How is chlamydia treated in women? Homeopathy - what is it, indications for use. Treatment with homeopathic medicines Treatment of chlamydia with homeopathy reviews

Publication date: 03-12-2019

How is chlamydia treated in women?

Treatment of chlamydia in women does not have a general methodology and depends on many factors. Therapy of chlamydia has some difficulties, which are due to the nature of the pathogen, the individual characteristics of the woman's body, the state of her immune system, the presence and nature of comorbidities.

What is the complexity of therapy?

The selection of effective therapeutic methods that are used in the treatment of chlamydia in women depends on the type of pathogen and its development cycle. Chlamydia are unique microorganisms that have characteristic features of both viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is difficult to find a medicine that can cure chlamydia.

With prolonged exposure to damaging factors, chlamydia can mutate into the so-called L-forms. They are resistant to many groups of drugs, including antibiotics. L-forms are not always found in biochemical studies. Difficulties in identifying the pathogen make it difficult to make a diagnosis and develop an effective treatment regimen.

Depending on the type of pathogen, its strain, the symptoms of the disease differ and individual treatment is required. In addition, the anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary system in men and women require the use of various forms of drugs.

Treatment of chlamydia in women is a lengthy procedure that requires the use of screening techniques and correction of the therapeutic course.

Treatment of urogenital pathogens

Chlamydia trachomatis enters the female body through unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner. Pathogens are ingested through contact with body fluids. Microorganisms are able to attach to spermatozoa and thus infect the reproductive system. The probability of becoming infected by the household route is small, but it should not be ruled out. With the flow of blood and lymph, chlamydia are carried to all tissues of the body, causing various symptoms.

Treatment of urogenital chlamydia in women consists of several stages. From the moment of introduction and within a month, chlamydia does not manifest itself. At this point, the disease is asymptomatic. Affecting the cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix, the infection captures the entire uterus and through the fallopian tubes penetrates into the peritoneum and ovaries. In this case, the wrong diagnosis is often made and the treatment does not correspond to the disease. A natural question arises: "How to treat chlamydia in women?"

Complex therapy should necessarily include broad-spectrum antibiotics. They select antibiotics that can penetrate into the cell, and supplement their intake with macrolides. A stepwise approach is used. To destroy chlamydia in women, antibiotic injections are prescribed, and then pills are prescribed:

  1. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Penicillin, Azithromycin, Sulfanilamide, etc.
  2. Macrolides: Rovamycin, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, etc.
  3. Fluoroquinolones: Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.

If within 2 weeks there is no decrease in the severity of the pathology, then the prescribed drug is replaced. To maintain the state of the body after antibiotic therapy is prescribed:

  1. Vitamin complexes.
  2. Medications that increase immunity (Timalin, Taktivin, etc.).
  3. Enzyme preparations that support the functions of the liver and pancreas (Karsil, Festal, Gestal, etc.).

To destroy the accompanying microflora, antimycotics are prescribed (Fluconazole, Nystatin, etc.).

To restore the body's natural biocenosis, probiotics are prescribed (Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, etc.).

Chlamydia should be treated in women in parallel with therapy in her sexual partner, even if he did not have chlamydia. Similar treatment regimens are used for Chlamydia pneumoniae infection. The complex treatment includes courses of physiotherapy and homeopathy.

Etiotropic homeopathic treatment

Chlamydia in women, especially during gestation, can be treated using homeopathic remedies. Often the use of antibiotics is ineffective, since, in addition to the fact that they do not act on elementary bodies, it is difficult for drugs to penetrate into the cell. Toxins secreted by chlamydia cause tissue fibrosis, deposition of toxins in the form of oxalates, and increased inflammatory effusion. In a clinical setting, a course of treatment with homeopathic preparations of a urogenital infection caused by chlamydia in women was carried out. The following drugs were used:

  • Causticum;
  • Psorinum;
  • Kalium muriaticum, Kalium carbjnicum, Kalium bichromicum;
  • Natrium muriaticum, Natrium carbonicum, Natrium sulphuricum;
  • Borax;
  • Ignatia;
  • Cimiclfuga;
  • Anacardium;
  • Nux vomica;
  • Thuja, Pulsatilla, Conium, Mercurius solubilis, etc.

In addition to the fact that chlamydia was no longer detected in patients, their immunity rose, blood counts improved. A feature of the formed groups was that they were women with "healed" asymptomatic, latent pathologies.

Homeopathic treatment can be used as a method of independent therapy. So, treatment begins with symptomatic drugs, then, after stabilization of the condition and a decrease in the severity of symptoms, etiotropic substances are prescribed. Often administered drugs that help cleanse the body, resorption of adhesions, fibroids. To speed up the process of cleaning the body, massage and physiotherapy exercises are prescribed.

Traditional medicine methods

Doctors do not recommend home treatment for chlamydia of any localization. The complexity of the infection, the characteristics of the pathogen, and the need to control the condition make the use of home remedies questionable. However, after consultation with the attending physician, alternative methods can be used as an accompanying therapy.

So, for example, chlamydia in women is treated with garlic tincture in water. The tincture is used both for douching and for oral administration.

For douching, an antimicrobial tincture of such medicinal plants, like geranium, elecampane, oregano, St. John's wort, clover, burnet, marigold, tansy, hornhead, etc.

In order to relieve inflammation, take decoctions of wild rosemary, black elderberry, heather, carnation grass, elecampane willow, viburnum, cinquefoil creeping linen, etc.

However, all the above methods of treatment must be agreed with the attending physician, as well as adhere to the scheme and course of treatment.

Unauthorized termination of therapy or violation of the dosage of the drug will lead to mutation of chlamydia and the emergence of resistant forms.

With an adequate treatment regimen, the prognosis of the disease is positive.

The prominence of these pathogens among many pathogens is due to an important circumstance: these bacteria are obligate cytoparasites. That is, unlike "ordinary" pathogenic bacteria that multiply mainly in body cavities, in the intercellular space and only occasionally in weakened somatic and blood cells, these pathogens are adapted to severe cellular parasitism. Chlamydia, as a rule, penetrate deep into the cell, forming single or multiple colonies in the cytoplasm, distributed in its volume or adjacent to the nucleus, and mycoplasmas, in general, are fixed on the cell membrane, as if merging with it. For cytoparasites, the host cell is both an incubator and a source of food and protection from most adverse factors, so they leave it only for a short time - in order to settle in new cells to replace the depleted and no longer viable old one. During this "transitional" period, cytoparasites do not multiply, and their metabolic processes are minimized.

Separate articles will be devoted to a detailed consideration of the diseases caused by these infections. In the meantime, we will consider only general approaches to the treatment of chlamydia and mycoplasmosis.

Why are antibiotics ineffective in the treatment of chlamydia and mycoplasmosis?

The main reason for the failure of chemotherapy for chlamydia is the very nature of these infections, their ability to protect themselves from external adverse effects. own funds and even by means of the host organism. So, chlamydia, having penetrated inside the cell, first surround themselves with a three-layer, and then a four-layer protection ring: their dividing microcolonies are protected not only by the “personal” cell membrane, but also by the shell of the “inclusion body” (the transformed lysosome, inside which they multiply), and also the host cell membrane. Somewhat later, these lines of defense are joined by one more - the most powerful - induced by chlamydial toxins seals (fibroses) of adjacent tissues, the varieties of which are known to us as “adhesions”, “adenoids”, “fibromas”, etc. They arise due to the suppression of apoptosis - the mechanism of natural cell death, to which more severe cases their accelerated unorganized division also joins. A lot of tightly compressed crumpled cells interspersed with oxalates and other "slags" is no longer just a shelter, but a real bunker, into which even the own "juices" of the host organism can hardly penetrate, not to mention various kinds of antibiotics and other chemical agents. In such shelters, chlamydia (and with them, often, other "stray" bacteria and viruses), despite some difficulties with the "food supply", feel quite comfortable and even slowly multiply. Thus, an almost invulnerable infectious depot is created in the body - a strategic reserve of the pathogen, allowing its population to survive and then restore its numbers even under the most adverse conditions.

Thus, it is almost impossible to destroy the "old" chlamydia with antibiotics, because they are not very specific in relation to the biochemistry of these bacteria, they can equally easily infect both the cells of microorganisms and the cells of their hosts, and most importantly, it was required to create sufficient concentration in numerous deep foci would be a lethal amount of antibiotic for the host.

What about mycoplasmas? After all, they are not so well protected - they prefer to settle on cell membranes, do not form fibrous foci ... Indeed, the situation with mycoplasmas is (or rather, it was until recently) somewhat better. Even though these bacteria can easily penetrate many tissues, the lining of internal organs, and even the blood-brain barrier, their physical vulnerability to antibiotics is somewhat higher. And the successful cure (and even self-healing) of "pure" and "typical" mycoplasmosis in medicine is the rule rather than the exception. But all this applies only to "pure" and "typical"!

The evolution of this "pact" could be observed even with a microscope. Even at the very end of the last century, the detection of chlamydia and mycoplasmas within the same smear (essentially, within the same infectious focus) was a rather rare phenomenon - almost exceptional. However, starting around 2001, this phenomenon began to be observed more and more often. Now it is easy to observe how two once sworn enemies manage to get along quietly even within the same host cell! On the contrary, it has become almost impossible to meet “pure” chlamydial or mycoplasmal foci: chlamydial-mycoplasmal mixes have become the “norm of life”. But this was not the end of the matter! Mycoplasmas began not only to share infectious foci with chlamydia - they learned to take refuge with them in those very “shelters”, providing themselves with the same invulnerability that only chlamydia could boast before. What concessions to chlamydia they made for this - one can only guess. However, the dynamics of the increase in the incidence of almost all diseases caused by chlamydia and the earlier age debut of many of them indicate that chlamydia did not remain in the loser. Thus, civilization, which for thousands of years has exploited the natural antagonism of these microorganisms, thanks to the pharmacological madness that has seized it, has faced the threat of a monstrous microbiological alliance. How does this threaten humanity? First of all, a sharp increase in the number of oncological diseases and endocrine pathologies. Moreover, the most vulnerable in this respect may be children, whose immunity is in no way ready for a full-scale war on two fronts. Moreover, his already overstrained forces are depleted by adverse environmental conditions and numerous vaccines of dubious usefulness.

They may object to me: a huge army of venereologists, urologists and gynecologists thrive in the treatment of chlamydia and mycoplasmosis! There will be those who will assure that they were infected and cured. But how many people will be able to say after a while: "I used to be infected and felt bad, but now - a year after a course of antibiotic therapy - I feel good"? Alas, not many! And here's the thing.

A separate "song" and a separate stupidity - the so-called "hepatoprotectors". What are they doing? It seems to be a good thing - they protect the liver from damage by toxic substances. In this case, antibiotics. But how do they do it? Very simple: they activate enzymes that neutralize them. And what happens? First, we load the body with poison, in the hope that it will destroy the infection, and then we ourselves make every effort to ensure that this poison (which, without exception, is pumped many times through the liver with the blood stream) is deactivated! One brigade dug a hole, the other immediately fell asleep, and it seems like everything is in business! And what is the result? The spoiled equivalent of a small dose with an overloaded liver and a huge amount of antibiotic-inactive, but still toxic dirt that still needs to be somehow pushed out of the body!

Where is immunity looking?

Now is the time to turn to the immunological aspects of the problem. Often, chlamydia-infected patients bring people who have been in contact with them for examination, whom they claim are not bothered by anything. They never get colds, they never get fever, etc. They, at times, even flaunt their health, willingly tell how hardened they are, how easily they can walk without a hat in a forty-degree frost or swim in an ice hole ... In general, they are proud of their "remarkable" immunity. True, a more thorough examination may reveal that these people have high blood pressure, sometimes have a headache for no reason, they do not tolerate heat well, they are prone to insomnia or constipation. But all this for them is the usual little things that they do not pay attention to. The combination of these remarkable features allows you to immediately assume that these people have a chlamydial infection. And it really can be found. In addition, the study of the immune status in such people reveals quite typical chlamydial immunodeficiency with characteristic changes in the cellular immunity system. Those. there is no talk of any "remarkable" immunity. So why don't they get colds? Here's why.

