Internet review of materials on the problems of speech development. Problems of speech formation in preschool children

Marina Buravihina
Problems speech development preschoolers at the present stage

Speech is a great gift of nature, thanks to which people get ample opportunities to communicate with each other. Speech unites people in their activities, helps to understand, forms views and beliefs. Speech renders a great service to man in the knowledge of the world.

However, nature gives a person very little time for the appearance and formation of speech - early and preschool age. It is during this period that favorable conditions are created for development of oral speech, laying the foundation for written forms of speech (reading and writing) and subsequent speech and language development of the child.

The standard has 7 components speech development.

1. Possession of speech as a means of communication and culture

2. Enrichment of the active vocabulary

3. Development of coherent speech(dialogical, monologue)

4. Development of speech creativity

5. Development sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing

6. Acquaintance with book culture, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature

7. Formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy

By examining targets for completion stage of preschool education, we see that speech development accompanies all activities of the child.

Speech development of a preschooler is the most important of all educational areas. Equally important is the cognitive or physical development, artistic and aesthetic or socio-communicative. But is it possible to complete development children in any of these educational areas without speech, without communication, without communicative activity? cognitive development- these are always numerous questions-answers, explanations, staging problems, clarification, reading. Physical development cannot do without rules, commands and explanations, and artistic and aesthetic without artistic images, poems, literary texts, their discussions. Already in the very name of the socio-communicative area there is a need to use speech means for the implementation of the planned tasks. So about the place speech development in the full formation of personality is not worth arguing.

What is the state development of speech at the present stage?

The 21st century is the century of computer technology. Children seem to have everything for them development: computers, telephones, televisions, but for some reason more and more children are found with speech disorders.

Typical problems of speech development of a preschooler:

Monosyllabic speech consisting of only simple sentences (so-called "situational" speech). Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly.

Poverty of speech. Insufficient vocabulary.

Littering speech with slang words (the result of watching television programs, the use of non-literary words and expressions.

Poor dialogic speech: the inability to formulate a question competently and in an accessible way, build a short or detailed response if necessary and appropriate.

Failure to build monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words. (But to school to acquire this skill is simply necessary)

Lack of logical substantiation of their statements and conclusions.

Lack of cultural skills speeches: inability to use intonation, adjust the volume of the voice and the pace of speech, etc.

Bad diction.

Overall level of speech development in modern preschool children can be described as unsatisfactory. This the problem is current.

Speech violations make communication difficult, negatively affect mental activity, lead to changes in the emotional sphere of the child, limit the mastery of conceptual meanings and speech patterns.

What's the matter? What influences children's speech development? Ecology? Bad habits parents? Birth trauma or mother's illness during pregnancy? Various diseases of children? Pedagogical and social neglect? Or maybe both, and another, and the third? There are many reasons. But if the child is healthy, then the main reason is, unfortunately, pedagogical and social neglect.

Let's try to figure it out.

Development the child begins in the family. And the parents themselves "enslave your child's language development» and they don't even notice it. What does it mean?

Hyper-care. Here the child is born. Parents strive to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, diet, provide all kinds of toys. They foresee the desires of the baby and do not give an attempt to answer the question, suggest, complete everything for him.

Anxiety. When eating, they are afraid that the child will choke, and grind food, thereby making it difficult development of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

The protest of the child due to excessive pressure from adults. Say, repeat, no, you need it like this. Or vice versa! Shut up! Shut your mouth! Such actions lead to speech closure - speech negativism, and further to speech delay.

Soother, diaper and tablet! A child, starting to learn the world, asks questions, cries, screams. Not all parents are willing to endure. A pacifier in such a situation is an easy way to save your own nerves, as well as a diaper. You don't have to make any effort.

Another situation. Baby everything tastes. Let's just say - everything pulls in the mouth. Exit - nipple.

In the early preschool age with the child you need to communicate. Read together, learn poetry and nursery rhymes. Do finger gymnastics, collect cones in the forest, sort out buttons, beans. Play with your child. But parents believe that these are outdated methods. We do live in contemporary world and children need modern toys, and of course, tablets, phones, TVs. It's convenient. Gave a tablet, inserted a pacifier and mind your own business. And the child is left to himself.

Leading development! It is necessary to know not only Russian, but also English or some other additional language, and maybe two. Yes, and in four years you need to read.

In general, such a lot of problems.

But the child entered the kindergarten. Role on speech development is given to teachers. Both normal and pathological speech development is a complex and varied process. Children do not immediately and suddenly master the lexical and grammatical structure, the syllabic structure of words, sound pronunciation, inflection. Some language groups are assimilated earlier, others much later. Therefore, at various stages development children's speech, some elements of the language are already learned, while others are not yet learned or learned only partially. Hence such a variety of violations of conversational norms by children. That's why development special attention is paid to speech in kindergartens. The kindergarten program sets the task for the educator to teach each child meaningfully, grammatically correctly, coherently and consistently express their thoughts. The speech of the child should be lively, emotionally expressive.

We teachers are obliged to create the most favorable conditions for this, i.e. speech development environment. What it is? This is not only the subject environment, but also the role of an adult in organizing the impact on the formation of a different side of speech. preschooler. But methodological tools will help in this. Which?

There are a number of them.

Communication between adults and children, the formation of communication skills;

Cultural language environment, teacher's speech;

Learning in the classroom;

Fiction, different kinds art (visual, music, theater).

modern technologies and methods.

1. The most important tool development speech is communication.

Communication is the interaction of two or more people, aimed at harmonizing and combining their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result. Speech occurs at a certain stage of development of communication. It does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment.

Development speech begins at birth and continues intensively throughout preschool age. Preschool age is the period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full command of the mother tongue preschool age is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental education of children.

Speech communication in preschool age is carried out in different forms activities: in the game, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the sides of each type. Therefore, it is very important to be able to use development speech any activity.

Communication with peers in preschool age plays an important role in child development than interacting with adults.

In communicating with peers, children are more actively using speech skills. A greater variety of communicative tasks that arise in children's business contacts creates a need for more diverse speech means.

An analysis of children's behavior showed that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of correct speech; they begin to speak only in a situation of communication and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, it is recommended to talk with children as much and as often as possible. Teachers should encourage children to turn to adults with questions, judgments, statements; encourage children to verbal communication with each other to give directions, assignments.

Practice dialogue with the child, ask simple questions and ask to show and name objects, their properties. You need to talk constantly.

An analysis of practice shows that not all educators are able to organize and use communication in the interests of speech development of children. The authoritarian style of communication is widespread, in which the instructions and orders of the teacher predominate. Such communication is formal, devoid of personal meaning. More than 50% of the teacher's statements do not cause a response from children, there are not enough situations that contribute to development of explanatory speech, speech-evidence, reasoning. Mastering the culture, the democratic style of communication, the ability to provide the so-called subject-subject communication, in which the interlocutors interact as equal partners, is the professional duty of the kindergarten teacher.

2. Adult speech is an example to follow.

child's speech develops largely as a result of imitation of the speech of others. Adults need to watch their speech. Of particular importance is the speech of the teacher, who is constantly with the children, he is the most authoritative person for them. Every teacher should know that in kindergarten his speech turns into a pedagogical tool, into an instrument of influence on children.

It should be borne in mind that imitating adults, children adopt not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Hence the requirements for speech adult:

Speech should be meaningful, logical and accurate.

Should be available (corresponding to the age of the child).

Speech must be lexically, phonetically and grammatically correct.

The speech should use the artistic word.

Speech must be expressive.

Speech should be emotionally rich.

An adult, talking with a child, should not be in a hurry. -Words are spoken loudly enough for the child to hear all the sounds.

An adult must know and observe speech etiquette.

In speech, an adult must use verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

The words of an adult must match his deeds.

The most important form of organizing the teaching of speech and language in the methodology is considered to be special classes in which certain tasks are set and purposefully solved. speech development of children. Without special training sessions it is impossible to provide at the proper level speech development of children. The teacher purposefully selects the material in the assimilation of which children experience difficulties, develops those skills and abilities, which are difficult to form in other activities. In the classroom, in addition to the influence of the teacher on the speech of children, there is a mutual influence of the speech of children on each other.

Training in a team increases the overall level of their development.

Educational activities are organized on the basis of the program from birth to school and partial programs in accordance with the requirements of SanPin. Basic invariant part added developing and circle classes, such as preparation for teaching literacy in the senior and preparatory groups (2 r / r and literacy, preparatory for school - logorhythm, younger group - circle "Teremok" (folklore-patriotic direction).

4. Fiction is the most important source and medium development all aspects of children's speech and a unique means of education. It helps to feel the beauty of the native language, develops figurative speech.

Children's book is considered as a means of mental, moral, aesthetic education. In fact, literary work gives ready-made language forms, verbal characteristics of the image, definitions that the child operates with (i.e. a small child masters the grammatical norms of the language). In fairy tales, children learn accuracy and expressiveness of speech. From the book, the child learns many new words, figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary.

We start introducing children to fiction with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then we listen to folk tales that are useful to retell.

various forms of work flow from reading, in which it is very good speech develops: learning poems, retelling, dramatization of fairy tales, etc.

Thus, children develop the ability to hear, understand speech, enrich vocabulary, develop monologue speech and its intonational side, expressiveness. Reading of fiction is carried out daily in a joint activity with children.

6. To ensure development personalities of pupils, it is necessary in each age group to create developing object-spatial environment. " Educational the object-spatial environment should be meaningful, rich, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. The saturation of the environment should correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

One of the important conditions for creating developing object-spatial environment is the correspondence of the material to the age preschoolers. Compliance with age is one of the most significant and at the same time difficult to fulfill conditions. There is a concept speech norm, i.e. the age characteristic of the child's speech, which includes a description speech development at one age or another. Moreover, these descriptions contain average statistical information. But we work with real people, whose speech has its own individual characteristics and pace. development. Therefore, the next age group is the custodian of the environment of the previous group. It must preserve the materials of the previous stage development.

Working with parents.

Work on development of speech and speech communication of preschool children age should be carried out not only in conditions preschool educational institutions, but also in the family. Parents should independently deal with children, in accordance with the tasks speech development of children considering the age of the child.

In the arsenal of pedagogical practice, there are many methods and techniques, technologies and techniques speech development of preschoolers as traditional, and modern- innovative.

Among the innovative technologies and methods we use the following: design and research activities, ICT, triz technology, logorhythmics, fairy tale therapy, mnemonics, cinquain, cluster, lepbook, etc.

But modern forms of work in kindergarten do not deny the traditional ones, but they are improved, modernized, supplemented. And they are created at the moment in accordance with the requirements of the time. This corresponds to the tasks set at the state level, which is also evidenced by the concept of modernization of education. When you use something new, interesting in your work, you get carried away yourself, and, accordingly, you captivate children, and when this activity brings a tangible visible result, it is doubly interesting and exciting.

In order for the program tasks of organized learning to be solved more successfully, it is necessary to make the whole day of the child’s stay in kindergarten more meaningful in terms of speech development. The richer, more meaningful the impressions of everyday life, the greater the cognitive opportunities available for classes.

What kind of activity can provide acquaintance with the environment and development child's active speech

First of all - the joint activity of an adult with a child, during which emotional contact and business cooperation are established. It is important for the educator to organize joint actions so that he can call the child to speech interaction or find live, accessible reasons for the child to communicate.

In the process of joint activity, the teacher does not set the task of direct teaching of speech, as is done in the classroom. staging problematic language tasks here is situational.

There are many forms of collaboration. Today we invite you to look, in our opinion, the most interesting, most effective, activating speech activity. It's definitely a play activity!


Theoretical foundations for studying the speech of children of younger, middle and older preschool age

1 General characteristics of speech development in preschool children

2 Periodization of speech development: standards of speech development for preschool children

Empirical study of the features of speech development of preschool children

1 Organization of the study and description of diagnostic techniques

2 Diagnostic results





The relevance of the topic of work "The development of speech of preschoolers" is determined by the fact that speech development is one of the main components of children's readiness for schooling. The study of the level of language acquisition allows obtaining data not only on the speech abilities of children, but also on their holistic development. Language acquisition is an important condition for mental development, since the content of the historical experience acquired by the child in ontogenesis is generalized and reflected in speech form and, above all, in the meanings of words.

Thus, the development of speech acts as the subject of research, the object of study is the speech development of preschoolers.

The purpose of this work is to study and comparatively diagnose the features of speech development on the example of age groups of primary and secondary preschool age.

In accordance with the goal, the work provides for the solution of the following tasks: speech preschool standard children

Conduct a theoretical analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature on the problem of speech development of preschoolers;

Give a general description of the development of speech in preschool age;

Consider the periodization of speech development in the context of speech development standards for preschool children.

In the course of an empirical study, to diagnose the level of speech development in children of primary and secondary preschool age (examination of the state of the passive and active vocabulary; study of coherent speech; study of the ability to correctly coordinate parts of speech).

In the organization of the study, the following methods were applied: theoretical (analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature); comparison method; method of quantitative processing of the obtained experimental data.

The sources of information for writing the work were: basic educational literature, research in the field of preschool pedagogy and developmental psychology, articles in specialized and periodicals and other relevant sources of information.

1. Theoretical foundations for studying the speech of children of younger, middle and older preschool age

1.1 General characteristics of speech development in preschool children

Speech is a very complex mental activity, subdivided into various types and forms. Speech is a specifically human function that can be defined as the process of communication through language. Being formed in the child as he masters the language, speech goes through several stages of development, turning into an expanded system of means of communication and mediation of various mental processes.

The speech of the child is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and to a large extent depends on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment, and on education and training that begin from the first days of his life.

Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his overall development.

Researchers studying the relationship between speech and thinking in children L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria showed that all mental processes in a child (thinking, perception, memory, attention, imagination, purposeful behavior) develop with the direct participation of speech. Vygotsky L.S. proved that the meaning of children's words does not remain unchanged, but develops with the age of the child. Speech development consists not only in the enrichment of the dictionary and not only in the complication of grammatical structures, but first in the development of the meaning of the words themselves.

