Why are yogurts bad? Yogurt, benefits and harms to the human body


What is yogurt:

Questions about what yogurt is, the benefits and harms of yogurt for the human body, and whether this fermented milk product has any medicinal properties are of great interest to those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods treatment. And this is understandable. Perhaps the following information, to some extent, will answer these questions.

Yoghurt is a fermented milk product with a high content of skimmed milk substances, produced by fermenting with a protosymbiotic mixture of pure cultures of Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Bulgarian bacillus) and Streptococcus thermophilus (thermophilic streptococcus), the content of which in the finished product at the end of the shelf life is at least 107 CFU (colony forming units). ) per 1 g of the product (it is allowed to add food additives, fruits, vegetables and products of their processing).

Real yogurt consists of natural milk and starter cultures containing cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus.


Currently, in addition to kefir, there are a large number of various kinds yogurt. This drink appeared in Russia in the early 90s of the XX century and, due to its excellent taste and nutritional properties, quickly gained popularity among domestic consumers. To date, this lactic acid product successfully competes with kefir and has noticeably squeezed out others. dairy products.

This drink is made from whole cow's milk, which is pasteurized and thickened by adding powdered milk or cream. As a result, it acquires a denser texture than kefir, and contains more protein and carbohydrates.

A special mixture of Bulgarian bacillus (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) and thermophilic streptococcus (Streptococcus thermophilus) is used for sourdough yogurt. These bacteria are an essential component of this drink and are very beneficial for human body, and in a "live" form.

There are a wide variety of yogurts, but in general they can be divided into two main groups:

1) with live bacteria (“live” yogurt);

2) pasteurized ("non-live" yogurt, or yogurt product).

The "live" product contains live Bulgarian sticks and thermophilic streptococcus, which actively suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and contribute to the normalization of the intestinal microflora, the prevention of constipation and dysbacteriosis.

Along with "live" yoghurts, "non-live" yoghurts are now widely distributed. They are much longer stored, but much less useful for the body. The production of such a drink has its own peculiarity: they fermented milk, added thickeners, and then subjected heat treatment, "killing" live Bulgarian sticks and streptococci. From this, its medicinal properties are sharply reduced, since they are precisely associated with the presence of “live” cultures in this drink.

"Inanimate" yogurt is a common nutritious, easily digestible fermented milk product containing protein, vitamins and microelements.

The real one is not subjected to heat treatment. This is the main difference, and it is necessary to pay attention to this when buying.

On what grounds can a natural product be distinguished from a yoghurt product?

"Live" (natural) yogurt:

  • storage period - no more than 30 days;
  • storage temperature - from 4 to 6 °C. In stores, it lies in the refrigerator;
  • on the top of the package it is written in large letters: “Yogurt”;
  • the composition includes yoghurt sourdough;
  • the content of lactic acid microorganisms is usually indicated.

Yoghurt product ("non-live" yogurt):

  • shelf life - 3 months;
  • storage temperature - from 4 to 25 ° C;
  • on top of the package instead of the word "Yogurt" it says: "Yogurter" or "Biogurt";
  • on the side it says: “Terminated yogurt product”;
  • It does not contain yoghurt starter.

Depending on the degree of fat content, yogurts are divided into milk, milk-cream and cream.

Dairy drinks contain up to 4.5% fat, and they, in turn, are divided into low-fat (0.1%), bold (1.5-2.5%) and classic (2.7-4.5% ) yogurt. The fat content of milk and cream is from 4.5 to 7%, and cream - at least 10%. The more fat, the more calories. Sometimes hydrogenated vegetable fats are added to this drink: palm or coconut oil.

There are also simple and complex yoghurts containing various additives (fruit, vegetable yoghurts, as well as those containing whole grains, flavored).

Plain yogurt does not contain any additives (including sugar, starch, gelatin, stabilizers). Such a drink is most useful, since it contains maximum amount yogurt base.

Beneficial features:

This lactic acid product is digested by the human body much better and easier than milk. Many people who are lactose intolerant can consume it without problems. The fact is that under the influence of live cultures, a special enzyme appears in the product - lactase, which is not present in the body of people suffering from lactose intolerance. And the enzyme beta-galactosidase helps more efficient absorption of milk sugar. The enzymes contained in yogurt help to partially process the milk, making the product less allergenic.

This lactic acid product helps our intestines stay healthy. Lactobacilli stimulate the intestines, reducing the risk of colon cancer. In addition, lactobacilli contribute to the colonization of the large intestine with beneficial microflora, which also reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms. The drink's beneficial bacteria block nitrites and other harmful substances before they turn into carcinogenic metabolites.

This lactic acid product is a source of calcium, a trace element that also reduces the risk of colon cancer (with the use of 1.2 mg of calcium per day, the risk of neoplasms is reduced by 75%).

This lactic acid product strengthens the immune system. With daily use of yogurt, the body begins to intensively produce interferon, which helps in the fight against viral infections.

Eating yogurt is recommended for people who have had acute viral diseases and intestinal infections. The fact is that some viral infectious agents can damage the intestinal mucosa, especially the cells responsible for the production of lactase. As a result, transient intestinal dysfunction occurs, the ability to absorb lactose decreases. Since this drink promotes the production of lactase, it is advised to drink it during and after the disease.

This lactic acid product must also be consumed when taking antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics suppress not only pathogenic microflora, but also have a detrimental effect on the normal intestinal microflora. The live bacterial cultures contained in it restore the intestinal microflora before pathogenic agents and fungal infection begin to multiply there. Taking such a product every day during antibiotic therapy significantly reduces the risk of developing intestinal dysbacteriosis.

This lactic acid product is also able to suppress fungal infection. With daily use of yogurt, the risk of developing a fungal infection is reduced.

This lactic acid product is a rich source of protein. Two cups of natural yogurt contains 20% daily allowance squirrel.

If you choose between milk and yogurt, you should give preference to the latter, since, firstly, it contains more protein, and secondly, due to the transformation and partial processing of milk protein, it is better absorbed.