The fact is that the immune system of the affected person does not control the reproduction of chlamydia. And if they "want", they would easily destroy their master, no matter how strong he may seem, in a matter of days or even hours. And they “do not want” this for the simple reason that they need the owner (as long as he is socially and sexually active) alive and apparently, if possible, healthy. Such a host will have more contacts, and therefore, chlamydia will have more opportunities for settling throughout the population. It should be noted that chlamydia (however, like many other microbes) have incredible fertility. The offspring of one or two bacteria that infected the cell, after about a day, is already several hundred or even thousands of new microorganisms. And if all of it survived, then in about a week from the moment of infection, the mass of chlamydia would exceed the mass of their unfortunate owner. In fact, nothing of the kind happens. Out of several hundreds or thousands of new individuals (the so-called elementary bodies), only a few infect new cells. The fate of the rest is sad, although, from the point of view of the interests of the population as a whole, it is far from meaningless. Firstly, such a colossal “birth rate”, balanced by almost one hundred percent “childhood” mortality, is a powerful factor natural selection, allowing chlamydia to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions. Secondly, the cells of "excessive" chlamydia, being destroyed, secrete intracellular antigens that suppress and disorganize the host's immunity. In addition, the products of the destruction of chlamydial bodies are powerful antibiotics that do not allow many other bacteria to multiply in the host body that can compete with chlamydia, and the elementary bodies themselves can easily deal with Trichomonas and other protozoa, unless they have time to hide from them in time. And, finally, thirdly, the products of the destruction of chlamydial cells, saturating the host organism, limit (according to the feedback principle) their own number, preventing its increase, which is fatal for the host. The phenomenon of "voluntary" self-limitation of the number of micropathogens in order to maintain the viability of the host organism is well known in microbiology under the name "quorum sensing". It is more or less characteristic of almost all systemic pathogens and is the rule rather than the exception. Apparently, it is also inherent in mycoplasmas, but this issue has not been sufficiently studied.

So, any person chronically infected with chlamydia, even outwardly very healthy, is in fact an individual who has largely lost control of his immunity. From the moment when the infection is fixed in his body, he no longer decides what other microbes will be allowed to live in it. So maybe this is for the best, and there is no need to fight chlamydia at all? Alas! Such prosperity does not often last long. And the retribution for him is a deep disability of the body, which comes soon after he begins to gradually lose the role of the spreader of infection assigned to him by chlamydia, and sometimes even earlier, when he, it would seem, is in the prime of life. It should also be noted that the power of chlamydia over the occupied organism is not limited to immunity alone. It extends much further. But this is a separate topic, which we will only touch on in passing.

However, mycoplasmas also have the ability (perhaps even more sophisticated) to adapt the host's immunity “for themselves”. But at the same time, they do not pretend to complete and inseparable dominance in the host organism and do not actively prevent the penetration of other bacteria. A typical “mycoplasmosis” is a frail creature drowning in snot, pimples and tears, catching a cold from the slightest draft, always lethargic and dissatisfied, prone to hypotension and constantly looking for a cup of coffee or tea, after which he, albeit not for long, feels better.

However, as noted at the beginning of the article, "pure" chlamydia and mycoplasmosis in our time practically does not occur. In this case, the clinical manifestations of the chlamydial-mycoplasmal mix are determined by the relative activity of both of its constituent parts. And since in "pure" chlamydia and mycoplasmosis they are largely opposite, the resulting clinical picture is often indistinct or mutable. Thus, the combination of chlamydial arterial hypertension and mycoplasmal hypotension can result in mixed arterial eutension. Chlamydial heat intolerance and mycoplasma cold intolerance can result in both intolerance to both and relative tolerance to extreme temperatures. Aggressiveness and assertiveness, typical for chlamydial patients, can be restrained by mycoplasmal indecisiveness and depression. But such an artificial “peace of mind” can be disturbed unnaturally easily, revealing to the observer, depending on the situation (or even for no apparent reason) two, as it were, completely different people. Perhaps, in its extreme manifestations, this duality is identical to the manic-depressive states that are widespread in psychiatric practice.

And what to do now?

From the foregoing, it is clear that conventional medicine is unable to offer effective means combating these infections and their numerous particular manifestations. Therefore, if humanity is not satisfied with the prospect of mass disability, it has no choice but to discard the prejudices imposed on it and seek salvation where the pharmaceutical mafia and the medical establishment, which is closely fused with it, do not recommend looking for it. This is exactly what we did at one time, taking the homeopathic method as a basis, and supplementing it with an etiotropic approach to the treatment of these diseases.

"Our people".

The vast majority of our patients have many years of experience as carriers of chlamydial-mycoplasma mixes diagnosed or not diagnosed by conventional methods. Many have a history of several unsuccessful courses of antibiotic therapy. The age spectrum is extremely wide - from babies to very old people: everyone is equal before the chlamydial-mycoplasmal mix. Almost all of our patients at the time of contacting us have more or less pronounced immune disorders, detected both in the study of their immune status, and in the presence of pathologies and complications associated with chlamydial-mycoplasmal mixed.
As already noted, such mixes are a vivid manifestation of the unity and struggle of two opposites - certain representatives of the chlamydia family on the one hand and the mycoplasma family on the other. Moreover, each of the "sides" can be represented by several types at once. But that's not all. The chlamydial-mycoplasmal mix almost always creates fertile ground for the development of various secondary dysbioses with the participation of various microorganisms, both normally inhabiting the host organism and gaining access to it due to the weakening of natural factors that do not allow them to multiply in a healthy body. The main defendants of such dysbioses are gardnerella, bacteroids, klebsiella, clostridia, propionobacteria and many other microorganisms that are normally almost never found in the human body, as well as all kinds of fungi, viruses, protozoa and microscopic mites. For this reason, the symptomatology of the chlamydial-mycoplasmal mix is ​​characterized by an incredible variety and inconstancy of localizations of external manifestations, which S. Hahnemann pointed out almost two hundred years ago, arguing that a certain “psora miasm” underlies this symptomatic “kaleidoscope”. The immediate clinical picture, obviously, depends both on the relative "strength" of the strains of the main defendants (chlamydia and mycoplasmas), and on the current environmental conditions - temperature, diet, and even the psychological state of the infected. Depending on which of the opposing microbial clans gets an advantage under these conditions, the clinical picture can shift either to the “chlamydial” or to the “mycoplasmal” side. The use of medicines, both allopathic (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, hormones) and homeopathic, can have a powerful effect on shifting this balance. However, drug treatment carried out without the use of special means and without taking into account many nuances almost never ends with the complete destruction of the microorganisms it suppresses: the balance is only established at a different level and, after the cessation of the drug, can gradually return to the original one.
Even such a superficial description of the processes occurring inside the infected organism is enough to understand how difficult it must be to treat such patients. And indeed it is. However, the patients themselves are rarely aware of the “science-intensiveness” of our methods. After all, our treatment is distinguished by extraordinary comfort and looks more like a game, however, requiring patience and accuracy from the player.

Therapeutic process.
Prospects for etiotropic homeopathic therapy.

Methods of etiotropic homeopathic therapy for chlamydia, mycoplasmosis and some other infectious diseases were developed by us at the end of the last century and still remain unsurpassed. In total, they have treated several thousand people. Many of them had healthy children during the time that had passed after treatment, some, having been treated as children, managed to grow up. Analyzing the path we have traveled, we can confidently say that over the past decade, our method has reliably confirmed its high efficiency and safety.
Does this mean it will be widely available soon? No, it doesn't. This will not happen until medicine ceases to serve the economic interests of pharmaceutical monsters. In other words, this will never happen, or at least not in the foreseeable future.

1 There is now strong evidence that these infections are the cause of disabling and deadly diseases such as cancer, asthma, myocardial infarction, Reiter's disease, demyelinating diseases nervous system(at least some).

3 Arterial hypotension (Greek hypo - under, below + Latin tensio - tension) - low blood pressure. In Russian medicine, the term "hypotension" is sometimes used as a synonym.

4 Arterial hypertension (Greek hyper - over, over + Latin tensio - tension) - high blood pressure. In Russian medicine, the term "arterial hypertension" is sometimes used as a synonym.

5 Eutension (Greek eu - good + Latin tensio - tension) - normal value blood pressure blood as a result of mutual compensation of opposite influences on this indicator of two (or several) pathological processes. Here the term "eutension" is introduced for the first time.

6 Conventional (lat. convention - agreement) - generally accepted, corresponding to established traditions. Conventional medicine is a state-bureaucratic system that includes the bureaucratic apparatus, medical (mainly allopathic and surgical profile), as well as scientific and educational institutions serving its requests. AT modern world K.m. is an active conductor of the political and economic interests of the global pharmaceutical industry.

Do not get the effect of the traditional medical therapy, suffering from side effects, unable to use medicines? In these and other cases, homeopathy can help. In Russia, an alternative method of treatment is just beginning to gain popularity among patients. Find out what homeopathy treats, what a homeopathic remedy is.

Classical homeopathy

The treatment system has existed for over 200 years and is practiced in many developed countries. Since the founding of the direction of alternative medicine, simplified options have appeared, for example, homotoxicology, complex homeopathy and others. The method that was used at the very beginning and retained the basic principles began to be called classical. Unlike allopathy, homeopathic medicine does not suppress symptoms, but stimulates the body's defenses with negligible doses of medicines.

Popular homeopathy

Physicians adhering to the classical method in practice use the principles originally established by the founder. In contrast, specialists who call themselves modern rely on laws selectively and use simplified versions. In popular homeopathy, multiple remedies are often used, and there is a focus on the disease rather than on the patient. The doctor can prescribe a medicine without taking into account the characteristics of the disease, then make adjustments, observing the body's reaction to the drug.

How Homeopathy Works

The law of homeopathy states that a person can be cured only by a medicine that can cause a similar disease in a healthy person. The main thing is to give it in reduced doses to which the patient will be sensitive. How does homeopathy work? When a person begins to take a drug with a virus or some pathogen, the body restores its defenses and begins to actively fight. Homeopathy returns vital energy, reduces predisposition to certain ailments. It heals well, because it does not act on the symptoms, but on the cause of the disease.

The principle of homeopathy

Similar is treated by similar - this is the basic principle of treatment. To start the processes of self-regulation of the psyche and body, you need to pick up the "key" - the right medicine, using an individual approach. Even if people have the same disease, the symptoms manifest differently depending on the particular organism. Homeopathic medicine is selected taking into account individual manifestations.

Another principle of homeopathy is the use of one remedy. Combination preparations are rarely used because they contain ingredients that are opposite in nature. For this reason, it is difficult to understand how they will act on the body. In addition, taking combined drugs does not reveal the cause of the deterioration of health or improvement. In the classical method, the principle of prescribing minimum doses invariably operates. Otherwise, the condition may worsen due to the negative impact of the components.

homeopathic treatment

Do not be surprised if at the reception the doctor asks a lot of questions that are not related to the disease. Before prescribing a medicine, he needs to collect a complete history, including the characteristics of the course of the disease, emotional state, family relationship, constitutional data, bad habits, heredity, and so on. The medicine is selected taking into account the information received at a certain point in time. If the patient turns again, the picture will be different and the doctor may prescribe a completely different drug. How does homeopathy work?

Homeopathic treatment is always targeted. It can help with:

  • viral diseases;
  • bacterial infections;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ENT organs;
  • skin diseases;
  • headaches;
  • the initial stage of joint diseases;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • stuttering
  • maste lactating women;
  • enuresis:
  • allergic conditions;
  • hay fever.

Homeopathy for SARS

To effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of a cold, you can be treated with both traditional remedies and homeopathic remedies. The latter are safer than chemical pills, completely harmless to children, pregnant women. Homeopathy for SARS is prescribed based on key symptoms. These may be medications:

  1. Camphor 30. The remedy ideally treats at an early stage of SARS. It is recommended in the presence of symptoms such as frontal headache, chills, runny nose, stuffy nose.
  2. Oscillococinum 200. A popular remedy, especially effective in preventing infection of other people. The drug should be used when symptoms appear: severe weakness, chills, headache with aching.

Homeopathy for the liver

Chronic diseases of this organ respond well to treatment. If you feel pain in the right hypochondrium, there is bitterness in the mouth, the skin has acquired a yellowish tint, you can consult a doctor. What does a homeopath treat in this case? He can prescribe medications to eliminate liver failure, reduce the manifestations of cirrhosis, and inhibit the development of hepatitis. Homeopathy for the liver:

  1. Hepel. The drug is designed to increase the body's resistance to adverse factors. It is recommended to take it for chronic inflammation of the gallbladder, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholangitis.
  2. Gepar Compositum. A complex drug for the treatment of liver cirrhosis, hepatitis of various etiologies.

homeopathy for acne

Properly selected products will reduce skin sensitivity, reduce the amount of sebum produced, and improve hormonal balance. Depending on the chosen drug, they are prescribed 1-6 times a day. Homeopathy for acne:

  1. Belladonna. Effective for patients with moderate sebum production, prone to severe facial redness.
  2. Ovarium Compositum. The drug relieves acne by stimulating the endocrine glands, normalizing metabolism, increasing overall immunity.