Meshcheryakova S.Yu., Avdeeva N.N. distinguish the following features of the development of speech of preschool children - from 3 to 5 years.

By the beginning of the 3rd year of life, the child begins to form the grammatical structure of speech.

At this time, most children still have incorrect sound pronunciation, and understanding of adult speech significantly exceeds pronunciation capabilities.

Over a period of 3 to 7 years, the child increasingly develops the skill of auditory control over his own pronunciation, the ability to correct it in some possible cases. In other words, phonemic perception is formed.

During this period, a rapid increase in vocabulary continues. The active vocabulary of a child by the age of 4-6 reaches 3000-4000 words. The meanings of words are further refined and enriched in many ways. In parallel with the development of the dictionary, the development of the grammatical structure of speech also takes place, children master coherent speech. After 3 years there is a significant complication of the content of the child's speech, its volume increases. This leads to a more complex sentence structure. By the age of 3, children have formed all the main grammatical categories.

Children of the 4th year of life use simple and complex sentences in speech.

In the 5th year of life, children relatively freely use the structure of complex and complex sentences. By the age of 4, a child should normally differentiate all sounds, i.e., he should have formed phonemic perception.

Of course, these stages cannot have clear, strict boundaries, each of them smoothly passes into the next one.

Consider the stages of speech development in the preschool period.

By the age of 3, the pronunciation side of speech in children is still not sufficiently formed. There are some imperfections in the pronunciation of sounds, many compound words, words with a confluence of several consonants. The absence of most sounds affects the pronunciation of words, which is why the speech of children is still not clear and intelligible. Children of this age are not always able to use their vocal apparatus correctly, for example, they cannot answer the questions of an adult loudly enough and at the same time speak quietly when the situation requires it when preparing for bed, during meals.

At the age of 3 years there is an intensive accumulation of vocabulary by the child. The number of named items not only of everyday life, but also those that the baby often (but not constantly) uses increases; in his statements he uses almost all parts of speech; masters the elementary grammatical structure of the native language (acquires case endings, some forms of verbs from 2.5 years old), begins to coordinate adjectives with nouns, lengthens simple sentences, uses non-union compound sentences and situational speech. Simultaneously with the development of speech, thinking, memory, imagination of the child develops. At this age, children's tendency to imitate is great, which is a favorable factor for the development of a child's active speech. Repeating words and phrases after an adult, the baby not only remembers them; exercising in the correct pronunciation of sounds and words, he strengthens the articulatory apparatus.

The fourth year of life is marked by new achievements in the development of the child. He begins to express the simplest judgments about objects and phenomena of the reality surrounding him, to draw conclusions about them, to establish a relationship between them.

In the fourth year of life, children usually freely come into contact not only with loved ones, but also with strangers. Increasingly, the initiative of communication comes from the child. The need to expand their horizons, the desire to know the world around them more deeply force the baby to turn to adults more and more often with a wide variety of questions. He understands well that every object, action performed by himself or by an adult has its own name, that is, it is indicated by a word. However, it should be remembered that in children of the fourth year of life, attention is still not stable enough and therefore they cannot always listen to the end of the answers of adults.

By the end of the fourth year of life, a child's vocabulary reaches approximately 1500-2000 words. . Dictionary becomes more diverse and qualitatively. In the speech of children of this age, in addition to nouns and verbs, other parts of speech are increasingly common: pronouns, adverbs, numerals appear (one, two), adjectives that indicate abstract signs and qualities of objects (cold, hot, hard, good, bad) . The child begins to use official words (prepositions, conjunctions) more widely. By the end of the year, he often uses possessive pronouns (my, yours), possessive adjectives (dad's chair, mother's cup) in his speech. The active vocabulary that a child has at this age stage gives him the opportunity to communicate freely with others. But often he experiences difficulties due to the insufficiency and poverty of the dictionary, when it is necessary to convey the content of someone else's speech, retell a fairy tale, a story, convey an event in which he himself was a participant. Here he often makes inaccuracies. Simultaneously with the enrichment of the vocabulary, the child more intensively masters the grammatical structure of the language. In his speech, simple common sentences predominate, but complex ones (compound and complex) also appear. Children of this age still make grammatical errors: they mismatch words, especially neuter nouns with adjectives; incorrect use of case endings. At this age, the child is not yet able to consistently, logically, coherently and understandably for others to independently tell about the events that he witnessed, cannot sensibly retell the content of the fairy tale or story read to him. Speech is still situational. The child's utterances contain short, common sentences, often only remotely related in content; it is not always possible to understand their content without additional questions; there is not yet that unfolding in the statement that is characteristic of monologue speech. A child of the fourth year of life also cannot independently reveal or describe the content of the plot picture. He only names objects, actors or lists the actions that they perform (jumps, washes). Having a good memory, the baby is able to remember and reproduce small poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, while repeatedly reading the same fairy tale, he can almost verbatim convey the content, often without understanding the meaning of the words.

In the fourth year of life, the articulatory apparatus is further strengthened: the movements of the muscles involved in the formation of sounds (tongue, lips, lower jaw) become more coordinated. At this age, the child is still not always able to control his vocal apparatus, change the volume, voice pitch, speech rate. The speech hearing of the child is improved. By the end of the fourth year of life, the pronunciation of children improves significantly, the correct pronunciation of whistling sounds is fixed, and hissing sounds begin to appear. In four-year-old children, individual differences in the formation of the pronunciation side of speech are especially pronounced: in some children, speech is clear, with the correct pronunciation of almost all sounds, in others it may still not be clear enough, with incorrect pronunciation of a large number of sounds, with softening of hard consonants, etc. n. The educator should pay special attention to such children, identify the causes of the lag in the development of speech and, together with the parents, take measures to eliminate the shortcomings.

So, in the fourth year of life, children notice a noticeable improvement in pronunciation, speech becomes more distinct. Children know and correctly name objects of the immediate environment: the names of toys, dishes, clothes, furniture. They begin to use more widely, in addition to nouns and verbs, other parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions. The beginnings of monologue speech appear. In speech, simple, but already common sentences predominate; children use compound and complex sentences, but very rarely. The initiative to communicate more and more often comes from the child. Four-year-old children cannot independently isolate sounds in a word, but they easily notice inaccuracies in the sound of words in the speech of their peers. The speech of children is mainly situational in nature, it is still not sufficiently accurate in terms of vocabulary and perfect in grammatical terms, and in terms of pronunciation it is still not sufficiently pure and correct.

A child of the fifth year of life has significant progress in mental and speech development. The kid begins to highlight and name the most significant features and qualities of objects, establish the simplest connections and accurately reflect them in speech. His speech becomes more diverse, more precise and richer in content. The stability of attention to the speech of others increases, he is able to listen to the answers of adults to the end. The older the child becomes, the more influence family and social education has on his speech development.

An increase in the active vocabulary (from 2,500 to 3,000 words by the end of the year) creates the opportunity for the child to build his statements more fully, to express his thoughts more accurately. In the speech of children of this age, adjectives appear more and more often, which they use to designate the signs and qualities of objects, reflect temporary and spatial relationships; to determine the color, in addition to the main ones, additional ones are called (blue, dark, orange), possessive adjectives begin to appear (fox tail, hare hut), words indicating the properties of objects, qualities, the material from which they are made (iron key). Increasingly, the child uses adverbs, personal pronouns (the latter often act as subjects), complex prepositions (from under, around, etc.), collective nouns appear (dishes, clothes, furniture, vegetables, fruits), but their child still uses very rarely. A four-year-old child builds his statement from two or three or more simple common sentences, uses complex and complex sentences more often than at the previous age stage, but still not enough. Vocabulary growth The use of structurally more complex sentences by a child often leads to the fact that children begin to make grammatical errors more often: they incorrectly change verbs (“want” instead of want), do not agree on words (for example, verbs and nouns in number, adjectives and nouns in gender), allow violations in the structure of sentences.

At this age, children begin to master monologue speech. For the first time, sentences with homogeneous circumstances appear in their speech.

In four-year-old children, interest in the sound design of words sharply increases.

At this age, children have a great attraction to rhyme. Playing with words, some rhyme them, creating their own small two, four lines. Such a desire is natural, it contributes to the development in the child of attention to the sound side of speech, develops speech hearing and requires any encouragement from adults.

In the fifth year of life, sufficient mobility of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus enables the child to carry out more precise movements of the tongue, lips, a clear and correct movement and position of them is necessary for the pronunciation of complex sounds.

At this age, the sound pronunciation of children improves significantly: the softened pronunciation of consonants completely disappears, the omission of sounds and syllables is rarely observed. In the fifth year of life, a child is able to recognize by ear the presence of a particular sound in a word, to pick up words for a given sound. All this is available, of course, only if, in the previous age groups, the educator developed phonemic perception in children.

Sufficiently developed speech hearing of the child makes it possible for him to distinguish in the speech of adults (of course, if given in comparison) an increase and decrease in the volume of the voice, to notice the acceleration and deceleration of the tempo of speech, to catch various intonation means of expression used by adults, conveying in fairy-tale situations, as he or she says another animal - affectionately, rudely, in a low or high tone. By the end of the fifth year of life, many children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, but some of them still incorrectly pronounce hissing sounds, the sound of r.

So, by the age of five, there is a sharp improvement in the pronunciation side of children's speech, most of them complete the process of mastering sounds. Speech as a whole becomes cleaner, more distinct. The speech activity of children is increasing, they are increasingly asking questions to adults. Children begin to master monologue speech.

The growth of the active vocabulary, the use of sentences of a more complex structure (five-year-old children can use sentences consisting of 10 or more words) is often one of the reasons for the increase in the number grammatical errors. Children begin to pay attention to the sound design of words, to indicate the presence of a familiar sound in words.

At the senior preschool age, children at this life stage continue to improve all aspects of the child's speech. The pronunciation becomes cleaner, more detailed phrases, more precise statements. The child not only singles out essential features in objects and phenomena, but also begins to establish causal relationships between them, temporal and other relationships. Having a sufficiently developed active speech, the preschooler tries to tell and answer questions so that it is clear and understandable to the listeners around him what he wants to tell them. Simultaneously with the development of a self-critical attitude towards his statement, the child also develops a more critical attitude towards the speech of his peers. When describing objects and phenomena, he makes attempts to convey his emotional attitude to them. Enrichment and expansion of the vocabulary is carried out not only through familiarization with new objects, their properties and qualities, new words denoting actions, but also through the names of individual parts, details of objects, through the use of new suffixes, prefixes that children begin to use widely. Increasingly, generalizing nouns, adjectives denoting the material, properties, state of objects appear in the child's speech. During the year, the dictionary increases by 1000 - 1200 words (compared to the previous age), although in practice it is very difficult to establish the exact number of learned words for a given period. By the end of the sixth year of life, the child more subtly differentiates generalizing nouns, for example, not only calls the word animal, but can also indicate that the fox, bear, wolf are wild animals, and the cow, horse, cat are domestic animals. Children use abstract nouns, adjectives, verbs in their speech. Many words from the passive vocabulary move into the active vocabulary.

Despite the significant expansion of vocabulary, the child is still far from the free use of words. A good test and indicator of vocabulary mastery is the ability of children to select words that are opposite in meaning.

Improving coherent speech is impossible without mastering grammatically correct speech. In the sixth year, the child masters the grammatical system and uses it quite freely. However, grammatical errors still occur in children's speech. The grammatical correctness of a child's speech largely depends on how often adults pay attention to the mistakes of their children, correct them, giving the correct sample. A child of the sixth year of life is improving coherent, monologue speech. Without the help of an adult, he can convey the content of a short fairy tale, story, cartoon, describe certain events that he witnessed. At this age, the child is already able to independently reveal the content of the picture, if it depicts objects that are familiar to him. In the sixth year of life, the muscles of the articulatory apparatus have become sufficiently strong and children are able to correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language. However, in some children at this age, the correct assimilation of hissing sounds, the sounds l, r, is just finishing. With their assimilation, they begin to clearly and distinctly pronounce words of varying complexity.

A five-year-old child has a fairly developed phonemic hearing. He not only hears sounds well, but is also able to perform various tasks related to the selection of syllables or words with a given sound from a group of other syllables or words, to select words for certain sounds, and to perform other more complex tasks. However, some children do not distinguish all sounds equally easily by ear.

The pronunciation of six-year-old children is not much different from the speech of adults; difficulties are noted only in cases where new words are difficult to pronounce or words saturated with combinations of sounds that, while pronouncing, they still do not clearly differentiate. But by the age of seven, subject to systematic work on sound pronunciation, children are doing quite well with this.

So, by the end of the sixth year, the child reaches a fairly high level in speech development. He correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, clearly and distinctly reproduces words, has the vocabulary necessary for free communication, correctly uses many grammatical forms and categories, his statements become more meaningful, expressive and accurate.

In the seventh year of life, in quantitative and qualitative terms, the child's vocabulary "reaches such a level that he freely communicates with adults and peers and can maintain a conversation on almost any topic that is understandable at his age. When telling, he seeks to accurately select words, to reflect more clearly their thoughts, linking various facts into a single whole.In the active vocabulary of the child, a differentiated approach to the designation of objects is increasingly common (a car and a truck, and not just a car; clothes, winter and summer shoes). belonging, while noting some of the actions and operations that adults perform in the process of labor, and the quality of their work, uses these words in his game.The child more often begins to use abstract concepts, compound words (long-legged giraffe), use epithets, understand metaphors (the sea laughed)." The polysemy of the use of words is expanding (a clean shirt, clean air), the child understands and uses words with a figurative meaning in his speech, in the process of speaking he is able to quickly select synonyms (words that are close in meaning) that would more accurately reflect the quality, properties of objects, actions, done with them. He can accurately pick up words when comparing objects or phenomena, aptly noticing similarities and differences in them (white as snow), more and more often uses complex sentences, includes participial and adverbial phrases, Fluency, accuracy of speech with free utterance is one of indicators of the child's vocabulary and the ability to use it correctly. Big influence the formation of grammatically correct speech is influenced by the state of adult speech culture, the ability to correctly use various forms and categories, and to correct the child's mistakes in a timely manner.