AT recent times There was a version that yogurt is able to lower blood cholesterol levels.

This lactic acid product is equally useful for young people, children, and the elderly. For children, it is a tasty source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For older people, yogurt is a mild product that protects the intestines from negative agents. For young active people - a tasty and healthy product that helps maintain vitality.

When choosing between purchased and homemade natural yogurt, you should, of course, choose the latter. Homemade - does not contain sugar, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, preservatives. In addition, it is less caloric, richer in calcium, it has 2 times more protein than in the factory counterpart.

This drink is a universal product: it is both a separate dish and a sauce; even mayonnaise can be replaced with it. Compared to mayonnaise, natural yogurt contains 3% less cholesterol, 1% less fat and, of course, it has less calories. This fermented milk product can replace sour cream, cream, and milk. A whipped chilled drink can easily replace ice cream.

100 g of yogurt contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, PP, choline, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, cobalt, manganese , copper, molybdenum, selenium, fluorine, chromium, zinc.

It must be remembered that this lactic acid product quickly deteriorates, so it must be stored in the refrigerator and consumed immediately after preparation.

Based on the book by A. Antonova “Homemade cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt. We do it ourselves."


The main reasons for the ban on the inclusion of yogurt in the diet of people may be individual intolerance to its components or gastritis in the acute phase.

Can such a fermented milk product as yogurt adversely affect the functioning of the body? Yes, if it's not natural. Only live fermented milk products with real lactobacilli will bring benefits to the human body. You can recognize them by the expiration date - for a natural product it is no more than one week.

Often, the troubles when using yogurt are not associated with the product itself, but with additional components in its composition (colors and flavors, sweeteners and thickeners), so it is necessary to give preference to natural yoghurts without food additives. It is important to carefully read the information on the label before buying or cook it at home yourself.

How to make yogurt at home:

This lactic acid product at home can be prepared from boiled or pasteurized milk. It is not recommended to use fresh milk, as it may contain impurities and bacteria.

As a starter, you can use store-bought yogurt (live or probiotic) or dry yogurt culture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can then use part of the drink you have already prepared as a starter, only it must be updated periodically.

There are several easy and affordable ways to make yogurt at home.

Preparation using "live" sourdough:

For this you need 2 liters whole milk and 50 ml of store-bought fresh "live" yogurt. Bring milk to a boil, then remove from heat and cool to 45°C. In this case, a saucepan with milk can be placed in cold water. The ideal temperature for yogurt bacteria is 43-45°C. Pour off a small amount of milk, mix it with yogurt, add to the remaining milk and mix well. Cover the pan with a lid, wrap in a terry towel and place for 4-8 hours near a heat source. During this time, do not move the pot. Transfer the finished yogurt to a clean glass dish, seal and refrigerate, where it can be stored for 3-4 days. The resulting yogurt should have a homogeneous, jelly-like texture, creamy-white color, pleasant taste and smell.

Cooking with dry sourdough:

You will need 1 liter of skimmed milk and 1 sachet of dry yoghurt starter. Sourdough starter can be purchased at drugstores or health food stores.

Heat the milk to 40–45 °C, add the yoghurt starter and mix thoroughly with a mixer. Cover the pan with a lid, wrap in a towel and place near a heat source to ripen. After 6-8 hours, the drink will be ready to drink.

Yoghurt makers:

If you are a happy owner of a yogurt maker or multicooker with the Yogurt or Multicooker mode, then the cooking process useful product make it easier for you several times, since you don’t have to monitor the temperature yourself when preparing it and look for a warm place in the room to stand the yogurt.

A yogurt maker is a fairly simple household appliance, the action of which is aimed at maintaining a certain temperature. right amount time. In order for lactic bacteria to multiply intensively, the temperature of their environment should be in the region of 37-40 degrees. It is this mode that is maintained in the yogurt maker for 6-10 hours, necessary for the preparation of the product.

You don't have to worry about the product getting cold or overheating. A smart device will do everything on its own and consume very little electricity at the same time - after all, it will work directly from the network for only about an hour.

The hostess only needs to choose the starter and milk, pour the liquid into jars and turn on the device.

Where to buy sourdough:

Yogurt starter is a set of bacteria for making this product at home. The properties of the fermentation strongly depend on which bacteria are involved in fermentation.

There are many different starter cultures for yogurt, and they differ not only in the taste of the final product, but also in the degree of benefit they bring. The most useful are the starter cultures, which contain more varieties of beneficial bacteria.

Sourdough can be bought at a pharmacy. Here are the following starters for making yogurt at home:

Sourdough "Evitalia"

This starter contains not only more than four billion bacteria, but also vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E) and trace elements (iron, calcium, magnesium). Yoghurt based on the starter culture Evitalia has a delicate taste, pleasant density, does not sour, so children like it very much. It is also known that yogurt made from Evitalia ferment contains antioxidants, therefore, it prevents the aging of the body.

Sourdough (enzyme) "Narine"

Narine sourdough has proven itself in pediatrics due to the fact that, in addition to the usual lactobacilli, it contains acidophilic lactobacilli, which have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, have a beneficial effect on the immune system and relieve dysbacteriosis.


The well-known bifidumbacterin (dry biomass of bifidobacteria) can also be used as a starter culture; yogurt based on it can be given even to newborn children. It perfectly restores the intestinal microflora and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

In addition, bacterial starter cultures of the VIVO brand are very popular, depending on the specific type of starter culture, it contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and the taste resembles a delicate homemade fermented baked milk.

Sourdough for making homemade yogurt costs approximately 180-240 rubles. However, many choose dry sourdough. What is it connected with? The fact is that when choosing a low-quality sourdough (expired, with the presence of dyes, preservatives, etc.), you will not get real yogurt and spoil a large amount of milk. As for the dry starter for yogurt, it is quite difficult to spoil the raw materials with it. In addition, it is not necessary to purchase the enzyme every time. The sourdough must be prepared once, and then stored for about 2 weeks in the refrigerator.