Treatment of chlamydia with homeopathy

About the disease

Chlamydia is much more common today than gonorrhea. And this is good, since chlamydia is, after all, a little less terrible than gonorrhea. But this is also bad, since chlamydia takes the lead among venereal diseases, it is difficult to respond to allopathic treatment and there is always a risk of relapse - immunity to chlamydia is not developed. The risks of complications are also high - chronic inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system, intestines, eyes. Also, chlamydia can cause infertility, both female and male.

As the name implies, chlamydia is caused by chlamydia. This is another representative of microorganisms that occupy an intermediate position between bacteria and viruses. Chlamydia (like ureaplasma, mycoplasma) do not have a cell membrane and live exclusively inside a living cell, like viruses, but they also have purely "bacterial" characteristics.

You can get chlamydia through unprotected sexual contact (this is the most "popular" type of infection). Also, the fetus can become infected with chlamydia - both in utero and during the passage of the birth canal.

Manifestations of chlamydia

The symptoms of chlamydia are in many ways similar to those of gonorrhea, however, as well as other infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. These are clear discharge from the vagina, urethra, itching and pain when urinating. At further development infection, there are signs of damage to other organs of the genitourinary system. In women, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, there may be spotting between menstruation, the study reveals inflammation of the appendages, uterus, cervix, cervical erosion in women and inflammation of the prostate, urethra, and epididymis in men, damage to the joints, rectum, eyes . However, the first stages of the disease are asymptomatic, and even manifested chlamydia has all the symptoms that are characteristic of an infectious disease of a particular organ. That is, if it is erosion of the cervix, then this is a standard erosion, and it does not say “There were chlamydia” on it. Chlamydia is detected only in a laboratory test, which in itself is expensive. Therefore, most often chlamydia is diagnosed by exclusion (if not gonorrhea, then chlamydia, although both ureaplasma and mycoplasma cause the same symptoms).

Causes of the disease

Chlamydia infection does not always mean chlamydia. As in the case of ureaplasma, mycoplasmas, chlamydia can live in the body without showing itself in any way. And the symptoms of the disease appear after the chlamydia were allowed to actively multiply.

Causes of chlamydia are:

2. General decrease in immunity (due to another infectious disease, chronic disease of any organ);

3. Local decrease in immunity (dysbacteriosis, hypothermia, use of local contraceptives);

4. Hormonal imbalance of various etiologies;

5. General weakening of the body (stress, unhealthy lifestyle).

How not to get this disease? the recommendations are obvious: protected sex, or a permanent sexual partner who is 100% free of chlamydia. That is, in other words, always protected sex. Because being a carrier does not mean a disease, but it means an infection of a partner.

Conventional treatment

What to do if you are diagnosed with chlamydia? Naturally, treat. But you can treat it with allopathic methods or homeopathy. Everyone chooses how to be treated, only the doctors of the Akonit-Gomeomed center too often have to treat patients not only for chlamydia, but also for the consequences of allopathic treatment.

So, in most cases, the usual treatment cannot cure chlamydia. It is extremely rare to achieve the complete disappearance of the disease, since the drugs used simply "drive" the disease into the body. Yes, it does not manifest itself in any way, but this is temporary ...

To treat chlamydia, doctors usually use antibiotics, which get inside the cells and kill the chlamydia. The problem is that the cell itself also dies. Therefore, antibiotic therapy has a lot of side effects, and believe me, dysbacteriosis is the least of them. Perhaps such a "killer" effect of antibiotics would be justified if they could be used to get rid of chlamydia. Alas, many patients come to our center with already chronic inflammatory diseases caused by chlamydia. And already with a body thoroughly “spoiled” by antibiotics.

Why Homeopathy?

In the homeopathic center "Aconit-Homeomed" treatment of chlamydia is carried out in a safe and even comfortable way - with the help of homeopathic remedies that have been proving their effectiveness in the treatment of various diseases for more than 200 years.

Why is homeopathy effective? In fact, everything is extremely simple - unique homeopathic mono preparations, first of all, allow the body to get rid of pathologies on its own. Our body is a powerful machine with huge resources, and you just need to help it heal, set it up for the right job. This is exactly what homeopathic mono-remedies do. Each of them is effective for a number of symptoms, both physiological and mental. And for each patient, the drug is selected individually, taking into account these symptoms. Such a drug is called constitutional, that is, corresponding to the constitution of the patient - according to appearance, by nature, habits, preferences, physiological manifestations.

Constitutional preparations allow you to eliminate all those malfunctions and failures in the body that make it susceptible to chlamydia infection. After all, contact with patients does not always lead to infection - the body can simply prevent chlamydia from infiltrating cells, that is, even infection will not occur, not to mention the development of the disease. When the body gets rid of pathologies, failures, when the immune system normalizes, when the hormonal background is put in order, then it is much easier for the body to fight infection.

For a more successful fight, mono drugs are also prescribed that allow you to cope with chlamydia.

Importance of modern diagnostics

For the correct prescription of a homeopathic remedy, the doctor needs to know all the symptoms of the patient. But not all patients can tell about all their symptoms - not only current ones, but also those that bothered them earlier. Indeed, few people can say exactly how his throat hurt when he had a sore throat a year ago. Or which side of the body is affected more in this moment. But this is extremely important for the correct prescription of the drug.

For the completeness of all information, it is often necessary to conduct special diagnostics. These are diagnostics according to the Voll method and vegetative resonance testing - ART. Both of these studies provide the most accurate picture of the state of the patient's body. Research makes it possible to learn even about those pathologies that do not yet manifest themselves, but already exist, and therefore influence the choice of a homeopathic remedy. The research itself is carried out quickly enough and does not cause discomfort. Their informative value has been repeatedly confirmed in practice - not only in our center and not only in our country, but also abroad, where Voll diagnostics and ART diagnostics are practiced much more often than in Russia.

Why is it important to choose the right drug? An incorrectly selected drug simply will not work. This time. Secondly, the patient may show those symptoms that are characteristic of the drug. And who likes additional pain, rashes or something else? Let them pass after stopping the drug. In addition, an incorrectly selected drug is a waste of the patient's time, and the loss of his money, and the doctors of the Akonit-Gomeomed center cannot allow this.


And the conclusion is extremely simple: if you are diagnosed with "chlamydia" - do not wait!

Call to make an appointment at our center! And you will forget about the word "chlamydia" forever!

Homeopathy in the treatment of chlamydia







Treatment and prognosis of the course of chlamydia infection
depending on the homeopathic type of the patient
and the dominant miasm

E.F. Fnberg
Ukraine, Kyiv

Treatment and prognosis of Chlamydia infection course depending on homoeopathic type of the patient and prevealing miasm. Helena Finberg (Kiev, Ukraine)
Having investigating the carts of patients suffering from Chlamydia’s infection, the author claims that the homoeopathic method is rather effective in the treatment of this group. This method cold be applied together with the allopathic methods as well as separately. Homoeopathic method is especially effective in treatment of chronic and masked form of disease. The most vulnerable group that could be effected by Chlamidias infections and its chronical forms consist of the psoras patients.

This story began 5 years ago, when a urologist cadet approached me at one of the lectures, asking how I treat chlamydia. I had to honestly answer that I did not treat at all, because I did not see these patients, no one sent them to me. A colleague told me a sad story about the problem that chlamydia has become for uro-venereologists today. The traditional treatment regimen for patients and their partners involves 2-3 courses of antibiotic therapy, immunomodulators. As a result of the most powerful antibacterial therapy, all flora, except for chlamydia, perishes. In some patients, after the course of treatment, the clinical manifestations of the disease stop, but chlamydia is still isolated; in some of the treated patients, complaints resume against the background of the slightest stress factor (ARVI, hypothermia, physical or nervous overexertion, etc.).

I agreed to the treatment of this group of patients, stipulating that I would conduct them only together with a specialist, and with the obligatory use of all modern methods monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.

The appearance at the reception of the first patients of this group was somewhat puzzling. Firstly, patients who were completely unaware of the method of homeopathic treatment, who had undergone traditional therapy, with all its moral and material costs, required only one thing - a fast-acting cure for chlamydia. Secondly, these are patients, as a rule, who did not show any complaints. In most cases, after the allopathic treatment, their condition improved, the severity of the process was leveled; there were no complaints at all, or they were minimal (in the form of mild dysuria, scanty transparent or whitish discharge from the urethra). Those. it was simply impossible to focus on local symptoms.

A survey of patients was conducted according to all the rules of classical homeopathy, with the appointment of a medicine for general symptoms, delusions, modalities, features of mental and somatic reactions, anamnesis. Here, it should be said, I had to face a number of unusual ethical problems, when my interlocutors were much more worried about the question “Who is to blame?” Than “What to do?”. Particular embarrassment was caused not by the patients themselves, but by their partners of both sexes. Very often these were practically healthy people, some of them had chlamydia, and the majority did not even have this fact. But they received treatment in accordance with the full program, simultaneously with the sick partner. A typical situation: a graying Mars and his young companion Mars suffers from chronic prostate urethritis for many years. But in recent years, thanks to treatment in the best European clinics, exacerbations have occurred extremely rarely, they were not difficult. The last exacerbation, caused (according to the results of the examination) by chlamydia, began after a meeting with young Venus. The lady considers herself absolutely healthy, during the examination no chlamydia were found.

Soon enough, the conviction came that homeopathic remedies are certainly effective in treating patients with chlamydia. The criteria for recovery, along with the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease, were three negative tests of scrapings from the urethra or the primary canal, carried out with an interval of two months. To be honest, this fact did not cause much surprise. But fellow venereologists who jointly led this group of patients were inspired by the results of the work. The most frequent question that was asked to me during this period was: “What do you treat them with?”. In response, I had to very gently tell that homeopaths do not have special medicines for chlamydia; that interest is caused not so much by chlamydia as by their owner, or rather by her reaction to the introduction of chlamydia. The interlocutors decided that this was due to the unwillingness to disclose their "know-how".

I, in turn, also began to ask questions. First: "Which patients are prone to chlamydia?" In fact, the interest was the fact of the existence of some predisposition to this disease, and what to do with the partners of patients. The answer was quite laconic and sounded something like this: "Whoever "got caught" is inclined." The second question is: “If antibacterial therapy is so ineffective, maybe we should try to treat it without antibiotics?” The answer was honest and very specific: "Colleague, I value my diploma."

More and more patients with this disease began to refer to me. The sluggish urological novel did not bring me much professional satisfaction, since there was no “solo” homeopathic treatment, the questions of interest remained open. At one stage of the collaboration, one of the collaborating urologists asked: “Among patients with recurrent urethroprostatitis, there are those who are contraindicated for a second course of antibiotic therapy. Which of your medicines should be prescribed in these cases? This was the beginning of a new phase of homeopathic testing. It was proposed to compare the effectiveness of treatment with the traditional allopathic method and homeotherapy in patients with relapses of prostatitis and urethritis of chlamydial etiology.

Two months later, a colleague who had not previously recognized the right to exist for homeopathy at all, said: “You know, patients “go” on your medicines no worse than on antibiotics.” It was the answer to just one of the questions asked.

The histories of this group of patients were analyzed. Interest was caused by the composition of patients, and which of the drugs work more and less successfully. For the analysis, 86 stories with a follow-up of more than a year were used. In 67 cases, a positive result was noted already after the first course of treatment, i.e. 2 months later; in 12 patients - after the second course (4 months); in 7 patients, chlamydia was also isolated after 6 months of treatment. Interestingly, in 2 patients from the latter group, a positive result was achieved after exacerbation of concomitant diseases (1 - pneumonia, 2 - chronic sinusitis, in both cases provoked by a viral infection), and their homeopathic treatment. With great surprise I had to state that among the most frequently prescribed drugs there were neither Tui, nor Pulsatilla, nor Mercurial preparations, nor Staphysagria. According to the frequency of prescriptions, the drugs were distributed as follows: Causticum, Psorinum, Kalium muriaticum, Kalium carbjnicum, Kalium bichromicum, Natrium muriaticum, Natrium carbonicum, Natrium sulphuricum, Borax, Ignatia, Cimiclfuga, and, by a huge margin, Anacardium, Nux vomica, Thuja, Pulsatilla , Conium, Mercurius solubilis.

The prescriptions were clearly dominated by psoric drugs. This already explained the course of the disease in patients in a different light. After all, “healed” persons with sluggish and recurrent inflammation (“blocked” patients) got to the reception. Those who were helped quickly and easily by treatment simply did not come to see a homeopath. But if this is so, then it is quite understandable that today's manifestation of chlamydia is the result of a "successful" massive treatment of urological and not only urological pathology, leading to the suppression of authentic flora and immunity.