In the seventh year of life, the child's speech became more and more structurally accurate, fairly detailed, and logically consistent. When retelling, describing objects, the clarity of presentation is noted, the completeness of the statement is felt. At this age, the child is able to independently give a description of the toy, object, reveal the content of the picture, retell the content of a small artwork watching a movie, he can come up with a fairy tale, a story, tell in detail about his impressions and feelings. He is able to convey the content of the picture without seeing it, only from memory, not only to tell about what is shown in the picture, but also to imagine events that could precede them, to come up with and tell how events could develop for the baby. Lyubina G.A. notes that the pronunciation of the speech of a child of the seventh year of life reaches a fairly high level. He correctly pronounces all the sounds of his native language, pronounces phrases clearly and distinctly, speaks loudly, but depending on the situation he can speak quietly and even in a whisper, knows how to change the pace of speech, taking into account the content of the statement, clearly pronounce words, taking into account the norms of literary pronunciation, uses intonation means of expression.

In preschool childhood, of course, the process of mastering speech does not end for the child. And his speech as a whole, of course, is not always interesting, meaningful, grammatically correct. The enrichment of the dictionary, the development of grammatically correct speech, the improvement of the ability to express one's thoughts with the help of speech, to convey the content of a work of art in an interesting and expressive way will continue in school years, throughout life.

1.2 Periodization of speech development: standards of speech development for preschool children

Assimilation of the native language by a child occurs with a strict regularity and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. In order to understand the pathology of speech, it is necessary to clearly represent the entire path of consistent speech development of children in the norm, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful course depends.

Long-term observations and scientific research have allowed psychologists and speech therapists to fix the approximate normative terms for the development of speech in children.

By the age of 3, children have a need for independence, a desire to act independently of adults, self-esteem develops, which is reflected in speech behavior, in the choice of lexical and emotional-expressive means. The child begins to talk about himself in the first person. By this time, the child's active vocabulary includes up to 1500 words. Instead of a simple two-syllable phrase, he begins to use extended sentences of five to eight words, mastered plural nouns and verbs. The child says his name, gender, age; understands the meaning of simple prepositions - performs tasks such as "put the cube under the cup", "put the cube in the box", uses simple prepositions and conjunctions in the sentence because, if, when. The kid understands the short stories and fairy tales he has read with and without pictures, can evaluate his own and other people's pronunciation, asks questions about the meaning of words.

With the mastery of phrasal speech, the assimilation of the grammatical system of the language is improved. By the age of three, the child uses all parts of speech in speech and builds complete grammatical sentences. There are characteristic signs of speech generalization.

A three-year-old child speaks phrasal speech, practically does not allow agrammatisms; when constructing sentences, uses prepositions, conjunctions; in his speech there are adverbs, pronouns. Speech for a three-year-old child is a regulator of his behavior: he obeys his elders, that is, he follows their instructions given in verbal form.

The child owns the concepts of "dishes", "clothes", "vegetables", "fruits" in passive speech, although he does not yet use them in active speech. Children with whom purposeful classes were conducted to expand their vocabulary include in their speech adjectives denoting features in shape, size, color. The verb dictionary has been enriched with the names of actions that the child already knows how to perform: draw, paint, roll, catch, throw the ball, jump, run, etc. The kid knows that cars move either fast or slow; the ball flies up and falls down; man has a right hand and a left hand; he can tell which thing is near and which is far.

The sound pronunciation is not yet completely clear, for the fourth year the sounds Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch, L, R, R, "R" are "left".

Reasons for concern: a persistent and long-term absence of speech imitation of words new to the child. When this phenomenon appears, the child mostly reproduces a part of it instead of the whole word or distorts it using amorphous words. For example: "girl" - deck, "buy" - pike, "bread" - peha. From the accumulated words, the child does not build sentences. There are no verbs in his speech yet. The grammatical design of the sentences is grossly distorted, for example, instead of "I don't want" - Anya wants no. During speech, the tip of the tongue protrudes between the teeth. Sounds are pronounced with a "squish", have a nasal connotation.

At 4 years old, the phrases spoken by the child already include sentences consisting of 5-6 words. There are compound and complex sentences, prepositions are used for, before, instead, unions what, where, how much. At the same age, they begin to accompany their game with speech. Vocabulary reaches 2000 words by the age of 4, including words denoting temporal and spatial concepts.

By the age of 5, the child has fully mastered the everyday vocabulary. His vocabulary is enriched with synonyms, antonyms. The child's vocabulary increases to 2500 - 3000. He actively uses generalizing words ("clothing", "vegetables", "animals", etc.), names a wide range of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. In words, there are no longer gaps, permutations of sounds and syllables; the only exceptions are some difficult unfamiliar words (excavator). All parts of speech are used in the sentence. The child masters all the sounds of the native language and uses them correctly in speech.

At 4.5 - 5 years, the formation of the phonetic system of the native language ends, which to a large extent prepares for mastering the written language. A five-year-old baby has a clear, intelligible speech, without violating sound pronunciation, because at this age the process of mastering sounds has ended. Speech activity has increased: the baby not only asks questions himself and answers the questions of an adult, but also willingly and for a long time talks about his observations and impressions. The use of sentences of a more complex structure is the cause of individual grammatical errors encountered in the speech of a five-year-old child, most often in agreement of numerals with nouns. The first steps have been taken towards mastering literacy: the baby has learned to notice individual sounds in words, and tries to analyze simple words completely. By the end of the 5th year, the child's statement begins to resemble a short story in form. By the age of 6, the meaning of derivative words is mastered in word-formation activity, the intensity of word creation decreases, operations of self-control and a critical attitude to one's speech are formed.

Reasons for concern: household vocabulary is limited, cannot or finds it difficult to group and name objects, actions, signs on a general basis, in a word, such as vegetables, fruits, trees, etc .; finds it difficult to replace the word with a synonym, such as dog - dog, dirty - dirty, look - look; pick up an antonym for the word, such as sugar - salt, cold - hot, smiles - frown; not active in verbal communication, etc.; the child pronounces sounds incorrectly, distorts the syllabic structure of words, cannot coherently tell about ongoing events.

Summarizing the above, we present the standards for the speech development of preschool children in tabular form.

Tab. 1. Development of the grammatical structure of speech

Grammar section At the age of children 3 - 4 years old 4 - 5 years old 5 - 6 years old 6 - 7 years old Morphology They agree on words in gender, number, case, use nouns with prepositions: in, on, under, for Improves the ability to use prepositions correctly. They use forms of the imperative mood of verbs: want, run, go, lie. The ability to coordinate nouns with numerals, adjectives in a sentence is improved; the ability to use indeclinable nouns is formed. The ability to coordinate nouns with numerals, adjectives and pronouns with nouns is consolidated. Word formation Use nouns in the form of units. and many others. hours, denoting animals and their cubs; use the plural form. number of nouns in gender. case (ribbons, apples, hands) form the plural form. the number of nouns denoting the cubs of animals (by analogy), use them after them., genus. cases (kittens-kittens), correctly use the plural form. h. n. nouns Form a plural form. number of nouns denoting baby animals, single-root words (according to the pattern) Form (according to the pattern) nouns with suffixes, verbs with prefixes, comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. The ability to form single-root words is being improved Syntax Use sentences with homogeneous nouns, learn to correctly coordinate words in a sentence Correctly agree words in a sentence, learn to use the simplest types of compound and complex sentences Continue to learn to make simple, complex sentences, learn to use direct and indirect speech Use a variety of syntactic constructions and types in speech proposals

Tab. 2. Development of coherent speech

3-4 years old 4-5 years old 5-6 years old 6-7 years old Answer questions from an adult in one word when looking at objects, paintings, illustrations; repeat after an adult a story of 3-4 sentences, composed about a toy or according to the content of the picture; participate in the dramatization of passages from familiar fairy tales. They retell short stories and fairy tales, familiar and read again, compose short stories about the subject according to the content of the plot picture, and dialogic speech is improved. They maintain a conversation: they ask questions correctly in form and content, answer the questions posed. Dialogic and monologue speech is being improved. Maintain a relaxed conversation, ask questions, answer them correctly. The ability to coherently, consistently predict small literary works without the help of an adult develops, independently compose short stories about an object, from a picture, from a set of pictures, according to a plan, a model, from personal and collective experience, conveying well-known events; short stories of a creative nature Dialogic and monologue speech is being improved. The ability to answer questions and ask them is consolidated, a culture of verbal communication is formed. The child independently, expressively, without repetition conveys the content of literary texts, using various means of expression. Further development is the ability to compose stories about the subject (according to a plan drawn up collectively and proposed by adults), according to a picture, a series of plot pictures, the ability to compose short stories from personal experience, stories of a creative nature and short fairy tales

Tab. 3. Vocabulary development

3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years 6-7 years Distinguish and name parts of objects, their qualities (size, color, shape, material), some objects similar in purpose (shoes), understand generalizing words: toys, clothes, shoes , dishes, furniture Use nouns denoting professions; verbs denoting labor actions; determine and name the location of the object (left, right, between, near, next to), time of day, characterize the state and mood of people; uses nouns denoting the names of parts and details of objects; adjectives denoting properties; the most common verbs, adverbs, prepositions Use nouns denoting the names of professions; adjectives denoting signs of objects; adverbs characterizing the attitude of people to work; verbs that characterize labor activity of people; words with a similar meaning, with a generalizing meaning. Adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions are used correctly and accurately in meaning. The stock of words denoting the names of objects, actions, signs is expanding. Synonyms, antonyms, nouns with a generalizing meaning are used in speech. Use different parts of speech exactly according to the meaning

2. Empirical study of the characteristics of the speech development of preschool children

2.1 Organization of the study and description of diagnostic methods

The subject of the research is the speech development of preschool children. The object of the experimental study is children of primary and secondary preschool age.

The purpose of the experimental study is to study the lexical side of the speech of preschool children. Tasks:

examination of the state of the passive and active vocabulary;

study of connected speech;

study of the ability to correctly coordinate parts of speech.

Research base: MDOU No. 17 of Petrozavodsk. The study involved 2 children of primary preschool age (boy and girl, pupils of the younger group) and 2 children of middle preschool age (boy and girl, pupils of the middle group).

Organizational research was carried out in several stages.

At the I (preliminary) stage, the analysis of theoretical sources on the research problem was carried out, the selection of adequate methods was carried out, taking into account the research algorithm.

-The second stage of the study included the diagnosis of children's speech development.

-Stage III - analysis of the results of the study using the methods of mathematical statistics, generalizing conclusions and recommendations are made based on the results of the study.

The diagnostic study was conducted in the middle of the academic year (March-April 2012).

The study was based on the following principles: individual approach (taking into account the individual qualities of a person); availability; validity; accounting for the leading activity.

Diagnostic technique.

In our work, for a diagnostic study of the level of speech development of preschoolers, we used the following methods: "Name the words" and "Tell by the picture". (see Appendices 1,2).

Purpose: to determine the stock of words that are stored in the active memory of the child. The essence of the "Name the words" technique is as follows: we called the child a word from the corresponding group and asked him to independently list other words belonging to the same group.



Item colors.

Shapes of objects.

Other signs of objects, except for shape and color.

Human actions.

How a person performs an action.

The quality of human actions.

If the child himself found it difficult to start listing the necessary words, then we helped him by naming the first word from this group, and asked the child to continue listing.

Purpose: to determine the active vocabulary of the child.

We offered the child to consider a series of pictures presented in Appendix 2 (depending on age, the pictures are different for the middle and older groups). Then the child was given 2 minutes. so that he carefully examined this picture. After the child looked at the picture, they were asked to tell what he saw on it. Another 2 minutes were allotted for the story based on the picture.

Question "What is this picture about?" prompted the child to give an interpretation of the plot. The children made connections between the pictures, explained the content of the picture.

2.2 Diagnostic results

As a result of the study of the vocabulary of preschoolers of the younger and middle groups using the "Name the words" method, we obtained the following results, presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Vocabulary survey using the "Name the words" method

Groups of words Younger preschool age Middle preschool age Boy (Ilya K., 3 years old) Girl (Sonya D., 3 years old) Boy (Nikita A., 5 years old) Girl (Dasha S., 5 years old) Animals. Bear Wolf Cat Hare Dog Pig Horse Bear Fox Wolf Cat Hare Dog Hamster Mouse Bear Fox Wolf Cat Hare Dog Squirrel Penguin Rhino Turtle Bear Wolf Cat Hare Dog Goat Tiger Dolphin Green White YellowRed Green Yellow Blue Orange Blue Burgundy Red Green Orange Cherry Pink Lilac Shapes of objects. Circle SquareCircle Triangle RectangleCircle Square Triangle Rectangle OvalCircle Square Triangle Polygon Other features of objects, except for shape and color. Breathing Laughing Walking Sitting Walking Watching (TV) Resting Exercising How a person performs actions - Fast Slow Beautiful The quality of a person's actions.

According to the first group of words (animals), out of 4 children surveyed, all four (100%) named a bear, a wolf, a cat, a hare, a dog. Such animals as a tiger, a dolphin, a penguin, a rhinoceros, a turtle - were named only by children of the middle group.

This is explained by the following: already in the younger group (3-4 years old), children get acquainted with the animals of the immediate environment: domestic (cat, cow, dog) and wild (fox, bear, wolf, bunny). In the middle group, the knowledge of children expands, children clarify and enrich their ideas about who lives in cold and hot lands.

In the concept of "Plants" (the second group), the children included the following subgroups: trees, shrubs, herbs; flowers; vegetables, fruits, berries. In this group, all children most often called birch - 3 children. Preschoolers of the age of 5 named not only trees, but also herbs; flowers; vegetables, fruits, berries (rose, dandelion, cucumber, banana, strawberries).