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About yogurt

Yogurt (tour: yogurt)- a very valuable dietary fermented milk product for the body, obtained by fermentation.

Natural yogurt is made exclusively from high-quality fresh milk and starter cultures containing cultures of lactobacilli bulgaricus and lactobacilli thermophiles, and sometimes Lactobacillus acidophilus (this culture is not added to all yogurts, but sometimes it is added additionally, this microorganism is very useful for the colon, so look for Lactobacillus acidophilus in the list of yogurt ingredients), the amount of these cultures in the finished product at the end of the shelf life is at least 1*10^7 CFU (colony forming units) per 1g of the product. (additives are allowed, fruits , vegetables and products of their processing). During the processing of milk protein, these bacteria produce nutrients necessary for the human body, the lactose contained in milk is converted into lactic acid due to this, and yogurt acquires its unique taste.

At the same time, yogurt is absorbed better than whole milk (by about 60%), and the shelf life of yogurt is longer than that of milk, since lactic acid acts as a natural preservative .

As a result of bacterial activity, yogurt contains much more vitamin A B12, vitamin B3 and vitamin A than milk . B vitamins are needed for energy from food, normal nervous system function, and regulation of blood levels. cholesterol in blood. Vitamin A helps keep skin health and eyes, it is also needed to fight infections.

Svetlana Dimitrieva, Deputy Director of the Research Institute DP of the Russian Agricultural Academy:

“Lactic acid bacteria tend to inhibit the growth of harmful microflora, which is why they are so useful for digestion and for intestines . That is why preservatives are not used in yogurt in principle - they are simply not needed there, because useful ones cope with harmful microbes. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers are sufficiently literate in such matters, and it is easier for them to play it safe and “boil” yogurt than to take the risk and produce a “live” product. And we end up buying and eating yogurt, thinking that we care about health, but in fact, we do not bring any benefit to the body.”

Regular consumption of natural yogurt provides the body with the necessary amount of nutrients and vitamins. You can add fresh fruits, berries to natural yogurt, you can use it as a dressing for vegetable dishes.

The history of this ancient product is shrouded in legends. The first mention of yogurt dates back to about 6000 BC. In ancient Greece and Rome, yogurt was an indispensable attribute of an exquisite feast.

Yogurt came to medieval Europe from the Mongols, where it became widespread both as a nutritious food product and as an effective means of traditional medicine.

Fermented milk is also mentioned in the chronicles of the Crusades, where the legend is told that the king of France, Francis 1, owes his miraculous healing to a medicine based on yogurt and prescribed to him by a doctor from Constantinople.

In the USSR, yogurt has been produced since the 20s of the 20th century, and was sold in pharmacies as a medicine. The countries of the Balkan Peninsula, or rather ancient Thrace, are considered the birthplace of modern yogurt.

Traditionally, yogurt has to be made only from milk and sourdough. Milk, by the way, can be used both cow's and sheep's, and for allergy sufferers, goat's milk yogurt will be useful. Traditional yogurt has many benefits, it contains protein, probiotics, phosphorus , magnesium and calcium . For people who are lactose intolerant, and for those who have given up animal products, various variations are now appearing on the market. vegetarian yogurt and kefir , for example, on coconut milk, or soy yogurt. Many firms now make such products, enriching them with additional vitamins and probiotics. You can also cook them at home, for this it is desirable to have a sourdough starter or a yogurt culture starter in the kitchen arsenal, as well as, preferably, a yogurt maker, high-quality natural ingredients and clean hands.

The main ingredient in addition to milk is sourdough, it can be store-bought, pharmacy, or homemade.

Ready-made sourdough jars contain bacteria of certain strains. shop leaven naturally different from the one you cook yourself, there are very few live bacteria in store-bought yogurts and starter cultures.

Own sourdough is convenient and useful. After preparing yogurt at home for the first time, you can save some of the product and cook with it next time. True, you need to remember that you need to store such a starter in sealed packaging and no more than 3 days. It can also be stored for several months in freezing chamber without loss of useful properties.

To make yogurt, take:

  • one liter of whole milk,
  • 150 g sourdough (Lactobacillus),
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream (Streptococcus thermophilus)
  1. Mix everything and pour into the bowl of the multicooker, turning on the “Yogurt” mode, or into the yogurt maker, following the instructions. The optimal temperature for making yogurt is from 40 to 45 degrees. This is very important, since already at 50 degrees lactic acid cultures die.
  2. After 7-12 hours, ready-made yogurt can be put to cool in fridge .
  3. Ready-made yogurt must be cooled for several hours in the refrigerator in order not only to improve its appearance, but also to preserve its benefits, as well as to stop the growth of bacteria. Otherwise, your homemade yogurt will go bad.
  4. When preparing homemade yogurt, you need to understand that it will turn out to be slightly different in consistency from store-bought yogurt, more liquid and less dense. This is due to the fact that the concentration of bacteria in it is greater than in the industrial product.
  5. Ready yogurt can be served with jam , fresh berries or fruits, natural syrups, you can add muesli, dried fruits and nuts .
  6. Natural homemade yogurt is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

AT different countries Yogurt production is treated differently. For example, in Russia yogurt is the same kefir to which sugar, artificial additives, various preservatives and flavorings are added, milk powder is also used in its production, but this is already a derivative product that cannot be called natural. By the way, each nation has its own name for yogurt.

According to the WHO and the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin, yogurt manufacturers' claims to promote health and fight allergies may not be true.

Not all yogurts have the same bacterial cultures. After fermentation, some yogurts are pasteurized again, and most of the beneficial microbacteria die. So when buying yogurt, if you don't make your own, look for the Nutrition Institute's special "Live and Active Cultures" label, which is placed on the label of yogurts containing these bacterial cultures. Keep in mind that when a product is labeled as "made from live lactobacilli", this does not mean that the product is labeled with this label. Some yoghurts may contain live bacteria but may not be labeled on the packaging. Avoid buying yogurt that says "cooked after fermentation" on the packaging. Such a product will not benefit, and people suffering from lactose intolerance, who tolerate yogurt containing live lactobacilli well, may not digest repasteurized species well.

