenum, gastritis and pancreatitis, in the presence of an allergy to citrus fruits.

When consumed in large quantities, it can cause heartburn.

Is it possible to get better from carrots with sour cream?

It is impossible to get better from carrots in their pure form. It contains no fat and is low in calories. There are only 35 calories per 100 g of fresh carrots, and even less than 24 calories per 100 g of boiled carrots. If we take 100 g of Korean carrots for comparison, then its calorie content will already be much higher and amount to 134 calories.

One tablespoon-long carrot weighs about 125 grams and contains only 44 calories.

Having decided to include carrots in your diet in order to lose weight, you should think carefully about which foods are suitable for it. To the list dietary products mayonnaise, heavy cream or sour cream are not included, so carrots in combination with them will not work.

Anna Carrot Diet

Carrot diet rating

Diet Efficiency


Variety of products

We lose weight by 1-3 kg in 3-5 days

We lose weight by 4-6 kg in 1 week

We lose weight by 7-10 kg in 8-14 days

Total: Carrot diet for 3, 7 or 10 days will allow you to lose weight, but it is monotonous and can be difficult to tolerate. Pros: cheap, fast enough, gives results. Cons: mono-diet, can be difficult to tolerate, there are contraindications.

2.3 You can also try

carrot diet User rating User rating : 3.2 (17 votes)

Carrot diet for weight loss is not only very tasty, but it is also incredibly healthy. The amount of vitamin B6, which improves skin color, and carotene, which strengthens hair and nails, in carrots just rolls over! It is rich in antioxidants and also contains chlorine and sulfur, which help the liver remove toxic substances from the body.

As usual, in search of the maximum effect, the beauties tried various diets with carrots. Thus, the 3 most effective ways lose weight on carrots.

For the course of this mono-diet, it is really possible to lose 2-3 kilograms in weight. The best part is that there are no restrictions on the amount of carrots consumed. You can eat this miracle root vegetable as much as you want!

But, despite all the charms, there are still certain rules, thanks to which, in many respects, the desired effect is achieved.


  1. In addition to carrots, you can’t pamper yourself with anything else.
  2. It is better to dress the salad with lemon juice.
  3. Carrots should be fresh, chopped on a medium or fine grater.
  4. Be sure to drink a couple of glasses of freshly squeezed carrot juice a day. From liquids are allowed green tea without sugar and non-carbonated water (mineral can be used).

The third and fourth rules can be successfully attributed to the diet for both 7 and 10 days.

Express weight loss on a carrot diet is explained by the properties of fresh vegetables to cleanse the body thanks to plant fiber. In addition, vegetables, in particular carrots, do not contain proteins, the excess of which becomes the main cause of glucose accumulation. Consequently, there is nothing to turn into fat reserves, and the energy of the body is provided by vitamins and trace elements, which are present in abundance in a pretty orange root crop.

The three-day diet plan is quite simple: 3 days in a row, 6 times a day, you eat carrot salad, drink carrot juice, sometimes diluted with apple juice, and lose weight.

salad recipes

Salad number 1:

Grate carrots on a medium or coarse grater, season with honey and lemon juice. The dosage of products is calculated for the day, and if the amount of carrots can be increased, then this cannot be done with honey and lemon. For the entire amount of carrot shavings (initially - 1 kg.), 1 tablespoon of honey and juice of one lemon are allowed.

This salad is a short time will allow you to get rid of 2 - 3 kilograms, and, according to reviews, does not cause any discomfort. That is why most people who want to get rid of a few kilograms in a short time are the first to try the carrot diet for three days.

Another salad recipe includes fruit, so it can diversify your diet menu.

Salad number 2:

For 1 kg. peeled and grated carrots, you can take - to choose from - an orange or a medium-sized grapefruit. It is allowed to replace them with a large apple or three kiwi fruits. The fruit is crushed and mixed with carrots. Everything is seasoned with a teaspoon of honey mixed with the juice of a medium lemon and natural olive oil.

So that the monotonous diet does not have time to get bored, salad days can be alternated.