In the third group (colors of objects), the children mainly named the main colors: red and green - 4 people (100%), as well as yellow, blue, green; contrasting colors: white. Interviewed children of the middle group also named colors close in tonality: blue and orange; figurative names of flowers: cherry, pink, lilac, burgundy.

According to the fourth group (shapes of objects), all children named planar geometric figures: a circle - 4 people (100%), a square - 3 people (75%). Children of the middle group named more types of figures, including generalized concepts: a polygon.

In the fifth group (other attributes of objects, except for shape and color), children in the active vocabulary most often used the following attributes of objects: size, size: high - 3 people (75%), wide, narrow; material: wooden - 1 person from the senior group. Children use other signs of objects less often: soft, hard - 1 person from the older group.

According to the sixth group (human actions), children named the most common actions performed by them and the people of their immediate environment (parents, caregivers): walks, walks (100%), sits - 75%, were also named - sleeps, eats, watches (TV ), works. AT senior group children have the most abstract concepts: they exercise, breathe, rest, laugh.

According to the seventh group (methods of performing actions by a person), only children of the middle group were able to name: quickly, slowly, beautifully.

According to the eighth group (quality of performing actions), the children named the following qualities: good, bad - all 4 people, beautiful - 2 people from the middle group, neat - 1 person from the middle group.

As a result of the study conducted by us, it was found that children are well versed in the concepts of animals, plants, colors, shapes of objects, human actions. Difficulties in children (especially in younger preschoolers) were caused by the names of such groups of words as: other signs of objects, except for shape and color, ways a person performs actions, the quality of actions performed by a person. This is due to the visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking of preschoolers. Therefore, preschool children master the names of visually presented or accessible phenomena, qualities, properties and relationships. For the same reason, there are no abstract concepts in the dictionary of a preschooler.

Very high and high levels of speech development in children of the middle group are obtained as a result of a large amount of knowledge in groups of animals, plants, colors and shapes of objects, human actions.

II. The results of the examination according to the method "Tell by the picture" (Appendices 2, 3).

During the survey, the children of the younger group showed the following results.

In the picture, the boy has a shovel. He is digging the ground. The boy plants the seeds and then waters them. A good crop has grown.

No. p / p Fragments of speech recorded in the process of research. Frequency of use% 1. Nouns738,92. Verbs422,23. Adjectives in regular form15,54. Comparative adjectives--5. Superlative adjectives--6. Adverb 15.57. Pronouns 15.58. Unions15,59. Prepositions 211,110. Complex sentences and constructions--

Spring came. The boy is planting flowers. He digs the ground, plants seeds, waters from a watering can. Beautiful flowers have grown.

No. p / p Fragments of speech recorded in the process of research. Frequency of use% 1. Nouns743,72. Verbs637,53. Adjectives in regular form16,24. Comparative adjectives--5. Superlative adjectives--6. Adverb--7. Pronouns 16,28. Unions--9. Prepositions 16,210. Complex sentences and constructions--

We see that the children's stories are short, nouns predominate in them, and verbs are in second place. The speech of children contains few adjectives in the usual form and does not contain adjectives in the comparative and superlative forms at all. The results of the survey in the middle group. Nikita A.

It was 9 o'clock. Mom came to her son: "Son, let's go to bed." And he didn't want to sleep. Mom took him in her arms, carried him into the room and laid him in the crib. He cried. Mom came and read him a fairy tale. I read and read, lay down next to me and fell asleep myself. And the baby got out of the crib and plays, and the mother sleeps.

No. p / p Fragments of speech recorded in the process of research. Frequency of use% 1. Nouns1321.72. Verbs2033,33. Adjectives in the usual form--4. Comparative adjectives--5. Superlative adjectives813,36. Adverb 11.77. Pronouns58,38. Unions711,79. Prepositions58,310. Complex sentences and constructions11.7

The child played with blocks. Mom came and said: "It's time to go to bed." She took him in her arms and carried him to sleep. The baby was sitting in the crib and crying very loudly. Mom decided to read him an interesting fairy tale. She read and read, got tired and fell asleep herself. The kid quietly got out and went for a walk. And my mother was sleeping.

No. p / p Fragments of speech recorded in the process of research. Frequency of use% 1. Nouns1021,32. Verbs 1940.43. Adjectives in the usual form12,14. Comparative adjectives--5. Superlative adjectives--6. Adverb 36,47. Pronouns 48,58. Unions612.89. Prepositions 36,410. Complex sentences and constructions12.1 On the whole, for both examined groups, it can be concluded that the perception of a series of plot pictures was complete, since the plot was close and understandable to the children. From the above stories, it can be seen that children can compose short stories based on a series of plot tasks. We see that both in the younger and in the middle preschool age, children are able to independently reveal the content of the picture if it depicts objects that are familiar to him. But when compiling a story from a picture, the children of the younger group concentrate their attention mainly on the main details, secondary, less important ones are often omitted. Most often, children express their thoughts in simple common sentences, and their structure becomes more complicated by the middle preschool age, sentences with homogeneous members of direct speech, compound and complex sentences appear.

Also, comparing the use of different parts of speech by boys and girls in both surveyed age groups, we came to the conclusion that there are no significant differences between them.


Speech development is considered as the development of the ability to understand and use the language: the development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis, vocabulary, awareness of the composition of words, the formation of grammatical categories, the development of communication skills, skills and skills of coherent speech.

Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis (individual development of the organism from the moment of its inception to the end of life) in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of its overall development. Assimilation of the native language by a child occurs with a strict regularity and is characterized by a number of features common to all children. In order to understand the pathology of speech, it is necessary to clearly understand the entire path of consistent speech development of children in the norm, to know the patterns of this process and the conditions on which its successful course depends. So, in the middle preschool age, word formation and word creation are born in close connection with the expansion of the dictionary. The formation of statements such as elementary short monologues (stories) begins. Sound pronunciation is actively mastered, mainly through games with onomatopoeia.

The older preschool age is marked by the formation of the arbitrariness of speech, the formation of phonemic perception, the awareness of the simplest linguistic patterns, which is manifested, in particular, in the abundance of language games with grammatical content (word-creation, "grammatical enumeration"). This is a period of mastering the methods of grammatically correct construction of detailed connected statements, active mastering of complex syntax in the arbitrary construction of a monologue, the stage of forming grammatically and phonetically correct speech, mastering ways to isolate sentences, words, sounds from speech (comprehension).

After studying the literature on the topic and conducting a diagnostic study, we came to the conclusion that in the fifth year of life (which corresponds to the younger preschool age), children know well and correctly name the objects of the immediate environment: the names of toys, dishes, clothes and furniture. In addition to nouns and verbs, children begin to use other parts of speech: adjectives, adverbs, prepositions. The beginnings of monologue speech appear. In speech, simple, but already common sentences predominate; children use compound and complex sentences, but very rarely.

The results of the diagnostics showed that in the middle preschool age, the vocabulary of children becomes richer; children use homogeneous additions and generalizing words in speech. Some children are able to determine the time of day shown in the picture, most are able to characterize the state, mood of people. Use the most common verbs, adverbs and prepositions, use them correctly and accurately in meaning. Children correctly agree on the words in the sentence.

Surrounding should help the child in the formation of correct, clear speech. Therefore, the following cultural and methodological requirements can be distinguished as recommendations:

The speech of educators must be absolutely literate, literary. First of all, you should understand the features of your speech, take into account its mistakes and errors, fight them through constant self-control and improve your language. This is facilitated by communication with people who speak perfectly, listening to literary reading performed by masters of the artistic word and independent attentive reading of fiction.

special attention the culture of speech, its ethics, requires itself. The speech of the educator in form and tone should always be cultured, impeccably polite.

The structure of speech should be coordinated with the age of the children. The younger the child, the simpler the syntactic structure of the speech addressed to him should be: sentences should be short and simple. With long complex sentences, children do not catch the main meaning.

Accuracy, clarity, simplicity of speech require special attention. Accuracy of perception, distinctness of understanding, and, consequently, thinking depend on the accuracy of speech. In this sense, the language of people is replete with errors. We often use words for other purposes: we called a child seat a high chair, a window leaf a window, a brick a cube, we suggest that children put on shoes or hats, but they should be put on, etc. This harms the attention of children, the accuracy and clarity of their perceptions, impoverishes the vocabulary and perverts the language.

It is unacceptable to include children's words, sometimes so cute and funny, in your speech. This slows down the process of mastering the correct speech by the child.

You need to regulate the pace of your speech. It is difficult even for an adult to follow the content of too fast speech, and a child is completely incapable of this. Not understanding the meaning of the flowing streams of words, he simply stops listening. Unacceptable, of course, is too slow, drawn out speech, it bothers, unnerves.

You should regulate the strength of your voice, speak as loudly or quietly as required by the conditions of the moment and the content of the speech. Quiet, whispering speech, children do not hear, do not catch its content. They are unable to listen. Loud speech, turning into a cry, is adopted by children as a manner of speech unusually quickly. What happens? Children are shouting, adults are shouting over them, and words and their content are in the established uproar.

We cannot impose artistry requirements on the teacher’s speech, but his speech should be emotional, as figurative as possible, expressive and reflect that interest, that love for the child, the presence of which is necessary for every teacher.

Teachers must possess methodological skills, knowledge of the techniques necessary to exert an appropriate influence on the speech of children, and the ability to apply them in all cases of communication with children.

Persons with pronounced and faulty speech deficiencies should not lead the development of children's speech.


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Maksakov A. I., Fomicheva M. F. Sound culture of speech. / In the book: Development of speech of preschool children / Ed. F. A. Sokhina.- M.: Mosaic-synthesis, 2009.- C 152-167

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Palagina N.N. Psychology of development and developmental psychology. M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2005. - 288 p.

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Fedorenko L.P. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children. - M., Education, 2007. - 320 p.

Encyclopedia of education and development of a preschooler / N.V. Novotortseva, T.V. Bashaeva, N.N. Vasilyeva, N.V. Klyueva and others - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, Academy Holding, 2011 - 480 p.

Attachment 1

Purpose: to determine the stock of words that are stored in the active memory of the child. The experimenter calls the child a certain word from the corresponding group and asks him to independently list other words belonging to the same group.

The naming of each of the following groups of words is given 20 seconds, and in general, 160 seconds to complete the entire task.

1. Animals.

2. Plants.

.Item colors.

.Shapes of objects.

.Other signs of objects, except for shape and color.

.Human actions.

.How a person performs an action.

.The quality of human actions.

If the child himself finds it difficult to start listing the necessary words, then the adult helps him by naming the first word from this group and asks the child to continue listing.

Evaluation of results

10 points - the child named 40 or more different words relating to all groups. 8-9 points - the child named from 35 to 39 different words belonging to different groups. 6-7 points - the child named from 30 to 34 different words associated with different groups. 4-5 points - the child named from 25 to 29 different words from different groups. 2-3 points - the child named from 20 to 24 different words associated with different groups. 0-1 point - the child named no more than 19 words for the whole time.

Conclusions about the level of development

scores are very high.

9 points - high.

7 points - average.

3 points - low.

1 point - very low.

Appendix 2

Purpose: to determine the active vocabulary of the child. If he is from 3 to 4 years old, then the child is shown a series of pictures presented in fig. 27 and fig. 28. If the child's age is from 4 to 5 years, then he receives the pictures shown in fig. 29 and fig. 30. Next, the child is given 2 minutes to carefully examine these pictures. If he is distracted or cannot understand what is shown in the picture, then the experimenter explains and specifically draws his attention to this.

After the examination of the picture is completed, the child is offered to tell what he saw on it. Each picture is given 2 minutes to tell.

A psychologist conducting a study using this technique records the results in a table (Table 1), which notes the presence and frequency of the child's use of various parts of speech, grammatical forms and structures.

Evaluation of results

10 points - all 10 speech fragments included in the table are found in the child's speech. 8-9 points - 8-9 of the speech fragments included in the table are found in the child's speech. 6-7 points - 6-7 of the speech fragments contained in the table are found in the child's speech fragments of speech. 4-5 points - in the child's speech there are only 4-5 out of 10 fragments of speech included in the table. 2-3 points - in the speech of the child there are 2-3 of the fragments of speech included in the table. 0-1 point - in speech the child has no more than one fragment of speech from those included in the table.

Conclusions about the level of development

scores are very high.

9 points - high.

7 points - average.

3 points - low.

1 point - very low.

Table 1 Scheme for recording the results of the study according to the "Tell by the picture" method.

No. Fragments of speech recorded during the study. Frequency of use1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Nouns Verbs Adjectives in the usual form Adjectives in the comparative degree Adjectives in the superlative degree

Pictures for the "Tell from the picture" technique for children from 3 to 4 years old

A series of plot pictures for the "Tell from the picture" technique for children from 4 to 5 years old.

Appendix 3

diagnostic protocols.

Junior group.

Ilya K., 3 years old

Method "Name the words"

1. Bear Wolf Cat Hare Dog Pig Horse2. Tree Oak3. Red Green White Blue4. Circle Square5. High6. Walks Sits Walks Eats 7. -8. Good bad

No. p / p Fragments of speech recorded in the process of research. Frequency of use11. Nouns712. Verbs 413. Adjectives in the usual form114. Adjectives in the comparative degree-15. Adjectives in the superlative degree-16. Adverb 117. Pronouns 118. Unions119. Prepositions 220. Complex sentences and constructions

Sonya D., 3 years old

Method "Name the words"

1. Bear Fox Wolf Cat Hare Dog Hamster Mouse2. Christmas Tree Birch3. Red Green White Yellow4. Circle Triangle Rectangle5. Wide Narrow 6. Walks Sits Walks Plays7. Good bad

Method "Tell by picture"

No. p / p Fragments of speech recorded in the process of research. Frequency of use11. Nouns712. Verbs613. Adjectives in the usual form114. Adjectives in the comparative degree-15. Adjectives in the superlative degree-16. Adverb-17. Pronouns 118. Unions-19. Prepositions 120. Complex sentences and constructions

Middle group.