“The benefits and harms of yogurt, what more?”

When choosing between a glass of milk and a cup of yogurt, it is better to prefer the latter.

What is the benefit of yogurt?

  • If it is a natural product, then it will contribute to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • The microflora in yogurt stimulates the immune system;
  • Live bacteria help the stomach perform its function and the colon stay healthy;
  • Helps prevent osteoporosis;
  • Enhances hematopoiesis and reproductive fluids of the body;
  • Reduces the risk of high blood pressure;
  • Improves the quality of skin, hair and nails.
  • Improves digestion.

Children Those suffering from lactose intolerance easily digest yogurt without experiencing discomfort. And although the lactose content depends on the type of product, usually in any yogurt it is still less than in milk. Fermentation breaks down milk sugar into glucose and galactose, which are easily absorbed by the body.

The beneficial bacteria found in yogurt help maintain proper acidity in the digestive system, which helps prevent constipation and diarrhea, improves the absorption of nutrients contained in foods. Calcium plays an important role in the product. It creates an environment for the development of beneficial microflora and inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora.

Yogurt is very useful in diseases and disorders of the digestive system, such as chronic indigestion, gastritis and other diseases.

Yogurt has no contraindications in case of intolerance to the protein contained in fresh milk. Under the action of lactic acid, which is formed as a result of the vital activity of bacteria, milk protein breaks down in the form of small flakes and its digestibility increases.

And natural yogurt is one of the favorite foods in the world. cosmetology . Thanks to amino acids it is a good moisturizer, lactic acid in its composition helps to exfoliate dead skin cells, vitamin C and B vitamins also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Elimination of toxins

A great role in the distribution of fermented milk products, especially yogurt, was played by the works of the great Russian scientist - I.I. Mechnikov. And "Mechnikov yogurt" was prescribed even for kids.

In 1908, he put forward his famous hypothesis, according to which the Bulgarian stick (contained just in yogurt) is able to protect the body and even prolong its life. In addition, Mechnikov believed that it could not only have a beneficial effect on the entire body, but also significantly improve the situation with the digestive tract.

Mechnikov argued that premature aging The human body is the result of constant exposure to toxic substances that accumulate in the intestines as a result of the vital activity of putrefactive microorganisms. With the constant use of yogurt, lactic acid, formed as a result of the development of lactic acid bacteria, changes the reaction of the environment in the intestine and suppresses the activity of putrefactive microflora, protecting body from slow poisoning. Ilya Mechnikov discovered that yogurt can treat certain bacterial infections. "Bulgarian spoiled milk» (BKM) stimulates immune system the whole body, not just the intestines.

Regular intake of BCM increases the number of cytokines, lymphocytes and natural killer cells, as well as the synthesis of gamma-interferon, which blocks reproduction viruses ; substances with antitumor activity are synthesized, irritation of the mucous membrane is eliminated, the risk of colon cancer is reduced.

Also, the daily inclusion of yogurt in food leads to a decrease in the risk of osteoporosis.

Strengthening the immune system

The bacterial cultures found in yogurt stimulate white blood cells that help fight infections. With daily use of natural yogurt, which includes active microflora, the immunity , which contributes to the prevention of colds and viral diseases.

Important! Yoghurts sold in regular stores and supermarkets may contain preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavors, dyes , a lot of refined sugar and very few bacteria, so carefully study the composition and reputation of manufacturers before including such a product in your daily menu, you should be especially careful if you buy such a product for children.

It is best to prepare yogurt at home to be sure of the freshness and quality of the product, with modern kitchen appliances it is becoming easier and less time consuming. Yes, by the way, real yogurt has a very short shelf life of no more than a week, and according to the conditions of its storage, it should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 7 degrees. If the expiration date on yogurt is more than 7 days, then it contains a huge amount of preservatives, and such yogurt is absolutely useless.

If you still buy a finished product, then it is best to opt for the classic version of yogurt, taking into account Attention its exceptional nutritional qualities. Such yogurt usually has only two ingredients: milk (whole, skimmed, low-fat milk) and live bacterial cultures. The longer the list of ingredients (sweeteners, additives, fillers, emulsifiers, etc.), the more calories in the product and the less nutritional value it has. You should not buy a finished product containing sugar and fruits, so that it has the desired texture, they add gelatin and stabilizers, it is better to add fresh berries and fruits to the classic version yourself.

Remember, that:

  • Natural yogurt has fewer calories
  • Natural yogurt contains twice as much protein
  • Natural yogurt is 2 times richer in calcium
  • Natural yogurt does not contain sugar.

The energy value depends on the fat content of the milk on the basis of which the product is made. For 100 gr. homemade yogurt accounts for 100 to 245 kcal. The store composition has a lower indicator, which varies between 60-110 Kcal.

Harm of yogurt

The harm of yogurt is manifested precisely when a large amount of preservatives are added to the product, which negatively affect the human intestines.

The harm of yogurt is manifested when you use an industrial product, and if you use it often and a lot.