And the next question about the partners of patients, conditionally divided into 2 groups:
1. Patients who do not have and did not have complaints and clinical manifestations of the disease, but there is a release of chlamydia; together with a partner conducted a course of antibiotic therapy.
2. There are no complaints, no clinical signs of the disease, no release of chlamydia, there is only contact with the patient.

Question:“Is the fact of the presence of chlamydia in the discharge evidence of her involvement in the disease? (By analogy, is the discovery of a person at the scene of a crime a proof that he is a criminal?) Should these people be treated? And if treated, then with what, and for how long? The supposed answer was the use of constitutional remedies. The answer is not very convincing, because. constitutional remedies are deep medicines that require a clear understanding of the purpose of the appointment, and control of their action. Due to the breadth and versatility of this action, control is often not so simple.

The purpose of prescribing was formulated as follows: "If we are dealing with a sluggish infection or asymptomatic carriage, then the prescription of constitutional homeopathic remedies may help to identify any bright or rare symptoms." The spread of drugs in this group turned out to be quite large, and the conclusion was very modest.

Group 2 did not provide any new information. Those "small" exacerbations, which, perhaps, these patients had, went unnoticed, because. patients in this group considered themselves absolutely healthy. Furthermore. frightened by the possibility of the disease, and their participation in its occurrence, they additionally convinced themselves of their full health, consciously ignoring all the “shades” of well-being.

In the 1st group, the following reactions were observed:
Thuja - thick mucous discharge from the nose for 2-3 days (history - sinusitis);
Pulsatilla - intense pulling pains at night along the veins (noted before, but slightly intensified after taking medication;
Ka carb.—Short-term mild nasal obstruction;
Lycopodium, Arnica, no answer;
Mercurius solub - provoked the formation of flux;
Barium iod.- coincided with ARVI, noted rhinitis, sore throat, subfebrile temperature.

In none of the cases did urogenital pathology manifest itself! The old (including homeopathic) proverb was confirmed: "Whoever is destined to be hanged, you will not drown him." In all patients of this group, no chlamydia was detected in control studies after homeopathic treatment. Probably, patients of this group were only transit carriers of chlamydia, which were easily disposed of. The threat of the development of the disease and its transition to chronic form is minimal for them.

1. Homeopathic therapy is effective in the treatment of urosexual pathology caused by chlamydial infection. It can be used both in combination with allopathic treatment and without it, which is especially important in the treatment of chronic asymptomatic carriage.
2. The group most vulnerable to chlamydia infection are patients with dominant psoric miasm. It is possible that such an active manifestation of chlamydia infection in recent years is the result of active treatment of many acute diseases, aimed at quickly suppressing the process, and not at a real cure for the patient.

1. Oriel D., Ridgway D. Chlamydia. – M.: Medicine, 1994.
2.Shankaran R. The Spirit of Homeopathy. Moscow: Irma, 1997.
3. Hahnemann S. Organon of medical art. – M.: Atlas, 1992.
4. Hahnemann S. Treatment of chronic diseases and homeopathic doctrine. – M.: Ollo, 1993.
5. Gnaiger Yu. Teaching about psora today. – M.: Ollo, 1993.
6.Рhatak S.R. Materia medica of homeopathic medicines/ - New Delhi, 1977.

Investigation and prediction of chlamydia infection in the presence of a homeopathic type of patient and dominating miasma. O.F. Finberg (Kiev, Ukraine)
Doslіdzhuyuchi lіkuvannya ailing chlamydіoznu uro-sexual pathology, the author stverzhuє, scho homeotherapy tsієї grupi ailments homeopathic method dosing effective, and can be Vicoristan as a combination with alopathic methods, so i okremo in them. Especially dorechno in homeotherapy in the treatment of chronic and unsigned forms of ailment. The most susceptible to chlamydia infection is a group of individuals who carry psoriatic miasma.

Treatment and prognosis of the course of chlamydia infection depending on the homeopathic type of the patient and the dominant miasm. E.F. Finberg (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Investigating the treatment of patients with chlamydia urosexual pathology, the author argues that homeopathic therapy for this group of patients by prescribing dynamized drugs is quite effective and can be used both in conjunction with allopathic treatment and separately from it. Especially appropriate is the use of homeotherapy in the treatment of chronic and asymptomatic forms of the disease. The group most susceptible to chlamydial infection is the group of people who carry the psoric miasm.

Can chlamydia be treated with homeopathy?

With the advent of alternative treatments for sexually transmitted diseases, more and more patients are looking for more modern ways get rid of the virus without the use of antibiotics. Many clinics practice homeopathic treatment of chlamydia. Before you go looking for an experienced homeopath, you should understand how chlamydia is treated.

Anyone who has visited such a clinic knows that homeopathy does not cure chlamydia. Even special preparations, aimed directly at the destruction of chlamydia, they also do not. But this is a kind of branch of medicine, which affects, first of all, the infected person himself and his consciousness by selecting a special complex of drugs. It is impossible to immediately say how many sessions a doctor will need for homeopathic treatment of chlamydia. It all depends on the condition of the infected patient, his desire to recover. Even the accuracy of the selection by the doctor and the patient's medication affects the speed of getting rid of this infection.

Experienced homeopaths, as well as traditional doctors, are unanimous in their opinion that such a serious disease as chlamydia is a twofold phenomenon. With insignificant titers of antibodies, microorganisms cannot cause any harm and are part of the flora even in a healthy person. As soon as the tests showed the presence of antibodies or the viruses themselves in large quantities, the venereologist or infectious disease specialist prescribes antibiotics, and homeopathy does not begin the treatment of chlamydia, but strengthens the immune system and restores the body. After carrying out such procedures, a healthy body itself will be able to defeat the infection, because strong antibiotics have not driven it into a far corner. This is a more gentle approach to treatment, but sometimes you have to wait much longer for its results.

Homeopathy in the treatment of chlamydia is most effective at the initial stage of the disease. Quite often, this method of getting rid of the disease is resorted to when a chlamydial infection is detected in children, not wanting to act on their body with antibiotics. When undergoing a full course of treatment for chlamydia in a homeopath, the disease does not become chronic. In some cases, doctors recommend combining traditional treatment with homeopathic treatment in order to achieve a more stable result in an advanced form of the disease.

Chlamydia treatment

Chlamydia is one of the most well-known and common, to date, latent genital infections. The causative agent of chlamydia of the genitourinary system is Chlamydia trachomatis, which is the smallest bacteria that affects the mucous membranes of the organs and tissues located under them.

First of all, chlamydia causes a disease of the urinary and reproductive systems. Chlamydia is one of the most common infections, because the infection occurs both sexually and household - through common items: washcloths, towels, as the bacteria are well preserved and multiply in the aquatic environment. It is possible to infect the child at the time of childbirth, during the passage of the birth canal.


Despite their small size, chlamydia is very dangerous and can cause serious complications. In women - infertility, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, miscarriage and infection of the fetus during pregnancy; in men - chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, chronic inflammation of the urethra, infertility. In this case, pyelonephritis and cystitis can be in both sexes in varying degrees of severity. Also, long-term chlamydia causes damage to other organs - eyes, joints, skin, internal organs.

Check prices for chlamydia treatment in the consultative and diagnostic center "Abrielle" you can in the section Price list.


To date, the most effective way chlamydia treatment and other latent infections is bioresonance diagnostics and homeopathy. With the help of bioresonance, you can determine the presence of pathogens with a 95% guarantee. Homeopathy is the only way to completely get rid of chlamydia, as well as the consequences of its "stay" in the body.

An individually and well-chosen homeopathic remedy will help with the treatment of chlamydia, as it works in several directions:

1. Homeopathy has the ability to suppress the vital activity of chlamydia by changing the conditions of the intracellular environment, to which pathogens are very sensitive. As a result, the activity of the infection decreases, and then completely disappears, since the chlamydia become "uncomfortable", they will tend to leave the "bad" habitats.

2. By changing the intracellular environment, the homeopathic remedy restores the normal program of cell vital activity, which was disturbed by chlamydia. As a result, the tissue heals and functions normally.

3. Homeopathy acts locally on the affected tissue or organ, eliminating all signs of inflammation, thus pain or discomfort, swelling, redness disappear, and discharge normalizes. Gradually, functional activity is fully restored and recovery occurs.

4. Acting at the level of the whole body, homeopathic medicines stimulate the immune system, placing emphasis on the presence of infection in the body. As a result, the immune system begins to more actively produce protective factors, antibodies and specific immune cells aimed at chlamydia treatment. Thus, there is a 100% destruction of the pathogen in your body.

5. Homeopathic remedies always have a common effect, harmonizing the activity of all organ systems: cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal. In other words, choosing chlamydia treatment with the help of homoeopathy, the body comes into order, and, accordingly, energy, vivacity and good mood return.

Do not pull to contact a specialist. Come to the Abrielle Center and forget about health problems! The healing power of homeopathy is able to cure even neglected cases with which traditional medicine is powerless.

How is chlamydia treated in women?

Treatment of chlamydia in women does not have a general methodology and depends on many factors. Therapy of chlamydia has some difficulties, which are due to the nature of the pathogen, the individual characteristics of the woman's body, the state of her immune system, the presence and nature of concomitant diseases.

What is the complexity of therapy?

The selection of effective therapeutic methods that are used in the treatment of chlamydia in women depends on the type of pathogen and its development cycle. Chlamydia are unique microorganisms that have characteristics of both viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it is difficult to find a medicine that can cure chlamydia.

With prolonged exposure to damaging factors, chlamydia can mutate into the so-called L-forms. They are resistant to many groups of drugs, including antibiotics. L-forms are not always found in biochemical studies. Difficulties in identifying the pathogen make it difficult to make a diagnosis and develop an effective treatment regimen.

Depending on the type of pathogen, its strain, the symptoms of the disease differ and individual treatment is required. In addition, the anatomical features of the structure of the genitourinary system in men and women require the use of various forms of drugs.

Treatment of chlamydia in women is a lengthy procedure that requires the use of screening techniques and correction of the therapeutic course.

Treatment of urogenital pathogens

Chlamydia trachomatis enters the female body through unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner. Pathogens are ingested through contact with body fluids. Microorganisms are able to attach to spermatozoa and thus infect the reproductive system. The probability of becoming infected by the household route is small, but it should not be ruled out. With the flow of blood and lymph, chlamydia are carried to all tissues of the body, causing various symptoms.

Treatment of urogenital chlamydia in women consists of several stages. From the moment of introduction and within a month, chlamydia does not manifest itself. At this point, the disease is asymptomatic. Affecting the cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix, the infection captures the entire uterus and through the fallopian tubes penetrates into the peritoneum and ovaries. In this case, the wrong diagnosis is often made and the treatment does not correspond to the disease. A natural question arises: "How to treat chlamydia in women?"

Complex therapy should necessarily include broad-spectrum antibiotics. They select antibiotics that can penetrate into the cell, and supplement their intake with macrolides. A stepwise approach is used. To destroy chlamydia in women, antibiotic injections are prescribed, and then pills are prescribed:

  1. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Penicillin, Azithromycin, Sulfanilamide, etc.
  2. Macrolides: Rovamycin, Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, etc.
  3. Fluoroquinolones: Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.

If within 2 weeks there is no decrease in the severity of the pathology, then the prescribed drug is replaced. To maintain the state of the body after antibiotic therapy is prescribed:

  1. Vitamin complexes.
  2. Medications that increase immunity (Timalin, Taktivin, etc.).
  3. Enzyme preparations that support the functions of the liver and pancreas (Karsil, Festal, Gestal, etc.).

To destroy the accompanying microflora, antimycotics are prescribed (Fluconazole, Nystatin, etc.).

To restore the body's natural biocenosis, probiotics are prescribed (Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, etc.).

Chlamydia should be treated in women in parallel with therapy in her sexual partner, even if he did not have chlamydia. Similar treatment regimens are used for Chlamydia pneumoniae infection. The complex treatment includes courses of physiotherapy and homeopathy.

Etiotropic homeopathic treatment

Chlamydia in women, especially during gestation, can be treated using homeopathic remedies. Often the use of antibiotics is ineffective, since, in addition to the fact that they do not act on elementary bodies, it is difficult for drugs to penetrate into the cell. Toxins secreted by chlamydia cause tissue fibrosis, deposition of toxins in the form of oxalates, and increased inflammatory effusion. In a clinical setting, a course of treatment with homeopathic preparations of a urogenital infection caused by chlamydia in women was carried out. The following drugs were used:

  • Causticum;
  • Psorinum;
  • Kalium muriaticum, Kalium carbjnicum, Kalium bichromicum;
  • Natrium muriaticum, Natrium carbonicum, Natrium sulphuricum;
  • Borax;
  • Ignatia;
  • Cimiclfuga;
  • Anacardium;
  • Nux vomica;
  • Thuja, Pulsatilla, Conium, Mercurius solubilis, etc.