Nikita A., 5 years old

Method "Name the words"

1. Bear Fox Wolf Cat Hare Dog Squirrel Penguin Rhino Turtle2. Birch Cherry Cucumber Tomato Dandelion3. Red Green Yellow Blue Orange Blue Burgundy 4. Circle Square Triangle Rectangle Oval5. High/Low Large Narrow Soft/Hard6. Walks Sleeps Sits Walks Works Reads Breathes Laughs7. Fast Slow 8. Good Bad Beautiful Method "Tell by picture"

No. p / p Fragments of speech recorded in the process of research. Frequency of use11. Nouns 1312. Verbs 2013. Adjectives in regular form-14. Adjectives in the comparative degree-15. Superlative adjectives816. Adverb 117. Pronouns 518. Unions719. Prepositions520. Complex sentences and constructions1

Dasha S., 5 years old

Method "Name the words"

1. Bear Wolf Cat Hare Dog Goat Tiger Dolphin2. Birch Apple Tree Rose Chamomile Strawberry Banana 3. Red Green Orange Cherry Pink Lilac 4. Circle Square Triangle Polygon 5. High/Low Big Wide Wooden 6. Walks Sits Walks Watches (TV) Resting Exercising 7. Nice 8. Good Bad Nice Neat

Method "Tell by picture"

No. p / p Fragments of speech recorded in the process of research. Frequency of use11. Nouns1012. Verbs 1913. Adjectives in the usual form114. Adjectives in the comparative degree-15. Adjectives in the superlative degree-16. Adverb 317. Pronouns 418. Unions619. Prepositions 320. Complex sentences and constructions1


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Problems of speech development

The reasons why a child may experience various , there can be a great many, ranging from the pathology that arose in his mother during pregnancy and complications during childbirth, and ending with the influence of those transferred to early age viral diseases and traumatic brain injury. All these factors will not necessarily lead to a lag in the development of speech in a child, however, the presence of one or more of them should force parents to more closely monitor the appearance of new words in the baby’s speech, the features of pronunciation of sounds, and devote more time to classes and exercises aimed at developing speech.
depends not only on the physical condition of the child, but also on his mental development. With a lag in overall mental development, children most often suffer from speech function. And the insufficient development of speech, in turn, affects mental development, slowing it down even more. That is why it is so important to notice violations in a timely manner. and if in doubt, seek the advice of a speech pathologist.
Many parents believe that it is not worth sounding the alarm before the baby's 5th birthday, and all problems will disappear by themselves by this age. Some disorders, primarily physiological tongue-tied tongue, really completely cease to bother the child and his parents, but significant lags in speech function can be corrected only by combining homework and a special correctional program offered by a speech pathologist, and at 5 years it will be much more difficult to do this than in 3 or 4.
There are four main problems
First of all, this
the problem of articulation of individual sounds .

For the speech of a 3-year-old child, the replacement of some sounds with similar ones. Among the sounds that are difficult for preschoolers are hissing - "Ch", "Sch", "W" and "Sh"; whistling - "Z", "C" and "C" and sonorants - "R" and "L". Until the age of five, such exchanges are acceptable, but if even after reaching this age your baby cannot clearly pronounce all the sounds, then you need to contact a speech therapist. In most cases, such a speech disorder occurs due to insufficient mobility of the tongue. Violation of sound pronunciation is treated with the help of a special complex of articulatory gymnastics. Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus must be performed daily. Similar exercises can be performed at an earlier age at home - invite the baby to click his tongue like a horse, then depict a clock, swinging his tongue from side to side, then stick it out and lick it like a cat, etc. Those sounds that are most difficult for the baby, you can practice speaking in isolation, and then pick up special verses and tongue twisters that will help the child work out his pronunciation in speech.
Another serious speech problem isgeneral underdevelopment speeches , it is characterized by a poor vocabulary, the use of incorrect grammatical forms in speech, and the lack of coherence of speech. Preschoolers with a similar speech problem often experience difficulty if they are asked to describe a picture or retell a well-known fairy tale, they confuse prepositions and endings. Usually, the general underdevelopment of speech is accompanied by problems with the pronunciation of sounds. Also, such children have worse developed phonemic hearing, it is more difficult for them to isolate individual sounds from the composition of the word.
This speech disorder can have several causes. It is possible that the lag in the development of speech is affected by the disruption of the areas of the brain that respond to speech. To overcome such disorders, speech therapists suggest using finger gymnastics and a variety of tasks and exercises that train fine motor skills of the hands.

But underdevelopment of speech can also develop due to the fact that parents, trying to provide the child with the best toys, watching his diet and observing sanitary and hygienic standards, missed the importance of communication. In other words, if you talk little with your baby, if a communicative environment of stimulating communication is not created for him, his speech without practice can remain meager for a long time. In addition to special speech therapy programs, underdevelopment of speech can prevent elementary attention towards the child: ask the baby about his news or mood, ask him to talk about his favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters, discuss everything that you see around you while walking. Speech underdevelopment can be provoked not only by very busy, but also by overly caring parents who do their best to anticipate any desire or request of their child, thereby depriving him of the need to formulate his own desires and opinions.
Logoneurosis or stuttering - one of the speech problems that are diagnosed at an early age and require specialized correction by a defectologist. You cannot solve the problem of stuttering on your own, so if you notice that your baby is stuttering, immediately go to a specialist. Logoneurosis can be diagnosed as early as 3 years, sometimes a little earlier. With early treatment to a doctor, a stable remission of this speech disorder can be achieved. The causes of stuttering in children are still not fully understood, the prevailing myth that its appearance provokes a strong fear is not supported by scientific theories, since many children at different ages experience stressful situations, but only some begin to stutter after that.
In the event of deep disturbances in the functioning of the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for the development of speech, one of the most serious speech problems can be observed -
alalia or delayed speech development . If at the age of three the baby’s vocabulary is limited to 5-10 words or he has not started talking at all, then you can’t delay visiting a speech therapist. With early corrective therapy, this speech disorder can be successfully overcome. Parents can reinforce classes with a defectologist with regular developmental and educational games.
It is extremely important to overcome all the child's speech problems before going to school, because unresolved violations can not only negatively affect academic performance in general, but also lead to dysgraphia and dyslexia in a first grader.

Features of speech development in preschool age.

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer the child will use it in the future.

At preschool age, the circle of communication of children expands. As children become more independent, they move beyond narrow family ties and begin to communicate with a wider range of people, especially with peers. Expanding the circle of communication requires the child to fully master the means of communication, the main of which is speech. The increasing complexity of the child's activity also makes high demands on the development of speech.

The development of speech goes in several directions: its practical use in communication with other people is being improved, at the same time, speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking. This determines the relevance of this topic.

The speech development of children is one of the main components of their readiness for schooling. The study of the level of language acquisition makes it possible to obtain data not only on the speech abilities of children, but also on their holistic mental development. In order to understand the essence of speech readiness for schooling, we must clearly understand what is included in the content of oral speech abilities and which components are the most important for learning speech.

Speech development is considered as the development of the ability to understand and use the language: the development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis, vocabulary, awareness of the composition of words, the formation of grammatical categories, the development of communication skills, skills and skills of coherent speech. Mastering the language is an important condition for mental development, since the content of the historical experience assigned by the child in ontogenesis is generalized and reflected in speech form and, above all, in the meanings of words.

The timely development of the vocabulary is one of the important factors in preparing for schooling. Children who do not have sufficient vocabulary experience great learning difficulties, not finding the right words to express their thoughts. Teachers note that students with a rich vocabulary solve arithmetic problems better, master reading skills, grammar more easily, and are more active in mental work in the classroom.

Features of the development of children's vocabulary are quite fully studied in physiology, psychology, psycholinguistics.

In the development of the vocabulary of preschool children, two sides are distinguished: the quantitative growth of the vocabulary and its qualitative development, i.e., mastering the meanings of words. Preschool age is a period of rapid vocabulary enrichment. Its growth depends on the conditions of life and upbringing, therefore, in the literature, data on the number of words of preschoolers of the same age vary greatly. The first meaningful words appear in children by the end of the first year of life. In the modern domestic methodology, 10-12 words per year are considered the norm. The development of speech understanding is largely ahead of the active vocabulary. After one and a half years, the enrichment of the active vocabulary occurs at a rapid pace, and by the end of the second year of life it is 300-400 words, and by the age of three it can reach 1500 words. A huge leap in the development of the dictionary occurs not only and not so much due to mastering the methods of forming words from the speech of adults, but due to mastering the methods of forming words. The development of the dictionary is carried out at the expense of words denoting objects of the immediate environment, actions with them, as well as their individual features. In subsequent years, the number of words used also increases rapidly, but the rate of this growth slows down somewhat. The third year of life is the period of the greatest increase in active vocabulary. By the age of 4, the number of words reaches 1900, at 5 years - up to 2000-2500, and at 6-7 years - up to 3500-4000 words.

Individual differences in the vocabulary are also observed in these age periods. According to D.B. Elkonin, the differences in the dictionary are "greater than in any other area of ​​mental development".

The number of nouns and verbs increases especially rapidly, the number of adjectives used grows more slowly. This is explained, firstly, by the conditions of upbringing (adults pay little attention to the acquaintance of children with the signs and qualities of objects), and secondly, by the nature of the adjective as the most abstract part of speech.

The first words are very peculiar, they are characterized by polysemanticism. These first words, in essence, are not yet words. A real word is born as a designation of an object and is associated directly with a gesture that points to an object.

After 4-5 years, children who speak speech attribute a new word to not one, but to many objects. While assimilating ready-made words from adults and operating with them, the child is not yet aware of all the semantic content that they express. Children can learn the subject relatedness of a word, but the system of abstractions and generalizations behind it cannot.

The figurative meanings of words are not assimilated by children immediately. First, there is the assimilation of the main meaning. The meanings of children's words are dynamic. L.S. Vygotsky drew attention to the fact that the same word, with the same reference to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, “means” different things for a child of different ages and different levels of development. In a child of 3-5 years old, the process of mastering a clear subject-related relation of words and their specific meanings occupies a central place, and at 5-6 years old, a system of so-called worldly concepts, but in which emotional-figurative, visual connections still dominate.

Thus, in its specifically related form, the meaning of a word arises before the concept and is a prerequisite for its formation. The concept denoted by the word, being a generalized image of reality, grows, expands, deepens as the child develops, as the sphere of his activity expands and becomes more diverse, the circle of people and objects with which he enters into communication increases. In the course of its development, the child's speech ceases to be dependent on the sensory situation.

Mastering the grammatical structure of speech has a huge impact on the overall development of the child, providing him with a transition to learning the language at school. The formation of the grammatical structure of speech involves the formation of the morphological side of speech (changing words by gender, number, case), word formation methods and syntax (mastering different types of phrases and sentences). Without mastering grammar, verbal communication is impossible.

Mastering the grammatical structure is of great difficulty for children, since grammatical categories are characterized by abstractness and abstraction. In addition, the grammatical structure of the Russian language is distinguished by the presence of a large number of unproductive forms and exceptions to grammatical norms and rules.

The process of mastering the grammatical structure by a child is complex, it is associated with analytics - the synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex. The patterns of assimilation of the grammatical side of speech were revealed by the famous linguist A.N. Gvozdev. According to the study, a child learns the grammatical system of his native language by the age of three in all its most typical manifestations. The child's assimilation of the grammatical structure of speech occurs in the form of the assimilation of grammatical categories, which are characterized by the presence of knowledge. The time and sequence of assimilation of individual categories depend on the nature of their assignments. Children find it difficult to assimilate those forms whose specific meaning is not connected by the logic of children's thought, that is, what is not clear in meaning.

Mastering the ways of word formation is one of the aspects of the speech development of children. Preschoolers mainly use the morphological method of word formation, which is based on a combination of morphemes of different meanings. For the formation of words, the child must master word-formation models, lexical meanings bases of words, and the meaning of significant parts of the word. In psychological and psycholinguistic literature, word formation is compared with children's word creation, which indicates the active assimilation of the grammatical structure by children. By the end of preschool age, children's word formation approaches the normative one, and therefore the intensity of word creation decreases.

At preschool age, there are all the prerequisites for the successful mastery of the sound side of the Russian language. These include the corresponding development of the cerebral cortex as a whole, phonemic perception of speech and the speech motor apparatus. Contribute to the mastery of the sound composition of speech and such features of the child - a preschooler, as a high plasticity of the nervous system, increased imitation, a special susceptibility to the sound side of the language, children's love for the sounds of speech.

According to most scientists, preschool age is the most favorable for the final formation of all the sounds of the native language. Imperfections in pronunciation at the senior preschool age are not typical: with the correct organization of work, children by this time can master the pronunciation of all sounds. Sound pronunciation is improving, but some of the children have not yet fully formed sounds that are difficult in articulation (hissing and r). The process of becoming these sounds, even with targeted systematic training, is slower, as the skill of incorrect pronunciation becomes more durable. However, by the older preschool age, children develop the ability to self-control, awareness of the imperfection of their speech and, accordingly, the need to acquire knowledge and the need for learning. Therefore, the educational activity becomes more serious.

Psychologists emphasize that in coherent speech, a close connection between the speech and mental education of children is clearly visible. A child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves speech by learning to think.

The development of coherent speech occurs gradually along with the development of thinking and is associated with the complication of children's activities and forms of communication with people around them.

At preschool age, there is a separation of speech from direct practical experience. The main feature of this age is the emergence of the planning function of speech. In the role-playing game leading the activities of preschoolers, new types of speech also arise: speech instructing the participants in the game, speech-message telling an adult about the impressions received outside contact with him. The speech of both types takes the form of a monologue, contextual.