  • Store-bought yogurts have a very long shelf life. The fruits that are in such yogurts are sterilized by exposing them to radioactive irradiation, and that is why they do not deteriorate for a long time (for example, two months, six months), and dangerous substances accumulate in the body. carcinogens .
  • today, almost all yogurts add an extremely harmful and strong preservative - E1442 (thickener), its other name is hydroxypropylated distarch phosphate. It can cause acute diseases of the pancreas. To date, there are no sufficient studies about its danger, but you should definitely think about it, since this E1442 preservative is obtained from genetically modified corn, it is known for sure that this preservative provokes a serious pancreatic disease - pancreatic necrosis. Large molecules contained in corn starch, which, in turn, is part of genetically modified corn and slowly destroys the pancreas, reduces its activity and provokes the occurrence of serious diseases.
  • if your yogurt turned out to be berry, then it will most likely contain citrate sodium or in the composition it will have the name E331. It is an acidity regulator, so it will increase acidity in the mouth or stomach.
  • If you have made homemade yogurt, you have probably noticed that it has a natural white or slightly creamy color. But store-bought berries have colors of all the colors of the rainbow, this effect is obtained due to all kinds of dyes, they negatively affect the entire body as a whole. A quality product should not contain starch, tapioca, agar-agar and gelatin. The desired consistency should be achieved naturally without the use of thickeners.
  • natural yoghurts do not have, cannot have too pronounced flavor, as is observed in store-bought yoghurts. The smell is affected by a large number of flavors.
  • The more additives and preservatives are concentrated in yogurt, the higher its calorie content, especially the effect is enhanced due to the huge amount of sugar, which this product is often oversaturated with. Keep in mind that in diet food only homemade yogurt made with skim milk should be used. The sweet and attractive taste of yogurt leads to the fact that it can be eaten in large quantities, and this is fraught with swelling, lemon acid extracts that remain after the production of jelly or marmalade.

    Manufacturers very often add aspartame or E-951 flavor enhancer to the product. These substances, when ingested, release formic acid, formaldehyde and other harmful carcinogens.

    Yogurt can ferment. This process occurs after the expiration date or the appearance of mold, yeast mushrooms and putrefactive bacteria. The reproduction of these microbes leads to the release of carbon dioxide and swelling of the packaging.

    Most of the bacteria entering the human body are destroyed by the human immune system. The same bacteria that managed to overcome the attack of immunity provoke the occurrence of gases and diarrhea, which indicates the entry of harmful microbes and toxic substances into the body. If yogurt has a long shelf life, that is, it has undergone heat treatment, and all living bacteria in it have been killed, then at best it is a useless product, and at worst an extremely harmful product.

    Maltodextrin is present in yogurt, and it is extracted from genetically modified corn, which is simply poison for diabetics.

    What is Bioyogurt - what is their difference?

    This is a product with a higher physiological and biological value.

    In the production of bio-yoghurts, in addition to lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus, bifidobacteria or acidophilus bacilli or other probiotics are also used. The amount of probiotics should be at least 10⁶ CFU per 1 g of the product at the end of the shelf life. Probiotic microorganisms are live microorganisms used for therapeutic purposes, as well as food and biologically active additives containing live microcultures. Probiotics are mainly bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but there may be other microorganisms, such as yeasts. Probiotics not only have a positive effect on the human body, but also produce vitamins, antibiotics and other physiologically active substances.

    In the production of yogurt and bioyogurt, food flavoring products can be used ( vegetables , fruits, honey, marmalade, dried fruits, etc.), flavors and nutritional supplements . You can meet: fruit (vegetable) yogurt; flavored yogurt. All these types of yoghurts can be fortified. They are mainly enriched with vitamins C and A, but they can also add a multivitamin complex. Bioyoghurts and fortified yoghurts have an increased physiological value because they are enriched with biologically active ingredients.

    Excessive consumption of yogurt containing 3 times more sugar than normal can cause serious harm to the body and lead to the development of diabetes.

    How to choose real yogurt?

    Dairy products are not yoghurts! it substitutes yoghurts, in which part of the milk protein and fat is replaced by vegetable proteins and oils. In order to choose the right yogurt that is most beneficial for the body, carefully read the label, read the composition and check the reputation of the manufacturer. If the composition contains vegetable proteins and fats, then this is not yogurt. It is best to buy yogurt in glass bottles. It is advisable for babies to give a fresh homemade product, and not a purchased one.

    If there are no living microorganisms, i.e. there is no reference to the number of CFU, then this is also not yogurt, but a thermized product. They certainly won't do any harm, but they won't do any good either. Similar rules apply to many dairy products.

    Be healthy!

    The article uses information from open sources and scientific publications.

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In the ranking of healthy healthy food, yogurt has long been one of the first places. This product is more than a thousand years old, and the story of its appearance says that once travelers in the desert found that the milk they took on the road curdled, turning into a clot. So fermented dairy products gradually became an integral part of the diet of our ancient ancestors. The modern yogurt boom began in the 70s of the XX century and has been going on for more than 30 years. Today we will talk about how to make healthy natural yogurt at home.

Useful properties of yogurt:

1. Yogurt is good for the colon. Doctors often say, “You are only as healthy as your colon. Yogurt contains lactobacilli, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, while helping to prevent the risk of developing colon cancer. Lactobacilli (especially Lactobacillus acidophilus) normalize the intestinal microflora, preventing the development of neoplasms. The more of these bacteria you have in your gut, the lower your risk of developing colon cancer. Mostly, the beneficial bacteria found in yogurt block harmful substances (such as nitrite) before they become carcinogenic.

2. Yogurt is better digested than milk. The fermentation process makes it a product that is much better digested than milk. Under the influence of live bacterial cultures, lactase occurs - an enzyme that is lacking in the body of people suffering from lactose intolerance. In addition, enzymes partially process the milk, as a result of which the product becomes less allergenic. Children suffering from lactose intolerance easily digest yogurt without experiencing discomfort.

3. Yogurt improves the absorption of other nutrients. The beneficial bacteria found in yogurt help calcium and B vitamins to be absorbed more efficiently. In particular, lactic acid, which is found in yogurt, improves the absorption of calcium from milk, improving its absorption by the intestinal walls.

4. Yogurt strengthens the immune system. If a person eats two cups of yogurt daily, his body intensively produces immune-boosting interferon. The bacterial cultures found in yogurt stimulate white blood cells that help fight infections.

5. Yogurt helps to recover from intestinal infections. Some viral infections and allergic reactions can cause damage to the intestinal mucosa, resulting in temporary bowel dysfunction. Yogurt avoids these kinds of problems and can be of undoubted benefit when included in the diet during the recovery period after an infection. It is also helpful to eat yogurt if you are taking antibiotics because it minimizes the negative effects of this group of drugs on the intestinal mucosa.