In addition to the fact that chlamydia was no longer detected in patients, their immunity rose, blood counts improved. A feature of the formed groups was that they were women with "healed" asymptomatic, latent pathologies.

Homeopathic treatment can be used as a method of independent therapy. So, treatment begins with symptomatic drugs, then, after stabilization of the condition and a decrease in the severity of symptoms, etiotropic substances are prescribed. Often administered drugs that help cleanse the body, resorption of adhesions, fibroids. To speed up the process of cleaning the body, massage and physiotherapy exercises are prescribed.

Traditional medicine methods

Doctors do not recommend home treatment for chlamydia of any localization. The complexity of the infection, the characteristics of the pathogen, and the need to control the condition make the use of home remedies questionable. However, after consultation with the attending physician, alternative methods can be used as an accompanying therapy.

So, for example, chlamydia in women is treated with garlic tincture in water. The tincture is used both for douching and for oral administration.

For douching, an antimicrobial tincture of such medicinal plants as geranium, elecampane, oregano, St. John's wort, clover, burnet, marigold, tansy, hornhead, etc. is made.

In order to relieve inflammation, take decoctions of wild rosemary, black elderberry, heather, carnation grass, elecampane willow, viburnum, cinquefoil creeping linen, etc.

However, all the above methods of treatment must be agreed with the attending physician, as well as adhere to the scheme and course of treatment.

Unauthorized termination of therapy or violation of the dosage of the drug will lead to mutation of chlamydia and the emergence of resistant forms.

With an adequate treatment regimen, the prognosis of the disease is positive.

2009-12-07 20:20:10

Svetlana asks:

Good evening! Help me to understand. The condom broke during intercourse. She sent the young man 4 days later for tests (reef scraping) - Chlamydia and Ureaplasma pos. On the third day, I have burning pains in the lower abdomen. No discharge, no itching.
I wanted to start treatment immediately for the infections found in the young man, but the doctor said that perhaps they had not been transmitted to me due to the small amount of semen that had fallen. He said to get tested in a month. My stomach hurt, so I didn't wait a month.
PCR (smear) 2.5 weeks after sexual contact in one clinic the day before menstruation (as directed by a doctor, the results were sent to another city, Odessa). Results: Chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasmas -positive.
PCR (smear) after another 5 days in another clinic on the last day of menstruation (of my own free will, in the clinic itself, in Krivoy Rog on Filatova, I told everyone that I was not being treated with them from another city ...). Result: Ureaplasma - positive, everything else - negative.
RIF (smear) after another 1 week. in his city in Kherson. Everything is negative. Leukocytes in the vagina and cerv. channel - 10-20
RIF (smear) after another 1 week. at the same clinic in Hesron. Chlamydia - pos. The rest is negative. Leucocytes there.
The pain continues. There are no divisions. Rare isolated cases of itching in the urethra.
Tank sowing (carried to Odessa) for 42 microorganisms with a definition. feelings. to 30 antibiotics. Result - Escherichia coli 2 str., Streptococcus n. 4 str.
Treatment was prescribed - Zoxan TK 5 days, 2 tablets each, tampons with Isotizon 14 days, vitamins Neurovitan, Pimafucin, Adnexo-gran (homeopathy). After Zoxan - Azithromycin 1 gram / 1 time per week for a stretch. 3 weeks
The pains have lessened. In the third week they returned again with cystitis (not painful). Thrush.
Appointment - furazolidone 3r / day 7 days, Kanefron 1 month. And after the third tablet of Azithromycin, start .... Macmirror 3 tons / day for 7 days. (I haven’t started drinking it yet)
All treatments are meticulous. Sexual abstinence. Pain continues, cystitis too (though painless)
Question: 1) Were there enough tests to determine the cause of the pain?
2) Could it be a latent form of gonorrhea?
3) Is the amount of drugs for the treatment of chlamydia and staphylococcus sufficient?
4) Whether to drink McMiror or it is better to continue to search for the reason / to change the doctor?
Thank you.

Responsible Babushkin Alexander Avramovich:

Good afternoon. A characteristic story for our imperfect medicine, and for the phobic nature of the patient. You have the right to change the doctor (but you must first recover, so as not to regret it). Only by PCR the diagnosis is not made. Gonorrhea would have been detected in the culture (if the material was taken from the cervical canal and urethra, and not from the vagina). Chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma can be detected in 60% of the adult population (usually acute course and does not always need to be treated). Dyspareunia can also cause pain and discharge, but the reason is completely different - the lack of full sexual unloading !!!

2014-01-25 15:49:06

Tatyana asks:

Hello! To begin with, I will describe the situation - a few years ago, a partner infected with HPV 33 and 39 genotypes + chlamydia. infections did not bother and did not appear until she became cold on vacation. Returning home, menstruation began earlier for 2 weeks (very plentiful), the lower abdomen hurt. At the doctor's appointment, a cyst was also found in the ovary. After undergoing a course of treatment (antibiotics, droppers, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral drugs), my doctor and I defeated all infections and inflammations, incl. passed erosion of the cervix, which was from 15 years. But the partner did not recover and infected with chlamydia again. On the same day, the lower abdomen fell ill (the reaction to the infection immediately began, which was confirmed by the tests) and again I had to be treated. Then she underwent a course of physiotherapy. About a year has passed and a new partner passes HPV 18 to me during protected intercourse. After a couple of days, discomfort and inflammation appear in the appendages. My doctor doesn't believe me it's from HPV. I took a course of antibiotics (Sumamed, Gentamicin), immunomodulators (Polyoxidonium, Viferon). passed tests for immunity, HIV, syphilis, etc. Blood test for immune status, interferon status. I didn't feel very well. Another nervous breakdown followed. Then there was a course of homeopathic treatment, autohemotherapy. As a result, the inflammation has passed, the state of health is normal. But there is an unpleasant feeling in the lower abdomen (it looks like a cold). According to your practice, is it possible to connect HPV and appendages? can i feel the presence of the virus? with chlamydia it was for sure ... Thanks for the answer

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Hello, Tatyana! The human papillomavirus is tropen mainly to the epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes, which explains the localization of the pathological processes caused by this virus (different parts of the skin, larynx, cervix, etc.). This virus does not cause damage to the ovaries (unlike chlamydia). Take care of your health!

2012-09-19 11:08:53

Galina asks:

Hello, I am 36 years old, about 5-6 years ago there was a growth on the foot inside on the 2nd finger, I don’t know how to write correctly, but not on the upper phalanges, but the one that is already inside the foot itself, the size of a large cherry, the pain was with walking (she walked exclusively in high heels), the doctors diagnosed corns first, and then, after 3 months of unsuccessful treatment with physical procedures, arthrosis of some (I don’t remember ...) metacarpal joint. The growth disappeared six months after the use of homeopathy and acupuncture (private appointment, homeopathy - the doctor's own production - some grains). During this period, I remember, there were frequent cystitis and hypothermia, because I worked as a nurse (from the age of 19 and still) in the basement-type infectious diseases department (at we are always terribly cold, and when working on the night shift, you freeze so much that only a hot bath warms after work), I had pharyngitis and acute respiratory infections, but not often (1-2 times a year), there were no tonsillitis at all. In childhood, except for the usual v. smallpox and measles practically did not hurt, I even then, over the course of another year, they gradually began not to get sick, but to whine all the small bones and joints of the hands, even the joint of the thumb was inflamed and slightly enlarged in volume (about 6 months), saw NIMID-became better, I took tests: rheumatic complex, ASLO, CRP, urea, KLA, OAM, - everything is an absolute norm. After one knee joint started to hurt wildly, after three months and the second (and the first stopped!) Especially at night, there was some stiffness of the joints of the hands in the morning, but not visible, the doctor could not tell me anything, because the tests are normal, they made an x-ray of the hands - the norm. They began to worry about volatile pains in all joints and bones, the tests are still the same, and again the norm, ESR-10-12 NOT MORE, by the way, my ESR almost never rises, even when I suffer from acute respiratory infections, the temperature also almost never rises, maybe five times in my life and was 37-38. They advised me to inject bicillin-5 (just in case) once a month for a course of three months in spring and three in autumn (in summer the pain was not so intense) , they don’t make an entry in the card, the diagnosis is healthy and they shrug their shoulders. Bitsillin pricked for about three years and forgot about the pains - while I prick, everything is ok, I just missed it - hello, here I am pain! pain in the hip joints, and in the small ones - the hands and feet, there is no pain, swelling too, as if there was nothing - sometimes flying sliding pains and that's it, but now the hips always hurt, the knees have stopped - there was a terrible crunch and crack when walking, my elbow and shoulder joints hurt a little (a couple of m months), analyzes are all in the same norm. I didn’t prick bicillin, because I was going to get pregnant, I pierced melbek before I took it, the pains were gone, I got pregnant right away, gave birth, nothing hurt! -x without any load in a calm state, at night, crunching in the knees, volatility of pain in all bones and joints), there is no temperature and never was, all tests are normal, X-ray of the hips is normal, the spine sometimes hurts (before they did acupuncture and massage- the result - two years ago my back didn’t bother me; three years ago I found out that my husband had been ill with chlamydia and prostatitis (already chronic form) in his youth, during the next treatment of prostatitis (this was three years ago), chlamydia was found, they were treated, at the same time they examined and treated me (in I took tests in two different laboratories, in one it was positive, in the other it was negative!, just in case, they were treated).

Responsible Guzhevsky Igor Vitalievich:

The described situation gives grounds to assume the presence of a focus of chronic infection in the body, which can cause changes in the musculoskeletal system; questions of specification of the diagnosis in similar cases are in the competence of the rheumatologist.

2010-09-28 18:11:00

Lana asks:

Hello! I am 39 years old. Menstruation began at the age of 14. Lasts 4-5 days, not plentiful, but Last year with clots.
Past illnesses: chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, HPV 6,16,45 (2001-moderate dysplasia against the background of STDs). Was treated in 2007. In 2007 - cytology is normal; DNA diagnostics of chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma - not detected. - the result is either normal, or an inflammatory process.
MC - there were violations in the appointment of hormones (dufaston, primolyut -nor 2008). When canceled - everything was set up.
Six months ago, the MC began to "jump" then 29,30,34 days. In August 2010, on the 16th day of the MC, bleeding was discovered (not abundant). I went to the doctor and prescribed: tincture of water pepper, ascorutin, dicenone. After 9 days, the bleeding ended (the last day was heavy, with clots). The gynecologist prescribed ultrasound. The result of ultrasound (intravaginal) 3.09.10:
Ultrasound signs of endocervix cysts. Cytology dated 09.09.10 - ignited type; Colposcopy: Ov. Nabothi. Diagnosis: Malignant process in the area of ​​left appendages. Vokadin candles were prescribed. The last menstruation - 09/13/10 - again with clots.
Concomitant diseases - nodular goiter (delivered in 2008, an increase in the thyroid gland since 2000, hormones are normal), nodes in the left chest (mastopathy since 2004, nodes -12.2009). According to the thyroid gland, I am observed and treated with homeopathy + products with a high content of iodine. I am also being observed by a mammologist in the oncological dispensary (now I am undergoing treatment with "Tazalok", Progestogel)
Please tell me how dangerous endocervix cysts are, why they occur and what are the methods of treatment specifically in my case. What is the reason for menstruation with clots and their irregularity? Can stress be the cause of such failures?

Responsible Irkha Lina Sergeevna:

Good afternoon, the irregularity of menstruation and clots during menstruation are associated with a violation in the hormonal system, you need to undergo an examination! Stress can cause cycle failure! Endocervix cysts are not dangerous unless accompanied by other diseases (cervical dysplasia).

Lyudmila Grigorievna! You helped my sister recover from giardiasis 1 year ago. Now she again has similar symptoms: rare stools, headaches, sometimes pains in the abdomen (side). Is it possible after complete cure get giardiasis again? What's the point of treatment then?

You need to come to the appointment and find the right medicine for you. There is a homeopathic preparation Candida, which also gives good results.

  • Reiter's syndrome. Simultaneous damage to the skin, joints and mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • Eyes. Irritation, lachrymation, better in the open air. The conjunctiva is rough or swollen. Sticky discharge.

    The course of treatment of animals in the experimental and control groups included: the use of an antibacterial drug, an immunomodulator, an antibacterial eye ointment. In addition, the homeopathic preparation Euphrasia officinalis 6 was included in the treatment regimen for the animals of the experimental group. The choice of this preparation was made in accordance with its pathogenesis and symptoms of the disease in cats. Euphrasia officinalis in pathogenesis has the following manifestations: tropism for the mucous membrane of the eyes, causes inflammation of the eyelids, their hyperemia and edema, accompanied by caustic secretions that irritate the skin, photophobia. A characteristic symptom is blurred vision in artificial light.