The transition from situational speech to contextual, according to D.B. Elkonin, occurs by 4-5 years. At the same time, elements of coherent monologue speech appear as early as 2-3 years. The transition to contextual speech is closely connected with the development of the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the native language, with the development of the ability to arbitrarily use the means of the native language. With the complication of the grammatical structure of speech, statements become more and more detailed and coherent.

At a younger preschool age, speech is associated with the direct experience of children, which is reflected in the forms of speech. It is characterized by incomplete, indefinitely personal sentences, often consisting of one predicate; the names of objects are replaced by pronouns. Along with monologue speech, dialogic speech continues to develop. In the future, both of these forms coexist and are used depending on the conditions of communication.

Children 4-5 years old actively enter into a conversation, can participate in a collective conversation, retell fairy tales and short stories, independently tell from toys and pictures. However, their coherent speech is still imperfect. They do not know how to correctly formulate questions, supplement and correct the answer of their comrades. Their stories in most cases copy the model of an adult, contain a violation of logic; sentences within a story are often connected only formally (more, later).

In the middle preschool age, there are some changes in the understanding and comprehension of the text, which is associated with the expansion of the life and literary experience of the child. Children correctly evaluate the actions of the characters. In the fifth year there is a reaction to the word, interest in it, the desire to repeatedly reproduce it, beat it, comprehend it.

In a child of 4-5 years old, the mechanism of forming a holistic image of the semantic content of the perceived text begins to fully function.

The ability to perceive a literary work, to realize, along with the content, the features of artistic expression does not arise spontaneously, it is formed gradually throughout the entire preschool age.

Awareness of speech by preschoolers, the formation of ideas about the word, the assimilation of its semantics, the isolation of language means of expressiveness and figurativeness of speech contribute to the assimilation of the native language in kindergarten and thereby solve the problem of preparing the child for school in terms of his speech development.

By the time they enter school, children should have formed an attitude to speech as a linguistic reality, an elementary awareness of the structure of speech, in particular an awareness of its verbal composition, an initial idea of ​​the word as a linguistic unit. This is important both for preparing for literacy and for learning the native language in primary school.


    Volodina, V. On the coordination of a noun with a numeral in the speech of children aged 5-6 years [Text] / V. Volodina // Preschool education. - 2002 .- No. 8.- P. 52.

    Vygotsky, L.S. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / L.S. Vygotsky - M .: Pedagogy, 1991.- 311 p.

    Zhinkin, N.I. Speech as a conductor of information [Text] / N.I. Zhinkin - M .: Education, 1982. -198s.

    Leontiev, A.N.

    Novotvortseva, N.V. The development of children's speech [Text] / N.V. Novotvortseva - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1996. -240 p.

    Ushakova, T.N. Children's speech - its origins and first steps in development [Text] / T.N. Ushakova // Psychological journal. - 1999. - N3.- S.59-69.

    Chukovsky, K.I. From two to five [Text] / K.I. Chukovsky. - M., 1966. - 245 p.

Speech development of preschool children. When to contact a speech therapist?

Speech development of children from one to three years.

The first words usually appear about a year (for example, ma (mother), yes (give), av (dog), etc. At about a year and eight months, the first phrases appear in the baby’s speech (yes pi (let me drink), give ati (give the ball), lala bai (the doll is sleeping), etc. By the age of two, the first sentences of three or four words appear.A three-year-old baby is able to communicate in complex sentences ("Mom went to the store, and dad is at home") By the age of three the child correctly pronounces most of the sounds of the Russian language.Many children by this age do not have the sounds [Ш,Ж,Ч,Ш, Л, Р, Р'(Рь)].

Of course, each child has his own, individual pace of development, much depends on the character, temperament, heredity, conditions of education.

Also, the reason why the sounds [W, W, H, SH, L, L’(L), P, P’(Pb)] do not appear in the speech of a three-year-old child may be a short hyoid ligament (“bridle”). For the correct pronunciation of these sounds, a sufficient rise of the tongue is needed. If a short “bridle” “does not allow” the tongue to rise to the palate, the child will not be able to pronounce the sounds correctly.

When to see a speech pathologist

If your child is about two and a half - three years old and he is silent, or says only a few words, a phrase is missing - this is a reason for consulting with specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, neuropathologist). In such cases, a neuropathologist or speech therapist makes a diagnosis of SRR (delayed speech development).

If the baby began to stutter. The sooner you turn to a speech therapist and a neurologist with this problem, the more likely it is that stuttering will not get fixed, will not worsen.

Worries before two and a half years worth it if:

1.5-2 year old child does not understand simple instructions(for example, show a cat in a book, bring a ball);

two year oldnoticeably different from peers, his games are monotonous, stereotypical, or the child does not show interest in toys at all; the baby does not cope with simple tasks (for example, to assemble simple “inserts”, string very large beads on a thick wooden “needle”), i.e. noticeablysignificant lag in the overall development of the child. In these cases, you need to show the child child psychologist, speech therapist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist immediately.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the timing of speech and general development if pregnancy or childbirth took place with complications. Negative factors in the course of pregnancy and childbirth can cause a delay in speech and mental development.

The kid at the reception at the speech therapist.

During the examination, the speech therapist will assess the understanding of the baby’s speech, the structure of the articulatory apparatus (the condition of the hyoid ligament, tongue, lips, etc.), the state of visual and auditory perception, and the compliance of the child’s general development with the age norm. Often, children and a speech therapist need several sessions so that the child gets used to the specialist, “opens up”. Then the speech therapist will have a complete and accurate picture of the state of speech and the level of development of your baby.

Survey results.

If the understanding of speech corresponds to the age norm (the child shows most of the subjects that he is asked about; he understands the speech therapist's questions well), there are no serious violations in the structure and operation of the articulatory apparatus, the general development corresponds to the age norm - this is a “favorable” variant of the SRR (delayed speech development) . Most likely, your silent person will start talking when he sees fit and by the age of 3.5 he will practically catch up with other guys in speech development. The speech therapist will show you techniques by which you can activate the speech of the baby at home.

If the survey revealed a decrease in overall development (the baby knows and knows much less than "should" by age), speech understanding is significantly below the age norm - the child must be assisted immediately. You need to undergo an examination (appointed by a neuropathologist), exclude hearing loss (make an audiogram). Timely treatment, systemic classes with a speech therapist, defectologist, homework with parents will help develop the child's speech and other mental functions (attention, memory, visual and auditory perception, logical thinking), and prevent further lag.

Tips for parents.

The child's speech develops in two situations: when he hears someone else's speech (understands it) and speaks himself. That is, the more you talk with your child, talk about the world around you with interest, answer his questions and ask them yourself, read children's books to him, encourage him to talk about what he saw, the better your baby's speech will be developed. Usually the child is interested in talking about what he sees at the moment. At the same time, it is important not to overload the child with information that is difficult for him, not to force him to answer your questions if he is tired or simply does not want to talk now.

Far from immediately, the baby will learn how to correctly coordinate words in a sentence. The grammatical system of the Russian language is complex - there are many exceptions to general rules. For example, the baby already correctly uses the endings of the instrumental case of nouns -om, -em (throw a stone, a ball). By analogy, it forms other words (eat with a spoon, wipe with a rag). This is a normal process of assimilation by a child of the grammatical system of the Russian language. The help of an adult consists in correcting such errors - repeating the correct (normative) form of the word (it is better to pronounce it several times or give several similar examples). Such "amendments" should be as tactful and friendly as possible.

Speech development is closely related to the development of fine motor skills. Therefore, laying out a mosaic, stringing beads, modeling, drawing, designing, finger gymnastics are a significant contribution to the development of speech and intelligence of a baby.

Rules for conducting classes.

Any classes with the baby are carried out only in a playful way, if the child wants to play with you.

The duration of the lesson for preschool children (depending on temperament and age) is from 8 to 25 minutes, for children 6-7 years old - 15-30 minutes.

Be sure to praise your child even for the smallest and “insignificant” successes.

    Batyaeva S.V., Savostyanova S.V. Album on the development of speech for the smallest.

    Novikovskaya OA Logopedic grammar for children 2-4 years old.

    Tale of the Merry tongue. Articulation gymnastics for the little ones.

The development of speech of children 3-5 years old.

At this age, there is an active expansion of the vocabulary (the number of words that the child knows). His speech becomes more and more correct, expanded. The child uses complex sentences (“The cat ran away because it was afraid of a big dog”). A five-year-old kid can coherently talk about a recent event, retell a familiar tale.

Normally, by the age of five, children master the correct pronunciation of all sounds. It is believed that if by the age of five a child has not learned to pronounce certain sounds correctly, spontaneously, these sounds will no longer appear in speech. The help of a speech pathologist is needed. If a child pronounces a large number of sounds incorrectly, sound production classes can be started from the age of four and a half.

When to see a speech pathologist

If only you understand your four-year-old child;

if the words in the sentence are often inconsistent (he fell, red jacket);

if baby constantly rearranges syllables in words or “loses” them (for example, sakomat (scooter), aasin (orange), mitzanet (policeman);

if he cannot coherently (three to four sentences) talk about what he recently saw (for example, a trip to the zoo).

Especially it is necessary to be attentive to those parents whose children began to speak late. Often the speech of such children develops with a delay. In the future, this may lead to problems with academic performance in the Russian language, and not only.

In this case, only a speech therapist can make an accurate diagnosis, develop a plan for corrective work.

Most kindergartens have speech pathologists. They identify children whose speech development is below the age norm. If a child has not only an incorrect pronunciation of sounds, but also an underdevelopment of other components of speech, a visit to a speech therapy group is recommended.

Guidelines for self-study of parents with children.

    Volodina V.S. Album on the development of speech.

    Kosinova E. M. Lexical notebook No. 1 (2, 3, 4).

    Kosinova E. M. Grammar Notebook No. 1 (2, 3, 4).

    Novikovskaya O. A. Logopedic grammar for children 4-6 years old

    Polyakova M.A. How to teach a child to speak correctly.

The development of speech of children 5-7 years old.

At this age, the staging of missing or incorrectly pronounced sounds, fixing their correct pronunciation and distinct discrimination, preparation for school (prevention of school failure) comes to the fore.

To succeed in school, a child needs to know and be able to do a lot.

Below are exemplary criteria for readiness for school (for the development of speech).

By the start of school, the child “should”:

have a large vocabulary, be able to retell a small text, talk about an event, freely express their thoughts, prove their point of view;

grammatically correct your speech (correctly coordinate words in a sentence, use prepositions accurately);

pronounce correctly and distinguish all sounds well;

possess some skills of language analysis and synthesis (be able to divide words into syllables, highlight the first, last sound in a word (in small words, name all the sounds in order);

knowledge of letters and the ability to read syllables is desirable.

Most of the mistakes made by a child in oral speech - inaccurate pronunciation of complex words (plumbing - plumber), incorrect agreement of words in a sentence (thinking about planes, five balls), sound substitutions (drying - suska, hand - bow) will lead to similar errors in writing. Underdevelopment of coherent speech (the ability to accurately and consistently tell about an event) can lead to difficulties in writing summaries, retellings, and oral responses.

The state of phonemic perception is very important - the ability to "hear" sounds in a word, correctly determine the sequence of sounds and syllables. The underdevelopment of phonemic perception leads to numerous, persistent errors in writing, because in order for a child to write a word correctly, he must “in his mind” decompose the word into sounds, and then reproduce them exactly, in the correct sequence on paper. Promotes the development of phonemic perception teaching the child to read.

When to see a speech pathologist

If your child is already five years old, but he does not pronounce or replace certain sounds correctly;

if you observe the above problems in your child.

A year before school, I would recommend every parent to show the child to a speech therapist, even if your child pronounces all the sounds correctly.

The purpose of a speech therapy examination before school is to identify a predisposition to impaired reading and writing (multiple specific errors), the so-called. called dysgraphia and dyslexia, i.e., in fact, to school failure.

It is highly likely that such a predisposition of children to dysgraphia and dyslexia can be identified at preschool age.

If timely work is carried out aimed at developing the processes responsible for the formation of the processes of reading and writing, it is possible to prevent or significantly reduce the likelihood of school problems.

The importance of the timeliness of this work is explained by the fact that it is much more difficult to correct this situation at school than to prevent it at preschool age. The same applies to the production of sounds.

Based on my practice, up to eighty percent of children in the kindergarten preparatory group need the help of a speech therapist. If your garden has a speech therapist, help will be provided free of charge. You will only need to do homework (fixing the material covered) and control over the correct pronunciation of the set sounds. Children's clinics also have speech therapists.

Allowances for independent studies of parents with a child.

Glinka G. I will speak, read, write correctly (I recommend to all children to prepare for school, regardless of the presence of speech therapy problems).

Novikovskaya OA Logopedic grammar for children 6-8 years old.

Polyakova M.A. How to teach a child to read and write.

Zhukova N. S. Primer.

Polyakova M.A. Self-tutor in speech therapy.

At present, no one has any doubts that modern children are not the same as their peers were a few decades ago. The reasons for this are changes in the surrounding world, both objective and social, in the methods of education in the family, in the attitudes of parents, etc. All these social changes have led to psychological changes. The number of children with poor health, hyperactive children, children with disorders of the emotional and volitional sphere is rapidly increasing, many preschoolers have a delay in speech and mental development.

What is the reason for such changes? First, the gap between generations of parents and children. The increased employment of parents at work is one of the features of the upbringing of modern children. Observations and surveys of parents have shown that most of them have a poor idea of ​​what you can and should do with your child, what games their children play, what they think about, how they perceive the world around them. At the same time, all parents believe that their children should be introduced to the achievements of technological progress as early as possible. Only a few parents know that scientists and numerous life facts have proven that the development of a small child, the formation of his inner world occurs only in joint activities with adults. It is a close adult who enters into a dialogue with the baby, it is with him that the child discovers and learns the world, it is with the support and help of an adult that the baby begins to try himself in different activities and feel his interests and opportunities. And not a single technical tool, not a single media can replace a living person.