6. Yogurt can suppress fungal infections. There is good evidence that if you eat two cups of natural yogurt every day, it will help maintain normal vaginal microflora, as well as reduce the possibility of developing fungal infections.

7. Yogurt is a valuable source of calcium. Two cups of yogurt contains 450 mg of calcium. This is half the recommended daily intake of calcium for a child and approximately 30-40% of the norm for adults. Since the presence of live bacterial cultures improves calcium absorption, it follows that, when choosing between yogurt and milk, preference should be given to the first.

8. Yogurt is a wonderful source of protein. Natural yogurt contains 10-14 grams of protein (two cups), which is 20% of the recommended daily intake for any person. Proteins provide the muscles with the amino acids necessary for their recovery, so, for example, after physical activity it will be great if you eat a serving of yogurt and also drink a bottle of water. The protein in yogurt will help increase the amount of water absorbed by the intestines, improving hydration.

How to make yogurt at home:

During the production of yogurt, a culture of beneficial bacteria is added to pasteurized milk. While the milk is still warm, bacteria convert the sugar into a special milky substance, which is what makes yogurt so tasty. It acts on proteins, forming a soft clot. Bacterial cultures convert approximately 30% of milk sugar. This explains why many lactose intolerant people can enjoy the taste of yogurt even though they don't drink milk at all. A by-product of fermentation is called lactic acid, which acts as a preservative, allowing yogurt to last much longer than milk. Lactic acid also increases the digestibility of proteins and trace elements.

To get yogurt at home, we recommend using special yogurt makers, which can be purchased at affordable prices in stores. household appliances. Their advantage is the presence of a thermostat that will provide a constant temperature throughout the entire ripening period, and of course in convenience. Although, if desired and diligent, you can achieve the same result by simply fermenting yogurt on a battery or in a thermos.
So, to make natural yogurt at home, you need sourdough. You can make it yourself from a dry culture of lactic acid bacteria. Of course, to get a truly healthy product, it is best to use natural village milk.

How to make sourdough:
Pour boiling water over all utensils and utensils before use. Pour boiled and cooled to 45 degrees milk into a bottle with dry starter, dissolve the contents of the bottle and pour into a jar with 150-200 ml of milk (boiled and cooled to 45 degrees), or pour into jars of yogurt maker. Ferment in a thermos or yogurt maker (T 40-42 degrees) for 12-16 hours. Store the resulting starter in the refrigerator and use within 2 weeks to make yogurt.

How to make yogurt:
Pour boiling water over all utensils and utensils before use. In boiled and cooled to 40 degrees milk, add liquid sourdough at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of milk, mix. Ferment in a thermos or yogurt maker for 5-6 hours. Put the finished product in the refrigerator.

You can use yogurt both in its pure form and with the addition of homemade jam, nuts, dried fruits. Try using it as a dip instead of sour cream or mayonnaise. Chilled yogurt is a great substitute for ice cream. Very soon we will talk about recipes using yogurt in the cuisines of different nations.

We wish you good health and excellent appetite!
The original article with comments is available here

Following natural instincts, Your BioInstinct.

Natural yogurt is very popular among adherents of proper nutrition. Residents of Bulgaria show particular importance to this product. In this country, everything that is added with flavors, flavor enhancers and sweeteners is not considered yogurt. This is not surprising, because it is difficult to benefit from such a product. Today we will talk about the value and harm of natural yogurt.

Varieties of yogurt

The food industry, like other areas of activity, does not stand still. Today, leading manufacturing companies supply the following types of yogurt to store shelves:

  1. Natural - does not include flavors, flavors and thickeners. Yogurt is made from sourdough and cow's milk. Can be fat-free and non-fat.
  2. Fruity - does not necessarily mean artificial. Dopings, syrups, pieces of fruit and other ingredients (natural) are added to fruit yogurts. But unscrupulous manufacturers do not miss the opportunity to stuff their products with artificial ingredients.
  3. Flavored - mostly consists of various preservatives, thickeners, flavor enhancers, flavorings, granulated sugar and emulsifiers. It is rarely possible to benefit from the use of the product, it all depends on the specific brand.

As for the classification of yogurts, they are conditionally divided into living and non-living.

Live yogurt contains lactobacilli and no preservatives. The shelf life of such a composition does not exceed 30 days.

Non-live yogurt is prepared by heat treatment, or pasteurization. In view of this, it undergoes conservation and is subject to long-term storage (up to 12 months).

yogurt calories

By calorie is meant the energy value one product or another. In the process of consuming yogurt for food, a person saturates the body with vivacity and energy. Many leading nutritionists include yogurt in the diet of their patients due to the fact that the product has a relatively low calorie content.

The final energy value depends on the fat content of the milk on the basis of which the product is made. For 100 gr. homemade yogurt accounts for 100 to 245 kcal. The store composition has a lower indicator, which varies between 60-110 Kcal.

The more additives and preservatives concentrated in yogurt, the higher its calorie content. Moreover, sugar, which is often supplied with the product, also has an impact. Keep in mind that only homemade yogurt made with skim milk should be used in the diet.