    Through intercourse

    - digestive organs (chronic and "reactive" pancreatitis, chronic gastritis, helicobacteriosis (as a secondary dysbiosis), cholecystitis, Gilbert's syndrome.);

    Stomach. Feeling of "discomfort" in the lower abdomen.

  • the opening of the urethra swells and turns red
  • Infection development algorithm

    hello. Earlier, I already wrote to you about a fungal disease of the fingers. Found the reason. candidiasis. She tested for opisthorchiasis and giardiasis. The result was negative. She was treated with travocort, candida, nothing helps. What do you advise?

  • Both partners are being treated
  • My husband was diagnosed with giardiasis and I read from you that the drug giardiasan helps with this disease. I want to know how much this drug costs? Thank you.

    3. With inflammatory processes of the genital organs: urethritis, cervicitis, cervical erosion, endometritis, adnexitis, etc.

  • Vibramycin
  • Digestive system. "Iron" taste in the mouth. Dry mouth, especially in the morning. Chronic pain in the stomach. Ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. Intestinal fistulas. Stinging or pinching sensation in left hypochondrium. Constipation.

    The latent form of chlamydia can last for months. Certain factors contribute to the transformation of the disease into an acute form:

    The work was carried out in the veterinary clinic of OOO "Doctor Vet" in the period from 2005 to 2006. Experimental and control groups of animals with signs of chronic keratoconjunctivitis were formed, 12 animals each, according to the principle of analogues. From the animals of the experimental and control groups, samples of secretions from the conjunctiva were taken according to the scheme: 1 - before treatment; 2 - one week after the course of treatment until negative test results for chlamydia are obtained. Diagnostic studies were carried out by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method using the commercial HLA-COM test system developed by FGU VGNKI together with the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology. PCR was carried out on an amplifier brand "Bis-N 110".

    Ways of transmission of chlamydia

    The World Health Organization is not in vain pursuing a policy of protected sex among adolescents. Cases of urogenital chlamydia are increasingly recorded among young people from 14 to 18 years. Most diagnoses occur between the ages of 20 and 40.

    In chronic recurrent chlamydia, there is a need to prescribe immunomodulators. In the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, agents that stimulate the body's defenses play a key role. The drugs are administered intramuscularly during the course of antibiotic therapy.

    The third method of research with the reliability of results up to 70% - RIF. The material is taken from the urethral canal, stained with a substance, examined under a microscope. The analysis is carried out very quickly: no longer than an hour. But the study requires a lot of tissues, and the infection must be in the acute phase: this is a significant drawback of the analysis. Sometimes a reaction to a substance is given not by chlamydia, but by staphylococci.

  • Klacid
  • An example treatment regimen is as follows:

    Development of chlamydia

    For what period is it possible to eradicate opisthorchiasis and how is this guaranteed?

  • sexual relations are prohibited during treatment
  • humidity level - in conditions of high humidity, chlamydia are perfectly preserved, so they can live up to 5 days in towels, dishes, toilet lids.
  • disinfectants - microorganisms react to household chemicals, so any sanitation agent will destroy them on household items
  • Chlamydia often masquerades as other sexually transmitted infections. Chlamydia is usually found in parallel with mycoplasma, ureaplasma, Trichomonas. For research, discharge from the urethral canal is taken. But, due to the specifics of the structure and activity of chlamydia, the definition of infection with a smear does not always give a positive answer.

    Back and limbs. Soreness and rigidity of the space between the shoulder blades (stomach symptom). Pain in the sacrum. Asymmetric pains in the joints, especially in the hips, worse from warmth and at rest, sometimes relieved by motion.

    First signs

    For the treatment of chlamydia, antibiotics are most often used along with immunomodulators. Tetracycline drugs, which have high therapeutic activity and are widely used in the treatment of chlamydia in dogs, are poorly tolerated in cats.

    Salpingitis is a severe disease, the unfavorable outcome of which is obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which often leads to infertility and increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

  • genitals
  • 2. With obstetric pathology: infertility, prematurity, postpartum inflammatory processes.

    Hello! Recently I was on examination and they found worms in my duodenum - cat fluke. Please tell me how to get cured. Thank you in advance.

  • the appearance of a small admixture of blood at the end of urination
  • In your case, it is better to treat giardiasis homeopathically, because. it is a mild treatment that does not have toxic effects on the liver. Come to the reception. If this is not possible, please provide your address and I will send you the preparations with detailed instructions.

    Antibiotic choice

    The widespread use of contraceptives (oral and intrauterine), antibiotics, steroid hormones, abortions and other surgical interventions on the genitals influence the increase in the prevalence of chlamydial infection of the genitourinary tract.

    Hello! For a long time already I wanted to turn to a homeopathic doctor with questions that concern me. And then I accidentally stumbled upon your ad. As I understood from the questions and answers, homeopathy is able to cure chlamydia. I would like to know the duration of treatment, the cost, at least approximate, and the percentage of cure, if there are no concomitant infections.

  • stressful situation
  • Hello dear Lyulmila. My sister fell ill with opisthorchiasis and her hair falls out on her head and her eyelashes fall out. What drug can you recommend. Thanks in advance.

    Clinical symptoms develop slowly and in some patients observed many years after infection. Patients may not complain for a long time, consider themselves healthy and even refuse treatment, endangering family members: the development of primary infertility in children due to cicatricial changes in the fallopian tubes in girls or chlamydial orchiepididymitis in boys. Re-infection of a woman, a long course of treatment leads to the development of severe forms of dysbacteriosis and other negative consequences.


    Chlamydia in cats is widespread among domestic animals of various breeds and age groups. There are urogenital and respiratory forms of lesions, but most often the disease occurs in the form of keratoconjunctivitis. According to our data, 40% of feline keratoconjunctivitis is due to chlamydia infection.

    The main route of transmission of chlamydia is sexual contact with an infected partner (and there may be no symptoms of the disease). The infection is transmitted through any kind of sexual contact, with vaginal secretions and contaminated semen.

    Treatment of pinworms, like other helminthiases, is homeopathically possible. There is large group drugs that are effective in this pathology. During treatment, not only helminths disappear, but also the very soil for their existence, immunity increases, and overall well-being improves.

    Dear Doctor! My daughter (8 years old) has been suffering from JRA (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis) for 3 years now, and a month ago she was diagnosed with giardiasis, tell me how best to treat it so that there are fewer side effects, she takes prednisolone, methotrexate, she is constantly sick and often has a stomach ache, I'm afraid that medicines will harm the body and stomach even more, grab and above listed I will be immensely grateful to you if you help, tell me, answer Thank you

  • upper and lower respiratory tract
  • The aim of our research was to determine the possibility of using homeopathic medicines in the treatment of chlamydia in cats.

  • ultraviolet - direct sunlight is detrimental to chlamydia, as well as to most pathogenic microorganisms
  • It would not be an exaggeration to say that the current practice of laboratory support for the treatment of chlamydia is a deliberate commercial profanity on the part of diagnosticum manufacturers, a pleasant self-deception for doctors and a shameless scam towards patients, which could easily be revealed if direct diagnostic methods were used in laboratory practice, such as microscopy of a stained smear(MOM), which allows you to directly observe the infection under a microscope, as was done in those good old days when these microbes were discovered. But this type of diagnosis of chlamydia is practically not used in routine laboratory practice. Against! It is zealously denigrated by manufacturers of commercial diagnosticums as supposedly inefficient, labor-intensive and finicky. Moreover, it is this inexpensive and “obvious” method that has been widely and quite successfully used in clinical trials until laboratory diagnostics has not turned into a well-established business. In reality, such rejection has purely commercial reasons: if IOM, as an alternative or additional method will be used to diagnose chlamydia, and especially to monitor the treatment process, it will soon become clear to everyone that the newfangled diagnostics do not meet the declared parameters, and the disease itself is practically incurable through antibiotic and "immunomodulatory" therapy.

    The incubation period for chlamydia is 20-30 days. In women, the infection often occurs latently and is detected only with a thorough examination for non-gonococcal urethritis in a sexual partner. The longer the process proceeds, the more often the cervix, urethra, ducts of large vestibular glands, fallopian tubes, and rectum are affected. The occurrence of disseminated forms is facilitated by the use of hormonal contraceptives, the last third of pregnancy, concomitant infections.

    - skin and its appendages (as mixed and secondary dysbioses: atopic dermatitis, pink lichen Zhibera, multi-colored (pityriasis) lichen, papillomas, onychomycosis, molluscum contagiosum).

    Examination of women should be carried out in the first days after menstruation. Given the sexual route of transmission, it is necessary to examine and treat sexual partners. During treatment and observation, sexual activity is excluded.

    Enzymes play an important role in the treatment: preparations based on plant and animal enzymes that stimulate the immune system, relieve intoxication, and contribute to the concentration of antibiotics in the foci of infection. The treatment regimen includes: Longidase, Wobenzym, Trypsin.

    Chlamydia treatment

    Homeopathic treatment is quite effective in chronic infections. I have experience in treating patients with CMV and ureoplasmosis. Medications were selected individually, after treatment, mandatory laboratory control was carried out. Cure was considered in the presence of a three-fold negative test result. Homeopathic treatment has no contraindications during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation. Moreover, experience shows that the children of mothers treated homeopathically during pregnancy have a higher immunity and they do not have the negative consequences of these infections. as well as the risk of their intrauterine transmission.

    Throat and respiratory tract. The back wall and tonsils are swollen, painful. Hyperemia and suppuration are not typical. Sensation as if something were stuck in the throat and interfered with the act of swallowing. Periodic expectoration of sticky lumpy sputum. Dry, unproductive cough worse in warmth, after taking warm food or caffeinated products (tea, coffee, chocolate, etc.). Raw feeling in trachea, aggravated by coughing. Spasm of the throat and dyspnea in a warm room, quickly disappearing in the open air.

    Herpetic infection is now widespread. A third of the world's population suffers from recurrent herpes. The risk of disease in newborns from a mother carrying the virus in the genital tract is 40-60%, with massive blood transfusion - 10-12%. Herpes simplex is widespread in the human population as a latent infection. For its clinical manifestation, a state of immunosuppression is necessary. The incubation period is from 2-14 days. Main clinical forms -. gingivostomatitis (occurs mainly in children from 6 months to 2-3 years old. It manifests itself on the oral mucosa).

    The most frequent and characteristic symptoms chlamydia:

    You can do homeopathic treatment. To do this, you need to come to the reception, because. medicines are selected individually. You can read an article on giardiasis and its homeopathic treatment on my website. From the general recommendations, I can advise a few recipes. 1. Peel and chop 2 heads of garlic, pour 0.5 l of water with the juice of one raw beetroot, leave for 3 days in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 10-15 days. 2. Pour 100 g of dry birch leaves with 1 liter of water, bring to a boil, but do not boil, insist. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 10-15 days.

  • Rehabilitation. The recovery period takes about two weeks. Here, drugs are prescribed to restore liver function, probiotics, and sometimes physiotherapy.
  • Drugs of choice - antibiotics

    - genital organs (prostatitis, varicocele, phimosis, urethral stricture, polycystic ovaries, tubal infertility, endometriosis, painful menstruation, gardnerellosis as a secondary dysbiosis.);


      The second most reliable study is the method for determining antibodies to chlamydia. ELISA or enzyme immunoassay. The advantage of this study is the determination of the stage of the disease: acute or chronic. But such an analysis is carried out only after at least 20 days after infection. Test reliability: about 60%.

      The appearance of one of the symptoms of chlamydia is a reason for contacting a urologist.

      Antibiotic and "immunomodulatory" treatment of human chlamydia, aimed at eradicating its pathogen, did not justify hopes. And pompous assurances of its easy curability from numerous private clinics practicing its antibiotic or "immunomodulatory" therapy take place almost exclusively in the CIS. Western doctors prefer not to touch on this issue, while their compatriot veterinarians are very talkative about it. The WHO also advises against tackling chlamydia unless absolutely necessary - at most, a single five-day course of doxycycline, calculated on blind luck - without repetition and switching the drug in case of failure, which is practically guaranteed. The fact is that antibiotics active against chlamydia are not fatal for the pathogen itself. They only temporarily slow down its reproduction, and the infection can easily wait out the "difficult times" in the secluded places of the host's body, and then take up its own again. Such forms of therapy, of course, can be useful in urgent (life-threatening) situations, for example, with rapidly developing chlamydial pneumonia, but are completely useless in all others. Considering only the eradication or significant suppression of the infection, much better results can be achieved with the competent use of conventional homeopathy, but in its public arsenal (known as "Materia medica") we have not been able to find remedies that provide lasting immunity to chlamydia.