The next problem of the modern preschooler is the growth of "screen" addiction. The computer and TV are increasingly, and in some families always, replacing reading fairy tales, talking with parents, walking and playing together. A survey of parents showed that their children spend several hours a day in front of the screen, and this far exceeds the time they spend with adults. And, most interestingly, this suits many parents, especially dads. They do not often think about the fact that this “safe” activity is fraught with various dangers not only for the physical health of children (visual impairment, lack of movement, bad posture, etc.), but also for their mental development. TV and computer games form the soul and mind of a modern child, his tastes, views of the world, i.e., they take away the educational function from parents. But small children watch everything in a row. As a result, a generation of "screen" children is growing up.

The result of this is one of the main features of modern children - a lag in the development of speech. Children speak little and poorly, their speech is poor. Scientists have found that over the past two decades, the number of speech disorders has increased more than six times. But since speech is not only a means of communication, but also a means of thinking, imagining, understanding one’s behavior, one’s experiences (the so-called inner speech, the absence of it leads to the fact that the child becomes unstable and dependent on external influences, with an inner emptiness ).

Another feature of modern children is their often noted inability to concentrate on any lesson, lack of interest in business, which is characterized by hyperactivity, increased absent-mindedness, etc.

It has also been noted that many children now find it difficult to perceive information by ear, that is, it is difficult for them to keep the previous phrase and connect individual sentences. As a result, such children are not interested in listening to even the best children's books, because they are not able to understand the text as a whole.

Another important fact noted by preschool teachers is a decrease in curiosity and imagination among preschoolers, their imagination and creative activity. Such children do not invent new games, do not compose fairy tales, they are bored with drawing, designing something. Usually they are not interested in anything and are not attracted. The consequence of this is the restriction of communication with peers, because they are not interested in communicating with each other.

This is also facilitated by the fact that for the modern child the children's "yard" community, in which children could freely play and communicate with each other, has practically disappeared.

Observations of children also show that some of them lack the development of fine motor skills and graphic skills, and this, in turn, indicates the underdevelopment of the corresponding brain structures.

Almost all teachers note an increase in anxiety and aggression in modern children. Observations show that most often aggression manifests itself with a lack of communication. In children, aggression often becomes a defense mechanism, which is explained by emotional instability. An aggressive child often feels rejected, useless. Therefore, he is looking for ways to attract attention that are not always clear to parents and teachers, but for this child this is the only known means. Aggressive children are very often suspicious and wary, they like to shift the blame for the quarrel they started on others. Such children often cannot assess their aggressiveness themselves. They do not notice that they offend others. It seems to them that the whole world wants to offend them. And, besides, children cannot look at themselves from the outside and adequately assess their behavior.

I would like to say about one more problem in the upbringing of a modern preschooler. These are modern toys. Many of them are not conducive to development at all. gaming activity. But it is the game that is the leading activity of the child in preschool age. Today, toys are aimed at the mechanical use of the operations laid down by the manufacturer, and do not contribute to creative play.

Thus, we see that at preschool age, although huge reserves are laid for the development of the child and the formation of his personality, but recently they have not always been used correctly. It is necessary to realize these reserves in specific forms of the child's activity that best meet the needs and capabilities of the preschooler. These are different types of games, construction, fine arts, communication with adults and peers, etc.

That is why the main task of educating modern preschoolers is to create conditions in which the child has the opportunity to play with peers, solve cognitive problems with them, satisfy their own curiosity, develop imagination, creativity, build relationships with people, empathize, feel self-care and care. about others. Today, more than ever, it is important to provide each child with attention and care for his mental and physical health, and for this, by joint efforts preschool and families, it is necessary to form a sense of emotional well-being and psychological comfort in modern preschoolers so that they can fully live the most important and responsible period of their lives - childhood, in which the foundations of a person's personality are laid.

At present, there is no need to prove that the development of speech is most closely connected with the development of consciousness, knowledge of the world around us, and the development of the personality as a whole. The central link, with the help of which the teacher can solve a variety of cognitive and creative tasks, are figurative means, more precisely, model representations. Proof of this is the long-term research conducted under the direction of L.A. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, N.N. Poddyakova. An effective way to solve the problem of the development of intelligence and speech of a child is the method of modeling. Through modeling, children learn to generalize the essential features of objects, connections and relationships in reality. A person who has ideas about connections and relationships in reality, who owns the means of determining and reproducing these connections and relationships, is needed today by a society in whose consciousness significant changes are taking place. Society is trying to comprehend and rethink reality, which requires certain skills and certain means, including the ability to model reality.

It is advisable to start teaching modeling at preschool age, since, according to L.S. Vygotsky, F.A. Sokhin, O.S. Ushakova, preschool age is the period of the most intensive formation and development of the personality. Developing, the child actively learns the basics of his native language and speech, his speech activity increases. Children use words in a wide variety of meanings, express their thoughts not only in simple, but also in complex sentences: they learn to compare, generalize, and begin to understand the meaning of the abstract, abstract meaning of a word (20, p. 65).

The assimilation of the abstract meaning of language units, due to the mastery of the logical operations of generalization, comparison, comparison, abstraction, makes it possible to use modeling not only to solve the problems of developing the logical thinking of a preschooler, but also to solve the problems of developing speech, especially coherent speech. The degree of development of the problem and the theoretical basis of the study. Peculiarities of language and speech acquisition by children in various aspects: the connection of language and thinking, the connection of language and objective reality, the semantics of language units and the nature of their conditionality - were the subject of study by many researchers (N.I. Zhinkin, A.N. Gvozdev, L. V. Shcherba). At the same time, as the main result in the process of mastering speech, researchers call the mastery of the text. Features of the development of coherent speech were studied by L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinshtein, A.M. Leushina, F.A. Sokhin and other specialists in the field of psychology and methods of speech development.

According to the definition of S.L. Rubinshtein, the connected person calls such speech, which can be understood on the basis of its own subject content. In mastering speech, L.S. Vygotsky believes, the child goes from part to whole: from a word to a combination of two or three words, then to a simple phrase, and even later to complex sentences. The final stage is a coherent speech, consisting of a series of detailed sentences. The grammatical connections in a sentence and the connections of sentences in the text are a reflection of the connections and relations that exist in reality. By creating a text, the child models this reality by grammatical means.

The patterns of development of coherent speech of children from the moment of its occurrence are revealed in the studies of A.M. Leushina. She showed that the development of coherent speech goes from mastering situational speech to mastering contextual speech, then the process of improving these forms proceeds in parallel, the formation of coherent speech, the change in its functions depends on the content, conditions, forms of communication of the child with others, is determined by the level of his intellectual development. The formation of coherent speech in preschool children and the factors of its development were also studied by E.A. Flerina, E.I. Radina, E.P. Korotkova, V.I. Loginova, N.M. Krylova, V.V. .M.Lyamina.

The studies of N.G. Smolnikova on the development of the structure of a coherent statement in older preschoolers, and the studies of E.P. Korotkova on the features of mastering various functional types of texts by preschoolers clarify and supplement the methodology for teaching monologue speech. Methods and techniques for teaching coherent speech to preschoolers are also studied in a diverse way: E.A. Smirnova and O.S. Ushakova reveal the possibility of using a series of plot pictures in the development of coherent speech, V.V. Gerbova writes quite a lot about the possibility of using a picture in the process of teaching preschoolers to tell stories , L.V. Voroshnina reveals the potential of coherent speech in terms of the development of children's creativity.

But the proposed methods and techniques for the development of coherent speech are more focused on the presentation of factual material for children's stories, intellectual processes that are significant for constructing a text are less reflected in them. Approaches to the study of connected speech of a preschooler were influenced by studies carried out under the guidance of F.A. Sokhin and O.S. Ushakova (G.A. Kudrina, L.V. Voroshnina, A.A. Zrozhevskaya, N.G. E.A. Smirnova, L.G. Shadrina). The focus of these studies is the search for criteria for assessing the coherence of speech, and as the main indicator they singled out the ability to structurally build a text and use various methods of links between phrases and parts of different types of connected statements, to see the structure of the text, its main compositional parts, their relationship and interdependence. .

Thus, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to discover a contradiction between the characteristics of the speech development of a child of senior preschool age and the theoretical justification for the use of modeling, when teaching older preschoolers connected speech, between the needs of practice in using modeling in the development of coherent speech and the lack of pedagogical technologies, focused on modeling in the work on the formation of preschoolers' skills in the field of text.

Interest in children's speech has not weakened for many years. One of the great educators of the past, Jan Amos Comenius, spoke of the benefits of using the exact words “about naming things completely and quite thoughtfully, about the ability to express everything that we think about successfully, clearly and distinctly.” . Comenius was one of the first to write about the development of speech, the problems of studying grammar (its initial stages), rhetoric and poetics. . One of the first Comenius emphasized the connection between thinking and speech, the interdependence of their development and the need for purposeful formation of these mental processes. “Two features decisively distinguish man from animals: reason and speech; man needs reason for himself, and speech for his neighbor. Therefore, it is necessary to apply equal care to both, so that both the mind and the language of a person are as developed and perfected as possible. .

The Swiss democrat educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, emphasizing that speech must be developed starting with sounds, their combinations in syllables, then he offered “teaching words, or means of acquaintance with individual objects” and teaching speech - “... learn to express yourself clearly about objects that have become known to us and about everything that we are able to know about them. In his opinion, social conditions and the speech environment play a huge role. Adults should talk as much and as often as possible with a small child and among themselves about objects and phenomena of the world around them, using many names. Thanks to frequent pronunciation, the words of adults are unconsciously assimilated by the child, in modern language, a passive vocabulary is accumulated. .

The development of children's speech, mastering the richness of their native language is one of the main elements of personality formation and is closely related to moral, aesthetic and mental development, is a priority in language education and training of preschoolers. The development of speech goes in several directions: its practical use in communication with other people is being improved, at the same time, speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes, an instrument of thinking.

The development of speech in preschool age, as L.S. Vygotsky, goes along the line of connecting speech with thinking and its intellectualization. This is the formation of concepts, logic, judgments, semantic enrichment of the word, differentiation and enrichment of verbal meanings. Speech at preschool age gradually turns into the most important instrument of the child's thinking. It is known that in the development of speech, in mastering the most important side of speech, the child goes from a simple phrase to a complex phrase, to a combination of phrases and sentences. It was just as clear and just as long ago that it was discovered that in mastering the semitic (semantic) aspect of speech, the child proceeds in the opposite direction.

In mastering the external side of speech, the child first pronounces words, then sentences of two words, then three or four, from a simple phrase a complex phrase gradually develops, and only after a few years the child masters a complex sentence, the main and subordinate parts of these sentences, which make up more or less connected story.

The child goes, thus, seemingly confirming the basic provisions of associative psychology, from part to whole.

When the dogma dominated in child psychology that the semantic side of speech is a mold from the outside, psychologists made a number of erroneous conclusions. In particular, this includes the provision appearing in many textbooks, which, according to L.S. Vygotsky, is now more relevant than any other proposition, namely the proposition that in the development of ideas about external reality the child follows the same path that he follows in the development of speech. Just as a child's speech begins with individual words, nouns denoting individual objects, some researchers, such as V. Stern, also believed that the perception of reality begins with the perception of individual objects. This famous substantial or objective stage is noted by Stern and other authors.

At the same time as a two-word sentence appears in the outer side of the child’s speech, a predicate is introduced and the child masters the verb, an action appears in perception, followed by a quality, attitude, in other words, there is a complete parallelism between the development of the child’s rational idea of ​​the surrounding reality and the mastery of external reality. side of speech.

When Stern formulated this idea, he knew that chronological parallelism does not exist here; all these stages in the development of a child's representation, as Stern says, do not coincide with the corresponding stages in the development of the external side of a child's speech, for example, when a child is at the stage of isolated words, he stands at the objective stage and in perception. The same applies to the action stage, when the child begins to pronounce two-word sentences. And here there is a chronological gap in the external side of speech and semantic activity of the child. However, Stern and a number of other psychologists believed that with a chronological gap there is a logical full correspondence, as he puts it, between the child's progress in mastering the logical structure of speech and in mastering the child's external aspect of speech.

J. Piaget used this position, showing what is revealed in the problem of speech and thinking. After all, speech, as the source of the basic socialization of thought, is for Piaget the main factor by which logical laws are introduced into our thought, properties that allow the child to communicate with others.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, speech thinking is a complex formation of a heterogeneous nature. All meaningful speech in a functionally developed form has two sides. This is what is commonly called in modern studies the physical side of speech, meaning its verbal side, which is connected with the external side of speech, and the semantic side of speech, which consists in filling the meaning of what we say, in extracting meaning from what we say. what we see and hear.

The attitude of these parties was usually formulated in a negative form. Psychologists have established and confirmed that the phasic and seminic aspects of speech do not appear immediately in finished form and do not go parallel to each other in development, they are not a cast of one another.

It is difficult, says Piaget, to find more striking proof of the fact that it is speech that introduces logical categories into the child's thinking. If there were no speech, the child would never come to logic. The complete closure of the child within himself would never, according to Piaget, break even the smallest breach in the wall that surrounds children's thinking.

The semantic side of the first children's word is not a noun, but a one-word sentence. From this it is already clear that a child who pronounces individual words, in fact, puts into the semantic side of the word not the knowledge of the subject, but the whole, usually very difficult sentence or a chain of sentences. If a children's one-word sentence is translated into our language, then we need a whole phrase.

Psychologists approached the problem experimentally and began to find out what is hidden behind the meaning of the first child's word. This is how the first conclusion turned out, which is the starting point and which L.S. Vygotsky formulated it as follows: while in mastering the external side of speech the child goes from one word to a phrase and from a simple phrase to isolating a phrase to a combination of phrases, when mastering the meaning, he goes to isolating a separate phrase and from a separate phrase to isolating combinations of words, and only in at the end - to the selection of individual words. It turned out that the paths of development of the semiic and phasic aspects of children's speech not only do not represent a mirror cast, but in a certain respect are opposite to each other.