Carrot diet for 7 days

This option is less popular, however, the results are also excellent. A weekly course will allow you to almost painlessly get rid of 4 - 6 kilograms overweight. Why "almost"? Because the carrot mono diet for weight loss in itself is very tough, and it is extremely difficult to endure seven days on one root crop, not only morally, but also physically. Especially if you are used to culinary delights and cannot do without hot food.

Carrot diet menu for 7 days

Repeat the menu items every day, and in a week you will say goodbye to being overweight. This is the most gastronomically diverse diet, so it is deservedly popular among those who lose weight.

Carrot diet for 10 days

If your goal is to lose 7-9 kilograms, then you can use the ten-day course of the carrot diet. This way to lose weight is the toughest, because the menu is extremely scarce. 10 days on one carrot, seasoned with a spoonful of fat-free or completely low-fat sour cream, is difficult for a person who is not accustomed to vegetarianism to endure. Especially if your activity is related to physical activity. Since you are depleting your body's protein reserves, but not replenishing them, you will be very tired during the diet. But the first result will be noticeable after 3-4 days.

To diversify the menu, once a day you can cook a salad of boiled carrots. It is not recommended to use it more often, since boiled, although it is considered more useful than raw, the fresh root crop still has a greater dietary effect. You can increase the effectiveness with the help of juice from the same root crop. If you drink 2-3 glasses of carrot juice a day, the results will be even more noticeable.

Helpful Hints! How to choose carrots for a diet:

  • Bright orange fruits are sweeter than pale ones. If you understand varieties, give preference to Nantes or Vitamin. They taste good, and the fruits are beautiful and even, which will significantly reduce the time for cleaning them.
  • If you buy carrots on the market, be careful: under the guise of "special" you may well be sold fodder - yellow. Of course, you can eat it, but the pleasure is unpleasant. Not only are the nutrients in it concentrated in smaller quantities, this root crop is also very tasteless.


  • The diet is not recommended if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, since any mono-diet is characterized by an increase in the burden on the entire body.
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers should also not go on diets in principle.
  • In chronic diseases, any cardinal changes in nutrition are possible only after consultation with a doctor, and under his control.

A couple more warnings!

  • Carrot juice should not be drunk on an empty stomach. It is better to drink a glass of water in the morning an hour before a carrot breakfast.
  • If you have very fair skin, long-term consumption of carrots can make your skin look yellow, so dieting for more than 3 days is not recommended.
  • With any signs of deterioration in well-being, the diet should be interrupted.

The right way out of the diet

To consolidate the achieved result, it is necessary to exit the diet correctly.

Depending on the duration of the course, on the fourth, eighth or eleventh day, a slice of rye bread and some boiled or baked potatoes are allowed. Then gradually turn on low-calorie dairy products, vegetables, later - meat.

But even if you lose weight right amount kilograms, do not rush to return to buns and other culinary delicacies. Everything is good in moderation. Gaining weight is much faster than losing it, so it's easier to keep what you've gained than to start over.

Lose weight with benefit, and be beautiful!

Can carrots help you lose weight?

In fact, carrots are the most valuable vegetable. It improves well-being, promotes skin rejuvenation, stimulates digestion, saturates the body with B, E, A, C vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other benefits. So a few days on a diet will not only make you slim, but also add health.

Losing weight on carrots is very easy. Enough to stock up on patience and carrots. carrot diet for fast weight loss extremely simple and has a number of advantages:

  • you can lose weight with the help of such a diet very quickly, in just 4 days it promises to save you from 4 kg., Of course, subject to all the rules;
  • the rules are also very simple - eat carrot salad and drink unsweetened tea;
  • the diet diet is very tasty, the dish itself is quite appetizing, and you can eat it as much as you like, so starvation does not threaten you.

The essence of the diet, as well as its principle is very simple. The duration of the fast carrot diet is only 4 days.

Carrot diet for weight loss

So, as it was said, we need 4 days. We are distributing a ration that, contrary to your expectations, consists of more than just carrots.

1 - 3 days.

You need to eat three times a day, drink enough fluids. As the main course, we choose a carrot salad, which, to our delight, you can eat as much as you like. For a change, you are allowed to choose your favorite fruit as an addition. We drink all unsweetened tea and water.