    • Sumamed
    • It is believed that chlamydia should be given more attention due to: 1. high frequency of their allocation; 2. frequent association with other pathogenic microorganisms, enhancing mutual pathogenicity; 3. difficulties in diagnosing and treating chlamydial infections.

      Any distinctive features clinical manifestations of chlamydial urethritis in men were not observed.

      Perhaps quite successful treatment of any genitourinary infections, including. trichomoniasis and chlamydia. It is not possible to recommend any specific medicine, because. there are many of them and their selection is individual. What helped one. will not help another, since the manifestations of the disease are different for everyone, even if the diagnosis is the same. Come to the appointment or answer the questionnaire and describe your manifestations of the disease, then I can recommend you a more specific medicine.

      How to get rid of giardiasis?

      - respiratory organs (chronic tonsillitis, chronic pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, pathological growth of the palatine, nasopharyngeal ("adenoids") and other tonsils of the pharyngeal lymphadenoid ring.);

      Complications and consequences of self-treatment

    • a consequence of a viral or bacterial infection
    • Concomitant medications: treatment regimen for chlamydia

    • Epidymitis. Inflammation of the epididymis. Characterized high temperature and an increase in the appendage in volume. The inflammatory process disrupts spermatogenesis and leads to infertility. Often occurs in parallel with orchitis (testicular inflammation).
    • brain (stroke, migraine)

    • Itraconazole
    • To prevent the development of candidiasis, due to prolonged exposure to powerful antibacterial components, antimycotic drugs are prescribed:

      Urogenital chlamydia has more than 20 clinical syndromes and pathological conditions, including non-gonococcal urethritis, post-gonorrheal urethritis, proctitis, epididymitis, salpingitis, cervicitis, perihepatitis, pharyngeal infection, vulvovaginitis, otitis, pneumonia. Chlamydia also play an important role in the etiology of a severe systemic disease, Reiter's disease.

      Based on this unique development cycle, these pathogenic microorganisms are separated into an independent order, including one family, one genus, two species: Chlamidia trachomatis and Chlamidia psittaci.

      Several antibiotics are always selected to treat chlamydia, because chlamydia is an unusual bacteria and does not always respond immediately to therapy. The antibiotic is selected individually for the patient and his medical history. The success of therapy depends on compliance with the rules:


    • watery, purulent discharge with mucus from the urethra
    • Under unfavorable conditions for them, these infectious agents "fall into hibernation." But, as soon as the immune function of the body weakens, chlamydia begin to multiply actively. Healthy cells die, and the number of new chlamydia is steadily increasing.

      Clinical symptoms

      Can you tell me if homeopathy can somehow help with chronic infections such as CMV or ureoplasmosis, and if so, can it be treated with these drugs during pregnancy?

      The following diagnostic methods are most often used: cytological, serological, method of isolation of the pathogen on cell cultures.

      According to some data, more than 80% of the population is infected with chlamydia (taking into account Chlamydia pneumoniae) (according to our estimates, approx. 75%), which is very different from the "official" data based on diagnostics regarding the detected, but the least common species, moreover, not very quality.

    • Fluconazole
    • Dear Lyudmila! I would like to know how and with what drug opisthorchiasis can be treated. Thanks in advance, best regards, Svetlana.

      Does homeopathy help with viral hepatitis and HIV?

      Laboratory of Biotechnology-Diagnostic Center of GNU IEVS and Far East

      Yes, homeopathy helps in the treatment of viral hepatitis and HIV. In India, in Bombay, there is a large center for the treatment of HIV infection, where great experience, the data were presented at international homeopathic congresses. There are many cases of a complete cure of HIV infection with the help of homeopathic remedies, but it is not necessary to recommend any one medicine, because. these were different means, selected individually for each individual patient.

      5. Served as a source of infection with non-gonococcal urethritis of men.

      Prompt please, whether it is possible and by what specific agents to treat a clamidiosis? Thanks in advance! Lena

    • Ecomed
    • joints
    • 4. With the presence of post-gonorrheal and post-trichomonas complications.

      In order to develop stable anti-chlamydial immunity in patients, the PHILIX Medical Center has developed a special method for treating any type of chlamydia using exclusive homeopathic preparations. After undergoing such a treatment course, patients get rid of the chlamydial infection and subsequently become immune to it: with repeated infection, they do not develop a chronic disease.

      As a result of the studies in animals of the control group, on the 4-5th day, a decrease in discharge from the eyes, a decrease in photophobia and edema were noted, on the 10-14th day - a clinical recovery. In the experimental group of animals, already on the 2nd day, a decrease in edema, hyperemia, photophobia and discharge from the eyes was observed, on the 5-7th day - a clinical recovery.

    • Tsiprolet

      - urinary system (chronic and interstitial cystitis, glomerulonephritis, periurethritis.);

    • Amoxiclav
    • organs of hearing and vision
    • The effectiveness of the treatment of giardiasis with homeopathic remedies is very high. The advantages of such treatment are that there is no toxic effect of chemicals on the body, the function of the liver and bile ducts is restored, and immunity is increased. In homeopathic pharmacies of the city there is a complex preparation

      Laboratory diagnostics

      You can drink a course of homeopathic medicines, starting treatment on the full moon. The drugs are taken in the following sequence: first, cholesan 7 grains 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 7 days, then opisthorziosan 7 grains 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, then make dubazh, then the drug Mercurius dulcis 12 7 grains a day for 10 days and complete with poppulus 7 grains 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Against this background, it would be good to prescribe a constitutional remedy, taking into account the symptoms and characteristics of the patient.

      C. trachomatis pathogenic for humans are divided into serotypes: some are the causative agents of lymphogranuloma venereum, others are the causative agents of hyperendemic trachoma, and others are genitourinary infections and eye diseases.

    • The preparatory stage consists of 7 days. During this period, immunostimulants are prescribed, if necessary, an enzyme preparation (Wobenzym), baths with chlorhexidine and a multivitamin complex.
    • Thus, the prescription of a homeopathic preparation according to its likeness contributed to the clinical recovery of the animals of the experimental group in more early dates than control. The homeopathic preparation Euphrasia officinalis can be used in the treatment of keratoconjunctivitis in cats of chlamydial etiology.

      1. Leading promiscuous sex life.

      Recently, the concept of "family chlamydia" has been introduced into practice, since it has been established that family members are often affected by everyday use, and urogenital chlamydia is most often detected in several generations.

      Nose. Filled with thick, sticky, hard-to-remove mucus. atrophic rhinitis.

      It is not uncommon for conjunctivitis, accompanied by damage to other media of the eye, to result in scarring and even blindness.

    • semen after ejaculation may contain drops of blood
    • painful urination
    • Hello, I have been unable to do anything with pinworms for 3 years already (I got them while eating in the dining room) can they be cured with homeopathic remedies

      Urinary system. All forms of chronic glomerulonephritis, with the exception of those acquired as a result of poisoning (mainly with heavy metals). Chronic pyelonephritis associated with E. coli and other intestinal microflora (colorenal microfistula). Polycystic kidney disease. Sand and kidney stones (with the exception of urate).

      Most often affected:

      Chronic chlamydia cannot be cured without the appointment of immunomodulating agents against the background of antibiotic therapy.

      In terms of the frequency of infection, the cervix ranks first, from where the process spreads to the urethra, uterus, fallopian tubes, and internal organs. Also, chlamydia can be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth, they are isolated from the eyes, nasopharynx, larynx, tongue, vagina and feces of the newborn if the mother's birth canal is infected with chlamydia. Chlamydial infection in newborns occurs in the form of conjunctivitis, afebrile bronchopneumonia, gastroenteritis.


      Leather. Dry. Small, dry, rough, colorless rashes. Papillomas, molluscum contagiosum as a result of the addition of some viral infections, residing only against the background of chlamydial immunodeficiency. Predisposition to furunculosis and pyoderma as a result of a decrease in resistance to staphylococcal infection. Sweating is adequate or reduced in all areas except the head (in advanced cases - as heart failure or damage develops endocrine system pronounced compensatory hyperhidrosis is possible).

      In my practice, there were more than 30 cases of opisthorchiasis. All of them are cured. The duration of treatment depends on the duration of the disease, on average 1 year of illness-1 month of treatment. The lower the optical density of the pathogen in the blood, the shorter the duration of treatment. Take a blood test for opisthorchiasis and see.

      Female reproductive organs. The discharge is scanty, transparent, sticky, vitreous (may have a different appearance if there is a mixed or dysbiosis). Pain in uterine region before and at the onset of menstruation. Pain in breasts before menstruation. Polycystic ovary syndrome. Premenstrual syndrome. Amenorrhea. Pain during or after intercourse. Chronic cystitis. Synechia of the vulva and pelvic organs (adhesive disease).

      The cardiovascular system. Arterial hypertension (increase in blood pressure above normal). Dull pains in the region of the heart, localized above the nipple or spilled.

      Late treatment is fraught with consequences:

      Antibiotic pulse therapy gives a good effect: a week of treatment, a week break, only 3 cycles. Today, drugs based on doxycycline are considered the best antibiotic for chlamydia.

    • Ceftriaxone
    • The greatest danger is chlamydial infections in women. The severe pathology of the lower urinary tract caused by them is often accompanied by the development of ascending and disseminated infection, inflammation of the pelvic organs, the development of infertility, infection of newborns and sexual partners.

    • Clarithromycin
    • Hello. last autumn I was diagnosed with opisthorchiasis, I did not start treatment with beltricide and tried a new drug, ecorsol + other drugs. At first there was an effect, but then I realized that all the symptoms that were left. whether there is a sense to use a homeopathy.

    • Unidox Solutab
    • Nystatin
    • It was found that C. trachomatis can cause complications, often ending in infertility, in particular after acute epididymitis.

      Chlamydia treatment

      Chlamydia in men - signs

      Traditional medicine for chlamydia is powerless, and self-medication only harms the patient and worsens the state of health.

    • Spiramycin
    • Psyche. Aggressiveness, pugnacity, rudeness, stubbornness. These symptoms are especially pronounced in children and ill-bred personalities, as well as those who have a history of traumatic brain injury.

      Hello! Is it possible to diagnose and treat Giardia in a child?

      Chlamydia is a fairly common infection of the genital area today. Chlamydia in its structure and chemical composition resemble classical bacteria, but lack many of the metabolic mechanisms necessary for self-replication. For their reproduction, they use the metabolic products of the host cell, which determines their obligate parasitism. With chlamydial infection, a mixed infectious immunity develops in the body, which is maintained for a limited time - during the presence of the pathogen in the body. With chlamydial infection in the body, there is a sequential synthesis of immunoglobulins of classes M, A. For the diagnosis of chlamydial infection, the luminescent method is widely used. ELISA, DNA hybridization methods. The tactics of treatment of urogenital chlamydia is based on the stage of development of the chlamydial process (active, chronic or exacerbation of the chronic form). The most frequent clinical manifestations are associated with discharge, dysuric disorders, pain in the lumbar region and joints (Reiter's disease with articular syndrome), inflammatory processes of the urogenital area, as well as the absence of clinical manifestations due to impaired immune system and decreased body reactivity. Traditional therapy for chlamydia involves antibiotic treatment (tetracyclines-doxycycline-vibramycin, lymecycline, unidox, macrolides - erythromycin, rulid, sumamed, clarithromycin, fluoroquinols - tarivid, tsifran, tsiprolet, immunostimulating drugs - reaferon, neovir. At the same time, hepatoprotectors are prescribed to protect the liver tissue. Unfortunately, not always traditional therapy it is possible to achieve a stable positive effect, tk. the use of powerful antibiotic therapy leads not only to the destruction of the pathogenic flora, but also to the inhibition of the normal flora and the violation of the mucosal biocenosis and, as a result, the presence of vaginosis, candidiasis and dysbacteriosis. Homeopathically, such infections are treated more successfully, because. it is possible to eliminate the negative effects of antibiotics, significantly increase immunity and restore microflora. The duration of treatment is determined by the duration of the disease and the presence of concomitant infections. The cure rate is very high. All my patients with a similar problem (about 40) had positive results, confirmed by laboratory tests. In some cases, it is possible to combine the homeopathic method with the traditional one, which can significantly reduce the intake of conventional drugs and avoid negative consequences. The cost of the initial appointment may vary, it is easier to clarify it during the appointment, by phone.

      In case of infection of the rectum as a result of non-traditional sexual contact, pain, burning and discharge occur in anus. If chlamydia gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, chlamydial conjunctivitis may develop: redness of the proteins, swelling, purulent discharge.

    • Natamycin

      Blood test for infection

      The probability of infection with an infected partner is 50%.