  1. Conventionally, the entire composition of yogurt can be divided into the following components: carbohydrates, fatty acids, milk protein, calcium, iodine, B-group vitamins, live microorganisms, phosphorus. Naturally, we are talking about natural homemade yogurt. The composition of an artificial product is difficult to determine for sure.
  2. What is the value of yogurt for the human body? Experienced experts advise using the composition for dinner to reduce Negative influence on the stomach. A fermented milk product improves intestinal motility, frees the body from toxic substances and even the most complex congestion.
  3. Yogurt should be eaten by people who play sports or are on a diet. Due to the large accumulation of milk proteins and calcium, muscle fibers are compacted, the likelihood of damage to joints and bones is reduced. In combination with cottage cheese, you will quickly “gain weight” and get rid of fat folds.
  4. The product is recommended for people with gastritis and other stomach diseases. Yogurt coats mucous membranes and protects them from ulcers. In addition, with systematic use, bad breath disappears when a person has not eaten anything for a long time.
  5. The composition has a pleasant feature to strengthen the immune system. To increase protective functions during the period of influenza and SARS, consume at least 0.3 kg each. yogurt daily. In the case of children, this number should be halved.
  6. Yogurt has properties that prevent early aging of organs and systems. With regular intake of a homemade product, lymph is cleansed, blood quality is enhanced, and cholesterol is excreted. All this leads to the prevention of coronary heart disease, stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis and varicose veins.
  7. Yogurt eliminates slagging, which appeared against the background of malnutrition and addiction to harmful products. Also, the composition frees the liver from excess bile, stops the effect of toxic substances on the structure of the internal organ.
  8. Yogurt cures and prevents delicate disease like thrush in women and men. Also, the composition increases brain activity by stimulating neurons. Against this background, memory, visual perception, motor skills of hands, concentration of attention improve. Yogurt should be included in the diet of schoolchildren and students.
  9. Dairy products are great for fighting depression. Scientists have proven that good mood dependent on intestinal health. Yogurt supports the functions of the internal organ and prevents overeating. Lightness in the physical plane entails lightness of thoughts.
  10. Just one serving of yogurt contains about 30% of the daily calcium requirement for an adult. This element is necessary to strengthen teeth and enamel in particular, bone tissue, hair, nail plates. Especially useful properties are for women who more men look after their appearance. That is why yogurt is added to all kinds of cosmetics.

  1. Keep in mind that yogurt is contraindicated for children under 1 year old. At first, the baby should eat breast milk or special mix. If you buy yogurt in a store, be sure to look at the composition and expiration date.
  2. If the product includes live bacteria, the shelf life cannot exceed 1 week. Therefore, pay attention to yogurt with active additives given that it can be stored for about a month. The product contains preservatives.
  3. For a child's body, it is better to choose a composition with a fat content of no more than 5%, in such a product there are the least fillers. All kinds of additives adversely affect the normal development and health of the child.
  4. If you want to purchase yogurt with the greatest benefit, you should give preference to specialized shops that sell only animal products. This kind of composition has a shelf life of no more than 4 days.
  5. Such yoghurts are prepared exclusively from natural milk. They can be given even to small children. It is highly recommended that you consult your pediatrician before giving your child yogurt.

Harm of yogurt

  1. Yogurt is a rather specific product. A lot of conflicting disputes and statements are created around the composition. Some experts confidently state that all natural products negatively affect the human body.
  2. They confirm their arguments by the fact that the bacteria contained in fermented milk products, entering the human body, die from the harsh effects of gastric juice and the immune system.
  3. A small number of surviving microorganisms, overcoming the protective barrier, provoke diarrhea and the occurrence of gases. Thus, pathogenic microbes multiply. The conclusion is that the consumption of the product is at least useless.
  4. As for store-bought yogurts, they are saturated with all sorts of preservatives, additives and carcinogens. According to the rules, the composition of the product allows 33% of various additives. Keep in mind that fruit yogurts are the most harmful.
  5. You will not find natural fruits in the composition of the product, and its taste is achieved thanks to flavorings. Undoubtedly, such substances do not bode well for a person.
  6. Nowadays, there are still yogurts that contain pieces of fruit. The downside is that the components of the delicacy were subjected to harsh processing. Malicious enzymes often cause flatulence.

The benefits of yogurt, of course, will be if included in the diet exclusively home composition. When preparing the product yourself, use natural cow's milk and leaven. Watch the expiration date.

Video: what are the benefits of yogurt for children

The benefits of yogurt have been talked about more and more over the past few decades. Many doctors recommend it as a means to improve digestion and as dietary product. It suits everyone - men, women and children.

Benefits for the body

To understand the impact of this product on the human body, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its preparation.

Many millennia ago in the East, during distant wanderings, they began to cook drink from. Milk was poured into a special wineskin (a bag made of animal skins) and hung on the back of a horse or camel, on which they went on the road. The hot sun gave high temperature necessary for the fermentation process; the oscillatory movements of the animal's body churned the milk, resulting in a fermented fermented milk product, which later became known as yogurt.

Did you know? According to Holy Scripture, the progenitor of the Jewish people, Abraham received from the Angel the secrets of fermenting milk, thanks to which he lived for about 175 years.

In the last century, the culture of consuming yogurt as food product, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), was recommended by the Russian scientist Ilya Mechnikov, who advised the use of fermented milk with the addition of bacteria called Bulgarian stick.

To obtain live yogurt nowadays, it is necessary meet three conditions:

  1. Take natural milk as a basis.
  2. Start the fermentation process by heating.
  3. Use live lactobacilli for fermentation.

It is known that milk in its pure form is not absorbed by some adults due to the lack of enzymes that break down lactose - the main component. But milk contains, which a person needs to build the cells of the whole organism. Animal proteins also have another name - proteins (from Greek word"protos", denoting originality, primacy). It is very important to always have a source of proteins for healing and recovery of the body.

Did you know? Yogurt has in its composition, the deficiency of which leads to metabolic disorders. The daily requirement for this vitamin is 1 mcg. To get that much vitamin B12, just eat one to two cups of yogurt a day.

For those whose body is unable to break down lactose, natural milk should be replaced with fermented milk products in which lactose has already been digested by microorganisms that live in fermented milk. In this sense, yogurt is a suitable product for replenishing the body with proteins and carrying a valuable composition of bacteria for restoring the intestinal microflora.

Let's take a closer look at how the body of different people reacts to it and what benefits this fermented milk drink brings.


Women are more concerned about their health and appearance. Therefore questions healthy eating they are in one of the first places. One of the main products using special attention women, is yogurt.