The old idea that the development of children's speech, or, as Stern puts it, the main work on the development of children's speech ends at the age of 5, when the child has mastered the vocabulary, grammar and syntax of the native language, is wrong: it turns out that not the main, but only the preliminary work ends by 5 years old. The age that was considered in relation to speech development as a period that did not introduce anything new - the first school age, which was considered as a period of only a further quantitative growth of children's ideas and a further refinement of the elements and their connections within a given idea, this age is now put forward in first place according to the richness and complexity of the processes occurring in the development of a child's word.

S.L. Rubenstein noted that the development of speech in a child is mediated by learning: the child learns to speak. However, this does not mean in any way that the mastery of speech, one's own language, is, in general, the result of social educational activity, the purpose of which would be for the child to learn speech. Such educational activity is then included in the study of grammar, i.e. systems of language norms that the child already knows in practice. Only in this way is a true understanding of speech as speech achieved. The child normally masters speech - using speech in the process of communication, and not studying it in the learning process.

The method of mastering speech is organically linked with the nature of speech: speech, a full-fledged speech of a person, is not a system of signs, the meaning and use of which can be arbitrarily established and learned. A genuine word of living speech, unlike a sign, has its own history, in the course of which it acquires its own independent meaning. To master a genuine word, it is necessary that it is not just learned, but in the process of use, meeting the real needs of the speaker, included in his life and activities. The mastery of speech, the ability to use it yourself for communication, is preceded by an understanding of the speech of others that is first emerging. It is essential in the speech development of the child, representing the initial stage of the main function of communication for him.

A.A. Leontiev notes that speech can occupy a different place in the system of activity. It can act as a tool for non-planning of speech or non-speech actions, and the nature of planning here will be completely different. In the first case, this is the programming of a speech statement, in the second case, it is the formulation of an action plan in speech form. These two functions in activity planning should not be confused. Speech can perform the function of control, comparing the result obtained with the intended goal.

Development of speech, teaching the native language Tikheeva E.I. considered in connection with the development of the personality of the child. “The ability of articulate speech is one of the most significant and characteristic manifestations of the human personality. Developing speech contributes to the development of the personality as a whole, and any of the aspects of personality development contributes to the development of the language. Hence, in her opinion, the systematic teaching of speech should underlie the entire system of education in kindergarten. Language is the background against which the pedagogical process as a whole unfolds. There is no such part of it that could be isolated from the language, and which, because of this, could not be used in the interests of its development. According to E.I. Tiheeva, language develops in a visual way and in communication with people. Only in the material world can a word become the property of a child in connection with a concrete and clear representation. "The word and the thing must be offered to the human mind at the same time, however, in the first place is the thing, as an object of knowledge and speech." elemental consciousness linguistic phenomena not only enriches the mental development of children, introducing them to a certain, new for them sphere of objective phenomena, but, above all, increases the efficiency of mastering the means of their native language. Familiarization with the semantic relationships between words allows preschoolers to express thoughts more accurately, to select the most appropriate words. The speech of children develops, first of all, on the basis of imitation of the speech of adults, borrowing and reproduction of speech images. From life, practical activities and communication with others, the child draws knowledge that forms the foundation of speech development. And at the same time, mastery of speech itself becomes a condition for the success of the child's practical cognitive activity, a means of communication, thinking, and self-organization.

E.I. Tikheeva classifies children's speech deficiencies into three categories: the first is physiologically caused speech disorders; the second - speech disorders due to "deficiencies of the anatomical psychophysical nature" (rhinolalia, stuttering, speech disorders with hearing impairment); the third - speech disorders due to the influence of the speech of others. E.I. Tikheeva emphasizes the need for early diagnosis and specially organized training for children with speech disorders, which includes “oral and written exercises, influencing the minds of children in the same direction, to help gradually eradicate these errors.” .

A.A. Reformatskaya says that it is impossible to substitute the concept of "speech" for the concept of "language", speaking about the development and enrichment of children's speech, since it refers to the psychophysiological process. Speech is “different forms of using language in different situations of communication”, language is a means of communication, and speech is the process of communication itself. So, it is speech that is violated in children, and to one degree or another. The language is taught from birth, the child learns to understand speech, learns the language of gestures and facial expressions, intonation. We do not correct the language, but speech, which determines the features of the work methodology.

First, the diary, and then the analysis of the speech of the son of the linguist A.N. Gvozdev.

In this work, the process of assimilation by the child of the phonemic system and the grammatical structure of the language was analyzed. A.N. Gvozdev identified periods in the formation of the grammatical structure of the Russian language, characterized by specific features:

1. The period of sentences consisting of amorphous root words that are used in one unchanged form in all cases where they are used.

2. The period of assimilation of the grammatical structure of the sentence, associated with the formation of grammatical categories and their external expression ...

3. The period of assimilation of the morphological system of the Russian language, characterized by the assimilation of types of declension and conjugation ...

Great importance for working with children suffering from general underdevelopment of speech was made by such speech therapists as A.V. Yastrebova with a number of works on speech correction. T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin not only showed how to work with children with general underdevelopment of speech in practice, how to prepare them for school, but also gave a lot of factual material, as well as methodological developments. A very large contribution to the theory and practice of working with children with general underdevelopment of speech was made by R.I. Lalayeva.

N.V. Novotvortseva provides a large amount of didactic material on various sections of the development of speech in preschoolers and younger students with normally developed speech. . It provides material for the early detection of speech disorders, gives a good theoretical chapter on what you need to know about the development of speech, as well as interesting exercises on word formation.

The work of E. Lyakso outlines the theory, practice, and symptoms of speech impairment, which should serve as an alarm signal for parents.

This problem was also dealt with by L. Volkova and S. Shakhovskaya. The chapter on general underdevelopment of speech provides a detailed step-by-step description of speech disorders and methods of working with children. Unfortunately, all these works characterize general underdevelopment speech, in general, but children with alalia and educationally neglected children require different methods of work, although both of them have a general underdevelopment of speech.

A lot of work to combat underdevelopment and other speech disorders is carried out by L.N. Efimenkov.

S.A. Mironova claims that children with general underdevelopment of speech go through the same stages of speech development as children with normal speech development, only much more slowly. . This position is very important to us. The author is a supporter of the theory developed by A.A. Leontiev that speech is an activity. Defining speech as an activity, it is necessary to single out its components: goals, motives, speech actions and means. One of the features of speech activity characteristic of preschool children is the merging of the goals and motives of speech communication, as well as the use of a speech motive, and some other activity, for example, in a game. The use of a variety of activities forms the child's need to master speech. The presence of a motive (and needs act as a motive for activity) is an important condition both for the perception of speech and for its active use in communication. As a result, speech quickly becomes an object of observation for the child.

The system of special education for children takes into account the peculiarities of speech communication of preschoolers, uses the game and productive activities in order to form the need for mastering speech means.

At the same time, the system of special education should be based not only on the patterns of speech formation in the norm, but also on the originality of speech activity in its pathology. It is also important that the tasks of mastering speech are solved in unity with the tasks of the comprehensive development of the personality. Thus, the game acts both as a means of developing speech and as a means of developing a child. A psychological and pedagogical approach to the process of mastering speech is needed.

The works of L. Spirova and A. Yastrebova describe work with children with mild general underdevelopment of speech. . This species is one of the most dangerous, because it is difficult to identify, and therefore much easier to start. The authors conclude that the entire speech system should be corrected. The implementation of the corrective action is carried out in a very specific way. The essence of this specificity lies in the fact that, while working simultaneously on the development and improvement of all components of the speech system, the teacher at the same time (at different stages) focuses on one of them.

In his work, I.T. Vlasenko shows the mechanism of speech thinking disorders in aphasia and alalia, provides an interesting theoretical base, based on the works of the classics of psychology D. Elkonin, L. Vygotsky, S. Ruenshtein and A. Luria. Provides a deep analysis of the existing literature on the anomalies of speech and the development of thinking. The author rightly believes that "the term "general underdevelopment of speech" used in Russian speech therapy does not reflect the clinical and etiological picture of a particular speech disorder." The author himself considers those studies that have a differential diagnostic value in terms of distinguishing between the features of mental activity characteristic of children with a primary speech disorder and children with primary mental retardation.

Experimental materials have a strictly directed differential diagnostic task. The book attempts to outline a new approach to the differentiated study of the mental activity of children with speech underdevelopment and mentally retarded children. This approach is associated with the use of the method of structural-psychological qualitative analysis of the mental and, in general, cognitive capabilities of children of one category or another. This approach is important both theoretically and practically, since, firstly, it opens up the prospect of a deeper psychological study of the specifics of abnormal manifestations arising from a primary defect in children, and secondly, it is aimed at further improving adequate research methods and all systems for selecting children for special schools and preschools.

In addition to the fact that employees of special children's institutions are engaged in the development of speech, they must carry out work that is usual for a children's institution, deal with the problems of the child's socialization, even, perhaps more actively than with healthy children. Thus, it is necessary to know well the characteristics of preschool age, what crises lie in wait for the child, and how to resolve them. It is also necessary to create a team so that the children feel comfortable, otherwise the classes will not be able to be carried out fruitfully. Therefore, in addition to special literature on the development of speech, it is important to study studies on developmental psychology. .

The studies show the psychological and pedagogical features of preschool age, describe age-related crises, how they manifest themselves, what can be done to help the child move to a new stage of development. Children with general underdevelopment of speech also go through all stages of development, but it is even more difficult for them, since the main communication is difficult - through speech.

The fundamental works on the problem of age characteristics, speech development, play as the main activity of a preschooler are the works of D.B. Elkonin.

Elkonin in his works not only gives a detailed psychological description of each age, but also reveals the main type of activity, based on which the child develops especially fruitfully. This type of activity for preschoolers is a game. The author not only gives a classification of games, but also what each game can give a child. Thus, the game, occupying a special place in the life of a preschooler, can help in the work of a speech therapist, and for personal development, and in the process of socialization. It is the imaginary situation that arises in the game that allows the child to look at the situation from a different point of view, to unload psychologically, to become, as it were, a different hero, which allows him to better assimilate the material. The role-playing game is of particular importance for socialization and learning. In the game, the child communicates directly, learns the system of human-human relations, which is especially important for children with severe speech impairments, when communication is very difficult. The game according to the Elkonin system is used both for the development of speech and for teaching reading. .

In modern speech therapy, the game is widely used in the process of learning and speech correction. .

Thus, classes in special children's institutions should be built in several directions, both in terms of socialization and development of the child's personality, and in terms of speech development, moreover, the degree of speech impairment should be taken into account. So, word formation is already a fairly high degree of preparedness of children, a well-developed linguistic ear, certain knowledge of grammar, word structure. Considering all this, one should deal with word formation already with children with a general underdevelopment of speech of the third level (according to the classification of L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya). For word formation, games and techniques should be used not only specialized for children with speech disorders, but also techniques used in working with normally speaking children.

Knowledge of symptomatic speech disorders, their causes, mechanisms, the ratio of speech and non-speech symptoms in the structure of the defect will allow you to successfully and effectively organize a system of classes for the development of speech with children with speech disorders. To date, this amount of knowledge has been accumulated by speech therapy - the science of speech disorders, methods of their prevention, detection and elimination by means of special training and education. In order to clearly draw up a plan for working with children suffering from speech disorders, it is necessary to know what is the cause of this disorder and what is its degree.

Speech disorders in children with normal hearing and initially preserved intelligence have various forms, which are characterized by a violation of the formation of all components of the speech system, related to both the sound and semantic aspects of speech. The peculiarity of pathogenesis and clinical symptoms is noted. A certain unity of clinical manifestations is distinguished: a late onset of speech development, a meager vocabulary, agrammatism, defects in pronunciation and phoneme formation. Based on the unity of these manifestations, a certain category of children with general underdevelopment of speech is distinguished.

Clinical and psychological-pedagogical characteristics of children with general underdevelopment of speech allow us to identify some of the main causes of the defect. This includes the unformedness of acoustic-gnostic processes, when there is a reduced ability to perceive speech sounds (with normal perception of non-speech acoustic stimuli). Insufficient difference in acoustic features characteristic of each phoneme leads to a primary impairment of auditory perception. The consequence of this is a secondary violation of the sound pronunciation and syllabic structure of the word.

Often the reason for the general underdevelopment of speech is motor speech disorders caused by an organic lesion of the central nervous system. Violation of the interaction between the auditory and speech-motor analyzers leads to difficulties in mastering the sound composition of the word, which, in turn, affects the accumulation of vocabulary, the formation of the grammatical system, and, ultimately, the mastery of writing and reading.

In the variety of speech underdevelopment, three levels are conventionally distinguished. The first two levels characterize the deep degrees of speech impairment, while the third shows some gaps in the development of the sound side of speech, vocabulary and grammatical structure. The transition from one level to another is accompanied by the emergence of new speech capabilities and depends on the severity of the violation, compensatory capabilities and the time of corrective action.

School and preschool speech therapy achieves some success in overcoming speech underdevelopment. So, in general, pronunciation defects can be overcome, an active and passive vocabulary is formed, the grammatical side of everyday speech has been developed, writing and reading skills have been formed, and active colloquial and descriptive speech has been sufficiently developed. However, high school students show defects in complex speech, insufficiency of verbal and logical thinking, arbitrary forms of speech memory, imagination, and inaccuracy of abstract ideas. Vygotsky wrote that in a normal child at various age stages of his life, individual mental functions or systems of functions have their own optimal developmental possibilities. Being formed and interacting with each other, under the influence of the increasingly complex influences of the social environment, they seem to change places at different age periods of a child’s life, alternately performing either an auxiliary or a leading role in the process of a single integral development of his consciousness and all higher mental functions. So, initially, perception plays in the development of the psyche, then direct memory, then general ideas, and only towards the end of primary school age does abstract thinking begin to develop. Teachers need to know all this in order to continue working with students in the future.