      When prescribing antibiotics, the symptoms of the disease, the acute and chronic stages of the process, as well as the time of infection, must be taken into account. To prevent concomitant sexually transmitted infections, the patient is prescribed Metronidazole or Trichopolum.

    • sometimes there is pain in the lower back. discomfort in the groin
    • The main treatment lasts 14 days: a combination of two antibiotics, an antimycotic drug, means to stimulate digestion (Festal, Pancreatin). Enzyme intake and vitamin complexes is not cancelled.
    • - joints (arthritis, some types of arthritis, Bechterew's disease.);

      The acute form of chlamydia appears two weeks after unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner. During this period, the following symptoms are likely:

    • physical fatigue
    • How to examine other family members without probing? Treatment method? We were offered treatment with biltricite. Is the treatment effective? There are no other drugs in the city.

      Given all of the above, the question remains: how to treat chlamydia in men. Drugs of choice:

      In homeopathy, the treatment of giardiasis in both adults and children is quite effective. Diagnosis is possible for the presence or absence of Giardia, but I always confirm it with serological studies (by a blood test indicating the optical density of the pathogen or the determination of antibodies, duodenal and caprological examination).

      Male reproductive organs. Feeling of heaviness and "discomfort" in the testicles or in the perineum. Sluggish flow of urine (prostatitis or urethral stricture). Rigidity of the foreskin (phimosis).

    • hypothermia
    • It is also necessary to include fungicidal preparations, proteolytic enzymes, multivitamins, biological preparations, washings, instillations, and physiotherapy in the complex of treatment. The average duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. After treatment, patients should be observed for at least 3-4 months, the first control is carried out 2 weeks after the end of treatment, the next 3 controls - every month.

    • need to take antifungal drugs
    • Hello! I got tested and got diagnosed. Well, I have giardiasis! I was prescribed treatment with Trichopolum, but I think maybe you will advise me the best treatment. Against this background, as I realized, I lost 10 kg. Help me please! Which treatment is more effective? Thanks in advance! I look forward to your reply.

      The following groups of women are subject to examination for chlamydia:

      PHILIX MC uses its own diagnostic method. allows you to easily, quickly and effectively detect any type of chlamydia (including Chlamydia pneumoniae). The method is protected by a RF patent.

      Can the herpes virus be treated with homeopathic remedies?

      Modern chlamydia is transmitted through any "wet" contact, and according to our observations, by airborne droplets. The domestic way dominates (the use of common linen and dishes without prior sanitation, public toilets, baths, swimming pools.). Mutual infection of people and pets (cats, dogs, birds) is possible. The sexual route, contrary to popular belief, is of secondary importance. In most cases, the infection is combined with certain mycoplasmoses.

      Mixed genital tract infections are quite common. Simultaneously with chlamydia, mycoplasmas, gonococci, Trichomonas vaginalis and other microorganisms were isolated. For urogenital chlamydia, a latent, persistent course is very characteristic.

    • Hemomycin
    • Against the background of these symptoms, general signs of intoxication of the body appear: weakness, fatigue, body temperature up to 37.5 °. Gradually, the signs of the disease decrease, become less pronounced. Discharge from the urethra appears only after sleep.

      How to treat chlamydia in men: antibiotics, the mechanism of development and symptoms of the disease

      Dear Ms. Levenets L.G., I have giardiasis, the doctor recommended to be treated with Trichopolum, but I have heard not only its positive qualities, but also negative ones. what can you recommend. Aksenov S.G. Pervouralsk Sverdlovsk

      There are no clear clinical symptoms of genital chlamydia in women: pain in the lower abdomen, paresthesia and vaginal discharge are disturbing. Most infected people are asymptomatic. When the urethra is damaged, there are complaints of periodic dysuric disorders, frequent painful urination, and cystalgia may occur. However, inflammation in the urethra is rarely isolated, usually accompanied by cervicitis or cervical erosion.

      Laboratory detection of all types of chlamydia is difficult, and some are not carried out en masse at all. It was not possible to create a satisfactory commercial diagnosticum for the most common type of chlamydia - Chlamydia pneumoniae (ersatz "trained" on a single laboratory strain or working on the principle "if not Chlamydia trachomatis, then Chlamydia pneumoniae" - does not count), and in population, it spreads completely uncontrollably. The situation is not much better with the most "ancient" species - Chlamydia trachomatis. The problem is that all the methods used to diagnose it are more or less indirect. And if an intact pathogen in some cases can still be detected with satisfactory reliability, then subjected to massive chemotherapy or immunotherapy in most cases for such diagnosticums is "invisible", because. as a result of adaptive genetic rearrangement, it loses the ability to multiply on a standard substrate (lack of growth in culture), loses "typical" surface antigens (does not bind to luminescent probes during PIF and does not provide a sufficient level of natural antibodies during ELISA), mosaically changes the nucleotide sequence of coding DNA ( making it "invisible" for PCR).

      The most commonly used drugs based on interferon:

      Chlamydia are extremely small bacteria, ideally adapted to live inside their host cells. Several species are pathogenic to humans and can cause one form or another of chlamydia, a very common, very insidious and intractable chronic disease.

      If you write your symptoms of the disease and send your address, I can send drugs for the treatment of giardiasis with detailed recommendations. Description of symptoms can be sent by e-mail to my E-mail.

      Dream. Restless. Frequent awakenings in the middle of the night, early awakening.

    1. Klabaks
    2. Generally speaking, if the prevalence of any infection exceeds its epidemic threshold(and for chlamydia this threshold is exceeded many times), then in relation to it, any eradication therapy in the long term becomes meaningless, because. at the same time, stable immunity is not developed against its pathogen, and even in the case of a cure, reinfection becomes only a matter of time.

      Despite the risk of infection in the domestic way, such cases are very rare. Chlamydia is not transmitted through water; it is impossible to get infected in a bathhouse or pool. And through a common washcloth with a sick person, it is quite likely. There is a small chance of infection through bedding and underwear, sanitary napkins and personal hygiene products.

      The most reliable results are obtained by PCR diagnostics. In this case, scrapings from the genitals are taken to determine chlamydia. Test reliability: up to 99%. The result of the analysis is known one or two days after the delivery of the material.

      - cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension (hypertension), atherosclerosis, ischemic disease, myocardial infarction.);

      Every year, up to 100 million cases of chlamydia among the population are recorded in the world.

      The active antigenic component of the microorganism is a group-specific glycoprotein thermostable ether-soluble antigen, which is contained in the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane of all chlamydiae. As part of the microorganism, a thermolabile component of the toxic effect of the endotoxin type has been established.

      The drug Lambliosan is inexpensive (about 50 rubles per course), but it must be prescribed according to the scheme with other drugs that improve bile secretion, restore the liver and remove dysbacteriosis. But the greatest effect can be achieved with the appointment of a constitutional drug, selected taking into account all the characteristics of the patient.

      For accurate diagnosis chlamydia is always assigned to several mutually exclusive studies.

    3. Prostatitis. Against the background of chlamydia, the prostate gland becomes inflamed, urination is difficult, there are pains in the groin and lower back, watery discharge. The prostate becomes sensitive to touch, painful, heterogeneous structure.
    4. food poisoning, chemicals, harmful fumes
    5. Additional literature in Russian:

      If you ignore the symptoms at this stage, the disease flows into a chronic form. Sometimes chlamydia occurs without external symptoms, but progresses latently. Chronic chlamydia leads to erectile dysfunction and infertility.

      Since an excessive load is placed on the liver, hepatoprotectors are prescribed (Karsil, Phosphogliv, Essentiale Forte), to protect the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to take probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Laktobaterin, Bifiform).

      You need to make an appointment for a face-to-face or, if not possible, for an online appointment, you will be given a medicine and, if necessary, sent.

      The incubation period for chlamydia lasts from two weeks to a month. About half of the patients are unaware of the presence of the disease, since no specific symptoms are found.

      Chlamydia, on the one hand, kill the cells in which they multiply, and on the other hand, stimulate their erratic growth, which leads to the degeneration of normal tissues and the appearance of foci of fibrosis and hyperplasia in their place: adhesions (synechia), polyps, papillomas, etc. In this case, the affected organs gradually lose their functions, which leads to the development of corresponding insufficiency (cardiac, renal, pulmonary, etc.). And no matter what the formal diagnosis is, fibrosis and hyperplasia can be called the hallmarks of chlamydial infection without exaggeration. Chlamydia strongly suppress the immune system, but at the same time partly replace it with its own toxicity, which is clearly expressed in relation to many bacteria. However, in relation to other bacteria, viruses, fungi and malignantly degenerated cells, this "false immunity" is absolutely ineffective, which, in case of insufficiency of true immunity, creates very favorable ground for such threats. Therefore, patients with chlamydia, even those whose immune parameters are not much better than those of AIDS patients, relatively rarely suffer from colds, but as a rule, have a large set of gradually progressive chronic diseases and are very prone to the development of tumor processes, both benign and malignant. .

      Strains of chlamydia that cause eye damage are clinically and epidemiologically different from urogenital strains. Eye-trachoma disease - more often observed in countries with a hot and dry climate, with a low level of hygiene. Urogenital strains are transmitted predominantly sexually and cause diseases of the genitourinary tract. They can cause eye infections in adults and children only as a result of accidental introduction of an infectious agent into the eyes, and in newborns as a result of infection during childbirth.

    6. itching and burning when urinating
    7. Chlamydia culture is used to detect infection with an antibiotic sensitivity test. The effectiveness of the analysis is from 70 to 90%.

    8. change in color of urine (it becomes cloudy)
    9. heart and blood vessels
    10. In your case, it makes sense to try homeopathy. My practice shows that the treatment of this pathology is very effective.

      Antibacterial treatment includes the use of drugs active against chlamydia. At the same time, high tropism for epithelial cells in lesions, persistence in special membrane-limited areas of the epithelium is a prerequisite for pathogens to survive the period of drug therapy and can lead to treatment failures. Therefore, along with etiotropic treatment, it is advisable to use pathogenetic agents, since the possibility of the disease transition to an asymptomatic and latent state is high.

      Is it possible and with what homeopathic remedy to cure trichomoniasis and chlamydia?

    11. course of treatment: at least two to three weeks
    12. The page was created in 1998, revised on September 28, 2001, moved to on February 21, 2007.

      Unsanitized extragenital lesions in patients with urogenital chlamydia are the most important reason for unsuccessful treatment. The detection of chlamydia in one of the sexual partners is the basis for the mandatory treatment of the second partner.

    • with chronic pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchitis, colds, beriberi. 1 tablespoon of mint, marshmallow root. Lingonberry leaf is used When you overcome your illness with the help of the funds purchased from us, write to us about it, share your experience with others. Perhaps it is your story that will help someone to accept [...]
    • Myth 3. Erosion can disappear by itself Pathology of the cervix occurs in 40-year-old women. ??? ?6. ?? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ??? Often, women suffering from diseases of the cervix, there are hormonal disorders, which complicates the treatment of the disease. Myth 3. Erosion can disappear by itself Myth 1. Erosion is caused by infection Every […]
    • Often, young children are not able to tell clearly that they have noticed unnatural manifestations in the body, and older girls are embarrassed to talk about it. But the child feels the following symptoms: In the treatment, decoctions and infusions are used to irrigate the vagina. Eucalyptus leaf - 6 g per 1 liter of water; sage infusion - 14 g per 1 liter […]
    • Interaction with other drugs: VIFERON ®, rectal suppositories, compatible and well combined with all medicines used in the treatment of the above diseases (antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, glucocorticosteroids). Ointment Viferon contains 40,000 IU in each gram of the drug. Concentration […]
    • with measles; With enterovirus infections, the rash has a polymorphic character - small-spotted, spotty and spotty-papular elements (morbilliform, rubella-like and scarlet fever-like rash), less often rashes are erythematous and hemorrhagic in nature, and a tendency to form blisters. The rashes are localized on the face, limbs and […]
    • All patients with cleft lip should be seen by a speech pathologist who will advise. TEETH SENSITIVITY Bleeding gums (gingivitis) See Operations and Surgery. Neoplasms cause pain and itching. The day before the visit to the dentist, whether dental treatment is to be performed or not, […]
    • Sometimes deterioration in breathing develops against the background of a respiratory disease, and the smaller the child, the more severe the disease, since the airways in crumbs are narrow, and there is a lot of loose connective tissue in them. Therefore, they quickly swell, the growth of papillomas occurs rapidly. 7. To activate local immunity […]
    • Hyperplasia in children can develop due to various reasons, when there is a direct or indirect influence of some factors on the tissue of the organ, stimulating an increase in its size. A predisposing factor in the development of hyperplasia in children may be a disorder of the nervous regulation of metabolic and growth processes, […]