There are several properties of this fermented milk drink that make it so useful, namely:

  • increases the digestibility of milk protein, already digested by microorganisms contained in yogurt (about 90% of the eaten product is digested within an hour);
  • improves the condition of the intestinal microflora, thereby improving metabolism and normalizing weight;
  • live yogurt acts as an antibiotic, neutralizing streptococcal and staphylococcal infections;
  • restores the body after drug therapy;
  • slows down the processes of decay in the intestines, cleanses it of putrefactive bacteria, which helps to rejuvenate the body;
  • helps the absorption of micro and macro elements, vitamins (, and others);
  • with daily use, it increases the production of interferon, which is significant for the body and resistance to all kinds of infections;
  • reduces the risk of development;
  • reduces arterial;

Yogurt is especially useful for women. This fermented milk product becomes a safe substitute for antibiotics, slows down the development of fungal infections, does not cause allergies, replenishes the body with milk protein, and relieves constipation that may occur during the first trimester of pregnancy.

In addition to using yogurt as a food product, doctors may also recommend that pregnant women also use special capsules containing yogurt bacteria.

This fermented milk product is also used as a cosmetic product for external use. It softens the skin, moisturizes and enriches it well. Face masks are prepared in combination with starch and honey.

Hair masks made with the addition of any of the cosmetic oils are used to reduce oily hair, for.


Along with the properties of yogurt described above, in last years a positive effect of this product on the urinary system and the sexual function of the male body was also noticed. This was stated by representatives of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who carried out a special study.
The high protein content in yogurt helps to improve the digestion process, reduce weight, and build a healthy body.

In 2013, a French firm that produces a huge line of fermented milk products created a special yogurt for men.
Also, American manufacturers took care of the strong and courageous, and created - Greek yogurt with zero fat and high protein content (25 grams per serving). The formula of this fermented milk product has been coordinated with famous sports trainers and nutritionists.

PowerFul is well suited for men who drive active image life and take care of their health. This drink is used as an excellent natural replacement for protein shakes, which are usually taken before or after an intense workout.

But men do not have to consume only "male" yogurt. A regular product has the same properties and is no less beneficial to the male body.


The health of our babies is the concern of the entire adult population. And the nutrition of children should be treated very responsibly.

Real live yogurt is useful for babies of any age, starting from eight months. Through its use in baby food a healthy microflora is formed in the intestines of the child, which provides him good protection from pathogenic bacteria.

Recall a set of useful macro and vitamins contained in this fermented milk drink, and their effect on the body of children:

  1. Milk protein serves building material for cells.
  2. and strengthen the teeth.
  3. and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  4. Vitamins of the group strengthen the organs of vision, increase the antioxidant defense of the body, increase the level of interferon.
  5. improve metabolism, promote the functioning of the nervous system, relieve the effects of emotional stress and.
  6. reduces the level of "bad" in the blood.

Manufacturers of fermented milk products have developed special yogurts for children, with a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, enriched with various vitamins. There are no preservatives, dyes, sweeteners in these drinks. Available in liquid form and thicker (due to the addition of pectin).

You can feed babies and homemade yogurt.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of yogurt as a food product for any of the categories of consumers. If the product is made from natural milk using live microorganisms - lacto- and bifidobacteria, it will only bring benefits.

The only restriction on the use of this fermented milk product will be individual intolerance.

A product that has been heat treated during the manufacturing process to increase its shelf life can be considered harmful or useless. Under such conditions, the necessary bacteria die, and the drink loses its healing and nutritional properties.
If preservatives made from genetically modified corn (indicated by the code E1442) are added to yogurt, the drink will be hazardous to health, as it can adversely affect the functions of the pancreas, causing damage or even necrosis (cell death).

A drink that contains sodium nitrate (code E331), which increases the acidity of the stomach, will also be harmful.

Degrading the quality and reducing the benefits of a fermented milk product will also be the content of various flavorings and dyes in it.

How to choose when buying

When choosing a drink for yourself or your family that will not only be tasty, but also beneficial, pay attention to a few points:

  1. The name should contain only the word “yogurt”, and not its various variations (for example, “yoghurt product”, “yogurt”, “frughurt”, etc.). This will serve as confirmation that in front of you is the original, and not a fake that is consonant with the name.
  2. The shelf life does not exceed 7 days (this is how long live bacteria are stored in the finished drink). If the label indicates a longer shelf life, then the product was subjected to heat treatment, in which beneficial microorganisms were killed.
  3. The drink should be made from natural milk, and not from powdered milk.
  4. The composition of the product does not include dyes, preservatives, thickeners in the form of starch, various flavors and taste stabilizers.
  5. The drink should not contain pieces of fruits and berries, which some manufacturers process by radiation sterilization.
  6. The hole under the lid in plastic or polyethylene packaging must be hermetically sealed.
  7. The packaging must be intact, without visible damage and dents.

How to store at home

Proper storage of the product ensures its usefulness. Storage conditions houses correspond to the type of drink and indicated on the packaging requirements:

  • if yogurt contains live microorganisms, it must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days;
  • if we are talking about drinks imitating yogurt, with preservatives and without starter culture, then the shelf life increases to three months, and not necessarily in the refrigerator (can be stored at temperatures up to +25 ° C);
  • the terms and temperature of storage must correspond to those indicated on the packaging.

When is the best time to eat it?

There are many opinions about the scheme of yogurt consumption: both without special restrictions and with strict adherence to recommendations.

Nutritionists advise taking into account the peculiarities of the absorption of food by the body and the need for the amount of energy during the day.
Based on this, in order to obtain maximum benefit developed recommendations for taking yogurt:

  1. Heavy and digestible food for a long time is taken in the first half of the day, and light fermented milk products are best consumed in the afternoon and before bedtime. contained in the drink, has a beneficial effect on nervous system and promotes better sleep.
  2. On an empty stomach, this fermented milk drink can be consumed by those who have low acidity, because yogurt improves the secretion of gastric juice.
  3. This drink can be consumed before meals, during and after meals. And in each case, it will have a beneficial effect on the digestive process.

Now you know that a “live” product will give you energy and a healthier body, while a “dead” one, with preservatives and thickeners, will add problems. Choose only useful fermented milk drinks, store them properly and enjoy a valuable food product - tasty and healthy yogurt.