Day 4

The main course is still a salad. But now you can add a slice of black rye bread to the diet. We drink water and unsweetened tea.

Losing weight with the help of carrots, as it turned out, is quite simple. As for the salad, its recipe will not require much time from you.

Diet Carrot Salad.


  • fresh carrot - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


We wash the carrots running water, then we clean and grate, we make dressing from honey and lemon juice to our liking. It can be more or less.

Is it possible to lose weight on carrots? It is easy, as well as on any "pasture". Except, of course, fried potatoes. But it is important not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the result. After the diet is over, we try to follow a balanced diet, otherwise the results that will be obvious will evaporate very quickly. At proper nutrition, moderate consumption of fatty, sweet and fried foods, you do not need a diet at all. And carrots can be used as a preventive measure.

Beneficial for weight loss? It directly depends on the properties of the product. To figure out whether it is possible to eat carrots while losing weight, you need to consider its composition and study its effect on the body.

The energy value vegetable is only 35 kcal, so carrots can be used for weight loss. Also in her favor is the fact that there are practically no fats in the composition of the vegetable. The amount of proteins is 1.3 g, and - 6.9 g per 100 grams of product. It contains vitamins:

  • B vitamins: 1,2,3,6,9;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin H;
  • vitamin K;
  • beta carotene.

Carrots are rich in minerals:

  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • chlorine.

Despite the rich composition, the use of this vegetable has its pros and cons.

Benefits of Carrots

Let's look at the pros first. The following arguments speak in favor of the product:

  1. Carrots help reduce the risk of cholesterol plaques in the blood.
  2. It is rich in vitamin A, which is necessary for people who are struggling with being overweight. With a deficiency of this component, a person's skin condition begins to deteriorate, unhealthy pallor appears. Carrots can be eaten when losing weight to make up for the lack of this vitamin.
  3. This vegetable is rich in nutritious fibers and fiber, which give a feeling of satiety.
  4. This product helps reduce sugar cravings.
  5. Carrots help detoxify the body and improve performance digestive system.
  6. The iodine contained in the fruit prevents the increase in body fat.
  7. The high content of antioxidants contributes to the improvement of the body, and beta-carotene prevents skin aging.

The cons are much less, but they can be overlooked.

Disadvantages of Carrots

The first of these is the risk of an allergic reaction: carrots are not strong allergens, but some organisms are unable to absorb them. For this reason, before using it, you need to make sure that there are no negative consequences.

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The second minus of carrots is high glycemic index(GI), which causes a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. After a sharp release, a gradual decline occurs, during which the person begins to feel hungry again. Despite this fact, you can eat carrots while losing weight, the main thing is to use it wisely.

Raw or boiled?

Nutritionists disagree about heat treatment this vegetable. Some argue that raw carrots are the healthiest, because they retain all the nutrients in their original form. Others say that when cooking, the duration of which does not exceed 30 minutes, all trace elements are preserved. The boiled product increases in size due to the absorbed water, which allows you to get satiated faster without exceeding the original calorie content.

Since there is no single answer to this question, it seems appropriate to alternate the use of raw and thermally processed carrots.

Carrot diets

There are a large number of different diets, the basis of which is this product. Carrots for weight loss can be eaten in combination with different foods - such diets last about seven days. There is an unloading mono-diet, in which it is supposed to consume only one product (with a slight addition of other vegetables) for 72 hours.

mono diet

Before choosing this option, you should consult with your doctor. These types of food can be dangerous, especially for people with digestive or kidney problems.

  • The basis of the mono-diet is a salad of grated carrots, which can be seasoned with lemon juice or a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • You are allowed to eat one vegetable or fruit per day. For 72 hours, you need to eat carrot salad, eating no more than 200 grams per meal.
  • You can eat no more than 5 times a day.
  • Be sure to drink 2 liters of water daily, unsweetened green tea is allowed.
  • If you follow the carrot mono-diet, you can reduce weight by 2-4 kilograms.

weekly diet

Carrots can be eaten for weight loss and for 7 days, but in this case, much more additional ones are added to the main product. The basis of the diet is the same salad of carrots and apples. Dressing with sour cream or vegetable oil is allowed, as well as daily consumption of fat-free and kefir. A typical daily diet might look like this:

  1. You can eat about 200 grams of 0% fat cottage cheese, seasoning it with a spoonful of low-calorie sour cream or sugar-free yogurt.
  2. Three hours later, a meal may consist of carrot salad with honey and.
  3. For lunch, you can eat 50 grams of fat-free cottage cheese and carrot salad with sour cream.
  4. An afternoon snack may consist of carrots with the addition of honey and butter.
  5. It is better to limit yourself to a glass of kefir, it is allowed to use 50-100 grams of cottage cheese.

After serving a week on such a diet, you can lose 5-7 kilograms, depending on the initial weight.

Diet for 10 days

With a long ten-day weight loss, you can also eat carrots with the addition of other foods. Since this period is more difficult to endure, it is allowed to add boiled chicken fillet to the diet as a source of protein, and in the morning on an empty stomach drink a spoonful of olive oil - this will help replenish the balance of fats. Approximate daily diet:

  1. Breakfast: 200 grams of carrot salad with apple, dressed with honey and lemon juice.
  2. Snack: baked apple, one large carrot.
  3. Lunch: 150 grams of baked or boiled vegetables, 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet.
  4. Snack: 200 grams of carrot salad with apple, dressed with honey and lemon juice.
  5. Dinner: 150 grams of baked or boiled vegetables, 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet.

This is an example of the most simple dishes, the preparation of which is within the power of everyone. If a person who wants to lose weight is fond of cooking, he can cook more complex dishes.

carrot recipes

There is a huge variety of recipes based on carrots. Some of them involve the use raw product, others - after heat treatment. Everyone will be able to choose from the proposed dishes the one that he likes.

Carrot fresh

Freshly squeezed juice has long been popular with people who want to lose weight. The advantage of carrot juice is that after drinking it, the desire to eat something harmful practically disappears.

For cooking, you need a juicer and fresh vegetables which must be thoroughly washed. If there is no device for making fresh juice, do not despair. In this case, you can use the old method: finely grate the carrots, and then squeeze it through cheesecloth.

When losing weight, it is better to refrain from adding spices, syrups or cream to the juice.

It is better to use fresh immediately after preparation, as over time it loses its beneficial features.

Important: the dose of freshly squeezed juice should not exceed 400 ml per day.

Carrot and cottage cheese casserole

it tasty dish is especially popular with those who want to become slim, because it does not exceed 110 kcal per 100 grams. It is prepared without flour, based on protein products. For cooking you will need:

  • 100 g carrots;
  • 3 art. l kefir;
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. l honey / sweetener.


  1. The first step is to carefully chop the vegetables to a mushy state. This can be done with the smallest grater or blender.
  2. Next, in a bowl, combine and mix all the ingredients.
  3. The curd mass is laid out in a mold or small molds.
  4. The dish is sent to the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. Time may vary depending on the characteristics of the oven. Therefore, you need to periodically check the casserole and get it if a golden crust forms.
  5. The dish is ready! It is usually eaten with unsweetened yogurt, honey, or other diet-allowed sauce.

Vegetable puree soup

When preparing this dish, it is important to remember that in order for it to be dietary and it can be consumed when losing weight, carrots and other vegetables should not be fried. For cooking you will need:

  • 200 grams of carrots;
  • 100 grams of lentils;
  • 25 grams of ginger;
  • 50 grams of celery;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Chopped vegetables and lentils are placed at the bottom of a capacious saucepan with a thick bottom.
  2. Products must be filled with water so that there is about 5 cm of liquid above them.
  3. The soup should be boiled for about 20-30 minutes, then ginger and spices will be added to it.
  4. After cooking, the resulting mass must be crushed in a blender to a puree state.
  5. The dish is ready!

Summing up

Carrots can be eaten when losing weight, as they are low in calories and have vitamins that help burn fat. With it, there are many different recipes, so that everyone who is losing weight can find a dish that suits him.

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